#im a mess guys they put me in a boot so that i dont hurt myself more
starstruck149 · 2 years
I dropped my bassoon so hard onto my toe that I ended up going to the ER to make sure it wasn't broken (it's not as far as they can tell) just let this be proof not to trust me with anything in which I could damage myself.
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alicethepiper · 2 months
RE5 time babey lets gooo
okay so we did mods (of course we did)
i got rid of the gross green filter with a mod thingy (i will credit at the end) and the screenshots are so fun, they give me two copies of each photo i take? one with the green filter and one without?? absolutely wild to see them side by side idk why capcom put that filter blegh
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look at that side by side !! wooooooo absolutely wild
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look at this side by side !! woahhhhh
(i changed chris to leon because i dont want to play as chris but you dont get to play as sheva until its your second playthrough and so to manage i switched it to leon, it's slightly more bearable) (no hate to chris i just dont wanna play as him) (i love chris but i wanna play as sheva) (do you catch my drift) (when the option is between sheva and ANYONE and im forced to not play as sheva it hurts me) (love you mr. redfield no hate)
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look at her look at her look at her look at her look at her (i had to point my gun at her to take these shots and it made me feel bad) LOOK AT HER UNIFORM SHE IS SO STINKING CUTE the lack of outfits for her hurts me (i love you modders, thank you for all that you do - this isnt a complaint aimed at you guys at all) IM ABOUTA LEARN HOW TO MOD TO GIVE THIS GIRL SOME MORE CLOTHES
also the leon mod is absolutely WILD - the people behind this are so cool, it replaces cutscenes and also his voice lines are in there?!? he calls sheva ashley which i think is fun, but when you throw out commands its leon saying them and i think that's so awesome
the mod didn't work for all of chapter 3 tho? but then boom chapter 4 and it worked again so that's fine. i also can't get long sleeve leon to work but im pretty sure its something on my side, re5 literally had an application error when i first tried to boot it originally (before the mods) and then i looked it up and apparently its a widespread problem so... let's blame capcom :)
okay now here's where i messed up the mods (this one was my fault 100% watch the order in which you download shit fellas)
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leon head on chris body is scary it's like when shaggy drinks that potion in scooby doo 2 monsters unleashed and he gets really buff, this is like buff shaggy i dont like it
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hi josh :3
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hi jensen ackles :3
i have more photos to post so im just gonna add to this in a reblog?? and then it'll be one big long post - that's probably a bit hectic but it keeps it organized
also shout out to the amount of people that have joined my game love that people are still playing - that one person who showed me where all the fun treasures were, you're awesome sorry i got lost on the map
mods used:
Leon RE4 Definitive Edition - kreedyk
RE5 GE - Sheva BSAA SOU Outfit - EvTital
Resident Evil 5 - Awakening - True Colour - QTmodz
Josh Stone HD Textures - epicawesomemods
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Pink Chains
Punk! Kyotani x Bubbly F! reader. Aka my favorite cliche trope. It lives in my head every second of the day.
This is the FIRST HALF because its too much words to fit in one post ! :(
Kyotani owns a grunge /punk apparel shop after leaving the Sendai Frogs after a incident with the Black Jackals. He designs his own clothes and hires Oikawa & Iwaizumi as his employees. Everything goes smoothly for awhile, till you walk in; pink dress, big smile , and bubbly personality. His whole life stops in that moment. 
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“Excuse me sir? Do you have a fitting room?”
He blinks finally realizing you are in front of him looking a little huffy, bunching up your cheeks waiting for his answer. Kyo rubs the back of his neck showing off his wolf sleeve to you along with his tone muscles after playing volleyball in highschool. He points with his chin towards the left. “In the back” he tells you. The smile you give him just about melts his fucking heart
Oikawa can be heard having a stroke pretty much in the background and a loud slap making him shut up. Kyo shows you where the fitting room is and its more like a room with a curtain on it . You skip past him going in and before you close the curtain you smile at him again.
“Dont leave! I want a second opinion, okay?!?” The curtain whipped closed.
Kyo looked over at his friends and Iwazuimi just nodded fast while Oikawa gave him a thumbs up. Kyo rolled his eyes looking down at his clothes while he waited. A black shirt with a wolf on it , black jeans with rips in them , chains hanging around his pockets and tan boots . He rubs his volleyball tattoo and glances at his sleeve thinking for a minute. Not once had he seen someone like you in his store, even on his day off his friends would text him if such a thing ever happened. So what exactly were you doing?
You flipped your dress over the curtain and Kyos eyes immediately caught it. He looked over his arm and the two were trying not to panic. When he looked back you peeked out from the curtain smiling.
“Ok ready? Be honest ok?”
you moved the curtain and posed for him. “So?”
It was wonderful, the skirt the shirt the way they fit perfectly on you , the colors looked great on you too even if the shirt was a mix of dark colors and the skirt was red. Kyo gulped taking it in, god he hoped you would be a regular after this.
“Its perfect sweetie.” He said , eyes wide in disbelief.
“Ee really?!?”
“ yes.”
You giggled closing the curtain again and pulled your dress down. Kyo looked over his shoulder again and Iwazuimi had his head on the register and Oikawa was just giving him a thumbs up.
You skipped outta the dressing room holding the items and giving Kyo a smile . “Ill take em !” You told him full of eagerness.
“Okay okay.” He motioned for you to follow him to the register , giving his friends a look till they moved. Kyo went around the desk and rang up the stuff abd of course Oikawa had to say something.
“Never seen a cutie like you before in here!”
Kyo looked over at him and Iwazuimi pulled him away. “I just remembered a shipment came in”
It was just you and him now. Kyo had no idea what to say to you , fuck he really was awful with girls. He placed the bag on the register and you took it from him , your fingers touching his knuckles and rings for a second. Kyo rubbed his knuckles with his free hand not looking at you.
“Thank you!”
“Uh huh. Anytime.”
He was waiting for the bell on the door to go off, signalling that you left but it never came. Kyo was getting slightly annoyed, not at you but himself. He cant even make conversation.
“I like your tattoo!!!”
He blinked looking over at you to see you pointing to his wolf sleeve. “Its so pretty!!”
“Thank you.”
“Uhm i know people dont like their tattoos touched but i wanted to tell you its pretty.”
“.....you can touch it…” good, cmon Kyo… “i dont mind.” He held his arm out.
“Really?!?” Her hands hovered over it and Kyo nodded slowly.
Slowly you placed your hands on his arm on the first wolf. Kyos hand was in a fist he was so nervous , no female had ever asked to touch his ink before let alone talk to him . You were so soft, feeling your fingers glide over his wolves was the best thing he felt in a long time. It was almost as satisfying as spiking the ball.
“All so pretty!!” You ran your hands up while you spoke. “I want one but im so nervous!!!”
He couldn't help but smile at that. “Oh yeah? Of what?”
“Mm!! I love red pandas.. they are just so cute and tiny !! But also kittens are cute.. “ you stopped at the biggest wolf on his upper arm. He felt you squeeze his muscle.
“Red pandas and kittens would be cool” he told you , trying to flex his arm without you noticing.
“Mmm!!! But the red pandas… they are so fuzzy . And im a little scared of the pain.” Squeeze squeeze.
“It only hurts for a little while.” His face felt red and his hand was no longer a fist. “Maybe i can go with you if you decide to do it. My guy did all my ink.”
You jumped and squeezed for a minute before letting go. “REALLY?!? I . Well uh, youll be there if i get scared ?”
Kyo gave you a smug smile as he rubbed his sleve. “Yeah yeah, you can squeeze my hand if you get scared or it hurts too much.”
“Ah yay!!” You pulled your phone outta your bag and handed it to him. It took him a second to realize what you wanted. Kyo put his number in and you took the phone back giggling.
“Kyo! Okay! Ill see you tonight!!!” You waved goodbye leaving the store and Iwa and Kawa ran over tackling Kyo to the ground .
They teased him till he got fed up and pushed them off . They all sat on the floor just taking in the moment. The look on Iwas face was perfect, he was so proud of his friend and Kawa was too but also he wanted to make jokes . Kyo leaned on the register just staring at his rings with a smile. His phone buzzed a minute later and as soon as he read the text his heart fluttered.
“Hi!! Its y/n! Im so excited for you to with me! Ill meet you outside your shop kay?!? ✨✨✨✨✨”
He smiled and replied back.
“Okay sweetie.”
Safe to say Kyo was on edge all day , thank god Iwazuimi was there to help customers whenever Kyo shut down and just had that angry look on his face. Oikawa was stuck on stock duty even though he finished a half hour ago . Kyo just gave him odd jobs till he had enough.
Oikawa went over to the register leaning down on it to see Kyo staring at his phone at the text , he shot Oikawa a look and he just had a smug look on his face.
“Is the summer line out …”
“Yep. Did that about two hours ago.”
“Well go fold something.”
“How about you tell me how this girl has you all messed up Mad Dog.”
Kyo looked up, putting his phone down standing up , he grabbed Oikawas shirt and the smug boy put his hands up grinning.
“Its okay to be nervous Mad Dog.”
“Im not...nervous.”
Iwazuimi looked over and hurried to his friends pulling Oikawa back. “Knock it off.” He told him.
“Iwa-chan tell him he cant see this girl if hes gonna get all angry and pouty.”
Iwazuimi leaned onto the register thinking it over, Oikawa was right , as much as he hated admitting it . “Kyo..shitty Kawa is right.”
Kyo turned to his friend and Oikawa walked away feeling accomplished.
“I know she was super happy and bubbly and you were all closed off in the beginning but you let her touch your ink. You have never let anyone touch your ink before. Your not who you were in highschool Kyotani, dont scare her off .”
He leaned on the register looking at the rings on his hands . “I really fucked myself with that attitude i had didint i, im lucky the Sendai Frogs even picked me up when they did.”
“Remember how annoying it was to hear those girls scream whenever Oikawa served the ball?”
“Its your chance to stick it too him , that girl paid no attention to him. And she looked really interested in you. Just calm down and breathe.”
Kyo looked over his shoulder to see Oikawa chatting up a punk girl who was not interested. Iwazuimi stretched while he watched. “This isn't his element anymore. Its yours Kyo.”
He rubbed his tattoo taking in a deep breath. “Damn right it is.”
8 o clock finally came and Kyo was still inside writing down the weekly income while Iwa and Kawa locked everything up. Business should pick up soon with his new summer line , he was looking forward to the extra money but not the longer shifts. Iwa and Kawa went over to the desk and Iwazuimi took the key from Kyos hand.
“Excuse you.” He said looking up.
“Your dates here.” Kawa said looking over his shoulder.
Kyo got up looking over Kawa to see you outside the door holding a pink shoulder bag . She really showed up..
“We will finish the records” Iwa told him
“Iwa will finish them” Kawa said
Iwazuimi grabbed his shirt preventing him from leaving. “We, will finish the records.”
“Lock up after.” Kyo grabbed his jacket putting it on , it was light blue with zippers all over it.
Kyo opened the door feeling his heart in his throat, he was nervous but he could do this. What was he so afraid of ?
You turned around hearing the bell and gave Kyo a big hug and a smile. “Hi Kyo!!!”
Oh fuck.
He lightly put his arm around you and you jumped back smiling . “Ready?”
“Y..yep. Yes. My guy does great work.” He said walking with you.
“Whats he like?!?” You asked walking with him happily.”
“Mmm well, hes nice . Likes to sit in his shop all day. Bit of a wise ass.” He looked down to see you looking at his sleeve again. You glanced up and jumped .
“Sorry!! “
“Dont be, i think you love it as much as i do .”
“Ive always liked wolves but everyone told me they were too scary for me to like.”
Kyo smirked walking closer . “Oh yeah? They aren't all bad.”
“I know!” You poked at his arm. “You are really cool so that just proves they arent all bad.”
It took him a minute to register what you said .”i'm flattered sweetie.”
“Tell me about you!”
“Mm..” Kyo rubbed his sleeve, giving everyone they passed the death glare. “I played volleyball in highschool, those guys at my shop played too on the team. I got picked up by the Sendai Frogs for a bit but after awhile i wanted something calmer”
You stopped walking and Kyo stopped looking back to see you with big eyes. “Whats.. wrong?”
“You did professional volleyball?!?”
“Yep. But i wanted to design things , and Oikawa and Iwazuimi came along with me. My tattoo guy was on our highschool team too.”
“Thats.. AMAZING.” You grabbed his arm following him going on and on asking about being a professional and what it was like.”
Kyo felt really nice inside, he even told you about his attitude in highschool and you just thought it was so silly . “What?!? But your so nice and calm now!”
Safe to say his heart grew after hearing that. He squeezed your hand and let go to open the door to the tattoo shop.
“Thank you sweetie, were here.”
The tattoo shop had music blaring as soon as Kyo opened the door making you blink a few hundred times.
“Oi Mattsun!! where are you.” Kyo said, lightly pushing you inside so he could close the door. You found yourself clinging to Kyos arm looking all around trying to adjust to the music and this very bright room . It had art Everywhere. Posters, free hand, digital, tattoos, everything. You could not tell what color the walls were. In the center was the stations with a desk to the left when you walked in and a waiting area in the corner on the right.
“Shaddup! Your ruining the best part!!!”
You looked up at Kyo watching him yell with a huge smile on his face.
The music cut off and a tall man appeared from the other side of the desk . He was covered in tattoos from neck to ankles. Very spiky black hair and a lip ring with ear piercings . He had on loose shorts and black Vans with his tattoo shops shirt on. He made his way around the desk looking you over then giving Kyo a look.
“Who's this?”
Before Kyo could speak you let go of his arm and jumped in front of him. “Im y/n! Id like a tattoo please!”
Mattsun folded his arms smirking and looked over you to Kyo who was half smirking half trying to figure out why the hell you did that.
“ shes with me Mattsun, “
“Alright alright.” He put his hands uo turning his music back on but at a more bearable level and brought you to his station with a sketchbook. You sat down fixing your dress and Kyo took your bag to hold it . Mattsun snapped a picture and Kyo grabbed his shirt.
“Too late.! Cant wait for Oikawa to see”
“Fuck you Mattsun”
They both looked at you and Mattsun chuckled, swatting Kyos hand away and scooted closer to you in his wheely chair . “Okay Y/n , what would you like hmm?”
“Uhm.. a red panda!”
Mattsun looked at Kyo and then you then Kyo then the art on his walls then Kyo again.
“ what did you bring me.”
Kyo was leaning forward in his wheely chair moving back and forth looking very satisfied with this situation. “I mean if you cant do it ill go to 13 Tattoos down the street”
“Fuck you Kyotani you step one foot in that shop and im never inking you again”
You poked Kyos arm and he looked over at you .
“Uhm.. kyo.”
“Yes sweetie?”
“Youll hold my hand right i..”
Mattsun saw Kyo get flustered for a second and chuckled into his sketchbook while he drew a red panda. Good for you Mad Dog.
Kyo looked down at her hand, he was hesitating. He just needed to grab it. What was he doing? She likes you Mad Dog . His arm inched forward and you placed your hand in his , god the clash with his sleeve and your skin was the best thing hes ever seen. So innocent, fragile, excited. And he was loud, lashed out, swore, pushed buttons… god he loved it.
“Y/n hows this look?” He turned the sketchbook around and you looked along with Kyo.
It was in fact a red panda up on its back legs with its little paws in the air with a happy face and some hearts around it.
“Is SO CUTE !! Kyo kyo look!!!”
“I see it sweetie.” He couldn't help but laugh at the little panda and Mattsun. “Its cute, Mattsun”
“Of course!” He set the sketchbook down and got his gear ready. “Im happy you like it y/n, where would you like it?”
“Oh oh! My arm please the inside a little above my elbow ?”
He smiled scooting closer . “Okay, hold it out for me y/n”
You held out your arm and rubbed Kyos hand with your thumb, he jumped in his skin looking down at you but you were focused on Mattsun drawing the panda on you. He lightly rubbed back on your hand enjoying how soft your skin felt against his thumb.
Mattsun peeled the paper away and picked up his tool, turning it on. “Ready?”
“Hold still for me y/n” he leaned forward and started on the outline on your skin.
It hurt, oh it hurt.
You can do this y/n
“Still got my art on the wall huh?”
“Why wouldn't i? Hows Kawa and Iwa?”
“Same as always. You should see Oikawa strike out at work Mattsun”
Zzzzzzzz…. it was getting hard to keep a straight face..
“That sounds hilarious is he still complaining over the skinny jeans?”
“God yeah.”
he looked up from the tattoo to see you on the verge of tears, you kept looking down and trying to fidget but Mattsun had a firm grip on you. “Stay still for me y/n okay? Don't move”He glanced at Kyo and leaned back to change ink colors then started on coloring.
He reached up with his free hand to cup your cheek and turn your head so you could see him. “Look at me.”
“ sshh.. just focus on me okay? Tell me why you like red pandas .”
“ they.. are fuzzy.. i love fuzzy stuff.. and they are troublemakers getting into.. all sorts of things..”
He lightly ran his thumb under your eye getting rid of a tear .
“Dont..dont let go of my hand..”
“I wont Sweetie. What else do you like about them “
“Doing great Y/n, almost done”
“Uhm.. they.. i love red. Its my favorite color. And they like to flop around and tackle each other.. I heard a zoo nearby has them but.. i dont know where.``
“Miyagi zoo, would you like to go sweetie?”
“Y-yes i..” your eyes wandered away from Kyo and he brought you back to him gently.
“Ssh , look at me. Just me remember?”
“Just.. you.”
“Yes sweetie. Youre doing so good.”
“Done.” He wiped the panda a few times and scooted back taking a picture with his phone. “My apprentice is gonna have a stroke. Okay y/n if you wanna go look my mirror is right over by the wall”
Kyo helped you up and wiped under both of your eyes with his thumbs and you smiled up at him holding yourself. “I..i did it..” you choked out a giggle.
“Yes you did. Go take a look .” Kyo told you and let you go. He watched you make your way to the mirror and Mattsun yanked him over to his desk getting behind it to record the order in the laptop. They were quiet for a second .
Mattsun looked up at Kyo, he was leaning on the desk with his arms up on it.
“How the fuck did you meet her”
“She came into my store, Mattsun. Do you see her?”
“Did she buy ANYTHING?”
“She bought the plaid red skirt and the kitten guitar shirt”
“What the fuck Kyotani.”
“Ask Iwa and Oikawa, they could not keep it together.”
Mattsun took his phone out texting Oikawa.
“I let her touch my sleeve, Mattsun”
His friend dropped his phone looking up at this hard and angry punk guy staring at him.
“She told me she thought it was pretty and I let her touch it, every wolf.”
“I did the ink and i can't even touch it”
“Shes just.. i don't even know Mattsun. Shes different.”
“From your usual? Uh yeah i'd say so.”
“ i wanna hold onto her, but i dont know how, im scared ill.. scare her off.”
“Dont be gettin all sentimental on me Mad Dog, if she didint run off from my music, your swearing or your store shes not gonna run off now, she was going to have a panic attack in my damn chair if you didint calm her down.”
“Shut up, im not sentimental.. she was gonna .. cry.”
“Fuck you, how much is the tattoo”
“$40 because im feeling nice and its about time you had a girl interested in you”
Kyo took his wallet out and put the money on the desk, “keep the change”
“Oh what a baller.” He teased taking the money and coming around to shove his friend. “Good to see you, lets all get together soon for some beach volleyball “
“Yeah yeah, and fine. But you call everyone , “
You skipped over hugging Kyos sleeve and showing him your panda and thanking Mattsun over and over.
“Of course y/n , happy you like it.” He pat your head.
Kyo said his goodbyes and was walking down the street with you , it was 9 at night now and he did not want to leave yet.. you were still hugging his sleeve not talking much .
“Yes kyo?”
“You told me your name and i've still been calling you sweetie, why haven't you said anything? “
You let go of his arm skipping in front of him smiling. “Well, i like it. Its cute to hear you say it..”
He smirked, rubbing his head trying not to look at you. “Will you laugh if i say i don't want to leave yet.”
You shyly took his hand holding it. “No, I wont. I uhm.. i have class in the morning but.. do you want to spend the night? N-not for uh .. uhm.. i mean.. i.. uh.”
Kyo laughed pulling his hand back bringing you with it, he wrapped his other arm around you. “That sounds nice sweetie, id love too.”
“Yay!! Youll get to meet Mocha!!!”
“My kitten!!!”
He sighed down at you giving you a hug and you squeezed him. “Thank you.. for calming me down …”
“Of course. You did great sweetie.”
You giggled, swaying a bit. “Ahh easy my arm kinda hurts heh..”
“Oh right, it will be tender for a week or so.” He held you close keepin an eye on your arm. “You did great , you really did.”
You nuzzled into his chest feeling full of bliss . “Thank you Kyo.”
@nekxrizawa, @kyovtani thought you would enjoy this !
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kimnjss · 3 years
Y’ALL got time to deep it and have these deep talks, ft, and spend time together in ya work environment and outside it BUTTtTT at yalll cant take a moment to communicate ??? yn and joooooon …. really ?! like i wanna stretch my hand back to the gates and connect it to their faces with a resounding sound 👋🥴
also like many ppl said yn def peeped his energy during them knocking boots 🥾 … mans was having internal monologue like he writing the opening of his autobiography
again this all boils down to miscommunication, their avoidance issues, joon playa mac persona//lifestyle, etc
yeahhhhhhh and not the heffa Maya being there???
… joon dont be a dumbas$ challenge failed
all of a sudden they both acting like mind readers … if thats the case yallllll would know it was more than sex for the both of you and krkdkdkddkrk … AHHHHhHHHh its just pissing me offf lol
i cant even write probably because they wanna be in their clown errrrra so baddddd 🤡
also not her messaging SAN like babes you aint pay him no mind when you was simPing joon 🤣😅
Also jooon lowkey admitting he likes her but man in the deep end of denial and MY GOD EVERYONE is just stupiddddd
also yoonmin 💕💞
also peep “rapper w the dimples ❤️‍🔥✨
also his message … im really stressed and ova fck boy jooon
like i know we’re in our angst ark but ive rolled my eyes so many times like lordddddd just talk to each other … communicate finna be a buzzz word for these two 😅😩
anyways i guess the both got they clown outfits on and avoidance fits on #twinning
- 🍑
THEY WERE DOING SO WELL ! nd all the time they were spending together was cuteee - bc they're lowkey the same person . nd that's why all of this sucks right now bc they're LITERALLY the same person . they're both convinced there's no point to uselessly put in effort ., so neither of them are doing anything to fix it . all they need to do is have one conversation nd they'd see they're literally not on the same page .
it did not help at all !! he was so quiet nd in his head the whole entire time ., nd yk that had her thoughts racing . nd the staring that he was doing after?? paired with what she already thought abt him - you can't really blame her for wanting to get out of there before he was saying smth that could potentially hurt her .
honestlyyy ! they're ignoring all the obvious signs that things were a lot more serious btwn them nd trusting their own delusions . like??? joon knows he's never felt this way with anyone before nd while yn does this all the time - she has the most fun with him ., but they're so stubborn with themselves nd obsessed w keeping themselves guarded so they just end up making a mess .
LMAOOO poor san ! he really is just sitting around waiting for her to hit him up??? yns got some magic btwn her legs fr ., bc all the guys she fucks w get like that .
he did not need to go nd hit up maya??? of all people . like pLS!? it's like he's asking to make matters worse . nd for what!? y'all are at work - do the job nd leave it aloneee .
it's gonna be a long day for everyone that's for sure .
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just-a-fangirl13 · 4 years
MacRiley fan-fic
This one is a classic. Probably wont happen but it was fun to write anyways!
Season 4 spoilers..... duh!
“Good night guys. Riles you coming?” said Mac with his usual smile leaving the war room followed by Desi and Bozer. Matty and Russ were still busy.
Mac had been wanting to tell Riley about his break-up with Desi but they had got the call from Matty.
Desi and he realised they were never going to work. The weird part was that he didn't feel heartbroken. 
He had seen it coming for a while now, it was just a matter of finally ripping off the band-aid. Desi seemed fine too, she still nipped at him occasionally but they had managed to keep it professional for the whole mission. Desi was staying with him until she could get back her old apartment.
“No I have some stuff I need to do. Good night Mac.” said Riley with a tight lipped smile. 
Mac raised his eyebrow at her. “Okay. Good night then. Call me if you need a lift anyways.” He and Des got into his car while Riley walked to the nearest bar.
The mission had been rough. Riley felt completely spent but she needed a drink. It was Friday night and she was all alone. She let that sink in. At the rate she was going she was going to die alone too.
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Mac’s phone buzzing woke him up. It was 1 am. It had been barely 2 hours since they got back. 
“Why won't criminals just take a day off.” said Mac half asleep, groaning as he reached for his phone. 
He read the caller id fulling expecting it to be Matty. But it wasn't.
All the sleepiness drained right out of him. It was Riley.
“Hello? Riles? What’s going on is everything okay?” said Mac already getting up, fully alert now and trying to make as little noise as possible so as to not wake Desi up in the adjoining room.
Mac could here loud music in the background. What the hell was going on?
“Hey Mac. I need a ride.”
Mac found Riley outside The Bar. Riley was drunk and she was standing all alone outside at the entrance when she had called. Mac drove over as fast as he could. His heart racing the whole time.
He pulled up to where she was standing. Silently thanking the universe that she was okay. 
“Riles? Are you okay” said Mac with deep concern on his face.
Riley nodded but swayed on her feet. Mac caught her.
“Okay lets get you home.”
Mac got Riley in the passengers seat and buckled her up. He had just started up the car when Riley mumbled.
“I’m sorry. I'm so so sorry” and tears started rolling down her face. Mac’s heart broke a little. Why had he not gone with her? What if something had happened to Riley? What if he had somehow missed her call?
“Riles. You dont have anything to be sorry for. It’s okay. Its a best friends duty to pick up them up especially when they get drunk. Today’s mission was hard on all of us.” said Mac with a smile. It really was the least he could do for her. She had put everything on the line when she had come to his rescue. She was always there. The one true constant in his life. The one person he could count on.
Riley just went on apologising until a minute later she had closed her eyes and fallen asleep. Mac looked over at her a few times. She seemed so peaceful. He had been so caught up with Desi, Codex and Phoenix that he hadn't even paid attention to what was going on with Riley. Something was definitely eating at her. He was hoping he could have talked to her today, tried to get to the bottom of things.
Riley had seemed a little distant lately. He didn't even blame her. He had no idea what was going on with her, but for now he would be there for her just like she was for him.
Mac pulled over outside Riley’s apartment. He didn't want to wake Riley up but he couldn't help it.
“Riles,” Mac whispered. “I need you to wake up now. Please.”
Riley opened her eyes slowly. He helped her out of the car and grabbed her bag. It was a good thing he knew she kept her keys in the tiny zipper in her favourite bag which she was also carrying right now.
He opened the apartment door and helped Riley in. He set her down on her bed  and took off her boots. Riley was half asleep and was really out of it. 
He tucked her in and was about to switch off the small bedside lamp when Riley reached for his arm.
“Hey Mac” she slurred a bit while talking,”Thanks for picking me up. Your a good friend you know. Don’t ever doubt that.”
Mac smiled. Even half drunk Riley was still thinking about him. He brushed out a few strands of hair out of her face and turned off the light.
“Good night Riles.” said Mac leaving the room.
“Love you, Mac” says Riley before cuddling into her covers and falling straight asleep.
Mac froze at the door, his heart pounding. 
He had misheard her right? But he found himself hoping he hadn't.
It hit him like lightning. He loved Riley too, didn't he? Deep down he always had. 
He had told himself that he had held her hand when that missile was about to hit them because he wanted Riley to know he was sorry. Sorry that he couldn't save her. But it was more than that,wasn't it?
He had loved her. 
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Mac smiled to himself. He was such an idiot. How had he not seen it sooner. Not seen what was right in front of him the whole time.
But he wouldn't say anything until he knew for sure.
The next morning Riley woke up to the worst hangover. Maybe even worse than the one that Mac’s alcohol breaking down drug had given her when he, Leanna, Bozer and she were undercover.
She dragged herself to the shower and got changed which is when it registered that she could smell pancakes. What the hell?
“Good morning sleepy head.” said Mac a little too loudly. Riley winced. 
Mac was cooking.... Pancakes... In her kitchen... In her house....
She looked over at her sofa and saw a blanket draped on it.
“Hope you dont mind. I crashed here after last night just incase you needed me.”
“No of course I dont mind. I’m just really hazy on what happened last night.” said Riley rubbing her head.
Mac placed a steaming cup of coffee in front of her along with a plate of chocolate chip pancakes.
“You dont remember anything?” asked Mac trying to hide the disappointment in his voice. “You got really drunk last night and called me to ask if I could give you a ride home. You were really out of it.” said Mac with smile.
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Bits and pieces came rushing back as she took a seat at the kitchen island. She had gone to the bar and had one drink after another and had completely lost track. She remembered contemplating calling Mac and then sitting in his car. She couldn't remember if she said anything. What if she told him about her feelings. Oh no no no no. Rileys mind was going into overdrive.
“Oh god Mac. I’m so sorry. I probably ruined you and Desi’s night. Im such an idiot. I dont even remember what I was thinking.”
“Hey hey its okay Riles. Besides Desi and I aren't dating anymore.” said Mac.
Woah. It was really taking her a while to process things.
“I’m sorry to hear that Mac. I feel like such a terrible friend. I didn't even notice something was up.” said Riley. Gosh when had she become such a mess.
“It was a long time coming. Desi and I just weren't right for each other. We both knew it, but we were hanging on to the relationship because it was familiar I guess.” said Mac.
Riley just silently nodded. Her mind was spinning.
“Anyways” said Mac smiling, “try the pancakes. I need to know if they are any good.”
Riley eyed the plate remembering Mac’s track record with cooking. She could feel Mac’s gaze on her so she tried it.
“Okay wow. These are actually really good.” said Riley. Mac laughed, ”Mission Accomplished. You have to tell Bozer they were good, okay? He won't believe me if I say it.”
Riley and Mac sat there eating chocolate chip pancakes, laughing. Riley felt like all the problems in the world just fell away.
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Riley was helping Mac clear up even though he had insisted he would do it on his own. There was still that worry that she had said something to Mac nagging her. He seemed alright. A little chirpy but happy. 
“Mac. Last night. I didn't say anything stupid right?” said Riley washing the plate and handing over the last one to Mac to dry it since he had insisted. 
“Why?” asked Mac a curious look on his face. “Was there something I needed to know?”
“Nope no reason. I was just really out of it yesterday. Just curious if I said anything.” said Riley relief washing over her.
“Well there was one thing I wanted to talk to you about actually.” said Mac putting the last plate away. 
“Riles, I’m sorry Ive been such a terrible friend to you lately. I..just.. with everything going on with Codex and Desi.. i..never even bothered to check in on you. I had no idea why you were being distant until I realised last night that you were probabaly drunk because you felt like you couldnt talk to me. You’ve always been there no matter what and I couldn't even return the favour. I'm so sorry.”
Mac looked so stressed. He really thought it was his fault she was avoiding him. 
Oh god what had she done. The exact reason she didn't want to tell Mac the truth was so she didnt hurt him but seeing him like this broke her heart. She loved him so much it physically hurt sometimes.
“Mac. Its not your fault. It has nothing to do with-” Riley stopped herself. She had nothing to lose right? She should just tell him. No more lies or secrets.
Mac looked up searching her face. She wasn't meeting his eye and she was fidgeting with her hands. 
Could it be possible that Riley was distancing herself from him because of what she said last night? Could it really be true?
"Before you say anything, there is something you should know." said Mac. This was it. He felt brave all of a sudden.
"You said something last night. I mean I could have misheard you but it sounded you like you said you love me. Is that what this about?" Mac sounded so nervous.
Riley was shocked. She had said it last night. Oh god what if he didnt feel the same way?
"I- Mac- I am so sorry. I just- You were dating Desi and I just broken up with Aubrey and I just had to-"
Before Riley could finish Mac kissed her. And she kissed him back.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. " said Mac smiling. "I'm such an idiot. It took me so long to see what was in front me this whole time."
Mac held Rileys hand in his and they started at each other and smiled. They were in their own happy bubble.
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uncertaininnit · 4 years
who wants to read an essay about my relationship with simping/an appreciation(/simping lol) post about Will+Eret and also seperately tommyinnit that was written at 4:22 am and then added to the queue because i love the queue system also fun fact i pronounced the word ‘queue’ as ‘cc-week’ for like an entire year and idk why anyways
lets just jump into it
so. if somebody was to ask me who my favorite mcyt is, i would think about it for a moment and eventually answer with either Wilbur or Eret. and i think that is purely out of simping instinct or whatever the fuck. 
to start, Wilbur; the prettiest man, period. i do not take constructive criticism. he is literally gorgeous and i get so mad at him for putting himself down all the time because he doesnt deserve the shit, especially not from himself. he is 24 years old and has the lowest self-esteem out of anybody i can think of. i want to yell in his face all the time. i want to tell him simps are the same species as him, and they have REASONS to simp. if you keep seeing appreciation posts about yourself (which im sure he does) that means people APPRECIATE YOU and WANT YOU to feel APPRECIATED. 
anyway, back to simping. let’s start from the top. his goddamn hair. it is, it is, and i just took a deep breath, so pretty. maybe it isnt the hair itself, probably, but the way it is done. wavy dark brown hair all floofy in the front. and he is constantly messing with it, which is THE cutest thing. when he is excited, he moves a lot, and his hair moves with him and gets messed up and ahhhcvkvyr moving on.
his face? lets start with his eyes. they are so pretty. i think my opinion on eyes is probably weird, and allow me to explain why. i never ever notice somebodies eye color when talking to them. i just dont even look. so when i am actively paying attention to somebody’s eyes, they are that much more important to me. but idk, i kinda feel like his eyes are one of the biggest factors of his face? like, he looks really pretty whether he is smiling or not, because his face doesn’t ride on his smile.
sidetrack paragraph about george: i think george is that way. he is adorable, but he is only really adorable when he is smiling. if i look up ‘georgenotfound cute’ it will be entirely him smiling, and never any other facial expression because he genuinely looks like the fucking weirdest thing sometimes when making a serious face. back to will.
i dont pay attention to noses because who even cares dude but i’m sure his nose does a good job of supporting his looks as well so good job nose
his SMILE. he doesn’t need to smile, but dude, when he does, it’s like i always used to say (and still would say) in regards to eijiro kirishima. it’s like... sunbeams, like rays of light are in his mouth and escaping when he smiles.i wonder how he keeps a star in there. because his smile literally lights up my heart. and when he tilts his head(basically all the time luckily)? so goddamn pretty. pretty man. pretty. 
that brings us to his neck, which is- no, kidding, but i do want to talk about his vocal chords! firstly his speaking voice, which i guess as an american it hits different for me because of the accent. but- i dont think i can put it into words. but the way he puts thoughts into words-(lol) idk, his voice is just really sweet. and his SINGING VOICE, here we go.
so he sings, duh. and i- holy fuck. he just sounds good, you know? he is a good singer. i want to put my emotions simply this time. he sings well, and he sounds good. a pretty voice for a pretty man. i cant even try to elaborate.
basically the only other thing of my concern is his fucking yellow sweater? or jumper or whatever the fuck? and his beanie? on his body? damn. i am genuinely attached to that sweater. it just looks good, ok? it does. 
oh yeah, and he’s hella fucking tall. 6′5? are you kidding? you couldn’t have at least been short so we could make fun of you?
oh yeah and his laugh-
it is now 4:53 am and a bitch is tired but i have an entire fucking train of thoughts and they must be somewhere before they slip away
the next part- Eret. i adore Eret. so incredibly much. and let me start this by saying i’m going to consistantly call him a he, because he doesn’t care and so that makes it easier for me. ok? ok.
he is the opposite of Wilbur in this one regard, confidence. and self-esteem. eret loves himself. that attitude spreads. look, not only is he like the #1 bicon in the world as far as i’m concerned, but he also actively fucks gender roles any day. strawberry dress pog? strawberry dress pog.
but seriously, he rocked the strawberry dress. and the suit, though i missed that stream. he rocks his crown, his sunglasses, just anything he puts on. and don’t get me started on the BOOTS
(im started on the boots) so firstly the heel boots, the first ones he got. when i first saw clips, my only thought was something like ‘woah.’ or maybe ‘damn.’ at that point i didn’t know much about him, just that he looked STELLAR in those boots (and the betrayal and shit yknow) and the PLATFORMS DUDE
the platforms are the same but moar tall, which is incredible. oh and now back to strawberry dress- have you seen him twirl? the twirl? hello? have you seen it? you must. 
also i havent even talked about HIM yet. hove you seen that picture of him with a bird on his shoulder? he is facing the bird, i think looking at it, with a wide smile across his face. and it is so pretty. he has the prettiest smile. 
also today i was looking for flour at the store place and a clip of him was playing in my mind- he was doing like an announcer voice, like in every superhero movie trailer- and he was just coming up with something to say, and what he ened up saying was ‘in a world... where.... cookies.... are made of pringles’ and OMFG its making me laugh even now. like of absolutely anything, that was the example he made. just thinking about it is making me smile. 
speaking of, have you heard his voice? his normal voice is really really deep anyways, but he has crazy range- he can effortlessly(i originally wrote effortly and when i noticed i laughed because i am so fucking tired bfv9wuocl) go from like an elmo impression (and a good one) to a just REALLY low voice, lower than his normal low voice. 
AND HIS SINGING VOICE! he doesn’t like actually make music like wilbur but on that one stream where he did kareoke (how the fuck is it spelled) with fundy and his voice is SO LIKE its deep and its just pretty and i never want to hear normal sweater weather ever again, just him singing it.
i think this is where i’m done with eret- it is 5:18 now, and a BITCH IS TIRED but i need to finish this while i’m still feeling this wayy or i’ll never finish it, i know this from experience.
and now it’s tommy time
the og reason i decided to make this an actual post . but i had to explain the simping thing before i got into my thoughts about tommy. 
but let me start this with just saying yes, i love him. he is a big man and i want him to be happy. which is the topic for today’s discussion, AHEM. 
so tommyinnit, right? he is 16, which is why i do NOT simp.i dont care that im also a minor, i wouldn’t do anything to make him feel uncomfortable, ever. in any world. never. because look- i dont know how to put it, but tommy is SIXTEEN. still young and impressionable and all that junk. and he is a fairly fucking famous twitch streamer. he does that almost daily.
what i’m saying is i dont want him to get hurt. him, and tubbo too. they are a part of the world, part of the public, all the time. don’t you think that is stressful? do you guys remember his haircut stream? on the day of his haircut? and chat was making fun of him for it, and wilbur was making fun of him for it. that is how i express affection, with my real friends as well. playful bullying. but at some point while Will was teasing him, he says something along the lines of ‘yeah, the big man hasn’t been having too great a day’ or something like that, and dude, my heart dropped.
a. he had mentioned earlier that he didn’t want to stream the day of his haircut because hair is always weird that first day, but since he hadn’t streamed in a good bit he felt obliged to. i dont really.. idk, i dont really like that. i dont want him to have to put himself in uncomfortable situations because he feels like he needs to for us. i don’t think that is healthy.
and b. chat and wilbur were bullying him. good-naturedly, but still, when he mentioned he had been having a bad day, the chat turned around and instantly started yelling shit like ‘AHHHH SORRY BIG MAN YOUR HAIR IS FINE’ and when Wilbur kept teasing him (you fucking beautiful bully man fuck off) yelling stuff like ‘WILBUR QUIT WE ARE H U R T I N G HIM’ and ‘WILL STFU HES HAVING A BAD DAY’ so im glad we all want him to feel ok
but still, it cannot be healthy. when i first got into MCYT, i though tommy was fucking loud and annoying. and he is! he is. but that is a big part of why i like him so much. and everyone jokes about him being a child, because he is, but i choose to not say stuff like that in chat just because i want him to be happy. those jokes are fun, but i want him to be happy. and he is happier when not being called a child.
im not attacking you, do whatever the fuck you want. i dont know why i feel the need to protect him or whatever, if he read this he would probably think i was hella creepy. i just- listen, i just want him to be happy. i just want him to smile and laugh. i sound SO GODDAMN CREEPY but- as ive said- i just want him to be happy. 
is this literally just what having a comfort streamer is? am i not crazy? does everyone experience this? and can we talk about tommy’s playlist it’s literally so sweet and bubbly compared to his personality and i love that. and the song he always plays at the start of stream and always like buzzes along to? that moment in time is my very favorite.
it is 5:44-
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honeymoonjin · 4 years
pre-elimination thoughts
hello here is a compiled list of all the asks i woke up to this morning relating to the elimination ksdjfks please enjoy 
If u see it from the pov of yn like actually that the person yn said “lets vote kook off after he shared his feelings and got provoked abt it” thats gonna hurt koo so much and he probably will completely shut himself off/ maybe even ask to leave the house if sora allows that?😳 and for yall b’s to vote him off!!! I’ll never forgive yall if sora announces that he got voted off fr fr!!!
Listen I’m not trying to be hateful but what did tae give us this week in comparison to JK??? Did he give us a whole scene? did he take the time to set up the gym into an exam room? Give us a sexy doctor moment?? No. He gave us some relatively mild puppy play which is fine!! But i mean compared to everyone else’s scene?? JK needs his moment, needs US on his side! Tae will still have jimin if he gets eliminated but koo needs a moment to shine! #byetae #savejk
I just remembered the elimination is based on sex...i voted the wrong person😞
why are people kicking off hoseok what did my man do
I’m gonna day this once. Vote koo out and I’m coming for kneecaps. There is so much potential there with the Maknae line. Listen hear me out the candidate that would hurt the least is hobi I know he was gonna get booted last week but like he’s the one that is the least emotionally attached to yn ya feel?! And also I feel like this opens up opportunities for him to dick down other members…. not naming names but *cough* jimin *cough* anyways that’s my tea if Jungkook is booted this week Readers …. I’m cracking my knuckles and we’re fucking throwing hands accept there won’t be a Seokjin and Yoongi to hold me back when I push y’all on a coffee table 😤😤🥱🥱👊🏾👊🏾
jimin may of instigated the fight, but jungkook threw the first punch and to me that’s a lot worse
the way it just took me five minutes to vote 💀 and 4 minutes and 55 seconds of those 5, i was just staring at my wall contemplating
Let's try and think with the few braincells we have left fam. Hoseok scenes are the most fun to read bc he is extremely confident and also one of the most experienced in the house. DON'T VOTE HIM OUT. A lot of the others could have a great storyline just hanging out in the house and creating sexual tension and drama. HOSEOK SHINES WHEN HE'S PERFORMING AND BEING A HARD ASS CONFINDENT SEXY DOM. PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU DON'T VOTE HIM OUT JUST YET.
i swear to fucking god i y'all vote hoseok out i'm rioting
People out here fighting for who should get eliminated but I'm here cant even figure out who to vote for cause I love all of them so much,,,, BUT IF ANYONE EVEN COMES NEAR MY BABY JIMIN AND YOONGI AND KOO IM KILLING ON SIGHT -jimin slap me anon
Ngl y’all wish I could vote y/n out 😂😂😂 girl gets into a relationship on a porn show... with 2 guys she doesn’t really seem to even like that much in a romantic way. Idk I’m fine with vmin but I don’t like the poly :/ not because it’s poly just because it doesn’t make sense + it’s complicating a lot of shit. I love the story though so I’m gonna keep reading it I just don’t agree with the relationship. I don’t think she should have a relationship with any of them until the show is over
Aaah this chapter was so good but also a mess 😭 I literally don’t know who to choose, I would actually be the worst in such a situation because I hate making decisions like that! I‘m seeing all those aggressive asks you’re getting and I‘m just sitting in the corner over here instead trying to deal with emotions 🥺 I just hope they’re all going to be alright in the end!!
I sent u two asks already queen and it def shows what good of a job you've done but this time let me be selfish for a second Because these anons are pissing me OFF! I can't believe so many people are in favour of voting Taekook out bro I'm really gonna pull a Kook and fight yall in the living room like UR really gonna break their hearts like that? JKS gonna blame himself for opening up and Tae will be devastated that he cant touch MC since touch is one of his love languages! Yall make Me SIQUE!
im voting tae out bc imo his scene was v plain. I get that pet play is out there n kinky but it was boring. While the hopekook scene with y/n was explosive it felt like tae having jimin there for his scene was a cop out. n then they did their dumb poly thing which should honestly be against the rules. WHAT SNAKES! also ngl but i feel like jimins been such a b to hopekook all the time FOR WHAT! im voting out tae for this week n jimin after. VMIN CAN GO FUCK EACH OTHER IN THE BUNKS FOR ALL OF TIME
Please please please don’t throw JK under the bus, if he gets eliminated his mental state is going to crumble even more than it already did, poor baby boy doesn’t deserve to get eliminated specially if we vote solely on the sex, because this man really went all out with his prompt, he was so diligent with staying in character and all, AND come on y’all did you not read the part in which he was being taken out crying while saying how sorry he was for the mess? We can’t break his heart even more
#kickjk2020 vminy/n for the win ‼️😼
Okay I’m sorry for yelling in my last ask BUT I’d be lying if I said I couldn’t relate to the way jk reacted bc I’d definitely feel the same as him that, doesn’t make the actions he took right but I mean have y’all really never felt that upset and alone before? You’re up against a wall with no where to go dude. Ofc you’re gonna lash out. His prompt was AMAZING he put in so much effort and it was SPICEY. And he felt so apologetic after the fight. He needs more time please:(((( #SaveJungkook
Ok but what i think some of us don’t get is that the elimination vote is from Y/N’s perspective, right? So how in the world will that go down? After all this, her voting Jk off. So, what i’m saying is #saveSora and #savejk
that chapter was so emotionally exhausting 😓 you’re such a great writer but it breaks my heart nonetheless. I guess that’s all I have to say about the chapter. but as far as voting, my choices are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. cause one I want to vote out based off of sex, and the other strictly based on emotion. uugh I can’t decide (even though I know you want it based on sex). my final statement I’ll campaign for is PLEASE don’t vote out jin or joon 🥺 #savejin&joon
I see ask about voting my man Jimin or sweet baby boy jk and even sweet taetae out while I'm here wondering if we can veto yn out 😔 i get her pov but damn im really pissed that she just gets "plant mode on" in situations like this
I’m so sorry for my baby but Tae is the one who has to go, c’mon everyone he is the safest option! He will still have Jimin and he can still have fun with the rest of the gentlemen, and you can’t tell me that he wouldn’t enjoy just watching and/ or punishing y/n when she decides that she can’t keep her hands to herself, HE WOULD STILL BE ABLE TO ENJOY BEING ON THE SHOW WITHOUT THE SEX WITH Y/N BECAUSE WE’VE SEEN HIM ENJOY SEXY TIMES WITH THE OTHER GENTLEMEN! HE CAN STILL BE HAPPY IF HE GOES
If koo gets voted off I'm actually going to c r y just-
if y’all vote my baby koo out i will personally hunt you down and crack your spine like a fucking glowstick xx
i’m sorry but if we’re voting by who did they prompt the worst you have got to choose seokjin. i feel so bad for him because the thing ab his feelings just came out but the most interesting scene he’s had up until now was the threesome with yoongi. if i could, everyone would keep participating but in this moment, seokjins the obvious choice to me
luckily it wasn’t as many as i thought but still fsdjfkjks phew yall are passionate ;;-;
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lillsxd · 4 years
stupid project
peter parker x reader 
requested: no
word count: 1999
hey guys give me notes on what i should fix so i can get better thanks 
what does life mean? what is living? i ask myself that everyday. why am i stuck in this crazy world? “y/n, y/n hello. earth to y/n” i hear snapping out of my thoughts “yes peter” i look over to him sitting in his desk tapping his pen to his mouth. “we have to get started on this paper” the nerdy friend of mine rolls his eyes and sitting back in his seat. i let out a sigh.”Pete i know but i dont wanna its stupid and annoying and” i stop and look at peter confused. He is looking behind me and back at me like there was a bug in my hair. i was about to say something as the blonde teacher slaps two detention notes on my and peters desk. as she walks away.
he whispers “really y/n again” this was the second time this week. “sorry lets get started” i reached for the instructions on peters desk and he stops me. “you know i could just do it later” he scratched the back of his neck. why would he say that. does he not think i can do this.  know this is our last grade of the year and peter dont believe in me  “no” i say with no emotion in my voice. “but y/n-” “no” i cut him off and snatch the paper from his hand and write down what i need to until i get cut off by the bell. i grab all my stuff together and leave as quick as i can before peter can say something to me.
why would he? as i walk down to the hallway to the bathroom to skip my last class i bump into his friends. “oh hey y/n” Ned says waving. i ignore him completely, trying to hold back my tears running to the bathroom locking the stall. he dont trust me. why am i reacting like this i should be mad i should just brush it off. the bathroom door opened and i lifted my feet up so no one sees me in here. “y/n are you in here” mj says. the footsteps get quiet as i dont respond, looking under the door i see her shoes. they are boots with little chains on them her shoelaces are mismatched and she knocks on my stall door. i dont answer looking around the stall. ‘school sucks’, ‘BLM’, ‘spider man is soooo hot’, were written on the stall wall with different handwriting and colors. “y/n are you okay” she knocked again. “im fine mj just ate something that messed up my stomach” i wiped my tears and pulled down my hair to fix it so my puffy eyes arnt noticeable.                                                                                                                                                                                                      As i put my feet down from the toilet about to unlock the door she slides a drawing under my stall. “i know thats not the reason that your in here maybe this will cheer you up, and y/n if you need anyone to talk to girl to girl call me my number is on the back. and if its peter i will kill him. i will let you be but for real text me i am here.” she says walking out of the gross bathroom. the door shuts and i grab the paper. It is a dawing of me and peter. it looks like it took months to finish and i flipped the paper over and it reveled her number. I've known peter for years we have always been the bestest of friends until he met mj and started to hang out more with them. ive been alone most of this school year. in the begging of the class he wouldn't talk to me or look at me or anything. it was like he forgot i existed. i got cut off from my thoughts as my phone lit up buzzing. i opened it to see peter texted me.
Pete: y/n are you okay?
Pete: please answer me
Pete: do you wanna come over and do this project after detention? we can listen to your fav music and watch movies afterwards?
my fingers tap out a message ‘no i dont want to i just wanna go home you dont even tr-’ no i shouldn't say that. i tap on the screen erasing the message i try again ‘sure Pete meet you by the buses’ i type out.looking at my screen for a minute. he will probably just bale on me like last time. so dont get my hopes up. my thumbs tap on the send button.
Pete: okay meet ya, are you coming in the next class?
my face gets all red. i forgot i had two classes with him how stupid ill just tell him im busy or something. ‘no i got called to the office for something dont tell teacher’ i type thinking it was a great excuse. i reach for my bag and grab out my sketch book and flip to an empty page. as my pencil sketched away the rest of the school day peter wad in class writing my notes for me until the bell rang.
After the bell rang i got out of the stall reaching for my bag of makeup going towards the mirror. I see black running down my face and fix it. i get out of the bathroom and start walking to the detention room. Maybe it wont be as bad i thought it would. “y/n over here” peter calls sitting in a empty desk patting a spot next to him i roll my eyes and walk twords him. “hey y/n” peter waves and i just nod and sit down. as the hour of detention goes by peter looks at me time to time seeing me draw something in my sketch book. “hey y/n” he whispers and pokes my arm. i look at him. “i have to do a quick thing before we head to my house okay so just wait for me” he says nervously. “ok” is all i say before the teacher looks at us. The rest of the time passes i get up to leave shoving my book into my bag and walking out to where the buses would usually be. i wait. putting headphones in i play Shawn mendes. listening to music waiting for peter.
As time goes by to 30 minutes to an hour to two hours to three. i get up from my sitting position. he ditched me again. i feel tears hit my cheeks as i start to walk home. walking turned into running hearing leaves crunching under my feet. music blasting in my ears. why. he is probably with mj or Ned. why do i trust him. why did he pick me for the project. why would he. tears getting stronger. running not home just anywhere. my feet taking me wherever they want until i reach the woods. there was smoke and pieces of metal everywhere. i wipe my face looking to see if anyone needs help. moving pieces of metal and wood and i see a blue and red piece of fabric from far away. i run to it..the person is  trapped under a big chunk of metal. “s-spider man?” i question. realizing its him the hero himself. he looks over and sees my puffy red face and coughs a little not being able to talk. i look at him more closely he is all beaten up and dirty. he has holes in his suit and some hair poking out of a rip on his head only revealing the color of his hair. “can you grab a pipe and lift up the metal please” he says trying to deepen his voice. “o-oh yes of course” i say grabbing a big pipe almost to heavy to pick up and shove it under the metal. i try to push it down but it wouldn't budge. so i stood on it and jump and as soon as it lifted a little he managed to push him self out.
“thank you ma’am that i have no clue who is at all” he says in his deep weird voice as he nervous laughs. i furrow my eyebrows and nod “sure Mr spider man who saves the world” i laugh copying his obviously fave voice. he just sits there in silence and i turn on my heals to walk away “wait” he says in a familiar voice “i mean wait” he cuts himself off in a deep voice. i stop and turn around waiting for him to continue. “who ever you are running from he will come back just give him time” he says in his deep voice and starts to limp away and lift his arm up and start swinging away. what was that about and what was that terrible voice. and why did he seem so familiar?
I start to walk home forgetting about peter. after hours i get home seeing no car in the drive way. “looks like its a late night for me” i say under my breathe unlocking the front door and stepping inside. i throw my backpack on the ground and take my shoes off. my body hurts but i still manage to get up the stairs and going to my room. as i lay down on my bed my phone rings. i look at it. ‘Pete’ it says buzzing in my hand i answer it
“what peter” i frown into the phone disappointed and sad.
“y/n i am so sorry i ditched you i was leaving and i got a call from my boss and i had to come in im-” i cut him off  “peter its okay down worry about it goodnight” i say about to hang up
“wait can i come over i can explain everything so much better” he says nervously “ i guess peter” i say hanging up. ten minutes has passed and i hear a knock at my door. i run down stairs and open it to see peter. he has a big coat on with black sweat pants. he has bruises all over his fave and cuts. i gasp and grab his face “ OH my god peter what happened are you ok let me clean you up” i say grabbing his hand bringing him towards the bathroom “y/n im ok its just a scratch” he said squeezing my hand softly. i stop “i swear if flash did this i will kill him.” clenched my jaw, opening the bathroom door and making him go in and i close the door behind me. “no y/n it wasn't him i promise but i do have to talk to you” he says grabbing the rubbing alcohol from my hands. “well what is it peter? if it was about ditching me we can talk about it later let me-” he cut me off by unzipping his jacket showing me his suit “y/n im spider man thats why ive been ditching you someone very dangerous was out there today you helped me get out from under scrap metal today y/n” he says pulling out his beated up mask from his jacket pocket and looked at me.
i was just standing there looking at him in shock. “y/n?” he says “you are spider man?” i say in shock “yeah im sorry i didn't show up after school and been treating you differently” he said holding my cheek “parker is spider man” i smile “ i knew it” i giggle “your man voice is funny” i say looking into his eyes. he leans in “y/n” he licks his lips and looking at your lips and back to your eyes. “hm” i say leaning in to where our lips are almost touching. He kisses me passionately as i kiss back holding onto him. i pull away for air and i say looking in his eyes smiling...
“ive always loved you parker”
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sweets-fanfics · 5 years
Homecoming 12
Title: Spaghetti?
Wordcount: 4183 (I dont feel sorry at all)
Warnings: Fluff, glorious suger teeth rotting fluff (at the end)
Tag: @rollyjogerjones
AN: Im not sorry I wrote alot. There was too much I wanted to put.
When you woke up the next morning Arthur wasn’t asleep next to you. You look around a bit confused. You put your feet over the edge which accidentally lands on a sleeping Bear as he’s stretched out across the floor. You scratch his belly with your foot before stepping over him to get up.
You slowly begin to wake up more as you slip on your jeans and boots. You’re taking your hair out of the braid it was in when you step out of the tent in practically into Abigail. “Good Mornin’ Y/N, is Jack hidin’ in there?” 
“No, he’s isn’t I’m sorry Miss Roberts.”
She waves you off trying to not look worried, “I’m sure it’s nothin’ he probably just got distracted. 
She starts to wander away still calling for him, “I’ll check down by the river for you.” You call to her and head down by all the wood that had been washed to shore. “Jack!” You yell out. A small head pops out from behind a log. 
“I’m right here, Auntie Y/N.” He waves and grins.
“Jack, your mother is worried sick about.” You say as you lean over to see what he’s doing. “What mess are you makin’?” You ask with a smile.
“I found a lizard.” He points to the underside of the log, “I’m tryin’ to catch it to show Momma.”
“I’m not entirely sure how she’d feel about a lizard…” You didn’t seem to happy to see one either but curiosity got the best of you and you grabbed a stick to help. “Maybe we can show Henry.” 
“You think he likes bug?” Jack asks.
“He used to chase me with them when we were your age.” You grin at him, “It was before I became the tough one.”
“Whoa… I thought he only liked Stars.”
“Well… he does like them stars but I think all boys like bugs,” Jack looks at you surprised before looking again.
As the two of you look you begin to hear Bear growl somewhere behind you. You look around and see him growling into a bush, “Bear. Come here, are you growling at a rabbit again?” 
That’s when you hear the sounds of two guns clicking. You grab Jack’s hand about to make a run for it when two men step out with guns aimed. “You two, call off the mutt and come with us.” The first man demands. You pick up Jack who clings onto you. “Now.” The man demands. 
You look back but see you guys are just out of reach to yell for help. “Bear, down.” You order. Bear looks at you with a confused look but backs away anyway.
“Make him go.” The man orders. 
You swallow hard before nodding slowly. “Bear, go to Arthur.” Bear gets excited knowing that when you say that it usually means Arthur is home and a new play buddy had arrived. He turns and growls at the men one more time before running towards camp.
“Alright, now you two come with us.”
“Can the boy stay? He won’t say anythin’,” You feel like you’re practically begging but the men don’t seem swayed.
“Both. Let’s go.” 
You look back at camp one last time. You knew you had a pistol hidden by Jack when you picked him up. You decide the safest bet would probably be going now and getting help later. “Jack, we are going to go with these men okay?” 
“Why do they have guns?” He asks as you begin to follow them.
“They use them to make sure…  African Lions… don’t attack us on our journey.”
Jack giggles, “Silly Aunt Y/N there aren’t any Lions here.”
You smile and play along, “Ah. How do you know? You haven’t seen one, right?” Jack shakes his head no, “Well I know for a fact that Arthur saw one a few months ago.” Jack’s jaw drops, “It tried to eat him too.”
“Arthur must be strong.”
You look at the two men watching you as you walk, “He’s very strong. And has a short fuse.” You say the last part louder. They ignore you so you continue to distract Jack for the duration of the trip to the manor.
“Shut it you two.” The second man yells as you walk up to the Braithwaite manor. 
You watched the front doors as they swung open and you honestly didn’t know if the two of you would be okay. Mrs. Braithwaite stepped out. 
“Ah, the pawns are here.” She says grimly.
“We are actually about to go.” You say as you pull the pistol from under Jack and aim it at her. Instantly more men appear holding guns aimed at you. You kick yourself for not figuring that more people would be here. “Let’s us go…”
“I’m afraid we need to use you two for revenge.” 
Before you have time to respond, a gun hits the back of your head making you blackout.
Arthur rides back into camp still stressed over Sean’s death. Arthur knew that the boy didn’t deserve to be killed. And he was already fuming with Micah… well being Micah. He just wanted to see you. He knew simply seeing your face would not make it all feel as bad as it all was. He wanted to just hold you for a while before needing to face what had to happen. 
He hitches up Athena and looks over the camp to see a crowd forming in front of Dutch’s tent. “Arthur.” He calls to him in a panicked voice. His face seems as white as snow as he puts a hand on Arthur’s shoulder, “Have you seen the boy? Jack? Or was Y/N with you?”
Arthur looks at him confused, “No… I just had finished Bill burry Sean,” He looks around as Henry and Abigail start to march towards them.  
“Where’s my son?” Abigail demands. “Where is my son Dutch Van Der Linde?” 
“We can’t find Y/N either,” Henry adds. 
“I saw her this morning when I was lookin’ for Jack, she said she’d check by the river.” 
Arthur looks around, “Well where’s Bear. He follows her everywhere.” At the sound of his name, Bear darts out of Arthur’s tent and sits in front of Arthur. “The one damn time…” He mumbles, “Bear, go get Y/N.” He commands getting Bear excited. He barks and darts towards the last place he saw you. 
Arthur and the other three follow close behind him until Bear stops by the log and starts growling as he sniffs the ground. “Everyone,” Hosea calls out walking up behind the group. “Kieran says he thought he saw some men near the camp. Said they looked like Braithwaites.”
Dutch’s face starts to turn red. “Let’s go pay them a visit then.” Arthur and Henry follow both getting equally angry. “Abigail, we will bring your boy back.”
“Dutch,” Bill calls as he, Charles, Javier, Lenny, and John all join them, “We heard about Jack and Y/N, do you need some extra men?”
“Of course,” Dutch says as he climbs his horse, “Micah, Pearson, keep an eye on the camp.”
Arthur takes off before half the men are even on their horses yet. Soon he’s joined by John, Henry and then Dutch and Hosea. He can hear the others but at the moment his concerns are making sure you and Jack are safe.
“Who steals a child?” John asks still in disbelief.
“Jack will be fine. He must’ve been taken as a pawn. No one wants to ever hurt a child.” Hosea tries to reassure him. “Besides, if Y/N’s with him he’ll be well protected.” 
“I’ll kill any of those bastards if they hurt my sister,” Henry says looking scarily a bit like an angry Dutch. 
“I can assure you, you ain’t the only one.” Arthur grunts. 
All the men stop outside the manor parking their horses on the side of the road. “Alright… As hard as it’s gonna be let’s keep our heads,” Hosea warns all the men. “Our goal is to get the two and get out.” 
All men nod in agreement before walking calmly in a line towards the manor. Everyone has a pistol out and ready to go if need be. Two men from the house walk up to meet them. 
“Well well, knew you’d all show up.”
“Where’s my son, you bastard?” John starts but Dutch holds out a hand stopping him.
“We want my daughter, and his son returned immediately.” 
One of the men laughs and smacks his brother’s shoulder, “I told you she was his.” His brother chuckles, “See? Didn’t I say they had the same angry face when she tried to pull a fast one on us.” 
Arthur and Henry tense up hearing that you tried something. “You are correct dear brother, She put up a good fight too. Until we finally got her.” Arthur began to raise a gun to ask what he meant when Henry fires at the man killing him instantly and plunging everyone into a fight. 
The gang scatters and hides behind stuff to take out the men outside before going to search the house. Arthur stays near Henry still unsure if the boy could fight in a gunfight. “Alright,” Dutch calls, “Let’s search inside.”
Arthur checks the whole house before meeting the rest of the men upstairs. He sees Dutch and Hosea trying to open the door to a bedroom. He quickly joins them and with a final heave, the cabinet in front of the door falls over.
“Thank you, Arthur,” Dutch says quickly as they head in the room quickly knocking out two men. 
“She’s in here,” Dutch says pulling out the old woman by her collar. “Where’s my daughter.” Dutch demands. 
“You killed my sons!” She screamed. 
“And I’m sure you have more I can kill too if you don’t tell me where you are hiding Y/N and Jack.” Dutch groans as she refuses to talk. “Fine, burn the place.” He shoots one of the bodies in the head making the woman scream before dragging her to the front of the house. 
“The house is empty, we searched everywhere,” Hosea says angry, “I told you she was crazy, Dutch.”
“That you did.” He throws the old lady on the ground. “Now. Where are they?”
“I sold them.” She yells, “To Angelo Bronte.”
“Angelo Bronte in Saint Denise?” Arthur asks.
“Yes, and they are either there, or on a boat to Italy.” She spits at Arthur.
“Let’s go then,” Dutch says turning away and having to practically drag Henry with him.
“What about her?” Arthur asks.
“Leave her, she has nothing left to live for anyway.” Dutch waves off the old woman as she runs towards the manor up in flames.
You woke with a jump to find yourself in a huge plush bed with white sheets. Jack is curled into a ball sleeping next to you in very nice looking clothes. You glance at yourself to see that you’re in a white nightgown. You seemed to be in a mansion or something. 
You shake Jack softly, “Jack... where are we?”
The boy sits up and yawns, “Auntie Y/N you’re awake!” He hugs you tightly, “Papa Bronte said the ‘mean hillbillies’ hit you in the head really hard.” 
“Papa Bronte?” You ask confused.
“That would be me.” A voice says as the doors to the bedroom open. A man in a red robe with a weird black hat on, walk in the room and smile. “I hope you are feeling better.”
“You’re… Luca’s father.” You say still not fully awake.
“Ah, so you are the music shop-girl my son used to pine over.” He cheered in a thick Italian accent. “He’ll be so happy to know you are here.”
“Sir… I’m sorry but I must bring him back to his mother.”
“No!” He snaps in a scary voice. “You will stay here and they can come for you if they want.” He adds back in his soft voice. 
You tighten your grip on Jack just a bit. Bronte suddenly claps his hands making you jump, “Let us go down and see if dinner is ready. We are having spaghetti.”
“What’s that?” Jack asks you. You simply shrug and get up to follow the man. You keep a tight hold on Jack's hand as he follows you. 
“Where are your slippers?” Bronte asks as you two exit the room. 
“Slippers?” You ask as the man claps his hands and a maid appears out of another room. She quickly enters your room and comes back with two pairs of slippers. She places each pair at yours and Jack’s feet. 
“These are your night ones.” He explains. You and Jack look at each other before slipping them on. “Good, let us head downstairs, I’m famished.” 
You follow him downstairs to a dining room with a huge wooden table in the middle. Only three plates are set up.
“Do you live alone here, Mr. Bronte?” You ask as you and Jack sit down.
“Ah yes, it gets lonely. But at least I have company.” He gestures to the two of you as two butlers come in and set plates of a weird dish in front of you and Jack.
You both look at it confused. “It looks like worms…” Jack whispers to you.
“This is Spaghetti. It’s pasta in tomato sauce.” Bronte explains. “It’s food, I promise.”
You still look at it a bit concerned but Jack shrugs a bit and tries it. You watch him for a reaction. He smiles after the first bite. “It’s really good Auntie Y/N.” You sigh with relief and try a bite as well. Jack wasn’t wrong. It’s really good. However, you aren’t sure you are eating it right. 
“I’m glad the two of you are enjoying the meal. How is your head miss?” He asks you before taking another bite.
“It’s sore, but I’ll be okay… I’ve had worse in the past.” You look down a bit.
“I expected that, living with cowboys. Must be a mess.” You smile a bit. “Do you have a cowboy?” He asks you making your cheeks red. 
“I… uh…”
Jack cuts you off, “She’s gonna get married to Uncle Arthur.” 
You blush like crazy and shush him, “What? Who told you that?”
“Momma said that since you moved into his tent that must mean you are going to get married.” He says, repeating his mother’s words.
“Well… let’s not spread rumors.” You say quickly taking another bite.
“Arthur, huh?” Bronte asks. “Tell me, miss, is he better than my son?” You eye him across the table. This was a test. You knew it. If you say yes he gets angry because you don’t like his son, which you don’t. But if you say no… he could possibly use that to his advantage. In any case, you lose. 
You sigh and shrug, “I was never truly with your son. I always thought we were just friends.” You lie to him and you feel like he can tell. “How long was I out for, sir?”
He thinks a bit, “Perhaps a day…” He says as if he isn’t truly sure. 
Before you can ask another question there’s a knock at the door. A servant peaks his head in. “Sir… There are some men here to see you.” You grab Jack’s hand as Bronte stands. 
“Of course, they seem quick. Make sure these two get upstairs to their room.”
You look at him and stand up, “I would like to see my father.” You say trying to seem taller than you are. 
Bronte gives you a dirty look, “You will go upstairs.” He says in a threatening tone. “Now.” Before he gets scarier you pick up Jack and take him upstairs.
“But I wanna see my Pa…” Jack sighs sadly as you sit him on your bed. 
“We will.” You promise him. “Do you know where my clothes are?” 
“They threw them away.” You groan and put your hands on your head. “I kept this though,” Jack adds making you look at him. He lifts his pillow and shows you your gun belt he had hidden. “I couldn’t find your gun though…” You hug Jack tightly.
“Well… I guess now we gotta wait.”
It seemed like hours later when you finally heard a knock at your door. Jack had been sitting on the bed asking you to make up stories to tell him while you sat on the bench at the foot of the bed. You stood up as the door opened and stood in front of Jack. 
Bronte gave a fake smile, “Ah, it looks as if they are awake.” 
Before you can think of a witty response he opens the door wider and you see your dad walk in. 
“Pa…” You smile as he pulls you into a strong hug. You don’t realize you started crying a bit until you pull away and he quickly wipes your cheeks. “Took you long enough,” You adding jokingly.
“My dear girl, I’m sorry. A lot happened…” You look at him confused, “The Grays… they tricked us. Sean died…” You sat back on the bench taking it in. “Then when we were looking for you the Pinkertons found us and we had to move camp.” 
“We moved again?” You ask.
“We had no choice. But we are closer to Saint Denis now.” You sighed still saddened about Sean. Yeah, he could be annoying but he was always nice. “I’m glad you are okay, Jack,” Dutch says as the boy sits by you.
“Where’s Henry? Or Arthur…” You ask standing again.
“Mr. Bronte here sent them on a little job in exchange for you two.” 
Bronte speaks up again, “Oh yes… Let me have one of my maids get you some more medicine for the back of your head.” He walks away. 
“What happened?” Dutch asked getting mad.
“It’s nothing, I tried to pull a gun on the Braithwaites and one of them hit me over the head.” You feel the back of your head… of course it was still tender. 
“Well…” your father thinks a moment. “I probably would have done that as well.”
You smile at each other as he kisses your forehead. “Also… what are you wearing?” He asks looking at your nightgown.
“They put me in this and threw my clothes away. Said they were dirty,” You roll your eyes annoyed. “My favorite pair of pants…” Well, your only. “I’ll have to buy some new ones.”
“Well, I’m just happy you aren’t hurt too much.” 
“Let’s go wait outside… Jack and I are pretty tired of being indoors.” You suggest. 
“Great idea. Fresh air always helps. Besides, I believe we have to have a heart to heart chat.” He pats your shoulder as he turns away. Luckily it seems he doesn’t see your face turn pale. 
Great. What’s he going to ask? You thought to yourself.  He must know about Arthur and me.
The three of you walk to the front yard. You and Dutch sit on the step while Jack runs around the gated yard looking for bugs. “Bronte mentioned something in passing when we were talking.”
You gulp, “What did he say?” You try to sound nonchalant.
“Well… He kept referring to Arthur as your… Fiance.” There it was.
You look away from him pretending to check on Jack. “Oh… Well, Jack was just repeatin’ somethin’ Abigail had said jokingly.” You are a horrible liar and you know it but you were not ready for him to know.
“So there is no truth to it?” He asks in the tone you have learned to know means he knows your full of shit. 
“Well…” You weren’t one to lie to family about something as big as marriage. “It ain’t completely not true.” You kick yourself as your voice gets a tad higher at the end.
“And what does that mean? Did Arthur ask you?”
You finally look at him. In all honesty, he seems a bit betrayed. You couldn’t understand why. “Well no. He didn’t.” You say honestly, “I… I asked him.” 
“Did ya now…” You can hear a tint of anger. 
“Yeah… and… he may have accepted. I mean we’ve been together for what… almost half a year now?”
“And you didn’t think of asking me?” And there was the main problem. He wasn’t involved.
“Well, Daddy,” You pull out the sweet words, “I wanted it to just be me and Arthur for a bit before we bring everyone in. We ain’t even sure it’s gonna happen yet seeing as we are runnin’ from Pinkertons.” Before Dutch has time to respond the front gate opens making you sigh in relief, “Oh, thank god.”
You stand and run to Arthur. He meets you halfway and pulls you into a strong hug. Despite Dutch giving us eyes, Arthur lifts your face to his and kisses you long and hard. “You are just a magnet of trouble ain’t ya.” He says softly as he hugs you again.
“One of my many talents.” You say with a grin. 
“Pa!” Jack yells and runs to John. John drops to his knees and hugs him tightly. 
“I assume the job is done?” Bronte asks appearing on the doorstep. 
“Yeah. All done.” Arthur says without letting you go.
“Well then, I assume you are free to go. But do try to come to my garden party at the mayor’s.” And with that Bronte disappears inside. 
“Let’s go get you some clothes,” Arthur says as he brings you to his horse and lifts you on.
“Arthur we gotta talk.” You say in a quiet tone.
“What happened?” He looks at you a bit concerned.
“Bronte… he told Dutch about us.”
“I hope your father knows we are together.” He jokes as you start riding back to camp with John and Dutch in front.
“No you silly man, he told Dutch about us being engaged.”
Arthur quickly pulls his horse to be slower, “How did he find that out?”
“Jack had heard his momma makin’ a joke about it and took it seriously.”
“So basically the whole camp kinda figured it out?”
“I’m not sure…” You sighed, “I liked it bein’ our secret for a bit.”
You can feel him chuckle as your arms are wrapped around him, “Yeah me too.”
“To be perfectly honest… I just wanted to elope.” You admit making Arthur stop his horse completely. 
He turns so he can look at you properly. “Really?” 
You nod, “But now Dutch is gonna make it a big thing.” 
He nods a bit in agreement before rummaging through his bag. “To be perfectly honest with you as well,” He pulls out two silver bands. “I kinda wanted the same thing.” 
You both look at each other and smile. “Mr. Morgan, how did you get these?” 
He chuckles and hands you the smaller one. You get a closer look at it and see a small diamond on it. “I paid for them.” He smiles proudly. 
“We gonna do this on Athena?” You ask smiling. 
“Well, you're already in white. So nows a good time as ever.” You both chuckle at each other.
He takes you to a small cliff overlooking the Heartlands. The sun was starting to just peak it’s head over the horizon. He hops off of Athena and carefully helps you down. You notice he has on the blue shirt you love so much. It really brings out all the colors in his blue-green eyes. He looks around the ground for a moment before saying a soft ‘ah-ha’ and bends down to pull some wildflowers. He hands all but one to you. You giggle as he puts the one he kept in your ear. 
“There. Extra beautiful.” He says with a smirk. 
You dust some dirt from his shoulder and step closer to him, “Ah… already perfect.” You say making him roll his eyes.
You both just stare at each other for a moment. You can feel how red your face is and you can see his cheeks turning red. “I don’t know how to do this.” You admit shyly.
“Me neither…” He softly takes your hand and slips the ring on your finger. “Y/N I promise to always take care of you. I’ll cherish you forever and always keep you safe, warm and happy. I love you so dang much.” 
You take his hand and slip his ring on to his finger. “Arthur, I promise to always have your back and protect you. I’ll care for you when you are ill and even when you are healthy. I feel like the luckiest woman to have you. I love you so much.”
He takes your face in his hands and kisses you passionately. It was different from the other kisses you’ve shared with him. It felt almost magical in a sense that made you feel silly. You can feel him smile as he holds you close to him. 
“Well, I do believe I’m allowed to call you Mrs. Morgan now.”
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Time was running out....
 ( I finally got this to sound the way I wanted so its being posted...hopefully theres a happy conclusion soon... : ) hope this was worth the wait of the update time)
Time was running out. 
That was all Deceit could think, his mind whirling as he sat in the light sides’ hallway of the mindscape with his head in his hands. He felt like he was trapped falling down a suffocating pit, or helplessly watching a horrible car accident happen over and over, or help maybe both at once. 
He didnt have much time left before Patton and Logan collided again under Virgil’s influence and something went horribly and irreversibly wrong.
Deceit had been trying to stop him before it escalated too much. Dammit he had been trying so hard to stop one of Virgil’s plans early, and maybe make him bored enough that he’d forget about it and move on for awhile. But no, Deceit knew who he was dealing with and the anger he was pushing into this particular scheme..the anger he was redirecting at himself now. 
The single string was his only warning to stop trying to interfere, to back down before he got himself into real trouble. 
But he couldnt, he couldnt just sit back and watch him go unchecked this time. 
“ But what can I even do....” came his own hoarse voice. 
Patton was too far under his control to even listen to him or give him a chance. He couldnt break that control alone.
Logan had dismissed him, brushed aside his help and didnt listen to him either. He was falling into the web as well. He couldnt ask the other dark sides for help, they were fully loyal to the side that protected and sheltered them, who helped give them seats at the table whether Thomas and the others liked it or not. They weren’t going to cross him for nothing....
He wasnt sure what else to do...and he was running out of time to think...Deceit squeezed his eyes shut with a angry hiss and banged the wall with his fist. 
He couldnt do this alone.....
“....alone huh?”
His eyes snapped open in a heartbeat at the new voice, and his eyes met shiny, fancy black boots that tapped in a twitchy, antsy motion. He took a deep breath and slowly raised his gaze up from those boots to the black and bright green outfit before finally meeting Remus’s bright green, wild eyes. The unflitered side gave the other a wide snidely cheerful smile and put his hands on his hips, leaning down.
“ Dece! I’ve been lookin just about everywhere for you! Im hurt you didnt even stick around to see the results of the idea you gave me!! maaaaaaaaan you should’ve seen the look on Virgy’s and Des’s faces! HA! ” The green side giggled wildly at the memory, and Deceit felt his shoulders slump a little. But his guard stayed raised more than it usual would.
As much as Remus claimed to “favor” him, he knew damn well that if Deceit slipped off on his own he didnt exactly want to be found and for all his impulsiveness the taller side usually could respect that. For him to seek him out now of all times.....
“ Remus....what are you doing here? And...dont bother lying to me of all people...” The laughter faded, replaced with a small sigh.
“ Dee....I think we both know why im here...” Deceit shut his eyes again to try to compose himself but quickly opened them again at the sound of rustling fabric, seeing Remus crouched in front of him now with his head tilted and his mouth pulled into a displeased frown. They stared at each other in a tense silence and the snake side felt his himself tense more from stress. When he opened his mouth and stopped whatever Remus was about to say, his voice was hostile and scared accusing.
“ Did He send you to come get me so I dont meddle?” The other side snorted and sneered at him, baring his teeth a little like a feral animal in offense.
“ oh BITCH pleeeease! Even if he DID, do you really think I would do it just because he ordered me to?! The hell do you think I am? Prince Pansy?” He flinched back a little, slumping. Remus’s look softened and the sneer melted into a pained frown. They didnt like fighting with each other, and a bare hand touched his gloved one.
“ Whatever you plan to do....dont let anxie find you in the immediate aftermath ok? Only I get to mess up that pretty face after all~” He cooed with a suggestive wink, making the human half of his face flush with heat. But before he could say anything Remus was gone without a trace, leaving him alone in the hallway once more. Alone and no closer to figuring out how to do this on his own. There was no way he could save them on his own....save...
He was on his feet and running down the hall before his thoughts full finished forming. 
There was one last person he could try...one last shot.
He only prayed he wasnt too late...
Before he knew it he was at the gold trimmed door and banging on it desperately, out of breath from sprinting across the mindscape. He didnt stop until it clicked and swung open, and he had to grab the doorframe a little to keep steady as he caught his breath.
“ D-deceit? What in the world are you banging on my door this late for....are you alright?” Roman reached his hand out  and put in on his shoulder, startled to see tears in the other’s eyes when he looked up at him.
“ R-roman...I...i...” He faltered briefly as he remembered his single warning. He wouldnt get another one...but as he looked into Roman’s worried and confused eyes, and saw the starts of sleepless bags forming under the prince’s eyes from stress he steeled his resolve. This had gone on long enough.
He needed help.
“ Please...you’re the only one I can trust right now...Roman I need your help.” A gloved hand reached up and grabbed the one on his shoulder, gripping it shakily as gold and brown met red.
“ Patton and Logan are in danger and you’re my last hope at saving them...I know it doesnt make sense but please...please believe me...and help me.” There was a moment of silence and Deceit shut his eyes, afraid for a moment to see more glowing strings. Then he felt it.
The hand in his squeezed his in return, and his eyes opened to see a grim and determined look.
“ What do we do?”
tada! I hope you guys like this update! Im going to try to write more soon but I finally got this one finished! Enjoy~
@phantommoonpeople @sweetsweetemo @amazable01 @leesacrakon
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gigiree · 6 years
Chat Noir’s Guide to Moving On
So basically a “Weredad” what-if scenario where Chat tries to find a way to let Marinette down easily, smack talks himself and everything backfires on Marinette.
The words stream out of his mouth so wonderfully, she nearly breaks her cover with the sheer amount of giddy relief curling against the corners of her mouth.
Play the heartbroken girl, Marinette. Just a little bit more.
And Chat Noir, as he always seems adept at doing, puts his foot in his mouth. Continuously.
“I was joking when I said that no one could help falling for my charms. I’m really…a giant mess of a person. I keep nearly getting killed. I get jealous really easily. I’m not...that good at saying what I want. I can be really stubborn.”
She has to click her teeth shut and set her jaw, lest she opens it wide and bites his head off as the steaming pile of negativity continues to spill from his pretty mouth.
“You could do so much better. You’re an amazing girl. I’m su-“
“Stop it. Stop talking.”
He’s stunned into silence at the heated tone, the way her eyes have turned a steely, starry color makes his heart ache. Of course he’s messed this up too. Of course he’d even gone about complimenting her wrong.
“I’m so-“
“I said stop. You don’t get to say those things about yourself. You don’t get to bad mouth someone I care about like that.” Marinette snaps out, tears of anger beading over her lashes as her fingers curl in anger over the Rose he gave her. She angrily wipes away the tears, letting out a frustrated laugh.
“You’re so stupid. You can’t see how great you are, even now. You can’t see how much Ladybug needs you. You can’t see how much this city depends upon you. You don’t notice all the times you fall and get up. Or all the times you make some poor,scared child laugh even when the world is breaking around us. You don’t see how actually funny and silly you are. You...You’re so wrong about yourself it’s pissing me off!”
Chat’s eyes are wide, wondering all at once as he really, finally takes in Marinette for what she is. She’s so vivid, blooming into this fierce, ardent anger all in defense of him. He’d only been trying to make her see...to make it hurt less that he couldn’t return her feelings. This was so much more than he could have expected.
So he laughs. He laughs so incredulously because here it is. Here was a love offered on gentle hands. An unexpectant love protected dearly by fierce devotion. A devotion that Marinette could use to shield him from hurt, even from himself.
She’s hurt by his seeming amusement. She curls into herself, ready to hurl another whirl of insults his way when she’s cut off as her face is pressed into his shoulder.
She can feel him shuddering underneath the embrace he’s trapped her in. She pretends not to notice the tears that wet the shoulder of her jacket. She’s too wrapped up in emotion to do much but pat his head.
“Thank you. Thank you Marinette for loving me. I’m sorry.”
“It’s...okay.” She says with a quiet certainty, her relief long faded away. She’s glad she got to give him a piece of her mind, but the way he’d so easily badmouthed himself didn’t sit well with her. She never thought it’d run this deep.
She heaves a shuddering breath, swallowing down the knot in her throat. “It’s really okay, Chat. I’ll be fine.”
He pulls away from her at that, glancing down at her with concern and tears swimming in his eyes. She pretends not to notice as he wipes them away. He slaps on his usual lopsided grin, but it falls false somehow in the space between them.
“It’s not fine. You really...you care a lot about me and I can’t...I cant just stand by and let you try and get over me all on your own. That isn’t fair to you.”
“That’s what normal people do.” She tells him, pleading with whichever deity is watching over them for Chat to please let this go.
“But you’re not normal. You’re amazing. And you deserve the very best for a boyfriend.” He says, his tone shifting to one of excitement. “And I’m gonna help you get over me.”
Marinette stares horrified at his excited grin. His hands are too heavy on her shoulders and she feels trapped. Her mind races with prayers and wishes, a last ditch effort for chance to come to her rescue.
Where the hell is Tikki anyway?
It’s no use, because Chat opens his big, fat pretty mouth and says-
“I’ve got it. I’ll go on a few dates with you and you can see for yourself how terrible I’d be as a boyfriend.”
Marinette squeaks our a quiet “no wait.” But it’s steamrolled in the wake of Chat’s enthusiastic bargain. He shakes her shoulders, practically dancing on the tips of his boots.
“And I’ll even help you find the perfect guy for you, Marinette. You’re a special girl and you deserve it.”
Marinette pushes away from him to scream into her pillow.
He takes that as a yes and so the mess begins.
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Chikara: Ojike (3/?)
Summary: Ellie finally moves forward with her life, and something goes horribly wrong. Ojike translates to Fear.
Warning! This chapter contains violence, pain and sexual violence. Read at your own risk.
Series Raiting: Mature. Angst, character death and violence, Nsfw content.
Catch up HERE
** I apologize in advance. Line break is not working
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"Again." He ordered. Ellie got into position as Colt charged her, she quickly ducked under his punch and jabbed him in the side. Colt turned around and faced her, this time his leg swept out and Ellie quickly jumped out of the way, taking out his other leg. Colt fell to the ground,  but not before he grabbed hold of her ankles taking her down with him. He pinned her down on the ground, his face inches from hers. "Damnit Ellie. Remember always watch your opponent's movements. It could be a matter of life or death." She rolled her eyes "Is this really necessary?"
Colt let go of his hold on her, Ellie used her body strength to flip Colt over. She straddled him pinning his arms above his head. "Always watch your opponent's movements." She smirked at him. "Cute." He chuckled. She pressed her lips to his, as he wriggled his arms free, his hands stroking her sides.
"Ok, let's work on another sequence."
Colt jolted up from a dead sleep. It was just a dream, but damn if it didn't feel real. Shortly before Ellie went to Riyas, Colt taught Ellie some self defense. Every member of the Kaneko family was made to take different forms of martial arts. Teppei may not have wanted Colt to take the helm of the MPC, but he damn sure insisted he have the same training. He looked at his phone, 8 pm which mean it was 11pm Eastern time. He crept from the couch, and walked out the back door taking a seat on the steps. He punched in his passcode and opened his photos,opening the one album that got him by, Ellie.
There weren't many, mostly of prom. A few from their time together at the garage, the times they spent sneaking around with each other.  He missed her so much it hurt, the days were ok he kept himself busy, but the nights wore the worst. He told himself not to do it, but his needs got the best of him. He punched in the number he memorized by heart, blocking the number of course. He held it to his ear as it rang on the other end, 3 times before he heard it
He felt like the air had been sucked out of his lungs. Such a sweet sound, a sound that could bring him to his knees.
Hello? She said again.
He couldn't speak, but god did he want to. He wanted to tell her that he loved her and missed her so much. He wanted to tell her that he was coming there, to be with her, to protect her, but he just couldn't. He shouldn't have even called.
Colt? Colt is it you? He could hear the desperation in her voice.
He panicked, quickly hanging up the phone.
"Hey, there you are? How's that side feeling?" A voice came up behind him. He quickly wiped the tears that had been pooling in his eyes "Hey x, yeah im feeling a little better. I'll be heading back home tomorrow. " he stood averting her gaze so she wouldn't see the sadness he couldn't shake. He stepped into the house, ximena following behind. After he was attacked he went to the only place he thought he could get help, ximena. He filled her in on what happened, And how the assailant told him that Wallace sent him. Colt was planning on going after them, hunting them down and taking care of them once and for all.
"I know you miss her Colt. But you're going to burn yourself down before you can even make it to her. Get out of LA, got be a normal guy." Ximena ruffled his hair with her fingers. "I don't know how to be a normal guy X. And if the brotherhood is out there still, it's not safe for me to be around her, not yet." He flopped down on the couch,  wincing in pain as he forgot about the fresh gash on his side. "I just hope you know what your doing kid."
East Coast.........
"Colt. Colt is that you?" Ellie panicked,  desperate to hear his voice, but she was met by the end of the call.
"Hey, whats up Ellie? Ingrid came to find her as she had stepped away once she noticed the blocked call flashing on her screen. It had to be him, he would be the only one to call her blocked, but why wouldn't he say anything?
"I think Colt called me blocked." Ingrid gave her a stern look. "Did he say anything?" Ellie shook her head no. "Well how do you know it was really him? I think you need to put your phone in your purse." She took the phone from Ellies hand, and slipped it into her purse. "And enjoy the movie with us. Nick seems to really like you." Ingrid grinned looping her arm in Ellies. "Yeah, You're right. Ok I can do this." Ellie took a deep breath and rejoined the two men for the movie.
Over the next couple of weeks Ellie spent most of her free time with Ingrid, Kyle and Nick. She knew Nick liked her it wasn't much of a secret, Ingrid made sure to tell her every chance she got. She also broadened her horizons by taking a few dance classes, and not the classical training ones her father forced her into, since she enjoyed learning from Logan. It was two days before Christmas break kicked off.  Ellie had just finished her last paper and pressed send, closing her laptop when ingrid busted into the room. "Get up, were going out."
She demanded, throwing open Ellie's closet. "Ah. Ok where are we going?" She came up beside Ingrid, who was frantically searching through Ellies clothes.  "Nothing. You have nothing here. Guess you'll have to wear something of mine then." Ingrid sighed. "Ingrid, slow the hell down, where are we going?" Ingrid stiffened rolling her eyes as she turned towards Ellie. "Ellie. It's the sigma beta sigma holiday mixer. The most important of all holiday parties on campus, and we scored an invite." Ellie knew a few of the sigma brothers, she helped a few of them writing reports for them.
"Yes. Yes this will work beautifully." Ingrid held up a bright red short flare dress, with a squared neck and spaghetti straps.she handed the dress to Ellie, and motioned to change. It fit like a glove, she paired it with a pair of black tights and booties, colts leather jacket the finishing touch. She scrunched her hair,  giving the illusion of perfect beach waves. Ellie looked at herself in the mirror, it had been a while since she got dolled up, but she felt good. "Ok, time to take a selfie." Ingrid grinned as she slid up next to her, both posing for the picture. "
She posted the photo to Instagram, tagging Ellie and they headed for the party.
Once there Ellie enjoyed herself dancing and chatting with some people she met in a study group. She broke into a smile when she spotted Nick approaching with two red solo cups. "Hey you." Nick handed her a cup. "You look stunning Ellie." She held the cup in her hand, staring down at the contents. "You're not going to end up drunk off one drink. Its holiday punch." Nick teased as Ellie lifted the cup to her ruby lips taking a modest sip. She immediately grimaced at potent concoction she ingested. Nick snorted at her expression. "Ok, that was downright disgusting." She gagged.
She shared a few dances with Nick, before she knew it it was almost 12. She went in search of Ingrid to let her know she was leaving, she had a ton of packing to do and her flight left at 10 am. She looked everywhere she possibly could before giving up her search. "Can you tell Ingrid I had to leave. I can't find her anywhere." She asked Nick who was nursing a beer in the corner of the room. "Yeah, sure.  Do you want me to walk you home?" He searched her eyes for any kind of sign "No, I'll be alright. Thanks though. You're such a good friend Nick." She stood on her tiptoes placing a kiss on his cheek. "Yeah, good friend." He half chuckled. "Merry Christmas Nick." She smiled as she headed for the door.
It was a couple block walk back to the dorm. She pulled colts jacket tightly against her body, to shield herself from the bitter wind that slashed against the sheer fabric of her legs. It had just snowed a few days prior, so she had to be careful walking not to slip in ice with the slight heal on her boots. She made it a block from the frat house before she noticed a shadow trailing behind her. A chill rippled through her body, but not from the cold. She picked up the pace, trying to put some distance between her and the uneasy feeling of the stranger behind her. She crossed the the other side of the street in hopes the other person would stay on the opposite side, and when they followed she felt her heart drop and pulse race.
Just 2 more blocks to go, but the uneasy feeling grew as the person picked up their pace. Ellie broke into a sprint as they headed for the dimly lit alley that separated her from the town and the campus.  If she could just make it onto school property she would be ok. She walked into the alley, a dead end. Her nerves getting the better of her, she took a wrong turn, there was only one way out and the person following her, a man, was now right in front of her, blocking her only exit.
"Man, you're a hard one to get alone." He spoke, as he gave her a crooked smirk. "St- stay back. You. You don't know who you're messing with." Her voice betrayed her. "Heh," he laughed. "I know exactly who you are Ellie wheeler. Man, Jason said to take care of you." He began to move forward, Ellie cowering away backing into a wall. "You're a lot cuter than I expected. I think I'll have myself a little fun before I kill you."
"Jason? No. He's in jail." Ellie whimpered in disbelief.  "Oh. You didn't hear? He escaped. And he wants retribution for your betrayal." The man lunged for her, somehow she remembered the training she got from Colt, her father and Logan.  She stepped to the side slightly, bringing her knee up and slamming it into his groin hard. He crumpled to the ground with a loud grunt as Ellie ran towards the opening of the alley. "No you fucking dont." He reached out grabbing her leg, pulling her down to the cold, unforgiving pavement. She picked herself up quickly,  shaking off the stinging pain of her hands.
Her assailant gripped her by the hair spinning her around and slamming her into the brick wall, hitting her head. A small trickle of blood ran down her face, As she screamed out. His hand gripped tight in her hair he spun her around to face him. "My. My father is a detective,  he will see you in jail. And my. My friends, the MPC. they'll kill you." She sobbed out the man looked at her with a wildness in his eyes. "I'll be long gone by the time they find you sweet thing. The brotherhood stays hidden." He began to push her dress up. Panic set in, she flailed wildly as he cupped her mouth drowning out her screams. She moved her head biting down on his hand hard, eliciting a scream from the man. He lifted his hand and back handed her, sending her to the ground again. "You little bitch. I'm going to enjoy this." He spoke as he grabbed her legs, pulling her towards him. Ellie thrashed her legs frantically, freeing one and kicking him into the stomach. She stood, adrenaline pumping,  anger coursing through her veins. She kneed the in his jaw as he doubled over in pain from the kick to his abdomen. She should have ran, she should have screamed for help but the only thing on her mind was hurting the man who attacked her.
As she landed blow after blow she felt herself being torn apart, the shy sweet nerd she once was falling away, leaving something behind she didn't quite recognize. The man collapsed on the ground, face bleeding badly from where Ellie punched repeatedly. With some strength he grabbed hold of her ankle yanking her to the ground. He hovered above her grabbing her head on either side and slamming it back into the pavement with a sickening thud. Her eyes flickering shut she seen a figure ran into the alleyway pulling the man off of her. The last thing she heard was her name being called repeatedly as she slipped into blackness.
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leggomyeggobiatch · 5 years
marlon x reader- when will the trouble end
So i made a mix in which you and the characters in season 4 get captured by carver from season 2. So lets see who takes the blame for the walkie talkie. Cuz it sure as hell ant kenny. And i miss him.
You walk through the gates, handcuffed to your friends creating a large line. You huff moving your way to marlon so you could speak.
"Are you ok?" You ask, moving closer. He looks at you, sorrow in his eyes.
"Y/n i should be asking you that. You have been through this before and now again. Im sorry." He says guilt eating away at him, its true he was the reason you were in this again, but he was only trying to be nice. You look at him syudying his features. The way his eyes darken when hes sad, the way he smiles. Everyting about him was....perfect.
"Move it" somone says, disturbing your gaze. You turn your head only to see bonnie, she was once a nice woman, but for all you know carver had changed her.
She looked at you, taking off your handcuffs finally releasing you from the pain of them ripling away at your skin. You give her a intense glare, walking outside into the sleeping quarter's.
"I would get warm if i were you. Its gonna be an intense day tomorrow, so id get ready for the night" carver says stepping out. You look st him with rage.
"Id say i dont care", he looks at you smirking, letting the gate close leaving you with your family. Or atleast the family who loved you.
"What are we going to do?" Marlon says walking back and forth. You look up at him grabbing his hand, leading it away from his temple where he had placed it.
"Were going to escape, we just gotta find a way to get out of here, a ways to leave these walls.". Everyone looks at you seeing as if you had a plan, and trust me you had one.
" i have an idea" willy says stepping forward. You look at him nodding.
"If your thinkin what im thinkin we can do it." You say looking at him. He nods stepping next to you, "this is the plan. I will escape through that ladder, jumping from this roof to the skylight where the walkie talkies are. Mitch on the other hand is hiding out in one of the rooms by the gates, we give him the walkie talkie and he will tell us the plans they have for sealing the gates. Deal". Everyone looks at you agreeing somewhat.
Marlon on the other hand looked at you, eyebrows furrowing. "What about you. I know you can do it, but i dont want you out there alone". You look at him, giving him a glance of trust.
"Dont worry". You look past him pushing him, gaining strength to run up to the ladder, grabbing it by its step. You pull yourself up, steping onto of the rooftop.
you look seeing that one guard had a shotgun. He turns to you scoping out the area. "Whoes there" he said, pointing a flashlight that he had stored in his pocket.
"Shit" you whisper crouching down near the corners of the roof top lights. you turn your head, letting it pop up to see if he had moved. but to your surprise he had moved. you turn back around, leaping from your spot to the skylight, opening the door slightly jumping down the stacked boxes successfully grabbing 2 walkie talkies.
“I cant believe carver brought them back” one of the soldier’s say. you look back before walking twards the boxes again. you then see carver walk to his microphone system at the top of the tower, hoping he wouldent see you.
“hmph”. you jump up to a box, climbing them successfully reaching the rooftop and getting back to the sleeping quarter’s.
you jump down the ladder seeing everyones head turn, you could see their faces turn from sad to happy knowing they could escape.
 “y/n you made it back I was so worried” marlon says coming up to you. he gives you a tight hug, letting go after a few minutes. you blush uncontrollably after he lets go, having the warmth from him disappear, made you shiver.
you walk forward twards the fire where everyone was cheering you on. you look at willy, noticing that he was speechless. “ok so now tomorrow I will bring one to mitch while you guys hide it” you say seeing everyone nod in agreement. 
you hear the gates open, troy had walked in. he looks at everyone glaring. “get all of your wimpy asses to bed, your gonna need strength for tomorrow” he says closing the gates, spitting on the floor.
you roll your eyes and turn to everyone. “I suggest we all go to bed, I know how they are if we don't”. everyone gets in their spots, you turn seeing Marlon looking at you. you smile at him, getting ready to turn but he pats the floor beside him. you smirk moving next to him cuddling as the night sky takes you.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------you wake up being kicked in the side by troy. you look up at him and grab his shoe, stopping him. he glares. “get yer filthy hand off ma boots”. you get up brushing yourself off, seeing everyone lined up looking at you.
 you walk to them while sticking the middle finger at troy. 
he walked you to carvers facility, leading you all in as a group
“ok everyone, today you are gonna work hard, don't mess up” carver says. you can see willy talking with tenn. “willy stop talking” you whisper to willy warning him. he looks at you scared.
“hey y/n you got to teach your kids some manners” carver says. you glare at him “say sorry willy” you say looking at him. he steps closer to you, “I don't want an apology....slap him” carver says interrupting him, you look at him glareing. everyone looks shocked, mitch was pissed.
“like the fuck I am, if you lay a fucking hand on him your dead” you say getting up in his face, he walks twards willy setting his hand up.
willy puts his hands up. but when he least expects it, you catch carvers hand, protecting willy.
“you bitch”. carver lifts his other hand and slaps you across the face, knocking you to the floor, he had hurt your jaw. “asshole” louis screams helping you up. every one starts helping you.
“who the fuck do you think you are” marlon screams, you turn around seeing marlon being held back by mitch, violet, louis, and ruby.
you walk up to him, calming him down. “ill deal with him” you say giving him a peck on the lips. 
 you walk to carver, getting In his face again. “carver..you may think your fucking strong but trust me if I were you I wouldent make that mistake again.” he looks at you as you push past him hard leaving him speechless.
you grab willys hand once inside, checking if he had hurt him. willy touches your cheek seeing that a bruse had formed. you look at him seeing the guilt in his eyes, grabbing his hand that was on your face.
you pull him into a hug, “thank you y/n, I love you” he says, you smile “I love you too kiddo”. you stand up getting to the work space, where  bonnie was.
“h-hey y/n” bonnie says looking up at you, she seemed scared.
You glare at her. "Bonnie" you say quite harshly loading the guns. She looks down, sorrow filling her.
"Im sorry...im sorry for putting you through this"she says making you look at her. You scoff, "sorry?! You're sorry! Look bonnie sorry doesnt cut it. He almost slapped willy". She looks at you in disbelief.
she stands up grabbing a bucket," follow the yellow line and bring these to the guys" bonnie says handing you a bucket. You gladly take it walking out of there. you can hear the walkers banging up against the walls.
you crouch, sneaking into the comic book store. “mitch, mitch are you in here” you whisper. you turn around hearing footsteps. it was troy. he grabs you by you’re wrist, dragging you into the sleeping quarters. “ you think you’re so sneaky don't you” he says throwing you into the gate.
“y/n, its great to have you here” carver says, you growl at him. everyone looks at you, worried for you. “ you all have 3 seconds, to give me the walkie talkie. if I don't have it, say goodbye to mitch”
you looked at him shocked “give me my brother” (also forgot to remind you mitch is your brother) you say seeing mitch restrand on the floor. he laughs shakeing his head, “not until I get my walkie talkies”. he glares at you. you move to stand next to willie. willy grabs the walkie out of your hand.
“I found I-” he says, but gets interrupted by you grabbing it from him. “I found it, here’s your presious walkie talkie” you say handing it to carver, everyone looks at you scared to know what he will do.
you put it into his palm. “you know what im gonna do don't you” he says smirking “3″. he hits you in the head with the walkie talkie. mitch and Marlon were fuming  but being held back by the others. “ get your hands off my sister!” mitch yells, he was fuming. 
carver hits you again having blood spew from your head. “y/n! get away from her” Marlon screams getting held back by violet Aasim and ruby. willy starts running to you, scared, scared to know if he lost you, but gets knocked out by troy’s gun.
bonnie then runs in stopping carver, “that's enough! get away from her”. you were now knocked out for good, Marlon and mitch standing over you, everyone was scared, terrified, they diddent want to lose you. 
“y/n cmon get up please! cmon sis get up, im not losing you” mitch says holding you while ruby checks you out. marlon looks at carver walking twards him in anger, but louis stops him, calming him down.
he looks at everyone making their heads turn. “no supper for you tonight, mabey an Empy stomach will teach you a lesson” carver says walking out the gate, before Marlon can reach him.
ruby looks at marlon telling him to pick you up and set you on the bed. he was angry, not at you, not at mitch, he was angry, at carver.
you woke up hours later, the night sky looming over you. you sat up, pain hitting you immediately making you fall back down on the bed in pain. “shit” you whisper, it felt like a brick. you see louis’s head turn, he looked relieved but also worried.
“y/n stay down, you need to rest are you ok” louis says coming near you. you shake your head pushing him away, standing up. ignoring his words. louis tried to put you back but you walked over to everyone.
“Y/n!” mitch says, pulling you into a hug. “you should be sleeping”. you shake your head, “we cant sleep now, we cant stay here”. marlon looks at you standing up.
“you aren't getting hurt again, not now” he says coming to you, bringing you into his embrace. you shake your head. “id do it again if I have to. I don't give a care if he hurts me, we need to leave” you say, everyone comes to you letting you sit. 
you turn hearing the gates open, you see bonnie walking in, she looks at you with a hint of guilt. you look behind her to see carver. you growl giving him the death glare.
“y/n you’re awake. how do you feel” he asks snickering, you look at him shakeing your head. “ oh I feel happy, unicorns and rainbows” you say with a hint of sarcasm. he glares coming closer to you. “ I suggest you cut it out, or you wont have an eye” he says pulling out a knife.
“try me” you say almost inches away from his nose. “what do you want” willy says. you put your arm around him, protecting him from carver if was to try something.
“bonnies going to tell you your chores, and I came to see how y/n was” he explains touching your chin. you push his hand off, letting him walk out, leaving you with bonnie.
 she pulls you into the group making them huddle around her. she looks at you looking at your bruise. “ im sorry he did this to yo-” she gets interrupted, “oh don't worry it diddent hurt” you say cutting her off. she looks down, “im going to help you escape, we are leaving tonight”.
ok so im gonna create it into 2 parts so this is the 1st part of them escapeing, ill problibly get part 2 done by the next 2 weeks. hope you all enjoy. 
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sunlitroom · 6 years
Gotham – s5e05 – Pena Dura
 As I watched it, and some random observations here and there.
Previously on Gotham:
Selina went stab stabbity stab. Alfred told Bruce he can’t save Selina from herself.  Ed woke up on a rooftop.  Jim gave speech #357 on the value of hope. Then Haven exploded, proving that hope can only do so much against an RPG. Jim’s been promised help for weeks!  He also won’t stop until he finds who’s responsible for Haven.  Ed was responsible for Haven, albeit in a weird trance-like state.  Jim stared at the charred remains of Haven.
As always, long post will be long.  There are likely to be rambling digressions. Gobblepot might appear (although I welcome all shippers and non-shippers alike :)).  There will be naked favouritism and naked not-favouritism.  Broader comments at the end on plotlines and parallels and general direction.
In a church, a man is watching an old black and white film.  From what I can figure out from the actors involved and the character names, it’s a George Brent film called Tangier Incident.  It’s not a particularly interesting film.  He is, however, in a good creepy film called The Spiral Staircase, which I recommend.
Jim and Harvey approach him, guns drawn, and ask him turn around.  Apparently, he’s the one who sold the RPGs.  He seems pretty unimpressed by them, and rather insolently asks if they’re going to arrest him.
Jim says he wants a name. Old film guy addresses some unseen minions
What do you say boys?  You wanna show the lawman how we feel about uninvited guests?
No-one is backing down. The stand-off is broken up by the arrival of lots of large people dropping through the stained-glass ceiling, who promptly take the thugs out.
While this is happening, Jim wrestles the weapons dealer/film enthusiast.  He still wants a name.  The fight is pretty even until the old guy is shot in the head.
We now get a slow-motion shot of shiny army boots approaching to some foreboding music.  Jim rises, frowning in confusion as shiny boots man removes the mask covering his face.
Nice shot right?
We get the military music we last had with Barnes to let us know that Jim likely met this man in the army. His men are still pointing guns, one at Harvey, so he tells them stand down.
Jim asks Eduardo what he’s doing here.  He tells Jim he last saw him running through sniper fire to save him from a burning truck.
Jim claims he had the old guy where he wanted him – but he’s glad he’s here. Eduardo says he is too
 They wander through the church chatting. Jim tells Harvey they hated each other in boot camp. Jim thought Eduardo did things too fast, while Eduardo thought Jim was too careful.
A sarcastic Harvey says that Jim’s taught him a thing or two about being careful.  
Jim and Eduardo lapse into military jargon – talking about the mission plan. Eduardo says that they’re helping Walker (the woman Jim’s been talking to on the radio). They’ve to make this hellhole safe.
Jim, disgruntled, comments that all it apparently took for them to be sent help was the murder of hundreds.  Eduardo says they’ve to remove all criminal elements and make the city safe.  He introduces his second in command, who hands Jim a ledger they’ve found.  On it – we see Ed’s name against two RPGs.
Jim turns to Harvey. He and Eduardo will go after Ed. Harvey is to set up a command centre at GCPD.  Harvey protests.
I’m not as fast as I used to be, but I still got some fight in me. I’m not some desk jockey – I’m a street guy
Jim says Harvey’s the best cop he knows.  Ed tends to think ahead.  If this goes sideways, Harvey will need to take over.
I need your help buddy
Harvey nods.
GCPD where Bruce runs into Alfred.  Alfred tells him Jim isn’t there – they’ve got a strong lead in the Haven bombing. He asks Bruce what’s wrong.
Bruce tells him worriedly that he can’t find Selina anywhere. Alfred replies that Selina is capable of looking after herself.  Bruce says that she’s not herself, though.   Alfred pulls a face and tells him that Jeremiah deserved to die.  A resentful and upset Bruce says that Jeremiah made Selina a murderer – just like Ra’s did him.
(An aside.  Much like Alfred, I don’t really have a problem with Selina stabbing Jeremiah.  But this is only one of many times this episode will get a bit forgetful.  Selina was a murderer before she killed Jeremiah, Bruce.   You were there when she shoved that guy out the window.  Not that I really have any time for Alfred’s ex-army friend who stabbed him and robbed you – but Jeremiah wasn’t the first time she’s killed)
Alfred quibbles this, claiming that Ra’s goaded Bruce into murder, but Selina did what she did with open eyes
And you’ve got to learn to respect that son
Bruce wants to find her, though, and leaves – as Alfred watches.
(An aside - Eh.  On one hand, yes – Selina can make her own decisions.  She has autonomy.  On the other hand – Selina did what she did while still struggling to cope with the trauma of Jeremiah shooting her.   Alfred excusing Bruce but condemning Selina – even though he agrees Jeremiah needed to be removed – doesn’t really sit well with me.  On top of all that – Selina’s endangered herself for Bruce on a number of occasions, gone out of her way to help him, in fact.  She’s clearly not coping now – and leaving her to her own devices seems off to me.)
In the library, we see Ed listening to his blackout recordings.  He howls with frustration, unable to establish a pattern.
It makes no sense!
He catches sight of himself in a nearby mirror
You're not a murderer, Ed.  Except Kristin Kringle, and Officer Doherty.
He goes on
But all those people.  And children. How could you do it?  Why?
He roars
It doesn't matter – it’s you - not me
(An aside.  This is really a bit of a mess.  So.  Am I to assume that Ed is being a massive hypocrite, and selectively editing his criminal record?  Or am I to assume that Ed differentiates between murders committed by Ed and those committed by The Riddler?  Maybe, that doesn’t really work here – since some of these were committed before he discovered that persona.  Besides – wasn’t one of the features of his ‘becoming’ his personalities becoming fused?  Or are the writers choosing to forget some of Ed’s other murders?  Who knows.)
Hearing a sound, he turns. It’s Jim and Eduardo – who have arrived to arrest him.  He holds his hands up defensively.
No - Jim - I can explain
Jim is taken aback.
Explain?  You son of a bitch - you actually did it?
(Interesting. Although Ed’s name was in the ledger, Jim doesn’t seem to have thought that Ed was truly responsible – or didn’t want to believe it might be true.)
Eduardo tells Ed to get on his knees.  That’s three Eds in this show now – not counting Ed’s many personalities.  For reference, if they’re all ever in the same scene, the dog is Ed1, the lanky green one is Ed2, and beardy army guy is Ed3.
Ed protests, and says he didn't – but he needs a little bit of time
Eduardo is still pointing his gun – and tells Jim to just say the word.
Ed pleads.  You know me, Jim.  People that I have...hurt - they hurt me first
(Eh? There are multiple gif sets going around which show how ridiculous this remark is.  Ed’s hurt plenty of people just because he wanted to.)
I didn't know a single person in Haven
Eduardo glances at Jim
Your call, buddy – he basically confessed
Ed watches carefully as Jim thinks and then decides,
Bring him in – he stands trial
We’re saying this again? What kind of court will this be? Who is the judge?  Lawyers?  Jury?
Ed isn’t enthused by this. He touches a book from the bookcase. Eduardo is apparently standing on pressure-plated ied.  One twitch, and he’ll repaint the room with his organs.  He smiles.  
Jim points his gun. But apparently Ed has also devised some sort of watch that monitors changes in Ed’s heart rate if it deviates by more than 10 bpm up or down, and can cause an explosion - if necessary - from as far as a mile away. Whatever. Apparently, in a fit of sexual frustration after his recent contact with Lucius, Ed sublimated his lustful stirrings into an inventing binge.
Ed and Jim try and stare each other out a bit.  Jim says Ed will be a target once news of his guilt gets out.  Eduardo says he thinks Ed’s threats are bluffs.  Jim says Ed doesn’t bluff.  Well – there was the time with all the cops and the poison gas that turned out just to be sleeping gas, but - hey.  This episode is having severe difficulties remembering details, storyline, characterisation….take your pick.
Jim lets Ed leave. Summarising because this recap is lengthy – Jim uses his cat-like reflexes to leap across the room and finds the right book to free Eduardo – whose whole take on the puzzle is that he’d like
to wring this nerd’s neck
Jim gives him a welcome to Gotham.  Wanting to wring Ed’s neck is just part and parcel of visiting. He adds that the city grows on you, before contacting Harvey and telling him to put the word out: Ed is wanted for the attack on Haven
Bruce strides into Sirens, looking for Selina.  A fairly happy-looking Barbara leads him towards a booth.   With a flourish, she tells the crowd to raise their glasses for the killer of Jeremiah Valeska.  The crowd parts, and we see Selina sitting in a booth with a group of girls.  Is this the booth of Bruce’s downward spiral?  Is this the ‘I am having a long dark night of the soul’ booth?  Do you have to book ahead?  
Selina raises her glass, but her smile is more ironic than anything else.
(An aside. Barbara seemed happy.  It's hard to say whether having the killer of Jeremiah Valeska at her club is bring extra cachet, whether her one-night stand with Jim brought her some closure and happiness, or whether she and Jim are still having sex and she’s pleased about this.)
In some abandoned building, we hear a radio send out the message about Ed being wanted by the police.
A tall skinny man wearing a green suit and eyeglasses
They left out his BritPop hair.
Outside an angry mob gathers and chants.  We see Ed hiding from them, before slipping off.
 At City Hall, Oswald stands, flanked by his henchmen, as a visitor opens a box for him.  Whatever it is seems to make him happy – and he pays the man 200 bullets in return – telling him to go have fun and keep up the good work.  
As the man leaves – Oswald is brought a message
He reads aloud
Edward Nygma is the monster responsible for killing the innocents of Haven
Oswald looks incredulous for a moment, and then worried – wondering aloud,
Ed…what have you done?
The mob from earlier runs past.  Ed hides – but is walloped on the side of the head.
GCPD.  Eduardo tells Jim they’re pushing uptown – but there’s still no Nygma. He’s confident they’ll get him though.  He then asks Jim to tell him about Scarecrow.  Jim says his guys would need gasmasks – but taking him down would be a big one.
We’re on a sort of rural street.  We pan up Ed’s body.  I own those boots.  He’s unconscious and tied to some kind of deck chair.
An older blonde woman leans in towards his face.
Time to wake up!
Forgive me – American readers.  I can only tell that she sounds Southern, which I know isn’t very specific.
She tells Ed she’s the woman who will carry out his execution, along with her two boys – two men, who are sitting in a truck parked facing Ed.
They’ve basically created a makeshift electric chair.  There’s a lot of whooping and laughing as they give Ed a tester jolt.  He yells in pain, gasping when they stop.
The woman tells him that was only a taste.  It’s fair that Ed should die to pay for JoJo, who was in Haven when Ed blew it up.
She holds up a photograph. Ed seems afraid to look at it – then bursts into laughter when he sees it’s a dog.  For good measure – he calls the woman an anthropomorphizing nincompoop when she claimed that JoJo was happy and smiled often.
They give him another burst of electricity.  Ed hallucinates – seeing a spiteful Oswald telling him
I'm going to fix you, Ed
Ed blinks – confused. They jolt him again.  This time he sees a sincere Oswald, repeating the same phrase.
Everything stops when there’s some kind of fault with the electricity.  Ed quickly spots a way to trick them and escape.  In doing so – one of the men’s legs catch fire. As Ed runs off, he declares that he’ll fix Oswald.
 At City Hall, we hear distant explosions.  One of Oswald’s henchmen tells him that the army has invaded and men are heading this way. Oswald asks him if Nygma has been located – to which the man replies he has feelers out.  Oswald tells him the first man to find him gets to live.
Turning, he tells his dog he is surrounded by morons.  If he didn’t have his empire – he’d go get Nygma himself
(An aside – it’s actually something that has been frustrating about Oswald in later seasons. Season One Oswald was very mobile. He moved around a lot: think of all the places we see him.  Fish’s club, Gertrud’s apartment, GCPD, Jim and Barbara’s place, Maroni’s weird lodge, Falcone’s mansion, Loeb’s house…. It helped give a sense of how he had a finger in every pie, but also how much he truly inhabited the city.  He was everywhere.   But after they have him empire building – he becomes much more static.  He’s usually stuck in a grand house or hall, and has to send other people out to do his bidding.)
He spots that the gun on his desk has gone. He turns – and now it’s pointing at his head
It’s Ed2
(Ed gets demoted if the dog is in the same scene)
Hello Oswald.  We have a great deal to talk about.  But first - did you name your dog after me?
(An aside.  You know – that dog is sweet, but the naming decision feels like self-indulgent fic territory.  Unpopular opinion, I know – but there it is.)
 At GCPD, Harvey says Nygma’s been seen at City Hall – he’s going after Oswald.  Eduardo says Oswald is at the top of their list – so this sounds like a twofer
Jim says Oswald has all the ammo in town – so they need shock and awe
Eduardo says that’s his default, and asks Jim if he’s ready to go.
Jim looks a little dubious, and tells him to take Harvey.  He’ll keep things locked down here
(An aside – it’s possible that Jim does this because he wants to salve Harvey’s bruised ego from earlier, although sending him to City Hall with Eduardo to face a heavily-armoured and very irritated Oswald would seem to be a bit of an over-correction of that earlier moment.  It is amusing to consider, though, that Jim did not want Eduardo to witness what would likely have happened at City Hall if Jim had gone instead – i.e. Oswald wheedling his way out of a visit to the precinct, Jim telling Oswald to please be good this time, and then some emotionally vulnerable and sexually charged staring.)
At Sirens, a flippant Selina tells a serious-faced Bruce he’s killing the buzz. Bruce tells her this isn’t her.  Selina smiles, and asks Bruce if he really thinks he knows her. He solemnly tells her better than she knows herself.
Selina smiles.  She tells Bruce that the night his parents were murdered she watched it all and did nothing.
Her eyes fill
She says she watched
That guy shoot your father and shoot your mother and through it all - I did nothing
She lets out a laugh that turns into a sob
I didn't call for help. I didn’t scream at him to stop
Bruce tells her it wasn’t her fault – she was a scared kid.  Selina tells Bruce he was the scared kid.
Bruce has teared up now too. She continues
We are not the same.  I didn't do anything because I was not willing to risk my neck - because I didn’t care.  That's who I was and that's who I am
A different song starts playing.  Selina puts on a faux-smile and says she loves this song.  A tearful Bruce watches her walk away.
 Back at City Hall, an irate Ed is questioning a confused Oswald.
What did you do?
What are you talking about?
Ed is insistent
You!  You are the reason I killed those people!  How could you?  You have made me some murderous puppet!
(Just a reminder here that when Ed found a seriously injured and traumatised Oswald in the woods, he took him home, injected him with God knows what, told him he had no option but to stay there, and rubbed his hands with glee when he figured out the best way to manipulate him to his own ends – which was through his grief for his murdered mother.  You know, just while the story is touching on stuff like taking away someone’s agency, and using them for your own selfish ends.)
Ed rants that he’s spent weeks waking up strange places - driving himself mad, thinking he’d gone mad - now he knows that it’s all been Oswald’s doing
Of everything that you have put me through - this is the most cruel
(Just another reminder that - you know, while we’re discussing cruelty – Ed tried to drive Oswald insane, dug up his father’s remains, humiliated him, attempted to demonstrate that he wasn’t capable of love (so – you know – tried to completely dehumanise him), and then shot him in the gut and pushed him off the end of the pier. Just, you know, in case we’re looking for some kind of gold standard for cruelty).
Oswald blinks in confusion, and tells Ed that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.  Ed quotes the ‘I’ll fix you’ from his hallucination.  He goes on – telling Oswald he didn’t fix him: he broke him
Realisation dawns on Oswald’s face.
Wait - I said that to you on the night the bridges blew!
He tells Ed that he saved his life.  He found him and paid Hugo Strange to save him – but Hugo must have done something when he was patching him up.
Ed is incredulous. Oswald is indignant – asking him what he was supposed to do?  After Butch, Ed was his only friend.  Ed exclaims that he shot Butch, to which Oswald retorts that’s why he needed Ed alive.
Oswald is frustrated. He sighs and turns to him
Edward Nygma - if I wanted you to suffer, I would never do it in some backhanded way.  If we are ever at odds again, you will know without a doubt that I am your enemy.  I promise you that, as a friend.
(An aside.  I have made no bones about the fact I’ve found just about everything they’ve done with this relationship over the seasons to be utterly forced - clunky and leaden.  If anything ever exemplifies a lot of what I don’t like about it, it’s that moment just there.  Compare how natural and nuanced almost any other interaction in this episode was in comparison with this moment.  It’s self-indulgent and melodramatic in a manner usually reserved for bad fanfiction. Bear it in mind particularly when we get that lovely scene later with Bruce and Harvey, and compare the two.)
Ed considers him for a moment, then yells
What a mess!  I might have killed you, Oswald.  And if that day comes, I swear to you that I will stare you in the eye as I stab you in the heart.
We already saw that, Ed. Back when you shot him in the gut
Oswald nods tearfully
(An aside, something else I hate about what they’ve done with this – insta-woobie ooc Oswald)
Oswald tells him to look on the bright side.  If Strange messed with his head, then Ed’s not responsible for what happened.  Ed asks where to find Hugo – but the conversation is interrupted by an explosion.
One of Oswald’s men tells him that GCPD and the army have blown the gates
Oswald whispers to him
Grab Nygma - they want him, not me
(An aside – the speed with which Oswald is willing to sell Ed out is honestly hilarious)
Ed – however – has legged it, leaving a fulminating Oswald behind.
The doors to the main hall are blown open, and a smoke bomb is rolled on. Harvey and Eduardo enter.  Oswald waits amidst all the smoke – probably for the drama more than anything
Why hello Harvey!
He teases him about the ammo situation last time.  Harvey tells him they don’t want his territory. They want him to put down his weapons and hand over Ed Nygma.
The situation, I think, is now more about Oswald being pissed that his turf has been invaded than anything else. He tells them to leave by the time he counts to three, or he’ll shoot everyone.
Harvey stands his ground.
Oswald smiles
You’re not thinking clearly, Harvey.  Maybe call your boss - see what he thinks
(An aside – Oswald is so offended that he’s even having to look at someone from GCPD who isn’t Jim.  Ugh. This day just gets worse.  Funnier yet is his conviction that Jim will tell Harvey to come back to GCPD and stop bothering him)
There’s a staring match. Oswald’s men all wind up shot, and Oswald is taken in to GCPD. 
Ed is in Sirens - on his knees in front of Barbara.  She tells him all Gotham is looking for him
He replies that he needs information – your speciality
(An aside.  What?  Since, like - when?  When did information become Barbara’s speciality?  I know she likes power and money.  She’s also fond of violence and casual cruelty.  But information?  When was that supposed to have happened?)
Barbara says she’s going to cut his face into a jigsaw puzzle.  Ed urgently asks her if he’s dumb.  If – in all the years she’s known him – he’d ever done anything as brutally idiotic as this.  He didn’t kill those people.
Well…. not exactly.
Barbara dismisses her guards.  Ed tells her about Hugo Strange’s involvement, and how he suspects mind control. Whoever is responsible for the mind control killed those people, not him
Barbara says if by some miracle she believes him – why would she help?
Ed piques her curiosity by wondering what kind of powerful person would hire Strange and have Ed adapted in this way.  He says that Barbara must know where Hugo is, and when he finds out who was responsible for the chip – he’ll share the intel.  She’ll want to know, because, after all
Information is your lifeblood
Sure, whatever. 
Barbara doesn’t know precisely where Hugo is, but can direct him to his Igors.
 An interrogation room in GCPD.  Oswald lies on his front on the floor, his lip bleeding.  He looks up at Jim, who is apparently watching, and his face twists for a moment into a combination of pain and an appeal for help
For his part, Jim looks troubled.  He’s not enjoying this – in fact, I would go so far as to say it looks like he can’t stomach it – but he’s tolerating it.
Jim replies to his pained look
You’re protecting a mass murderer - don't look to me for sympathy
(An aside. Yes – I ship this, but even with shipper glasses off – it’s pretty much there in the text. Oswald knows that he can appeal to Jim for sympathy.  In responding to his look as he does, Jim is openly acknowledging that he would usually be a source of sympathy for Oswald.  It’s an admission from them both that there are dimensions to their relationship that go well beyond cop/gangster and – more than that – an admission that they’re both aware of that)
Oswald spits blood
Fine.  But not with that meat head around
Jim nods, and Eduardo leaves
Oswald laughs and rises from the floor
You know – they say you can judge man by the company he keeps
Jim retorts
This from a man who has no friends
(An aside – that sounds meaner than it actually played.  It’s delivered in that slightly schoolyard  tone Jim reserves for teasing Oswald – it’s not earnest or cruel.  Also – as we’ve seen this season, just saw in this scene, and will see again in a moment – it’s just not true.  Jim and Oswald have a relationship beyond work.
On top of that, you know – Jim – if not for the fact that Harvey is an extraordinarily forgiving man, your own friend list would have tumbleweeds blowing through it.)
Jim and Oswald take a moment to give each other a long, complicated look.  This scene is full of long complicated looks.  Neither of them particularly want to be in this situation, but their hands have been forced.
Oswald tells Jim that Nygma is a patsy, not a mass murderer.  He likes puzzles, games, killing – but killing hundreds of people – that’s not him, Jim knows this.
Jim asks who set him up
Oswald laughs, and leans back in his chair.
Jim - you want info, I want to go home
Jim grimaces.  
Eduardo’s not going to go for that.
Oswald smiles before pressing Jim’s button
I'm sorry – I thought you were in charge
Jim grimaces angrily and leans on the table
Even if I were to let you go – the army is going to come after you: things are changing in Gotham
I'll take my chances
Jim blinks.  He seems, to be honest, tired and uncertain.
Do you want Nygma or not?
Jim looks at him, and then glances sidelong at where Eduardo waits outside.
Jim leaves the interrogation room and talks to Eduardo
I know where Nygma’s going
Eduardo looks at him, then past him, nudging the door to let it swing open – revealing an empty room. He looks back at Jim
I trust you know what you’re doing?
They leave to go find Ed
(An aside. Quite a complicated little scene.  Neither Jim nor Oswald want to be in that room – but external forces have shoved them in there anyway.  
There’s a lot of history in the looks that are going back and forth.  Like I said, we have the explicit acknowledgment that Jim is likely to offer Oswald sympathy when others won’t.  We also have the open admittance that Jim knows Oswald sees him as a soft touch, and that he will likely give in anyway – just not in this particular circumstance, because the destruction of Haven was such a big deal.
Oswald also knows that pressing Jim’s buttons over control and power is likely to be effective.
Last up – we have Jim obliquely warning Oswald of the danger the army poses to him.  He’s not threatening him here, or trying to intimidate him.  If anything, his tone is almost pleading.  He doesn’t know how handle this situation.  He’s asked for help – and help has finally arrived – but Jim’s not actually sure what to do with it now it’s here.  Eduardo plainly told Jim that Oswald was at the top of their hit list.  Jim’s response?  Let him go, warn him that danger is coming.)
 In some lab facility somewhere, a body slides down a hatch.
It’s Hugo!
He’s complaining that the last body he was brought was gangrenous and completely unsuitable. When he turns, though, he sees Ed pointing a gun at him
Mr Nygma
Ed want to know how he control of his alter ego.  He’s rambling a little, talking about his Ed side.
A curious Hugo remarks that he is Ed Nygma.
Ed says he’s also the Riddler.
Hugo’s professional side makes a rare appearance
How interesting
He adds, though, that he knows nothing about all that.  He just tinkered and inserted a chip in his brain.  
Ed wants to know who requested this.  Hugo says he’ll write it down, so he can truthfully say that he didn’t tell Ed who was responsible.  His pen, though, contains knock-out gas – which he sprays at Ed.
Hugo says that he’s mystified as to how Ed regained any awareness – and that he’ll just have to open him up and take a look under the roof.  
 Bruce is at GCPD looking for Jim.  Instead, he finds Harvey, working at his desk
Sorry kid – it’s just me
He quickly takes in Bruce’s obvious distress, and takes his glasses off to regard him more carefully.
You all right?
Bruce says he’s fine – just looking for Jim. He remarks that he saw soldiers downstairs, trying to make some conversation – but still seeming distracted.  Harvey watches him, concerned.
Yeah, the Army's finally gotten off their asses and decided to help.  Jim's out with them now.  Are you sure you're all right?
A tearful Bruce says that he doesn’t know.  His usual careful defences crumble.
I see people losing their will to do good.  People I love.  What if we don't make it out of this?
Harvey looks at him. His face is sombre.
I'm not gonna lie, kid.  These past few months, I've wondered the same thing.  And when I don't know what to do, I come up here and I dig into these case files. I sit my ass down and I get to work.  I used to hate this kind of paperwork; now it's the only thing that keeps me going.  Why? Because the little things matter.  Act by act, deed by deed, it means something.  Even if no one notices or cares.
Bruce listens – taking in what he says
Thanks, Harvey.
He then does the classic Batman quick exit – leaving a slightly befuddled Harvey
(An aside - This scene between Bruce and Harvey was really lovely.  Bruce is tired, upset, and worried about Selina.  He's lost his conviction that things will work out, and everything looks hopeless to him right now.  Harvey doesn't have the answer to any of that - but he does have an honest way to go on with things: do the work.  It doesn't have to be showy and praised by all and sundry.  Do something useful - and know that the deed itself and the results are both worthwhile.
It was an understated scene that still got across some very big issues.
There’s the flagging of some key differences between Jim and Harvey – Jim’s need to be seen as a hero, and Harvey not sharing that same concern.  There’s also insight into how someone who is as fundamentally unhappy and alone as Harvey finds a meaningful way of living.  There’s also how much Harvey has changed since we first met him.
It's sweet, too, that Bruce confides in him.  They don't know each other well - but he's still been a constant.  Equally sweet is how Harvey talks to him.  He doesn’t coddle him, or just try to cheer him up in the way that Alfred or Jim might.  He’s simply honest.  No platitudes, and no inspirational speech.  He tells Bruce he’s just as scared as he is, and then offers him a way to deal with his fear.  
Now - compare that simple moment of compassion, all the subtleties and pathos, and all the meaning it holds with the yelling and stilted dialogue at City Hall with Ed and Oswald.  The difference is glaring.)
Hugo has top of Ed's skull off – pretty much like Hannibal tried to do to Will. According to Hugo, the gas he used on Ed immobilised him – but he can still feel pain.  A simple reboot will fix the problem, though.
 A City Hall, Oswald carries his dog along to a hatch in the floor.  He carefully descends a ladder, still carrying him, and turns on a light. It’s a massive vault – full of gold and money and shiny things.  
He smiles and tells the dog that the time has come for a change of scenery
I’ve said this for ages, sweetie.  You’ve got all that crime money.  Buy yourself a flat in Paris, another in Berlin.   Florence, Athens, Barcelona…. go for it.
 Back in the lab.  Hugo says the electric charge must have overloaded the chip – but he’d fixed it.  He will pass the good news to his handler.  His smiles disappears when he realises that a gun is being held to his head.
He protests.  He’s just helping a man who needs medical attention! Hugo is vile – but BD Wong is fantastic.
Jim walks round Hugo to look at Ed, whose eyes are open.  Hugo petulantly says he gave him biomedical anaesthesia – and brings him round.
Ed screams in pain and then immediately protests his innocence
I told you wasn't me!
Jim tells Hugo to talk. He says a contract came along, and developed a tool – gesturing to Ed, who is indignant.
How dare you
Eduardo contacts one of his men and tells him to escort Hugo out.  He leaves with a ta ta
He smirks at an incredulous Jim
Sorry pal - this part of the op is need to know
Apparently Walker – the woman Jim has been talking to one the radio – wants Ed taken out now.  
Jim is puzzled – asking if Walker is behind this - controlling Nygma
Eduardo shrugs that he hates the spooks crap.  He just follows orders
Jim mentions Haven – reeling from the idea that Walker might have been behind it.
Eduardo says Jim is to put a bullet in Ed's brain
Jim replies with a flat no
Eduardo tells him to call it proof of loyalty - what Walker needs to see from him before she implements the relief plan.  He tries to persuade him
Look at him.  He's a loon. A cop-killer.
(An aside – the strong feeling we’re getting from Jim at this point is ‘yeah – but he’s my loon’ – in the same way that this is his screwed-up home, and his tyrannical gangster.  I suspect this storyline might have lasted longer had the season not been truncated – and we’d have seen Jim gradually pull away from Eduardo, the man he thought was his friend, to acknowledge that he belongs to Gotham, and has emotional ties there that he’s not willing to break.)
Jim just wants the truth: did Walker destroy Haven?
Eduardo tells him ours is not to reason why – and says this is his chance to be part of the plan.
He adds that if Jim can’t pull the trigger on Ed – I’ll pull it on you
Jim stares
You’d kill me for some bureaucrat?
Eduardo is unperturbed. There’s really not one thought rattling around in that big beardy head of his
Mission comes first - you taught me that.  What's your answer?
Jim says he saved his life one too many times.  He feints putting his gun down, and then runs and escapes down the hatch in the wall we saw earlier.  Wheeee!
Eduardo presses a button, and orders EdBot to find Jim and kill him
EdBot immediately complies, and also goes wheeeeee down the chute.
Eduardo watches him go – secretly envious that his orders apparently don’t allow him to go wheeee too.
Aha – so this is where that absurdly beautiful image of Jeremiah came from. He’s lying down, eyes shut, in some kind of cave.  We see a rock pulled aside by Ecco
Boss - wake up
Jeremiah winces as he sits up.  Ecco asks sympathetically if the stitches are still sore, and tells him he should have worn the armour she made.
Jeremiah curls his lip contemptuously, and tells her the bullet is making her sentimental – she should gave it a shake.  Ecco obligingly does so – and nods excitedly when he asks her if that’s better.
He tells her he had to let Selina stab him once - verisimilitude trumps precautions.  Ecco nods – and says Bruce and Selina had to think he was dead.  Jeremiah rolls his eyes at her summary, and comments impatiently that he takes it she has news.  She replies that it’s all systems go, and they head out.
(I suppose this is essentially canon, but – wow, does Jeremiah treat his ‘girlfriend’ with contempt).
Is Jeremiah in Wayne Manor? He addresses a man in a white coat, telling the dr he’s hearing good things.  The doctor tells him his assistant thought he’d like to see the results.
Jeremiah is wide-eyed as he approaches two people we can only see from behind – who look, as best as memory serves, to be Bruce's parents.
Jeremiah laughs for a second, then opens his eyes wide – and tells them they look beautiful
I just love family reunions - don't you?
Jeremiah, confronted with the problem of what gift you can buy for your billionaire crush who likely has everything, has seemingly got very creative and cloned his dead parents.
General Observations
Jim is doing a classic Jim. He's been unhappy about the situation in the city for weeks – pleading for help.  But now that official help of a sort has shown up - the kind Jim should want, and should back, and should identify with - he's wobbling. He balks at the idea of shooting Ed.  He had no interest in arresting Oswald, let alone any qualms about letting him go, and looked downright unhappy in the interrogation room.  When push comes to shove, Jim has relationships with these people - whether he’ll acknowledge it or not
To analyse it more closely in terms of Jim's psychology - the army element plays a role too.  He might talk about his time there fondly - but, ultimately, he chose to leave. When Barnes - who was father figure and army past combined - showed up, Jim barely waited until the end of his first episode before disobeying him to going off to see Oswald – leaning on their special relationship and warning him about the new regime.
He repeats that pattern again here.  Jim might want to represent that kind of authority - but a part of him is always looking to buck it, too.  It's part of the reason, I think, that he and Oswald are more likely to squabble during Oswald's particularly tyrannical phases.
And all of that disquiet is even before we find out that Walker is likely corrupt and dreadful.
 The whole thing with Ed. Eh.  I know what they’re trying to do here. The problem, for me, is that it’s not really outside the bounds of possibility that Ed could knowingly have destroyed Haven.  Sure – the whole affair would have been showier, and Ed would have made some kind of speech beforehand – but still.  Ed - and Barbara – actually, both watched from a high window while Gotham tore itself apart under the Tetch virus.  Neither of them flinched at what they saw.
It’s weird – because you don’t need to downplay Ed’s capacity for sadistic violence in order to also entertain the notion that part of him might be horrified by it.  That, after all, is a crucial part of his characterisation: that he is frequently fractured, with various facets of his personality more or less dominant.  In season one, we saw that certain aspects of his personality were almost completely suppressed.  Later, we saw the season one version of him humiliated and berated by darker aspects of his personality, as well as horrified by what it had him do when it ‘took over’.  
So – you can have your cake and eat it really – you can have a character who is capable of dreadful things, as well as the tragedy that some drowned part of him is horrified and disgusted by what he has done, and simply endures it with no ability to speak up. That would work with Ed’s extreme rage and fear at the loss of control he’s been enduring.
What doesn’t work, though, is retconning him to be a better person than he is. I’ve watched Ed torture because he enjoyed it.  Kill because he felt like it.  I’m not entirely sure I buy that he’d be horrified by what happened to Haven.
I have no idea whether Selina knows about Tabitha yet.  She must – it makes no sense that she wouldn’t – but there was no indication of her reaction to that.
Similarly – I don’t really understand why no-one has said a word about Lee yet.  I’m guessing it’s because we’re simply not ‘there’ yet in the story – but it makes no logical sense.
Alfred said a lot that was true about respecting Selina’s decision, but – ultimately- his advice to leave Selina alone simply comes off as callous.
Lucius must have had a day off today.
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tangyss · 6 years
have some leakira/akandro hcs bc i love them and miss kl... boooo :’( also lmao my hcs jump from rival leakira to dating leakira to “just friends” leakira and it’s a lil bit of a mess but probably not as much a mess as some show we know huh
if the team needs akira, they always call leandro’s phone first bc they’re usually an arms distance away from each other at all time like the love struck dorks they are
if they’re looking for leandro in between missions, they’ll go to akira’s apartment, bc after leandro and akira start getting along leandro gradually moves into akira’s apartment lmao
(leandro says he likes being at akira’s apartment bc it’s clean compared to his own (he hasnt seen the carpet in four months), but really it’s bc he feels safer around akira and enjoys his company. also, he’s obliviously pining.)
if leandro and akira dont have a domestic-roommate-oblivious-pining phase then idk what to say apart from that these reboots are Over
also euhgisgjsigs hardcore pining but...... despite the fact that leandro doesnt actually live there and has his own apartment, akira builds them a little shelf/hook thing area where they put all of their weapons and stuff
i love the thought of akira, this tough, scary looking guy biting his lip to conceal his smile as he carefully places his knives beside leandro’s pistols, and nearly passes out from giddiness every time he sees how leandro’s favourite scruffy trainers have been toed off and left tucked in beside akira’s own boots
akira’s apartment was pretty empty before hand. there wasn’t much decorating the apartment bc to him, it was just a room he was staying in for the time being.
when leandro unofficially “moves in”, akira starts to see little bits of leandro’s belongings scattered around his apartment, and akira doesnt realise how good it feels to see leandro acting as tho akira’s apartment is his own home
hmmmm i want so many throw backs to the OGs but instead it’s just shading them siugdhsdiugsg
leandro, exhausted from a battle and falling asleep on akira’s couch: ...ki...
akira, chuckling: what, did u forget my name?
leandro: ... i havent forgotten ur name...!!!
leandro, softly: ... dont think it’s possible to forget anything about u, akira...
akira, staring w wide eyes at leandro as he watches him drift off to sleep: i couldnt forget u either, leandro
the next morining
akira, in his friendly teasing voice: moring sleepy head
leandro: wh.. SLEEPYHEAD?! u’re the sleepy head here, i piggybacked ur ass home after ur impulsive fight w the galra last week!!!
akira: sure, but am i the guy who’s wearing spongebob pjs,  has bad breath and bed head and is currently eating coco puff on my friend’s couch at 1 am
leandro: i nearly died yesterday
akira: then u should be resting, not 2 hours into a new skyrim save
tangent but.... i like the idea of them calling each other sleepyhead as the weakest, worst teasing-nickname possible
they pretend it’s mean but really they love calling the other sleepyhead bc they think the other is a really cute sleeper sdgjisigs
im too lazy to write out another one of these, but lmao i just love the idea of them unintentionally vagueing a different version of themselves. like
“what the fuck, when would i ever doubt ur shooting skills, leandro? i saw u shoot a gd wasp w a rubber band last week, these galras should be fucking terrified”
“woah... kiraaa! i didnt know u could draw so well....... heheh do u think u could draw me-” “No.”
after one battle, when leandro thought he was about to die only to be saved by akira, they drive home in silence. they’re accustomed to driving like this by now, akira steering his bike with leandro’s arms looped around his middle, watching the world whizz by in neon colours through his goggles. leandro blames the tremor rattling his body on the rumble of motorcycle, yet both he and akira are aware of what it really is
they’ve been teammates for a while now, caught up in the alien buisness for a little under two months, yet no one has come close to dying before. not by a galra like sendak. akira didnt kill him, but leandro was accutely aware of how desperate akira was when he was slicing at the galra, yelling for leandro to get to safety while blocking sendak’s attacks from hurting leandro any further.
akira is surprised when he feels leandro’s arms wind tighter around his middle, slumping himself over akira’s back, fingers curling in his shirt. leandro’s never touched him more than necessary when they’re riding like this, yet now, leandro is resting his forehead on his shoulder, face burried in the crook of akira’s neck w his curly hair whipping softly against his cheek in the wind
somehow, despite the quietness of leandro’s voice, he hears him over the whistle of wind and roar of the engine as he whispers: thank you, akira
akira doesnt reply. just twists the handle a little tighter, feels the air hit a little harder as he shortens their journey back to his apartment
they dont talk about it, because somehow, whatever happened today, both in battle and the strange development between them, already feels resolved
when leandro and akira wake up the next days, it’s to wide grins and friendly taunts over breakfast, and the unspoken, mutual feeling that the friendship they’ve just started was a little different to any other they’ve had before
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sognaaradventures · 4 years
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Well my friend and I decided after our failed BDR debacle it was time we redeem ourselves. We set out from Riverside popped on to Hwy 38 after slabbin it on the freeway for a bit...Im buzzin along on my wee lil 450 well my buddy is cruising along on his 701 We make our way up hwy 38 for a bit and then turn off the slab to make our way through the unknown conditions of the jeep trail.. We start meandering our way up the trail through deep puddles and wet trail conditions.
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We come across a group of offroaders in their brand new RAM trucks powered by the Almighty cummins engine. I have the same truck but I wouldn't be drivin it like they did offroad unless it was a dedicated expo rig. Their efforts were stopped when they reached a boulder almost in the middle of the trail so let us pass. We pass them and pull over to see if we all as a group can move the boulder over. Boulder 1 Guys 0... who knew boulders were so heavy  but it worked out they were able to squeeze through
We make our way up the trail and all is well until we hit the snow..... But who are we to let some snow stop us... I mean we are adventure riders after all aren't we?
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My bike doesn't have a nice easy throttle you can feather, its either nothing or a whole lot of something  The snow starts to get more and more deep and Im constantly spinning my way through it sliding all over the place trying to crab walk the bike through 20 miles of this stuff I keep spinning out and getting stuck my buddy and I are constantly trying to get the bike out of the hole I keep digging myself.
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When you've dropped your bike 1 too many times throughout the day just take a seat and enjoy the views
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Just shortly after we got the bike up and got going again I loose traction and drop the bike it was starting to get a bit ridiculous
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Well at least the bikes look cool in the snow you can see my friend in the  background lowering his tire psi as did I. It did help with traction but it still was very icy. 
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After 8 hours of riding in the snow falling down and having the bike land on me several times. I got the point where I needed a break and couldn't ride in the snow anymore. After all the times the bike had fallen the last time was the kicker. I was beat , the battery was dead (from the trailtech fan running when the bike was off) and the carb was flooded. I couldnt continue to kick start the bike so we were towing it with the other bike well I walked next to it. After a minutes of this trudging through the snow two trucks pull up behind us.... Alas a miracle... the guy asked if we needed help and offered to throw the bike in the back of his truck. I immediately starting removing all the bags off the bike. I didnt want him to grow impatient and leave us lol. with 5 people made easy work of loading the bike up in the truck. I hoped inside and was immediately relieved I didn't have to fall another time on the icy trail... who knew Ice hurts so much   ..... It was also getting dark and much colder. We make our way down the trail descending towards Angelus Oaks we come around a sharp bend and meet 2 tacomas working their way up. My new friend tries to move over but the snow is too deep off to the side and on the other side is a cliff so thats not gonna work out too well for us Since the tacomas were better equipped then us they back down the hill a little bit to a turn out and we proceed to pass them.
We talked to them for a few mins it was the same guys I saw earlier in the day. They thought we were brave for riding bikes in the snow. That was a nice way of putting it lol...jk I wouldn't have anything less then adventure on my rides. We keep working our way down to Angelus Oaks finally made it to some pavement. Alas what do I see............its a general store I hadn't had the chance to eat all day and hadn't had enough water. I pop in there and buy $20 worth of snacks and start refueling myself. The guys unload the bike while I try to warm up a bit inside the truck. I had been sitting all day in freezing temps... Not a good combination.. The guy who had the truck that the bike was loaded in got the bike fired up immediately and did a little rip in the parking lot. He grew up riding and hadn't been a few years. So rippin around in the parking put a big grin on his face. He joked that was his payment for hauling the bike downt he mountain... We talked for a few minutes and thanked him many times as I would not have not been able to get down that mountain if it wasn't for him. I offered to buy him dinner but he refused saying he was just happy to help plus they had plans to go to the casino and do the buffet. How can I argue with that... It was great meeting Tom and his wife they were very nice people. We exchanged contact info so we could ride in the future. 
We parted ways heading down hwy 38 towards Yucaipa to hit interstate 10... Oh great this again on my lil 450 lol... We cruise for a bit its been a long day Im sore and my muscles are cramping. We ride for a a bit and pull off into a starbucks to get something warm and unwind for a few minutes.... Don had been helping me all day get my bike through the snow so the least I could do was buy him a coffee.... We look at our GPS and we still have a 1.5 hour ahead of us to get to our hotel in 29 palms...  It has been a long day
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We depart the warmth of starbucks and head east on I10 its coooold and its windy but wait once we pop on Hwy 62 to head to 29 palms it gets colder and windier lol Its about 10 pm and we finally pull into the hotel... It seems like the last 10 miles took hours to ride. A hot meal and a warm bed sound so nice but when you ride its not that quick to go to bed. We had to pull our saddle and tank bags off....finally all our gear is inside and I can kick my boots off and eat some pizza. Don and I remissness about our adventures we went through to get here.
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I slept very well and woke up the next day semi refreshed but very sore lol.... We head out to Joshua Tree to a little breakfast place I have been to several times... Crossroads Cafe....they have really high quality food with big portions. I ordered "Mike's Mess" a scrambled egg dish with bacon potatoes topped with Cheddar cheese and sour cream... That was a great way to start the day
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I pulled up my Caltopo map for the National Parks and it showed a dirt trail that goes through the park and hits I10... After charging up our electronics, body and soul we head out to Joshua Tree NP... Once we get there park ranger had some sad news for us..... The dirt road is closed due to all the rain..... So we just rode through the main road on the Park. We enjoyed the sights and make our way towards interstate 10... Once we hit the 10 I told down Don there is a road we can take that heads towards Mecca but looks like there is a dirt trail off of that road. So we start making our way to the trail head... shortly after we start Don honks his horn at me so I pull over and pulls up next to me. I wondered what happen and he says that he lost the bolt that holds his clutch perch in.... luckily he carries some spare bolts while he getting his tools and bolts out.... Don says watch your 6 and so I subtly turn around and a man appeared out of nowhere. This guy is just standing there with his arms crossed maybe 100-200 ft away from us.... The guy stands in 1 spot for several minutes and my hair is raising up on my arms I dont really like this situation... the guy starts working his way towards us slowly very slowly in a roundabout way.... finally hes very close to his and says we were like ninjas and just rolled up on him... I had a weird feeling about this guy we got geared up and go the hell outta there lol... The sad news was the road to Mecca was closed most likely it got washed out with all the rain they have been having..
Since we hadn't had an opportunity to hit any dirt today we planned to go ride on the bradshaw trail. ... We get going again on I10 and the winds are just relentless blowing up to 65+ mph and I am getting blown all over the place and have to heavily compensate with my riding posture to stay in a straight line.. We pull off the freeway to hop in the 111 to get down to the sultan see where the bradshaw trail starts...... We pull up to the light and I hear squeaking, the light turns green and I try to get going and the bike stalls.... thats weird.... we pull up to another light I hear squeaking again... I yell to Don I think my brake is locked up.... we pull off the road and guess what...my brake is locked up... we cant seem to get a break.... So its time to do some Macgyvering we try to free up the brake but no such luck... So we end up removing the brake pad and tie up the caliper against the swingarm so it doesn't hit the disc Its getting late and Don and I have responsibilities to attend to so we hit the freeway again.... The wind had gotten even worse. I rode for maybe 30 miles but I was getting blown around more and more and it was starting rain ice cold rain. So I deiced to pullover at a rest stop and that I would get the bike towed and ride with the driver because at the end of the day its not worth dying over to ride home in bad conditions. I had a great time and wanted to thank Don for helping me with getting the bike back vertical all day playing in the snow. I cant wait for the next trip. Also they are not on here but I wanted to thank Tom and the other strangers for helping us and loading the bike in his truck there was no way i could have made it off the mountain that night without them.
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