#Forrest Maready
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640,000 children saved from paralysis?
by Dr.Harald Wiesendanger– Klartext What the mainstream media is hiding Because polioviruses have appeared in Gaza, the WHO is vaccinating 640,000 Palestinian children. Upon closer inspection, what looks like a great humanitarian aid operation turns out to be a hair-raising scandal. In June 2024, in the ninth month of another war between Hamas and Israel, a poliovirus appeared in sewage…
#Bill Gates#Forrest Maready#Gaza#Gerhard Buchwald#intestinal integrity#nOPV2#pesticides#polio#poliomyelitis#Suzanne Humphries#vaccination#Vaccination campaign#vaccination criticism#Vaccine damage#vaccine-associated poliomyelitis#vaccine-derived polioviruses#VAPP#VDPV#WHO#World Health Organization
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you should read the book the moth in the iron lung by forrest maready if you want to see even more examples of science and the government getting things horribly wrong (and refusing to own up to it)
I'll check that out anon
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Crooked: Man-made Disease Explained
Crooked: Man-made Disease Explained: The Incredible Story of Metal, Microbes, and Medicine—hidden within Our Faceby Forrest Maready Why do babies have lopsided smiles? Why are so many people’s eyes misaligned? What started as a simple search to understand this phenomenon turned into a two-year quest that uncovered hidden links between our crooked faces and some of the most puzzling diseases of…
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It's just a mask?
It's just two weeks.
It's just non-essential businesses.
It's just to keep from overwhelming the hospitals.
It's just until cases go down more.
It's just to keep others from being scared.
It's just for a few more weeks.
It's just communion or singing. You can still meet.
It's just until we get a vaccine.
It's just a few side effects.
It's just a bracelet.
It's just to let people know you're safe to be around.
It's just for the coronavirus vaccine.
It's just an app.
It's just to let others know who you've been in contact with.
It's just a few more months.
It’s just a video.
It’s just an email account.
It's just for protecting others from hate speech.
It's just a few people.
It's just a credit card company. You can use cash.
It's just a few places that don't take cash.
It's just a little chip.
It’s just for medical information and paying for things.
It’s just so you can travel.
It’s just so you can get your driver’s license.
It’s just so you can vote.
It's just for a few more years.
It's just a statue.
It's just a building.
It's just a song.
It’s just a piece of paper.
It's just a flag.
It's just a piece of cloth.
It's not just a piece of cloth.
It's not just a mask.
-Forrest Maready
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“It's just a mask?
It's just two weeks.
It's just non-essential businesses.
It's just to keep from overwhelming the hospitals.
It's just until cases go down more.
It's just to keep others from being scared.
It's just for a few more weeks.
It's just communion or singing. You can still meet.
It's just until we get a vaccine.
It's just a few side effects.
It's just a bracelet.
It's just to let people know you're safe to be around.
It's just for the coronavirus vaccine.
It's just an app.
It's just to let others know who you've been in contact with.
It's just a few more months.
It’s just a video.
It’s just an email account.
It's just for protecting others from hate speech.
It's just a few people.
It's just a credit card company. You can use cash.
It's just a few places that don't take cash.
It's just a little chip.
It’s just for medical information & paying for things.
It’s just so you can travel.
It’s just so you can get your driver’s license.
It’s just so you can vote.
It's just a statue.
It's just a building.
It's just a song.
It’s just a piece of paper.
It's just a flag.
It's just a piece of cloth.
It's not just a piece of cloth.
It's not just a mask.”
Via: Forrest Maready
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POLIO: causada por la exposición a metales pesados en el cuerpo
Forrest Maready, autor del libro The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio, cuenta una historia sobre la polio que sugiere que en realidad no es un virus contagioso contra el que se puede vacunar, sino más bien un conjunto de síntomas causados por la exposición a metales pesados en el cuerpo
Si bien no había una industria farmacéutica de la que hablar en 1789, un médico en ese momento con el nombre de Michael Underwood observó por primera vez lo que describió como una "debilidad de las extremidades inferiores" en los niños, o lo que muchos llamarían polio en la actualidad. Sin saber de qué se trataba, Underwood lo atribuyó a la dentición y al mal intestino.
Varias décadas después, la situación empeoró y cada vez más niños desarrollaron esta extraña parálisis, generalmente en las piernas. A pesar de que todavía no sabían de qué se trataba, los médicos le dieron un nombre: poliomielitis, con la palabra poliomielitis por “gris”, como en tejido gris, y mielitis por inflamación de la médula espinal. "Una poliomielitis era una lesión en la médula espinal", explica Maready. “Podrías tener más de uno de ellos. Pero no sabían por qué los niños habían comenzado a desarrollarlos, aparentemente de la nada ". Más tarde, las pruebas científicas vincularon el arsénico, un ingrediente médico popular en ese momento, con la parálisis de las patas traseras. El mercurio, otro metal común utilizado en los productos para la dentición infantil, también se relacionó con la enfermedad. Durante la mayor parte del siglo XIX, la poliomielitis aparecía aquí y allá en los niños, pero no había grandes epidemias. Luego, en la década de 1890, los primeros brotes de poliomielitis surgieron repentinamente justo en el momento en que se introdujo un nuevo pesticida a base de arseniato. Este brebaje químico, que fue diseñado para combatir la polilla gitana, contenía plomo y arsénico. Se roció en todo el noreste justo antes de que comenzaran a surgir las primeras epidemias reales de poliomielitis en los Estados Unidos, también, como era de esperar, en el noreste. No solo los niños, sino también los caballos, perros, gallinas, cerdos y otros animales, de repente comenzaron a desarrollar síntomas similares y muchos de ellos murieron. ¿La causa? Lesiones en la médula espinal causadas por, lo adivinaste: poliomielitis inducida por metales pesados. Las "vacunas" contienen metales pesados que causan polio y otras enfermedades
Es importante señalar que la poliomielitis, tal como la define la medicina moderna, no infecta a los animales. Entonces, ¿cómo, entonces, los animales "atraparon" y murieron a fines del siglo XIX? La respuesta es que la poliomielitis es una enfermedad por toxicidad por metales, no una enfermedad viral contagiosa. Así como no existe el virus “covid” ya que el SARS-CoV-2 nunca se ha aislado, la poliomielitis no se ha clasificado ni puede considerarse una enfermedad infecciosa específica. Ninguna de estas dos enfermedades cumple tampoco con los Postulados de Koch, lo que significa que nunca se han aislado ni se ha demostrado que existan como contagios. “Los postulados de Koch fueron algunas pautas de investigación que básicamente estipulaban que había un único microbio causante para cada enfermedad”, explica Maready. El hecho de que la poliomielitis no es un virus se confirmó años más tarde cuando se descubrió que muchas cosas diferentes, además del arsénico, también causaban la poliomielitis. Una de ellas son las "vacunas", que sabemos que contienen todo tipo de virus, bacterias y otros materiales tóxicos que se inyectan directamente en el cuerpo, sin pasar por sus defensas.
00 Metales pesados en el cuerpo: provocan polio 00 Lo que esto sugiere es que las enfermedades aparentemente virales se inyectan a través de vacunas o son causadas por la contaminación ambiental. No hay evidencia que sugiera que la polio o el covid sea un virus contagioso que se pueda propagar por la boca o la nariz a través de partículas en el aire. Aun así, el consenso médico es uno que busca categorizar estas cosas como enfermedades contagiosas en lugar de síntomas causados por otros factores. Esta falsa teoría comenzó a ganar terreno en el siglo XIX y desde entonces se ha convertido en el estándar por el cual la medicina moderna mide las enfermedades infecciosas. Es lamentable que la práctica de la medicina haya tomado este camino equivocado porque millones han sufrido innecesariamente y muchos han muerto como resultado. Con la poliomielitis, siempre hubo un denominador común que se pasó por alto sistemáticamente como causa, y fueron los plaguicidas ambientales. "Creo que los pesticidas ingeridos, que se sabe que causan disfunción de la membrana celular, crearon un camino directamente desde los intestinos hasta la parte inferior de la médula espinal, ubicado directamente detrás, para que los virus y las bacterias se arraiguen", dice Maready, señalando que la polio casi siempre Afectaba más a los niños pequeños, y casi siempre en la misma parte inferior de la médula espinal, justo detrás de los intestinos.
“Es por eso que varios virus (poliovirus, coxsackievirus, echovirus, etc.) comenzaron a paralizar a los niños en esta época. No fue una mutación genética. No fueron mejoras de saneamiento. Fue una alteración física de la integridad intestinal por los pesticidas ". La tesis de Maready también explica por qué las personas mayores no corren tanto riesgo de contraer poliomielitis en comparación con los niños más pequeños. A medida que una persona envejece, la posición de la médula espinal en relación con los intestinos se separa, lo que disminuye el riesgo de que la materia gris de la médula espinal se infecte e inflame. “Es por eso que la vacuna contra la poliomielitis de Salk inyectada funcionó tan mal”, explica Maready. “Creó anticuerpos para solo uno de los muchos virus que podían paralizar, y creó anticuerpos en la sangre, una defensa inútil contra una infección intestinal” Tags metales pesados en el cuerpo humano, metales pesados en el cuerpo síntomas. metales pesados en el cuerpo cuales son, metales pesados en el cuerpo humano pdf. exceso de metales pesados en el cuerpo, limpieza de metales pesados en el cuerpo. prueba de metales pesados en el cuerpo, metales pesados en el cuerpo como eliminarlos. analisis de metales pesados en el cuerpo, donde se acumulan los metales pesados en el cuerpo. Read the full article
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POLIO is a man-made disease caused by heavy metals exposure, not a virus… the entire history of polio and vaccines was fabricated
A common retort from vaccine advocates whenever healthy skepticism is expressed against vaccination is that were it not for the jabs, we would still be dealing with epidemics of things like polio. But is this actually true?
Forrest Maready, author of the book The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio, tells a much different story about polio that suggests it is not actually a contagious virus that can be vaccinated against, but is rather a set of symptoms caused by environmental contaminants.
While there was no pharmaceutical industry to speak of in 1789, a doctor at that time by the name of Michael Underwood first observed what he described as a “debility of the lower extremities” in children – or what many today would refer to as polio. Not knowing what it was, Underwood chalked it up to teething and foul bowels.
Several decades later, the situation worsened with increasingly more children developing this strange paralysis, usually in their legs. Despite still not knowing what it was, doctors gave it a name: poliomyelitis, with the word polio standing for “grey,” as in grey tissue, and myelitis standing for inflammation of the spinal cord.
“A poliomyelitis was a lesion on your spinal cord,” Maready explains. “You could have more than one of them. But they didn’t know why children had begun developing them, seemingly out of nowhere.”
Scientific tests later linked arsenic, a popular medical ingredient at the time, to paralysis of the hind legs. Mercury, another common metal used in infant teething products, was also linked to the disease.
Throughout most of the 1800s, poliomyelitis would pop up here and there in children but there were no major epidemics of it. Then in the 1890s, the first outbreaks of polio suddenly emerged right around the time that a new arsenate-based pesticide was introduced.
This chemical concoction, which was designed to fight off the gypsy moth, contained both lead and arsenic. It was sprayed all over the Northeast right before the first real epidemics of poliomyelitis first began to emerge in the United States – also, not surprisingly, in the Northeast.
Not only children but also horses, dogs, chickens, pigs and other animals suddenly started to develop similar symptoms and many of them died. The cause? Lesions in their spinal cords caused by, you guessed it: heavy metal-induced poliomyelitis.
“Vaccines” contain heavy metals that cause polio and other diseases
It is important to note that polio as modern medicine defines it does not infect animals. So how, then, did animals “catch” and die from it back in the late 1800s? The answer is that poliomyelitis is a metal toxicity disease, not a contagious viral disease.
Just like there is no such thing as a “covid” virus since SARS-CoV-2 has never actually been isolated, polio has not and cannot be pegged down as a specific infectious disease. Neither of these two illnesses meets Koch’s Postulates, either – meaning they have never been isolated and proven to exist as contagions.
“Koch’s Postulates were some research guidelines that basically stipulated there was a single causative microbe for every disease,” Maready explains.
The fact that polio is not a virus was further confirmed years later when it was discovered that many different things besides arsenic also caused poliomyelitis. One of them is “vaccines,” which we know contain all sorts of viruses, bacteria and other toxic materials that are injected directly into the body, bypassing its defenses.
What this suggests is that seemingly viral illnesses are either injected through vaccines or are caused by environmental pollution. There is no evidence to suggest that either polio or covid is a contagious virus that can be spread through the mouth or nose via airborne particulates.
Even so, the medical consensus is one that seeks to categorize these things as contagious diseases rather than symptoms caused by other factors. This false theory started to gain traction back in the 1800s and has since become the standard by which modern medicine gauges infectious diseases.
It is unfortunate that the practice of medicine went down this wrong path because millions have needlessly suffered, and many have died as a result. With polio, there was always one common denominator that was systematically overlooked as the cause, and that was environmental pesticides.
“I believe ingested pesticides, known to cause cellular membrane dysfunction, created a path directly from the intestines to the bottom of the spinal cord, located directly behind, for the viruses and bacteria to take hold,” Maready says, noting that polio almost always affected young children the worst, and nearly always in the same lower part of their spinal cord right behind their intestines.
“This is why multiple viruses (poliovirus, coxsackievirus, echovirus, etc.) all began paralyzing children around this time. It wasn’t a genetic mutation. It wasn’t sanitation improvements. It was a physical alteration of the gut integrity by pesticides.”
Maready’s thesis also explains why older people are not nearly as at-risk for polio compared to younger children. As a person grows older, the positioning of the spinal cord in relation to the intestines moves apart, decreasing the risk of the gray matter of the spinal cord getting infected and inflamed.
“This is why the injected Salk polio vaccine worked so poorly,” Maready further explains.
“It created antibodies for only one of many viruses that could paralyze, and it created antibodies in the blood – a useless defense against an intestinal infection” (you can read the rest of the story on Maready’s Twitter thread).
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POLIO is a man-made disease caused by heavy metals exposure, not a virus... the entire history of polio and vaccines was fabricated
(Natural News) A common retort from vaccine advocates whenever healthy skepticism is expressed against vaccination is that were it not for the jabs, we would still be dealing with epidemics of things like polio. But is this actually true? Forrest Maready, author of the book The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio,...
from NaturalNews.com https://ift.tt/3D0zyg8 via IFTTT
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#anti vax#anti vaxxer#dark horse podcast#Bret Weinstein#polio#Forrest maready#side effects#covid lies#covid vaccine#censorship#scientism#pharma#fauci#pfizer#Instagram
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Why Germ Theory?
Acceptance of limited Germ Theory is much more convenient, because medical establishment does not have to ask: if you are stressed, how do you feel, HOW/WHAT DO YOU THINK, how do you sleep, what do you eat, what air you breath, if it is enough oxygen... absolutely nothing just blame a virus and drug a patient down, or give yearly portions of toxic vaccines.
If they take into account the environment, that means they would have to change environmental conditions, working conditions, lifestyle, food, medications as well, provide clean energy, etc...That means they will have to SPEND and not EARN.
Also changing our environments can actually bring success and finally make the diseases decline instead of current increasing, then who will need their drugs?
So we are forced to accept Germ theory and our "normal" doomed to become more and more "normal" because of this.
Germ theory says that your illnesses have nothing to do with you, Bechamp, Hamer approaches tell us EVERYTHING has to do with you, if you have illnesses.
Either they will forever protect us from "viruses" or provide with healthy conditions?
"Don't ever think for a moment that it's ignorance on part of the modern day medical establishment. They have trillions of dollars, the best scientists in the world working for them around the clock, and yet, the truth always emerges from low budget studies, independent professionals and from the ground up... and the FDA, CDA, AMA are the last ones understand the truth..."
How is this connected from giving out free "safe and effective" vaccines to becoming trillions of dollars businesses selling drugs non stop, and hold the top place causing human mortality? I am not only suspicious, or I do not have trust, to me it is clear.
*** 'The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life' by Arthur Firstenburg 👉*** 'What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease is Wrong' by Dawn Lester & David Parker 👉 'AIDS, Opium, Diamonds & Empire' by Dr Nancy Turner Banks Md 👉 'Bechamp Or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology' by Ethel Douglas Hume 👉 'The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur' by R.B. Pearson 👉 'Murder by Injection' by Eustice Mullins 👉 'Virus Mania' by Torsten Engelbrecht & Claus Köhnlein, MD 👉 'Disconnect' by Dr Devra Davis 👉 'Cancer and the New Biology of Water' by Dr Thomas Cowan 👉 'Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness' by Thomas Dale Cowan 👉 'The Lethal Dose' by Dr Jennifer Daniels 👉 'Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History' by Roman Bystrianyk and Suzanne Humphries 👉 'Crooked: Man-made Disease Explained: the Incredible Story of Metal, Microbes, and Medicine - Hidden Within Our Faces' by Forrest Maready 👉 'Good-Bye Germ Theory: Ending a Century of Medical Fraud' by William P. Trebing
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✨😷✨It's just a mask?!?
😳It's just two weeks.
😭It's just non-essential businesses.
🙁It's just to keep from overwhelming the hospitals.
🤔It's just until cases go down more.
🙄It's just to keep others from being scared.
😳It's just for a few more weeks.
🤫It's just communion or singing. You can still meet.
😩It's just until we get a vaccine.
😫It's just a few side effects.
😯It's just a bracelet.
🤒It's just to let people know you're safe to be around.
🤮It's just for the coronavirus vaccine.
😶It's just an app.
🤥It's just to let others know who you've been in contact with.
🤔It's just a few more months.
😬It’s just a video.
😕It’s just an email account.
😠It's just for protecting others from hate speech.
😒It's just a few people.
🧐It's just a credit card company. You can use cash.
😥It's just a few places that don't take cash.
🤭It's just a little chip.
😨It’s just for medical information and paying for things.
😤It’s just so you can travel.
😲It’s just so you can get your driver’s license.
🤫It’s just so you can vote.
🤔It's just for a few more years.
😧It's just a statue.
😢It's just a building.
😭It's just a song.
😔It’s just a piece of paper.
😓It's just a flag.
🤐It's just a piece of cloth.
✅It's not just a piece of cloth.
✅It's not just a mask.
📝 Forrest Maready
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Anti-vaccine tweets have grown in these 5 states, study finds
Photo: Getty Images
Along with being the unofficial home of White House statements and the place to find out what’s trending, Twitter is a hotspot for anti-vaccine opinions — with tweets on the topic growing, and those from California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania leading the pack, according to the findings of a new study out of the University of Colorado Boulder.
“The debate online is far from over. There is still a very vocal group of people out there who are opposed to vaccines,” said study co-author Chris Vargo, an assistant professor in the College of Media Communication and Information, through a press release. “Half of the talk online that we observed about vaccines was negative.”
For the study, published in the October issue of Social Science and Medicine, Vargo and co-author Theodore Tomeny, an autism researcher with University of Alabama, created an algorithm to examine more than a half-million tweets from around the country between 2009 and 2015 (“This study was particularly difficult to do, and took many revisions,” Vargo tells Yahoo Lifestyle). To make the sample a manageable size, they looked only at tweets that referred to both autism spectrum disorder and vaccines.
“Our principal researcher here [Tomeny] is an autism researcher, so it matched with his expertise,” Vargo explains.
Other specifics observed about anti-vaccine tweeters, which grew between 2010 and 2015: Regions around the country with higher household income (over $200,000) and/or a large number of new moms were most likely to be the source of tweets on this topic. It’s also “responsive to news coverage, both for and against vaccines,” Vargo says, pointing to a chart from the study, which shows a particular spike in Tweets out of California between 2014 and 2015 — not surprising, considering that vaccine mandates were fiercely debated and ultimately tightened through a law change during that time.
But at least part of those study’s findings — that the most vocally anti-vaccine population may be wealthy — is one that’s been debated. While research by Jennifer Reich, of the University of Colorado, has also found this to be true, recent statistics by the Pew Research Center dispute the idea.
“Reports that affluent communities have lower vaccination rates lead some to speculate that people with higher incomes hold more concerns about the safety of the MMR vaccine. The Pew Research Center survey finds, however, that people with higher family incomes tend to rate the risk of side effects from the MMR vaccine as low,” the report on the survey of 1,549 Americans, from Feb. 2017, reads. “Those with higher family incomes are especially strong in their support for a requirement that all children be required to be vaccinated against MMR in order to attend public schools.”
In any event, Vargo said the aim of his research was two-fold: to find out how prevalent the sentiment is online and whether it’s growing, as well as where it clusters geographically. He stressed that he doesn’t see the Twitter posts as a representative sample of overall public opinion, but as taking the pulse of anti-vaccine activism in an area.
A sampling of anti-vaccine tweets like those noted in Vargo’s study, from just this past week, include the following:
Antibiotics and vaccines caused my sons autism #vaxxed #DidYouKnow #Praybig https://t.co/2vsi3pGkuH https://t.co/e3TP4QJwNd
— HealthNewsDisclosure (@HealthNewsDiscl) October 4, 2017
I think they are wrong. My 12 has autism and I have video to prove he wasn’t that way before the vaccines, but they won’t admit that’s the cause.
— Malcolm Hazel (@MalcolmBHazel) October 4, 2017
World Renowned Genetics Doctor Sees Relationship Between Fetal Cells Used in Vaccines and Increasing Autism Rates https://t.co/b1ui273ns6
— NAMELY LIBERTY (@2ndfor1st) September 25, 2017
Past month: Flushots + miscarriages, pertussis shot isn’t working, aluminum + autism, SIDS + vaccines. When do you start asking questions?
— Forrest Maready (@forrestmaready) September 27, 2017
But autism was not the only fear expressed by skeptics; themes of other anti-vaccine tweets included distrust of pharmaceutical industry and worry over range of vaccine injuries — more than 16,000 claims of which have been examined through the government’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program since 1988. (Of those adjudicated claims, 5,680 have been compensated, at a total of approximately $3.7 billion. The rest were dismissed.)
Ultimately, Vargo envisions using his study’s algorithm to create real-time maps for pediatricians to use in gauging anti-vaccine sentiment in their communities — as well as leading to targeted campaigns about vaccine safety developed by public health agencies.
“Monitoring anti-vaccination beliefs on Twitter,” he said, “can uncover vaccine-related concerns and misconceptions, serve as an indicator of shifts in public opinion and equip pediatricians to refute anti-vaccine arguments.”
Read more from Yahoo Lifestyle:
Why the federal 20-week abortion ban is up for a vote — again
Parents of vaccine-injured children speak out: ‘The guilt is huge’
How schools are dealing with students taking a knee during the National Anthem
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#news#study#twitter#vaccinations#_author:Beth Greenfield#anti-vaccination#_category:yct:001000111#health#_uuid:dee0f3fc-c95f-37bf-8991-e934d264d865#_revsp:wp.yahoo.beauty.us#_lmsid:a0Vd000000AE7lXEAT
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