#Noelle my oc
yandere-paramour · 1 day
Hey. Which Yans vibe with taco tuesday? Which Yans would be happy to incorporate taco Tuesday into their lives?
Noelle likes tacos. Growing up, they had taco nights a lot because the ingredients were cheap and her mom had 5 hungry girls to feed. The kind of tacos she ate were basically white people tacos; just ground beef, shell, lettuce, cheese. There was never enough to go around, but she remembers it almost wistfully. These days, in the city, the only tacos around are really good authentic ones, the kind of tacos that come from a food truck with someone who traded their soul for taco skills. These... don't taste right to Noelle. In her mind, the only tacos are the ones she had as a kid. But in order to say this to another human being, she would have to confront her childhood, which you know she hates doing. So she will start Taco Tuesday with you to make you happy, but you'll notice she doesn't eat much on those nights. She never eats much, but this time it's never more than a few bites. It just doesn't feel right to her.
Atalanta, being a Montclair, has eaten nothing but the freshest, most gourmet food since the day she was born. She has had tacos before, and she likes them okay, but the only tacos she has eaten are the kind of tacos that are made with seared Ahi tuna, jackfruit, rare mushrooms, and vegetables grown on a secluded mountain and watered with the tears of a secluded order of nuns. Sure, these are good, but can you handle a Taco Tuesday where you're expecting just some flank steak and onions but you get Smokey Mushroom Queso Tacos with Truffle Mole sauce? It would be so disorienting, and Atalanta's over there cutting up a taco with a fork and knife like a psychopath. If you can handle watching her do this, you are welcome to instigate Taco Tuesday.
Vivien... Vivien's tacos make you want to roll around on the ground and scream. This is his culture, and he has worked at perfecting them since he started cooking. He marinates the meat for hours before, tenderizing it to make sure it will practically disintegrate at a mere touch. He grows fresh cilantro and will meticulously craft your tacos and start at you desperate for criticism. He will ALWAYS take constructive criticism to make his food better, but honestly these tacos are so good you'll eat like 5 of them before you remember you're a person and not a taco eating machine. His tacos are purely authentic, simply the protein, cilantro, and onions. MAYBE some bell peppers if he's in the mood. Starting Taco Tuesday with Vivien would fucking rock.
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milramemo · 19 days
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hapfish · 1 month
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he loves them so, so much...
but he will never ever feel that he deserves them.
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noelles-legacy · 3 months
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Attention all Hogwarts Legacy MCs!
I am starting an MC Sleepover! Everyone is welcome!
To participate just Reblog with an image, drawing, or even a sleepover story with your MC to THIS post
Sharing and “nominating” others is definitely encouraged! I would like as many peeps at this sleep over as possible!💜💙
I look forward to seeing everyone’s MCs in there pjs! 🌙✨
Edit: you do not need to be tagged to participate! Plz do not feel left out if you haven't been tagged, you are still welcome to come!!!
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huecycles · 12 days
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vs The Hellsiren (Chapter 4 Secret Boss)
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choccy-milky · 5 months
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another batch of MCs as thanks for drawing clora!!🧎‍♀️🙏TY AGAINNN I HAD A LOT OF FUN DRAWIN ALL UR CUTIES🥹💕 (in order: @kerimcberry / @noelles-legacy / @lara-kaminari @serpentsillusion / @slytherincursebreaker / @kaviary-blog @4ever2000lover / @bassicallymaestra )
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linterteatime · 5 months
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Doodles and stuff and noelle's 🌈
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phantomkapok · 9 months
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throws bricks at these two /aff
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Home is what we taught each other ♡
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iiping · 5 months
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happy mermay!
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greyspaceghost · 7 months
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Updated their character reference sheets
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yandere-paramour · 2 months
Whats it like when Darling has their first time with Noelle?
First time with Noelle - NSFW
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It was hard to pin Noelle down. Ever since you moved in, you two had followed the same routine. She gently encouraged you to work less and less because it made you oh so exhausted, to stay inside for your own safety, to lay back and relax because she would take care of everything. You became a housewife who didn't actually do anything. Noelle had a woman come in to clean and cook and deliver anything that needed delivering, your job, she said, was to be adorable.
And you were. You slept 10 hours every night and usually found the time to take an afternoon nap. You ate and drank when you were supposed to and looked pleased with the praise Noelle heaped upon you when she checked when she came home. You let her dress you in soft, flowy fabrics and coo over what a lovely little sweetheart you were. You even let her bathe you and wash your hair while you lay boneless in the bubbly water.
It was a relaxing existence, albeit a boring one. Any form of entertainment you asked for, Noelle delivered. Any book, streaming service, or gaming console would be delivered, and you were free to browse the internet and try as many new hobbies as you desired. Spending your days with Sasha as company, you lived like a pampered queen, and Noelle worked hard every day to provide for you.
And that was the one problem.
Noelle worked with Ms. Atalanta five, sometimes six, days a week, and the hours were never consistent. Some days she would be gone from before the sun rose to long into the next morning, other days she would be strolling back in the door in early afternoon. This kind of sounded stupid, but it was hard to find time for yourself. Especially... in that way. It seemed that any time the heat started to pool in your core, when your fingers got itchy and started to wander lower and lower, Noelle would come in the door looking for you, and you would have to throw on your clothes and act like you hadn't been furiously masturbating. It was infuriating.
And you couldn't go to Noelle with this. Sure, you two had done some kissing and heavy petting, and while she had been under your shirt, you both had never crossed the waistbands of each other's pants. There just... weren't enough hours in the day, and Noelle really didn't seem interested. You expected her to initiate one day, and you would gladly have spread your legs, but she never did, and you were too shy to do it yourself.
You were really starting to get frustrated. When you moved in, you had brought your toys, but they must've gotten mixed with you and Noelle's things somehow because you hadn't been able to find them. And trust, you had looked. You hated admitting to this, but you were turning into a horny animal.
And the horny was turning your brain to mush. At least, that's how you rationalized it as you lay prone on the bed, blue silk panties in a pool on the floor, your fingers frantically pumping in and out of you as you chased an orgasm too far out of reach. You sure weren't shy anymore.
"And what do we have here?" A familiar voice came from behind you and ice filled your veins.
Your head whirled over your shoulder. You must've looked like an idiot, face down, ass up, fingers still inside you as you looked at Noelle, leaning against the door jamb, eyebrow raised as she took you in.
Slowly, you took your hand out, careful to keep the excess fluid from dripping on the silk sheets. You turned over, trying unsuccessfully to regain some dignity as you pulled the blankets over to cover yourself.
"Hi Noelle," You swallowed dryly, "When did you come home?"
"Just now. And to something interesting, I might add. What are we doing?" Noelle gave you a mildly disapproving look and your face burned with shame, then anger.
"This is your fault!" You exploded at her, "What the hell do I have to do to get you to touch me? I've lived with you for eight months and you never go past kissing! I'm in your bed every night in a silk neglige and no panties! Am I not attractive to you or something?"
You started to lose some steam, and tears came to your eyes, "Don't you love me?"
Noelle was silent for a minute, and you started to wilt. As small as she was, she had an incredibly imposing presence and you had never even spoken sharply to her before, let alone yelled at her like this. You had no idea why she was looking at you in that way, or what she might say or do. You didn't want to admit it, but you were kind of scared.
"Oh, baby..." Noelle looked at you with pitying eyes, "I clearly have not been taking care of you the way you needed. I had no idea, Princess."
Well, this was unexpected, "What?"
"I was trying to take it slow and really ease you in, but I guess I was a little too slow. I just didn't want to push you too fast."
"Huh? What do you-"
"Take off the rest of your clothes. On your back, legs spread. I'm going to the closet for a minute, and you will wait here for me."
"Noelle, I don't understan-"
At the sound of her authoritarian voice, you hurried to obey. You tore your shirt off and lay on your back wide open as instructed, your genitals lubricating despite your confusion and apprehension. What was she doing? Was she going to punish you? Was masturbating not allowed here? You had been punished before but never sexually, and Noelle had never made the rule clear if it even existed, but would she listen if you protested? You were unclear how important this was to her; maybe she was angrier than you'd ever seen her and she would spank you. You heard Ms. Atalanta did that to her wife and she reported it was effective at curbing disobedient behavior. But then, why would she order you on your back?
A sound came from your right and you turned to gape. Noelle was naked, every inch of her soft pale body on display and illuminated by day, making her look like a goddess emerging from the sunlight. You had seen her naked before, you both bathed together most nights, but you had never seen the harness and erect dildo she had strapped to her front. The contraption was massive, making Noelle's body look smaller in comparison, and what little ration you had left in your body wondered if it would fit. You weren't a virgin, but you were tight and unsure if you would stretch to fit that mammoth thing inside you.
You tried to sit up, but she was on you in seconds, that snake on the front of her body lining up with your hole. You stilled, and some of the fear must have bled into your eyes because Noelle paused. She put her hands on your face, making you look her in the eye.
"Are you scared? I'll stop if you're scared," She said.
"I-I'm not scared, just... will that fit?"
Noelle popped two fingers down to check you, "It'll be a little of a stretch but you can take me. I'm sure of it."
"I-I can?"
She grinned, and the love in her eyes comforted you, "You're my girl. I know you can."
With that, she entered you in one swift motion. She surprised you, enabling your muscles not to tense up until she was fully inside. You yelped, more in surprise than discomfort, and Noelle chuckled. She was right; you had been able to take her with little more than the burn as you stretched deliciously around her. She gave you only a few seconds to get used to the feeling of her inside you before she started. She was only gentle for a few strokes before she truly found her rhythm, folding up your legs onto her shoulders in a mating press so she could fuck you harder. She pounded into you roughly, the soft mattress bouncing you up and down as you struggled to keep yourself steady. Noelle's soft grunts came with every stroke and you mewled like a kitten and drooled as she took you.
It truly surprised you the strength this small woman had in her body. She mounted you like an animal, pumping away with everything she had. You could see the strain in her muscles, and you wanted her to take a break and rest before she exhausted herself, but all your mouth could say was "Yes" and "More" and "Please please please".
Ever the observer, Noelle noticed when you were nearing orgasm. She growled something dominating in your voice, commanding you to orgasm for her, and you howled like a coyote as you came. Tears rolled down your face, and you collapsed dizzy, exhausted, and sweating back onto the bed. You must've looked like a sight, fucked into a state of bliss and drenched in your own fluids. Noelle pulled out of you, looking down at you warmly as she swiped some of you off the dildo, bringing her fingers to her mouth to taste you.
"I knew you would be sweet," She chuckled, lightly pinching your cheek in a gesture of fondness.
"N-Noelle, that was-"
"I know, Princess. Try and relax, okay? Let me take care of you."
"Take... care of me?"
"You've lost a lot of fluids," She gestured between your legs, "Let me get you some water."
"No," You grabbed her arm to keep from leaving you, "Not yet. Don't go yet."
"I'm not leaving you, sweetheart. I'm just going to get you some water and something quick to eat."
You gave her your softest, most pathetic gaze, "Not yet, please? I just want to cuddle first."
Noelle froze for a second in that shocked look she always gave you when you surprised her, then softened, "Well I can't deny that request. Scoot over, baby."
Noelle slipped the harness off her hips and dropped it on the floor to clean later. She slid in behind you, tucking her body around yours, and you curled in response to her becoming the big spoon. It was safe here in her arms; she was so much stronger, smarter, more ambitious than you. It was easier for you to just settle in her arms, content to be a pretty pet for her to love and care for and occasionally reward with a good fucking. Maybe the necklace she gave you was her inconspicuous way of collaring you, her way of marking you as hers before others, or even you, knew for sure.
Noelle whispered about how good you were, how well you took every little thing she gave you and how perfect you looked with her cock spearing you in half. You listened, her words liquefying your mind and the pleasant tingling in your used genitals soothing your body. You would be sore later, but now you were snug in her arms, the hormones of your orgasm and the soft song Noelle hummed putting you to sleep.
She kissed your forehead, and you made a soft, sleepy noise in response.
Noelle chuckled, "Go to sleep, angel. I'll be here when you wake up, and you and I can have a long conversation about new expectations when you wake up."
You made a confused sound, and she patted your head and hushed you.
"I know, Princess," Noelle pacified you, "I know what you want and I promise, I'll do that a lot more often. I'd give you anything, remember?"
You gave a small happy wiggle and snuggled back in, pleased that your amazing girlfriend knew you better than you knew yourself, and had promised to fuck you like a dog in heat more frequently.
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milramemo · 2 months
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Worth every cap
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Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In her lane. Focused. Flourishing
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rottengurlz · 8 months
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"In the crooks of your body, I find my religion."
#oc: noelle#oc: avery#happy valentines day!!!!!!!11#the way avery looks at her#IM GONNA BE SICK#there is no place he'd rather be than to be wrapped around noelle#in game photos you will always be my greatest enemy#mysims#the sims community#simblr#sims 4#ts4#sims 4 edit#avery would be so panicked when it comes to valentines he spent most of his life wathcing his parents tear themselves apart#and has never allowed or wanted to have a connection with someone like he has with noelle#even tho he'd be freaking out he'd have this huge detailed plan#noelle would tell him to not worry about it and they can just hang out at her apartment like normal#and avery would be like uhhuh yeahh yeah all while thinking about the 100000 things he has planned#the day would start with them in the picture where they're wrapped up together enjoying each others warmth#they wouldn't be able to keep their hands off of each other#sorry they fuck nasty#avery would've already had flowers on their way to be delivered so when they get up for the morning they'd be ready for her#he'd pick out lisianthus because he researched they last longer and knows noelle loves flowers but gets sad when they die#after that avery would take her around the city to all of his favorite places all the places that make him happy#he couldn't think of any better gift than really opening himself up to noelle and allowing her to learn everything about him#he's never wanted anyone to learn or know anything about him until noelle#he'd have running commentary the entire time like how at a grocery store an old lady hit him with her purse#when he tried returning her wlalet she dropped because she thought avery stole it#“old bitch” “avery thats not nice” “she HIT me”#gfjhhjfjfhfj
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silverstarstrike · 8 months
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Eira, being AroAce, isn't so big on Valentines, but that doesn't mean she can't support her dumb gay lizard kid.
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huecycles · 7 months
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beltrowel's items
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