The Immortal's Daughter
900 posts
Hey guys! The name's Ashley, Ashley Magnus, and I'm the daughter of...well...two incredibly crazy and impossible people. {Independent RP Blog for Ashley Magnus from Sanctuary. Will RP with anybody and everybody!}
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nosmustamittovivoen · 9 years ago
❝ Oh trust me. You haven’t even seen the half of it. It’s both an upside and a downside to the kind of work she does. On the one hand, it’s like you’ve got one gigantic family. On the other, it’s like you’ve got one gigantic family. Trust me, you’ll get use to it. I’m Ashley. ❞
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"So... you're Lisa, huh? Helen Magnus's sister?"
❝ Yeah, apparently I am. Who might you be? I’m meeting an awful lot of new people lately. ❞
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nosmustamittovivoen · 9 years ago
                                        — ᵐᵒˢᵗ ᵖᵉᵒᵖˡᵉ ᵃʳᵉ ˢᵒ ᵘᶰᵍʳᵃᵗᵉᶠᵘˡ ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉ ᵃˡᶤᵛᵉ                                               ᵇᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵗ ʸᵒᵘ
                                                ᶰᵒᵗ ᵃᶰʸ ᵐᵒʳᵉ
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nosmustamittovivoen · 9 years ago
“Then, I’m afraid it sounds as if you had rather irresponsible parents to allow you to be put into such dangerous situations.” She continues to speak in the way she is used to as it is the only thing that is keeping her together. “This is no place for a woman, let alone a child.” She’s slowly going into shock.
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“Okay, first of all? I’m not a child. Second of all, I’m a Magnus. This is what we do. Believe me, my mom’s about the most responsible person I know. She looks out for everyone else before herself and if you ask me, that’s pretty damn admirable. I might be a bit brash and reckless, but I get that from my dad and he wasn’t really involved in my childhood so...there you have it. Now do you want to tell me where you live? I can help you get home if you don’t feel safe being by yourself.”
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Ashley moves quickly now. It takes her less than twenty seconds to clear the woman from the abnormals grasp and to sedate the creature. After bringing it someplace she knows Helen will stumble across it, she pops back to check on its victim. "Hey. You okay?"
Violet is in shock. Numbly she looks back at Ashley as she finds her knees give way and she sits on the ground - finding it difficult to make words. She thinks she’s just seen the devil.
“What … ? Has the Rapture already come to Earth?”
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nosmustamittovivoen · 9 years ago
It’s been months since she lost her daughter and the fact that the young woman is standing before her looking for all the world as if nothing’s happened is an absolutely miracle. Trembling fingers come up to cover her lips as Helen stares, trying desperately to make sense of what she’s seeing; she watched Ashley sacrifice herself and she’s utterly gobsmacked at the sight of the blonde.
“Oh Ashley,” she whispers breathlessly, the hand at her side rising slightly before dropping again. She’s shocked to the very core and is slightly worried that she’s finally lost her marbles thanks to the stress she’s been under lately. 
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Helen may not see much of a change in Ashley, but oh she’s very different. Long gone is the girl who naiively traipsed into the Cabal thinking she could take on the world. She’s changed, and as happy as she is to be home, she’s afraid. Sanctuary for all, her mother had always said, but Ashley hasn’t forgiven herself for what happened before that sacrifice. She’s worried perhaps Helen hasn’t either.
“I’m not sure,” she answers, her voice far more quiet and restrained than it used to be. “I really have no idea Mom. I just...woke up somewhere in...I think it was Estonia? I didn’t...I didn’t know if you’d want me here.”
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There's a cupcake (Helen's favorite kind) sitting on her desk with a small note. It reads. 'Sorry I'm late this year. Happy Birthday to the greatest woman I've ever known. xoxo Ash. P.S. I'll be on the roof if you need me.'
   Helen stares curiously at the cupcake when she enters her office. Her birthday is several days gone now and she’s not sure where the treat’s come from; she’s ready to call Henry to see if he knows when she spots the note. Sitting herself at her desk, Helen grabs the note and reads through it once - then a second and third time and she has tears in her eyes by the end of the third time.
   Cupcake forgotten on her desk, she clutches the note in her hand and rushes for the stairs that lead to roof. Her mind is racing; the note says Ashley’s here and it seems so wildly improbable that she has to see what exactly is going on. Shouldering the door open, she steps out onto the roof of the North tower and stops, looking around desperately.
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nosmustamittovivoen · 9 years ago
“Mad lizard?” She repeats as if she is in a daze. Looking down at her hands, she couldn’t stop staring at the scratches she had and tried to relate them to what she had just seen. “This is sane? My dear, if this is what sanity is then we are all insane.”
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“Fair point. It might not seem sane to most people, but I deal with this sort of thing all the time. Kinda the family business in a way. I’ve been around creatures way deadlier than that since I was born.”
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Ashley moves quickly now. It takes her less than twenty seconds to clear the woman from the abnormals grasp and to sedate the creature. After bringing it someplace she knows Helen will stumble across it, she pops back to check on its victim. "Hey. You okay?"
Violet is in shock. Numbly she looks back at Ashley as she finds her knees give way and she sits on the ground - finding it difficult to make words. She thinks she’s just seen the devil.
“What … ? Has the Rapture already come to Earth?”
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nosmustamittovivoen · 9 years ago
“Why not? She deserves to know you are alive, Sweetheart.”
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“I can’t make her lose me again....I don’t...the way I left...I don’t know if I’m better. No mother should ever have to see her child the way Mom saw me. I don’t want to put her through that again. She’s been through enough.”
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"I've decided what your wedding present to me is going to be. Tell your mother you're not dead."
“I…I can’t.”
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nosmustamittovivoen · 9 years ago
Ashley jumps when she hears the elder’s voice behind her, instantly brushing hair out of her face and readying herself to put her stuff away. When she hears the request though, she’s admittedly shocked, but complies with the elder Ashley’s request and starts back on the bag. “I highly doubt that, but thanks. Coming from the woman who trained Mom that’s a big compliment.”
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nosmustamittovivoen || Ashley's really beating up her punching bag today. It's clear she's working out some tension and she's so focused she doesn't hear the older woman come in.
“Excellent form,” Ashley comments, watching her granddaughter as she walks in. She’s struck immediately by the strength in her small frame, and the anger that seems to be fuelling her. “Keep going, I could learn from you. You’ve had more practice than I lately.”
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nosmustamittovivoen · 9 years ago
- - - nosmustamittovivoen { x. }
She’s been in such a trance that when the youngest Magnus breaks the silence, she’s surprised enough that she bursts out laughing. “Of course I don’t want to smother you, my dear. I simply noticed – you do the same thing with your lip that your grandmother used to do, and you twitch your nose like your mum. The three of you … you truly are spitting images of each other.”
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“I....really? I’ve only seen a handful of pictures of my mom with her original hair color, and I’ve never seen Grandma’s at all. I’ve always...well...never mind, it sounds stupid. Just...forget I said anything, okay?”
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nosmustamittovivoen · 9 years ago
Ashley starts slightly when she hears her mother’s voice. She’s been standing on the roof, debating whether or not she was doing the right thing, the same debate she’s been having with herself since she found herself miraculously alive somewhere in Eastern Europe.
Slowly, she turns, a shy smile (and Ashley’s never been shy before) on her face.
“Hi Mom.”
There's a cupcake (Helen's favorite kind) sitting on her desk with a small note. It reads. 'Sorry I'm late this year. Happy Birthday to the greatest woman I've ever known. xoxo Ash. P.S. I'll be on the roof if you need me.'
   Helen stares curiously at the cupcake when she enters her office. Her birthday is several days gone now and she’s not sure where the treat’s come from; she’s ready to call Henry to see if he knows when she spots the note. Sitting herself at her desk, Helen grabs the note and reads through it once - then a second and third time and she has tears in her eyes by the end of the third time.
   Cupcake forgotten on her desk, she clutches the note in her hand and rushes for the stairs that lead to roof. Her mind is racing; the note says Ashley’s here and it seems so wildly improbable that she has to see what exactly is going on. Shouldering the door open, she steps out onto the roof of the North tower and stops, looking around desperately.
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nosmustamittovivoen · 10 years ago
“Huh? Oh no, no apocalypse yet, I promise. Just a crazy mad lizard with a bad attitude.” She rolls her shoulder, which she must have nicked on something and sighs. “Hang onto that shock. Believe me, sometimes it’s the only thing that’ll keep you sane.”
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Ashley moves quickly now. It takes her less than twenty seconds to clear the woman from the abnormals grasp and to sedate the creature. After bringing it someplace she knows Helen will stumble across it, she pops back to check on its victim. "Hey. You okay?"
Violet is in shock. Numbly she looks back at Ashley as she finds her knees give way and she sits on the ground - finding it difficult to make words. She thinks she’s just seen the devil.
“What … ? Has the Rapture already come to Earth?”
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nosmustamittovivoen · 10 years ago
Ashley smiled and popped open the beer, taking a sip of it and plopping down on the couch. She looked around the room and, spotting a painting, her smile widened. “Did you do that? It’s amazing.”
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"Hey. I uh... I know we don't know each other super well, but we're still family and I heard you were kinda having a rough time so I thought I'd stop by and see if maybe you wanted some company?"
Hannah looked at Ashley and considered her for a moment. She wasn’t sure if she’d really be able to talk to Ashley about much but Hannah knew she could do with some company. Bringing a bottle of beer out from behind where she was sitting, Hannah offered it to Ashley. “Why not. Some company would probably be a good thing right now.”
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nosmustamittovivoen · 10 years ago
"I've decided what your wedding present to me is going to be. Tell your mother you're not dead."
“I…I can’t.”
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nosmustamittovivoen · 10 years ago
Having dropped George back with Helen earlier, James doesn't want to go home just yet so he's wandering about the Sanctuary. Finding Ashley, he leans against the door frame as he watches her. "I don't suppose you're less angry with me yet, are you?"
“Less angry? Sure, but still angry. I’m not Mom. I can’t just...forgive you with a snap of my fingers.”
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nosmustamittovivoen · 10 years ago
Ashley hasn't realised she's doing it yet, but she's spent the last little while staring at her granddaughter. She hums 'You Are My Sunshine' softly, almost under her breath, and her pen is forming a bigger and bigger blot next to the equation she'd been trying to balance as she gets lost in thought and discovers more and more similarities between Helen and the younger Ashley.
Ashley can feel her namesake staring at her, and it’s making her nervous. She tries to ignore it, but eventually, she cracks. “Is everything okay? You’ve been looking at me like you’re either going to smother me or bake me cookies for the last fifteen minutes.”
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nosmustamittovivoen · 10 years ago
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“No. I just mean that you don’t seem like a psychotic bitch. I’m having a bit of trouble imagining you and Dana in the same family.”
"So Janet's your daughter and Dana's your sister. Explain to me how the hell that one works."
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               “I gave birth to one and my mother gave birth to the other.”
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nosmustamittovivoen · 10 years ago
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“Well this isn’t exactly how I planned on doing this. Um...hi?”
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nosmustamittovivoen · 10 years ago
“Yes. That about sums it up.”
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“Well hey, if it makes you feel better, I found out my dad was Jack the Ripper. Nice of Mom to tell me that one, huh?”
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She's just going to squint at Hannah for a bit. "Okay, yup. Bancroft. I knew it."
“We look that similar, do we?”
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