#vaccine fraud
lemondeabicyclette · 10 months
21 novembre 2023, Parlement européen. Conférence de presse des députés de Graaff et Kuhs portant sur la réaction de l'Agence européenne des médicaments (EMA - équivalent européen de l'états-unienne FDA) qui a admis la contamination de l'ADN des vaccinés suite à leur demande de suspendre immédiatement les licences des vaccins contre le Covid-19.
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liesmyteachertoldme · 2 years
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jackassdemocrats · 4 months
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Joe "Pinocchio" Biden Is A Legend In His Own Mind.
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commonsensecommentary · 10 months
I wonder what we would learn if we had a Covid-19 inquiry here in America? If the UK can do it, why can’t we? Is it possible that a lot of politicians, scientists, and pharmaceutical businesses would be exposed—and the whole scam would come tumbling down?
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unopenablebox · 1 month
important part of my relationship is that my girlfriend isn't subscribed to money stuff, so when we walk to work together i can just describe really good money stuff bits to them
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New vaccines should be proven safe before they are accepted onto the CDC vaccine schedule, but here is what's actually happening!
Read More: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/health/big-pharmas-big-lie-what-does-a-fraudulent-vaccine-safety-study-look-like
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jackass-democrats · 5 months
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Don't be fooled again. They made Americans lose thir jobs, homes and sent to prison for refusing the dangerous phony vaccines. But to this day all of the new democrat voters crossing the southern border are never forced to take the dangerous phony vaccines.
Wake Up America, Before It's Too Late!
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royalteachitchat · 7 months
🙈🙉🙊 Selected for a reason!
How many voters do you think Taylor can persuade to cross over? How many fresh new voters will follow her lead? Same goes for the jab.
I can't IMAGINE how much they are getting paid for this... 💰
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d0llqueen · 2 months
I keep seeing posts about Joe Biden being old so voting for him is pointless bc he'll lose and/or die anyway??
But every american should know ? If he dies then his Vice President takes office?? They teach this in elementary/middle school and again in history bc one President already died a month after winning? ??
So like even mid election whomever is on the ballot for Vice President (probably Kamala Harris again) will take over?
Why is everyone acting like if Biden dies Trump wins by default??
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immaculatasknight · 9 months
For those with ears to hear
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liesmyteachertoldme · 2 years
Safe and Effective - Impossible
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It is an experiment shot! Which means you don't know the pro's and con's. So how can you say it is safe and effective?
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jackassdemocrats · 5 months
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didanawisgi · 11 months
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By: Rachel Schraer
Published: Nov 24, 2022
"Seven days, 18 hours, 39 minutes ago my beloved... died suddenly of cardiac arrest". When Victoria Brownworth logged onto Twitter to post these words about her partner of 23 years, she didn't know that two of them in particular would provoke a storm of online harassment.
Because, as Victoria waited at her home in Philadelphia on Sunday night for her wife's ashes to be delivered, a video titled Died Suddenly was about to drop.
In an hour and eight minutes of dramatic music and out-of-context news reports, the film tells a fictitious story of a dangerous vaccine killing off swathes of young people - all part of an imagined plot to depopulate the earth.
It landed on niche video-sharing platform Rumble on Monday and began to spread. By Wednesday morning it had been viewed more than 4 million times on Rumble and at least 1.5 million times on Twitter.
The claims made in the video quickly fall apart under scrutiny. Vast amounts of evidence from different independent scientists all over the world, as well as the experiences of billions of people, have shown that serious Covid vaccine side effects are rare.
But its call for people to look at any reported deaths through a lens of suspicion had made Victoria fair game - and as the phrase "died suddenly" started to trend, people flocked to her memorial thread.
"How long's it been since she got the jab?", hundreds of people began to reply.
Victoria's wife, Madelaine Gold - a painter and design professor - had an advanced stage of cancer, though she had been doing better just before she died. There is no suggestion the vaccine had anything to do with her death.
When she began to hit back, Victoria was told she was lying.
"She did die suddenly... We didn't have time to say goodbye, I didn't have time to give her a last kiss. I will never get to talk to her again."
"They were trolling her obituary, literally."
So what was it about this film that led people online to deny Victoria's reality?
The film flashes through dozens of upsetting news reports and images of people collapsing.
One headline reads: "My kind, compassionate son died unexpectedly." Another clip shows a young athlete dramatically keeling over.
Together, this can easily be used to paint an alarming picture of something suspicious going on.
Yet just a couple more clicks would reveal the son in question died in a car crash. And the athlete, college basketball player Keyontae Johnson, collapsed in December 2020 before he could even have had a Covid vaccine. He didn't die suddenly as the title suggests - he returned to the court last week.
Other people featured are also still alive. And several of the genuine deaths are explained by an alternative cause within the very news reports used as evidence by the film makers.
Part of the film's power is that it takes scraps of truth but distorts them to tell a misleading story.
There have been a small number of deaths from the vaccines - I've spoken to people affected - but these cases are rare and their causes are established through extensive monitoring, complex medical testing and statistical analysis.
It's not possible to measure vaccine side effects by simply Googling news reports. As Dr Frank Han, a US cardiologist says, it can "give you pieces of the puzzle, but actual medical training is necessary to link all the pieces of how the body works together".
Long stretches of the film involve gruesome images of clots being pulled out of bodies, designed to suggest Covid vaccines are having alarming effects.
When people feel afraid or disgusted they might be more likely to leap to conclusions. But these images can't tell us anything on their own.
Firstly, they are mostly based on the testimony of one embalmer with no indication this is a wider concern.
And, Dr Han explains, it's "insufficient to establish why the clots are there".
Blood clots are commonly found in dead bodies and are caused by a range of things from smoking to being bed-bound to having Covid-19.
When unusual clotting was identified in rare cases after the AstraZeneca vaccine - not used in the US - it was quickly investigated and vaccine recommendations changed, after which the cases pretty much disappeared.
Emotional stories, backed up by official numbers make a powerful persuasive tool.
But it's important to understand where the numbers actually come from and whether they are being fairly represented - something many people won't have the time or resources to investigate.
A graph in the film showing stillbirths shooting up around 2021, making the unsupported suggestion Covid vaccines are causing miscarriages, looks shocking.
The film-makers don't provide a source, though.
Although the voiceover claims the data is from Waterloo, Canada, genuine data from Ontario, the province Waterloo is part of, has not seen any increase in stillbirths, according to Dr Victoria Male, a reproductive immunologist.
In fact, a large study found a "lower (not higher) rate of stillbirth among those vaccinated in pregnancy, compared to those who were not," she said.
This is supported by dozens of studies involving tens of thousands of people produced by different independent teams around the world.
The tactics used in this video have been seen before and this isn't the first time misleading health information has been spread by verified accounts.
What's new this time is the main account spreading the film on Twitter has bought verification - the blue tick which is supposed to be a mark of credibility, something experts have warned could help misinformation spread.
"Since Elon Musk took over he's just, you know, let it be the Wild West again," Victoria believes.
Twitter did not respond to a request for comment.
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It’s troubling that there’s a very real possibility "Died Suddenly,” full of blatant and obvious nonsense and lies, is a troll, but with reality and parody now indistinguishable from each other, as with Dylan Mulvaney, we might never really know.
It’s sufficiently bogus that even anti-vaxers are calling it a “psyop” to discredit anti-vaxers. Considering it simply reproduces anti-vax talking points, it’s kind of like the Xians who tell you “that’s not what Xianity’s about” when you simply quote the bible back to them.
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lathrine · 2 years
im reading an article about how vitriolic people visiting the national parks have gotten, and it is SO cathartic to see my exact experiences in grocery retail be restated by the customer service reps working in the parks.
like its awful, obvious. the average customer has gotten so nasty, and the employees Do Not deserve the treatment they’re receiving. but during 2020/2021, people seemed to think that those viral Nasty Customer videos were 1) not common and 2) relegated just to grocery/retail. and i cant speak for every single hospitality and customer service sector and store, but i can say that at my store that sort of vitriolic outbreak became VERY common. not constant, but common enough to bump the baseline up.
my manager and i had a conversation where she said a lot of her friends-- some of whom had been in the hospitality or customer service industry for over a decade-- were considering a career change because it was SO BAD and no one could even fathom how to move forward. none of us could imagine it ever getting better. our New Normal was people screaming at and berating us every day, blaming us for mask mandates and vaccines and supply shortages. threatening legal action and physical violence. of people intentionally trying to get us sick and terrorizing us. everything was an argument with no hope of de-escalation; it genuinely wouldve been less inciting to tell some of those customers “go fuck yourself” than it was to tell them “im so sorry, but.” and all that while we were surrounded by the extremely smothering reality that no one cared if we died and everyone considered us sub-human.
everyone i know who gave a fuck quit shortly after i did, because none of us could handle it anymore. this includes people who’d worked at that store since it opened, some of our most decorated and knowledgeable coworkers.
like. i dunno yall. its kind of like how you cant describe how things just Make Sense as you near the latter half of your 20s; i cant put into words just how horrifically awful customer service was at that time. if you didnt personally experience it, everything we say sounds like an exaggeration and hyperbole.
and i cannot stress this enough: its still that bad. i would imagine most customer service and hospitality places had the same thing happen: a mass exodus of everyone who knew what they were doing because they could not stand the abuse anymore, and a rotating door of new hires that Refuse (rightfully so!!!) to tolerate the abuse. there is a new breed of customer that genuinely Does Not Care about employees and see pleas of humanity and kindness as a challenge to see how quickly they can break the employee at the desk.
this is especially relevant now, with it being the holidays. employees are more short staffed and overworked than ever, and customers some how have even less patience. customers dont plan literally five minutes out, and then blame employees for not materializing their needs before them on a silver platter.
anyways. i dont know how this article ends, but i have a pretty good guess.
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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Sudden Death + Turbo Cancer: Canadian Doctors Speak Out
“When parts of your body become gangrenous, you have to cut it out”
download mp4; https://icedrive.net/s/DZFzv8x8Z7xuaN37fi5gkvDXP36F
See Also
Pfizer's History of Fraud, Corruption, and Using Nigerian Children as 'Human Guinea Pigs'
How did Pfizer manage to rebrand itself as the savior of humanity?
One of the most significant cultural transformations of the last two years has been the newfound glorification of the pharmaceutical industry.
An industry plagued by decades of fraud, corruption, and criminality managed to quickly rebrand itself as the savior of humanity during the covid-19 crisis.
But nothing inherently changed. Big Pharma still values shareholders’ profits more than people’s lives.
The regulatory agencies still operate as revolving doors to the pharmaceutical giants they are said to regulate.
Big Pharma still dominates lobbying efforts in Washington DC and spends billions each year advertising pharmaceutical products.
Millions will die; https://rumble.com/v1acoaa-up-to-100-million-will-die-from-cv19-vax-by-2028-dr-david-martin.html download mp4; https://icedrive.net/s/XvAxN8ht469Bfai7kyAfQXbC8xjb
see also: https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/
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