#inflammatory skin disease
tricountyanimal · 2 months
Understanding Inflammatory Skin Disease in Dogs and Cats
Inflammatory skin disease is a common issue faced by many pet owners, affecting both dogs and cats. This condition can cause discomfort and irritation for our furry friends, leading to a range of symptoms and complications if left untreated. In this article, we will delve into the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for skin inflammation in dogs and cats , with a focus on understanding the underlying factors and preventative measures.
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What is Inflammatory Skin Disease?
Inflammatory skin disease refers to a range of conditions characterized by inflammation of the skin. This inflammation can be due to various factors, including infections, allergies, and parasites. In dogs and cats, this condition can present differently, but the common denominator is skin irritation and discomfort.
Symptoms of Skin Inflammation in Pets
Visible Signs in Dogs
Redness and swelling
Excessive scratching or licking
Hair loss in affected areas
Formation of scabs or sores
Visible Signs in Cats
Red, inflamed skin
Persistent scratching or biting at the skin
Patches of hair loss
Scaly or flaky skin
Causes of Skin Inflammation in Dogs
Dogs can develop allergies to various substances, including food, pollen, and dust mites. These allergies often result in skin inflammation, which can be challenging to manage without proper treatment.
Bacterial or fungal infections can lead to skin inflammation. These infections may occur due to cuts, scrapes, or other injuries that provide an entry point for pathogens.
Parasites like fleas, ticks, and mites are common culprits in causing skin inflammation. Their bites can lead to allergic reactions and infections, worsening the condition.
Causes of Skin Inflammation in Cats
Cats can also suffer from allergies, particularly to food or environmental factors. Allergic reactions can cause significant skin irritation and discomfort.
Environmental Factors
Exposure to certain chemicals or irritants in the environment can lead to skin inflammation in cats. This can include household cleaners, shampoos, or even certain types of fabrics.
Nutritional Deficiencies
A lack of essential nutrients in a cat's diet can compromise their skin health, making them more susceptible to inflammation and infections.
Diagnosis and Assessment
Diagnosing skin inflammation requires a thorough examination by a veterinarian. They may conduct various tests, including skin scrapings, blood tests, and allergy testing, to identify the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan.
Dog Skin Inflammation Treatment
Treatment often involves medications such as antibiotics, antifungals, or anti-inflammatory drugs, depending on the underlying cause.
Home Remedies
Some home remedies, like oatmeal baths or aloe vera applications, can soothe irritated skin and reduce inflammation.
Lifestyle Changes
Adjusting your pet's diet, improving grooming practices, and ensuring a clean living environment can also help manage skin inflammation.
Cat Skin Inflammation Treatment
Cats may require specific medications to address allergies or infections contributing to their skin issues.
Dietary Adjustments
Introducing hypoallergenic diets or supplements can improve skin health and reduce inflammation.
Grooming Tips
Regular grooming, including brushing and bathing, can help remove allergens and reduce the risk of skin infections.
Preventative Measures
Regular Grooming
Keeping your pet's coat clean and well-maintained is crucial in preventing skin problems. Regular grooming helps remove dirt, allergens, and parasites that can cause skin inflammation.
Balanced Diet
A nutritious diet supports overall health, including skin health. Ensure your pet receives a balanced diet rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.
Parasite Control
Using flea and tick preventatives can significantly reduce the risk of skin inflammation caused by parasites.
When to Visit the Vet?
It's essential to consult a veterinarian if you notice persistent symptoms of skin inflammation, such as excessive scratching, hair loss, or sores. Regular check-ups can also help detect potential issues early and keep your pet healthy.
Tri-county Animal Hospital: A Trusted Partner
At Tri-county Animal Hospital, we specialize in diagnosing and treating inflammatory skin diseases in pets. Our experienced veterinarians provide comprehensive care, from diagnostic testing to personalized treatment plans. Our clients often share stories of how we have helped their pets recover and thrive.
Home Care Tips for Pet Owners
Creating a comfortable environment for your pet can aid in their recovery. Ensure they have a clean, soft bed, and avoid using harsh chemicals in their living areas. Monitoring your pet's behavior and skin condition can help you catch potential issues early.
Inflammatory skin diseases in dogs and cats can be a source of distress for both pets and their owners. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options is vital for managing this condition effectively. By taking preventive measures and seeking professional veterinary care, you can help your furry friends lead a comfortable, healthy life. Contact Tri-county Animal Hospital for more details.
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hussyknee · 1 year
I'm so fucking mad.
Yesterday I took 50mg of Atomoxetine (Strattera) out of sheer frustration instead of my prescribed 30mg which was doing nothing.
And then...I was like "get up" and I would get up. "Go find the electricity bill" and went and found the electricity bill. "Sort through all the mail and organise it" and just. Fucking. Did it. No getting stuck for half an hour and spiralling in anxiety because my executive commands weren't going through.
I went to the hospital and begged those fuckers to increase my dosage and spent half an hour trying to convince them that this is clearly my ADHD symptoms being exacerbated by anxiety that's fucking me up. They refused, said "Oh, but anyone would find it difficult to function in your situation", and increased my Venlafaxine (Effexor) instead, although that fuckin plateaus any further than the dosage I already take. My primary doc knows this, but I have better luck catching Bigfoot than her at NHSL anymore so I keep having to tussle with the junior dipshits.
Granted I seem to have overshot a bit, because I spent a while vibrating into the fifth dimension. Felt like I'd had six cups of coffee and needed to do three things at once. Perhaps I should have attempted 40mg first. But 50mg very much did catapult me out of this neverending rut.
WEEKS OF BEING TRAPPED BY THE STATIC IN MY BRAIN LIKE A ROOMBA ON A RUG. I couldn't get out of bed, eat on time, shower, make my bed, do my laundry, go to bed. The simplest fucking tasks like pushing a boulder uphill with a stick. Sitting on the bed doomscrolling and tearing the soles of my feet into strips so bloody that it hurt to walk. I don't pick at my feet anymore! Didn't even realize I hadn't until the end of yesterday. This is the first time I've stopped in months. I stock up on band-aids and keep them next to my bed because I usually bleed in about three places within a day. And I pick the scabs off the still-healing wounds. All stopped by 20mg more of Strattera!!!
In other medication fuckery, I stopped the anti-inflammatory meds I was taking for my back because 1) the total cost of my meds was getting insane and 2) I haven't been in pain the last two months. I looked up whether there were side effects for long-term use of NSAIDs and found that using any of them with Venlafaxine increases the chance of gastrointestinal bleeding?? The way I've been having all this time?? Was my rheumatologist ever gonna tell me?? I'm just so used to flares, so fogged in my head and so relatively pain-free that I didn't especially note it. Turns out– the only reason I haven't been in pain is because I was taking the fucking anti-inflammatories. Imagine that! So I can either take Venlafaxine (which I cherish like a child regardless of the wrath-of-God withdrawal any time I miss a single dose) or I can take NSAIDs??
*googles anti-inflammatory meds other than NSAIDs*
Internet: "eat pineapple idk. have you tried tumeric?"
I hate my life.
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It's a natural treatment for uncomfortable acne and pimples. It kills the germs trapped in the acne pus and cleanses the region. It also softly exfoliates and eliminates dead skin without being overly abrasive. Pure Moringa Essential Oil removes acne and avoids recurrence. It also lowers the redness and irritation produced by certain skin diseases, which is why it is a common element in skincare products. It decreases excess oil production, which is one of the leading causes of acne and outbreaks. It contains anti-oxidants that attach to free radicals, promoting premature skin and body aging. It also inhibits oxidation, reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and darkening around the lips. It contains Vitamin A, which encourages new cell production.
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fauxintellectual · 1 year
I'm really sad that I've never experienced what it's like to have skin that doesn't hate you
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urbanayush · 2 years
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reality-detective · 5 months
Do you Love making natural remedies?
Did you know that you can easily make this powerful remedy at home?
you will only need :
• 1 orange 🍊
• 1 Lime 💚
• 1 Lemon 🍋
• Onion skin (From 1 🧅)
• Big chunk of ginger 💛
• 5 willow leaves 🍃
• 1/2 tsp Turmeric 🧡
• Pinch of black pepper 🖤 (to activate Turmeric)
• More than pinch of Chilli pepper 🌶
1. Drop them all into a pot
2. Pour in water so all ingredients are under water
3. Steep for 15-20 mins
And you done ✅
Drink 1-2 cups daily
Good in fridge for up to a week+
Benefits of :
Orange 🍊 :
The vitamin C in it can help :
• Protect your cells from damage
• Helps your body make collagen.
Lime 💚 & Lemon 🍋:
• Consuming limes or drinking the juice may improve immunity
• Reduce heart disease risk factors
• Prevent kidney stones
Onion skin 🧅 :
• The skins of onion provides an excellent source of vitamins A, C, E, and numerous antioxidants.
• They're also a rich source of flavonoids, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Ginger 💛 :
• Has powerful components that lower blood sugar levels and prevent heart disease
• Eating ginger every day can regulate the production of insulin in patients with diabetes.
Willow bark 🍃 :
• Has been used throughout the centuries in China and Europe, and continues to be used today for the treatment of pain (particularly low back pain and osteoarthritis), headache, and inflammatory conditions, such as bursitis and tendinitis.
Turmeric 🧡 :
• Its most active compound, curcumin, has many scientifically proven health benefits, such as the potential to improve heart health
• Prevent against Alzheimer's and cancer.
Chilli pepper 🌶 :
• Helps Protect Your Heart.
• Can Help You Burn Fat and Lose Weight.
• Help Soothe Intestinal Diseases.
U can sure use fewer ingredients then shown, if u are sick just use those witch are needed at that time. 🤔
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venusiancharisma · 6 months
Astro Remediation: Skin Conditions
Ever wonder if you can identify which aspects and placements in your natal chart can indicate skin conditions? Well, in Vedic Astrology, I can do this for you as well as customize a remediation plan for your personal road to recovery.
This is based on Ancient Astrology and Auyrvedic Healing. I struggled with acne as well as back acne for most of my good years. Nothing ever worked but then I tried the Eastern Medicine approach and implemented my knowledge of Astrology to help create a regimine for myself. It's truly magical what Astrology can reveal to us and even remedy for us. Everything can be alchemized as long as you have the tools and knowledge in front of you.
So, message me if you're interested in a consult and Remediation plan, personalized for you!
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In Vedic astrology, skin conditions can be assessed by analyzing various placements, signs, and aspects in a natal chart. The primary houses and planets to consider are the 1st house (self, physical body), 6th house (health, diseases), and the ascendant (physical appearance, constitution). The Moon, Mars, and Saturn are also important planets to consider when evaluating skin health.
Here are some possible aspects and placements that may indicate skin conditions, along with potential remediation measures:
Facial acne, cystic acne, back acne, and body acne:
Mars or Saturn in the 1st house or 6th house, especially in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
Moon afflicted by Mars or Saturn, particularly in the 1st, 6th, or 8th house
Ascendant or 6th house lord afflicted by Mars or Saturn
Rahu or Ketu in the 1st or 6th house
Wear a red coral or bloodstone gemstone to pacify Mars
Chant the Gayatri mantra or the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra for spiritual healing
Practice stress-reducing techniques like meditation, yoga, or pranayama
Maintain a clean, healthy diet and avoid oily, spicy, or processed foods
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Psoriasis and other autoimmune skin disorders:
Moon afflicted by Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu, particularly in the 1st, 6th, or 8th house
Saturn in the 1st house or 6th house, especially in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
6th house lord in the 8th house or 8th house lord in the 6th house
Weak or afflicted Sun in the chart
Wear a moonstone or pearl to strengthen the Moon
Chant the Mahamrityunjaya mantra or the Surya mantra for healing
Practice stress-reducing techniques and maintain a regular sleep schedule
Follow a sattvic diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
Eczema and other inflammatory skin conditions:
Pitta (fire) dominant constitution, with a strong presence of Mars, Sun, or Ketu in the chart
Mars or Ketu in the 1st house or 6th house, especially in fire signs
Ascendant or 6th house lord afflicted by Mars or Ketu
Moon afflicted by Mars or Sun, particularly in the 1st, 6th, or 8th house
Wear a moonstone or pearl to balance the Moon and reduce Pitta
Chant the Shiva mantra or the Durga mantra for spiritual healing
Practice cooling pranayama techniques like Sheetali or Sheetkari
Follow a Pitta-pacifying diet, avoiding spicy, sour, and fermented foods
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Fungal skin infections:
Kapha (water and earth) dominant constitution, with a strong presence of Moon, Venus, or Jupiter in the chart
Moon or Venus in the 1st house or 6th house, especially in water or earth signs
Ascendant or 6th house lord afflicted by Moon or Venus
Weak or afflicted Mars in the chart
Wear a red coral or bloodstone to strengthen Mars and reduce Kapha
Chant the Hanuman Chalisa or the Durga mantra for spiritual healing
Practice invigorating pranayama techniques like Bhastrika or Kapalbhati
Follow a Kapha-pacifying diet, avoiding cold, heavy, and oily foods
It's important to note that these are general guidelines. I will not be revealing every remediation or chart indication in this post as there are a lot more nuances that go into harsher conditions, such as ones developed due to issues such as auto immune diseases. Additionally, while astrological remedies can be helpful, it is always advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment of any skin condition.
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abra-ka-dammit · 18 days
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Here I am again to beg for help paying for my (remaining) cats. Just when I thought I managed to get out relatively-cheap and easy with Zeppelin's quickly solved crystal scare the other week, Zelda cat started having severe difficulty breathing the night before last.
Her lungs look pretty wack on xray and ultrasound, with things that could indicate stuff like cat asthma or long term chronic airway disease, and theres a little air around one lung and under the skin of her chest somehow(???), but she's not presenting in a way that matches up to anything well enough for the doctors to know what's going on. Simply put, while I managed to squeeze the ER visit and 12 hour ICU stay into what had been cleared off my carecredit along with a little overflow on my near-maxed credit card, i cannot afford anything else. I managed to convince my mom* to loan me the $1653 and change in order to bring home a buster kennel and oxygen condenser along with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory meds: basically, I'm home-treating her for the Recover-From-able potential issues this could be. If this treatment plan ends without getting her back to a state where she can breathe "room air" again, the other things it could be are all things that would be irreversible, require serious surgery, or would otherwise ruin her further quality of life, so... you know. Let's hope this works, or once more euthanasia will be added to the bill.
Any help is greatly appreciated, especially since I'm inevitably going to need to go in for a follow up appointment whether this (seems to me like it) works or not, and unfortunately this all happened literally right before rent hit and I don't get paid again until friday of next week (9/13) so i have. no idea how im doing that yet.
*Part of the money my parents paid is refundable upon return of the kennel and oxygen machine but my father has already sent me long guilt trippy texts about how i'm ungrateful (apparently sobbing and thanking them as i continue to live in poverty to avoid further burdening them about my own human needs doesnt count) and essentially need to pick myself up by the bootstraps and afford my own cats (as though this freak timing, the ever worsening economy, or whether better jobs actually hire me is somehow totes under my control) so, yknow. yay for bonus stress
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elicathebunny · 8 months
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Eating ginger can cut down on fermentation, constipation and other causes of bloating and intestinal gas. Wear and tear on cells. Ginger contains antioxidants. These molecules help manage free radicals, which are compounds that can damage cells when their numbers grow too high. It is useful in minimizing menstrual cramps, and it relaxes the muscular spasms as well
high in antioxidants, which may help protect against disease, inflammation and ageing It may improve gut health, dental hygiene, reduce cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure.
Garlic offers an immune system boost to help prevent colds and the flu virus. One study found that allicin, an active component of freshly crushed garlic, had antiviral properties and was also effective against a broad range of bacteria
commonly used for many human ailments such as hay fever, inflammation, muscle spasms, menstrual disorders, insomnia, ulcers, wounds, gastrointestinal disorders, rheumatic pain, and hemorrhoids. 
antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-tumorigenic, antinociceptive, and neuroprotective properties. It could prevent hair follicles from being starved of blood supply, dying off, and leading to hair loss.
Tumeric :
Turmeric has been used in both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine as an anti-inflammatory, to treat digestive and liver problems, skin diseases, and wounds.
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fourtified-au · 4 months
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A quick continuation/redraw of a sketch from 2023 that I never posted publicly due to hesitancy. Though I'm more open to sharing it now. It can be found below the cut alongside some information on this specific drawing.
TW/DISCLAIMER: Vague mentions of chronic illness. A lot of this is from personal research and asking those with GI issues of their experiences. If anything is deemed medically inaccurate, you're free to contact me.
Crohn's Disease, an Inflammatory Bowel Disease, is widely associated with abdominal cramping and bathroom frequency that most commonly occurs with relapses known as a flare-up. Though there is an unfortunate handful of other hidden complications that accompany it (anemia, skin conditions, fissures, etc.), pain in general is vastly connected to the disease. Tord, being diagnosed since the age of 16, is practically accustomed to these factors.
With natural stoicism as stubborn as his own, he's pretty self-reliant and overall distant with people which causes him to withdraw when feeling unwell. Distraught by the objective of codependency, he typically confines himself within his bedroom to avoid encounters with his roommates. Although self-contained, there are some days where Tord abruptly approaches one of them for assistance. Matt specifically.
Being together since high school, Matt is substantially capable of deciphering his partner's tendencies. Tord, sensitive to notable vulnerability, is generally not open to the idea of being comforted. Though on rare occasions, when gravely needed, he indulges in Matt's humane fondness to soothe his aching soul.
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violetsandshrikes · 1 year
Debunking Wellness Trends: Seed Oils
One aspect of the growing wellness trends on social media is the idea that seed oils are poisoning the population and need to be avoided to reach better health/heal health conditions/conserve fertility/etc. They’re being called “the hateful eight”, and there’s a lot of people doing the #seedoilfree lifestyle. Seed oils are being blamed for headaches, low immunity, disrupted attention and thinking, diabetes, and more.
(Seed oils include canola, corn, cottonseed, grapeseed, rice bran, safflower, soy and sunflower oil)
Toxicity Claims
Current scientific evidence does NOT support claims that seed oils are “toxic”.
Now, if you begin to cut out foods such as fried foods (like fries) or packaged snacks, you may feel better. A lot of people are attributing this feeling to removing seed oils, but these foods are usually high in refined carbohydrates, sodium and sugar which is why they’re associated with more negative health outcomes.
Another fear is that the “toxicity” comes from production byproducts. Heat and solvents like hexane are used to extract oil from seeds, which apparently introduces chemical additives and unstable molecules, which then can turn polyunsaturated fats into harmful trans fats. Realistically, hexane is a bigger threat to the environment and workers in case of inhalation – trace amounts in the oil are still being studied, but so far there’s no concerning data. They’re also heated for short periods, and actually have fewer trans fats than products like milk or butter.
Additionally, omega-6 (found in nuts and seeds, and a dominant polyunsaturated fat in seed oils) is also not “toxic”. In fact, it’s been scientifically linked to lower cholesterol, lower blood sugar and reduced heart disease risk. The argument against omega-6 is that it’s responsible for chronic inflammation – omega-6 linoleic acid is converted into arachidonic acid in the body, which is a component of inflammatory compounds. Only 0.2% of linoleic acid we eat turns into arachidonic acid, and not all the compounds cause inflammation – arachidonic acid is a complex molecule, and it also has some anti-inflammatory effects. Linoleic acid is also an essential fatty acid that our body can’t make itself, and we use it to produce cell membranes and for skin health.
Another claim is that our omega-3: omega-6 ratio is out of balance, and that this is because our ancestors ate a much more balanced ratio than we do today. We DO eat more omega-6 fats than omega-3, but the claim that we eat 20 to 50x more is misinformation – it’s closer to 10:1. Instead of cutting omega-6, the better solution is to try and introduce more omega-3 fats into your diet.
Realistically, a lot of the online discourse about seed oils is misunderstanding scientific reports + deliberate fear-mongering. If you do have concerns about something in your diet causing health issues, seek advice from a trained medical professional who can give you evidence-based ideas and solutions to help you!
(Some articles to start if you want to know more on this topic 1 2 3)
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exhaustedwriterartist · 5 months
A Completely Normal Post About Plants.
Specifically the poison kind. A continuation of this conversation with @crowsandturtlesandbatsohmy and @icequeenabby.
I will go over some of my favorite poisonous plants, and a plant that @nyaboshi brought up because it's really cool. I will share a picture of each plant, a fun fact about it, if it is used in medicine or if it has another purpose, the type of poison/toxin it contains, and what that does to the human body.
Disclaimer: I am not an expert. Just someone who enjoys hyperfixating on many different subjects. Enjoy my brain rot.
Anyways the plants:
CW: Mentions of death, execution, and poison (obviously lol)
IMPORTANT!!!! Just in case I forget to mention this on any of these plants, every part of all these plants is toxic.
Another note: Whenever I refer to gastrointestinal issues/diseases, I am usually referring to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach/abdominal pain, etc.
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My favorite poisonous flower.
Did you know that this flower is mistaken for Comfrey, another plant who's leaves are used to make tea? This mistake has resulted in illness and several deaths.
Truly akin to this scene (iykyk):
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Uses: This is used in certain medicines to slow down heart rates, due to high blood pressure, and in medicines for heart failures. It is possible to be poisoned from overdosing on this medicine.
Type of poison: Foxglove has a toxin known as digitalis/digoxin. Side effects of this poison include blurred vision/yellow or green vision [xanthopsia] (and seeing a halo like shape around lights), fatigue, gastrointestinal effects, weakness, bradycardia [a heart rate under 60 bpm], lower platelet counts (thrombocytopenia), arrhythmias [irregular heart beats], and the very rare case of cardiorespiratory failure. These symptoms can occur through consumption of the plant, and sometimes through over doses on the medicine. It can cause irritations to the skin, like rashes, if touched, and can cause terrible reactions from its pollen in certain individuals.
(Nerium Oleander)
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Many oleanders have a sweet, vanilla-like smell, however it is not recommended to smell them up close. These plants have been well documented in history, from Greek mythology to Vincent Van Gogh's painting titled "Oleanders." Despite it's deadly nature, it is quite popular among gardeners.
Uses: This plant is traditionally used to treat heart problems, asthma, and even cancer, but there is not enough evidence to support this actually having a positive effect. However there is more evidence of the leaves of the oleander being used as an effective anti-inflammatory and antioxidant under the right dosage.
Type of poison: The main type of poison in this plant is called toxic cardiac glycosides. But it also contains the poisons oleandrin, oleondroside, and digitoxigenin. These chemicals are found in all parts of the plant and affects the heart the most. The side affects if consumed include gastrointestinal effects, xanthopsia (yellow vision), eye irritation and burning sensation, effects to the nervous system such as tremors, seizures, coma, and cardiac effects including an increased heart rate that quickly slows to the point of death in some cases. If touched, it causes skin irritations and rashes, and can cause respiratory issues of the wood and leaves are burned.
Japanese Pieris
(Pieris Japonica)
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This is a plant that @nyaboshi shared with me. This plant is native to several countries in Asia, including Japan, China, and Taiwan. It is a symbol of powerful beginnings and new opportunities.
Uses: The main use of this plant is for a honey made from this plant called "Mad Honey," and it is used as a traditional medicine and for intoxication (which can lead to overdose and poison).
Type of poison: These plants contain Grayanotoxins. These affect the brain, nervous system, and heart. If consumed, this plant causes blurred vison, slower heart rates and lower blood pressure, gastrointestinal effects, weakness, fainting, cardiac failures, coma, and neurological side effects.
Deadly Nightshade
(Atropa Belladonna)
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Quite the popular choice for poisoning. There are many many references to this plant in popular books, shows, and movies. It is also famous for being tied to witchcraft. Belladonna, as it is commonly known, is one of many in the Nightshade plant family. Some well known edible Nightshades include tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, and tomatillos. But Belladonna isn't the only dangerous plant in the Nightshade family, she has other deadly sisters.
Uses: This was used in cosmetics once upon a time. Please do not use it as such please. Surprisingly, there are many uses for Belladonna! Under the right doses, correct mixing of chemicals, and correct consumption/other way of taking this plant can help in reducing symptoms asthma, motion sickness, hemorrhoids, whooping cough, irritable bowel syndrome, and a few other ailments.
Type of poison: This plant contains alkaloids, such as hyocyamine, scopolamine, and atropine. Belladonna is known as one of the most toxic plants that we know of. Consuming this plant, including medicated Belladonna, can cause cardiovascular diseases (and other heart problems such as tachycardia [increased heart rate]), gastrointestinal disorders, complications during pregnancy, psychiatric/neurological disorders, rash, headache, staggering/loss of balance, delirium, dilated pupils, blurred vison, sensitivity to light, severely dry throat and mouth, hallucinations, confusion, constipations, and convulsions.
Touching these plants can cause severe dermatitis and may cause its toxins to seep through the skin.
Giant Hogweed
(Heracleum mantegazzianum)
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Considered to be a very invasive species. It is widespread across east to west Europe, Canada, and in the united states. Because of it's dangerous nature, it is deemed by U.S. officials to be a noxious plant, so that the spread of this plant can be limited.
Uses: Not really. Its cousin the common hogweed was used in some medicines, but I would not recommend going near these.
Type of poison: The sap of this plant contains furanocoumarins, which combined with sunlight is severely phototoxic. When any part of the plant is touched, but especially the sap, this causes severe phytophotodermatitis, a terrible and serious skin inflammation, that includes severe blistering (and I mean SEVERE! If you have a strong stomach look it up examples of reactions you dare), a deep red rash, and even photosensitivity. And if you accidentally touch your eyes after exposure, it can harm your vision and even cause blindness.
I haven't seen information for when it's consumed, which is a good thing. It would probably cause intense internal damage.
Please just avoid this plant. For some reason I do not like this plant one bit. Whenever I see this plant I go : ಠ╭╮ಠ
Poison Hemlock
(Conium Maculatum)
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You have probably heard of this plant or one of its siblings. This plant was used to execute prisoners in ancient Greece, including the famous philosopher Socrates. Fun plant huh? Also invasive.
Uses: Has been used as a sedative, antispasmodic treatment for symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, and for some respiratory diseases, all in very small doses. However, there is not enough evidence to really tell if these are positively effective.
Type of poison: Similar to Belladonna, this plant contains alkaloids, including C. maculatum, conium, and coniine. If ingested, it attacks the nervous system, and can cause fatal neuromuscular dysfunction as it will stop the movement of muscles in important organs including respiratory muscles, muscular paralysis, unconsciousness, coma, urination, depression, trembling, and weak or slow heartrate.
It is generally safe to touch poison hemlock, but it is better to be careful and safe.
Bittersweet Nightshade
(Solanum Dulcamara)
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Remember I mentioned Belladonna plants have other deadly siblings? Meet her bittersweet sister. In the Middle Ages this plant was said to ward off witchcraft (because of course it was). An interesting fact about this plant is that while it is toxic to humans, there are several bird species that love feasting on the berries.
Uses: This is used for skin conditions such as acne, eczema, itchy skin, broken skin, and a few others. It is also used for inflammation and easing arthritis, along with easing respiratory issues and illnesses like bronchitis, asthma, and pneumonia.
Type of poison: This plant contains solanine and a glycoside called dulcamarine. If consumed, and if over consumed via medical prescription, this plant can cause several gastrointestinal problems, confusion, mydriasis (dilation of the pupil), paralysis, delirium, numbness, shortness of breath, low pulse/slowed heartrate, convulsion, and weakness. It is unwise to take this during pregnancy.
This plant like is sister plant, should not be touched. Its toxins can be absorbed through the skin. So no touchy!
Western Monkshood/Wolfsbane
(Aconitum Columbianum/Aconitum Napellus)
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This is plant is surrounded by myth and a long history. In folk tales, it was considered to kill werewolves and normal wolves, hence one of its names. In ancient times it was occasionally used as an herbal medicine, however, it has more of a reputation as a poison for executions and assassinations.
Uses: Once upon a time, this plant was used to reduce fevers, as an anti-inflammatory, sedative, and to relieve other ailments. However, this plant is considered to be one of the most poisonous plants in Europe, so the thought of someone using this today, is very unlikely.
Type of poison: This plant contains aconitine and mesaconitine, which is a dangerous neurotoxin and cardiotoxin. Side effects of consumption include gastrointestinal issues, cardiovascular issues (weak/irregular heartbeat, slowing and stopping of the heart), difficulty breathing, asphyxiation, neurological issues, paralysis, pain, convulsions, multiple organ failure (especially of the liver and kidneys), numbness (especially of the mouth and tongue), and paraesthesia (feeling sensations in the skin for no apparent reason, like feeling cold, tingly, or clammy).
Do not touch this plant. The toxins can be absorbed through the skin, and can cause many of the same effects if consumed, and can cause numbness wherever you touched the plant.
Lily of the Valley
(Convallaria Majalis)
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Such a pretty pretty flower to finish of this list! This flower has been the national flower of Finland since 1967 (my gran's home country)! It is also the national flower of Yugoslavia. This plant is very popular, and has been used in many wedding bouquets, has been in several myths, the subject of art, poetry, music, and even shows (like "Breaking Bad").
Uses: Besides it being used for its sweet fragrance, it is supposedly effective heart problems, such as irregular heartbeat and heart failure, urinary tract infections, and kidney/bladder stones (HOWEVER, THESE ARE CLAIMS OF FOLK MEDICINE, NOT FACT).
Type of poison: This plant contains convallatoxin, which is similar to digitalis. If ingested it can cause heart problems such as irregular heartbeat/slow heartbeat and collapse, gastrointestinal issues, loss of appetite, excessive urination, confusion, drowsiness, weakness, depression, headache, disorientation, and lethargy.
This plant may cause skin irritation and possibly a rash/hives if handled for too long.
There are many other plants I have done research on, including mushrooms, but I'll stop here for now (for my sanity). I hope y'all enjoyed reading this!!!
Have a good day or night!!
I shall now pass out.
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mudwerks · 1 year
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(via Scientists find evidence that Vlad the Impaler shed bloody tears | Ars Technica)
The eponymous villain of Bram Stoker's classic 1897 novel Dracula was partly inspired by a real historical person: Vlad III, a 15th century prince of Wallachia (now southern Romania), known by the moniker Vlad the Impaler because of his preferred method of execution: impaling his victims on spikes. Much of what we know about Vlad III comes from historical documents, but scientists have now applied cutting-edge proteomic analysis to three of the prince's surviving letters, according to a recent paper published in the journal Analytical Chemistry. Among their findings: the Romanian prince was not a vampire, but he may have wept tears of blood, consistent with certain legends about Vlad III...
...All told, the team identified 100 ancient human peptides—31 of which were deemed of particular interest—and an additional 2,000 peptides from bacteria, viruses, insects, fungi, and green plants. Those 31 human peptides were related to blood proteins or the respiratory system, as well as ciliopathy or retinal diseases, or inflammatory processes, per the authors. One of the letters from 1475 contained three peptides specifically associated with proteins of the eye's retina and tears. The authors thus concluded that Vlad III may have suffered from a medical condition known as hemolacria, in which a person sheds tears of blood, as well as skin inflammation and respiratory illness. He may also have been exposed to plague-related bacteria or fruit flies and other pests, based on the non-human peptides analyzed.
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Cypriol Hydrosol provides all of the advantages of essential oils without intense intensity. Its earthy scent has been used to cure nausea and unease in contemporary medicine. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which aid in the relief of bodily aches, fever, and inflammatory discomfort. It can remove nasal congestion and promote the natural breathing process. It can also protect the skin against bacterial invasions and cure skin allergies and diseases such as dermatitis and psoriasis. It is used to sterilize the outer environment and interior organs in diffusers and steamers. It has the ability to remove trapped mucus and cough in the respiratory airways. The nice scent will also invigorate the surroundings. It is used in disinfectants and room cleaners to achieve the same results.
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science-lover33 · 1 year
The Human Microbiome: Your Body's Little Ecosystem
Within each of us exists a fantastic and complex microscopic universe known as the human microbiome. This ecosystem of microorganisms that inhabits our body plays a fundamental role in health and homeostasis. Today, we will fully explore this fascinating microbial world and its influence on our physiology.
What is the Human Microbiome?
The human microbiome is a profoundly intricate biological system integral to our health and well-being. This term, "the human microbiome," encompasses a diverse consortium of microorganisms that have firmly established themselves within and upon our bodies. This assemblage comprises a wide array of microorganisms, encompassing bacteria, viruses, fungi, and various other microbes, each with their specialized ecological niches within our anatomy.
Upon a deeper examination of the human microbiome, we uncover a meticulously organized distribution of these microorganisms. They do not merely coexist haphazardly within us; instead, they strategically colonize specific regions of our body. For instance, they form robust communities within the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in the gut harboring a densely populated microcosm. Similarly, they stake their claim on our skin, and even the respiratory tract serves as a habitat for these microbial entities.
The human microbiome's remarkable aspect lies in the intricate and dynamic interactions it maintains with our own organism. These microorganisms are not passive bystanders; they are active participants in the intricate orchestra of physiological processes. They exert influence over our digestion, bolster our immune system, and wield the potential to affect our mental and cognitive faculties. This complex web of symbiotic relationships between our human cells and these microorganisms constitutes an ever-evolving interplay that exerts a profound impact on our overall health.
The human microbiome is not a mere collection of microbes; it is an entire ecosystem nestled within us, a thriving and dynamic world with the potential to significantly modulate our health. Comprehending the intricacies and subtleties of this microscopic community represents an ongoing and critical pursuit in the realms of scientific and medical research, with profound implications for the fields of medicine and biology.
Solid Scientific Evidence
To support the importance of the human microbiome, here are three relevant scientific references:
Title: "The Human Microbiome: A Key Contributor to Health." Autores: Sender, R., Fuchs, S., & Milo, R. Revista: Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2016. Abstract: This article reviews the role of the human microbiome in health and disease, highlighting its influence on digestion, immunity, and nutrient synthesis. It also emphasizes its contribution to metabolic and autoimmune diseases.
Títle: "The Human Microbiome: Gut Microbiota and Health." Autores: Marchesi, J. R., Adams, D. H., Fava, F., Hermes, G. D., Hirschfield, G. M., Hold, G., ... & Rook, G. A. Revista: The Journal of Infection, 2016. Abstract: This study focuses on the intestinal microbiota and its relationship with human health. Explore how alterations in the microbiome can contribute to gastrointestinal, inflammatory, and metabolic disorders.
Títle"The Skin Microbiome: Impact of Modern Environments on Skin Ecology, Barrier Integrity, and Systemic Immune Programming." Autores: Kong, H. H., Andersson, B., & Clavel, T. Revista: World Allergy Organization Journal, 2016. Summary: This article examines the skin microbiome's influence on skin health and immune response. It highlights how modern environmental factors can upset the microbial balance and affect the skin's health.
Future perspectives
Studying the human microbiome is a constantly evolving field that promises new therapeutic strategies and a deeper understanding of human health. As we continue to investigate this small ecosystem, doors are opening to personalized interventions to promote health and prevent disease.
Would you like to learn more about this fascinating subject? Share your thoughts and questions in the comments!
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theambitiouswoman · 2 years
Benefits of Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in plants that plays a key role in photosynthesis. Some potential benefits of chlorophyll are:
Acts as an antioxidant: Chlorophyll has antioxidant properties that can help protect against oxidative stress, which has been linked to various chronic diseases.
May help with detoxification: Chlorophyll has been shown to help eliminate toxins from the body, particularly heavy metals and other environmental pollutants.
May have anti-inflammatory effects: Chlorophyll has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the body and promote overall health.
May promote wound healing: Chlorophyll has been found to have wound-healing properties, which can help speed up the healing process and reduce the risk of infection.
May promote healthy digestion: Chlorophyll has been shown to have a prebiotic effect, which can help promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria and improve digestive health.
May promote healthy skin: Chlorophyll has been found to have skin-protective properties, which can help reduce the risk of skin damage from environmental stressors like UV radiation and pollution.
Overall, chlorophyll is a beneficial compound that can help promote overall health and wellbeing. It can be found in green vegetables like spinach, kale, and broccoli, as well as in supplements and other health products.
Three brands I recommend:
Sakara- Detox water drops
Juna-Detox drops
Zuma- Liquid tonic
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