#ill respond soon to dms
greatestjubilee · 2 years
I wonder how different crabs in ER taste like
Maybe the death crabs just kill you the second you taste them
theyre probably fine. but unfortunately sabelina accidentally killed blackguard so she has to boil all crabs herself. if you believe in her cooking abilities, all crabs are good.
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dernarrleid · 26 days
ya'll I'm still here, I'm just in the thick of it.
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master-gatherer · 2 months
I have reread what I wrote
It's not terrible
I'm still not happy with it 😐
I may still be too close to it
Does anyone want to volunteer to beta 😬 (mutuals only)
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darckcarnival · 1 year
(( I get home from sunday DND. It was intense, had to use my character to cure 4 party members of mythic tier t-virus. it worked. then blew up lab. thank fuck. ))
(( So I need to immediately start setting up for stream now! ))
(( I am so sorry for slow activity recently, between exhaustion, ER visit yesterday, and trying to balance schedule, am tired. ))
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pistolslinger · 1 year
(•_•) <)   )/ im    /    \  
(•_•) \(   (> feelin   /    \
(•_•) <)   )/ the rapid approach of a bout of sensory    /    \ overload and i am powerless 2 stop it
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reckless-rider · 10 months
and poor babey megumi </3
i think yuji should save him with a kiss actually, that would work well i think
Yeah fr it would, he should definitely try that!!
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plainemmanem · 1 year
sorry guys:( i moved back into my dorm and productivity has cursed me …
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wooahaes · 1 year
turning off my inbox for a little bit on here + the other sideblog. no real reason, just kinda want some space
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mwagneto · 1 year
avenue 5 cancelled. carnival row cancelled. the nevers cancelled. cant have shit in detroit
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cryptidapprentice · 10 months
#marine myths rambles#in the tags#dating app diary#i feel so bad bc now that i AM getting matches on these freakin apps i have to Talk and Make Conversation and ideally Meet Up and its like..#suddenly i am Not In The Mood actually. to talk OR hang out. n i feel BAD bc these seem like nice ppl!!! who id love to at least befriend!!!#(i have bumble n im not listed as looking for anything particular so friendship is in fact an option)#or maybe even smthn more!!! but like. idk why suddenly as soon as i get a match its like '...oh. hmm. idk if i wanna talk actually' 😭😭#like if i had to guess id say its my gd OCD avoidance response thats making me not wanna do the Hard Thing (Talking) but its also like...#...do i rly wanna meet My Person this way?? CAN i rly meet my person this way???? like so much of my whole desire to date someone is like-#-getting along suuuuper well as friends n being able to click personality n humorwise n shit n THEN im like 'oh id love to date this person-#this person'* im not retyping all tht lol#but being on an app kinda takes tht away for me?? ig im just not made for like. online/internet dating :V#bc i think that Click has to be like. In Person for me to reach that point yk?? like i could click w ppl online n be friends fine!! but like#if we meet in person and that irl interaction isnt like the online interactions (which its usually Not just bc of the nature of Online..)#and we dont Click the same way... its like... man... i dont think we can be romantic partners WHICH I FEEL BAD ABT bc its like.#i dont wanna lead anyone on... so it sucks if we click online but i dont feel that same Click in person 🥲🥲#idk maybe im just not emotionally ready to date?????? ugh ig ~24yrs of being single'll do tht to a person 🥲🥲#feel free to dm me w like. advice or smthn if u read all this n have smthn to say 🤷🏽‍♀️ i cant guarantee ill respond (bc im shy 🥴)#BUT ill def read n consider ur words i prommie (also sometimes i dont respond bc idk what to say 😖 but im not ignoring i see u n i hear u)#(not in a creepy literal way. in a figurative way.)
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prettykitti · 1 year
im veryy high lmao
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ficmachine · 1 year
Ok this is really silly but ever since I've read that one post you made about glamrock freddy/ monty being with a shy, small, new dancer animatronic, I've had an idea I can't get out of my head. What if the reader used to be an animatronic in Sister Location made to dance Ballet with Ballora? Maybe they were really close and would dance together like the reader being able to pick her up despite being shorter. Maybe something happened and they don't remember anything about the SL or Ballora when they transferred to the PizzaPlex, but for 'some reason' they are really good at ballet. What if the PizzaPlex brought back Ballora to dance with them somehow and the reader suddenly remembers and they have a reunion?What would Freddy/Monty think of them dancing together? Would they be jealous? Would they love how good they are at Ballet? Would they think it's cute that they're really good friends with Ballora and are always competing against one another? Ex: "I bet I can do more Spins than you >:(!!"
(lolll sorry if this makes you uncomfortable to do for some reason, or it's bad somehow. This is my first ask ;-;)
hi dude!
This is a very good idea and it seems like you have a lot of it fleshed out already- but i no longer write for animatronic reader, nor do i write female characters unless its an off-handed mention or a small appearance.
with that said tho! it really does seem like you have some good fleshed out chunk going! :0 by all means flesh this out more! post it as your own! i know i'd definitely be down to read that! (it's just not my cup of tea to write unfortunately ;u; )
but if you DO write it, even if its just bullet points or whatever, small hcs and stuff (or fuck if you need help with it or something im down to beta read and throw ideas at you!) pls tag me in it!
don't get discouraged btw! it's a very lovely first ask <3 i'm honoured that i was the one you sent it to even tho i know it must've taken a lot to just hit send <3
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Am I the asshole for cutting off a mutual for threatening suicide?
I know it sounds bad, but please bear with me.
I stumbled across somebody on Tumblr who shared the same obscure interests as me, and we became mutuals pretty quickly. We hardly interacted outside of liking each other's posts sometimes, which seems to be par for the course for Tumblr mutuals. I had a Discord server with my partners and me in it and we decided to invite them to it in an attempt to be closer friends.
Things were okay for a while, but I noticed a few red flags right off the bat. They'd had a bad experience with their last group of friends and vented about it a lot - that in and of itself is fine, but it got to a point where it was all they would talk about. The vent channel in the server was completely occupied by them, and neither me nor my partners felt comfortable venting there ourselves. Alongside this venting about their old friends, they would continuously insinuate we would be just like them, and would leave them just like their old friends did. Again, I don't have a problem with people asking for reassurance, but this was CONSTANT. When I say it was all they would talk about, I mean it. That kind of mistrust in their supposed friends was mentally draining and made me feel like they didn't value our friendship.
And now we get to the threatening suicide part. This person was very clearly mentally ill, needed help, and lived in an unsupportive home. I had all the sympathy in the world for them, and still hope they manage to get out of it. However, if we did not respond to the constant venting in our Discord server, they would go on Twitter and Tumblr and talk about how everyone was ignoring them, and they were going to kill themselves. Several times. This happened a few times before I approached them and asked them kindly not to vague post about me, as I have "trauma" (put in quotes because the vague posting was not the root cause of it) surrounding people pretending to be my friend and shit-talking me in vague posts. They apologized, and agreed to try and cut down on doing it.
But it didn't stop. A week would pass, and they would go right back to it. Their suicide threats were made near daily, and while I don't mind talking someone down from suicide, being expected to do it every single day was taking a massive toll on my mental health.
Eventually, my partners and I decided we weren't cut out to be friends with this person. A message was sent to the Discord server, explaining we made a collective decision that we were not a good match, and that we'd be deleting the server. Cue the final breakdown - as soon as they saw the message, they started to freak out, threatening to kill themselves, begging not to leave them, saying they'd be alone without us, etc. The server was deleted and they moved to my partner's DMs, still threatening suicide and generally being nasty.
After blocking them on socmed, things were quiet for a while. Occasionally, they will send me or my partners asks telling them they're going to kill themselves and how they just want to "make things right" between us. Obviously these threats are empty. The last one they sent me was on Roblox of all things because I'd blocked them everywhere else.
So, am I the asshole? Should I have continued to stay in this friendship and tried harder to make it work?
What are these acronyms?
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leovenuslatina · 3 months
💘500 ask game💘!
sorry if you didn’t get to enter i will be doing this again so don’t sweat 😿 but everyone who did enter i will get to your reading give me some time 🫶🏾xx thank you to everyone who has entered!!
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thank u thank u so much for 500 followers it’s crazy how i gained so much so fast for just doing something i love ! i appreciate every single one of you more than you know 💗 😭
1.) follow me and like and reblog my last two readings AND THIS POST
2.) make an assumption about me w ur ask (be fun AND nice w it tho :) )
3.) this is a future spouse game BUT you can send me any ONE question you have and i will respond with a tarot message (i will try to respond as soon as i can so please be patient w me)
for paid private readings dm me 💘
3 questions - $20
6 questions - $30
long channeled message - $90
plzzz no questions about health or death ☠️
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jess-the-vampire · 6 months
so i didn't wanna make this post, I wanted to have this situation handled in private and move on, but it's gotten to a point where i don't feel like i have any choice but to put it out there into the public.
Because I don't think I'm going to get any results otherwise despite my attempts.
So I got robbed a few months ago, guy stole my bags with all my valuables in them, it really sucked and I'm still waiting for any updates on this situation.
In the meantime I had to attempt to replace my items that were stolen, so one of the items I did so was a keychain I was pretty attached to that happened to be on one of the stolen bags.
It was a preorder and it was hard to be sure they were still available given the artist did one last batch awhile ago.
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The website I ordered from :
So I emailed the artist to make sure they were still in stock, even offered to pay extra for it to be manufactured if they weren't, i was told they were and it'd be sent out to me extremely soon. The artist was sympathetic to what happened to me.
So I wait a few weeks, up to a month, and it never came.
I emailed the artist again, telling them the package I paid for never arrived, they apologized and promised to send a replacement after I clarified my address just to make sure.
This package also never came.
The artist completely stopped responding to my emails after that.
I had told them ill update them if the packages arrived late, because the mail service can be slow, but they never did and despite telling them monthly nothing has arrived they didn't say a word to me or try to help.
This started back in JUNE-JULY, its been about 6 months since.
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I even attempted again to order a package of three, in October, still hasn't arrived.
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You might be asking if I have a tracking number for my packages, I don't, I never got a single one.
I even emailed the artist asking for some, no response.
I tried dming the artist and got no response, I genuinely don't know if they are just not checking their dms or just ignoring me in particular because they are active online to a degree.
I tried a PayPal report at one point and got some of my money back, but only for the first package. Because the other was on my card.
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So that's more then 50 $ I haven't yet gotten my money's worth of nor got refunded to me.
I dont want to assume the worst of the artist, I just don't understand what's going on and I'm just frustrated, because the situation I went through was bad enough without this on top of it.
My friends were concerned about me being scammed, one package being missing can be waved off, three packages can not.
Best case scenario, this is all explained just to have been some mismanagement on the artist's part.
I want to hope that's the case, but right now I haven't gotten a single package, all my money back, or a single response in months.
At this point I don't even have evidence the packages were sent out at all without a tracking number.
I don't want harassment aimed towards the artist, I'm just hoping talking about what happened publicly either moves something forward on their part to getting what i paid for or preventing other potential customers from ending up enduring the same situation .
Because as of now, this is pretty upsetting and frustrating.
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"Misery"- Once in a lifetime chance (Midsommar AU) Chapter 1
part 1 of 4 || series masterlist || next part
pairing: modern!Aemond Targaryen x Reader
summary: As if it isn´t enough that your relationship is drifting apart, tragedy can´t seem to leave you alone. But then again there might be a chance to get away from it for a while.
word count: 1,3k
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warnings: mentions of character death and grief, mentions of mental illness, mentions of verbal fighting, afab reader
general HotD taglist: @urmomsgirlfriend1
(As always, if you want to be tagged in this mini-series or any other character/general fandom taglist, send a comment, ask or DM my way.❤️)
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Life has never been nice to you or easy. The only thing that ever truly went well for you growing up, was school, but as you got to University, even that began stressing you out to no end after a while. Even more so when you gotten to know and started to date Aemond Targaryen. He was a nice person at first. Your relationship was good. Your parents liked him and you would often accompany him when he would meet up with his brother, Aegon and his nephew, Jacaerys. In the beginning it was kind of a weird dynamic to witness between the three of them, but you soon got used to the banter. Once you gotten to know them a bit better, the two men were nice enough. However, juggling your studies at KLU, trying to keep up with your family and the seemingly quickly burning out relationship with Aemond all threw you for a loop. And you would be lying if it didn´t bring you back into a deep depressive hole bit by bit. You didn't really have any friends of your own, aside from him. Which made things a whole deal worse whenever you did have a fight. Which occurred more often as time went on. Mostly about the relationship with your sister. For as long as you could remember struggling with depression she had struggled with bipolar disorder. Yet while you had tried to get into therapy, which wasn´t always that simple, and taking your meds, she let all that kind of slack off. Now, even so used to her behavior, it still freaked you out majorly when she went into `one of her phases´ as Aemond had called it once. He wasn´t happy, a massive understatement, with the whole dynamic between the two of you. As if you didn´t know how unhealthy it was. You were. Without a place in therapy in sight, you had been leaning onto him more and more. It made you feel bad to no end to rely on him like this. Yet at the same time you didn´t know how to move past it. And when times were good between the two of you, they were great. So you didn´t lose hope that it could be like that all the time again soon.
Then after an especially bad night, where you try to reach your sister and she doesn't answer, you hit your deepest low yet. The whole evening you spend messaging, e-mailing and calling her in hopes she would respond to anything, while venting to your friend about how this was scaring the ever living shit out of you you and how you simply couldn´t tell Aemond about it, as she would always do this. All the while she tried to calm you down. Telling you that that´s what he is there for. Despite her assurance you don´t tell him anything. Instead you ignore the feeling, that this time something was actually wrong, heading out to meet Aemond at Aegon´s place, where all of them had assembled for the evening. Of course, this would come to bite you in the ass. All throughout the night you have to excuse yourself again and again, as to not let them see what you were feeling. When you get ready for bed later that night, in quiet and cold conversation with Aemond, the police from your family’s hometown calls you. You almost miss it and when you pick it up, you wish you hadn´t. The officer on the other end of the line addresses you with a tone that lets you know what happened before he even says it. Your parents had been found dead. Presumedly killed by your sister during an episode, committing the crime before taking her own life. They couldn´t say for sure yet, but she was living with them and nothing pointed to anyone else being the perpetrator.
The news make your throat close up with a large knot. Tears veiling your sight the second you hang up the phone. Heavy sobs shake your whole body and if you would be thinking clearly you´d probably be concerned about disturbing the neighbors with your loud wailing. But you are not and the sounds push their way out. You cry into his lap, curled up in on yourself, until there are no tears left and no sound comes out of you. Until your body is too exhausted to keep you awake.
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When you wake up the next morning Aemond lays beside you with his back turned to you. You remember how he had tried to console you to no avail before going to sleep himself. With a dull pain in your head and burning eyes, you turn to your side. Burying yourself in the blanket. Forging a relative safety which you barely flee for you don´t know how long. Only when Aemond forces you to eat or shower you move from your spot. Mostly you either sleep or cry though. Especially at night, when the nightmares come. It further strains your already near broken relationship. You are aware how Aemond pulls away from you. You don´t need to listen in on his conversations with Aegon and Jace about how he wants to break up with you, but can´t because of your families death. Eventually you are able to talk yourself out of bed and into attending life again, though you are aware that it still isn´t like before. You still try, for both your and Aemond´s sake.
Which lands you were you were now. At a party with your boyfriend, Aegon, Jace and a man who Aemond had introduced to you as Cregan a week or so before. Cregan is nice. The genuine kind of nice and empathetic in a way that the others never could be. During the conversation you find out that he had invited the three to attend some festival back at his home in the north. Him mentioning the invitation stunts you a bit, as you couldn´t remember Aemond ever mentioning something like this. For the sake of not provoking another argument, especially in public, you refrain from saying anything of the sorts. Only congratulating them and giving Jace the stage as he almost giddily informs you all that the afformentioned festival only happened once every 90 years and he was so stoked to write his thesis on the customs.
He looked much like a golden retriever in those moments of joy, as Aegon and Cregan jokingly never fail to remind him and in your distracted mind you have to agree.
You hold your tongue all the way until the next day. You didn´t even plan on it coming up again, but when Aemond brings it up again you. And of course it blows up into a full argument ending with you trying to mend things as best as you could. Everything to not drive him away any further.
“I´m sorry. Truly, I´m sorry. I was just surprised is all. You shouldn´t let me hold you back from this chance. It will be great for you.” You take his hands in yours.
“Are you are sure this is all? You will be fine?” He asks suspicion lacing his tone. Eyebrows still laced together tightly.
“I- yeah… It´s only a little while right?” You mutter. Still unnerved by the disagreement.
“No, you know what? You… You should come with us. If you want. Cregan surely would not mind.” The fact that he says it like this stings. The indifferent tone and `Cregan would not mind´ instead of `I want you to come´. It makes the pit in your stomach grow tenfold.
“Y-yeah. It would be nice. It´s probably good to get out of here for a while anyway, right?” The insecurity drips from your words and is met with a coldness that chases a shiver down your back.
“Yes, probably.”
You don´t feel entirely ready for a journey to the north, but you push it down. You didn´t want to pull Aemond down with your bullshit any longer.
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