#inheritors marvel
pevensiechase · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara Theory
@nerdyenby had a post about Miguel O'Hara being a spider but not a Spider-Man.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but I've been on tumblr enough to know that he's the newest and biggest hot Internet crush and also babygirl?? (I guess I see the appeal, but he's kinda meh. Don't come at me, I'm getting off topic).
All this being said, the fact that he's a type of vampiric-being and does all the injections and whatever that "keep his vampire instincts at bay" makes sense, but nerdyenby's post mentioned how maybe he's using all the Spider-people's DNA to make his injection because he seems to be a bit of an anomaly.
Despite not seeing the movie yet, I have read many of the Spider-Verse comics (Patton Parnell's issue traumatized me, this is why I have a fear of spiders).
I don't remember a lot about Miguel O'Hara (other than many of his multiverse selves being killed), BUT obviously the movies aren't an exact adaptation of the comics (no hate, just an observation, and maybe a choice for the better because I think having an on-screen Patton Parnell would raise concerns).
So, if they're taking liberties with the comics, you know who else is a vampiric-being in the Spider-Verse?
(SPOILERS for the Spider-Verse comics)
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THESE GUYS (The Inheritors)
Okay, hear me out.
So what I know from Across the Spider-Verse is that they're being hunted by The Spot (similar to the Inheritors hunting the Spider-people). There haven't been mentions of the Inheritors in the movie as far as I'm aware.
In the comics, the Inheritors basically weaken, capture, and consume the Spider-people. Their goal is to destroy all Spider-people (or Spider totems as they call them) and use their life forces.
(WARNING, light comic book violence/gore depicted, disturbing images)
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The Inheritors feed on the Spider-people's life forces. They're pretty invincible and not even Cosmic Spider-Man (Earth-13) could defeat them when he left his Earth. Cosmic Spider-Man and his Enigma Force was the only thing keeping the Inheritors from their safe haven, but as soon as he left, they decimated him.
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I mean, look. Morlun (one of the Inheritors) is walking through fire.
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This Inheritor is taking the arm off of Takuya Yamashiro's (Earth-51778) mech, Leopardon.
So, the Inheritors are invincible and super strong. Miguel O'Hara has a unique skill set such as super strength as well as being abnormal to the usual requirements for Spider-people as state in nerdyenby's post.
Is Miguel O'Hara an Inheritor, or akin to one?
Don't take this as me saying that he is; I just see the similarities. Again, I have yet to watch the movie, and I don't remember all the details from the Spider-Verse comics, but the post reminded me of the Inheritors. Of course, we don't know where the sequel is going to go, but that's my two bits.
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Wait I just had a stupid thought.
So I've seen a lot of people talking about how Miguel is very different from the other spider people. His webs, the injection, etc. It's also a big plot point that he has fangs. Jess literally calls him a vampire at some point. But do you know who else is referred to as a vampire in Spider-Man lore?
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This motherfucker is Morlun, an 'Inheritor'. Essentially, he and his family come from Earth-001, and what they do is travel the multiverse and steal the power/souls of different beings. Morlun was first introduced into Spider-Man comics in 2001, and his first comic arc was him trying to steal the soul of 616 Peter Parker.
Morlun and the other Inheritors are the primary villains for the first two Spiderverse arcs in the comics, and they appear in the most recent one too.
In the first one, they are looking for the most powerful spider people to drain them. They would then be able to control the multiverse. Ultimately, they're foiled by the 'truest Spider-Man' (616 Peter) and imprisoned. In the second arc, Superior Spider-Man accidentally releases them and they attempt to do the same thing all over again before they're turned into babies and given to Spider Ma'am (3123 May).
What they do is steal the souls of spider people. It feeds and nourishes them, giving them the power to take over the Web of Life and Destiny multiverse. In the fan community, they're often called spider vampires cause they literally drain spider people's life force.
This is a roundabout way of me saying that ATSV Miguel is one of two things; either he is an Inheritor, or he is Morlun himself. Regardless, he's playing the long game of collecting and draining the power of the spiders in order to take over the multiverse. And it seems like Miles, being of 42 and 1610, could be the only one capable of stopping him.
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sereinreality · 3 months
i hate movie synergy more than the next person but miguel and julia making a spider society in the comics is so fucking funny cause what makes you think that anyone (especially the web warriors) would join ANOTHER spider-group???
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karmaspidr · 1 year
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divine-donna · 1 year
me: morlun
pinterest: miguel?
me: no, morlun.
pinterest: miguel :)
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passionforfiction · 6 months
Recount of Movies I Watched in 2023
These are none Korean Movies that I watched this year. I must admit that when I started working on this list I was surprised to see how many movies I watched this year. There were a lot of movies interesting enough to make me go to the movies. It was nice watching them with family and friends.
Some of these are biographical, others are romantic, others adventurous, intriguing or just fun.
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Some random Hobie information from the comics! I’ve specified where the movies might come in and fanon stuff!
Hobie, despite having a British/cockney accent in the movie and in the comics, lives in NYC in the comics(movie might b different).
Hobie is a homeless teen(I’m pretty sure his parents died) radicalized by his dystopian world.
He’s been Spiderman for 3 years(movie so most of his comics have probably passed) and his world is a weird combination of 1970s-1990s.
Canonically bad at naming things.
His friends/band are tired of his shit and regularly make fun of him for saving the multiverse.
The cops in Hobie’s world all have the venom symbiote, he uses his guitar to play frequencies that disrupt the symbiotes.
He kills Norman Osborn twice.
Yes he kills cops.
Full name is Hobart.
Originally he hated being called Spider-Punk.
He works with his worlds Daredevil(Mattea Murdock), Captain America(Captain Anarchy), Hulk(Robbie Banner), Ironheart(RiotHeart), Ms. Marvel, etc.
Most people in his ‘band’ can’t actually play lol.
With facism one of his other greatest enemies is capitalism and being ‘marketable’.
Hobie’s design was originally meant to be Spider UK, who later became Billy Braddock.
He also got a symbiote dog called Spider-Mutt in his latest run.
Gwen Stacy was a famous rockstar who died in his world, Hobie was a fan!
He was originally recruited to what I affectionately call the ‘Interdimensional Spider Death Squad’ run by the Superior Spider with Spider Noir (and eventually Miles and Jessica joined right before the teams merged)rather than the other group of spiders.
He was the one that brought Miles back into the ‘spider society’ when the inheritors came back.
In the comics he lives in a Welfare center in Brooklyn he and his friends/band operate, in the movie he lives in a boat!
Hobie has an interdimensional band with Gwen(drums), Pavitr(keyboard), Noir(bass), Anya(1616 vocals), and Ham(air guitar)
I can’t remember Hobie having any romantic interests in his universe, but fanon wise he is often shipped with his canon gay friend, Captain Anarchy aka Karl Morningdew, but Karl does have a canon boyfriend. But outside of his universe there’s a whole host of possible ships and some do include: Hobiemiles / punkflower hobiepav/chaipunk hobiegwen / ghostpunk
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simpcityy · 1 year
Location Status: In Danger (Miguel O'Hara x Spider-Person!Reader) *Platonic*
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Summary: Father figure Miguel left you alone in your dimension after taking your watch to get it fixed. You assure him everything was going to be okay without a watch but now he wishes he didn't listen to you.
Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of its characters. This is part 2 for Location Status: Unknown (Link Below Warnings)
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Use of (Y/N), Father Figure Miguel, father and daughter fluff?, Miguel cursing in Spanish, Angst, blood. violence, comic villain reference, meltdown...ughhh I think that is all.
Pt.1 Pt.2. Pt.3
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You woke up with your body feeling all sore. You let out a groan as you tried to get up on your knees only to fall on your back in pain. Breathing heavily, you glanced at your right side of your rib only to see your suit stained in red. Taking in deep breaths, you tried to remember what happened. You were fighting an anomaly in your dimension; things weren’t looking too good, and you got knocked out. Pulling your mask over your nose to breathe in more heavily. The pain was unbearable and not having a way to contact for backup, you had to do this on your own. “Why did the watch malfunction today?” You mutter before crying out in pain as you get up slowly leaning against the wall. Holding your side, you walked around the warehouse, wondering where this villain of another dimension took you. You dragged yourself out into a bigger room before looking around in panic as your spider senses went off.
“Looks like the spider finally woke up” A female voice calls out around the big room.  
You tried to locate the voice but it only echos around the empty warehouse, making it hard to pinpoint it. “Show yourself!” You yelled being aware of your surroundings. Finally, you spotted a figure walking out of the shadow. Taking in her appearance, you froze. You quickly composed yourself and scoffed. “Look at that, an inheritor here in my dimension.” Standing up tall, ignoring the fire in your ribs from the wound, “Which one are you? Bora? Verna?” You listed the names before letting out a grunt as she gripped your throat, pushing you up against the wall. The woman chuckles, “I am Verna, and I will make you wish you weren’t my prey” She smirks. “Preying on the young has always been my favorite.” She whispers in your ear as her grip slowly increases, making you gasp for air. 
Miguel was in his “cave” monitoring one of the missions he sent Gwen to do with the rest of the group that gave him headaches. He frowns watching them do it recklessly, he glances back at your watch as he was fixing. It’s been a week and he hasn’t gone over to check on you. “Lyla, bring up the cameras of (Y/N) Dimension.” He commands the AI as he keeps working on the watch. Lyla appears on his shoulder “Somethings wrong” She spoke, pulling up the screen. Miguel stops what he was doing and looks at the monitor, but it was pitch black. “Why is it not working?” He frowns, he may not have spider senses, but his father's senses were ringing in his head. “Lyla? Where is my kid?” He looks at the AI. “Hold on, I'm trying to fix this, someone or something did this.” She tries to make it work again. Miguel having no patience asked again “Dónde está mi hijo(a)? Answer me!” He yelled. “Something isn’t right!” Lyla, for once being an AI, had no clue on how to fix this, panicking as well for your well-being. Miguel yells out curses in Spanish before going through the portal to your dimension. He lands inside your place. “Kid?!” He yells going around each room finding it empty. “Esto no es gracioso! Sal ahora” He was hoping you were playing around, ready to see you smile and hear your fits of laughter, but he was met with silence. He runs up to the roof ready to see you there watching the city but is met with an empty roof. His heart started pounding, he pulled at his hair as memories of Gabriella started playing in his mind. He lost her and now you. He yells out to the city, “(Y/N)!”
Verna laughs as she watches you struggle getting up on your knees. She walks over to you as you take deep breaths. Everything hurts, even breathing in and out. You yelled out in pain as Verna’s hand went through your stomach. You whimper in pain; how can she be this strong? How can her hand go through your body with such ease? There were so many questions running through your mind, but one brought you to tears. ‘Is this the end?’ You think to yourself and glare at Verna. “I was hoping for a great battle” She tuts as her hand leaves your stomach. She smirks, as she cleans her hand watching you cry out in pain. “I can’t wait to have your head on my wall like the rest of the spiders.” She walks to you smirking, enjoying the sight of you. You were hurt, bleeding out to death and overall, just broken. She lets out a sigh, “But it’s a shame I can’t yet till they start looking for you.” She sits on top of some boxes looking at you. “We have to gather the herd and then I can strike.” She smirks as your eyes widen hearing her plan. She was going to kill the rest of your spider family. You already lost so much in your life, the thought of losing Gwen, Jess, Hobie, Pav and Miguel. Miguel lost a kid and if anything were to happen to you…he would lose himself slowly. “No, I will not let you hurt them…I won’t let you kill my family!” You yelled. Verna smirks seeing you getting up ignoring the pain throughout your whole body. “My Little Spider, I was wrong about you…you will give me a great battle.” She laughs as you stand in a fighting stance “Come on now, I bet your siblings are much more powerful than you” You taunt watching her smirk turn into a frown. “Usually, I don’t get my hands dirty, but you asked for it!” Verna snapped and ran towards you.  
Miguel followed by Jess and Ben started looking around for you. “Lyla Anything?” Miguel looks around the city while the other two went on separate ways to cover more ground. He swings by before landing on the ground seeing a few broken boxes in an alleyway followed by an anomaly laying on the ground in pain. He glares before walking over to them, grabbing them by the collar he slammed them on the wall. “Start talking” he growls. “Give me a break man!” The villain groans and looks at him “first I was fighting this Spider Person and then suddenly another villain came in interrupting our fight. Just great!” They groan in frustration. “Otra persona? Who?!” He yells slamming them again to the wall. “I don’t know!? I think they went by the name Verna?” Miguel drops them down and sends Ben and Jess his location. “Lyla,” He calls out. “On it already! Verna…here it says…oh no…” Lyla stops before she appears in front of him “We need to find them now.” She whispers. Miguel watched in horror, knowing Lyla was not one to lose her cheerful spunk. “(Y/N) is fighting Verna from the inheritors” Miguel stands still, everything around him was toned out, even Lyla calling his name out for him. Inheritors…people who hunt them down. You’re with one of the members, alone and having no way to contact for back up. He starts to breath heavily, was he having a panic attack? “No…no …no!” He yells punching the wall. No, he was having a meltdown. He turns to the anomaly and walks to him, his talons out. The villain quickly backs up “H-hey listen, it wasn’t me okay. I didn’t get the chance to inflict harm on them!” “Miguel!” Lyla gets in front of him only for Miguel to walk past her. Grabbing the villain, he raised his fist only to stop. “I found their location!” She yells trying to get his attention.
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Authors note: Thank you guys so much! This series is popular among the rest I have written so far! Thank you so much! I have much more Father Figure Miguel ideas coming up soon on my blog! Change of plans, this series is going to be 3 parts instead of 2. It just means more for you to read! I love you guys for reblogging my works for others to be aware of my works! You are welcome to drop in request as well. Soon I'll be posting the rules for requesting. Thank you for the support! Sorry for any grammar errors. Remember to stay hydrated and to keep on simping! (Simp City Population: 53💕)
Spanish Translation: 1. Dónde está mi hijo(a): Where is my kid or where is my son, with the o being replaced with a it also means Where is my daughter? 2. Esto no es gracioso! Sal ahora: This isn't funny! Come out now! 3. Otra persona?: Another person? 4. Dónde?: Where
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xkeyon · 6 months
Luna Maximoff Marvel Future
So Luna is a pretty popular character, reaching most of the Marvel fan base thanks to the many connections she has, even though she doesn't get used that much. Marvel loves to bring out the next young hero so why not have one who is known yet can also be developed, letting her have a shot at something and there are 2 paths that come to mind.
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That would be the Avengers path, first the Young Avengers later on joining a different Avengers group most likely Uncanny. The other would be the Magic path, as it is revealed one per-generation of the Maximoff line takes on Witchcraft powers and holds a Scarlet Title, so have her be the next inheritor going to Strange Academy while getting private lessons from Wanda.
Ok now that 2 paths are out there what about a costume, most superheroes wear some kind of costume and she has a family full of them. Well I would put costume in 3 sections. Design, Colour, and Attributes. The design would be leaning to the Inhumans, she is a literal Princess for them. Plus her mother's family seems to have a theme that she could follow
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A prime colour, with black trim, and a given name symbol on the waist
Crystal = Diamond Medusa = M So Luna could be a Crescent, as for colours I would look to her father for this
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Switching out the Black trim for white, as for the Prime I think it should depend on the path she would be on. I would go green for the Avengers, and Blue for Magic. Now Attributes to really scream Avengers or Magic.
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If Avengers then wear her mother's Avenger's jacket, a real passing of the torch moment.
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If Magic, then Red/Scarlet like Romani articles of clothing. She would adopt these not just with her costume but also everyday clothing as well. Since she would be at Strange Academy and while they have a uniform it does look to have some customization.
So powers, as an Inhuman who has gone through Terrigenesis she has gained powers that in the form of empathic aura reading and control.
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But this has given also some precog abilities. It has not been explained how this is, but I think it might be she sees the future someone is leaning to the most based on their emotional state.
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She holds a high amount of Inhuman DNA so will have their advanced bodies even before Terrigenesis, as well has received martial training from the likes of Karnak. Of course if she goes the magic path then Witchcraft will be a birthright as much as her Inhuman gifts. Witchcraft a magic that connects to a Goddess and the Earth.
Now while all of these are good things for a hero path to have she doesn't feel at least right now a solo act. Teams and Companions will be important part to her, and how she will act with either the Young Avengers and Strange Academy will depend on who could/should/will be there, but I do know someone who could get added to these Franklin Richards.
Currently depowered him getting his own new path could work here. For the Young Avengers give him a suit like the Thing Suit + Thing Rings, but make it something that connects to the other three Fantastic Four members letting him take on their powers though it being weaker. Each of the main members of the Fantastic Four have been part of the Avengers so he captures still the Young Avengers theme. If magic, well Agatha Harkness was his nanny maybe her recommendation to try plus get into the academy could work here, him learning Quantum Magic, still leaning into the F4's more science connections but looking at it another way.
Their families are close so they know each other and depending on who is on the teams they would most likely have the closest connections with each other, perhaps even moving from friendship to romance.
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zal-cryptid · 1 year
Behold, the fruits of my autism, an ongoing reality listing of the Marvel Multiverse, compiled by yours truly:
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alatismeni-theitsa · 5 months
Hi Theitsa, I have noticed that many westerners (especially those who study classics and greece+rome) have a massive boner for emphasizing how Greek language has changed so much since antiquity, how Greece did not really exist as a nationstate before 1800s, (duh, so is the case with so many other nations today) and that Greeks are not the same people today as in Ancient Greece. They don’t really do this much with other countries when much of these things could be said for them as well. Why are they seemingly so obsessed with divorcing Greeks of today with our ancient forefathers? Have you noticed this?
Have I noticed it? My blog is almost dedicated to that sort of delusion 😂 (some of my posts on this are on the tag #xenoi doing bs) For many centuries now northwesterners saw themselves as the inheritors of an idealized ancient Greek past, and any argument that solidifies this position of theirs they see as valid. Western Europeans in the 19th century when seeing actual Greek people, thought "This can't be the marvelous handsome white people I envision when I read the Epics!!" They never bothered - or bother - to place Greek works inside Greece. For them these works exist on a theoretical basis and the moment they have to face reality they resort to the most racist arguments.
Also willful misinformation at a national scale makes the problem in those nations worse. For example, they compare the evolution of Greek to English, as an argument that Greeks are not any more "worthy" of their heritage. They think all languages have evolved like English, aka to be unrecognizable after a few centuries. And nobody tells them otherwise, because they don't care to know or to teach that. They have NO idea this isn't how Greek evolved. They don't even care to ask the question. Many don't know that Greek is still spoken. Some Greeks have heard the "what language do you speak in Greece?" from westerners, mainly Anglophones (and usually the US).
Most of our phrases and words hold well since the Classical era, if not earlier. In museums, we can straight up go read an ancient marble stele and we can understand most of it - and what we don't understand is still a word that we use but some things have changed slightly. Our liturgies are still in Koine Greek and if you listen closely you can make up most of the text. Of course there are more complex ancient texts, but Greek has stayed recognizable to a degree the English language cannot even dream of.
Anyways, they're eager to notice that cultures and languages evolve and change always, except when it comes to countries that are involved in their pop obsessions.
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scarlet--wiccan · 5 months
Considering Wanda has now become the Darkhold, I'm very interested in her rulling the Flickering Realm - Chthon's dimension. It would be an opportunity to explore its politics and civilization of the N'garai, as it is their home base. What are your thoughts?
I don't think Wanda is interested in ruling anybody, especially not in place of Chthon. I imagine she would feel very strongly that anyone who has been subjugated by him deserves freedom and autonomy. The N'Garai... kinda suck, when you actually look at their history, but they seem to have some kind of caste system and really terrible power hierarchies. I would love to see what kind of change would come from Wanda dismantling those power structures. Defeating Kierrok, the N'Garai Madbhara who terrorized Hexfinder's ancestors, would also be a great way to resolve Wanda's conflict with Nicola.
I'm definitely very interested in the internal politics and societies of demons and other "monster" races. We've seen a lot of development in this area with vampires and, to a lesser degree, werewolves. Krakoan-era X-Men titles have explored autonomy and sovereignty in Otherworld and Limbo, to varying degrees of success. I think it's very clear that these political concepts are on a lot of folks' minds, and it's being reflected in our speculative fiction-- for better, or usually, for worse.
Anyways, while I don't think Wanda should necessarily feel responsible for Chthon's legacy, I do believe that she feels empathy for other beings and races that have been impacted by him. With her powers and status as the Living Darkhold, she's uniquely suited to act as an ambassador for these communities. We have already seen this with K'lay/the Flickering Realm-- in Scarlet Witch #9, she's seen advocating to the In-Betweener for K'lay's autonomy-- and with Elderspawn such as the Bricklayer in Crypt of Shadows (2023). I suspect we might see something similar with the vampires in Blood Hunt.
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I would really love for Wanda to become, like, the main go-to character for anything to do with the Elder Gods, Inner Planes (which includes hell-dimensions, mythical realms, and places like K'lay), and Elderspawn. It would put her on the same level as Doctor Strange, while still allowing her to have her own unique thing, as Stephen is generally more concerned with the Outer Realms. It would also allow witchcraft and Earthly magic to retain more of a unique flavor-- I don't love how much Wanda, Agatha, and Jericho's powers have blended into typical Marvel sorcery in the last couple years.
Something I've been wanting for a long time is to get a comprehensive, company-wide update to the lineage of the Elder Gods and the structure of the Inner and Outer Planes, sort of like what HoXPoX did for X-Men comics. Initially, that's what I thought G.O.D.S. was gonna be, and I'm kind of glad that it's not-- I don't really think Hickman's ethos would be a good fit. Instead, I feel we're starting to see it in Immortal Thor, which is wonderful, because Ewing really understands what those sort of mythology-based stories need, and he's already done a lot of esoteric worldbuidling that will cross over nicely. Thor is one of the living characters who is most closely connected to Gaea-- Wanda, as Chthon's keeper and inheritor, would be a really good compliment in exploring this world.
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ragingphantom666 · 4 months
DC Dimensions project plan: The Hellblazers (Vol. 1)
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This series is not an assured project. It is a concept that can still be changed or scrapped.
After years of fighting demons wanting to take his soul, John Constantine has found some semblance of a happy life. He lives in Shadowcrest Manor with his wife Zatanna, his son Zachary, and his adopted daughter Rachel. However, a forgotten enemy has returned to torment the family by putting them into a fantasy
John Constantine - A retired occult detective and former member of Justice League Dark. He has many enemies on Earth and in Hell.
Zatanna Zatara - A retired stage magician and former member of Justice League Dark. She is the inheritor of Shadowcrest Manor.
Rachel Roth/Zee Constantine/Raven - The daughter of the interdimensional demon Trigon. She was adopted by John Constantine and Zatanna. She used to be a member of the Teen Titans.
Zachary Constantine - The son of John Constantine and Zatanna. He has a talent for the magical arts and an interest in the darker side of magic.
Charlie Halstead - A villain that once crossed paths with John Constantine and Zatanna. He is a telepath and was humiliated by John, who defeated him just by knocking him out in one punch. He has returned to get revenge by trapping Constantine and his family in a pleasurable fantasy world created by the Black Mercy.
More Information
The inspiration for this story did not come from Marvel Studios "WandaVision," but rather the episode "For the Man Who Has Everything" of DCAU show "Justice League Unlimited."
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neonbrutalism · 1 year
Did you know! In Miles’ comic books, he apparently runs into a group of people(can’t remember their names) who travel through the multiverse to eat spider people???
Anyway, imagine Miles running into Spidey HQ to Miguel like “you didn’t warn me about the multiversal society who wants to EAT me?!?!” And Miguel just has no idea who or what he’s talking about
They've actually killed a BUNCH of Miguels (and a bunch of other Peters and all) but I think they were all brought back to life at the end of that run?
I think they are incredibly, incredibly stupid and definitely will not be using them BUT..... this might make a fun kinda ghost story that goes around the Spider-Society >:3. Halloween's not too far away, you know.
The Mostly Intact/More Like Us-verse is Multiverse J btw. Like normal marvel 616 is 616A and the Spider-Verse movies take place in 1610B, 928B, etc. This is my excuse for ignoring multiverse rules. And the Inheritors don't exist in J either.
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titanchaser · 7 months
public vs. private info
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𝐏𝐔𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐂 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎, what literally everyone knows about him, you don't even need to ask
according to his school id, his full legal name is arven damián tesoro
he is the son of professor sada and professor turo
he was born in los platos and lives at the lighthouse on poco path
he is 22 years old and was in his third year of university at the academy when Everything Started to Happen (the plot of SV).
his main partner pokémon is mabosstiff. he doesn't really know how to battle with pokémon, but it doesn't mean mabosstiff isn't a very strong pokémon anyway
he is in possession of the scarlet book and the violet book
against his wishes, he is technically the inheritor to area zero, because his parents started this mess and he's their only son
spica is his cousin
he is dating juliana!
he was previously dating eri, but then a lot of things happened, but he still cares a lot about her!
𝐒𝐄𝐌𝐈 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎, what you might know if you do a quick online search or if you've experienced being around him for extended periods of time
he has his own sort of "paradise protection protocol" that activates when he's in big danger - or when other people he loves are in big danger - and he gains some good old super strength, speed, and reflexes. he has learned to control it through training. (most people don't know this, but he did enter paradise protection protocol during the lunar festival due to the lopunny situation)
arven actually lived in area zero with his parents full time basically until he was 11 when a horrible incident happened- he was taken to the lighthouse and never heard from his parents about what had happened….
he was the caretaker of koraidon and miraidon before he decided that he wasn't so suited to.
clavell is his godfather. arven has been in enough physical fights that he should've been expelled from the academy, but good old nepotism wins over every time, i guess.
he died at 15 and was revived in an android body, closer to that of a homunculus (a true biomedical marvel!)
this homunculus-android body is made by a combination of sada and turo's work as well as research given to the professors by a close friend of theirs, lusamine delacroix - the president of the aether foundation
lusamine is also legally arven's godmother. (this could arguably be found online if you went to like the dark internet but it's not easy to find! its much easier to learn clavell is his godfather)
he has been to area zero a total of 3 times and this does not count when he lived there as a child (the first to find his parents, where he died. the second, when he went with his friends to stop the time machine. the third when he was asked to go to area zero- specifically zero city, by a man named john)
he had befriended many paradox pokémon from both the past and the future as a child, and it's really the ptsd that made him so bitter- deep down he still cares deeply for them.
he landed the final blow to the future RKS system in zero city** (anyone in az3 can know this)
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tanadrin · 2 years
Interstellar travel has been accomplished in a variety of ways by the species we have encountered so far. Several species have managed to circumvent the fundamental problem of time involved in traversing vast distances by simply brute forcing it--typically, technologically-aided hibernation techniques, or unbounded lifespans. But both require quite a bit of luck, evolutionarily speaking, so this approach is rare. The Titawinese originally used artificial minds to control their ships, and generation ships or frozen embryos for colonization. The Chalawani relied on nuclear pulse propulsion for exploring their immediate surroundings, as we did for intra-system travel; but as starships these drives have a very limited range, and are still comparatively slow. The Inquillans used sublight ships powered by antimatter--their designs were technological marvels, but the fuel was extremely expensive to produce. The Mazaalai linked their five systems together through laser-driven lightsailers, though it took generations to build the infrastructure that supported it.
I cannot quite communicate the astonishment we felt when we encountered the first of your ships. A survey satellite in a polar orbit over Dimidium detected an unusual burst of cosmic rays from just over the planet's limb. Then hours later, another, slightly brighter. Then not long after that another, brighter still. This was, of course, the survey ship Zakynthos closing on the artificial radio source it detected, but from the readout alone it looked like the world's most improbable series of gamma-ray bursts, or a freak malfunction. We diverted the nearest torchship to investigate. It found, not a gamma-ray burst or a malfunction, but a ship--a small ship, with seven strange aliens aboard, of a configuration we had never seen. And these aliens claimed, against all common sense, that their ship was not only from a star system twenty-seven light years away, but that they had made that journey in a matter of weeks. At that point we were more ready to accept that we had somehow overlooked an entire spacefaring species on one of our core planets, than that these bizarre creatures had a real, working FTL drive.
That these aliens proved not to be the inheritors of some impossibly wise ancient civilization--that, in fact, they were from a species that had left its home system for the first time not one hundred years before, seized by an inexplicable desire to brave the hazards of space and to befriend any strange creatures they might come across--was a source of the most intense consternation. We felt--we still often feel, forgive us--that you are an impossibly naive culture. Naturally, we immediately accepted your offer of friendship. In no small part, I think, because you remind us of what we once were, and might someday hope to be again: hopeful explorers, awed by the limitless possibilities of the universe. But we also felt a sense of obligation. Someone has to keep you all from getting yourselves killed.
--Helvetosian ambassador to Earth, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of first contact
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