#im sorry i cant shut up but im just so worried for the boys
heybinnie · 1 year
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zenithpng · 12 days
#god im so sorry for vènting so damn much there is something so wrong with my head right now#every bit of positive attention ive gotten recently or even just attention in general sometimes has made me want to shed my skin#and on top of that there are Things in my head and i am worried it may be ********* but im too frightened to do any sort of research into i#but also hooo boy do i feel like im faking because like jet come on thats a trauma thing. you just kinda got yelled at SHUT UP YOURE FINE#and thats probably the biggest thing fucking me up right now because like im probably wrong but what if im right. dear fuck what then.#ànd also im scared to talk about it with anyone that does experience ********* because i feel so shitty insinuating that i went through#something like that when i know damn well i didnt#like oh wow you had a weird childhood ok jet get fucked everyones got a weird childhood#anyway. i need to like#talk to a stranger with ********* so im not so grossly embarrassed maybe#fuck#also lìke i just wanna stop talking to everyone but i started a zine and i cant abandon that and its upsetting me#like i need to fade into nothingness but i cant right now :/#anyway . desr lord why am i like this. what is inside me. what is going on.#delete later#jet maybe you need to get hit real hard by a car and that will do a hard reset and everything will be ok#vent#ALSO MY PARTNER IS GŔADUATING AND I CANT FUCKING BE THERE.#was litèrally sobbing over that this morning. i am so proud of them and they look so happy but also i cant be there#all i want is to hug them and congŕatulate them in person and give them a big bouquet of flowers but NO.#anyway. UGH.
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rafedaddy01 · 8 months
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Notes: here is the long awaited pt2, I’m sorry it took so long. I’ve been active but I haven’t had the chance to sit down and write this until now. Ps. I didn’t double check for spelling errors so if you see any just 🤫
Last night was strange. I try to push the embarrassing thoughts from invading my mind as i stir in bed, the sun coming up and painting the room.
Our exchange was awkward if anything more. he just eyed me up and down and smirked as i burst out of the room and shut the door. i slid down onto the floor and just sat there for a minute trying to process what i just saw.
Ive never been with a boy let alone seen one naked. Especially one that looks like THAT!
oof, i knew rafe cameron would be good looking but i expected him to look like all the rich, silver-spoon, snobs ive met. But no. he was god like. His hair was slicked back and his eyes roamed my body from the mirror dangerously, i could see the blue in them from where i was standing and they were mesmerizing. His facial features are sculpted to perfection and his abs. Oh. My. God.
and then there was his -dick- gross i dont like that word, but there it was. just staring at me. ive never seen one, besides in porn. Im not a prude i know what sex is and yes i indulge in my own sexual pleasure, but ive never actually seen one in person beofre, but if they all look like that then sign me up!
I groan as my alarm rings at 6am sharp. I always get up early because i like the morning peace. back home i would climb the roof of our manor and watch as the sun rose. it was my own private meditation and helped ease some of the stress my parents enforced on me as a 18 year old.
I walk to the bathroom rubbing my eyes and yawning, i dont expect anyone to be up at this time and i want to relax in the shower.
"Oh my god! dont you ever lock the door?" i say as i take a step back and shut the door. I could hear his deep laugh from the other side as he walked up an dopened the door. "dont worry, pretty girl, im all dressed this time" i could feel his smirk even though my hands were still covering my eyes.
i let them fall and hes right hes very much clothed. shame, wait what am i thinking! I take him in, hes wearing a bright orange shirt that as small white stripes on it and cargo shorts, his hair is slicked back with gel like last night, oh god last night. my eyes shift down to his crotch. is he.. hard?' "see something you like pretty girl?" he cocks an eyebrow at me as he leans on the door frame. "i sure do" he says smugly
oh shoots, i forgot im still wearing my sleepwear, its a black lacy bralette and matching panties, i dont like sleeping with clothes on it gets too hot. im instantly aware of how exposed i am and rush for a hoodie from my luggage, it wont cover much but it drops to just above my thighs and its better than nothing "sorry" i murmur, "dont be, its only fair i see you naked now" he says as he walks into my room and exits through my bedroom door.
"see you at breakfast? shame i missed dinner last night, i was looking forward to meeting you miss Morales" he stops in the doorway and says this before leaving
i cant help but blush. is rafe flirting with me?
i shake it off and go back to my morning routine, i take a shower and wash myself with the same cedarwood and ginger shampoo i did last night and put on some baggy jeans and hoodie as i make my way to breakfast.
"good morning Avery" ward says as they all sit in the same seats from last night, except rafe is here and his seat is right next to mine. fuck.
"you havent met rafe yet, our eldest" ward syas as i take a seat next to him "oh weve met dad" rafe answers as he smiles at me
"good, youll be showing her around school next week, ive already arranged it and youll have all the same classes. I want her to feel welcomed in this town rafe, her father is an important man and were proud to be helping the Morales's" ward explains.
shit i completly forgot about school. high school. senior year. New people, rich pricks and bitchy girls. I am so not ready.
"we still on for today?' i ask sarah as we eat our pancakes. "yes!' she says excitedly
"whats today" rafe asks
sarah rolls her eyes and i can sense the tension between the two, they do not like each other thats for sure
"im showing avery around the island and introducing her to some friends." sarah says
rafe scoffs "you call those dirty pouges friends" he says crossing his arms over his chest "i dont know why you hangout with them sarah" he snaps at her "because their good people rafe, something you dont know how to be" she slightly yells "kids!' ward warns. they both grumble as rafe pushes his seat back and storms off, breakfast barely touched. wheezie sits there like nothing just happened and sips her juice. shit this family is a little crazy, theres definatly more to their story.
After breakfast me and sarah head into town on some bikes, its not a long ride and we reach a restaurant type of building. "kie" sarah says as she walks up to a tan skinned girl with curly hair whose smile lights up the whole room "this isavery, shes staying with us for a while" there it is again, a while, i sure hope not. "nice to meet you" i say extending my hand, kie pushing it away and brings me in to a tight bear hug, i do not like being touched but i let it slide its oddly comforting. "im kie or kiara" she explains.
we spend some time chatting and kie explains that this restaurant is her parents and she helps run it. we get to know each other a little more and then sarah decides to introduce me to the rest of her gang.
we pull up to a cheatue house in kies car and exit. "hey, wasss up kook queen" a boys voice beams as he brings sarah in to a tight hug. hes cute, in a boy next door kind of way, his features are pretty and its not my type but his charming personality is interesting, ingiging almsot. "Im JJ" he bows to me and takes a hand kissing the top of it "Avery" i giggle at his antics and he winks. "this is John B and Pope" sarah says as we walk up furtuer to the house and there are two boys sitting drinking beers. "sup" they say as i walk up.
"so what brings you to a shithole like this" John B asks, he has his arm around sarah, they are clearly cozy. "Im orginially from California, a small town Nevada City, my dad opened one of the banks there and its gradually increased and become nationwide so we moved here for business purposes but im staying with the camerons until my parents settle some business back in cali" i explain
"so your a kook? shame" jj speaks my eyebrows scrunch as i look at sarah "whats a kook?" i ask. they all laugh as if im some stupid little girl, "a kook is those who live on the fancy side of town, hangout at the country club and spend daddys money, like rafe" he looks over to sarah "no offense, princess" "none taken" she laughs as she drinks her beer. "and pouges" pope speaks up, finally, "are us. the low lifes, who have to work two jobs to have a stable life and survive" he says. the group goes quiet and its odd. they have names for the groups in the town, it all seems like its straight out a movie and theres a rivalry between the two, its obvious. the way jj described the kooks with such hatred.
"but stick with us baby girl and well teach you the right way" jj says slinging an arm around me and dangling a beer in front of me
for the third time, i do not like being touched, but theres a calming in his presence, its not like rafe who excites and frightens me at the same time.
"count me in!" i beam as i take the beer from him and crack it open. tilting my head back and gulping down the liquid "thats it! woo!" jj shouts as he stands up and does the tarzan pose and hits his chest "P4L" they all chant as jj down his beer.
the rest of the day was spent with the pouges as they call themselves and me and and sarah go back home towards the evening
"did you two have fun" rafe asks as we pass him outside. hes leaning on the door frame with a smug smirk on his face "dont start rafe" she says as she walks past him "i told dad about your little adventure today, hes not happy" rafe says smiling as he eyes me down "really rafe, your such a dick" sarah pouts as she runs inside. he eyes me one more time before walking past me and inside
i dont know what it is about rafe but he intriging, its like something is pulling me in towards him. the way he stares at me makes my knees weak and my hurt beat faster. i realize the shampoo i use is his as his smells wafts off him when he walks by "oh by the way Avery, i like when you use my shampoo. it smells good on you" he stops in the doorway behind me and takes a deep inhale of my black locks
what am i gonna do with him, hes very straight forward and my body craves him in a way that ive never experienced, its dangerous and exhilarating all in one.
i head back to my room and pass by the study, i hear ward an sarah arguing. "this i important sarah! you cant ruin this for us. this is business and taking her on the cut can put her in serious danger. stop hanging out with those dirty pogues and get your head out of the gutter!" ward shouts "whatever dad, theyll always be mor of a family then you, and maybe she fits in with us!" sarah shouts back then theres a slam of the front door and sarahs gone
i take a deep breath as i head back up the stairs and into my room. what does he mean i could get hurt? what is nobody telling me? where are my parents and what the fuck is going on?
@f4ll-for-you @v21sstuff @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @eventualoptimism @drewstarkeysbae @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx
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thisfanisgonesorry · 11 months
hi if you're still taking requests, I can't get the idea of arthur somehow being in the epilogue, alive and thriving, working on the ranch with john and his family and just being happy
IM IN LOVE WITH YOU!! omg thanks for the req <3 i hope u enjoy it cutiepie, sorry it took me a lil bit
ending cowrote by @megbimbo loml
tags: yall are in the epilogue, making this an xreader since im basically useless if i dont but its light so dw, canon deviation obviously, high honor arthur. very angsty because my little gremlin brain could not just make him healthy but HE IS HAPPY!! MY BOY IS A HAPPY CAMPER!!; i usually write 1st person but i got possessed so heres a 2nd person fic (never doing this again, sorry if its shit), genderneutral but implied fem reader. milking the cows was the most pleasurable part of the epilogue after the absolute shitshow i had to endure that was chapter 6. arthur milks the cows for that exact reason. some medical terms i know that probably werent viable to use back in the day but idc. some cowboy stuff i learnt as a wee lass when i had a horsey. so many tags ill shut up now. (i got sad at the end of the fic because i realised you cant kiss him. that made me sad.) also water pump distance ref because its.. not as close as i thought it was.
You and Abigail tended the house while Arthur and John were outside, doing god knows what, their manly chores. Jack and Uncle had a day trip to Blackwater, running errands and such, getting groceries, the works. Jack needed to get out of the house and Uncle needed to get out of doing work.
“I’ve got this.” Abigail spoke, taking the plate from your hands. A brisk nod and you wandered off outside to check on the boys, mostly worried for Arthurs wellbeing, as you tended to be. As the years dragged on, the remaining gang had been accustomed to not treat Arthur like he was fragile, which often than not, resulted in him being injured or overworked in some capacity or another.
You knew well enough that John would take care of Arthur and not work him to exhaustion, especially in this blazing heat, but nursing him back to health after things went south all that time ago wasn’t an easy job, and when they were building the house, he had a pretty bad flare up. 
There was a slight sound of wheezing coming from the distance, your ears perked slightly, rushing down the main steps and looking around. You could vaguely see them over by the water pump in the distance.
Arthur was sitting on the ground, John hovering over him, rubbing his back slowly as Arthur coughed and spluttered. You rushed over to them, evidently worried.
“What happened?”
John looked over to you, softly speaking. “He pushed himself too hard.”
“Yeah.” He spluttered. “I’ll be fine.”
You kneeled beside Arthur, rubbing his back as John pulled away to fill the bucket with water to continue their water run, also so Arthur could take a handful and drink some, hopefully hydrating his throat enough to stop him from tearing his oesophagus. 
Water Runs; They were dreaded, the water buckets would get heavy, and in heat like this, you’d need to do the runs multiple times a day to keep the animals hydrated. It got worse if the water troughs were under direct sunlight, the amount depended on the day, the weather and the animals, but the horses needed the extra water this summer, as did the sheep and the cows. All around, it was an awful chore.
Arthur, being the horse lover he is, would be quite adamant in keeping the horses up during the heat, making sure they’re okay. Though, because of the humid air, it was causing his illness to worsen. He slurped up a handful of water, and his coughing let up slightly.
“You need to rest.” You spoke firmly, as John picked up the bucket and walked it over to the remaining troughs, walking over into the sheep pen so he could keep a keen eye on Arthur momentarily. 
“I know, I know.” He groaned. “John and I have a lot of things to do.”
“This is John’s ranch, not yours. Sit down for a bit.”
“But the horses—”
“But nothing. You can care for them later this evening.”
Your voice hung in the air sternly and he pouted like a child, he needed to sit down and rest, to be removed from the hot and muggy air. Once the blazing sun begins to set and the air begins to cool, he would be allowed to go back to his duties. 
John waddled back over with the bucket, filling it up but lingering before he delivered it to the other animals. “Don’t worry, Arthur. I can do this on my own.”
“I want to help.” He spoke sternly, trying to stand up but weakly clutching his chest as he required the aid of you and John to get to his feet.
“How many other chores have you got today?”
John took the conversation away from Arthur, now more than just on board with the concept of letting him sit down and rest for a while. “Just the water, feeding, and milking the cows.”
“I can milk the cows.” Arthur objected.
You sighed, looking over at him, knowing he would rather keel over than be useless. He was a helper; for as long as he’s been known by any of the people on this ranch, he’s always been willing to help people. His need to work died down drastically since he’d been adopted to live on the ranch, but that didn’t mean the lack of drive didn’t eat away at him.
John raised his hands in a defeated shrug. “Let him milk the cows.”
“Fine, but I’m keeping a close eye on him.”
“That’s probably for the best.” John shrugged, with his shoulders this time, grunting as he picked up the bucket, continuing the water run. 
Arthur had a horrendous side eye on him, though he restrained the urge to say something snarky, “I can do this on my own.” He spoke instead, as he began to stride his way to the barn. 
“I know.” You responded, following behind him. 
He seemed upset at the sudden switch of attitude, even after all this time, he wasn’t used to people treating him like he was sick. For the most part, people didn’t, but, for equal parts, he didn’t often tell people that he was sick, instead playing to be super cautious whenever around anyone new.
He took a seat on the stool beside the cow and you stood behind him, leaning against the pillar.
“I’m fine.” He reassured as he slowly milked the cow, the metal panging sound of the bucket being hit with liquid filled the barns silence.
“I know.” You repeated quietly, not really paying attention to the words leaving your mouth. “Jus’ making sure you’re okay, we’re bein’ careful, ‘s all.”
“I don’t need it.”
“I know you want to act like you’re okay, but you’re not. You’ve had a few close calls. We’re just trying to keep you...” You trailed off, not wanting to say the blunt words that weighed heavy. We’re trying to keep you alive.
He stayed silent as John slowly opened the barn doors, entering almost silently and taking the milk pail as it filled to the top.
“I’ll deal with this.”  He said briefly, leaving us quietly to continue our discussion.
Arthur stayed painfully silent as your words lingered heavily in the air, John was quick to disappear into his jobs, and Arthur stayed on the stool, petting the cow softly.
“I get it.” He spoke after a long pause of silence. “I’m sorry, I just...” He rotated his hands in a motion to gesture the continuation of his sentence, not really wanting to finish it himself.
“Just come inside for a bit.” 
He sighed in defeat, standing up from the cow and patting her softly as he removed himself from her side. He really suited this life, and it’s a darn shame that he can’t do too much with it. 
He walked inside slowly, dragging his feet. 
“Don’t get sulky.”
Uncle and Jack returned from Blackwater, pulling up in the wagon. Abigail had left the house to greet them and assist them while John did god-knows-what, something or other to do with the milk. 
Jack and Uncle were having a conversation, or maybe an argument, about something in Blackwater, and they were asking Abigail her opinion as they unpacked the back of the wagon. 
Arthur didn’t necessarily expect anyone to understand the struggles he had to deal with, he was dealt a poor hand, and partially, it was his fault. His days were numbered, and despite the unconditional love and support that everyone offered him, it only did so much into elongating that timer. It was a silent rule that we all knew it’d happen, and once it did, we’d most likely all point fingers on who’s to blame.
“Arthur.” Jack called out, grabbing his attention from his dreary thoughts and tossing him a fresh notebook. It lifted his spirits almost immediately. “I noticed your old one was getting full.” He responded plainly.
“Thanks, kid.” He smiled, still very clearly unwell and needing to rest but his mood had been lifted slightly. He walked through the front door quickly, wanting to get through before they’d be rushing things to and from inside the house. 
He walked over to the fridge and pulled out a cold glass bottle of water, looking over at you begrudgingly as he sat down on the dining room table and flipped through the soft new pages of the notebook.
“Any idea what you’ll do with it yet?”
He shook his head plainly. “No, I might draw some of the horses. Been a while since I drew Boadicea, or Rachel.” He shrugged. “Could draw Neil if he’d stand still.”
“That’s good.”
“Might go up to Owanjila at some point.”
“You could make a day of it.”
“Yeah, I could.”
You let out an exasperated sigh. “Can you stop doing that?” You cursed at him, agitated by how he was acting. “Don’t get upset at me over this.”
“I was fine.” He gritted his teeth.
“You were on the ground struggling to breathe.” You bit back, emphasising every word. He didn’t respond, just glancing away from you. He knew you were right, but didn’t want to admit it since it was inherently showing more weakness. “You...” You trailed off briefly.
“Sorry.” He mumbled, interjecting the conversation. “Jus’.. Don’t wanna be useless.”
“You’re not useless, you’re sick.”
“I know but—”
“Don’t you even try to compare yourself to Uncle.” Arthur stayed silent as you hit the nail on the head. “You did enough work today. Relax. Draw, journal, something. You have a few hours until the sun sets.”
“I’ll make a deal with you.”
“What?” He was beginning to come across as overly defensive, though softened into a defeated sigh as you tried to compromise.
“Abigail gets angry at me, she don’t like how I do the dishes or clean clothes.” I rolled my eyes. “I’ll pro’lly try to help with the yard work. You can do more with less hassle.”
“I guess.” He shrugged.
“Weather forecasts think that it might rain sometime this week, means less work here, we can go to Owanjila.” He wasn’t too keen on it being babysat but he accepted it nonetheless.
“That’d be kinda nice...” He trailed off.
“We can do some fishin’ so they don’t think we’re bein lazy.” It was clear who the ‘they’ was in that sentence, which made him laugh in a silent exhale. “You can draw some of the scenery, set up a mini camp and just.. Have a day off. Hows that?”
“Stop. You need to stop.”
“I’m bored!” He said, clearly agitated and exhausted. “I need something to do, ‘nd everyone jus’ wants me to rest but I gotta do somethin’ or I feel like shit.”
“I just suggested something.” I said sternly.
He looks around the dining area, chewing the inside of his cheek as he considers the idea. He sucked on his teeth slightly.
“Tch... Fine.” He admitted, like a defeated child.
There’s a long moment of silence, and you reach across the table to hold his hand. He continues to avoid eye contact, and his hand doesn’t hold yours back. 
Arthur’s voice is barely above a mumble; so sulky for a man so strong, or so he claims to be. Your eyes flickered between his gaze and him, waiting for him to speak. Arthur, desperate to look literally anywhere else, found himself staring at John’s taxidermied squirrel. If you didn’t know any better, one would probably assume he’s admiring the finest piece of art the 1900s has to offer. He seems to linger on the concept for a while, which worries you. You can’t help but wonder what’s going on in that mind of his.
The silence blares in your ears for a bit too long. Clearing his throat, Arthur looked you in the eyes.
“We’ll see how things go.”
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wa1ks · 9 months
Hey Waiks! I saw your new and you seem so sweet oml😭
I was wonderin if you would do this request as your too a James gurlie like meee
So my vision is your James girl best friend and have been for a long long time. Little do you know, James has a size kink and has a PHAT crush on you. He adores the fact your only 5’1 and curvy (in total just his type from head to toe) and you’re on tour with him.
He just finished a concert and was pissed off for some random reason so you innocently ask him what’s wrong. Your drinking a beer with him in your hotel room but he soon enough gets impatient and fucks your brains out.
Many many thanks, Vee <3xx
CW: Smut, P in V, alcohol, size kink
WC: 1.6k
Thank you sm omg you're so sweet <33
AHHH I LOVE THIS IDEA!! I can imagine any era james for this but blackalbum! james is whats popping up in my brain for that (if its not good im sorry 😭)
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Being best friends with James Hetfield is quite a roller coaster, but I love him, and if going on tour with him makes him happy, then I'll do it without a second thought.
I'm sitting on the side of the stage waiting for the guys to finish their set so I can congratulate them for another amazing show, but something seems off about James. I mean, he always performs to the best of his abilities, but tonight he just seems more...angry?
The guys finally finish the set and thank the crowd for the amazing night. As James walks up to me, I can feel his anger radiating off of him. What best friend would I be if I didn't check to see whats wrong?
"Hey boys, that was an amazing show you put on tonight, but I'm going to take James back to the hotel for the night."
Lars begins to say, "Ooh, Hetfield, you're going to get some pus." In a pissed-off tone, James cuts him off, "Shut it, Ulrich."
We make it to the car, and James is in the drivers seat. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, I speak up.
"James, you know you can come to me for anything, right?"
James turns to me with a fake smile planted on his face and says, "Dude, I love you to bits, but I don't think you want to hear about my girl's problems."
As he said it, all the air in my lungs seemed to vanish, and a feeling of dread washed over me. Don't let your feelings show; this is James' moment, and I need to worry about him.
"Girl problems, eh? Well, I'm a girl, so maybe I could help you figure everything out for  you."Don't let the jealousy show, please, not now; James needs me.
"It's fine; she probably doesn't like me back anyway," James whispers.
"James, you are so blind; how could someone not like you? but if you want to drop it, we can."
Just like that, there's a gleam in his eyes again as he replies, "Thank you, and when we get back to the hotel, we are so going to drink since you rudely stole me away from the guys."
We got back to the hotel and decided to bunker up in my room for the night since it was more convenient. I tell James that I'm just going to get changed into some comfy clothes and that I'll be right out. I walk back into the living room in some shorts and one of James' shirts and see James' gaze linger over my exposed thighs. Huh, weird.
I grab us both some beers and settle into the couch, but James is still looking at my thighs, so I pull my legs up to my chest and sit like that.
"James, are you sure you don't want to talk about anything? You seem really off today."
"Yeah, I'm fine. I think I didn't get enough sleep last night, though." James says he's still looking at me like I'm a goddess or something.
I shuffle around a bit on the couch and hear James' breath hitch. My thoughts are now running wild with how he's looking at me. Calm down; he's probably just lost in thought.
We talk for about 10 minutes before I notice there's something else in his eyes. I can't quite decipher it yet. We're just aimlessly talking at this point when James leans in and kisses me like his life depends on it. He pulls away and gets up, grabbing his things in a rush and mumbling things like "why did I do that? I'm such an idiot" and "I just ruined the best thing that ever happened to me." I finally manage to catch on to what he's doing and grab his arm, trying to get him to look at me.
"James, calm down; I'm not going anywhere. I promise" He looks back at me and says, "But I just kissed you."
I look at him like he has three heads, and suddenly I get what's up with him tonight.
"James, it was ok—more than ok, actually. I enjoyed it."
He turns around, and suddenly he's lunging at me, and when he finally gets to me, our lips smash together in a mess of desire and admiration. Years of longing and lust all spilled out in a matter of moments.
We pull away for air, and he says, "You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that."
He adds, "I've been in love with you for years, you idiot." With a huge smile on my face, I reply, "It seems like we're both idiots, because I've been in love with you for years too."
James then pushes me onto my back on the couch and gets on top of me, encompassing me with his arms stationed right above my shoulders and his long hair blocking us out from the outside world. And my thoughts are filled with "james, james, james, james."
He gives me a quick peck before moving down my neck, licking and sucking at it like a madman, before looking back up at me and asking me if he can take my shirt off. I nod at him, but he stops. "I'm going to have to hear you, hon."
I whine as my cheeks burn from how much I'm blushing, and I plead, "Jamie, please, I need you. Stop teasing me."
"That's what I wanted to hear."
He continues where he left off, but he's doing it slower. I'm getting so worked up, but he can't tease me without consequences, so I brush my foot against his hardening cock, and he stills his movements. And straight-up growls
He pulls us off the couch, and when I try and ask him what he's doing, he pushes me against the wall.
"Aww, look at you—so little and fragile in my hands. I could easily pound into you right here; do you want that doll?" James speaks through his teeth.
I try to speak, but the only thing that escapes my mouth is a moan.
"Does my bunny like me crowding her like this, huh? Don't worry, I'll take good care of you."
James has me pinned to the wall, and his knee is between my thighs, and the friction is so delicious.
"James, can you please hurry up and fuck me?" I whine out.
"Don't worry, hon, we'll get to that later, but right now I'm enjoying watching you get yourself off my thigh," he laughs.
I don't want to sound like a brat, but I need him, and I need him now.
I feel my release building up, and when I'm about to finish, James pulls his leg away with a wicked smile, and I almost cry.
"Don't cry, sweetheart; you'll get your release soon. Can you pull your shorts and panties down for me now, please?" I do as he says, and he praises me for it.
"Are you ready for me, sweetheart?" He knows I am; he just wants to draw this out for as long as he can.
"Mhm, been ready for you, Jamie."
James pulls his pants down and thrusts into me, filling me to the hilt. After I've adjusted to his size, he starts slowly dragging out his thrusts. I squeal because he feels so good. "Feel so full, Jamie, so good. Keep going, please, please."
He seemed to enjoy that, and his pace quickened, pounding into me at a brutal pace. Through gritted teeth, he manages to say, "This pussy feels so tight and warm, just for me, yeah?"
"Just for you, Jamie, all yours; I'm all yours."
He adjusts his arms under my ass so he can get a better hold on me, and while doing that, he gives my ass a smack.
I let out a moan. "Right there, Jamie, keep going; feel so full." "M'girl, you're gripping me so hard; if you keep it up, I'm not going to last."
With one particularly hard thrust, we both let out moans that are borderline pornographic. His thrusts are getting sloppy; he must be close.
"Jamie, I'm going to cum. Can I cum please? I've been a good girl for you. Please let me cum."
"Hold on a little bit longer, hon. Wanna cum together?" "Where do you want it?"
My mind is shouting at me at this point. "Inside, please Jamie, I just want to feel you."
James then says, "Now, let go, hon. C'mon, cum sweets." With a final thrust, we both finish. I can feel his warm cum filling me up to the brink. When he pulls out and some of his seed spills out, he uses his thumb to push it back in and then gets me to suck it clean.
"Wow, that was something," I say out of breath.
James doesn't say a word; he simply lifts me up bridal style, puts me down gently onto the bed, and walks out. For a second, my heart cracks, and I think, "He just used me," but he comes back with a warm washcloth and cleans up the mess between my thighs. After he's done with that, he puts some boxers on me and lays beside me.
"Feelin' ok, sweetheart?" James says softly "Better than ok, Jamie, thank you." "Was I too rough? Did I hurt you?" "Jamie, stop worrying. I feel amazing; you're amazing." "I meant it; you know what I said earlier. I do love you." And in that moment, he seemed so vulnerable, so I hugged him. "I love you too, Jamie. I love you so much it hurts."
"D'ya wanna be my girlfriend?" He says it shyly. "You just fucked my brains out and gave me the best orgasm of my life, and you're getting shy about asking me out? but of course I'll be your girlfriend, you big idiot."
With a huge smile on both our faces, we slowly drift off to sleep, embraced in each other's arms.
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pb5luvr · 5 days
back to my place
synopsis: you meet chris at the club on your trip to LA
a/n: guys this is my first time writing something sorry if it sucks i swear i tried my best im so shit at work but any feedback is appreciated <3 (not proofread)
my best friend hallie and i were born and raised in the east coast. we decided to take a trip to LA after our last semester of our junior year of college as a way to let lose and have fun leaving all our stress behind.
we've been watching the sturniolo triplets for about a year now. we made it a tradition to have a sleepover at my house every friday night and watch their weekly friday video. i will say i love them all but matt is definitely my favorite. i feel i relate to him in many ways.
i expected LA to be hot but i didn't know it would be this hot. walking down the street i decided to get my mom a coach bag for her birthday that's coming up soon. we stumbled upon a thrift shop and there was one dress that caught my eye. a silver sequin dress that has that has some sort of shoelace design in the middle as well as on the sides where my hips would be.
hallie take notice of my silence. "are you thinking what i'm thinking?" She says. "oh we are so going clubbing tonight" i say excitedly. i purchase the dress and we make our way back to our airbnb and immediately get ready. my best friend rummaged through her luggage and luckily found something that fit the same vibe as the dress i bought earlier.
──── ♡ ────
"holy fuck Hallie there's so many people." i mumbled as my best friend takes a hold of my hand leading me through the loud room blasting "slut me out 2" by NLE choppa.
"i know! that's what makes this so exciting, more guys, more fun" She giggles.
"please don't get pregnant tonight im begging."
she whips her heard around and laughs "sheesh what kind of girl do you take me for?"
we stumbled upon the bar and i decided to get a mojito. i didn't want to drink too much considering i was in a new place and wanted to be cautious of my surroundings.
i take the first sip and i feel the ice cold drink running down inside my throat.
"yup. this drink is exactly what i-" hallie cuts me off hitting my arm. "ow hallie what the fuck why are you-"
"dont look now im so serious please but chris and nick are here." she whispers into my ear.
"hallie we don't know a nick or a chris here." i laughed.
she looks me dead in the eyes and i almost choked on my drink finally understanding.
"s-shut the fuck up right now where?" i stutter.
"they're by the front door i think they're talking to someone"
i turn around to see where she's looking and i take a quick glance at the two brothers. "holy fuck chris is even finer in person."
──── ♡ ────
hallie and i finish up our drink and make our way to the dance floor as we hear the melodious tune of "don't stop the music" by rihanna fill our ears.
whipping my head back and forth i feel myself lose balance and bump into someone. "omg i am so sorry. are you okay, i should've been more carefu-"
"no you're okay, im okay. dont worry about it"
i look up to see a guy with shaggy hair, a black t shirt, black baggy jeans, and black jean jacket.
"thats me" he smiles. "do i know you?"
"no but i love your content" i let out a small laugh
"thank you that means a lot. are you from around here?"
"nah my best friend hallie and i-" i turn around to point to her but i cant seem to find her. "she was just here but my best friend hallie and i are from jersey. we came for the week"
"how are you liking it?" he asks
"oh so far i'm loving it" i smirk at him
"you're very cute you know that?"
"mm so i've been told" i say looking up at the taller boy
"whats your name by the way?"
"y/n" i say
chris and i talk for a bit longer at the bar asking me questions about what im majoring in, what i wanna do with that, and so many other things. "so y/n, do you wanna get outta here? i have the house to myself."
i nod and he takes my hand in his.
──── ♡ ────
i head back to chris's house that he shares with his brothers and we make our way down to his room and i let out a giggle following behind him. he closes his door and locks it, just in case his brothers for some reason come back home.
he pushes me against the door and my purse immediately drops as he cups my cheek. i let out a shallow breath as his lips inch closer to mine. i tilt my head up, placing my fingers through his hair and he closes the gap. his lips as soft as pillows as his thumb caresses my cheek like i'm made of glass. he pulls apart and looks at me for a second seeing if there are any signs of discomfort.
"please" i whisper.
"what do you need y/n"
"your mouth" i let out as i rub my thighs together trying to create friction.
he pulls my arm and pushes me onto his bed. he rid himself of his black jean jacket as well as his t shirt.
"chris hurry please"
"oh you're a needy little thing aren't you"
i feel my cheeks heat up as he settles his body between my legs hovering over me.
"so who's your favorite triplet?" he smirks
"matt." i smirk back
"oh really?" he says in a husky voice looking down at my lips back to my eyes. "i can assure you i'll be your favorite by the end of the night sweetheart"
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gocryaboutitt · 6 months
How 'bout a little hope?
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whats up guys, im back at it again, with the same character, Jess (the australian) its legit about a photo shoot lmao.
"Alright guys, i want you to at least try and act normal, especially you three" she groans while looking over at nikki, tommy and vince. "I dont need to worry about mick, considering he yells at you more than i do" she grins while leaning against the counter in the dressing room.
Mick snickers in the corner while leaning back on the sofa "yeah guys, listen to the australian that constantly sounds drunk", "wow, mick, im hurt" she says while rolling her eyes, "are you three done admiring yourselves in the mirror?" she says while looking at them through the mirror.
"its vince thats pretty much making out with himself, look at him" laughs tommy while standing behind her and leaning his head on her shoulder, "be patient, Jess, it takes time to look this good" "yeah, yeah just hurry up i have to make sure you guys are out there in" she checks her watch, "well fuck." she sighs "what?" they all ask in sync. "you guys were meant to be out there like 10 minutes ago."
"come on you lot, we've got a photo shoot to do" she grins while walking out of the room and making her accent more prominent.
As they're lead down a long corridor that splits off into different rooms, she hears them all snickering in front of her. "what the fuck are you idiots giggling about?" she questions, rather plainly. "It's nothing, sweets" grins tommy as he makes room beside him for her to stand.
"well boys" the producer claps, "and woman" he smiles, "im not sure what emotions you might be feeling but im hoping its joy and not your normal destructive selves" "listen man, no matter what you tell them, they will either get naked or break something" she says while sighing. "You never complain when we're naked for ya, jess" nikki says while smirking.
your view from here on;
"shut up, asswipe" i groan while rolling my eyes, "just go get this shit done so i can go home" i say while walking off in search of somewhere to sit.
"alright guys, just stand here and we'll have your instruments brought over" says the staff member with too much enthusiasm. As they stand in place, get given their instruments, i start to wander around until im standing over by where the photos are being taken.
im standing over by this poor staff member that looks like shes about to piss herself from giggling, i cant help but laugh at the idiots that stand before me "you guys look so fucking stupid right now" i manage to say after catching my breath.
"that's not very nice, sweetheart" pouts vince while looking straight at me, "sorry blondie it's the truth". the producer comes over and stands by me "would you like to get in a photo with them?" he asks while grinning "with those idiots, i would rather scalp myself, look at them, they look like they've never seen a camera!" i groan "well then, i think we're done here, you guys are done and should be good to go" "alright, thank you for this" i smile while holding out my hand.
"its my pleasure!" he grins while shaking my hand and walks away. "alright you idiots, lets get out of here, foods on me" i say while turning around and walk off to the dressing room, as i hear them running after me, "fuck yeah!" yells tommy as he lifts me off the ground "for fuck sakes, put me down, please!" i say as i slump into him.
"no way darlin'" grins nikki as he and tommy begin to run down the corridor, "i'm so glad i don't get motion sick, fuckin' pray for me".
well, that was fun, dont you guys think so? it sucked lmao, im so sorry to whoever reads it.
I love you guys <33
anything is welcome!
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margoisthemoon2 · 9 months
Please // Gale bg3 x FReader smut
Pt 1
There isnt enough Gale content out there. Let me help. This takes place after the events in bg3. GALE LIVES!!! You agreed to marry him and now you and him have a son together!!!
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Recently You and Gale have been having disagreements. Alot more frequently than usual. The tension in the house hasnt been good. “Mommy? Do you and daddy hate each other?” Your son Bruno asks, “of course not my Moon. Me and daddy just need to take talk and everything will be good” you answer him. Your son is the Moon in the night sky. He’s a very smart young boy. 4yrs old and is top of his class at school. Every weekend he goes spend it with his Grandmother on Gales side. You stroke his cheek and kiss the top of his head. “Do you have everything to go to Gma’s place?” You asks he smiles big and picks up his bag “Yes!” He yells. The door opens and walks in Gale. “Pa!!” Bruno yells as he runs to gale. Gales looks sad but once he sees bruno his frown quickly leaves and he smiles big as he picks up his son tossing him in the air and tightly hugging him “Hello my moon” He says “Your grandmother is here. Are you ready? If so grab your things” He says putting him down. The little boy runs and grabs his bag as the door opens and a soft looking older lady walks in. “GMA!!” Bruno yells putting his bag on and and running towards her. He hugs her legs as she laughs “everytime i see you, you are bigger than ever” she says rubbing his head. Gale walks over to her “Go say bye to mommy” he says. Bruno runs over and hugs your legs “Bye bye mommy see you in two days” he says. You kneel down and hug him back “bye bruno. Love you” you say. You look up to see gale and his mother whispering among themselves. “Bruno time to go. Lets hit the road before the sun gets too sleepy to stay up” the woman says. Bruno runs towards her almost falling “careful please” gale says. The two walks away hand in hand. “Safe travels. You two” gale says as he waves them away. Slowly he closes the door and starts walking towards the kitchen. “What was that look on your face earlier? You asks as he sweeps pass you “A look? What look?” He says sarcastically “You know what look. You looked sad” you say walking behind him “I dont want to talk about it” he says making himself a sandwich “Fine but you have to tell me someday” you say walking away. You hear him mumble something under your breath “what did you say?” You asks “Nothing. I said nothing” he goes. His tone is very annoyed/angry. “You cant keep shutting me out like this Gale” you say crossing your arms. Gale angrily throws his knife in the sink. He takes a deep breath picks up his plate and goes into the bedroom. “Gale are you listening to me!?” You asks following him. “Im listening” he quietly says. “Are you sure? Because i know there is something that you are not telling me” you say. He slams his hands on the table and gets up quickly. “Just leave me alone” he says you walk up to him “No you’re my husband what ever you go through I go through. Talk to me.” You say his back is still to you. You wrap your arms around him as he turns and hugs you back. You feel him take a deep breath. You lean and kiss his cheek. Feeling his arms wrap tighter against you and pulls you closer. He turns his head and kisses you full on the lips. You felt his hands run up and down your sides as he pulls you closer to him. Your tongues tangled together as the kisses get more and more heated. He swiftly moves down to your neck kissing and sucking at your soft skin. You let out a small moan. He spins you two around slightly slamming you against the wall. “Ah” you yelp “im sorry did i hurt you” he sats worried he stops kissing and put a hand on your head “no im fine” you say. He smiles and kisses you again. Letting you go and grabbing your hand. “Come. Come” he says as he pulls you towards the bed. He turns you around and allows you to sit. You watch as he undoes his shirt and takes it off. Leaning down he removes your pants and shirt. Along with your bra and underwear. “Lean back” he says as he put a hand on your shoulder and softly lowers you down to lay against the bed. He takes off his pants and underwear and climbs over you. Kissing your neck, chest, torso and finally above your heat.
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dannystheone · 1 year
for some reason i cant see what im tying LMAO so apologies for any typos 😖 ANYWAY i love your fics sm ur so talented!! i was wondering if i could req a creek fic, maybe w tweek trying to work up the courage to tickle craig back since he keeps getting got. thanks! :) (this is literally a black screen for me idek what ive written lmao)
No you're good I hear you loud and clear! And thank you for the compliment! I love an excuse to write more precious boys :)) I hope you don't mind that I turned this into an Imp!Tweek and Pastor!Craig fic, I tried toying around with other ideas for the boys but this was really interesting to me.
One Movie At A Time? (Lee Pastor!Craig/ Ler Imp!Tweek)
WARNINGS: Kids swearing! And kind of a long intro sorry teehee
Imp Tweek discovers what tickling is for the first time and Pastor Craig is his (un)fortunate victim!
"Thanks, Father Maxi. I'll see you next Sunday, then." A young apprentice to the pastor of a local church exited an ornate office. Craig closed the wooden door behind him and shuffled along the cheap carpet of the hallway. Cables and printers lined the wall as he entered the nave and felt the chill of the empty church. The dust filled his nose as he walked up the steps to the altar.
The day was winding down, the golden glow of the evening shone through the stained glass windows. Patterns reflected off Craig's face as he knelt before the altar and mumbled a quick prayer. A certain character in his life he's been keeping quiet about was in his mind as he turned around and walked down the aisle of the church.
"Sardines...chocolate milk...ice cream...coffee...and shampoo. Why is he eating the shampoo again-" Craig read through the grocery list that was sent to him by his 'roommate' as he left the church and walked outside. How a pastor in training became roommate to a spawn of the devil was unbeknownst to him. Was it some sort of cosmic work of irony? At this point, it might as well be.
Craig had summoned an imp who he nicknamed 'Tweek' due to the imp taking the body of an anxious local boy in town for his host. Craig had never met the boy before he had the imp in his body, but his consciousness didn't weigh on him too much because of it. The imp himself was mischievous and cunning, while the personality of the boy still shone through. So Pastor Craig has an anxious ball of nerves experiencing the world for the first time on his hands while still dealing with school and pastor apprenticeship. He was lucky if he got three hours of sleep a night.
Craig walked through his front door and removed the clerical collar around his neck. "Tweek, Tweek I'm home! Come get the groceries." Craig called out. Craig heard feet pounding on his wooden floorboards and turned around to see the imp behind him.
The imp had taken the boy's form, with his golden mess of hair and ocean-blue eyes. He had kept his devilish horns and long red tail, however. That was always fun to conceal while in public and not a chore at all.
"GAH! Craig! I-I thought you were intruders! You can't do that to me, man! I just watched this movie called 'The Strangers' and they come in your home and kidnap you! GAHAH! I can't be kidnapped, I can't be!!" Are you sure you're an imp from hell... Craig wanted to ask. But he kept his mouth shut and walked into the kitchen with the grocery bags; Tweek following close behind.
"Don't worry Tweek, that was a movie. It's not for real. Here, I got the stuff you asked for. Do not eat the shampoo again." Craig passed over a grocery bag to Tweek across the kitchen island. Tweek hopped up on a stool, his tail waving slowly at the thought of fake movies. He winked in thought.
"B-But at the beginning of the movie, it read 'Based on true events'! ERK! What if something happens to us, and Hollywood makes a movie of us? Which actor will play me? They won't get my hair right! That is WAY too much pressure!!" Tweek's tail curled up as he hugged his can of sardines. Craig huffed as he turned around to place groceries in the cabinets.
"I can assure you Tweek, you're the least exciting thing to happen to this town. A movie will be made about an alien invasion, or mecha Barbra Streisand, or that imaginary characters exist-" Tweek started hiding his face and pulling at his hair.
"GAH! Those are things that happen in this town?! Why is it so chaotic?! Even Hell was more organized than this!" Tweek pulled on his horns while Craig leaned against the kitchen island.
"Well, sometimes those things happen. But mostly it's just a small town in snowy mountains. People live their daily lives here and make something of themselves. They have kids and buy houses and go to school, just like normal." Craig shrugged as Tweek started to calm down a little.
"Oh...alright. Urgh...I still have a lot to learn. I didn't think above-ground would be so confusing!" Tweek winked out of anxiety as he followed Craig into the living room to watch TV. Craig plopped on the couch and put his feet up after a long day. Tweek silently sat next to him, his tail waving in the air.
"Well, you're getting the hang of it. The remote control, anyway. How do I put parental supervision on this thing-" Craig messed around with the buttons on the remote as he switched the channel by accident. He looked up to the TV and just as quickly set his gaze back down to the remote, while Tweek continued to watch. Two cartoon characters were in the middle of a field rolling on top of each other. Were they rolling? Or fighting? It didn't look like either. Tweek winked at the TV and pulled on his shirt.
"Hey...hey Craig?" Tweek looked to Craig. Craig jerked his chin up in Tweek's direction while still fiddling with the remote. "Uh- urgh- what are they doing on the TV?" Tweek pointed to the characters on screen.
"Oh crap, did I change it to Cinemax on accident-" Craig was expecting to see something inappropriate on screen, but it was just two characters tickling each other. "Oh, they're just playing."
"It-It doesn't look like playing!" Tweek pulled on his shirt as he watched one character scribble his fingers all over his friend's tummy. The other character laughed in an animated fashion. It wasn't anything Tweek had ever seen before since he's been above ground. Craig quirked his lip as he sunk deeper in the couch to fiddle with the remote.
"Yeah, they're playing. They're tickling each other. It's a kid's game." Craig yawned and kept messing with the damn remote while Tweek was still curious.
"T-Tickling? What's that? Urgh- How do you play?" Craig's cheeks blushed a bit as he threw the remote to the side. He couldn't figure out where to find parental controls on the damn thing.
"Uh...there's not really any rules to it Tweek, you just kinda play, I guess." Ugh, this was on par with the birds and the bees talk they had last week in terms of embarrassment. "Humans are sensitive if you touch them a certain way in a certain place, 'cause of our nervous systems. Some people are really sensitive or not sensitive at all. Our bodies are different from each other. People tickle other people to see them laugh." Craig explained. Tweek held his fingers while he tried to process this confusing human game.
"So what's your body like Craig? ERK! Are-are you sensitive? If you're sensitive do people just come up to you randomly to play? That sounds horrible!" Tweek balled his fists in his pants while Craig toyed with a strand of his blue hat.
"No, no. People are usually respectful when people say they don't want to be tickled. But sometimes people ignore it and tickle them anyway. It can be annoying, but some people like it." Craig shrugged again, half-hoping that can be the end of the discussion. Tweek winked as he worked up the courage to ask his next question.
"C-Can I try? I wanna see what it's like." Craig blinked at Tweek blankly while on the inside he was screaming. Why did Tweek have to be so damn curious... But he looked genuinely interested. And Craig couldn't say no to his big blue eyes.
"Uh, I guess. Like I said, every person is different, so don't be surprised if you don't get a huge reaction out of me." Craig laid back on the couch, his midsection suddenly tense. He remembered getting tickled as a kid, but nothing too crazy. And being a pastor in training has taken away his time to participate in normal kid activities as well.
Tweek sat on Craig's jeaned thigh, his tail wagging out of curiosity. "Urgh...okay! I'm just gonna start like how I saw on the TV, 'cause I don't really know what to do-" Tweek was a lot more straightforward than Craig would have thought. Tweek followed the cartoon character's example and started scribbling his fingers in Craig's tummy. His impish traits gave him nails that resembled a woman's acrylics. Craig snorted from the sudden touching and started to squirm and laugh.
"Pffmt- T-Tweeheheek! Hehehey!" Craig giggled, his eyes narrowed in his laughs. His arms rested on his sides, despite his fists being balled up and resisting the urge to cover himself up. Tweek stopped immediately after he heard Craig protest.
"ACK! Craig, are you hurt? Are you dying?! I didn't mean to kill you, man!" Tweek held Craig's shoulder, his tail curling in worry, as Craig shook his head.
"Noho dude, you didn't hurt me at all. It just tickled, that's all." Craig said in his usual monotone voice. Tweek pulled on his tail in thought.
"Oh, so I was doing the right thing!" Tweek beamed and launched back into it before Craig could say anything.
"Yeah, I gue-HESS! Gihihive mehehe a wahaharning first!!" Craig laughed out as Tweek's fingers returned to his belly, the nails on Tweek's hands scritching the skin underneath Craig's black pastor uniform.
Tweek didn't answer. He's never seen Craig look this carefree. Craig's face was alight with his laughter, his cheeks blushed and his eyes squinting in his giggles. It was funny, even though Craig had no control over how he laughed, he still laughed in the same monotone register of voice.
"Does this tickle? Am-Am I doing it right?? Am I tickling you, Craig?" Tweek asked incessantly while his fingers scratched across Craig's tummy and ribs. Craig giggled and shifted all over the couch.
"Yehehes you ahahare! Yohohou're dohohoing ihihit a bihihit too wehehehell!" Craig tried putting his arms over his tummy to hug himself and keep Tweek's fingers away, but Tweek's reflexes were fast. Anytime Craig put his arm in the way, it was immediately set aside by Tweek. It was like he had four hands.
"Huh, this is- ERK! This is weird! You're laughing but nothing's funny! ACK!" Tweek twitched as he pressed his nails down harder into Craig's tummy for a bigger reaction.
"Ow- Ohohow Tweek! Nohohot sohohoho hahahahard!" The pastor called out to the imp. Tweek lessened his nails and kept it to a light scribble.
"Oh, sorry Craig! Like this??" Tweek shook and scribbled his nails over Craig's tummy and waist, his hands suddenly everywhere trying to find all of Craig's spots. Craig burst out in refreshed laughter as he started moving all over the furniture.
"Nohohoho nohohohot like thahahahat! Pffmt- heheheheh!" Craig's ears burned underneath his blue hat. A pastor in training getting tickled to pieces by an imp from hell. Was this biblical in a way, Craig wondered in the back of his head...
"Then how am I supposed to do it? ERK! I've never done this before!" Tweek began to worry. If you tickled someone incorrectly, did they die? How was Tweek supposed to know?? Tweek started using his index fingers and poked into Craig's hips to lessen the tickles even more to see if that helped. Craig's laughter turned heavy as he covered his hips with his hands.
"Gahahahaha! Stohohop thahahat! Tweeheheheek!" Craig tried pushing Tweek's hands away, but Tweek was still quicker than him every time.
"ACK- Sorry Craig, I'm just playing! I'm playing right?" Tweek's ten fingers scratched over Craig's waistline, which would have started to hurt if it weren't for Craig's shirt in the way. The sporadic use of different methods was starting to weigh down on Craig.
"I gue-hehehehehe! Gohoho sohohohomewhere ehehelse!" Craig called out. Tweek freaked out at this, which caused his fingers to go a little haywire.
"GAH! G-Go somewhere else?! Where am I supposed to go?? Just cause I was tickling you I have to leave?! ACK! Tickling is too intense!!" Tweek's fingers gripped Craig's hips in the middle of his freakout.
"NAHAHA-hahahow! I meheheheant ahaha diffeheherent spohohot! Dihihifferent tihihickle spohot!" Craig cried. Tweek didn't think he could have this much control over a man of God cause of something as simple as a child's game. The pastor in training was totally at his mercy...too much pressure.
"Oh-oh right. Uh, how about here?" Tweek moved down from his hips to squishing the tops of his thighs. Craig calmed down almost immediately but kept up a steady stream of giggles.
"Thahat-heeheheh- thahahat's okahahay." Craig rubbed his face with his hands, his body twitching every now and then with Tweek's squishing. Tweek looked up to see Craig's arms were raised and out of the way.
"Hey what's that?" Tweek asked out of the blue and shot up to stuff his hands up Craig's underarms out of curiosity.
"What's what- GOHOD! Hahahahaha stohohohop!" Craig shot his arms down and kept them close to his sides while Tweek's tail wagged in happiness. He was so close to Craig now, he could see his laugh and smile up close. Pastor Craig had blue braces, but Tweek didn't mind. He thought they looked cool. Tweek had never seen face wear like that before. Craig had a pink blush over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, and his eyes crinkled at the corners when he laughed. Tweek's impish heart began to pump.
Craig's worn Converse drug across the couch as he tried to buck off the imp tickling him. A man of God at the mercy of an imp? What would the church think...
"Okahahay! Okay okay okahahay stohohohop stop stop!" Craig pleaded out. Tweek's fingers stilled; Craig's face was pink with residual giggles. "God save me..." Craig passed his hands over his face and steamed into them.
"ACK! Oh-Oh Satan, I didn't hurt you, did I?" Tweek hopped off Craig's waist, his tail twisting in worry. and waited by his side while Craig caught his breath on the couch.
"Ahehee- it's-it's okay Tweek. You didn't hurt me, you're just way more intense than I thought. But uh yeah- that's how you tickle, I guess. Also, you're not watching TV anymore. And don't tell anyone this happened, either." Tweek protested as Craig finally figured out the parental controls and blocked all of the kids channels and scary movies.
"Well, thanks for showing me Craig. Urgh...I thought you were cool." Tweek admitted. Craig blushed, not out of mirth but out of something else.
"Cool? How come?" He asked. Tweek shrugged, the leftover sunlight hitting his eyes.
"Ah, I don't know. You're just...mmph...words..." Tweek held his head in thought as Craig held Tweek's hand. Tweek looked up into Craig's smiling face.
"Thanks, Tweek. You're cool, too."
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cookiepie11 · 11 months
Playful "interrogation" (Style tickle fic)
This is a tickle fic (strictly sfw both characters are kids)
I am shipping Stan and style
Contains feet tickles
Some swearing (I censored them a bit :>)
"cmon Kyle, I know you have a crush, everyone at school is arguing about who it is!" Stan said to an annoyed and flustered Kyle
"I do not have a fucking crush!" Kyle yelled his voice going up a defensive tone
"Then what's with the blush? Huh" Stan teased
It was true Kyle had a big crush on someone. God knows how anyone found out but no one actually knows who it is. Kyle didn't really want his super best friend to know his crush so he was VERY embarrassed about the situation.
"shut up Stan!" Kyle said and hid his embarrassed face "quit teasing me a$Shøle I don't have a crush"
"hmm am I gonna have to make you tell me, Kyle?" Stan asked and wiggled his fingers towards his flustered friend, making Kyle's face go around 3 shades of red, darker.
Kyle felt his heart beat fast at the sight and he knew what was coming for him. He'd been tickled by Stan a ton of times and I mean he couldn't really say he disliked it.. oh what am I saying he loves been tickled by Stan but this time was different because he knew that he had something to confess.
"nohoo Stan don't" Kyle giggled backing into the corner "can we just move on from this whole thing I don't have a crush and tic-...doing that isn't going to make me feel any different.."
(Kyle can't say the t word to save his life)
"nope dude I'm not letting you get away so easy, b1tch" he teased and pounced on his red haired "friend"
"stahan nohoho this is so gahay" Kyle laughed and tried to squirm out of his crus- best friends's grip failing.
"I haven't even started yet" Stan laughed with Kyle and felt his face become warm and he hoped his blush wasn't noticeable
"JUST DOHO IT ALREADYY" Kyle yelled because he couldn't take the anpicitation (I can't spell)
"really dude? You want tickles that bad? Wow" Stan asked and started to claw at the giggling boys sides
"nohoho DUDE STOHHOP" his giggles turned into a loud boyish laughter
"hmm you gonna tell me your crush??" Stan asked but he didn't really care about that anymore he just wanted an exscuse to tickle Kyle :3
"noho dude I dohont have on- NAHAHA STAN NOT THEREE QUIT IT" he was cut off by Stan lifting up his shirt and Tickling his belly quickly
"dude tell meeee" he pleaded and tickled his ribs
"NOHOHO I DONT HAVE ONEE PLEASE STOPIT" He yelled and shook his head frantically making his hat fall off.
Kyle rarely took his hat off which Stan didn't get because his hair is so damn fluffy.
"ehehe I guess you want me to tickle right here don't you?" Stan asked and scratched his ears
"NOHOO PLEASE I CANT F#CKING TAKE ITT" he laughed and wriggled around like his life depended on it.
"just tell me your god damn crush then!" Stan said and smiled at his adorable "friend"
"NEHEVEERR! DUHUDE F#CK OFF" he cursed and forget to deny that he had a crush
"DUDE YOU DIDN'T DENY IT YOU HAVE A CRUSH!" Stan gasped and continued to tickle Kyle's bright pink ears "cmon you can tell me, I'm your best friend Kyle"
He was more genuine and less teasy when he said that last part.
"NAHAHA I HATE YOUU" Kyle yelled not really meaning it "STAHAPPP"
"ouch dude that really hurts my feelings" Stan joked "you know that was mean of you i think you deserve a punishment"
"NOHOHO IM SORRY" Kyle giggled he'd been tickled by Stan too many times to know what was coming
"too late Kyle" he teased and grabbed the extremely Flustered boy's foot and Tickling his toes
"don't worry I'll stop after this dude I don't wanna kill you" Stan said telling the truth
"I don't really care who your crush is ,well maybe a little, I just wanted to tickle you lol"
After a few more minutes Stan stopped leaving Kyle slightly disappointed but happy he could finnaly breath properly.
"you okay dude?" Stan asked and put his hand on Kyle's stomach (Kyle was laying down in a puddle of giggles)
"yehes, dohont touch meheh" he giggled still feeling phantom tickles on his stomach due to the light touch
"Oop sorry" Stan said and laughed a bit. He always loved seeing Kyle so giggly he found it so cute.
"I hatehe youhou" Kyle said and grabbed Stan's hand and held it.
"your litteraly holding my hand dum@ss" Stan said and laughed
"my crush.....is....you.." Kyle whispered
WOOO cliffhanger should I make a part 2?
That took alot of motivation out of me so don't expect another long fic anytime soon 😭
Tell me what y'all think maybe I'll write more south park someday
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blonde-tori-spring555 · 4 months
sexuality advice
something that helped me was trying not to define my attraction. at first, what that looked like it just saying, “okay. im bi.” as if i had always been bi. then i started looking at my attraction as if i had always been bi. if i had always been bi, would i have said i had a crush on this girl? if bring bi was the norm, would i think i were attracted to her?
later down the road, it was saying i was unlabelled. it took me a while to get there because i spent so much time thinking about my sexuality, but when i did it was extremely freeing. i could just say that i liked everyone in a different way and not worry about gender.
so i guess what im saying here, is try out the aueer labels. maybe not to your friends, maybe just to yourself, but try them out and see if they make sense. after all, youve been trying out straight for a long time.
also, stupid thing but something that helped me A LOT: make a self insert character. what is your immediate impulse to give them for sexuality?
you can say youre straight and like women. you can say youre bi and mainly be attracted to men. you can say youre queer and not put a label on it. you could look for microlabels that fit. but realistically, its up to you to decide what you want to call it.
and, just for the record? straight people usually don’t question that much. not saying you are bi, but your feelings are valid.
sorry if this was too much but this is what helped me, i dont know if it will help you personally
if you want to talk more about it though im always here <333
tysm x
the bs thing is i was kinda hinting to my mum like we were talking about heartstopper (she knows i like the show and books and STRAIGHT PEOPLE CAN LIKE IT, thats what heartstopper is about, being inclusive) anyway my mum isnt homophobic she just doesnt rlly get it anyway she says like "people cant know what they rlly r until theyre like 18+" so i ranted to her about how anyone could change at anytime and my lil hint was "im straight now but in a few years time i might realise im bi" and that shut her up
but i might give this a go, it just scared me idk why, like its not like i look at girls a go, ooo i would date her, but i look at boys like, oo i would date him, so i think if lets say i am bi, i would def be more attracted to men, but like sometime my stupid little brain says 'ur just saying it because its 'easier" or 'u dont mean it, ur just saying it for attention' like i just hate it, like ive not rlly had a 'awakening' but like sometimes bi sounds right while other times straight does
but i might do what u say and try our 'being bi' for a bit and see how i feel
it sounds weird but i feel like i need to have this awakening and like i need to see a girl and think ooo i have a crush, like i do with boys
idk its weird
and ik what u mean by straight people dont question it that much, and ik what ur saying because that fact scares me to mf shits, but tbh i only think about it when that area of things r brought into my head yk?
anyway sorry for ranting
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quodekash · 1 year
its friday night/saturday morning, you know the drill
im sorry 
pls gimme more threezo today
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i love him and his fluffy curly hair so so so much
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pls tell me what happened to zo 
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he just wants him to be okay 🥺😭
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im crying
why do these two have to make me FEEL things? 
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somehow in my head i read “hes mad as a hatter” in the voice of a little british lad and its very amusing to me and now you know
specifically a little british lad from an old movie where the audio is all crackly and too loud 
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no i will not shut up about his hair 
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bro you are not subtle
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bro you are not subtle 
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i know i just watched 1000stars like three days ago, but it always makes me so happy whenever his incredibly but beautifully thick eyebrows appear on my screen. 
im just realising how weird that sound 
i meant his eyebrows along with the rest of his face 
the existence of drake sattabut laedeke makes me happy 
thats what i was trying to say 
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ooo yes i was hoping for more detail on jack’s depression. he really intrigues me as a character 
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me every day
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hell yeah, consent is key, folks 
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the mattress is on an angle 
thats really bugging me 
can someone fix that please 
surely thats some kind of safety hazard 
why doesnt the mattress fit the bed frame 
why isnt there some way to keep the mattress in place 
what if youre a restless sleeper and you toss and turn and you fall off the bed and you knock your head on it? 
if you knock it hard enough you could get a concussion 
concussions arent good 
they can lead to a lot of bad consequences 
people should think more about concussions and concussion consequences when they design beds 
concussion consequences is fun to say 
concussion consequences concussion consequences concussion consequences, say it 5 times fast 
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oh yeah that’s right, theyre kissing 
i got distracted by the mattress 
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the group is together!! :DD 
i love their group dynamics 
but most importantly
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i am no longer enjoying the group dynamics
why do they have to fightttt
(i lied, im still enjoying the group dynamics. in fights, people are hurtful but truthful, so fights give a huge insight into the characters which is wonderful for analysis and picking the character apart) 
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this is the second episode in a row that three has lost his temper on the others a little bit and left the room at the end and zo has said ‘ill check on him’ and followed after him 
anyway i love zo for it 
he is good boyfriend
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he is good friend
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he is... hungry i think
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i freaking love this man
bro their relationship is so freaking healthy 
zo asks for permission to enter the room
he ignores the response, but only to keep him company. and i suspect that he knows him really well and knows that three should have someone with him, just to be there with him and help him relax 
and he tries to bring three’s attention from the thoughts swirling around his mind and onto his physical presence, and three gets a little angry 
but he communicates with zo, he tells him that he will answer questions, just not at that moment. he’s telling him that he’s willing to talk and communicate, but he needs time to understand so that he can explain his thoughts and feelings coherently. and he doesnt push zo away, either physically or verbally, so he tells him without words that he appreciates his presence, and he’s glad to have him there. he just cant really verbally communicate what’s going on right now, and that’s okay! 
and then zo speaks to him. he gives him words of comfort, affirmation, support. he also provides the perspective of the others, a snippet of an insight into life outside of his own mind. “we all really did our best.” 
“just because we lost once doesnt mean we will lose forever” ITS SO COMFORTING AND PERFECT how does he always seem to know the right thing to say 
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you know what im thinking 
the msp brainrot is too strong 
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i couldve gone more in depth about why theyre perfect but it’s 1am and im tired so i wont 
“your hug can actually kill me. but im willing to die in your arms, zo” YOURE KIDDING. IT’S TOO CUTE. THEYRE TOO CUTE. THEYRE DESTROYING ME. AAAAAAAAAA VJRENJKR
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reminding me of tinn’s little head scratch and “what just happened” in episode 4 after he accidentally made sound join the music club via hatred of him 
oh hell yes, obligatory beach episode next week 
the obligatory beach episode almost always ends up as my favourite episode 
im really glad cher and gun have finally figured out their relationship 
i need to go to sleep 
threezo are the greatest 
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𝗥𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗼 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿: ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴄᴀɴᴛ ʜᴜʀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴʏᴍᴏʀᴇ
disclaimer: in this universe the grabber doesn't exist and everyones still alive<3 also alot of cusing and bullying <3
Robin has been yours for a little over a month now he’s protected you from bullies mostly moose and his stinky goons. But today was a different story Robin called you at around 6:00 in the morning before school while you were brushing your hair and he looked awful his face was pale his eyes are baggy and red around his eyelids and his voice was raspy. “Robbin what happened to you you look like a sick ghost but bad” you almost yelled when you saw his face through your phone screen. “Im a little sick right now i think ill be at school tomorrow but not today im sorry my princesa“ he say making it through his sentence, his usually smooth lulling voice now sounding dry and like he might start coughing any minute now. After a little bit of conversation and alot of “i love you do much get better love” and “im fine im fine just a cold” you have your backpack on and your walking to school with your childhood best friend finney blake you have know each other for ever and he and gwen played matchmaker with you and robin, as gwen bring your only female friend and robin being finneys best friend they figured out your crushes for each other prettty quick. “Wheres robin i thought he naver missed a day?” Finney said his voice laced with concern for his friend. “Hes sick, he says he just has a cold but he looks awful he said he will be back tomorrow” you said looking at finn with disappointment in your eyes. “ while on the topic, wheres gwen i hope shes not sick too!” You said worried that your school had a mini cold epidemic. “Shes walking with her 6th grader friends again” finn said rolling his eyes wondering why she would hang out with a group of gossiping blabbering teenagers. You chuckled at his remark but that chuckle soon turned into a dead cold terrified stare. Seeing your expression he looked up and said “whats wrong you look funny” “ Moose” you said as the crusty looking kid approached “oh shit” finn said under his breath as moose shouted out with his goons behind him “ hey wimps is your dream boy not here to protect you today huh?” He mocked in a baby voice to finney and you “DONT FUCKING CALL ROBIN THAT YOU SHITHEAD HE COULD BEAT YOUR ASS AND BREAK A BONE” you yelled furiously they insulted your boyfriend and yours and finneys best friend that could beat them with a flick of his finger. “Oh and what are you gonna do about it cry?” Moose spat out “shut up moose no ine wants to hear you opinion, come on y/n lets go their not worth it” finney said about to turn around but before he could take a step you charged at moose and socked him in his jaw and kicked his stomach while yelling profanities. “Oh u little shit you gonna die!” He yelled at you as he got up and hit you over and over and over your blood streaming down your face you dont even know where it was comming from anymore. Then a distressed voice yelled “stop cant you see shes got the point just stop” Finney? He was on the verge of tears and moose and his gang backed up “fine but dont think your getting off so easy next time” he doat out as a threat. “Oh my god im so glad your okay….well i mean your not OK but i just glad you survived ima bring you to robins house and then head off to class you really cant go to school today so ill let robin patch you up” he finishes as he hugs your sore body happy your alright.
~~time skip to when you knock on robins door~~
You stumbled up to your boyfriends house your knuckles were too sore so you lightly kicked it with the last bit of strength you had. Luckily he heard the door and came downstairs and opened it “OH MY OH MY OH MY PRINCESA WHAT HAPPED ARE YOU OKAY ONG WAIT NO YOU ARENT COME INSIDE SIT ON THE COUCH” he said in a worried panic “WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU” “moose and his dumb goons happened” you managed to speak out even though he had busted you lip. “Ill fuck him up so bad he wont ever stand again but for now let’s get you patched up i hate seeing my princesa hurt” he said as he wrapped you up kissing every non bleeding or burning bruise or cut on you. “I love you so much please dont ever let them hurt you like that again..” robin said almost as a question “i wont I promise i dont wanna make you sad” you said as you were laying your head onto robins chest both you you laying on the couch. You soon fall asleep and beofre robin falls asleep he kisses your forehead and whispers “goodnight princesa sweet dreams” he’s the most loving person you ever knew even though he looks tough but theres no one else you would rather have in the whole world.
okay thats the end sorry my grammar is crap and im not good at writing alot but thats the Robin fic no one asked for ik alot of things are probably mispelled but its midnight and i dont wanna read thru it
anyways pls suggest some things you want i have a list of what i post on my blog and if your not sure or cant find it just message me and if i can ill do it as soon as possible
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d-earest · 2 months
𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖘𝖚𝖓𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖊(Rhea x dom x Reader)
A/N This isnt my gif nor did I make it, i'm sorry if the fanfic seems short Im tryinnnn
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Rhea and Dominik were cuddled up to Y/n while they were sleeping, y/n wasn't as sleepy so they just watched them making sure neither of them fell, they couldn't sleep somehow so they started to twist and turn all over feeling a bit hot you didn't know what was wrong but they just stayed there. The more you squirmed Dominik started to wake up saying with a husky voice,"Que ocurre, Baby" he nuzzled into their chest slightly while y/n stayed quiet thinking he would fall back asleep but no he said,"I know you're awake Chiquita.. cmon.. tell me whats going on-" they sighed before whispering,"I'm nervous about my match coming up.. After this its probably summerslam and Rhea wont be able to be there due to her injury with liv and.. I-" they started to tear up which woke Rhea up slowly,"Look... I know My arm might be injured but Paul didn't say I couldn't be there to support you. I'm on hiatus Yes but please.. don't worry You'll do amazing love" y/n teared up more,"Demi.." she turned around to Y/n and seeing dominik latching onto them from behind,"How about this all of us go on a late night drive" Rhea said while crawling back to y/n and wiping their tears very slowly,"Dom you're driving- and y/n grab some snacks and a blanket-" y/n nodded and dom smiled and said,"Okay mami get ready Amor -" he smiled once again soon walking off to get the car ready, y/n on the other hand knew something was up with rhea so they got off the bed and ran to rhea and hugged her,"Whats wrong, mami?" they looked at Rhea and smiled but all Rhea could do is return the smile,"I hate seeing you cry like that- me and dom fucking hates it a shit load.. so we try and make you happy I need you not to worry about my injury. It's my karma I broke her hand so I cant do anything about it-" She chuckled soon planting a small kiss on Y/n's lips and holding her tightly,"I promise. So when this fight does occur I'll be in the audience cheering you on- I'm just worried about the judgment day without me what if things go downhill and I-" Y/n cut her off with a kiss,"Don't stress about it. Work on your skills as soon as that arm gets fixed- now lets go" Y/n grabbed rhea's hand before grabbing the blankets and the snacks and heading to the car while dominik is left there confused,"What took you guys so loooooooonnnggg" he whined like a cat but all y/n and rhea could do is snicker,"Shut up moody cat!" rhea said before dominik took a dramatic gasp like a damsel in distress which lead y/n to a giggle,"not now you two- we can do that when we are at our destination-" he huffed,"Fine" Rhea giggled and got into the passenger seat while y/n was in the back laying down, y/n hummed a familiar tune it was a song that came to mind but they didn't care
Y/n ended up falling asleep in the car while they drove up the hill and to their destination. Y/n was stil asleep so dom opened the backseat door and crawled ontop of them hoping a kiss would wake them up, he kissed their cheeks and mouth, soon waking them up he smiled,"Did you sleep well amor?" he kissed them again before y/n could speak they blushed and looked at dom,"Yeah.." they kissed his nose then looking at rhea in the background wanting some kisses,"Rhea needs affection too hold on baby-" they kissed dom on the cheek soon pushing him off very softly and walking over to rhea and kissed her softly, Rhea smirked and tangled her fingers around Y/n's hair and pulled them closer,"Hm.." she huffed before pulling away the kiss smirking at them, Their cheeks flushed a dark red and turned to dominik, he let out a small giggle,"Don't steal them all Rhea" Rhea snapped back,"Oh hush pretty boy you stole damn near 100 kisses" Y/n giggled and signaled dom to come here and get a kiss. Dom instantly walked over to y/n and kissed them deeply. It turned them on to see both of their lovers at each other's neck for your love but you didn't deny the kiss, after the few seconds past y/n pulled away and smiled,"There so now both of your had kisses.. now please lets watch the sunrise.." they said turning to the sun and grabbing rhea's and dom's hands to hold, both of them blushing and leaned their head against your shoulder(Dom on shoulder rhea on the other shoulder) as you three stare at the beautiful sunrise.
A/n: I Hope you enjoyed my fanfic and remember I'm always taking requests and I love you alll
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the-record · 2 years
loverboy <3
pairing: eddie munson x gn!reader
warnings: school (yuck) otherwise none i think?!!
summary: eddie falls for his tutor
a/n: idea from > @upirs i hope i did ur idea justice it was too cute not to write !
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the last person eddie wouldve expected to tutor him would be you.
you were smart, he knew that. but you never payed any sort of attention in class and we’re constantly late. but your math teacher had assigned you to help him.
so you started meeting up at the library after school.
“this is fucking impossible.” eddie whined, banging his head against the table.
“i promise it’s not.” you took the pencil from his grip, showing him the steps one more time. “then you just have to find x, which is easy.”
eddie wasnt paying any attention though. well, not to the math.
“eddie?” he hummed, sparking back up. “you listening?”
“of course i am.” he defended, sitting up straight. you gave him a look, doubt covering your features. “i have to find x now, right?”
you just nodded and handed him the pencil.
eddie loved you tutoring him. you explained in ways teachers didn’t, getting him to understand things he never quite got all through middle school and highschool.
“so, you’re saying all i had to do, was subtract the first number from the answer?”
you laughed, nodding. “how did you pass middle school?”
“i almost didnt.”
youd been tutoring and studying with eddie for weeks now. spending nearly every monday and wednesday after school with him. even sitting with the hellfire club at lunch most days.
eddie had shown you his favorite spots when he needed peace and quiet. the woods. his van. a nook in the back of the library only he and the librarian knew about.
“do you wanna come over?” he wondered suddenly. you immediately closed your book, looking up at him with bright eyes.
over the weeks spent with him, you had grown to have a massive little crush on the boy.
“absolutely babe.”
babe. jesus, he needed to shut up.
the ride to his trailer was quiet but comfortable, some random music playing softly as eddie hummed.
you jumped out the van when you got there, eager to see eddie’s place.
eddie led you to his room and you got to snooping right away. he flopped on his bed as he watched you read spines of books, study photos and and trinkets. he watched as you smiled at his guitar, asking more about it.
you finally reached his cassettes. there was tons, a couple bands you didnt know but most you did.
“oh i love iron maiden.” you told him excitedly.
“i said i love iron maiden.” you turned to him, one of his cassettes in your hand and a smile on your face.
“i love you.” he whispered it softly, but you still heard.
“i- you what?” your brain short circuited as you stared at eddie.
“oh god, i said that out loud didnt i? i’m so sorry, thats so weird. oh god youre gonna hate me now arent you, i cant bel-” he rambled but cut himself off when he saw the huge smile on your face.
“you love me.” you walked forward, taking a seat infront of him on his bed. “you love me.” you giggled tossing the tape to the side. “holy shit eds i dont think you know how long i’ve been waiting to say that to you.”
“youre not weirded out?” eddie questioned as you took his hands in yours.
“jesus, eddie no!” you sat forward a bit, leaning closer. “not at all. im just like in shock.”
“thank god babe i was so worried.” he reached out and took your face in his hands. “can i kiss you?”
“get to it loverboy.”
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the-stray-liger · 1 year
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Like... the reunion between Guel and Suletta after the former drove of Bitch Boy Elan 5 genuinely warmed my heart, especially with Guel finally, properly confessing, and clearing the air on the previous misunderstanding between them. You can tell that Suletta is genuinely touched that Guel cares so deeply for her, even though she's already committed herself to Miorine, says as much and gently lets Guel down, who takes the rejection with grace, which is a far cry from his attitude at the beginning of the series. Bravo, Guel Jeturk... you've unequivocally proven yourself to be Best Boy™ in this show.
Then we move on to the main conflict of the series. Miorine recognizes that Suletta is little more than a pawn in Prospera's schemes, and after another conversation confirms Miorine's suspicions of just how deeply that Suletta's been metaphorically brainwashed into being dependent on both her mother and the Aerial, and that because the Aerial is the one thing that Suletta refuses to give up in spite of how easily she'd cast aside everything else if her mother told her to? She's become an obstacle. So now, Miorine conspires with Guel to take Suletta's title of Holder as well as the Aerial from her, not just to save Suletta from herself, but to also provide Guel with the means to rescue his company from bankrupcty, given her own empathy with Guel's situation... all while keeping Suletta in the dark, as usual.
So... the duel. As we see, Guel is still wrestling with the guilt of killing his father, which seems to be manifesting as a sort of PTSD induced cockpit-phobia, similar in nature to another character from After War Gundam X, Jamil Neate. Guel isn't just fighting Suletta, but also himself at every turn, and it shows in just how desperately he is trying to keep himself together, even as Suletta not only overrides the Darilbade through the Aerial activating Permet Score 6, but appears to achieve a level beyond that, with Permet Score 7 manifesting as an iridescent white glow... and then Aerial apologizes before she's remotely shut down before Suletta can secure the win, allowing Guel to claim victory, and more importantly, the title of Holder and the Aerial from Suletta.
Whether you interpret that as Ericht apologizing to her sister for getting her so deeply involved with Prospera's schemes and implicitly allows herself to be shut down, or Eri apologizing to Suletta for being unable to prevent what was coming next, both conclusions are utterly heartbreaking to think about, as the entire sequence of events could be interpreted by Suletta as Guel, Miorine, and the Aerial herself all betraying her. The episode is capped off by Miorine pushing Suletta away even as she screams to be allowed to try again, everything slipping through her fingers like grains of sand as Miorine dispassionately tells Suletta that it's over between them, all because Miorine is desperately trying to push Suletta away to keep her safe from Proospera's machinations.
My only concern is that despite Miorine's best efforts... Prospera's probably accounted for all of this, and even expected this outcome.
This is an excellent breakdown and I am REALLY sorry I cant say all I want because Im on my period and in a lot of pain and the brainfog is serious dfadfjd
I love Guel so much. He came out of all he went through a much better man and he thanks Suletta for that and genuinely cares about her and Suletta accepts that in a way she can't accept Elan's gross and agressive invasion of her private space. I sincerely hoped to see Guel just beating Elan's ass I wanted it so badly
The "I have to hurt her to save her" trope drives me up the wall but I also love it. Miorine really wanted to do all of this to protect Suletta and try to free her from Prospera's grip but I am also so so so worried that she did indeed play right into Prospera's hand and honestly I cant with this show its kicking my fucking ass
I cant really say more bc Im not feeling too well but this episode was legitimately one of the most intense and heartbreaking so far somehow and it featured minimal violence. It was a masterpiece honestly
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