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your4local4geek · 8 months ago
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'03 Mikey- he's literally incredible and literally me
I want to start drawing '03 more often
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jayktoralldaylong · 3 months ago
"If gender roles were swapped, you guys would acknowledge Mel's manipulation."
I mean, I've been saying that since Season one, but some people want to argue that Jayce was not forced into anything (As if that's not how manipulation works.) Sure doesn't help that she's older.
"She used him!"
Okay, hold it right there. 😌 I didn't fight this hard to prove Jayce's innocence so that you guys can demonise Mel. She's a product of her upbringing, okay? Her mother, bless her heart, sucks with love. Controlling Jayce was what Mel thought would keep him safe from harm, and it did help his business flourish...at the cost of his morals.
And the scene where Jayce argues with her in Season 2, everyone keeps misinterpreting what was happening there.
He's not upset cause he got manipulated (okay he's partly upset about that) but he's more upset that she saved him. So he's trying to figure out.....why? Why him? If he was truly nothing more than a tool, then why had she saved him? What was he to her? What more did she want from him?
"You used me AND Viktor." Is not him saying she doesn't care, but he's asking why he was prioritsed over Viktor, when he cannot function without his partner. If she really wanted to keep using them, then why had she not saved Viktor? Or had she thought he was the only one worth keeping?
As much as I love the scene that came right after that, I really wished they'd finished their conversation. Cause Jayce just pushed it aside and focused on what he had to do to save Viktor now, and it was like they just let the entire conversation drop.
He felt so confused and unsure and traumatised. And I feel sorry for him.
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missowo · 11 months ago
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im sick. I'm gonna post these random doodles I didn't post. also. I play dusttale games. I can't stop laughing at him. I just wanted to bully him.
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flynncorvus · 1 month ago
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Brief Viktor Studies
These were just meant to get a hold of his face shape and start to understand the angles that make him up, so yes, some of them are screenshot redraws (I aint that good at him yet haha)
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teecupangel · 1 year ago
Abstergo made very edited games of the assassin ancestors. What if the assassin's made the true version of what happened available to the public?
That was always an option so I did think of why they wouldn’t want to do it.
The biggest one I could think of is that it would go against the third Tenet “Do not compromise the Brotherhood”.
Secrecy is paramount to the Brotherhood and even the Templars keep the Isu stuff a secret.
The Brotherhood is probably worried of what would happen if those in power learn about the POE considering what those in power have done according to history.
The narrative is putting them into an antagonistic light with the Templars being crowned as heroes but, as they say, they ‘work in the dark to serve the light’.
They’re used to being seen as ‘evil’ or murderers.
This is just the 21st century equivalent to it.
Also, they cannot be certain that showing the true version would be better.
Not only does it include information about the POEs and the Assassin Brotherhood as a whole but…
Abstergo is a large company with far-reaching influences.
What’s to say their version wouldn’t just be ridiculed and treated as ‘fanwork’ or the insane edits of disgruntled employees/Assassin stans.
The Assassins work in secrecy and it’s because of that secrecy that they can still protect the world, both from the Templars and the POEs.
The only way a true version would be ‘leaked’ is either through a ‘fuck it, let’s see what happens’ Assassin who did it without the approval of the mentor or an incident in the database (a bad update that uploads it to the public or a hacker who got lucky and got a copy of it).
Let’s be honest though…
In the AC world, there’s gonna be fans who stan the bad guys. They’ll probably think that Assassins are so cool and the Templars are kinda boring (Abstergo risks making the Templars ‘bland’ by removing the bad parts of their lives that will incriminate them and the Templars in general).
Like, remember how Berg sent the Assassins a heavily edited copy of Shay’s memories in the end of Rogue and how it was a footnote later on that the Assassins were like “cool story bro, obviously edited, go fuck yourself” and nothing really happened with it?
If that’s how the Templars edit the stories as Templar propaganda then it’s not… Abstergo has a history of making good premises but mediocre to bad execution XD
The Assassins have a better chance of having someone write for them a fanfic of the games in a kinda ‘novel adaptation’ format and put the real version in that one. It won’t get them as much exposure as trying to pass it as real history BUT it will make it easier to stay under Abstergo’s radar and, even if Abstergo sees it, the fanfic is protected by “this is fanfic, why are you bullying someone writing what they want for free in their own free time, Abstergo???”
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that-guy-sleepy-miles · 2 years ago
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Pikmian and Kylchi!
Self care is drawing your OCs as pikmin characters but not captains just the weird little things you find. Pikmian and Kylchi are gonna go find some treasures and keep them for themselves aiowefioewf
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miggylol · 2 months ago
You discover that you have control over a certain thing, as determined by spinning this wheel. We're talking full-on magical girl/superhero/supervillain/your label of choice control.
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francisforever2014 · 5 months ago
it actually really doesn’t matter at all and everything will be okay forever
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wishfulsketching · 3 months ago
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Some not so serious doodles about the idea where Silco survived and Warwrick!Vander found him. I did these as fanservice for ME! Especially the clothes thing
(have fun trying to figure out the reading order of the third sketch dump)
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millidew · 10 months ago
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his change in career has captivated me
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lovelenivy · 1 year ago
mouse bites™
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teecupangel · 2 years ago
Help, I’ve fallen to deep into infamous crossover hell and now I’m wondering what kind of powers all the playable assassins would have? Like, I don’t think they’d be as strong as Des is power-wise , but they’d still be an entirely new kinda hell on templars ( as for how they got powers, idk, maybe the Eye transported them through time when Des used it and gave everyone powers?)
So I’m going to try and incorporate their skills or any ISU bs they had to suffer from.
I have a feeling these need to be balanced but, honestly, their powers should probably be highly specific to make sure Desmond is more powerful lollol.
Considering just how much mastery he has over the Apple, it’s hard to think of what kind of power he should have. In the end, I’m gonna suggest he have a power that starts off as a noncorporeal illusion and then later becomes a corporeal illusion that can attack and kill (similar to how he summoned ghost Assassins in ACR to fight off the Mongols).
For Ezio, I was thinking of a power based on maybe one of Leonardo’s war machines or based on ACR’s bombs. Maybe both with the bomber? Instead of actual flight, Ezio is able to jump off the ground using explosions of his ‘bombs’ and use the same explosions to maneuver himself on air (very, very similar to Bakugou from MHA)
His power would be based on the animal-shifting abilities he gain from Tyranny of King Washington DLC but, to make it more interesting, he can shapeshift to any animal as long as it’s an animal that he had eaten. Also, his animal forms will have a similar power as in the DLC (ex: being able to glide as an eagle) and it’s hinted that his power is actually body manipulation and not just shapeshifting. By manipulating his body, he can manipulate how strong or how light he is.
Perhaps we can change her different personas to the ability to blend into any crowd? Like, unless you’re looking for her, you can’t actually see her as your brain is telling you that the pretty woman in the corner is an aristocrat's daughter or the girl behind you is just one of your slaves, ignore her.
I mean… it would be easy to make him have a water-based power. Pretty much something like water bending. Or… we can go down the route of the Observatory and make him able to track anyone he knows. (If we’re going to be more closely based on the Observatory, make him only able to track people he had drank the blood of. Not like vampire level, just a few drops is enough).
… Let’s make his powers connected to his trauma XD. Earth-based power but focusing more on tremors and vibrations. Earthquakes and sudden creations of quicksand would be his main skills. He can also create spiky pillars at higher levels.
Based on his ability to see his targets memories instead of having the white corridor for the final words, Arno’s power would be to see memories of other people. It’s a touch-based power and it starts off with him seeing only glimpses but, given enough practice, he will be able to see a specific memory of his choice.
Jacob’s exclusive skills aren’t exactly all that flashy so we’ll let him have a power similar to his student, Jack the Ripper. He has the ability to change, heighten or lower one’s emotions. Good for calming crowds or riling them up. It starts as a one-target power but its most powerful capability is an AOE that Jacob could pick which emotion he wants to heighten. Now, if he was like Jack the Ripper, this would mean he could inflict unbearable fear to an area and make it easy to pick them off. But this is Jacob so he’ll probably mostly use it to pump up his Rooks.
Based on her exclusive Chameleon skill, she can turn invisible. It starts off as her being only able to turn invisible if she’s stationary and if she doesn’t breathe. Then she becomes able to be invisible while moving but she mustn’t breathe. The higher state of her power would be that she can turn whatever she touches invisible as well (which will be foreshadowed by how her clothes and weapons turn invisible with her).
We can give him the ability to hijack a living thing’s senses. At first, it only works on his eagle, Senu. Then, given enough time, he can hijack a person’s senses but cannot control them. The highest form of this one would be being able to control a target’s body for a limited amount of time. A drawback would be, if he’s hijacking, he cannot move his actual body.
Since Amunet is mostly known as the one who poisoned Cleopatra with a snake (which isn’t actually what happened in AC lore), maybe something poison or snake related?
For Kassandra, we’ll let her focus on the Hunter skill tree with something similar to telekinesis. All of her projectiles always hit their mark and, as her power grows, the more projectile she can use at the same time to set up different attacks (like a bullet version of Rain of Destruction)
Alexios/Deimos’ personality would be more in line with the Warrior Skill tree and he’s just a dead ringer for Ares Madness which is more in line with strengthening one’s body for super strength and super defense.
We’ll make use of her connection with Odin and make her power similar to Gungnir in AC Valhalla. She can activate a forcefield around her (like a shield maiden hehe) that is hard to destroy. The forcefield is also capable of hurting others as touching it felt like being stabbed. The more her power strengthened, the larger the forcefield she can make and she can even tag people who will not be harmed but will be protected if they remain in the forcefield (and, in higher ranks, would be able to project it elsewhere to protect something or someone else).
Since you want all playable Assassins (I added Shay as a freebie), we’re still missing:
‘Lo Sparviero’
Shao Jun
Arbaaz (I was thinking something connected to the Koh-i-Noor)
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corviiids · 1 year ago
my top bit of advice going into the new year: compliment people. especially strangers. literally everyone you interact with if you can. when you buy coffee in the morning compliment the barista's tattoos. when you're chatting with a coworker tell them that by the way you like their outfit. always find something they've chosen to do on purpose. nail polish, jewellery, tattoos, hair colour/style, statement accessory, outfit, etc are all good bets. things people hope will be noticed. things that aren't too personal so it doesn't make them uncomfortable (eg probably not their physical features). i've gotten into the habit of scanning everyone i talk to for something about them that i think is cool so i can tell them. it's a great habit because it makes me notice people and realise just how many neat little details there are in people's presentation of themselves that might pass me by if i wasn't paying attention. and it brings out so much joy. you'd be surprised how much it disarms people to receive an unexpected compliment from someone they don't know. it is the most sincere smile you will see all day long. it feels nice to make people happy but it also means you win the social interaction. establish dominance by complimenting a stranger's earrings and disappearing into the fog
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luxevamp · 9 months ago
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Quick throwback bc sometimes I forget how cool my headphones are
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akanemnon · 27 days ago
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One last heart-to-heart.
So I don't know if this is technically a mini, or a full part (hence the different layout). This was originally not written as part of the script. But I felt it was way too important to not bring up. Especially considering Susie's run-in with that emotional parasite and that whole (not) throwaway line from Lesslo about Kris having been literally discarded and abandoned as a child.
Let's just call it part 91-1.
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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