#instagram stolas anon
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chaifootsteps · 14 days ago
This will be the last time that I'll send an ask through here, so I'll make it worthwhile.
Chai, I'm so sorry that DJ is being such a shitstain and gave you a low blow while you're still grieving, fuck that worthless cunt and her soulless apathy. Let me tell you that it's pretty clear that your cats have felt loved and Ofelia's not an exception, she must be in heaven now, resting in peace while enjoying all the tuna up there, and you did whatever you could to properly take care of and love her, Chai, no matter what those shitstains say, you did a good, if not, an excellent job and Ofelia lived a happy, calm life with you on her side. I really, REALLY hate saying this... but I really hope that 4chan finds her sorry ass and doxxes her, because even the people of fucking 4chan have more respect over pets than DJ does, let me repeat, 4. fucking. Chan, one of the most infamous places of the internet for how deranged and unhinged some of its users are, have more respect on others' pets and overall, animal life, than fucking DJ, how low can you get to even beat 4chan on levels of bad?
DJ has already crossed a line that she shouldn't have, and she'll be facing some really heavy backlash because of that, because that's one of those internet rules that aren't spoken about, but almost everyone with common sense have: Don't involve pets, family or close ones to a drama. I really hope that things get better for you, Chai, you seriously have some really thick skin to be tolerating the heartless babbling of a cunt like her and I commend you for it, remember: Never stop being yourself, no matter what, and if people don't like it... well, too bad for them.
- Xoxo, Instagram!Stolas Anon, bidding farewell.
You're a gem, Instagram Stolas Anon. Thank you very, very much for this.
(Although I don't wish doxxing on DJ, even if she's openly wished it on me and attempted it on people who follow me. Nobody doxx anybody else.)
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oceansarepink · 5 months ago
I remember the long wait between ep7 and s2e1 dropping was really weird on the instagrams
at first it felt like they were going to actually address the full moon argument in the show so the instagrams had to spin their wheels
this led to, hilariously, Blitzo living his best life hanging out with M&M and smiling in a way that seems not just genuine but the happiest he'd been in a while. meanwhile Stolas was cancelling full moon meet ups saying he was ill, or he was just 'taking a self-care day'.
looking back on it, it's honestly hilarious Stolas was so broken up that Blitzo put his foot down and told him he hates Stolas treating him like a sex object that he sulked about it for two months straight on the instas. that illustration where he's doing that smile makes him look like he's hanging on by a thread. like you said it's not romantic; it's codependency. he's staking way too much of his emotional wellbeing on Blitzo, that's not romantic. if they just wanted to get across the full moon meetings were suspended for now they could have done it without making Stolas look like he's passed the event horizon for pitying himself for no good reason
anyway it seems like maybe at some point while the legal issues with ep8 rolled on that Viv or someone else told the instagrams that they wouldn't be resolving the full moon conversation for several episodes straight - in fact it wouldn't come up directly at all in Seeing Stars. so they just resolved it in the instagrams, where I guess Blitzo felt like he should be 'earning' his way to earth and shows up to Stolas' balcony with the book in one of the photos and...everything's fine, I guess?
if you wanted to give Stolas the benefit of the doubt it could be assumed he was deciding to break off the deal in those months and not just crying himself to sleep because he discovered his sex slave views the sex as a chore he has to put up with. he obviously came to that conclusion in the show, sad as it is that it took him multiple months of in-universe time to like. just do anything about it.
the show's kind of weird about this, tho? in full moon Blitzo says 'it's been a few months' but doesn't say whether or not that pause started straight after Ozzie's or not. meanwhile the instas just imply they went back to business as usual in the post when Blitzo turned up with the book. and like, it's pretty weird if Stolas came to the conclusion that the deal was wrong but still wrung a few more meetings out of Blitzo anyway, right? like couldn't he commit to the idea the deal is wrong for longer than 5 seconds?
What a goddamn mess. I don’t have much to add since I wasn’t there to see it so I’ll trust your rendition of events anon. Sounds like an awkward poorly written mess. I’m glad Blitzø got a night “off” but sadly the chains of guilt and pity will make sure he never has another one again.
When stolas said “you can just drop the book off and go” that’s probably what happened? And no Viv I’m not giving him a medal for that.
Unless the image you’re describing has a sexual caption which knowing stolas, it does. How sad that blitz has family and friends but stolas only has an empty house just like at the start of Ozzies, yet he’s learned nothing. He enslaved Blitzø because he didn’t think a consensual relationship was possible for someone as undesirable as him (Twitter says otherwise stolas, no worries there!). Yet somehow this makes him sympathetic. But he’s a loner with only people attached to Blitzø to be his friends. Pathetic.
And I think he’s resentful that he lent him the book a few months without getting sex out of it.
What a vile, weird, creepy story of romanticised sexual abuse.
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almacambiondaughterofsaleos · 2 months ago
Hey, Stritzo anon… it was a difficult decision but I removed that male friend from my followers list on Instagram, not just unfollowing him on all social media sites and unliking/unsaving his posts… I mean I’m one of the several hundred followers on his list, it’s not like he’s going to notice the slight drop. I haven’t seen him in a while but these days I doubt that he’d care or pay attention to friends’ DM/PM. I feel like I’m usually the one starting chats rather than the other way around. I can let it slide due to his main focus on his digital art career. I ain’t going to “cancel” him for liking HH/HB, that’s too petty and immature. But I can quietly unfollow him without saying anything to him or anyone else, and he’d most likely forget about me. Besides, his goofy toony art style isn’t my type, I’d always prefer anime/media mix style no matter what.
He really thought that Blitzo was the villain when it’s actually Stolas constantly playing the victim. I recalled that convo from over a year ago of him adamantly defending the series despite the heavy flaws. I should’ve just treated as any other college classmate instead of befriending him… Like I said, good person but sadly brainwashed by Vivziepop’s shit content… Let’s just hope he opens his eyes to the truth one day.
But the female friend who’s more reasonable? We’re still in contact, at least she’s not brainwashed like him. We made a deal not to judge each other’s fictional tastes, even if it’s sus/bad in rl. Or shove it in each others’ faces.
After hearing ppl getting harassed for harmless and actually nice redesigns makes me lose my faith in humanity. Every day we stray further from god…
Maybe I should call up one of my religious relatives to join their Christian or Buddhist lifestyle… if they see how damn tight the HH/HB community has its grip on their cult-like community well… thou said relatives don’t keep up w/ fictional media, even they know most demons/devils are technically bad. Ngl if they caught my much younger self for watching that, they’d be rightfully concerned of media showing all of Hell as “good innocent residents” being killed off and Heaven as the evil control freaks who’d throw a hissy fit over minor imperfections or disobedience.
But there are other situations depicting Hell as bad and Heaven as morally gray portraying themselves as a wholly good, squeaky clean image. Hey, what if Heaven has a cold civil war in regards on how they handle sinners and mortals? But Hell really is a forever prison/jailhouse for the worst. Despite some of those perma-prisoners being sinners, they still have their standards and some of their sanity.
Yep. You just do you.
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trashogram · 9 months ago
Hiya, same anon from earlier here. The Instagrams were deleted, or some of them were, but thankfully there's a bunch of tumblr blogs that have them archived! Once-upon-a-stolas is a great one, because it compares how pre-murder family and post-murder family stolas were written. If you want to see stolas and valentino's rivalry though, you can check out the post I linked. You can tell it's old because some of the people in the thread still like stolas!
Thank you!!! That’s so nice of you!
And I see now, they kinda just had some tiffs online (after Val abuses Vox of course… twice). BUT ALSO I found out where I got the idea of Val and Stolas being involved, potentially from someone who wanted to expand on the instagram stuff — it’s a comic called Cinders by Midiroo on twitter. So it was fan-made. My mistake, apologies!
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floralkittygambler · 1 year ago
Octavia instagram anon: yeah i saw the screenshot made by the stolas account. I was being an idiot, srry
Hello and apologies for being late, I keep a healthy distance from SpindleHorse.
Not an idiot at all. Mistakes happen and that’s ok. They occur to help you grow and learn. Besides, it was a small error. Everyone does it! Though I appreciate it.
You take it easy now, alright?
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a-royal-hoot · 1 year ago
Hello there! You can call me Pyre or Pumpkin or whatever you'd like I'm not picky. My pronouns are also whatever I don't care (if you really need me to pick something just use the ones you use for yourself). I'm 30+ and am fairly easygoing, so here's just a few things off the top of my head. I'll add to this if needed, so please feel free to ask me if you're unsure about anything!
🟣 🔞 First thing I want to get out of the way is that this is an 18+ blog. I'm not comfortable interacting with teenagers especially with the subject matter relating to the show. If I see minors in my followers or notes I will block. 🟣 The second big thing is this will be a blog style RP blog. Meaning that all posts should be read as if Stolas, himself, is the one writing them. Like the old Instagram accounts they used to do. Anything that's out of character will be marked in double parentheses ((like so)), and if it's an entire post, will also be tagged "ooc" as well. Everything else should be assumed to be in character. I will assume any IMs sent to me are also in character, unless marked otherwise (or stated otherwise in your own rules). Face to face RP I prefer to do on Discord (same name as my main blog). I also like to post little action blurbs and copy over transcripts, but those will also be appropriately tagged and marked. 🟣 If you need something tagged DO NOT HESITATE to tell me!! I’m more than happy to tag triggers, though I will also be checking peoples’ rules pages to see if there’s anything I should. If I slip up, feel free to message me, or send an anon, and I won’t even respond if you ask me not to. I don’t want to add more stress in a place people use as a stress outlet. 🟣 That said, I don't tag for fandoms. I've tried it before and it's just wildly uncomfortable for me, like I'm singling someone out and saying "LOOK THIS ONE IS FROM THE BAD PLACE." I tag urls, feel free to blacklist those instead. 🟣 Stolas himself is a single verse muse, but he’s operating on multiverse theory. This makes it easy and fun to interact with multiples of the same muse, but please don’t assume your muse is in the exact same Hell as he is. Talk with me about it first.
Okay that's it! Don't be a dick and we should be good. There is a rules page on this blog, but I haven't updated it (other than to link to this post) so if anything winds up contradicting, this is the one to follow.
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sirdust · 3 years ago
Blitzo posted a pic bb!! He is spending time with MxM
good for him!!! but also the caption + context actually makes this so much worse than i could have imagined help me H
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crimehat · 5 years ago
You are totally right about Stolas: Dude seems to be trapped in a loveless (kinda forced/arranged?) marriage, a social circle that seems to be more about his wife (considering he draws while his wife talks to others he doesn't care to mention in one photo) and his daughter seems to have been the only mentionable interpersonal connection he has had until Blitzo and he clearly does not get along well with the Overlords (Valentino, Vox). Considering his daughter is in her late teens she (1/2)
2/2 is probably starting to more and more want to live her own life even if she does seem to like to hang out with her dad from time to time. So yeah, with that context, he does seem to get quite lonely and a bit desperate for company. And considering he invites Blitzo and his family to the Ring of Wrath (whatever that will be) in the sneak peak, I think that he actually does want more from Blitzo than just sex. Also, he looks so sad after no call from Blitzo in two days.
Hi, anon! 
Let me start by saying that I think you’re 100% right about Stolas’ marriage. I’ve gotten the vibe for a while now it was political and arranged, and instead of growing together he and his wife have just seemed to grow apart. Their marriage is very loveless, and I feel like Stolas’ instagram showcases this very well. He seems bored and trapped by it. And I think the main reason Stolas hasn’t officially sought to end it is for Via’s sake. (This picture from Blitzo’s instagram says it all, really. Via is his only motivation to make the marriage work.)
Like you said, though, Via is in her late teens, and as much as they obviously love each other, she’s going to want to break away and start figuring herself out and living her own life. And of course that’s not going to be any sort of a personal jab at Stolas, it’s just part of growing up. But I can imagine that when one of his only sources of happiness starts to really pull away, it’s going to hurt. 
Going from just the instagram alone, I really believe Stolas genuinely cares about Blitzo and definitely wants more from him than just sex. If it was strictly a sexual relationship, I doubt he’d be pining over him the way that he does. (Granted, with the way things have been set up on the IG accounts, I’m starting to think Stolas has more reason to worry than pine, but we’ll see how it goes!)
But, anyway. Yes. This all boils down to: Stolas is very lonely, and very, very much in love with Blitzo and it breaks my heart that they’re stuck in the rut that they’re in. 
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scooterpengie · 4 years ago
Do you know Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss? If so, what is your favourite moments? ~X-Over Anon
Yes, I watch both!
I was originally more interested in Hazbin Hotel but because of the Instagram accounts, now I'm super invested in Helluva Boss (plus I love Stolas 😅) My favourite moments have definitely been in Loo Loo Land, it's my favourite episode so far! I love Octavia 💖
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chaifootsteps · 30 days ago
Hey, Chai, just coming along here to tell you that I'm so proud you're able to stand your ground against DJ Blitz and her creepy shenanigans.
I do not know what's wrong with that woman, but anyways, I wish the best for you and remember that you're a good person, despite everything, with unique tastes and everything else that makes immature people whine.
Also, early happy Valentine's Day! Did you know that Valentine's Day isn't solely romantic love, but can also be family love, friendly / platonic love and so much more?
— Instagram!Stolas Anon
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AHHH, Instagram!Stolas Anon! Thank you so much! All the best things for you too! <3
Valentine's Day can very much be about platonic/friendly/familial love! Though honestly, the funniest thing about this latest DJ crashout is her insistence that no, it's not a Christmas present that came in the mail late, it's a Valentine's Day present! She said so! I could say I had pork chops for dinner and she'd probably try to argue with me about that too.
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chaifootsteps · 5 months ago
The most pathetic thing I can take away from all this is that a lot of these idiots and assholes are actually in their fucking 20s, up to their 30s, but they act like teenagers.
I don't know if I should be ashamed of growing up or we fucked up big time in the evolution to allow such dunces to exist alongside us.
— Instagram!Stolas Anon
It's pretty fucked up. But then again, their precious idol never learned to grow up and behave like an actual adult...why should they?
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chaifootsteps · 2 months ago
Chai, what do you think of the proship label and all that pizzazz? I've seen people still calling you like that and an enjoyer of bestiality, because of the Toothcup ship.
I mean, idgaf myself about those labels because they're clearly labels that'll bring problems later on, but I wanted to ask you either way, out of curiosity.
— Instagram!Stolas Anon
I don't call myself proship anymore because people were claiming it means eight million different things and I had better things to do than try to keep up with all of them. My stance is that people should be allowed to like and create things regardless of whether I like them or even approve of them. It's none of my business.
(I actually don't ship Toothcup as hard as I ship my HTTYD ocs, but they're also a human and a talking dragon so I guess we're right back where we started.)
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chaifootsteps · 2 months ago
Hey Chai, I know that AI stuff is kinda iffy over here, but I just cannot help but share this video that I find hilarious for no other reason than the lyrics being incomprehensible lmao
Here is it: https://youtu.be/URtqADoz9uA
— Instagram!Stolas Anon
I'll admit it, I laughed. It just sounds like drunken slurring.
Also, the comment section is gold.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months ago
just seen the newest thing about Viv's standom doxxing someone, and let me just say, that this, coupled with the fact that they still have Shay's blood on their hands makes them look even worse and completely irredeemable at this point.
And of course, Viv won't do anything because she festers in the toxicity and actual danger her fandom brings to online users.
— Instagram!Stolas Anon, disgusted.
Never forget that they responded by asking to see Shay's body, and then mass reporting the tweet about it.
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chaifootsteps · 5 months ago
man, seeing that horrible frame from Look My Way makes me wanna see Blitz cutting the string of "fate", just so he can ditch that delusional owl for once and for all.
— Instagram!Stolas Anon
He cuts the string, Stolas drowns in three inches of water, Blitz spins off in his weird little fetal orb or whatever that is and gets a race car.
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chaifootsteps · 4 months ago
Did I just foretell the future or jinx it by my ask some hours ago?
Either way, Hazbin leaks, let's go.
I hope the leaker also leaks Helluva as well, pretty please.
— Instagram!Stolas Anon
Please, mystery leaker, leak all this swill so we can put it in the past.
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