#inej ghana
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redfoxthesixteenth · 2 years ago
Kaz really said that if you love a girl, don’t wait for her to introduce you to her parents. Introduce her to her parents
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ilovesadiesink · 2 years ago
<six of crows as b99 quotes3
jesper: 9:01! Wylan is officially late for the first time ever
jesper: alright, let's do this. Who's got theories?
matthias: Uhm, the alarm didn't go off
jesper: All three Alarms with battery backup? Come on who wants to take this seriously?
nina: Oh! He was taken in his sleep!
jesper: That's what i'm talking about! Super dark nina, but way more plausibel than matthias' idiotic alarm clock theory
matthias: h-
kuwai: Maybe he fell into another dimension where he's interesting.
kaz: It's 9AM, why is no one working
jesper: Wylan is a few minutes late, and we're trying to guess why
kaz: I'd like to play. I'd say he's in line at the bank
wylan: *enters the room*
jesper: There he is! Wylan, where have you been?? We've been worried sick. Care to explain yourself??
wylan: I'm just 70 seconds late, it's not a big deal-
kaz: Wylan, you will tell us, and you will tell us now
wylan: There was a problem at the bank
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queenofspades6 · 2 years ago
Greatest Investment | Kaz Brekker x reader
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Summary: You eavesdrop on Kaz and Inej, you watched as they get closer, and well, it doesn’t go as planned…
Based on this request I received:
”Hiii! I haven't watched the second season yet, but I saw a Gif of a kiss (or almost kiss) between Kaz and Inej, and I was wondering if you would write about the reader having feelings for Kaz since they met, but she doesn't have the courage to talk, so at some point in the day she goes to check if Kaz needs anything and ends up witnessing the kiss (or almost kiss) between Kaz and Inej, and the reader feels like the silliest person in the world after that.”
Warnings: Angst. (Sorry…)
A/N: Hi! I hope you’ll enjoy what I wrote, I took some liberties since I was so inspired by the request!! I love some good angst! Did I use again in a Kaz Brekker fic title the word ‘investment’? Oops…I think meeting Freddy and Amita made me that way! They are so incredible!
Being Ketterdam’s most famous assassin wasn’t an easy life. You were one of Kaz Brekker’s Crows, always here if needed. Since you were part of the Crows, there was something unspoken between Kaz and you. There was some sort of tension from the beginning, even Nina and Jesper had noticed.
”How is the most beautiful woman in Ketterdam doing?“ Jesper asked, taking place to the bar counter next to you.
You rolled your eyes and repressed a grin.
“What do you want, Jesper?“
“Can’t I just compliment you without needing a reason?”
You stared at him meticulously, but Jesper couldn’t look back. Interesting. He needed to ask you something then...
“Fine! Fine! I need your help.“
You sighed but smiled.
”What? It’s not my fault, Y/N, if you give good advice! Don’t blame me!”
”Jesper, what do you need me for?“ You questioned, taking a sip at your drink.
“You see...“
Jesper was trying to avoid your gaze.
”Jesper. My patience has its limits.”
“Alright! Fine! I want to prepare a date for Wylan and I need your help.” He spitted, playing with his gun on his hand.
You nodded.
”I’ll help you. What do you need me for?“
”I don’t know what to plan. Maybe something he’ll like.”
You laughed, thinking about your previous conversation with Wylan about a sweet and wonderful place you both wanted to go to escape for once the cold streets of Ketterdam.
“Jes. You know what? Bring him to Butterfly’s Heaven, you declared, a smile already drawing on your lips at the thought, it’s a greenhouse where all the species of butterfly can fly freely. There’s also an endearing cafe there to drink something while watching the butterflies.” You replied, stars already dancing in your eyes thinking about all the marvelous butterflies.
“Do you think Wylan will love it?”
”Definitely! We talked about it all week, and he was desperate to go. You should bring him. He’ll love it. And buy him a stuffed toy, he’ll marry you right after.”
Jesper was smiling at the thought of Wylan asking his hand in marriage.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
“You and Wylan deserve to be happy.“
“What if it’s not enough, Y/N? What if I am not enough?” He opened up, not caring if he was vulnerable in front of you.
“You are enough, Jesper, you always have.”
You looked at him and smiled, hoping one day you’ll find someone that will care for you as much as Jesper wants Wylan.
“Wylan thinks you are enough, he loves you, Jes. And even Kaz knows it, even if he won’t ever admit it.”
You took another sip of the whisky in front of you and heard someone giggling.
”Hi Y/N!”
Wylan was embracing Jesper with his hands around his shoulders.
“Hi you.” Wylan said to Jesper.
Jesper didn’t even reply and kissed him tenderly as if he were the most precious thing in the world. And at that moment, you swore he were. They broke the kiss, and Wylan blinked several times as if to recover from the intensity of the kiss. It warmed your heart, even if you said nothing.
“What were you talking about?” Wylan asked, coming back to his senses.
Jesper almost jumped off his seat.
”We were talking about Y/N’s feelings for Kaz!“ Jesper answered spontaneously, too scared to reveal what he had planned.
”What? We were?” You almost spitted your drink on the counter of the bar. Now you were facing Jesper and Wylan. How dare he expose you like that?
”Oh seems interesting.” Wylan said, waiting for you to say more.
“There’s nothing between me and Kaz.”
Wylan looked at you wide-eyed, and Jesper sighed, before saying:
”Lie, Y/N. Haven’t you noticed how Kaz always checks on you after a heist, how you always have dresses, jewels, food, everything you want given to you for nothing in shops, you think it’s because of your fine looks? No. Even if you’re beautiful, Y/N, no offense! It’s Kaz’s doing. He made me went with him to each shop, each café, each place in Ketterdam you would want to go to pay, or should I say ‘bribe’ them for you to always have what’s best, no matter the cost.”
”That’s not true, that’s-”
”And what about this time you almost died, and he stayed at your bed an entire week, ordering every Dreg not to disturb him, and how you always have your tea and waffles ready for you every morning? Even Nina is jealous!” He confessed.
”I thought it was you or Wylan who was making me breakfast every morning!”
”It’s not.“ He muttered.
”He’s right, Y/N.” Wylan nodded. ”Even Nina told me last time about how his heartbeat jumped when you are in the same place, and how irritating it was for her to feel both of your heartbeats jumping when you’re together.”
“You should tell him how you feel, Y/N. You are the one who encouraged me to be with Wylan, because life is short, and in Ketterdam, death is always near. He cares about you, more than he’ll ever admit.”
”I don’t have feelings for Kaz fucking Brekker!” You almost screamed and avoided Wylan and Jesper’s gazes.
You took your glass of whisky and finished it all. The feeling of alcohol burning your throat almost soothed you.
”You do.” Jesper smiled and teased you.
”No, I don’t!”
Wylan rolled his eyes at his boyfriend’stuborness.
”Y/N! There you are, I thought you were with Kaz!”
You jumped off your seat. Fortunately for you, it was only Nina and not Dirtyhands himself.
”Nina, you scared the hell out of me.”
She grinned as if she had planned it all along.
”What are the three of you up to?“ She questioned, eyebrows raised.
"We are talking about Y/N’s feelings for Kaz.” Wylan answered before you could even speak.
”Not you too, Wylan!”
He smirked, almost shyly, and even if you wanted to blame him, you couldn’t blame his cute silly face.
”Hmmm, you and Waffles are not so discreet with your feelings.”
You sighed and tried to ignore Nina’s voice. You knew that if you listened to them, you would probably end up in Kaz’s office confessing your feelings for him, because on some missions, it became unbearable. The need to protect him, to check on him, how he could make you feel powerful and useless at the same time.
“Y/N. Heartbeats don’t lie.” Nina whispered to you, and you were sure Wylan and Jesper would not hear.
”Stop Nina. I- I- He’s not in love with me. Kaz Brekker can’t be in love. Love is a weakness, and I am only his latest investment.” You repeated, only to convince yourself of it.
“So how do you explain how his heartbeat go faster when you’re here, how I can feel his heart trying to get out of his chest when you’re injured. He cares. He tries to hide it, but the heart doesn’t lie. Never.”
You looked at her blue ocean eyes, and she caressed your shoulder in encouragement.
”Try to tell him, try to tell him you care, if only that. Love is a fragile thing, cherish it while it lasts.”
You swore you saw an ounce of sadness and regret flashing in her eyes as she remembered Matthias.
“I think you can help him with his past.” Nina muttered.
You looked at your empty glass, and noticed how your hands were trembling. Maybe they were right. Maybe it was time for you to tell him, that at least you cared for him. More than him being just your Boss.
You stood up, levelled up your chin, and took several steps towards Kaz’s office.
You were Ketterdam’s most notorious assassin, and you would not be afraid.*
You advanced towards the door slowly, you wanted to knock but the door was already ajar.
You could do it, you had done so much worse. You took a deep breath before-
You heard voices in his office. You heard him first, talking with a female voice, a voice you didn’t not recogn-
it was Inej’s.
Kaz and Inej were in his office talking. Your instinct was screaming at you to leave and come back later, but curiosity got the better of you.
You stayed, you tried to understand what they were saying, but you couldn’t. Slowly the most slowly possible you pushed the door and waited. Kaz and Inej were still talking, you took it as a sign they didn’t hear your presence. You weren’t Ketterdam’s best assassin for nothing. You took a silent step and looked at Kaz’s office.
You didn’t expect what you saw.
Kaz and Inej were close, too close for your liking, dangerously close. Too close that any of them could bear. So how was it they were here, almost touching each other. You swore Kaz could feel Inej’s breathing on his chin.
Watching them so close together made your heart beating faster. You wanted to scream but no sound came. No explanation came to your mind. Why was Inej here? You tried to focus on the words you heard, but none of them made sense. You were near but you couldn’t hear them clearly, it was as if your brain didn’t want you to eavesdrop. You heard some words like ‘crows’ and ‘family’.
You pushed the door again, without a sound. You leaned on the door and focused on the voices.
You heard Kaz’s voice as it broke, and you needed to take a glimpse at what was going on right now. You took a deep breath and looked at them. Kaz’s gloved hand was on Inej’s shoulder. They were staring at each other like nothing else mattered in the entire world. Even if you were not close, you could decipher Inej’s surprise at Kaz’s sudden touch.
”Let me go, Kaz.”
Kaz removed his hand, and an ounce of sadness and rejection passed on his face.
“We need you, here.“
You watched as Inej shooked her head.
“Stay, Inej. Stay. Please.”
Her name sounded as a prayer in Kaz’s lips.
”I can’t, Kaz, and you know why.“ She whispered.
“We need you, Inej, please. We- I... I need you.“
Without noticing, Kaz caught Inej’s arm with his gloved hand, preventing her from leaving.
You couldn’t see them clearly; the door was blocking your path. You tried to lean on a bit further but failed miserably. Why did you push your luck? Your whole body had been trembling the whole time, even with the multiple tries to steady your heartbeat and calm yourself. The door opened slightly, and your face was greeted by the floor.
All you felt was numbness, shock and realization. Kaz and Inej were staring at you in wonder. You could already feel Kaz’s grave gaze at you.
“What? Did you never see someone fall before?“ You questioned, trying to hide your discomfort.
Feeling ashamed, you stood up awkwardly and crossed Kaz’s eyes.
“Y/N.“ Kaz declared.
You nodded.
“It’s not what you think.” Inej replied immediately, trying to maintain her composure.
Kaz was leaning on his cane, and his eyes never left your form.
”Don’t worry, I didn’t see anything. I won’t tell a soul. Keep going. I am leaving right now.” You gestured to the door and fled.
”Y/N, wait.“ Kaz said.
You ran through the Crow Club, not caring what the Dregs thought.
”Y/N!” Jesper screamed, hoping to catch your attention.
Why were you running?
Kaz followed after you, even if his leg hurt. He tried to, but you were too fast for him. After all, you were an assassin. A clumsy one at that...
You didn’t care. You ran until your lungs couldn’t bear the feeling, until your knees broke under the weight of your exhausted body. But where could you go in Ketterdam? A place where no Dreg could ever find you.
You knew the perfect place.
Months ago the Crows had gone on an heist with your help. The goal was simple, Kaz had said: ‘we enter, we take the painting, and we leave unnoticed’. He had insisted on the word ‘unnoticed’ looking specifically at Jesper. You had agreed to help them steal the damn painting if it pleases them. Truth be told you couldn’t say no to more Kruge. When you entered the grim manor Kaz had depicted, you noticed how silent and peaceful it was. No soul lived here. Was it the place where the painting was hidden? Maybe Kaz had made a mistake. But he had confirmed it was here. The manor was abandoned long ago by a duke trying to escape his demons. That’s all Kaz had told you, and you hadn’t asked for more at the time. Now you wished you had, because you were headed towards the old manor. A place where just the ghosts could disturb you. Ghosts were better than men, right? Better than some Bastard of the Barrel.
It could be the only place where you could scream and cry without someone noticing Ketterdam’s best assassin being vulnerable. Sometimes being the greatest assassin was a weakness, a weakness you couldn’t afford. It meant never showing too much emotion, never crying in front of your enemies... Wait. Was Kaz your enemy?
You didn’t know anymore. Falling in love was a weakness. Something not allowed in the dangerous streets of Ketterdam, a feeling that would destroy everything if not careful. In fact, love was a weapon, and if not used with parsimony and care, it could kill you.
You broke in the manor, remembering the precise path you used last time and found the closest room, the one you had discovered and found surprisingly pleasing. And strangely peaceful.
You closed the door, and sat on the floor, your body curled up, hands around your knees. You tried to forget the memories with the Crows and Kaz, but it was too much. You remembered your times with Jesper talking about guns, the hours eating waffles and ice cream with Nina, the walks with Wylan, the looks of approval coming from Matthias, and this cane... The cane you would never forget, even if you wanted to. You remembered the day when you had ended up wounded after eliminating a slaver. You were injured, sitting on the cold pavement. You were trying to catch your breath before escaping, but you had felt a soft but firm tap on your thigh. And without looking, you knew who it belonged to.
It was the Bastard of the Barrel.
He wanted you to think he was invisible, and unpredictable, but what he didn’t know was that long before killing the man, you knew Dirtyhands had followed you.
“Enjoyed the show, didn’t you?” You had questioned, showing your white teeth that must have been covered in blood.
That was the day when he had asked you to join the Crows, and since you had nothing more to do, you had accepted, already thinking about the free drinks you would benefit at the Crow Club.
You also remembered the day when you had wanted to leave the Crows because of some decision Kaz had made. You were angry and had prepared everything to leave in the morning. However, Kaz had watched you wrapping your clothes with a spectacular meticulousness, and had whispered:
“Stay. Stay in Ketterdam. Stay with me, Y/N.”
And you had stayed. Of course. When Dirtyhands asked you to stay, you stay. The morning he had woken up at dawn in case you wanted to leave without saying goodbye. He had found you in your usual attire, your knives and guns on your waist.
“You did not leave?”
He had asked, almost as a prayer.
”No. Something keeps me in Ketterdam.”
Kaz had said nothing, but you swore you had seen a grin on his lips this day.
You also remembered the day when you had been badly injured to save Nina from a fatal injury. You had been severely hurt; you weren’t even able to stand up. You remember watching the pitiful looks of the Crows at your broken body sprawled on the ground. Deep down you knew you were now a liability for the Crows, and especially for Kaz, so you had told them to leave you here, and escape before the men you had stolen from were back. You knew the risks and costs of each heist, and already accepted your fate.
Kaz had none of it. He had ordered Matthias to carry you, while Nina would tend to your wound as much as she could and control your heartbeat. Jesper would protect your backs, while Inej was sent to scan the path, and look for any danger. You would never forget the look Kaz had given you when he told you to rest for months if needed and had given you a room close to his own in the Crow Club.
Later, you had asked him why he had saved you instead of leaving you to perish. He had said with conviction:
”We are Crows, Y/N, we never leave our own behind.”
That was all of his qualities and flaws that made you love Kaz Brekker. He was broken, but you had always been a sucker for broken things to tend to. You had offered him everything an assassin could possess: your loyalty, your weapons, your ability to kill, and your heart, ready for the taking...
But now you remembered the sentence Dirtyhands had told you a week ago, telling you all you had to know about what you were to him, and what you could be.
”You’re my greatest investment, Y/N. Don’t fail me. “
He had told you once what you were to him, but you hadn’t listened, you had fallen in love, and now you knew. You knew you had always been an expensive investment, but only that, nothing more.
You had been his greatest investment, and that was all...
Tell me what you thought about this one! I am seriously considering writing a part 2! Likes, shares and comments are appreciated, it makes my day, I really need it!
If you liked this fanfiction, you’ll love this one, it also has the word ‘investment’ in the title like this one:
⬇️ ⬇️
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lady-ashfade · 2 years ago
Hello Darling, I was wondering if I could get Kaz thing were him and reader have know each other for ages and like with Jordie and she is the old person Kaz is kinds ok with touching, so one day when a heist goes wrong and Y/N gets hurt and Kaz is like freaking out thinking she's going to die and stuff and its like super fluffy and and like Y/N heals and Kazoo like doesn't leave her side
If you could do this it would be amazing
I’m right here.
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Kaz Brekker x Fem!Reader
Hope I did this okay! Thanks for the request 🌸
Notes: This is short and fluffy. I also can’t do good aid or this type of thing so I hope it’s okay!
Warning: Pain to comfort, a little angst, blood, crying in pain, bad writing for sure, spelling mistakes probably.
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The group rushed through the door almost breaking it off the hinges. “Get her upstairs.” Kaz shouted as Matthias held you in his arms, Nina by his side focusing on your heartbeat. Inej went to the kitchen where you kept your towels and collected everything.
You blood stained Matthias shirt and your eyes flutter, a groan or a whimper leaving your lips a few times. As soon as they got to the top floor of your home they rushed to the bedroom. “On the bed.” Nina fixed the pillows and the sheets, then patted the mattress. Matthias nodded his head and put you down carefully and tried not to give your extra pain.
Wylan almost sobbed at the sight of your arm falling and going limp. You knew who he was, who was his father and you never shamed him for it. He loved you and cared deeply, you were his best friend. Wylan turned away and into Jesper arms, who took him into his arms quickly. “Is she going to be okay?” He asked and kaz shot him a glare that he couldn’t see.
“Yes, now everyone out except Inej.” Nina’s hand tugged at your bloody shirt and they all went out quickly. Kaz stood still and looked at you, “Kaz, she’ll be fine.” Inej rushed passed passed him with her arms full and went by Nini. “I’m staying.” They didn’t have time to fight with him, but they knew even if they did he would stay.
They had no choice but pull your shirt off and leaving you in the thin layer on your chest. Kaz hated seeing your face curl into pain as they cleaned the wound. “Jordie” he remembered the small boy with a body underneath him, shaking it as he cried for his brother. He got light headed and sat down in the chair. Was he going to lose you too? Shaking his head at the thought because he wouldn’t allow that.
A scream cut him out of his thoughts, you opening your eyes as the needle pressed into your skin. “Stop! Please.” You cried at the pain in your side. Nina apologized as she teared up and Inej looked up at you guilty. “Kaz!” You looked up at him and he felt his entire body move on its own and he was by your side within seconds. “Make it stop!” You cried.
He took your hand in his and gave it a small squeeze, “You can handle it.” He stated and you shook your head. A whimper came out as the needle went back, “Can’t.” He leaned closer and rubbed circles on your hand. “You can, I’m right here.” You looked back at him and the pain became too much for you to handle, along with the blood that you lost, or the shock you felt.
Kaz watched your eyes fell closed and your hand losing its grip. He panicked and looked back at your chest and saw it go up and down. “I’m right here.” He whispered. Kaz held your hand the whole time and stayed by your side, even when it was all done. He refused to leave your side, if something happened while he was away he couldn’t live with himself.
Everyone came and stayed for a while, he was there. When everyone left to sleep he stayed there, Nina and Matthias stayed in the other room. Days passed and he was still in the room by your side. He hated the feelings of lose as if the old friend visited him again to take someone else. You couldn’t leave him, he needed you in his life. The light of his life and the feeling of comfort he so rarely felt was only with you.
Kaz sat in the chair beside your bed and his head leaned on the wall behind him with his eyes closed. You stirred yourself awake and took a moment to remember everything. You look around the familiar room and then down at the pain in your side. A bandage wrapped around your side and only in a bra. “Damn.” You cursed and put your head back.
A small snore caught you by surprise and you looked to the side and saw Kaz asleep. He looked calmer then normal but he still had a snarl on his face, it made you laugh a bit. As much as you could without hurting your side. “Kazzel.” You poked his leg. It took a moment and then shot up and it startled you a bit. He looked panicked and then looked down at you, he looked terrified.
“I’m okay.” You whispered with smiled. Kaz blinked as he saw you up and talking. “Y/n.” He pushed up and moved closer to and leaned down the bed. “Kaz, how long have you been here?” He swallowed. “As long as you have been out, you scared the others.” His hand came up to your cheek and softly moved his fingers on the skin.
“I’m not going that easy.” Smirked up at him. He looked at you and his eyes softened. Leaning himself down he pressed his lips against yours and kissed you softly. He was so afraid he would never get to do that again, or to have you in his arms or seen you smile. You took your hand and put it on his chest to remind him that you were still here.
“Good, because I don’t plan on losing you. You’ll stay with me, even if I have to bring you back to life myself.” He whispered against your lips and put his forehead on yours. And he was true, if he had to drag you out of deaths claws he would do it. He’d fight the saints himself to have you stay with him.
“You’re stuck with me, Kaz Brekker.” You teased and connected your lips with his again.
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cilyra · 2 years ago
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“How will you have me” - art by me
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malsopportoicriticidarte · 2 years ago
Kaz love language: gifting Inej her boat, finding her family and leading them to her, softly and tentatively touching her, making her laugh
Inej love language: carving out Pekka Rollins chest
They're speaking each other languages lmao
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six-of-idiots · 2 years ago
Six Of Crows as AO3 Tags
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crowclubkaz · 2 years ago
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mollykflood · 2 years ago
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Binge read Six Of Crows over the weekend and couldn’t get this meme out of my head; had to redraw it with the Crows.
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Ok, I was listening to Ballad of Lucy Grey, and I love agnst idk if anyone would be intrested in a Grisha verse interpretation where the reader and Kaz were platonic or could be together and then she ends up on Sturmhonds crew and Nikolia. It could also work with Nikolia instead to where he left to go be captain and she didn't go with. I just thought the one line literally says, " You stole, and you gambled." It's so perfect for Kaz being the Barell boss. I could just see the scene.
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dragonsarecats · 2 years ago
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it doesn’t exactly hit Inej that Kaz’s plan involves getting them arrested until she’s getting her mugshot taken by stadwatch
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ilovesadiesink · 2 years ago
<six of crows as b99 quotes3
kaz: *making a toast* to a sucessful heist
the crows: to a sucessful heist!
nina: to rihanna, because i love rihanna
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umconto-de-fadas · 2 years ago
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sixofsol · 2 years ago
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captain ghafa returns to ketterdam
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You've all got it wrong. Tolya and Inej going off together at the end of sab season 2 isn't setting up a love triangle (in the traditional sense) but instead a dope ot3 with 2 poetry dorks and their knife wife 🥰
(This is about the show BTW)
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starlesswdz · 2 years ago
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tumblr won't let me post stuff recently maybe this time it works
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