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chelshiart · 2 years ago
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she's everything
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aimseytv · 3 months ago
local person is very normal about arcane (LIAR)
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kugakoda · 7 months ago
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onefr3ddieo · 6 months ago
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freaky motherfucker orig idea https://www.behance.net/gallery/169248105/On-set-graphics-for-PULSE
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waveykirby · 1 month ago
*kurapika and leorio kissing*
killua: bro is not repopulating his clan
gon: he can always use the pregnancy card
kurapika, horrified: THE WHAT???
152 notes · View notes
slime-sandwhich-nom · 10 months ago
so yeah
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nothingworthnoting · 5 months ago
some nights i wonder how i dont collapse under
the thought of what once was
and what couldve been
other nights im sobbing inconsolably
wishing i could turn back time
wanting to be in your arms once more
longing to hear your sweet nothings
desiring to be seen by you
oh that stare of yours
ive always wondered why it made me so uneasy
only to realize you were never looking just into my eyes
but also staring into the depths of my soul
you could tell i was uncomfortable and would ask why
of course i would brush it off
as if i could actually confess to you
that ive never felt so exposed
stripped naked of all of the masks i put on
to stare at me the way you did
was to unravel me
and hold the fibers of my very being into light
oh it hurts
but hurt me as you please
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212newyorker · 8 months ago
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vivizaii · 23 days ago
assigning bsd characters lyrics (pt 1)
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mohgreal · 3 months ago
guys papapapsspspapps what do you like apart from fromsoftware i need something else to analyse and shitpost about half to death without it driving me to insanity and stage 3 scarlet rot
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mqrsss · 1 year ago
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ElQuackity purgatory design
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badbatchsprincess · 1 month ago
The Dark Room
(Inspired by @aynavaano 's Dark Paradise)
I'm so obsessed with the fic mentioned above that I wanted to do my own spin on this amazing work! Enjoy!! and thank you @aynavaano for creating this spicy masterpiece
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With the deep bass music thrumming through the floorboards, 79’s was busy as ever, with many battalions on shore leave, the club was packed nearly to the brim with warm bodies and the smell of Corellian fine liquor and Republic supplied beer. 
Binx squeezed inside, looking for the recruitment officer that had told her to meet him and the other civ medics to get to know some of the men she’d be shipping out with in two days. Of course 79’s was naturally the best place to meet the clone troopers without all the pleasantries required on base.  
She pushed through the crowd of muscular bodies, passing by the various cliques of clones dancing together until she reached the packed bar sliding between two men engrossed in conversation. 
Go-go dancers danced on some elevated surfaces showing off their fit bodies and sparkly outfits nearly mesmerizing her like a undarian serpent charmer. Binx had never seen something like this on the lower levels. Most of the bars were too seedy and sketchy to spend too much time in  anyways so this was like an entirely new world to her. The girls were beautiful.
“Hey! Binx!” She spun around seeing the Nat-Born officer approaching, waving a hand to her along with some other nats trialing behind. She took off towards them happy to see some familiar faces, “Hi!” 
“Saw you come in, sorry I didn’t know it was going to be so busy tonight, most the boys have come back to celebrate.” 
He smiled, “Yeah, there was victory on Mimban. Everyone’s relived to be home.” 
Binx looked around wide eyed. She studied the crowd watching the way the soldiers threw back their cups of beer and cheered. 
She couldn’t help but smile, their excitement was contagious. 
“So what’s your name?” One of the other civ-medics asked. 
“Binx!” She yelled over the noise, “What's your names?” 
Binx shook their hands in greeting, before settling into the booth listening to their various stories of their exploits while stationed. 
They were all telling her about their next adventures before asking where she was going to be placed, “I don’t know yet!” Binx replied with a shrug. 
“Hopefully you’ll be on a Jedi Venator, they’re usually the most comfortable. Field work is difficult.” Layla purred into her cup. 
“Hey, I like the field work! You get to see all the action.” Coves smirked. 
“Yeah, you would like that.” Layla rolled her eyes. 
“Hey,” A deeper voice with a mandalorian accent came from her side, “I haven’t seen you around here before… Care to dance?” 
Binx looked at the clone soldier before looking at her friends. Layla waggled her brows encouraging her to go, so she decided to say fuck it, and took the troopers’s hand. 
He smiled happily before dragging Binx out onto the floor, “I don’t know how to dance!” She laughed letting him spin her around messily.
“No worries! Neither did we!” He laughed bringing the medic closer, “So, you a new recruit?” 
“Yeah!” She smiled stepping to the beat, trying to move the way everyone else was. 
“Lucky me.” He moved to the beat, “Where you from?” 
“Lower levels!” Binx replied turning around to grind back against him experimentally. 
“Got a name, lower levels?” 
“Binx.” She leaned back against him feeling his warm strong chest against her back, “You?” 
“Yeah.” He rubbed the back of his head, “My CT number is all fives, so thats my name.” He pointed to some other soldiers in similar colors, “That’s Echo, Dogma, Rex, and Tup.” 
“I like your names.” Binx spun around to face him keeping him close. This dancing was fun she realized. He boldly moved his hands up and down Binx’s sides feeling the fabric of her clothes along with her curves. She purred as his hands confidently bunched the sides of her dress tugging her even closer. 
“Yeah?” He smirked pushing some of her hair back over her shoulder, “Wanna meet them?” 
“Maybe later.” Binx returned the smirk and pushed up against his body, liking the way he felt against her. 
He was ridiculously attractive. The holonet videos only did so much, but seeing these soldiers in person, it was actually stunning to see and feel how attractive they are in real life. 
“So, you’re in the medic program?” Fives asked swaying along with Binx’s smaller frame. 
“Yeah, I’ve been in school for a few years and I was offered the opportunity. I want to get off this planet and see the galaxy.” Binx studied Fives’ honey brown eyes. 
He nodded, “Looking to join the action?” 
“Not sure.” Binx shrugged, “I’ve never been in a conflict zone before.” 
“Well just make sure to listen to the captain and you’ll be fine.” Fives bent down to spin the medic around again bringing her ass to his front as he moved the two of them to the music. 
Binx giggled and laughed which made Fives smile in return. The two of them danced for two more songs before deciding it was definitely time for a drink, to which Fives lead her to the bar and shoved over his brothers to make room for her in the booth. 
He ordered something fizzy which Binx was pleasantly surprised by while Fives downed a shot of something hard. 
Binx’s attention was then brought to a group of rowdy soldiers who play fought by the back most part of the club. They shouted and shoved one another as a couple fights broke out making fives scoff.
“Probably fighting over some girl again.” He knocked back another shot, “Can’t seem to stop the fighting off the battle field either.” 
Binx’s eyes then trailed over to the staircase behind them slightly covered with a red curtain. She watched multiple people, nat-born woman, and clones ascend the stairs until they disappeared into a seemingly dark hallway. 
“What’s over there?” Binx asked pointing to the back of the building. 
Fives followed her finger and looked over the brawl to see the stairs. 
He smirked. 
“What?” Binx asked playfully. Fives just grinned.  
“That’s the dark room.” He picked up a glass of water and took a sip. 
Binx scrunched her brows, “The dark room?” 
Fives looked at the little medic with a mischievous grin, “Some nat-borns want to fuck clones. The dark room is an anonymous hook up. Totally pitch black in there, you can’t see a thing. Nat borns get to work out their kinks and the soldiers get laid. It’s a win-win.” 
Binx nearly choked on her drink. 
“Like a brothel?” She giggled. 
Fives laughed, “No, it’s not a brothel. Everyone’s a consenting adult. It’s just a place to blow off steam.” 
Binx then turned to face the bar and tilted her head towards Fives, “Have you been?” 
“Yes ma’am.” He replied. 
Binx finished off her drink and set the glass down. 
“Wanna go?” Fives proposed suddenly. He waggled his brows playfully making Binx suck in a gasp.  
Binx’s heart suddenly fluttered and began to beat faster than the music. 
She turned to face Five’s who wore quite the smoldering gaze which was suddenly fixated on Binx’s blushing face. He couldn’t explain it, but this little medic was quickly growing on him. Her eagerness to experience the world was attractive. She was damn beautiful too. His pants tightened slightly thinking about her plush ass up against him again. Fuck, he prayed she said yes. 
What Five’s didn’t know, was that Binx’s panties were growing wetter by the second. The idea of Fives having her in a dark room full of strangers, hot and sweaty, made her bite back a pathetic whine.
Binx thought about it, but the reality of her new job smacked her right in the face, “Isn’t that like something we probably shouldn’t do? I’m not a civvy anymore.” 
“I won’t tell if you don’t.” He winked making Binks chew hew lip. He reached over running his fingers through her deep space black hair making her shiver as his fingers teased over the delicate skin of her neck. 
Right as she was about to open her mouth to answer the clone, one of the aforementioned soldiers called him over. 
“One second, cyare.” He pulled himself from the bar groaning at his friend, “What, Echo?” 
Binks forced herself to take a shaky breath before turning back to the bar to order another shot for bravery. 
What the hell is she thinking? She could be fucking posted with Five’s battalion and would make everything complicated if she went into that tempting room, but somehow she was finding it more and more difficult to care. The longer she watched him interact with his clearly stoic brother, she couldn’t help but drool over his broad shoulders and battle hardened figure. 
Binx grabbed the shot of whatever the hell the bartender had passed her, and knocked it back like a champ letting the burning liquid warm her throat and belly. 
She watched more and more people disappeared into the mysterious back room, and was starting to get antsy… and frankly… horny….
Deciding that life is too short, especially for nerves to get in the way, Binx decided she was going to be a proactive kind of girl. 
She peeled herself from the bar counter and began maneuvering through the crowd until she approached the soldiers in blue. Zeroing in on her target, Binx outstretched her hand and ran her fingers gently across Five’s back, subtly getting his attention, as she continued walking past throwing a seductive look over her shoulder at the man before beginning her climb up the stairs to the dark room. 
She briefly heard one of them mutter a low fuck, before she continued upstairs reaching the darkening hallway. 
She heard him arguing with his brother begging him to let him go which made Binx smirk before she pushed through the first door. She knew Fives was close behind which made her entire body vibrate with new excitement. She realized she’d never done anything quite as adventurous as this before, but something about all this newness in her life was making her want to take advantage of every single experience she could get her hands on, which included letting Fives get his hands on her. 
Once she pushed through that second door, she was entirely engulfed in darkness. This room was significantly different than the club. The energy was much heavier, and heady. Binx tried to take amount to adjust to the darkness, but she couldn’t, it was just that dark. 
Inside, there was the scent of sex everywhere and the sounds of pleasured moaning and skin slapping against one another. 
Deep vibrational music was playing making her entire body pulse. She heard the door close behind her, then the sensation of hands were on her and everything suddenly became hot. 
Binx let out a startled yelp as the hands began to explore. All over the hands wandered and then suddenly she was brought back up against a tall and muscular figure. She reached out in the dark trying to feel for anything, but she was suddenly met with the chest of another. 
“And who is this?” A very deep smoky voice snapped her head forwards. The man in front of her began to run his war worn hands over her shoulders up to her neck, brining his head forwards, he pressed his nose into Binx’s skin taking in her clean scent before licking up a stripe up to her pierced ear. 
She sighed into the touch feeling his silky hair dance against her skin. She reached up, carding her fingers through his. It was long. Binx then felt along his face feeling his sharp jaw line making him chuckle. 
“You smell so good, ad’ika.” 
“I found her first.” The man behind Binx, drawled. His silvery voice sent a shiver down her entire thumping body. He cupped her breast possessively making her moan and lean into his warm body. 
“You can share, trooper.” The man with the deep voice pressed a sloppy kiss to the woman’s neck making her melt against him. His arms wrapped around her body to support her as his incisions dragged teasingly against hear warmed skin. 
The man behind her snarled before relenting, “Yes, Sarge.” 
Sarge? Like as in Sergeant? Binx’s heart fluttered knowing a high ranking officer currently had his hands all over her, and his mouth. Fuck this was too hot for her to handle. 
“Relax, little one.” Sarge purred, “We’ll take good care of you.” 
She didn’t answer, she couldn’t, instead she just panted and moaned as the trooper behind her skillfully began to peel open her clothes. Skilled fingers undid her dress zipper until Sarge could peel it off of her. They worked like a skilled team as they stripped Binx down to her birthday suit. Once all of her clothes were on the floor, Binx was guided carefully down to the ground where she was met with a pile of pillows and more warm muscular bodies. 
She moaned out as another set of even bigger hands wrapped around her and cupped her breasts and massaging them, rolling and pinching her hardening nipples making Binx absolutely purr at their attention. 
“She sounds pretty.” The man currently pinching her nipples bellowed from behind her back. He certainly felt larger than the others. Binx wasn’t certain he was even a clone. But it didn’t matter, those thoughts were suddenly gone as more hands began to feel and touch and pull along her lithe body. 
Hands then began to push her knees up and further apart as someone neared her core. 
“Fuck, she’s wet.” The smoky voice said and Binx guessed he was the one currently nearing her core now dripping core. The suddenness of all of this was making her weaker by the moment. She couldn’t believe she was up in this room fucking total strangers. 
She leaned back into the large man pinning her to his front while the others maneuvered around her. 
Her chin was suddenly gripped before being turned to the side to be met with soft skilled lips. Binx moaned into the strangers mouth letting him take control of the kiss while the sergeant cupped her pussy. The hand on her chin traveled down to her neck where he applied delicious pressure making Binx squirm around in their possessive hold.
She moaned some more into the kiss as sarge began to finger her and prepare her while the others stimulated her body. 
“Move over.” A different man now approached from her side to knock the one kissing her away. Her chin was grabbed once again, and angled to meet the new trooper. He was a lot less demanding than the other, and much more calculated as his tongue entered her mouth to explore. 
Sarge then leaned forwards to bring his mouth to her cunt where he pressed sloppy kisses to her clit making Binx buck against him desperate for more. 
“Fuck, please!” She bit out and squirmed. 
They just chuckled and huffed a laugh before continuing their onslaught. 
As sarge continued to lick and suck on Binx’s dripping core, her hand was guided to one of their fronts where she grasped a hard and hot cock. Binx gasped feeling its soft hardness as he began to stroke it slowly. She squeezed and pumped it feeling the trooper lurch forwards chasing the sensation. 
Her other hand was guided to another, and then the first trooper gently lead her chin in the direction he wanted. She leaned forwards to open her mouth and experimentally lick his tip. He groaned quietly as she then took more of him inside her mouth. 
“Fuck, her mouth feels good.” The silvery voice above her fisted her long hair, and guided her as he trusted faster into her waiting mouth. 
Binx tried her best to suck him off despite the awkward angle. 
She continued to jerk off the other man while Sarge now lined himself up with her entrance. 
The man underneath her, shifted suddenly. 
“Plan 25.” One of them barked and suddenly there was a whirl wind of motion. 
Bodied rearranged themselves while, Binx was suddenly flipped onto her hands and knees and planted firmly on the pillows below. 
Someone was behind her and in front of her now, and both cocks suddenly were pushed inside of her. Binx groaned around the cock in her mouth as the man behind her filled her to the brim. 
Once again, that same hand threaded through her hair to guide her pace. Binx hollowed her cheeks and bobbed her head this time, doubling down to blow him better. He growled chasing his high while the man behind her plowed into her mercilessly. 
Binx had to use every muscle she has to combat his thrusts before she was pushed too far onto the man in front of her accidentally gagging on the thick cock in her mouth. 
“What a good girl.” The sergeant spoke from behind her. 
She whimpered pathetically as the sergeant slithered his hand between her damp thighs to rub little circles on her throbbing clit. 
Binx cried out feeling her own orgasm approach rapidly while the others did too. The man inside her mouth suddenly thrust forwards one last time shivering while cumming into her waiting mouth. Binx swallowed his cum eagerly, and licked him clean before starting to swivel her hips back against the sergeant making him squeeze her hips even harder trying to control himself. 
“Fuck.” He bit out. 
Suddenly there was a new man in front of her. Binx was guided to his leaking cock where she opened up her mouth for him to push forwards. He sighed feeling her warmth surround him as she got to work. 
Sarge suddenly stopped his thrusts and surged forwards pumping his seed inside the deepest parts of Binx’s pussy. Sarge bowed forwards until his chest was resting on Binx’s arched spine. He pressed a few sloppy kisses on her shoulder before sitting up and pulling out letting a stream of his cum drip down her thighs. 
“Mmm, my turn.” The fourth said excitedly before shuffling in behind her. 
Binx was too busy sucking off the soldier in front of her to realize that the other man’s mouth was suddenly on her, licking her cunt like a desert. 
She yelped as he ate her out from behind with no abandon. His tongue lapped at her clit and messy entrance making her shudder. He didn’t seem to give a fuck about his sergeant’s cum leaking out of her making her thrum with excitement. 
“You ready, pretty girl?” He asked. 
She made a face at the pet name knowing he can’t see her, or even know what she looked like, but she didn’t seem to care. 
Binx muttered a “Mhmm.” 
Before she knew it, she felt the thickest tip she’s ever felt in her life nudging at her entrance. 
Binx squirmed around a little nervous at what she was feeling. 
“Easy, mesh’la.” Sarge’s voice cooed from the side as his calloused hands petted her spine trying to calm her. 
The one behind Binx began to push forwards stretching her impossibly wide as his cock breached her small entrance using sarge’s cum as lube. 
“Fuck!” She cried out feeling her legs start to turn to jelly as she was impaled on his monstrous cock. 
Binx heard the others let out a quiet chuckle as she struggled to adjust to his size. Clearly this has happened before…
Damn he was big. 
Feeling her start to adjust, Binx bent forwards again to search out the other solder in front of her. Once she found him, she ran her hands along his sculpted abdominals making her flush. Fuck, were all troopers this cut? She was mesmerized at the sinew muscle covering his entire frame.
Then there was movement and Binx cried out again as the one with the massive dick started to thrust slowly. 
Binx whined feeling absolutely overwhelmed with pleasure. Every single nerve inside her was being stimulated and she shuddered in his grasp. She was thankful he was there to hold her up because she’d be face first in the floor right now if it wasn’t for him. 
Meanwhile, the soldier in front of her seemed like the most patient. He allowed her to get herself back together before helping her find his aching cock. She once again hollowed her cheeks and began to suck diligently, determined to make him cum too. 
She felt him begin to stutter and then her mouth was suddenly filled with salty cum. Binx moaned as he came swallowing everything he gave her. She pressed a kiss to his abdomen before he retreated leaving her to be fucked boneless by Mr. Big Cock. 
Binx’s wines flooded the entire room as she began to quake in his hold. Her orgasm took her by storm as she came around his length feeling a sudden burst of liquid from her core. 
“Hell yeah!” He cheered feeling Binx squirt all over him, “Add another point, Tech!” 
“You have an anatomical advantage, this competition hardly makes sense.” 
Binx was too blissed out to hear a damn thing. All she remembered was more hands finding her skin and bringing her to another blinding orgasm. 
The rounds began to blend together as she would be flipped onto her back, brought to her knees, standing on occasion, or the big man would pick her up and carry her around like a rag doll. And She had one mind blowing orgasm after another. Never in her life had she felt pleasure like this… her mind was barely cognizant. 
By the time Binx had had it, and the troopers seemed sated, she wandered back to where ever her clothes had been dropped. She picked up whatever fabrics she could find and threw them on. Was she supposed to say something? Or just leave? 
She realized saying something would probably take away from the anonymity of it all, and decided on the later. Clearly people only came here for one purpose…
Pulling on a random pair of someone’s cargos, and whatever t-shirt she could find, Binx stumbled out of the dark room feeling all the cum dripping out of her still. She had to take a few moments to regain her eye site in the dim hallway before trying her best to walk normally down the stairs.  
When she re-enetered the club, she made for a quick exit so no one could see the state of her, especially her new friends at the medic unit. 
Grabbing a cab, she headed straight home knowing she’d be sleeping until she shipped out…. 
~ Two days later ~
Feeling refreshed and rested, Binx reported in for duty at the GAR main hangar to find her assignment for the next 6 month campaign. 
She straightened out her medics uniform and clutched her personal effects bag closely as she waited for the recruitment officer to hand her, her data pad. 
She prayed her makeup covered up the love bites and bruising decorating her neck, that for the life of her, she couldn’t get rid of in time. The bacta only worked so fast and who ever had made them, had made sure they’d leave their mark. 
“Alright, Layla you’re on base duty and processing. Coves you’re with the 212th and Binx, you’re with…” He double checked the information seeming to be slightly confused, “You’re with Special Forces, Clone Force 99… the Commandos.” 
“Newbie gets all the action.” Coves groaned clearly disappointed with his assignment. 
“Alright you all know where to go, Binx come with me.” The recruitment officer lead her down the tarmac towards a much smaller omicron attack vessel nestled in it’s own area of the hangar.
The Havoc Marauder. 
She’s seen holonet specs of their ships before. Her heart fluttered with excitement knowing She’d be diving head first into all kinds of foreign places. The special forces units always got to go on exciting missions. 
“Alright, Binx there ya go!” The recruitment officer turned on his heel to walk away leaving the medic a little perplexed and alone. So much for introductions. 
“Umm.” She whipped her head around back to the ship before watching her officer disappear into the distance, “Alright…” 
She turned back to the ship to walk forwards noticing that the boarding stairs were down and there was some commotion coming from inside. 
Stepping forwards, Binx approached the ship, only to be stopped in her tracks when a tall goggled man came trotting out of the vessel while an equally as tall silver haired man flicked a tooth pick at him complaining about something. 
They didn’t look like clones. 
They stopped whatever they were talking about when the silvery one locked eyes on Binx. She stood there staring right back at them still clutching the strap of her duffle. 
Then another man popped his head out from the ship’s door, “What-are-ya lookin at? Ooohhh…” The big man stood fully up right starting at the medic with wide eyes, “She’s Prettttyyyy….” 
“You lost, kitten?” The silvery one plucked a fresh pick into his mouth crossing his arms. 
Binx bristled squaring him up and resting her hands on her hips defiantly, “No, I’m your new medic.” 
The silver haired one raised a brow skeptically. 
“It would appear that information is correct.”  The goggled one answered looking at his data pad. 
“What the hell is taking you all so damn lo-“ 
That voice…
Binx’s body reacted immediately. 
Her heart began to race and her core made a traitorous pulsing sensation as her heart sunk into the absolute pit of her stomach. 
“Sarge?” The big one looked to their leader confused at the sudden change in behavior. 
“I believe there was a mistake.” Binx began to back peddle. 
The silver one suddenly made a mischievous face and turned to their leader, “What, you fuck her or something?” 
They all did. 
Sarge just continued to stare at Binx smelling her very distinctly delicious scent he’s been trying to chase the traces of on their clothes for the past 48 hours. Fuck she was the woman at 79’s they spent hours debauching the other night before shipping out… 
Binx however, was having flashbacks to the night int he dark room. That silvery voice and his possessive hands. The politeness of the goggled one, his properness seemed to predominant, then the large one. Binx had to swallow thickly remembering how much he had stretched her and fucked her into another universe. She could still feel the soreness as she stood there before them.
Sargent cleared his throat and descended the stairs. 
“Apologies.” Sarge approached the medic, “I’m Sergeant Hunter, and this is Clone Force 99.” Okay, so he’s going with the oblivious route… 
“This is Crosshair, Wrecker, and Tech.” He held out his hand to shake, which Binx took hesitantly feeling his familiar hands again made her struggle to breathe. 
“I’m Binx, your new medic.” 
“I wasn’t aware we were being assigned a medic, it was a bit of a shock.” 
Binx smiled awkwardly, “Understandable.” 
The two of them exchanged knowing looks briefly before he turned back to the ship, “I’ll show you around, we’ll have to figure out a bunk situation for you it’s a smaller ship than usual…” 
She followed behind Hunter noticing the way Crosshair eyed her closely as she passed by. 
Once she entered the ship, she first noticed the smell, then the disorderliness of the place. Hunter brought her towards the back showing her all of the compartments, the bunks, the gunner’s mount, the under belly, then finally the fresher before leaving her to settle in. 
Binx realized the big one, named Wrecker, was uber curious about her. He watched her with child like fascination as she settled in. Meanwhile, the sniper named Crosshair was making her a bit unsettled. He watched every little micro movement she made as she tried to familiarize herself with the ship. 
She remembered how passionate his kisses were and how possessive his hands were on her body, she were certain it was him who had choked her and fucked her face after attempting to claim her all for himself before Hunter had ordered him to share. That little tidbit of information made her body shiver.
Binx shuddered thinking about it. She could still feel the ghost of his touch on her skin. 
“Take a picture it will last longer.” She barked out playfully as he unpacked her clothes. The sniper behind her didn’t made a sound as he peeled himself from the wall. 
Without an invitation, he reached forwards taking Binx by surprise as he yanked back the collar of her uniform revealing the various love bites both him and Hunter had marred her with. 
“Well aren’t you an adventurous little kitten.” He snarked. 
She smacked him away readjusting the fabric. 
“Hunter’s too polite.” He smirked cornered Binx towering over her, “But he recognized your scent the second he saw you…” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Binx raised a brow.
Crosshair hummed and shifted the toothpick in his mouth, “And I remember putting my mark right about here…” He poked her neck right where the makeup was caked on, “You and Hunter can play dumb all you want… but know that I know.” He smirked making Binx’s core pulse. 
He looked down at her like he knew exactly which memories were playing in the forefront of her mind at this very moment. 
Crosshair then crossed his arms and playfully raised a brow, “I did find you first…” 
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jellyimp · 10 months ago
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miss-sxty · 16 days ago
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unhollowkid · 8 months ago
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Delirious: Thanks for the kiss men :D
Vanoss: Ah...
Im sorry for this ;_;
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sansnomp4 · 2 years ago
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Hey.  So, I guess I created a continuity to this comic. An Evil superboy in love with Tim. 
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