#in my hobby revival era
holocene-sims · 9 months
simblr new years resolutions 2024!
thank you @stargazer-sims so much for tagging me!! ❤️✨🌟
not sure who has done this one yet but i'll tag 💌 @seyvia @simmersofia @mangosimoothie @minty-plumbob @queeniecook @dandylion240 @mmmatchasims @thebramblewood @aheathen-conceivably @nectar-cellar @igglemouse & anyone who sees this and wants to do it!
honestly, i have never made a new years resolution in my life, so this is a fun exercise to try out for once!
what's your resolution for your simblr?
this is VERYYYYY ambitious but i want to fully complete the core "everything the stars promised" and move on to doing side content and MOST IMPORTANTLY the more loosey goosey fun epilogue :)
april 15th of this year will mark the second anniversary of the story! i've done so much and yet at the same time, so little in the grand scheme of the plot i have in mind. i randomly checked today to see how many pages on my blog the story takes up and we're at 31 pages! so, uh, about 15 pages a year - not sure if that's good progress or not but oh well! we are getting close to the extra exciting parts of the story, and i would love to finish it all up this year, you know? finish on a nice round even anniversary number and with a bunch of plot point bangers lolol
but we'll see! it's possible, maybe, since i'm graduating college this semester and will have more free time for a while, at least i as figure out the work situation and probably even while working whenever i do get a job since nightly homework will no longer exist LMAO, but even if it's not possible, i am definitely promising myself to work harder on the story! i really do love this thing despite it all and i'm proud of it, and i want to see how much i can keep improving it so that the ending is truly the best part <3
what do you want from the sims franchise?
a sale on kits lmfaoooo!!! (which will never happen) i have exactly 5 dollars left over from an old gift card someone gave me for ea app when it was still origin. it's exactly enough for a kit except that sales tax adds on 7 cents and the gift card leftovers don't cover that.
yeahhhh...i'm neither charging 7 cents for sales tax nor 5 bucks for a second kit to my credit card. no, ma'am. i want that shit for FREE
any other new years resolutions?
don't become incredibly depressed by the shock of leaving the school system after almost 23 years of life and the horrors of figuring out the whole...life and career...thing
lol this resolution will be broken
so, how about an achievable one? read more books and write more actual prose, whether for my sims story or for something else. i've been so burnt out from academia that it's all stopped being fun. like even my sims story has been such a drag to create because i just have zero desire to write, to work on the outline, or find inspiration.
and that really sucks. writing and reading have been a huge part of my life for so long and they mean a lot to me, but right now they do feel exhausting. i'm tired of looking at a word document and wanting to bash my head into the keyboard because it reminds me of writing project proposals and boring shit instead of good fiction.
but i'm hoping the freedom from academia will spark joy in my literary hobbies again, and i'm going to try and bring back my love for them myself :) not sure how but aside from finding a way to work on the sims story more, i'm thinking maybe i'll commit to trying out more short-form writing prompts.
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issuesdolly · 4 months
Jonathan Davis Livens Up a Boring Night With a FREAKY Game
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Warning: explicit/sensitive content, deviant theme, 18+ Smut. Male/female sex (romantic boyfriend/girlfriend theme) foreplay, fingering, oral sex, cunnilingus, handjob, blowjob,unprotected sex, p in v, finishing inside, praise & degradation, edging/denial, fear kink, adrenaline kink, BDSM.. Overall, A LOT IS GOING ON IN THIS STORY AGAIN 🤣💀
#jonathandavis  #jonathan davis #korn #jon davis #fanfic #jondavis #fanfiction #smut #fem reader #x reader #bdsmplay #bdsmkink #edging kink #praise and degredation #edging #degredation kink #degredation #edging #edginganddenial #fear kink #bdsmkink #adrenalinekink #female reader
Summary: You are Jonathan's girlfriend. The two of you are stuck at home back in the 2020 Pandemic Lockdown era when the “stay at home” guidelines were most stringent. Like many couples, what started as pleasant togetherness has become mundane and depressing. Combined with the traumatic news regarding the health emergency, you and Jonathan get a bit unhinged one evening. After another horrible day, you decide you have to do SOMETHING different, fun and freaky/kinky to lighten the mood. The two of you gradually admit your mutual kinks and decide to play a back and forth sex game. A VERY kinky hide and seek where you take TURNS hunting each other and doing something freaky/deviant to one another each time you find one another.
Preface: My other JD fanfics are more "normal" if you wanna check those. This one's not for everybody. In real life, JD talks about various kinks/deviancies in interviews. His Penthouse interview, JD said “I’m the kinkiest motherfucker you’ll ever meet. I do freaky, weird shit” and he provided some BDSM examples. His Playboy interview, he talks a bit about morbid/fear kink games and degredation/control games he's played with women who wanted that with him.
Korn songs like "My Gift to You," "Last Legal Drug" (Le Petit Mort) and "Beat it Upright" and "Inside out" where JD is telling his girl to "take the punishment" inspired this fanfic. The lyrics suggest he likes to give AND take some sexy degradation/control/ fear play during sex. So unlike my last deviant smut, "Jonathan Davis Plays Kinky Hide and Seek With You," -- Y/N degrades Jonathan a bit as well. The two take turns in an increasingly aggressive/heated sex game. In this fic, the boring night drives Y/N to BEG for a kinky game with him... and... it just keeps escalating. 🤣
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Anyhoo. Hope you enjoy. No surprise... it's um.. lengthy and (again) borrows from my past "adventures," and kinks. Sorry y'all.
You and Jonathan were about two months into the COVID lockdown restrictions in early 2020. At this point, people are still urged to isolate themselves at home and only go out for essential errands. Many venues/stores were closed. Many tourist spots you and Jon had planned to escape to were closed. Opening your phone or turning on the TV was an ENDLESS stream of horrifying news. Jonathan's tour with Korn had been postponed due to the pandemic. The two of you were initially grateful to at least have each other during this ordeal. Spending time together without his work obligations gave you two a chance to catch up in EVERY regard, sexual and non-sexual. 
However, as with many couples, the isolation was driving you two crazy. You drifted apart. Jonathan was gaming a lot. You were reviving old hobbies like arts and crafts. The two of you would go to separate rooms a lot, since there’s such a thing as “TOO much quality time.” 
One evening, Jonathan was gaming in his pajamas on the sofa. You had been sketching for hours. You felt lonely and depressed thinking about everything going on in the world. Jonathan loves gaming but often games compulsively when depressed. He'd been on the console in his pajamas most of the day. You felt like something had to change. You went into the living room, also dressed in your "less sexy" pajamas. Things had gotten DAMNED casual at home. Suddenly, you two felt like an old married couple who'd just quit trying. 
You plopped on the couch next to Jon, immersed in the game, not even greeting you. You broke the silence: 
"Jon.... I'm not feeling good tonight," you admitted. 
Jon took a moment to respond as he was so lost in the game. Eventually he processed what you just said. 
"What do you mean? .... DO YOU THINK YOU MIGHT BE GETTING SICK?" he said, pausing the game and turning to you. Obviously COVID was the first thing on EVERYONE’S mind. The dark, intrusive reality. 
"No! No, I'm fine. I'm just.... REALLY upset, Jon. It feels like we've passed away and our ghosts are living here, ya know?”
Jon slumped his head down, looking at the ground. 
“I know…” he admitted in a soft, resigned voice. 
“I LOVE you. But, we are stuck here ALL THE TIME... to the point we’ve been avoiding each other! It's a shitty feeling!" you confessed. 
Jonathan pressed his hands against his temples and mumbled, silently nodding his head in agreement. He looked really depressed/stressed. There was tense silence between the two of you for a moment. He slumped his head against the couch with a resigned expression. Glancing back at you, he saw just how upset you were. Jon slowly put the controller on the table and faced you, pulling you into him for a hug. You gladly accepted and pressed your face against his shoulder, holding him tight. 
"I know.... I'm sorry,” Jon said in a soft, reassuring voice. 
“This whole thing has just fucked with my head so much. Fucked up every aspect of my life. This shit took away the things that kept me going. I feel LOST right now," Jon admitted. 
"I feel the same way. LOST. But I'm glad you're here. I don't want to be alone right now! I know you need space and stuff... but right now....I just need to be with you!" you admitted in return, holding him tighter. 
Jon held you and gave you a kiss on the forehead before letting you rest your head on his chest and get comfortable against his body on the couch. The two of you sat silently for a while, reflecting on the grim situation. You really didn't know how to feel better. Neither of you drank or took drugs anymore. Sex was your "last legal drug." You ALWAYS had a very fiery sexual relationship but even THAT was fizzling a bit from isolation and the emotional impact of the pandemic. You decided you should bring it up. 
"I really wish I could feel better tonight," you started. 
"Yep, wish we could turn the night around somehow," Jon replied. 
You tried to make your move. You slowly turned and planted a kiss on his neck. 
"We could.... try to feel better in..... one way?" you suggested. 
Jon didn’t respond. He was pretty much catatonic. There was too much on his mind.... plus he also felt kind of disheveled and less appealing. He was unkempt, depressed and had sat in his sleep clothes all day. 
"Baby, I really don't want you to think this is YOUR fault... but.... I......" (you cut him off)-
"I know. OK? Even FUCKING is starting to feel like ‘been there done that," you admitted. Jonathan froze. He was surprised you were so blunt, but he was glad he didn't have to say it. He replied: 
"PLEASE don't get me wrong. You ALWAYS feel amazing. I ALWAYS love being with you. There's just so much going on! Everything feels like a warped nightmare lately," Jon admitted. 
"I know what you mean...But… I feel like we HAVE TO do something to get away from it! Just for a bit!” you continued… desperately trying to search your mind. 
There was a long silence as the two of you held each other on the couch. Eventually you got bold.
 "Jon? .... you may not be in the MOOD for this, but what if I let you try a freaky game on me again? Like that time on our RV trip? … on the beach… near that forest?" you asked, in a naughty voice.  
Jonathan’s demeanor slowly changed. His breath caught in his throat…,then he chuckled. "Ummm, how could I FORGET. I broke you in HARD on that one," he said, finally cracking a big smile. 
"SO.... let's do something like that again," you suggested. 
Jonathan sat still and contemplated, a smile slowly coming and going from his face. Memories of your last “freaky time” flashed in his mind. He had NOT been in the mood…. but the idea had aroused his interest a bit. 
"Ummm.... I mean, so- you want me to .... what? Freak you the fuck out again? Cuz uhmm.. we're at home this time. You can't be like.. screaming without the neighbors, uh... calling 911, ya know?" Jon taunted, while chuckling. 
"I know!!" you said, cracking a smile and laughing as well. 
"BUT maybe we could try a .... similar freaky game? Try my best to stay quiet?” you begged in a teasing voice. 
Jonathan’s smile broadened, shaking his head and LIKING the way you think. 
"Hmm... alright. Fuckit. I'm down, baby," he said, turning to face you and give you a big kiss. The two of you shared a nice long kiss. It had been the first longer kiss in a few days, and you both thoroughly enjoyed it. 
As he let you out of the kiss, he asked, "So what kinda freaky shit do you want me to do to you THIS time?" 
You honestly had no idea. "Jon, I have no fucking clue haha. You're the master of kinky games. Just teach me something!" 
Jonathan leaned back on the couch with his legs splayed, looking at you and reflecting/contemplating. 
"Hmmm....so, you just... want me to do something to YOU? Fuck you up?" he inquired, smirking. 
You thought hard for a second. "Umm... actually... NO! YEAH I want you fuck me up a bit, BUT I wanna do things to you BACK! Like... maybe we ... take turns? You do something freaky to me... I do something freaky to you?" you suggested. 
Jonathan's smile grew even wider and his eyes brightened. While he enjoyed being the dominant one during "games," he LOVED the fact you were interested in "getting him back" and taking control of him. He hadn't brought it up to you much, but he had WANTED you to get aggressive with him more often. 
"I like that. I like that idea a lot," Jon said in a soft, quiet voice. He stared at you, giving you a wicked grin. 
"I'd totally let you fuck me up, baby," Jon admitted in a sexy voice, nodding his head. 
He sat thinking for a moment. Your heart was pounding, wondering what ideas he'd have now that he knew what you wanted. 
"How about.. hide and seek here in the house. But way the fuck different this time?" Jon said while shifting his legs around and playing with his hair. 
"Different how?" you asked, genuinely excited. 
"Like... we take TURNS hunting each other. I look for you. Then you look for me. Each time we find each other, we each have two minutes to do ANYTHING we want to one another. How's that sound?" Jon asked in a soft voice, looking at you with a dirty smile. 
"HA! Um.. ANYTHING?" you asked, dumbfounded. 
"YEAH. Anything. DON'T just do something normal. Do something aggressive and freaky. We fuck each other up! For TWO MINUTES only," Jon said as he grabbed his phone off the table and set a two minute stopwatch timer on it. 
Your eyes flared, thoroughly enjoying the sound of this. You smiled and nodded in agreement. 
"And we have to stop when the two minute alarm on the phone goes off,” Jon explained as he reached for his phone and set a 2 minute time. 
“Then the other one has to hide. Mkay?" Jon asked. 
"Damn Jon! I mean... you are WAY better at thinking of freaky stuff to do to ME," you admitted. Jon grinned and nodded his head, remembering all the things he’s done to you. 
"I don’t know WHAT to do to YOU!" you admitted. 
Jonathan's smile widened. "Well.... just be aggressive. Be weird. I've given you ideas once or twice. AND... I have to do what you say," he said with a naughty smile. 
"Just ... be creative.. And don't worry, I don't break easy, baby," Jon said in a low, sexy voice. 
Your pussy was waking up a LOT. You REALLY liked the sound of this game. 
"Ok, I'll try," you said, giving him a naughty smile/nod. 
"Ok! Let's fuckin do it. Let's...... try to search for each other--- um-- ... at LEAST 4 times before saying game over. Kay?" Jon said while getting up and dimming the lights around the living/dining room. 
"Ok!" you replied. 
You ran to the home office and art studio and turned off the lights there as well. The two of you plopped back on the couch together. The dim lighting definitely made the vibe of the game more appealing. The two of you momentarily stared at each other, exchanging naughty smiles in the warm, low light. Impulsively, you both went in for a big, passionate kiss and started making out. You and Jon got surprisingly lost in the moment, opening your mouths and kissing harder. Jon started squeezing your breasts and feeling you up. You moaned into his mouth and almost pounced on him. Jon reluctantly pulled away from the kiss and cleared his throat, smiling and letting out a giddy, frustrated laugh. 
"OK ... we gotta... ahem... we gotta fuckin, FOCUS!" Jon said, laughing. 
"Ok, yes. Let's start," you agreed, laughing also. 
"Let's keep the search to just downstairs, ok? We'll just take turns hiding SOMEWHERE down here," Jon said. He sounded like an excited kid. You couldn’t help but smile wider. Things had been so depressing. This was DEFINITELY more of the Jonathan you were familiar with. Lighthearted, FILTHY minded...and sweet. 
"Alright. I wanna hide first!" you admitted, giddy with excitement/arousal. 
"Fair enough," Jon said with a wicked smile. "I'll give you 60 seconds," Jon said, sitting back on the couch and shutting his eyes. He started counting. 
You decided to run into the home office and hide under the desk. Not a very good hiding place but you were eager to be found. Jonathan finished counting and began walking around the house. You heard him crack a chuckle as he slowly searched the rooms. As he entered the home office, you heard his footsteps getting closer to your hiding place. There was silence, then you saw his long hair drape over the desk to looking up to see his face peering down at you. He cracked up. You started laughing as well. 
"You just WANT to be found, HUH?" Jonathan teased. 
"YES," you admitted with a smile. 
"Hmm… be careful what you wish for,” Jon said, cracking a dark grin and setting the phone timing. 
“Here we go, mkay?” Jon said playfully, hitting the ‘start’ button. 
"Mmm-hmm...." you replied as your heartbeat picked up. 
You heard the phone ding as the timer started. Jonathan walked up next to you as you were still crouched under the desk. 
"GET your ass out here!" he ordered in a deep/sexy, dominating voice. 
You happily crawled out and stood up. 
He took slow, ominous steps closer to you until your fronts were pressing together. 
"Now….RUN away from me!" Jon commanded. You were surprised, but did as he said. 
Without hesitation, you started to run off. Before you knew what hit you, Jon grabbed you HARD around the waist, firmly tackling you to the floor. 
You let out a scream but also laughed. He flopped to the floor with you, pulling you both down and pinning you with his weight. The two of you giggled as he groped you on the ground, holding you down. He crawled atop you and gripped your hair. You went limp under him, enjoying the moment. Then, Jon gave you a new command: 
"Try to get up!" he commanded.  
"WHAT?" you replied, giggling. 
"TRY to get away from me, I wanna see you try!!" Jon demanded in a sly voice. 
You were enjoying this grope-session…but the rule was "do as he says." 
You began wriggling around and trying to push him off you. You were only doing so playfully though. 
"Awww c'mon! That's BULLSHIT, baby!!!" Jonathan teased before pressing his face against your ear and firmly biting your earlobe. 
"Really FUCKIN try!" Jon demanded. 
You decided to REALLY give it your best shot. You shoved your hands hard against his chest and tried to push your way out from under him. He pushed you down harder. You wriggled your legs around and brought your knees up against him, trying to shove/kick him off. Jon momentarily lost his balance. You pushed him off you and rolled over onto your stomach. As you brought your knees up and started to crawl away, Jon firmly grabbed your hips/ass from behind. Knocking you back down on the ground, Jon pinned you on your belly while pushing himself on top of you. 
You both moaned/giggled and breathed heavily at this ridiculous, heated, wrestling match. Jon flipped you back over to face him, pinning your hands above your head. He pressed against you, grinding his crotch all over you.
Again, you used your legs to push against his lower body and make him lose his balance. It briefly worked and he fell backwards off of you. You started to get up but he grabbed you by the ankle. You squealed as he reached up, grabbed you around the hips and pulled you back against him on the ground, bracing your fall with his body. Jon held you tight against his body and pressed hard up against your backside, bringing one of his legs over your hip to trap you. You were both starting to thoroughly enjoy it when the two minute timer went off. Jon groaned and reluctantly let go of the tight grip he had on
"PFFT, I shoulda said FIVE minutes each time we catch each other!" Jon said, smirking and adjusting his erection through his pajama pants. Catching your breath on the ground/laughing, your pussy had begun dripping quite a bit. The two of you were both sweating a bit. Jonathan helped you to your feet as you exchanged flustered/aroused glances. 
Breathing heavily, Jon handed you the phone and prepared the two minute timer for you. "Okay babe. YOUR turn. And remember. Do something freaky!!! Be rough. I can take it," Jon said, giving you his naughtiest eyes. You smiled and nodded, wishing you could just cut to the part where you FIND him. Although, you still had NO IDEA what you were going to do to him when you DID. 
Reluctantly, you shut your eyes and started counting to 60 as you heard Jon crack a naughty chuckle and dart out of the room. After you finished counting you quickly worked your way through the house. Being a big, tall man, his hiding places were pretty limited. You moved through the kitchen and living room. Nothing. You had a feeling he was probably in the bathroom. You walked in, peeled back the shower curtain.... nothing. Then out of the corner of your eye you saw his reflection in the bathroom mirror, hiding behind the door. 
"PFT you really wanna be found TOO, huh?" you teased. 
Jon let out a giddy laugh and slowly stepped out from behind the door. 
Nervously, you stood next to him, placing the phone on the counter and starting the two minute timer. YOU STILL had no clue what you were going to do to him. He stood still, hands limp at his sides, smiling and waiting to see what you'd do. All you could THINK to do was aggressively feel him up. So you pushed him hard against the bathroom wall and firmly yanked at his dreads.  He quietly chuckled while you ripped at his shirt and leaned up tall to give him a gentle bite on the neck while groping/pulling his hair. You thought you were being "aggressive" enough but Jon continued to laugh at you. You gave him a firm smack on the shoulder and pulled away from him. 
"WHAT??? That's not ENOUGH?" you asked, annoyed and flustered. 
Jon chuckled and stroked his beard while looking at you with sly eyes. 
"Um... that's ok baby…. ha, you're TRYING. That's what counts," Jon taunted while giggling. You felt flustered, annoyed AND turned on. He really wanted you to fuck him up! But... HOW? Without thinking, you gave him the world's gentlest smack across the face. 
"PFFfaaa..... ohhh!!.. OH NO!!!" Jon said, sarcastically, while making a fake “fear” gesture with his hands and laughing harder. 
You were getting SO flustered. It was like he was TRYING to annoy you and get you to do something really fucked up. 
"Gahhhh...you're adorable," Jon said, teasing you more. 
Suddenly you looked over at the sink and the drinking glass next to it. You had an idea. You grabbed the cup and quickly filled it with ice cold water. 
"Haa!!... game got you too heated? Need a drink?" Jon taunted while laughing at you. 
Before he knew what was coming, you turned around and chucked the ice cold water hard at his face. 
It caught him so off guard he stopped laughing and was briefly stunned. 
Cold water flew everywhere and splashed back off his face and hair. 
You froze... waiting for a reaction... horrified you'd gone too far. 
Jon paused, choking/spitting out a bit of water that had made it into his mouth. 
"Puhhhh!!... hmm.... NO. I didn't see THAT coming," Jon admitted, before cracking a wicked grin at you. Your jaw dropped and you smiled. He LIKED it. It was hilarious. You quickly realized he WANTED you to degrade him a little. Do something fucking WEIRD. You stole a glance at the phone timer. One minute left. QUICKLY you turned around and filled the glass up with ice cold water again. 
"Mmmmm.. I see how it's gonna be," Jon said in a low.. playful voice. 
You turned back around, shoving him back against the wall with a loud thud. You locked eyes with him and smirked before standing up as tall as you could, slowly pouring more ice cold water over the top of his head. 
"UGHhh-nnn... FUCKEN—..OWW!" Jon complained as ice water dripped down his head and went down his back and chest. You poured it nice and slow. You looked at the phone timer. 30 seconds. Jon grunted.. 
"Guh-UGHhmmm... I'm gonna fucken GET you for this.." he warned. You were more than a LITTLE nervous now. Obviously you'd taken the game to the next level. STILL, you filled up the cup with ice water one more time. He stood patiently against the wall, waiting to see what you’d do. Jon still had a smile on his face but a WICKED look in his eyes, obviously thinking about how he’d get his revenge. 
You looked down at his pajama pants and thought for a second... but decided "FUCK IT." Slowly you pushed a hand into the front of his pajama pants, pulling them back to reveal just his boxers. 
"Ohhh.... you wouldn't do THAT," Jon taunted while grinning. He knew what you were thinking of doing. 
You locked eyes with him, and slowly poured some ice water down his pants. He winced and gasped, trying to stop himself from pushing you away. You had to laugh at the ridiculousness of this. The look on his face shifted from wincing to a look of ENJOYMENT. He LIKED the shocking sensation of cold against a VERY sensitive part of his body. 
"Fuuu… OOOWWWW!!! Ughhhh- I'm gonna get you SO BAD!" Jon threatened through gritted teeth, eyes winced shut, STILL smiling. 
Your hands were ice cold from holding the cold glass. With the time you had left, you reached right down his pajama pants, into his boxers. He growled at you as you gripped his dick with your cold hand and briefly jerked him. “SHIIIIIITTTTTTT!!!! Naughty fucken bitch!” Jon yelled while throwing his head back, gripping his hair. The phone timer went off. You gently let go of his dick, stepping back and setting the water glass back on the counter. 
Jon growled at you as he chuckled and he wiped water off himself. 
"Fuck. YOU!! " Jon said playfully while laughing and grabbing the phone. "You better hide GOOD!!" Jon warned. He immediately shut his eyes and began to count. You ran away.  
Looking around for a BETTER hiding place, you realized there were not many. You stole a glance at the kitchen island and decided your best option might be one of those pantries. You wedged yourself inside one and quietly shut the pantry door. After Jonathan finished counting, you heard him looking around. He was pacing quickly, QUITE eager to find you and get you back. You heard him search the living room and office and then chuckle as he figured you MUST be in the kitchen. As you mentally prepared yourself to be found, you heard him open the fridge. “What is he doing that for?” you wondered. He did something at the fridge and then took slow steps around the kitchen, opening different pantry doors. You knew it was only a matter of time now and your heart started pounding. OF COURSE you were excited but also rather nervous about how he was going to “get you back.” 
He threw open the pantry door you were in and let out an evil chuckle as you looked up at him. Before you could climb out, he reached in and firmly yanked you out. He stood you up, gripped you in his arms, facing you away from him and squeezing your tits from behind. “I’m gonna fuck you up right on this floor, girl” he warned. He tugged your body in such a way that you immediately lost your balance. Knocking you off your feet, he gently but firmly brought the two of you down to the ground. He sat behind you, still gripping you tightly around the chest, as he set the phone timer. 
As soon as the timer began, you saw him reach for a cup on the counter, bringing it down next to you two on the kitchen floor. What was it? A cup of ice! Before you knew what was happening, Jon pushed your body down on the kitchen floor, laying you flat. He climbed atop your lower body, spreading his legs and straddling you on the ground. Yanking your sleep shirt up and exposing your breasts, he grabbed an ice cube from the glass and put it in his mouth, biting it so it stuck half out. He gripped your hands hard and forcefully pinned them above your head. Smiling through gritted teeth, ice cube in his mouth, he slowly nestled his face against your breast, pressing the ice cube onto your nipple. “AHHHhH!!!!” you yelped as shock waves and cold tingles traveled through your breast and down your spine. 
Jon laughed through his grit teeth while the ice cube hung from his mouth. He teased your breast with the ice, swirling it in slow circles around your nipples. You fought the urge to wriggle against him and escape. It WAS cold and uncomfortable but ALSO felt GOOD somehow. The cold sensation against your nipples combined with how seductively Jonathan was moving the cube around was AROUSING. Feeling his face against your breast, it was LIKE he was pleasing you, but with this COLD cube. AS he was swirling the cold ice all over your breasts, he began teasingly humping against you on the floor. You began moaning. However, just as you were getting used to that cold sensation against your breasts, Jon crawled further down your body. 
The next sensation you felt was a FIRM grip on the waistband of your pajama pants. Jon yanked down your pants/panties with satisfied grunt, ripping them down to your knees. He spat out the current ice cube and grabbed a new one, placing it back in his mouth. Shirt yanked up and pants/panties yanked down, you were fully naked, trapped under him. Jon lowered his head down against you and began slowly dragging the cube from the center of your belly to your crotch. 
“AhhhOOOOOWWWWW!!” you yelled as the cold sensation traveled from your belly down to your groin. He let out a devilish chuckle through his grit teeth, dipping his head between your legs and firmly grabbing your thighs. He pulled them apart HARD. The next sensation you felt was his head between your legs as the ice cube made contact with your clit. “OWWW!! FUCK! AHHHhhhh!” you gasped. The sensation was totally overwhelming but the fact he was teasing you like this also made you crazy. You realized you DID like the shocking sensation in a sensitive place as well. He dragged his mouth down further between your legs, pushing his face against the lips of your pussy. He gently rubbed the ice cube against your pussy. Your legs shook and instinctively tried to pull away from him but he gripped your thighs HARD, forcing your legs to stay open. 
He had such a good grip on you, you just yelped and let him continue. You moaned as you felt his mouth + the ice cube rub against your pussy lips, teasing your entrance. Shivers went down your spine. Jon looked up from between your legs to look at the phone. Only 20 seconds left. He threw down your legs and climbed off of you for a moment. You were confused, left hanging with your legs open, pants down and shirt up. Jon grabbed the cup of ice and locked eyes with you. He gave you an evil grin and you KNEW he had SOME final trick up his sleeve. He dipped his whole hand in the cup of ice, getting his hand FREEZING cold. Then, he QUICKLY gripped your thighs again, VERY hard. 
Keeping your legs apart with one hand, he crawled back up your body. His pressed his face up against yours and went in for a HARD, deep kiss. As he kissed you, you felt his ice cold hand push between your thighs and against your pussy. You winced and yelped into his mouth as he kissed you hard. The next sensation you felt was two of his ICE cold fingers dip FIRMLY into your pussy. “MMMff–OOOOOOWWWW” you moaned into his mouth, feeling a mix of pleasure and pain. He kissed you hard and pressed his freezing fingers further into you, fucking you hard with them. He rubbed the roof of your wet pussy near your g spot. It was just starting to feel AMAZING when the timer went off. Jon slowly released you from the kiss and gently slid his icy fingers out of you, sucking them clean.
“FUCKING. OWWW!! J-JON??!!!” you complained while shivering. Although, you still felt an indescribable pleasure/excitement. Jon just smiled at you. “You asked for it!” he said in a satisfied tone while he climbed off of you and pushed the phone onto your naked belly. 
“YOUR turn!” Jon commanded. “GET ME GOOD, baby” Jon said in a naughty voice. You were just pulling your pants and panties up when you felt a few more ice cubes drop onto your stomach from above. You gasped and shrieked from the sudden sensation against your belly. Jon had decided to break the rules a little and drop a few more cubes onto you when you least expected it.
 “AH-OOWW WHAT THE FUCK?!!!” you complained, laughing. 
“Oops… they slipped,” Jon said in a wicked tone. You growled at him and gave him an evil look while shaking your head. You were DEFINITELY going to get him back. You immediately shut your eyes and began counting. Jon smirked and darting away. 
You finished counting and IMMEDIATELY scoured the house. Now that you got the STRONG sense how aggressive this game was going to be, you already had another idea. As you looked around the living room, you saw one of your lightweight satin/cloth scarves. It gave you an idea. You picked it up. You continued your search from Jonathan with a big smile on your face. Walking back into the dining room, you looked at the tablecloth hanging over the dining table. Having a STRONG suspicion he was hiding under there, you rushed over, whipping back the cloth. Sure enough, he was crouched right under there. Saying nothing, you crawled under the table with him, shoving him over and tackling him to the ground. 
“AGHHHH!!!” Jon yelled as you fumbled all over him in the dark and pushed your weight atop him. You straddled his body as he gladly went limp and lay flat underneath you. You had the phone timer and scarf in one of your hands. Jon moaned and giggled, waiting for you to set the phone timer and have your way. His breathing picked up as you hit “start.” 
You pushed his shoulders down and crawled up his body aggressively, scarf in hand. Jon let out a sexy grunt and you felt how soggy his pajamas still were from the water you had dumped all over him. However, you could also feel the heat of his crotch and his rising erection. YOU LOVED knowing how much he was enjoying your aggressive side. You reached down and grabbed his wrists, pinning them above HIS head as revenge. He moaned, watching you in awe and letting his legs and arms go limp for you. With the scarf, you quickly bound his wrists together, tying them tightly in a firm double knot. 
“Oooh!!!! It’s like THAT huh!?” Jon asked, teasingly. You left his hands bound above his head and he stayed limp on the ground for you with his thighs splayed. You yanked his shirt up and started gently but firmly scratching the skin of his upper chest, working your way down his belly.  “MMMMMmFffff” Jon complained while shifting his legs around and gently bucking his crotch against you. You playfully humped back against him, teasing his hard dick while clawing his stomach. You decided to take it a step further. You leaned forward, nuzzling against his neck, breathing and dragging your lips across it, He moaned and shook a little. Without warning, you sank your teeth FIRMLY into his neck while simultaneously digging/dragging your nails down his chest. 
“UGH-OOOWWWW!!!” Jon complained. You bit his neck HARDER. He let out more low growls but still seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it. You let go of his neck and crawled down his body. His stomach muscles quivered in anticipation of your next move. You looked at his gorgeous tummy in the low light and decided it needed some punishment. You pressed your face against the side of his stomach and sank your teeth into the skin of his flank. “UGHHHHHHH FUCK!!! DAMMIT!!!” Jon yelled/whimpered. 
You dragged your mouth across his stomach and bit even HARDER on the other flank of his lower tummy. “Uh-AHHHH!!! Little BITCH” Jon yelped through horny/enraged moans. He started to buck his hips hader against your crotch, clearly wishing he could just fuck you now. The two of you were REALLY starting to enjoy it when the phone timer went off. You groaned in disappointment and Jon breathed hard. His stomach was rising and falling quickly as his body filled with adrenaline and his dick was filling up more. With a satisfied  laugh, you slowly under his wrists and climbed off of him. “Gahhhh….. Naughty slut,” Jon teased as he slowly wriggled away from you. You slapped the phone down on his chest before giggling and darting off. 
You heard Jon IMMEDIATELY start counting in a raspy, breaking voice. It was VERY clear you had left him quite hot/bothered. You were a little nervous, wondering what he’d do for revenge. With your brain coming undone after the last sexy “attack,” you couldn’t think of a good hiding spot. You went back to the living room and hid behind a door. There were several coats hanging from the door. With your short/thin body, you hoped that between hiding behind the coats/door, it would buy you SOME time to mentally prepare yourself for whatever Jonathan was going to do to you. 
You heard Jon yell “HERE I COME!” in an ominous voice. You felt your body shiver. He was moving RAPIDLY through the house. You heard furniture shifting and items moving as he frantically/aggressively looked for you. Within a few minutes, he was in the living room, searching around the couch and furniture. There was a heavy silence and your breath caught in your throat. Suddenly he ripped back the door and IMMEDIATELY grabbed you firmly by the waist. You let out a gasp and wrapped your hands around his big arms as he pulled you into him, growling loudly. He was VERY quick to set the phone timer. “MY turn,” he groaned in eerie, guttural, low voice. You shook in his arms as the phone timer began. 
He kept a hard grip around your waist as he slammed the door shut and ripped the coats off the door’s coat-hook. He chucked the phone onto the couch while firmly shoving your body up against the door. “HANDS ABOVE YOUR HEAD!” Jon commanded. You shook and did as he said, raising your hands up above your head. It was then you realized Jon had kept the scarf you used on him. He reached down and pulled it out of the waistband of his pajamas, where he had tucked it for when he found you. He grabbed both of your wrists and VERY quickly tied/tightened the scarf around them. Your pussy started dripping in anticipation as he took control of you. He pushed you harder against the door, rubbing his crotch against you and keeping you tightly pinned as he tied your bound hands RIGHT onto the coat hook! 
You didn’t see THAT coming. You were now bound, and tied to the hook on the door. As your breathing picked up and your legs weakened, Jon reached his hands up under your shirt. He caressed your belly and firmly squeezed your tits before YANKING the shirt back up above your breasts. He pressed his face against the soft flesh of your breasts and firmly bit one of your nipples. “OOWWWWW!” you screamed. He had licked/bitten your nipples before but never THIS hard. You shifted your weak/trembling legs around and wriggled your bound wrists around. However, you were QUITE trapped. Jon let out wicked laughter. 
“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes,” Jon said in a dark, teasing voice. Your nipples hardened more and as you started to cream your panties . You could only moan and watch him. He gripped both of your breasts nice and firm and squeezed/pinched both nipples. “Ahhhhhh—oh god!” you yelled in a mix of pleasure/complaint. He firmly humped against your lower body while teasing/torturing your breasts. Against your thigh, you could feel just how hard his dick was. Rigid against his pajama pants. His own breath was shaky, clearly enjoying himself as he punished you. He playfully stroked your belly, moving his big hands down to your crotch. Your legs were THIS close to giving out but you had no choice but to stand, since your hands were hooked above you. 
In one quick motion, he yanked your panties and pajama bottoms down. You gasped. Jon slumped to his knees, gripping your hips hard and sinking his teeth into your thigh. You let out more yelps. He pulled your lower body more tightly against his and pushed his head around towards your backside, sinking his teeth into your ass and giving it a nice, firm bite. 
“OWWWWWW!” you screamed. 
“SHUSH!!!!” Jon commanded. “REMEMBER! NEIGHBORS! Gotta be fucking QUIET! JUST HUSH UP and TAKE THE PUNISHMENT BABY!” Jon commanded in a naughty, controlling voice. 
You gulped and nodded. The timer was almost up. 
Jon looked up at you with a wicked smirk before pushing his face between your thighs and against your pussy. He gave it delicious, gentle licks, up and down your opening. “Ahhhhhhhh god… YEahhhhhhh,” you moaned as your legs shook. 
Jon firmly licked your clit and pussy for a moment. Then, of nowhere he sank his teeth against your clit in a semi-gentle but FIRM bite. “AHHHH-UHGHH– OOWWWW!!!” you cried out. Jon sucked on the lips of your pussy before biting the lips fairly firmly AGAIN. 
“Mmmmmfffff- GOD!!!” you moaned. He had never done this before. He’d given you teasing nibbles/bites during oral but this one was a LOT more aggressive. However, it actually felt amazing. Jon had the perfect intuition for just how hard to bite without doing any REAL damage. But JUST enough to hurt a little. You LOVED it. Timer went off. You let out a disappointed groan along with Jonathan. 
It took you both a moment to collect yourselves. Jon slowly rose up from where he was knelt between your thighs. He inhaled raspy breaths while pressing against you and undoing the binding on your wrists. You felt his rigid dick against your belly. Both of you were unsure how much longer you could keep “playing” before you HAD to just FUCK. This gave you the PERFECT idea for how to torture him next, though. Jon brushed his sweaty hair away from his face, reaching over to the couch, handing you the phone. 
“Mmfff.. You’re gonna GET it,” you warned as you and Jon exchanged dirty glances. You began counting and Jon stumbled away, very aroused and hazy. As you finished counting and announced “here I come,” you rapidly overturned the house, checking everywhere. Nothing in the kitchen, living room or dining room. Your eyes moved towards the home office. Quietly stepping in, you looked around. After checking the most obvious places you were a bit confused, until you saw Jonathan’s silhouette behind the bookshelf. He had managed to wedge himself behind the shelf and the wall. Fairly impressive. 
“Ah shit,” Jonathan said in a guilty, giddy tone as he noticed he’d be found.
You immediately grabbed him by the hands, pulling him out from behind the shelf. You pressed your body hard against him as the two of you moaned. You were SO CLOSE to forgetting about the game entirely. You REALLY just wanted to just fuck him now. But you knew you had it in you to tease/mess him up at least ONE more time. 
Jonathan cracked a giddy grin, stroking his beard and waiting to see what you’d do. You set the phone timer on the desk and hit “start.” You grabbed his hips and shoved him towards the desk. He let you control him and pull him wherever you wanted to lead him. You pushed his body towards the office chair while groping his crotch and hard dick through the front of his pajama pants. He let out moans of desperation, feeling you touch him. You yanked his pajama pants and boxers part way down so his dick was exposed. 
 “SIT!” you commanded as you shoved him down in the office chair with his pants part way down, dick exposed. He plopped into the chair in an off-balance stumble and sat down, legs splayed, huge smile on his face. Instead of “torturing” him in some way, you figured the BEST revenge would be two minutes of VERY aggressive arousal that would just leave him breathless. You fell to your knees in front of him, jerking him VERY hard. 
“AAAHHHHHHHH!!! FUCK BABY!!” Jon whimpered as his hard dick twitched in your hand, responding to your aggressive motions. Your handjob was fast, firm… intentionally getting him off as much as possible.
“AAHHHh!!! YESS!!! Ju-uuusstt…keep…..ughh- SHIIIT!” Jon whined as he slumped further in the chair and widened his legs. You pressed your head between his legs and took his dick into your mouth. 
You heard Jon whimper/sob with delight as he finally had some sexual relief. You moved your mouth and hands RAPIDLY up and down his dick, sucking him HARD and fast. Jonathan was whining/shaking and begging for more. At this point he’d pretty much lost track of the game entirely. He just gripped your hair and watched in awe as you got him closer and closer to a stunning orgasm. His moans grew louder and louder. Just THEN, the timer went off. 
IMMEDIATELY, you pulled your mouth and hands off his dick and rose to your feet, stepping away from him and darting across the room. Jonathan was left hazy and stunned, DESPERATE to just CUM. He caught his breath, growling and grunting. 
“Uhhhhh… MY GOD… I needed that. Ju- just come back baby!! PLEASE!” Jon begged, staggering to his feet and stumbling across the room to come get you. He began groping you sloppily and trying to reach for your pajama pants to pull them down. You pushed him off of you NICE AND FIRM. 
“NOPE, you said AT LEAST four rounds!!!! And YOUR time is up! Now you have to find ME!” you commanded.  
Jon reluctantly stopped himself, growling like an animal. He took slow steps away from you as you pushed him off… Jon gave you a VERY DARK, pissed off stare, before cracking the most wicked grin you’d ever seen. He slowly reached his hands down, putting his very hard dick back in his pajama pants while letting out a frustrated growl, eyeing you from top to bottom and slowly nodding his head. 
“Hmmmmmm” he growled. “You. Little. BITCH,” Jon uttered in a low, frustrated voice.
“You better hide GOOD. REALLLLLLL GOOD” Jon warned in an eerie, growling tone. You were more than a little bit fearful now, although your panties were also saturated and you were DESPERATE to know what he’d do to you. 
“ONE!!!! TWO!!” Jon yelled as he grabbed the phone and started counting at a rapid pace. You raced away as fast as you could. You figure you’d better buy yourself as much time as possible. Jonathan was EXTREMELY sexually frustrated and eager to punish you. You looked around for a less obvious place so it would hopefully give him some time to “calm down” a bit. The very back of the coat closet wasn’t the best option in the world but was slightly less obvious than the other rooms. There was also a small step-ladder in there. You ran into the closet, shifted the step ladder behind the row of coats and buried your body behind all the clothing. 
“HERE I COME!” you heard Jon shout in an ominous voice. He moved quickly through the house. You heard his loud, angry stomps creaking across the floor. They went all over the place, somewhat aimlessly. Maybe he was too aroused to properly search each room. It sounded like he was stomping aimlessly, all over the place. But then you heard slow steps moving closer to the closet door. You covered your mouth in fear/anticipation. The closet door slowly cracked open. Dead silence. Jon stepped inside and looked around and behind the coat closet door. He stood motionless for a moment. You had no idea if he’d noticed you. After a long, tense moment, he slowly stepped out of the coat closet and shut the door. 
You let out a sigh, SLIGHTLY relieved you’d faked him out. No sooner had you let out your breath than you heard the closet door FLY open. Jon’s big hand reached  behind the row of coats and GRABBED you, digging his nails into your arm and pulling you off the ladder and into his arms. You let out a genuine scream of surprise/terror. 
He’d decided to play with you and fake you out, making you think he hadn’t noticed you. He firmly pulled you HARD against his body, facing you away from him. You gasped in his arms as you watched him pull up the phone timer and set two minutes while grunting and breathing angrily. You had NO time to react. Timer started and Jon gripped the back of your hair VERY firmly, crushing a large portion of it up in his hands while holding you against him. He started tugging you out of the closet by your hair and waist. 
“YOUR HAIR IS COMING TO THE LIVING ROOM WITH ME BITCH! YOU MIGHT WANNA FOLLOW IT!” Jon commanded while tugging you out by the hair and waist. 
“FUCK!” you yelped in an overwhelming mix of arousal and shock. You stumbled against him as he walked you briskly into the living room with a tight grip on your hair and body. He HAD you. There was no getting away from him…. Not that you wanted to. When Jonathan got you to the living room, he immediately pulled you into him onto the couch. He kept a firm grip on your hair, tugging you against his body. 
“NAUGHTY fuckin girl,” Jon repromanded while tossing your body across his lap by the hair. He pulled you forward by the arms and pushed your head down towards the ground so you were bent over his knee. 
“Naughty girls get PUNISHED!!” Jon growled. You just hyperventilated and went limp, your whole body feeling like jelly. His hand ripped at the back of your pajama pants. He yanked down the back of your pajama bottoms and panties so your ass was exposed as he had you draped over his knee. Before you knew what was happening, you felt hard, rough smacks against your ass with his big hand. 
“AAHHH!!! OOWWW!!!” you yelped as you shifted around trying to crawl out of the bent position he had you locked in. He held you down hard with his arms. 
“NO NO!!!! You’re gonna TAKE this punishment!” Jon commanded. He gripped your arm hard, keeping you locked in the bent position over his knee. He went on, rhythmically slapping your ass, making each cheek more and more red. He’d playfully slapped your ass before and you loved it. But this was a TRULY aggressive spanking. It hurt, but shivers were still going down your spine as you moaned and wriggled around. Each smack sent delicious shock waves through your pussy. You LIKED it.
He wasn’t letting you go ANYWHERE. You just moaned and slumped down over his knee as you let him continue smacking your ass nice and hard. He would let up for a few seconds, leave you gasping, wondering if he was done. Then you’d feel another hard set of smacks. You let out loud, guttural moans of pleasure/pain. Jonathan’s breathing was hard and VERY shaky. You could feel his absolutely RIGID dick against your belly as you were bent over him. Jon moaned and began to totally lose composure, staring at your naked/flushed ass and the view of your pussy from behind. He couldn’t help himself. He licked two of his fingers and pushed them HARD into your pussy from behind. 
“AAHHH!!!! FUCK yes!!!” you moaned in pleasure. 
“GAAHHHH!! Naughty slut! I KNEW you LIKED it!!! Made daddy so FUCKEN PISSED!” Jon teased/growled as he pushed his fingers firmly in and out of your soaked pussy. 
You were so overwhelmed, you had no words. You just moaned louder and went increasingly limp over his knee. Two minute timer went off. Time was up. The two of you just froze. Neither of you could catch your breath. Jon’s fingers were still inside your soaked pussy, slowly moving in and out. You were too limp/overwhelmed to even think about getting up off his knee. 
You and Jon both let out raspy, sexually frustrated sighs. Jonathan’s breathing was shakier than ever. You slowly whined and pushed yourself up off Jon’s knee, and he slowly pulled his fingers out of you, gripping you by the shoulders and helping you sit up. He sat you next to him on the couch. The two of you exchanged hazy stares while breathing HARD. Jon had sweat pouring down his forehead and your wet hair was plastered against your face. After a moment of silence, you spoke: 
“Jon……?” you whispered.
“Y-yyeah??” Jon said, his voice breaking. 
“Can…. the game be done now?” you begged. 
“Guhhhhh,... fuu…. Yeah! Game can be fucken done!” Jon replied in a raspy, sexually frustrated voice. IMMEDIATELY the two of you threw yourselves at each other. You pushed hard against each other, exchanging a deep, sloppy kiss. Jon stood up and ripped your pants/panties the rest of the way off and pushed you hard back against the couch. He ripped his pajamas/boxers off and pushed himself on top of you. The two of you moaned loudly, aggressively groping each other and digging your nails into each other’s flesh. Jon gripped your hips again and flipped you over so you were face/belly down on the couch. You moaned in pleasure as you felt him climb atop you, pin you to the couch and push his painfully hard dick into your pussy from behind. 
“FUCK YES!” you begged. 
Jon started fucking you from behind with incredible intensity. He had been SO sexually frustrated. Your pussy was slippery and soaked and having him FINALLY fuck you felt INCREDIBLE. Your ass was still sore from the spanking. You felt a bit of pain from the flushed skin of your ass as his hips slapped against ass/pussy from behind. But you LOVED it ALL. His pace picked up and his grunts got louder. You raised your ass upward against him so he could get even deeper inside you and hit your g-spot over and over. Your pussy clenched around his swollen dick and he let out a desperate whimper. He gripped your hips harder, raising your ass higher against him so he could fuck you harder in a doggy style position. You squealed with pleasure as he fucked deeper into you. 
The two of you were getting SO LOUD, you could hear it echo in other rooms of the house. Hazy and lost, you kept fucking for a good, long time. Neither of you wanted it over with. Jon was determined to fuck/punish your pussy as long as he could. He did his best to fuck you hard and long and hold himself back from coming. The two of you kept at it for a LONG while, making lots of noise. You felt your dripping cunt getting sore from so much pounding. However, it felt AMAZING to get fucked like this after so much tension. So many lost/lonely days. Getting laid this hard was DIVINE after so many awful days. You were SO close to coming you could barely stand it. 
“UGHGHHHh!!! I’m REALLY close!!” you yelped/warned Jon. 
“Mmmmmfff…. Hold it back until I SAY like a GOOD girl,” Jon commanded in an eerie voice. He  released his grip on one of your hips with just one of his hands. He brought his fingers to his mouth. You heard him licking/sucking his fingers before reaching around your body and pressing those fingers firmly against your clit. He rubbed your clit HARD while he kept fucking you from behind. 
“AHHHH!!!! YUh—YEEAH! You’re gonna make me cum like that!” you whined. 
“NOT YET!” Jon demanded while pumping into you and rubbing your clit harder. Your pussy vibrated, desperate for the relief of an orgasm. You gasped and did your best to hold back your urge to cum. 
Jon’s pace picked up even more, pounding HARD into you while firmly/rapidly rubbing your clit. 
“UGHHH, I NEED to come!! Jon!!! Ugghhh- ahhh,” you whined. 
“BEG FOR IT. Lemme hear you BEG!” Jon commanded. 
“PLEASE Jon!!! I need to cu- ughh– cum!!! PLEASE” you begged.
Jon slowed his pumps and the rubbing of your clit to a PAINFULLY slow pace. He was teasing you to the extreme and you moaned and shook. 
“BEG,” Jon said again in a low growl. 
“Ugghhhhh… PLEEEEEASE JON… p-ppplease!” you begged one final time. 
“MMmmmm… good girl…..COME FOR ME!” Jon commanded as he picked up the pace of his pumps and pushed HARD and rapid against your clit.
 “AHHHHHHHH GAAAhhhh!!!” you screamed as your body began shaking. You let out a devastating moan of pleasure as your orgasm wracked your body. Instead of slowing his pace as you came, Jon fucked you EVEN harder, pushing his cock deep in and taking rough, hard pumps. 
Your pussy kept pulsating/clenching hard as you screamed/came. Your orgasm felt like it went on forever as he continued to fuck you hard. As you continued cumming/getting fucked, you lost your balance, flopping against the couch. Jon fell on top of you, still pumping, his hand pressing against your clit from behind. Your orgasm was powerful/blissful and your pussy squirted against Jon’s hand as you kept coming. You shook like crazy as Jon continued to rampantly pump into you, growling loudly like an animal. 
Jon couldn’t handle it anymore. Hearing your screams of relief and feeling your pussy squirt all over his hand was his last straw. You heard him let out one more gasp before feeling him FREEZE against your body. He let out a scream of pleasure. He couldn’t hold it anymore and lost control, exploding inside your soaked pussy. You could actually feel drops of sweat from his forehead fall against your back and shoulders as he came HARD inside you. Jon braced himself against your body, releasing into you in long, thick spurts. Jon whined and sighed, feeling tremendous relief and gasping with pleasure. He kept coming and collapsed his sweaty chest against you from behind. The two of you were drenched in sweat droplets and you could feel his wet hair soaking against the back of your neck/shoulders. “GUUUUHHHHH.. AHhH!! FUCK!! YE-eeess…” Jon yelled/sighed in a blissful voice as he finished coming deep inside you. 
Neither of you could move. You were both breathing too hard. Jon slowly lifted his tired head off your shoulder and moved your wet hair aside to plant slow, tender kisses on your neck and shoulders. You moaned and writhed around under him. His dick was still inside you. He had been so rigid it was only beginning to gradually soften as he finished dripping into you. He wasn’t in a rush to pull out. You both felt so good. Very slowly, the two of you recovered. He slowly and carefully climbed off of you. You felt a wet trail of fluid as he slid his satisfied dick out of your pussy and out from between your thighs. 
Jon gripped you around the hips and gently helped you back into a sitting position. Your pants/panties had been around your ankles this whole time. Your legs were so weak, you needed him to help you. He gripped you under the arms, helping bring you to your feet and lean against him for balance. He slowly knelt in front of you, kissing your thighs and soaked pussy. As he knelt in front of you, you stroked his soaked hair. He stole a glimpse at your backside to check out the damage he’d done to your ass from the spanking. Sure enough there were visible red marks in the imprint of a hand. 
“FUCK….. I may have gone a bit too far,” Jon said, locking eyes with you and giving an apologetic smile. 
“That’s okay..  I loved it,” you whispered while weakly smiling back. 
“You DID?” Jon asked, curious. 
“I did,” you whispered. Jon shook his head, smiling more and clearly contemplating future “adventures” the two of you can explore, knowing you like it rough/kinky sometimes. He shook his head, grinning, before gingerly pulling your pants/panties back up to your waist. With a satisfied sigh, he rose to his feet and gave you a slow, tender kiss. 
“I guess we both feel better now, huh?” Jon asked in a teasing voice. 
“Ahem.. yeah. A LOT better,” you said, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and standing up as tall as you can to give him another big kiss. Your faces, bodies and clothes were both wet with sweat. 
You had no idea what to do next. You were both spent. As the two of you breathed hard together and held each other in a dizzy embrace… the exhaustion caught up with you two simultaneously. Jon gripped your waist and pulled you back onto the couch with him. His body heat was almost overwhelming considering the two of you were still so hot/sweaty. But you loved it. ALL you wanted was to be next to him. You kept catching your breath together as you rested your head on his sweaty chest and he ran his fingers through your damp hair. Slowly, your breathing quieted and the two of you found yourself shutting your eyes. 
“Mffff… we should probably….. Get up…. Just … crawl into bed, huh?” Jon asked, sleepily. 
“Yeah….. Probably,” you replied, half asleep. Neither of you moved. Jon groaned and lulled his head further against the couch, dazed and exhausted. You quietly whimpered as you slumped your head further against his chest. Your eyes kept shutting. That was the last thing the two of you remembered as you drifted off to sleep together in a sweaty, exhausted mess. 
Side note:
I have a TikTok & Youtube where I make sexy/funny JD thirst traps/naughty joke Korn-related comedy edits if y'all are interested. I include myself in several vids, I'm an openly pervy/dorky lady haha. My accounts are not for clout/promotion. I'm just way into him (if you couldn't tell). If you stumbled THIS far into sexy JD stuff you might enjoy my vids.
Link to my Tiktok:
Link to an example vid:
Youtube link to an example vid of me being a dorky perv 🤣
Link to my Youtube:
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sixhours · 7 months
<3 Hello, Tumblr!
I'm Caroline! This blog is where I fangirl about The X-Files, The Last of Us, and the glorious human being that is Pedro Pascal, as well as whatever hobbies have piqued my interest recently.
This post acts as my fanfic masterlist.
Also find me: AO3 @6hoursgirl | Nobody Likes a Math Geek
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The Last of Us
Because I like having my heart ripped out of my chest on the regular, and no one can do that like Joel Miller.
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happy birthday, baby girl - In progress - PG-13 Ellie has never had a birthday. Joel can fix that.
i know you by heart - 40k - Explicit Joel and Ellie settle into their new lives in Jackson but it's not the easiest transition. Thankfully Jackson has a counselor to help with that. AKA the gay TLOU/Prospect crossover you didn't know you needed.
who knows where the time goes - 11k - Explicit An i know you by heart one-shot. It's New Year's 2027 and the dads are going through it.
reprise - 1.8k - Explicit An i know you by heart one-shot and follow-up to who knows where the time goes.
Looking for the Light - 750 - PG "She is gravity and he is stuck in her orbit." A Joel & baby Sarah drabble.
Walls of Glass - 17k - PG-13 Joel and Ellie struggle to deal with the aftermath of Silver Lake.
One Day at a Time - 25k - Explicit Joel becomes a dad. Again.
Postpartum - 1.8k - PG-13 Charlie has a rough night with newborn Anna, Joel is a supportive and caring partner, breastfeeding is hard, and postpartum hormones are a real trip. Set in the One Day at a Time universe.
Firsts - In progress - Explicit Anna’s firsts, a series of fluffy drabbles set in the One Day at a Time universe.
The Ghosts of Babylon - 63k - Explicit A medical doctor turned hardened FEDRA soldier, you're sent to spy on the settlement of Jackson, Wyoming, 21 years after the cordyceps outbreak. Things get complicated when you find an unexpected home...and some unexpected companionship.
Like Father, Like Daughters - 1.6k - PG Joel comforts Ellie after a nightmare, set in the Ghosts universe.
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The X-Files
My first fandom, the original OTP, Mulder x Scully are my babies for life.
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Alma - 4k - PG Post-episode for Milagro; the aftermath.
Harborage - 2.1k - PG Post-ep for Irresistible.
Helianthus - 3.6k - PG Mulder's favorite snack from Scully's point of view; three vignettes.
Morning Sickness - 1.2k - PG Post-ep for season 11.
Home Again - 1.2k - PG-13 An X-Files revival era fic.
Meteor - 1k - PG An X-Files revival era fic.
Remnants - 1k - PG Post-ep for Per Manum.
Everything else on AO3
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ancanosaur · 5 months
Does anyone else remember how weirdly toxic the MK Fandom was around MKx era? Becuase I do.
Those like handful of blogs that were just getting into beef with random Kano fans and their whole thing was "Kanno is a peice of shit! And so are you for liking this fictional antagonist!!!" I remember a few who put anti-Kano in thier description of their blog and it was just a hobby to shame people for drawing Kano fanart or liking the character in any way. (And a small revival with mk11 since they made him fuzzy for that game lmao)
Weird uncomfortable age gap shipping... That whole thing about that one artist that drew Cassie cage/subzero stuff and a shit ton of people were like "uh, he's friends with her dad and is like 52. So that's kinda weird." But then it also turned into a headcanon argument bc people were like "yeah subzero definitely watched Cassie cage grow up and he was a part of her childhood." Wich is so funny looking back at it bc there was no need for people to theorise anything about the characters relationship any further than what is Canon for it to be weird.
That fucking Sektor fan who just casually wrote headcanons about Sektor being a huge fucking racist for no goddamn reason?????!?!??? The headcanon specifically was about how they ship him and Cyrax and how Sektor calls him slurs and physically, mentally, and sexually abuses him as part of thier romantic relationship????????????? And they even gave examples of the horribly racist things he says to him¿¿¿? And that Cyrax was just okay with it??? And ended the post with like " I love my evil little man 🥰" No trigger warnings on the post either and when they were critiqued for it they were like "it's realistic and it's just my personal headcanons and you don't have to agree. Sektor is my comfort character and this is just how i see him." -type shit. (Deeper lore about said person. I actually interacted with them way before the headcanon thing. They approached me wanting to rp and they were so controlling they were basically just telling me what to do the whole time. super rude and impatient. So they just suckedl lol.)
Art blogs getting wierd asks that requested them to draw the fem characters in what was very obviously kink art but the asker would ask it in a way to trick the artist into making free fetish art for them. I got so many requests back in the day to "could you draw mileena for me :) but with her jaw wired shut? :)" or "could you draw kitana wereing a new pair of flip flops for me? That would make my day." like ????? Vague to the point of its sus but there were alot of minors in the fandom at the time including myself, i was in highschool at the time. but I was raised on deviantart so I could smell a wierd fetish from a mile away. But I did see other young artists fulfill these requests and several of them completely unaware that they were drawing kink art. Kink art is cool. But not when you're tricking minors into drawing it for you for free. (There was this mileena anon that was the most common one and I swear it was the same dude bc it was always something to do with with her getting her jaw wired shut, her getting bracess, or some other hardware being attached to her jaw/teeth.)
Selfshippers/heteroshippers being like "I know Kung Jin is the only Canon gay character in this very cis het and hyper masculine video game franchise- but im gonna ship him with my girl oc :) becuase he isn't real and it's not wierd to just pick the only gay one :) out of a huge line of big muscle men to choose from :) to ship with :) my female girl she/her lady with a vagina self insert :) or ship him with Cassie :) bc they are friends and should date :) I know he likes men :) and erasing that part of him :) erases :) a big part of his character :) and character arc :) but he would look cute :) kissing girls :) bc im :) girl :) and so is Cassie cage :) and my oc :) - is what I remember.
2015/16 really was a time for the fandom.
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lyriumsings · 1 year
oh damn I was just wondering if I should ask if you took oc questions and I saw a post about you wanting to talk about them. so. this is your sign: free pass tell me whatever you want about whoever you want. I’d like to know stuff about them (please. thank.)
This ask has literally been sitting here for like a year and I can’t stop thinking about my infamous mc so i’m gonna use this as a sort of preview introduction lol so anon if you’re out there im so sorry lmaooo and i absolutely love asks about my brain blorbos or anything really ngl i’ll probably copy and paste all this information to their Official Art ™️
Name: Octavia “Tavvi” Blackwater
Stage name: Tavvi
Pronouns: they/she
Sexuality: Bisexual
Band name: Beneath the Challenger (BTC). Octavia came up with the name and it’s basically a metaphor for them being super depressed lmao. It comes from the Challenger Deep which is the lowest point on earth beneath the Mariana’s trench.
Vocal Insp: donna missal (pinnacle voice bc for them tbh), The pretty reckless, the haunt
Music Insp: The Pretty Reckless, The Haunt, (for all of these bands i have very specific songs that i plug in as BTC’s lyrics lmao i have a playlist for them that i basically hc as their songs), Bad Omens (Just Pretend is SUCH a seven x mc song and i hc it as BTC’s best song), Mothica (VICES tho), and Honey Revenge! Here’s their playlist it grows everyday lmao
Fandom: Aquanauts. I hc that Maya figured out the bands meaning and picked based on that, Octavia genuinely loves it and finds it cute. And somehow the fact that the name makes sense to what the band name is makes them feel very seen and comforted tbh
Ep: Under the Water
Favorite unreleased single: The Slowest Heart (Which i actually took from Gilded Lily bc that song has heavy Octavia x Seven vibes) They have “the slowest heart” tattooed on there left rib age side boob area lol Although I feel like if she wrote it it’d be closer to the sped up version and a bit angrier mixed with hurt but the lyrics are perfect)
Romance: Seven’s ex. Still has his initials and doesn’t bother to cover it. And they are harboring a very blatant crush on Orion that if they’re being honest about started specifically because Orion seems pretty unattainable and they have no actual expectations of that fantasy becoming a reality (at least at first). Some cute stuff about them and seven tho: I hc fans called them Seven8 cuz Octavia means 8 or i guess Setavia works but Seven8 is so cute to me. And that seven had them in his phone as “8” and Octavia had him as “7 Ducky”
Some backstory:
Octavia is biracial her mom is white and her dad is black (specifically has afro indigenous roots but he was a foster kid so very estranged from these cultures) does not have a good relationship with their parents at all. Their parents didn’t really want kids? Sort of had Octavia because that’s what they were “supposed” to do next after getting married. Octavia is very much just an item checked off a list in a lot of ways regarding them. Very much the type of people who probably shouldn’t have had a kid not because they didn’t provide physically but they’re just emotionally nonexistent and incredibly dismissive lol. So yeah, so she had a very lonely childhood.
They did lots of ballet/contemporary dancing and soft ball which she does still actually enjoy as hobbies presently, but for the most part she’s obsessed with music and making music. They have a bat from highschool that they call “Lucky Lucy” where for two separate games in a row she hit nothing but home runs with it. Now, she takes it to every show and makes everybody touch Lucky Lucy before performing.
Octavia is obsessed with old hollywood glamour and old movies/shows from that era— most specifically Audrey Hempburn. They have several references/quotes from her tattooed on them: “never throw out anyone” is a partial quote from “People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed; never throw anyone out.” that they have tattooed directly under their S.D. tattoo which is my favorite lol and another is “i was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it.” probably on their opposite forearm from S.D. (There’s more but i gotta map them out.) They can do a transatlantic accent, and did so for many months as a teen to annoy their parents.
Lastly, romantic history: before Seven they had a girlfriend, Maria. Who was pretty much their polar opposite—very straight laced, serious, and structured but also incredibly sweet, polite, absolute wifey material—and honestly while she supported Octavia’s dream on a surface level she thought Octavia needed a more concrete plan for the future. They dated for about half of high school and split amicably when it became clear that Octavia wasn’t going to change/Octavia’s underlying feelings for Seven became a bit too obvious to ignore. They’re still in contact and friendly and Maria is married and has two kids.
Post Seven, Octavia had one serious relationship that was on and off for 8 months about a year after their initial split. It was bad. Incredibly toxic content warning type bad. Dean Clayton was the lead singer of another indie band Violet Vapors and was a general misogynistic piece of shit. It was a they just didn’t see the red flags until they were already in it type situation, bc no one advertises themself as a pos partner obvs. She doesn’t like to talk about it and borderline actively ignores it, but if they ever saw him again they’d probably take their bat to him tbh. Octavia is in a muuuuch better place now (comparatively speaking, which i mean the bar is in hell so do with that what ye will) still does drugs and drinks but it’s not nearly as bad as uhhh this era of their life.
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Hi Alexis! I was wondering if you could share some tips for when you're feeling burnt out or just not interested in the sims? I'm in a burnout era rn and it's like I want to PLAY and TELL MY STORIES but I just feel the task of editing and writing to be so daunting right now :(
Hello there, dearest Nonny! 💕
Thank you so much for asking this because I absolutely think it’s something all of us simmers struggle with from time to time. I know I’ve gone through a few burnout eras both big and small and can definitely feel myself entering another one as we speak, so I’m more than happy to help!
Now a bit of a caveat: these are my tips and tricks. I know everyone is different and some of these may not work for everyone. So if anyone wants to leave their own tips in the comments below please do, I would love to read them!
I’m going to put the whole rant under the cut because who could have guessed it…it’s going to be long! 😅
1. Have A Plan:
This is absolutely going to be my most divisive bit of advice, because I’ve talked to other simmers who have told me that this alone would cause burnout for them, but for me it’s probably the no. 1 thing that keeps me posting. I have a detailed calendar of my post schedule, usually about 2-3 months in advance, that helps me stay on track and keep focused. Sometimes I will move things around a day or two or even push it back a full week when I need to, but overall I stick to it.
This is definitely because I am a planner, but if I have a difficult shoot or don’t want to edit, I can easily look at the calendar and go “Okay but in two posts you’re going to get to the scene you’re really excited about.” Or when I know I have a huge shoot coming up and can budget my time accordingly. This also means when I have more time or energy I can shoot through a few scenes and know that I’m set for a week or two to relax and everything is done for those posts.
Planning will probably look different for everyone, but I really do think it’s helpful to have something tangible and attainable to look forward to in those moments you’re feeling unmotivated.
2. Find What Keeps you Motivated and Lean In:
This is crucial for me and arguably what has kept my story going for so long. I have this story written decades in advance, and knowing those points I want to get to and dynamics I want to explore keeps me motivated when I’m feeling down.
However, for you, it may be precisely the opposite. Just the element of gameplay or the unknown may be engaging, or perhaps simply a certain lot that you’ve downloaded or era of clothing. It is important to remember there’s no right way to tell your story, so structuring your own time and efforts around what you like, even if it means changing stuff halfway through, is crucial to making this enjoyable and sustainable.
Sometimes for me it’s smaller motivations, and I’m really into building or CAS or character development for a few days or weeks at a time. I’ll play around with how my posts are told or even what I’m doing in the background (getting my next gen CC folder ready, building a lot, doing an ask game). Switching gears into what’s interesting to me at that moment can revive my interest in the story overall and prevent a burnout in the long term.
The same is true in inverse. If there’s an element that is standing in the way of the hobby bringing you fulfillment, it may not be as necessary as you think. Recently for me I also had a bit of burnout with editing, and this is a huge reason why I finally downloaded reshade. Now my editing time is cut back immensely and I find myself reinspired by taking screenshots and have leaned further into landscape shots and just aesthetic filler.
Yes, this is in all caps. Yes, it is the most important. Posting our pixel stories is a surprisingly mentally draining hobby, so you absolutely have to give your brain and creativity a rest from time to time. When you start feeling that it’s consistently a chore, that’s a sure fire sign that it’s time to take a break.
Now for me (because of the schedule) sometimes y’all won’t even see when I take a little break. It might mean that I take a week or two away from the game but I’ll have the posts done in advance so there’s no gap in posting. It also means I can just push things back a bit if needed; then when I’m feeling ready to go again, I know exactly where I left off and what the next steps are.
The latter is probably where the schedule is most important to me, as I do feel like a lot of simmers take necessary breaks but have difficulty knowing how to pick back up again. I personally strive to take longer breaks at the end of an arc (like when Florence left New Orleans in 1925). This gives me a feeling of satisfaction, like I left the story on a good note and am free to take however much time I need without the pressure to return that I left something unfinished. It also means I know exactly what I’m returning to, and can do necessary preparations like lot building or pose downloading before I even start posting again.
But overall I will reiterate what I said above: if you have a story to tell or gameplay to share or edits to make they are your creations and you should always view them as such.
Sharing here can sometimes be a bit of an odd juxtaposition, where you feel like you need to have a certain look or a certain caliber of posts or even a certain frequency. Finding the way this hobby brings you the most fulfillment is absolutely what is most important, and that way you want to return after those moments of burnout because it is still something that you enjoy doing.
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pompeii-the-houseplant · 11 months
get to know a mutual better!
thanks for the tag @clairdelilac! finally getting around to doing this :')
LAST SONG: Hallucinations - PVRIS. I only knew Dead Weight by her but spotify autoplay shuffled this one and I might have to go listen to the whole album now
FAVOURITE COLOUR: orange!!!! at some point in my life i bonded with it like a stray cat-- it is the colour of life to me, i associate it very strongly with sunlight. might fuck around and dye my hair it
CURRENTLY WATCHING: started rewatching the fruits basket reboot! most beloved comfort series <3333 if you haven't watched it or read the manga, i know the concept seems a bit off-putting!! but it is SUCH a good exploration of intergenerational trauma and family abuse. the characters are wonderfully complex, the art and the soundtrack of the reboot is superb, highly highly recommend. series of all time. currently watching it w/o subtitles to try and revive my japanese, so im feeling very cool about being able to understand it so far (definitely nothing to do with the fact i know this story better than my own hands)
LAST MOVIE: rewatched kiki's delivery service for the first time in a while. currently got uni burnout so it hit much harder than i anticipated ㅠㅠ
CURRENTLY READING: i've been really bad at reading the past few weeks, but the last books i was reading were Klara and the Sun - Kazuo Ishiguro, and Babel - R.F. Kuang.
SWEET/SAVOURY/SPICY: all three <3 i love my spice, i have a really big sweet tooth tho. i am a terrible chronic snacker; if there is food in front of me, i will be eating it.
LAST THING GOOGLED: "our wives under the sea". friend recommended me a book they finished recently :)
CURRENT OBSESSION: i tend to hyperfixate on music really easily. lately it's been Flora Fauna - Billie Marten, I'm Your Man - Mitski (actually went feral the first time i heard it), and Reputation - Taylor Swift (the eras tour movie awoke something). incredibly excited for the new TAEMIN album. and i've got ATEEZ on the brain, as per usual
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: uni has been taking up most of my time tbh, i've been trying to get back into my old hobbies tho. took a lyra class a few weeks ago just for funsies, and i've got about three creative writing projects bouncing around my brain like a dvd screensaver. once exam period ends i will be unstoppable
i'm tagging: @exhausted-asterism, @raise-me-up-take-me-up, @minmarti, @fireworksgalaxy, @evilautisticsociety
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tanya-shiza · 2 years
Porcelain Doll // TaNya Era
While I'm actively trying to finish the art about my artifact. Let's talk about that new villain I mentioned in my last post.
The Porcelain Doll named Selén is possessed by a vengeful spirit. The spirit used to belong to a boy named Rowen Stufford. His old father was the owner of a small shop of homemade porcelain dolls.
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Little BackStory:
An old man - the owner of a small shop selling homemade porcelain dolls - was finishing his new girl named Selén. His son Rowen Stufford never shared his father's hobbies and helped him create dolls only so that they would not become completely impoverished. In his spare time, he ran to suspicious cultists who promised him to revive his dead mother... Rowen was sitting at his desk, scribbling in his diary.
On that warm orange evening, the killer returned to have some more fun. This time the Stufford family was less fortunate. Monsters killed the father that finished painting Selen's eyes. Out of fear, he dropped the doll on the floor. At that moment, before death, the 17-year-old satanist swore to himself that he would take revenge on Monstrox for everything. Perhaps it was because of this oath that Rowan's embittered and vengeful soul moved into the doll and fell asleep until now.
Initially, Mr. and Mrs. Stufford were engaged in gardening and made good money, but after the death of wife, Rowen's father sold their garden, which offended his son, and opened a porcelain doll shop. He did it in memory of his beloved, who adored porcelain dolls and dreamed of opening her own shop. Rowen didn't know about this and was careless about his father's dolls and often directly despised the old father, laughing that the dolls are only for girls and that he was crazy to sell their thriving garden. It's ironic that the boy loved his mother more than anything in the world and if he knew about her dream he would gladly open a shop himself. Of course, his father tried to explain everything to him, but Rowan would not listen to anything. He was too busy grieving for his mother and wanting her back.
• The name Rowen is very similar to the word Rowan. It was in honor of the red rowan trees in the garden that the mother named her red-haired son Rowan.
• The surname of the Stufford family comes from the word stuff, which hints at the not the best state of Dad's family business of creating furniture, so the family continued the family business on the maternal line — gardening.
• Porcelain kinda is consonant with the word - Selén - a chemical that «helps prevent premature aging of the body». A reference to the fact that Rowen's soul stopped aging after being imprisoned in a doll. Oh, well, also Mr. Stafford took it on doctor's registration.
I really tried to change the design, so Selen wouldn't look like Poppy, but i can't do it because of my headcanons about color and it meaning in TaNya Era. For example, cyan is color of sadness, red is anger, irritation, and green is most often revenge, but there are moments with illness, pain, etc.
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As we can see, the predominant color is cyan, which is understandable, because of the sad backstory. Red hair is rather pale, more like brown, which shows that there is little left of the Rowen's soul and there is almost no anger. Green ribbons wrap around the entire body of the doll, which indicates that the viability of the doll rests only on the thirst for revenge.
Also, the doll itself has blue eyes, the father wanted to make the doll calm and a little sad, but after the obsession with the vengeful spirit, the eyes turned yellow.
I was working on this post ALL DAY, mostly because in school. And I managed to draw a sketch of Selen.
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(I forgot about her big bow on her head and didn't draw ribbons. 😭)
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groupieculture · 2 years
CAROLIN I HAVE MISSED SEEING U ON THE DASH SOOOOOOOO MUCH OMG HI!!!! besides the Literary Projects what have u been up to????? the people (me) are dying to know
hi<3 nothing major besides that as im a creature of routine but i have become rich in hobbies. also read like 5 books and got some new ones. also domesticating my cool new flatmate. also thinking of reviving my blonde era. as you can see so many changes are happening, cant keep up. but most of all i miss the gay people on my phone.
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japdeguzman · 5 months
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Photo by Anita Jankovic on Unsplash
They say the saddest song is the one that’s never been written. But for me, the saddest phrase in the entire English language isn’t a melody, it’s a whisper — “I used to.”
Three little words, strung together, that carry the weight of a thousand unspoken stories.
I used to love spending entire Saturdays curled up with a good book, getting lost in fantastical worlds. Now, the thought of staring at a page for minutes feels exhausting.
Maybe it’s the fatigue of modern life, the constant barrage of information, or perhaps just a shift in priorities. Whatever the reason, the joy of getting swept away in a story feels like a distant memory.
There are hobbies that used to be my haven — painting landscapes that blossomed with vibrant colors, the quiet hum of focus as my brush stroked the canvas.
Now, the paints sit untouched, their vibrancy a stark contrast to the dull ache of creative stagnation. Did the passion fade? Did life simply steal the time?
“I used to…” hangs heavy in the air, a question mark with no easy answer.
The things we love are often intertwined with the people we love. Remember those Friday night movie marathons with my best friend, fueled by endless bowls of popcorn and whispered secrets?
Now, scattered across different cities, lives taking on new shapes, those nights seem like a scene from a bygone era. “I used to…” takes on a tinge of loneliness, a yearning for a simpler time when connection seemed effortless.
But here’s the thing — “I used to…” doesn’t have to be a death knell for joy. Maybe the spark for reading has dimmed, but perhaps it’s time to explore audiobooks or podcasts that ignite my curiosity in a different way. Maybe the paints are gathering dust, but can I find a creative outlet in something new — photography, pottery, or even journaling?
As for those cherished friendships, distance doesn’t have to diminish the bond. Technology bridges the geographical gap, allowing for virtual movie nights or simply catching up on life’s twists and turns.
“I used to…” can transform into “I still cherish,” a reminder that some connections transcend time and space.
The truth is, change is inevitable. Our interests evolve, our priorities shift, and the things that once brought us joy might need to be revisited in new light. “I used to…” can be a springboard for rediscovery. It can prompt us to explore what sparks joy now, what ignites our passions in this current chapter of life.
Maybe the old hobbies won’t be revived, the worn teddy bear won’t be the source of comfort anymore. But that doesn’t mean there’s no room for new loves, new connections, and new experiences that paint our lives with vibrant colors.
Perhaps the echoes of “I used to…” can lead seamlessly into an exciting symphony of “I am now discovering…”
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nayumis · 2 years
Oded Ezer: Exceptional Concept Workshop Day 1
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The Task:
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My next step:
I began by making a list of my areas of interests, niches, and hobbies that could be applied to the three types of projects Oded tasked us with. However I was getting no where with finding ideas from the inside of my own head, so I decided to look for inspiration at the library. Here, I noted down anything that I gravitated towards, anything that made me wonder, and other inspirations. I recalled my interests in Polish opera posters (from when I went to a poster exhibition in Kyoto), and a D&AD winner of the moving poster festival. Therefore I came up with the idea to re-purpose opera posters and make them come to life with moving imagery. This could contribute to the revival of Operas and make its posters visually appealing to modern audiences, and can be applied to technology and social media.
My Idea:
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The related projects/resources/references I sourced to back up or better explain my idea:
Smartify: An app that makes artworks come to life when scanned, and educates modern audiences in an interactive, engaging, and digital way.
Posters of the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary: This website features examples of posters featured in the exhibition and talks about the exhibition's book (which I also own).
Anna Mills Nicer Tuesdays: Talks on how her use of type and graphics come to life and are given a personality. This inspired me on how not only limiting myself to making the illustrations move, typography can be given a personality too.
Moving Poster examples: Examples show contemporary posters that uses screen billboards, station screens, online websites and social media as poster platforms. For promotion and for a design festival.
The feedback I received:
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Workshop Reflection and Takeaways:
It was interesting to see how by breaking down and simplifying my concepts helped lead us to a better, stronger concept. From simply questioning myself whether I enjoyed each step, topic, field of study, if I had answered with "no" then that was easily changed to an area I was interested in. Furthermore, Oded said I was limiting myself to a poster as the output. Rather than just creating a moving poster, I was told to think broader and bigger and to create an "exceptional project". I think my main takeaway from this session was that I should pursue a project of which I will enjoy and am passionate about, think about myself and let my intrusive thoughts win as they may lead me to greater ideas, and don't limit myself to a singular medium straight off the bat as it will limit my overall output.
I found this session very inspiring and it definitely taught me about a new way of thinking and brainstorming for ideas.
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venus-privacy76 · 2 years
My Style Influence’s
A prominent part of today’s style community is taking inspiration from multiple decades and using different elements to pull today’s style together. These era’s include 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and especially; the 90’s and 2000’s. With the pandemic causing mass hysteria of what the future would look like, many reverted back to fashion influences from their youth (Kate Moss, Princess Diana, Brittney Spears, basically anyone on MTV and more). This caused a revival in aesthetics and styles such as Y2K, grunge, punk and many more. This brought back the love of low waisted jeans, mesh tops and concert t-shirts.
While the Y2K aesthetic seem to make a more popular and stronger comeback, my style influencers come from the grungier side. With my favourite music being Nirvana, Hole, Alice in Chains, Oasis, Blur, etc. from said eras, I am naturally more influenced by that aesthetic. In this post will be outlining my style influences from tv-shows, movies, musicians etc.
Joey Potter - Dawson’s Creek 1998-2003
Even though its hard for me to get through an episode because of the irritating ass characters of Jen and Dawson, I love Joey. Especially her style. She has a simple, relaxed persona and its ‘easy on the eyes’ after listening to the selfish comments of Jen and Dawson. (I cannot stress this enough, I don’t care how hard their life has been, they are so irritating). Anyway Joey’s style reflects her personality with a relaxed silhouette.
My favourite elements of Joey’s style:
Natural, earth-toned colours
Relaxed straight/mom fitting jeans
Baby tees
Thrift/second-hand vibe
Alex Nunez - Degrassi: The Next Generation 2001-2015
While I think Alex is one of the most underrated character’s on the show, my favourite styles from her was when she first came onto the show and the rest of her high school time. I didn’t connect to her style later on in the college era of her generation. Maybe because it was around the late 2000’s which was not my favourite time when I look back on the aesthetics. Alex and her friends were the stereotypical ‘bad’ guys. They all had street style influences with dark and simple colours, baggy clothes and classic 2000’s sunglasses.
My favourite elements of Alex’s style:
Big pant, small top look
Simple dark colours
Cargo, denim, carpenter baggy pants
Black and white small tanks
Kat Stratford - 10 things I hate about you 1999
Kat is well-known, well-loved among teenage girls and influences today’s teen-girl’s style, personality and hobbies. I, of course am one of those girls. I love Kat Stratford, not only with fashion but on every side, she influenced my interest in feminist literature, and her philosophy of ‘not doing something just because someone else wants you too’. I also have similar music taste and I also love Heath Ledger.
My favourite elements of Kat’s style:
Thrifted inspired clothes
Tom-Boy but also feminine silhouette
Long skirts
Cargo pants
Her iconic leather coats
Rock/Indie style
Hippie elements - her necklaces and the way she styles her hair
The coven - The Craft 1996
I love The craft, being born in October I feel a connection to witchery. While I don’t really practice or know much about it, I love this movie. It’s once of the coolest 90’s movies, and as I mentioned in the introduction of my love for grunge and the mid-90’s. When I say the coven I mean the main four, Nancy, Sarah, Rochelle and Bonnie. These four girls are so fucking cool I don’t understand how this movie isn’t dominating modern teenage girl iconic movie lists. I know its popular but everyone should love this movie, its so perfect and the slay to end all slays.
My favourite elements of the coven’s styles:
Grunge/punk rock inspiration
Cross jewellery
Layers of silver jewellery
Hippie elements - especially Rochelle and Sarah
Leather trench coats
Lots of eyeliner and lipstick
Lots of accessories
I have a bit of a mixed interest in style with mentions of grunge, hippie/bohemian, street and simple styles. But that’s the way lots of  individual styles work. I hope this was interesting to read and/or take inspiration from!
Honourable mentions
Kurt Cobain
Stevie Nicks
The Mid-90’s movie
Fiona Apple
Miley Cyrus
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bailaconox · 3 years
still would love to do my “one book a month” thing so i skimmed thru the last couple chapters before the point i stopped in qoaad because gOD I WOULD LOVE TO FINISH READING THIS FUCKING BOOK I STARTED BACK IN LIKE 2018?????????? I MISS SHADOWHUNTER STUFF I MISS THESE CHARACTERS SO MUCH I WANT TO KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING WITH THEM AND IF ANYTHING WILL RENEW MY LOVE FOR READING IT’LL BE SOME SHADOWHUNTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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cybernexus · 2 years
what kind of aesthetics does raj appreciate? in terms of fashion and art.. raj seems like the type to appreciate clothes by zolnar. are there certain colors that he gravitates to?
Let's see... he's a big fan of streetwear and futuristic stuff so hell yea!!! If I could make clothes from scratch, since I'm still learning 3D and I can't as of yet, I would make like 1000 more outfits for him that look just like those! I'm very uninitiated when it comes to fashion and don't know brands very well but I loved looking at the pictures I saw of those.
(Cut for length)
He tends to prefer dark colors, with pops of color here and there. He himself is pretty colorful, so he kind of brings the colorfulness in his outfits. IMO he looks great with black, due to how black and red go together. He'll wear more loud colors on occasion, as he doesn't usually care what other people think unless it's someone close to him (just look at that crop top with his pecs out, like damn lol). But usually it's monochrome or black and red. He does like wearing brighter, more flashy colors, but overall he thinks that darker ones suit him.
He goes back and forth between wearing relatively "conservative" clothing as far as skin being covered is concerned, to wearing y'know, a crop top and skinny jeans. And also being naked. Because maybe like 30% of the time he is! Although he wears armor over his cybernetic chassis so unless he's not wearing that, he's never truly "naked." He tends not to think of his body in a manner similar to a human's, so when he's reminded that it's human shaped (especially if somebody flirts with him) he tends to get embarrassed. Lately he's taken to wearing clothes a bit more often. He doesn't really care what anybody else thinks, but god help him if his friends tease him. I guess you could kind of call him a bit of a goth with how much black he wears; but not quite as much as my other muse Aihren does. His style is otherwise stuff like streetwear, techwear, cyberpunk style clothes. He'll occasionally pull off a casual look pretty well (like in that vneck tshirt below).
Here's a sample of what he wears on a daily basis with a bonus formal outfit:
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For art:
Despite his rather monochrome choice of attire, he actually really likes colors. He's one of those people where if you ask what his favorite color is, he has a hard time and just can't pick because to him, they're all beautiful. He will legit kick your ass if you try to guess for him and say it's red. Lmfao
He enjoys colors that scare people who are afraid of color (like the kinds of people who paint their whole house white). Cyan and pink, neon green and purple, black and blood red, cyan and gold, ect. He will also go for more traditional, "classy" color combos like black and gold or just monochrome with shades of white, black, and gray.
He's also particularly appreciative of just about every form of art. Especially if it's something he's never heard of before, or from a dying hobby (in the grim cyberpunk future) that's being revived.
Some of his favorite kinds of art are the more difficult to find arts in his futuristic era that require physical materials and aren't digital in nature. In his world, there are simulators that can do just about anything, this means that fewer and fewer people are being taught the real life methods of art. These arts that he appreciates are: traditional painting, stone sculpting, wood working, and so on.
And a last bonus close up of the doodle I made:
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youregay · 2 years
upcoming sufjan stevens albums:
stevens announces the return of the 50 states project, with the first being California, only to release an album about 8 famous real life murders. musically the album is reminiscent of ‘A Beginner's Mind’ with more stylistic variation; including some heavy period-specific inspiration in the songs set in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. stevens incorporates some interesting synth riffs for the 80s, and some banjo and perfect harmonies for the 60s and early folk-revival 70s. the album ends with a 40s blues-style union ballad about a scab leader being killed. ultimately the album is musically cohesive despite the wide breadth of eras being explored and is well received
California does actually come out just 5 months later and audiences expect a peppier, hippy and folk inspired ‘Carrie and Lowell’ and are instead greeted with an almost nauseating electronic album that is 12 songs and 74 minutes long. it is initially panned by fans of his more popular albums, but after a while critics and audiences alike view it as a maturation of his more electronic-centered music and see the earlier half of the album as expanding upon ‘The Ascension’ in a similar way to how ‘Illinois’ expanded upon ‘Seven Swans.’ the first half of the album is the half with lyrics, the later half being largely instrumental with vocals being used mainly as another instrument and eventually devolving into ambient noise by the last song. a year later 2.5 seconds of a beat and half a line of lyrics are sampled in an Anderson .Paak x Kendrick Lamar song the next two albums are also state albums and the last (for now) in the project. Pennsylvania is released next and is somewhat of a ‘return to form’ for stevens. the album began development around the time of the original states project albums (’Illinois’ and ‘Michigan’) and certain themes can be seen as a through-line to those albums. structurally and lyrically it’s closest to Illinois, but musically it blends a lot of his acoustic styling in his earlier work with the enormous, overwhelming sound in ‘Age of Adz,’ and in fact ends with ‘Pittsburgh: Reprise,’ an 18 minute song that many liken to ‘Impossible Soul’ for it’s long, rambling quality but that personally most resembles his EP ‘America’ with the songs ‘America’ and ‘My Rajneesh,’ both of which have the same quality of decay and themes of institutional collapse (in Pittsburgh’s case, the collapse of the steel industry). the album follows the story of a man who doesn’t age, traveling the state through it’s founding to modern times and is lauded as ‘a great American fairy-tale.’ the album’s outtake companion album includes 5, sufjan-original folk songs and union songs and becomes a favorite among super fans.
afterwards he releases ‘New York,’ an album described as a ‘coming home’ for stevens, less so musically and more so thematically. the album is a return to autobiography and follows up on many of those aspects present in ‘Illinois,’ ‘Michigan,’ and even certain threads from ‘Carrie and Lowell.’ stevens dense lyrics allow for him to talk about his experiences making and preforming music without it feeling too on-the-nose, as well as about his personal life and relationships without people being able to overstep his privacy. a much loved, quieter song at the one third mark of the album is about stevens re-connection with his hobbies and a divisive (but great) song at the two thirds mark is a stealth christmas song. the most popular song on the album is ‘Catskill Mountains’ which tells the story of a 17y/o boy who runs away from home and lives in the the Catskill mountains and is mauled by an enormous white bear, barely surviving but having an impactful spiritual experience. the album is most palpably about coming home in the song ‘Home’ which acts as the climax of the album and explores his settling-down in Upstate New York and the healing from past trauma through his relationships with others.
lastly, to buck tradition, stevens releases a Halloween ep instead of a Christmas album. the album is released November first and is 9 songs long. several of the songs are about specific movies including fan-favorite from the album, ‘Carrie.’
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4dmc · 3 years
DmC’s Paradise mansion is suddenly my new obsession. You see, one of my hobbies is looking up western architectural styles and so I decided to figure out what their former mansion’s architectural styles are
and got stumped.
And because I don’t dare ask the creatives behind the game, such as Alessandro Taini “Talexi”, about which house/s did the Paradise mansion inspire from, I did my own digging for now...
It’s not comprehensive and I mostly did this as my own reference to get back to, but because of the tumblr interface, it might just look like a long mess to scroll down to.
btw I’m no architect or someone who looks into these for their respective fields. If you are, however, I’d be glad to get hints if I’m in the right track hehe!!
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this is the best panoramic view of their former home. I couldn’t count the one in Vergil’s Downfall because of the stylized scenes and very distant views of it.
I’ll count them in if I feel they could truly correlate to my best analysis of the house’s styles.
Now to the meat of things--> I think the following architectural styles influencing its look are:
1. Jacobean style - to me, this was the first thing that jumped to my mind when I first looked at it. It may be because Ninja Theory is in the UK, since Jacobean is British, but I think there are characteristics in Paradise mansion that made me think as such.
Jacobean itself was influenced from Italian Renaissance styles, particularly Andrea Palladio’s styles. I say this because it’s important to note how the next ones I’ll suggest overlap a lot with one another, especially the idea of symmetry! Basically, architectural designs in the Renaissance revered symmetry a LOT! It’s influence is definitely felt to a lot of revivals up until 20th century, but anyway, I don’t want to nerd out about that too much!
As for symmetry, you can see that the house is long and on either wings (the extended left and right sides of the house) the exterior suggests that they look the same despite it being destroyed.
What makes it Jacobean is their distinctive formal design and the Dutch/Flemish Roof or top (which is prominent at the Paradise mansion, forming as the domed roof at the center, with the unique Flemish roof-like shape!). Italian architecture at the same era was quite ostentatious, whilst there’s a more austere and formal look to Jacobean designs (although this isn’t always the case to all places built during this era and especially for its revival!).
example Longleat House, although this one appears too stately but I wanted to give a visual at how grand yet austere this style is
2. Romanesque - this one also stood out to me, especially for its interior and ornamentation. Romanesque buildings are mostly churches, particularly abbey churches. I feel like that shouldn’t be coincidence to the thematic purpose of what their home used to be, of it being their sanctuary...
Although many of its features, such as a domed roof, arches/arcades, ribbed vaulted ceilings, large rounded windows (colored and glass paned, too!) and columned hallways would be present to other styles later on in European history, in look and purpose, Romanesque buildings generally appear thick (because of the bricks and stones for construction) and protective.
The way they were built and the things that, to me, it stood for was to be practical, protective and, even with certain monumental elements like higher ceilings, etc., welcoming.
This one predates the Renaissance and its “style” continued to live on among Gothic, Baroque and Victorian architectural styles, mainly its imposing, thick figure and height, which can be seen especially for churches.
3. Palladian - it’s thanks to this architectural style, pioneered by Andrea Palladio, that ancient Greek and Roman architectural styles became a backbone and even a part of revivals in renaissance to early 20th century buildings. Since this style is also a kind of philosophy that reveres symmetry, I want to focus on another feature that Palladio had made recognizable when he revived Greco-Roman styles of buildings/home: villas. Palladio paid attention more so to what is mathematically proportionate and the geography/topography of where the building is made, and
With this in mind, the Paradise mansion appears to have been built somewhere with hills or mountains, based on the flashback cutscene Dante could recall, and the property they lived in is a huge space, complete with a front yard framed with its own garden, and possibly a back garden.
Since the mansion was little revealed, all of these are just my most educational guesses. I wished there was a concept art collection of the Paradise mansion’s design, like how it showcases during its heyday to its destruction, then decay.
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