#most are 3k+ words so far and idt ill wrap them up anytime soon gjkdfhg
ficmachine ยท 2 years
Ok this is really silly but ever since I've read that one post you made about glamrock freddy/ monty being with a shy, small, new dancer animatronic, I've had an idea I can't get out of my head. What if the reader used to be an animatronic in Sister Location made to dance Ballet with Ballora? Maybe they were really close and would dance together like the reader being able to pick her up despite being shorter. Maybe something happened and they don't remember anything about the SL or Ballora when they transferred to the PizzaPlex, but for 'some reason' they are really good at ballet. What if the PizzaPlex brought back Ballora to dance with them somehow and the reader suddenly remembers and they have a reunion?What would Freddy/Monty think of them dancing together? Would they be jealous? Would they love how good they are at Ballet? Would they think it's cute that they're really good friends with Ballora and are always competing against one another? Ex: "I bet I can do more Spins than you >:(!!"
(lolll sorry if this makes you uncomfortable to do for some reason, or it's bad somehow. This is my first ask ;-;)
hi dude!
This is a very good idea and it seems like you have a lot of it fleshed out already- but i no longer write for animatronic reader, nor do i write female characters unless its an off-handed mention or a small appearance.
with that said tho! it really does seem like you have some good fleshed out chunk going! :0 by all means flesh this out more! post it as your own! i know i'd definitely be down to read that! (it's just not my cup of tea to write unfortunately ;u; )
but if you DO write it, even if its just bullet points or whatever, small hcs and stuff (or fuck if you need help with it or something im down to beta read and throw ideas at you!) pls tag me in it!
don't get discouraged btw! it's a very lovely first ask <3 i'm honoured that i was the one you sent it to even tho i know it must've taken a lot to just hit send <3
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