used to critic vivzie before I stopped caring
1K posts
old critique shit
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
floralkittygambler · 1 year ago
My new blog
I’m more active on my new blog where I do occasionally mention my criticism on spindle but focus on interests and just do my thing. @persephoneofdecay also horror simping. Don’t do much here now. Cba with the toxicity of whatever Viv touches. It needs massive updates but I’m currently semi active and simping horror and other crap if you’re interested. Just thought I’d give the heads up.
I’ve mellowed out.
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floralkittygambler · 1 year ago
I'm getting out of Hazbin Critical, there's an underage kid here lying about their age and that's such a red flag for me I'm not even gonna respond to them. At 12/13, they shouldn't be here interacting with adults or this show. It is literally beyond their age level. If the Hazbin Critical community cannot regulate safety here and ban minors, we risk hurting so many people, including our own. I'm done. Lying about ones age should be an automatic ban and expulsion. End of story.
I recommend doing what is in your best interest health wise. Anything tied to Viv oozes toxicity - on all sides. She’s vile, but so are many of the staff, the fans, and the not fans. I’ll remain anti but focused on what benefits me whilst maintaining a healthy professional boundary. Focus on your own well being first, you’re no good to yourself or others if you’re not existing, ok? Take care. Put yourself first. Prioritise healthy practices and I wish the best for you. This is the first step.
Rooting for you!
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floralkittygambler · 1 year ago
(prev. anon here again) They’ve actually retweeted her art twice. Once by Vivziepop herself when the show was picked up by A24, and now with the Official Helluva account. And no problem, just thought I would let you know.
Apologies this is late and posting this to avoid misinformation.
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floralkittygambler · 1 year ago
Octavia instagram anon: yeah i saw the screenshot made by the stolas account. I was being an idiot, srry
Hello and apologies for being late, I keep a healthy distance from SpindleHorse.
Not an idiot at all. Mistakes happen and that’s ok. They occur to help you grow and learn. Besides, it was a small error. Everyone does it! Though I appreciate it.
You take it easy now, alright?
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floralkittygambler · 1 year ago
How does it feel to be wrong on how huskerdust is “toxic” now that the show is out 😂😂😂
Hi Anon! Firstly, I’ve decided to move away from Viv and her toxic fandom so apologies if this response is late. I must say it is interesting that you’ve lurked so long to do this, and anonymously too.
Angel sexually harasses Husk. Husk sung a song that compares his situation (involving no SA from Alastor) to Angels and calls him a loser and whiny bitch. That’s pretty invalidating to one’s experiences as well as making it all about himself because he’s miserable and unable to deal with it healthily outside of alcohol.
Before you tell me that I’m “misunderstanding” the lyrics like a great deal of rabid fans, let’s just say personal experience gives me great insight to how nasty this comes across. Not to mention no actual build up for the relationship, the points I made about Pilot and IG, etc etc.
I don’t know if you’re one of HunterGirl’s little groupies, if you are, don’t you find it unprofessional that staff allow such toxicity within their fans? Rhetorical. Regardless, it is toxic. It’s poorly written. And that extends to the entirety of Hazbin, Helluva, and Spindle itself plus its community.
So briefly, I was never wrong about the toxicity. If you feel differently, that’s your opinion. But to lurk until this moment to strike, anonymously, is intriguing. Especially since this blog is hardly used.
Regardless, you’re fully entitled to your opinions and feelings, as am I. You’re free to enjoy the show, and hopefully you are enjoying the show. I hope it lives up to your expectations. I hope you have fun. And I do encourage healthier behaviours. We’re polarised. Why should you care about what I have to say - even with personal experiences - if you disagree and wish to indulge? Enjoy yourself and your life. Continue to hold your opinion. I won’t change your mind and you won’t change mine. Maybe this is to “rub it in” but I don’t take it as such. I do recommend a better focus. One that is healthier to you. I’ve drowned in enough of the vitriol Viv and her influence rot. It serves my health no good and she’ll reap as we all do. I suggest you do the same. If you enjoy it, and don’t find it toxic, then relish as long as you don’t behave like a prick. To me, it’s toxic, so I embrace healthier habits. I live my life.
I know this is a massive tangent, but what I’m trying to get across - outside of the question itself - is better influence. The least I can do is present to you good self care. If you enjoy it, enjoy it and stick with those who do. For myself and others who’ve been through trauma, that episode was extremely distasteful (though some felt seen and I will not take from that). So… I simply keep a healthy distance from her shit now. I’ve seen the fandom be the most vile, subtly enticed by the staff. The least I can do is encourage better habits to counter how despicable people have been encouraged to act.
TLDR; I disagree, agree to disagree, please don’t pick up toxicity from the fandom. None of this is sarcasm.
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floralkittygambler · 1 year ago
There is also the Irish gypsy community - in which they do not mind being called such, to note.
even if you like the word "g*psy* it's still a slur??? don't use it unless you're Romani and reclaiming it
I am.
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floralkittygambler · 1 year ago
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Dream girl ♪
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floralkittygambler · 2 years ago
Is it just me or are these episodes getting increasingly hard on the eyes? Episode 5 had so much red and orange, but then everything moved so fast that I legitimately had to go back and rewatch clips just to let my eyes catch up.
Apologies im late
Many hold the same complaint as yourself. The worlds seem very inconsistent - more akin to different dimensions and planets as opposed to a variety of rings of hell.
HB/HH feels like content farms for children; extremely hyper, overstimulating, limited focus, bad humour, etc that is specifically aimed at younger audiences, with poor attention spans and an easy means of quick money. Not to backhand them either but that's how it comes off. There's no flow. So much overstimulation. This tactic on children in CFs has been proven to negatively affect attention spans and mental health (going from overstimulation to understimulation on a daily rapid).
I recommend also good eye care, they're important and thus important to look after.
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floralkittygambler · 2 years ago
speaking of maturity i also really HATE charlastor cuz alastor is 40 and charlie is 20 so its kinda noncey and shes kinda naive while he can take advantage of her
Sorry for delay
I'll be honest with you, sweet, it's wise to be careful what you call noncey - moreso publically. And if I called it noncey (cant remember sorry) then Im wrong for that. Grooming and predatory would be more appropriate terms. Due to how heavy an accusation like that can be, even in fiction, you have to be careful as it can case wildfires and possible harm (such as a false accusation towards a staff member, for example). Since its fiction, it's less serious unless it results in false accusations on staff. Anything proven true disregards that last statement.
Otherwise I do agree. There is a concerning imbalance that can result in sickening manipulation. Its also clear thats his goal.
Through the grapevine, Ive heard Charlastor is something Viv hates and wants nothing of (incl Als death) yet still plays on it as fans enjoy it, hence subtle charlastor merch. Take this with a pinch of salt, mind.
That being said, I hope your opinions get respected.
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floralkittygambler · 2 years ago
Spindlehorse is probably bleeding money, holy shit. Did they have to go ahead and get one of the guys from The Walking Dead as well? Exclamations aside, season 2 is not gonna be happening for a while if they keep budgeting like this.
sorry its late
You were pretty much correct. Especially as Striker has a new VA and S2 has had even more release delays. As much as I can genuinely admire the grand ambition, they have absolutely no realism in handling it nor the foresight to achieve stuff efficiently. Its a joke of a business and a start up precautionary tale.
They couldve greatly pioneered indie productions. And they've failed at many corners. Tragic really.
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floralkittygambler · 2 years ago
What da hell happened to husk eyebrows on the Plushie I can't BREATHE-💀
Apologies for lateness, moving on.
It's... Ok, benefit of the doubt, it's not an easy thing to implement on a plush. I'll give them that. On the flipside it's... It's very low quality mass produced - in an ironic way that the production is rather slow. I found the brows the most well done part.
Im not a skilled plushie maker in the slightest, but I recommend viewing their work processes - esp on difficult to implement designs - to see how one would handle this sort of problem in a way that makes it appealing and true to origin. It's sweet that it's brought you amusement. Love the goofiest looks on something.
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floralkittygambler · 2 years ago
Hey I'm just wondering if you have any tips about making a title like a show, book, comic mostly cause I plan on making my own Pilot some day but I just don't know what to call it. 🤷🏽‍♂️
Hey Sug, Sorry Im late. Moving on.
I'm one of the worst you could ask for titles/naming. For me, I tend to play on alliteration (ex, Super Sonic Spiders), music (such as lyrics, song names, etc), themes (such as cats for animals, water for elements, that trend). There's specialised writing blogs that may be more beneficial as well as naming generators.
Keep the title in line with what your story is about. If it's about idk turkeys for example, you dont want it to be "Dogs Life". Maybe the core theme behind it "Sorrows of the Heart" for a tragic plot, or a play on words (such as the game 'Can Your Pet'. You care for a chick which makes people believe it's an incomplete question... Ending in the pet literally being canned for food.) - without being too on the nose.
@mauesartetc is someone I recommend for shit like this as she's very well versed in this sort of process.
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floralkittygambler · 2 years ago
Coming and Going - Some More Vivzie Shit
Before you start, this is an extremely LONG read covering this account, my views of Viv, my content and my relationships within this Godforsaken fandom. This is my most up to date thoughts in 2023 on everything. This is something I feel necessary for me to do.
Contents (in no particular order):
Current Situation
Relationships in the fandom
Why I started this Blog
Thoughts on Viv/co and how they've changed since m previous posts
the fans
future thoughts and moving on
If any of this interests you, read ahead. Titles will be provided for easier following.
Why I started this blog
Originally this was a blog like any other; art, reblogs n shit. As I grew more into a Viv fan, I started posting fanart and follow blogs on her work. The more I learned the more I hated, and thus I began to become a critic. I was pissed off at viv wasting her potential, and eventually I became just as toxic and shitty as both her hardcore haters and majority of her fans. Some takes were good, some bad, either way I got too involved, too absorbed and let it consume me. Stupidly getting into conflicts, stuff like that. And I became a hardcore hater. I vocalised it. My initial aims long lost. Then I disappeared.
Vivzie, co, all that
I went from adoration to disgust of this lot. Now though, whilst I deeply dislike Viv and her crew, deeply dislike majority of the fans, I just feel... Gross. Hollow. Exhausted. I have a lot to say on Viv and my previous takes but truthfully I am too lazy and too tired and ultimately have better shit to do than go through every little thing right *now*. But I do want to at least cover a few here to do some justice, I guess.
So to skim through a few. Lets go.
Viv tracing. Honestly, tracing is a useful skill but it's bad when you trace another's work, don't credit and claim it as your own. This includes modified tracing (starting with a trace then stylising over it to make it more your style). Having nazi, nonce, etc characters I think people take extreme. These sorts make excellent "love to hate them" villains. Owning such characters isn't a crime. It's how theyre portrayed and the purpose. The nuance - something to constantly keep in mind. Her romanticism sausage party art is yikes. With her age, maturity, humour, I believe she saw this as some kind of fucked up humour, having enough awareness to understand the taboo to hide this stuff yet I do feel this was a stupid kid doing stupid edgy shit. Does that make it right? No. But I definitely dont think Viv is some nonce or nazi supporter. Later finding out how this profile was discovered makes me equally question morality on all sides. Vivs beastiality nonce artwork with the snake tub, Ive seen private dms to solidify that viv admitted to both owning this piece and that it was supposed to be a joke. Once again, I genuinely dont think shes a nonce BUT she needs to realise that if that character was below 18, she has drawn child prawn (censorship whooo) as well as distributed it via sharing online. That's still something really serious and gross. I get her humour is immature and dark, but theres lines you dont cross. And I dont find that art funny in any ways, it genuinely looks like a perverts wank bank rather than funny. Idk if the lad was one of them shapeshifting animals either but being in a human form in this instance does make the portrayal a beastiality one, due to human presenting. That's not cool. As much as I loathe those who would abuse kids or animals, I dont think this is Viv necessarily. Though I believe in this sense, Viv needs to understand and work with her cats more. She's done a lot of wrong shit but false accusations derail from solid proven issues that need addressing. At the least, Im glad the animal pervs and nonce stuff is gone. Heartbreaking that shit is so often heard of. This is the sort of thing Id laugh at as a kid but now Im grown and look after little ones, it fills me with nothing but sickening horror. Whilst vile vile vile, I havent seen anything concrete to prove or imply Viv supporting/participating in such depravity. And I fucking pray it stays that way.
You have apologised in the past. But the way you did so, the way you spoke about it afterwards and the way you are now proves it was insincere. Something to shut 'haters' up.
Viv, with all your shit, neurodiversity and late maturity, you're still yet to change for the better. The people you hang with are some of the most vile, toxic, narcissistic and shitty people. Yes men. You hire fans who'll do anything to please you, which can open the path to abuse (note: CAN, not a definitive, though in this case...). You equally are still a shitty person still. You're coming apart at the seams. Critique and hate aren't the same, and unfortunately you'll need adaptability and tough skin in this world as people can be very cruel. You lie. You twist like a constrictor. Charm the more susceptible. A very well known kissarse of yours on twitter who was quite the bully was followed by yourself, liked tweets then hired. They arent the only one either. Whilst you cannot be responsible for every single fans every single action, their are responsibilities you hold. Dont like tweets that encourage hate, dont reward negative behaviours, check your own public actions and how they may influence (act like a prick and those who admire you will mimic). Behind the scenes, treat people right. Dont play favourites. Always have integrity. Learn to incorporate critiques as well as filter out legitimate hate. I know it's not easy, but it's necessary to survive.
Viv, I can wholeheartedly empathise with receiving harsh hate early on in life and online. I know how that can taint and stunt the mind. But the thing is, you have to eventually break from that. BE responsible. Grow. Ive been toxic before. That's partially why I fixate on some of this. Equally Im angry. You ARE a VERY talented artist with potential. A shitty writer, do work on that (as well as diverse stories to tell - gain those experiences or listen to those who've been there - esp as you're doing this as a living) but when you're passionate about a piece, you're talented. And when you're not, you do what we all do and dole shite out (btw people thought I was bullying Viv when I said her P5 Alastor piece was bad in comparison to her other works. The proportions were awful, you could tell she just wanted it out the way. A startling lack of soul.) From what I've seen, you crave approval and admiration to compensate from the past cruelty. I can empathise. But that shit isnt healthy. And you block yourself from growth. You cultivate a tainted crop. You poison yourself. You sacrifice integrity and the gruelling work of improvement for the instant gratification of worship from fans by bending to their desires and your own at the cost of quality. What couldve been groundbreaking storytelling and visuals is nothing more than a glorified low-level fanfic. Wasted potential. Something I cant stand. I have been harsh as that same method helped me. In doing so, I disregarded your own humanity. I wish I conducted myself better and though I never encouraged abuse, I'm sorry that my words may have contributed to this shit cycle.
Your staff and many of your fans have... Concerning attributes, such as the fetishing of toxic relationships, blurred boundaries, disregard of boundaries, etc. The stark numbers of such unpleasant people flocking you is extremely worrying.
I do deeply dislike you. I do feel you have ultimately caused your own shit - been there - but I do pity you as well. I wish you'd go the effort to be you. To be less try hard. To allow growth and change, diversity, stop petting hatred. Get a better crowd, esp one willing to actually help you to be better by pointing shit out. To stop mass abusing others. I do dislike you greatly. I wish you would do better but all you've been doing is doubling down on shit. I feel Icarus needs to fly closer to the Sun for change to happen. It feels like the only way you may actually ground yourself and smell the roses. I just wish folk could be better as a whole. Sick of shit like this. Whilst no one is perfect, there's still standards to uphold. Growth to be had. Breach stereotypes and fetishes that dehumanise, work on yourself and your relationships with others. Careful on your humour and learn how to execute humour properly. Glad you're not doing beastiality art though. You cant please everyone and shouldnt have to in order to be admired and popular. Just be better. Also hating kids isnt a personality. I get not everyone cares about them but dont take shit too far. They can be gross and annoying but in the end they're just... Children. Theyre learning and growing. You can only hope they bloom into decent people. Admittedly a kid tripping is pretty funny but there's a limit. If you want to portray a creep, don't do anything that endorses their behaviours. Theyre vile, remember. No kid deserves that. Work on financing too. Medicating via shopping is a dangerous road. Dont bend to social pressures (such as getting wasted because friends do if you dont want to). Vet your staff. Better ethics.
And the fans are just... A minority are lovely. I had a HuskerDust fan be respectful of our differences and hope the best for them. But the majority I've encountered or witnessed have been off their fucking heads. Often encouraged by Viv or staff. The staff and fans are now claiming that critics are homophobic racists falsely (which implies certain races, sexualities, identities, etc are absolved of criticism - which is both favouritism and it's own form of bigotry. Hell, it's spitting on the real victims of such crimes over mediocre cartoons and digital lunacy). These same people then insult people for... being cis and straight. Firstly, that's also bigotry and a dick move on identity and invalidation, it's also false in some cases (proving folks just spew shit), it demands special treatment for identities when we're all equal and deserve to be treated with equity, it's also just... Weak. Bigots can fuck off BUT many critiques have been about inconsistency in plots, writing and design issues, etc. Nothing pertaining identity.
Fans have been hypocritical like their idol. We're all hypocritical to an extent. But the madness... Ok, Blitzo uses retard (note: neurodivergant and have right to say that word, even then it also means delay "fire retardant" as well as where I live it's not nearly as bad as another term used yet is still fine in the US.) I think this isn't an issue as it can show things or speech patterns of the character. Then fans have falsely accused critics of ableism who either havent used the word, quoting this or even have right to say it yet coddle this fictional character. This was referenced in a recent episode with Blitzo about to call another character (rumours are this nurse is autistic but I do NOT have full confirmation. Pinch of salt!) retard before retracting it as it being unacceptable to say. Blitzo really wouldnt give a shit. Likewise I feel this is one of those permanant grey areas in fiction; is it? Isnt it? in terms of using terms. Of Mice and Men used slurs against black folk, that was to reflect that time and the character's mentalities. Not an author's mirror. Likewise, it wasn't used as humour either. Coming from ONE ND, I couldn't care. I feel this is hyperfocused on over more glaring issues, as well as a benefit of the doubt (being character mindset and possibly not author projection). Feel free to have your own opinions, and I only speak for myself there. I can empathise with those who may feel more sensitive to the word (which is why Im more careful in it's use) but as someone who is also technically affected, I just... Personally dont feel too bothered. Likewise, I'm learning to hold more human compassion and flexibility to error and human flaws rather than perfect standards (again, this wont justify or absolve. And more serious things like an assault doesnt apply. It's daft this needs clarifying, it should be the bare minimal). Not everyone will agree on everything, but there's just some lines that should be a standard. I think the staff and fans overall conduct themselves immaturely, cruelly, and cause harm.
I regret in engaging in some arguments. Not worth it. I think I shouldve been more compassionate to difference yet equally not been so volatile with harassment. HunterGirl's HD discord hate on me is... Something I shouldn't have fed. Hate me, that's fine. But the fact someone so close to Viv allowed the harassment is disappointing and shitty. Bitch behind the scenes but dont go out at people. Likewise behind the scenes talk, dont threaten folk either *Viv* (at one of your ex-staff). Call someone the biggest wanker you know but there are limits you dont cross. As with Viv and co, I once hoped for improvement but I just lack faith in that now and I'd just rather stay away from it all. Too much toxicity I've allowed myself to bathe in and hatred and venom only burns. Only burns more of the same product. It's not worth it. Don't even have the skills or assets to do any good from this either. If I can't help, itd be best to support those who can help whilst staying away from the vitriol. Stick to the facts and my own integrity. It's tiring to be involved in all... this. Again, I can only speak on myself hence why I'm only saying me shit. Any vents can be done to friends but otherwise none of this has resulted in any good. And I contributed to cruelty as well. It aint right.
Bit more personal and past. Ive made many nice friends. Friends Im still friends with now, and I thank them. With certain issues arising, theyve been the anchors to ground and account me. Real friends. Friends that deserve to be shown more how appreciated they really are. Thank you. They have guided me into better awareness and accountability. We have our own little group now for art, gaming and hopefully any other group activities. Friend stuff. We'll rant, we'll vent, but we're actually doing friend shit now. Ive hyperfixated enough on negatives. Dragged others into an abyss with me. Its not fair for them.
There is a friend here, I think they dont see my stuff anymore idk. I was warned about them. Through all Ive seen and my experiences, I wish you to get help. Get off tumblr. Get off twitter. Both can be extremely toxic as well as cultivate toxicity. Be accountable. Get help. And focus on you. I still worry for you, though I am disgusted on some of your actions. Treat the living with respect. Learn that people will try to bait you. Let go of paranoia (not easy), confront your past and grow. And please... Dont lie. Dont lie about events that occur as you're creating your own misery. Learn to step back and not be so forceful and preachy. Been there, it's not a good place. Experience a diverse crowd on a human level. And please spend some time away from the internet. People really can be pricks sometimes. Even ourselves. You're also pretty hair trigger and tempered. A bit like me sometimes LOL. Learn to balance that. Trust me.
To mates on here who Ive only spoken to here, if you'd still like to be mates, I can link you our group if you're up for group art and gaming or activities, or to another social media account to chat.
To unanswered asks, I'll try but not promise to address them. Those which ended up deleted, I can only remember the one question sorry. And the answer is Sitri. Sitri would be a good HB replacement for Stolas, he's quite the love/lust expert and a focus on men. Fun chap! I had more for this answer but again, cant be arsed with this shit anymore. Sorry.
I joined a spindle critique group. What I learned is the union from bitterness isnt solid grounds for friendship. I wont go into details as it's a private and resolved matter. I shared the full log to current friends to have a neutral and raw take. These are friends I can trust will yank my chain if Im in the wrong. And they did. They spoke of the wrongs on both sides. These are folks who are guiding me to better. Folks I have trusted with the full log, full transparency. I appreciate you both and take your words into stride daily. To old friends, I would rather friends make their own choices. I never hated you, but was hurt on this other side of you. Likewise Im sorry to make you feel that way. Im sorry to have trauma dumped (recently discovered this term, and using it to manage myself better.) There was only one individual that I was given uneasy vibes on and made that clear from the start. I tried with them. For awhile, I even started to see them as a genuine friend. In the end, we were too clashing. We didn't mesh well. My initial feeling on the situation ultimately felt true. But when I open up about home issues and emotions, I dont want them weaponised. Especially as Ive been doing some irl work to find many holes in my perspective as well as others hard work in being involved with me. Things are different now. Never felt it needed in convo, I was too fixed on my own hurt. Home was self preservation at those times. I regret opening up over some personal issues. None of this absolves me of poorly handling situations and anger issues. Near the end, I felt more wary to be more open on certain things. But I shouldve been a better friend. I never liked how catty things got. Trolled. We all just became knobs in one way or another.
My ask to remove my triggers was me hoping to do good for you. Remove a trigger that would inevitably end up being a large part of the group sooner or later, maybe this summer. Especially as I 'lacked empathy'. I thought I was doing good. I never lied about it, and feel bitter that was twisted. If I explained something, I was wrong. Kept it brief, I was bitchy. I was willing to endure a trigger if it made things easier in the group, and the situation was more than a stupid ship. Ive had triggers Ive adapted to handle better now. And public, you are not entitled to my medical history however we're in an age where youre both valid and entitled to privacy yet must breach privacy to have a voice. I have an ED. A certain word wasn't even allowed in my presence without panic and flashbacks. I was a little girl then. And I managed to slowly ease the trigger word via gradual exposure - a replacement word, spelling the word, and eventually hearing the word. It - and what it has done to me - will always scar me. But I learned to handle it better in my own time. I dont need lecturing on how triggers work. Especially when each case is unique, each 'cure' is personalised. If you want to believe Im full of shit then... Do that. Im sorry for being a shitty friend at times and Im working on that, but outside opinions (note: these are done in private spaces so all parties are anon) have noted flaw on your end too. We all fucked up. The two things below the belt were the trigger claims (hence my example of my own experiences with another trigger) and my private issues shared in confidant are the two things I remain disgusted by. That doesnt justify my frustrations, dumping or behaviour. And my example is not a pity ploy either. We're separate now, and it's best that way.
Overall, being here, in this community and fandom, has done nothing but shit. Fuelled the worst in me and others (from what ive seen in public fandom spaces). I may do art and other creative endevours on spindle, but otherwise good riddance. Even if the purge is painful.
Another friend. Im in their group too. One to improve some creative skills. Appreciate being let in there, though I'll probably mainly lurk for tips. Thank you for allowing me to do so. Wording is honestly growing harder for me each day. It's helping me start the path of better expression.
Current and future
I word shit less. Not here, as this is long overdue. But trying to sum up more efficiently. Spending more time irl to improve myself and my life. Welcoming friends who we both can hold each other accountable and support. Focusing more on stuff to improve as well as enjoy. The world is so dismal. So I spend time doing other stuff. Im already mopey enough. Sorting things to refine and focus on enjoyments. Gaining skills to help others. Experienced some personal griefs/losses. And Im learning that people arent entitled to everything. Not quite there yet but Im learning. Im often in deep pain, so cant always do what I want to get done in a day.
Most likely, I will discontinue this. Besides others have been doing a brilliant job. Dont absorb yourself. You can control much of what you get exposed to, so what you can control, make it good! Have integrity, work on yourselves. Try not to be a dickhead but acknowledge where you are a dickhead and work on that. Balance is key to a healthy mind, take the good with the not so good. Take the time to simply sit outside and observe. Appreciate life. Similarities and differences. Nothing is perfect. No one is perfect. But have your standards. Learn. Grow.
Im in a lot of pain and have shit to do. Take care. I feel Viv, co, fans will only learn with drastics, haters need to learn empathy (haters as in stalker level folk), old friends Im sorry to hurt and equally feel hurt by. Best we've gone separate ways and moving on. Current friends I appreciate. That one person, please... PLEASE get help. Youre young, man- This shit is going to poison your very core. Make you into something shitty and cruel. And please treat animals with care. Me, still a twat but trying. Embrace truth, compassion and fairness with a firm angle. Or just avoid nasty shit.
Well, cya. Stay well. We're not going to be here forever.
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floralkittygambler · 3 years ago
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x x x - x x - x x x
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floralkittygambler · 3 years ago
You could put a jam (or jelly to the US) sarnie/sandwich under a cardboard box, a ruler and a piece of string, and I'd still take the bait lol
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I don’t regret a damn thing
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floralkittygambler · 3 years ago
Reminder that his parents cover rent and he makes sandwiches on tap. Sandwich supremacy. Masks are cool.
Also as a Brit that lives in cardis (cardigans), you get free clothes.
Highly recommend on Air Bnb! Though he definitely prefers a shared space with pretty younger women, like a neckbeard LOL
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James Russell as Brahms Heelshire in The Boy (2016) dir. William Brent Bell
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floralkittygambler · 3 years ago
@salamangoes the fact I see this on your page-
everymanHYBRID co-creator Jeff Koval yelling “unf daddy”
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