#including my ability to read
dipperscavern · 2 months
just realized i sent in my last anon with "envokes" vs. "invokes" fucking fuck please ignore this mishap
the lust for cregan was so powerful i couldn't check for typos before SMASHING the "ask" button 🤷‍♀️
- 🔄❄️
it’s the way i didn’t even notice. i think i just read the name “cregan” and blacked out
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turtleblogatlast · 9 months
One of my favorite things about Leo’s portals is the fact that they’re tangible.
He can throw those like frisbees and hit people with them like?? The boys’ abilities are so fun and magical and even sci-fi-esque but this aspect of Leo’s portals are so distinctly a Looney Tunes flavor of cartoon-y that I absolutely adore.
And sure this aspect of the portals can be used for fighting, but moreover the sheer amount of visual gags this does and can create is infinite.
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sparklecryptid · 9 months
I had no patience for people policing other peoples ships before i went to library tech school and library tech school has make me a little bit pissy about the entire thing actually.
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orcelito · 1 year
ok I don't think we as a fandom talk about the way Vash cries blood enough
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we only see it once or twice from what I remember, the one definite time being here ^ when the puppet attack first begins & he's dealing with the emotional agony of seeing so many of his family turn into puppets.
so it's clearly something that comes out only when he's in severe emotional distress.
the interesting thing is that Wolfwood is fucking TERRIFIED of him bc of it.
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whatever this moment is, Vash is giving off the same sort of oppressive energy that Wolfwood's experienced with Knives. it's the first time during their travels that he's really been forced to recognize What Vash Is. he knew it of course, saw him in Jeneora, but he's such a goofy guy it's easy to forget.
but whatever Vash is doing here, it makes Wolfwood Incredibly aware of what he is.
so the real question i think is What exactly is going on here? is it unintentional? is it simply a response to the emotional agony?
Vash isn't the type to indiscriminately terrify everyone in the vicinity on purpose. he wouldn't be doing this purposefully out of anger while Wolfwood's there. no, in this moment, he's not even angry at all. he's Distraught.
going from This
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to this
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in just a moment.
yeah. that's some fucking emotional agony. i dont think Vash is doing this entirely on purpose.
but THEN...
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as both Leonof and Wolfwood stare at him in fear, Both feeling his oppressive energy, Vash then lets out some sort of blast that blows against everything between him and Leonof. it doesn't destroy anything, doesn't even injure him, but it's a physically tangible effect that scares the Shit out of Leonof & spurs him into motion.
there may be some anger involved in this moment, but it's not the hair-trigger rage you would expect from seeing his family turned into puppets. it's something Quiet, something almost cold. he's distraught, Resigned, & retaliating just because he has to.
Vash hates all of this. he doesn't want to fight him. he fucking Knows this guy too, knew him as a kid, & none of this makes sense. but he knows that he needs to fight him, & doesn't have any kind of choice.
but he's not happy about it. not in the slightest.
#speculation nation#fanny reads trigun#fanny's trigun analysis#trigun#trigun spoilers/#trimax spoilers/#adding that tag for tag goers. since this is a very trimax moment.#im just fascinated by the implications here. there's so much we don't see about Vash's abilities. him and Knives both.#there's the implication that he can read people's minds in the way he sometimes responds to thought boxes#and also the entire mental conversation he has with Legato. NONE of this is brought up.#the way Knives created that tree. they obviously can generate vegetation just like their sisters. or at least Knives can.#Vash creates that barrier. which I see as an extreme manipulation of gravity to prevent anything from going through.#and of course there's the explosions. with the angel arm theyre huge.#but then we see at least once Vash turn his finger into a lil canon. aka it can be done in a smaller form#and also the implications of him just making Bomb Bullets? mini versions of his giant explosions? What??????#so it brings the question of What If they could do these things on smaller scales? would Vash be capable of minor manipulations of gravity?#would Knives be able to just generate a fruit in his hand?#so many weird little things!!!! and we have no idea!!!!!!#but ykno what me as a fanfiction writer my entire PURPOSE is to extrapolate from canon. which includes their weird ass powers.#aka im going to make assumptions from the little bits we see in canon and im gonna RUN with them#definitely looking to do something with This moment too. Vash's oppressive energy... it will Definitely be fun.
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scoots-canoe · 6 months
finding out there are ridiculously high quality tien/launch manga out there
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some of them are mentioned here https://twitter.com/lovelykotorii/status/1285310495159967746
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tbcanary · 11 months
i think. one of the things that bothers me about how people write jason. is that there tends to be this sort of dichotomy. either he’s a nerd who loves classics and misses his family and is misunderstood, and therefore can’t possibly be to blame for the things he’s done, or he’s a ruthless killing machine with no redeeming qualities. and for me one of the things that i like is the way those two things coexist. he can be well-read, but mixed in with classic lit is ethics and philosophy lit that endorses his own stance on killing as an imperative or obligation. he can miss and care for (some of) his family, and also never want to see them or spend time with them, and also bristle and lash out and hurt them when they get too close. he can mourn the loss of his own childhood and parents while still killing others and ruining lives he deems unworthy. he’s not soft and wholly blameless, nor is he without relatable and redeeming qualities. that’s what makes him interesting.
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cream-and-tea · 11 months
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[ID in alt]
pallas + giftgiving ❤️
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sparky-is-spiders · 2 months
there was teeth in their kiss
Okay so I won't lie, this one really got away from me. I had like three different ideas and I was like "I'll just write a really short scene for all of them!!" only for the "really short scenes" to get... progressively longer. Oops?
I have two Lizardverse fics and one TMA (JE) fic. Because I don't want my Lizardverse stuff showing up in the JE tag and it's also The Longest One, so you can check the notes of this post to read it.
Also gonna be real I wrote these at ass-o-clock at night and Did Not Edit them, so.......
Oh shoot wait warnings! They only apply to the second one (you can stop reading at (Amaldyne)).
Body horror/mouth horror (mild?)
Non-consensual touching (non-sexual/non-romantic, but I figured I should still warn for it just in case)
(Send me a fic title!)
(Important Lizardverse Context (TM): The Overseer is a creature called a Grotle (think ankylosaurus but bigger, spikier, and omnivorous). He's also a very dangerous necromancer. His real name is Mihzarch (pronounced Miz-ark), and these are used somewhat interchangeably. Leoshgon wields a sword called the Godslayer sword. It's a very deadly semi-sentient sword that's bonded to his soul. He's also a Noctar (a much smaller, fuzzier mammal species.))
(Leoshgon) The Overseer liked to put his teeth to Leoshgon's throat. It happened in the night, mostly, when Leo was curled against Mihzarch's heavily plated body, throat bared in offering for the Overseer to do as he would. He was always very gentle, of course, and very careful. As if Leo was a priceless, fragile heirloom, not the most dangerous weapon in the world. But there was a pressure there, and Leo could feel the shape of the teeth even through his mane: the wide, shearing ones in the back; the broad conical incisors in the front, wet with saliva and dreadfully cold. The puff of chilled breath sent shivers down Leo's spine. Leo wasn't sure he liked the sensation, really. It was uncomfortably damp, for one, and also sort of boring to be held in place for so long (aside from that brief spike of fear, which really wasn't fair to Mihzarch at all, because the Godslayer Sword was the real danger here, but- that wasn't the point anyway). But he always bared his neck willingly. And when those massive jaws closed so sweetly around his throat, he leaned into it. And then Mihzarch would let out a happy rumble that sang through Leoshgon's entire body, and all would be well.
(Important Lizardverse Context (TM): Amaldyne is currently a (semi) unwilling servant of the ever-starving god of hunger. Eityr is weirdo freak bestie who want her to become as powerful as possible. Their relationship is. Uh. Weird. Amaldyne is a dragon becoming something More, Eityr is a Noctar)
(Amaldyne) "Show me." Amaldyne didn't look up when Eityr entered the room, nor did she turn to face her. In fact, she did not acknowledge Eityr's presence in any way at all. No matter. Eityr would not be so easily dissauded. Amaldyne's desk was strewn about with massive tomes and piles of documents and about a dozen bits of charcoal. It was as if some great beast of parchment had been savaged and slain atop it, and Amaldyne was trying to read the future in its bones. With a flick of her wrist and a stretch of her power, Eityr relocated them all to the floor, then hopped up onto the now-cleared metal. Amaldyne slowly raised her head to look at her with exhausted irritation written plainly all over her snout. "I want to see," Eityr said, "so show me." "Show you what?" the words were accompanied by a hiss of displeasure, but Amaldyne's wings remained loose and relaxed by her side. Unhappy, but willing to indulge. Were it anyone else, Eityr would find that infuriating. "Something happened, didn't it? There's something-" 'wrong' wasn't the right word. Whatever it was, it must surely be the opposite of 'wrong,' but Eityr struggled to think of an alternate descriptor. "Something happened to you, and I want to see it. Show me." Amaldyne nudged her down off the desk. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Eityr, and I don't have time to engage your every childish whim either, so please-" Sick of waiting and on a whim, Eityr grabbed at Amaldyne's lower jaw and yanked downwards. It split right down the middle, and the insides were coated with teeth that had not been there only a moment ago. Amaldyne let out a proper snarl then, shock intermingled with an animalistic rage. Her tail was poised to strike, stinger gleaming in the low light. But the tell-tale glow of dragonsflame never touched her throat, and so Eityr felt comfortable in running a paw along the seam where Amaldyne's mouth had split. No venomous fangs sank into her fur and no bite crushed the strength from her writs. Of course not. Amaldyne had always been content to let Eityr do as she would, why should this be any different? After a moment, Amaldyne pulled away. Her jaw clicked back together, and she watched Eityr through slitted, appraising eyes. "Satisfied?" She asked? Eityr saw no reason to lie. "No."
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brittlebutch · 8 hours
at this juncture, this doesn't affect my life Literally at all since i didn't make a single friend in college, let alone still talk to any of the people i met there, but i do find myself wondering if my art school classmates found me intolerably annoying lmao
#N posts stuff#i was experiencing the worst physical health of my life arguably during those years there so i did spend my entire art school career#REALLY hammering in hard on the disability stuff - including occasionally telling my classmates their ideas were bad#ie; one classmates who tried to pitch some crypto-future concept where a question he posed was 'are people still human if they have#like. robotic limbs' and i had to raise my hand and be like 'people with prosthetics exist currently and are in fact human. hello?'#or another group who pitched something post-apocolyptic where technology becomes obsolete bc people like lose the ability to read#but the term they used specifically was 'dyslexic' and i was like 'that's bad. dyslexic and illiterate are two different things'#or classmates whose entire villain designs hinged on 'this guy is Fat and uses a mobility aid' etc etc etc#i didn't do it A Lot; mostly my focus was that i think like every single piece i could i put a disability in there somewhere#probably there were times i could have phrased things better but i was thinking on that dyslexic one today bc the whole class was like#when i offered that they were like 'nooo i don't think ti's ableist i think it's fine' like. okay sure. i guess you guys Would say that#i didn't have the social adeptness to really argue my case against an entire classroom of people telling me i was overreacting lol#but thinking back i'm like 'man i wonder if they all thought i was annoying as hell' lmao. well! not my problem anymore at least
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abyssembraced · 1 month
Where did Ghost really go before returning to Hallownest ?
Frankly, the question that was asked of them was one that Ghost wouldn't mind knowing the answer to themself.
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Their memories... Even their early ones from when they first returned to Hallownest were hazy and fragmented. The more challenging fights they'd faced in the Crossroads and their first encounters with the bugs they'd come to call their friends still existed in their mind, yet lay scattered and untethered from each other with unknowable gaps in between, with no certainties as to even the order in which any of the events occurred.
Before that? They knew hardly anything of their past.
What did they do in the vast, endless wasteland outside Hallownest? What caused them to return to the fallen kingdom? Why did they even leave it in the first place?
They didn't know.
They typically didn't care to think on those questions much, either—it made more sense to focus on the present, and the things they knew now, rather than dwell on an unrecoverable past. Yet, here they were, being asked to recount those lost memories.
They... Could at least make an attempt?
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Grasping at those memories was hard. Though they knew for a fact that they had spent much of their life outside the kingdom's bounds, it was as though the memories of that time had never existed in the first place.
But... They could fight. Even before coming back to Hallownest, they already knew how to wield a nail. So, then... They must have met someone out there. Travellers, perhaps. Someone who taught them how to fight—or at least the basics of it, anyway. Perhaps they were even the one to gift them the nail that had since carried them through many battles, or maybe that was a different Someone.
But who? Ghost couldn't picture them. They didn't even know for sure that such a person had even existed, but it only made sense, right?
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There was only one time that they had ever managed to recover a long thought lost memory, and that was with the Dream Nail. If they were to enter their own dream once more, unlock the hidden secrets within their own mind... Would that give them answers? Would it do anything at all?
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Although... Did it even matter? The stranger's curiosities aside, they... Didn't particularly care about discovering their past. It wasn't as though whatever it was that had happened back then could be changed. Nor did they think that learning anything new about it would affect their present life. They were happy where they were right now, with their family and friends in the recovering Hallownest.
They didn't remember what they did before their return to Hallownest, but that was okay.
#ask#.🪲#🪲 ghost ic#🪲 headcanon | ghost#distrxst#🪲 verse | post dream no more#((trading a backstory ask for a backstory ask are we? dhdgshf))#((except that ghost doesn't remember Anything about their time before returning to hallownest rip dgshf))#((they weren't conscious enough to actually form memories at that point))#((even the abyss cutscene was something they only remembered In That Moment thanks to the dream nail))#((and i'm inclined to say that that memory was a special exception. perhaps due to the high quantities of void in the abyss))#((and my ooc answer honestly isn't super interesting! hence why i wrote a little ic thing instead <3))#((i think ghost just kinda. wandered around aimlessly in the wastes for several years.))#((they did meet various people! including someone who taught them to fight like they speculated))#((whether or not it was the same person who gave them their nail is something i haven't decided and probably never will))#((there was also someone who taught them sign language and how to read and write!))#((ghost didn't bring that up in their musing because they haven't realized that those are things that actually need to be taught))#((they think it's just kinda. something they've always inherently had? like their ability to understand hallownest's spoken language))#((though to be fair. at least *some* of it probably *is* an inherent ability/knowledge for them due to being a deity))#((they may have hung around various campsites and such at others' requests for a bit but they never had a permanent 'home'))#((even if people *wanted* them to stay. they'd always eventually end up wandering off on a hunt and then were never seen again))#((they never ended up wandering into any living kingdoms like pharloom either. they just stuck to the wastes))#((and they were able to gather enough soul from the lesser creatures out there for their body to stay alive. but not much else))#((they never gained enough nutrients out there to ever be able to molt for example))#((and then in hallownest where soul *is* more plentiful they uh. became entirely void biologically. and thus lost the ability to molt))#((which is why they still look like a child vessel physically))
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hostilecityshowdown · 5 months
the amount i need modern wrestling fans to study the von erichs until they're able to point at other wrestlers and go "i know where they learned that" is unreal
#[ colour commentary ]#yes yes we always come back to me rambling about kerry and mean mark callous what of it. /j#this is actually a post about fritz and japanese wrestling at heart but progressive diseases are robbing me of my ability to put anything#into words beyond a desperate plea to sit your ass down and Watch the decades of wrestling people have already suffered and died to bring us#and to Feel the impact of wrestlers of the fifties-eighties for yourself. not just be Aware of it. if wrestling as a vessel for storytelling#could be a book you read It Would Be. if it could be a handful of movies/videos you watch It Would Be. but it isn't. and when we#Care about wrestling and want to engage with it we have an obligation to engage With Professional Wrestling. With the athletics. With the#tapes. With the promotional material including printed programs and cut promos and magazine articles. learn about amateur and collegiate#wrestling. learn about grappling. names of maneuvers. origins of some of those names. the names and legacies of venues. the sociopolitical#history of time periods and regions in which wrestling was happening. you will read the gimmicks and you will love the pontiact silver dome#as you would a spouse and you WILL learn about the heart punch and why it is the most devastating move in professional wrestling--#/j okay anyway. i lay back down now#train of thought inspired by the undertaker's kerry-honed drop kicks but Post inspired by fritz literally going to japan to save wrestling#okay. lay down now.#go watch some memphis tapes
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duelbraids · 7 months
a hot take i like... have about BG3's progression is the same problem i ahve w/ a lot of RPG games where like... in order for your character's stats to scale properly, you basically must pick only ASIs. basically, all horizontal progression is blocked off if you want to keep your characters dealing and taking damage on par with the enemies. i dont think this is as noticeable on the standard difficulty (and basically this problem doesnt exist in the lowest difficulty, which, as it should) but on tactian and honour it is NOTICEABLE noticeable
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camellcat · 10 months
apparently, I talk about nine a lot more than I thought I did LOL
while hanging out with my friends, I mentioned the post I made about how I thought twelve was like nine and why he's my second favorite when one of them interrupted and said "so, we know you've got a thing for grieving, sad dilfs" and I went "?!?"
he then proceeded to make an accurate list of my favorite doctors. and then said the only reason twelve wasn't my favorite was simply because he wasn't nine. and that I literally never stop talking about how much I love nine and s1 as a whole 💀
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dinopuncher · 2 years
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bought some lithops seeds back in july and the oldest one (in the middle here) has just started to split! at two and a half months old they’re about the size of a pencil eraser and i’m so proud.
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scientia-rex · 7 months
When I was in ninth grade I wanted to challenge what I saw as a very stupid dress code policy (not being allowed to wear spikes regardless of the size or sharpness of the spikes). My dad said to me, “What is your objective?”
He said it over and over. I contemplated that. I wanted to change an unfair dress code. What did I stand to gain? What did I stand to lose? If what I really wanted was to change the dress code, what would be my most effective potential approach? (He also gave me Discourses on the Fall of Rome by Titus Livius, Machiavelli’s magnum opus. Of course he’d already given me The Prince, Five Rings, and The Art of War.)
I ultimately printed out that phrase, coated it in Mod Podge, and clipped it to my bathroom mirror so I would look at it and think about it every day.
What is your objective?
Forget about how you feel. Ask yourself, what do you want to see happen? And then ask, how can you make it happen? Who needs to agree with you? Who has the power to implement this change? What are the points where you have leverage over them? If you use that leverage now, will you impair your ability to use it in the future? Getting what you want is about effectiveness. It is not about being an alpha or a sigma or whatever other bullshit the men’s right whiners are on about now. You won’t find any MRA talking points in Musashi, because they are not relevant.
I had no clear leverage on the dress code issue. My parents were not on the PTA; neither were any of my friend’s parents who liked me. The teachers did not care about this. Ultimately I just wore what I wanted, my patent leather collar from Hot Topic with large but flattened spikes, and I had guessed correctly—the teachers also did not care enough to discipline me.
I often see people on tumblr, mostly the very young, flail around in discourse. They don’t have an objective. They don’t know what they want to achieve, and they have never thought about strategizing and interpersonal effectiveness. No one can get everything they want by being an asshole. You must be able to work with other people, and that includes smiling when you hate them.
Read Machiavelli. Start with The Prince, but then move on to Discourses. Read Musashi’s Five Rings. Read The Art of War. They’re classics for a reason. They can’t cover all situations, but they can do more for how you think about strategizing than anything you’re getting in middle school and high school curricula.
Don’t vote third party unless you can tell me not only what your objective is but also why this action stands a meaningful chance of accomplishing it. Otherwise, back up and approach your strategy from a new angle. I don’t care how angry you are with Biden right now. He knows about it, and he is both trying to do something and not doing enough. I care about what will happen to millions of people if we have another Trump presidency. Look up Ross Perot, and learn from our past. Find your objective. If it is to stop the genocide in Palestine now, call your elected representatives now. They don’t care about emails; they care about phone calls, because they live in the past. I know this because I shadowed a lobbyist, because knowing how power works is critical to using it.
How do you think I have gotten two clinics to start including gender care in their planning?
Start small. Chip away. Keep working. Find your leverage; figure out how and when to effectively use it. Choose your battles, so that you can concentrate on the battle at hand instead of wasting your resources in many directions. Learn from the accumulated wisdom of people who spent their lives learning by doing, by making mistakes, by watching the mistakes of their enemies.
Don’t be a dickhead. Be smarter than I was at 14. Ask yourself: what is your objective?
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headspace-hotel · 4 months
Read the Project 2025 manifesto RIGHT NOW
It's MUCH worse than y'all have been hearing
There is so much here you'll have to look at it for yourself, but the climate policy alone is nightmare fuel.
The republican coalition wants to essentially end funding for green energy, dramatically promote and expand fossil fuel industries, and eliminate funding and regulations in all sectors promoting climate change mitigation. Task forces and offices related to clean energy and lowering carbon emissions will be eliminated and replaced with offices for promoting fossil fuels.
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There are specific provisions in Project 2025 to essentially destroy the Endangered Species Act, causing it to defer to the rights of "economic development" and "private property." The plan includes delisting gray wolves, cutting the budget so that a "triage" system is used to determine which species will get protection, removing funding for research, removing experts and specialists from the decision-making process, and preventing "experimental" populations of animals from being established.
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This is so much worse than I expected it to be and there's much more past that: They want to deregulate pesticides and remove much of the EPA's ability to regulate pollutants as well.
Also included in the manifesto is that we should
withdraw from nuclear weapons nonproliferation agreements, build more nuclear weapons, and resume nuclear weapons testing
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The manifesto comprehensively outlines the scorched-earth elimination of abortion access, down to ensuring doctors aren't even trained to perform abortions. There are plans in here to disrupt abortion access GLOBALLY, not just domestically.
Not only that,the Republicans plan on reframing family planning programs around "fertility awareness" and "holistic family planning."
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I can't even describe it all. I'm trying to give screenshots of the most important things but there's so much.
The foreign policy is a nightmare. They plan to push fossil fuels onto the Global South and promote the development of fossil fuel industry in the "developing world."
It is aggressive and antagonistic towards other nations, strongly pro-military, proposing that we INCREASE (!!!!!) defense spending, improve public opinion of the military and military recruitment, and increase the power to fund new weapons technology.
Just read the Department of Defense section. It's about greatly increasing and strengthening the military-industrial complex, collaborating more closely with weapons manufacturers, removing regulatory barriers to arming our allies and to inventing new military weapons, and recruiting more people into the military. They include provisions to develop AI technology for surveillance. And of course, continuing to support Israel is in there.
Elsewhere it proposes interfering in foreign countries with creepy pro-USA propaganda campaigns, even establishing international educational programs where faculty have to pledge to promote USA interests.
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There's a line in here about getting rid of PBS because SESAME STREET is LEFTIST for God's sake.
HOW are people claiming democrats have the same policies. I feel like i'm losing my mind.
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