#instead of fueling it
enfinizatics · 8 months
barbz need to learn a term called “parasocial relationship” because that’s literally what it is. she does not care about you. she might be nice to you, talk to you when you meet her, like your tweets but she will NEVER be your actual friend, she will never truly acknowledge your existence. it’s upsetting but this is how life works. in the end she’s a performer and you guys are her paycheck.
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nocek · 9 months
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Self fulfilling dog dad curse from the previous comic has self-fulfilled!. Threat of promised snoodie from another comic also has been fulfilled. And to tie it all up Deadpool's last visit was either this nsfw dream or just regular pestering.
and oh my god this one took forever >.< Idk if it was some sort of artblock, or I'm loosing like my fixation (oh god please no >.< I don't have a new one) but I don't actually have another comic idea and it's scary >.<
Please keep your fingers crossed I'll get over it >.<
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the-golden-kingdom · 5 months
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hugging him like that atleast take him out to dinner first damn
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OKAY SO Not so long ago @the-secret-third-thing made this amazing post, and this exact scene has been stuck in my head ever since I've first read it, you have no idea how bad I needed to get it out of my system however silly it looks
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lil bonus because oooops my hand slipped.....
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lensdeer · 19 days
Rise and shine, Linux user. I see you have already noticed the bomb collar around your neck.
You have a heavily customized desktop environment in front of you. To defuse the bomb, you must describe it without using any racist te-
god fucking damn it. AGAIN?
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contumacious-arcadia · 2 months
oooo ooooo OOOOOO!
What if Al was actually the original redeemed sinner and *that's* where he was for those 7 years? What if he actually did die again 7 yrs back but was appalled when he reincarnated in heaven and immediately started a campaign to be sent back? What if he accidentally redeemed himself by murdering all those other Overlords?
We can see just how abusive and sadistic Overlords can be towards the souls they own by looking at Val's character. If you contrast that with what we've seen in Husk/Nifty/Al's interactions, despite owning their souls and being a snarky little shit towards Husk (and scaring him a bit when he brings up Al's deal), Al never once actually hurts them and arguably provides them with a comfortable, relatively safe, and happy life in the hotel. These interactions are in present day, but we have been given no evidence to show that he ever treated them differently. On the contrary, when Al shows back up in the pilot, Husk immediately bitches at him when he is ordered to bartend - back-talking to his soul's owner with no hesitation and no fear. It stands to reason that he's comfortable doing so because Al's treatment of him has been the same since they made their deal.
In the context of hell, Al's rise to power seems to have had an accidental side effect of killing the super bad guys, saving sinners from an eternity of abuse and torture, and providing them with a much better contract. Like, *MUCH* better. No more rape, torture, druggings, mind control, etc... Al's obviously not a saint, but in this context, he may have been pretty close to hell's version of one.
If this is the case, Al obv would have *hated* being in heaven and likely immediately took it upon himself to attempt returning to hell BUT heaven obv wouldn't be cool with just letting him fall because they would *not* want hell finding out that redemption is possible. (Remember, in this scenario Al was redeemed 7 years prior to the show's pilot.) What if THAT's what his deal was? What if the deal was: either heaven just murders him on the spot -or- they allow him to fall back to hell in his original sinner form BUT ONLY if he agrees to have his angelic powers bound and is contractually sworn to silence about anything that happened during those 7 years?
This would work SO well. It would also answer a lot of questions about Al's character and actions. For example:
-Where was Al during those missing 7 years? Heaven. Likely imprisoned. -Who owns his soul? Again, heaven. Likely either Sera or an Archangel like Micheal. (I like the idea that it's Micheal, and that Mikey is Luci's twin, pouring more fuel on the fire on the immediate Al x Luci hate train.) -Why does Al state redemption is impossible as if it's a fact and not just an assumption? His deal forces him to keep redemption a secret so he is literally contract-bound to verbally disregard the idea. -Why does he still help the hotel then? Because he's pissed that heaven roped him into a deal WAY more favorable to them. Even though he can't outright state that redemption is possible, he can push Charlie's project along and hope she is the one who blows up heaven's big secret for him. It's revenge, baby! -Why does Zestial make comments about Al falling into "holy arms" when this is seemingly the first interaction between the two since Al's disappearance? Zestial suspects what happened. Maybe he witnessed Al's double-death 7 yrs ago, maybe he overheard some gossip from exorcists during an extermination, maybe something else. -Why doesn't Al use angelic weapons during his battle with Adam, especially since HE is the one who brought that knowledge to the hotel in the first place? He is overconfident because he too is actually a fallen angel, but he fails because his angelic powers are still bound. It is the pride ring after all. -Why does Al sing about "unclipping his wings" during his panic attack/loss to Adam? It's literal. He's pissed that he's been stripped of a massive boon to his power set and double-pissed that heaven seemingly has "beaten" him again. -Why does Al claim that he will be "pulling all the strings" once his wings have been unclipped? Because he is literally proof-positive redemption is possible and therefore, to his knowledge, would basically be a living weapon against heaven's authority. Remember, at this point no one is aware of Pentious' redemption.
I'm sure there's more! Anywho, my brain ran off on this tangent for some unknown reason. Al's just such a fun character to theorize about. Now, I don't believe this will actually happen in the show (it's probably a simple answer like "Lilith owns his soul, duh"), but we can dream! If any writers out there are looking for fic ideas and find my little rant interesting, PLS take this and run with it! I would LOVE to read something like this <3
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splickedylit · 8 months
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I got. deeply sidetracked
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crimeronan · 3 months
ultimately i think the appeal of daniel and armand to me is that it's very much a typical dark romance storyline where the heroine is kidnapped and tortured by an evil monster but using her wits she manages to seduce him and make him emotionally vulnerable to her, because she is More Special and More Clever than all of his other victims, and because of this she enjoys a level of dangerous favor and protection from him, except in This version of the dark romance it's two toxic old men who both have the worst fucking personalities imaginable. who truly just fucking suck beyond measure. like no pun intended, they are Garbage, one is the actual literal immortal devil and the other is just kind of a deadbeat with no moral compass, neither of them is willing to work on himself and neither of them has ANY reason to want to rail the other as bad as they do.
and yet. There They Are,
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sovietsunflower · 3 months
it took like a month, but i have finally 100% cult of the lamb and that alone is pretty cool ig but i need to share with everyone how many god damn followers i have
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in case the text is too small, there is 104 of them they all have golden necklaces and im not even done resurrecting them
i dont i dont even know what to do with this i just had to put this out into the ether
if anyone is in the least bit interested here are some interesting things about my cult
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sozo stole my damn husband
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i had to completely outlaw and exterminate all of my mushrooms because i accidentally clicked the brainwash ritual when i had 72 and fucking everyone got sick
other things that i dont have screenshots of:
there is a massive polycule that i might end up charting out cause it contains like half the cult, including narinder and i guess the lamb?
leshy said fuck you to my yellow cat i made specifically for him and chose my old ass hedgehog. mans knows what he's about ig
many of my followers have wildly inappropriate names because my first child was named by combining the names of his parents Hat and Otis and i landed on,,,, Hot Tits,,,, without realizing there was a baby phase,,,,
that being said i would die for Hot Tits he is my pride and joy theres probs more but thats what i can think of off the top of my head
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octever · 6 months
Just because a character you see with aromantic traits doesn't make them aroace. It's fine to have your head cannons, but when ALL that is stated is a distaste for romance, I find it troubling to call them ace. PLEASE let me have this character as just aro.
Not necessarily aroallo, but just the aromantic label. Really made that because someone has aro qualities that it means they are aroace.
Aromantic experience -> aroace experience -/> Asexual experience
Asexual experience -> aroace experience -/> Aromantic experience
BUT if the aroace experience fits both then obviously
Aromantic experience <- aroace experience ->Asexual experience
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katyspersonal · 3 months
me: I do not really understand the hardcore insistence of some Mohg fans/simps that he could not or must not have done any sexual-incestous crime! Not only it is a reasonable version, but also extremely interesting and intriguing to explore how not all victims of oppressive system are good people! Soulsborne is super fitting for fucked up themes and characters, any Mohg is valid and fun including the darkest you can get, right? Extremely messed-up interpretations of Mohg don't THREATEN other fans in any way shape or form!
fandom clowns: *passively-aggressively shun Mohg fans from the circles, attack Fromsoft for """homophobia""" (wtf), confuse acknowledging the event with enjoying the event, will label Mohg fans as insensitive or danger to real SO/incest victims, fear Mohg as an awful scary taboo to bring up in memes compilations or fanart that could obliterate all fun despite him being part of the canon, demand blacklisting anything about him in their clown Discord servers thus making lore chats weird, shame or block people with flattering interpretations for MeDiA iLiTeRaCy uwu, treat hating Mohg as a moral act rather than personal stance and generally cause a lot of hostility in the fandom, ALL because whereas seeing Mohg's SO as canon they then got mad at this canon instead of either swallowing it or move onto another videogame free of this theme*
me: Nevermind, this fandom is chronically incapable of handling the dark themes and think the fandom owes them sanitised experience.
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
AU: Dick When Bruce "Dies."
When Tim comes to Dick with his evidence (it's literally just a family portrait) of Bruce being alive, Dick pauses. He's a detective as well. He knows that unless the Waynes committed a lot of in-breeding, it's impossible for a late late late family member of Bruce's to have both the Kane and Wanye genetic traits. It's not possible for someone to look so such like Bruce.
Unfortunately, this would mean that Tim is right.
Dick glances up at Tim and plasters on a sympathetic and concerned smile. "Tim... I understand that losing Bruce is hard, especially with all of the lo-"
"You don't believe me." Tim's voice is filled with betrayal, disappointment, and incredulity.
Dick winces as his gaze drifts away. "I'm sorry."
And Dick is. He knows that the lack of support will hurt his younger brother. He knows he's betraying Tim's trust. He knows what this will do to Tim and to their relationship. Dick watches as Tim's barriers get thrown down, and his face loses all tells. He watches his younger brother put emotional distance between them as a form of protection. He watches the immediate damage and knows that, if he fixed it now, they may return to normal. He knows the consequences of his next words.
"There's a grief counselor in Metropolis-"
"You want to-" Tim cuts himself off as he stares at the older man in shock. "You think I'm crazy."
"No! Tim. I think you're going through a rough time right now and yo-"
Tim's laugh is sharp, and his eyes, the only tell the younger one has left, are full of pain. "I see."
"Tim, I-"
"No," Tim shakes his head. A bitter smile is flashed before his face melts into impassiveness. "It's okay, Dick. I understand."
Dick doesn't think the teen does. If Tim truly did understand, he wouldn't react this way. If Tim knew why he was being rejected, the teen would do what Dick is trying to prevent him from doing.
Instead, Dick is a silent observer to Tim becoming more withdrawn. Dick reaches out to the Justice League and expresses his concern for Tim (while implying that Tim's theories are from a mental breakdown). Dick takes Robin away from Tim and cuts out any support the young man might receive. He knows it will hurt Tim. He knows it is currently hurting him.
Dick still does it.
When Tim returns to Gotham with evidence of Bruce's presence in the timestream, Dick grieves. All of his effort, all the pain he put them both through, it was all for naught.
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lycantropy14 · 2 years
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transturbo · 10 days
So, like, what are the chances that a 2nd Turbotime arcade cabinet gets plugged in at some point? Same graphics & characters & everything. With the kids being appreciative of "retro" games(and, c'mon, Felix mentioned Turbotime being the most popular in the arcade when it was around, likely because of the steering wheel controller tech. at least this'd be the case before Roadblasters came around).
"but why would Mr. Litwak go through the trouble of affording a new one? When the last one got two of his games put out of commission?" man idk I just think he'd like to capitalize a little bit off of the kids' love of retro. if it breaks it breaks yknow. plus the incident was LONG ago I doubt that he'd even take it into account
I put all of this before just so you can imagine: Imagine a newly plugged in Turbo, ecstatic to make his debut as the greatest racer in the arcade! No malicious intentions(yet). And when he tries to socialize outside of his game, he's met with a whole array of strange looks. Ones of fear, disgust, wariness, and pity? He hadn't a clue what this was all for, talk about a tough crowd right?
At first he chalked it all up to some wide-range hazing ritual, something about showing the new guys what's up. This was all he thought before he started to see some peculiar graffiti staining parts of the GCS. Looked like some sort of fearmongering propaganda to him. He thought of it as some kinda funny prank, not to mention how kinda badass he looked.
Though, the joke was kinda starting to get old by the time he was barred from Tappers from the get-go. What gives! Can't a guy take the edge off at least once?? No breaks for ol' Turbo The Greatest Racer Ever??
Some wiseguys even thought it'd be funny to pick him up and use him as a basketball one time. He's not even the right colors to be a basketball! Jerks.
Turbo tries to confide in his fellow gamemates, trying to get some sort of answer to what's been going on with the treatment, but no dice, they don't know either because they've sworn off heading outside the game due to receiving the same treatment. Which angers Turbo even moreso. These guys may be his ingame rivals, but he can't stand for this blasphemy against his very name.
He'll get to the bottom of this. He'll show them.
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hello lgbtq community
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bimbosupreme · 2 years
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I’ve been playing…pizza tower…
(adding a tag I saw that made me burst laughing) “MAMA MIA LIMBO WE’RE REALLY IN IT NOW”
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