#internalized Misogyny
marzipanandminutiae · 13 days
A lot of people sure love to pretend it’s feminist to tell women how to dress or present aesthetically
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hermajestyimher · 18 days
I recently came across a TikTok from a young woman whose entire profile seems dedicated to advising women on how to mold themselves so that average men will choose them. The premise of her video was that if you are “not like the other girls” (whom she referred to as “h*es”) and instead present yourself as classy and set apart, then the same men who lack sexual discipline and sleep around with the women she was demonizing would choose you over them in the long term. It’s astonishing that in 2024, some of us are still performing purity and chastity not for ourselves, but to be selected by men who are, frankly, undeserving. It’s disheartening to see how deeply ingrained this mindset is in women, where they have no qualms about tearing down other women if it means gaining access to men who aren’t held to even a fraction of the same standards.
Let me be clear: if I’m putting in the work to gain sexual discipline and save my body for the right person, no amount of desperation will ever get me to perform to a group of lustful and promiscuous men for their attention or romance. It goes both ways, as simple as that.
I don’t and have never condoned hookup culture. I believe celibacy is powerful and necessary; your body is a temple best reserved for a man who truly loves, protects, and cares for you. However, this belief doesn’t give me the right to tear down women who choose to engage in promiscuous behavior, nor should it be used as a way to appeal to men who partake in the same behavior, just to be “chosen” by them.
Internalized misogyny is a disease, and I hope that those struggling with it can find freedom and make peace with themselves and their fellow women.
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rosecorcoranwrites · 3 months
Body Horror and Internalized Misogyny
This post showed up in my "for you" feed, and I commented that 63% of people have internalized misogyny, to which two other people asked how being afraid of getting pregnant was misogynistic, so I thought I would explain.
First, the option that the majority of people voted on was this: Pregnancy "sounds like unreal terrifying body horror". Not just something scary or dangerous, but body horror. So lets talk about that first.
Body horror comes from taking something normal and natural about the body and twisting it. Putting teeth where there should not be teeth. Grafting dozens of arms onto every part of the body. Faces in odd places. Limbs bending the wrong direction. Think Dark Souls et al.
Now, one could try to describe normal bodily processes as horrifying, but I wouldn't call this body horror. Take puberty, and all the crazy things your body goes through during it, or describe exactly how each organ keeps you alive in detail. Or take "Skeletons", by Ray Bradbury. This is a horror story in which a man feels aches in his bones and becomes convinces that his skeleton--all skeletons--are some form of Other, some entity inside people that is trying to get out. He describes seeing his wife's skeleton peering out of her mouth each time she smiles, and seeing the shape of people's bones poking out just below the skin.
The thing about this story is that the skeleton is not actually what is horrifying, but rather the man's phobia of the skeleton. It's one of those stories where the protagonist is clearly not in his right mind. It only veers into body horror once the inhuman doctor that first stoked his fears into a phobia shows up and sucks the skeleton out of the man, leaving a gasping, jelly-like mass with nothing to hold it up.
Body horror inherently comes from something being unnatural, something a body is not supposed to have or be able to do.
If one were to view a racial trait, such as more or less body hair, darker or lighter skin, or the presence or absence of epicanthic folds as horrifying, we would call that person racist. If they viewed their own racial traits as horrifying, we wold call that internalized racism.
So now we can circle back to pregnancy. True, pregnancy can be dangerous and scary, and one's body goes through some pretty crazy changes during and after it, but it's also something that female bodies have evolved to be able to do. The potential to become pregnant--the specific gametes and organs and hormones--is literally what makes a body female, at least for placental mammals like humans. Pregnancy is a normal, natural, uniquely and definitively female biological process.
You don't have to want to get pregnant, and it's totally fine to be scared about being pregnant. But to treat it as something unnatural, or as the original poll said, as "unreal terrifying body horror" is to see the capabilities of the female body as somehow Other and alien and twisted. That is misogyny. When women view our own bodies this way, it's internalized misogyny.
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fadedelegance · 7 months
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It’s not women’s responsibility to coddle men. This isn’t 1950 for fuck’s sake.
I am ALWAYS tired when I come home from work, as well, but you know what? I don’t expect anyone else to have dinner ready for me. I scrounge around in the kitchen, or I pick up a frozen dinner and heat it up when I get home. The point is, I take care of my damned self BECAUSE I AM AN ADULT.
Both men AND women work long hours.
I know you’re tired, but fix your own goddamned dinner. You think your partner isn’t also tired? Why is it one party’s—usually the woman’s—responsibility to make dinner for the other when they come home from work after a long day? Why can’t they just relax after they make own individual dinner? What if your partner is still at work when you get home? Do you just sit around and pout until they come home and whine about them making dinner?
Be an adult and take care of your damned self. Or if you come home at similar times, share the responsibility. Cooking together could even be a source of bonding.
I can NOT with how society is regressing.
BTW, this is also an indictment of capitalism. People shouldn’t have to work that much so that they are coming home with barely even any energy to do things like make their own meals, only to barely stay afloat financially. I believe in the 6-hour work day, living wages and salaries, and a 4-day work week.
Archaic gender roles and capitalism are both putting strain on relationships—both romantic and familial. Hardly anyone has work-life balance anymore because all most people fucking do is work.
But this is about the 12th time this week I’ve thought “I hate men. I don’t have time for them and their sexist bullshit, nor do I have time for women who have internalized that sexist bullshit.”
God damn it, I’m tired.
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thisismisogynoir · 4 months
And Honestly...
Women who bend over backwards to defend men or call out "misandry" that men are supposedly oppressed by, especially by rallying against lesbians and feminists are so pathetic and stupid in my eyes, and always inspire in me a combination of amusement and pity. Like what do you mean you don't hate them? What do you mean you don't live in fear? What do you mean you fucking feel bad for them that they decided we were a lesser group worthy of degradation and humiliation and would rather emotionally repress themselves and each other than be seen as adjacent to us in any capacity? Are you naive or what? Don't tell me you're caping for your oppressors, as if the shit underneath their boot really tastes that good that you'd rather lick it then stand in solidarity with the smart women who actually call out misogyny and don't coddle men's bruised baby egos even when it doesn't spare men's feelings. The men you're defending don't give a shit about you or any of us and would sooner leave you to rot then treat you as the human being that you deserve to be treated as, so I don't know what benefits you expected to receive from throwing your own under the bus and worshipping men like they're kings. A pat on the back, maybe? Lol.. What a truly depressing and bleak existence you lead. Could never be me. 🤣 Trust me, men couldn't care less about your problems, they certainly don't need you on your hands and knees trying to fix theirs even if they convinced you that they do(because men would rather blame women for their problems then admit they have them and get to work fixing them, everything is a woman's fault and here you are contributing to that shit). Like seriously. Stop the cap.
It reminds me of this Tumblr post:
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Like sorry to be harsh but it's true. You're not and will never be "one of the good ones" so if you're one of those women who defends men from those mean misandrist dykes then I suggest you wake the fuck up before you find out the hard way how little these men think of you. While you're kissing their assholes until you're brown in the nose, this is what they're saying about you. Pathetic. Get a fucking grip, and some self-respect too while you're at it, sis. It's honestly pretty appalling.
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with Kamala Harris being the democratic nominee, how will things be different compared to in 2016 with Hillary Clinton?
I hope this isn't just me being optimistic but here's a few things that have changed.
white women overwhelmingly voted for Trump because Hillary had had the smear campaign of the "emails" that trump dumped at her.
also Hilary was deemed "unlikeable" by the masses. (reminder Black women voted for her and generally always vote democrat) but lots of the stuff that hilary is dislked for is decades in the making. I was just a kid in the 90's but I remember seeing segments and thinkpieces about how everyone liked Bill Clinton and hated Hilary because she didn't "know her place" as a wife and a mother she was too wrapped up in the politics.
It's been nearly 8 years since Trump won in nov 2016 and we've seen the damage that can happen from a trump presidency. we've got a stacked conservative supreme court that's revoked Roe v Wade and trump actually dismantled a LOT of the stuff that Obama had put in place for a pandemic which is partly why so many died of covid in the first place.
I've had people tell me to my face that Trump "isn't racist" back in 2016. Kamala is half biracial and none of her is white.
Followers please chime in and help me out here! I've been exposed to covid and had a constant headache for 3 days now so I'd really appreciate the help!
mod ali
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tswift every time she releases yet another version of her album:
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
This is the original thread that the Creator in the video is talking about (and I know this video is 8 minutes long but I highly recommend watching this video -⚠️ TW for discussions of violence and assault, and mentions of sexual assault). For folks who want to look into this themselves/the reason which prompted many discussions over on Twitter and TikTok:
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I also wanted to share this post because this video recently went viral (and relates to what I wanted to talk about as well). It's a video of a Korean man during a street interview saying that went he thinks of the word 'Feminist,' it's "정신병." I'm only an intermediate level in Korean, and as he intended/as the translation says it means someone is not in their right mind, a literal 'psychosis.'
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He also says this about misogyny:
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I also wanted to include another person who replied to the original thread as well:
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So a few weeks ago I noticed that many people were talking about how many radical Korean feminists in the 4B movement are transphobic, and I wanted to state that apart from it not always being the case, and if it is in some, there is a time in place to challenge the transphobic rhetoric evident in their praxis (as we already do for MANY western feminists).
What I find particularly troubling is that over the weeks/months as I saw this gain traction (and yes, people were rightfully calling out how western feminists/mainstream news media outlets were watering down/misconstruing/sensationalizing the 4B movement without reflexivity) there was one particular influencer which the Creator in the video refers to who says the 4B movement is not as big or important in Korea as it is being made out to be (one I did see weeks ago, and hesitated to talk about, but I think it's important to address).
And before I discuss ultimately what I wanted to here, I want to note that of course, there are absolutely many women in the country who want to marry/have kids, just like there are all around the world despite living/navigating in patriarchal and misogynistic cultures. No one is saying that there aren't Korean women interested in dating/marrying. Nor am I or anyone else saying all Korean men are red flags -that is not the case.
As this Creator noted in reaction to that person I'm referring to (OP who said most Korean women in their 20s/30s are actively seeking marriage partners), is that the Creator actually spoke to the person who made the original thread on Twitter. The Korean feminist spoke about the intricacies of this movement and often the difficulties of being publicly feminist -as well as the divided factions in feminism because not all identify as radical feminists.
The Korean feminist that the TikTok Creator spoke to said it is inaccurate to say 4B isn't popular, and despite not being able to have clear numbers on those women involved -they guesstimate it to be around 200,000. She talks about what Korean women have to go through and continue to go through in their country (such as the epidemic of femicide), and the severe consequences for labeling/identifying as a feminist, as the Creator noted and spoke about this thread which can include assault/violence, social isolation and stigma, and even loss of employment.
I wanted to share this video to once again share my solidarity for Korean feminists and women - for their fights towards liberation in many elements of their lives, and that for any and all people in western/european countries that are romanticizing South Korea -especially Korean men, please stop -please unpack your preconceptions. These are real people, just like everywhere else in the world, that are dealing with systemic injustices -and like many countries around the world, South Korea is not an exception (and that Korean men in the viral video I attached above DO think feminism is evil and toxic -and I highly encourage people to do their research why it is a stigma exists -if anyone wants me to briefly address this I can create another post). But to emphasize here, as this video alludes to -there are many Korean men that weaponize this hatred and internalized misogyny in multiple ways, and it's important to not forget talking about because it effects many people in their communities.
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demiaroacejadeharley · 5 months
Brandon Rogers slutshaming a fictional minor (Octavia) for "cockblocking" a MLM ship is so disgusting. I've always known that Vivziepop (and maybe Brandon, too) was a Fujoshi as usually people and media that sexualizes and fetishizes Queer men and MLM relationships see women as some sort of threat to their ships, and as a result they will villianize and demonize those women.
Helluva Boss perfectly sets that up with Viv writing Stella to be some sort of evil bitch, when in actuality she's a woman whose justifiably angry at her husband for cheating on her. On top of that, we have Octavia, who just wants her father to pay attention to her, just for her to be reduced down as just another female character in the way of a MLM ship to happen.
I would like to point out that I've been in a similar situation as both Octavia and Stella. I've experienced infidelity twice in my life by my first two exes. My first ex tried to leave me for another girl who was already in another relationship (and it turned out he only dated me out of pity and had no feelings for me to begin with), and my second ex cheated on me with his previous ex and lied about the breakup between him and his ex. I'm also a child of divorce, and I have a father who would rather be with his girlfriend than seeing both my brother and I. So, as someone who experienced betrayal by both a parent and a partner, I find myself relating to Octavia and Stella and sympathizing with both of them.
People like Vivziepop and Brandon Rogers are usually extremely misogynistic and treat women poorly by reducing them down to being a bitch (Stella, Loona, Verosika, Vaggie, and maybe Lilith), be only known as the significant other of another character (Millie and Vaggie), or reduced down to just be another obstacle for a MLM ship to happen (Octavia and Stella). And it's really sad that Vivziepop, a woman, poorly handles her female characters, and there shouldn't be an excuse for it, too.
I honestly believe that Vivziepop really hates herself and must be dealing with some internalized misogyny. Women who have internalized misogyny view themselves as "not like other girls" and view other women with traits they don't like in a villiainzing lens. Which is why hyper femme characters like Verosika and Stella are characterized as being bitchy. While tomboy characters like Millie are the complete opposite of that and are shown to treat others kindly.
I wouldn't be surprised that when the second season of Hazbin Hotel comes out, Viv would probably plan on having Lucifer get with a male character, with Lilith (or Charlie) coming in serving like some sort of interference from that ship from happening. Because knowing her, if she wrote Octavia and Stella to be some sort of force to prevent Stolitz from happening, then she'll do the same thing with Charlie and Lilith if Lucifer gets with another male character.
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marzipanandminutiae · 4 months
To the woman I just overheard her telling her little daughter that she couldn’t come into the museum where I work, because “that’s for boys!”
A. How does it feel to be living in 1954
B. I hope your kid grows up to be a New York Times best-selling historian/author
C. W h a t
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burningtheroots · 1 year
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We need to re-build our class consciousness and solidarity as women, globally. Creating division among the oppressed has always been the oppressors‘ primary strategy to assert their dominance and preserve their authority — we need to change that.
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hussyknee · 1 year
The Career-driven Emancipated Woman Can Barely Boil Water trope is extremely sexist and white feminist. I've been waiting thirty years for feminism to move past this classist girlboss bullshit and I'm clean out of patience. Even aside from the gross devaluing of traditional female labour, grown-ass adults should be able to feed themselves and their families regardless of gender. If you're abled and have had the resources to learn basic life skills but you've elected not to because you think you can always pay people to take care of your ass, you're a privileged nitwit who's trying to weaponize incompetence.
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princessefemmelesbian · 2 months
I can't screenshot because we blocked eachother but velvetvexations commented on my post i sent you(the fb slur one)so i had enough and told her to buzz off black people and she said i was 'gaslighting' her because i said she came after you💀The defensiveness white people have against normalized toxicity and refusal to see through black lens for allyship is crazy
Honestly I feel so bad for her. Even though that post was literally speaking against transmisogyny she still insists on caping for trans men and absolving them of any part that they might play in enabling transmisogyny, it’s like she thinks that trans men are innocent widdle babies with no male privilege to speak of who are always victims and who can never do anything harmful to a trans woman ever, and yet transfems can be “transandrophobic” lol cuz that’s a real thing. Sure. 🙄
She is literally the transfem equivalent of a pick-me, constantly apologizing for and defending trans men even when they are in the wrong and are being wildly transmisogynistic. It’s honestly so sad to witness, and I do very much hope that she develops some self-worth and self-respect soon, and learns to stop constantly deferring to trans men and acting like they can never be called out for anything, are never in the wrong, and always need to be defended against any accusation, even when they hurt and oppress the trans women in their own communities. It’s such a shame.
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august-beee · 10 months
I hate when women take their own internalized misogyny out on other women. Like what is this.
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It was a video about a woman talking about her fish tanks. Nothing to do with the way she looks or anything. I have no clue why she felt the need to say that and then added “not to be rude but…” like that makes any difference. As a general rule of thumb if you have to say “not to be rude” just don’t say it.
Also I’m not covering up the username because the post was public and her account is public.
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g0ldgauntlet · 1 month
Memories I Unlocked About My Little Pony (G4) That Made Me Realize Some Things.
(Image Description is in alt text. Post also contains minor spoilers for Arcane Season 1)
The "Party of One" Episode
Pinkie's portrayal in that episode felt like a fairly accurate representation on how mental health can fuck with you (Though, please note that I'm not a mental health expert, I just found her really relatable in some ways as someone who is undiagnosed). She has some of the most intense range of emotions, even going a bit overboard before and during the initial birthday party for Gummy to the point of exhausting herself, but her friends don't judge her for her behavior (Even if it's clear from the expressions on their faces that they don't agree with every decision she makes).
However, the moment that Pinkie feels like her friends are hiding something or trying to avoid her, her mental health begins to decline (Especially because she knows she's being blatantly lied to). Then we see her lack of emotional regulation and starting to overthink everything based on these interactions, assuming the worst. You can't even fully blame her for it because, again, no one is communicating with her properly, but the severity of her actions still showcases that her mental health is playing a part in her blowing the situation a bit out of proportion.
Plus, there's this quote-
Tell me that my friends are all lying to me and avoiding me because they don't like my parties and they don't want to be my friends anymore!
-which is a conclusion that she came up with herself. No one actually said this to her, but she assumes this is the case, and she wants Spike to validate her assumption even though he knows that's not true either. Spike gives in and tells her what she wants to hear, though, and she enters a depression because of it. This is now what she actually believes.
Of course, after this, we get the infamous facial expression that is this:
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By this point, Pinkie is in the middle of having a mental breakdown. She's trying to isolate herself from her friends, now viewing them as enemies, and she's replacing them with random things that she's trying to use as a coping mechanism as she attempts to host her after-party for Gummy. The kicker is that these methods are failing. Pinkie much more rapidly shows signs of losing her composure as she puppeteers for these inanimate objects like they're real people. She keeps twitching, and then eventually it feels as if the objects have actually come alive, but in reality, the next conversation that takes place is all in Pinkie's head. These inanimate objects take the form of her negative thoughts convincing her that she's justified in believing that her friends are actually horrible people who think horrible things about her and that she shouldn't associate with them ever again, even though Pinkie herself doesn't actually believe any of that deep down. It's a very good visualization of how Pinkie's new view of her friends is still eating away at her despite her trying to shift to a new sense of "normalcy." This scene is honestly a child-friendly version of Jinx having "conversations" with the voices in her head during Arcane Season 1 (Her even going as far as to make inanimate versions of her dead friends), with Jinx also initially trying to hold onto hope that Vi still cares about her despite her mental health continuously declining.
When the other five members of the Mane Six are finally ready to talk to Pinkie, she explodes and tries shutting them all out. While they're all concerned for her due to the way that she's acting, they don't give up on her. At most, Rainbow Dash just calls Pinkie's inanimate object party creepy once she finds her, but she's still determined to drag Pinkie away from the unhealthy atmosphere (And mindset, in a metaphorical sense) that she's locked herself into. Dash takes Pinkie to the barn at Sweet Apple Acres, and it's revealed that there was a party waiting for Pinkie. Unfortunately, she continues to assume the worst of her friends, and by extension, the motives behind the party.
It's then explained that the reason why they were avoiding and withholding information from Pinkie was because they were trying to keep the party a surprise, and it was meant to be their way of celebrating Pinkie's birthday...which she forgot was that exact day.
When I tell you that I felt secondhand embarrassment-
Yet, it's not even unrealistic. A bunch of misunderstandings and a lack of having the full context to the situation led Pinkie to assuming the worst outcome and letting her negative thoughts consume her, which I think multiple people (Myself included) have experienced before. Pinkie is still given a rather mature moment, though. She perks right up after realizing that she was wrong about her assumptions, but then she feels ashamed and embarrassed for how she acted and for having doubted her friends so much. However, they reassure her that they hold no ill will towards her and make it clear that anyone can experience these types of misunderstandings.
Then we get the central message from Twilight: That good friends have your best interests at heart, and you shouldn't immediately assume the worst of them. I think it's a good way to encourage people to work on their sense of trust in others, as well as encouraging them to find ways to manage their mental health in any way that they can without necessarily demonizing those who are struggling with those issues.
I think this episode was why I was never the biggest fan of the MLP creepypastas, such as Cupcakes. I can definitely see that people had fun with this crazy portrayal of Pinkie (And I'm not going to tell you that you're wrong for liking it), but I think her canon portrayal is much more sympathetic to those who struggle with mental health issues.
Fluttershy Would Swear If MLP Had a Higher Age Rating
I remembered how upset she could get whenever she was pushed too far, and one of those moments was when Twilight brought up Discord early on in the series. Fluttershy saying "That...big...dumb...MEANIE!" with such vitriol instantly made me think that she (Or the writers, honestly) actually wanted to say, "That...MOTHER...FUCKER!" instead.
Then I decided to check out an episode from one of the later seasons that I didn't watch: The one with her brother, Zephyr Breeze. Fluttershy says that she's "peeved," and it's treated like she said a swear word. She absolutely would have said that she was "pissed" if this wasn't a kids show.
Does Fluttershy need to swear? No, definitely not, but it would be very funny and not all that unrealistic to me if she dropped a word or two whenever she got angry.
Flash Sentry Deserved Better
This boy got screwed over so hard that it's honestly really sad. He's a good example of MLP's consistent lack of development within a lot of its male cast, but it was much more noticeable with him since he was the love interest of the main character, and as a result, a lot of attention was focused on just him.
I honestly wouldn't be able to tell you much about Shining Armor (in the show, not the comics, which I have never read) aside from him being Cadance's husband and Twilight's brother, and then basically being used as a partial plot device so that Cadance could use the power of love to defeat Queen Chrysalis. The same goes for Big Mac, whose most defining trait was not saying much besides two words, and I believe that Soarin also has minimal development. I don't even remember that much about King Sombra in the initial first few seasons aside from what the cast members tell us about him (though I could be wrong here, it's been a while since I watched the show and I heard he gets more characterization later).
It seems fairly obvious to me that a large reason behind why Flash - and his dynamic with Twilight by extension - was not expanded upon later was because Bronies (and by that, I specifically mean a very vocal crowd of older adult men) within the fandom sent so much backlash over this character in Hasbro's direction that they decided to sideline him instead. It still astonishes me that grown ass men had so much influence over this show when they weren't even the target demographic, and that's not even the only time that they had ruined something for other people. Flash was not that different from what I just mentioned about the male cast members, meaning that it's not a "Flash Sentry" problem - It's a "Male MLP Character" problem.
I will, however, acknowledge that the decision to have main universe Twilight go to a universe where the cast members are highschoolers was a strange decision by the writers. A college setting would have been just fine, especially since Lauren Faust has said that Twilight might be at least around the age of a college freshman in human years.
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As a kid, I liked Flash, and I used to theorize about what the writers were going to do with him later on. As I got older, I realized that way more people liked Flash than I thought (Especially on TikTok. Good lord LOL), and others were mostly indifferent towards him. It was upsetting watching him get sidelined, and I didn't like Timber, who I had assumed was supposed to be Flash's replacement but ten times more annoying.
Flash had become the fandom scapegoat and punching bag. I think it would be more fun to see people reclaim him and make content of him in their image based on their headcanons or whatever, like they did with several other characters in the show. I, for one, am definitely planning on doing so myself!
Rainbow Dash Is Basically Sonic For The Girls and I Owe Her An Apology
I used to HATE Rainbow Dash as a kid. I thought she was the most annoying out of the Mane Six (With Fluttershy as a second-least favorite but that was a whole other thing. I don't dislike her anymore, don't kill me LOL). However, it was not lost on me that people would constantly make comparisons between her and Sonic, and I'm now realizing as an adult that this makes more sense beyond them both having super speed.
Dash is sweet, but like Sonic, she can also be cocky, competitive, heroic, and reckless. She is the one who influenced the rest of her friends' lives early on (Via the Sonic Rainboom), just as Sonic did with his friends, eventually forming a tight-knit group. She gets up to shenanigans with a cheerful, pink-themed character (Pinkie, of course), and has a yellow-themed friend who decides to stand up for herself and can keep up with Dash when she puts her mind to it (Fluttershy). Like Sonic, she also loves reading, and her presence revolves a bit around having a cool factor.
It is kind of shocking, yet funny that I held this double standard against Rainbow Dash as a child, since she and Sonic share similar traits, and yet I thought Sonic was cool while Rainbow Dash was unbearable. Internalized biases have a chokehold on people, I suppose.
Sunset Shimmer Is a Reformed Villain Done Right
(Please keep in mind that it's been years since I watched the Equestria Girls movies, so I might have some details wrong here)
She started out acting like an arrogant, highschool queen bee type of person who thought she was owed everything, only to be humbled by Twilight. Then she begins to realize the error of her ways, and while the Humane Six forgive her right away, not everyone else does, and Sunset Shimmer simply has to live with that. The sins of her past continue to haunt her, but she still finds the resolve to strive to be a better person and help other people who need it (Such as SciTwi).
I think her arc was a realistic portrayal of someone who had done something messed up and then realized later that her mistakes will cause people to see her differently. Despite that, and despite knowing that some people may never forgive her, however, Sunset wants to keep moving forward so that she can make amends and help people heal rather than hurt them. I liked the message behind this as well - That people should continue to try to do good things, even if your past mistakes can't be reversed. The past shouldn't hold you back for the rest of your life.
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breathetoseethetruth · 8 months
I will never get over the fact, that one argument of D*pp supporters unironically is: "She doesn't look battered enough."
When exactly is a woman "battered enough" for you all?
This goes hand in hand with misogynistic men saying, that women should just endure it and stay, until their life is in active danger.
This goes hand in hand with people's subconscious idea, that only a dead victim is a perfect victim, because if she can still breathe, then she can still lie.
People saw Amber's injuries and deemed them not good enough, not severe enough, not "realistic looking enough" and somehow came to the conclusion that therefore, they must have been painted on.
We live in a day and age, where millions of people decided that it's believable that an abused woman painted on injuries, and do not care what a precedent this will set for possibly millions more women (at worst, they blame her for it). They chose to believe this insanity, rather than that a man simply did lay his hand on her. They excuse and ignore one piece of damning evidence after another against this man, but will scrutinize the tiniest flinch on the woman's face.
And yet, men have the audacity to claim that people are after them. That there's an "epidemic of men being falsely accused". They will use this against EVERY woman who will dare to name her abuser.
And so many of you enabled them.
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