#in a wheel chair?
wolfythewitch · 9 months
Hephaestus design?? Pretty please?? 🤲🤲🤲
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Fire arm go brrrr
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nonbinarycollector · 1 year
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ID: Shaded art of Noelle and Susie. Noelle is in a green and reddish brown wheel chair, with candy cane patterned handles. She wears a red blouse and green plaid shorts. Susie wears a green shirt, belt, blue jeans, and flame patterned sneakers. She leans down and nuzzles Noelle's nose with a smile, tail wagging. Noelle smiles up at her. A heart is above them. Noelle in her dark world appearance with an added poncho. She holds two ski poles and sits in a blue wheel chair, its wheels replaced with gold sleigh runners. Next to her is the same chair without her on it. Text reads: [the chair] slides effortlessly no matter what! its magic. she uses her poles to move around. Noelle in her dark world appearance, spinning in her wheel chair/sleigh. Kris stands next to her, their cape colored like the trans flag, and look to the side with crossed arms. Text points at them and reads: pretending theyre not jealous. End ID
um um. yeah :)
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yellowyarn · 22 days
I need a badge that says "Nothing happened, I'm just disabled" to wear when I use my braces or other disability aids. Maybe abled people would stop asking me about it then.
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nhyhu · 4 months
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Road Trip!!!
My piece for @boatemzine <3
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pendwelling · 11 months
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!!! Wow! So you have a favourite story, too?
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bemp0 · 8 months
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Short visit on Tabernacle Road
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spooniestrong · 1 year
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I wish I was surprised...
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fantasy-frog · 1 year
To anybody who might see this, July in the states is disability pride month. As someone who’s past decade plus has been a journey towards understanding, accepting, and advocating for my psychological and physical disabilities and my whole life, aiding disabled family members, I want make it known that: the way many of us feel you can help us the most, is not by “pretending” we’re abled, like we’re just like everyone else, because we’re *not*
When disabilities are ignored, or treated as just “uniquely abled”, it falls on the disabled to maintain abled people’s comfort; to make our disabilities small, to not advocate for equity and the bettering of our lives in a supposedly equal society.
Equality is not equity.
Differences must be acknowledged, understood, and worked around *by abled people* for any true progress to be made.
Most people think this is government related. I know abled people as individuals can’t change that there’s little to no wheel chair access in their bustling city, that the sidewalks are cracked and filled with lips. An abled person can’t make public schools treat autistic kids with humanity, or children with memory-relates disabilities able to always have notes for their exams. They can’t make the employers stop firing us, or the government give us our right to marriage when living under SSI.
What I’m asking for is Empathy. True empathy. The kind that informs your beliefs, and actions. Talk to disabled people. Get to know them. I promise you, you have a disabled person in your family or social circle. Really be inquisitive about their experiences, struggles, and frustrations.
Acknowledge your privilege. Your ease of access to the world. Really sit in it. Absorb it. Your empathy will only grow. And when enough abled people do even just this, the world for us becomes less hostile. It becomes more livable. We become no longer burdens, but cherished by our communities, our families and friends. And trust me, even though the world is not built for me, and I have to consistently jump through 10,000 hoops to achieve even the smallest of victories for an abled person, and my body hurts and breaks down, so I get in a chair on wheels, or get out my cane, or put on my noise cancelling headphones, and just come across obstacle after obstacle -
The majority of the pain comes from the stares. The glances. The questioning. The points when you see the patience leave the eyes of the one who you thought loved you unconditionally, and you remember your place in our collective culture. And fuck man. You recall how workable all the bureaucracy and hurdles felt, how manageable it was to push forward (it’s what you always do) … before you were reminded of where you sit on the totem poll, and how conditional worth is in our society.
Disabled people are worthy. We are valuable. But we need you to believe it, or nothing will ever change.
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chasing-posts · 2 months
I'm sure Gai has multiple wheelchairs for every day use that he keeps in scrolls or the front of his and Kakashi's house. A sport chair for speed and fun. His big one we see in the show ro help him get around town or travel with Kakashi over all types of terrain.
But imagine if Gai put weights on one of his wheel chairs. Just making the thing REALLY heavy and hard to move, whether someone is pushing him or he's pushing himself. He is the type of maniac who would trick out a bike to make it 3000 pounds for no reason but to train!
As a flex, Kakashi can push it and make it look easy. But as soon as anyone else asides from maybe Lee tries, they're stuck in place and Gai is yelling at them to try harder!!! To move him by embracing their springtime of youth!!!
It makes kidnapping him REALLY difficult and frankly, embarressing for those who try. And avoids that annoying issue of rude people trying to grab his wheel chair and manuver him out of the way without his consent. (Which apparently is a thing rude assholes do to wheel chair users. Never do this. It's rude AF. Learn some manners.)
Just wheel chair shenanigans with Miato Gai.
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corvidaeconundrum · 5 months
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COF/COM STICKERSSS :D they’re specifically based on our designs for our Cry of Monster’s fic/AU, wanted to make something with all the main characters
I’ll probably actually turn these into stickers too, considering we have a cricut!
Here are the individual stickers!:
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k9emote · 3 months
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wheel chair emotes ! these were very hard bcause I don't use a wheel chair, but I hope these are ok and can help people !
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bitzzoxl · 1 year
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First tumblr post!!! Wanted to add to the hatsune miku culture trend with my own!!
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moghedien · 1 year
its so Wondergirls coded that their plan began with Elayne being like "let me take the lead Nynaeve. we need to be careful and think this through" and then the plan still ended with Elayne clubbing a woman in the face with a big stick
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tarochimochi · 4 months
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Losercake, everyday, daily
Day 93
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samplerman · 3 months
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BUSTER 24-Buster Brown mardi à 4 heures avec joie
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