#if you wanna call it queerbaiting then queerbaiting it is
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gojosbf · 1 year ago
Is satosugu a queerbaiting ship?
there's nothing gayer than those two twinks
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lukaherehelp · 5 months ago
I have to remind myself to not read the tags and text post on the La Moderna tag because the amount of people that are calling Laurita and Celia's storyline queerbait is insane.
Is sad, yes, but just because they don't end up together, doesn't mean is queerbait. Not every queer storyline has a happy ending, y'all. Specially in a period drama jaidjakdjaks
Maybe is my spanish pride and how well Spain as provided me with queer stories since I was a kid, that I see those comments and I'm like "queerbaiting where??? do you even know what that means???"
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nodameshield · 3 months ago
i can't look away from this car crash.
the inconsistencies with the story we read for 400+ chapters, the hopelessness around Izuku's entire character, deeming bkdk's dynamic entirely useless after all the effort to set them up as the 'wonder duo', 'the ultimate rivals' -- and then? What is this? was it all to waste?
where is Izuku defending his dream? where is his ambition to become the #1 hero? if what he wants to do now is teach, you have to show me that!! you should've shown me that sooner! Show me an Izuku who is admired by his teachers (AM, Aizawa, GT...) not because they're heroes, but because he admires how they teach and now he longs to become a mentor as well. Then, maybe, this whole shift in his perspective would make more sense. But the thing is:
Izuku loved his mentors because they were heroes. Not because they were teachers.
(teaching is the noblest profession do not come for me -- all I'm saying is: this is not consistent with his character!)
If he loves being a teacher now, I'm not seeing that, either! I'm not seeing a deep desire to help kids (like Tenko) to make better decisions or have better opportunities.
All I see is a depressed twenty-something boy with dead-eyes and office-shoes. If I wanted to see that, I'd read literally anything else!
Where is Izuku? Where did his character go? what happened to his personality? Where is my shōnen manga MC? the kid who cleaned a beach with his bare hands and no quick, fueled by the ambition to become a hero? if that drive was there before the quick, it surely should be there long after the embers burned out...
it pains me, because it feels as though everything else that happened in this story was for nothing. it collapses on itself and becomes pointless. If the message was that once you grow up you should give up on your dreams--well, then call me Katsuki 'cause I don't even know what to say to that! What kind of shit message is that?
If the message is that you should do the best with your circumstances, Izuku is still not doing that! He could be a hero again now. He has the suit, he had an opening, an offer, even. But he still didn't want it. He's settling. It's mediocre. I hate it. I hate this for him. And I hate it if this is what he's become.
Also, I was not about to be queerbaited by a shōnen manga. I've been around the block and I knew what to expect. But maybe even so I was too naïve, because what they did to bkdk's relationship goes beyond the ship, it fundamentally kills their bond.
How am I supposed to interpret Katsuki not only working for nearly a decade in order to get Izuku his suit, then waiting for Izuku to be a hero again and then WAITING AGAIN to invite Izuku to join his agency, rejecting all other prospects because it was always Izuku, always Deku, the one he wanted by his side as a partner -- and I'm supposed to be okay with Izuku never acknowledging this? Rejecting Katsuki's proposal without a thought? That is not Izuku. And it's a disservice to the friendship they spent 400+ chapters rebuilding, the rivalry I was shown from day one.
There were so many better ways to address their dynamic, even if there was a shift in it due to Izuku becoming a teacher or whatever. If Katsuki was to be rejected and disappointed in the end, you might as well have left him dead, for there was no purpose to his character after that without their rivalry. (by this I mean, you set up their dynamic to be a duality. One can't exist without the other. If you are going to change your mind, tell the audience! Show the audience! there was no buildup for this. is sloppy. is mediocre again.
anyways i obviously care about this. I wanna look away but i can't. I can't. I've spent years of my life loving these characters, learning from them, following their story. I thought they'd have a better send-off. I thought their creator understood the characters (he gave us every sign that he did).
I thought the ending would be consistent and good, like most of the story was, and it hurts to be proven wrong, especially when it's not only bad, but painfully, regrettably mediocre, which is the worst fate a beloved piece of media can get.
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ephemeralgalaxies · 2 years ago
Watching everyone talk about people making Kit Connor come out so that he would be "valid enough" to play his role as Nick and to go to Pride parades, and it makes me all so sick but not just because it happened to him, but because it happened again.
We did it again.
We did it to Becky Albertalli.
We did it to Neil Patrick Harris.
We did it to Keiynan Lonsdale. (edit: thank u, @under-done-studios)
We did it to Harry Styles, Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, who cares if they actually came out as LGBTQ+. As Kit said, that's not the point of the show.
Hell, there have been so many times when people will get onto live TV and even say some shit "in support/defense" for someone that isn't out and should have the right to choose that time (if they choose to bring it to the public at all) on their own.
This keeps happening.
Y'all, Heartstopper was created by Alice Oseman. This is a story about two boys falling in love, their relationship, and the relationships that surround them. There is nothing about this that's queerbaiting. Nick Nelson is cannon confirmed bisexual in the graphic novel, has been for years, something Oseman themself has expressed is very important to her. Nick Nelson is a bisexual character created by an artist/writer who understands the care necessary for such a character, made with producers and other actors that also understand and respect the care that goes into this and all other sexualities/genders/romantic identities involved in the show/novel(s).
You wanna see real queerbaiting? Watch BBC Sherlock that spent part of their actual budget to make fun of their devoted fans and the theories they'd come up with, teased them with "your boyfriend" jokes for 4 seasons, and had the MC almost kiss the main villain and have the most idiotic and mocked character of the show call that idea absolutely insane and below even him.
don't even get me started on Voltron: Legendary Defender, Teen Wolf, Supernatural... Like, if u wanna be pissed there are OPTIONS
That's queerbaiting. Leave these people alone for God's sake. Why the hell can we still not learn from this?????
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mcytqueerbaitshowdown · 2 months ago
Honestly I think this is going to be asked a lot so I just wanna add to the conversation, queers can queerbait. You can be gay and flirt with the same gender and not actually be interested in them. Scott Smajor hasn’t spent years flirting with his friends just for everyone to not call it queerbaiting. Gaslight gatekeep queerbait <3
thank u anon i love u for saying this,,,,,,, can u become an established anon so i can frequently talk to my fav anons (nea, fakefox, sponsor anons) /silly
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chaos-has-theories · 5 months ago
Neal: What are you looking at me for? I didn't steal it.
Peter: I know you didn't steal it. But you like paintings. I'm worried that if we find it it may be too much temptation for you.
Neal: I can handle temptation. (*Neal stares at Peter like he's calling him the temptation. Peter stares at Neal so intensely that Peter almost crashes his car*) Wanna keep your eyes on the road?
Peter: The car can take care of itself. I'm keeping my eyes on you.
- White collar s1 e04: The Portrait
.....they just don't queerbait like this anymore
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lowkeyrobin · 5 months ago
hello, ziggy katz x transmasc reader. Ples 😋😋
- 🗡️
okay I can try 😔😔 ; thank you for requesting 🗡, hope you enjoy! ; also this is just kinda a hc thing idk man I tried LMFAOOAOAO
ZIGGY KATZ ; trans-something
summary ; being trans and also ziggys partner is something else
warnings ; language, slight transphobia / ignorance & misgendering
word count ; 409
Tumblr media
he lowkey doesn't understand at all
like.... okay??
he doesn't rlly care he still finds you hot/cute
he's supportive
but he doesn't rlly know what to do for you to make you comfortable so you're gonna have to have that talk
he's kind of ignorant tbh so don't expect him to be the nicest about it
like he wants to tell ppl himself and out you to his friends or random ppl and it's like wtf stop
lowkey misgenders you on accident
he grows a pair and stops whatever he's doing once u talk about it but like bro
he's always been ignorant / weird in a not good way but gang 💀 u wanna slap him upside the head sometimes
again he does grow a pair and releases "oh that's not very swaggy of me"
he talks like a 2020 dsmp kid, fight me
he often asks about if you're wearing your binder properly and keeping up with your T shots if you take them
he often sends you tiktoks ab trans ppl talking about their experience w being trans and asking "is this what u feel like??" and "damn I never knew it was this deep"
he was definitely one of those kids who needed the lgbtq+ explanation with the game consoles iykwim
like it wasn't that hard to understand but go off ig
he also sends you the occasional cringe "be who you are" video to make you smile
if you write any poetry about being trans, he's stealing it /hj
gotta keep the audience engaged
if it means speculation about him being trans then it's fine
a few weeks later he'll actually credit you and ppl r like "....does this count as queerbait?"
lowkey i hc him as transmasc too
so for any transmasc ziggy truthers this one is for you
transmasc boyfriends goes crazy btw
you're so much tighter now
he's a bit ignorant when it comes to accidentally outing you / accidentally misgendering you but tbf it's very new to him and he doesn't mean it purposefully
he never really feared anything when he came out so like.. he thought you'd be the same ??
he shares clothes with you as well
he genuinely passes as cis super well so if you need any help on passing he's here
he's lowkey kind of a bitch ab u not returning clothes tho
they're his not urs... it's called borrowing for a reason
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thegildedblogger · 8 months ago
House of the dragon is a badly written show
I excuse most of the first season but I truly shouldn't have.
The show is unwatchable unless you have spoiled yourself or read the book which is just a part of Fire and Blood.
They have no timeline and they have developed no timeline mainly to queerbait and make Alicent and Rhaenyra friends, for no reason, them being friends doesn't add any emotional weight to the story and they have no chemistry.
in fact, young Alicent and Rhaenyra feel extremely sexualized, while the older versions seem extremely depressed. But apart from that, it doesn't seem as if they had any other development . Like sure Alicent became more resentful but not more aware and Rhaenyra became more deluded that no one would object to her rise to the throne but not more involved in the ruling of the kingdom. Like how did she not realize that Alicent was objecting to her by loudly calling her children bastards and how did Alicent really believe this was all gonna be peaceful when she has been scaring Aegon into believing Rhaenyra would kill him.
They wrote this show so badly that the chronically online audience truly believes Alicent and Rhaenyra are in love, that Viserys was a good person after what he did to Aemma, that Daemon loved Rhaenyra and/or Laena, that Rhaenyra wasn't happy to get rid of Laenor, that Rhaenys would've been a good queen, that the Hightowers took the throne just because they were scared of Daemon and were pious ????
It's giving fanfic and badly written at that.
AND THE BIGGEST ELEPHANT ON THE SHOW is that they don't have any breakthrough actors like Got had. There's no Lena Headey, no Peter Dinklage, no Sophie, no Maisie.....
It feels like a theater play run by very pretentious people who don't wanna seem like copying D&D but lowkey copying them
They youngest actors are good but not good enough to override what they were given.
The show creators want to have their cake and eat it, too.
Because it's obvious Ep4 will be Rook's Nest, only reason they gave us Aegon humiliating Aemond and Rhaenys talking about the future as if that's the reason that scene unfolds the way it does .
Say what you will about Got but when it followed the books between season 1 and 4, it was really good. And it didnt need big dragon fights, it was always a journey that HOTD is not living up to it.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 7 months ago
I think part of the problem I have (and this may be an unpopular opinion) is all the hopes and opinions and ideas people (fans) have about the new season. And I don’t just mean things like the “mustache = obvious gay Eddie” that’s happening. But thoughts on Bobby, his and Athena’s living situation, Gerrard as captain, let alone Buck, Eddie, and others.
I know a lot of spec is just for fun, but some people take it quite serious. And I know I’m newer to this fandom but sometimes I read serious takes and go “….but that would never actually happen?! I know many of us don’t trust Tim and the writers but realistically that would never be a storyline on a tv show.…that’s a fanfic.”
So I can’t blame you for your pessimism or want to avoid spec. I hope we don’t get a lot of bts stuff either too, because I feel like fans will be trying to (over)analyze everything to figure things out. Only to likely be disappointed because I don’t trust these writers to write/do anything half as creative, original or logical as fans come up with. Expectation is the enemy and I’m afraid a lot of fans have theirs set too high for this season already
anon i have disgraced you by leaving this burried in the inbox and i feel awful 😭😭
i think fandom in general (and i mean any fandom not just 9-1-1) have this tendency to blur the line between cautious optimism/spec and actually convincing themselves of something happening…
i think a lot of people (and if you are one of these people this is NOT a dig at you) still want to have faith that the writers are actually going somewhere with the story, and they do so by speculating and putting actual thought into what the overarching storyline could be but unfortunately after 6 seasons of waiting, i’m getting tired of the whole thing being dragged out.
it’s no longer a will they/won’t they between the characters for me because multiple times they’ve reached the point where they don’t need anymore of that build; the only will they/won’t they is in terms of the writing team actually going somewhere rather than continuing to bait us
i have no issue with spec/theorizing (i may not wanna see it but i just filter out the spec tags) but my issue lies with some of the more popular buddie blogs having this whole “i can sense that buddie is happening” and then treating people who are validly apprehensive towards getting our hopes up like we’re brainless idiots who don’t know what we’re talking about
even though we literally went through the same thing of buddieblr being like “s7 is our year i can FEEL it there is no way they aren’t going canon”….. just for them to not go canon bc the writers (yet again) changed their minds last minute when they got an early renewal and realized “oh- we don’t actually have to commit anymore, we can just keep baiting snd dragging them along— and they technically can’t call it queerbaiting anymore bc buck’s bi now!”
like everything surrounding this season has been screaming to me (NOT anything from oliver and ryan— ive spoken before about how i think they are where we’re at in terms of being strung along by the writers every season) that we are just being baited again.
and as far as the over-analyzing, i’ve seen so many people saying things like “omg oliver and ryan posting candids/photos and tagging each other buddie is obviously happening”……. as if oliver and ryan aren’t friends…. like i fear the two of them posting eacg other doesn’t really mean much if anything when they’ve done that throughout their friendship.
and just because there are some deranged people on the internet spewing hate about them being friends doesn’t mean that their posting is a sign of anything either other than the fact that they’re probably blocking the lunatics and posting each other anyway…. it’s not some gotcha to anyone in the fandom, it’s not a sign that buddie is coming, it’s two castmates being friends, and doing things that friends do all the time
overall, like i said, i have no problem with people (other than myself) engaging in spec and at this point the people who are getting their hopes up will only have themselves to blame if we’re let down again… my issue mainly lies with some of the bigger blogs being dicks to people raising valid concerns over the new season and not trusting the writers when the writers haven’t done anything to earn that trust; in fact having only done things to the detriment of that trust.
anyway, sorry for the super delayed and super long response, anon 😭😭 i’ve been neglecting my ask box lately in lieu of a spike in temu stans sending me hate yet again but i was just scrolling through and noticed this one and wanted to make a response!
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birkinist · 7 months ago
i have only been consuming jesse spencer media for the last few days. here is me, ranking from 1-16 every movie/show he has been in.
this does not include:
- any theatre he has ever made
- the script & queer fish (couldnt find them to watch)
- voice acting (will do a separate one for that thing)
blue heelers — lee cruickshank
minor role only. show wasn’t particularly interesting either and to be completely honest i don’t even recall seeing him once
skum rocks! — david lockhart
another minor role. also a documentary and those are not my favorite
tell-tale — lover
minor role pt. 3
time trax — young billy
felt like i was watching cp when this came on. plot is interesting but there is no good reason for having a 15 year old naked half of the time and a goofy voice.
winning london — lord james browning jr
i didn’t enjoy this solely because it’s based around chasing british boys 😭 not my type of movie
lorna doone — marwood
slight minor role but he does fine to be fair. doesn’t appear much neither is importantly and the show is boring to be honest
neighbours — bill kennedy
classic 👍
curse of the talisman — jeremy campbell
this was cute, even though it does not have great quality i liked jesses role in this
chicago fire; etc — matthew cassey
i absolutely despise this show but i gotta give it props for how much jesse appears in it
this girl is in trouble — nicholas feinstein
it was okay. i like his acting here mostly but the movie isn’t very great
uptown girls — neal fox
having him compared to morrissey is the funniest shit ever. props for this
stranded — fritz robinson
i would probably like this movie more if i didnt watch it in 360p
swimming upstream — tony figleton
really REALLY well produced movie and great acting from him. absolute banger sortof shit youd see winning an award
flourish — eddie gator
absolute masterpiece, although i think people dont get it. having him be delirious and american will be hilarious forever
death in holy orders — raphael arbuthnot
crazy queerbaiting between him and peter. literal religious yaoi. jesse so pretty and gay he acted out a role in which the character is described as pretty and appealing to men three different paragraphs (book).
house md — robert chase
cant complain about eight seasons straight of jesse. first media i watched from him too so it will always have a special place in my heart.
of course i could go into detail but i dont really think none of you wanna see me talk about that. besides movies i consumed an insane amount of interviews and info about him. call me the #1 jesse spencer fan (he would hate me)
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okay say queerbaiting or milkvan endgame all you want but i have yet to see any plausible heterosexual explanation for the following
- the airport hug
he was happy to hug will in season 3 and happy to hug lucas in season 4. when the entirety of the show has made it clear that mike and will share the more profound bond (destiel iykyk) out of the party it makes no sense for him to not want to hug him- unless it’s because of his queer realisations atm
- ‘we’re friends, WE’RE FRIENDS’
um it is simply not plausible that mike clocked wills feelings enough to say this yet didn’t pick up what he was putting down in the van speech. bffr mike was absolutely on the defensive here, mans was trying to convince himself
- mike looking at eddie
you’re telling me you watched the scene in episode one where eddie has his ‘if you’re inTo baNd’ speech and still think mike isn’t a homo? he has a lil fanboy crush on eddie and none shall convince me otherwise
- mikes reaction to el kissing him and i love you too
there is no heterosexual reason for him to look so taken aback and distressed after her kiss and her saying she loves him too. the music and els face all suggest a beautiful moment of love but mikes face looks shocked completely contrasting this. esp contrasted against his face at ‘what if you wanna join another party’ and considering his face when he hugs karen at the end of s3. up till then he had made no effort to try and rekindle their relationship but still wanted to see her and talk to her while she was away. ur gonna look at me and ur gonna tell me that i’m wrong
- ‘i care for you so much’
yes i understand that some people have trouble saying i love you- as we see with nancy and steve. bUt the way this is framed in this scene makes it feel queer. he is deflecting he says he cares for her but can’t say he loves her. this is why i’m a gay mike truther this feels like he’s trying so hard to be someone he’s not but he’s reached his limit. he can’t truly say he loves her until under so much duress and pressure. even when he first said ily in season 3 was just a slip up and significance was only given to the words through everyone else’s reactions, not mikes own reaction.
- ‘mrs byers has this new job, mikes always complaining about it’
im sure i butchered this quote but we KNOW him and el only talked on walkies because she couldn’t talk on the phone for dead of the government figuring out she was alive. this line proves mike called plenty and he can only have been calling to talk to will. while yes it is feasible that he was calling as friends, why wouldn’t he say something? leaving this revelation until the last season makes it significant, and therefore makes it romantic and queer.
- shared looks
do i even need to explain. their looks are just fucking gay. especially that one in season 3 where wills like he’s here and mike just keeps staring at him for a good while
- the emphasis on lucas and mikes friendship
they make clear in season 1 that lucas is mikes best friend by mikes convo with dustin. and in season three their status as best friends is made clear because they relate and complain to each other all the time. then WHY throughout the WHOLE show is mike and wills bond given the most focus??? season 1 will is mikes motivation, season 2 he is his priority, season 3 they have an important arc and season 4 they have ups and downs but ultimately their relationship is regarded as most important- they are the only two from the original party who have consistently been paired together. dustin and lucas were both in the hawkins crew but were always in separate groups. there is no heterosexual reason to make clear who mikes best friend js then spend 4 seasons focused on his relationship with will.
- framing
there is no heterosexual reason to frame him in a closet at the milkvan season 3 kiss. there is no heterosexual reason to put a one way sign pointing to his closet. there is no heterosexual reason to pair him and will in the closing shot alongside two other endgame couples. need i say more.
- blue and yellow
obviously this colour symbolism is undeniable at this point. whether or not ppl believe it symbolises their relationship or just their characters, it’s clear that will is yellow and mike is blue. there’s a reason we barely see green clothing or lighting. there’s a reason mikes bouquet to el had purple (her colour) but too much yellow (will). there’s a reason their flannels always have hints of the other persons colour.
- will as mikes priority
instead of coming crawling back to el for forgiveness in s3 he goes to will. he says his life started when he found el (a lie like the rest of that speech) yet when will went missing he only cared about him. all of season 2 showed that he loves will so much he wouldn’t leave his side ever.
i have many other opinions about why milkvan endgame would completely undermine so many messages of the show but yeah i’ll stop for now
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living-animal · 7 months ago
I have some gripes with Film Cooper on YT due to a video he made. If you wanna hear about it, here it is
First off, title- “this man lives in a dog suit” factually incorrect, he does not live in a dog suit, he wears it on occasion
Next, he’s tweaking over the fact that a German tv host is treating the man in a dog costume like a dog- isn’t that how you’re meant to treat all costumes?? Like they’re real?? Isn’t that the whole point of Disney? It’s the same way you treat cosplayers as the character. It’s fun to pretend.
Barely over a minute in, Film Cooper accuses Toco (the man in the suit) of being sexually aroused by the tv host calling him a “good boy” and claims that Toco must have a fetish for being treated like an animal. I feel like I don’t need to explain why that’s bad.
“Theres no way this isn’t a [fetish]. There’s no way that him dressing up as a border collie and walking around being called a good boy isn’t a [fetish].” (He was using a code word as to not get demonetized)
I can easily combat this claim just from he simple fact that this is likely not an often occurrence for Toco. He does not walk around all day in public being called a “good boy” by “hot German women” as Film Cooper puts it.
He then shows the first ever recorded instance of this suit on the internet, posted by a Japanese artist on their Twitter, showing off the suit they had made, and Film Cooper has an audibly and visually disguised reaction. “They made this for a human” yes Cooper, they did. I’m scared to see what would happen if Film Cooper ever accidentally stumbled upon a furry convention. I’m sure he would have a heart attack and die immediately.
He claims that this is “not furry” which is factually incorrect. In fursuit terms, this is just a hyper realistic quad suit. “Furry might be the closest thing” is true for the suit itself, but Toco is not a furry, Toco is likely some form of alterhuman/therian, which, from this video, I can safely assume Film Cooper doesn’t know shit about. “Furry is anthropomorphic” anthropomorphic doesn’t just mean walking on two legs, that’s bipedal. “A furry stands on two legs” a furry can be on four legs. It’s called a quad suit. Anthropomorphic means human-like, whether that be in physical form, intelligence, or emotions.
He also adds that furries “fuck”?? Which to me implies that furries/fursuits are sexual in nature, which is a whole other can of worms.
“He wants to be a border collie that licks his own BB hole” that’s a big claim. Wanting to be an animal doesn’t automatically mean you want to lick yourself?? And it’s frankly disgusting to me that that is what Film Cooper imagines when told that someone wants to be an animal. “In my opinion that’s gross. Haha. I think it’s disgusting. You like to dress up as a dog, walk on all fours all day and lick your BB hole?” When did he say that Cooper. Stop making freaky and perverse assumptions about people you’ve never met.
He then shows a video from Toco’s account of him in the costume outside a window, but edits it, turning it black and white and adding scary music. This was entirely unnecessary, and just feels like fear mongering to me. He proceeds to compare the video to the horror movie Tusk, and more terrified ramblings of there “being a guy in there”. Yes, Cooper, that is how costumes work.
“What is wrong with this man” I don’t know, he has a hobby that makes him happy? Why the fuck do you care so much, Cooper? Because his suit is uncanny? Because you think it’s “weird”? Well I think your constant queerbaiting is weird, and you don’t hear me accusing you of being an animal fetishist. And then he has the audacity to make his motto “what’s up weirdos” and call his audience “weirdo nation” while actively making content harassing and attacking ACTUAL weirdos. Don’t call yourself a weirdo if you have a visceral reaction to someone actually being weird.
“I guess the implication is that he wants to be a dog so bad because he’s in love with dogs?” OH MY FUCKING GOD?? What the actual literal fuck. The fact that Cooper just accused this man of being a literal ZOOPHILE for no other reason than the fact that he dresses up in a realistic dog costume is actually so fucking sick. Shit like this is the reason alterhumans/therians receive so much hatred on a daily basis. This makes me so fucking sick. Cooper has the fucking audacity to accuse a stranger on the internet of being a zoophilic animal fetishist because he wears a costume. It’s so fucking baffling to me. And he says it so casually. “The implication here” WHEN was that EVER implied ANYWHERE in Toco’s content.
(He then proceeds to go on some random unnecessary spiel about sexism ((in a very performative way I might add)) or whatever)
He talked about age regression and pet regression a bit, and said those were fine (although he’s clearly uneducated about those things), but he says that Toco buying an expensive suit to “be a border collie everyday” is different. (Although I would like to add, WHERE TF ARE YOU GETTING THE IMPLICATION THAT HE DOES THIS ALL DAY EVERY DAY.)
“This, it’s safe to say, we can make fun of.” No, Cooper, you can’t. Because if you educated yourself beyond literally just watching this guys videos and having a baseline knowledge of furries, you would know about a little thing called alterhumanity/therianthropy, which it’s safe to say, you can’t make fun of. Asshole.
“I’m defending this against nobody. Nobody is looking at this being like “no, come on, man, he’s just chilling.” It’s like, no, this is fucked.” No, actually, Film Cooper, it’s not, and a lot of people are actually normal, and don’t fucking care about a guy in a dog suit having fun, unlike you, on your little queer-baity white savior complex high horse, who likes to call yourself a weirdo for wearing rings and having long hair, while also bashing ACTUAL weirdos. You’re the only one making up incorrect statements about this guy’s life to cry over as if it were real. No, this man does not LIVE in a dog suit, and no, he is not attracted to animals, you sick fuck.
He then shows the second video Toco ever uploaded on his YT channel, and proceeds to make fun of Toco’s poorly translated attempts at being polite and introducing himself, because Toco is a Japanese man that doesn’t speak any English. He had to translate this, presumably using some sort of translator app. Japanese is a very difficult language to translate into English, and vice versa. He also makes his tone out to be far more aggressive than necessary, and calls his narcissistic (???) for making an intro video (which a think a lot of people who have YouTube channels do) the phrase I’m specifically referring to was “I’m going to start uploading videos at my own pace” which was very clearly translated from Japanese, as the original Japanese text was on top of the English, but FC went on a whole ramble about some “GUYS EVERYONE CALM DOWN IM SO BURNT OUT” my brother that is a whole new sentence. Where are you getting all this from?? Are you seeing something that I’m not??
He then commented on said video, clearly in a cruel and bullying way, asking Toco to “put on the dog suit and twerk” which I would most definitely classify as sexual harassment. Wow Cooper, I love your humor! It’s so funny to sexually harass people on the internet, and it’s definitely not super wrong and disgusting because Toco is a man and has a weird hobby!
Next, there’s a Q&A from Toco. In the beginning of the video, Toco literally has a disclaimer that he may have some translation errors in the video (because he doesn’t speak English and had to translate from Japanese) we know Cooper saw this because he literally read it out loud. Next thing he does, is after Toco answers the first question; “Q: why did you want to become a dog?”
“A: I’ve had a vague dream of becoming an animal since I was a child” and Film Cooper compared this to FELIX CIPHER, the person notorious for believing he is the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. I don’t think I need to explain why this is absolutely abhorrent behavior. Not only is it making light of some extremely offensive and antisemitic behavior, but also further demonizes furries and alterhumans/therians. And also it’s just incredibly distasteful, and not at all an accurate comparison. Sure he says that Felix Cipher is worse, but he still made the comparison. He also says to Toco “let dreams be dreams. Just don’t do it.” I’m glad to see we’re encouraging people to repress themselves and what makes them happy just because YOU personally don’t like it, Mr. Film.
Film Cooper claims that Toco is “avoiding questions” even after just a second ago he acknowledged the disclaimer about mistranslations and misrepresentations.
“I don’t want to spend 30k on a [dog] suit and walk around as [a dog]” okay, then don’t? Nobody is forcing you to do that. Nobody’s even forcing you to watch this content if it makes you so uncomfortable. If you were to see it and say “I’m uncomfortable with this, I don’t want to watch it” I wouldn’t care. But when I start to care is when you go out of your way to make a video harassing, attacking, and insulting an innocent man on the internet for money and clout.
He calls him “annoying” because of his sentence structure, and because FC felt as though he was avoiding questions, even though we know, and it has been stated three times now, that Toco does not speak any English, and this video is poorly translated. He’s mad at Toco for saying that he doesn’t know why the trigger for wanting to be an animal. But what do you want him to say? If he doesn’t know, he doesn’t know. Things like this are hard to place.
The next question, he once again makes up entirely new sentences from Toco’s answers. He makes Toco out to be angry and “indignant” with the questions he’s receiving, even though Toco has been nothing but polite, friendly, and respectful. And he also continues to misinterpret what Toco is saying, accusing him of “interrogating himself” because he was asking the viewers questions, and Film Cooper interpreted that as Toco asking himself questions?? For some reason. I think Film Cooper just lacks any form of literary comprehension.
Cooper continues to reinstate the fact that Toco is “an adult human man in a dog suit. He has a job, he goes to work..” but I think that just further humanizes Toco, doesn’t it? It makes me dislike him even less. I don’t care that he’s a grown man in a dog suit, I care that he’s a human being with feelings and a life beyond what we see online of him.
He accuses Toco of being defensive again. The question was if the costume was modeled after any specific border collie, and Toco said it wasn’t, though due to poor translation, it came out as “it’s not my collie or my friend’s collie” to which FC goes on another ramble acting out Toco being “defensive” about the origins of his suit design, making him once again appear like a creep.
Film Cooper, again, takes a clip of Toco moving around in his suit, and turns it black and white and adds horror music over it to make it look scarier. I don’t know why he insists on doing this so many times.
He also accuses Toco of not answering questions again, even though he did, and Film Cooper continues to misconstrue what Toco says “Q: are you tired of being human?” “A: sometimes it is reported that I am tired of being human. I never said that. […] Be aware of incorrect information.” Toco says he has never stated to be tired of being human, yet Film Cooper accuses him of not answering questions, AGAIN, due to his misinterpretation of Toco’s answers, not Toco’s own lack of answers.
He accuses Toco of not answering AGAIN; “Q; the topic is getting a lot of attention. How do you feel about it now?” “A; I am very surprised because I didn’t expect this to happen […]” The answer to the question was that Toco was surprised, but Cooper decided to focus on the rest of the answer, where Toco talks about how grateful he is for all the comments people have left, apologizing for not replying, and asking people about how their country is viewing him. Toco answers the questions every time, but Film Cooper chooses to focus on everything but Toco’s answer, just to keep calling him a freak. “You are a real life cosmic horror villain. Lovecraft would write a story about you.”
“A day in his life is him as a dog.” No it’s not, Toco wears the suit to make content, and the content he makes is specific to the dog suit and his desire to be a dog. So it makes no sense why Film Cooper is confused as to why Toco is making content about his dog suit “as if it’s normal”. Because in this context, it is. This is his channel where he posts about his suit, so obviously, the suit is a normal thing on his channel and it’s going to be treated as such.
Toco replied to a comment asking if he tells people he know about his suit, saying that he was too insecure about it, and only tells people he’s close with. Cooper had this to say;“He should be embarrassed to do this at work. Don’t do this at work.” He literally just said he didn’t!! The previous question was literally “have you ever gone outside [in the suit]” and Toco’s response was no. Obviously he’s never done it at work. Goofy.
That’s the end of the video. I have many, MANY smaller things about this video that upset me as well, but this is just the important things. And rewatching this video to make this post has filled me with a violent rage and hatred for Film Cooper like never before. We all clowned on his for the Marsha P. Johnson thing, I thought we all hated him now, why do we all still love him?? Anyways, dear Film Cooper, please do a MODICUM of research before you make tasteless videos like this, literally just look up therianthropy and alterhumanity on tumblr.com and that’ll clear some things up for you. And to Toco, I love your videos, never let jackasses like Film Cooper tell you that you’re a freak for doing what makes you happy. There’s a whole community of people just like you out there, and I hope you’re having fun and still making bigger bucks than Film Cooper ever will 🫶🫶
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darkshrimpemotions · 3 months ago
I actually do really feel for Paul Simms because this poor fucker has been screaming "THEY'VE BEEN IN LOVE THE WHOLE TIME" at us for like three years now and still getting called out for queerbaiting because some of y'all are mad he didn't turn his raunchy adult vampire mockumentary into fucking Heartstopper or Interview With A Vampire. If you wanna watch those shows, that's great! Go watch them and leave my silly little house full of queer poly found vamilia alone!
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lmskitty · 1 year ago
What do you think about the answer to this https://www.tumblr.com/gojuo/742796780522061824/is-satosugu-a-queerbaiting-ship?source=share ?
Look politely to that person they are able to read narrative and view it however they wish. No hate to them, they are absolutely right in that certain things are canon and certain things arent.
Here is a list of canonical things that Gojo has done regarding Geto/Gege has put in canon
-calling them his one and only
-saying his heart and soul knew otherwise
-an entire plan working on the basis that seeing them back from the dead would be enough to stall him
-having their deaths happen on December 24th which is a day considered super romantic in Japan.
-having Kenjaku state that to be creepy and refer to it as a date despite having used that emotional connection to manipulate them
-the urge to protect Gojo being so strong Geto briefly took control of his own body FROM THE AFTERLIFE to try and stop Kenjaku
- Gojo recognised Geto by scent after TEN YEARS (?!?!?!?)
- Geto specifically wore a Gojo- kesa because of the name
-Geto told a girl he would refer to her as Sato because he liked the name more
https://shipping.fandom.com/wiki/SatoSugu (for even more!!!)
I get not reading it that way, you wanna read them as friends that's fine but you cannot argue they can't be read as displaying romantic affection and that people reading that are seeing something that isn't there. It doesn't need to be stated as romantic but there is 100% love there and the entirety of the plot is driven from that and the break down of their relationship and the paths that leads them on.
Also (and I'm getting real tired of pointing this out) no one would say shit if either of them were female. If they were heterosexual people would be writing articles about this being the most romantic narrative in a manga regardless of if the canon remained the same and we never saw either of them act on their feelings.
I mean come on Gojo didn't give us love is the most twisted curse of all with no romantic basis.
But. The most important factor here is this.
It doesn't fucking matter. Everyone can read a text and get a different perspective from it. We don't all have to agree on the reading, there are headcanons people have that I don't agree with but think are neat , I have headcanons that are 100% fanon that most people would disagree with. OP is right in that everything else is fandom but it doesn't matter dude. You wanna ship them you ship away, I will state I've not interacted with anyone gaslighting or throwing it in people's faces, maybe I'm just in a good part of the fandom? If people are doing that which tbh I don't doubt, fandoms are insane and I've been in them since I was 11 and I'm 31 now, then that's shitty behaviour and ridiculous. People can ship how they want, just keep your fandom friends circle small you know? Fandoms should be for enjoyment so if it's getting toxic then cut your losses and start blocking I guess.
In summation:
Life is short, don't be a dick, you don't really need canon confirmation to enjoy a ship but don't chuck it in other people's faces or call people gaslighting for reading deeper into canon.
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real-total-drama-takes · 1 year ago
I don't wanna go into too much detail but I don't like the way a lot of people use the term "queerbaiting". I don't think I've seen it a lot in this fandom though. But the way a lot of fandoms use them makes me think they don't really know what it means.
I bring this up because I will absolutely call this season out for queerbaiting if MKulia isn't canon. Like, usually, I need more than a ship not becoming canon but this? "If MK's brain drove a cool car, I'd date it!"? "You like me!"? I refuse to believe that no one working on the show saw those moments and thought "Hey, this is kinda gay, right?".
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gayofthefae · 1 year ago
Honestly my genuine biggest Byler proof isn't analyzing the ship it's analyzing the writers. They are so much more inspired by writing Byler. There are so many more tropes and parallels to other works because that's what they openly love to do. They are very public about their narrative love language and it is very observable who they use it on.
They wouldn't rob us of that as queerbaiting. THEY'D be sad too.
They made it so good because it got their creative juices flowing. I once said I like envisioning one of them waking in the middle of the night and excitedly scribbling "CYRANO" then being giddy in anticipation to bring it up the next day at work. These are artists. They love what they do. These are nerds. They get excited about these things, possibly even more than us sometimes.
People forget that THEY ARE ACTIVELY GETTING JOY OUT OF WRITING THIS STORYLINE. And you can tell by all the little details we breakdown even being present. Somebody said "I really wanna go to sleep but first I HAVE to call the prop team so that little plaquard on the pizza oven says 'Montague'"
Once you've broken down all the tropes and background details, and more importantly, the lack in favor of Milkvan, it isn't about those details inherently being "proof" of anything. It's about the fact that they loved putting them there.
It comforts me to realize that to say they won't do Byler canon is to say that they haven't loved writing it this far. And that's just foolish and insulting.
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