#my dms are always open to mutuals btw
reckless-rider · 10 months
and poor babey megumi </3
i think yuji should save him with a kiss actually, that would work well i think
Yeah fr it would, he should definitely try that!!
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iamfabiloz · 2 years
new yearssss woot woot!!! happy 2023 :3 🎉
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rillette · 1 year
This might be kinda weird but uh would you or any of your followers want to join a Hal discord server? You're one of the biggest Hal blogs I know of and you seem nice so yeah. Here's the link if you want to join! No pressure https://discord.gg/rZVmgy2g
Oooo ty for the offer!!! I tend not to join fandom discords as like a general rule just for y'know. The sake of my sanity. But I'm absolutely down to chat in dms or smth!! ^_^
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mi-corazon · 2 years
Red (& Lavender but I'm socially awkward 😅)
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oneinchfrog · 23 hours
I just wanna let u know ur cool af
We font really talk but everytime i see u in my notifications i go "omg!!! One of my cool mutuals likes me!!!!"
Hope your having a nice day/night :]
yayyyyyyy ahhh this is actually so nice :33 thank you
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hdra77 · 5 months
Ok since this blog is kinda getting alot of attention i'll just make a pinned post about a little bit of myself
Btw please read this before following my blog!! There would be gore,body horror,dark themes and even some suggestive themes Sometimes but overall i do not post any explicit nsfw here !! (they can be filtered through tags but just putting this here as a heads up)
tags are usually: #cw body horror, #tw body horror #cw gore, #tw gore, #cw suggestive, #tw suggestive
Heyy! i'm Soren!
You can call me zarou or dra
I am bilingual but im more comfortable speaking in english (still bad at it actually)
i really like cybercore,webcore,warcore aesthetic it may not look like it right now but expect a whole bunch of techcore designs soon
Oh and i am also a huge fan of astronomy,space and all of that sort. Along with post apocalyptic settings,body horror elements and eldritch beings.
Using my art as PFPs/Banners is okay! As long as you give proper credit! But reuploading my works without my permission or claiming them as your own is NOT okay. I will find you and i will hunt you down and turn you into a helpless flopping fish gasping for air.
Inspirations is ok too!! But please do not directly copy from the original work.
Commissions: open
Art trades: friends/mutuals only
my DNI are basically the general DNI: proshippers,homophobes,etc. you know, the general
my interest varies but i currently hyperfixtate on these fandoms so far:
Nine Sols
Animator vs Animation/Animation vs Minecraft
My dms here are also open so feel free to send me a message! (No weird dms or you get instant block)
Warrior cats
Im busy and i dont check discord as frequently but i would be happy to talk to you! I would also be glad to make friends im not intimidating i promise i dont bite totally-
My ask box are always open! Ask me anything basically, my aus, ocs, pretty much anything. You can also send some requests but they will take a gajillion years to finish but i promise ill get them done soon!
My socials:
My tags:
Twitter - HINDRANCE77 (!! page contains some suggestive themes !!)
Youtube - HINDRANCE77
Tumblr - hdra77 (you are literally here right now)
#hdra7shitposts - yes, shitposts
#fishdoesart - all my art comes here
#fishdoesdoodles - random doodles and some occasional shitposting, mostly on ms paint
#fishdoesrequests - all my art requests comes here, so far this is where you find my ship requests (still open for now btw)
#wips - wips
#fishbites.txt - ramblings
#othersart - gifts/fanarts! Sometimes some reblogs
#asks - all of my responses comes here
My other blogs:
@nyaworld-askblog - for the nyaworld au! this blog is story driven but asks for specific characters are always welcome!
@fallowclans-unruly-demise - for a warrior cats clangen blog, still stuck in hiatus void
My Rainworld AU tags:
#rw voided au - simple AU about iterators called voideds who drains void fluids out of other iterators, theres also some rot infection going on too
#rw disarray au/SYSTEM FAILURE - a virus in Lttm's code had created a fatal error in her system which caused her to slowly spiral into insanity as she would slowly loosen her grip onto reality, claiming that she had found the solution to their problem..but was it really the answer all along?
#rw nyaworld au - joke au about the entire rainworld cast taking place in the 2000's this one is purely just for nostalgia purposes
#into the sigverse - technically considered an au. this is just a silly little askblog about different versions of NSH interacting because for some reason they can now magically interact with different alternate universe versions of themselves. ocs being used to interact is allowed to!! anyone can use this tag however they please you don't have to send me asks to be a part of the sigverse
#7c dystopian arbitrary
My Rainworld Oc tags:
#Sector7c - official oc local group tag!
#7c golden life
-- still WIP --
#rw ocs
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peaarl · 2 days
my dms are always open to mutuals btw
please talk to me i'm so lonely
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winged-void · 2 months
BTW, mutuals especially, but even if we aren't mutuals, my inbox and DMs are open for weird tgirls always ^^
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nalyra-dreaming · 5 months
Hi Nalyra, you are my favorite blog and I think the world of you, your writing and your meta is always great and I believe you make this fandom a better place, I really do. That's why I don't believe for a second that you approve those posts about "racism against white people is real" and "black people profiting from racism" that were written by someone who is maybe friendly with you here, cause I have to admit that those posts made my skin crawl.
… Okay, so.
I just now got a vague anon warning me of "toxic behavior" of a mutual (and I'm not supposed to look for it because they 'could have a narcissistic break down'??, lol), a few supposed callout posts (of others), and in the last few days I got FIRST HAND experience of terrible reading comprehension and deliberate, willful misinterpretation.
You probably saw.
This is not directed at you, and honestly, I've mostly stayed in my TL today, for reasons.
You can come and talk to me in DMs, but I'm done with the vague drama. I'm sorry.
If someone out there is going round and claims that I approve of something??... well. Guess they're too cowardly to come to me directly. OR, by now more likely, they know they're talking shit.
And I'm done.
Again, not directed at you.
But I've said my piece and it got me flack (that much I expected, actually), but I will now concentrate on trying to friggin' enjoy the journey up to the next season.
Again, the next season will be very harsh.
It will be extremely harsh to stomach for some. Simply through the upcoming content. Season 1 was the family season, and look at where we are.
I'm glad you enjoy my blog. I really am.
But if you know my blog and my posts then you also know that I'm quite frank. I post my opinion, and I'm always open to discussion, if done respectfully.
But I'm not going to enter a drama round again. Sorry.
It's bee 18 months. I'm just done.
(Which is also why I'm not going to post those anons, btw, and if they persist, they're going to be blocked. I've said I'm done on the rant post, and I am done.)
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andraedevane · 4 months
✨ Intro Post ✨
Hi everyone! I'm Andra Edevane, but you can call me Andrevane or Andy if you want. My pronouns are she/her. I'm pansexual. I don't care if a person is female, male or non-binary. As long as they can make me feel loved, their gender it's a secondary thing. I'm an adult, that's all you need to know about my age. So please, minors, don't talk to me in DMs. You can send me asks and interact with my posts, but that's all. I'm also open to roleplay if you want to! But again, not minors. And feel free to send me ask/DMs me for anything!
【 About me 】
🌸My irl friends: @mustangdemon, you're a great person who always seem to know how to cheer me up, so thank you for that @shoon200218-blog, I don't know how would be my life without you (probably very terrible), I love you 🩷 @sergio130posts, you are an awesome person and you deserve someone as good as you in your life
🌸My mutuals: @mustangdemon @shoon200218-blog @generalallxsanjishipper @destroya2005 @fancychaostraveller @zearay @rexnanorum @salsalada @inkfowl @arrhythmicdesires
🌸 Bilingual. I speak English and Spanish.
🌸 Writer (I finally have an AO3 aacount! :D. The username is the same as here btw)
🌸 Artist (I draw sometimes, but I don't know if it's good or bad)
🌸 Music: I like all type of music genders, except reggaeton and trap. My favourite music gender is definitely BSO music. And symphonic metal. Symphonic metal it's... so beautiful for me.
🌸 Hobbies: Write, draw, read, listen to music, watch TV shows and movies.
🌸 Favourite season: Winter.
🌸 Favourite singer/group: Hidden Citizens
🌸 Favourite songs: Breathe ❣ Fleurie | Umbrella ❣ J2 | This Is Our War ❣ Halocene | Silent Night ❣ Dreamcatcher | Zero Eclipse ❣ Hiroyuki Sawano | To Feel Alive ❣ Tiff Randol | La Vida es Una ❣ Karol G | Here To Stay ❣ Sofia Coll | Mystery of the Invisible ❣ Veridia | All About Us ❣ t.A.T.u | Invisible ❣ Zara Larsson
🌸 Fics I like: Mostly hurt/comfort, because why not? Is there something more beautiful than a person who comforts another person when they need a shoulder to cry on? Crack fics too, because we need to laugh more in this life and be more happy. Villain redemption, because I believe in the innate goodness in people and I think that's what would make a better world. So you can recommend me hurt/comfort, crack, or villain redemption fics if you want.
🌸Fics I don't like: Rape/Non-con fics because I don't feel comfortable with those kind of things. Fics with toxic relationships because what I want in a fic is a happy ending for all the characters, and if there's a toxic relationship that's definitely not a happy ending to me. And I don't like fics with gore neither. So fics with toxic relationships, rape/non-con, or/and gore are a no-no for me.
【 My fandoms 】
⚡Harry Potter 🌌 Star Trek | Star Wars 🦸 Marvel | DC 🐺 Teen Wolf | Shadowhunters 🏥 Stranger Things 🐞 Miraculous Ladybug 🗡️ Trollhunters 👩 She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 🔥Avatar: The Last Airbender | Avatar: Legend of Korra 🦉 The Owl House 🛸Voltron: Legendary Defender
【 Ships I like 】 【 My OTP's 】
⚡Drarry | Jeverus | Jegulus | Snack | Wolfstar 🌌 Spirk | Kalluzeb | Skybridger | Skysolo | Kylux | Obimaul | Thranakin 🦸 Stony | Cherik | Spideyflash | Coldflash | Sladiver | Olivarry 🐺 Sterek | Sciles | Thiam | Briam | Allydia | Malydia | Malira | Malec | Clace | Jimon | Saphael | Clizzy 🏥 Steddie | Harringrove | Ronance | Byler | Elmax 🐞 Lukadrien | Kagaminette | Gabenath | Eminath | Gabenathilie | Movie Adrinette (don't talk to me about show Adrinette) 🗡️ Jeves | Hammerhunter | Jlaireby | Stelija | Stricklake | Stricklakerot | Strickrot 👩 Catradora | Glimbow | Entrapdak | Scorfuma | Glitra 🔥 Kataraang | Zutara | Zutaraang | Zukaang | Zukka | Jetko | Azutara | Makorra | Korrasami | Makorrasami 🦉 Lumity | Huntlow | Raeda | Veesha | Gustholomule | Guster 🛸 Klance | Lotura | Romura | Lancelot | Keitor | Jaith | Krolivan | Adashurtis
Yes, I rarely ship the canon couples. Why? Don't ask me that, I don't know why. I just can't avoid shipping non-canon couples. Maybe it's because all of the canon ships seem like the same to me and I'm tired of that. Or maybe it's because non-canon ships are more interesting to me and they could have an interesting story. Anyways, If you ship canon couples it's okay, but that's not for me.
【 DNI 】
♦️ LGBT+ phobes. I don't care if you are Homophobic, Biphobic, Acephobic or whatever you are, if you can't respect people for their sexual orientation, don't talk to me.
♦️ Transphobes. Everyone deserves to live a happy life. And if someone isn't living a happy life because society asigned them a wrong gender, they have the right to be their true self. If you don't support or accept that, block me or don't talk to me.
♦️ Xenophobes. Hating someone for not being of your country is dumb and it's wrong. So if you are like that, again, don't talk to me.
♦️ Racists. We're all humans, no matter the race. And if you can't respect people for being of another race, don't interact, thanks.
♦️ Sexists. Whether you are a misogynist or a misandrist, if you can't accept that no matter the gender we are all worthy of living in this world, don't talk to me.
♦️ Ableists. Despise or hate persons just for having a disability (If that term upsets some of you tell me) is something horrible and you shouldn't do that. So if you are an ableist, don't interact.
♦️ Radfems/TERF. You can support an ideology, but only as long as you aren't radical. So radfems, don't interact. And if you are a feminist that excludes trans-woman, don't do it neither.
♦️ Fascists. If you are antidemocratic, ultranationalist, right-wing or right-wing extremist, stay away from my blog. I don't want those people talking to me.
♦️ If you support censorship.
♦️ Zionists.
♦️ Islamophobes. If you hate a person just for being muslim, don't interact. Like I said before, I'm a respectful person and I only want to talk to respectful people who support human rights.
♦️ Killers, rapists, pedophiles, MAPs. I don't have to say why I don't want those people intecting, right?
【 Moral of this intro post 】
If you can't be able to admit that we're all humans and we're all worthy of live, and live without being harrassed or abused for our race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, or another reason, block me.
If you are the opposite, if you are good and kind, if you are respectful, you support LGBT+, and you believe in the equality of all humans, no matter race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, or other things, you are totally welcome!
I think that's all! So byeee!,
Andy 💐
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iamfabiloz · 2 years
i love u guys :3
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professional-termite · 7 months
btw if youre a friend/mutual/follower my dms are always open :)
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profdragonlord · 7 months
ProfDragonLord • He/Him Bisexual • 18
📌 Pinned 📌
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● General Information ●
I'm ProfDragonLord! You may call me Prof or Dragon, either is fine. I'm just a goober who posts random irrelevant stuff and reblogs a lot.
I do not mind like/reblog spam so go wild.
My favorite posts will tagged with #fav. Asks I receive will be tagged with #pdl asks Characters with common names will be tagged with the series initials or abbreviation followed by the name (Ex. "mk scorpion" "pkmn steven" "fn drift")
My DMs are always open and I'll gladly eat up any asks (please guy send funny stuff)
Mutuals are free to ask for my Discord as well 👍
Blog Warning
I occasionally reblog posts involving minor gore/blood, and eyestrain. If that stuff affects you, it's best to not follow my blog.
DNI List
No proshippers.
Also, just don't be a weirdo on my blog.
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○ Interests ○
Subject to change at anytime (if I remember to update this)
• Major Interests •
Mainly Battle Royale, though I have gained an interest in Save The World.
Mains atm are Stratus, Doggo, and Kado Thorne
Finished main comic; have not touched the extended universe stuff in the slightest.
Certified Rogue of Blood
Favorite troll is Terezi Pyrope, favorite kid is Dave or Roxy
I have several fantrolls. Posts involving them will be tagged "jaagzi pyrvon" "ivitar vonvai" "lokall rhomex" "rylohv itrant", feel free to ask about them!
Clive Handforth my beloved and Oddsock is the best of the lbp3 playable characters idc
lbp2 is my favorite of the series btw
Interested in competitive
Favorite pokemon are Mudkip line, Jangmo-o line, and Rayquaza. There's only many many many more I appreciate, especially some lesser loved ones.
Favorite region is Hoenn and favorite games are PLA, Emerald, and SV
Star Wars
Filthy Prequels fan.
Clanker sayer.
Cookie Run Kingdom
Favorite cookies are Rockstar and Captain Caviar
I do not like Ovenbreak.
Engineer, Loader, and Railgunner main.
Risk of Rain 2
I just like doing dumb shit in it ngl
I just always use the prefix "ror" for tags, even if the character is from ror2
• Minor Interests •
Honkai Star Rail
Argenti, Dan Heng, Aventurine, and Jing Yuan are my favorites.
Helldivers 2
Space, Ocean, Weather
Plants Vs Zombies
Brawl Stars
Titanfall 2
Mortal Kombat
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redjaybird · 2 months
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name(s): Yams Mun pronouns: She/her/they/them, but also don't mind whatever OOC Contact: DMs or D.isco (mutuals/people I vibe with only ask for my d.isco)
Who the heck are my muses anyway:
He's a little shit that causes problems and pisses people off for the heck of it. A bit of an edgelord (is that an understatement?), rude, vulgar, and extremely tough to crack if you want him in friendlier stages. Good luck. He's not going to make it easy for you.
Points of interest:
He has various verses, some things may change depending on what verse things are in. Details in his design are important and have stories behind them. In his main verses, he has extra strengthened abilities and a little extra chaotic surprise, sometimes. He has a lot of anger issues and is really shit at dealing with other emotions, often turning them into anger, too, because he doesn't know how else to handle things. He likes to think of himself as a villain, but really he's more like an anti-hero. And he's got a whole revenge case he's trying to deal out. He's got some emotional issues that he refuses to talk about, and others he will just spill because he likes to talk about himself. And he's got trust issues.
What they’ve been up to recently:
Well, this varies for people and verses. Things won't be following the same paths for everyone he interacts with. In in his main f.c5 verse, he somehow got himself in a position where he's gotta help protect the Seeds, because of the relationship he ended up in with Jacob. Everything in the B.L verses kinda got put on hold, but these days its after his Arena fell. A vampire verse, in the f.c5 land, has been distressing him. Bloody City (original) verse is getting more developments lately (yeehaw). Depends on what version you wanna deal with, really.
Where to find them:
In general modern times, usually Chicago. In the borderlands, usually Pandora. In F.C3, on Rook Islands, hanging with the pirates. In F.C5, Hope County, usually in Jacob's region. Frontier, the pirate is in Montreal in the company of Mr. Grant and Mr. Pond.
Current plans:
Plans? What are plans? We'll have to see what unfolds. Anything could happen.
Desired interactions:
Enemies to awkward found family member, enemies/rivals, slow burns of any kind of relationship (because its almost always a slow burn with him), helping him learn to cook maybe? (his whole fear of stoves and fire issue man), dad bird dad bird dad bird dad bird (has an accidentally adopted daughter in some verses btw), etc.
Offered interactions:
Uh, do you like problematic little shits? Do you like conflict? Stories are boring without conflict, after all. And it makes the good times so much more worth it, you know? If you for some reason want him to work with you, however, the price is gonna be a little different. Because he doesn't care about money.
Current open post/s:
Keep an eye out for random IC posts, they happen a lot, and are generally open to anyone if they don't have a tag. (I don't always tag ic posts but I do always tag any trigger warnings when I think they need it.) Some will have specific verse tags, sometimes, just so you know where things will be focused on but yeah, generally most things are open unless someone specifically gets @'d on.
Anything else?:
[I'm not super great at writing, and am especially bad at describing things in words, but Jay will make up for a lot in dialogue because he loves talking. Interactions can inspire art, lots of drawing going on here. Also things never stop developing. I've been running this character for 12+ years now and I'm still developing him.]
Tagging: whoev's wants to do this thing go for it, i tried
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max13l · 2 months
F1 Tag Game! Tag some people you'd like to get to know better!
who tagged you?
@3mula1 thank uuu <3
who is your favorite driver?
I mean, it's obvious but Max and Daniel. I would pick one of them and it might feel sometimes like I have a preference but I truly feel like its a disservice to myself and them both if I do (and they belong together) so I won't and you can't make me :)
do you have any other favorites?
Nope. When I like people I gotta like them a lot to truly give a fuck and those two are more than enough for me. I like others in principle (Alex, Seb, Jenson, Kimi, etc) but they don't compel me anywhere near how Maxiel do.
who is your least favorite driver?
Didn't exactly have one but the number from China and especially how he handled the situation puts Lance there for me, Lando can be a dishonorable mention too. Mostly I just focus on my favs, I can't be bothered to care, unless its shit that actually gets on my nerves and/or during races when I pray on anyone's downfall if they inconvenience Maxiel, to dislike people openly. I'm indifferent to most people on the grid aside from Maxiel.
do you pull for drivers only or teams as well?
Definitely mostly drivers, wherever Maxiel are I will support them. But I do have a fondness for Red Bull as a team too, what can I say I do like their energy, but Not the drink (aka haven't tried, I stay away from energy drinks as a whole) lmao. And ofc I do have teams I hate with a passion (McLaren can take this win lol) too.
how long have you been into f1?
I've know about it for the longest time bc my dad has watched it since forever and I have watched some races with him along the years, but I fully got into it last year. Zandvoort 23 is the first race I watched with full intent to understand it and pick people to root for.
what got you into f1?
Needed a new interest bc my previous one wasn't being fun for me anymore and I started seeing clips/pics/etc of F1 on Twitter bc I had some mutuals that got into it and also got tiktoks of it on my fyp, plus started watching with my dad more when I was home from uni on the weekends. Then I imprinted on Max pretty quick and I was doomed (affectionately). And after that I saw clips of him and Daniel together and decided I wanted that one too. Also, their relationship just intrigued me from the beginning I had no choice.
do you like fan fictions?
Of fucking course I do, been reading fics for over a decade now. And to continue the previous question, when I started reading fics about Maxiel I knew I was past the point of no return. Thank you to all the lovely Maxiel writer girlies (gender neutral) I love every one of you, y'all make my life more enjoyable fr <3
how do you view new fans?
Just like any other fans, if you're chill and genuinely here for a good time and want to enjoy the sport (however that may be) all the power to you, making mistakes and not knowing things is perfectly okay if you're not being obtuse on purpose and/or rude about it. We all start somewhere.
if you could take over for any team as team principal, who would it be and why?
Red Bull Racing do need a new TP, I think we all agree on that, so I could take up on it :) We're getting the band (Maxiel) back together if I have a say in it, there's too many interesting ways it could play out and I would like to see it. Also, I would make sure Max doesn't need to answer questions about his future in the team every other week.
are your friends and family into f1?
Like I mentioned, yes, my dad (a Fernando fan btw) has been watching it for the longest time. We got my mom into it too, she's more casual about it but still watches with us and tries to get it too (her favorite is Lewis). And I've made a lovely good friend through this blog who obviously is a fellow fan and got my other online bestie from my previous fandom into it too (he likes Maxiel as well, and Logan).
are you open to talking with other fans/making friends?
Anytime and always very welcome! My dms are open to anyone looking to chat :D Would love to make more friends I'm just bad at reaching out, but I will definitely reply if anyone wants to message me or send asks, etc.
Tagging @hansoloooo and @felicity-smoak-is-my-goddess (if you want to ofc) and anyone else who'd like to do this too :)!
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astaraels · 5 months
btw if my followers/mutuals ever need advice, or have questions, or just need someone to talk to, know that my askbox and my DMs are always open. I may not necessarily be a mom friend but I'm definitely an aunt friend (I've got eight nieces and nephews, I have plenty of practice there, haha)—there's no judgment here <3
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