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liminaltumbly · 5 months ago
Looking for walking dead fans!
Hey there!
I see you’re a fan of Telltale’s The Walking Dead game series, and so am I! I’d love to connect with you to chat about the game, share our creations, and maybe even roleplay some new storylines together.
What We Can Do But Aren't Limited To:
Discuss our favorite moments and characters from the game.
Share fan art, stories, and other creations.
Collaborate on roleplays and explore new scenarios.
Exchange theories and ideas about the game’s plot and characters.
Be Respectful: Let’s keep our conversations friendly and constructive.
No Toxicity: This is a safe space for both of us. Any form of negativity or harassment won’t be tolerated.
Stay On Topic when discussing a certain topic: Let’s focus on Telltale’s The Walking Dead and related fan creations.
Credit Creators: Always give credit to the original creators of any fan art, stories, or other content we share.
DNI (Do Not Interact): If you’re here to spread hate or be disrespectful, this isn’t the place for you. Also usual DNI stuff.
If you’re interested, drop me a message or comment. Can’t wait to chat with you!
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leggomyeggobiatch · 5 years ago
Don’t get me wrong, but I love how Marlon’s good side is good🥴
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Then all of a sudden you move to the other side and he looks like an actual rapist😂😂
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pokerekt · 10 years ago
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The Walking Dead Characters → Christa
"Trust? You think you can trust someone out here? Not now. Not anymore."
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leggomyeggobiatch · 5 years ago
I just went on Wattpad and for some reason having an ask about twdg is offensive, Idgaf is your a karen. But like mind your own business. The ask was like this “can you do a marlon x reader where there’s a. Kid at the school bothering the reader” literally thats all other than saying he tells you how he feels after, like know what your reporting before you report it bro 😤😤
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leggomyeggobiatch · 5 years ago
marlon x reader- when will the trouble end
So i made a mix in which you and the characters in season 4 get captured by carver from season 2. So lets see who takes the blame for the walkie talkie. Cuz it sure as hell ant kenny. And i miss him.
You walk through the gates, handcuffed to your friends creating a large line. You huff moving your way to marlon so you could speak.
"Are you ok?" You ask, moving closer. He looks at you, sorrow in his eyes.
"Y/n i should be asking you that. You have been through this before and now again. Im sorry." He says guilt eating away at him, its true he was the reason you were in this again, but he was only trying to be nice. You look at him syudying his features. The way his eyes darken when hes sad, the way he smiles. Everyting about him was....perfect.
"Move it" somone says, disturbing your gaze. You turn your head only to see bonnie, she was once a nice woman, but for all you know carver had changed her.
She looked at you, taking off your handcuffs finally releasing you from the pain of them ripling away at your skin. You give her a intense glare, walking outside into the sleeping quarter's.
"I would get warm if i were you. Its gonna be an intense day tomorrow, so id get ready for the night" carver says stepping out. You look st him with rage.
"Id say i dont care", he looks at you smirking, letting the gate close leaving you with your family. Or atleast the family who loved you.
"What are we going to do?" Marlon says walking back and forth. You look up at him grabbing his hand, leading it away from his temple where he had placed it.
"Were going to escape, we just gotta find a way to get out of here, a ways to leave these walls.". Everyone looks at you seeing as if you had a plan, and trust me you had one.
" i have an idea" willy says stepping forward. You look at him nodding.
"If your thinkin what im thinkin we can do it." You say looking at him. He nods stepping next to you, "this is the plan. I will escape through that ladder, jumping from this roof to the skylight where the walkie talkies are. Mitch on the other hand is hiding out in one of the rooms by the gates, we give him the walkie talkie and he will tell us the plans they have for sealing the gates. Deal". Everyone looks at you agreeing somewhat.
Marlon on the other hand looked at you, eyebrows furrowing. "What about you. I know you can do it, but i dont want you out there alone". You look at him, giving him a glance of trust.
"Dont worry". You look past him pushing him, gaining strength to run up to the ladder, grabbing it by its step. You pull yourself up, steping onto of the rooftop.
you look seeing that one guard had a shotgun. He turns to you scoping out the area. "Whoes there" he said, pointing a flashlight that he had stored in his pocket.
"Shit" you whisper crouching down near the corners of the roof top lights. you turn your head, letting it pop up to see if he had moved. but to your surprise he had moved. you turn back around, leaping from your spot to the skylight, opening the door slightly jumping down the stacked boxes successfully grabbing 2 walkie talkies.
“I cant believe carver brought them back” one of the soldier’s say. you look back before walking twards the boxes again. you then see carver walk to his microphone system at the top of the tower, hoping he wouldent see you.
“hmph”. you jump up to a box, climbing them successfully reaching the rooftop and getting back to the sleeping quarter’s.
you jump down the ladder seeing everyones head turn, you could see their faces turn from sad to happy knowing they could escape.
 “y/n you made it back I was so worried” marlon says coming up to you. he gives you a tight hug, letting go after a few minutes. you blush uncontrollably after he lets go, having the warmth from him disappear, made you shiver.
you walk forward twards the fire where everyone was cheering you on. you look at willy, noticing that he was speechless. “ok so now tomorrow I will bring one to mitch while you guys hide it” you say seeing everyone nod in agreement. 
you hear the gates open, troy had walked in. he looks at everyone glaring. “get all of your wimpy asses to bed, your gonna need strength for tomorrow” he says closing the gates, spitting on the floor.
you roll your eyes and turn to everyone. “I suggest we all go to bed, I know how they are if we don't”. everyone gets in their spots, you turn seeing Marlon looking at you. you smile at him, getting ready to turn but he pats the floor beside him. you smirk moving next to him cuddling as the night sky takes you.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------you wake up being kicked in the side by troy. you look up at him and grab his shoe, stopping him. he glares. “get yer filthy hand off ma boots”. you get up brushing yourself off, seeing everyone lined up looking at you.
 you walk to them while sticking the middle finger at troy. 
he walked you to carvers facility, leading you all in as a group
“ok everyone, today you are gonna work hard, don't mess up” carver says. you can see willy talking with tenn. “willy stop talking” you whisper to willy warning him. he looks at you scared.
“hey y/n you got to teach your kids some manners” carver says. you glare at him “say sorry willy” you say looking at him. he steps closer to you, “I don't want an apology....slap him” carver says interrupting him, you look at him glareing. everyone looks shocked, mitch was pissed.
“like the fuck I am, if you lay a fucking hand on him your dead” you say getting up in his face, he walks twards willy setting his hand up.
willy puts his hands up. but when he least expects it, you catch carvers hand, protecting willy.
“you bitch”. carver lifts his other hand and slaps you across the face, knocking you to the floor, he had hurt your jaw. “asshole” louis screams helping you up. every one starts helping you.
“who the fuck do you think you are” marlon screams, you turn around seeing marlon being held back by mitch, violet, louis, and ruby.
you walk up to him, calming him down. “ill deal with him” you say giving him a peck on the lips. 
 you walk to carver, getting In his face again. “carver..you may think your fucking strong but trust me if I were you I wouldent make that mistake again.” he looks at you as you push past him hard leaving him speechless.
you grab willys hand once inside, checking if he had hurt him. willy touches your cheek seeing that a bruse had formed. you look at him seeing the guilt in his eyes, grabbing his hand that was on your face.
you pull him into a hug, “thank you y/n, I love you” he says, you smile “I love you too kiddo”. you stand up getting to the work space, where  bonnie was.
“h-hey y/n” bonnie says looking up at you, she seemed scared.
You glare at her. "Bonnie" you say quite harshly loading the guns. She looks down, sorrow filling her.
"Im sorry...im sorry for putting you through this"she says making you look at her. You scoff, "sorry?! You're sorry! Look bonnie sorry doesnt cut it. He almost slapped willy". She looks at you in disbelief.
she stands up grabbing a bucket," follow the yellow line and bring these to the guys" bonnie says handing you a bucket. You gladly take it walking out of there. you can hear the walkers banging up against the walls.
you crouch, sneaking into the comic book store. “mitch, mitch are you in here” you whisper. you turn around hearing footsteps. it was troy. he grabs you by you’re wrist, dragging you into the sleeping quarters. “ you think you’re so sneaky don't you” he says throwing you into the gate.
“y/n, its great to have you here” carver says, you growl at him. everyone looks at you, worried for you. “ you all have 3 seconds, to give me the walkie talkie. if I don't have it, say goodbye to mitch”
you looked at him shocked “give me my brother” (also forgot to remind you mitch is your brother) you say seeing mitch restrand on the floor. he laughs shakeing his head, “not until I get my walkie talkies”. he glares at you. you move to stand next to willie. willy grabs the walkie out of your hand.
“I found I-” he says, but gets interrupted by you grabbing it from him. “I found it, here’s your presious walkie talkie” you say handing it to carver, everyone looks at you scared to know what he will do.
you put it into his palm. “you know what im gonna do don't you” he says smirking “3″. he hits you in the head with the walkie talkie. mitch and Marlon were fuming  but being held back by the others. “ get your hands off my sister!” mitch yells, he was fuming. 
carver hits you again having blood spew from your head. “y/n! get away from her” Marlon screams getting held back by violet Aasim and ruby. willy starts running to you, scared, scared to know if he lost you, but gets knocked out by troy’s gun.
bonnie then runs in stopping carver, “that's enough! get away from her”. you were now knocked out for good, Marlon and mitch standing over you, everyone was scared, terrified, they diddent want to lose you. 
“y/n cmon get up please! cmon sis get up, im not losing you” mitch says holding you while ruby checks you out. marlon looks at carver walking twards him in anger, but louis stops him, calming him down.
he looks at everyone making their heads turn. “no supper for you tonight, mabey an Empy stomach will teach you a lesson” carver says walking out the gate, before Marlon can reach him.
ruby looks at marlon telling him to pick you up and set you on the bed. he was angry, not at you, not at mitch, he was angry, at carver.
you woke up hours later, the night sky looming over you. you sat up, pain hitting you immediately making you fall back down on the bed in pain. “shit” you whisper, it felt like a brick. you see louis’s head turn, he looked relieved but also worried.
“y/n stay down, you need to rest are you ok” louis says coming near you. you shake your head pushing him away, standing up. ignoring his words. louis tried to put you back but you walked over to everyone.
“Y/n!” mitch says, pulling you into a hug. “you should be sleeping”. you shake your head, “we cant sleep now, we cant stay here”. marlon looks at you standing up.
“you aren't getting hurt again, not now” he says coming to you, bringing you into his embrace. you shake your head. “id do it again if I have to. I don't give a care if he hurts me, we need to leave” you say, everyone comes to you letting you sit. 
you turn hearing the gates open, you see bonnie walking in, she looks at you with a hint of guilt. you look behind her to see carver. you growl giving him the death glare.
“y/n you’re awake. how do you feel” he asks snickering, you look at him shakeing your head. “ oh I feel happy, unicorns and rainbows” you say with a hint of sarcasm. he glares coming closer to you. “ I suggest you cut it out, or you wont have an eye” he says pulling out a knife.
“try me” you say almost inches away from his nose. “what do you want” willy says. you put your arm around him, protecting him from carver if was to try something.
“bonnies going to tell you your chores, and I came to see how y/n was” he explains touching your chin. you push his hand off, letting him walk out, leaving you with bonnie.
 she pulls you into the group making them huddle around her. she looks at you looking at your bruise. “ im sorry he did this to yo-” she gets interrupted, “oh don't worry it diddent hurt” you say cutting her off. she looks down, “im going to help you escape, we are leaving tonight”.
ok so im gonna create it into 2 parts so this is the 1st part of them escapeing, ill problibly get part 2 done by the next 2 weeks. hope you all enjoy. 
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