#im so so so mad about being allergic to them
april · 1 year
oooh i want a juicy Apple 🍎 they look so good
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sunrayram · 7 months
im super interested in alastor’s and niffty’s dynamic in this au!! im not really sure how to word this question but do you have anything youve been thinking about with them, outside of him just being very protective/possessive over her, and her still being fairly loyal to him? any headcanons or ideas you have for the two of them?
Alastor has two whole friends before the events of canon, Mimzy and Nifty. Even though he'll never admit it, he desperately needs both of them.
I've gone into his relationship with Mimzy before, but she basically acts as the only person Alastor can really let loose around. Alastor only really has some genuine fun when Mimzy's around.
When it comes to Nifty, she's the closest thing Alastor has to family on this side of the mortal plane. Nifty is the first soul Alastor owned, and it was honestly a pretty painless affair. At the time, Nifty's ex-husband had still been alive in hell, and Alastor promised to keep her safe in exchange for her soul. The ex-husband has long since been dealt with, but Nifty has no complaints about Alastor still holding her soul. She once jokingly told him that it was likely in safer hands now.
here's some fun stuff about these two!
Alastor cooks, and Nifty bakes. Nifty is the only one who's allowed to go in and out of the kitchen with no complaints from Alastor, and they can spend hours there together, singing along to classic jazz from the radio.
Alastor is not allowed to just say whatever he wants on his radio show, since it's now a part of the Jackpot Casino. That means he has a lot of opinions built up that he's not allowed to share. If he's not yelling these opinions at Husk, he's passionately sharing them with Nifty. She thinks they're funny. Sometimes, she'll bargain with him. He'll be allowed to rant for an hour, and then she'll get an hour to read her latest fanfiction out loud. Only her sfw stuff tho, obviously. (She reads him found family fic as a not-so-subtle-hint of how she feels about him. It goes right over his head.)
Nifty and Alastor play a weird version of fuck/marry/kill when they have the same shifts at the casino. Nifty points out the people she'd fuck/marry, and Alastor points out the people he'd kill. It's fun, I guess.
Nifty really really wants them to get a pet. Alastor banned any discussion of dogs, and Nifty's slightly allergic to cats. She has a list she's been secretly making of animals she thinks Alastor would like. It goes as follows:
Possum: eats bugs. Frog: no fur, not dirty (?) eats bugs. Alligator: Alastor has an alligator skull. Might like them. Bat: eats bugs. Con: Might have rabies? Deer: Maybe some form of kinship. Pig: Actually pretty clean. Makes funny noises. Anteater: eats bugs.
Alastor loves collecting trinkets, which actually annoys Nifty to no end bc it means his room isn't clean/organized. He apologizes by bringing back little gifts whenever he goes out. He also keeps his collections away from areas Nifty frequents so it doesn't bother her as much.
Alastor has banned Nifty from gambling at the casino. The one time she tried, she lost almot 500,000 dollars in one night. Even Husk was horrified.
They're both a bit mad, but they like it that way. Nifty's one of the only people around who doesn't want Alastor to change. Whether or not that's a good thing ... ehhh who knows. But it's priceless to him.
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whoishotteranimepolls · 2 months
hello, finn here, resident one piece "insane tag" writer.... im doing my duty to defend mr. smoker. smo-yan, if you will.
what are my credentials in commenting on this matter? Well. Glad you asked. I've been a onep fan for admittedly not that long, but in that time (like... 8-9 months?) i've messaged one of my close friends. hm. discord receipts.
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681 times about him. also you know that one post? yeah from "smoker. smo-yan." to "i fucking love him good god" that's all me. glad we've established my expertise here
2. look at him. first of all, im raising my eyebrow at you anon because woahhhh looking 60 is fine for me. just perfect, actually. they grey/white hair is fucking wonderful to me personally considering i also love rayleigh and beckman.... also just like. every other part of him. he has huge boobs that he refuses to cover because he's allergic to shirts for some reason. he has leather gloves (would suck on any day). when also jacketless, he wears his jitte with a thick strap over his chest that is So droolworthy. he has a Fat Ass. search up stampede smoker because that's like his peak look. his face scar is endlessly sexy. the slicked back hair (more recently) and the more messy spiky look from earlier in the series both serve in contributing to his bad boy persona, which leads me to my second point: the dichotomy of personality.
3a. part a - the bad boy delinquent persona. if you only take him for his surface level actions and words, he seems a little bit mean. like every gruff, rough-around-the-edges mad dog delinquent type. just look at him as a marine cadet, head shaved and frowning. look at the illustration oda did of him as a kid, holding a nail-imbedded bat. he's loud and brash and commands a whole marine squad, he's big and always has a frown on his face and he's arguing and cursing and you just expect him to be unkind. but. But.
3b. But he's not. he's not unkind at all. He's not nice, maybe, but he's so kind. when tashigi has her crisis about justice vs the marines vs "doing the right thing" are often, actually, at odds with each other, smoker supports her in his own gruff way. tells her he'll be there to support her. and. the scene of all time;
4. la pièce de résistance - his character introduction. oda does character introduction SO well in general (see: mihawk, zoro, galley-la shipwrights, countless others) but the smoker intro is my top intro of all time, it's SO good. to recount to those who don't know, we basically see this big scary gruff guy - shirtless, obviously strong, all spiky hair and big stompy boots - and a kid bumps into him and spills their ice cream all over him. He obviously has a reputation as a powerful guy, because the villiagers around all beg him for forgiveness, ask him not to hurt the kid - and yknow what he does? He says to the kid "looks like my pants ate your ice cream," drops a few coin into their hand, and tells them to buy more scoops next time. that's the most attractive thing i've ever seen. he does masculinity like NO other. gods.
5. strong moral compass - doesn't often agree with general marine guidelines. he's pretty shit at being a marine, honestly. tells the brass to go fuck themselves often. follows his own sense of justice, and even though he hates pirates.... temporarily allying himself with them is not off the table, not if it means more justice (in his eyes). he doesn't like innocent people being killed. in stampede, even as everyone attempts to leave the island in light for abuster call, he stays because there must be something he can do. hina sighs and calls him stupid for it, but takes tashigi koby and helmeppo away anyways, showing that this has happened before, likely multiple times.
6. can he stub those cigars out on me. please. please. plea- [comically large piano falls on me, cutting off my speech]
For context, they are responding to this post about Smoker
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It's always the last paragraph that pushes it into horny jail territory every time
And he does have one of the best intros. I hope they keep it in the live action
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silentsneezes · 1 month
Hihi! jennomess here
I think i don't have specific questions but your snz thoughts about w/ade and l/ogan catched my attention, i agree compleeeetely with your vision of w/ade haaaaa, hmm, now i wonder if he would have a favorite method to be induced, feathers, chinkni, specific flowers, idk 🤔
im so glad other people are interested in them too!
i feel like w/ade’s inducing preferences would change depending on what kind of reaction he wanted. like if he wanted l/ogan to have an immediate, strong fit, he would choose chinkni
feathers would result in a fit with slower built up, and also w/ade would have more control (and more opportunity to tease l/ogan). inducing with feathers also feels a bit more intimate in some ways- i can picture w/ade straddling l/ogan while inducing him with feathers and going mad over l/ogan’s twitching nostrils
since l/ogan has such a dominant and generally tougher personality, i feel like w/ade would love to be in control while inducing (it’s not often you see w/olverine lose control)
i think l/ogan’s least favorite way to be induced would be flowers/an allergen because it would make his nose irritated for longer- he’d be stuck with an itchy nose and sporadic sneezes for a couple hours after inducing (which w/ade would absolutely love). but occassionally he’s especially indulgent in w/ade’s kink and let’s w/ade buy certain flowers or scents to set him off
bonus thought: w/ade being pissy after they have a fight, so l/ogan puts on a cologne/perfume he’s allergic to knowing w/ade can’t resist. then l/ogan innevitably has to shower the to get the cologne/perfume off, and he spends the duration of the shower sneezing against w/ades neck/chest
thank you for the ask! i had a lot of fun with this one :)
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alisahaibaaa · 9 months
i think it’s a little funny, so here is my friend (B) and i (A) talking about kakairu!
(screenshots under the cut but i typed it out so it’s easier to read)
A: Ugh speaking of one sided love. I love kakairu I swear but I love one sided kakairu even more
A: Wrong person AND wrong time kakairu you are so important to me
A: Younger Iruka’s first love being Kakashi except Kakashi isn’t even a person in his eyes, Kakashi is this unattainable thing. Him getting over it but then when they’re older Kakashi noticing bits of Iruka everywhere.
A: Naruto constantly talking about Iruka-sensei this Iruka-sensei that and the shinobi of the village talk and whisper about how funny the guy who always gets mad at their shitty mission reports is.
A: And now Iruka is the unattainable one because they’re present together but in different worlds. Iruka is rooted to the village and Kakashi is not.
A: And Iruka is all grown up now and he is competent and put-together and he is happy and finally content and Kakashi is still the mess he was when he was younger and in the end both of them have still never said a word to each other.
A: Wrong person, wrong time, unrequited one-sided kakairu you will forever change me
B: You actually might be a masochist…
A: I AM NOT.. I like happy things too
A: Do you see my vision….
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ah, disclaimer— my friend started reading the manga a month ago and i started watching the anime about two weeks ago.
neither have us of finished, im in the middle of season three and she’s at… im not actually sure but she’s pretty far in the manga. more than halfway done, im sure.
so im very sorry if i mischaracterize anyone!
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alluralater · 3 months
i was out with my little sister picking up snacks for a movie night and on the walk back we stopped into a local restaurant that i wanted to show her and bought her one of their best (not that i would know cause i’m allergic to shellfish but i’ve HEARD great things) sushi burritos. while we were waiting for it we just chatted for a bit about random things. when they gave us our order we made to stand up (the table we were at for to-go orders is right next to the door) and in walk all these kids from prom. i was like AWWW how adorable! most of them had colored hair and were gnc expressing (some had lgbt pins on as well) but listen okay. one of them stopped at the door upon walking in and at this point my sister and i were standing and this kid goes “your hair is gorgeous” and im sorry but i felt my face go from aww to EUGH. like it was so visceral because the tone of voice was so gross and sexual and then MORE of them were jumping in but the looks on their faces had my stomach turning— TURNING I TELL YOU. i was like ushering my sister out the door in front of me and literally had to shake off how gross it let to get hit on by children. i don’t give a fuck if some of them were lEgaL age okay, that shit was GROSS and those are BABIES. my sister was like “i think you were the gay awakening for some of them” and i told her definitely not, those kids know they’re not straight AND they must know that im a full ass adult. like okay i remember being their age and thinking pretty adult women were hot too but jesus christ. and THEN my little sister starts telling me i have a baby face and that she looks older than me and i legitimately stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and was like “NO I DO NOT IT’S JUST MY CHIPMUNK CHEEKS. I DONT LOOK ANYTHING LIKE THEM!! AND I’M TALL SO I LOOK OLDER ANYWAYS” and she’s laughing at me as if this isn’t the biggest knife to the back. AND my girl told me early on that i have a baby face and she ALWAYS makes jokes about it which i find endearing if not a bit wild (i scrunch my nose when she says that and she said it makes me look even younger so now i just furrow my brows at her) and what the fuck!! i never actually thought i had a babyface, just that i had really full cute cheeks and now im being confused for what?? a CHILD?? I AM A WHOLE ADULT WOMAN OF 25 AND I AM FIVE FOOT EIGHT!!! I WILL NOT ENTERTAIN THE GAY PANIC OF CHILDREN. GET OUT OF MY SIGHT YOU BABIES. god i cannot wait for my wrinkles to come in and i can be such a sexy woman in my thirties and no one will mistake me for any other age than the one i am!! my girl was like “i hope you get carded at every bar forever” one time and now im thinking that i DO get carded because i look like a baby and not because they’re doing their due diligence. the fuck kind of bullshit is this?! and i know i can’t be like mad at kids for this but it was SO gross you guys. the smile left my face so fast when i realized what was happening. they were like a swarm of little gay bees and i was trapped between this table and the rest of them flooding in through the door all because i wanted my sister to try an awesome food place. I’M SICK OF THE DISRESPECT!! I DO NOT HAVE A BABYFACE!!! next time i will not hold back my nausea and i will throw up
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sonic-adventure-3 · 1 year
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I accidentally drew the same goddamn pose 3 times lmao. Why is posing legs so hard i always fall back on posing them in the shape of a 4. Also, new freak!! Her name is Jerryjack. More about her + individual images + couple other things below the cut vvv
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I don’t think I’ve posted any drawings of her other than her first, but i’ve been drawing rig a lot more like this rather than that first one. More graphic head shape, more upright ears, one eye hidden, mouth hidden by scarf, what have you. I think she looks cooler and is way easier to draw like this, but is a little less sonicy, im sure I’ll find a balance sometime. Rare carrion non-blep, this pose is cool but i did not even try cleaning this up lol.
And jerryjack!! She sucks so bad i love her. They’re Rig’s best friend, known each other since they were kids and learned the trade (killing) under the same mentor. She’s 11 months older than Rig, so she’s about 25ish. She hates consistency, commitment, seriousness, kids, stagnation, compassion, anything boring, and many many other things. She loves anything fun, stirring shit, lying, inflicting blunt force trauma, herself, lockpicking, and money. She’s purely self-interested and does everything she does for funsies. She’s not a part of the postal crew cause she thinks it’s boring and is allergic to commitment but hangs around and ‘helps out’ sometimes. She’s a hitman on her own, and has way more connections through that than rig, occasionally floats jobs her way. Also sometimes places bounties on her when shes mad. Or just cause.
Unlike Jerry, Rig is a very routine and organized person. She wakes up every morning at 6 sharp despite not being a morning person. Miraculously, she and jerry lived together for 2 years and during that time rig ate microwaved oatmeal every single morning and got groceries on tuesdays. All this is to say Rig is very methodical and likes routing and things that are expected. So Jerry lost their shit when rig called them randomly and casually told them that she’s starting a non-euphemistic postal service and also spontaneously took in a couple kids. Naturally, she’s very wary of squabble and carrion, especially the latter. Assassin recognizes assassin, silly recognizes silly, they try to kill each other and then become besties (who still periodically attempt to kill each other). As for squabble, she’s surprisingly fun to interact with, so jerry warms up fairly quick and becomes a truly awful influence on her.
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Here’s the first drafts and base. She’s obviously a jackalope but calls herself a hare for some reason. Is part of that reason because i couldn’t think of a pun name other than jack like jackrabbit and ‘jack the jackalope’ sounded a little too stupid for my taste (as if ‘jerryjack’ isn’t stupider)? Ummmmmmm.
Anyway, i decided to nix the asymmetrical antlers cause theres a limit to how much asymmetry i should stuff into a set of characters, carrion’s already got the lopped off ear and etc. the back and tail marking is supposed to emulate ribs
I’m still super duper undecided on jerry’s outfit and colour scheme. Every outfit ive thought up so far feels way too simple or untethered to reality in comparison to the postal crew’s, however i think the postal crew is a bit too complicated (or way too complicated in squabble’s case) and too grounded for sonic, so. Idk what to do abt that. And as for their colour scheme, as seen above her first drafts have the same red and green of the postal crew, but seeing as she doesn’t work with them it’s definitely the better choice to diverge from that. Saturated orange is the most tense and unsettling colour to me so i think it suits her off putting nature, but the white and orange combo reminds me intensely of like. 1960s egg chairs. WAIT and ulala space channel 5. And various stupid tech startup kitchen gadgets. Just generally a combo with a lot of nonthreatening and safe associations rather than the warning sign i want. Idk man i’ll workshop it eventually.
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Also, cloak rig. Her previous red coat was stupid. Not sure how much smarter this is but it looks cooler. Still doesn’t usually wear it other than in towns to hide her wings or when it’s cold. Also also this is the same fucking pose again
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buggybambi · 8 months
Mae Bae how do you think Carmen would react to reader constantly touching his chain while they are cuddling or watching a movie or something
Or how do you think Carmen would react to reader getting him flowers every once in a while even though she has allergies
oh my gosh okay with the chain: im sorry him in the chain just drives me mad so naturally my hands would be on it, and he's probably so chill about it. like truth be told a tiny part of him loves when you touch it, he couldnt explain it and neither can i, its just one of those things that drives him crazy.
AND THE FLOWERS?? if he loves something no matter how allergic i am to them he's getting them. dont care. (unless its a severe allergy when i say i'd die for this man im not being serious! love him but not happening carmy boy)
i think when he learns you're allergic to the flowers he likes, he's naturally getting rid of them. because hello you're the love of his life hes not about to risk your life over flowers (for some reason i imagine him being a rose kind of guy because im 99% sure thats the flower he has tattooed on him? but dont fact check me lmao) but then he finds them in a vase from your last visit. and he's calling you like "stop risking your life over flowers"
"but you like them!" you'd argue.
"you know what else i like- no, no, what i really love? having a girlfriend who isn't giving herself an allergic reaction over roses."
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pinkinsect · 1 month
3 and 26 for Ryusaekai
hello thank you :3
3. Most common argument?
it depends i think. i do think every so often kaiser will say "i just don't think [shidou's] good for you" to sae completely randomly. this is not really grounded in anything true (i think shidou is good for sae, in some way, and sae is good for kaiser, in some way), but more kaiser's inability to honestly express that 1) he's jealous bless his horrible heart, 2) being around shidou freaks him out sometimes.
(on account of shidou's general willingness to throw down, but kaiser can be PersonalSpaceDisrespector9000 so im really not sure what he expected.)
i would imagine kaiser and sae are both allergic to someone thinking they know better than them, so that would definitely be an argument.
as far as lighter arguments go, kaiser and shidou argue about their respective hair dye stains in sae's sink, as well as the better box dye brands and techniques. they will not consider that maybe they have different hair types and shidou is dyeing bleached hair and kaiser isn't.
(kaiser has definitely gotten mad about red-pink stains in the shower, assuming it was shidou, only to learn it was from sae and then be completely fine with it.)
26. What would be their theme song?
hm... Don't Ask How Or Why But maybe RISK, RISK, RISK! by jhariah. i wouldn't say it's the theme song of their relationship, but parts of the song remind me of the three of them individually.
(send me a ship and number(s)!)
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1.) You know it's bad when the main female character is both an android built to serve humans and a secretary for the CEO of the android company. That girl is going to spend her entire life justifying the actions of a 20-something year old male CEO as he makes questionable decisions. Like that one movie where the androids become sentient and go "hey, wait, we'd like to be paid a fair wage for our labour!" and she comes out to convince them that no. No they don't. You see, 20-something year old CEO says you should LIKE doing labour for free and whatever he says goes. So she's just going to. Help him convince her race to go back to doing unpaid labour. For bosses that have been shown throughout the show to be abusive. Sometimes even killing their androids. Because a guy wants her to do that. Anyway, SPOILERS; at the end of the show she sacrifices herself for the Good Of Everyone. What does the CEO do? He replaces her with a new one. Just. Makes another android exactly like her. It's meant to be this emotional scene where he tells her about the previous Is but. That's not her. He just. He replaced her. This woman literally just got replaced.
1.) Holy shit thank you for reminding me about Amber. Her nickname that almost everyone calls her to her face every day is Cutthroat Bitch. When she & Wilson start dating there are so so so many jokes about her keeping his balls in her purse & having him whipped & etc etc just bc she’s assertive & confident. & then the whole two-part episode where they fridge her (which is. not quite house’s fault directly but he definitely contributed to it) they make it completely about house & wilson & maybe 2% about HER. I’m still mad forever
2.) After being fridged, she does show up in later seasons! As a hallucination. She shows back up to be the devil on House’s shoulder when he is hurtling towards a vicodin-induced breakdown. Literally only shows up to steer him into making bad decisions (including almost killing Chase (allergic to strawberries) by inviting him to a party where the stripper is wearing strawberry scented lotion that sends him into anaphylaxis)
3.) im so glad someone else submitted amber because she fits so well for this poll but i couldnt get my words out right but im going to try again anyway. i think an important aspect of how ambers character is treated and written for the audience has to do with if a man did what she did, hed be opportunistic and ambitious, if not a bit of an ass, but because shes doing it it makes her 'bitchy'. "cutthroat bitch" "coldhearted bitch" etc is practically her canon alias at this point by how much she is referred to that way rather than her name. she is probably the most humanized out of wilson's canon relationships and its mostly because theyre paralleling her to house. she deserved so much better she deserved the world and more
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youremyheaven · 4 months
Also! Lunar natives and “alternative” medicine is an interesting pattern because my shravana mom is into alternative and traditional medicine as well! She is still wary of the medicine I take for adhd but luckily I don’t give a shit because I like not having my life in shambles. My ketu in hasta father had much more nonsense to spout about me getting medicine to help with my mental health but also a Saturnian. He really believes sugar and not drinking enough water and meditation and other deranged pseudocures (for mental health issues HE CAUSED) are better than evil, addictive, control pills, also known as basic medical treatment for mental health issues. It’s so bizarre because both of them are very smart so like 😭I wonder what that’s about. Like you’re worried about the psychiatric medication that has helped me not want to kill myself because…what exactly 🗿. Is the water turning the frogs gay too???
It’s funny because Claire Nakti’s video talked about Lunar natives being so logical and empirical when they’re actually extremely illogical if it hurts their feeewings or whatever, honestly it’s so annoying because they will also condescend like they’re just wiser than you. It honestly makes me mad still because your delusional bias does not make someone doing correct procedures bad? Like…not everything has to fit your elaborate narrative of “logic and sense” for it to be correct and two things can be true at once.
Lunar natives are extremely emotionally biased in their logic, as all are humans, but they are sooo deep in it and are self aware to the extent that they will get defensive if you point it out but that’s about it. The most enraging part to me is that they’ll be so hypocritical when you have the same behavior on an OCCASION and then treat YOU like you’re crazy and overemotional all the time while they’re projecting all kinds of delusional nonsense onto you 24/7 but somehow THEY’RE walking on eggshells around YOU. I’m obviously kinda venting (mercurial apology :( ) but I hate this stupid ass behavior so much. Are you stupid or smart, pick one and stop exhausting everyone around you! They’re like ALLERGIC to standing on business almost until they don’t have to work too hard to see past themselves. It’s unendingly exhausting. I can’t wait to live alone 😭 no matter how much I love my shravana mama.
Claire said Lunars are logical??? 😂😂😂LMFAOO IM CACKLING
The Moon is the opposite of logic 😭 atleast Mercurials (despite all their other tendencies) are actually by textbook definition, logical and smart. Moon people think with their feelings and confuse them for facts
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msfcatlover · 2 years
Changeling!Tim’s childhood is... actually kinda horrifying, when anyone looks into it.
(CW for forced medical procedures, and abuse in the form of temporary imprisonment. Also, minor self-harm, and… I don’t know what you call “eating something that will make you sick so your parents don’t get mad at you,” but I know it ain’t good.)
Tim had pretty pronounced fangs when he was younger, which his parents were just planning to wait out... until he was fast coming up on 10 and it was clear Tim wasn’t going to lose his teeth. A quick x-ray proved that Tim didn’t have adult teeth to grow in, just the one set he came with, and the fangs were only getting more obvious. His parents found an orthodontist willing to yank the fangs & wire up the rest of Tim’s teeth with braces to force them to look smooth & even as he grew up. (The doctor kept the teeth as a curiosity, and a decade later Damian will track that doctor down to steal them back.)
Something even Tim didn’t realize until he had to undergo a full Justice League-grade medical exam in preparation for becoming Robin, is that the tiny points on his ears aren’t natural. They have no idea what the ears of the baby Jack & Janet received looked like, but Tim’s points are actually mostly scar tissue. (Bruce puts it down as “a cosmetic procedure not dissimilar to ear cropping in canines” and tries not to feel sick.)
(There was also a period where the Drakes did an awful lot of research into cosmetic eye surgeries, but they eventually gave up. Apparently, it was a bigger concern that their son might end up blinded than that his eyes glowed in the dark and/or were the wrong color.)
As I mentioned before, Tim’s parents trim his thorns so that nobody goes to ruffle Tim’s hair and realizes he’s not human. He... actually started doing it himself when he decided to become Robin, because Tim has seen Bruce ruffle Jason & Dick’s hair so many times and didn’t want to hurt Bruce (or experience the absolute agony of having a thorn get caught in Bruce’s gloves and end up ripped out of Tim’s scalp,) as well as not wanting to give away Tim’s own inhuman nature with the single most obvious trait he has. (When the rest of the family find out, they are horrified and insist that Tim stop doing that. Instead of hair-ruffles, Tim gets hair-strokes that go only in one direction, bumping harmlessly over the curved outer edges of his thorns; it’s actually very soothing for both parties. Everyone absolutely uses Tim’s thorns as a stim toy, as long as Tim’s okay with it.)
Tim’s parents also hire an in-house barber to cut Tim’s hair, so they can make sure it’s “properly disposed of.” (Tim’s nightmares always smell faintly of burning hair.)
Tim wears fancy dress gloves to all dinners, because with the uppercrust you never know if someone’s going to bring out the real silverware. (If someone tells him to take off the gloves or Tim’s skin happens to brush up against somebody’s jewelry, Tim just sorta has to... deal. It’s rude to rush out or refuse your hosts, after all.) (Fortunately, Dick and the Titans all prefer reusable plastic silverware. And as soon as any Bat finds out about Tim’s fae nature, Wayne Manor quickly switches to stainless steel.)
It’s nearly impossible to know if a meal was prepared with iodized salt or non-iodized salt until it’s already in Tim’s mouth and the burning-itching discomfort of coming in contact with an anti-fae substance begins. It’s rude not to at least try the food someone offers you, and it’s even ruder to just spit something out, especially out in public. At least Tim doesn’t usually have to fake it when he says he’s not feeling well in order to stop eating. (Tim doesn’t tell the Waynes about this until that medical exam, where he kinda jokes about being allergic to salt and someone’s like, “Wait, how do you eat? Everything has salt in it nowadays.” Alfred rather forlornly puts his sea salt up on the top shelf and buys a jar of iodized table salt on the next grocery run.)
Tim’s blood is immediately identifiable because it has chloroplasts in it. No, he’s not actually a plant; yes, he can perform limited photosynthesis. No, Tim was not aware of this about himself, he’s never been allowed to give blood before, and like??? Sure, he figured out he was a changeling, but that does not immediately translate to, “Oh, I should test my blood for plant cells!”
Tim’s room doesn’t look any different from any other boy his age... except for three nails over the door on the outside. For the iron horseshoe Tim’s parents hang there sometimes, when they don’t want him to bother them or when he’s grounded. (Thankfully, it's been very rare for Tim to actually be trapped in his room, as setting up a salt line on his windowsills has always been... well, he's not sure. A step too far, even for his parents? A step too many to remember and/or perform in the heat of the moment? Something they don’t even realize is necessary, assuming the horseshoe prevents Tim from leaving the room at all rather than simply crossing that one threshold? Tim doesn’t like to think about it. Tim typically stays in his room anyway when he feels the swooping nausea of it hanging over his door, if only so his parents don’t find him missing and decide sealing the windows is something they ought to be doing. Trapped not by any law or binding ritual, but by Tim’s own admittedly rare fear of consequences.) (After Tim is snatched by faerie hunters, Jason and Dick are the ones who search Tim’s house. There’s a moment of silence when they find the horseshoe and realize what the nails are for. “I really hope I don’t have to point this out,” Jason says, in the tone of someone who’s going to do it anyway, “but it’s never a good sign when a kid’s bedroom has a lock on the outside.”) 
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lesbicosmos · 1 year
currently going absolutely insane over the new ofmd episodes and will be for the foreseeable future because AAAAAA
⬇️spoilers for 2x04/5⬇️
crazy insane psycho lesbians is exactly what ed and stede needed fr
also i need them. anne bonny your hand in marriage please.
that whole scene honestly was just AAAAAA
is buttons just...gone? bro turned into a seagull and fucked off, icon honestly
i want lucius's trousers from ep5 they're so cool
lucius getting to throw ed overboard was iconic tbf, he deserved to do that
ed and fang bonding was so sweet
can someone pls check in on frenchie im worried abt him and that allergic reaction </3
the momentary lucius/black pete angst had me scared but THE END?? THE DRAWING AND THE PROPOSAL OH MY GOD I WAS IN TEARS
and as if i wasn't already in tears from that, THE LAST SCENE??? THE YOU WEAR FINE THINGS WELL PARALLEL AND THE KISS???? give me 5-8 business days to recover (actually it'll take longer than that)
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ediqn · 2 years
hcs for dating justin jefferson ✰ ✰
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not my gif !
a/n: this is my first post/headcanon ever !! im in desperate need of tips/help, so if u have experience with writing or have advice just lmk !
warnings: none !
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justin loves you with every bone in his body istg
like he never gets tired of thinking abt u, talking abt u, etc.
whenever he’s with friends or teammates and ur not around he talks abt u the whole time
“oh yea, me and y/n did that yesterday”
“me and y/n wanna go there, what y’all think abt that place?”
i also think justin is a very private person so he wouldn’t talk about u in interviews much or post u that much either
but i promise when u guys are together he loves on u so much
on the topic of that i could see justin being clingy at times
and not like all the time its more like 60/40 bc hes obviously a busy person
justin has definitely asked u to 1v1 him or have catching competitions with
and with justin being competitive (i assume) hes so determined to win even tho both of u know hes gonna win anyway
but if he ever does lose he doesnt even get mad
“i play in the nfl, this loss aint nothing to me!”
when yall go on dates most of them are pretty fun like a fair or an arcade
but once in a while yall do go on dates to like nice restaurants and stuff like that
when yall have been home all day yall definitely do wind down nights
and do night/morning routines together every night/morning
y’all take baths, do face masks, play games, etc.
and u definitely put him on with a good skincare routine.
“what you got on my face right now?”
“why is it tingly? am i allergic?”
“justin chill out, its supposed to do that.”
on the topic of night and morning i think justin is a night person
he just likes the thoughts of late night talks with you or late night drives
and when yall eventually do go to bed hes always cold
at one point he wanted to sleep with separate blankets bc he likes to wrap himself up in a blanket and pile more on top
but hes adjusted to sharing one blanket but u still both use separate ones as well
and this also makes me think he a blanket higher
and for some odd reason i think he sleeps with no pillows
like its his head on just the mattress
and for these reasons he physically cannot be a cuddler at night
but u and justin love each other so much and will definitely be together for a longgggg time
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mirapteo · 9 months
top 5 apex characters and any thoughts or opinions on them?
hey anon yeah i love you also i am about to be so annoying i might need to hide this under a "read more" (future me here. yeah i did)
1. Crypto (obviously)
- everything about him (besides current lore 😒) is perfect to me i love backstories that include a wanted criminal aspect and the fact he is wanted but innocent just adds so much more flavor & i think the whole "to break the game i must do it from the inside" idea is badass. i also love all the familial themes surrounding his backstory i love that for the most part he is a cold and calculated person but despite being jaded due to all the misfortune that happened to him in life he still cares about his family and the few people he allowed to get closer to him, that he still has the capability to do that in the first place even when it has hurt him before.
- i love the whole crypto is just a protective mask to hide tae joon park and i like to treat them as 2 separate people. my gripe is that i wish we learned more about tae joon park, but i also sorta like that it leaves room for fans to interpret who tae joon park is on their own. from the very small bits & pieces it does seem like tae joon park is an overall softer more caring & trusting person compared to the closed off, on edge person that is crypto and it makes me all emo that all the unlucky shit that happened to him in life caused him to resort to being coldhearted and distrustful even when (i personally think) he doesnt want to
- also his design fucking rips idc. maybe im just a big jacket enjoyer but its so fun, it makes sense for his personality and the cybernetics ARE SOOOOO FREAKING GNARLY they r both sexy and lore important i love it
- for issues the most obvious one is FORCING A CHEMISTRYLESS ROMANCE BETWEEN HIM AND YOU KNOW WHO. i FUCKING HATE that they have written such an intriguing backstory for him & DONT DO ANYTHING WITH IT WITHOUT IT HAVING TO INCLUDE WATTSON. i hate how they cannot be their own separate characters and have to always have their stories intertwined in some way its like the writers are allergic to making them hang out with literally anyone else. kill code as boring as it was came so fucking close to that but the recent radio play had to ruin it because of course. of fucking course.
- i also hate the completely unnecessary age retcon. i hate that it frames him as a supergenius computer whiz at a young age. he was so much more likeable & easier to sympathize with as a completely normal office worker that just wanted to provide for him & his sister, only for it to bite him in the ass when he did literally nothing to deserve it. i hate having yet another character in their early 20s in this already oversaturated age range in media as a whole.
- i hate that with every lore update hes involved in it just further mutilates his character. i hate that i cant be excited when my FAVORITE CHARACTER gets lore attention because it just provides more opportunity for the writers to stomp on him. they dont care about him as his own character. they care about him in regards to the relationships he has with other people. thats not how u write a compelling, likeable, or realistic bond between people. it makes me so mad i wanna SCREAM
- anyway crypto tae joon park is my pookie bear he is autistic and he likes dragons and cats and kpop and elliott and being a good friend to the point of sacrificing himself i like him normally also he is my oc now
2. Mirage (obviously)
- mirage is just an objectively likeable character truly like there is a reason he is essentially the face of apex. he was my first favorite & for good reason. u get lured in with his endearing goofiness & then get smacked in the face with one of the most tragic and completely undeserved backstories. maybe im just a slut for characters that "wear masks" & have completely polarizing versions of themselves as a self preservation tactic because i love Mirage being the self absorbed, smooth, attention-seeking bastard on screen and i love love LOVE Elliott Witt with his crippling fear of loneliness and inferiority complex, slowly losing the things that mattered most in his life and feeling like it was somehow his fault & he deserves it
- but i dislike the flanderization hes facing in current lore. i dont remember the last time he was anything other than the goofy guy with a stutter that cant take things seriously. that old comic of him losing his friends because of his own douchebaggery & working to fix his wrongs is my prized possession. he is hurt & lonely & it causes him to lash out on people that dont deserve it and i wish they explored that more. i desperately need more asshole mirage in my life. nowadays he just feels like the one-note silly character whos only purpose is to fill in the comic relief role.
- also he has some of the worst fans ive ever seen im sorry they were like the main reason he stopped being my favorite. they baby him like he has never done nothing wrong in his entire life & in turn shit on characters like wraith or vantage bc they were "mean to him." as if he isnt capable of being an asshole, as if there isnt an entire comic dedicated to him being an asshole. i also hate that fans either lean in 100% into his mirage personality or 100% into his elliott witt personality. he is either a loudmouthed egotistical slut or an innocent wittle mamas boy that needs to be protected at all times never anything outside or in between and it drives me insane.
- shes still my sweetie pie. my biggest kin. i love writing him sooo much. i want to chew him. i want to set him on fire. i want to tuck him in and give him a forehead kiss before he goes to bed.
coughs anyway now with all that out of the way
3. Conduit
- im filipino of course im gonna be biased but hellooooo she is also just so likeable it is insane!! a sweet, goofy fangirl we can relate to that is literally killing herself just to provide for her family ouch it hurts GIVE ME MORE. all her little easter eggs and her fun voicelines like the devs really really loved & cherished her & it shows & she deserves it! my main issue is that it is literally her season rn yet all they care about is revenant Revenant REVENANT give me more conduit! what is her story with her family? hows her sister in particular holding up? how does she cope with her illness? will she ever open up about it to any of the legends? are they ever going to try to help her? is crypto gonna help find her a cure like he did caustic & then they kiss
4. Lifeline
- love her. love her personality. a medic that also isnt afraid to get her hands dirty & chew ppl out? love that for her. i also like where the current lore has been taking her (me? liking current lore? what a shocker), the fact that she was willing to destroy one of her strongest & longest bonds to defeat a greater evil? BANGER. she hurt people & she made sacrifices to get to this point but what does she get from it? a best friend that doesnt want to speak to her & a whole fucking army of murderous robots that want her dead. i wonder if shell have a "is this really what i wanted? did i just fuck everything up?" internal crisis cuz atp i feel like she has to. id love to see it
- also i am no.1 lifeline defender idgaf the demonization shes facing in the fandom for hurting their pookie wookie bear octane is so blatant and laughable u ppl really hate black women. its ok for ur favorite male character to make questionable morally gray decisions but got forbid ajay does it. gtfo of here!
5. Rampart
- just another objectively likeable character plsss she is sooo funny & sassy and there is not a single rampart interaction/relationship she has with another legend that i hate. she also has the biggest wasted potential ever. they were cooking something so good with big sister and ramparts relation to her & NEVER DO ANYTHING WITH JT. its been 13 seasons and nothing has progressed in her lore and its so so sad. she needs a focus season soon. u dont just drop a fun character with an intriguing backstory and just ditch it.
look im not going to read this back to fix things around if it seems disjointed with a lack of direction IDCCCC i am cringe and free!
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rodolfoparras · 24 days
Gonna ramble for a second
So I smoke weed (it's illegal in the US at my age) and my older brother asked me yesterday if I wanted a hit off his bong before our parents got home. Because despite having done every drug to permanently damage their brains (mostly my dad, he was an alcoholic and addict before and when I was born), smoking weed as a minor is bad 🤬🤬🤬
And he joked that my younger sister exposed me, because he had no idea I smoke. Everyone in the house, except my sister, thinks I would never smoke weed. (It's because of the smell cuz my dad would blow it in our faces and laugh. I'm more inclined to enjoy something when it's not being shoved down my throat.)
And I brought it up to my sister this morning to joke about, but we were whispering because my mom was in the other room. And now she's mad at us and being short with us because we didn't include her 😐
42 year old woman being mad that her kids don't tell her everything, and for good reason. We literally can't tell her anything because she'll rat to father even tho we ask her not to. One time, I told her I tried alcohol at a graduation party and found out I have Alcohol Flush Reaction (I'm basically allergic) and told her not to tell my dad, and I found out she told him because he made a joke about me being allergic to alcohol in front of my friend 🧍‍♂️I also told her I was bisexual and asked her not to tell him and then I found out she did because he made a joke about me liking aliens or something.
But he's her best friend, so it's okay 🙄 girl we ask you not to for good reason!!! We hate him!!! And he's an asshole!!! If we wanted him to know, we'd do it ourselves!!!!
Anyways, sorry 😞🙏 I needed to bitch for a moment
In a different note! How have you been doing?? I know you said you were sick recently. And how's the job 👀👀 are you enjoying it??
Unfortunately a lot of parents like this. However this doesn’t make it okay and I’m sorry she betrayed your trust at multiple occasions and I’m sorry you have to put up with this nonsense behavior. You are completely in the right for setting boundaries and upholding them. I know there’s a lot of guilt you feel inside bc at the end of the day that’s your mom and you want her to feel happy and be included but she’s proved time and time again that she doesn’t care about your feelings so you shouldn’t take hers into consideration
Also I’m good my love!! Still getting used to working in schools again but I love it!! I love my job! I love working with my students I love the staff there are so many hot teachers around (and parents) 🧎🏻‍♂️🧎🏻‍♂️🧎🏻‍♂️ I think I’ll be signing an official contract this Friday or I hope at least djdjd and I’m so excited to see the type of pay I’ll get, I’m excited to get a proper schedule because now im currently floating from class to class trying to gauge where they would need a student assistant but like I said I love it I don’t dread going to work I mean it sucks being tired after because I want to come home and write much more than I do now but that will come in time!
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