#interesting asking me on this blog
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lucyskywalker · 4 months ago
I’m actually very curious to know why you don’t like jonsa! my reasons for example are: their fandom is acting way too insane for a ship that never happened and won’t ever happen; kit harington is unfortunately ugly. what are yours?
There are so many reasons that I dont even know how to begin with.
Alright. Let's go.
1st reason: It is only solely based on the show, and I really mean that. When you get to read metas and posts surrounding the ship, u realize these people never opened the books, while traying to pretend they did. I'm not being entitled. It is just obvious with what they write. Everything is taken out of contest. Especially surrounding Jon's pov and his lack of relationship with Sansa.
+ I despise the show. The only good thing about D&D's creations were the Dragons CGI and the dothraki and valyrian language, and it ends there. Out of it, everything sucks. They have rewrote all the female character in such a sexist and ridiculous way that I can't even start explaining for you.
2nd. I ship jonrya. Ik it is not everyone's cup of tea, but I do. And no. Idc if they become canon or not. I like the concept. I love their relationship. And I love what they can become. Now why the fact I ship Jonrya actually matters? Well, specially after season 7, a lot of Jonsa fans started taking things from Jon PIV that were about his love for Arya, and make it be about Sansa, with ridiculous excuses for their takes. The most commun and easy example being "What do you know of my heart, priestess? What do you know of my sister?" When Jon asks Melissandre, he is referring to Arya. And no. It is not a different interpretation. It is about Arya he is talking about. Another one was "Would you bed your sister?" And Again Jon thinks about Arya, but when you read Jonsa's metas; they say he is thinking about Sansa. Another common Jonsa take is that Jon died for his men in the books, or for Sansa, when again, this is not the case. He died for Arya. And that is explicit on the text with no room for other interpretation. No wonder why the last thing he tought was about her.
Jonsas straigh up lie about what happens in the books to support their takes, or they just read metas here on tumblr and believe it. Idk and neither do I wish to know.
Not only that. They started behaving as they had a moral high ground over jonerys and jonryas... when they don't, it is still incestuos and still problematic to modern standards - not only that, they behave entitled to this day, and attack Jonrya shippers and Jonerys shippers in a real coward way.
Many, many times, I received anon hate telling me to *kms*, slit my wrists. Someone even wished for me to get raped over a fictional ship.
My disdain over the ship is not only with the ship itself, hence taking a lot of Jon's dynamic and bound with Arya to give it to Sansa, which is really important in both of their stories and arc, but mostly about the fandom, and how I was affected by it. If it was treated only like a crackship (what book wise, actually is), as my beloved hitsukarin from bleach, I would have no problem with it.
But the community is far one of the most toxic ones I have ever seen or been in contact with. Actually, dealing with them heavily impacted my mental health.
3rd. I really didnt like Sansa way before dealing with the fandom. Since my favorite is Arya, the way Sansa treated her never vibed with me. (And no. It isn't normal sibling behavior. I am an older sister. I would never do half of the things Sansa have done, not even on 11). After book 1, I felt pity for her, but she still was the last interesting character for me, even if her Vale story was.... I guess, more berable.
After getting into the fandom, tho, Jonsas and Stansas ruined Sansa for me in every possible way as well to the point I read her chapters and I won't feel any kind of enjoyment in her journey or her character. She is my least liked character, not because "she is the most horrible person in the books" (she is not. She is far from being that. ) but because her fans made me feel terribly bitter about her. It is not logical or fair, but again, I'm not trying to be.
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its-tea-time-darling · 1 year ago
im sorry, we turned your boyfriend into a mole. yeah and all of tumblr‘s interested in him now. sorry
edit 9/12/23 11.22 CET
and so it begins…
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fic1, fic2 @pathsofoak ao3 tag. Mole Poem @thaliaisalesbian . fic by @tourmelion .
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ao3 link. please vote for mole scene in most underrated goncharov scene poll
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composeregg · 9 months ago
Pspspsps ohhh you wanna be a tag wrangler so bad recruitment is open
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character dynamic ask game
qs focusing around how two characters interact with & see each other. any kind of matchup (partners, friends, mortal enemies, etc.) is fair game!
rules: send two characters and a question (or more!)
what were A's first impressions of B? were they mostly correct or have they changed?
if asked to describe B to a stranger, what would A say? are they mostly truthful, or is there anything they omit?
what's something A thinks in their head about B that they would NEVER tell them out loud? alternately, what's something they want to say to them but haven't/can't, and why not?
how does A refer to B (first name/last name/pet name/title/etc) in their head, to them directly, and to others? are they different? why?
A has to get B a [birthday/christmas/whatever] gift. right now. what would they get? how long would they spend thinking about it?
what does A think B thinks of them? or, if asked to describe their relationship, how would they do it? are they right?
are there any habits, mannerisms, practices etc. A does because of B? anything they do because they saw B doing it, or got advice from them about it, or something rubbed off on them? alternately, are there any little things B does that annoy them?
is there anything they really disagree on? what are they most likely to argue about?
what do outsiders think their relationship is? do they consciously or unconsciously act different around others?
how well does A think they know B? are they correct?
what's something A knows about B that most people don't? alternately, what's something most people believe about B that A doesn't?
if B asked A for help, how likely would they be to give it?
if A needed help, how likely would they be to ask B for it?
for two characters that met very recently, how would their dynamic be different (if at all) if they had known each other for much longer? for characters that are childhood/longtime acquaintances, how would it be different if they met for the first time today?
what's A's absolute favorite (or least favorite) thing about B?
free space: what's your favorite thing about their dynamic, as a fan or as a writer?
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femmefruit · 2 months ago
yeah unfortunately the doctor said it’s terminal unless i get nerdy, dorky, shy lesbians infodumping in my DMs by tonight :/
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askgardenerwoods · 2 months ago
hi Emma! Who do you consider your friends do you have a crush on anybody?
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" For crushes... "
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#ITS SO SO FUNNY HOW MUCH PAIRINGS FIT MELLY? i felt like i needed to draw her as the greed talked about in the bible#AND MELLY POTENTIALLY KNOWING WENDY FOOTE BEFORE THE MANOR? omg... im so excited to see their lore#2022 me would be so sad emmamelly is not bros otp no more#NOT THAT EMMAMELLY IS BAD AND GONE heh.#swaytura on the mind though u feel#idv#identity v#emma woods#identity v gardener#survivor ask blog#idv gardener#ask emma woods#identity v ask blog#mentions:#melly plinius#wendy foote#give her like 20 seconds before she crushes again trust#a moment to talk about ships:#I dont got a defined crush/relationship for Emma! I love all her ships ^^ it's so silly to see other peoples portrayals and hcs#I started off shipping Emma and Melly because of garden scenarios and how they'd share a mutual bond through their nature expertise#Tracy and Emma are one of my OG ships too! super cute! From gears to plants they both have their own parallels to learn from eachother#when I first started this blog I used to talk to this Mun and they started sending me Emma and Naib artworks!#my goodness their excitement was contagious ^^! I hope theyre doing alright.#To that one Kurt/Servais and Emma shipper I see you! the pairings are super calming and I think itd be interesting to explore their past!#Someone posted Lucky x Emma here too and heh.. I totally get you. theyd get into such shenanigans together and they seem sweet!#Then I've been seeing alot of Norton and Emma recently on tiktok! Theres this one artist that draws them in such silly scenarios#But everytime I think about shipping them I get flashbacks to a minecraft server with nortnaib and i feel like damn... betrayal </3#how could i do that to my nortnaib besties#Then when playing with my friend on IDV I noticed they had Mary and Emma room pictures and yknow what? go queen#hcs are very much appreciated :) maybe when i open asks again i'd love to hear everyones thoughts.
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tadpolesonalgae · 3 months ago
Hi! Is the master list a wip rn? It’s not working for me
Hi! Sorry to commandeer this post but there are a few things I want to say relating to this.
So over the past fortnight or so I've actually seriously been considering deleting my blog, or just stopping writing fanfiction entirely. Most of Two Birds has been deleted and I started getting rid of a few Teeth and Talons chapters, I think all the links to masterlists have been taken down and I've made most of the cbmthy chapters private.
I don't want to mislead anyone by speculating why I've been feeling the way I have, but I'm fatigued, exhausted, demotivated, and I feel used.
Fandom to me is supposed to be about community, not to be taken as charity. That means interacting with writers. Reblogging posts with more than just sorting tags. Commenting something other than asking to be on a taglist.
I want to stress there are over 3,600 of you following me, and yet only the first part of cbmthy, Unchained, and Stockholm Syndrome even a third of you have interacted with. Most stories I write now have around 100-300 hundred notes, a fraction of those being comments or reblogs, which is such a small percentage.
My problem isn't feeling there aren't enough likes/comments/reblogs.
My problem is when I now share a fic with you, less than one twelfth of you are even seeing/acknowledging it.
If you don't like my writing, I'm fine with that; there have been others who have been kind enough to express how much they do enjoy it, and sincere enough that I believe it.
But for anyone who doesn't enjoy my writing anymore, please unfollow me.
If you don't have the time to read the things I write anymore, please acknowledge that and unfollow me.
If you don't have the energy to enjoy fandom anymore, please unfollow me.
I'm more than happy if 100 or so of you enjoy a post, because that's one hundred people who have enjoyed something I've taken the time to write, but the remaining three and a half thousand of you, keeping quiet, not interacting, potentially not even seeing the stories I work hard on, just feel like dead weight.
A drabble, or a head-canon post takes me about two hours to write.
A 2k/3k word fic takes me around five hours to write.
A regular cbmthy chapter can take me up to eighteen hours to write. Not including editing.
So to answer your question: I don't know if it's a wip.
I haven't decided whether or not to fix all the links. I don't even know if I want people to have access to all the stuff I've written.
Hobbies are supposed to be fun, but if the discontent and resentment outweigh my enjoyment, then I have to take a break from it, either temporarily or permanently.
I'd love to write a book one day, and I think having this blog is a great way for me to practice my storytelling, but I can't do any of that if I don't have the will to write.
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tozettastone · 1 month ago
WOULD you consider ever writing a Kakuzu×OC fic? One day? I think you blogged about writing Maddyverse instead of that, but would you try it ever?
I did indeed decide that it would be easier to make Hidan the elemental nations' best uncle Kakuzu the elemental nations' okayest dad in the Maddieverse as an alternative to the rather more challenging writing of a Kakuzu/OC story.
I think... I would definitely write a Kakuzu/OC fic, I feel like I probably have a few OCs left in me somewhere (shakes my works page until another one falls out).
But I am not sure I would be very good at writing it as a romance genre story. That's the real challenge of this current Itachi/OC romance fic, for me. Romances (in the modern sense of a piece of prose focused on the romantic relationship between two or more people that features a happy ending for the relationship) are... an interesting challenge. It's cool to think about them and try to puzzle them out, but I am not good at this kind of writing. So I could try it, but I'm not sure it would be very worth reading LOL.
I'm better at writing characters getting their mental health problems all over each other than doing so strange and uncertain a thing as falling in romantic love. But I could write Kakuzu and an OC smearing their mental health problems all over each other for sure. In the future, perhaps.
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c-kiddo · 2 months ago
sorry if this is too personal a question but. are you religious or spiritual at all? would love to hear you talk about it, if you don’t mind i mean. they way you talk about caduceus and his faith is really compelling to me, so i was curious is all
not religious at all, sometimes a bit spiritual. i dont believe in a god/s or afterlife or hell and very much am opposed to the idea that humans are super special divinely created beings separate from animals (and also religious beliefs that are anti-evolution, like young earth creationism for instance, and any religion that tries to control the bodies of people outwith it. pretty evil to do that with something so subjective tbh). (obligatory disclaimer that im not talking about every single aspect of every single religion on earth before anyone says anything). besides that, i also think theres power from the natural world and can feel it - big dark hum of a mountain, alive watery feel of a huge tree etc. theres an energy. i also believe in peoples stories and folklore and spiritual things projected onto people and animals and think thats powerful too. like feeling someone who died in a bird or a seal or the wind or just feeling connected to them anyway. or like seal people like the selkie or other similar sea creature myths from other cultures, i like them a lot. i think the universe is really amazing on its own and theres something so powerful about making eye contact with a seal and knowing im a mammal too and that it sees me, and i love to touch earth and know its made of millions of years + feel grief its so destroyed now + know im still animal rather than a super put-together separated god human. keep urself humble about it. im ok with being a cosmic space accident/coincidence with so many things extremely bigger than me. and im ok with people and animals just stopping when we die and being dirt or ash again, doesnt mean it doesnt matter. but yea yes! im glad you like my posts about it, its something i really like especially in stories to explore, and especially im a big fan of a nature god , like the wildmother obviously but also in princess mononoke for instance with the person/deer face, love that guy hes awesome
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voreaholics-anonymous · 8 months ago
The 9 Enneagram Types as Preds:
Type 1: "I am a pred because I have to impose the natural order of things. Swallowing prey makes me feel a sense of righteousness, superiority, and control."
Type 2: "I am a pred because I want to keep my prey safe and protected within me. By swallowing them, I provide the ultimate intimacy and security for them."
Type 3: "I am a pred because it's a way for me to feel accomplished, admired, and validated. By swallowing prey, it demonstrates my ability to do what others can't.
Type 4: "I am a pred because the experience of devouring another is so unique and deeply personal. Swallowing prey makes me feel special and in touch with my deepest self."
Type 5: "I am a pred because I have an insatiable curiosity for the dynamics and sensations. Swallowing prey makes me feel stimulated as I explore the boundaries of what's possible."
Type 6: "I am a pred because it gives me a sense of reassurance of the loyalty of my prey. In swallowing them, I feel secure in the knowledge that they are all mine."
Type 7: "I am a pred because of the thrill and exhilaration I get from eating my prey. Swallowing prey makes me feel alive in a purely hedonistic sense."
Type 8: "I am a pred because it asserts my dominance and control over my prey. Swallowing them makes me feel powerful and reinforces my sense of authority.
Type 9: "I am a pred because it brings peace and unity to my environment. By swallowing my prey, I achieve oneness and harmony with them as they become part of me.
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unfixeddog · 3 days ago
"you're an edgelord" no i'm just an actual person who is actually disordered and i'm being actually disordered on my actual disordered blog
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kaiserouo · 6 months ago
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sometimes its weird to think of ordis as ordan karris
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taegularities · 11 months ago
hiiii ok question, are you guys still up for reading (new) stuff by me (not silently though!), if yes then raise a hand (or say anything at all pls) 😁
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glitter-stained · 1 month ago
Tim dkrake was abused and overlooked by everyone in the hero community and dickwad Grayson was cruel to take away the only thing Tim had in his life.
Damian wasn't even chosen by bruce to be robin and has no skill over than being a greedy bitch to Tim for no reason and it's fact that dick tried to send Tim to Arkham because he thought the Tim was reverting to joker junior which isn't fair because tin was just looking for approval after being abused by his parents.
Nest time educate your self before coming for the only good robin
You guys I'm curious, because I'm pretty convinced that this ask (which i've seen all over my jason fan-account beloved moots) comes from a tim drake anti dedicated to make everyone dislike tim more. This theory comes from the fact that a) i've rarely seen a sentence more reactance-inducing than "nest time educate your self" and b) there is a form of performance art in the way absolutely none of this is true, like this is all verifiably untrue information. True poetry, it's gotta be satire. Also, bonus for tin dkrake, that was gold.
(don't worry about the gerrymandering we can do the maths)
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shkika · 2 years ago
Do you think moon was more like pebbles when she was first made? I remember sig talked about how most iterators were in a similar emo phase early in their life.
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Oh yes absolutely I think it's adorable if Moon saw a little bit of her loong gone days in him. The grumpy syndrome is genetic.
Though I do think she was a slightly different flavor than Pebbles! I swear I've mentioned this before, but I think she was the type to be working all the time and be keen on not wasting any time for meaningless things. She wanted to be proper and responsible. Very focused on her task and all like a self- respecting iterator should.
Time did soften this big ol' pebble though and her experiences with her colony and fellow iterators changed her a lot to the kind, wise and patient Moonie we know and love now.
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incorrectskyrimquotes · 2 months ago
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hello ive been bedridden for like three days now so i was messing around w this picrew, here r some ideas for my other doomed prisoners (the protagonists of the other mainline games)
Talyn, The Eternal Champion
Izath, The Agent
my Nerevarine, who is not yet named bc i cant think of anything and is just "Nera" wherever i mention them in my own notes and im probably getting attached to that as a name
Cornelia, Hero of Kvatch
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