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primepaginequotidiani · 6 months ago
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PRIMA PAGINA Osservatore Romano di Oggi venerdì, 09 agosto 2024
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lorenzospurio · 10 months ago
N.E. 02/2024 - Intervista alla scrittrice e antropologa Loretta Emiri. A cura di Lorenzo Spurio
Loretta, benvenuta e grazie per aver permesso questa intervista. Ha recentemente dato alle stampe un volume dal titolo “Romanzo indigenista” (auto-pubblicato sulla piattaforma Amazon), potrebbe parlarcene un po’? Iniziai a scrivere questo romanzo nell’agosto del 2013 e l’ho ultimato nel novembre del 2019. La privilegiata convivenza di oltre quattro anni con gli yanomami nella loro lussureggiante…
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keygenmemory · 1 year ago
hello! happy indigenious peoples day! help a disabled mexican american/mixed indigenious mother and son pay for their car insurance!!! please dont scroll!!!!
TLDR: after a year and a half of not having a car me and my mother got one that needs to be registered, fixed, and have insurance before we use it. me and my mother dont have jobs. we are both physically and mentally disabled and we live in low income housing. my moms disability money goes towards rent and the electric/gas bill and we dont have enough to scrape by for the insurance costs.
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the insurance company wants $207 upfront for a year and then $38 per month after that. my mom already has $50 from a family friend so we need $157 left (not including transaction fees).
please please Please help us. we are unable to work and unfortunately i cant give anything in return but it would mean a lot from the both of us so we dont have to rely on uber/lyft anymore wasting $30+ for each medical visit we have (which is very often now) and we want to also drive safely just in case, god forbid, something happens to us and we cant pay the damage costs.
p•ypal . me
c4shapp: $cupidsgrenade
thank you for reading, god bless your soul.
EDIT: its 10/15/2023 and im pleased to announce with the help of you all WE REACHED THE GOAL!!!! thank you all so much for helping us out it means a lot to us 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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ghostlude · 7 months ago
i know im usually sleeping around this time but i cant sleep ANYWAYYYYS i saw a convo with boothill on the express about him sensing resentful energy in the parlor car (presumably the memokeeper in charge of the Forgotten Hall) and all i can think about his him being in fyxestroll garden bc it seems like he’s suuuper cautious of malicious spirits.
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we-the-vessel · 2 months ago
Some days were like, "Hamilton is such a gross idea for a story and it's fucking hilarious that the antagonist had to be cartoonishly bad in order for the cause to be sympathetic" and other day's we're like "hehe Thomas Jefferson miku binderrrrr"
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wanderxdusk · 4 months ago
"Supportin' Indigenous artists an' crafts-folks is 'ruinin' the mood'? The heck? Who would rather want mass-produced plastic crap when ya can help out communities an' find one-of-a-kind art made wit' care!"
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gregor-samsung · 2 years ago
“ In America Latina la tribù bianca si è imposta durante la conquista con la strage dei popoli indigeni e l’imposizione della “civiltà cristiana”. In questi ultimi trent’anni, i gruppi fondamentalisti cristiani e le Chiese evangeliche provenienti dagli Usa vi hanno trovato terreno fertile. Oggi il “suprematismo bianco” sta penetrando in quasi tutti gli Stati dell'America Latina. Forse il caso più eclatante è proprio il suo trionfo in Brasile. “Siamo in un Paese,” afferma la filosofa brasiliana Djamila Ribeiro, “che a lungo ha negato l’esistenza del razzismo. Il Brasile è stato uno degli ultimi ad abrogare la schiavitù (1888) che era alla base dell'economia brasiliana. Gli schiavi liberati non hanno avuto né terra né diritti. Il governo invece ha favorito l’immigrazione europea per lo ‘sbiancamento’ della popolazione brasiliana e a questi ha dato terreni. Il Brasile non aveva la segregazione legale come negli Usa, ma aveva e ha ancora una segregazione di tipo istituzionale. La popolazione povera è povera perché nera.” È in questo scenario che le Chiese evangeliche Usa sono riuscite a penetrare nel tessuto brasiliano e a diventare talmente forti da silurare il governo di Dilma Rousseff, per eleggere l’ex militare Jair Bolsonaro, che sta portando avanti una politica omofoba, sessista e xenofoba. Bolsonaro ha venduto il Brasile alle multinazionali che stanno massacrando l’Amazzonia. E, da buon seguace di Chiese fondamentaliste e negazioniste, non ha voluto fare nulla per bloccare la pandemia da Covid-19, portando il Brasile al disastro sanitario. Nel Paese confinante, la Colombia, gli accordi di pace tra il governo e le Farc sono falliti perché evangelici e cattolici fondamentalisti vi si sono opposti asserendo che quegli accordi difendevano aborto, omosessualità… Altrettanto in Bolivia, dove i militari e i gruppi religiosi fondamentalisti hanno compiuto un colpo di Stato contro Evo Morales, il presidente della Repubblica, reo di aver dato centralità politica, culturale ed economica ai popoli indigeni, da sempre schiacciati. E hanno organizzato il colpo di Stato con la Bibbia e il Crocifisso in mano. Ma nelle elezioni del 18 ottobre 2020, i cittadini hanno dato la maggioranza assoluta (il 53 per cento) al Movimento per il Socialismo (Mas), eleggendo Luis Arce, ex ministro di Morales, come presidente della Repubblica. Lo stesso sta avvenendo in Centro America. In Costa Rica, nel 2018, il pastore evangelico Fabricio Alvarado ha vinto le elezioni presidenziali con una piattaforma a favore dei “valori cristiani” contro l’aborto e a favore del neoliberismo. Nel Salvador, il presidente della Repubblica, Nayib Bukele, al suo insediamento ha invitato il pastore evangelico argentino Dante Gebel, molto legato ai pastori ultraconservatori degli Usa, a guidare la preghiera. Un deputato ha presentato una mozione in Parlamento per imporre la lettura obbligatoria della Bibbia in tutte le scuole. Sono solo alcuni esempi di un movimento che potremmo chiamare l’“internazionale cristo-neo-fascista, neo-liberale e patriarcale”. In America Latina è la reazione della tribù bianca in difesa della propria supremazia: utilizzare il “Vangelo della prosperità” per legittimare il neoliberismo imperante. “
Alex Zanotelli, Lettera alla tribù bianca, Feltrinelli (collana Serie Bianca); prima edizione marzo 2022. [Libro elettronico]
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sapphicdessi · 1 year ago
That has to be a large percentage of bisexual women dating TIMs 🤢 Out of all the men they could choose, that's the men they go for? There are better less misogynistic men out there.
the women who willingly date troons usually are bi women and now they're like omg I love having gay sex with my gf/wife im such a dyke <333 all over social media and reddit
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jazzhaaaands · 21 days ago
America likes to be the best, especially at being the worst.
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America is the only country with medical debt and medical bankruptcy.
No other country destroys your life savings via medical procedures.
No other country.
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joeleatsled · 2 months ago
Vent under the cut
Being a reconnecting indigenous person while also looking white as fuck has driven my self hatred to a new low
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raffaellamilandri · 3 months ago
Il Canada provò – e ancora insiste – a cancellare i diritti dei Nativi
di Raffaella Milandri© La questione del colonialismo e dei diritti dei Popoli Indigeni è antica come e più di Cristoforo Colombo, e mette sui due piatti della bilancia, come in molte questioni di attualità in altre parti del nostro Pianeta, i vecchi poteri occidentali e il resto del mondo. I Nativi del Nord America sono tra i popoli più in vista in queste contrapposizioni e lotte che vanno…
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feralfens · 1 year ago
its all fun and games growing your hair out until you stop braiding it away from your face and are slightly more irritable for No Reason. oh hey i have showered and stopped my hair from Touching My Face and suddenly the world is beautiful and lovely
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sauolasa · 2 years ago
Terra agli indigeni in Amazzonia, la Corte Suprema rinvia la decisione
Protesta per l'ennesimo rinvio delle misure in favore delle comunità che vivono nella foresta in Brasile
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twinliches · 6 months ago
there has been some discussion on here that people should not call themselves central european, as that "doesn't exist, there is only the west and the (ex-soviet) east".
so here is the story of how my parents met. it's a long one snd it features a world war, the cold war and the iron curtain, but i promise it is a love story. here goes:
1936. my german grandfather lives in a small village in eastern pomerania, then germany, with his mother. my polish side of the family, part of an indigenious slavic minority, the kashubians, lives just six kilometers east across the border in poland.
1939. germany invades poland. with the front and the border moving east, my kashubian grandfather is incidentally born on german territory as a german citizen. he is the youngest of eleven - all his siblings are polish citizens.
1942. my german grandfather is drafted into the army and taken as a prisoner of war. the same year, my kashubian grandfather is murdered in a concentration camp for collusion against nazi germany.
1945. my german grandfather has returned from russia. the border has moved, west this time, and his old home is in poland now, and behind the iron curtain. he decides to stay in western germany.
1946. my kashubian great-grandmother, a widowed woman with eleven children, has lost her house during the war. she moves into an abandoned home in a now polish recovered territories.
1982. it's the height of the cold war. my german grandfather has not stopped wondering what has happened to his old home. with a sailing ship, he and my father make it to poland and to his old house. my kashubian grandfather, now married and father of seven children, opens the door. and in true kashubian hospitality, invites them to stay the night. my parents, both teenagers, and without a shared language, meet for the first time. and fall in love.
1987. my father is discharged from the west german army because of his frequent travels behind the iron curtain to visit his girlfriend. my mother gets a german passport issued without a citizen test as her father is technically german.
1996. the berlin wall has fallen, but more importantly, my parents are getting married in poland. their families got over the language barrier, and my grandfathers have gotten over their different sides in the war. the reception is in three languages - german, kashubian, and polish. in the house both my grandfathers grew up in.
a few years later, my brother and i are born. german- polish- kashubian. with two passports and three mother tongues. and then again. from one single house in germany- poland- recovered-territories- kashubia- pomerania.
so we just say we are central european.
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caspianlira · 1 year ago
Buy from them instead of buying from companies like Disney that fund and support genocide!!
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keygenmemory · 4 months ago
hello! ive tried making this post several times and they failed each time so hoping it works now
hi! my name is orion. im mx/us/indigenious, gay and trans, disabled (intellect. learning. mental. physical), and low income ETC ETC
recently my mom got an MRI for an unrelated health issue relating to her stomach and it turns out theres a 2.5 cm mass on her pancreas. we dont know if its cancer but she has had a cancerous tumor before on her stomach but it was very early on and removed.
shes been using loans to pay our rent since its climbing to be more and more expensive the more we live here and i want to relieve stress she already has abt money by asking for help again if possible
$30 should be okay for now, more if people are generous. i do have commissions open but please keep in mind due to my life being hectic not only with my mom but wkth my own health issues it may take a bit (1 month - few months)
pls share around anyway u guys can... it only takes a second. thank you all.
k0fi: https://ko-fi.com/astralchimera
p4yp4l: https://paypal.me/cupidsgrenade?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
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