#if you want to you can sign your asks with an emoji! that's a fun way for me to know who it is 😊
radioactivedotcom · 23 hours
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SpookGames is recruiting!
If you’re an aspiring artist dreaming of making your own character designs for video games, you’ve undoubtedly heard of our company before. We’ve made classics such as Spooktacular Extravaganza and Once Upon a Spook. Who hasn’t spent hours in those games?! This is the opportunity of a lifetime to get your foot in the door of the gaming industry!
To apply, please fill up the form linked above and attach your portfolio.
Now, we don’t want your old and dusty art. No, no, no. Since we’re a game company, we’ve decided to make it a little more fun than that. Each answer you give in the form should be your prompt to create a character! This way, we get to know your personality and your creative talent all in one fell swoop! (And we will not be arbitrarily judging your answers as ways to extrapolate how this would translate in the workplace and throw away your application should we dislike said answers. Though we welcome essay-andying your answers to explain why it should get you the job.)
As you've surely noticed, there are 31 questions to fill out. You do not need to create a character for all of them (but you certainly can if you wish to!). We ask for a minimum of three designs to whichever prompts inspire you most.
Having doubts about applying? There are many advantages to working at SG! Such as:
Meager pay below industry standard; unpaid overtime; no sick leave; no vacation for the first 3 years; a boss who only cares about margin profits; mandatory team-building exercices every weekend; no promotion for the first 20 years; no private life allowed; SG will be your new family so make sure to ditch the old one!
Apply now, what are you waiting for! You have from now until October 31st to send in your application through either using the tag #spookapplication OR tagging us @radioactivedotcom !
Psst, by the way, don’t worry about about doing better than the other applicants. The CEO’s nephew is the one getting the job, he'll get a promotion after three months.
Yes, all this just for a CAS challenge! Listen, I wanted to have fun. You don’t have to roleplay in order to participate, you can just make your cute little simmies and hit post, no pressure whatsoever. But I certainly ain’t stopping you if you did want to roleplay. winkwink.
 What is the halloween costume you loved wearing the most?
 What is your favorite horror movie?
 In your humble opinion, which is the best magical creature™?
 Choose... Glitter or blood?
 What is the kind of villain you aspire to be?
 Tell us of the best horror character archetype!
 If YOU were a horror character, what archetype would you be?
 Are you... cute spooky or scary spooky?
 The fantasy ennemies-to-lovers you can’t get enough of is...?
The ONLY post-apocalypse setting should be?
What was the monster under your bed?
How would you personify your zodiac sign?
Who are you in an alternate universe?
Who's the stranger you’d flirt with in a fantasy setting?
What is your go-to DnD character?
If you were an alien... what kind would you be?
What is the best year to time-travel? (past or future)
What is a monster you’d adopt in a heartbeat?
Make disney princess you'd have loved as a kid!
Or a disney prince you'd love to hate.
If you were to have a sidekick, who would they be?
Who would you want haunting you?
Choose... Science or magic?
What is your favorite halloween-themed emoji?
Are you more of... An evil witch or a benevolent healer?
What is your go-to song for halloween?
Choose... Earth, wind, fire or water?
Would you more... Growl or Purr?
What's a creature you’d have as your BFF?
What is a futuristic trend you would love?
What is the best candy? Wrong answers land you in jail.
+ dl the .word application form if you'd like!
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dalkyeom · 1 year
omg pls do talk abt Shua with me!! I've only been a carat for two months and there is so much i still get to discover!! Tell me about your favorite somewhat insane thing Shua has done? Tell me which Shua fit has had you in its clutches ever since you first saw it? Tell me about your favorie Shua smile? What's your favorite thing to draw abt Shua? I am here for anything you'll give me!!!! ✨🥰🌸
I hope you have a lovely day!!
a baby carat?! Welcome to Caratland, nonnie!! enjoy your time here!
How did you get into them? who’s your bias/bias line? 👀 also mood bc I remember when I became a carat last year and it was like 7 years of content to discover 😭 there’s always something new to learn about them also this might get long so—
BSBDD THE SHUA INDULGENCE! amg so out of all the insane things Shua has done, the one thing he did that made me laugh super hard was the suction prince, Shua! segment from One Fine Day 😭😭😭 it surprised me so much like I don’t think any Shua moment can top how funny that was. In the clip, I think it was their free time and some members were trying to make each other laugh. While they were going back and forth, Shua took a bottle and started inhaling it and it was so funny bc it was so random 😭
(it’s at the 37:00 minute mark like istg it’s so funny me describing it won’t do it justice)
other than that, tbh Shua is such a funny dude like his humor is top tier
As for Shua fit— amg nonnie idk what to tell uou bc that man can walk around in the most ridiculous outfit and I would still think he is the most handsome man to make the world his runway.
But if I have to choose it would be the 2021 KBS Song Festival fit like my brain goes insane! HE LIVES FOREVER IN MY HEART! He looks so good in the deep red and the gLOVES. OH MY GOD THE GLOVES THE EVERYTHING HE CAN MARRY ME RN! JSND&2$,!
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Tbh Joshu in gloves…. is my kryptonite. It weakens me bc he looks good with gloves on.
My runner ups would be: Hanbok!Shua from Super mv, Groom!Shua from the FML (Carat ver), his BeTS prince fit (especially the white variant from their Japan leg! Tbh one of my fave looks for ot13)
🥺 shua’s smile is sooo cute tbh! Like especially when he goes nyorong bc I love eye smiles so much. He looks so soft and cute like I want to hold his face in my hands 😔 and we can ✨🌸(nvn)🌸✨ together
as for drawing amg— so tbh, Shua’s my ideal type to draw bc he has very gentle features. Like this man is not super angular (I have Dokey for that. Man is sculpted like a mortal god).
Shua’s facial features is very soft and ethereal so I love drawing and studying him the most. He is very compatible w/ my art style so overall I love drawing his face 🥺 but my favorite part to draw is his eyes bc his eyes are the most striking/key feature of his face. I find the shape unique!
Tysm for letting me indulge in Shua talks, nonnie!! Like tbh he is just so 🥺💖 I love talking about him (and svt in general lol they are my sun)
I hope you’ll have a great day too!
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noahsresources · 1 year
send an emoji/description of emoji to learn more about a writer's oc! many of these are taken from my munday asks meme, because i thought it would be fun to make a version for characters too! the prompts are categorized by emoji type and given descriptions in case anyone can't see the symbols. can be used for roleplayers and any general writers alike! for roleplayers, these can also be used for your interpretations of canon characters if you so desire as well!
𝐎𝐁𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐒. 💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)? 🚗 CAR — does your oc have a driver's license? can they drive/operate any automobiles/machinery besides cars? ✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person? 🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies? 💍 RING — does your oc have any piercings? do they want any (more) piercings? 🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos? 📚 BOOKS — what level of education has your oc most recently completed/is currently in (GED, undergraduate, grad school, phd, etc)? 🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)? 🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities? 🩸 DROP OF BLOOD — what is your oc's blood type?
𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐒. 🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often? 💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know. 💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits? 🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming? 🔺 RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons? 🔶 LARGE ORANGE DIAMOND — does your oc know cpr? do they have any other medical expertise? 🚫 PROHIBITED — does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?
𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄. 🌈 RAINBOW — what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use? 🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your oc's favorite holiday? 🐶 DOG FACE — does your oc have any pets? 🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends? 🐷 PIG FACE — what is your oc's favorite animal? 🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature? 🍃 LEAVES FLUTTERING IN WIND — what is/was your oc's favorite subject in school? 🌴 PALM TREE — does your oc have a green thumb? do they enjoy gardening? 🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒. ❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits? 🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits? 💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits? 💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them? 🧡 ORANGE HEART — does your oc tend to prioritize family or friends? 💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any? 💚 GREEN HEART — does your oc prefer being inside or outside? 💙 BLUE HEART — does your oc have any cool/special powers and/or abilities? how are they with magic, if it exists in their world? 💜 PURPLE HEART — what is your oc's ancestry/genetic background? 🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐒. 🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs? 🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)? 🍰 SHORTCAKE — what is/are your oc's favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)? 🍦 SOFT ICE CREAM — what is/are your oc's favorite ice cream flavor(s)? 🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer? 🥯 BAGEL — what does your oc's typical breakfast look like? do they usually eat breakfast? 🥪 SANDWICH — what does your oc's typical lunch look like? do they usually eat lunch? 🍛 CURRY AND RICE — what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner? 🍸 COCKTAIL GLASS — what is your oc's favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink? ☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄. 😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life? 😖 CONFOUNDED FACE — is your oc an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert? do they let people in easily, or are they more reserved? 🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms? 🧐 FACE WITH MONOCLE — is your oc more logical or emotional? 🤓 SMILING FACE WITH GLASSES — is your oc chatty or quiet? are they at ease in social situations, or are they more shy? 🤩 FACE WITH STARRY EYES — is your oc a planner, or are they more spontaneous in their actions? 😥 SAD BUT RELIEVED FACE — is your oc prone to getting stressed out, or is it easy for them to keep their cool? 😓 DOWNCAST FACE WITH SWEAT — is your oc open-minded or stubborn? are they inquisitive or do they prefer to keep to their bubble of knowledge? 😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone? 🤒 FACE WITH THERMOMETER — does your oc get sick easily? 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 FAMILY WITH MOTHER, FATHER, SON AND DAUGHTER — how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
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ham1lton · 6 months
manifest it!
pairing: logan sargeant × famous singer!reader.
faceclaim: mariah carey.
warnings + summary: nothing. mostly fluff!! logan is a big simp and in his y/n era. he’s kinda real for that.
author's note: i had sm fun with this prompt!! hope u enjoy it <3 also i realised i might have spelt his name wrong at some point but ignore any errors. as i said… we die like men 😘😍.
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liked by taylorswift, logansargeant and 1,937,828 others.
yourusername: miami!! you were incredible!! thank you for letting this gal perform for you. my new album is a part of my heart and i’m so happy to share not only the album but the documentary of the behind the scenes. love you all and i’ll see you soon!! mwah! 🦋.
view all 89,937 comments
user2: the lyrics on butterfly are making me cry. her pen is LETHAL y’all.
user3: why is logan liking her pics…
-> user4: no seriously 😭 like ariana?? what are you doing here??
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liked by y/nswifey, logansargeant and 170,092 others.
y/nstyle: some of y/n’s formula one outfits!! i’ll link the origins in my bio 🦋💕 which is your favourite?
view all 78,837 comments
user1: oh that carlitos girl was right…
-> user2: our girl is gone….
user6: the first one ate down. one thing about y/n is that she loves herself some sunnies.
user3: no why is no one questioning that logan has been following this account for three years??
-> user4: he’s one of us.
-> user5: for style inspo duh…
-> user3: girl i doubt he wants to dress like y/n… he just wants y/n 😭😭
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liked by kerrywashington, celinedion and 1,928,838 others.
yourusername: winning the grammy was the second best part of the night. the best was having someone dear to me to celebrate it with. sorry my speech ran over @grammys. can you blame a girl? thank you to everyone who supported me with this album. my team, my producers, my band and my incredible backing vocalists. you brought this to life.
and to my supporters. i want to thank you all for being the sweetest people and so incredibly nurturing as i wrote this album. thank you for letting my album last 21 weeks at number one!! i’m still shocked!! i’m gonna sign off now because i have to celebrate but mwah! i’ll see you all soon on the butterfly tour! 🦋💕
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user1: no softlaunch for our girl. she straight out said ‘shoutout to my boyfriend logan.’ she’s so real. we love this for you queen.
user3: BUTTERFLY TOUR!!! im gonna have to fight with logan for the damn tickets now 😒
-> user4: when you’re in a y/n stan competition and your opponent is logan sargeant 😨😨.
user2: y/n dating a delusional fan is so real… that means i have a chance with charles leclerc!!
-> charles_leclerc: no you don’t.
-> user7: unprovoked 😭😭
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 282,928 others.
logansargeant: happy birthday my love. two years together and a lifetime to come. you’re the girl of my dreams and i’m so glad you chose to spend your life with me. love you butterfly 🦋💕
view all 27,738 comments
landonorris: ain’t no way you’re dating thee y/n….
-> yourusername: believe it bitch 🦋💕.
-> oscarpiastri: i didn’t believe it either but he must have gone to the tom holland school of manifestation.
-> landonorris: logansargeant ME NEXT ME NEXT ME NEXT 🙏🏼 🧘🏽
user3: all those gifts?? damn… she’s getting spoiled as she should!
user4: favourite song on butterfly?
-> logansargeant: that’s like asking me to choose between my children 😨
-> yourusername: it’s breakdown 🦋💕.
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httpswritings · 9 months
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@alexiaps94 has liked your profile — Alexia Putellas x Reader
Word count: around 648
Warnings: none
Summary: You and Alexia match on an exclusive dating app.
“@alexiaps94 has liked your profile”
That was first notification you saw when you first checked your phone in the morning, still half asleep.
Some days ago, you signed up on Like.ly, an app similar to Tinder but extremely exclusive. The app was directed to wealthy people and reputed celebrities. You had to e-mail the company and wait if they accepted you on the company. If you were, you had to go through an interview where they'll ask you all types of questions, as the company itself would look for some potential matches to get you started. They did not succeed to your liking. They matched you with all sort of celebrities, but nobody properly caught your eye. 
You weren't a football fan, but you knew who Alexia was because of the expectation she woke up when she won her second Ballon D'Or and when Spain won the World Cup, as the press talked non-stop about the different problems with the federation, especially about the incident during the final. 
You clicked on her profile. Her profile pic was a picture with her dog, Nala. She had more pictures uploaded; you could see her with her family, her friends, her team and by herself. You scrolled down to the “About Me” paragraph.
“Hi! My name is Alexia. I like playing football, spending time with my family and learning new things. 😃”
“Cute”, you thought. You hesitated about what your next move should be. You liked her profile but decided to not write her yet. 
“Hi. I saw your profile some days ago and you seem lovely. I'd love to hear from you”. You hated the way you wrote that text. “Y/N, you want to get to know her as a friend, maybe as something more, this is not a business meeting”, you said to yourself. Your text was fine, you were only overreacting. If you knew they way Alexia reacted to your text, you'd feel more than accomplished with yourself.
“Hi, Y/N. Thank you! You seem really lovely too. I'm seeing that you have four cats! Wow, that's some good company. I think a get along better with dogs because I've been around them my whole life, but the cat life sounds fun too. 😸”
You chuckled as you read her message. “She's indeed very lovely”, you thought. 
“Yeah, so damn crazy, but it's quite fun😸😹” You had never used those emojis. Weird. Adorable but weird.
As you kept talking during the week with Alexia, you got to know her better. She told you about the passing of her dog, Nala, and how bad that affected her. You told each other about your life: family, friends, place of work. She even taught you a little bit of football, and you were so entertained you couldn't quite believe it, as you never showed any interested in football except for some random matches of the men's world cup. You started to educate yourself in women's football.
“Can I call you?”, was the message you received from her on a Saturday night. You had spent the whole day rotting on your sofa and talking to Alexia until your eyes started to feel really heavy. As she called you, and you responded, you started to breath uncontrollably rapid but at the same time, you felt so comfortable listening to her. Alexia's voice was soft, and her laugh sounded so delicate, you felt butterflies in your stomach every time you made her laugh.
“It was nice talking to you, Ale, but we both need some rest, especially you. You have training tomorrow.”
“... I liked hearing you calling me Ale”
“I like hearing you, Ale.”
“God, are you always this flirty?”
“Not in person. I'll have to be a little bit tougher when I'll have you in front of me.”
“No, don't be. I'm pretty sure I'd love the timid version of you. I can't wait to see it.”
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archangeldyke-all · 1 month
ok lemme try again 🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️
okay but this (https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNVa6BpE/) with bouncer!Sevika & reader who’s celebrating a birthday at the dyke bar Sevi works at 👁️👁️
(& maybe plus size reader so she can be really shocked when Sevi picks her up 👀)
EEEEEEK this is so cute omg
men and minors dni
you groan against your pillow as you blink awake. you're hungover, you feel disgusting, and you just want to go back to sleep.
you pull the covers back over your eyes, almost able to drift off before a ping rings through your room. you huff and reach a hand out, fumbling for your phone.
it's an unknown number: how are you feeling this morning princess? -s
you blink down at your phone in complete confusion, before the memories of last night hit you with full force.
you groan, burying your face into your pillow as you start to recall your drunken shenanigans.
what was supposed to be a quiet dinner catch up with your best friends turned into a night of partying when your best friend got invited to a new dyke club opening last minute.
it was a lot of fun. maybe a little too much fun. there are parts of the night you can't quite remember-- always a sign that you drank a little more than you should've-- but you remember the important bits.
like sevika.
the bouncer you'd been oogling since you and your friends stepped foot in the club-- the bouncer you were confident enough to start flirting with after two drinks.
the bouncer you ended up talking to on her smoke break-- laughing together in the back alley.
the bouncer that laughed and easily dodged your attempted kiss, telling you she wanted you sober for that.
the bouncer who's texting you now.
you take a deep breath, and type back a response.
disgusting, sick, humiliated... the usual after a night out.
poor baby
shut up.
where the hell is this playful banter coming from? you barely know the woman you're texting, but your feet have started subconsciously kicking behind you and your smile's pressed against your pillow in bashfulness.
you should make me ;)
shut up!!!
you have to bury your face against your pillow to muffle your squeal. your phone rings again, and you pick your head up, expecting a response from sevika.
but it's not sevika-- it's your friend from last night.
how's the bouncer 👀
you giggle as you type out your response. apparently, your friends were aware of your magical meeting last night.
good. we're texting now.
texting? she's not with u?
?????? what do u mean??
the next message that comes through is a video link.
you gulp and press play.
you watch in amusement as your friends have the camera focused on themselves, all three of them singing some song from the club, you in the background chatting to sevika drunkenly.
and then, about thirty seconds into the video, sevika raises an eyebrow at you in disbelief, and then hitches you up into her arms.
you squeal, and all your friends look over their shoulders, bursting into laughter as they watch you squirm in sevika's grip.
you haven't been picked up like that since you were a kid. you're a big girl, nobody's ever even tried to pick you up.
and you just watched video footage of sevika effortlessly tossing you into her arms.
you're humiliated.
you've never wanted to remember a moment in your life more.
and... you're soaking fucking wet.
the video continues for a few minutes, sevika whistling over her shoulder to get your drunk friends to follow her like a bunch of intoxicated ducklings as she escorts all safely home. you remain in her arms the entire time, giggling like a kid and whispering jokes in her ear, kissing her cheek, and then, inevitably, passing out in her arms.
the video ends as your friends discuss getting ubers back to their places from your apartment.
you blink in shock at the black screen.
did u die of humilation?? your friend asks after a minute.
you groan and text her a middle finger emoji, before flipping over to your conversation with sevika.
so... i don't really remember much from last night.
oh? need me to re-introduce myself?
no no! i remember you, sevika. i just...
a minute passes and then sevika sends a message.
you just??
you huff, and try to channel some of the drunken confidence you so easily possessed last night.
i was just shown video footage of you picking me up like i weigh nothing, and i'm really fucking upset that i can't remember how nice that must've felt.
you watch in horror as sevika's typing bubble pops up, then down, then up, and down again. your stomach turns, and you swallow against the nausea bubbling up in your stomach.
but... before you can panic, your phone pings again.
it's an address. and a message.
this is my place. come over later today when you're feeling less 'disgusting, sick, and humiliated' and i'll show u how it feels when you're sobered up... we can do other stuff once you sober up too ;)
you squeal so loud you make your own headache turn into a migraine.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @k3n-dyll @sevsdollette
@ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re @raphaellearp
@iamastar @sevikitty @claude999 @nhaaauyen
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artdcnaldson · 3 months
looove the patrick’s sister au where art is super mean to her but hear me out im having thoughts and behaving in ways
im gonna emoji sign this if i may just in case you’d like to enable me
alt au where patricks sister is just super super mean and unapologetic like patrick. think sarah michelle gellar in cruel intentions kinda. like fully a bitch and she has a craaazy corruption kink with repressed art
like mayyybee patrick mentioned art wanting to save himself for marriage or smth like that to her and her brain goes brrrrrr i need to defile him… maybe everytime arts at their house she’ll like flirt with him unabashedly… suck on lollipops while looking him in the eye… rub her ass against him pretending to reach for things… and her just having so much fun when he gets all red and flustered and hard :(
idk just some thoughts
- 🐚 (if its available)
This made me need to take a walk. Had to crack open a cold Diet Coke to address this.
But yeah :(( art comes to stay with you and Patrick a lot for summers and holidays since, y’know, he can’t exactly stay at his grandmother’s nursing home.
You and Patrick have lived in the pool house forever— pool house is actually a stupid name for it. It’s a guest house, two full bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a whole loft upstairs. It’s obscene how fucking rich you two are.
And he gets so squirmy when he’s around you and Patrick, but even more when it’s just the two of you alone. He’s been staying up in the loft, pads down the stairs after a lazy, midday nap. And it’s just you on the couch, watching a movie. It’s dark, maybe he slept later than he thought he did.
“Where’s Pat?”
You shrug, pat the sofa beside you. He sits, but leaves an entire cushion between the two of you. “I think he’s fucking the neighbor. The one with the cute curly hair.” Art flushes, ducks his head. You smile, showing off pretty teeth. “Aw… I’m sorry, should I have said he’s making love to the neighbor?”
“Shut up,” he mutters. He’s pink to the tips of his ears.
It’s interesting, you think, that he told Patrick he’s saving himself. It’s sweet, very… admirable. But it’s such a fucking waste. He looks so yummy in his flannel pajama pants and grey tank top that shows off his muscles.
“So, you’re a virgin?” You ask, turning to face him. His eyes go wide before his face twists in annoyance. He splutters out weak— what did Pat say— That’s none of your business— you’re so out of line— but you interrupt. “No need to be shy about it, Art. I think it’s… very cute you want to wait until your wedding night. I’m sure you’ll have a really riveting time figuring out where it goes.”
“Shut up.” It’s the second time he’s said it that night. He really needs to work on his comebacks.
“I can give you a hint,” you say with a grin, scooting across the empty cushion until your knees touch. “There are two main holes down there, and it’s the one that gets all slick and wet when she’s turned on.” He clenches his jaw, looks away.
You laugh and sit back, only slightly. “Aren’t you going to thank me for the tip?”
He turns back, eyes narrowed. “You’re not very funny.”
“Was I joking?” You trail a finger up his arm, give him a crooked smile. “Really, Art, it’s sweet. Maybe I should’ve saved my virginity for a nicer boy instead of losing it in the golf cart shed at the country club.”
He stammers. “You— you could always—“ he can’t even meet your gaze, it’s too humiliating. The smug expression you wear pins him in place. “Start now. Promise to not have sex anymore, not until it’s with someone you love. It’s— it’s more special that way.”
You stick out your bottom lip. “You think I deserve special?” You ask softly. He shivers as your fingers trace swirls onto his chest. “That I need candles and rose petals and soft jazz music when someone stuffs me full of their cock?”
It’s too precious. Too good. His cheeks flame and he sits back. He stands suddenly, doesn’t even look at you as he marches back upstairs. You grin and listen to the sound of the shower turning on upstairs.
You wait until you hear the scrape of the shower curtain closing to pad upstairs and sit outside of the door. A smug grin spreads across your lips at the sound of him jerking off.
All whiny, poorly muffled moans, the slick sound of him beating his dick. All, ah! ah! ah! oh, fuck! god— fuck! You can tell when he cums based on how pitchy and whiny he gets, and the way you hear his head knock against the tile.
You fight the urge to let him know you heard, instead you slip back downstairs. When he comes down, you’ve switched the movie, act like you’d never left at all. You can see the guilt in his expression, like he knew he’d done something bad.
God, he’d be so easy.
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pitchsidestories · 11 months
A night at the Natural History Museum II Kyra Cooney-Cross x Reader
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a/n: this is for the one who requested a KCC oneshot ❤️
masterlist I word count: 1478
The Natural History Museum was already impressive from the outside. You could feel excitement bubbling up just looking at the building. It almost felt like you were a child again.
“Do you girls have everything? You know you can always call me…“, Katrinas voice brought you back to the present. She and her family were visiting London for a few days, so naturally your girlfriend had offered to babysit their daughter. The toddler was bouncing up and down on Kyras hand, a tiny dinosaur backpack on her shoulders. You couldn’t help but smile.
“We know, Mini. But you’re supposed to enjoy your date night with your wife here in London, remember?“, Kyra replied gently. Her Australian team mate gave an apologetic smile; “I know. I just want to be sure.“ “You can trust us. Harper and we will have so much fun at the night at the Natural History Museum.“, Kyra assured her.
You and Kyra had always wanted to attend one of the museum’s sleepover events and now was the perfect opportunity. “I’m sure you three will.“, Katrina laughed. You smiled brightly at her; “See you tomorrow morning.“ “Bye, mum.“, Harper waved at the same time. Katrina bent down to give her daughter a kiss on the cheek; “Bye, Love. Have a good night and be nice to those two.“ She watched as you three walked towards the entrance of the museum.
Harpers eyes went big and bright, taking it all in. With her little mouth forming a perfect O shape, she stared at the whale skeleton hanging from the ceiling. Kyra, in the mean time, was busy preparing your sleeping spot for the three of you. As soon as Harpers gaze fell on the pillows, she tugged on your sleeve; “I’m not sleepy yet. Can we see the dinos first?“ “Sure. That’s why we’re here, right?“, you replied, taking her small hand in yours. “Yes!“, she grinned happily. Kyra appeared on her side, grabbing the other hand of the toddler; “Let’s go then.“
“Girls look this one is huge!”, Harper was stopping abruptly, she was stunned by what her eyes were taking in. Your girlfriend was delighted too when she followed the gaze of the younger girl: “That’s so cool.” “What’s the dino’s name, Kyra?”, Katrinas daughter asked her in a very interested tone. While both of them were looking closer at the skeleton to try and find an answer to her question you were taking a photo of them and sended it straight to the mother of the child who immediately replied with a heart eyes emoji.
Meanwhile Kyra was licking her lips nervously: “That’s a uhhh.” “A triceratops, love.”, you tried to help her out. She shook her head in disagreement: “No, that’s definitely a centrosaurus.” “Are you sure?”, you asked smirking. The finger of the brunette was pointing to the information board below: “Yeah, that’s what this sign says.” “Damn it, but it was close.”, you cursed jokingly. Honest the midfielder answered: “To be fair, they all look the same to me.” “And I thought you were a dinosaur expert Ky.”, you gave her a teasing smile before kissing her softly.
As your lips parted ways you turned around to look after Harper, but she was not standing at the place there she was a few seconds ago:” Harps? Shit, where is she?” “What? She was just right here?”, Kyra mumbled visibly confused. Your face turned white in horror, the same colour as the animal bones which were presented in the museum: “Yes, but now she is not.” “Shit. We can’t have lost her.”, your girlfriend looked equally terrified.  So, you felt the urgence to reassure both of you with following words: “No need to panic, we’ll find her.” “Yeah, she can’t be that far, right?”, the Arsenal player said optimistic. “Right.”
Immediately Kyra started to shout the girl’s name:“Harper! Where are you?” “Maybe she’s in the main hall, that’s where the big whale is in and she loves whales.”, you thought out loud. Your girlfriend sounded sceptical:” She must have been pretty fast for that.” “True and here are way too many people for her to be that fast.”, you had to admit. “Harper?”, Kyra tried again.
You both were gasping out loud when you finally spotted that familiar little face which you feared you lost in the crowd. Harper giggled in response to your facial expression: “You guys should’ve seen your faces.”
“Harper!“, you called her and bridged the gap between you and the toddler. “You can’t do that to us.“, Kyra scolded but her voice was full of relief. You kneeled down and pulled Harper into a tight hug; “Yes, we were so worried about you.“ “But I was just hiding.“, she mumbled, her eyes round with genuine innocence. Gently, you smiled at her; “Next time you’ll tell us when you’re playing Hide and Seek, okay?“ “Okay…“, she whispered, obviously overwhelmed by the situation. You held out your hand, your pinky extended; “Pinky promise?“ “Yes.“, Harper answered, trying to hook her little pinky into yours. “Good.“
You slowly stood back up and Kyra wrapped an arm around your waist. She took Harpers hand with her free hand; “Come here, Harper. Let’s look at the other stuff here.“ The smile was back on the toddlers face as she politely replied; “Yes, please.“ “There’s so much to see.“, Kyra noted while you three walked through the exhibition. You nodded, overcome with fond memories; “Yes, I loved it here as a child…“ “You did?“, Harper looked up to you as if she couldn’t believe that you once were as little as her. “Yes, I came here often with my parents.“, you explained.
Smiling, Kyra bumped her shoulder to yours and told Harper; “But it’s her first sleepover in here too.“ “Exactly. And with you two, it’s extra special.“, you laughed. Your girlfriend kissed your cheek; “That’s so cute.“ With flushed cheeks but a happy warm feeling inside, you turned back to Harper; “Which dinosaur is your favourite so far, Harps?“ “T-Rex!“, the child yelled, followed by a loud roar. She let go of Kyras hand and pretended to have claws, holding her hands like a Tyrannosaurus. It was such an adorable display that you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing; “Yes, that one is impressive, right?“ Harper nodded quietly and came back to hold your hand; “I call him Roar-y.“ “I love that name!“, Kyra giggled, disproportionately amused about the name. “Me too.“, Harper smiled, trying to suppress a yawn. “It’s perfect.“, you agreed.
As you continued to walk through the museum, you could feel Harper slowing down. She got quieter and let herself lean against you at every stop, hiding her little face in your sweater. “Tired, little one?“, you smiled to which Harper vehemently shook her head; “No.“ Kyra grinned at you, obviously thinking the same; “Sure.“ “Not done yet.“, the toddler mumbled.
With a warm smile Kyra offered her: “Want me to carry you?”. “Yes, please.”, Katrina’s daughter nodded. “Come here.” Quickly the Arsenal player embraced her before starting to carry her.  The girl’s eyes were slowly closing: “Okay.” “I knew, she was about to fall asleep.”, you whispered into your girlfriend’s ear. The brunette was grinning: “She is too cute.” “Yes, mini did a great job with her.”, you winked at her.  “I agree.” “Love them both. Should we go to our sleeping place?”, you asked her.  Kyra who started to feel the weight of the toddler agreed: “Yes, let’s go.” “I think that’s ours.”
Carefully the midfielder let Harper down on to the sleeping back:” Perfect.” Amused Kyra demanded:” Come here, let’s lay down too.” “Fine.”  As you two got cozy with an asleep Harper in between who quietly snored the Arsenal player looked at you excited: “This is really cool.” “Told you.”, you quietly said, your eyes still shining. “Yeah, you were right.”, the Australian admitted smirking. Happily, you told her: “And Harper enjoyed it too.” “Especially the Dinosaurs.”, Kyra laughed. You fell into her laughter: “Yes, she loved the t-rex the most.”
“Roary!”, your girlfriend remembered delighted. But she was a little too loud in your opinion as you was worried that Harper would wake up from the noises around her:”Psst not so loud.” “Sorry.”, the Arsenal player apologized. A soft smile was on your lips as you reassured her: “It’s okay, she’s still asleep.” “We should buy her a plush T. rex tomorrow.”, Kyra suggested.
,You adored that idea as you were getting sleepier by each second:  ”Oh definitely, so she won’t forget her night at the museum.” “I’m sure we won’t either. Sleep well, love.” “Good night, Ky.”, you replied, already half asleep, dreaming from the adventures your night at the museum hold. Lovingly Kyra glanced at you while she tucked you in, so you were as comfortable as Harper before closing her eyes too.
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feinv · 2 months
ovulating around john wick (the worst and the best, all horny and needy and appreciative of Man Traits and "johnnn, come heree, can you pick that up for me?" just to see muscles and his back and ohh "john, its so hot out, you look uncomfortable, take those pants off.") - 🫡 (ALSO YES this is my sign off emoji, you read right!! i know its been days and you killed and ate up the last request pookie!)
HONESTLY. he is already insanely hot but during ovulation period?????????…….yeah…………….
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literally asking him to hand you the cake pan from the top shelf which he gladly does, and your eyes fixate on his back muscles for a millisecond before he gives it to you asking if you are baking something and you would be like “mmhm no. you can put it back” with a nonchalant shrug and he is like?? side eyeing you but saying nothing as he places it back and you use that opportunity to check him out again.
hours later when he was working on his mustang with the hood open, you would stand nearby and ask him questions every now and then as if you wanted to know what he was doing. but what you were really interested in was how his biceps flexed when he was fixing things, how his sweaty shirt clung to his chest at the heat, and especially the low grunts he made when he had to unscrew a particularly hard bolt. he was, of course, oblivious to how you clenched your thighs together, which made u all more turned on.
“it’s hot, take that shirt off” you cut him mid sentence when he was explaining yet another random thing about the car, not even having the time to process when you lifted his shirt up for him, baring his upper body to all it’s glory, his light chest hair and back tattoos not helping your situation whatsoever.
he could see you fidgeting around him but he didn’t question it further as you told him you were okay when he asked. he wouldn’t be so convinced in your answer as you mumbled a “you could take those pants off, too” with an innocent face, and he just stood there, blinking at you confused with a few damp strands of hair shielding his eyes. “it’s…uhm. i’m fine, really.” but you could see his adam’s apple bob as he swallowed, a faint pink hue appearing on his cheeks.
“okay” you replied, moving to stand in between his car and him “will you teach me how to fix something?” rubbing your ass on him purposely, acting like you were just trying to get comfortable when he cleared his throat, his semi-hard crotch poking at your back.
you knew he was always down for a steamy session with you, he was always craving you, but teasing and yourself was way more fun. ;)
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
dating colby headcannon
requested by anonymous: Could you possible write a dating Colby headcannon with the reader? Thank uuu
A/N: even tho i'm not taking requests, i figured i can do this real quick since it's a headcannon and i'm in the middle of finishing up the next chapter of the chosen daughter. so hopefully this holds yall over a bit longer while i finish that up :) and this is all gender neutral so anyone can read it ! lmk what you think and hope you enjoy.
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let's start with how you two met: i think you being a friend of a friend would be how it all starts.
maybe this friend in common gets invited to a party that snc are at, and you tag along. you get introduced to colby, and yall hit it off.
colby is very much into vibes and how well he meshes with another person. so for him to be interested, he has to like being around you. that man does not waste his time around people he doesn't care about.
and i think with colby, things would start off PAINSTAKINGLY SLOW. if you're into a slow burn… that's what your life will be like lol
colby hasn't dated in a long time, it's been almost exclusively hook ups and situationships. so i think the beginning stages will be a bit rough (in more ways than one *wink wink nudge nudge*). i think it would take a long time before anything major happened, just because he's not used to being vulnerable with someone.
that being said, i can see him hooking up with you once or twice before anything serious even remotely starts, since that's his usual go-to method. that doesn't have to be all the way - it could be like making out in the club or in a house party bathroom. a little hidden, a bit secretive, but that makes it all the more fun. it's exciting because he makes you feel like you are the sun in his galaxy, even if it's just for a few minutes. that's how intense he can be.
and maybe you realize, "oh shit i got feelings for him…. will this ever turn into something more?" and that's when you start hanging out with him more, or at least making plans to.
and i think as time goes on, he grows attached to you (because he is a clingy person, respectfully). and he enjoys the parts of his day when he gets to see you. and that's when he starts to feel the sparks. but knowing him, he probably won't act on them for a while.
but slowly, you two get really close, and eventually try to start something. once he can feel his walls crumble, and yours are also down, that's when yall truly start to have a wonderful relationship.
so as for dating him, what do i think that would be like?
colby is very busy guy, no surprising to anyone. so it's hard for yall to hang out as often as you want to (which would be like everyday if you could, and same goes for him).
but colby finds ways of seeing you or talking to you at least once a day.
even if it's just to check in on you, or ask you about your day. colby also likes to tell you about the stuff he was up to, give you little heads up on new projects before anyone else. but only when he knows they're happening bc he doesn't like talking about things that might not happen. very earth sign of him lol
i don't see him sending 'good morning' messages, but i could see him sending 'goodnight' ones. definitely with a black heart emoji somewhere thrown in there.
oooh, pet names. i'm seeing him using baby, babe, darling, sweetheart, love, and possibly honey. especially when he's drunk, he's extra affectionate.
when he goes on investigations, he comes back and HAS to tell you everything. he also loves being around you after because you make him feel so comfortable and at home. and he needs that after being paranormally hungover.
if you go with him on trips… omg, he will be protective. for sure. checking in on how you're feeling every couple minutes.
and if you get really scared, he's ready to send you home. he doesn't want to see you hurt or terrified at all. so sometimes he isn't the most favorable towards you going with him (unless you insist).
yall's biggest past time together: cuddling.
that man needs cuddles, AT LEAST, once a day. otherwise, he will be whiny lol (he might not show it at first, but once he's comfortable, he's gonna be a baby about cuddles, guarantee).
he needs to be touching you at all times, whether out in public or not. he doesn't seem like a crazy PDA type, so nothing too ~sexual~, but he will be holding your hand every chance he gets.
unless, of course, he's feeling a bit frisky… then you run the chance of having to go home early or finding a private area to have your fun sksks
i see him being the type to wrap his arms around you from behind, pulling you tight against him. especially if you're waiting in like a long line or something. he just wants you in his arms whenever he can.
like i mentioned before, he is a very busy man. so i see him doing a lot of at home dates. making pizzas together (or just dinners in general), setting up little pillow forts for movie nights, cute vibes all around. omg and of course - LOTS of camping outside and staring at the stars and talking for hours. that's 1000% for sure.
and maybe if you're the type that likes hiking, maybe you guys would go hiking together.
but i do see him also taking you out to exclusive clubs, bars, and restaurants since he has the hookup and the following to get into places that are new.
emotionally, i think you two would be so deeply into each other. i think being understanding and just getting one another is something major he wants in a relationship. so i think always being open and honest would be the main center point of your relationship.
he wants no drama, and wants love to come easy. and most likely you feel the same way, which is why you guys mesh well together.
physically… i mean, cmon. look at the material lol
he's definitely wants to make sure your needs are met. he's a people pleaser after all. and if you're his person, he's making sure you're pleased.
he's a very giving lover, is all i'm gonna say ;)
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storiesforallfandoms · 8 months
not what it looks like ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 1812
request?: yes!
“Hi I was wondering if you could do one for colson, Where the r goes through his latest dm for a tik tok trend and it's megan flirting with him ,and so reader confront s him. They get into a huge fight like legit throwing stuff around the house ,and r stays in the guest bedroom but he wants to Apologize. So he finds the key ,and preferably make up with hot angry smut if your up for it. Thank you for your time - anon🪅”
description: in which she finds a suspicious message when she goes through his dms
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, hints of cheating but no actual cheating has occurred, fighting and yelling (no actual yelling and throwing stuff tho sorry), rpf
masterlist (one, two, three)
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You often found yourself wanting to try whatever couple’s trend was going around on TikTok, and Colson was always game. He liked how excited you got to show him, and how happy you were whenever e said yes to trying a trend. It was never anything you did to post online, you only did it for your own enjoyment. It was all innocent fun.
You thought this trend was going to be the same. Oh, how wrong you were.
Colson was basically expecting the question when he heard your phone go silent in the next room and your footsteps approaching. He turned to watch the doorway and smiled when you predictably appeared.
“Can I see your latest DM?” you asked.
He raised an eyebrow. “Is that the trend, or should I be worried about where this is coming from?”
“No! It’s a trend!” you assured him.
He laughed. “Okay. Here.”
He passed you his phone. You took it and sat on the couch next to him. He turned his attention back to the song he had been writing as he let you do whatever you wanted to do.
The trend you had seen was simple: someone asked their partner if they could see the last text message on their phone. It always went one of two ways: either the last text was something mundane or funny, or it was something incriminating. You had no fears about what could be on Colson’s phone, especially when he was so quick to pass it over to you. So you decided to look at his latest Instagram DM instead. You figured it would be funny to see what fans had been saying to him recently.
What you didn’t expect was for there to be a message from a verified account. An account that you knew.
Megan Fox.
But it wasn’t the account itself that brought you pause. It was the message preview.
“I had a great ti - ”
You clicked the message without a second thought. The full message read, “I had a great time yesterday. Let me know when you want to do it again!” The message was followed by a ink emoji and a smiling devil emoji.
Your mind was running a million miles a second. What could the message mean? Well, clearly it meant Megan and Colson had met up at some point the day before, and planned to meet again. You couldn’t remember what Colson had told you he was doing the day before, so you couldn’t think of what possible reason there was for them to be together. Especially something that would require a wink and devil emoji. Unless...
No. There was no way. Colson would never cheat on you. He loved you and he was loyal to you. You had no reason to doubt that.
At least, you didn’t until you saw Megan’s message.
You were having so much internal turmoil that you didn’t realize how long you had just been staring at Colson’s phone. He looked over to find you frozen and lightly nudged you with his shoulder.
“Is the last message that traumatizing?” he teased. When you didn’t respond, worry sunk in. “Babe, what’s wrong?”
You held the phone out to him. He took it and started reading the message that was still on the screen. “What does this mean?”
His face didn’t show any signs of panic or guilt. You figured that should be a good sign, right? He wasn’t acting as if you caught him in a lie or anything. But then again, he could just be having a very good poker face.
“We had her in a video yesterday,” he replied. “It was crazy. You’ll love it when you see it.”
You nodded, but your mind was still distant. Had he told you he was filming yesterday? Not that he had to tell you everything he ever did. You were both adults, you didn’t need to keep tabs on one another. But he usually told you about his video shoots, or anything to do with his music. You figured he would’ve told you about having Megan Fox in one of his videos especially. That was a huge deal.
He gave you a look. “Do you not believe me?”
“I didn’t say that,” you said.
“You didn’t say anything. Babe, why would I lie?”
You didn’t point out the obvious: that he’d lie because he’s cheating. But he read your expression and said, “I’m not cheating on you.”
“You wouldn’t tell me if you were,” you blurted.
Colson looked at you. A humorless chuckle escaped his lips. “I can’t believe this. I can’t believe you’d think I was cheating on you. I have never given you any reason to think I would, and now because of this one message that I already explained to you, you think I’m cheating?”
“Well what else am I supposed to think when I see a message on your phone from another woman saying she had a ‘great time yesterday’ and adding flirty emojis?”
Colson rolled his eyes and stood from the couch. You did the same, following him out of the room. “Where are you going?”
“Why? Are you afraid I have Megan hidden in the next room?”
“Okay, maybe I am overreacting, but can’t you see this from my point of view? You have a message from another woman saying you were together yesterday. That she wants to meet up with you again. How else am I supposed to take that?”
“You’re supposed to believe me because I’m telling you nothing fucking happened! We got Megan for a video shoot and the video had to do with her playing a crazy stalker. That’s why she sent the devil emoji. There is nothing between us!”
You stepped back at his raised tone. You felt a lump forming in your throat. Maybe you were being irrational. Maybe you should’ve taken the explanation that Colson gave you and believed him. But he didn’t need to yell at you like that. He had never yelled at you before, not even during past arguments.
You choked back the lump and said, “You can’t blame me for thinking the worst when I saw that message. It sounds flirty, like you two were together in an intimate scenario yesterday. And I know you’ve never given me any reason to think you’d cheat, but cheating isn’t an obvious thin, Colson! Cheaters don’t announce they’re cheating every time they leave the house. I’m sorry for accusing you, but you can’t blame me when I saw that message with no context, from a woman way more beautiful than I could ever be. Silly me for thinking you wouldn’t want to fuck Megan Fox of all people.”
You turned before he could say anything else and nearly ran up the stairs to your shared bedroom. Maybe you were childish for running to your room to escape an argument and cry, but now that you had voice your insecurities out loud, you needed to get away and allow your emotions to run free.
That was really what this was all about: your own insecurities. You had always been insecure about the women Colson was surrounded by. He was a famous rapper, he had gorgeous groupies throwing themselves at him at every show. He was linked with actresses and other female musicians that you found to be so much more beautiful than you. You were terrified of the day when he realized he could do so much better than you and broke up with you for one of the beautiful women he was surrounded by almost daily.
You were laid on your bed, the tears seeming to finally run out when you heard Colson’s footsteps approaching the room. You sat up and tried to wipe your face before he found you, but you were sure your attempts were for nothing. Your face was definitely puffy and tear stained beyond a quick fix. Colson stood in the doorway, looking at you with a hint of sadness in his eyes as well. You couldn’t look at him for long before you gaze dropped to your lap.
“I’m sorry,” you said, your voice so soft it was almost a whisper.
“No, baby, don’t be sorry,” he said. He walked over to sit on the bed next to you. “How long have you felt like this?”
“Like what?” you asked, even though you knew exactly what he meant.
“Like what you said about Megan being more beautiful than you. There’s no way that just suddenly came out of you just then.”
You sighed and shook your head. “I’ve felt it for...a long time.”
“Like how long?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. It just started happening. One second I didn’t care about anyone else in the world, and then the next I was seeing the way other women looked at you and how they talked about wanting you. Then I started to notice how beautiful they all were.”
He gently took your chin in his hand and made you look up at him. “But you’re beautiful.”
You scoffed. “Yeah, but I’m not Megan Fox.”
“I don’t give a fuck. Megan isn’t who I want. Neither are any of the women who try and throw themselves at me while I’m on tour, or any models or actresses or musicians ever. I want you. I’ve always wanted you, and only you. You are the most beautiful person in the world to me and no one will ever change that. I would never hurt you by sneaking around with someone else. You are my everything.”
Tears were starting to form in your eyes again. You leaned into Colson’s arms, burying your head in his chest so he wouldn’t see you crying again. He put his arms around you and held you to him, allowing you to go through whatever emotions you were feeling.
You had been stupid to think he was cheating. You knew that even in the moment. But, your mind was so clouded with the message from Megan and your own insecurities that you weren’t thinking clearly. You felt silly about it now, but you were glad to have talked it through with Colson and to have cleared the air.
“What did you have Megan do you to that she sent you a devil emoji?” you asked when you finally were able to stop the tears and pull away from his chest.
“She tied me up and electrocuted me in a bathtub,” he responded.
You laughed. “What?!”
“I’m being dead serious. That’s just one scene. The whole video is her essentially just torturing me. She had a blast with it. I’m a little concerned that she’s so eager to do it again.”
You giggled and leaned into his embrace again. The two of you laid back on the bed as Colson recounted the shoot from the day before.
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parkerpeter24 · 10 months
Omg can I request mcu! Peter Parker going on a date with reader but he’s actually getting sick and trying to hide it cause he’s been super busy and just wants to spend time with reader?
hi. it’s almost december 🥹 i wanna do winter blurbs 3.0
pairing ➳ peter parker x reader
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it was not a fun evening to be out on the streets but you had your muffler wrapped around your neck and ready to meet your ‘friend’ peter– if you can even call him that. he had been so busy working and spider-manning it up for the last month that he barely got any chance to contact you other than a few texts here and there.
you felt so happy when you finally saw a text that you had wanted to for weeks. ‘dinner? mick’s @ 7?’
you smiled, looking at the text and instantly replied with a thumbs up emoji.
as you walked through the streets, you looked up for any sign in case you caught him swinging by in his spandex suit. but there was no sign of him. once once you were inside and sitting in a booth, looking out the window at the slow traffic outside, you saw him and his worn trench coat. he rushed through the doors, instantly spotting you and sitting in front of you.
you gave him a smile, watching him take off his brown coat, noticing the red of his cheeks.
“good evening, mr busy.” he gave you a smile too, keeping both his arms on the table.
“good evening.” he smiled, “did you order already?”
“just got here.” you shrugged, not really knowing what you both were here for as peter suddenly looked at the light bulb hanging right over the counter across from the two of you. then he sneezed, rubbing his nose.
“sorry. allergies.”
you raised a brow, “it looks like-”
“it’s nothing.” he waved his hand around in dismissal, “so uhm. let’s order?”
“...sure.” you said, trying to enjoy the time you had with him, ignoring his unusual behaviour. peter was unusual at times so you didn’t mind much– the only thing you noticed was that he kept staring at the light bulb hanging from the ceiling of his favourite diner.
“your eyes are popping out.” you pointed out, taking an onion ring from the small basket that was over at his side of the table. peter didn’t seem to mind but gave you a question look.
“it’s like... you were here to spend time with that light bulb, not me.” you pointed to the said source of light, “what’s up with you?”
“if you’re not really free, we can do this-”
“no, no no no no! we can do this now. i want this date with you.” peter cleared his throat and coughed a little, “everything is right.”
you smiled when he called it a ‘date’ and pointed it out, “date, huh?”
“oh, did i not clear that up?” he raised his eyebrows in genuine question.
“oh, no, no. your text was very informative, actually.” you chuckled teasingly, making him rub the back of his neck.
“sorry, i-” he coughed again and this time you became really suspicious with the way he was trying to hold back, stifling his cough with a fist over his mouth.
“peter... let me...” you leaned forward, the back of your hand extended towards him but before it could touch his forehead, he moved back. you gave him a look and peter sighed.
“look, i’m completely-”
you interjected, “not okay.”
“fine.” the two of you said at the same time.
“i call bull.” you crossed your arms, sitting back at the leather seat, “your cheeks are flushed. you keep coughing and-” you found the boy’s eyes again fixed to the light bulb, “there’s definitely something going on with that light bulb!”
peter sighed, “okay, i’m sick. but i didn’t wanna ruin our date.” finally giving in as he sneezed again, “because of one tiny mishap.”
“but you need rest.” you reached out your hand to grasp his cold one, “could’ve at least ordered a soup.”
“i didn’t want you to become suspicious...” peter coughed again as his eyes went to the light bulb.
“peter-” you huffed, “i swear to god if you don’t tell me what’s up with that thing, i’m asking the owner to take it out.”
“wait, please don’t-” peter felt his cheeks heat up even more, his obvious fever having nothing to do with it this time, “i heard that looking at a source of light stops you from sneezing but-” he sneezed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, “doesn’t work for me...”
you blinked, “wait a minute, are you talking about that dr. mike video?” he nodded, making you chuckle, “silly, it was the opposite. if you look at it, you sneeze.”
“oh.” was all peter could say, making you laugh at his expression, making his cheeks go redder.
you gently squeezed his hand, “come on. let’s get you some soup.”
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I understand things have been dry in Outlander land but even desert dry has me smh. Ladies, if you have to try that hard to shit all over SH, I’m not saying it makes you a hater but it sure as shit doesn’t make you a liker.
Back after a bit- admit it, we all need to occasionally take a break- I feel I needed to pace myself during the drought. But after a bit of scrolling, I felt compelled to dive right in. Isn’t this fandom about fun, entertainment and guilty pleasure? That’s why I’m here. So why the endless posts from the SH haters? Do people dislike SH, enjoy the snark or just think the man is stupid?
So just for fun (or insomnia) I thought I would play a short game of SH: Stupid, Smart or just SMH?
1. SH and Cons/Private events for $
Why do people have such a problem with SH trying to make a living? Most if not all actors part of a series or movie franchise participate. In my opinion SH is doing it now, so he won’t need to in his 60’s to pay the rent. While most fans are priced out of the more exclusive events, all I can say is the paying fans are the only ones that never complain. Supply and demand. If any charitable component is part of the deal, great. So can we finally put a line under this?
Verdict: Smart as hell
2. SH always “Shilling” SS to his Fans and on SM
Uhm, he is the brand. It’s his company. Can it be a bit much? Yes. Promotion to the fan base and the use of sm is marketing 101. In order for people to try the product they need to know about the product. We can disagree as to his methods or success to date, but fans are not the only ones buying bottles. As for the constant and consistent presence of AN with SH during events? Suddenly they are a couple? WTF. AN is a business partner. He owns part of the business. They both work hard promoting SS, and so far it looks like they will continue to release more SS. Ladies, don’t put your lawn chairs away yet!😉
Verdict: Smart
3. SH and boundaries with his fans
Regardless of the letter you attach to SH, he is a recognized actor around the world. Definitely a people pleaser, in imho, he will happily take a selfie with anyone. Obviously, he never wants to disappoint any fan, but his lack of boundaries and security at events can be cringe worthy at times. If a female actor was touched, mauled, or asked to sign fans boobs or t-shirts it would be a #me too moment. Someone, anyone in security or a handler needs to be bad cop if he won’t. How far is too far?
Verdict: Stupid with a side of SMH
4. SH as a Philanthropist and Charitable Causes
This one really bugs me. MPC has raised over $6m for charity. SH’s name attached to any cause raises awareness and $. The BS from the haters who discount this based on the fact SH apparently never donates his own money is petty nonsense. Gentleman’s ride is one example. Agree it was his female fans that made it happen. And? This is my only fandom but SH is held to an impossible standard. Apparently he is a hypocrite in his support for clean oceans because someone on his team had a catered lunch using single use plastics. Great topic for discussion, but the man didn’t throw the containers in the ocean. Also let’s not judge a person’s commitment based on sm posts. SH can literally, yes ladies literally never win. Thankfully the causes he supports do. I dare you to disagree.
Verdict: Smart
5A. SH’s dating life
According to an extremely ardent part of this fandom, SH has dated😉 every fit blonde 👱‍♀️ within a 250 mile radius of everywhere. I wish that someone would keep track of all the mysterious initials and lack of any literal proof of these women. This is where I separate the snark from the hater’s. While I’m in owe of the investigative skills of some, and enjoy the gossip-even though mom thought gossip was a sin, sorry mom- not all women aka initials welcome the attention. Any woman save CB that SH is remotely warranted or not attached to, has an avalanche of hate comments and 💩emoji in their future, welcome or not. Personally, I believe SH, goes out of his way to protect the people he cares about, and perhaps even those he may not. I think we can agree he is not a monk. However an actor is entitled to privacy. Ginger Jesus included.
5B. SH ‘s Sexuality
From the beginning, 3 years for me, I’ve read posts about someone who knew a friend of a friend of a bartender’s friend who knew for a fact SH had a boyfriend. WTF. You know the drought is real when this bullshit gets recycled. We all know the question has been asked and answered by SH. More than once. Next.
Verdict: SH keeping his private life private: Smart as hell.
6. SH and the use of all things Outlander related
If you don’t get it, I don’t have the time and am too lazy to explain it to you.
Verdict: Smart. Smart as hell
7. SH and CB
The only real problem here is obvious. And I don’t know why the fans or even the haters- btw, I use the term haters like I do profanity- perhaps not the best word, but like GFY, FU, MF, C, etc. I’m lazy and it saves time and no confusion to whom I address. So where the actual f&ck is the audition tape we all want to see? You know the part of which I speak. If only the fandom investigators could put aside any petty differences and uncover the SH, CB chemistry kiss tape? I’m not saying it will be a unifying and CTJ moment, but it would give SH fans something to make the drought less….thirsty.
No verdict necessary. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨😚😉
And last but definitely not least…
8. SH and Thirst Traps
Ladies, because of Outlander and all things Outlander related, we’ve had the pleasure to observe SH from every view and lovely angle. Come on, if you 👀 closely it’s all there. Why the actual f&ck people in this fandom have a problem with his shirtless posts is beyond me. Not only is he promoting the results a good fitness regime can produce, he is literally, yes literally giving his fans something they want. And don’t even try me with- you’re treating him like an object. This is a 100% consensual relationship. And if the word “hater” seems harsh about the same gang that complains and shits all over his shirtless thirst traps, then please find me a better name.
Verdict: Smart as hell and thank you
So for those who may not get it, this post is silly and something for my handful of friends or any SH fan to have a laugh. If anyone has the patience to read the entire thing😉 So any comments are welcome, but to the people or person sending awful and cowardly anon messages: save your time. Or GFY. See what I did there?🤓
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 21
“What made you think taking on a mafia hitman was a good idea?” Andrew asks as he and FF were positioning themselves the best the could for an ambush on Romero.
Since, they APPARENTLY had time to talk.
Romero had gotten the text Andrew had sent him and INSTEAD of coming out right away to progress the whole SCHEME to kidnap and murder Andrew’s Junkie like any sensible goon Romero went to the BAR. Romero went to the Bar to get him and Jackson a round of CELEBRATORY drinks. Romero is still there at the bar waiting to be served by an INCREDIBLY nervous Roland if the number of exclamation marks and puking emojis is to be believed.
What the FUCK is there to celebrate?
These two idiots want to kidnap NEIL and so far the only thing Romero knows (thinks) that they’ve caught are two people that Neil would come for but even in Andrew’s text he’d been clear that he needed help getting ‘The boyfriend and the new friend’ to talk let alone getting them to call ‘The Wesninski Brat’ out. Andrew had hated typing the name in reference to Neil but it was the only thing the two ever referred to him as in their chats.
Is it some insane mental game that Romero thought he and Jackson were going to play on Andrew and Smith? Toasting to their torture so they’d give up Neil? Who knows.
He realizes that FF hasn’t answered him, his eyes focused on the door when Andrew’s thoughts had drifted. A reliable guy, steady in a pinch, and focused like most the others weren’t.
(Andrew does not know that FF is thinking about how one would go about becoming a Mafia Hitman. What is that career path like? Do they show up at job fairs? Do you get a job as a short order cook at a business that acts as a front and see to much but you’re also the only one that knows the secret spaghetti recipe the boss likes so you have to sign yourself to the family? Are you out doing your own freelance crime and someone higher up sees your work one day and literally head hunts you? Is it like in Saw where you survive an ordeal and then-)
“Smith?” Andrew draws FF’s attention away from the door.
“I didn’t think it was a good idea at any point.” FF says and Andrew is surprised by the admission and is more surprised by the twist of FF’s lips into a frown, “I just did what I thought I needed to do.” He adds.
(Andrew does not know that the twist of FF’s lips has more to do with the fact that he is realizing that Romero likely STILL has not washed his hands. Romero hasn’t washed his hands and he is going to hand Jackson a DRINK with those hands. Ugh. Honestly a contract killer AND someone who doesn’t wash his hands? Who RAISED him? What does his grandma think of this? FF hopes she’s disappointed in him.)
“You thought you needed to lure a hitman into an alley?” Andrew asks because the plan is stupid even if so far it has worked out for FF. The fact that Romero hadn’t just come out when he sent Jackson the signal is only due to FF’s good luck and their stupidity.
“I didn’t have a lot of time to think up anything more than the first plan I thought of. I saw him looking at Nicky on the dance floor.” FF says with another twist of his lips as he self-consciously rubbed at his cheek. It’s never fun to have someone who has time to pick apart a plan that you barely had time to form. Andrew can understand the irritation and is glad that FF isn’t lashing out at him for it.
(Andrew does not know that FF is not irritated he is just remembering that he had held up his broken toilet bowl phone to his face to pretend call Captain Neil. He’s contemplating asking if Andrew maybe possibly has a wet wipe? Actually the murder van probably has bleach to clean up evidence, maybe he can just dip his face in there for like a minute.)
“Don’t use a plan where you martyr yourself. I already have to deal with Neil’s bullshit tendencies.” Andrew says instead of thanking him. “You should have just called me.” He says.
FF just holds up his phone, “Dropped into a club toilet. Completely unusable.” He says and yeah that makes sense. FF would have probably just texted Andrew but coming out and seeing a hitman going after Nicky probably made it impossible for the freshman to go get help without drawing all the attention to himself first if he wanted to make sure Nicky stayed safe.
“You dropped it into a toilet? You haven’t even had anything tonight.” He says because that clumsiness is not something he expects from FF.
“You try taking a pee next to someone on the FBI’s most wanted list and see how dry your palms remain when he’s talking about grabbing one of Captain Neil’s friends to lure him out.” He says with a brow raised.
That’s fair.
He figures that Romero hadn’t even noticed FF standing there. FF was incredibly good at just making himself unnoticeable (to Andrew’s occasional great annoyance and to Kevin’s great desire to study him for Exy related purposes).
“You recognized him?” He asks.
FF’s gaze slides to him, “I looked up a lot about the Foxes after I signed.” FF answers before his gaze slides back to the door. Roland had just texted Andrew that he’s getting Romero’s drinks ready (Two bud lites. Those are the celebratory drinks he waited for?? Embarrassing.) “I really looked up to Captain Neil. So, I read a lot more about him than anyone else.” FF admits but the fact that FF looked up to Neil was not in any way shape or form a secret.
FF was the only one who was ALWAYS paying attention to whatever Neil was saying and never argued with it. Even Andrew tended to just get lost in the sound of Neil’s voice when he’s going over Exy plays and not actually listen to the plan. FF’s eyes were always right on Neil and his actions on the court showed that he had been paying attention and knew what he was doing. Kevin also listened but he tended to fight Neil on the finer details of plays, strategy or anything else. FF was the one who would just nod and do his part in whatever possible play Neil had broken down for them.
FF was also categorically incapable of referring to Neil as anything other than Captain Neil.
Neil had bristled early on at it. He had thought it was a mocking title, something FF was saying to rile him up because that’s what Freshman Foxes did. That’s what Freshman Foxes always do. FF slid into the team without a whisper of rebellion and it hadn’t taken long to realize that FF was using the title with sincerity even if his monotone did not perfectly convey that.
It’d been that sincerity and that ease that had FF be the only option he’d considered when Bee said he should consider expanding his friend pool.
So if FF looked a little deeper into Neil’s past and sees Neil’s part in it as something to respect, something to admire?
Well, he personally thought he always had great taste in people. (He ignores the voice in his head that sounds like Nicky complaining about Kevin still not knowing German despite it being the family language.)
“You sure you don’t want one of my knives or the knife Jackson had?” It was pretty big and Andrew didn’t think it would work well with his general style but maybe FF could use it somehow. He was uneasy that FF was going into this fight unarmed. FF still hadn’t talked about how he’d taken out Jackson when the man had a knife like that.
“Do I look like Crocodile Dundee to you?” FF asks with a raised eyebrow and Andrew has to pause a moment for the movie to load into his brain before he offers an amused quirk of his own lips.
FF is a funny guy.
His phone dings. “He’s on his way.”
Aside from thinking about how nice the conversation he was having with his friend Andrew (his friend! His friend Andrew! God how is he going to admit to Gran that Andrew was never planning on stabbing him? She threatened to come over and square off with the ‘mean young man’ bullying him. He’s gotta go grab the makings for a secondary pie to even start to make up for this. Maybe Andrew would prefer a cobbler? He should ask his friend his preferences.) he was thinking about how he really wished they hadn’t had a cut away from Gracie Hart showing all the various forms of self defense she knows in the movie.
He had no idea if he could do a repeat performance of S.I.N.G. with Romero.
It’d be nice to have a few more things in his repertoire because all he has is striking Romero with the heel of his hand in the nose, getting grabbed from behind to throw him over his shoulder (which what if Romero is shorter than him? How will THAT work. Gracie Hart guide my steps!), and of course S.I.N.G.
If he survives this he might write a letter to the writer.
The door opens and honestly FF and Andrew agreed that surprise and speed were going to be their best weapons. The two of them go in for a full body tackle but Romero must just be a higher class goon than Jackson was since he manages to body them away. The door shuts which is mostly what they wanted anyways. Romero can’t go back in and grab someone to use as a shield.
He sees Andrew pull out his knives and now FF realizes that any level of threatening Andrew had done before must have mostly been in jest or just as intimidation. When Andrew wants to stab someone it’s obvious that he’s aiming to stab them.
Romero manages to parry Andrew’s first stab with a move that FF had seen on the ‘how to handle someone coming at you with a knife’ videos. FF sees Romero go in to bash one of the Bud Lite bottles over Andrew’s head so he launches his water bottle at Romero’s hand. The bottle falls and shatters harmlessly on the ground.
He kicks Romero’s other hand since the water bottle bought him time to get close. “You fucking brat!” Romero hisses.
He sees Romero reaching for something at the same time Andrew is going in for the second round of stabbing. Romero dodges out of the way but FF can see what might actually for real be an entire gun concealed in his jacket.
He can see Romero going for it. Sees the same smile on his face he’d seen inside as his hand wraps around the handle.
FF doesn’t think.
FF doesn’t think because if he does he’ll freeze.
So FF acts.
“Gun!” He yells and runs full force tackling Romero as hard as he can but unfortunately he tackles Romero into Andrew.
The three of them grapple on the ground. It’s hard to keep track of what limb is who’s and he’s pretty sure he’s accidentally hit Andrew a few times instead of Romero but he’s also pretty sure that Andrew punched him in the stomach so he thinks they’re equal. Finally FF gets a hand on the gun that Romero had been trying to get the safety off of and he knocks it out of Romero’s hand. “You kids will-“
Romero doesn’t get to say anything else because Andrew manages to land a punch right to his jaw that has Romero go limp under the two of them. They look at one another and Andrew manages to pull the handcuffs they’d purloined out of the Van while they were waiting off of the belt loop they were hooked onto and gets them around Romero’s wrists.
They stare down at the second unconscious man on the FBI’s most wanted list in the alley.
Then they roll off of him and onto their backs. Both of them wheezing from a combination of exertion, adrenaline, and (at least in FF’s case) a fair amount of pain (Christ Andrew packs a PUNCH his stomach is already sensitive. It’s a miracle that punch hadn’t made him puke.)
“That was…so stupid.” Andrew pants.
“Yeah probably.” FF admits.
They lay there for about a minute and FF thinks that maybe someone will need to carry him because his stomach is KILLING HIM with all this.
“Alright let’s-“
Andrew is sitting up and looking at him when he stops talking.
FF doesn’t really know what the issue is but starts to sit up, “Don’t you DARE.” Andrew hisses and FF finds himself being pushed back down to the ground to lay flat. “Don’t move Smith.” He demands and is pulling his phone out of his pocket as he keeps a hand on FF’s shoulder.
FF doesn’t really understand what’s got Andrew so upset all the sudden. “Andrew, what’s-“ he tries to sit up again. Is there a third person and Andrew wants him to keep down? There’s not really cover here they should move towards the dumpster maybe?
“Smith, I told you to not move.” Andrew hisses before whoever he’s calling seems to pick up. “I need police and an ambulance. We’re at Eden’s Twilight in the back alley.” He looks to FF, “What’s your blood type?” He asks.
FF has NO idea.
“I don’t know.” He answers and Andrew makes a disgusted sound. “Andrew, what’s-“
Then he sees it.
He doesn’t quite get how he missed it before now.
“Huh.” He hears himself say.
That’s Andrew’s knife handle sticking out of his stomach.
It appears that Andrew Minyard may have stabbed him in the stomach.
“Well, that’s about what I expected.” He says and lets his head rest against the pavement.
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Per your requests:
@i-have-three-feelings @blep-23 @dreamerking27 @andreilsmyreligion @belodensetdust @rainbowpineapplebottle @yarn-ace @iwouldlikesometea @lily-s-world @obscureshipsandchips @booklover242 @whataboutmyfries @sahturnos @pluto-pepsi @dreamerthinker @passinhosdetartaruga @leftunknownheart @aro-manita-muscaria @hologramsaredead @Chaoticgremlinswishtheycouldbeme @tntwme @tayspots @nick-scar @crazy-fangirl2524 @blue-jos10 @stabbyfoxandrew @splishsplashyouropinionistrash @sammichly @the-broken-pen @bitchesdoweknowu @very-small-flower @ghostlyboiii @its-a-paxycab @bisexual-genderfluid-fan @cheesecookie @theoneandonlylostsock @foxsoulcourt @blueleys @adverbialstarlight @elia-nna @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner @nikodiangel @foxandcrow-inatrenchcoat @hallucinatedjosten @satanic-foxhole-court @vexingcosmos @chalilodimun @insectsgetcooked @angry-kid-with-no-money @queer-crows @lillyndra @themugglemudperson @readertodeath @apileofpillows @mortalsbowbeforeme @hellomynameismoo @next-level-mess @youreonlylow @interstellarfig @notprocrastinatingatalltoday @percyjacksonfan3 @queenofcrazy27 @bsmr261 @ghostlyscares @spencellio @adinthedarkroom @harpymoth @sufferingjustalilbit @anxietymoss @oddgreyhound @ohno-myhyperfixation-itsbroken @ken22789 @atiredvampire @isoldescorner @not--a--pipedream @azure-wing @bushbees  @roonilwazlib-main @crumplelush @foldedaces-paperbirds​ @thesenseinnonsense​ @let-tyrants-fear​ @ketchupfriesandallthingsnice​ @legowerewolf​ @deadlydodos​ @but-we-respect-his-craft​ @cariniqe​ @zanypersonapricotbiscuit​ @lesbian-blackbeard​ @lesbiansupernatural​ @silvermasquerade​ @thepeachfuzz​ @minniemariex @kazoo-the-demjin​
The requests to be added to the tag list keep being spread out across a few different areas. If I missed you please just ask again in the replies I promise I just missed you.
As stated before if you’re up here and I spelled it right but you didn’t get a notification there might be something switched around in your settings that won’t let me tag you properly?
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peakyswritings · 2 months
Join the Italian summer
Heart, Body and Soul || One year celebration
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It’s Heart, Body and Soul month! Almost year ago, on August 7th, I posted the first chapter of Heart, Body and Soul, and now August really feels like the series’s month. I can’t believe it’s been a year. A year ago I had no idea I’d carrying on with my project to actually make this a long series, instead of just imagining how things could develop further - and tbh I had no idea I would still be writing the first part lmao. I wanna thank all those who stuck around, your support means everything to me🤍
So I decided to make a little celebration. At first I wanted to post it on August 7th, but then I thought that it would be nice to make the whole month part of it. Whether you’re a writer or just a reader, this is something you can participate in, so if you’re interested keep reading down below!
And before I forget, if you’ve just come across this and wanna give Heart, Body and Soul a chance, you can find it HERE
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☀️ Be creative
For my fellow writers, feel free to write something summer themed featuring Nina, and of course your lovely OCs. It can be a drabble, a full story or even a sentence with a little moodboard, everything is welcome!
☀️ Gaze into the crystal ball
For those of you who might have missed it, a few months ago I made a post about Heart, Body and Soul having multiple parts and following the events of the series up until season six. Everything’s already planned out, and I know exactly how Nina and Tommy’s story will develop and end. Make some assumptions about things that might happen. I won’t tell you if you’re right or wrong, of course, but it will be fun to see what you expect of the story!
☀️ Behind the scenes
If you have any questions about things that happened in the chapters posted until now or have some curiosities about something/wanna know why I made certain choices, now it’s the right time to ask!
☀️ Fool for you
Not long ago I made a joke about the fact that I could write a whole compilation of Tommy pining over Nina. So I went to reread the chapters and counted 16 scenes. Send me a number between 1 and 16 and you’ll get one!
☀️ Snoop around
A while ago I saved on Pinterest some photos that resemble how I picture the Ferrante house. Send me an emoji and I’ll share a room with you!
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Heart, Body and Soul taglist
@zablife @queenofshinigamis @raincoffeeandfandoms / @justrainandcoffee @call-sign-shark
@kmc1989 @babayaga67 @kmhappybunny240 @diorrfairy @mariaelizabeth21-blog1
@gaslysainz @brummiereader @loverhymeswith @fairypitou @prettywhenicry4
@mysticalbouquetwolf-posts @woofgocows @girlwith-thepearlearring @goblinjnr @outlanderuniverse
@citylights31 @neonpurplestars89-blog @red-riding-wood @evita-shelby @look-at-the-soul
General tag list:
@iamngoclinh08 @lilywinchesterlove @fandom-puff @capitanostella @caelys
@lucillethings @peakyxtommy @queenofkings1212 @lyarr24 @kmc1989
@call-sign-shark @jomarch-wannabe @ce1iat
@red-riding-wood @optimisticsandwichgladiator
Tommy Shelby taglist:
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maddgical-boy · 4 months
maladaptive/immersive daydreaming ask game! (*¯︶¯*).。o○O☁️
send in a number (or multiple) and if you feel like it, an accompanying paracosm/para!
(apologies for how wordy these are. i am not a man known for my brevity)
reblog and have fun with these! (and if you reblog this or send me an ask, i'll send you one too)
how long have you been daydreaming for? (bonus if you can remember: what was your first daydream scenario/paracosm?)
if your paracosm had a popular fandom, what do you think it'd be like?
do you have any paracosms that aren't huge, but that you fall back on when The Time Is Right™️?
WOULD YOU RATHER: have your daydreams projected onto a screen attached to your head at all times OR be entirely unable to daydream ever again for the rest of your life?
what para of yours is most like you? self inserts and paraselves don't count!
how did you come up with your paras' names? did they come to you randomly or did you spend hours researching name websites?
imagine your paras have at least a basic knowledge of driving (or even just like, cars). can they parallel park? (bonus points if you explain it like in this post)
do you do extensive worldbuilding for your paracosms? if you do, what are some of your favorite elements?
if your paras found out you were their creator, how would they react?
if you have a self insert/paraself, how similar are they to you?
is there any time of the day where you can't/don't daydream?
are your daydreams linear and structured, or do you jump all over the place?
what's a song you've been daydreaming to lately, and what's your favorite moment in said daydream?
do your paras age with you, or are their ages static? does it feel weird to be older than a para you were previously the same age as?
if you had the opportunity to leave this world and live in your paracosm forever, would you? why or why not?
(if you have multiple) which paracosm of yours is most grounded in reality? which is most fantastical?
make one of those "[blank] spoilers without context" memes for your paracosms. then explain it (or don't :))
who is your second favorite para, and why aren't they your favorite?
what would your paras' typing styles be like? do they use lots of emojis? sign off each text like a letter? type with lots of weird spaces and ellipses?
do you move a lot when daydreaming, and if so, in what ways?
have you ever wanted to make a piece of media of your paracosm (comic, animation, visual novel, novel, tv show, etc.)? what are elements that would be apart of it?
when you actively want to start daydreaming, what is your mind's process? do you tune back in like it's a tv show? flip through imaginary files? let it come naturally?
do you ever daydream about yourself (not a self insert, just you)?
do you have any two paras that are polar opposites to one another? (they don't even have to exist in the same universe, just in general)
what para would you absolutely hate in real life?
FREEBIE! drop some long-winded lore or some memes or whatever you want ^▽^
when you experience a daydream block or crash, what are things you do to try and fix it? (or ways you cope. lmao i get it)
for fictparacosms, do your daydreams affect how you perceive the media and/or the fandom?
if you ever write down things about your daydreams (truly anything at all — notes, dialogues, descriptions, etc), share a random snippet with no context.
if your paras had madd/daydreamed immersively, what would they daydream about?
for any pairings (romantic, platonic, familial, whatever), what is the dynamic between your paras like?
if you could make a bingo of common elements of your daydreams (paracosm-specific or not), what would be on some of the squares?
if you have tried to make your paras in character makers (picrew, meiker, etc), what is an aspect of your para that these makers never/rarely have?
are your daydreams clear in your mind's eye?
if you have multiple paracosms, what would it be like if they had a crossover?
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