#best bl acting
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absolutebl · 2 years ago
I've just started watching Thai BLs and I don't know which ones would be worth getting thru the bad acting. Could you please recommend me some? xo
20 Thai BL's With GREAT Acting
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Laws of Attraction
Moonlight Chicken (review here)
Not Me (review here)
Until We Meet Again (discussion here)
Bad Buddy (review here)
A Tale of Thousand Stars
Love By Chance
He's Coming to Me
The Eclipse
My Ride (review here)
Step By Step (review here)
My School President
Bed Friend (review here)
Dark Blue Kiss (PeteKao watch guide here)
Make a Wish
My Only 12%
Never Let Me Go
Theory of Love
Dear Doctor, I'm Coming For Your Soul (review here)
Triage (review here)
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Love Sick is also pretty special but it's very long and complicated and kinda a steep buy in. But if you are of the Degrassi Jr High inclination...
You might also want to try I Told Sunset About You. It wasn't for me but is for LOTS of super fans of high quality BL.
From the tone of the question I am assuming we are going with a a western value judgement which prioritizes grittiness and subtlety.
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Here's more stuff for you to explore if you're interested.
(Many of these will not have been updated with 2023)
Here's me talking about western struggles with Thai language and acting style:
Here's the master post on Thai BL
Not specifically Thai but here's my:
10 Best BL All Rounders - acting, script, music, narrative, production
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color-beyond-lines · 1 year ago
Shout out to Unknown for demonstrating that serious injuries do have long-term affects on your body and your mind.
There isn’t an episode that goes by where we aren’t reminded of everything Qian has gone through to get to where he is. And it’s not just from flashbacks. It’s in the scars that remain on his body. The nightmares that haunt his sleep. In his interactions with women. His fierce protectiveness of his family. Qian’s triggers and responses to them make sense and don’t just appear out of the blue for dramatic effect.
So much of the emotional and physical trauma that Qian has experienced continues to impact his daily life in a way that makes him feel less like a character with a tragic backstory and more like an actual person with lived experience.
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pickletrip · 1 year ago
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My absolute favourites are together and in love and by each other's side. With a promise to face everything together and with the promise to die together, oh, they have captured my heart.
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Nooo. I'm going to pretend it's not over and keep rewatching it.
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heretherebedork · 1 year ago
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Pluem seems to be losing his mind bit by bit as he falls for Prod who fell for him a long, long time ago... only Pluem has no idea he's falling for anyone.
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miusmusings · 1 year ago
Hello everyone scrolling The Sign tag on tumblr (or perhaps you've randomly come across this post on your dash? Unlikely owo), the amazing @missmarthanightingale (everyone, pls thank her lots!! she's saving all of us from a mis-tagging mess) has kindly informed me that the canonized aka 'official' ao3 fandom tag for The Sign can be found in -
However, for some reason I'm unaware of, this tag isn't showing up when you search it (both in ao3 and google), or when you want to add the fandom tag when posting a work (you've got to copy paste it, then it shows up 💀). And I mis-tagged myself too :')
So I thought it'll be good to make a post with the direct link to the tag, so when ppl go on ao3 to read/post fics, they can properly search or tag it! (There's already 2 fics in this tag, and perhaps more in the wild thanks to glitchy tags, do check them out!!!)
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itsanidiom · 1 year ago
you know when the actors do the intimacy workshops and they always have that one exercise they do where they have to eat something together until it gets so small they're basically kissing like...
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...anyway...some on screen couples kiss like they're still trying to nibble something without touching each other...
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beryytiredlilyrice · 2 months ago
I feel like there was a positive correlation between how bad this year was and how much danmei and mlm books I read. Things getting worse on the x-axis, # of novels on the y-axis
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absolutebl · 1 year ago
hi there 🖐🏼 what are your recs for bl movies with great acting?
BL Movies with GREAT Acting
Specifically Movies? Do KBLs that were cut into movies count? Hum, I'm gonna make a judgement call given how few actual movies I have to work with and say if it holds as a "movie going experience" I can count it. I should say in order to really push this into the superlative acting space the BL aspect on many of these is... light.
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Japan 2020 Viki
His is about being a grown adult and still struggling with coming out as gay. It addresses the consequences of life choices disingenuous to identity. Nagisa turns up on Shun’s doorstep with his precocious daughter in tow. This is a touch confusing to Shun since they were each others first love and ended badly. Shun has retreated from society, rejecting the world before it can reject him, already brokenhearted because without Nagisa he never had a reason to fight. Nagisa went the opposite way, tried to pretend to be something he was not and ended up with a daughter he adores and a wife who hates him. The acting is killer, Miyazawa Hio is sulky in the best possible way, the filming is beautiful and the setting unique and interesting...
I'm not wild about the ending. Moody arthouse smackdoodle is going to pretend that "ambiguous" is somehow unique and special rather than bog standard commonplace for narratives of this type. But endings are my hangup, not yours?
This is not really BL (the prequel was), so few of the tropes are used. You do not need to have watched the prequel.
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Your Name Engraved Herein
Taiwan 2020 Netflix
This movie is fantastic but it is also seriously depressing. It’s a self acceptance journey that goes emotionally array on the alter of history, but if you wanna wallow in high quality acting and serious gay drama, this’ll do it. I would say it's not really BL, no real trope drops at all.
Okay those two I chose more on the strength of the acting than BL. These others are not going to be at the same standard/style.
If you want moee of the above level of drama, things get very sad in the BL world, so Love of Siam, Dew, Eternal Yesterday, Goodbye Mother, etc...
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Restart After Come Back Home (Risutato wa tadaima no ato de)
Japan 2020 Gaga?
Atmospheric study in rural Japan meets complex family dynamics built on a romance framework of city boy meets country boy, grumpy/sunshine. It’s beautiful and icy sweet. Slow moving in places but ultimately worth the patience, low heat, low angst, and stunning. The acting is a touch stiff, in that Japanese reserved way.
This is the only BL movie, as a movie, that I could pull. There are others, I jsut don't think the acting is good enough.
So here are some highly rated short bingable series that are movie length (1.5-2.5 hours) but not really movies - BUT with killer acting. So they still might satisfy the itch. I places them in order of acting and filming quality, not my own personal preference.
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From Japan
Old Fashion Cupcake
Tokyo in April is...
Life: Love on the Line (director's cut)
My Beautiful Man
I Cannot Reach You
Seven Days
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From Taiwan
Red Balloon
We Best Love (esp part 2)
About Youth
HIStory 2: Crossing the Line
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From Korea
To My Star
Long Time No See
The New Employee
Where Your Eyes Linger
More like this?
I want to shout out The Eighth Sense here too. It's longer than movie length but so well acted.
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jisungshotfirst · 4 months ago
Crimes anon: 2 questions. Who's Woongi? And wanna do fictional payback crimes to HYBE with me for disrespecting Monsta X?
HEY CRIMES ANONNN🫶 sooo cha woongki is an idol who I first met as a member of TOO (later re-debuted as TO1 after contract issues with their companies) but then was removed from TO1 along with other members minsu and jerome, the three of whom were the most feminine of the group and helped the group get popular by covering gg songs and generally being very queer friendly... and they were replaced with more masculine members ... definitely just a coincidence there... not at all femmephobia... but anyway woongki has always had a solo following because of his personality and how queer friendly he is (and his following increased after joining boysplanet) but he's struggled to re-debut a lot (has just entered his third survival show) and struggled to get signed to a company that actually has his best interest. But he is extremely popular for an idol who hasn't been able to debut so lots of us are waiting for it to finally happen so he can finally get some stability 🫶 and here's hybe staff calling him a slur that means femme in an official document. Like hybe need to die anyway but it's truly just so disrespectful to call an individual that as a way to sum up their character. They call him slurs for having a feminine personality but then are like hmm 🤔 he is a super popular entertainment personality we could take notes🤔 and wakeone kicking him out of the group for being femme even tho he's the most popular member and FOR A REASON. He's So entertaining he is So talented, he has been able to stay relevant and get gigs without a company, he organised his own fanmeets without a company and sold them out .. he's respected by established idols as an equal in the industry.... he's just So So capable and has just been fucked over by homophobic/femmephobic companies left right and centre. So yeah I'm rly not cool with hybe throwing a slur at him like he couldn't take all of their jobs fr
Also YES let's murder them to avenge monsta x !!!
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gennianydots · 2 years ago
Sooo, I was doing my daily rewatch of Bad Buddy Episode 5 part 4/4, you know, how it be sometimes and it really got me this time for whatever reason. I was reminded of a convo I had with Abby aka @abstractelysium where she mentioned this meta and I can’t let it go. Also I have bad buddy brain rot now until forever because it’s my favorite show but hold onto your hats while I ramble.
My thoughts: *the kiss*
For Pat, the kiss is a relief, the best thing. Pat sees this boy he grew up with and is slowly falling for and he gets to kiss him like he wants to and it’s confirmation of his feelings being returned. It’s the best thing! It’s a “My crush likes me back!” happy dance, the whole lovey-dovey she-bang. It’s a thank god we finally got to kiss, I understand our tension better now, I want to be not just friends but more than friends. Pat doesn’t even think about his parents expectations when he is kissing Pran, in that moment, he’s just a boy who likes another boy. We can see this when he smiles after they stop kissing.
For Pran, the kiss is the worst, the worst possible thing that could happen to him. Yes, it’s confirmation that he still loves Pat, that this horrible crush he just cannot get over is still persistent and alive. It’s confirmation that whatever he has been holding inside (his love for Pat) is now so much harder to deal with because of their parents expectations, their faculty’s fighting at school, and now, Pat seemingly returning Pran’s feelings! For Pran, it’s the end of the world. Pat just had to go and catch feelings and make Pran’s life that much harder. But! Despite all those things, Pran lets himself enjoy the kiss and even kiss back. Why? Because, for a few seconds, he lets himself be just a boy who likes another boy. That’s why Pran kisses Pat the second time. Then, through the tears, through the anguish, and the one happy moment he lets himself have, Pran has to go. In my head, Pran has had a crush on Pat for forever and has always thought of his crush as a nuisance. What’s more is that he’s been heartbroken his whole life, because he thinks he and Pat simply cannot be together. Their parents hate each other so they need to hate each other, too, right? So Pran remembers, oh yeah, this cannot happen. A relationship like that cannot happen. It’s easier to go back to being heartbroken all over again, forgetting that it ever happened, it’s easier to ignore his feelings like he has for his whole life.
It’s like Cinderella holding on to her special night with the Prince thinking she’s never going to see him again, but because she got this magical moment she can hold onto, maybe just maybe that evening is enough to carry her through her worst days. But as we know, the Prince doesn’t forget about it and similarly, Pat doesn’t let Pran forget, he downright refuses to not annoy Pran about what transpired on the rooftop.
👨🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾 🌃 I love these boys so much. I love Ohm and Nanon’s acting so much. Part of me wishes I had been here when it was airing but oh by gosh by golly I sure am glad I’m here now. 💜💙
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petrichoraline · 2 years ago
i cannot believe people dont recognise woh as a bl - that team did e v e r y t h i n g in their power to make this as gay as possible, once you see the lip reading videos it's just painfully obvious but even if you don't, GJ and ZZH delivered that romantic chemistry to a point it's palpable; if you want to view it as a bromance sure you can and it's a touching story nonetheless, but to do so would take more of strain than to see as a romance imo
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misspoetree · 2 years ago
Ken: You want to be Din, right?
Lue: *expecting to get shot then and there*
Ken: So tonight, you have to make me forget Din. And I'll spare your life.
Me, you, Lue, everyone:
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saifahname · 2 years ago
Sometimes I think about PhuKao and how good of a slow pining it is from Phu's perspective.
Kao falls for him head first, determined, while Phu takes so little and careful and measured steps but he's taking them!! And he shows Kao he's taking them. He goes from shooing Kao away to talking to him, allowing him in, taking him to things, showing up at things because Kao is there and he tells Kao more than one time his sincere feelings. How he is not there yet but he is willing to be one day. Phu knows how difficult his life is and how unjust it would be let someone in pretending it is not, both to that person and himself. And the trust built between Phu and Kao is just mindblowing. It takes them YEARS to get together but during these years they were never really apart, no, they are committed to each other still.
And it just makes this one of the strongest pairings ever in any BLs, I genuinely do not think there exists one thing in this world that would be able to separate Phu and Kao.
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year ago
Semantic Error Appreciation Post...(1 of 2)
Featuring: PARK JAE CHAN & PARK SEO HAM (as Chu Sang Woo & Jang Jae Young)
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Semantic Error (2022, SOUTH KOREA)
After his absence from class and Jae Young (PARK SEO HAM) checking on him, Sang Woo (PARK JAE CHAN) was very mean and quite rude to Jae Young.
And as difficult as it was to stay away from his growing attraction to Sang Woo, Jae Young moved on. Even getting a part time job as a waiter.
However confused by his feelings for Jae Young, Sang Woo tracked him down and approached him for help with his game (Veggie Man) and Jae Young shut him down quick fast and in a hurry.
But when Sang Woo left behind materials for Jae Young to review. Jae Young agonized but stayed true to his promise to steer clear of Sang Woo.
Until Sang Woo pulled out the Sunbae (upperclassmen/senior) and hyung (several meanings but mainly to call a older male brother, friend/sibling) coupled with a sad face of desperation.
Making Jae Young agree to help and smile from ear to ear.
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Jae Young went from smiles to annoyed...but was still so enamored with Chu Sang Woo.
@pose4photoml @kingofthereblog-boysloveed @lutawolf
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heaurtfk · 2 years ago
I didnt think they could pull it off but apparently they could... i think the bl aspects does make it more fun tho LOL
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dramalove247 · 1 month ago
Ouch. Can't decide if I love or hate that video.
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this one hurt. this one hurt a lot. my poor baby gun. 😭
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