#arthurtv x oc
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inkk-tv · 2 months ago
[ ꜰᴏᴏᴛʙᴀʟʟ ᴘᴜʙ ɢᴏʟꜰ : ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ ]
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Chris plants his forehead on the table, taking a deep breath as he watches the astro turf. He’s well gone, but Lucy and Arthur, who is now just drawing shapes on the inside of her forearm, aren’t much better off. “You two are going to bankrupt me.”
“We’ll put the fund towards a muzzle.” Lucy says off handedly, swiping the marker, and Arthur’s hand to draw a three-by-three grid on his skin. 
in which: Chris attempts to not have another life crisis during a pub golf video and is failing miserably.
3.7k words [ part one ] [ masterlist ] [ part three ]
[oc x arthurtv x chrismd]
[warnings: Excessive drinking, sexual innuendos and light sexual content]
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Chris is torn. 
Logically, he knows football pub golf is a content gold mine. It could easily be one of the best videos of the year, especially with the team line ups. On the other hand, the last time Chris filmed a pub golf for Chip's channel some eight months ago, it ended with him so fucked he'd uprooted his entire life twenty four hours later.
Mid to late twenties was not a good time to have a sexuality crisis - and Chris speaks from experience. Why it took 11 drinks and joking that he'd shag his best mate for space hopper-ing over a bollard to realise he genuinely wanted to snog him silly, Chris isn't sure.
In retrospect, he'd probably fancied Arthur way back in sixth form, sitting with him in every class, dragging the poor bloke to join his football team. The biting should have been a hint. 'Cuteness aggression', as a session of hungover googling informed him, is horribly common. Chris was so torn up about it all that he talks it over with Shannon the night after, when he's not sure if the urge to vomit is from nerves, guilt or the hangover.
He tries to tell her that it doesn't have to change things, that he still loves her. But she still calls it off.
He can't really be mad at her for that, so it's amicable. The two of them weren't built to last much longer anyway; if marriage was in the cards, Shannon wouldn't get snippy anytime her mother brought it up and Chris wouldn't feel nauseous every time he saw an advert for rings. If they were destined for 'forever', talk of marriage wouldn't sound like an expiration date.
Chris spends a couple of months sorting out all his shit and takes a long hard look at his own feelings.
Everyone is sort of weird about the break-up. For a while they all sort of act like it's temporary. Once he puts out a statement though, his friends take that as confirmation that it's actually over. Arthur -Hill not TV- and George take him out drinking a few times as self declared experts in heartbreak and the single life. Their ventures have the three of them planning to move in together when their leases expire in October. Harry corrals him onto a few dating apps and Chris humours him because how is he supposed to tell the guy that women are the last thing on his mind and that he's head over heels (and possibly in love with) one of their mates, who is noticeably a bloke.
At least this time the pub golf is for his channel, so if there's another earth-shattering life crisis, he can edit it out at the least. Save himself the embarrassment of seeing the clip every few weeks on TikTok. Luckily, Chris is not the kind of man who loses all impulse control when faced with a couple of pints.
He is admittedly two shots up already and they've only just settled at hole four. If anything's going to set their team back, it's this. Chris knows the moment he sees Jamie, his production assistant, walk out with a tray of wine-glasses all of which were bordering on over-filled with rosé. 
"Oh god," Lucy groans, her head pitching forwards to thud onto the table. Jamie just smiles as he places the three glasses around the halo of blonde hair. Her next complaint comes out muffled. "Why wine? I can't do wine."
"Come on, Luce." Chris grabs her shoulders to drag her back up straight, shaking them a few times for good measure. "Where's all that team spirit gone?"
"Come on En-ga-land, Score some fucking goals." She quotes, putting on the thick northern accent for it.
Seeing as Chris is a little too far gone to keep explaining the rules at each pub without hurling insults at his friends, Jamie's the one who does it this round, citing that each drink must be fed by a teammate.
"I got a great trick for this one," There's a bit of a slur to Arthur's words, but that could just be him and not the alcohol. Then again, he did do a shot when they got to the pub ‘for fun’ which will most definitely bite them in the arse. "We hold hands and squeeze depending on ho-"
Arthur hiccups halfway through his sentence and it's enough to get a snort out of Chris and devolve Lucy into giggles as he continues. " -how, how much you want."
Chris goes first, and Arthur’s hand is warm in his own as he pours the wine into his mouth. 
Although, when it’s Arthur’s turn and Lucy grabs the wine glass off the table, she frowns. “You’re too tall for this.”
There's not that much of a gap between them with her heels factored in but it's enough that to get her arm up and angle the glass right, it would certainly be uncomfortable for Lucy.
“Come on, tip toes surely.” Arthur says, but she’s already got a hand on his shoulder.
“On your knees, Television.” She says it so calmly, pressing lightly on his shoulder- not enough to push Arthur down, Chris knows he’s stronger than he looks, but he goes anyway.
Something that’s horribly aroused stirs in Chris’s stomach, watching Arthur drop to his knees in front of Lucy, mouth open as she leans down just slightly to press the glass against his lips. He grips her wrist instead of her hand and swallows every mouthful of pretty pink rosé so eagerly that there’s evidence of it left on her skin, little crescent indented where his nails had dug in.
It’s awfully sobering to realise that Chris might actually have to fight a semi while filming.
There’s been jokes about it, in the past few years as his content has matured along with his audience and those sorts of comments were left in the final cut. But Christ, watching Arthur lick his lips clean of wine, not even moving to stand until Lucy pulls him to his feet by the hand, that’s enough to make anyone sexually attracted to men a little off kilter. 
He’s never really had the ‘awkward boners’ at least not since his teenage years. Chris is pretty sure it’s something to do with the messy ball of crossed wires that is his sexuality, the fact he never really gets a hard on for someone he’s not head over heels for but he’s not really put much time into untangling that.
Although, he might need to do that soon. 
Something about the way Arthur looks at her, as if from the moment she put her hand on him, she was everything- the centre of his universe. 
Not that Chris can really blame him. Lucy’s always been captivating like that. He’s not a moron, Lucy’s attractive, objectively. She’s cute, green eyes, light tan to her skin that’s more from sunshine than genetics, and blonde hair that's half pulled back with a white ribbon, a couple strands falling in front of her face. Round cheeks that push up towards her eyes when she smiles, a little tip up to the end of her nose. She’s got the kind of features that would make Chris pause on those stupid dating apps he only swipes though when Harry’s looking over his shoulder. 
Arthur yields so easily for her, blinking at her with those brown eyes and chewing his bottom lip a little, hands still messily entwined together as Harry makes a poor sex joke. 
It’s an orbit that Chris has watched many men tumble into before, the gravitational pull of Lucy Bell. There’s something about the way she carries herself, a confidence that makes eyes drawn to her. On night outs, there’s mixed reactions. George and Arthur Hill love it, girls are more than happy to chat and linger at their table, eased in the risk of approaching a bunch of men in a club by the presence of a woman like Lucy. 
He thinks about all the dickheads he’s seen try and fail to make a pass on her, as Chris picks up the final glass of rosé.
Lucy has, and will continue to, drink Chris under the table, but she is under or just about five foot six. And There's only so many miracles a liver that size can facilitate. Maybe she’s a little further finished than he thought, because when he holds the wine glass up to her, and clasps their palms together, she just isn’t taking it like she was earlier.
“Come on Luce, down in one.” He murmurs, “You got it.”
A little dribble of it runs down her chin and into the curve of her throat, but no one calls her on it and Lucy is left gagging on the taste of rosé that she’d downed. She’s squeezing his hands tight as she recoils and pulls a face. Chris rubs her back and gives it a couple of pats as she leans into his side. “I hate rosé.”
Arthur reappears with three glasses of water, precariously balanced in his hands and he deposits one in front of each of them. It’s the best drink Chris has been given all day and he can’t help the words that slip out. “Oh my god I love you.”
No one blinks at it though, not Arthur, not Chris. He’s said it before, there’s no reason for anyone to think it means anything more than it used to. 
Lucy doesn’t bat an eye, just gives Arthur this awfully soft look before guzzling down half the glass in one go. Until Stephen drops a balled up napkin on the floor and kicks it between her feet, nutmegging her.
Honestly, Chris had sort of forgotten about writing that rule into the video and he sort of feels bad now. Lucy’s probably going to be the only victim of it for the afternoon, because everyone else is far enough gone that they’re a little fuzzy on the rules too.
She and Stephen do shots of baby guinness together (because apparently he just wanted to?) and Chris has to stare into his water glass, tracing patterns on the condensation with his thumb so he doesn’t stare at Arthur and imagine him at the foot of his bed, on his knees for Chris. Complacent and content. 
Chris kind of wants to curl in on himself. 
Beside him, Arthur’s hand slips down from Chris’ shoulder and along his back, stepping around both him and Lucy, hand slipping to her waist and along the curve of it as he ducks back inside the pub. 
There’s jeers from the German team and Cal follows Arthur inside to make sure he’s not chundering in the bathroom. 
“Chris, I’m not gonna lie,” Lucy leans into whisper, “I don’t think I’ll be standing by the end of this video.”
She looks utterly gone. Her eyes are wide, and there’s a little sheen to the column of her neck, maybe from the wine she’d dribbled or the haste to skull the water she was handed. This close, he can see the lines of her makeup, where the eyeliner is a little shaky right at her lash line and the few eyelashes that are clumpy with mascara.
It’s the drunkest he’s seen her in a while, and she’s probably only one drink off of ‘cartwheel Lucy’- the stage of intoxication where she feels the urge to display her impressive coordination that she, annoyingly, never loses no matter how much alcohol she’s ingested.
Chris tips his head forwards and bites her deltoid. Teeth sinking softly into the fabric of her jersey until he can just feel the solidness of her shoulder underneath. Lucy startels, a little, whines then swats at Chris until he retreats half a step.
She looks at the bite mark on her pristine England Jersey, wiping at Chris’ spit as she scoffs and scrunches her nose up a little. "I’m going to catch diseases off you at this rate.”
There’s about half a second where he considers making an STD joke, but there’s a camera sitting on them and it feels a little disrespectful to suggest something like that. 
Lucy frowns down at the black line on the inside of her wrist. “Where’s Arthur, I need a tally mark.”
And the man of the hour is dragged from the Pub’s entrance, clinging to Cal, looking significantly more gone than he had five minutes ago. The wine must have been hitting hard. 
Supposedly, there was no puke, but for the antics Arthur received a red card, putting the English team even further down the hole they’re stuck in. It doesn’t help that the other team all get their drinks down in one.
Not that Chris was really paying attention, he was too busy watching Arthur poke at Cal, enjoying pressing his buttons. 
“How many holes do we have left?” He asks once he’s settled back into his stool.
Chris snorts. “Me after five drinks on a saturday night, am I right?”
Arthur holds his hand up for a high five, but Chris has his arms crossed and his brain is working a little slow to catch it before the palm is descending into a playful smack on his face. He grabs Arthur's hand with both of his and licks a fat stripe up his palm, tongue feeling the roughness of calluses from the gym and the faint taste of beer. 
The reaction is immediate. “Noooo!”
Arthur recoils and wipes his hand of spit on Chris’ jersey. 
Lord, Chris must be so much further gone than he thought, because he just devolves into giggles, even after fully licking his best mate’s hand. It’s only when Jess, his production manager, starts herding them down the footpath to the next pub that Chris finally gets a handle on his giggles. 
Somehow, when they make it to Pub number five, everyone- including his own employees- goads Chris into climbing the tree opposite it. Which earns them two points deducted, so they’ve almost worked off the red card from Arthur’s endeavours with a toilet bowl at the second pub.
The Vodka Oranges are, mercifully, only one standard drink. Although, Lucy’s still looking a little queasy at the prospect of downing it. “I hope this doesn’t have pulp.”
Arthur frowns and holds his drink up in the light to get a better look. “I don’t think so.”
“If there’s pulp I might actually throw up. I can’t do the texture.”
“Can’t say I’m a big fan either.” The downwards tilt of Arthur’s lips is painfully cute and Chris kind of wants to lean over and bite at him, but he’s not supposed to be doing that today. Instead he huddles them closer together, like was in the plan for pub five and they have their half-time strategy meeting. 
“If either of you puke, I swear to god I will never forgive you.” Chris says, focusing very hard on not slurring his words. “We can’t lose to Stephen Tries. He already carries this channel enough.”
“Come on- I’ve done plenty.” Arthur complains. “I got Harry three shots deeper.” 
Admittedly, an impressive feat, but it’s still about thirty less shots than Harry WroeToShaw needs to start feeling the effects of Alcohol and far from enough to recover from all the penalty points he’s been earning. Chris tuts “Only one of us has climbed a tree so I really think that you guys need to step up to the plate at this point.”
The pair just stare at him, and for a moment, Chris sort of loses the plot in Arthur’s eyes. “You’ve got very nice eyes.���
They are. A nice dark brown that sort of looks like pots of honey, mesmerising while Chris blinks into them, with a sort of depth that makes it impossibly easy to sink into them. He’s better at it now, remembering to look away, but the alcohol’s got him a little slower to catch it.
“Christ, they are nice eyes.” Lucy agrees leaning in to get a better look at Arthur, who’s blushing a little from the attention, then towards Chris. “You’ve got good eyes too.”
Arthur nods eagerly. “He does have lovely eyes.”
“Lucy, your eyes are great.” Chris pivots, hoping to save his brain from malfunctioning, onto Lucy, planting a hand on her shoulder to lean in close and study her eyes. 
They’re more green than blue, wide as she processes how close he’s gotten to her. He’s heard people say the grass is greener on the other side, but looking at Lucy’s eyes, it might just be true. It’s almost like staring at the overgrown grass of his childhood football pitch, some streaks a little darker than others, and the underlying feeling that there’s something to be found there, if one cared to look a little deeper than surface level. 
“Oh, they are.” Arthur agrees, squinting a little as he peers at her. 
All three of them have completely lost the whole ‘strategy meeting’ plot that was supposed to be their halftime regroup and by the time Chris untangles himself from their eyes, it’s time to down the vodka oranges that have been sweating condensation down their wrists.
Cal corrals both teams into a cheers and miraculously, everyone manages to get it down in one. 
Thankfully, they’d figured people would be a bit gone by pub five, so a nice lengthy walk proceeds pub six.
Chris just about hangs off Arthur the whole time, who at first is a little distracted by texting George Clarkey in an attempt to convey how ‘sober’ he is, but eventually slings his arm over Chris’ shoulder and lets him stay there. He tries to not stir things, lest he be shoved away, instead basking in the bloody amazing smell of Arthur cologne as it mixes with his deodorant. Chris couldn’t name what either of them smell like, but it’s a scent that’s so uniquely Arthur he wouldn’t be able to associate it with anything else.
“George says he’s gonna come pick me up from the last pub.” He declares, shoving his phone into Chris’ face. It’s a little too close to read, but he squints and tries anyway. Arthur only gives him a few seconds before pulling the screen back and pocketing it. 
At one point in their walk, Chris bites at his wrist where it hangs next to his face but it’s not enough to chase him off. 
“Next pub golf, it’s twenty quid per bite.” Arthur grimaces, whipping the back of his hand of spit down the front of Chris’ jersey. “Lucy had the right idea.”
“I think you owe her a tally mark. Maybe.” Chris frowns, trying to recall if they’d added the last nip. 
“Luce!” He calls. “Did we add the last tally? From Pub four with the rosé?”
She’s about ten meters ahead, tangled up with Stephen as he tries to wrangle her into some kind of hug or headlock, it’s a little unclear which. For a moment the pair of them freeze, and Lucy does that little frown and nose scrunch she does whenever she thinks particularly hard on something. “No!”
Then she kicks Stephen’s sneaker and he bowles over, caught off guard. 
“Yellow card! Yellow card!” Arthur shouts, pointing so obnoxiously that Chris almost wants to tell him it’s rude. “Ref, that’s diving!”
Cal dishes out a Yellow card and Stephen goes back to trying to deck Lucy, via bowling her knees out from under her. But by the time they make it to pub six, he’s managed to weasel a piggy back out of her and the two of them pause by the gate to point out where ‘live music: ChrisMD Diss-Track cover band’ is written in neat print of the blackboard. 
The two of them are gone, and it’s probably lucky that Lucy isn’t the kind of drunk that gets clumsy, otherwise the two of them would never have managed to make it through the beer garden benches without knocking into one. Arthur isn’t as lucky, knocking his shin against one on his way over to the tables his production team has claimed. 
“Ow.” He whines as Chris gets his hands on Arthur’s shoulders, shaking him until they’re at the seats and he’s shoving him off in fake annoyance. “Get off you leach.”
He digs the pen out of his shorts pocket, and bites the cap off, keeping it wedged between his teeth as he calls out to Lucy. Her name comes out muffled around the cap but she deposits Stephen and collapses next to Arthur, who grabs her wrist. There’s an awful lot of concentration on his face for something as simple as drawing a line. 
Chris plants his forehead on the table, taking a deep breath as he watches the astro turf. He’s well gone, but Lucy and Arthur, who is now just drawing shapes on the inside of her forearm, aren’t much better off. “You two are going to bankrupt me.”
“We’ll put the fund towards a muzzle.” Lucy says off handedly, swiping the marker, and Arthur’s hand to draw a three-by-three grid on his skin. 
They fall into their own little bubble as they start up a series of naughts and crosses games. Chris has to kick them under the table to gain their attention when Cal starts explaining the pub-quiz rules. The aim was to guess the cocktail themed pun based on the footballer’s name. 
Chris wasn’t expecting greatness to begin with. He knows his footballers, but Arthur and Lucy don’t really know them by name and face- unless they play for the teams they support. There’s a much higher chance of a Man United player showing up than a Brighton player, so Lucy might be completely out of her depth. 
They manage to break even only because the German team are shouting out the footballer’s names and failing to relate it back to a cocktail, so the three of them can steal the point out from under them By the end of it, they’re left with a martini, a strawberry daiquiri and a rum punch. 
Chris gets the easy way out and is handed the martini, Lucy recoils once she finishes her rum punch, a shiver racking her spine and Arthur struggles to drink his daiquiri that is filled with ice, though a piss-weak paper straw. 
But it’s down in one for all of them, even the other team.
As he hauls himself to his feet, the gin hits him like a truck. Enough that he stumbles half a step back. Chris knows, as he catches the worried look his production team are giving him, that his hope of ending the afternoon without puking, was a lost cause. 
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[ part one ] [ masterlist ] [ part three ]
ink note: part two! poor christopher's got it bad. this is our last chris chapter for a while, so pray for the poor lad.
[ if you would like to be added to the fic's tag list, let me know in an ask and you'll be tagged when each chapter goes up :) ]
84 notes · View notes
kar1nsworldx · 6 months ago
ArthurTV and singer!reader who releases from the start or promise by laufey 🩷🩷
(...) from the start ᝰ.ᐟ
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pairing: ArthurTV x f!reader
SUMMARY: y/n releases songs about a special someone and soon enough it's revealed about who it is
requested: yesss!!!! anon a big big thank you for requesting a fic, feel free to request more asapp if you'd like because I'd love to write more for people!!!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: anon I really hope you enjoy reading this! I tried to write this asap, and I really hope you like how the whole fic turns out <3 . I also actually wrote for the first time in my social media fic, so I really hope that you liked my writing and how the story progressed!!! Whilst writing I tried to make it as long as possible considering how late I posted this so I really do hope you enjoy!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REQUEST MORE STUFF!!!!! ♡♡♡
ˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 🧸ྀི
y/n l/n
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liked by faithlousiak, taliamar and 32,784 others
y/n l/n: bla bla bla !!
gkberry_: stunning stunning girl! xx
y/n l/n: stop you're gonna make me cry 😭
bambinobecky: gorgeous woman 💓
y/n l/n: sobbing, thank you becky 🫂🫂
faithlousiak: loved seeing you yesterday girly 🩷
y/n l/n: sameee I missed you sm! 🥹
userly: ahhh I love your outfits! where do you buy your clothes from?
y/n l/n: thank you sm!! I usually go to thirft shops, but sometimes I got to H&M for some shirts. if you want quality, long lasting clothes go to zara! I only have one clothing item from zara which is jeans and even tho they're a few years old they're still top quality. would buy more zara stuff but I'm broke 😭🫂🩷
userly: ahhh tysm!! love you!! xx
y/n l/n: 💓
user007: omg I haven't seen you in a hot second
y/n l/n: LOL sorry? 😭😭
user888: TULIPS!!!!! 🌷🌷🌷
y/n l/n: TULIPS <3 🌷🌷🌷
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ding! new Whatsapp notification from Behz
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⤷ Miss Olive says that if you don't come to the next Sidemen Sunday shoot you will never ever see her again
Well please tell Miss Olive that there is no need for threats
and that I will be there!!!!
⤷ I'll tell the little Miss
⤷ are you free this Tuesday? we were planning to shoot a Hide & Seek video at the London Zoo around 3pm
yeah of course I am
you lot want me to come at 3pm or earlier?
⤷ maybe around 2:30 or 2:45? just so that we can mic you up asap
yeah of course, not a problem
you need me to bring anything??
⤷ nah, no need but thanks tho
yeah ofc
see ya behz x, say hi to Olive and Faith for me! 🩷
⤷ will do L/n 👍
y/n l/n
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liked by miniminter, sidemen and 54, 732 others
y/n l/n: lisened to a really great song on the way to a sidemen shoot. I wonder from who could it be tho... do you guys have a clue? 🤷‍♀️
y/n l/n: mmm you'll find out in a couple of days if I did or didn't xxx mwah! gtg to film a video now, love ya talia! 💓
freyanightingale: darling this will be 5/5 songs that you've made without telling anyone, ffs 😭
y/n l/n: thats why it's fun! 🩷
freyanightingale: why am I not suprised by your responce
useroo: OH???? OH?????????????????????
useredup: NEW SONG???? OH MA GAWD HELL YEAH PARTNER 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
sidemen: oh? 👀
arthurnfhill: ooo new song, i'm intrested
user111: OMG I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!
y/n l/n: me too bestie, me too 🫂
ksi: insane news
y/n l/n: 🩷🤫🥹
xouserxo: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?????
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ding! new Whatsapp notification from Tobi 😎
Tobi 😎;
⤷ hey, just wanted to lyk that were all metting up in front of the Zoo
⤷ but tbf no ones here yet, just me, josh and ethan
ty for the info Tobi! :)
I'm there within the next 10 minutes or less!
Tobi 😎;
⤷ glad to hear, see you soon :)
see yaaa!!!!
As she slowly started to approach the Zoo, Y/n put away her headphones into her tote bag, making sure to turn them off before putting them away. She quickly checked that she looked good and that her outfit was okay before walking through the black gates that were the entrence of the Zoo.
"Y/n, hey!" a voice called out as she was immidetly spotted entering through the gates. It was Tobi who greeted her first, a wide smile on his face as he waved at her. She waved back, greeting him as well Josh, Ethan and the crew members too. "How are you guys?" the brunette asked as she approached them with a shy smile.
"Pretty good, you?" Josh replied as he finished adjusting his mic. "Good, thank you," she answered. "Oi, you! Did you really make another song without telling anyone, again? Faith has been blowing up my phone for the last hour you crazy woman," Ethan spoke up as he looked at her. Y/n only let out a small laugh at his question and statement, a sly grin on her face. "Y/n, again?" Tobi asked with a slightly suprised and curious look. "Mm, I don't know boys. I'm sure you'll be able to find out in a few days." was the only responce the brunette offored, trying not to laugh quietly. She wasn't a famous singer by any means, like Talia or JJ but she did like to write music from time to time. So far she released 4 songs, but without telling anyone she knew that she's releasing a song it would always suprise them.
"Oh for fucks sake," Ethan groaned before contnuing; "I swear Faith will murder you one day I swear," at that Y/n let out a slightly suprised laugh. The four of them continued to talk and with time, more people came; Harry, Vik, Simon and JJ obviously, but also Chris, Arthur, and Danny Aarons. As they all finally got together, Josh informed the group that they would all have to wear a animal onsie.
"Oh for fucks sake man," Chris groaned as he put on a tiger costume. "To be fair they are quite comfortable," Arthur said whilst wearing a green frog costume.
Y/n only smiled at their antics and banter as she waited for the boys to finish putting on their costumes. She was given a fox onsie, which was slightly bigger on her but as Arthur said, it was comfortable. "I woudn't say they're that bad Chris," she said as she looked at the blond man.
"Yeah yeah," was the reply she got from the Jersey youtuber as he was slightly stuck whilst putting on the tiger costume. Y/n let out a chuckle as she watched him.
Soon enough they all were ready and Harry started off the video as he was the seeker. As he said that they could go and start hidding Y/n sprinted off, immidietly leaving the group to go and search for a hidding spot. "I have no idea where to hide, this place is massive," she spoke to her camera as she ran, showing off the animals. She always loved animals, so it was nice to see so many of them.
As she ran past the monkey enclosure, she spotted a little souvenir stand that was completly closed, windows locked, shut and everything. But to her suprise, the door was unlocked so she quickly steped in and closed the door behind her. "Fuck me it's dark," she said as she turned on the flash on her phone, lighting the place off. It was the size of a kiosk, so not that big. But there was a huge box under the counter, and that could just be her hidding spot. She put her camera aside to see if she would fit in it, and after she confirmed to herself that she would she picked up her camera again and got inside it, closing the box after she made herself comfortable.
"Not the comfiest place, but it could do the trick. It's kinda far away, so let's hope Harry dosen't come here anytime soon," she talked to the camera, holding it up to show her surroundings. "I think I'll camp out here for a few minutes and then I'll go outside again," she added "All the animals are adorable and I really want to see the red pandas."
Some time has passed and Y/n decided that she'd go and find another hiding spot. It was getting quite hot and stuffy in the cardboard box as well she was getting bored. After leaving the little souvenir kiosk she just strolled through the Zoo, filming animals and talking to the camera. "Guys I found Simon and Cal," she spoke as she recorded two extremely tall giraffes.
Just as she said that she heard screaming and from the distance she saw Danny get chased by Harry. "Oh fuck no," she yelled before sprinting away as she realised that Danny was sprinting in ger direction with Harry on his heels. "Fuck ne fuck me fuck me!" she yelled as she ran "I should've stayed in my hiding spot!"
Thankfully she was able to get away safely, but her costume? Not so much. She hid herself in a bush but because of doing that her costume got torn apart a little bit. "Man, I liked this onsie,"
She camped out in the big bush for a while, catching her breath and talking to the camera a bit. But after some time she heard yelling again. "Oh God I think Arthur is getting chased," she informed the camera, recording what she could of her surroundings from outside the bush. Just as she saw Arthur getting chased she immidetly stoped talking and stood still, praying that her cover woudn't get blown.
To her suprise, Arthur actually hid himself too in the same bush that she was in and Harry sprinted off down the path just a minute later, not even noticing them. Just as she was going to greet Arthur quietly he let out a loud surpised yelp. "What are you-" "Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up, you are not blowing this cover Televison," she cut him off, putting a hand over his mouth so that he woudn't make a sound. After a minute or so she put her hand down before greeting him with a smile.
"Hi," she said. "What are you doing here?" Arthur asked with a confused look on his face. "Hidding, obviously.," she replied. "Right," he said before falling quiet. The two didn't talk much, only recorded a bit and commented about something here and there, but other than that not my words were spoken between the two. After some time passed Arthur decided to go find another hidding spot, bidding Y/n goodbye. "Good luck," she told him as he left. "Thanks," and that was that.
"Well that was lovely..," she said to no one in a slightly moody tone. Nobody knew (hopefully) but the brunette had the biggest crush on the Jersey youtuber, despite knowing they had 100% chance of being together. Hell they weren't even that close, only really interacting whilst recording videos.
But that didn't matter that much at the moment as Y/n had a challange to win. After alot of more time has passed, she decided to leave the bush and go back to her original hidding spot. She made a dash for the kiosk, making sure to not be caught. After seccuring her original hidding spot she talked to the camera, about anything and everything really until someone entered the kiosk. She immidetly went silent, hopping she woudn't be found. Just then, she heard a yelp and something colliding into the box she was hidding in, making her fall. "Oh fuck me!" she yelled as she has been found, Harry standing over her.
"Oh my God I didn't even know you were in there, that was a complete accident mate!" Harry yelled, laughing as he recorded the brunette. "Oh for fucks sake Bog," she groaned as she got up. "Oi don't be so sad, you actually won!"
"I did?" Y/n asked excitedly, a grin slowly forming on your face. "Yes mate, did you not hear us calling for you?" Harry asked as the two walked out of the little kiosk with a confused look on your face. "I only heard screaming but no actual words being said." she responded. The two of them made their way quickly to the front of the Zoo where everyone else was. "Ey, theres the winner of todays video!" Tobi yelled out with a smile as he recorded Harry and Y/n approach them. "What happened to your costume?" Chris asked as he saw the brunettes ripped up costume. "Hidding in a bush is a smart move but it ruins your clothes." was all Y/n had to offer as they slowly started to finish filming. Soon enough everything was done and everyone was allowed to leave.
"You need a ride?" Vik asked her as it was a known fact that the girl didn't drive. "Nah, it's fine, thanks tho." she replied with a smile before going to bid everyone goodbye and leave.
y/n l/n added to their story!
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⤷ faithlousiak: Y/N WHEN I CATCH YOU Y/N
⤷ taliamar liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ freyanightingale liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ freyanightingale: ffs 😭💓
y/n l/n
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liked by vikkstagram, georgeclarkeey and 104,764 others
y/n l/n: FROM THE START IS YOURS PEOPLE!!! Please stay tuned as this is not the only song coming your way this month <3 Stream From the start, ASAP!! Much love to all xx
behzingagram: @y/n l/n you are paying for the therapy bills, tnx
y/n l/n: love u both lots but we both know im broke af xxy
y/n l/n: 💓💓💓
us3r: 🎶💓
arthurnfhill: collab when???
y/n l/n: whenever you'd like arthur 🙏
y/n l/n: LOVE U!!
xouserxo: literally in love with this song omfg
chrismd10: taylor swift (walmart version)
y/n l/n: hii chrissy :((
chrismd10: okay okay so maybe it is a good song or something...
y/n l/n: :D
bambinobecky: stunning stunning woman alert!!!
y/n l/n: marry me already?
gkbarry_: O.M.G
savinggracepod: WE NEED YOU ON THE POD NOW!!!!!!!
y/n l/n: I'm sure we can figure something out soon! xxx 😉
sidemen: bop
xeuserxe: y/n ilysm but who is this about!!!??!
vikkstagram: 🤩
y/n l/n: another one coming soon! xxx
useredup: WHAT
italianbach: holy shit
arthurtv: congrats!
ksi: insane
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liked by y/n l/n, behzingagram and 27,672 others
faithlousiak: go stream the crazy lady's beautiful sad gutwrenching love song pls, she needs help
tagged: @y/n l/n
y/n l/n: I do not need help! I have a perfectly valid reason for writing the song Faith!!!! >:((((
faithlousiak: oh shut up you sad sack of potatoes and go write more songs abt unrequired love
y/n l/n: I will actually!!!
behzingagram: oh ffs
user777: still in shock
user888: we all are babes
usermybeloved: this is such a cute post :((( <3
freyanightingale: shes the reason for my gray hairs
y/n l/n: or maybe ur just old??? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
user007: why do I have a theory about who could this song be about
useruuuu: love the song smm
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y/n l/n
liked by arthurhill, spotifyuk and 110,774 others
y/n l/n: Promise out now.
arthurnfhill: COLLAB ASAP CALL ME
y/n l/n: 📞📞📞
behzingagram: okay so maybe we should pay for your therapy instead...
taliamar: sobbing sobbing and more sobbing
spotifyuk: 🤩🎶
arthurtv: ...
⤷*this comment has been deleted...*
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liked by y/n l/n, gkbarry_ and 46,754 others
savinggracepod: ladies 'n gents and all in between i'm sure you can guess our next podcast guest but please do tune in this week for the new episode to confirm your suspisions xx
y/n l/n: hehe 😶‍🌫️🤭
gkbarry_: you cheeky cheeky woman
y/n l/n: 💋💋💋
xouserxo: literally cannot wait omg!!
user111: so so excited for this one x
usermybeloved: MISS @y/n l/n GET UR ASS IN HERE
user1: this ep is going to be so good I can already tell
savinggracepod: babe ur spitting straight facts x
user1: OMG HI!
faithlousiak: can't wait for this lovely shitshow <3
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y/n l/n
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liked by savinggracepod, arthurtv and 47,654 others
y/n l/n: big big thank you for having me @savinggracepod !! Pls go check out this weeks episode asap 🎀
tagged: @savinggracepod @gkbarry_
savinggracepod: we loved having youuu!! xxx
faithlousiak: girly u ain't slick
faithlousiak: check gc
userly: cant wait to lisen to this!!!
gkbarry_: 💋💋💋
y/n l/n: 💋💋💋
arthurtv: loved the ep
y/n l/n: haha tysm arthur!! (:
useredup: NEW EPPPPP
user007: ...
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arthurtv added to their story!
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⤷ y/n l/n liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷ y/n l/n: hope you like it! (:
⤷ arthurtv: really do, pretty relatable as well
⤷ y/n l/n liked arthurtv's comment! ♡
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"Hi Arthur," Y/n greeted the man as she approached him. Tomorrow came way to quickly for her liking, and she was so nervous too as she had no idea why he set this up. "Hey Y/n," Arthur greeted her politely with a smile as he looked up from his phone. "Want to head inside?" "I'd love to,"
The two of them entered the café with Arthur immidietly going to the counter. "I can take our orders while you find a place for us to sit down. What would you like?" he asked her. "An Iced coffee would be fine, thank you," Y/n told him before going to find a table to sit at. She quickly spooted a table in the back of the café where a little amount of people were sitting at. She put down her bag onto one chair and waited for Arthur.
"Your drink," Arthur said as he put down both of their drinks on the table. "Thank you," the brunette replied, taking a few sips of her coffee before looking at Arthur. "So, whats up?" she started. "This is, uh.. quite unusual for us to meet up outside of shootings. Is there something wrong?"
"Yeah, it kinda is. But theres nothing wrong actually, I just wanted to ask you something..," Arthur trailed off as he put his own drink down. "Well ask away than," Y/n said with a smile, still quite nervous.
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"
"What?" Y/n looked at him dumbfounded, not beliving what she was hearing. Arthur asked her to go on a date with her? "Wait wait if this is about the songs and because somebody told you about my emotions you don't need to ask me out on a date Arthur, I understand that you don't feel the same. You don't have to take me out on some pity date, it's fine," she rambled, not letting him get a word in.
"Pity?" Arthur asked. "God, Y/n it's not pity I swear. I geniuenly liked you for way to long but I never thought you'd feel the same. Then the guys started to message me that I should ask you out after you released the songs and everything. The only real reason why I haven't tried to get closer to you was because I didn't want to get rejected or something and I kinda always thought you just didn't like me romantically."
"Oh..," Y/n breathed out, before a smile formed on her face. "Well in that case, I'd love to go on a date with you Arthur," she said, her cheeks turning pink as she looked at him.
"Most certantly,"
arthurtv added to their story!
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⤷ y/n l/n liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷chrismd10 liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷chrismd10: I'm seeing it's going well mate ☕️
⤷italianbach liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷georgeclarkeey liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷georgeclarkeey: about damn time
⤷user007: If that isn't Y/n I will start tweaking Televison
⤷useredup: if that date isn't with Y/n istfg I will kms
y/n l/n added to their story!
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⤷ arthurtv liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ faithlousiak liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ faithlousiak: OMFG CALL ME ASAP!!!!!!!
⤷ taliamar liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ taliamar: hell yeah!!! so so happy for you!! 💓
⤷ freyanightingale liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ freyanightingale: told you it would work out xx
⤷ user007 liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ xeuserxe liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
y/n l/n
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liked by arthurtv, wroetoshaw and 97,654 others
y/n l/n: guys I fucked up doing math but instead of failing a test I got the guy in the end 😄😆😉😜🤪😝
tagged: @arthurtv
chrismd10: oh god you will be insufferable
y/n l/n: ofc I will be 😜🤪😝
faithlousiak: YESS MAMASSSS
user6: yayy!!!
user111: so happy for you!
freyanightingale: 💓💓💓
taliamar: CONGRATS!! 💓💓
georgeclarkeey: i will be sick you two are disgustingly cute
y/n l/n: choke on my dick clarke 🥰
georgeclarkeey: no ty
tobjizzle: ❤
xouserxo: cuties ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
italianbach: lost my pookie to another pookie 😔
y/n l/n: its okay we can share him pookie xx
italianbach: thanks pookie!
arthurtv: when did I agree to this????
y/n l/n: YOU WERE
arthurtv: that emonji combo is vile
y/n l/n: you love it 😝
arthurtv: that I do 🙂
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liked by y/n l/n, arthurnfhill and 101,776 others
arthurtv: can't belive I have 2 songs written about me
tagged: @y/n l/n
y/n l/n added to their story!
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⤷ arthurtv liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ arthurtv: :)
324 notes · View notes
lilibethmg · 11 months ago
love on tour | a.h.
a/n: welcome to my first social media fic of hopefully many!! i have a whole universe planned out within the british youtuber group and i thought who best to introduce the series with than arthur hill!!! all work will be ocs not xreaders
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liked by arthurnfhill and 5,937 others
popped down to london to film the double denim music video today!! out on friday if you’re lucky x (and thanks to my wonderful camera man @arthurnfhill)
userone arthur and kam interaction???
| usertwo the way they are my new fave duo
userthree r u guys dating?
userfour i love your music kam!!!!
| kamrynkam tysm <3333
| userfour OMG KAM NOTICE
arthurnfhill i expect to be paid for my services
| kamrynkam oops.. maybe next time?
| | userfive NEXT TIME??
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liked by arthurnfhill, georgeclarkeey and 4,937 others
surprise! we’re going on tour! tickets link is in my bio if you fancy seeing us x
its gonna be one hell of a show.. i wouldn’t want to miss it!!
arthurnfhill ar-tour! ar-tour! ar-tour!
| kamrynkam i want a funky name for tour too :(
| arthurnfhill i’ll work on it 🫡
userone i got manchester tickets!!!!
usertwo omg can’t wait to see you two
georgeclarkeey looking forward to meeting you (especially after everything arthur has told me about you)
| kamrynkam all good things i hope!!
| georgeclarkeey terrible, terrible things
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liked by arthurnfhill, arthurtv and 5,924 others
tour has been a blast so far! london you’re up next 👀 it’s so surreal coming out on stage and seeing you lot go crazy, thank you for having the best energy ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
userone can’t wait for tonight!!!
usertwo you were so good last night <3
saderah gonna cheer the loudest for you tonight
| arthurnfhill not if i cheer louder
| saderah let me flirt with your girlfriend please!
this comment has been deleted.
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liked by arthurnfhill, lisahull_hill and 5,926 others
ar-tour/kam-fest was awesome!! you guys were all so lovely and have made my year xx
p.s. do we want passing thought (feat. kam) to be released 👀
userone you were so good!!!
usertwo yours and arthur’s voices sounded heavenly together omg
| kamkamryn tysm oh my gosh <3
lisahull_hill you were brilliant darling!
| kamkamryn thank you lisa 🥹
userthree can’t believe i got to meet you!! thank you for being so lovely
arthurnfhill ❤️
| kamkamryn mwah
userthree your chemistry was a little too good for my liking 🤔🤔🤔
saderah girl you were awesome!!!!!
| kamkamryn love you sade :((
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liked by arthurnfhill, saderah and 6,293 others
‘i’d step on lego for you’ is now all yours! i hope you guys have as much fun listening as i did making it! this ep is a collection of my favourite songs i’ve made in the past year with 2 brand new songs!!! let me know your favourite song on the ep!!! 🩵
arthurnfhill forever proud of you
| kamrynkam ❤️‍🔥
| | userone HELLO??!?
usertwo naked poetry goes so hard!!
userthree afterlife is a banger tbf
saderah straight fire!! no skips!! she’s done it again!!!
| kamrynkam stop it 🤭
| userfive i think we all know 👀 @arthurnfhill thoughts?
commented liked by kamrynkam
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liked by arthurnfhill, saderah and 4,834 others
finally found my muse ❤️‍🔥
userone hard launch 🤔
| kamrynkam hard launch 😌
usertwo OH MY GOSH!!!!
saderah sister-in-law!!
| kamrynkam sister-in-law!!!!!!!
arthurnfhill i expect 3 songs about me written by the end of the week (love you x)
| kamrynkam stfu loser 😭😭 (love you too x)
userthree 2nd photo is giving rockstar’s girlfriend
| kamrynkam *rockstar girlfriend
66 notes · View notes
inkk-tv · 2 months ago
[ ꜰᴏᴏᴛʙᴀʟʟ ᴘᴜʙ ɢᴏʟꜰ : ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ ]
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Admittedly, it's only when she's standing in the park across from the first pub that she realises exactly what she's gotten herself into. "This feels unfair." "Aw, come on Luce," Arthur says with half a smile, swapping his t-shirt for their team kit. "Have a bit of faith."
in which: Lucy is reluctantly recruited into Chris' pub golf video at the last minute, but it turns out to be very worth it.
4.7k words [ masterlist ] [ part two ]
[oc x arthurtv x chrismd] [warnings: excessive drinking, sexual inudendos]
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There’s a certain risk that comes with renting an office in a building full of youtubers. Mainly being ambushed in the kitchen by a camera for a reaction or her two cents on whatever challenge video was underway is not an uncommon occurrence. Although, being fully roped into a video is never too far out of the realm of possibility. 
Luckily, there’s only one person with the gaul to break into her office, and that’s Chris. 
It’s been affectionately nicknamed, ‘the fishbowl’.
Sitting right on the hallway's bend, with two walls and a giant door of nothing but glass that means anyone who steps out the lift can see right into her office. Hence the name. Once she showed up to find someone had stuck fish and bubble stickers all over the windows- she’s pretty sure it was Sam, who does all her captioning, but she’s never gotten him to confess it.
It’s a pretty decent workspace despite the lack of privacy. Lucy’s desk is off to one side, and the three desks for her London-based employees are in a little cluster to the right of it. Only Shelly, the head editor and Lucy had been in today, but it’s nearing five pm and Shelly had headed off about twenty minutes prior, so it’s just Lucy hauled up alone working on a script as she hides from the rest of the building.
Chris invites himself in. As always. For some reason, the wall of glass just doesn’t present the same barrier to him as it does to everyone else. 
She glances up as the door hinges open, the soundproofing scraps against the carpet before closing with a soft click. There’s something a little frantic in his expression- not exactly panic, but stress maybe- and he’s got a white monster energy can that's dripping condensation in one hand and a takeaway bag from the fish and chip shop two blocks over that uses the perfect amount of salt, in the other.
Lucy is no fool. She knows a bribe when she sees one. "No."
All the tension leaks from his shoulders as Chris heaves a defeated sigh, falling back onto the two seater couch just inside the door. "But I haven't even asked yet."
"But you brought me an incentive." She points out and Chris leans over to thunk the can down on the corner of her desk he could reach. Lucy scrunches her nose up at the ring of water that settles underneath it. "You didn't even do that last time and that involved having footballs booted at me for three hours."
Objectively, Lucy has fun on the ChrisMD channel. She’d always been an active person and while the dreams of being a professional athlete did not work out for her like many others, she does still like sports, especially if they’re team based. Chris’s videos are perhaps the most fun variant of them she’s experienced since quitting her Sunday league team back in uni. 
But Lucy drew a hard line in the sand after the break up.
The problem with having fun on Chris’ videos, is that somewhere along the line, wires got a bit crossed. Lucy isn’t really all too sure when it happened, but she remembers realising. Looking at Chris, and realising she fancied him. It was four months before, and she spent all of it agonising over every conversation they had, kicking herself for liking a taken man, beating herself up over every word or glance as the guilt of it all ate away at her. 
Then he was single and the biggest motivator for Lucy to shut her fucking mouth and stomp down her feelings, she got a little worried things would run away from her. She wasn’t keen to make a mess of things, in private or on the internet, so she took a step back. 
It does help that in her last appearance on the ChrisMD channel, she took a particularly solid shot from Simon Minter to the stomach during the World Cup Ball video. A few days later, Lucy's flatmate had bullied her into going to A and E where they found out she’d managed to acquire a cracked rib. 
Simon- bless him- still apologises every time she runs into him. 
Lucy doesn’t know how to thank him for giving her a reasonable excuse to avoid Chris for an extended period of time.
"You had fun." Chris points out with a roll of his eyes, unpacking the takeaway bag to set two boxes on the coffee table in front of him, opening one and digging into a calamari meal.
"And a broken bone."
Another sigh. "This isn't goal keeping."
Lucy's hands still over her keyboard, little cursor blinking on page is of what was going to be a 12 page script. She huffs a breath, telling herself that she will at least hear the man out. 
It was a stupid thing really, fancying him. It’s probably one of those prolonged exposure things, she spent so much time with him that things got blurry in her mind. But the controlled exposure has been working. No more nights out if he was going and no one on one hang outs for the past few months have really helped her get a handle on things. Make the lines of platonic and romantic a little clearer in her head. 
Even if he’s grown a beard that looks annoyingly good on him. She’s allowed to appreciate it without fancying him. Or at least, that’s how she tries to tell her flatmate. 
Lucy had put measures in place, a little bit of distance to get over her puppy crush and they had been working. 
The little bubbliness she used to get has been smothered in the past few months. They’d done Chip’s karting race together just fine and she’s been significantly more invested in the occasional hinge date she secures. Lucy’s building her way up towards nights out again, knowing that he’ll be there and trusting her mouth to not run away from her. Maybe filming with him would be good- keeping her contained to the version of herself that the internet is allowed to see, the version that never fancied one of her coworkers. 
When she pushes her chair out from the desk and turns to level Chris with a look, considering it for a few long moments before sighing and looking up to the ceiling, already regretting what she hasn't agreed to yet. There's a smile on Chris' face - he knows he's won. Apparently, Ciaran Carlin managed to snag himself a case of food poisoning the day of Chris' 'pub golf' shoot ("thought you did football content" - "Its football themed.") so they were down one whole player. Hence why Chris was there, a few moments from dropping to his knees to beg. 
Lucy is, admittedly an outlier amongst the office. At least in terms of content creation. It's actually the Fellas Studio building, but those who invested in the business to help the boys get it up and running, like Chris and Lucy, have their own office space inside. She makes video essays with the occasional social commentary video mixed in - a far cry from Chris' football challenges or the min-maxing style of videos that seems to have taken over the platform in the last few years.
So their friendship has stayed mostly off camera, as she doesn’t often have people on her main channel, posting occasional vlogs on her second channel but he’s only ever made the cut once or twice. The most the internet knows of Lucy Bell and Chris Dixon is that he’s roped her into a few football challenges over the years. 
When it comes to Chris’s channel, Lucy does make for a good feature. She’s just tipped over four million subscribers in the last few months, with almost a completely different audience, so it brings in a lot of new viewers. She’s not half bad at football either, a few years playing football in uni meant she could keep up with most of the UK YouTube scene if Chris begged nicely enough. 
"Alright, but it’s an extra twenty quid for each time you bite me." 
The biting gets her every time. She’s always had a bit of a thing for it, teeth marks and hickeys. It’s a condition that Lucy adds to save her own sanity more than anything.
See, there’s something about Chris when he’s drunk that just makes the man want to bite. Sink his teeth into whichever friend is closest after a pint or two. Doesn’t matter where, hand arm or neck- he’s even gone for her ear once. He’s not handsy per-say, because none of it was sexual really, but it couldn’t be called clingy either because he got way too mean.  
Cuteness aggression seems to fit the bill. But no matter what someone was to call it, the fact is, Chris gets his teeth out when he’s drinking.
Maybe charging him for it will be enough to remind him not to.
Chris grins. "Done." 
Turns out, the pub golf ‘night-out’ she had been lured into starts at one pm. 
Admittedly, it's only when she's standing in the park across from the first pub that she realises exactly what she's gotten herself into. "This feels unfair."
The line up was clearly in no way designed for fairness. With the 'English team' consisting of Lucy, Chris and Arthur-TV, going against the 'German Team' of Stephen Tries, Bambino Becky and Harry Wroetoshaw.
Now Lucy isn’t a lightweight- at least not proportionally. For a woman of five five, she could hold her drink. But Chris Dixon on the other hand, who was the same height, most definitely was a lightweight. There was not a whole lot of faith to be put in their alcohol tolerance.
"Aw, come on Luce," Arthur says, swapping his t-shirt for their team kit. "Have a bit of faith."
She ducks her head to hide the quick frown that flashes over her face. There’s only two people who call her ‘Luce’ and that’s Chris and her flatmate, Spencer. It’s obvious where he’s picked it up from and the thought of Chris chatting about her to one of his friends with such familiarity is enough to make her stomach flutter. Today was not going to be good. 
Lucy's met Arthur before, in passing. At parties or events, seen him at the office once or twice when he'd presumedly come to film with someone. He’s good friends with George and Arthur Hill too. She knows him and Chris have been mates since school, and that he's one of the most frequent victims of the ChrisMD channel. Miraculously, she's never ended up on a set with him before.
She hopes he holds his drink well.
"A little hard to have faith when Becky and Harry are gonna drink us under the table." She says, thumbing at the team jersey she’s been given.
It’s soft, more so than she expected. 
Football has never much been Lucy’s thing. She was on a team during her uni years, but that was more social than competitive. She owns a couple of kits, her old uni jersey that was mainly a work shirt and the Brighton Jersey her brother bought her for Christmas one year- Lucy makes sure to wear it whenever she watches a game. But that’s about the extent of it, she’s never had much reason to go buy an official kit. 
But apparently for the football-ification of pub golf, team jerseys were a must. 
The tag says it’s their away kit from the 1990 world cup and the fabric is so abrasively red, Lucy feels like a stop sign when she pulls it on. It doesn’t help that it was originally bought for Ciaran, so it’s two sizes too large. Sadly it completely tanks her outfit, the black skater skirt and platform mary-janes with lacy white socks had gone so much better with the cosy white knit sweater she’d started the day in, but it does sort of work. Even if it makes her look like a pick-me girl. 
The collar slips about on her shoulders and Lucy pulls the collar about a little, trying to make it sit properly, which apparently, Chris takes as an invitation. 
He comes up from behind and drapes his arms over her shoulders- not exactly unusual behaviour from him, but it does typically take a few more drinks. There’s not even a moment of hesitation before Chris sinks his teeth into the meat of her shoulder, biting down. Not hard enough to hurt exactly, more like a pinch. 
She doesn’t yelp but grunts a little, swatting at his hair to duck out of his grip. When he backs off, there’s a dark semi-circle on the jersey, highlighting where he’d bitten at the material. “Right. That’s twenty quid then.”
Chris blinks, then rolls his eyes. “What? No, come one. We haven’t even started filming yet.”
He’s smiling though, watching as Lucy digs a black marker out of her purse and bites the lid off to draw a thick line on the inside of her right forearm. “A deal is a deal, Chris.”
“We’ll if we’re keeping track like that, someone else has to be in charge of the pen.” He plucks it from her fingers and Lucy goes to swipe it back but he pulls it up high above both their heads. 
She could snatch it back. They’re about the same height; every time someone whips out a tape measure they end up with a different answer to who is taller, so it always depends on the shoes. Today, she’s even wearing platforms with more than enough heel to beat out Chris' white air forces but Lucy’s not sacrificing a single sliver of her dignity to jump for the marker. 
Perhaps realising that she’s not taking the bait, he holds it out to Arthur instead, who has been watching them with a raised eyebrow. “What’s this then?”
“Lucy agreed to be in the video, if I paid her twenty pounds each time I bit her.” Chris says, looking a little proud of himself for some reason, as if wrangling her into a video was some sort of impressive feat. “But I don’t trust her to not just draw a bunch of lines.”
“Damn. That’s smart, you’ll make a couple hundred quid today, easy.” Arthur plucks the marker out of Chris’ fingers and looks at it a little funny. “Will you give me twenty every time you bite me?”
The marker is tucked away into the pocket of his shorts with a grin. 
“You were coming no matter what.”
“With you looking like that, damn right I was.” Arthur holds his hand up for a high-five, probably more of a reflex than anything. Chris doesn't go for it, but Lucy does, swinging up to her tiptoes, to clap her palm against his.
“Come on,” He grins at Lucy, keeping their hands clasped for a few seconds with the momentum and it has her feeling a little better about the afternoon ahead.
One of the film crew, Sam she thinks his name is, waves Lucy over to mic her up. They make their way through the ‘before game interviews’, with the warning they will be spliced with the aftermath that was to be recorded at the last pub.
"Are you going to enjoy today?" Chris pokes the mic against the tip of her nose and Lucy scrunches it up a little at the feeling of scratchy foam.
"Considering I was bribed to be here, no." She plays the reluctant friend well, but they both know she’d been happy to help Chris out in his time of crisis and that she probably wouldn’t end up chasing him up about the money she was supposedly charging him per bite.
The first two holes (“It’s Goal, Luce. Use the right terminology.”) left their team with a rather bleak outlook.
Lucy’s played enough drinking games in her life to be able to down a pint in one go, so that isn’t a problem. She chugs the IPA, so while it’s down in one, Lucy is left with a bitter taste in her mouth, complaining to the table that if she was forced to drink beer, it should at least be lager. Arthur and Chris both down theirs in one, but are cautioned for shit jokes and chose to do a shot each instead of taking the additional points. 
The second pub is no hands, white sambuca shots, but they get a bench so it’s not much hassle to lean down and get her lips around the glass rim and knock it back.
But when they’re done, and Arthur’s wandered off, her, Chris and Harry pounce on his backpack to turn it inside out. It makes her feel like she’s back in secondary playing silly pranks when someone leaves their bag unattended. Tragically he comes back with the news that he’s thrown up. Twice. There’s an attempt to blame the McDonalds wrap he’d scranned a bit too quickly but Calfreezey is not a forgiving referee and they are penalised three points, leaving them at seven as Chris has failed to down his shot in one. 
“We are not winning that dominos pizza.” Arthur whines, frowning down at his inside out bag.
Lucy holds her hands out, an unspoken gesture that he accepts with a smile and starts piling his belongings into her hands. “Cheer up Mr.Television. I’ll Deliveroo one to the last pub.”
“And ruin Chris’ incentive? Where’s your competitive spirit Miss Bell?” He quips back, grabbing a fist full of his bag’s canvas and turning it back out the right way, shoving his pencil case and jacket back into it. 
There’s an instinct to roll her eyes at the last name but fair is fair. She did sort of do it to him first. “I think winning for us is already a lost cause. Becky and Harry can outdrink us all.”
Arthur zips his bag up and swings it over his shoulders, heading for the door but glancing back at her as he speaks. “Not Stephen?”
“He’s more of a mascot I think.” Lucy muses, skipping up to his side and out the door as he holds it with one hand. “Like Chris.”
“Fair enough, they are the two lightweights.” He says, jutting his chin out to where Chris and Stephen were squabbling a good hundred metres up the footpath. “You seem a bit better at handling the beers than Chris to be honest.”
She can’t quite stop the way her nose scrunches at the memories of parties and chundering in bushes out the front of train stations. Lucy hisses through her teeth. “Yeah, I had a few too many nights out in Uni. Spiked my tolerance.”
There’s this little quirk of Arthur’s head, like he’s a curious cat that’s been offered a toy mouse to play with. “I didn’t know you went to uni, what did you study?”
“Journalism. Hence the video essays- if you know what kind of videos I do.”
“Not to brag, but I'm kind of subscribed.” He puts on a little bit of a voice, an impression of the typical ‘nice guy’ when he says it with an exaggerated roll of the eyes that earns a smile.
“Really?” This time it’s Lucy who’s tilting her head, peering up at him a little from under the few loose strands of hair that hang over her forehead and it makes Arthur sort of sheepish. 
“Oh yeah,” He pulls out his phone and opens the youtube app. She’s in his subscriptions tab, along the top bar even. “I really like the rage bait one. And the one about the barbie movies.” 
“You actually watch my videos?” He must do. The rage bait one was recent but Lucy’s deep-dive into the animated barbie movies of the early two-thousands was from her uni days, buried under six years of more recent uploads. 
“Yeah, they’re good. Informative, funny.”
Lucy blushes. “Flattery gets you everywhere, Arthur. I’ll check out your channel after today, promise.”
“It’s not much, a lot of reality TV content- hence the name. I started with Airline freakouts and ended up with ninety-day fiancé.” He holds out his phone for her to take with his own channel pulled up. 
She flicks though, and it is admittedly a lot of ninety-day fiancé, but when she flicks the ‘popular’ filter on, some of the thumbnails look kind of familiar. “Wait, like the old ‘Airline UK’ show? I used to watch some of those.”
Arthur grins. “Really?”
“Yeah, just compilations of the passengers screaming at the easy jet desk.” 
There’s a mental note to watch them when she gets home (pr depending on how drunk she ends up, tomorrow) and see if they’re familiar. 
It happens every now and then, watching a video then realising years later you’ve just met the person who made it. A couple of months after meeting George Clarkey at the gym she realised she’d watched him chase a beep around his garage on tiktok a year earlier.
“Maybe you saw some of mine.” Arthur offers a little shyly, as if he’s nervous about suggesting it. “They did decent numbers. It’s how I got started with youtube.”
He hums in agreement. “Needed something to pay the bills in Uni and youtube ended up being way more fun than Law.”
Lucy can’t help the judgemental tone that sneaks into her voice. “You studied Law?”
“Don’t sound so surprised.” He scoffs with a smile.
“No you’re just nicer than all the other law students I met while in Uni. Most of them were right pricks.”
Especially the one she’d dated in second year. He’d been good at first, but after a couple of pints he was anyone's. The guy played up on her all the time and it wasn’t until he tried hitting on the first year who’d just moved into Lucy’s student Accommodation that she finally called it off. 
After that, all the law students who tried to chat her up at the Uni bars left a bitter taste in her mouth. 
Not Arthur though. He isn’t quite a law student, she supposes, he’s a youtuber and Lucy does get on well with most of the UK scene. They were a good bunch and any of the dickheads were pretty easy to weed out- there is a couple she fully avoids, simply because she couldn’t be arsed putting up with them. Lucy scribbles Arthur’s name on the mental list of people she wouldn’t mind chatting to at the next party. 
He’s got decent chat, certainly better than some of the dull people she’s put up with out of politeness and when he smiles, it’s a flash of pearly white. Teeth that all line up perfect- save for his pointed canines. She could stand to see it a bit more often, carve out some space for it in her chest amongst the fluttering of butterflies. “Flattery gets you everywhere, Luce.”
“Hurry up you two, stop dawdling!” Chris shouts from out the front of pub number three. 
They wave him off with a few jeered ‘yeah, yeah’s but do pick up the pace a little. 
“I meant to ask earlier,” Arthur says. “Want to put your purse in my bag? it looks like it’s bothering you.”
Her purse has been bothering her. It was the one she’d taken into the office and was more for fashion than function, a little black leather crossbody bag that she’s had over one shoulder so it doesn't make her boobs look weird on camera. It’s only really got her phone, earbuds and keys in it. She’s been keeping it at her hip with one hand but it’s getting tiring. “Yeah, thanks Arthur.” 
He tucks it away gently, with much more care than he’d had with his own portable charger and pencil case a few minutes earlier. Arthur’s sweeter than she expected. 
Not many of the youtube boys were sweet. Nice, friendly even, but part of being amongst them meant she could take the banter and hard hitting. Catch hurled comments that strangers would say border on cruel with her bleeding hands and hurl them back. There’s an added layer, being a woman online appearing on channels with a male dominated audience. A thick oily sheen that taints the comments of collab videos. 
But Lucy has managed to find the youtubers she could stomach, some of which she spends more time with than others. George is her gym buddy, even if he’s been slacking lately. Will lacks enough of a social life that he tends to rot in the office just as late as she does so they always end up ordering Deliveroo and shit talking for an extra hour or two. She doesn’t mind the occasional pint with Harry or Tobi either. They’re all sweet, but sweet enough that it's threatening to make her blush? Well, only Chris made that far. 
Lucy tucks that thought away and settles into the seat at the end of the table, tapping the toes of her shoes together idly as the production team set up go-pros and camera angles.
Pub number three was goalie rules. Six seconds to down a pint and it had to be done with keeper gloves. 
All six sets set on the table are Large and it looks utterly ridiculous when they all don the gloves. Black and green leathery material that’s oddly padded on the inside, it feels weird enough that it sort of captivates her for a few moments, the new sensation against her hands. Lucy keeps balling her fists up then splaying her fingers again, listening to the scrunch of them before pressing her hands flat against the table to feel the padding compress and spring back up slightly when she released the pressure. 
Arthur has a similar reaction, although he just starts running his hands over everything. From the wooden table to his own legs. Down Lucy’s right forearm where it rests on the table, over Chris’s head. The latter of which, he does so much that it actually gets a reaction, which Lucy is starting to think most of Arthur’s oddities don’t.
“Stop rubbing my head!” Chris squeaks, ducking away from Arthur’s widespread palms that are messing up his quiff. “Rub the head I want to be rubbed!”
Lucy snorts into her keeper glove when Chris gestures rudely to his crotch and Stephen goes to kick it from under the table. 
Thankfully, before things can devolve into more dick jokes, a member of Chris’s team brings over a tray of pints. 
Lucy and Arthur both get it down in one, but Chris fails- laughing after about an inch and having to set the drink down. Easy to say, no one is impressed and he earns them a yellow card for time wasting.
“How have you done worse than the females?” Arthur jokes, setting Chris’ still half full glass between Lucy and Becky’s empty ones. 
“We’ll take ourselves back to the kitchen.” Becky declares, raising a hand for a high five that Arthur meets- an assurance that it’s all jokes- before leaning in to stage whisper to Lucy. “There might be pints in there.”
Despite England's mostly good performance, Calfreezy once again proves that he’s out to get them as he issues two yellows and a red card. Lucy and Chris take the penalty shots- tequila upon request- and there’s three points added to their tally as well. 
It burns the back of her mouth and stings against her tongue. Whichever production member had fetched their shots did not return with the curiosity of a chaser. Still, it’s easier to down than a pint so Lucy takes what she can get. 
Although, everyone seems to be under the impression that it’s going to finish her. Probably because she keels over coughing after getting it down. It’s the closest Lucy’s come to spitting out a drink all afternoon, which is saying something considering the IPA at the first pub was utter shit. 
Her reaction has Steven so confident in his team’s performance that he starts demanding forfeits, anything from shots of the winners choice to public spankings in ‘piccadilly square’.
While Lucy focuses on not tripping over the drag of her platform shoes, the taste of tequila lingers on her tongue and haunts her all the way to the next pub. 
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[ masterlist ] [ part two ]
ink note: and we are underway! thanks so much for reading! feel free to send asks about the fic or check out the notes at the bottom of Lucy's masterlist to see how this fic is going to develop.
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85 notes · View notes
inkk-tv · 2 months ago
[ ꜰᴏᴏᴛʙᴀʟʟ ᴘᴜʙ ɢᴏʟꜰ : ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ]
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He can hear it in her voice, wants to hear more of it. “Yeah?” “You know,” Lucy’s got this smile on her face, something a little coy, teasing even. “If this wasn’t for a video, and we were on a night out, I’d probably take you to the bathroom to snog.”
in which: Arthur strggles with the will to move on.
5k words [ part two ] [ masterlist ] [ unseen (coming soon... ]
[warnings: excessive drinking, sexual innuendos and sexually explicit content]
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Arthur doesn’t think he’s been this gone since uni, when he lost all his muscle mass after quitting boxing and pints were one two pound each. The walk between one beer garden to the next is nowhere near as sobering as it felt at age nineteen with worn down trainers scratching against the pavement. 
It’s got him dizzy, that light headed floaty feeling that only arrives after at least six standards and a distinct lack of food.
Starting the day hungover did him no favours, he’d vomited up all the food (and the first two drinks) he’d consumed at pub number two. Somehow, he’s still gone. Probably the empty stomach and all of one glass of water’s contribution.
Pub seven came with another beer garden and the fresh air helped immensely. So does the pot plant at the end of the table- an emergency puke spot that’s a better alternative than the astro turf. Arthur doesn’t quite manage to snag the seat on the end and he’s not close enough to chundering to ask for it but if worse comes to worst, he can lean past Lucy to puke. 
She'd probably kill him if he vomited on her. Infact, Lucy’s staring at him like she knows he’s thinking about it. 
“You’re so gone.” A smile cracks her lips as she talks, leaning in a little closer to inspect his face and the semi-vacant look in his eyes.
Arthur feels his cheeks flare up in a blush. He’s not a prude or a soy-boy by any means, but it’s been a while since he’s had a girl that was as pretty as Lucy in such close proximity. His last few nights out have been soured by everyone’s attempts to get Chris to chat up a girl, which leaves a bitter taste in his mouth at the reminder of how painfully straight his best mate is. Then again, it is Arthur’s fault for going and ending up completely head over heels for straight man, an experience he became well acquainted with in his uni days. 
Fancying Chris was an old hat for him, Arthurs had the better half of a decade to get acquainted with the misery of it. Devastatingly enough, his type is painfully cookie cutter. Blonde, around five-five or five-six, athletic and able to dish it out as good as they can take it. 
So he’d always sort of strayed away from Lucy Bell. She’s the right shade of pretty that scares him off, not keen to make a fool of himself by making it obvious how fit he thinks she is. That’s gone out the window today. 
“George is gonna take me home to sleep on his couch.” he offers, holding his phone for her to see the open text thread. “He’s worried I’m going to choke on my own vomit.”
“He’s so good.” Lucy goes to grab his phone, and Arthur hands it over easily.
Her fingers are a little clumsy with it, but she manages to open the imessage widgets and send George a game of connect four.
She does that a lot, Arthur’s noticed, the little games on her phone. He’d watched her do the wordle in the park while they waited for the production team to finish getting sorted. The evidence of their naughts and crosses games are littered up the insides for their arms- her left and his right. Now she’s started up another one with George. 
Arthur wonders if she knows chess. He doesn’t ask though. “If you lose, George is gonna think I've fallen off.” 
“One connect four loss won’t kill you.” She says, rolling her eyes.
“Hurt my pride maybe.”
Lucy tuts, like he’s given the wrong answer. “Well don’t worry, I never let George win. Even when we’re drunk.”
“Is connect four a normal thing for you when you’re drunk?”
She shrugs. “Gotta get the boys interested somehow.”
“Don’t think you need connect four for that, Luce.”
He must have gotten it right that time, because, although still looking down at his phone screen, some semblance of a smile appears. Smothered by the way she bites at her bottom lip to contain it but most definitely there. “Flattery gets you everywhere, Arthur.”
Flirting is a bad idea. They’re both fairly drunk and the last time he’d been this drunk and tried to flirt with a girl, was Ibeza when he told the story of getting a hard on from a surfboard and having a wank in the ocean. Lucy still has a somewhat respectable opinion of him, no need to go and drag it through the mud. 
But at the same time, he can’t not flirt with her. 
There’s an opportunity presenting itself here, something in her words. He can hear it plain as day, she fancies him too. Arthur’s gotten better at picking it over the years, what it means when a girl sits close enough to press their legs together, fiddles with his fingers or asks to compare hand sizes. (Flo, his flatmate at the time, had to explain that last one to him after he’d left some poor girl at a club, not realising she was interested in him at all)
He can hear it in her voice, wants to hear more of it. “Yeah?”
“You know,” Lucy’s got this smile on her face, something a little coy, teasing even. “If this wasn’t for a video, and we were on a night out, I’d probably take you to the bathroom to snog.”
He sits up a little straighter, the way he always does when a compliment is lobbed at him, brain playing catch up to make his posture better, his jaw a little tighter, presenting the best version of himself. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” She repeats with a smile, looking him over. “But I get the vibe you’re not that kind of guy.”
“I can be.” Arthur says, feeling the need to assure her that he would, if she showed up on future nights out and asked. “Depends on the person.”
Lucy purses her lips. “Waiting on someone special, are you?”
He can’t help but glance back to where Chris is stood, chattering to the camera and his production team. 
“Ah.” Lucy lets out, nodding her head a little as she connects the dots. “It’s Chris isn’t it?”
“It’s not- I mean, I’m not hung up on him or anything,” he scrambles to defend himself, because he's never really had to explain it to anyone else besides his older sister, and he’s never had to lay it out drunk before. “But I feel bad sometimes, talking to people at some bar or club when I still kind of fancy my best mate.”
“I don’t blame you. He’s easy to fancy.”
And Arhtur’s learnt to spot it, so he hears the way she says it. The same way she’d been speaking to him. Only this time, she wasn’t talking about him. 
“No,” Arthur looks at her for a moment, as she squints at the screen to read whatever text has pinged though amidst the game she seems heavily invested in. Something that feels like disbelief hammers about in his chest. “Surely not.”
Lucy glances up to give him a flat look. “You are literally the last person who can judge me.”
“You’ve got a better chance than me.” He offers, because yeah, she does. Lucy’s proper fit, she’s funny and she’s smart. If she went up to Chris on any given day and asked him out for coffee, there’s no doubt in Arthur’s mind he’d say yes. “At least he likes women.”
She bites at the inside of her cheek as another message pings though, Arthur’s phone buzzing silently. “I put too much effort into getting over him to backtrack now.”
“See, I saved your pride.” She says with a smile, sliding his phone across the table to display the connect four game, a little crown spinning around on the screen.
He sort of wants to say something else. 
Encourage her to go for it. But part of him is selfish, wants to keep her to himself. Maybe if he does that mindset she’s built will rub off on him and Arthur can claim some of it for himself. 
Arthur doesn’t want to backtrack. 
It’s in her eyes when she looks at Chris, the resignation, the decision to get over it. He wonders if there’s truth to it, if this really was a night out, and Lucy had spent an hour drawing naughts and crosses up the inside of his arm, that she truly would snog him in the bathroom. If he’d take her up on the offer. 
He could fancy her, if they got talking one day. 
Maybe at one of George’s house parties. She used to go to those. 
Or at a club. Arthur could imagine her there. She’s the kind of girl that would have guys scrambling to prove themselves, peacocking about and buying her drinks to win her favour, wanting nothing more than to take her to a club bathroom, push her up against the wall and lick into her mouth. 
Maybe she’d let them push her to her knees, like she’d done to him an hour ago. Maybe she’d go home with them and let them kiss her into the mattress. He’s seen comments about it, when she features in videos, what people on the internet thinks happens behind closed doors or how they reckon they would pull her.
Arthur doesn’t think that sort of thing suits her though. 
Lucy’s the kind of girl that should be treated right.
If it was him, he’d ask for her number, maybe kiss her goodbye before leaving- so she knew he meant it. Bring her flowers before the first date, hold her hand and buy her coffee in the morning. Arthur would work for it, work for her. 
For a few moments, as everyone else settles around the table, he entertains the idea of it, going out with Lucy Bell. She would be fun to waste time with, Arthur can envision her curled up on his couch watching a nature documentary, her head in his lap or back to his chest. Maybe she’d go to the theater with him, or to see the new exhibitions at the museum. 
The two of them could have fun, be good together. 
He stews on it while Cal dishes out shot glasses to them all, smells his own with caution. One more would finish him- It would probably finish off any of the English team. Lucy’s a little more giggly than she had been earlier in the day, and the little nose scrunch of displeasure she does has been appearing much more frequently. She’s getting cuter by the minute.
There’s only two fake shots in the mix and luckily he’s been handed one. Maybe it’s because Cal can see how gone Arthur is already and is preemptively slowing down his alcohol intake. But skipping one shot probably won’t make all that much of a difference when they’ve still got two pubs to go. 
It takes his brain a few seconds to catch up with the fact he’s supposed to trick the other team and cringes at the ‘burn’ of it a smidge too late. Becky knows him well enough to spot it and they come out of the challenge three-nil, to Germany. 
The penalty is a choice between three points or three shots and Chris speaks for all three of them when he decides, as captain, that they’ll take the points. 
Harry takes Lucy inside with the aim to get some for the six of them. Arthur watches them go, she’s wearing these heels, chunky platform style ones with delicate little silver buckles that are just high enough that he’s worried she might tumble. She’s steady though. He wonders if a few more standards will change that, if by the time they’re all ready to head home, she’s gonna be the one needing piggy backs instead of handing them out. 
His phone pings with a text. It’s from George, asking how he’s drunk enough to misspell every word in his texts but still win connect four. It’s accompanied by a rematch.
Georgie Poo [connect four]
Arthur 2 Idon’t think i can wein Luce har my phone
Georgie Poo luce? as in Lucy Bell?
Arthur 2 Yeah< Shes prety gon too Still betterr off than me rn< Cna we take her home too?<
Georgie Poo you don’t mean my house right? she hates it. too dirty. and Alex is here. they don't get on.
Arthur 2 No nono< Liek ehr flat.< Don’t want her onthe tube alone.<
Georgie Poo how noble of you, king Arthur.
He almost tells George to fuck off but it might not come across right over text and if George does actually fuck off, then Arthur will have no one sober to keep him sane and offer advice when he inevitably considers doing something stupid, like asking Lucy Bell to snog in the bathroom.
Admittedly, Arthur does give the game of connect four a go as Chris settles down next to him, more so that he doesn’t stare and inspect every aspect of him that somehow managed to pull Arthur and apparently Lucy Bell at some point. 
“Look at these biceps man…” Chris murmurs, pushing up the sleeve of Arthur’s jersey. His hands are softer than they used to be- the change in focus at the gym evident though less calluses and crack on his palms. 
He licks a thick stripe up the skin of Arthur’s arm. “Oh my god.”
It doesn't get much of a reaction, Chris’ been licking him all afternoon. All their lives. Arthur, for a while, used to think it was a them thing. That it was just something about him that made Chris want to sink his teeth into or run his tongue over to taste. He knows better nowadays of course, and if he didn’t the accumulating tally marks on Lucy’s arm would be telling.
“Such little fat on there.” He pinches and pulls at the skin of Arthur’s arm. Picking the next box in connect four is a little harder, hearing the praise, knowing Chris’ eyes are on him and only him. 
The bite comes half a second later, and it’s enough to actually get Arthur pulling away. “Oh my god.”
Nowadays, the biting is so common that it doesn’t even make Arthur’s stomach flutter anymore. And when it’s time to leave the pub, and Chris hauls him up, arms looped under his and braced on his chest, murmuring about how good Arthur smells, he realises he is far too drunk to unpack it. 
So many compliments had been lobed at him in the last few hours. They swirl around his head in a dizzying storm. It’s got him stumbling. 
He’s not lying when he walks out of a store, a hundred and twenty quid poorer with a pair of shoes in hand that aren’t even for him and says, “Financially and emotionally, I’m in ruins.”
But he’s on camera and there’s not a whole lot of time to pour his guts out on the pavement, cry about how he feels guilty for wanting to ask out a girl he’s only just met and still being hung up on his best mate. 
Looking at her, feeling his stomach flutter when she laughs, it’s different to checking out a girl at some club. This is Lucy, she’s not just some chick, she’s so intricately woven into the lives of his friends, and how she’s not managed to end up in his before, is a mystery. 
It seems that everyone knows her. 
He knows she’s Geroge’s gym buddy, and that she works in the fellas offices with more than half of the UK Youtube scene. Evidently she’s got some kind of friendship with Chris- he talks about her fondly, with nicknames and stories- and they must have spent enough time for her to get hung up on him for a while.
“Do you fancy her?” Becky’s question sort of throws him, not just because of the implication, but more so because he hadn’t even realised she’d appeared at his side.
He blinks a few times, slinging his arm over her shoulder, more on instinct than anything. “What?”
“Lucy, Do you fancy her?” Becky asks, slurring a little with a smirk on her face, like she already knows the answer already. “She thinks you’re ‘well fit’.”
She makes air quotations when she says it, and Arthur wonders where she possibly would have heard Lucy say that. Unless she’s kidding. “Is that a direct quote?”
“Oh yeah. When you were opening up a new overdraft to buy Harold shoes, he asked for one word to describe you.”
“Well-fit is two words.”
“She said it’s hyphenated.”
Yeah, that seems pretty on brand for what he knows of Lucy Bell. 
The question is dropped though when Becky stumbles over her next word and he lays into her for it, sending the pair of them spiraling into laughter as she continues to butcher it. 
Further ahead, he can see Chris and Stephen in some sort of playful scrap. Today’s been a good day for Chris. 
It’s been an iffy few months, some days where he seems like he’s on top of the world, others where he doesn't leave or let anyone in his flat. Arthur’s been worried about him, most of their friends have been. He’s moving in with Gorge and Arthur Hill in a few months, the three of them flat hunting every other week. Everyone agrees that it will be good for him, to get out of the home he shared with Shannon. 
He doesn’t talk about it; the break up. Everyone’s walking around it like broken glass, the remnants of Chris’ love life splintered and shattered on the floor. Nobody even knows why it happened. He’s not said anything to Harry, Will or Arthur- just avoids the elephant in the room. 
For some odd reason, he seems okay with the jokes, but any serious talk, he shuts down quickly.
There’s a group of them that’s pretty dedicated to keeping his spirits up. Arthur has been ending up at pubs and bars most weekends with Chris, George and Arthur Hill. Will and Lucy make efforts to check in with him at the office- even his production manager Jess gives them updates, although they are admittedly becoming less frequent now that it’s been a good six months. Even Harry drops by his flat once a week or so. 
Things might be different if he wasn’t so weird about the whole thing. Six years was a long time, but being so shut down about it all, even after half a year, was worrying.At least he doesn’t seem hung up on it.
Arthur wants to move on.
He doesn't want to be holding out hope for the same guy. Not for a seventh year in a row. Analysing every little comment and action amounts to nothing everytime a hinge notification appears on Chris' lock screen.
He'd tried it himself, for a few weeks. It was too weird, to read a comprehensive list of character traits and decide if he could like them a few dates down the line. None of them ever felt right. With chat that was a little too dry or an over-fascination with the title 'youtuber'. Tinder hadn't worked out for him in uni, so why Arthur thought Hinge would now, he's not entirely sure.
Meeting someone organically has always been better for him, at a bar or in some club. The problem was that Chris' latest ventures as a single man meant he actually went out with them all. Nights that used to end with a girls number in his phone or his legs tangled in someone else's sheets now conclude with an uber home to someone's flat- whoever's closest- and passing out on the couch.
It's hard to chat someone up when Chris is sitting at the same table, a physical benchmark of all Arthur's preferences that he can't help but compare them to.
Sometimes it's worse, when he goes to Chris' flat and there’s a ripped off club-band on the kitchen counter. Or when he shows up to filming and the ink stain of a club stamp on the back of his hand. To know that Chris is going out, looking for someone to be his other half in places Arthur isn't. It's as much of an answer to his affections as Arthur would get.
He wonders if it pricks at Lucy the same way. The club stamps Chris never cares to wash off, telling of his night, lingering when she sees him in the office.
The thought sticks in his mind as they finish off the last pint of the afternoon, sending Chris off as their champion of drunk keepy-uppies and watching Stephen stack it and effectively eat pavement.
Lucy leans into him as she laughs warm and solid against his side, a steady presence that reminds him of what he could have. 
She’d made it clear she was interested, Left the ball in his court. 
At the next pub, whenlucy heads inside to find herself another glass of water, Arthur makes vague excuses of needing a piss and follows her inside to the bar. 
She’s leant up against it, one foot planted on the ground and the other crossed over it, tapping against the wooden floorboard. There’s a cup of water in her hand, a pink and white striped straw poking between her lips as she drinks it down. She smiles around it as he joins her at the bar.
“You know that thing you said about snogging?”
Lucy turns to look at him. “Hmm?”
“Would you?” Arthur swallows thickly. He might be about to make a fool of himself but it’s worth the risk. “Or was that just banter.”
“I would.”
Arthur can feel the blush rising on his cheeks and there’s a smile pulling at Lucy’s lips as she glances once out the door then back towards the bathroom sign. 
Her hand is a little cold in his, from the half drunk glass he abandons on the bar. Arthur’s nerves are spiking but he goes, follows as she pushes the door to the women’s bathroom open to peek inside before turning and pulling him in by the hand.
He’s done this sort of thing before, in clubs, bars- once at the uni library- but never on a shoot. Then again, he’s never met someone quite like Lucy Bell. 
She’s a vision, pretty blonde hair and dark green eyes blinking up at him as a blush blooms on her cheeks. Arthur finds the soft curve of her waist, hidden by the baggy jersey and pulls her in close, backing himself into the door.  He’s a little stunned and very drunk but Lucy’s lips are so soft.
When he licks against them, she still tastes a little bit like the last pint they’d downed. She presses onto him, slides one hand up to cup his jaw and scratch at his stubble in a way that leaves his skin tingly, the other one settling against his chest. 
Everything about it feels right. Lucy fits against him perfectly, and he can almost imagine doing this in his kitchen. Cooking something together and stealing kisses, snogging while it sits in the oven then again on the couch when they’re supposed to be watching a movie. He wants to kiss her into the mattress and fuck her propper, then maybe make her a cup of tea afterwards and hear about her day.
Lucy Bell isn’t the kind of girl you’re okay with only having once, and as she snogs him into the bathroom door, runs her tongue against the points of his canines, Arthur knows there’s no getting past her. Not now that he knows what he’d be missing. Pressed right up against him, a leg slotted between his as she presses as close as possible. Arthur kind of wants to turn her around, press her into the door, but he likes the way they’re stood a bit more, where he can hold her close by the hips, palm low at the skin of her thigh, just under her skirt hem. 
She breaks the kiss to huff a breath or two and Arthur ducks his head to mouth along her jaw. A trail of kisses down her throat that stings with the taste of rose that must have dribbled off her lips a few pubs ago.
“Arthur,” She gasps out when he finds a spot along the hollow of her collarbone and nips at it. “I don’t have concealer on me.”
He’s lived with enough beauty influencers to know what she’s saying. Don’t leave marks. He presses one more kiss there that’s probably a little soft for what they’re doing. “Sorry.”
Then her lips are back on his and she bites at his bottom lip, slips her tongue past too.
It’s only when he tugs her that last half a step closer and feels the pressure of her against him, that Arthur realises he’s got a problem. 
This time, he breaks the kiss, letting his head thunk back against the door. Lucy nips at his jaw and he’s forgotten how good it feels to be taken, wanted and desired. Feels too good.
“Luce,” Arthrur murmurs. “We gotta take a breather, or else this is gonna get away from me.”
Maybe it’s selfish, or dickish, to drag her close for one little grind against the tightened fabric of his shorts, but there’s a little hitch to her breath that makes something stupid like pride bloom in his chest.
“Yeah,” She says in nothing more than a whisper. “We are supposed to be doing something else right now.”
There’s no reason to be whispering, considering they’re alone in a room and the world outside is more than noisy enough to smother any noise coming from the bathroom. But keeping quiet, it lets Arthur believe that for a while, the world is just the two of them. Him and Lucy.
“Okay. Game plan. Thirty more seconds,” He interrupts himself to press another kiss against her lips. “Then you go back out. I'll sort myself out, then I'll join you.”
“‘Sort yourself out?’” She repeats with a teasing smile, leaning in to kiss at his jaw again. Then whispers against his skin, right by his ear “Arthur are you going to wank in the pub toilet?”
It wracks a shiver down his spine and Arthur has to tighten his grip on her hips to stop his hands wondering.
“No.” He replies, a little petulant, even though he’s not really sure how he’s going to dispel the semi that’s only getting worse.
She looks like she wants to ask another question, maybe tease him a little more but there's a shine to her lips- red and kiss bitten- and today, rather uncharacteristically, Arthur is an impatient man.
It’s a struggle to rein himself in, stick to the allotted thirty second time he’d set himself that they almost definitely go over, but there are people expecting them, and at least one more drink to down. 
So Arthur detaches himself from her, sticks a kiss on her cheek that’s definitely too tender to come from the bloke she snogged in the pub bathroom, and watches her slip out the door. Eyes drifting over the skin, just under her skirt that swishes with each step, and the little crescent indents from his fingernails, dug into her skin. It’s possessive, the feeling that curls in his chest, even if he has no right to feel that, no reason for his stupid monkey brain to lay claim over her. 
Arthur’s not sure how long he stands there before readjusting himself in his shorts and walking over to the sink, splashing some cold water on his face. He looks like he’s chundered. 
But it’s not like another red card would make much of a difference, they're so far behind in the points it’s ridiculous. Although, Arthur isn’t all that saddened by the loss of a domino's pizza; he’s gained a lot more from today.
Even if he only does get to have Lucy Bell once, in  a questionably clean pub bathroom, she's offered him something a bit more special than a snog.
Arthur’s not backtracking anymore, he’s not going to read into it when Chris goes for the fake lean-in and says, for the cameras, that they’d shag. He doesn’t have to be over Chris, but the willingness to move past it, that's what's important. It’s all out in the open with Lucy, she knows, and he guesses, that he sort of knows too. She’d fancied Chris, at some point. When that was, isn’t all too clear but evidently, it was sometime recently, If she was scared of backtracking at least. 
Maybe they could be good for eachother, him and Lucy. 
Thankfully he wore the black corduroy shorts today, initially it had been in case he spilt a drink on them but he’s learning that they do wonders to hide the outline of his dick. Arthur clicks the lock open on the door, prepared to go and pretend he’s a lot more sober than he is and definitely not half hard from snogging a girl, only to be met with a very unimpressed look. “Arthur Television.”
For a mortifying moment, he thinks Becky is here to scold him, for snogging a drunk Lucy and having the gaul to consider wanking about it. Thankfully, he’s been in the bathroom a lot longer than he realised. 
“Get your arse out of there, or I’m going to piss myself. Use the mens next time, you dirty bastard." She all but shoves him out of the way, and hurries inside, leaving Arthur a blushing and apologetic mess in front of the two other women queuing up to use the bathroom.  
Everyone’s outside and it doesn’t seem like anyone’s really missed them; he’s not sure if that’s worse or better than being caught. 
He feels like he’s spotted a checkmate in three, having to bite his tongue and play it cool, not let anything slip. Lest someone find out how ecstatic he is. 
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[ part two ] [ masterlist ] [ unseen, coming soon... ]
ink note: let it be known, Lucy and Arthur's ship name is 'Bell-evision' and George is the one who coins it a few chapters down the line.
[ Tag List: @kneelforloki @ooostarwarsfandom501st @rkaya @yamum189022222
if you would like to be added to the fic's tag list, let me know in an ask and you'll be tagged when each chapter goes up :) ]
71 notes · View notes
inkk-tv · 2 months ago
love can be messy and complicated, but all that's needed to untangle it is caring hands. An extra pair can't hurt, right?
(in which: Lucy Bell's heart has always been too big for just one person, so naturally, she finds two people.)
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[ oc x arthurtv x chrismd ]
[ explanation at bottom of masterlist! ]
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[ ᴀᴄᴛ ᴏɴᴇ ]
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“In Between” (Gracie Abrams) > Two hearts just fallin' in and out of love for somethin' new
Football Pub Golf [ 03.06.23 ] part one / part two / part three / unseen footage
No one in their late twenties wants to spend a Wednesday afternoon getting battered in central London. It leads to a lack of inhibitions and impulse control. Lucy, Arthur and Chris know that all too well.
(in which: everyone knows that pub golf videos induce life crises, but they all sign up for them anyway.)
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Coming soon...
First Dates [ 04.06.23 - 12.06.23 ] part one / part two / part three
There's something a little special about getting to know someone, letting them carve out a space for themselves, to nestle into and make their own. Lucy thinks she might let Arthur gut the entire part of her that thought she couldn't fancy him, excavate the crumbling space around her heart and claim it for himself.
(in which: Lucy and Arthur try moving on, hand in hand)
Platform Roulette [ 16.06.23 ] part one / new notification!
Arthur's not had a girlfriend in a while, so he's not quite sure how to bring it up. Feels a little too raw to crack his ribs open and pour his heart out on the station's linoleum floor but he needs them to know that he's serious about it. Serious about Her.
(in which: Arthur tells his friends about that girl he's been talking to, and they watch him swoon over her the whole day. )
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[ ᴀᴄᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ ]
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“Haunted” (Taylor Swift) > come on, don't leave me like this I thought I had you figured out
Monopoly Pub Golf part one / new notification!
Going The Distance part one / part two
Conceding The Point part one / part two / part three
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[ explanation: there are two types of posts on this master list, chapters, which will usually be about 4-6k words, and notifications, which will be a more typical social media au style post that is shorter (about 500-ish words) and will usually be comments on a YouTube upload or descriptions of a social media post. ] [ content warnings: each chapter will have warning listed but be aware most of these chapters will have sexually explicit content, even if it is quite mild. ]
hashtags: #inkk-notes: for my posts discussing the fic
tag-list: send an ask to be added or removed
22 notes · View notes
inkk-tv · 29 days ago
Chat- I promise the next chapter is coming soon. It's gonna be part one of the first date era instead of the 'pubgolf unseen footage', but it's on it's way.
Have a snipet. For good faith.
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[ First Dates, Part One ]
Going through the effort of finding her phone number and starting up a conversation were sober actions and the way he's blushing has to mean something. Pretty and pink across his cheeks, dotting between stubble and under his long lashes that flutter when he laughs.  God that laugh- it sounds like a promise, one that rings of a relationship to be built.
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18 notes · View notes
inkk-tv · 2 months ago
Theoretically, if i had a long fic of arthurtv, chrismd and an oc in a poly realtionship.... would anyone read that. because it kind of seems to be a waste keeping 20k in my google docs.
but I know tumblr is a lot more 'x reader' focused, at least the uk youtube fics are, so i'm not sure if it's worth doing all the posting/formatting here.
(and when i say long fic i mean i've only just written the first part of like, ten parts)
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inkk-tv · 2 months ago
[ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ]
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[ ʟᴜᴄʏ ʙᴇʟʟ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ]
When Lucy Bell and ArthurTV realise they have the exact same issue that's keeping their love lives stagnant (rather persistent feelings for their very unattainable friend ChrisMD) they decide to move on together. But things get messy when Chris turns out to be not so unattainable.
(oc x arthurtv x chrismd) [ warnings, tagged on each individual post ]
[ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ-ꜱʜᴏᴛꜱ! ]
coming soon...
[ ᴀᴏ3 ꜰɪᴄꜱ ]
a collections of my m/m fics on ao3 :) (coming soon...)
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kar1nsworldx · 6 months ago
ArthurTV and singer!reader who releases from the start or promise by laufey 🩷🩷
(...) from the start ᝰ.ᐟ
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pairing: ArthurTV x f!reader
SUMMARY: y/n releases songs about a special someone and soon enough it's revealed about who it is
requested: yesss!!!! anon a big big thank you for requesting a fic, feel free to request more asapp if you'd like because I'd love to write more for people!!!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: anon I really hope you enjoy reading this! I tried to write this asap, and I really hope you like how the whole fic turns out <3 . I also actually wrote for the first time in my social media fic, so I really hope that you liked my writing and how the story progressed!!! Whilst writing I tried to make it as long as possible considering how late I posted this so I really do hope you enjoy!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REQUEST MORE STUFF!!!!! ♡♡♡
ˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 🧸ྀི
y/n l/n
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liked by faithlousiak, taliamar and 32,784 others
y/n l/n: bla bla bla !!
gkberry_: stunning stunning girl! xx
y/n l/n: stop you're gonna make me cry 😭
bambinobecky: gorgeous woman 💓
y/n l/n: sobbing, thank you becky 🫂🫂
faithlousiak: loved seeing you yesterday girly 🩷
y/n l/n: sameee I missed you sm! 🥹
userly: ahhh I love your outfits! where do you buy your clothes from?
y/n l/n: thank you sm!! I usually go to thirft shops, but sometimes I got to H&M for some shirts. if you want quality, long lasting clothes go to zara! I only have one clothing item from zara which is jeans and even tho they're a few years old they're still top quality. would buy more zara stuff but I'm broke 😭🫂🩷
userly: ahhh tysm!! love you!! xx
y/n l/n: 💓
user007: omg I haven't seen you in a hot second
y/n l/n: LOL sorry? 😭😭
user888: TULIPS!!!!! 🌷����🌷
y/n l/n: TULIPS <3 🌷🌷🌷
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ding! new Whatsapp notification from Behz
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⤷ Miss Olive says that if you don't come to the next Sidemen Sunday shoot you will never ever see her again
Well please tell Miss Olive that there is no need for threats
and that I will be there!!!!
⤷ I'll tell the little Miss
⤷ are you free this Tuesday? we were planning to shoot a Hide & Seek video at the London Zoo around 3pm
yeah of course I am
you lot want me to come at 3pm or earlier?
⤷ maybe around 2:30 or 2:45? just so that we can mic you up asap
yeah of course, not a problem
you need me to bring anything??
⤷ nah, no need but thanks tho
yeah ofc
see ya behz x, say hi to Olive and Faith for me! 🩷
⤷ will do L/n 👍
y/n l/n
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liked by miniminter, sidemen and 54, 732 others
y/n l/n: lisened to a really great song on the way to a sidemen shoot. I wonder from who could it be tho... do you guys have a clue? 🤷‍♀️
y/n l/n: mmm you'll find out in a couple of days if I did or didn't xxx mwah! gtg to film a video now, love ya talia! 💓
freyanightingale: darling this will be 5/5 songs that you've made without telling anyone, ffs 😭
y/n l/n: thats why it's fun! 🩷
freyanightingale: why am I not suprised by your responce
useroo: OH???? OH?????????????????????
useredup: NEW SONG???? OH MA GAWD HELL YEAH PARTNER 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
sidemen: oh? 👀
arthurnfhill: ooo new song, i'm intrested
user111: OMG I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!
y/n l/n: me too bestie, me too 🫂
ksi: insane news
y/n l/n: 🩷🤫🥹
xouserxo: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?????
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ding! new Whatsapp notification from Tobi 😎
Tobi 😎;
⤷ hey, just wanted to lyk that were all metting up in front of the Zoo
⤷ but tbf no ones here yet, just me, josh and ethan
ty for the info Tobi! :)
I'm there within the next 10 minutes or less!
Tobi 😎;
⤷ glad to hear, see you soon :)
see yaaa!!!!
As she slowly started to approach the Zoo, Y/n put away her headphones into her tote bag, making sure to turn them off before putting them away. She quickly checked that she looked good and that her outfit was okay before walking through the black gates that were the entrence of the Zoo.
"Y/n, hey!" a voice called out as she was immidetly spotted entering through the gates. It was Tobi who greeted her first, a wide smile on his face as he waved at her. She waved back, greeting him as well Josh, Ethan and the crew members too. "How are you guys?" the brunette asked as she approached them with a shy smile.
"Pretty good, you?" Josh replied as he finished adjusting his mic. "Good, thank you," she answered. "Oi, you! Did you really make another song without telling anyone, again? Faith has been blowing up my phone for the last hour you crazy woman," Ethan spoke up as he looked at her. Y/n only let out a small laugh at his question and statement, a sly grin on her face. "Y/n, again?" Tobi asked with a slightly suprised and curious look. "Mm, I don't know boys. I'm sure you'll be able to find out in a few days." was the only responce the brunette offored, trying not to laugh quietly. She wasn't a famous singer by any means, like Talia or JJ but she did like to write music from time to time. So far she released 4 songs, but without telling anyone she knew that she's releasing a song it would always suprise them.
"Oh for fucks sake," Ethan groaned before contnuing; "I swear Faith will murder you one day I swear," at that Y/n let out a slightly suprised laugh. The four of them continued to talk and with time, more people came; Harry, Vik, Simon and JJ obviously, but also Chris, Arthur, and Danny Aarons. As they all finally got together, Josh informed the group that they would all have to wear a animal onsie.
"Oh for fucks sake man," Chris groaned as he put on a tiger costume. "To be fair they are quite comfortable," Arthur said whilst wearing a green frog costume.
Y/n only smiled at their antics and banter as she waited for the boys to finish putting on their costumes. She was given a fox onsie, which was slightly bigger on her but as Arthur said, it was comfortable. "I woudn't say they're that bad Chris," she said as she looked at the blond man.
"Yeah yeah," was the reply she got from the Jersey youtuber as he was slightly stuck whilst putting on the tiger costume. Y/n let out a chuckle as she watched him.
Soon enough they all were ready and Harry started off the video as he was the seeker. As he said that they could go and start hidding Y/n sprinted off, immidietly leaving the group to go and search for a hidding spot. "I have no idea where to hide, this place is massive," she spoke to her camera as she ran, showing off the animals. She always loved animals, so it was nice to see so many of them.
As she ran past the monkey enclosure, she spotted a little souvenir stand that was completly closed, windows locked, shut and everything. But to her suprise, the door was unlocked so she quickly steped in and closed the door behind her. "Fuck me it's dark," she said as she turned on the flash on her phone, lighting the place off. It was the size of a kiosk, so not that big. But there was a huge box under the counter, and that could just be her hidding spot. She put her camera aside to see if she would fit in it, and after she confirmed to herself that she would she picked up her camera again and got inside it, closing the box after she made herself comfortable.
"Not the comfiest place, but it could do the trick. It's kinda far away, so let's hope Harry dosen't come here anytime soon," she talked to the camera, holding it up to show her surroundings. "I think I'll camp out here for a few minutes and then I'll go outside again," she added "All the animals are adorable and I really want to see the red pandas."
Some time has passed and Y/n decided that she'd go and find another hiding spot. It was getting quite hot and stuffy in the cardboard box as well she was getting bored. After leaving the little souvenir kiosk she just strolled through the Zoo, filming animals and talking to the camera. "Guys I found Simon and Cal," she spoke as she recorded two extremely tall giraffes.
Just as she said that she heard screaming and from the distance she saw Danny get chased by Harry. "Oh fuck no," she yelled before sprinting away as she realised that Danny was sprinting in ger direction with Harry on his heels. "Fuck ne fuck me fuck me!" she yelled as she ran "I should've stayed in my hiding spot!"
Thankfully she was able to get away safely, but her costume? Not so much. She hid herself in a bush but because of doing that her costume got torn apart a little bit. "Man, I liked this onsie,"
She camped out in the big bush for a while, catching her breath and talking to the camera a bit. But after some time she heard yelling again. "Oh God I think Arthur is getting chased," she informed the camera, recording what she could of her surroundings from outside the bush. Just as she saw Arthur getting chased she immidetly stoped talking and stood still, praying that her cover woudn't get blown.
To her suprise, Arthur actually hid himself too in the same bush that she was in and Harry sprinted off down the path just a minute later, not even noticing them. Just as she was going to greet Arthur quietly he let out a loud surpised yelp. "What are you-" "Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up, you are not blowing this cover Televison," she cut him off, putting a hand over his mouth so that he woudn't make a sound. After a minute or so she put her hand down before greeting him with a smile.
"Hi," she said. "What are you doing here?" Arthur asked with a confused look on his face. "Hidding, obviously.," she replied. "Right," he said before falling quiet. The two didn't talk much, only recorded a bit and commented about something here and there, but other than that not my words were spoken between the two. After some time passed Arthur decided to go find another hidding spot, bidding Y/n goodbye. "Good luck," she told him as he left. "Thanks," and that was that.
"Well that was lovely..," she said to no one in a slightly moody tone. Nobody knew (hopefully) but the brunette had the biggest crush on the Jersey youtuber, despite knowing they had 100% chance of being together. Hell they weren't even that close, only really interacting whilst recording videos.
But that didn't matter that much at the moment as Y/n had a challange to win. After alot of more time has passed, she decided to leave the bush and go back to her original hidding spot. She made a dash for the kiosk, making sure to not be caught. After seccuring her original hidding spot she talked to the camera, about anything and everything really until someone entered the kiosk. She immidetly went silent, hopping she woudn't be found. Just then, she heard a yelp and something colliding into the box she was hidding in, making her fall. "Oh fuck me!" she yelled as she has been found, Harry standing over her.
"Oh my God I didn't even know you were in there, that was a complete accident mate!" Harry yelled, laughing as he recorded the brunette. "Oh for fucks sake Bog," she groaned as she got up. "Oi don't be so sad, you actually won!"
"I did?" Y/n asked excitedly, a grin slowly forming on your face. "Yes mate, did you not hear us calling for you?" Harry asked as the two walked out of the little kiosk with a confused look on your face. "I only heard screaming but no actual words being said." she responded. The two of them made their way quickly to the front of the Zoo where everyone else was. "Ey, theres the winner of todays video!" Tobi yelled out with a smile as he recorded Harry and Y/n approach them. "What happened to your costume?" Chris asked as he saw the brunettes ripped up costume. "Hidding in a bush is a smart move but it ruins your clothes." was all Y/n had to offer as they slowly started to finish filming. Soon enough everything was done and everyone was allowed to leave.
"You need a ride?" Vik asked her as it was a known fact that the girl didn't drive. "Nah, it's fine, thanks tho." she replied with a smile before going to bid everyone goodbye and leave.
y/n l/n added to their story!
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⤷ faithlousiak liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ faithlousiak: Y/N WHEN I CATCH YOU Y/N
⤷ taliamar liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ freyanightingale liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ freyanightingale: ffs 😭💓
y/n l/n
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liked by vikkstagram, georgeclarkeey and 104,764 others
y/n l/n: FROM THE START IS YOURS PEOPLE!!! Please stay tuned as this is not the only song coming your way this month <3 Stream From the start, ASAP!! Much love to all xx
behzingagram: @y/n l/n you are paying for the therapy bills, tnx
y/n l/n: love u both lots but we both know im broke af xxy
y/n l/n: 💓💓💓
us3r: 🎶💓
arthurnfhill: collab when???
y/n l/n: whenever you'd like arthur 🙏
y/n l/n: LOVE U!!
xouserxo: literally in love with this song omfg
chrismd10: taylor swift (walmart version)
y/n l/n: hii chrissy :((
chrismd10: okay okay so maybe it is a good song or something...
y/n l/n: :D
bambinobecky: stunning stunning woman alert!!!
y/n l/n: marry me already?
gkbarry_: O.M.G
savinggracepod: WE NEED YOU ON THE POD NOW!!!!!!!
y/n l/n: I'm sure we can figure something out soon! xxx 😉
sidemen: bop
xeuserxe: y/n ilysm but who is this about!!!??!
vikkstagram: 🤩
y/n l/n: another one coming soon! xxx
useredup: WHAT
italianbach: holy shit
arthurtv: congrats!
ksi: insane
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liked by y/n l/n, behzingagram and 27,672 others
faithlousiak: go stream the crazy lady's beautiful sad gutwrenching love song pls, she needs help
tagged: @y/n l/n
y/n l/n: I do not need help! I have a perfectly valid reason for writing the song Faith!!!! >:((((
faithlousiak: oh shut up you sad sack of potatoes and go write more songs abt unrequired love
y/n l/n: I will actually!!!
behzingagram: oh ffs
user777: still in shock
user888: we all are babes
usermybeloved: this is such a cute post :((( <3
freyanightingale: shes the reason for my gray hairs
y/n l/n: or maybe ur just old??? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
user007: why do I have a theory about who could this song be about
useruuuu: love the song smm
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y/n l/n
liked by arthurhill, spotifyuk and 110,774 others
y/n l/n: Promise out now.
arthurnfhill: COLLAB ASAP CALL ME
y/n l/n: 📞📞📞
behzingagram: okay so maybe we should pay for your therapy instead...
taliamar: sobbing sobbing and more sobbing
spotifyuk: 🤩🎶
arthurtv: ...
⤷*this comment has been deleted...*
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liked by y/n l/n, gkbarry_ and 46,754 others
savinggracepod: ladies 'n gents and all in between i'm sure you can guess our next podcast guest but please do tune in this week for the new episode to confirm your suspisions xx
y/n l/n: hehe 😶‍🌫️🤭
gkbarry_: you cheeky cheeky woman
y/n l/n: 💋💋💋
xouserxo: literally cannot wait omg!!
user111: so so excited for this one x
usermybeloved: MISS @y/n l/n GET UR ASS IN HERE
user1: this ep is going to be so good I can already tell
savinggracepod: babe ur spitting straight facts x
user1: OMG HI!
faithlousiak: can't wait for this lovely shitshow <3
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y/n l/n
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liked by savinggracepod, arthurtv and 47,654 others
y/n l/n: big big thank you for having me @savinggracepod !! Pls go check out this weeks episode asap 🎀
tagged: @savinggracepod @gkbarry_
savinggracepod: we loved having youuu!! xxx
faithlousiak: girly u ain't slick
faithlousiak: check gc
userly: cant wait to lisen to this!!!
gkbarry_: 💋💋💋
y/n l/n: 💋💋💋
arthurtv: loved the ep
y/n l/n: haha tysm arthur!! (:
useredup: NEW EPPPPP
user007: ...
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arthurtv added to their story!
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⤷ y/n l/n liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷ y/n l/n: hope you like it! (:
⤷ arthurtv: really do, pretty relatable as well
⤷ y/n l/n liked arthurtv's comment! ♡
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"Hi Arthur," Y/n greeted the man as she approached him. Tomorrow came way to quickly for her liking, and she was so nervous too as she had no idea why he set this up. "Hey Y/n," Arthur greeted her politely with a smile as he looked up from his phone. "Want to head inside?" "I'd love to,"
The two of them entered the café with Arthur immidietly going to the counter. "I can take our orders while you find a place for us to sit down. What would you like?" he asked her. "An Iced coffee would be fine, thank you," Y/n told him before going to find a table to sit at. She quickly spooted a table in the back of the café where a little amount of people were sitting at. She put down her bag onto one chair and waited for Arthur.
"Your drink," Arthur said as he put down both of their drinks on the table. "Thank you," the brunette replied, taking a few sips of her coffee before looking at Arthur. "So, whats up?" she started. "This is, uh.. quite unusual for us to meet up outside of shootings. Is there something wrong?"
"Yeah, it kinda is. But theres nothing wrong actually, I just wanted to ask you something..," Arthur trailed off as he put his own drink down. "Well ask away than," Y/n said with a smile, still quite nervous.
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"
"What?" Y/n looked at him dumbfounded, not beliving what she was hearing. Arthur asked her to go on a date with her? "Wait wait if this is about the songs and because somebody told you about my emotions you don't need to ask me out on a date Arthur, I understand that you don't feel the same. You don't have to take me out on some pity date, it's fine," she rambled, not letting him get a word in.
"Pity?" Arthur asked. "God, Y/n it's not pity I swear. I geniuenly liked you for way to long but I never thought you'd feel the same. Then the guys started to message me that I should ask you out after you released the songs and everything. The only real reason why I haven't tried to get closer to you was because I didn't want to get rejected or something and I kinda always thought you just didn't like me romantically."
"Oh..," Y/n breathed out, before a smile formed on her face. "Well in that case, I'd love to go on a date with you Arthur," she said, her cheeks turning pink as she looked at him.
"Most certantly,"
arthurtv added to their story!
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⤷ y/n l/n liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷chrismd10 liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷chrismd10: I'm seeing it's going well mate ☕️
⤷italianbach liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷georgeclarkeey liked arthurtv's story! ♡
⤷georgeclarkeey: about damn time
⤷user007: If that isn't Y/n I will start tweaking Televison
⤷useredup: if that date isn't with Y/n istfg I will kms
y/n l/n added to their story!
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⤷ arthurtv liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ faithlousiak liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ faithlousiak: OMFG CALL ME ASAP!!!!!!!
⤷ taliamar liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ taliamar: hell yeah!!! so so happy for you!! 💓
⤷ freyanightingale liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ freyanightingale: told you it would work out xx
⤷ user007 liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ xeuserxe liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
y/n l/n
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liked by arthurtv, wroetoshaw and 97,654 others
y/n l/n: guys I fucked up doing math but instead of failing a test I got the guy in the end 😄😆😉😜🤪😝
tagged: @arthurtv
chrismd10: oh god you will be insufferable
y/n l/n: ofc I will be 😜🤪😝
faithlousiak: YESS MAMASSSS
user6: yayy!!!
user111: so happy for you!
freyanightingale: 💓💓💓
taliamar: CONGRATS!! 💓💓
georgeclarkeey: i will be sick you two are disgustingly cute
y/n l/n: choke on my dick clarke 🥰
georgeclarkeey: no ty
tobjizzle: ❤
xouserxo: cuties ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
italianbach: lost my pookie to another pookie 😔
y/n l/n: its okay we can share him pookie xx
italianbach: thanks pookie!
arthurtv: when did I agree to this????
y/n l/n: YOU WERE
arthurtv: that emonji combo is vile
y/n l/n: you love it 😝
arthurtv: that I do 🙂
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liked by y/n l/n, arthurnfhill and 101,776 others
arthurtv: can't belive I have 2 songs written about me
tagged: @y/n l/n
y/n l/n added to their story!
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⤷ arthurtv liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ arthurtv: :)
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