#intestinal damage
willowreader · 3 months
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Help for those with intestinal damage from Covid. SPK can help restore gut health. This seems like an amazing find. I am posting the study.
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ofdinosanddais1 · 6 months
I think my mom is a little embarrassed that I have to wear adult diapers. Like, my doctors agree that it's the best for me because it helps reduce the amount of rashes I get and protects my clothes. Like she's supportive but like I wish she'd listen to the doctors that, right now, this is the best thing for me and wearing regular underwear would cause me more pain and ruin my clothes and ruin my sheets and cause more IC flare-ups. It took me a long time to accept that I need them and I understand it's gonna take a while for her too but there is no perfect answer right now or at least not until we figure out why I'm still having leakage.
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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i’m starting to notice a worrying pattern here
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malcolmreeds · 4 months
watching the latest rlm vid and them talking about how grody and bacteria ridden the movies are - yea .... The Cinema Gave Me Sepsis ....... I Almost Died
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consolecadet · 6 months
Here’s a new one: I had to ask the grocery cashier to stop eating donuts at the same time as she scanned my items. I already assume that someone who’s recently dunked their hands in a bucket of flour has touched the outside of everything I buy at the supermarket, but I’m not usually a direct witness to the gluten -> hand -> my groceries pipeline 😬
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oniongarlic · 1 year
can you not eat bread
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i have celiac disease so i cant eat anything with wheat, barley, or oats [some oats are gf and i CAN eat those]. youd be fucking amazed how many foods have fucking barley malt in them as flavouring [rice crispies, chocolate, many kinds of sauce]. i will also get sick if i eat food cooked in cross contaminated fry oil or in cookware that has had gluten in it. basically my immune system is holding a gun to my intestines and if a single gluten molecule gets in there its gonna shoot that thing. i can eat GF bread tho, which these days is not half bad.
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mars-ipan · 27 days
it is crazy how much more fragile you feel when you become immunocompromised
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thenarrativefoil · 2 months
YAYYYY I stopped taking my vitamin A supplement this morning and I've had NO liver spasms yet so I think that might have been the culprit of the mysterious abdominal pain that started hitting a week ago.
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reksink · 1 year
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What a Lovely Tongue
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crimeronan · 2 years
every time hunter is largely normal in canon i'm giving him another chronic illness/condition to manage. this IS my son hunter he DOES have every disease
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pr3ttyl1ttleb0y · 11 months
typing this shitting my guts out on the toilet bc i forgot i took fucking strong laxatives this morning and took some more. i am so stupid.
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ofdinosanddais1 · 9 months
Who knew food could taste so good when you're not constantly naseous?
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autism-crime · 1 year
Tfw a doctor acknowledges that something wrong with you isn’t because of periods.
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consolecadet · 2 years
I still love the idea of the 2-foot pizza so much but I have to admit that my body...did not love the pizza
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lady-harrowhark · 2 years
doctor said there was no visible inflammation so if my biopsies come back normal i can go three years before my next scope.
she also said basically my entire colon is made of scar tissue at this point but like. we knew that already.
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omg-erika · 8 days
640,000 children saved from paralysis?
by Dr.Harald Wiesendanger– Klartext What the mainstream media is hiding Because polioviruses have appeared in Gaza, the WHO is vaccinating 640,000 Palestinian children. Upon closer inspection, what looks like a great humanitarian aid operation turns out to be a hair-raising scandal. In June 2024, in the ninth month of another war between Hamas and Israel, a poliovirus appeared in sewage…
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