#my ride
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namtanlovesfilm · 7 months ago
Can you recommend me any BL or Queer dramas / series that is just pure fluff and soft without much sexual scenes? Just been wanting to watch something not to heated
um... yes! I very much can :) (although shows that fit this description are actually quite rare to find so I had to rack my brain for this lol)
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I mean... as soon as you said 'pure fluff & soft' I thought of this show, bc it's the LEGIT definition of it! it's adorable & hilarious and truly has the healthiest bl ship ever who is composed of the two cutest patooties. it's a true romcom bc it nails both the comedy & romance elements and is just THE feel good show for me :)
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this is another show that has very little drama or un-cute moments. the characters are adorable, the friendship is top-tier, and the slice of life aspect really invests you in the story. definitely will have you smile most (if not all) of the time!
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this show is my little underrated gem! it does have SOME drama, but it's mostly about two overtly kind main characters who fall in love despite odds. it's so cute, so wholesome, and genuinely just a fucking good time if you wanna cheer up :)
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another show that does have some deeper, sadder moments (almost all shows do lol) but is overall a beautiful story of healing through community & food with, again, incredibly kind and lovable characters which I could not recommend more!
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this show is one I had no expectation for... except perhaps that I thought it would suck. however, while it is in no way a masterpiece & will frankly go down as a forgettable show for me, it was actually REALLY enjoyable. this show truly has close to zero drama and is just about love & friendship. frankly the friendship element is what did it for me, paired with the unique & lovable characters. this is just a great time if you want to turn your brain off & enjoy the cuteness imo (there's a couple sex scenes tho but nothing very explicit)
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yet ANOTHER show about food lol, bc one thing about food bls, there's 500 of them & they're all super cute and wholesome lol it's law :') this one is the OG, it's as non-sexual as it can get since there's barely any intimacy, but it's very wholesome and has 2 seasons + 1 movie + 1 special ep. you just follow this older gay couple through life as they cook their awesome recipes while still getting some social commentary on being lgbtq+ in japan, it's just... I fully want this show to keep getting seasons forever, I love it so much! (also idk if you're interested in gls but 'she loves to cook and she loves to eat' is also a show with the same premise but wlw & I adore it!)
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this one is also an underrated gem of mine even though it's a very overlooked kbl :( it's a very simple story that is explicitely lgbtq+ (very rare for kbls) & the couple really is the cutest with great chemistry! I really enjoyed this one & would recommend it :)
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now... with a title like this, you might be wondering if this is truly a "wholesome" and "pure" show... IT IS! this show is the proof of the kind of silliness thai dramas can offer, and why they're so great. it's dumb and frankly weird at times, but it's also one of the funniest thai comedies ever & has great character growth! despite featuring SOME violence, it is actually just a really wholesome romcom, and the character of noey is frankly iconic af. one of my fave niche bl shows!
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speaking of dumb, silly, wholesome comedy... rak diao is the first (and still the only lol) thai bl sitcom. it follows a very simple story with almost no drama and has a very lovable & fun main character. this is such a cute show which is, again, way too underrated!
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what did I say about food shows & being wholesome? yeah, that! this one does have SOME drama, more than the other shows featured on this list, but it's very quickly squashed down & also so predictable I don't think it will influence your mood whatsoever. this is overall very cute & wholesome, although a bit basic. but the chemistry is very good so I'd recommend it!
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now, I've mentioned over the years (MANY TIMES) about how love sick is my comfort show. yes, it's old & the camera work, acting, etc. are MILES behind current bl shows, and yes, it's actually not that wholesome bc they're cheating on their girlfriends the whole time, but... this is like the OG my school president, but even more lovable imo. it's a true slice of life, and the characters are all so cute & fun, the friendship literally carries the entire show & phunnoh are one of the most healthy ships ever (despite the affair!) this show has a lot of obstacles to enjoy it but imo it's worth it. I love it so much. it'll forever be super special for me :) also I feel like watching the first ever thai bl should be a rite of passage lol!
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I had to mention at least one filipino bl here, and it's one that pretty much no one watched but I absolutely loved! this is soft & wholesome to the T, two guys accidentally meet during lockdown (bc they both are wearing masks with d*cks on them lmao this show is great) & fall in love but encounter difficulties meeting through quarantine. there's no drama, the chemistry is great, the story quite well written... it's so cute!
my love mix-up
star & sky: sky in your heart
papa & daddy
ossan's love
my secret love
takara & tamagi
our dating sim
destiny seeker
my mate match
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negrowhat · 11 months ago
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blbeloved · 1 year ago
BLs That Heal
Tough times all around so #FujinHaven did an informal survey of BLs fans find healing, help them feel better about themselves, more calm and optimistic
The titles,grouped by theme, are rich in emotions and intimacy; inspiring; absorbing; cathartic and humorous too
Healing for those dealing with loss, shame and grief:
#Egoist 🇯🇵
#EternalYesterday 🇯🇵
#GameBoysTheSeries 🇵🇭
#HesComingToMe 🇹🇭
#OneRoomAngel 🇯🇵
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Oxytocin drips:
#MySchoolPresident 🇹🇭
#HIStory3Trapped 🇹🇼
#CherryMagic 🇯🇵
#ALeagueOfNobleman 🇨🇳
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Serotonin boosters:
#LoveSick 🇹🇭
#AdvanceBravely 🇨🇳
#LoveInTranslation 🇹🇭
#Addicted 🇨🇳
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Soft Tops:
#SemanticError 🇰🇷
#MyRide 🇹🇭
#LoveByChance 🇹🇭
#SecretCrushOnYou 🇹🇭
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Can’t cry but really want to cry and it will all be worth it:
#KillerAndHealer 🇨🇳
#NirvanaInFire 🇨🇳
#TheUntamed 🇨🇳
#ToSirWithLove 🇹🇭
#HanhPhucXaBay 🇻🇳
#UntilWeMeetAgain 🇹🇭
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Visuals and Vibes:
#DinosaurLove 🇹🇭
#MrCinderella 🇻🇳
#BoysLockdown 🇵🇭
#2Gether 🇹🇭
#HelloStranger 🇵🇭
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Lots of laughs and smiles:
#WinterBegonia 🇨🇳
#BonAppetit 🇰🇷
#StupidGenius 🇻🇳
#BoyNextDoor 🇰🇷
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Enjoy the list and check out the first feminist reviews of live-action BL at Fujin Haven blog https://fujinhaven.portfolial.com
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gabrielokun · 7 months ago
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heretherebedork · 2 years ago
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We've now officially had three characters think that the feeling of love is a physical illness and they're from three different countries. I am genuinely impressed. @absolutebl It's a tiny trope but three countries makes it something, right?
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maxescheibechlinichacheli · 2 years ago
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allovelyhappily · 1 year ago
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Fluke Pongsakorn_The Whisperer
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haveyouseenthisseries-poll · 6 months ago
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Original title: Rak Naai My Ride | รักนาย My Ride.
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bl-bracket · 10 months ago
#1 Himbo Bracket
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Round 1
Yai (The Sign) vs Jung Ki Sub (Boys Be Brave!)
Khem (The Sign) vs Haruta (Ossan's Love)
Zhao Yunlan (Guardian) vs Bohn (My Engineer)
Nawin (Laws of Attraction) vs Prapai (Love in the Air)
Yechan (Love Tractor) vs North (Pit Babe)
Xiao Li Cheng (HIStory 4: Close to You) vs Yak (Wandee Goodday)
Neo (3 Will Be Free) vs Choco (Choco Milk Shake)
Cao Wei Ning (Word of Honor) vs Great (Deep Night)
Porsche (Kinnporsche: The Series) vs Tan (We Are)
Hotae (Unintentional Love Story) vs Im Han Tae (Sing My Crush)
Gu Xiang (Word of Honor) vs Xiang Hao Ting (HIStory 3: Make Our Days Count)
Mork (My Ride) vs Yod (A Tale of Thousand Stars)
Pat (Bad Buddy) vs Phaya (The Sign)
Akk (Enchante) vs Jump (Playboyy: The Series)
Palm (Never Let Me Go) vs Ni (Tonhon Chonlatee)
Meng Shao Fei (HIStory 3: Trapped) vs Pol (Kinnporsche: The Series)
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lurkingshan · 2 years ago
It’s heeeeeeeeere https://youtu.be/wMvG1LO23IM
My Ride begins re-airing on YouTube today, with a new episode dropping every Saturday and Sunday. It’s a wonderful show that not nearly enough people have seen due to limited distribution, but now it will be much more broadly available. (cc @absolutebl)
I know @bengiyo @ginnymoonbeam @wen-kexing-apologist @manogirl @callipigio @chickenstrangers @neuroticbookworm are watching along. Who else is joining us?
ETA: Full playlist with the videos in correct order is here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwr0z8ElcoF9HCchNUpXOWgH6lJb-LBXu
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negrowhat · 4 months ago
15 Day BL Challenge the Threequel
Day 36: Favourite BL parents/parental figures?
Mr. and Mrs. Kirigun from TharnType the Series/Tharntype 2. I actually loved Tharn's family unit as a whole but I loved his parents, especially in s2. In s1 we got more of Tharn's brother Thorn being a staple but in s2 his parents really shined for me. They always offered Tharn sound advice and pulled from their own experiences as a couple and they treated Type like an actual son. They loved them both together and separately and when Type was beefing with his hubby he was at his in-law's house getting advice from them. He was invited to all the family events and treated as part of the family. They welcomed Type with open arms and helped guide them along the way. I was so happy to see them present for Type's monkhood ceremony. They were never pushy or overbearing just a happy and loving set of parents.
Pete's Dad and Kao's Mom from Dark Blue Kiss. OMG when Pete's dad found out about them I was so terrified because he looked like such a hard ass but he welcomed Kao with open arms. And even though he was hard on Pete about his academics, he was always ready to talk with his son about his relationship problems. He was happy to offer advice to both Pete and Kao not to mention he was always advocating for them to have safe sex. Kao's mom was so patient with her son's coming out. She knew PeteKao were a thing but she didn't push the issue or force him to tell her. She waited patiently and quietly for him to come to her. She protected her son against her trash boss and his son. And she was just always there ready to catch Kao when he fell. Also she really treated Pete like a 2nd son. Both their parents were sweet and loving people.
Leila Lazaro from Gameboys. Listen, I fucking ADORE Leila. She was such a good mom to Cairo. She seemed to have her hangups when Cai came out but she never blamed him for anything that happened even when he blamed himself. She always took accountability for making her son feel alienated in his own home. She sincerely apologized to him and helped him when he was having problems or doubts regarding his relationship with Gav. She allowed her son to temporarily live with Gav so that they could strengthen their relationship and spend more time together before he ultimately had to move out of the city. She gave him room to grow and love and was always there behind him. She was a support pillar in such a new stage in his life. She cried and shared her deepest worries with him. They bonded over their grief and love. They had a beautiful relationship.
Uncle Cheep and Uncle Dej from My Ride. Mork's uncles were gifts from the universe. They didn't even do anything special. They came as their authentic quasi-messy selves. They were there to pick up the pieces of Mork when his trifling girlfriend ditched him. They were there to encourage him to explore his feelings for Dr. Tawan. They gave him sound advice and answered his questions with patience and understanding. They showed Mork what it's like to really love someone. They showed him what family was. They showed him what sacrifice was. They were just two shining examples of where Mork wanted to be later on in life. Sure they had their hangups but they took care of each other and Mork.
Sippakorn and Jaonan from Ai Long Nhai. I don't remember much about Ai Long Nhai but I remember Aiyaret's dads! They showed up and showed out for Ai when his mother basically abandoned him. They raised an intelligent but cheeky son. Sippakorn kept Ai disciplined while Jaonan was a bit softer on him. But I love that Jaonan was the first to knock someone out for even coming at his son wrong. He was so protective of Ai especially when Ai's mother started coming around again. He knew she was up to no good. Also loved seeing a bit of romance between Ai's dad's and I loved watching them tag team parent Ai. They were wholesome.
Ama from Jack & Joker. Def the best Granny I've seen so far this year (and we've had a lot). She's such a strong driving force behind Jack. She's his fucking rock. She stands behind Jack and supports every decision he makes but she's also going to tell Jack when he's being a complete moron. And she's not just there for Jack, she becomes a Granny to everyone who needs her. She's adopted all the neighborhood kids, Save, and now Joke. Joke sees her as more of a parent than his own. She taught him how to cook and welcomed him with open arms. She even played a huge part in Jack and Joke's reconciliation. She's the sweetest, kindest, sassiest woman who's heart is truly her strongest muscle.
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absolutebl · 2 years ago
I've just started watching Thai BLs and I don't know which ones would be worth getting thru the bad acting. Could you please recommend me some? xo
20 Thai BL's With GREAT Acting
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Laws of Attraction
Moonlight Chicken (review here)
Not Me (review here)
Until We Meet Again (discussion here)
Bad Buddy (review here)
A Tale of Thousand Stars
Love By Chance
He's Coming to Me
The Eclipse
My Ride (review here)
Step By Step (review here)
My School President
Bed Friend (review here)
Dark Blue Kiss (PeteKao watch guide here)
Make a Wish
My Only 12%
Never Let Me Go
Theory of Love
Dear Doctor, I'm Coming For Your Soul (review here)
Triage (review here)
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Love Sick is also pretty special but it's very long and complicated and kinda a steep buy in. But if you are of the Degrassi Jr High inclination...
You might also want to try I Told Sunset About You. It wasn't for me but is for LOTS of super fans of high quality BL.
From the tone of the question I am assuming we are going with a a western value judgement which prioritizes grittiness and subtlety.
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Here's more stuff for you to explore if you're interested.
(Many of these will not have been updated with 2023)
Here's me talking about western struggles with Thai language and acting style:
Here's the master post on Thai BL
Not specifically Thai but here's my:
10 Best BL All Rounders - acting, script, music, narrative, production
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Did this man just realize that his gay uncles are gay?
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@callipigio @respectthepetty help, I'm dying 😂
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gabrielokun · 2 years ago
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ql-of-all-time-bracket · 7 months ago
QL of All Time - Round 1: I Told Sunset About You (2020-2021) vs My Ride (2022)
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