#inside out rambles
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sheeperzzz · 8 months ago
Incoming ramble about how much I want an Inside Out show! I love Inside Out sm :( (Also, it's been a long time since I've watched Inside Out 1, so I MIGHT get a few facts wrong about that)
Starting off strong, an Inside Out show could talk about serious mental health topics. Like- the movies already did! In the first movie, they showed Riley running away because she was insanely homesick and hated the changes. In the second, they introduced Anxiety and how showed how anxiety can affect you. If they made a show, they could bring awareness to other mental health topics (Ex: PPD, IED, MDD, so on so forth). They could also show how differently HQ and emotions work in people with Autism, ADHD and the like! (The way I imagine the headspaces is very different than what we see for Riley or the other people in Inside Out. The HQs are built very different, and it's very "messy" overall. The Mind is even more scattered, very different than say Riley's or her parents. Idk, I just think it would be a neat concept!)
Another thing they could show us is where the other Emotions come from! Because we saw Nostalgia constantly appearing through a door to say something silly, and we know the other Emotions had to come from somewhere. (Personally, I like to think there's this place called Conscious City that comes from far below the pool of Riley's sense of Self.) And maybe it could explain why the Core Emotions basically spawned out of nowhere (we see this with Joy in the first movie), while the newer emotions "moved in" (see Anxiety in the second). And! They could explain why there are more specific emotions, since anxiety and embarrassment usually stem from fear in some way or another.
I just think it would be neat to see what the Emotions could get up to! I'd love to see a day off or something, where Riley is asleep (actual sleep, put in for surgery, whatever) or the Emotions aren't needed for some reason, where they all just go out and do their own thing together. Like- outside of HQ. Going with the idea of Conscious City, I'd kill to see them all just going into town and hanging out! They spend most of their time in HQ, so seeing the City would be a huge break for them. They all just hang out in the city, goof around, learn about the emotions that have yet to join HQ, blah blah blah. I've also thought up about three episodes I'd find silly :3 1) An episode focused around Fear, where he's terrified of everything because he thinks everyone's out to get him. They're all being avoidant, secretive, and whispering behind his back. By the end of the episode, he's convinced they're about to pounce- but surprise! Joy had planned a surprise birthday party for him! 2) An episode where it's just dress up. They all go into the city and play around with outfits and whatnot :) 3) A more horror-based episode; The Emotions decide to go out for the day. Joy gets a little rambunctious and explorative, and they all end up in a bog-like area. They go missing one by one. Something is taking them. In the end, they all get out and escape, but they never quite see what was attacking them. (I will admit, the way I imagined this is kind of based off Fonz Pond by ICP LMAO)
But overall, idk, I just think an Inside Out show would be real fun. Just a lot of silly things, while also tackling more heavy topics. I might make a few comics for myself about it. Maybe
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teamcurtflake · 8 months ago
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chronicowboy · 5 months ago
eddie talking to that dad was really just eddie talking into an endless hall of funhouse mirrors and i can't handle it. he was talking to the dad on behalf of his son and he was talking to his dad on behalf of his younger self and he was talking to himself as a dad and he was talking to christopher two states away and he was talking to another little boy in el paso from fifteen years ago. and through it all he's saying: be you, be brave, it'll be okay, i love you.
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roniikue · 8 months ago
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more concept art of shame + joy doing... something?
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happi-dreams · 9 months ago
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whole bunch of inside out doodles cause hoo boy has it been festering in my brain
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somequeeralien · 29 days ago
This post is mostly techum, but applies to any other type of objectum attraction! Don't exclude yourself, you're an important part of the community💙
There is no one way to be objectum, like there's no one way to be queer, disabled or person in general. It's absolutely ok to have preferences, it's absolutely ok to question yourself, try other labels or don't use them at all, as well as it's absolutely ok to not fall under special criteria entirely! You know yourself best, don't let others choose for you.
Being weird is ok, we're all weird here, nothing awful about it. Your love and happiness here doesn't harm others. Life is way too short to hide yourself and pretend to be "normal" just to be accepted by people who don't deserve to be near you in a first place. Think about it, if they hate you for something so harmless, just because you're not like them, how much time will pass before they do you wrong either way?
Humans are meant to be different, to explore the whole spectrum of experiences, don't say no to yours. And, please, don't do the same for others. It's absolutely ok to not agree with others or have preferences, as I mentioned, but we won't go far with hate and blaming each other.
There's always people who'll love you and be with you as long as you need, it's going to be ok, don't forget to drink water and have some time for yourself💙
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⬆️ my professional opinion
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shiraishi--kanade · 5 months ago
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foldingfittedsheets · 1 year ago
My mom has this awful friend, Cynthia. My loathing goes deep enough that I’m not even going to change her name. If she ever finds this she knows what she did.
On multiple occasions my mom asked this horrible irresponsible chicken brained woman to watch after our animals while we were away. I don’t know why once wasn’t enough, because the first failure was so spectacular that anyone in their right mind would know she couldn’t be trusted with any level of responsibility or direction following.
You might be thinking to yourself, FFS, this level of antipathy is surely unwarranted! But you’d be wrong.
To set the scene, we were living in downstairs of our house when I was about fifteen. My mom has always wanted more animals than can reasonably be kept indoors which is how we ended up with three cats. When she wanted to kick them all outside I protested, and so all three cats lived in my bedroom with no access to the rest of the house.
That really wasn’t great, so in an attempt to give them options we made a window cutout with a cat door in it to give them access to the outdoors. Looking back on this as an environmentally conscious adult it’s wretched, cats should be indoor only, but at the time I was desperate to give them some freedom because one bedroom is too small for three cats.
So my parents and I went on a week long trip to visit family out of state. We told Cynthia to come feed and water the cats, and to scoop the litter box. Most importantly, don’t lock the handle of the door, because we only have the key to the deadbolt.
I’m sure you can see where this is going.
Cynthia locked us out. We arrived home after 12 hours on the road, desperate for the comfort of our own beds. We were met with an unyielding door. With a sigh I volunteered, “I can punch in the cat door and climb in the window.”
I slipped behind the bamboo outside my window and pushed in the cutout. A horrible insidious reek wafted out at me. I paused, prickling with foreboding. But I had a job to do, and by god I’d see it through. I hefted myself up into the window and my hand immediately landed in something wet.
Skin crawling, I pulled myself up and surveyed the darkened room as a miserable odor of decay and suffering poured out of the room around me. I could see dark shapes littering the carpet and it didn’t take a genius to guess that the cats had taken up hunting in a big way during my absence.
I pulled my hand out of the pile of vomit it had landed in and dropped into my onetime bedroom turned now into a hellpit of decomposing wretchedness. I turned on the light. I wished I had not turned on the light.
My eyes scanned across the floor, tallying as they went. Two dead birds, a dead baby rabbit, five dead mice, and one dead snake. I paused on my alarm clock, perplexed to see a stain of white on it. I stepped closer and saw a furtive movement.
The tally suddenly contained also: one live bird that had shit in several places, probably in pure terror to find itself trapped in a room littered with decomposing woodland creatures, which honestly, fair. I coaxed it out the window and finished the survey with five discrete piles of vomit.
I unlocked the door and let my parents in. They exclaimed in disgust at the horrible smell. We stood together in my doorway floored by the magnitude of neglect. The unscooped litter box was a subtle footnote in the tangible reek my living space. I disposed of the parade of ecological disaster, cleaned vomit, and scooped the box after a brutally long day on the road. The cats were fine, and happy to see me. They had a huge dish or food and water so Cynthia’s neglect at least hadn’t harmed them.
Then I slept on the couch while my bedroom aired out, the windows flung wide to dispel the uneasy ghosts of the hunted. I spent the whole night cursing Cynthia’s name for this evil she’d visited upon me. When my mom asked her, "Cynthia, didn't you see the dead animals?"
Cynthia responded, "Yes, they smelled so bad, I just ran in and out as fast as I could." I fully don't believe she did any caretaking, and I'm personally of the opinion that she locked herself out on the first day and never came back.
The next day my room had returned to a habitable level of smellscape and I gratefully crawled into my bed that night. I stretched out and froze as my foot brushed something cold and wet?
The final indignity: one last dead snake, inside my very sheets.
Fucking Cynthia.
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coffeebanana · 4 months ago
i am having such a miraculous ladybug themed normal trip to Paris
saw the ladynoir lookout point Eiffel Tower
AKJBFKSDJB OOOOOH is that the roof is that the roof where Chat Noir left his ring in Kuro Neko wow, le grand palais looks like such a nice and normal building!
oh heeeey if i squint i can see the statue of liberty on l'île aux Cygnes where marichat kissed
HOLY FUCKING SHIT DID I ACCIDENTALLY GET OUT OF THE METRO RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE AGRESTE MANSION. hmmm. i definitely have no reason to feel any particular way about this random building beside this metro stop. but wow those are pretty gates! definitely no reason to think they might make someone feel intimidated or trapped or locked in or anything like that!!
hmm should i look for the louvre pyramid or should i circle back and cross the ladynoir jubilation dream kiss bridge le pont des arts first
hehehe adrien would totally make a pun out of this metro station
omg WOW it's the bridge ladrien is gonna kiss on next season (weirdly... i could not actually find this landmark 🤡)
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theforgottencrow · 8 months ago
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panikkoi · 8 months ago
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finally watched the movie and picked apart her character design lmskfhsmf... i care her
i like to think they also made her a super vertical character because despite there being a lot to her she's not stable or grounded at all. if one thing messes up she risks toppling over and will do anything to keep herself "balanced" (even if it ends up hurting things in the long run). i'm also really fond of the super long rectangles they used, she's someone you should rely on from time to time but not completely depend on. i have so so much more to say about her and her design + maaybe role in the movie but it'd be too long maybe i should make an essay 😭
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evafhernee · 1 year ago
something something qfit telling everyone who says that their gift isn’t that good that they are the gift by showing up to his birthday party something something he’s never celebrated his birthday with anyone let alone people who care about his well-being so them just being there to celebrate with him is enough
something something his birthday party with a giant castle and many gifts and people and huevitos who practically smother him with fanart and happy-birthday messages and the god forsaken earth-shattering heart-wrenching birthday letter that ramon writes him about how he loves being his son and how he loves that fit loves him, sings him lullabies, calls him ridiculously cute nicknames, even points out how fit says his name in a specific, softer tone
something something how he treats pac’s letter different than the others because he’s his boyfriend, and even though the message is the same, reacts differently because it’s definitive proof that someone he loves, loves him back, gave him a meaningful gift, wrote him a letter even though he couldn’t wake up, the letter more than enough for him to be fine with his absence in the party because it’s from his boyfriend
something something qfit has never felt this much appreciation or love in his entire lifetime something something “yeah 2b2t fit and qsmp fit are very different” because now he has people he cares for, people who care for him something something im so normal about his birthday party seriously guys
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roniikue · 8 months ago
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i love how Le Tang draws anxiety. literally a muppet
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bluerosefox · 4 months ago
Red Hooded Phantoms
Another deaged or reborn Danny idea
But also Danny is Jason plotline. I've seen a few Danny is/reborn Dick, Tim, and a few rare Damian ones but I feel like we don't see a lot of Danny as Jason.
After being deaged by Vlad in another failed attempt to make Danny his son, he decided to try raising a deaged Danny instead because the boy would have no memories of his past, however during the struggle between Vlad and Team Phantom, Danny is sent into Vlad's lab portal and into the Zone, only for another random portal to open up and drop him into the DCverse and into a Gotham alleyway.
He is found by Shelia Haywood and well, we all know the life of Jason Todd after that.
Or he dies due to like the GIW, or bad Vlad, or bad Fenton Parents (Not picky on which) and is later reborn due to the damage done to his core.
It isn't until he dies and returns that Jason Danny feels like its something familiar, something is itching in the back of mind as he mindlessly wonders around Gotham after digging himself out of his grave.
And it only becomes more and more familiar when he is later found by the LOA/Talia and tossed into the Pits. Even the rage he gains feels familiar.
Later he becomes Red Hood, and that timeline happens.
Jason Danny doesn't find out the actual truth until one day the sky is ripped open by a glowing Lazarus green portal and a large armor covered being steps out, declaring he is there to fight for his crown/throne against the one that bested him last time and to bring forth Phantom for their battle.
And he had less than a few hours to come forward or else he will rip this world apart. (Pariah Dark may be a Tyrant King but he wanted his throne/crown back along with revenge against the one that stole it in the first place legitimately so it couldn't be denied)
A huge JL and JLD meeting is held and no one can find this 'Phantom'
So someone in JLD has a suggestion to summon someone from the Infinite Realms who might be able to help them locate Phantom (or maybe summon Phantom himself since he's technically the Ghost King.)
If we go with summoning someone other than Phantom, they manage to summon Jazz (whose acting as Queen Regent at the moment since Danny went missing)
And the moment he see's Jazz, Jason Danny feels his head and soul start to hurt. And memories he's sometimes see's in his dreams start bubbling into the surface.
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jewelsli · 2 months ago
Not that I don’t love when Bruce’s kids outperform him and give him heart attacks, but I think it’s funnier when the kids think they are better fighters/spies/infiltrators/etc. then him but he’s just so proud so he lets them think that they are.
I think that Babs would be a really good hacker, the best in the family, but Tim, who thinks that he is the next best(and is still scarily good) has no idea that Bruce only let him think that he broke his record of hacking into secret organizations.
Dick is amazing at acrobatics, and centers his fighting style around it much more. He even won gold in the Olympics for gymnastics! Bruce doesn’t want to tell him that he trained under several gymnasts, contortionists, even ballerinas!!! and has the acrobatic fighting style mastered, so he (within reason) let’s his kid win on most occasions, he doesn’t need to fake loosing on trapeze though(I am still giving the kids SOME things they are better at…)
Cass knows that nobody can lie to her, she can spot everyone’s tells and knows most people better then they know themselves. Bruce is, however, extremely paranoid and also has a kryptonian he works with regularly. He lies so well that he can convince himself he’s telling the truth(which is literally the point in case of advanced lie detectors), and so what if he lets some of his tells be more obvious around his baby, he’s so proud of her for picking up such small things! And while Bruce is AMAZING at reading people, he can’t beat Cass, it is however much closer matched then the others think.
Let’s be honest, Bruce is banned from the kitchen and isn’t good at cooking… or so everyone thinks. While he’s not as good as Alfred or even Jason he could whip up something Gordon Ramsey would be proud of if he actually tried to.
Damian in the best fighter with swords, this is undisputed. Bruce just hopes none of his kids find his crate of custom katanas in the attic, if they do then he’ll say they are for Damian.
Tim is an amazing investigator, so good in fact, that Bruce has trusted him on his hardest cases. Everyone assumes this is because Tim is a better detective then Bruce, but he just loves seeing how proud his kid gets when he gets a breakthrough.
Batman doesn’t kill, Red hood does, everyone in their right minds knows that’s a lie. Before Robin came along, leaders of drug operations or terrorists would disappear into the night, never to be seen again. The only people who don’t seem to know this are the Bats children themselves. Sometimes you can still hear a cut off scream in the dark before the news announces a missing person that everyone just knew was doing something horrible, criminals are more wary on nights that the Bats brood are in. And people running trafficking rings pray that it’s the Hood when a knock sounds, the bat doesn’t give those people the mercy of death.
All of the bat kids know more languages then Bruce, and they keep learning more to throw him off, for a family of detectives they really should have thought about the fact that Bruce traveled the entire world, he knows ancient languages and the words that world in other galaxies use, if he could speak Martian then he would have learned it by now, he still does know that part that he’s able to learn.
Idk I just need more of Bruce being skilled at SO many things while his kids are like “oh yeah Bruce? He’s good but I could defeat him easily” and Bruce just so proud of his babies when they do ANYTHING.
Tim made a plan to neutralize Superman at some point, it wasn’t as good as Bruce’s but he replaced it so fast. When he later uses it to take down mind controlled or something Supes Red Robin is watching.
Nobody notices that Batman whispers something to Superman before he goes deathly pale and acts like the plan is working so well he immediately gets defeated. As for what Batman said to him? It was basically ‘Clark(they aren’t supposed to know identities here btw) my kid made this plan and I swear to every mortal and immortal force that if you don’t take the fall right now you will regret it for the rest of your life” and Batman was usually scary but this was like, God will cower before him terrifying and it scared evil Superman so much he went along with it.
Res Robin was smiling so brightly that later Clark honestly couldn’t be mad at the Bat.
Edit: I forgot to add this but unbeknownst to EVERYONE (including Alfred somehow) Bruce can and will stay awake longer then Tim and his drinks are somehow worse in terms of caffeination. The difference is that on the fourteenth day with no sleep everyone thinks it’s only been three even though he is Vividly hallucinating. The ability to hide his lack of sleep for the first week and a half leads them to believe he’s actually the worst at staying up since on what they think is his fourth day of no sleep (it’s his seventeenth) he’s talking to an apparently very vivid hallucination of Alfred the Cat in a suit and a Tiger named Tawny(he had met the tiger earlier that week) and having a civilized conversation with them
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flowerakatsuka · 5 months ago
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" just know that i'm always here for you, okay? "
i'm finally finishing up my s2 rewatch and getting to the 24th episode awoke a beast in me. so i wanted to make a fake screenshot based on some of their lore that takes place during that episode. i think they'd end up having a heart-to-heart moment since kuroba went through similar struggles after their grandfather's own hospitalization...
also have a bonus doodle bc i need to even out the balance between serious & goofy with these two.
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