#// chipped away at this while I was at work today! this was very fun!!
augusnippets · 3 months
Prompts are out!
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plain text and "rules" under the cut
path of hurt:
day 1: gaslighting/hypnosis/brainwashing
day 4: amputation/degloving/vivisection
day 7: waterboarding/drowning/choking
day 10: execution/fake execution/begging for mercy
day 13: drugging/poisoning/cannibalism
day 16: humiliation/dehumanisation/conditioning
day 19: collared/branded/chipped
day 22: captivity/recapture/tearful goodbye
day 25: intimate whumper/sadistic whumper/reluctant whumper
day 28: mind control/body control/betrayal
bonus prompts: forced to watch/whipping/stalked
path of comfort:
day 2: platonic bathing/hair care/make-up
day 5: drunk caretaking/concussed caretaking/feverish caretaking
day 8: reunion/found family/friends
day 11: escape/breaking the conditioning/safe and sound
day 14: toys/gifts/celebration
day 17: forgiveness/grace/resolving a misunderstanding
day 20: homemade meal/quenched thirst/favourite treat
day 23: massage/wiping away tears/gentle touch
day 26: nightmare/warm blanket/snuggling
day 29: singing/first words/inside jokes
bonus prompts: tending to nonhuman whumpee's nonhuman parts/protective caretaker/whumpee wearing caretaker's clothes
secret third path — whumperless whump:
day 3: thunderstorm/blizzard/heat wave
day 6: car accident/plane crash/ship wreck
day 9: hypothermia/overheating/dehydration
day 12: lost/trapped/avalanche
day 15: food poisoning/starvation/throwing up
day 18: apocalypse/infection/self administered medicine
day 21: delirium/vertigo/hallucinations
day 24: animal attack/bear trap/land mine
day 27: migraines/chronic pain/phantom pains
day 30: self-harm/addiction/overdose
bonus prompts: flashbacks/relapse/medical complications
day 31 — bonus day :) write whatever you feel like writing today or have a nice day of rest
AuguSnippets is an event that encourages the short and sweet of the whump genre. Ideally, your drabbles would be under 500 or even under 100 words, maybe even just a dialogue prompt. This, however, does not mean I won't reblog longer prompt fills! Don't stress too much on that limit. I just think it's sometimes nice to challenge yourself to write shorter drabbles, and it can also work as a very good exercise to write daily or semi-daily, and it doesn't need a lot of prep.
As for tagging your work, please use the appropriate trigger warnings. This is so everyone can stay safe and avoid potentially triggering topics while participating. Also, if your work is nsfw, please don't forget to tag it as mature content! If your work is not tagged properly, I won't be able to reblog it! Thank you!
Our special tag will be "#augusnippets day [x]". On the first day that would be "#augusnippets day 1". This is so I and others can find your work easier! You can also tag the blog, that's an even more surefire way to get me to notice your prompt fill :)
Is this a writing only event?
Yeah, this one is exclusively writing focused.
Do I have to use the special tag or tag this blog?
Not if you don't want to get featured on this blog :) It's just so I can find your work easier and reblog it here! If that's not something you're interested in, just scribble away without it.
Is the "under 500" a hard limit for the word count?
No, but I encourage everyone to try and keep to it in the spirit of this event.
Can I submit nsfw works?
Yes! Just please tag it properly :)
Can I mix and match the prompts from different paths?
Yes! Have fun!
What do I need to do to get the completionist badge?
Either you need to complete one whole path, or complete 10 prompt fills altogether while mixing and matching. Those who complete all 30 days (and maybe even the bonus day) will get something extra special!
Can I write fandom related things?
Yes! This event is both for original characters and fandom related writing.
Will there be an AO3 collection?
Yes! Here
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michelle-is-writing · 6 months
Surprise, Surprise, Greg House
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Word Count: 1.1k~
Surprising Greg at work is always fun. Most of the time, he's messing around with the items on his desk until I walk in which ultimately causes him to perk up right away. I'm always happy to see him, and going by the smile that pops up on his face when he first sees me, Greg is happy to see me too. Plus, it always helps that we've been together for several years too.
"House, you have a guest," Wilson states, quickly popping his head into the doorway of Greg's office before popping right back out. Watching him walk back to the elevators, I wave at Wilson before opening Greg's door.
"Surprising," I hear Greg mindlessly mutter before I walk in. Once he sees me, he lightly smiles and changes his words. "Not surprising," He corrects himself, sitting up in his chair. "But pleasant."
"I brought you lunch," I tell him, gesturing to the bag in my hand with a smile. Placing the paper bag on his desk, I sit down in the chair across from him with his desk separating us. "That way you don't have to steal anyone else's."
"You know me so well," Greg chides, placing the magazine in his hands down before opening the bag of food. Taking all of the contents out of the bag reveals two sandwiches and two bags of chips with a bottled drink for each one. "Funny," He notes. "These are the things I would have stolen from Wilson."
Laughing at his sad, yet true comment, I separate everything out and place a Reuben sandwich in front of each of us, Greg already digging into one of the yellow bags of potato chips. "I'm glad I got to come see you today," I confess, the sight of the food making me feel a little sick. "I have some... great news to share."
"Oh, really?" Greg asks, looking up at me. I nod, smiling as he pushes his chair back a little. "Well, then why don't you come over here and tell me all about it?" He suggests with that ever so sly smirk.
Knowing what that means, I gently roll my eyes and stand from my chair before walking over to Greg and sitting on his lap. Instantly, he wraps his arms around me and holds me close, leaning up a little to kiss my lips. This is one of the very few ways Greg shows his love. He always says it's because he gets to hold me closer to him, but I think it's just because I'm sitting on his lap.
"You know," he begins his sentence, nibbling at my neck. "With one simple movement, you instantly have me at your will. How odd is that?" Greg questions me, his voice sultry and low. Smiling at him, I lightly giggle before pushing him away enough so he can look straight at me.
"Greg, I need to tell you something," I state, my voice a bit serious. Even though I'm trying to keep a straight voice without letting my excitement show through, I keep my smile in hopes of him not getting worried. I hope this news finds him well, and it doesn't make him mad or angry... I don't know what I would do if he left me because of it.
Leaning back in his swivel chair to look at me, he continues smiling while running his hand up and down my side. "Go on," he encourages me, his blue eyes staring into mine. "I'm listening, my sweet."
My cheeks slightly blush at the endearment before I look away, sudden nervousness hitting me. "I'm, uh, I'm..." Just as I begin to speak, I choke up before sighing. "I'm pregnant, Greg," I fully answer him, having the guts to look him straight in the eye as I do so.
He takes a moment to listen to me, only to fully realize what I'm saying within seconds. In shock, he stares at me with wide eyes before breaking out into a nervous chuckle. "You're serious, right?" He asks, making my eyebrows furrow. My reaction causes him to become worried as his smile drops. "Please don't be joking," Greg begs, placing his hands on my arms.
His words slightly... befuddle me. Is the cold and emotionless House actually excited about me being pregnant? For him to question me to make sure I'm not joking makes me... I don't know what it makes me actually.
Does Greg want a child? I know we didnt plan this little one, but there's no going back now. I mean, Greg is quite a few years older than me and I would've never thought he'd want a kid this late in life, but Gregory House is Gregory House. If there's one thing that signifies Gregory House, it's that he's weird and unusual, and he never conforms to what is socially acceptable.
"No, I'm not joking, Greg," I tell him, placing his hands on my stomach. "There's a little baby right here," With Greg staring up at me with big eyes and an equally big smile, tears quickly make their way to my eyes. "You're going to be a father," I whisper, leaning forward and placing my forehead against his.
A few moments of silence pass before Greg grins and wraps his arms tighter around me. In a quick turn of events, he stands up with our feet planted on the ground and his arms still around me, a giggle falling from my lips as he does so. Before I know it, Greg is moving my shirt up to place his hands on my barely swollen tummy, resting them there as I hug him to me as well. “Thank you,” He murmurs, smiling before connecting our lips in another kiss. At the same time, he moves his hands to my waist to hold me there, his hold reflecting the passion behind our kiss.
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rcmclachlan · 2 months
7x09 deleted scene coda
For the anon who requested it! Hope this is as fun to read as it was to write.
When Buck sighs, it sounds despondent, even to his own ears, which is insane considering he’s finally got a medal and isn’t being court martialed for his involvement in the theft of municipal property. There’s no reason to feel this put out.
"Are you sure you don't want anything?" Maddie asks, her patented kindness warring with incredulity bordering on annoyance. She used to sound like that whenever he’d get caught skipping school to go hang out at Swatara Creek.
He sighs again. "No."
"Because you’ve been staring at the dessert table for, like, four whole minutes," she says. 
"It's a free country, Mads," he reminds her without looking away from the golden idol he’s just now decided to start worshiping. It totally goes against the Ten Commandments, but according to Eddie, breaking one of those means you can just repent twice as hard. Or something like that. It’s becoming very apparent that Eddie’s whole thing with religion is kind of screwy. "I can stare at a platter of cannolis if I want. Because of freedom." 
"You know you can't absorb sugar molecules through osmosis, right? You're basically just torturing yourself." 
With one last longing look at the chocolate chips dotting the ricotta cream, he turns to her and sticks his tongue between his teeth to be a brat. "Yeah, but my Adonis belt lines can cut glass, so who’s really losing here?" 
The look she gives him is flat as a board. "Still you."
"I… don’t have a comeback for that right now, but I’m working on it," he promises, ignoring her eye roll in favor of searching for something else to focus his attention on. It usually helps to take his mind off the ketonic headache he’s been rocking for the last week. 
His gaze locks on his target with an almost audible click, and he watches Captain Vincent Gerrard stop to take a photo with some dark-haired woman and then make a face behind her back as soon as she walks away. 
That "heard you got your wings" comment has been bouncing off the walls of his mind like a DVD player screensaver for the last half hour, and hot on its heels is the memory of the muscle jumping in Tommy’s jaw in the pause that followed. Normally, Tommy would’ve stuffed that silence with at least two comments so dry and hilarious it would take a minute for anyone to realize they were the shiny wrappers around devastating insults. But he didn’t. It was like his jaw was wired shut, and it physically pained Buck to see it. Thank god Chim was there with a killer response at the ready. 
Tommy’s told him a little about his time under Gerrard and while he hasn’t exactly painted a picture he’s definitely drawn the outline of a paint-by-numbers image that Buck can easily color in. 
There are very few people Buck can say he truly hates, especially when he doesn’t actually know them himself. But he hates Gerrard. He hates him for the way he made and still makes Tommy feel like he has to be someone else, someone so incredibly different than the man Buck has come to know and utterly adore. He hates him for stealing the grin off Chimney’s face today. He hates Gerrard for getting into Buck’s own head and pulling his focus in the first place, for casting a shadow on what should’ve been a perfect day. 
Buck may not be eating sugar these days, but there are about sixty Domino packets in his pockets that will be getting up close and personal with Gerrard’s gas tank before the day’s through.
"Huh. Wonder what that’s about."
Blinking away the red haze from his vision, Buck gives Gerrard’s back a little sneer before he turns his head to see what Maddie’s talking about. He follows her gaze across the room to where Hen and Karen are standing in front of Tommy, shoulder to shoulder like they’re presenting a united front. It’s amazing how they make someone of Tommy’s height and build look small. Whatever it is they’re discussing, it looks grave. Maybe the pall of Gerrard’s presence is affecting more than just Tommy. Maybe it’s opened up old wounds from the days when Tommy was—by Tommy’s own admission—an asshole.
He starts getting to his feet to go over and assess the situation, but suddenly Tommy breaks away from Hen and Karen, and the second he’s beyond their line of sight, the corners of his mouth curve up. By the time Tommy makes it back to their table, plate of cake in hand, he’s beaming.
"Everything… okay?" 
"Everything’s great." Tommy pulls out the seat next to him and wiggles a little as he sits. Buck’s never really understood the phrase "pleased as punch," but he’s starting to get an inkling. 
Buck looks at Maddie, who widens her eyes and shrugs. "Uh, what were you talking about? It looked pretty serious."
Taking a practically pornographic bite of the cake—which is just plain mean—Tommy holds up a finger, smiling while he chews, before he swallows. He presses his knee to Buck's and says cheerfully, "I just got the shovel talk."
"The what?"
Across the table, Maddie rolls her eyes fondly and says, "You know what a shovel talk is, Evan. It's the verbal equivalent of a dad cleaning his shotgun on the porch when his daughter's prom date shows up."
Tommy nods in agreement. "You know: 'if you break his heart, I'll break your knees.'"
It feels like Buck's eyebrows are trying to make a daring escape from his face via his hairline. "Hen threatened to break your knees?"
"Not in so many words, but it was heavily implied." Tommy sounds positively thrilled about it. "They wanted to know if my intentions toward you were honorable. Although I think Karen was just fishing for details, to be honest." 
Maddie's eyes are bright when she leans forward, like this is the juiciest bit of gossip she's ever heard. Buck crumbles up his napkin and throws it at her. She peaceably lets it bounce off her head. "And? What'd you say?"
"That we're taking it slow."
His jaw drops, which only serves to remind him that it's still aching from this morning. "So you lied?"
"I did not," Tommy says primly, knocking his knee against Buck's. "But I also did some heavy implying of my own." 
The wink he tosses Buck's way is downright filthy, and when he takes another bite of his cake he rumbles so deeply with pleasure that the table practically vibrates.
Squirming a little in his chair, with the familiar heat that blossoms any time he's within ten feet of Tommy making its way down his chest and into his belly, Buck scans the room to see if there's an empty coat closet somewhere nearby. The reception's loud enough that no one would hear a thing. Probably. Buck's starting to gain a reputation for being a bit of a screamer.
A fork taps his knuckles lightly, bringing his attention back, and Tommy gives him one of those knowing looks that always leave Buck feeling breathless and exposed on an atomic level. 
"No." The corner of Tommy's mouth curls up, and he nods at Evan's plate of chicken wings. "Eat your protein."
It's truly terrible, incredible timing that Chimney comes back to the table from wherever he went just in time to hear Buck say, voice full of sleaze, "Between our shower this morning and the buffet, I've hit my protein quota for the day."
Without a word, Chimney turns around and walks in the opposite direction.
Maddie collapses into her folded arms, cackling, and Buck can't help but join in. Tommy drops his head into his hands, shoulders shaking. 
"Timing is everything," Maddie practically cries.
"Well, I'm definitely getting kicked out of the group chat," Tommy says through his laughter. "Worth it."
Snickering, Buck nudges him with an elbow. It should feel like hitting the side of a mountain, but Tommy obligingly lets himself be moved, and Buck's rib cage feels like it's both expanding and shrinking at an exponential rate. His bones are going to vibrate to dust and his heart is going to be on display for everyone to see.
Swallowing around the sudden lump in his throat, he says, "Hey, most people aren't usually this happy to be threatened with grievous bodily harm, you know. Is this a rom-com thing?"
Still chuckling a little, Tommy takes a thoughtful bite of his cake and shrugs. "I'm allowed to be happy about it."
"Are you?"
"Absolutely," Tommy says, with his signature decisiveness. He slides his fork down through layers of cake and delicately cuts himself a corner with a frosting flower. "This is the first time anyone's ever cared enough to threaten me about someone I'm with. It means this is real to them."
He punctuates that by gesturing with his fork, the flower drawing a sugary line in the space between them, and then brings it to his mouth with a pleased hum. 
Buck has seen at least twenty documentaries about nuclear bombs, with enough footage that Buck could describe in great, gory detail what blast, fire, and radiation can do to someone, to a city. 
J. Robert Oppenheimer's famous quote, used in at least half of those documentaries—if the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky—suddenly comes to mind, damn near taking Buck out at the knees, and he stares dumbly as Tommy chews his cake like he didn't just devastate the entire landscape.
Maddie lifts her head from her arms and catches Buck's eye. There's something gentle and sweet lurking in her gaze, and he ducks his head a little with a smile, feeling caught out, even though he's not the one courting mayhem this time.
The knee pressed to his knocks against it again, and Buck blinks, startled out of his daze, to find a tiny dollop of white frosting held out to him on Tommy's fork. He looks just beyond it to where Tommy's smiling at him, like he knows exactly what he was doing when he said that, and is even happier about it than he was about his kneecaps being on the line.
"It's yours if you want it," Tommy says easily. It sounds like he's offering something else.
Heart pounding, Buck leans forward and wraps his lips around the edges of the tines, taking that small offering onto his tongue where it hits with the intensity of a thermonuclear explosion.
Buck doesn't know what his face is doing, but it makes Tommy's gaze go dark with want. 
A throat clears, and Buck reluctantly looks away to where Maddie is sitting. She's staring at Tommy with an odd smile on her face, one he doesn't think he's ever seen before. It's beautiful, of course, because all her smiles are, but there's an odd promise in it that makes Buck sit up a little straighter.
She doesn't even spare him a glance. "You break his heart? There's no helicopter in the world that will help you escape from me."
Tommy's eyes go wide, and Buck opens his mouth to tell him that she's kidding, that she would never, but he closes it because it feels like it would be a lie to say it.
But a grin breaks over Tommy's face like a sunrise, and the tilled-field lines at the corners of his eyes threaten to become trenches. "Good to know."
It sounds like he's never been so happy in his entire life.
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exhaslo · 9 months
Puzzle Pieces Ch13
(Mafia!Miguel x Shy!Reader)
Ch.1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.5, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8, Ch9, Ch10, Ch11, Ch12
Warning: Smut so Minors DNI, mentions of abuse, blood, murder, language, fluff, bullying, mentions of sex, praise
The only thing that you swore you could hear was the sound of your own pounding heart beat. Your body was still slump against the beg, legs too weak to move. Tears were still rolling down your cheeks as your mother's voice echoed inside your head.
"I-I need...I n-need to..." The words kept getting caught in your throat.
Reaching for your phone again, you quickly texted Miguel. You needed to inform him about your parent's plan. It was unfair. How could they decide something for you? You had specifically told them that you needed to get away from Eddie.
Perhaps you should have told them the reason, but would that have made a difference? Recalling the many times your parents ignored the bruises you had or the many hospital visits, you knew that this was nothing new.
Upon hearing your phone buzz, you quickly picked it up.
'Sorry, baby, I'm in a very important meeting. Can't talk right now, but Lyla will be there soon.'
It was just a text message. You replied with a simple, 'okay', and sunk back into the bed. Miguel was a busy man. You didn't want to distract or interrupt his important work. You would just have to wait until he got back to tell him the horrible news.
It took about an hour, but you were finally ready to hang out with Lyla for the day. Mentally, you were not ready, but you had to be. It would be best to distract yourself. You couldn't let your parents or Eddie ruin your life anymore.
"Helloooooooooooooo~" Lyla cheered as she twirled inside the penthouse. You jumped, pinching your sleeves,
"H-Hello. L-Lyla?" You questioned. Lyla gasped at the sight of you,
"Oh! You must be (Y/N)! You are cuter in person! No wonder Miguel is head over heels for you!" She chirped, wrapping her arm around yours, "Today is going to be so much fun! I hope you're ready to have a girl's day! Jessica!"
"I'm here, I'm here." Jessica said with a heavy sigh.
You felt a little overwhelmed the moment you heard another voice, but immediately recognized the other woman. You glanced at Lyla, then towards Jessica in awe. Miguel really was watching over you while you were working.
You ended up smiling to yourself as you easily followed the two women downstairs. They were happily enjoying their conversation with each other. You wanted to chip in, but were too shy to say anything. They were still strangers to you.
"Alright, so (Y/N), where do you want to start?" Lyla asked as they approached a car similar to Miguel's.
"U-Uh, I...W-What does...What does Miguel...l-like?" You whispered as you gripped your sleeves. Jessica raised her head, her jaw agape,
"I wasn't told we were shopping for Miguel."
"Ohhhh, neither was I! This is going to be even better!" Lyla laughed and pulled out her phone, "You are so cute, (Y/N), I know just where to go~"
Miguel felt a shiver run down his spine. He glanced up towards the lab's air conditioning, wondering if it was blasting higher than normal. Wanting to shake the feeling off, Miguel continued his walk around the lab, listening to one of his scientists give an explanation of their yearly findings.
"Sir, with your permission, there is a project that some of the men would like to conduct downstairs in lab number four." The scientist spoke up. Miguel lazily glanced in his direction,
"What project?"
"It appears that there is a new drug on the streets that is causing a-"
"No." Miguel yelled loudly, "Do you have any idea what could happen if anyone finds that drug here? Whom ever is the source of importing that cursed drug will not use Alchemax as a scrape goat."
"I understand that, sir, which is why we created a safe way for no one to find out. We want to break down the drug and see what is causing such an effect in humans." The scientist begged. Miguel gave one more glare towards his scientist,
"That drug will not enter this building. The only way you can get that accursed item in these labs is if the CDC contacts us personally. Understood?" Miguel hissed, his glare more menacing than ever.
"Y-Yes, sir!"
Miguel scoffed before making his way out of the lab. Normally, he'd behave himself a little better in front of anyone outside his mafia, but not for this. That drug was going to be the death of him. Not only was it threatening his family, but now his job.
As Miguel walked around Alchemax, he kept an eye on his watch. Awaiting any news about either Eddie or this drug. Spotting a photo message, Miguel clicked on it and immediately grew flustered. He rushed into the closest private room and called Lyla.
"Yes~" Lyla cooed over the phone. Miguel nearly grinded his teeth,
"¡Me estás matando! (You're killing me!) You're supposed to be helping (Y/N) with shopping, not sex toy hunting!" Miguel spat. Lyla just laughed over the phone,
"I told you he'd love it~"
"A-Are y-you sure? I-I um..."
"Dios mio (My god), put (Y/N) on the line."
"H-Hello, Miguel," You hummed happily. Miguel smiled towards the sound of your voice before noticing his erection,
"Baby, you know you don't have to listen to all of their suggestions. Just pick whatever you like out and I will love it. Honest," Miguel said sweetly before locking himself in the room.
"A-Are you s-sure?"
"O-Okay...Um, M-Miguel...L-Later...I...I h-have s-something important t-to tell you."
Miguel furrowed his brows by the sound of your voice. You were trying your best to not stutter as much, but Miguel knew that something was wrong.
"(Y/N), what's wrong? It doesn't have to wait until later if it's hurting you now."
"M-My...My parents...called me....and..." You were whispering with a shaky breathe, "T-They engaged me...w-with...w-with my...my...ex!"
Miguel nearly crushed his phone as you sobbed over the phone. His blood began to boil as he stood from his seat. Approaching the window in the private room, Miguel glared down at the city below his feet.
"Don't worry, (Y/N), everything will be okay. I'll take care of you."
"M-Miggy," You sobbed quietly as Lyla and Jessica comforted you, "C-Can I...Can I move in?"
"Of course." Miguel whispered, "Baby, I have something I need to do now. Have Lyla and Jessica take you by your apartment to start moving your stuff. Okay?"
Once you hung up, Miguel let out an angry yell. He proceeded to slam his fists into the nearest table, destroying it with ease. Once he was calm enough, Miguel reached for his phone again and decided to make a few calls.
You felt horrible. You were having such a good time with Lyla and Jessica and you ended up a crying mess. Luckily, you were able to squeeze out that you were not crying because of them. God, that would make you feel worse.
"Is this where you live?" Jessica questioned as they arrived in a shitty neighborhood, "This is Kraven's territory."
"Was," Lyla whispered. You rubbed your eyes as you looked for your building,
"What...do y-you mean by that?" You asked. Jessica sighed softly since Miguel had not told you anything yet,
"This area belonged to a former mafia family, but...They were taken over so now it's safe here." She explained. Lyla pitched in,
"Taking a while to get repairs done though. The permits from the city sure do take a minute,"
You just agreed, slowly processing what they said. Once you were at your building, the two women followed you in. You offered your couch to Jessica, not wanting the pregnant women to move around too much.
Looking for your suitcase, both you and Lyla started to pack some of your stuff. Lyla reassured you that she could get a moving truck by tomorrow for some of your bigger things if you truly wanted to keep them.
"T-Thank you both...s-so much for t-today and...everything," You whispered and glanced over at Jessica, "A-And t-thank you...for...for watching me...at...at work."
"Heh, no problem girl. When Miguel cares for someone, he will make sure that you are always cared for."
You smiled brightly as you thanked the two once more. Right as you were going to bring down your bags, Lyla had the driver come and help. You offered everyone a quick drink before grabbing some of your stuffed animals and returning to the car.
"Can I just say, I was so surprised Miguel's place was covered in these little guys. You sure work wonders." Lyla chuckled. You covered your face, feeling embarassed,
"M-Miguel j-just kept buying them...H-He said he doesn't mind."
"Amazing. Anyway, why don't we take this Christmas shopping more seriously. Let's go find a gift for Miguel." Jessica said with a grin.
Eddie inhaled deeply as he watched you leave with the other two women. He threw his cigarettes' on the floor and exhaled. A large puff of smoke floating into the air as he snarled. At least now he finally found where you lived, but-
"That had to be her the other day." Eddie spat.
Frustrated that his former toy had found a new man to fuck, Eddie cussed and yelled. He kept his glare towards your building, knowing that eventually you had to come back. You were going to be his again. Eddie was a forgiving guy.
He could forgive you.
After a little lesson, of course.
Walking down the street, Eddie saw some homeless people cozying up by a trash fire. Approaching the small crowd, Eddie grinned from ear to ear as he took out a decent size bag of his new drug.
"Hey, fellas. Got a job for ya." Eddie offered.
Once a deal was struck, Eddie decided to head back to his base of operations. He needed to get things moving with his drug if he wanted to take over the city. As he walked down the snow covered streets, Eddie felt his phone go off.
"What's new?" Eddie answered before slowly coming to a stop, "Whoa, what do you mean you were bought out?! You're the owner! You can say no-"
Feeling as if he was being watched, Eddie hurried down the street. He cussed as he kept his conversation with the person on the other line. After a while, Eddie found a quiet and remote spot where those eyes disappeared.
"We had a deal. How are we supposed to distribute our drug across the city now?" Eddie hissed.
'We can still use the girl'
"Fuck it. We can still use (Y/N). Little slut can wiggle her way onto the other mafia leader laps to spread the drug. Tsk, and we wanted this to be easy," Eddie whispered to himself since he had hung up a while ago.
Stuffing his hands into his pockets, Eddie reached for a different looking cigarette. He lit it up and inhaled deeply before continuing to walk around the city.
"We can still use, (Y/N). We...can still use her."
next chapter
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emmafrostdefender · 1 month
crush | logan howlett x female reader
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hi everyone! i wrote this for fun. it'll probably turn into a series of small chapters while i write my more hefty logan fic. i hope you guys enjoy!
warnings: reader's kinda horny i guess, sexy man, based on crush by ethel cain, 1.5k words (i wrote this in like an hour)
You’d seen him around town. 
At the laundromat with the blinking fluorescent lights. At the dingy bar around the corner from the laundromat. At the gas station, filling up the tank of his red truck.
You never thought to say hi, never to engage with him in any way. 
He created such a stir when he first arrived. No one moved to your town unless something was truly wrong with them. Most of the men had leering gazes and dangerous intentions, but not him. Never him. You were in his vicinity frequently, but never once did he attempt what many others had. All failures, of course.
You lived contently in your grandmother’s old home, moving there after her cancer took a turn for the worst a few months ago. When she passed away quickly after that, she left the house to you and you decided to keep it. It still smelled like cigarettes, the stench burned into the walls and carpet, but the smell reminded you of childhood trips to Kansas. Those trips were scorched to the back of your eyelids, forever being replayed. Everything was the same as when you were a child; the small Mexican restaurant, the old movie theater, the arcade that closed seven years ago.
 Now, you sat behind the counter at the small antique shop you spent most of your days in. It was quaint, filled to the brim with every kind of knick-knack you could think of. There were crates filled with records and CDs, most scratched or completely unplayable. There were pieces of furniture, dusty mirrors, moth-eaten upholstery, chipped paint jobs, and broken hinges. The bookshelves that lined the walls of the store were stacked with books. You’d taken a few home in the past, knowing that they wouldn’t be missed.
And the clothes. There were racks on racks of vintage clothes. Most were out of fashion (even for the time they were made) or damaged. Still, you liked to play dress-up every so often. 
The job was boring and mundane, but it paid the bills. The family who owned the store didn’t seem to have time to keep up with the place, so you managed the inner-workings of it.
Today, you watched cars go by, wondering when would be the best time to cut your losses and close for the day. Some days you managed to get more than a few browsers, but today was not one of those days. You had one person come in around lunch, but they looked for about five minutes before heading out.
Your mind wandered as you watched people walk by the storefront.
You thought of him. The man you saw everywhere. The man who never spoke to you, not even to say, “Excuse me.”
The man that just walked through the front door.
Eyes widening, you sat up straighter and calmed your heartbeat that suddenly thundered in your ears. “Welcome in! Everything with a blue tag is sixty percent off today,” you said with a bright smile.
He simply looked over at you and then continued his perusal. 
You deflated. Harsh.
As he walked around the store, you felt like a live-wire. Every creak of the floorboards sent your heart spinning in your chest. You hadn’t felt like this about a man since you still called men boys. Being in your late twenties, that meant a very long time.
You grabbed a box of donations from the back room and moved to the floor to start stocking items on the shelves. You rationalized your decision to suddenly start restocking items after having a full day to do so by telling yourself that if you looked busy, he might feel inclined to buy something. You could nearly feel your nose growing by the second at that thought.
Moving through the rows of shelves and assorted items was second nature to you at this point, knowing where everything went in this mess of a store. You conveniently moved to the side of a shelf that viewed his aisle through gaps in the many items strung about. As you placed a silver mirror on the shelf, your gaze moved to watch his face on the other side of the rack. He was stunning.
You hadn’t had much time to analyze him; it was only small glances here and there in the time he’d been around. Now, you took your time. He was looking at an old book, bound in red fabric. It looked as if it had seen the bottom of a sewer. Luckily, he seemed to be making a careful inspection of the text, giving you enough time to look him over.
He was beautiful in a rugged kind of way. He looked like he worked with his hands; they were large and rough, with calluses around the fingers. His knuckles were prominent with sharp edges. You wondered what he did for a living. Did he move here to get away from city life? Was he a runaway circus performer? You internally smacked yourself in the head for the stupid thought. 
He’d probably make the circus look sexy, though.
He had a large figure hidden by a flannel and white t-shirt. His attire pointed to him being a worker of the land. A farmer, maybe. That would check out with the truck you'd seen him driving around in. Always covered in mud with logs of wood piled high in the back. 
His hair was a rich brown and you wanted to dig your fingers into it. You wanted to feel his beard against your skin.
What the hell is wrong with me?
You don’t have sex for so long that your brain goes fuzzy at the idea of a stranger’s beard scratching your neck. God. Get a grip.
You straighten your back and continue restocking things. Play it cool.
Soon, you fell into the rhythm of it, nearly forgetting the other person in the room. You moved to the bookshelves, loading more books onto the already strained wood. People really needed to stop donating things to you and start actually buying things. You’d be out of business by next summer. 
As soon as you realized you needed to go back to the stock room to grab another box, you heard a grunt behind you. You nearly jumped out of your skin. You dropped the box you were holding and faced the man. Your mystery man.
He was so close, you could smell him. He smelled like smoke and sweat. You felt yourself salivate.
You looked him in the eyes for the first time. “Do you need help?” You asked quietly, scared that he’d run off if you spoke too loud, like a wounded animal. 
“How much for this?” He asked, keeping your gaze. His voice was smooth.
You looked down to his hands, which were holding the book he had been examining earlier. “It doesn’t have a price tag?”
He shook his head. 
Now you felt like you were being held under a microscope. The way his eyes ran over your face made you go red; you hadn’t felt this flustered because of a man in a long time. 
“Okay, I can check at the front,” you said, keeping your quiet tone.
He just grunted again and followed as you led him to the register. You had a book of all the prices for things so that you could properly mark them. If you didn’t have the vague feeling that you were going to explode at any moment, you’d know off the top of your head the price of that tiny book. It was about the size of his hand, making you bite the inside of your cheek. 
You opened the book and searched for the page with book prices. When you found the page, you ran your finger down the list.
Small = $1.99
When you looked up at him, you jumped a little. He was looking at you with such intensity, you’d thought he was going to have an aneurysm. It made your cheeks flush again, but you cleared your throat and said, “It’s $1.99. With tax, it’ll be $2.30.”
He nodded, putting the book down on the counter as he reached for his wallet. You read the book title: Frankenstein. “I love Mary Shelley,” you said as you reached for a brown paper bag. 
He looked at you, his expression not revealing anything.
For some reason, you decided to keep talking. “It’s such a perfect analysis of ‘how far is too far’ in science and experimentation. I loved reading it in high school, I think you’ll really enjoy it,” you said, not particularly needing a response. 
He placed the exact change due on the counter and looked you in the eyes as he said, “Thank you.”
Your heart fluttered. “You’re welcome…” You trailed off, hoping to God that he’d tell you his name.
He thought about it for a moment. “It’s Logan.”
You smiled. “I’m glad you stopped by, Logan.” You introduced yourself. It would be nice to have another person to say ‘hi’ to on the street. And you imagined he was thinking the same thing.
His face didn’t jump into a smile, but it didn’t look as harsh as it did when he first walked in. 
And so began your crush on the stoic man who moved to town.
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kilojulietsierra · 2 months
When You Touch Me Like That (Jake "Hangman" Seresin x fem!massage therapist reader)
Self indulgent maybe, but who wouldn't want to get there hands on this man!?
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Your boyfriend visits you at work and suddenly can't get his mind of one specific thing.
Warnings: 18+ only content, established relationship, jealousy, inappropriate massage therapist behavior, consensual kink, sexy massage, happy ending, unprotected pinv, dirty talk, very hands on...
He had brought you lunch that day. That's how this all had started. He'd hung out in the front office, the girl working the front desk said you were finishing up with an appointment and that you'd be right out. So he'd hung out in the office and waited.
Not long after he heard a door close softly and another door close a moment later. He could hear water running for a long while and then a few minutes later you appeared.
"Jake!" Your face lit up when you saw him and it did his ego good. "What are you doing here?"
Jake was in civilian clothes; boots, jeans and a size too small t-shirt with Wayfairers hooked in the collar, "Out early today, knew who had a busy day so…" He held up a to go bag from your favorite Deli
"God bless you." You walked straight up to him for a kiss and to retrieve your lunch.
"BLT with avocado and an egg, extra runny." He smiled as you took the bag from him to inspect, "Don't worry chips and salsa too."
By this point one of the other therapists had finished an appointment and was talking to the young lady she had been working on. The two of them and the front desk receptionist all seemed to be staring on in envy and Jake couldn't help but play it up a bit. Then he saw the man come down the hallway and walk up to you. He was an older man, definitly older than you, and Jake would guess older than himself as well.
"Thank's hon, amazing as always."
Jake watched him as he walked out the door, hackles raised.
"I'm sorry we're so busy, otherwise I'd say we could eat together." Your voice snapped him out of his murderous thoughts.
"I know darlin," He bent down to drop a kiss on your forehead, "Me and some of the guys are gonna meet up at O'hargens in a bit, I'll get some wings there."
"Day drinking on a weekday? Careful Lieuteant." You had given him a cheeky smile and one last kiss, "Thank you, I love you, have fun."
"Love you too, still want me to come over tonight?"
"Of course," You rolled your eyes a little but still smiled, "Don't get tou turnt up."
Jake smiled and slid his glasses on, "Please, Ferg is the one you gotta watch out for. I'm a boy scout."
Out in the parking lot Jake was still smiling. Until he saw the guy again.
Your appointment. He was sitting in his camaro with the top down and sweat already seeping through his shirt in the Pensacola sun.
Jake eyed the man as he walked to his truck and waited for him to pull out of the parking lot first. Jealousy wasn't something Jake dealt with often, only when it came to you. Mostly when someone was looking a little more than he cared for. Occasionally when Jake remembered that your job included touching people, specifically asshats like that guy.
The whole way to the bar Jake had been grinding his teeth, thinking about that guy and that he called you hon, apparently was a regular, and Jake was certain he wasn't getting regular massages for chronic back pain. Then somehow after a few beers with the boys from the squadron a wire had gotten crossed in his brain.
Which is how he ended up looking away from the game on tv and over to you where you were reading at the other end of the couch. "Darlin, would you give me a massage tonight?"
"Sure babe," You paused for a minute to finish a sentence in your book before looking up, "You sore or something?"
Your hands were amazing and you gave the best massages, Jake was lucky and he knew that. He had free access to you for every ache and pain a hard day of training or flying might cause.
Tonight though, that wasn't why he was asking. "No, not like that. Just... " Now that he'd started this he realized there was no good way to ask for what he wanted. "I mean, like, like a sexy massage."
You chuckled, you looked confused, but you gave him a smile. "Jake, what are you talking about?" As soon as the words left your mouth realization dawned on you, "Ohhh..." You looked him over carefully, "You mean like rub your back before we have sex?"
Jake dropped his head back against the couch, "Know what, don't worry about it, it was just a dumb idea anyway."
"What? No, babe" You scooted over to his side of the couch, "I think I'm just not understanding what you mean."
"Promise not to make fun of me?"
"I mean... no more than normal." You laughed but Jake accepted that answer with a sideways glance.
"So, I got a little jealous after leaving your work today, and then the more I thought about it..."
"Jake, you know when it comes to clients..."
"I know babe, that doesn't meen I don't...can't get Jealous." You both shared a knowing look, Jake was territorial to say the least. "Anyway I had a few drinks with the guys and I started thinking about something else..." When you didn't respond Jake took a deep breath and continued, "I mean like a happy ending kind of massage."
Now it was obvious you understood what he meant this time. You sat there, legs crossed on the couch next to him, and contemplated a few things. "Does that turn you on? Thinking about that."
"Apparently." Jake felt a little embarrassed and couldn't meet your eye.
"Since when?"
"I don't know, about 12:45 this afternoon."
That made her laugh a little, "Do you mean like role play? Or..."
Jake looked at her finally, "No, not like that. I just..." He looked at her hands and lost his train of thought.
"Jake," You brought his attention back and moved closer to him on the couch, now sitting on your knees with your elbow braced against the back of the seat. "You know how sometimes in bed... my brain kind of short circuts and I need something but can't get it out." When he continued to stare at the celining but nodded, you continued, "You make me slow down and take a minute, until I can tell you what I want." His eyes dart to yours and he nods again. "This is a time where you need to slow down and tell me what you want."
He sighed deeply and stared back at the football game, "It sounds stupid now that I'm trying to say it out loud."
You smiled, "I said the exact same thing the night I came back from my birthday party." You smirked when that brought his attention back, you could see him biting the inside of his cheek, "Remember how drunk and silly I sounded trying to explain to you what I wanted? Y'know the thing with the scarves and your..."
"Oh I remember." Jakes smirk doubled, relishing the tinge of pink in your cheeks.
"Well, that ended up not being stupid at all did it?" You asked as you moved to straddle his lap.
His hands grabbing your hips on reflex alone he grinned, "Definitly not stupid."
Your weight settled on his thighs you grinned back, "Now it's your turn, so spill."
Jake leaned against the door to your bedroom as he watched you change for bed. Nervous as he may be he still smirked to himself knowing full well if everything went well, you wouldn't need clothes to sleep in. "You're sure this isn't…" He momentarily trailed off as you shimmied out of your cut offs and did not replace them. "This isn't, like demeaning or objectifying or like, crossing some sort of boundary?"
You laughed and gave him a big bright smile as you crossed your bedroom to where he stood. "You know how I really," You ran your hands up his chest to wrap around his neck, "Really like when you come home in your uniform and let me… help you get undressed?"
He grinned and set his hands on your hips, "I do."
"Well, I think it's kinda like that." You scratched your nails over the back of his neck and smiled up at him.
Jake leaned down to kiss you, "You're amazing, y'know that right?"
"Mhmm," You grinned into the kiss and then pulled back the slightest bit, "Now, take your clothes off and get on the bed."
With a hint of a groan he pulled away, already turned on, "Yes ma'am."
When you came back from the bathroom with Jake's favorite lotion, which he denied to the bitter end, you found him face down in the middle of your bed, naked and tense. You couldn't help but giggle to yourself as you approached, "You look a little tense there lieutenant."
"Don't tease me darlin'." Jake grumbled into the pillow, arms folded beneath him.
As you climbed onto the bed and straddled his lower back, just as you normally did when you gave him a backrub, the thought occured to you that this was, actually, very different. Lotion in your hands you admired the expanse of muscle before you. "Thought that's what you wanted." You ignored his warning as you made the first firm stroke over his back, a palm on either side of his spine.
The muscles under your hands shivered and flexed and Hangman let out a groan, "Your hands are amazing."
Your cheeks flushed, you bit your lip as you worked over his lower back, up along his spine to his shoulders. You scooted back enough that you could dig your thumbs into the divots at the base of his spine.
Jake was always vocal in bed, but the way he groaned and ground his hips into the mattress emboldened you. You licked your lips and leaned down close, your chest pressed to his back as you whispered in his ear. "Feel good?"
"So fucking good." He groaned, face buried directly into the pillow, hips grinding more as you kissed and mouthed at his neck while your hands stroked over his bulging biceps.
How had you never done this before?
Bracing you hands against his shoulders you pushed yourself back up to a sitting position and began to work your way down his back. When you paused for more lotion you couldn't help but enjoy the way he fidgeted beneath you. LIke he was chasing after your hands, after your touch. You scooted back over his thighs and bit your lip, fighting back a grin as you swept your hands up his sides, strong fingers curling into his ribs and raking their way down over his waist and hips.
You continued down until you were at the backs of his thighs and then reversed direction and stroked over each of his glutes. His hips bucked into the mattress even as his muscles clenched under your touch, "Not that kind of massage darlin'."
You giggled as you drug your nails down over the small of his back and then over each ass cheek, "Maybe some other time."
Again, his hips rolled beneath you, but this time he chuckled. His voice muffled by the pillow he responded, "We'll see."
You continued to knead your way up his back so you could kiss and nip along his neck and shoulders, sucked his earlobe between your lips as moved one hand to stroke up and down the back of his neck before carding your fingers into his hair and massaging his scalp. While he continued to moan in to the pillow and writhe beneath you you smiled and whispered, "Roll over for me baby."
He moved so fast he nearly tipped you over.
You giggled as he steadied you by the hips only for you to swat his hands away, "No, touching."
Jake rolled his eyes, but let his hands settle plam down on the comforter. You purposefully moved to settle yourself over his lower abs, barely brushing his erection as you moved. He let out a long breath like it would help him keep his composure as your hands sarted back into his shoulders only from the front this time. Your thumbs tracing along his collar bone several times before you lifted one arm.
You moved it so his hand would rest on your shoulder as you massaged the muscles of his foream, his biceps and triceps and then back in long languid movements. You couldn't help but hum approvingly as the hand at you shoulder lazily moved to grip the back of you neck. Jakes thumb stroking over your pulse point in time with your massage.
You repeated the same with his other arm, your resolve to drag this out chipped slightly as he again took a gentle hold of your neck and caressed your skyrocketing pulse with the pad of a rough thumb.
"What happened to no touchin'?" Jake teased, his cocky tone a stark contrast to the half lidded eyes he gazed up at you with. Biting your lip you leaned forward, down, into the pressure of his thumb. His grip on your throat shiffting automatically as he held you.
After a brush of your lips over his, and the slight increase in pressure around your throat, you whispered, "Did I say that?"
He chuckled, squeezed your throat a little tighter as he kissed you, "You sure did."
"Oops." You winked at him as you easily broke his grip on your throat to pin his hand above his head.
Jake took the hint and brought his other up to join it, folding his hands behind his head and cursing under his breath when your hands began to work over his pecs. His hips jerked each time your thumbs would swipe over one of his erect nipples. "Fuck baby." His eyes were closed and the muscles under your hands flexed and tightened.
You couldn't help but lean down and lick over one and then suck, like he so often did to you. "Jesus, fuck..." A hand dug into your hair and clamped your mouth in place for a moment, urging you to continue licking and sucking at his nipple, biting it not so gently with your teeth before soothing the sting away with your tongue.
Then he was dragging you back up his body for a kiss. "No touching, remember?" You mumbled into his mouth.
He nearly growled at you in return, "I should have specified sweetheart, happy ending for me means I cum in your perfect, tight little pussy. Not all over my stomach." He kissed you again, his tongue sweeping through your mouth, his grip on your hair keeping your face smashed against his.
A giggle escaped, "This turning you on that much baby?" You pushed aside to kiss and lick your way down his neck, "I'm not even halfway done yet."
Jake spit out another, "Jesus Christ." As you licked over his opposite nipple and then began to trace the lines of his abs with your thumbs. You pushed back, over his cock, the feel of it hot and hard and oh so ready for you tempting, but you slid further, ignoring the way the his entire body rolled as you did so. His hand in your hair tightened quickly and then relaxed, like he caught himself.
You traded your thumbs for your tongue as you began to lick at the planes of his six pack, earning more cursing and another roll of his hips that had his cock pressing against your stomach. In response you moved to straddle one of his thighs and ground down against it, long and slow. Your wetness spreading over it as you finally, truly crossed over that line to make this way more than just a massage.
"Fuck, you're so damn wet darlin', I can feel it." His thigh flexed beneath you and his abs fluttered under your lips. He was not wrong, you were soaked, drenched, leaving a smear of arousal over his thigh. The coarse hair and thick muscle of it doing terrible things to your own self control.
"This the kind of massage you wanted Lieutenant?" Your own voice was breathy as you had made it to nip and kiss at his hip bone, your hips 'massaging' his thigh faster and harder.
"Yes, yeah baby, your hands," Which were currently occupied dragging your nails lighlty down his chest over and over, "Your mouth, fuck baby your pussy feels so good rubbin' on me like that." He thrust up against you again, chasing some sort of friction, some form of relief. His hands moved to the shoulders of your t-shirt. His t-shirt. "Take this shit off."
He drug the fabric off your body with no assistance from you and groaned when you shifted enough to let his cock brush against the soft, bare skin of your breast. WIth a long, wide lick you traced one side of the sharp cut v at his lower abdomen and he thrust against you again. When you moved, scrambled to settle on his other thigh and begin to give it the same treatment, you moved and licked another path up the opposite side of the v and Jake lifted his thigih slightly to add pressure.
"Need you to touch me darlin'." It almost sounded like there was a please at the end of that sentence that he couldn't quite bring himself to say outloud.
You smiled against his hp, "I am touching you babe." You registered the bolt of pleasure that shot through you before you really realized that it came from the harsh slap Hangman had laid across your ass.
You moaned and bucked forward, his thigh chasing you and causing you to hump aginst it even harder. "Smartass." He grumbled even as both hands settled on your ass to squeeze and caress the sting away. "Touch me."
The moan escaped without your permission and you realized you were going to cum. You were well and truly humping his thigh, riding it with your thighs spread wide and your clit rubbing over the muscle. "Oh shit, Jake, fuck..."
He realized too, one hand moving to grab yours and guiding you to his balls, "Go ahead sweetheart, cum for me, be a good girl and cum for me," His larger hand encouraged you to squeeze his balls, massage them the way he liked.
"You're supposed to...' A tremor cut your words off as the knot spun and spun low in your gut.
Jake chuckled, strangled as it was, "It's okay, you first then you can finish my massage, go ahead darlin', go ahead, that's right." He continued to encourage you as you chased your orgasm, riding his leg harder and faster, your grip on his balls tightening as the pleasure crashed into you.
Jakes free hand stroked over your back as you came down, soft and soothing even as his cock twitched with need in front of you.
He smirked, "C'mere baby girl." He used the hand at your back to pull you up into a kiss while his other hand continued to hold yours around his balls. His fingers working with yours to roll and tug at them. Jake kissed you like he ate you out, his mouth wide and shoving his tongue deep, licking his way into every opening until you were even more of a moaning mess. "Need a minute?" He asked, voice a whisper when he finally pulled back.
You gave him a hallf giddy, hafl shy smile, "Why is this so hot?"
His smile grew, "I don't know, but I love that it got you off to baby." He kissed you again.
"Now it's your turn." You returned the kiss, "In this new fantasy of yours, how do I finish your little massage?" J
ake groaned, "Can I take back what I said earlier? About the roll play thing?" His smile was wide and happy but his green eyes were dark, pupils blown wide.
"Next time." You picked his lips.
He nodded, "Okay." He dropped his head back into the pillows and rolled his hips experimentlaly, smirking again when you shivered, "Want that wrecked little pussy to massage my cock baby. Grind on it like you did my leg, rub it real nice and firm. Want you to get off on it."
You bit your lip and hummed, slipped your hand away from his and his balls to drag a light finger up the length of him. "Thought you wanted to come inside me?"
"Oh, I'm gonna." He chuckled, deep and low in his chest, "You let me worry about that."
All you could do was whine in anticipation as you settled in place, your thighs wide over his hips as you lined up the hadrness of his cock between your lower lips and began to move. You were so sensitive and so wet that every inch of him was nearly too much. Forget that he wasn't even inside you.
All you were doing was rocking your hps, guiding your still trembling pussy from the base to the tip, pressing his cock between the two of you and biting your lip as the familiar sensation sitrred to life within you. You moved your hands to his torso, doing your best to move them like you had before. Slow, firm steady strokes meant to losen the muscle and drive him crazy at the same time.
Then Hangman began to match the motion of your hips with his own. An image flashed through your mind as his hips bucked up into yours, his abs contraciting under your touch with each snap of his hips. The idea of Jake on your table at work, the dim lights, the music, the incense and his skin warm and slick with oil. Your eyes fell closed. He would look so strained, like he was fighting to keep his composure, his control. He would have to keep quiet, you both would or someone would hear you.
It would be so unprofessional, but so hot. As a shiver skittered up your spine you leaned down, your hands sliding over his abs, brushing his nipples on the way up his hard chest. You placed your lips against his ear and tossed your earlier statement out the window. "I'm so embarrassed Lieutenant Seresin." You let out a shaky breath that was only slightly played up, "I don't..." You rocked your hips down hard, "I don't do this with clients, I don't know what came over me, you just... you just look so good, feel so good..."
"Holy fuck." Jakes hands dug into your hips and drug you down over his cock, hard. He swallowed audibly, "Oh sweetheart..." He stretched beneath you, fighting off a wave of pleasure, "Don't be embarrassed." He turned his head so he could mouth at your neck, "Can't help myself when you touch me, you make me so hard, so horny. You're such a good girl I know you don't do this for anyone but me do you?"
"Just you." Your hips stuttered and you wrapped your arms around his neck, "Nobdoy else, just you."
Jake growled, "You only get naked for me don't you?" He was thrusting up into in earnest now, sliding you back and forth over his cock, the head catching against your clit every so often causing you to whine. "You only touch me like this. You only get this needy for me."
"Fuck, yes just for you. I can't help it." "Neither can I sweeheart, can I have that pussy sweetheart? Your mouth feels so good, your hands feel so good, want to feel what that pussy can do."
You fought to keep up the act, "I shouldn't..."
His grip on you tightened, "Just for me darlin', it can be our little secret."
For whatever reason that gets you, so you push yourself up as much as you can and take him in your hand. Trying not to feel silly you stroke the length of him, "It's so big, and hard, it does look like it hurts."
You catch him grin and you know that even though he's nearly out of his mind with how bad he wants to fuck you, the line is cheesy and such a cheap porno thing to say but he loves it. "It hurts so bad baby, make it feel better for me, please sweetheart"
As soon as you nod he as you impaled on his cock and begins fucking up into you. The act was gone completely as he drags you down into an obscene kiss, "You're so fucking good to me baby." His hips are snapping into yours so hard and so fast, that he has to lock his arms around you to keep you in place, "You playing it up for me?"
You nod into his neck, words a mix of strgangled moans and syllables, "It, oh fuck Jake, I kind of like it."
"Damn baby," He grunts as he gives in and rolls you to your back, slamming into you, "Just for me? Just for me, right?"
Your eyes roll back in your head with the way his body and his words are overwhelming you, "Only you Jake, only you, only you..." Your mind shorts out, unable to say anything else as your nails dig into the muscles of his back, warm and smooth where you had stroked over them early, only now to claw deep red welts into him as you cum again with a straingled moan.
Jake has his face inches from yours, watching as you bounce and writhe beneath him and as your pussy clenches down on his cock and he feels the first wave of your orgasm hit he burries himelf deep and cries out your name. Over and over again between grunts and groans as he empties himself into you.
You can see the marks on his back from your spot in bed, your heart just now starting to slow, no longer pounding in your ears. You watch him at the sink where he rinises himself off quickly with the tap water as it warms. Not for the first time you wonder just how the fuck he is so good looking. Then when he catches you looking, his eyes dancing and his grin cocky but his overall expression goofy and satisfied you wonder how the fuck he is so in love with you. Jake gives you a wink as he tests the water and then dunks a rag under it.
When he comes back into the room to clean you up, it's a struggle to keep your eyes open as he works the rag over you. He takes longer than he needs, wiping down places where he never spilled a drop, just for the excuse to return a little bit of the favor. The hot towel and pressure of his hand soothing as it stroked over your hips and thighs before he dipped it between your legs.
With your eyes closed the kiss he drops against the dip of your hip makes you jump and he huffs out a warm laugh that slides over your skin.
"What?" You ask, voice barely a whisper.
"Just thinkin' how God damn lucky I am." He places another kiss an inch over. Not sexual in anyway, only adoring.
You chuckle, "I had just been thinking the same thing." You comb a hand through his already disheveled, golden hair and smile. "You're so lucky."
He laughs and nips at your hip bone before soothing it with a kiss. Then he's off the bed and back to the bathroom. Then the room is dark and the bed dips as he crawls in beside you. "Were you really…" His voice is just shy of steady, "Were you really thinkin' about it?"
You schoot back, smiling as he wraps his arms tighter, "Yeah…" You breath deep, "Just kind of, came over me."
Jake nodded behind you and placed a kiss to the side of your neck, "I wouldn't ever ask you to do this outside of the bedroom. You know that right?"
THe smile on your face widens, "I know Jake. I wouldn't mind doing it for your again, just so you know."
He hums, obviously pleased. "Next time you could call me Commander Seresin."
"Not until your promotion is official flyboy." You tease him, shifting your ass back against him as well.
He laughs again, deep and sincere and smooths a hand down your side to keep your hips close. "You didn't mind calling me Admiral when I put on my dress whites and tied you to the bed." He teased, nipping at the shell of your ear, "Sounded so pretty, all drunk and horny, calling me Sir and asking me to put a baby in you…"
You elbowed him hard in the ribs, "Well, the next time I call you Admiral OR ask you to… do that, there better be a Mrs. Seresin to go with it."
Jake turned you to face him and kissed you, slow and deep. "Don't tease me darlin'."
"I would never." You kiss him back, grinning into it until you pull back, "Never about that."
He kisses you again, "Admiral and Mrs. Seresin… is it bad i'm gettin' hard just thinkin' about it."
You shove him onto his back with a laugh, "You realize we'll be like.. what? In our fifties, at least."
His smile was wide and his dimples showed even in the dark of your bedroom. "If we hurry and get those babies on the way, they'd be out of the house by then…"
"We are not havin' babies until you are on permanent shore duty Hangman, you hear me."
"So, what you're sayin' is; I've got a few more years to get all the kinky shit out of my system?" He licked his lips and gave you a look.
"And to sort out that jealous boyfirend thing." You chided him.
"Darlin'," He pulled you down into a kiss, "You let me give you my last name, I won't have nothin' to be jealous of."
You kissed him again, nipped at his bottom lip as you pulled back and settled your head onto his chest. His arms coming around you again made you sigh in contentment.
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought!
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ryker-writes · 1 year
damn that leech sibling post really made me wanna make them sad, so can i request a scenario where reader starts ghosting them? basically just dodging them and their attempts at conversation, and one day the leech twins hear reader trash talking them. perfectly okay if you can’t!
I'm actually glad I get to do another part to the Leech twins one. This branches off from the original post
For those who didn't see the original leech twins sibling angst, you can find it here
Request rules and Masterlists
Leech Twins as siblings (Broken relationship: No forgiveness ending)
the two of them were spending an awful lot of time around you today and insisting on doing whatever you wanted to do
there wasn't any teasing or insults either
it was very...suspicious
you knew of Azul's magic with making contract and how clever they were at luring people in
so you were a little concerned that they wanted you to sign a contract
deciding not to dance around it you asked
"Are you guys trying to get me to sign a contract or something?"
Floyd was very blunt with his response
"Eh? What would we even need from you? You already work for Azul"
Jade was more polite
"We simply wanted to spend some time with you is all."
he smiled, but it wasn't his menacing one
it was a more genuine smile
they genuinely wanted to spend more time with you
but it was far too late for that
after years and years of being cast aside by the entire family and being called the boring little sibling by everyone was already enough
but then they had you working yourself nearly to the point of passing out every other day, all while they continued to make fun of you
and after all of that, they wanted to try and spend time with you now?
you're too tired to deal with this
to deal with them
you just can't anymore
so, without a word, you just turned and walked away from them
from then on, you did everything you could to avoid them
for about a week after that, Jade made consistent efforts to try and talk to you
he would often try to create conversation during your shifts at the lounge
usually it was about orders or certain customers
each time, you never responded or even looked at him, and continued working
but he was persistent and kept trying every chance he got
it's because of his persistence, everything that happened, and their presence at all that you decided to quit your job with the lounge
no longer would you see them on a daily basis
that's what you hoped
not to long after that you noticed Floyd "coincidentally" passing you in the halls or needing something from your classroom
and of course, he had to try and talk to you while you were there
you made a point to leave the room or pass right by him whenever you saw him
as soon as you left you could hear him grumble and sigh behind you
you were beyond exhausted of them at this point
each day they tried to talk to you seemed to chip away at your nerves
it didn't take long for you to finally express how over it you were
they finally gave up after hearing you talk to one of your classmates
the classmate mentioned wanted help with some of the tougher homework from class
they thought you were still associated with the twins and the lounge, so they came to you asking if your brothers or Azul would be able to help since they seemed smart
at that, you laughed
"Smart? I wouldn't call them that. If they've convinced you that they're smart, then they've managed to manipulate you just like they do everyone else. Those two can't even tell when someone doesn't want anything to do with them. They're pests that don't go away."
sure it may have seemed mean from an outsiders perspective
but they heard it, and they got the point
after growing up being the outsider, constantly ignored in the family, and deemed the boring sibling, they got a little taste of what you went through
but of course, they would never be able to feel the full extent of pain you went through because of them
they completely stopped trying to talk to you after that and finally, you could be away from them
there wouldn't be any chance of them hurting you again now
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yandere-paramour · 1 month
Kinda funny ask, but what if your yandere’s darlings get up to midnight shenanigans. How would your yanderes react?
(I personally have no idea what you mean by midnight shenanigans so I am assuming you mean Darling is up eating snacks and watching TV and otherwise not sleeping)
Atalanta is a pretty heavy sleeper, but if she reached over in the middle of the night and you weren't there, she would wake up concerned, alarmed, and PISSED. Her first thought is that you've tried to run away, and she tears out of the room with thoughts of sending a manhunt after you. But then she hears a theme song coming from the screening room and she slinks in to find you eating chips at 3am while watching anime. She's not really angry anymore, just kinda confused as fuck. What ensues is a small conversation like what are you doing, watching TV, it's 3am, I know, ... Go to bed. Atalanta is strict about your health and this is not good for you, so she's ordering you back to bed. If you truly cannot sleep, she will give you some melatonin and probably a lecture about how simply lying down is also restful. So, Ata is not the kind of person to have midnight fun with.
Vivien is a pretty light sleeper, but let's say today that he had a hard day at work and he was really tired. When he rolls over to try and cuddle you (and smother you in his running-too-hot body), and he doesn't find you, he would instantly be awake and so upset, calling your name and trying to find you. He's got the blanket around his shoulders and his hair is so messy and he just looks like a little kid who's working up the courage to tell his mom he threw up. When he finds you watching tv on the couch, he's a little too tired to join you in this fun, but he'll be damned if you'll be lonely. Scoot over, he's coming in. He'll wrap his large body around you and get in the perfect cuddle position, then conk right tf out. It's kind of nice, he loves you so much. Oh and when he wakes up the next morning, he's so confused as to how the two of you ended up on the couch covered in Doritos when you went to bed normally.
Noelle is an insomniac with terrible sleeping habits (Partly Atalanta's fault), so she's probably not sleeping to begin with. If you want to sit around and watch TV and eat snacks in the early hours of the morning, she'll join you. She'll be working/hacking on her laptop or reading the whole time, but she'll be cuddled up right next to you. This is so bad for her though, she already has so little time to sleep. She'll match you night for night with seemingly no effects except a slight increase in the caffeine shakes, but she won't complain. If it becomes a regular thing and she's really really exhausted, you might be privy to seeing her curled into a tiny ball, quietly dozing on your shoulder. Never mention this though, she'll get very embarrassed about that.
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lefthandedhotch · 1 year
linnnn <3333 hello <333 it's still Warm outside but it is a cold fall in my heart🥺💔 and i baked today and made bread🥰🥰🥰 it's very good and will most definitely Not last the rest of the week🤭🤭🤭 all i can think about is baking with jack and aaronnnnn <3333 jack getting little flour handprints Every Where!!!!!!!! aaron sneaking a taste of the batter when you turn away and you playfully scolding him because of the raw egg in the mix🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 UGH <333333 i luv them :(
thinking about single mom neighbor reader and this is your first fall being aaron's neighbor and it's so cozy because he and jack invite you and your little girl over almost every day to do many fall activities <3 aaron starts taking tupperware full of baked goods to work to share with not only the team but anyone who stops at the kitchenette on the sixth floor🤭 because you and jack and your little girl cant help but make so many yummy snacks!!!🤭🤭🤭 aaron loves coming home to his once lonely apartment and immediately being greeted with giggles and chatter and wonderful scents instead of silence🥺🥺🥺🥺 he makes his way to his kitchen which would always sit so clean and tidy and he welcomes the mess of flour and sugar and chocolate chips scattered all over the counters because then he's greeted with two little bug wrapping themselves around his legs and Spewing!!!! out alllllll of their thoughts to him while you look over and hide your giggles behind your hand as they talk over each other :'))) aaron bends down and greets them both before making his way over to you to say hello (you two arent dating (yet👀) so your greetings to each other are always soooo shy and silly🤭) with a hug that last sooo long but not long enough😔 while the goodies bake in the oven, the kids run to jack's room to play while aaron helps you clean up (you always apologize for leaving a mess, but he always tells you it's not an issue :') <3) while waiting, aaron pours you a drink and you two share the wine glass while he tells you about his day <3 when he mentions that it got better when he came home to see you and your daughter with jack, you playfully ask if there's anything else you can do to make it Even Better and he nods and leans in for a sweettttt kiss <3 you enthusiatically kiss back because you've wanted this for soooo long and he snorts after you two pull away and asks "cookie dough?" and you get all flustered because he caught you🤭 sneaking a bit of cookie dough even though you've told him to not do that!!!!🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 jack and your little girl come back, jack babbling to you about his little drawings while your little girl asks aaron to pick her up because "i missed you, mister aawon🥺💞" he holds her so close and tells her he missed her too you get all :') because this is all you couldve ever asked for!!!!!!! a sweet little blended family of love and happiness and warmth <33
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also ily linny :3 mwah💞💞
hiiiiiiii my jess-jess ilysmmmmm MWAH! 🤭🤭🤭💕💕💕 EEEEEK i’m glad your bread turned out so yummy!!!! it’s chilly cold fall in my heart too🥰🥰🥰 plsssssss the baking boys 🥺🥺🥺🥺 they’re so silly :(( i luv them :((
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aaron is stuck in Booooooring budget meetings all day long :/ and on a regular day he just suffers in silence listening to stuffy higher ups in the bureau explain Why his team needs Less money (despite aaron’s very organized arguments that they need More money 😔) but between two of the last of his very boring meetings near the end of the day, he gets a text from you with a picture of the kiddos rolling out cookie dough at his kitchen table with the caption “professional bakers at work 🤭☺️” and as he sits through his last meeting he’s Positive that time has absolutely never ever gone this slow 😔💔💔💔💔 now that he knows he’s gonna come home to laughter and silliness and fun and the sweet scent of your yummy baked goods filling the air, it’s nearly impossible for him to get through this meeting 😩😩😩 but!!!!! he makes it through!!!!! and escapes before any of the stuffy higher ups can corner him to talk about whatever little things they need to discuss so he can get home as quick as possible!! the little bugs are sooooooooo excited when they hear aaron’s key in the lock when he gets home and you get those little butterflies that always seem to linger when aaron’s around as he steps into the room with two bugs running around his legs and that sweet grin on his lips 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 that evening, while the kiddos are snoozing on the couch after movie night on a sugar crash from all the yummy cookies they snacked on 🤭 you and aaron press sooooooooo close into each other on the balcony, whispering and kissing and making plans to go on your first Official date that weekend (while jack and your lil girl go for a play date at willifer’s house with henry 🥰) and when you kiss aarons cheek so so softly and whisper “i really really like you, aaron 🥺💕💕💕” he feels his heart thud so hard because he’s just so so damn happy to have this life with you and the little family you guys are making together 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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acotrash · 2 years
How each batboy helps you with stress
Azriel can always tell how stressed you are when you bake
It’s really the only time you bake apart from the holidays
And you have a big assignment coming up. So instead of preparing for it, you’re making chocolate chip cookies
They’re easy and simple enough and they’re Azriel’s favorite, a classic
“(Y/N)?” Azriel came home, concerned with how you were doing, the apartment a mess all spilling from the kitchen
You call out, distracted as you try to remove the cookie sheet from the oven, slightly catching your wrist on the edge of the cookie sheet, burning your wrist
You yelp in pain, cutting the line of curse words threatening to fall from your lips as you drop the pan on the floor, running over to run cold water on your wrist
Azriel runs into the kitchen after that, assessing the scene in front of him, he steps on the cookies in a rush to get to you, pulling you into his chest
You try to push him away, needing to clean up the cookies he’s successfully tracked all over your floor, the mess you made in the kitchen, your assignment you still need to do, your mind won’t stop running
He tugs you back into his chest, cupping your chins to force you to look at him, swiping under your eyes with his thumb, that makes you realize you’re crying
“What’s wrong (y/n)?” He asks softly and that’s what does it, your terrible day spilling from your lips as you explain your lack of motivation for your assignment leading up to the idea to make cookies
He listens intently, not interrupting you once
When you do finish he nods, placing a gentle kiss to your wrist before fishing an ice pack from the freezer
He clears off a space at the kitchen counter for you, a place for you to do your assignment while he cleans up the kitchen for you, and then starts to cook something
You finish the assignment just as he’s pouring you a glass of wine, jumping up from the stool at the counter
He’s very proud, smiling as he takes you back in his arms, promising to take you out for a chocolate chip cookie
Cassian knows you don’t sleep when you’re stressed
Coffee mugs litter your nightstand
You always try to be discrete about it so you don’t wake up
You had an assignment due in a week and you didn’t like how it was turning out
Cassian woke up to to you in the kitchen, fighting with the coffee machine
“(Y/N) what are you doing?” He was sleepy, there was a cowlick at the back of his head and his eyes weren’t opened all the way, he dropped to the stool in the kitchen. You felt terrible
“I’ll be back up in a second Cass” you promised, but he waited till the coffee was done brewing and you made your way back to bed.
He tried to stay up with you, laying his head on your shoulder while you worked by the light of your laptop, he asked questions about what the assignment was about. But he fell asleep, his soft snores right in your ear
The next day, Cassian came home early with a game plan
He pulled you away from your laptop, ignoring your protests that you need to continue working, he just reaches around you shutting the lid down, smirk on his mouth
“We’re gonna have some fun today” is all he said before disappearing in the room, pulling out clothes for you to change into
It’s workout gear, he drags you to the gym, you probably needed a break but you weren’t happy to go to the gym. Cassian on the other hand is very happy
You spend an hour there, letting him train you, not letting you leave till you’re sore and sweaty and you absolutely cannot even lift your arms to type a single sentence on your laptop
You look over at him, his hair that fall out of the little bun he did stuck against his forehead and leaned up to kiss him “thank you, I needed this break”
“I know, we we’re running out of coffee”
Rhys would know you were stressed by how short your nails are, unable to keep yourself from biting them
You’re sitting at your desk, reading and rereading the assignment, you finished weeks ago but you kept obsessing over it needing it to be perfect
“(Y/N)?” Rhys knocked softly on the door, your purse dangling from his fingers “come on, turn in that stupid assignment, we’re going somewhere”
He’d fix you with a look as you opened your mouth to protest, only then you’d grumble that you need to look over it one more time before agreeing to go with him
He takes you to the store to pick out nail polish, announcing he’s going to do your nails so you can relax and stop biting them
You blush, looking down at your jagged nails, curling your fists as you hold them behind your fist, you start to protest but he’s having fun picking out polish
Purple is his favorite he decides. He holds up different shades of purple to you, whispering dirty things on your ear about how they’d look wrapped around certain things
“Rhys!” You hiss, but he’s laughing, tilting his head back.
You let him pick the polish, it’s purple and sparkly, be proudly told you how many tutorials he watched. You raise your eyebrows, surprised that you’re actually eager to see how he manages to pull this off
You’re mad at how good he actually is at this. He sits in front of you, patiently painting your nails even if you’re fidgeting around. He doesn’t yell at you to hold still
He does whine though “(y/n)” he whines as you mess up a nail, pouting as he’s grumbling that he has to fix that nail again
But you’re smiling so he’s smiling
“What do you think?” He leans back as you hold your hands up, twisting your mouth as you inspect them
You smile wide as you look at him, telling him how much you love it
He winks at you, asking if you want to see his it looks in other places, you reach next to you to launch a pillow at him and he’s shouting at you to watch the nails
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epithet-beloved · 1 year
Yo!! Could you maybe make a Giovanni + One of his minions, but they suffer with chronic pain and fatigue? I suffer with these but id totally still enjoy crimes so id love to see something like this! (The eepy gets to me sometimes but 🖕 it, crime time)
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synopsis… Giovanni with a minion who experiences chronic pain and fatigue
ft. Giovanni Potage, The Boys (mentioned), Molly Blyndeff (mentioned)
tags… epithet erased, can be read as romantic or platonic, reader has chronic illness, fluff, reader is one of Giovanni’s minions, crime time fun times
word count… 735
a/n… I’m not familiar with chronic fatigue or pain, so I hope I did a good job! Inclusive fanfic is very important everyone deserves the comfort character content ✧ 🦄
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He is so accepting of literally anything you tell him, it’s almost enough to make you weep.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Like the first time you explain some of your limitations or that you can have off days where you can’t do much or can hardly do anything, he just smiles and says “alright!”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 It damn near brings you to tears.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Did I say something weird?”
“No, no, just…..” you smiled, making no effort to hide the tiredness behind it. “You didn’t….ask me why I couldn’t just work around it, or ask me to make an exception for you, or anything, you just….said okay?”
“Pffft,” Giovanni scoffed at the very notion. “The hell would I do that for? You know you better than I do!”
You resume crying.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 It’s seriously such a breath of fresh air to be with somebody who isn’t constantly offering unsolicited advice the second your condition becomes inconvenient to them. Giovanni is a lot of things, but a know it all is certainly not one of them.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Whenever Giovanni has a suggestion or a piece of information he found that he wants to present, he phrases it as a question to you because you’re the one who knows most about your health and he doesn’t want to Mansplain(™). In fact, mansplaining is strictly prohibited in the Vincent Murder Bad Guy Rulez, so that sort of stuff won’t stand.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Of course, all the boys follow these rules, too! If anyone is unaware of your needs they will get a very enthusiastic interruption by Giovanni while he insists they let you explain. Yeah, he always lets you explain yourself first. It’s amazing.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 You will be accommodated anywhere, anytime. Feeling faint during a walk? He’ll find the nearest place to sit. Hell, he’ll sit down and let you rest on his knee or something. Real villains know how to protect their minions at a moment’s notice.
“Hold on.” You grabbed Giovanni’s jacket sleeve to support yourself, instantly catching the tall male’s attention.
“Woah, you good?” You answered by leaning on him even further, feeling your legs fail you at the most inopportune of times. “Here, let’s sit down a minute.”
Slowly, he would sit down on the closest available bench, guiding you as to not have you collapse. The second you were safely seated, you felt him pull away from you. At first, this confused you, but your curiosity was resolved when you felt a jacket drape over your shoulders.
“There. Can’t have any of my minions freezing to death, after all!”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 One of Giovanni’s love languages is food, so if you let him, he will give you homemade soup when you’re feeling under the weather. He understands you don’t have a cold or anything — it’s just a gesture he does to let you know you’re always on his mind.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If you can’t attend a Cool Crime Event(™) because you’re feeling under the weather, Giovanni will have you on speaker on his phone the entire time so you can still chat and engage with the Boys.
“Ben said he stole a bag of chips in your honor today. We can drop it off later!”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Accessible crime is VERY important to Giovanni. Villainy is an art and should be able to be practiced by anyone and everyone! This results in him getting more and more creative with his antics to include you if needed. Prank calling from Crusher’s treehouse is always a classic, and pirating a movie is one of the best crimes of all! Fun for the whole evil family!
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 You and Molly can be tired together. Once, when Giovanni had invited you both over, he found you two asleep together in front of the TV. He sent a million pictures to everybody he knows.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 There is also time that Giovanni makes sure to reserve specifically for you. Being included in a group is important, but so is one on one attention! These hangouts are highly customizable to whatever your tastes are and whatever your energy levels are for the day. Even on days that you may insist you’re cranky, tired or not great to be around, he’ll still be there for you if you let him!
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 And if you need time to yourself, no matter what the reason is, then he’ll make sure to always have a new fun surprise planned for when you’re ready to wreak havoc again.
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darbyoakana · 20 days
An Overlord's Tail - Chapter 3
An Overlords Tail Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
Summary: You move into the Hotel. Alastor's shadow is a pest. Warnings: No warnings. This story is 18+, minors can fuck right off.
Other Notes: none
Darby Link Tree
Chapter 3: Celebrations
“There is no time like the present to forget the past, my dear.” He cupped your face in his free hand. You placed your hand on top of his and closed your eyes. 
You struggled today, with the poor amount of sleep you got the night before and how low your emotional battery was running. You had been staring at the same document for over 20 minutes now. And Alastor had taken notice. It infuriated him. He could smell Vox on you. Your eyes were swollen and puffy from crying. He’d spent all week tormenting you without a single tear yet that idiot Vox could get this kind of reaction out of you? Unacceptable. He wanted to be the one making you cry, watch your face as warm streams leak from your eyes, because of him, for him. Just for fun. And it would be, because of how strong you were. You were thick skinned and it would take work to chip away at you. Alastor felt excited, he hadn’t found much interest in the people around the hotel, not like this. He wanted to crawl inside you and corrupt you from the inside out. He wanted to replace every memory of Vox with a better one of himself. He would own you, eventually. He was certain.
“Not your cheery self today, eh?” Alastor teased. 
“Huh?” You snapped out of it, quickly wiping a tear about to fall. “Oh, sorry. Uh, rough night.”
“Maybe it would be in your best interest to reside here at the Hotel? If your current living arrangement is proving to be… distracting.” 
“Would that be you accepting that I’m a good fit for this position?” you teased.
“Hmm. Well, I do have to admit, you’ve gotten a lot more done around here than most,” he pulled a hotel key out of his pocket, handing it to you. “A room has been made ready for you.” 
You knew Alastor wasn’t just handing out kind gestures, this was a low-key shot at Vox, taking something he wanted away from him. But he was admitting he didn’t want to get rid of you. And with how fragile you felt at the moment, it felt like kindness. 
“Thank you, Alastor.” Taking the key another tear escaped, running down your face. 
“He’s not worth your tears, darling,” he wiped the wet streak off your face with a claw. “Trust me on that.” 
Alastor licked the salty moisture off his finger as he walked away. 
Angel and Husk offered to help you move. It didn’t take very long, you didn’t own much. You left the mattress since there were much nicer beds at the hotel. Your life was a total of five boxes. It made you feel a little pathetic. You stopped to take in the apartment one last time. You hated this shit hole and yet you felt sad leaving it. Maybe it represented the last bit of the life you were leaving behind. Was this a real reason you didn’t move into the hotel sooner? Even if you didn’t keep the job you could stay and take a shot at redemption. Why did this hurt? Angel placed a sympathetic hand on your shoulder. You wondered if this was similar to how he felt leaving Valentino and coming to the hotel. 
Your room was much bigger than you pictured, it was a corner room with a beautiful view of Pentagram City. You couldn’t help but notice your room was right under Alastor’s. You unpacked your clothes into the wardrobe and placed your toiletries in the bathroom. The tub was huge, you could not wait to take a hot bath. Your apartment had a tiny shower stall, whenever Vox left you alone at his penthouse you could always be found in the tub. Now you had one of your own. Another thing you didn’t need him for, a small victory. Lastly, you unpacked your small VCR TV and VHS cassettes. You were a 90’s child at heart, while you died in 2015, you held on to the few nostalgias you could find.  
After putting on your pajamas you wandered down to the kitchen, you were so busy moving that you forgot to eat. Your fuzzy bunny slippers shuffled on the carpet. As you reached the lobby Angel called out for you from the bar.
“Hey toots! Come over here and celebrate with us!” 
“Celebrate what?” you asked
“Being free from, well, you know. Might not feel like it right now, but you took a huge step in a new direction today,” Angel smiled at you. “You should be proud of yourself.” 
“I agree with Angel. Good for you. Can I make you a drink?” Husk asked. 
“A Dirty Shirley please.” 
Husk slid the glass over to you. You didn’t really enjoy sweet things that much but your grandma used to make you Shirley Temples as a kid. And the vodka evened out the sweetness of it. You plucked the cherry from the drink by the stem and raised it to your mouth. A black blur flashed in front of you and it was gone, you were left holding the stem. Alastor’s shadow cackled and swished away. 
“Yeah….” you looked confused. “I’m not sure what that’s about.”
“Yah didn’t think Alastor was going to stop tormenting yah, did yah?” Angel laughed “Maybe his shadow’s got a crush on you. Haha,” Angel paused for a second. “Wait, can you fuck a shadow?” 
“Sorry to say kid, but the more he bothers you, the less he bothers us,” Husk chuckled. 
“Well, that sounds like I’m doing you all a favor…” you said slyly. “I’m going to remember that for later.” You winked.
One drink turned into three or four. You had forgotten what it was like to have friends, work had consumed you fully for so long. And any extra time you had usually was spent with Vox. For once you were enjoying yourself. But the fact that you still hadn’t made it to the kitchen was catching up with you. The drinks were hitting you hard.
You said your goodnights and shuffled to the kitchen, knowing if you didn’t eat something tomorrow would be even less pleasant. Just a snack, something easy. You spotted a box of cheese crackers, bingo. You fumbled with the package as you made your way to your room. Not paying attention to things around you, you hit the floor with a thud and a yelp. Alastor’s shadow had tripped you. You lay on your back, groaning. 
“Oh dear me, you poor thing,” Alstor stood over you, smiling. 
“Hey, Peter Pan. Do you want to reel in your shadow? That thing is a fucking menace.” 
“Whatever do you mean? I think you might be intoxicated my dear. And quite clumsy.” 
“Both can’t be true? Pfft.” 
“Oh come now, he just likes you! That’s all.”
You stumbled as you got up, snatching the cracker box off the ground. You continued to struggle, pulling at the bag inside the box. You pulled hard and slipped, your hand hitting your face. 
“For fucks sake.” You grumbled, slouching against the wall with a groan. 
You didn’t notice but when you fell you bit your lip. You lightly touched your finger to the swollen area, and with a hiss, you pulled away quickly, a smear of blood on your finger. 
“Hahaha. You are such an interesting specimen.” He grabbed your hand, looking at the blood on your finger. “When it comes to your work, you are collected and methodical. But yet, somehow, in your personal life- well I haven’t seen a mess like you before.” He licked the blood from your finger. 
“Ok.. Ew,” you pulled your hand away. “Well that tends to happen when you ignore yourself and focus purely on work,” you sighed, pulling at the bag. “Being a workaholic is much easier than addressing your feelings.” 
Alastor leaned his arm against the wall, trapping you in between. You didn’t consider this a sexual move. You knew enough from Vox’s bitch fests that Alastor wasn’t particularly interested in sex. You assumed he was just trying to make you uncomfortable. But his face was incredibly close to yours. You hid your bleeding lip under your teeth, slightly worried he’d lick that too. Instead, he ran a claw across the bag in your hand, opening it. You looked down at the bag and then back at him, delighted. He was pleased to see your face light up, like a child receiving a new toy. You popped a cracker in your mouth with blissful satisfaction. 
“Oh. I’ve been meaning to ask you - “ Realizing you were talking with your mouth full, you paused and swallowed. “Is there a way to soundproof my room?” 
“And what, pray tell, would you be doing that requires a measure such as that?” He leaned in, smelling your hair. You ignored it. 
“Nothing interesting, unfortunately. But I do like to listen to music loudly. And with absolute certainty, I can say that you wouldn’t enjoy it.” 
“How considerate of you.” He ran a claw through your hair. “Very well.” He stood straight and headed towards your door.
“Oh.. right now? Alright.” 
He opened the door for you, following behind. Aggravated. Did you not care about your personal space? How was he so far off the mark with you? You might be accustomed to working for overlords but were you not at all frightened of him? You still smelled of Vox and it further flamed his annoyance.
“Did you not move your things here?” He asked, looking at the bare room.
“I did,” you pointed to the VCR TV on the dresser and sat on the bed “I don’t own much. Workaholics tend to live at work,” you stopped to think. “Haha and now I am literally living at my work.” 
“This is outdated, is it not?” Alastor picked up a VHS
“Correct. The last VHS was made in 2006,” you shrugged “It’s a comfort thing I think. A reminder of better days.”
He found it charming that you also held onto the past in similar ways that he did. He read the back of the VHS cover in curiosity. 
“I think you’d actually like that one.”
“It’s about an FBI agent hunting a serial killer that likes to wear his victim's skin. And to do so she needs the help of another killer, who is a cannibal.” 
“Hmm. I suppose if I was to watch one of... these… that premise does sound appealing.” 
You jumped up and pulled open the dresser drawer. It was full of VHS tapes. 
“This one, he kills his victims in their dreams. This one is about a serial killer who gets trapped inside a doll. This one is about zombies. These three are about vampires. And this one, one of my favorites, the killer psychologically torments people over the phone before stabbing them to death.” Alastor couldn’t help but notice the genuine smile you had on your face, sharing your videos about murder. He found it very endearing. “If you ever want to watch one, tell me. But I know TV isn’t your thing.” 
“I appreciate the offer either way.” And he did, with the exception of Charlie’s silly group nonsense, Alastor was rarely invited to join others in activities. He didn’t mind that of course, he being the cause of why no one asked. But for whatever reason, your invitation seemed authentic. “Well, let us take care of the task at hand.” 
You sat on the bed and watched. Alastor placed his hand on the wall and a green shimmer rippled through the room. The thought that there was a place in the hotel where no one could hear you scream was thrilling to him. He was more than happy to accommodate your request. He watched your drunk-slited eyes follow the magic along the walls, following it over the ceiling and eventually tilting too far and falling backward onto the bed. Alastor laid down on his side next to you, propping his head up with his hand. 
“You don’t hold your liquor well, do you?” 
“Never really have, no,” you laughed and rolled to your side to face him, struggling to keep your eyes open. You giggled. “Once at a work party, I threw up on Valentino’s fur coat. He was soooo pissed. He and Vox didn’t speak, for like, a week.”  
“If you don’t mind me asking, what did he do to break your trust?” Alastor asked. 
“He uh… I caught him hypnotizing me. I was looking through footage for another project and came across it. Turns out he’s been doing it for a while. And now I don’t know what is real and what isn’t.” You let out a heavy exhale. “It’s really fucking with me.” 
Alastor felt a slight pang of guilt before shoving it back down with the rest of his feelings he chose to ignore. Vox hurt you badly by manipulating you and Alastor aimed to do similarly, if not the same. The gentleman, the man his mother raised, felt that guilt. But just for a moment before it was washed away by the man, the monster, Alastor had become. 
“There is no time like the present to forget the past, my dear.” He cupped your face in his free hand. You placed your hand on top of his and closed your eyes. 
You woke, groggy and hungover. You remembered talking to Alastor. When did you fall asleep? When did you get into bed? You rolled over, there was a glass of water and a bottle of ibuprofen on the nightstand that you didn’t remember getting. You thought about the affection Alastor gave you the night before and cringed a little. You were sure he’d give up on that too eventually.
It was Saturday. You and Angel had plans to go shopping. You realize you didn’t actually own enough regular clothes to cover the whole week. You put on shorts and spaghetti-strap top. If you could rely on Hell for anything, it was that it was always hot. You put your long hair in two messy buns on your head. 
“Hey there Sailor Moon, you ready to hit the mall?” Angel called out to you as you entered the lobby. 
“Fuck yeah I am” 
You spent a large portion of the day at the mall with Angel. 90’s fashion was popular again on Earth and it had trickled down to Hell. You were ecstatic. It felt a lot like the days when you and your friends would be mall rats, with no money, and nothing to do, so you’d hang out at the mall all day. Angel was entertaining and it was nice feeling like you had a friend. You felt reenergized, having a day to yourself, doing things just for you and no one else in mind. You did find it interesting that people stared. You’d forgotten how famous Angel was, it felt a lot like being friends with the popular girls in school, which you weren’t. You ate at the food court, cautiously, still feeling a bit hungover. Afterward, you got your nails done at the salon. Angel was kind enough to pay for everything until you got your first check.
Arriving back at the Hotel, you and Angel dragged in several bags of shopping therapy. Say what you will about it, treating yourself did make you feel a lot better about things. You took a long bath with the new products Angel recommended, including a bright pink fizzy bath bomb. You ended the night watching movies with Angel and Husk in the entertainment room. Lucifer made popcorn and joined in around the second movie. Charlie and Vaggie followed. 
You looked around at this new group of people. No, a new group of friends. And for the first time in a very long time, you felt like things might be okay.  
But what was that Alastor said about hope? 
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bee6r · 1 year
For Ever and Ever (pt. 1)
Masterlist ~ Part 2
{JJ Maybank x Female reader}
Summery: After a relaxing day on the beach, you decide to hang out with Kiara at her parents’ restaurant. Soon, the two of you are joined by three of the Pouges, one of whom may just be your secret crush... 
Warnings: Mentions of underage drinking and smoking, unprotected sex, p in v sex, oral sex, making out. !Female reader x JJ Maybank! 
A/N: I just started watching the Outer Banks, so I apologize if the characterization for JJ is a bit off. (early season one ig).  
Words: 1.6k
Wind rustled through your hair as you walked up the boardwalk, the color of the sun setting into your skin and hair, and the sand dunes slowly changing, as they always did. You smile backwards as the sun began its descent towards the water, pausing in the middle of the nearly deserted boardwalk for a moment to watch it. Finally turning back towards the parking lot, you realize how hungry you are, and the fact that you hadn’t eaten since noon. Pulling your (slightly) see-through sundress more securely over your bathing suit, you walk more hastily down the steps and across the gravel parking lot to your car.  
It’s an old thing, given to you by your father. “Take care of what's left of it,” he had said as he handed you the keys. You remember having complained about the dent in the back bumper, the chipping red paint on the sides where the door had been slammed, one too many times, and the rusting around the wheels, but it still was better than nothing. Now, at least, you could go places, have fun, and enjoy the freedom you had always begged your parents for.  
You get in and turn on the engine, having to try it a few times before it finally gives in. The truck starts loudly, but quiets after a moment, soon slowing to a purr to blend in with the quiet wind that is coming in through the open windows. Backing out of the parking lot and beginning to drive down a log stretch of road, bordered by palm trees on either side, you wonder whether your father will be in the mood to make you something. You had very little left in the pantry, and he barely had the energy to shop anymore; and you barely had the time.  
Today had, of course, been the exception, but you had realized years ago, that if you didn’t allow yourself to relax once in a while, the cup would spill over, like bubbles in a bottle of champagne. And so, once a month, you gave yourself a day. A day to do nothing, if that’s what you wanted; a day that wouldn’t count the next morning when you got out of bed. It would be as if it had never happened, and you could continue your work as usual.  
The first few times you had done this, you had found it hard to completely rid your mind of tasks and responsibilities, but as the years passed, and you had more of these days, it was easier to completely clear your mind of any and all thoughts. And so now, as you continue to drive down the long road towards home, you let yourself enjoy the last moments of the day.  
When you are about half-way home, you stop the car, pulling over onto the side of the road to think. At the moment, the last thing you wanted to do was cook, and you were almost positive that your father either wouldn’t be awake, or wouldn’t be sober, when you opened the door, so you slowly assessed your options. You could go home, and grab a granola bar out of the cabinet to hold you over until breakfast the next morning, you could see what stores were still open and spend the ten dollars you kept in the back of your phone case on a pre-made salad, or- 
You look up from the floor of your car, where you had been staring, blankly. Or, you could go see Kiara, and hope that she hadn’t thrown away the leftover food from that day yet. Turning back onto the road and making a three-point turn to head back a couple hundred feet to Kiara’s turn off, you can’t stop hoping that Kiara’s dad had turned on the frier that day.  
You arrive at The Wreck only five minutes later and are very happy to see that even though the closed sign is up on the door, that the lights are still on throughout the restaurant. Turning off the engine and hopping out of your truck, you walk to the door and knock quietly, hoping not to disturb anyone too much. Kiara’s dad opens it, smiling slightly. He and her mother had always been fond of you, and you of them, especially since you had known each other since you were toddling around the beach in diapers.  
“Good evening Mr. Carrera,” you greet him, smiling.  
“Evening Y/N,” he says, reciprocating your smile, “what can I do for you?” Your expression turns slightly shyer as you look up at him again.  
“Food?” You ask. He sighs, but the smile doesn’t leave his face.  
“You’re in luck today, we have lots of fries.” You mentally high-five yourself for turning around when you did, and follow him through the restaurant, around tables and to the back, where you see Kiara reorganizing something in the freezer.  
“Who was at the door dad?” She asks, not turning to look.  
“Your friend, who apparently is about to die from starvation.” She turns questioningly, but a smile appears on her face when she sees you.  
“You always seem to know when we have extras, don’t you?” she asks mockingly. “Seriously, it’s like a superpower or something.” Closing the freezer, she walks over to the fryers, and you follow her. Grabbing onto the handle and pulling a medium-sized bowl out from under the counter, she dumps the fries from both fryers into the bowl. “We’ve got plenty,” she says, then turning to her dad, she asks, “can I-” 
“Yeah, sure. I’m sure I can finish up around here.” She hugs him and grabs your arm, leading you out the front door, with the bowl of fries under one arm.  
She brings you out to the dock and the two of you sit down, swinging your legs over the side.  
“So-,” she starts, grabbing a couple fries from the bowl and leaning back on her hand, “anything else bring you here, besides fries of course,” she side-eyes you, a smirk on her face.  
“No?” you question, also taking some from the bowl, “what else would I be here for?”  
“Oh, you know. Maybe some handsome blonde, or...” she pauses, turning to you.  
“Yes JJ.” 
“Why would I be here for him?” you ask, but you can feel a soft blush creeping through your cheeks. The truth was, that even though you hadn’t specifically come here to see him, part of you always hopes that he will be here when you arrive. There had been times that this wish had even come true, but even when it had, you had rarely ever been brave enough to speak more than a couple sentences to him. You wouldn’t call yourself shy, necessarily, but around him, you were definitely more nervous than you normally were.  
Instead of continuing to question you about it, especially after the blush had given you away, Kiara changed the subject. The two of you talked about turtles, surfing, and anything else that came to mind for the next twenty minutes or so, until you could hear the faint sound of a speedboat making its way through the water. As it came nearer, a smile spread across both of your faces, and you waved it closer in unison.  
When the boat had parked, John B, Pope, and JJ, hoped off, John B and Pope each holding a bear, and JJ with his vape. Blowing out a puff of smoke, he looks down at you and Kiara, his eyes lingering on your face a few seconds longer. John B breaks the silence after a minute, glancing at you both.  
“We came for food.”  
“You and her both,” Kiara says, snickering, then, pushing the bowl backwards towards them, and turning around, her back to the water, she adds, “help yourself.” All three boys are sitting on the ground within a matter of seconds, and it doesn't take long for the large number of fries to be completely demolished. Licking his lips and fingers, Pope looks up at you.  
“So, how’s your day off treating you?” You look up at him.  
“Really nice so far,” you respond, smiling. You see JJ looking at you out of the corner of your eyes, but he looks away when he sees you notice him. “I’ve just been sitting on the beach all day.” 
“Ahh, that’s the life,” Pope says, smiling back.  
Conversation flows throughout the group for a while, before Kiara somehow manages to drag John B and Pope away to, as she had said, “look at something in the kitchen,” which leaves you and JJ alone by the water. Your legs are hanging off the edge, as they had been earlier, and you watch as the last slivers of the sun set below the horizon.  
“Nice night,” JJ remarks, his voice quiet over the steady flow of the wind.  
“Yeah,” you respond, not really knowing what else to say. It's quiet for another few minutes, before JJ gets up. You are about to ask him where he’s going when he holds out his hand for you to join him. You accept it, letting him pull you off the ground.  
“Wanna go on the water?” You turn to look at the boat. Stress begins to make its way through your body, as you haven’t been on a boat in some time, but you push it away, remembering that today is a day to let loose and have fun.  
“Sure,” you agree, and after he gracefully steps onto the boat, holds out his hand again to assist you on.  
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
OH MY GOD HI!!!! I’m so happy your requests are open again. Umm can I pls request hcs of Ace, Sabo, and Luffy comforting you when you come home from a bad day? Like you just had a really rough time and are just extremely tired and annoyed and feel like crying. I don’t think this counts as an emergency request but I didn’t have the best day today. You don’t have to respond to this if you don’t want to ofc tho. Your time sleep and self come first always. *sends virtual hugs*
Hello baby, thank you for waiting for patiently for this!! I hope you are feeling better and know I love you so much *hugs you back*💜💜💜
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Ace understands bad days the best out of the three, he’s had his bad days before and knows how miserable they can make you. However, remind him it’s not his fault or that he didn’t do anything to cause this, because our boy will start overthinking!
He’s a very comforting boy, so be honest with him and let him know how you are feeling. He will open his arms for you to fall into his warm embrace, rubbing your back softly as you cry in his chest. Just letting you know he is here for you and loves you so much.
Loves praise himself, so he gives you all the praise he can think of! You’re so amazing, beautiful/handsome, the light of his life, the only reason he’s here!! You will be so full of love it hurts!!
Totally takes bubble baths with you! With some candles lit and nice aroma therapy scents! Also could see him doing face masks and other beauty routines with you! Everyone needs a pamper day!
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He also has his bad days, especially after Ace passing. However, due to his training in the army he hides his emotions well behind a smile or blank face. So it’s hard for him when people come to him for emotional support, but he does his best!
Sabo is the logical one out of the three when it comes to emotional control. While you may be upset with the world and crying your heart out, he will be the rock that you need and will support you all the way!  
Is a quality time lover, so expect him to do his best to take time away from work and spend time with you! Whether it’s doing some hobbies you like to do, taking a walk, or just talking about what is bothering you; you have his undivided attention!
No matter the situation, he will do his best to be your logical side, reminding you of certain perspectives and feelings you might not have taken into consideration. 
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Luffy will pout with you! He best understands emotions by mimicking them, so he will sit with you on the couch and watch tv as you let off some steam. Also totally just emotionally eats with you, where are those chips?!
He’s also a physical affection lover, so you aren’t leaving the room without a nice Luffy hug and some kisses on your cheeks! He wants to see you laugh and has no problem tickling you or making funny faces to do so!
Might not understand why you are upset over something he might see as silly, but he will get extremely protective of you if someone else mocks you for having emotions. You’re his special person and no one makes fun or hurts his special person!
Spends the rest of the day sitting on the couch or in bed with you, while he is wrapped around you like a weighted blanket. Expect him to use his devil fruit to wrap himself like a snake and using his hands to grab snacks and drinks as you cuddle together
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ewfilthymundane · 1 year
Time Together
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Ace x G!Reader x Marco
@onepiece-reader-exchange for @cyborg-franky​
Apologies in advance, it’s been awhile since I’ve written anything so it might not be that great
It had been far too long since you and your boyfriends had managed to go out together. Whether it was work, families or studies you had all just been missing each other. Only able to enjoy each others company for a short while before one of you had to leave again. Or in most cases, not seeing each other at all. You had finally put your foot down and told both Ace and Marco to clear their weekends.
As much as you loved spending time with your boyfriends individually it was always between when it was the three of you. Sitting in the back of the car you smiled widely to yourself at the two men in the front. Marco behind the steering wheel, the only one who actually knew how to get the three of you there and back in one piece and Ace in the passenger seat. The two of  them disagreeing about what was the best beach location. Leaning forward tapped Marco’s shoulder, his eyes meeting yours for a second before returning to the road.
“Yes love?” he asked, a soft smile forming on his lips as he continued to concentrated on the road.
“Lets go to a new beach altogether,” you said with a lazy smile. 
“But what if it’s shit?” Ace groaned. “Remember last time we went to a new beach?!” he demanded.
You and Marco laughed at Ace’s annoyance. The last time you’d all gone to a new beach Ace had gotten stung by a jellyfish or two and to this day he refused to let it go. Despite the amount of affection and love he’d received from both you and Marco. 
“I know, but it’d be fun to go somewhere new, like a mini road trip,” you grinned at your boyfriends. 
Ace sighed, looking away from you. He couldn’t say ‘no’ to you, especially after all the hassle he knew you went through to organise today.
Leaning forward you pressed a kiss to his cheek, “Thank you babe.”
Ace’s frown instantly melted away, his cheeks tinged with a shade a pink. 
Once you guys arrived at the beach you smiled happily, the sound of the waves rolling onto the sand. The birds flying overhead, looking for chips or food to steal from people there. Carrying the one of the beach bags you followed both Marco and Ace down the hot sand, your thongs doing very little to protect your feet from the heat. Ignoring the heat you smiled as Marco laid out the beach blanket, the two of you were quick to step onto the blanket. 
“Ace you’re a freak of nature, is the sand not burning your feet?” you asked, looking at your boyfriend in horror as he sat on the sand. 
“I’ve told you I barely feel the heat,” he said with a shrug, a goofy grin on his face.
Rolling your eyes you walked over to him, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“I’m just worried one of these days you’re going to burn your feet off,” you teased him. Ace just grinned up at you, his hair an unruly mess as always despite you seeing him brush it this morning. Unable to help yourself you pressed another kiss to his lips.
A shriek left your lips as a pair of arms wrapped around your waist, picking you up and into a strong chest.
“Sorry love, but I want attention too,” Marco laughed, his smile wide as he pressed a kiss to your lips.
“Heeey!” Ace complained, clearly upset that he wasn’t getting your affection anymore. 
Marco laughed as Ace stood behind you, squishing you between the two of them. Craning your neck to look up at them you could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks. You knew your boyfriends were handsome, but right now seemed different. Perhaps it was the smell of the sea, or the way the sunlight made them seem otherworldly you weren’t entirely sure.
“Ya know, I love you both a lot right?” you spoke breathlessly. 
Marco and Ace smiled knowingly at each other, both of them pressing a kiss against your check. 
“We know,” Ace whispered, grinning widely.
“We love you too,” Marco replied, his eyes staring down into you. 
“Come on I’m starving!” Ace declared, moving away from the two of you. Smiling at Marco you grabbed his hand, the two of you following after Ace,
“You pack plenty of food for him right?” you asked, looking up at Marco.
“I hope so,” he admits with a chuckle, his hand running through his hair. “But we better start eating before he gets a chance to finish it all.”
Marco grinned down at you, his hand releasing from yours to wrap around your waist.
“We should do something like this every weekend,” Marco said as the three of you sat together as Ace started handing out plates and food.
“Definitely,” Ace agreed, already digging into the food.
“You know what, how about we organise a road trip next time? See as many beaches as we can and go on an adventure?” you suggested, getting food for yourself.
“Agreed,” Ace and Marco said in unison making the three of you laugh. 
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pbandjesse · 26 days
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I'm writing this post really late because Evan and Noelle are here and we have been having such a nice time hanging out. It's been a really fun evening. I didn't feel amazing at points. But I powered through and emotionally I am in a great place.
I slept. Fine. Last night. I would wake up a few times. Had weird dreams. But I woke up alright.
I got washed and dressed and me and James gathered ourselves to go to the market. And today was going to be a surprisingly stressful and chaotic day.
We all knew there was multiple things happening. Besides the farmers market, there was a clothing sale on the pier, and then later in the day the funk festival was happening.
But everything, very quickly, became a bit of a mess.
When we got there we were confused as to why there was a tent set up in the parking lot. Not with the farmers market. And we found out from Ginny that some people had come by to start setting things up at 630am. What?? The funk festival wasn't supposed to start setting up until noon. But that apparently didn't matter. Because they all started showing up and causing a huge mess.
The organizer started caution taping off huge section of the parking lot. And we are like what are you doing?? Meril had to step in and forced him to take it down, only for him to do it somewhere else. Then dozens of vendors are loading in during our market. Turning out vendors and customers away from the parking lot. They were mad at us and we were like you are hours early!! The organizer also just was the type of person that doesn't take no for an answer and will keep asking until he gets what he wants and it was just. So stressful. I was really glad I wasn't in charge today.
I had my table going, and I had a table with BMI information. And while it wad very busy I was not getting many sales. That was alright. I was getting paid to be there today and I was enjoying talking to people about the museum.
I would also get a ton of knitting done. Which was great because I accidentally left my pick tool at home. James brought me a letter opener and that worked well enough until right before I finished my 6th square and I broke it. Disappointing. But I appreciated them helping me out.
They were very stressed. Vendors had been coming in from the music festival and demanding their money back but the event hadn't paid the museum yet, plus it also wouldn't be out responsibly??? Talk to the event coordinator?
It ended up getting so bad that Paul and Beth had to come in and Jesse had to leave his vacation to come back to town to help. Like the stress was so bad on Meril she cried! That's not fair! She's so strong!!
So it was really bad at times. Thankfully I was able to mainly stay out of it. I was having a good day beyond all the craziness.
Ann would have to leave a little early to go to a baby shower. So I became in charge for the last hour or so. I would have to coordinate moving some cars that parked in loading zones. And smooth out some stress with our vendors. I tried to make some connections and traded out business cards. Honestly I was having a pretty good time. And thankfully my car was not blocked in at all. I was starting to not feel good so I was very happy when everyone else was able to get out and I could leave too.
I went to say goodbye to James. They told me more of the nonsense they had been dealing with. And I was off.
I went to the grocery store and got a few things. Stuck to my list. Spent $25. But I felt like I got a lot for my money. And then I went home.
Not a moment to spin. I was falling apart slowly.
When I got back here I would put my food away. I had queso and guacamole and chips. I sat on the floor of our bedroom and cleaned up my cuticles. And eventually would lay down. I took my medicine early because I was already feeling so bad.
I would fall asleep eventually. But I didn't feel better when I woke up. So I kept resting.
James would get home and would be very frazzled because a car cut them off and caused them to snap their bike chain and really scared them. But they would cool off and calm down.
I would sip water and try to gather myself. Because Evan and Noelle would be here soon!
And then they were here. I was so happy to see them. And show them our house. We finally exchanged Christmas gifts. Only 8 months late. And it was so fun giving them the tour. We would all sit in the backyard and talk and it is always just so comfortable with them. I hate that we barely get to hang out and I really hope we can do it more often because they are just really fun.
James would suggest we go to Mathews. And it was such a good call. I was only able to eat a little bit I have leftovers now so that's good. I was enjoying the company and the conversation but I was struggling. My stomach just hurt so bad and I just desperately wanted to be horizontal. We would get our leftovers packed up, and Grace, the waitress that always is so nice to us, gave us a free cannoli which was so sweet of her.
We drove home and I was right. Almost as soon as I was laying on the couch I started feeling better. It took a while but I would be okay.
We sat down and showed them the slideshow of Africa and told them all about the trip. And it was just laughs and questions and storytelling. I was having a great time.
James has made jello eggs last night so we had those. Evan was like. I remember these?? Why?? And texted his mom and his grandma used to make them for Easter! Just like my mom. It was fun sharing that.
We would open gifts and played with sweetp and it was just a really lovely night. They have to leave in the morning. Busy bees. But I am so greatful that they were able to come even just for the evening.
We stayed up talking until 11. But now we are all winding down. James got the guest bed set up and I'm going to go grab a shower now. Tomorrow should be a nice restful day. I hope it is. And I hope I don't feel so poorly.
I hope you all have a good day. I love you all.
Good night!
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