#in wanderlust we trust
blmpff · 1 year
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out⭐️
Thank you for thinking of me 🥰💕💞❣️
And very much right back at you❣️❣️❣️
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wen-kexing-apologist · 5 months
Episode 10: The Couch
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Wow @lurkingshan, it’s like you really know me! This scene is exactly what I was going to talk about for Episode 10 because the fucking TENSION put so much weight in to the air when I was watching that I could hardly breathe. 
Scene Breakdown time!
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First of all, I love the little couple dynamic moments we get between Lili and San Pang, where Lili has to tap San Pang in to Yuan and Qian’s fight. San Pang arrives and in a very strategic move informed by knowing Qian and Yuan for a significant amount of their lives, he arrives with food he knows will go over well with Qian and will test Yuan’s ears (he comes down the stairs from his room to throw the food away after all). 
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Which, let’s just acknowledge that when Yuan comes downstairs and takes all the alcohol and greasy food away, the moment Yuan approaches the coffee table, Qian looks back towards the TV screen pretending he is disinterested in the situation at hand. But his eyes give him away because he keeps glancing at Yuan when he thinks he can steal a second. And stealing is what he is trying to do because he keeps his head pointed directly towards the television, while looking for half a second at Yuan out of the corner of his eye when Yuan leans over to collect the food. After that moment, Qian does not look towards Yuan again until Yuan has turned around and Qian can stare at his back. 
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It must be said. Chris is a phenomenal actor, because even without seeing his face, just the top of his head, you can kind of tell the mood that Qian is in as Yuan walks away, because he turns towards Yuan. We see Yuan look in Qian’s direction, Qian moves his head further back to look at San Pang, then looks away shaking his head. I acknowledge I’m probably reading too much in to it, but I can feel the incredulity radiating off of that head shake. 
Yuan heads up the stairs, and Qian looks towards the staircase only after Yuan has disappeared. His head movement is so much more obvious than his previous motions that it literally looks like Qian is breaking character, or like he was previously frozen and had only now been allowed to breathe. Qian’s eyes look up towards the staircase (towards Yuan’s absence), then downward as he thinks about his next move, then back towards San Pang, then down once more as he makes a decision about whether or not he wants to Start The Conversation. 
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gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul (my savior)
Qian here is trying to check that Yuan is out of earshot because he Will Not have the The Conversation about His Feelings if there is a chance that Yuan will know about it. 
With the heaviest of sighs, Qian gives San Pang an opening: “Did you buy those for me, or for him to throw away?”  Qian asks, and once again looks out of the corner of his eye, getting serious “Or for him to throw away?” 
And there is no doubt in my mind that it is the latter. San Pang bringing food that would trigger Yuan’s care instincts towards Qian, cause Yuan to intervene, and San Pang to bear witness to the tense and angry energy from Yuan towards Qian and force the issue. I think it’s partially why Qian does not deliberate for long in starting the conversation despite his hesitancy. 
San Pang scoffs and says in response “He wouldn’t have done that if he didn’t care about you. Xiao Yuan can’t bear to leave you alone.” holds up the salad as a physical example of the care that Yuan has for Qian. 
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gifs by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
Qian gives another giant exhale and looks contemplative. Something that I do find really important in good acting is the use of internal monologue. Qian always has something on his mind that he is sitting with. And the benefit of a scene like this is that the production team, and the camera trust the strength of their actors to hold the silence that settles over the room as Chris runs the gambit of Qian’s internal thoughts. 
Qian is well and truly sitting with the acknowledgement of Yuan’s feelings from San Pang. Maybe I am wrong because I am not an actor, but I do not have the kind of intentional and conscious control over my face to have the kinds of lip twitches that Chris has when Qian is thinking about Yuan’s care for him. They may have twenty seconds of silence on screen, but that does not mean the scene isn’t still in motion. There are so many little things happening in the span between San Pang’s comment about Yuan and his next reflection on sending Yuan away. 
“Xiao Yuan can’t bear to leave you alone,” Qian turns that over in his mind, to me it’s like he’s feeling the weight of it on his tongue, in his body. Qian looks up, and then around, and tosses the remote to the side, breathes heavily again. That feels like a begrudging acceptance of the statement. At the very least it is permission from Qian to proceed with the difficult conversation. 
“Before I had Yuan leave the country, I had been thinking I was doing the right thing for you two. But seriously, be honest, did you feel empty when Yuan was away?”
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gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
Qian blinks twice and we cut to a flashback of a lovely little isolated frame of Qian feeling Yuan’s absence. We cut back to a close up of Qian’s face and his lip twitches. Which I love because it feels like an involuntary admission. We know Qian, we know that boy is stubborn and stoic, that he muscles through all the pain, that he does not let many people see his weaknesses. San Pang asks Qian if he felt empty and Qian does. not. move. He holds exactly the same position, lounging on the couch with his hand behind his head like he is unmoved, unaffected by San Pang’s question. But that little twitch of his lip gives him away. San Pang has struck a nerve. San Pang has forced Qian to hold a spotlight to the feelings he’s been trying to numb for the last four years. 
“Let me tell you something. When Lili and I first got together,” 
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I don’t know about anyone else, but I snorted at the way Qian turned his head to look at San Pang in warning. We still have not seen Qian approve of that relationship. And San Pang knows that he’s staring at the precipice of some truly hot water, which is why he follows up with a “hear me out.” 
Qian relaxes and once again turns to look away from San Pang. From San Pang’s position very little of Qian’s face is visible. So Qian keeps holding a position that will give San Pang as little of a chance of reading him as possible. 
“I’ve struggled too. I…I always wondered what happiness could I bring her? Was I doing the right thing? How could I face you? And then…I felt it wasn’t right. Life is too short.”
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gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
Again, I just have to say. CHRIS CHIU IS A PHENOMENAL ACTOR. He does not move a muscle, but you know Qian is locked in on what San Pang is saying because of how he moves his eyes. When San Pang says “life is too short” you can actually see the moment where Qian starts paying more attention to San Pang’s words, because he looks away from the TV and more downward in thought. 
“Getting hung up over it for years, would it be worth all the lost time?” 
Chris changes how he breathes here. You can see Qian take in a deep breath, but he holds it for a few seconds, he lets his nostrils flare, and then you see a large release of breath in the movement of Qian’s chest. This is really really getting to Qian. That nostril flare was not because he was breathing in. Because he’d already taken a breath. It was not because he was breathing out, because we see that happen a few seconds after the nostril flare, without his nose moving again. When Qian flares his nostrils, he is holding his breath, for a rather noticeable amount of time too. 
I love Chris because he embodies Qian so well, I can almost feel the way Qian is feeling internally in all the subtle little ways Chris plays with how Qian holds and releases tension and attention. 
“Who’s been good to me?”
Qian blinks twice, letting the question hit him, and only then does he finally release his breath. 
“Who put me before themselves?” 
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San Pang looks at Qian after he finishes asking these hypothetical questions. But Qian is still looking ahead towards the TV, trying to come across as disengaged in the conversation as possible. And San Pang notices that, and that is why he continues to talk. Because Qian is hearing him, he’s listening and processing, but he isn’t engaged. He hasn’t put his body in to the conversation yet, he hasn’t responded to anything that San Pang has said to him. So San Pang keeps pushing. 
“A lot of things are only between you and Yuan. Unless you really have something against being with a guy, Yuan’s the only one who will be by your side, no matter what. Are you really not going to confront it?”
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And I love that we pull away from that question to Qian looking like he is lying in a therapist’s chair. And Qian holds that position he has been maintaining throughout the conversation for a few seconds longer. The number of times he blinks the only indication that what San Pang has said is getting through and that Qian is mulling it all over. 
And only then, after San Pang has said all these things about Qian and Yuan’s relationship, in a way that is not judgemental or against the idea of these brothers becoming romantically involved. Only after San Pang has said that Yuan would be by Qian’s side no matter what does Qian set his jaw and push himself up in to a sitting position to continue the conversation. 
San Pang does not know what happened at Le’s gang beyond them being beaten up. So while it is highly likely that he is aware saying that Yuan would follow Qian anywhere is opening a can of worms, he does not understand how much ammunition he has just given Qian to talk about the danger that loving him too deeply has put Yuan in.
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We do not give enough credit to film actors for maintaining continuity across scenes, because this man sits up and the first thing Chris has Qian do is massage the back of his head, where the pain of his blood clot sits. I could probably sit here all day trying to talk about all the little facial expressions he does as Qian sits up and starts preparing himself to be vulnerable with San Pang. But we can leave it as merely that. Qian is getting ready to talk to San Pang about some deeply personal stuff.
Personal stuff that Qian usually does not typically get in to. Like, San Pang says he knows what Qian went through, but I do not think he does. I do not think Qian has told him about the sexual assault, or San Pang would not have been trying to throw women at Qian. 
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gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
“San Pang.” He pauses, and you can see the way he is still noodling, thinking about whether or not he wants to talk to San Pang about all this. And notably, he does not meet San Pang’s eye when he begins “Do you know…” Qian looks to the side, he frowns a little bit, he taps the palm of his hand against the top of the couch arm. It feels so childish and small of him in a way that really struck me. Qian is nervous, he is redirecting that energy in to his motions. In to the tapping, in to looking away, in to not having to reveal deep personal truths sitting that close to another soul. “Do you know what my biggest wish in life is? My biggest wish in life is for them to be happy,” 
Ohhhhhh how that breaks my heart. Qian has suffered so much, he has done so much, he has survived so much. If you were to ask me, I would bet that Qian has never been happy. He was forced at a very young age to take over the role of caregiver. He is both a brother and a father to Yuan and to Lili. And it is a testament to Qian’s love for his family, and the pain he is willing to put himself through that Lili is so bright and vibrant and naive about some of the workings of the world. I believe that Lili is happy. I believe that Qian has succeeded in at least that much. But that is not something he has had a chance to do. “Even if the world comes down, I’ll hold it up.” I have not forgotten that line from last episode. Qian would hold the world together if it meant ensuring his sister’s happiness. 
I do not know what it is, but there is something in the way Chris moves his mouth after he says “My biggest wish in life is for them to be happy,” that just absolutely destroys me, because he makes himself look like this is such a huge confession. 
“Mine is the same.” 
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gif from @wanderlust-in-my-soul
“I just want them to grow up healthy and happy, because I’m their big brother.” Qian’s words become so breathy and he’s jabbing his finger straight in to the arm of the couch to drive home his point. These are the words that matter, this is the wish that matters. Qian’s feelings, Qian’s happiness have nothing to do with it. If he’s empty so be it, as long as his siblings are happy and healthy he will wound himself a thousand times over. His fucking face here, once again is just…When Qian takes in a breath, it is shaky. You can tell by the movement of his jaw, which looks like it is moving from side to side a little bit. As he approaches the end of his sentence, it feels like he is trying not to cry. 
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gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
Yuan’s life might be summed up in two words: Wei Qian 
But Wei Qian’s life is summed up in five: 
Because I’m their big brother. 
“We grew up together. You think I don’t know how hard life’s been on you? But you know that Yuan’s feelings for you are different.” 
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Qian looks away incredulously, and there is something else there too, I think. Something in the way that Qian’s eyebrows furrow, the way his mouth hangs open, the way he breathes out. I don’t know that he can really believe that this conversation is happening right now. That San Pang would let these words reach the light of day, that he would acknowledge them so openly, so matter-of-factly. 
“We’ve tried everything. We even sent him abroad for years. You were miserable every day. You love him and he loves you.”
We get more of Qian’s thinking face here as San Pang says these words, his mouth agape, his breath quickening, his eyes moving back and forth as he sorts through his own thoughts. 
But I need to acknowledge San Pang. He has such an intriguing connection to Qian and his family. San Pang has power of Qian, because his parents are Qian’s landlords. He and Qian have been best friends for a very long time, and even though I think it is true that San Pang likely knows the most about Qian’s life history, he does not know it all. He is still, in many facets of his life, acting like a kicked dog and backing down every time he tries to push back against Qian now that Qian knows that he and Lili are together. But when push comes to shove. When Qian’s happiness is impeded, when Qian’s health is at risk, he will tell Qian what Qian needs to hear. 
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Whether or not Qian is truly having a hard time parsing through his feelings for Yuan doesn’t matter to me as much as Qian getting permission from multiple people to actually pursue the relationship. In acknowledging all of this, San Pang, the man who at one point told Yuan he could like anyone but Qian, the man that sent Yuan away for four years, is telling Qian that it is okay for Qian and Yuan to be together. He is the external judge that is finally accepting this taboo relationship, because he knows that if he does not show Qian that it is okay for him and Yuan to change from brothers to lovers, that neither Qian or Yuan will have any chance in hell of long term happiness. 
“Even if you’re not together, he’ll be sad to see you sad.” 
Off come Qian’s glasses. Shit is getting serious now. Qian rests his head on his hand, he looks away from San Pang. He really sits with it, you can see the emotions rising up in him, in the way he breathes, in the way his nostrils move, in the way his lips tremble for a second before he speaks. 
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gif by @ueasking
“I’m scared, you know?” he turns to look at San Pang, and he sucks in a huge breath through his nose. It’s the first time we’ve seen him breathe so obviously that way throughout the entire scene. GOD, QIAN KILLS ME. 
“You haven’t even tried. What are you scared of?” 
And this is the fascinating thing for me, right? Outside of Yuan, San Pang is Qian’s best friend, but they do not have conversations like this that often. San Pang has tried time and again to start the more serious conversations, to act as an emotional support for Qian, but Qian brushes those conversations off as much as he can. San Pang knew the medical issues, he knows the history, he knows about the pieces of Qian’s life that Qian can’t hide. But he does not know everything, Qian does not usually let himself be this vulnerable with San Pang, hell he hasn’t even told San Pang everything that happened with Le’s gang. He’s about to, but that is only because he is trying to make a point. 
I think he is only having this conversation with San Pang, only admitting he is scared, and confused about his feelings for Yuan because he has literally no one else to talk to about it, and he’s starting to break down to the point that he can’t hold it all in by himself. And San Pang keeps pushing. 
“You know he went to find Le by himself that day?”
“I know.” 
“He was surrounded and beaten by six people, and in the end…”
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gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
He sucks in a breath. It takes him a moment to find the strength to form the words, so he forms a gun shape with his hand, which he points quickly a few times to fill the silence and the stillness in the room as he finds the shape of the admission on his tongue. He accentuates the severity of the memory with one final large motion. 
“...they pointed a gun at…” 
Ah, and there it is. The real reason behind Qian’s comment about wanting Lili and Yuan to be happy and healthy because he’s their big brother. Qian will not act on his feelings for Yuan, especially not right now because he is feeling guilty. Not just for sending Yuan away, not just because of the letter, but because Yuan’s unwavering loyalty, protectiveness, and love for Qian got Yuan hurt. Nearly got Yuan killed. Again. 
Qian’s whole world, his entire drive was shattered the day Yuan confessed, when Yuan told Qian that he was suffering. Yuan’s love for Qian was hurting him. But Qian just wants Yuan to be happy and healthy. The chance at having that world again was nearly destroyed with the realization that Yuan almost died abroad. His world was made complete again when Yuan returned home. And it was very nearly destroyed once more when Yuan walked in to that gang in hopes of protecting Qian. 
There is pain in witnessing the kind of love someone would die for. 
Qian can put himself in danger for the sake of his siblings, because from my perspective, Qian never thought his life had much worth. His formative years were filled with horrific abuse, assault under the guise of love, pain, suffering, doing terrible things just to survive. But this is all because he cannot see the forest through the trees, of the life that he has built, of the home that he has built, of the safety that he has built for his siblings. 
Yuan is not allowed to believe his life is less important than Qian’s because no one has ever thought that Qian’s life was more important than theirs. 
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“Fuck, you- you’re telling me that now? Then, you…Right now, you…So, you’ve lost…”
Another quick shout out to San Pang, and moreso to the writing for San Pang that they don’t always let him have these brilliant speeches. He was able to navigate the beginning of this conversation because he knew mostly what he was walking in to, but with the reveal of Yuan and Qian’s near death experience, he is fumbling. 
The camera cuts back to Qian. I’d say Qian is listening to San Pang, but not fully present. Chris is doing so many things with his face in that moment. His nostrils are flaring, his lips are tightening like he’s trying to hold something back, he’s rocking his jaw from side to side. 
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gif by @ueasking
“So, this isn’t a decision I can make so lightly.” He is almost crying now, he won’t cry, I think the only time we’ve seen him cry is when he was staring the prospect of Yuan’s death directly in the face during Russian Roulette and when he was hugging Yuan afterwards. But you can see the growing frustration and the threat of the tears very clearly on his face. Qian emphasizes the statement by once again jabbing his finger into the couch. 
“I have to consider the future.”  
“Do you want him to have a future without you?”
Let me tell y’all the way I collapsed under the weight of that question…it is no wonder Qian, notoriously quiet Qian, immediately shuts his mouth. I appreciate how much San Pang is willing to be the sacrificial lamb, because that is exactly the question that Qian needed to hear. That is exactly the reality that Qian, Yuan, Lili all face if Qian does not get his blood clot treated. A future without Qian in it. 
Qian needs to know exactly what he is doing to the people he loves by continuing to delay this medical treatment, but San Pang had to know that in asking it, it would only make Qian retreat back in to himself. Which is what Qian usually does. It was a miracle in it’s own right that San Pang was able to get Qian to voice this many of his concerns, to tell him the entire truth, to talk to him about the fear. 
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gif by @ueasking
Qian closes his eyes, he lets the blow of the question absorb in to him, and he nods his head. Which, in my opinion, is a brilliant choice because the way he nods does not read to me as a confession that yes, Qian does want Yuan to have a future without him in it, and more so is an admission of defeat from Qian. But because we don’t get verbal confirmation either way, we do not, San Pang does not, Yuan does not get any confirmation one way or the other about what Qian is thinking. 
Qian just nods, lets the silence hang one moment longer, and kicks San Pang out. 
“Go home.” He says. But there is a more promising follow up “Let me think about it.” 
Which feels like the only thing Qian has really been doing for the last four years, but we’ve already established, that boy is about as moveable as a brick wall, and he and Yuan both serve to lose a lot if this goes wrong. 
And there you go @lurkingshan! 4103 words on the mouth twitch, nervous body language, and tears in this scene :D
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lyricailove · 6 months
Does it ever hit you that because of Frank and Monica's emotional detachment, all of the Gallagher's seek out affection from romantic partners? But like to an almost obsessive degree.
Fiona's is obvious. She's hypersexual and falls in love easily. She will downplay her issues with Frank as something she's grown used to, but it's clear that it still affects her. She also does the same when it comes to Monica but I feel like her hostility towards other women comes from how she doesn't trust Monica, doesn't really trust herself, and sees those insecurities on other women. Ex: Her treatment of Mandy and distrust of her around Lip.
Lip is a classic case of a man dealing with his mommy issues by making it every woman's problem. He's hostile towards his romantic partners when they want a real commitment from him and he talks to women with so much disrespect that it's a wonder someone hasn't stomped his ass out yet. He's especially harsh towards his own sisters even though they've been the one's who have been there for him. He may hate Frank but he's noticeably giving and extremely forgiving towards men, even those he's only known for a short while. Almost like the story about the turtle was just as much about him hoping that he could fix Frank as it was about Frank crushing his hopes of a real father figure.
Ian being groomed is in no way his fault and is the fault of the creeps who pursued him. But I can't ignore the fact that Frank's abuse and neglect opened him up the further abuse he suffered at the hands of Kash and Ned. It's no coincidence that both Kash and Ned shower Ian with gifts and compliments about how impressive, smart, and mature he is.
Debbie 1. deals with comphet in the first few seasons, and 2. Feels ignored by her family so she tries to create her own family. Debbie is visibly the one most affected by Frank's issues and even when she for all intents and purposes gives up on him, it still affects her. Frank's hurtful words about her only finding love with someone "just as fucked up as she is" pushes her to put consider a dangerous situation with Heidi. She's also someone who struggles with control issues because she needs to help other people. She's a problem solver by nature. It's just that the two problems she wishes she could solve more than anything are out of her hands (Frank and Monica). She can't fix Frank's addiction, his selfishness, or his abusive tendencies. She can't fix Monica's wanderlust, her avoidance, or her aversion to long-term commitment.
Carl is so good at masking his emotions. It's easy to miss. But then you notice things like his attachment to Fiona, his absolute devotion to the girls he likes, and his need to protect. Carl is hypersexual, even though I've seen it rarely brought up in fandom, and longs for a long-term girlfriend. When he does get girlfriends he's all in from the beginning. When Carl loves someone he is all about them. He's so casual when it comes to talking about Frank and Monica, but that doesn't mean those feelings aren't there and they aren't affecting him.
Liam is still young so we don't get to see him in a relationship. He's the one Gallagher who's consistently treated like an actual kid. Probably the one who has the best chance at healthy emotional attachments. But then again, Fiona leaving most likely did a number on him and we weren't privy to what that looks like for him because the latter seasons forgot how to do long-term storytelling and emotional payoff. All we know is that he doesn't remember Monica, Frank being gone makes him an orphan and he's worried about where he's gonna live because Lip forgot that Liam was technically under Frank's care. We didn't get to see it, but I'd say Liam's first emotional crash is probably on the horizon.
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geekgirles · 7 months
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"I would've preferred it if Amalia were our Queen instead."
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"Like many others, sweetie, but you can't say that right now."
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"Where did Amalia go, Mum?"
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"She's gone explore the world, like she usually does."
Okay, but this little piece of dialogue is crucial to understand so many things about the Sadida and their opinion on their royal family.
And we stan that little girl. Yes, baby, I, too, wish Amalia was queen instead. I don't trust Armand and Aurora as far as I can throw them.
It's already been established Armand resents his sister not only because of her wanderlust or the fact that their father seemed to favour her, but because so does their people.
The fact that there are apparently many who support Amalia, the younger princess, over her brother, the Crown Prince, comes to show that for the Sadida actions speak louder than words.
There is no denying that both royal siblings care immensely about their kingdom. Armand was in the front lines when Nox attacked alongside King Oakheart and many of Amalia's best, most mature moments were in relation to her wanting to protect and serve her people. Like when she decided to stand up against Armand and inform their father of Nox's attacks back in season one, or how she was more than willing to forego her chance to marry for love and marry Harebourg instead if that meant her kingdom would survive Ogrest's Chaos in the OVA.
The difference between the two of them, however, especially in the eyes of their people, is their actions or, more accurately, the consequences of said actions.
Armand is the Crown Prince, and he remains in their kingdom carrying out his duties while Amalia went off to explore the world and have fun, away from her duties. At first glance, that should make Armand the better choice in the eyes of the Sadida, except that also means they've probably been far more subjected to his less pleasant moments.
Having to watch your tongue out of fear of severe punishment or even death just because the prince is sensitive over his bad breath is overkill, plain and simple.
Not to mention, every time Amalia left her kingdom, her adventuring evolved into a life-or-death mission to save the world.
With Nox, the fact that she ran away allowed her to gain the intel needed to go back home and warn them of the upcoming attack. Something Armand refused to do anything about until King Oakheart entered the picture and took matters into his own hands, all because he couldn't believe his sister would ever be more than a spoiled brat trying to run away from her responsibilities.
With Quilby, what at first was a simple, humanitarian mission to retrieve his dofus and welcome the Eliatrope children eventually turned into a desperate battle for the survival of their world.
Again, in the OVAs, the entirety of the Sadida kingdom was aware and celebrated Amalia's sense of responsibility and selfless decision to enter an arranged marriage for their sake. I haven't watched beyond the Throne of Ice, so I don't know if the Sadida ever found out Harebourg's true plans for their forest, but if they did, all the more reason to respect Amalia for refusing to put her people in jeopardy.
Finally, people talk. In season 3, it's made apparent that since Aurora entered the picture (at the very least), the royal siblings' relationship has strained practically to the point of no return. And while Amalia isolated herself and mourned her father's deteriorating health, it's very likely the castle guards and servants bore witness to how the prince's treatment of his sister worsened each day. So I wouldn't be surprised if word got out and the rest of the kingdom sympathised with Amalia either.
Now, it is true that while Amalia does have a sense of responsibility and duty to her kingdom and a deep love for her people, despite her royal upbringing, she is not really made for the stifling life of royalty. Hence, her constant wanderlust. In that regard, Armand is indeed the most reliable of the two.
It just so happens that when it comes to personal flaws and his treatment of others he is wholly unreliable. It's his way or the highway. And that is a very terrifying quality for a king to have, to be unable to compromise.
But most importantly, what really sets these two apart in the way their people perceive them is that while Armand is a prince, Amalia is a hero. And she has proven time and time again that she will do everything in her power to assure everyone's safety and well-being.
And that alone speaks volumes of a ruler's true character.
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shuadotcom · 10 months
Smoke & Mirrors (M)
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🎡 Summary: You’re feeling uncharacteristically adventurous and your boyfriend just can’t say no to you.
🎡 Pairing: Stoner!Seungcheol x Stoner!Afab Reader
🎡 Genres & AUs: Smut, established relationship au
🎡 Warnings: Marijuana usage, profanity, hair pulling, pet name (baby), dirty talk, blowjob, unprotected sex, mirror sex, sex while high, semi-public sex, creampie
🎡 Words: 3.6k
🎡 Note: Written for @k-vanity's Wanderlust Festival.
Genre/ride: smut - ferris wheel Trope/event: petting zoo - established relationship
Thank you to my beta bby @horanghater mwah 💋
Taglist: @duhnova @gyuwoncheol @multi-kpop-fanfics 💗
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“Oh my god. The carnival is in town.” You spring up on the couch from where you’ve been lounging, head in Seungcheol’s lap. He nearly drops the bong in his hands, but manages to keep it in his grasp.
“You wanna…go to the carnival?” He asks, his sentence coming out just slightly slower than usual. Your Saturday date nights with Seungcheol typically consist of getting stoned, watching tv, stuffing your faces, and then fucking a few times, but you’re feeling restless and adventurous tonight and are itching for something else to do. 
Saying no to you has never been one of your boyfriend’s strong suits, which is why you make the short walk from your apartment a couple of blocks to the fairgrounds. Living in the city means easy access to things you need and it helps that it’s the middle of fall, so the air is chilly, but not uncomfortably so, making the walk enjoyable.
“What if people figure out we’re…high?” Seungcheol asks after you arrive and purchase your tickets. He looks around and whispers that last part as you file into the entrance.
“They won’t as long as you stop acting suspicious!” Seungcheol raises his eyebrow at you and purses his lips.
“Me? Suspicious?” You blink back at him, two of you having an impromptu staring contest before bursting into a fit of shared giggles. You likely look insane to the people passing by you standing off to the side, doubled over in laughter, but you don't pay them any mind. Seungcheol’s wide smile and infectious laugh are all you can concentrate on.
When you finally get a grip on yourselves, you take his hand and drag him behind you onto each ride you can. Typically, you’d be hesitant about getting on a ride that came out of a suitcase, but the weed makes you more daring and puts you in a good mood. It helps that Seungcheol, who normally would prefer to stay on the ground, goes on each ride with you, even if he’s a little more apprehensive than you.
Seungcheol lets you drag him around to all of the fast-paced rides first: the tilt-a-whirl, the pirate swing, the slingshot ride, bumper cars - anything that satisfies your cannabis-induced need for speed. He even lets you buy some feed to give to a few farm animals in the small petting zoo. Unfortunately, he does need to practically lift you in his arms to lead you away from the piglet you attempt to steal numerous times. (“We can name him Wilbur!” “That pig is not ours, Y/n!” is the last thing the animal’s owner hears, frowning as you’re taken away.)
Between putting your life and trust in the hands of bored looking carnival workers, you and Seungcheol make it a point to eat. You had left your apartment before you got too deep into your munchies stash, so you had to make up for it with as much funnel cake and kettle corn you can inhale without getting sick.
“Can we please go on the ferris wheel?” Seungcheol pouts at you after you finish off your pretzels. 
You’re surprised, eyeing the giant wheel a few feet away from the picnic table you’re sitting at. 
“You wanna go on the ferris wheel?”
“I need a break from all the fast and furious rides and that’s the only one that will slow your crazy ass down.” He laughs and you can’t help that your eyes stay locked on the way his eyes squint and his nose crinkles when he lets out the sound - one of your favorite sounds.
You relent because of course you do, and you let him take you to the ferris wheel with him. Seungcheol holds his hand out to help you enter the ferris wheel cart then files in after you, the ride worker shutting the door tight behind you. Seungcheol sits close to you in the small box, his thighs pressing against yours as you wait to start your ascent. 
Once the ride finally starts to move, you marvel at the way everything beneath you gets smaller and smaller the higher you move, even if it’s slow and easy-paced. Seungcheol glances out the window on his side here and there, but the weed doesn’t seem to be doing enough to ease his mind at the new heights you reach on the wheel.
To distract him, you reach out and hold his hand, startling him, but he recovers quickly and grips your hand. His fingers are cool as they link with yours, his hand soft and secure.
Something in you stirs and you let your eyes wander, refamiliarizing yourself with the shape of his hands. Your eyes trail up to his arm covered in a jacket that isn’t too tight but still hugs his biceps enough. It’s not zipped all the way so you can see his chest underneath, the cotton shirt underneath hugging his defined pecs (and by god are they defined).
It only takes you a few minutes to feel your stomach churns with a familiar need for Seungcheol. You squeeze your thighs together as you eye his neck and up to his face. All of the skin along the way is much too clear and mark-free if you do say so yourself.
He’d taken his beanie off when you got on the ride and you can see how messy his hair is, especially after he ran his hand through it as many times as he did while you waited for the ride to start. You want to run your fingers through the dark strands so bad. 
So you do. Seungcheol is surprised but doesn’t shy away from your hand. He does the opposite in fact, bringing his head closer to make it easier for you. Seungcheol has a lot of qualities you like and one of those is how even though he’s usually in charge in the bedroom, it takes little to no time to initiate intimacy with him. 
He simply cannot say no to you.
Knowing this, you start to move your hand down, giving his hair one last comb through before grazing your fingers over his thick neck, fingers tapping the sensitive skin as you go. Seungcheol sighs, leaning into your touch and you go down to his bicep, squeezing it as you keep going until your hand lands over the crotch of his sweatpants. 
That seems to break Seungcheol from the daze he had slipped into when you started touching him. He looks at you wordlessly, red-rimmed eyes half-lidded but still asking you a million questions. What are you doing? Are you sure? Here?
Wordlessly, you give him your answer by squeezing his already half-hard cock. You’re so damn lucky that weed makes your boyfriend just as needy the same way it does for you.
Seungcheol groans but doesn’t stop you and instead spreads his legs wider, inviting you in. 
Without hesitation, your hand slips into the waistband of his sweatpants and his underwear 
“Fuck,” he curses under his breath, head slowly angling back to the window of the cart.
“Want you so bad, Cheol,” you whisper even though there’s no one around. “Wanna suck your cock. Can I please?”
“Shit, baby of course.” Seungcheol helps you pull the waistband of his sweatpants down enough to expose the opening in his boxers. You fish out his cock, the heaviness of it weighs in your hand and you can feel just how sticky your panties are against you. You have enough sense to glance out of the ferris wheel card window and you notice that you’re still inching at a snail's pace to the top.
Bending over still in your seat, you give the head of Seungcheol’s dick a few kitten licks. A deep sound rumbles in his chest and it almost makes you moan in response just hearing him.
But time is of the essence, so you swallow him down your throat in one go, the man bucking his hips and yelping in response. His hands fly to your hair, fingers weaving into the base of your strands to tug.
Moaning at the slight sting, you bob your head, letting his dick slide against your tongue, making sure to hollow your cheeks as you work him. Seungcheol loves it when you gag around his length so you do it for him, letting his cockhead nearly hit the back of your throat each time you bring your head down.
“Fuck, babe. You’re so fucking good at sucking my cock…” his words draw out as he starts to fuck your face, albeit lazily. You hum out affirmatively around him, your pussy clenching at the praise. 
Your hands wrap around all of him that you can’t take, moving in tandem with your head as you gulp him down, listening to his heavy grunts echo off of the cart walls. It mixes with the wet sound of your mouth working him up and taking him in over and over again.
When Seungcheol starts to pant frantically, you know he’s close.
“Mmm, want you to cum in my mouth,” you drawl around his length, only coming up for a big gulp of air and to tell him what you want.
“W-wait, I wanna fuck you.” The fingers that are tangled in your hair still as he tries to lift you from his cock.
You let him fall from your mouth and sit up, pouting at him. “I don’t think there’s enough room, Cheol.” He seems to remember where you are and how small the space you’re in is.
“Y/n, I can’t wait till we get back to your place. I might cum in my pants on the walk back.”
The thought makes you giggle which earns you a sharp smack on your thigh. You can feel the sting through your leggings and it only serves to make you wetter, your panties inevitably a complete mess.
“Hmm…how about when the ride is up if you can find someplace to fuck me we can do it here.”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, Seungcheol’s expression turns serious, clearly a man on a mission. He finally turns to take in the ground beneath you, scanning for some place, any place, to take you away from prying eyes. Just long enough to fill you with his seed and watch the look on your face as you cum all over him - for him. 
The ferris wheel is beginning its descent as he tucks himself back into his pants and you think he sees something that may be promising, a determined look on his face. When you safely reach solid ground and your cart door opens it’s his turn to drag you around the grounds.
You walk past plenty of rides with their bright lights and loud sounds trying to distract you from what you both want - no, need - right now. All of the booths and rides seem to be running and packed with patrons, nowhere private in sight as of yet.
The answer comes to you when the two of you stumble upon a mirror maze attraction. The building has a ‘closed’ sign on the front doors which are assumedly locked tight.
This doesn’t deter Seungcheol as he simply sneaks with you around the building, looking for some way to get you both inside. When he finds that the back door to the attraction is way too conveniently unlocked, you think of it as a gift from the universe. The universe obviously wants you two to fuck and has handed this to you.
Seungcheol holds your hand tight as he goes into the door first, tiptoeing into a back room, presumably where workers would be when the attraction was live. There is another door that leads you right into the maze. The lights are dim, but they’re on and you can’t help but wonder if someone plans on coming in here at some point.
He takes you far enough into the attraction that you’re surrounded by nothing but yourself, but you’re still close enough to where you came in. The last thing either of you want is to get lost and need to call for help.
“It’s so weird seeing myself so many times. Do I look silly?” You question out loud, eyes sweeping over all of your reflections surrounding you. It makes you a little dizzy seeing so many copies of yourself.
“Of course not, baby. You look as beautiful as always.” Seungcheol’s words echo through your mind when you finally notice he’s behind you now, meeting your eyes through the mirror when you look up. 
He's pressed up against your back, his hard cock obvious against you. “So pretty and all mine.” Seungcheol grabs your jaw and turns your head to the side to bring his lips crashing into yours. His tongue immediately pushes through the seam of your lips, wrapping around yours as he grinds against you fully clothed.
You moan into each other’s mouths as his hands move to grab at every part of you - your tits, your stomach, your thighs, your ass. Seungheol explores your body and your mouth and it leaves you as nothing but absolute putty in his hands.
When he pulls away from you, you whine in protest and he places a peck on your cheek.
“I know, sweetheart, but I need to be inside that pussy so badly. You want that too, right?”
“God, yes, please. I need you so bad, Cheol.”
“Fuck yeah, you do. Gonna give you what you need, baby.” He hurries to pull his sweats and his underwear down enough for his length to be free, letting the fabric rest around his thighs. He helps you shimmy your leggings and panties down your legs and drop at your ankles. You’re close enough to the mirror now that Seungcheol bends you over, your hands resting on the cold glass.
“Look at you already, baby. Already dripping for me just from sucking me off and making out?” Seungcheol taps the head of his cock against your ass then down to your pussy lips. He nudges it against your folds once before pulling back, and you whimper at the loss. 
“Yes, please, Cheol. Need to feel you. Need you to fill me up.”
“Fuck, baby and I will.”
Through the mirror you watch Seungcheol bring his hands around you to your mouth, offering you his index and middle finger. “We have to be quick, so can you help me get you ready?” 
Without a second thought, you’re nodding and when he brings his fingers around to your mouth, you suck them in greedily, making eye contact with him through the mirror. You suckle on his digits, wrapping your tongue around them just like you did to his dick.
When he deems his fingers sufficiently coated, he pops them out of your mouth and brings them to your sticky folds. His first stop is your clit, rubbing a few circles into the sensitive nub. Your head falls forward as a long, drawn-out squeal leaves you as soon as he makes contact. You’re already so wet and wound up that you don’t think you’ll last very long at this rate. Lucky for you, your boyfriend is at the same point, his breath shuddering as he slides his fingers inside of you, reveling in how warm and tight you are.
Seungcheol’s thick fingers piston in and out of you, scissoring them with each plunge back into your heat. You love the feeling of him prepping you. He always takes his time to get you ready to take him, giving you extra care, but this is different. You’re not in one of your beds or even the car;  you have to be quick to avoid getting caught, but you also need him badly.
“Cheol, please just fuck me, please. Can’t wait anymore.”
“I wanna take my time with you, but fuck, I can’t wait either.”
When he pulls his fingers from you, you look up again and through the mirror, you watch him suck on them, eyes fluttering closed momentarily as he savors your taste. Then he’s grabbing at your hips, his cock nudging your entrance. 
Your eyes roll back when he finally slips in, sheathing himself perfectly into your walls. The two of you share a noise of pleasure, his much deeper than yours, and you swear you can hear the bass in his voice vibrate through him and into you. It drives you absolutely insane.
Seungcheol’s hands take hold of your hips, starting at a pace that already has you breathless. Your palms lay flat against the mirror in front of you, fingers splayed to keep you balanced. He fucks into you frantically and with power, the slaps of his pelvis smacking into your ass sound bass-boosted to your ears and it’s your favorite sound at this moment.
The weed always makes feeling Seungcheol inside of you so much better than it already does when you’re sober. Coupled with how he’s driving into you so quickly and so harshly, you feel that much closer to floating away. All of your senses are on hyperdrive as he pistons his hips harder and harder, only making your cries and mewls for him that much louder as your eyes slip closed.
“God, you sound amazing, baby. But you look even better.” Seungcheol cups your face to keep you focused on the mirror in front of you. “Open your eyes.” It’s a demand, not a question, so you do. 
Sweat beads at your forehead, your droopy, red-tinged eyes staring back at you looking wild. Your tits bounce even from underneath your jacket due to Seungcheol’s thrusts. The mirror is fogged up where you’re breathing and your hands keep readjusting to keep you up, leaving sweaty prints in their wake. Seungcheol looks no different behind you. His eyes are tired but still boring into yours with each thrust, his tongue darting out to lick his already saliva-slick lips as his face glistens with sweat.
His broad chest rises and falls underneath his layers and you can’t help but think about just how good he looks when he’s not bundled up. The thought makes you clench around Seungcheol’s dick and it only serves to make him fuck into you harder, shoving his length so deep into you that you swear you feel him in your chest.
“Fuck me, Cheol, fuck gonna cum!” You sob, legs trembling to hold you up as your words slur together. 
“Yes, yes, come on, baby, cream all over my fucking dick.” Fingers that know your body almost better than you know yourself reach around you, pressing between your thighs and rubbing your clit. 
It takes only a few tweaks to have you falling apart, mouth hanging open as you do your damnedest to bite back the squeal you want to let out. Shockwaves roll over you as Seungcheol’s powerful hips thrust into you one, two, three more times and then he’s cumming too. The warm, sticky feeling of him milking himself into you has your eyes rolling back and your body going lax against the mirror. 
With the only sounds now being just you and Seungcheol breathing heavily, you become acutely aware of just how fucked out you look. You wonder if people will be able to tell that your boyfriend just rearranged your guts in such a public place.
“Hey,” Seungcheol interrupts your train of thought by tapping your thigh to bring your attention to him. You meet his eyes in the mirror and he flashes you a warm, reassuring smile. “Let’s get out of here?” 
He helps you right yourself and pulls your leggings up, then redresses himself. He takes your hand once more and you’re able to sneak back out of the attraction, easily avoiding getting caught. 
“I can’t believe we just did that,” you snicker, your earlier adrenaline rush quickly returning now that you’ve gotten away with what you wanted.  
“That’s probably the craziest thing I’ve ever done,” he mumbles and you agree with him, sharing more laughter with him as you loop your arm through his.
Could you curl up right now and take a nap? Yes. Could you also do a lap around the fairgrounds like a crazy person? Also yes. But, when you catch sight of Seungcheol’s disheveled hair that he’s run his fingers through a thousand times tonight and his red lips that he’s still biting between his teeth, you only want to do one thing.
“We can do something else crazy if you want,” Seungcheol glances over at you, curiosity written all over his face as he takes in your words.
“Oh? And what’s that?”
“Mmm, well the outdoor loveseat on my patio is spacious enough for both of us. And there’s a chance someone could see us up there if you were feeling up to being daring again.”
“Since when were you so open to exhibitionism?” 
“Since I let you fuck me in a closed-down carnival attraction that anyone could’ve walked into at any time.” 
Seungcheol licks his bottom lip again and you want so badly to have that be your tongue on him. 
“Let’s go back to your apartment,” he finally decides (not that it takes him very long to do so). “But I wanna eat you out first. Gotta have you ride my face for everyone to see.” His words go straight to your cunt, wetness already pooling and mixing with his cum still tucked inside of you. 
And just like that, you’re thanking the past, much more stoned you for feeling adventurous. You have a feeling after tonight, even more adventures await you and Seungcheol, and all of them more than likely involve you crying out his name. 
You can’t wait.
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Net tags: @kflixnet @kbookshelf
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ghanatrails · 5 months
Experience the heartbeat of Ghana with our captivating travel and tour packages in 2024 & Beyond
At Best Ghana Tours we ignite your wanderlust with meticulously crafted tour packages that immerse you in the rich tapestry of Ghana's cultural revival and renewal. From the vibrant streets of Accra to the breathtaking landscapes of the Volta Region, our Ghana tour packages promise an unforgettable journey. Explore hidden gems and iconic landmarks alike, guided by seasoned experts. Whether it's a solo adventure or a group escapade, trust us to tailor your Ghana travel experience to perfection. Embark on your African odyssey today with Best Ghana Tours.
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sparks-chaotic-cove · 4 months
Like my last lil Bound ramble, spoilers for "Broken Trinkets" / "Fallen Feathers") with Rune and Vast on 5/29/24!
And it's Rune's turn!
Rune is so passionate about his works. They fix all their things and make new things. And he loves Vast. Vast, his love, his first partner.
And one fun thing about that fact is that it doesn't change.
Sure, the form of love may change. But they still care about Vast, even at the end of this lore stream. He still wishes Vast was there to comfort him. But Vast can't be, because she is the source of his despair. And they're dangerous.
Rune starts out excited. He's almost blinded by excitement and that sort of wanderlust. We see this excitement appear every time he makes something successful- that thrill of doing something and doing it right. Making something that can help himself or especially others. Rune, through and through, is an inventor and a friend to most.
That passion is one of the things that drew Vast in, it's one of the things Vast loves about Rune.
But that passion got closer and closer to the thing Vast didn't want Rune to know about, and panic ensued. And Vast broke the Chronometer.
And Rune is shocked. Confused. Panicked. Hurt. You can hear that in the first thing that Rune says- "Vast, what the fuck?"
Rune called Vast "Love" literally like twenty seconds before. He was excited! they were close! And he wanted to share that achievement with Vast. Because he loves Vast. He wanted to share that joy with his love. But Vast shattered that.
The chronometer was something Rune had been working on for, as he says, weeks. And it was important to him. Vast tries to defend herself, stuttering through faulty explanations. But none of them make sense. So Vast cracks.
The misunderstanding of maybe-breaking-up happens, then Vast leads him to the obelisk. This interaction of trust is so important though. Despite Vast's outburst, Rune is still willing to listen. To trust.
But he's not willing to trust an Avicane. And that's exactly what Vast is. One of the monsters of the stories, the ones who have hurt his family so much. There's a battle in his brain. He's willing to believe Vast if Vast just says that they aren't and Avicane.
But Vast isn't going to lie anymore.
And Rune sends him away, ignoring Vast's explanation, Vast's "I love you". Vast's clear adoration of what Rune is in his brain. Perfect. But Rune can't look at him the same. Wondering how much blood is on her hands. Vast's solution goes right past them because they're so focused on the horror of this situation. Of loving a monster of the tales his family told.
He basically kicks himself for it. Then he goes home. And he pets Gizmo. And he goes back into his ruined workshop. And he sits on the fractured pieces of his chair, not daring to go into the nest. And he laments.
And thats where the lore ends.
Rune is struggling with that slap in the face of Vast being an Avicane. of Vast being a murderer. But also with the fact that in the end, he still cares. for some stupid reason, he still cares about the avian.
and boy does all of this hurt.
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anja-the-sane-panda · 4 months
Stomp Out The Dark
A lil one shot with Jack encountering Nightlust on le boat.
mostly cus none of my ao3 fics are ready im so sorry😓
A grunt escaped through Jack's gritted teeth as his back hit the floor hard. The markings on the floor of the boat flashed blue and purple as heavy black boots thundered across the floor. The performer tried to get up but was stopped when one of heavy boots stomped on his chest, which if it weren't for the fact his boyfriend was possessed Jack might have been feeling a different emotion then fear.
“Cute you thought that would work Rose,” Wanderlust smirked as Jack struggled under him.
The performer could only grunt as he tried to lift his boyfriend’s boot off him. Jack had managed to get through the other three’ corruption from his mother (though Sara was just as tricky as Wander was being) and just needed his lover to return. But it seemed talking and brute force was helpless in this battle.
“I’m gonna have to ask Night Swan to have you at my side, especially when we hit Flow World,” Wander cackled as he snatched Jack’s cane from where it was laying and booped the red haired coach with it. (If his boyfriend wasn’t a admittedly hot corrupted soldier for his mother Jack might have blushed and laughed)
“Wander please..” The prince could only laugh at his partner’s pleas, making Jack panic more as he tried to come up with a new plan.
“Aww don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt as much as becoming a nor-“
“I forgive you.”
Wanderlust froze and looked down at Jack, looking very confused and even dropping Jack’s mic.
Jack took a deep breath and looked Wander square in the eye. “I forgive you, because I know you don’t want to do this. But you also don’t want to disappoint her, I know that feeling. Trust me.”
Wanderlust stared at him for a moment, a look of recognition of those words came across his face. The deity started to breath heavily and holding his head in pain. Grunting and taking his foot off Jack to try and distance himself from the performer.
“Stop talking!”
Jack grabbed his microphone and used to help himself up and stand, still shaken from hitting the floor. “Y-You said those words to me right before you got minionized the first time. Even when everyone saw me as just her son, well Sara had no idea who I was but whatever, point is. You were able to see past all that and see my good side,” Despite Wander backing away like a scared stray Jack just walked up and took his face in his hands.
“And I can do the same for you. Please,” he rubbed Wanderlust’s cheek. A move that always helped the deity calm down, “Come back to me?”
Wanderlust looked at him, the glare from his right eye softening to let it's purple glitter like an amethyst like before Night Swan got her claws on him. Even his full yellow left eye seemed to soften as tears started to fall from both his eyes.
“I-I’m sorry,” Wanderlust sobbed as Jack gently bonked their foreheads together.
“It’s okay Wandie, just glad to have you back,” Jack whispered, feeling his own tears of relief start to form, “Though I must admit you look pretty good in that outfit.”
“Wanderlust looked down and chuckled, “Yeah, though I feel like I should change,” He crosses then spread out his arms, resulting in a bright light that blinded Jack for a second.
When he could see again Wanderlusts had changed the outfit a lot. Once again sporting his signature crown and braid. (though the diamond shape and the yellow eye remained) However he now wore a purple and pink skin tight turtleneck shirt with gold triangles going down the sleeves. The bell bottoms had been replaced with leggings with more gold detailing snaking down to his matching boots. To finish off he wore his father's cape with his triangle emblem hanging off a chain.
The deity held out his arms, “Better?”
Jack's face flickered to one of worry as he looked at the left half of his lover's face, but he shook it off as he silently counted his blessings.
"Much Starboy,"
He then kissed Wander deeply, who was taken aback at first but quickly reciprocated it. Leaving the lovebirds to stand in the empty hallway, the blue lights bouncing off their faces as they remained lip-locked together for quite some time. Just taking in the relief of finally being together after a long struggle.
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growwithmeastrology · 5 months
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Monday, April 15th 2024 Sun in Aries♈️🔥Moon in Cancer ♋️🌊 and Leo ♌️🔥
We have some pretty amazing energies rolling in this week that will shift the landscape for many of us. It’s time to embrace the changes and open yourself up to new possibilities!
We kick it all off today with the Moon in Cancer sextile Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. These sextiles are bringing in positivity, opportunity, abundance, wanderlust, adventure, change, innovation, creativity, romance…the list literally goes on and on. It’s a rather drastic change in energies that will look quite different for all of us. No matter how strong or subtle, new experiences or feelings are on the horizon and it’s time to embrace the unexpected. Any changes or derailing in plans right now are happening for your benefit so trust that it’s all part of a grand plan to keep you in alignment with the path you’re meant to be on.
The Cancer Moon will square the Sun in Aries which creates some tension highlighting the areas in need of change or growth within your emotional landscape or romantic relationships. Embrace the push and allow yourself to transform into the best version of who you’re meant to be.
The Moon will also trine Neptune in Pisces before going void of course, sparking higher levels of creativity or compassion. Do your best to stay grounded with this one as it tends to blur the lines between fantasy and reality.
The Moon will enter Leo later tonight shifting the mood from emotional to playful helping us lift our moods as we enter this realm of big, transformative energies. Whether physically or emotionally, the amount of abundance received over the next six months is truly based off the amount of effort and work you’ve put in for yourself.
Get ready for some serious shifts in reality this week. Understand that the law of vibration is key in understanding how this energy will show up. Jupiter makes everything bigger and Uranus brings change. If we all think more positively right now, imagine the impact that could have on humanity. Something to ponder given the general state of things on this plane under the net (planet). Vibe high my friends! 💚✨
If you enjoy my daily forecasts please like, comment, share and consider a gratitude tip in support. 🅿️ PayPal, Venmo or CashApp - @NaliniFlor
Learn more about your personal energies and how the daily forecast affects you! Comment below⬇️ or DM me for a consultation.
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mariaofdoranelle · 7 months
The Courtship Deception - Part 4: Wanderlust
Fic masterlist
Written for @throneofglassmicrofics
I faded the smut to black, sorry! I’m just a gemini who talks too much, I’m doing miracles with this word count already LOL
Warnings: closed-door sexytimes
Words: 863
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“You really are a prince, aren’t you?” Aelin whispered to Rowan while ushering him out of the party.
“Technically, yes, but not really.”
“How does that work?”
“It works really well after some family drama with a tabloid-obsessed aunt.”
Dodging her father’s acquaintances was easier than avoiding his men’s questioning looks. Well, that’s what happens when her father told a bunch of big guys that they’re entitled to every detail of her life: they believed it. But they wouldn’t cause a scene if she didn’t either, and that’s how she was able to move through the crowd effortlessly with a man that wasn’t one of her suitors.
“Where’re you going?” Lorcan hissed, one of her Rhoe’s most trusted and least subtle men.
“Out!” Aelin barked while dragging Rowan out the main doors. But the man’s eyes weren’t on her, and something dawned on her. He was the one who came with Fenrys from Doranelle, wasn’t he? Was he friends with Rowan too, or just acquaintances?
Out of the main venue, Aelin found a storage closet of sorts and shoved Rowan in it, locking herself inside with him.
He sighed, taking in the tiny room. “I didn’t know you liked it tawdry.”
She crossed her arms. “You were talking about family drama and tabloids.”
“When we texted last night, I thought you’d want my mouth for entirely different reasons.”
“Well, I—“
Aelin was silenced by his hand holding onto the back of her neck, tilting her head toward his.
He raised a brow in question. *What do you want?* he seemed to ask.
Well, fuck. This was such a cheap trick, but she could Google her answers later to figure it out. Neck-grabbing with those rough hands? Not so easy to do on her own.
Aelin closed the distance between them, and their hands found each other’s bodies like magnets. Rowan’s kisses were rough and hungry; when he backed her against a shelving unit and sneaked a hand up her thigh, Aelin grasped how thoroughly ravished she was about to be.
She lost sight of her initial goal completely.
Rowan had one hand on her waist and another using the shelf to hold himself upright. They were both panting, breaths mingling in that near claustrophobic closet.
He grabbed a few napkins behind her to dispose of the condom, and that was her cut to fix her hair and smooth down her dress.
“Can you—“ Aelin was brutally interrupted by a kiss. “I’ll be right back.”
She peeked out the door. The only person close by was Lorcan, looking grumpier than ever.
“Psst!” she called him. “Yes, c’mere.”
“You missed dinner.”
“Your friend didn’t.” Aelin smirked with the memory. Him kneeling before her, face between her thighs, was definitely something. “What time is it?”
Aelin had no way of knowing—she didn’t have her phone with her, and Rowan would do anything to avoid their conversation.
“But is it too late?”
The man gave her a hard look, and it was all she needed to know—no, it wasn’t too late, but she should get back to the party before her dad notices it and incites chaos. Still, she got back to the storage closet and locked the door again.
“Round two so soon?”
Aelin crossed her arms. “Family drama and tabloids. Spill.”
“You’re not unlocking that door until I tell you, I take it?”
“Absolutely not.”
Rowan sighed, but conceded. Then, he went on about how much he disagreed with Queen Maeve’s contrarian policies, and the rupture it created between him and his family. About how he left Doranelle without looking back, and only remained as a prince in name, since the royal family wouldn’t rescind his title for the media havoc it’d cause—even if he wasn’t so much in the public eye.
Prompted by Aelin, he told her about how he found a remote job with his engineering degree and traveled the world with no royal privileges and no money—for a prince’s standards, at least—, met people who weren’t royals or billionaires. How he lived his life with no constraints.
She liked it. She wanted it. To live freely, to travel without a team of bodyguards who reported everything to her father, to be able to drive on her own.
Just like that, Aelin saw a new plan unfold right before her eyes.
Moving from her father’s highly-guarded mansion to Dorian’s or Chaol’s castle with a different set of guards was just trading one pair of shackles for another.
But Rowan… she could live like him. She could live with him—anywhere and everywhere, like he’s been living so far. Rhoe could be so blinded by her having a royal title he’d forget that her groom was penniless. Rowan didn’t sound like the type to hold her down, he sounded like the type who would let her live her own life, or even give her a divorce if she truly desired it, no politics involved.
She’d keep her money and her relationship with her father, but also have freedom. It was perfect. It was her best plan so far.
“Rowan…” she trailed, uncertain of his reaction to her next words. “Will you marry me?”
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @mariaofdoranelle-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
I couldn’t tag the people in bold, sorry!
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humblemooncat · 6 months
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Day 2 ⋆ Payment
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Looking out over the colony before him, Ymir hesitated.
"You're... headed to Vylbrand next, yes?"
The captain eyed him curiously, "Aye, that we are. Change yer mind, have ye?" A hearty laugh followed, "Ain't seen none of you scholarly folk turn tail from knowledge before"
Ymir's eyes were still on the horizon before him, clutching his coin ever so slightly.
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The captain held out his hand, "It'll cost ye room and board if yer keen on comin' along" There was a smile on his face, though more warm than conniving. And to this the scholar relented.
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"This is the last of the coin on my person. I trust this will cover it?" He dropped the gil within the Sea Wolf's waiting palm, which curled around the coin in turn.
"Aye, that'll do nicely" he said gently, "Make yer way to them boxes, an hide quietly till we weigh anchor. I'll make sure they know I never saw ye"
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Another surprise song, this time relating to Ymir's wanderlust, and that pivotal moment he took his fate into his own hands.
For those who don't know my dear sweet albino bun, he's one half of my beloved husbuns, and his early life info can be found here. <3
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WKA Gay Analysis Assembly
Hello! Welcome to my blog, please note I am unhinged about my silly little gay shows and as evidence I give you an exhaustive list of all the analysis posts (and some non-analysis posts) I have written :)
I will be updating this post as I write more, and the most recent show I am watching/writing about will be listed first. Please know my DMs and my Inbox are always open!
By, For, and About Queers (The By, For, and About Queers posts are not about any particular show, and are instead a little write up of the way I categorize the BL shows that I am watching)
By/For/About- Part 1 (a conversation with @absolutebl)
By/For/About- Part 2 (a conversation with @solitaryandwandering) Also check out the really lovely response from @solitaryandwandering here
Toxic and Messy: TharnType v. Only Friends (aka We Trust Jojo) (a conversation with @absolutebl and @respectthepetty)
The Sign
Feelings Made Visible: Design Choices in The Sign
Fantasy v. Reality in The Sign
Last Twilight
Episode 1 Thoughts (in which I state my fears that were later realized)
Reflections in Last Twilight (Episode 1-2)
Physical Touch in Last Twilight (Episodes 1-3)
Thoughts on Last Twilight, Ep. 5 (aka when I still thought the show was good)
Last Twilight, Ep 12 (in which I rant about the ableism in the narrative and the undermining of the show's themes)
Shadow thoughts
The Left Hand of God
Is Brother Anurak the One Armed Man?
What Happened to Trin? aka Paying Attention to my Favorite Straight Boy
I Feel You Linger in the Air
Let's Talk About Sex: ESSAY #69!!! (breakdown of the sex scene in IFYLITA Episode 8)
Only Friends Academic Essay Series
Only Friends, Boston, and Queer Culture
Only Friends and Respectable Promiscuity
Only Friends, Racism, and the Commodification of Queer Asians Everything else
Ray and Rehab
Boston the Slut
Who is Mew, Anyway?
You're Mine No Matter What: The Commodification of Sand
Explosions (fight night round two, Ep. 6)
Fight Night (scene breakdown of the fight in Episode 5)[Sand Addition by @ranchthoughts]
Poor Boy (a discussion on the beloved Poor Boy t-shirt)
Watch The Warp Effect before Only Friends
Misunderstanding Top? (a conversation with @respectthepetty)
What the Fuck is Boeing Doing Here?
Only Friends Reflection
My Ride
Rain, BL Boys, and Reciprocity
My Ride Finale
Be My Favorite (how did I get here, I wasn't planning on watching this!)
Permanence in BMF (in conversation with @stuffnonsenseandotherthings)
Lack of Touch in BMF (in conversation with @wanderlust-in-my-soul and @dropthedemiurge)
Cupid's Last Wish 1. Trans Allegory in Cupid's Last Wish (in partnership with @so-much-yet-to-learn and @lurkingshan)
La Pluie
The Language of Love In La Pluie Ep. 8
Ep. 8 Stray Thoughts
Hands in Ep. 7
Hands in Ep. 6
Subversion (a conversation with @lurkingshan)
Pee Peerawich Can Fucking Act
Body Language in La Pluie Ep. 12
Step by Step
On the Subject of Pat 2.0- A Defense
On the Subject of Pat- A Timeline (a conversation with @waitmyturtles)
Totally Normal About Episode 7
Lighting in Ep 9 (a conversation with @istanchan)
Going Out- Sharing Space with the Unhoused
Workplace Homophobia and Relationship Development Between Pat and Jeng
Our Skyy 2
OS2 x The Eclipse - Characterization
OS2 x BB x ATOTS- Phupa and Queerness aka Damn You WMT (that's right! Damn you, @waitmyturtles!)
OS2 x BB x ATOTS- Validation! aka Phupa and Queerness- Part 2 (and a shout out to @lurkingshan and @waitmyturtles for writing such brilliant meta I almost...almost didn't have to write one myself)
Pat, Pran, Losing Parental Relationships, and Sex (a conversation with @shortpplfedup)
Our Dining Table
Silence (including conversation with @laowen)
Yutaka and Yukata
Bed Friend
True Colors? (a conversation with @dribs-and-drabbles and @respectthepetty)
Uea and Red
Reflections + Uea and Yellow
Uea and Gray (a conversation with @respectthepetty) Uea and Gray but this time not tacked on to RTP's post
Mommy Dearest 2.0
Uea's Episode 7 Costumes
Bed Friend and Reflections- Part 1
Bed Friend and Reflections- Part 2
Bed Friend and Reflections- Part 3 (this is my favorite of the parts)
Water, Songkran, and KingUea
Moonlight Chicken
Heart Confrontation Scene
Heart and Li Ming Colors and Stripes
Red, Wen, and Blue
Naming the Deaf Character Heart
Heart's Communication
Wen's Badge Parallel
Modern Thai Sign Language to American Sign Language Index
Heart's Vocalization
Mommy Dearest (Jam and Li MIng)
Isn't it Difficult to Be Born Poor?
Moonlight Chicken is for the Queers
Heart's Signs Translated (this one is not mine, but I don't want to lose this post so I am placing it here)
Best Criers in MLC
Worst Parallel
Utsukushii Kare
Self-Deprecation Harms Everyone
Our Flag Means Death
Over-analyzing the Color Red
Silk as Symbolism for Ed's Heart
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thefreakandthehair · 1 year
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Summer Fanworks Challenge, Part One [See Part Two Here!]
Party Games by @annethecatdetective | steddie, fic, mature
Keep Me Grounded, Keep Me Free by @daysarestranger | steddie, fic, teen & up
Clueless by @gothbat99 | ronance, fic, teen & up
Fort Munson by @patchworkgargoyle | steddie, fic, teen & up
Ronance + Popsicles by @robin-not-batman | ronance, fanart
all we do is drive by @aringofsalt | steddie, fic, teen & up
A Cure For All That Ails You by @stobinesque | stobin, fic, teen & up
anywhere u go by @spicysix | jargyle, fic, teen & up
and like a bullet, we were gone again by @riality-check | steddie, fic, teen & up
Like a cannonball by @corrodedbisexual | steddie, fic, mature
(-> honorable mention: wanderlust | steddie, fic, teen & up)
And suddenly we're Thelma and Louise | ronance, fic, teen & up
Are you afraid of rollercoasters? by @manda-panda-monium | steddie, fic, teen & up
this must be the place by @judasofsuburbia | jargyle, fic, explicit
steddie + sunscreen by @ahhrenata | steddie, fanart
suspended in the ether, till i felt you in my chest by @gerrystamour | steddie, fic, explicit
the firmament in you, by @stobinesque | stobin, fic, teen & up
I Wanna Look Underneath, by @spinmewriteround | steddie & buckingham, fic, teen & up
shelter in place, by @hbyrde36 | steddie, fic, explicit
where we fell in love matters, by @dragonmama76 | steddie, fic, teen & up
summer love, by @steddieasitgoes | ronance, moodboard
so it continues, by @perceivedregret | ronance, fic, teen & up
do you trust me?, by @cobweddie | stobin, fic
everything is blue, by @steddieasitgoes | steddie, fic, mature
precipice, by @pearynice | steddie, fic, mature
andante, andante, by @yournowheregirl | ronance, fic, explicit
red swimming trunks, by @userlestat | steddie, fic, teen & up
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the-boney-rolls · 6 months
The Great Covid Beatles Binge, Day 2: Give My Regards to Broad Street
Hoo boy, here we go!
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OK so we open with a stern/bored looking Paul stuck in traffic in the rain and it looks like he's spacing out... hey, Paul, are you starting to daydream? Paul? Is this whole movie about to be a dream, Paul? Oh god
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This silly little car! The computer, the carpet, the pool ball gear shift. It's giving the 80's car version of the Beatles house in Help! It's also giving hyper-masculine in a way that is, I'm sorry, not convincing.
This plot is already deeply inscrutable. Something about some missing tapes, a reformed criminal that Paul knows somehow and trusts for some reason, and some ominous business men. Something bad will happen at midnight if the tapes aren't found. OK!
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Ringo looks so cool and hot! That vest over that sick as hell dragon shirt. Yes. This scene is genuinely funny, too -- Ringo spends the entirety of "Here, There and Everywhere" and "Yesterday" searching through his mountains of drum equipment looking for brushes, only to find them too late. Apparently, the reason for this scene is that Ringo just didn't want to re-record old Beatles songs!
And now we have Paul, Ringo, George Martin and Geoff Emerick all together in a scene! Makes me think about how George Harrison apparently was a little miffed Paul didn't just call him to ask for filmmaking advice since it was something he had experience with. What could have been!
“Wanderlust” is such a great song, actually, damn.
“I’m not a bad boy, really. I’m just — er, manipulated” John??
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Now this is more like it! Surprise Linda in drag, hell yes!
I don't know why this scene is happening? It's a rehearsal for... something? But I'll take it. I love "Ballroom Dancing" and I love vaudeville Paul.
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I'm starting to feel like Paul's grandpa in AHDN, "so far, I've been in a train and a room, and a car and a room, and a room and a room." Did Paul's experience on that set define what a movie is to him? "Ah yes, a movie must include lots of transportation from one location to another and then some musical scenes." But dear, it worked because there were jokes! And all four of you to play off each other.
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I.......... what
This is Silly Love Songs, of all things!
Again, I don't know why this scene is happening in the context of the movie. Is it another rehearsal for something? A music video? Television special? Who knows, Yoko! But OK here we go, I sure am having fun! Linda is extremely into it. That slap bass kills. There's a Michael Jackson impersonator for some reason? Sure! It makes no sense but I love this man and his bizarre beautiful mind.
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So now we're doing band rehearsal in some kind of barn? Or abandoned warehouse? Or something? All of the plot of this movie seems to happen in dialog in cars en route to some ambiguous musical engagement.
“Do you think we can get some heat in here or are we practicing to be Canadians?” God bless you, Ringo.
“Should we try Not Such a Bad Boy” “Do we have to?” “Yeah” Bossy Paul bosses around a Beatle, we love to see it.
Is this song about him or John? 
The French horn player coming in late to record "For No One," inexplicably in a bright red motorcycle helmet, so late that he’s preparing up until right before the solo starts. Reminds me of that story of Ringo recording Hey Jude. But it also feels very symbolic of something. There are so many odd inscrutable details in this movie, it could almost be Lynchian in someone else's hands.
“We’re running, and running out of time too” It feels meaningful but I don't know how.
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Hello Mr. Darcy! Wow, can I have an entire movie that’s just this Victorian dream sequence? Can we go back in time and do a Beatles movie period piece, please??
The strings in this which are inspired by but are not quite "Eleanor Rigby" are lovely. Apparently this whole sequence is called "Eleanor's Dream," which implies that Paul is Eleanor. Make of that what you will, I suppose.
I like that Linda is a pants-wearing photographer in this period scene. Linda's gotta Linda.
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This strikes me as very Evil Beatles. Again, make of that what you will.
Barbara and Linda are acting the HELL out of this going over the waterfall scene damn.
I don't know, I could screen grab this entire segment, it's amazing, it's insane.
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But I can't gloss over Paul being horny for Ghost Horse Girl Linda. Incredible.
"That’s it you’re finished. What are you gonna do now?" Well ok at least this one is pretty obviously a reference to the critical reception of his career after the Beatles and again after John.
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"Uncle Jim" Ok so I guess this is supposed to be his dad, but what is the point of this scene? And why the monkey? The further I get into this film the more I feel like I am looking deep into this man's psyche but through the murkiest of windows. I'm here for the weird dream symbolism, Paul, but if you're gonna go that route, again go full Lynch and get even weirder.
Just the straight up original recording of "Band on the Run" feels out of place with all these re-records. I wonder why that choice.
His car license plate is "PM 1" That's right, baby, you're number 1.
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Another little cute but inconsequential day dream (presumably within the dream that is this entire movie). He looks like Roy Orbison here.
Oh ok Harry was just locked in a cupboard this whole time. So the whole "plot" was pointless. Cool cool cool.
Paul and Harry being giddy and laughing together is cute though, and it makes me wish that that relationship was fleshed out more. Who are they to each other, exactly??
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Yup it was all a dream. Love it, love that for us. Thanks, Paul.
OK so this was definitely barely a movie. There could have been something here, but I'll go back to what I said above -- I wish he'd gone weirder with the whole thing! And I wish Paul himself had been weirder. The character Paul is kind of a dud, just plodding along from place to place and only coming alive when he performs. It's like that Hawaiian shirt is supposed to be a stand in for characterization. But worth it for the music video scenes and for getting a tiny glimpse into Paul's psyche.
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all-pacas · 10 months
Have we done the BG3 daemon AU yet?
Shadowheart's is a mouse. Was a mouse. Small and gray and soft. Does Shar allow daemons? Is it the last thing she's meant to give up? She hides it, for being so small and soft. They'd tease her, for having something so small, for being prey. She hides him in her sleeve or a pocket, even with the others. Out of sight and hidden.
Lae'zel has a wolf, an astral dog. Big and lean and fierce and strong. Loyal and brave and surprisingly calm. He keeps to himself, but is never aggressive in camp. Wags his tail, explores on his own. Tears out throats in battle. They are very close; she calls him a word Gith'yanki word that doesn't mean daemon as much as it means partner. The fighter you can trust the most. In the privacy of her tent, she sleeps with his stomach as a pillow.
Gale's daemon is not Tara. It's a crow, large and smart and preening. Tara pretends to hate her for being a bird; she'd cuddle her as a fledgling. Gale always thought he'd have a cat daemon; Tara always suspected it would be a bird, though she thought he'd have something brighter, more flashy. The crow is beautiful. Gleaming blue-black feathers, perfectly groomed. Smart as a whip and always getting into things. Bags, people's tents, trouble. Comes to sit on Gale's shoulder often, but prefers to fly and explore on her own.
Duke Ravengard actually does have a raven familiar. Wyll does not. He has a hyena. She was a late settler, and only settled on her final form after he Contracted with Mizora. Hyenas are smart, loyal, take wonderful care of their young, are very social and live in large groups. They also have reputations as dirty scavengers who often turn into Gnolls. Wyll's daemon is scuffed up as he is, lean and bony and with a torn ear. She's loyal, brave, will share her prey with others, and takes care of Wyll a bit like he's her cub. They like to play fight, and are very close. He'll often idly lay a hand on her as he talks, she rubs up against him like an overgrown cat.
Karlach has a bear, a black bear. Smaller than you'd think, cuddly and a bit lazy, and she talks about him like he's a tiny little boy no bigger than Shadowheart's daemon. Until, of course, it's time for a fight. They'll play-wrestle and it'll look really brutal, but he's the biggest sweetie on the planet, and a bit shy out of battle.
The undead do not have daemons. Astarion's died with him, centuries ago. He says he doesn't remember what she was; this is probably a lie, but one the others are too polite to call him out on.
Halsin and Jaheira are druids, and their daemons like themselves can still shift. Halsin's daemon is particularly changeable: you'd think she'd be a bear, and sometimes she is, but she's curious and has serious wanderlust and prefers smaller forms, songbirds and badgers and geckos to better explore. Jaheira's daemon prefers a fox form, complaining that he, too, is getting on a bit and shifting is too much work. As with Jaheira, it's all lies: he's as sharp and quick as ever.
Minsc's daemon is, somehow, Boo.
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ghost-infestation · 19 days
I fear I may have birthed something into the world. Something horrendous, incomprehensible, and eldritch.
Here's how it began.
The other day, my good good friend @my-ceiling-is-tilted blessed us with a discovery he made on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. You see, he ventured on there in search of information on a specific type of cocktail: The Gin Fizz. We can hardly recall to what end this original investigation was directed, for what he found by complete accident overshadows the expedition's original goal like a looming elder monolith.
You see, there in the section so innocently titled "Less common gin Fizzes", something caught his eye.
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Now do you notice anything wrong with this image?
No, it's not the "Spezi"; that is simply the name of a German brand of orange cola. That in itself is a respectable pick for fizz additive, though perhaps somewhat locationally limiting.
The pickle. Why the pickle?
Because, you see, for starters, you cannot freeze a dill pickle. Not with standard household means, at any rate. There's all sorts of chemical bullshit preventing this eventuality. And more to the point, what kind of bar, in any part of the world, would just have frozen dill pickles on standby in case anyone orders a Tillhammer?!
And that's the thing, friends. That's the horrifying truth that has spurred Mr. Ceiling to pass on this eldritch knowledge to us.
The Tillhammer does not exist.
We went looking, and we went looking hard, in both international and German webspace. And we found not a single mention of the Tillhammer anywhere safe for this wikipedia page. There is no evidence that anyone, at any time in human history, has ever sat down to enjoy a nice, cool, pickly Tillhammer.
Until now.
Mr. Ceiling has tried desperatley to dissuade me from my path. He begged and pleaded on his little knees that I do not manifest this... thing into existence.
Unfortunately for him, I'm not a little bitch.
So behold: My infernal creation! Mothers and fuckers of the jury, I present to you, for perhaps the first time in history:
The Tillhammer!
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The Tillhammer is a popular drink originating in the city of Luxhaven, Rhode Island in the 1920s. Allegedly first served in the Wanderlust Hotel to expel a rowdy visitor in the night, it has since grown popular all across the globe... if you know where to look.
The Tillhammer gin fizz packs quite a punch, though it is a quick-footed fighter and won't hit you where you were expecting.
Total Time: 5 minutes mins
some form of liquid container (glass preferable)
a mechanism by which you might induce a pickle into a state that could charitably be described as "frozen"
a quantity of gin, as yet unhaunted by the unholy spirits
a fizzy German beverage that proclaims itself to be your friend, but don't trust it DON'T YOU DARE TRUST IT
a pickled cucumber, petite yet potent, brought as close to a state of frosty solidity as your equipment permits
Pour your desired quantity of gin into your container of choice. No need to fuss, you are out to impress absolutely no-one. Just do how much you feel.
Add a little bit of bubbly joy by pouring your liquified orange-tinged friend to mingle with the gin.
Brace yourself for what comes next.
Insert your frozen pickle while chanting ritualistically; if not with your tongue, then at least with your faltering mind.
And, lest anyone accuse me for spurring my pickle-adding responsibilities:
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And it is done.
I know not what I have unleashed into the world by bringing this potion into existence. Have I broken the chains of something long buried, forgotten for a reason? Or perhaps, more realistically, I have simply played into the hands of an unusually conniving miscreant roaming the wikipedian plains.
All in all, it just kinda tastes of gin and cola.
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