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๐Ÿ–‹๏ธWriter/ ENFP / Hopepunk โœจ Fandom life, writer rants, games, films, cute animals & any other hyperfixation I may have at the moment... it's a mess! (lasting hyperfixations include LotR, Skyrim, Guild Wars, my fanfics and my novel)
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archesa ยท 1 day ago
As an occasional DM, and speaking from experience from my forever DM and my 'ran a five years campaign that shaped my twenties and is balled up as a core memory inside my chest' DM friend :
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If there's one thjng you find on like the first or second page of any Rulebook it's that the rules are only there as a general framework, a canvas if you want... but if a rule keeps your players from having harmless fun, just toss it away!
As for which races can be clerics of what god :
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As long as the player has an explaination as to why their kobold became a cleric of Selunรช, go with it!!
I had a player once convert a whole clan of goblins to the worship of Tymora rather than fight them! She rolled well, my players had fun, I, the DM, found it hilarious, and it worked! The goblins led them through the cave and gave them sidequests rather than be antagonists!
AND, one of the goblins they had grown attached to because they rolled incredibly high on their attacks rolls against the enemies of the dungeon, became one of my player's character for an other campaign!
Lore is just that, lore. The written and documented history of the world we play in! Who's to say there isn't a clan of Tymora worshipping goblins somewhere in the vast world that Volo did not care to write about?
Out of curiosity, I decided to check on the specifics of this:
'The Forgotten Realms setting has no rule restricting the race of non-cleric divine spellcasters (consider the notable example of Drizzt as a ranger of Mielikki), and neither does the D&D game. The D&D game, however, requires that clerics of racial deities be the correct race (see page 31 in the Players Handbook), and the Forgotten Realms setting has no rule contravening that. So, you could have a human paladin of a dwarf god or a human druid of an elf god, but you could not have a human cleric of a dwarf or elf god.' - Dragon Magazine #288
Obviously different sources say different things, blah blah. (Also that thing, like with the bladesinger restriction where it says (paraphrased) 'bladesingers are all elves and half-elves, you can make one that isn't, but it's not canon.')
But there have been noted exceptions in some clergy:
Open to any race: Oghma, Selรปne, Malar, Tempus, Tymora
Human gods who don't take non-human worshippers as clerics is probably more down to politics than not wanting those worshippers. There's cultural stigma amongst the mortals, and the demihuman gods get pissy if one of their people joins the clergy (Hanali doesn't like it when elves and half-elves go join the church of Sune, for example).
Since anybody can join a priesthood as a paladin or ranger (or a non-divine caster), one actually suspects mortal politics are the bigger barrier in being a cleric (and thus wielding the bulk of the power in the Churches and larger [insert-species-here] society).
Human only (and human+, like tieflings): Bhaal, Bane, Myrkul, Xvim, Cyric, Ilmater, Amaunator, Helm, Talos, Azuth, Beshaba, Kelemvor, Lathander, Lliira, Mask, Mystra, Shar, Tyr, Umberlee, Waukeen, Garagos, Gwaeron Windstrom, Hoar, Jergal, the Red Knight, Savras, Siamorphe, Valkur, Velsharoon
Exceptions: Gond: Humans and gnomes Akadi: Humans, kenku, aarakocra Leira: Humans and gnomes Gumbar: Humans, dwarves, gnomes Istishia: Humans, aquatic elves, aquatic half-elves, sirines, mermen, tritons, locathath, reef giants, selkies Kossuth: Humans, sun elves, moon elves (and half-elves of those lineages), fire giants, rock gnomes Loviatar: Humans and half-elves Milil: Humans, elves, half-elves (Milil is an honorary member of the Seldarine) Shaundakul: Humans and half-elves Sune: Humans, elves, half-elves (at their own risk). Torm: Humans, dwarves, elves, centaurs Finder Wyvernspur: Humans and halflings Lurue: Human, elf, half-elf (must be women. Part of the elven religion as Yathaghera) Nobanion: Humans, wood and green elves, feline lycanthropes, wemics Sharess: Humans, elves, half-elves, halflings (Sharess was originally an elven goddess (Zandilar)) Shiallia: Humans, elves, forest gnomes, halflings
Not sure: Silvanus
The demihumans are so focused on the cultures of their species that I can actually see why they'd be closed cultural practices.
The Seldarine: Elves, half-elves, and fey only, for the most part. Aerdrie accepts Kenku and Aarakocra.
The Dark Seldarine: Vhaeraun only takes drow. Kiaransalee only takes drow women. Selvetarm and Lolth take drow and spider people (not driders). Eilistraee will adopt literally anyone. Ghaunadaur will also eat accept anything that's capable of worship as a cleric.
Morndinsamman: Dwarves, dwarves, dwarves. The dwarven gods know their theme.
The Lords of the Golden Hills: Gnomes only.
Yondalla's Children: Halflings.
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archesa ยท 1 day ago
J. R. R. Tolkien: no, my books aren't about the war I experienced. It's just a story
J. R. R. Tolkien's works: you cannot go home, war ends entire bloodlines, you are mourning the death of your brother alone, you dug into the earth and permanently scored the land, you cannot explain what you have been through, you cannot go home, "that wound will never fully heal. He will carry it the rest of his life", leaving the women behind does not save them, the young die first, you cannot go home, the parent will bury their child, you have lost the wives and you will never connect with them again, "how shall any tower withstand such numbers and such reckless hate?", you are not the same, you cannot go home, you can never go home, your father will only side with those he sees as worthy bloodlines and you cannot change his mind, it is more meaningful Not to kill, sometimes your sacrifice accomplishes nothing, you cannot go home
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archesa ยท 2 days ago
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I love the idea of Raphael taking care of haarlep, all bitching and grumbling but doing his best <3 includes the occational 'I told you so'
based on a convo from a discord server I'm on - so many great ideas to pick up over there. I usually just lurk but I love reading all the head canoncs and convos
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archesa ยท 2 days ago
i think the near-extinction of people making fun, deep and/or unique interactive text-based browser games, projects and stories is catastrophic to the internet. i'm talking era, nothing against it.
there are a lot of fun ones listed here and here but for the most part, they were made years ago and are now a dying breed. i get why. there's no money in it. factoring in the cost of web hosting and servers, it probably costs money. it's just sad that it's a dying art form.
anyway, here's some of my favorite browser-based interactive projects and games, if you're into that kind of thing. 90% of them are on the lists that i linked above.
A Better World - create an alternate history timeline
Alter Ego - abandonware birth-to-death life simulator game
Seedship - text-based game about colonizing a new planet
Sandboxels or ThisIsSand - free-falling sand physics games
Little Alchemy 2 - combine various elements to make new ones
Infinite Craft - kind of the same as Little Alchemy
ZenGM - simulate sports
Tamajoji - browser-based tamagotchi
IFDB - interactive fiction database (text adventure games)
Written Realms - more text adventure games with a user interface
The Cafe & Diner - mystery game
The New Campaign Trail - US presidential campaign game
Money Simulator - simulate financial decisions
Genesis - text-based adventure/fantasy game
Level 13 - text-based science fiction adventure game
Miniconomy - player driven economy game
Checkbox Olympics - games involving clicking checkboxes - game show and Hunger Games simulators
Murder Games - fight to the death simulator by Orteil
Cookie Clicker - different but felt weird not including it. by Orteil.
if you're ever thinking about making a niche project that only a select number of individuals will be nerdy enough to enjoy, keep in mind i've been playing some of these games off and on for 20~ years (Alter Ego, for example). quite literally a lifetime of replayability.
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archesa ยท 2 days ago
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Felt like doing a quick Trahearne sketch before I go off and harvest some kale
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archesa ยท 2 days ago
one of the more upsetting things you notice if you look back at older european weapons is that nobody fucking named any of the types of flail so you've gotta describe them by appearance every single time
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archesa ยท 2 days ago
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breaking the news to everyone i know
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archesa ยท 3 days ago
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archesa ยท 3 days ago
Tom Holland does Rihannaโ€™s โ€œUmbrellaโ€ on Lip Sync Battle
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archesa ยท 3 days ago
Sometimes I'll see a take on twitter that is just absolute dogwater and then I remember only 51.9% of players on steam have even gotten past act I in a playthrough.
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Also this.
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archesa ยท 3 days ago
I stole this from Twitter but Iโ€™m Curious
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archesa ยท 4 days ago
Where we Gortash enjoyers are really looking...
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archesa ยท 4 days ago
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archesa ยท 4 days ago
phrases like "the house always wins" and "it's on the house" but used to imply that the building you're in is alive and personally invested in the situation
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archesa ยท 4 days ago
i need pepple to understand that in the first place leather has always been made from the byproducts of butchering animals for meat, otherwise the skin is just tossed and unused. there were some companies farming for leather for a while, particuarly alligator leather, but those were not the norm. peta did so much harm in their campaigns against leather as a concept (its not unethical. yoi get the skin when an animal dies. thats why most leather clothes in the usa are cow leather, bc thats the biggest meat animal here) that its almost impossible to buy anything "leather" that isnt made of plastic that it so fragile and shitty that the very Thread Holding It Together rips the fibers apart. it will last for maybe a year two if youre lucky, and wont biodegrade and was made out of something that isnt naturally occurring in the first place and is one of the biggest causes of pollution globally
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archesa ยท 5 days ago
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I am so, so sure that my cousin meant to type something else, but I'm going to cry. Welcome to my bathroom themed bathroom... Pictures of other people's bathrooms on the walls... Little bathtub figurines on the sink... Soap dispenser shaped like a toilet... Life could be a dream... in my bathroom themed bathroom...
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archesa ยท 5 days ago
There really is no feeling quite like discovering a new song that fits your blorbo to a T. Best I can do to convey it is something like
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