#if you have a nut allergy you are missing out
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ouchiemyspine · 2 years ago
eating peanuts with a spoon currently :) spoons are my best friend as someone who has difficulties with fine motor skills! I recommend them for everyone for everything
popcorn, peanuts, anything else in chunks? better to eat with a spoon . it . saves me spoons you could say
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mattatouilletkachuk · 30 days ago
#6 with Quinn? I imagine it similar to him reacting to the exploding golf ball with the whole exasperated “that’s gotta count for something. He does something big but mundane (such as carrying your groceries for you or something) and is just tired or exasperated in saying it :)
A Disastrous Decoration || Chaos With Quinn
Prompt: 6. “i think i deserve a kiss.”
WC: 1.3k
A/N: I’m so excited! I haven’t gotten a Quinn request yet! So I’m going to make this a part of The Hockey Babies Au & Chaos With Quinn.
💕 Sunny’s Season of Love 💕
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Whoever it was that claimed that making cupcakes for the whole of the preschool classes would be easier than other jobs was simply lying. You were sweating and huffing and puffing as you pulled the third tray of cupcakes out of the over and placing the, on the granite counter top. Without closing the oven door you placed two more trays into the oven and started the timer again.
Your young daughter watched your every move, or, more so, watched every single cupcake that came out of the oven. The small cakes were all vanilla as Miss. Kathleen suggested. No kid in Oliver's class had a nut allergy nor did the kids in the other preschool classes, but in her own words "it was better safe than sorry."
For days on end, you and Quinn had to hear about the Valentines Days Party that the entire preschool was throwing. You were happy that your oldest child was happy but when he came home with a paper asking all parents and caretakers to join in and hep with the party, your own excitement had waned a bit. You were the one to take Oliver to school, and your daughter to her tumble bug classes, and at the end of the day you either picked Quinn up from practice or stayed to watch his games, and on top of all of that, you helped a small mom and pop business in Vancouver in all aspects so they wouldn't have to close down.
The next day, while the kids were out of the house and it was just you and your fiance you had come up with a plan. You would ask Miss. Kathleen for an easier way to help and if there wasn't an easier job, well then, you would work on the cupcakes together,
Despite her small stature and seemingly kind nature, your son's preschool teacher was not one to budge. Most jobs were already taken and one of the few parents that could afford to buy all of the supplies to bake and decorate over one hundred cupcakes it would be you and Quinn,
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That's how you ended up here. Sweating and mixing a new bunch of vanilla cupcakes as your two-year-old watched you like a starved dog. Quinn was out getting icing, edible glitter,candy rings and other things to decorate the cupcakes as you were at home in the middle of a staring contest with your child.
"Do you plan on staring at me the entire time, dear?" you asked,leaning your back against the counter behind you. You rubbed your swollen belly, not yet noticeable if you were wearing an oversized hoodie, but noticeable enough that those closest to you knew that you were pregnant with your third child.
"Can I have a cupcake?" her voice was high and sweet and it was hard not to give in. She was only 1-years-old turning 2-years-old soon, and while she was sneaky she was sweeter than the small cakes on the table.
"If you keep behaving, even after daddy gets homes, you can have a pretty decorated one." you smiled as her face lit up. She nodded in agreement and mimed zipping her mouth so she wouldn't say another word.
It was when you took out the last tray of cupcakes out of the oven that Quinn came through the front door. Your heart swelled at the sight of him. He walked in with all of the grocery bags. He had several in his hands and others draped on his arms and two between his teeth, If there was one things Quinn hated it was making two trips back to the car whilst it was cold outside.
You greeted him as he placed the groceries on the ground. He kissed your cheek, wet and cold, and you tried not to squeal. His smirk told you he knew what he was doing but turned from you and went to grab his little girl as she squealed happily as her dad threw her high up into the air. Eventually he settled her in his arms and brushed her curly dark hair out of her face as he questioned conspiratorially, as if you couldn't hear him him, " were you a good girl for your mommy?"
she nodded quickly, her hair getting in the way of her eyes again.
"If I asked her would she the same thing?"
Yes!" She yelped happily. "Mommy even said that if I kept being good I could have a cupcake when the two of you are down,"
Quinn hummed and pursed his lips as if he were actually thinking about it, You would have paid more attention but at just that moment the baby inside you kicked gently. You knew better than to get Quinn's attention. It was too soon to feel the baby kick from outside just yet. You would just be getting him excited for no reason.
Quinn placed your little girl back down on her island chair and placed a bag of googly eyes in front of hers. Her eyes rounded excitedly whilst yours rounded in horror "Quinn-"
"hold on I have a plan!'" He said as he pulled other items from the bags, You looked at all the supplies, confused. "Lady Bugs!"
"We'll decorate them as lady bugs because hearts are just so over done." He pointed at you, "you'll do the base, The brown underneath and i'll do the red wings and you" he said in a funny voice as he tickled his little girl, "will add the googly eyes and after all of that. mom will add the little hearts for the spots."
you placed your hands on your hips and sighed. "It's a cute design Q, but this is gonna be a mess."
He smiled that wonderful smile at you, the one that could make you do anything and said, "in that case, at least we'll have plenty of happy memories.
"What about Ollie? He'd want to help!" your sweet girl chimed in.
"Oliver is at Garland's house playing with Quint. I'm sure we'll be forgiven when we give him a few cupcakes."
With the final confirmation of your almost toddler, you all started to decorate.
Ollie came home just as the three of you were finishing "decorating". Some of them had turned out well, but most of them were either entirely red, entirely brown, or had five eyes. After all of the hard work you thought you would have been upset but you couldn't stop laughing every time you looked down at the deformed cupcakes. You and Quinn each took one and you split one for each of your children, and despite the look of them, they were tasty.
Covering your mouth you looked at your boyfriend, a smile on your lips and a mischievous twinkle in your eyes. "I think we should have simply done hearts,"
Quinn nodded and laughed loudly. "I tried, though."
You sighed happily. The soft contentment in your chest took over as you nodded and said, "yeah, you did."
He placed his cupcake down and leaned towards you like an over excited middle school boy, "I think that means I deserve a kiss."
You pretended to think for a moment, "I think your right."
You said this before leaning in and kissing his chastely, His lips were sugary and you were sure your were too. It didn't take long for Quinn to place a sticky hand on your neck and one on your curving waist to pull you closer and to deepen the kiss, There was no protest from you but just as his tongue touched your a choir of 'eewwww" came from your two children.
You both pulled away and laughed softly. Quinn whispered in your ear before going to put the cupcakes away for tomorrow "little cock block”s
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lemoncrushh · 3 months ago
Mistletoe & Holly
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Summary: Harry finally reveals to his friend Holly how he feels about her on her birthday...which just happens to be Christmas.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4833
A/N: As promised, this is one of my two holiday fics from the past. Originally written and posted in 2021. In Harry's POV.
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Holly’s birthday was the 25th of December. “Freaking Christmas Day”, as she'd put it when we'd become friends years ago.
"I was born on freaking Christmas Day, Harry! Like baby Jesus. Can you believe it?"
Her mum had been told she couldn't have children, but 'lo and behold one day after having a horrible upset stomach and a case of indigestion, she went to the doctor only to find out she was pregnant. Holly'd laughed about it then when she told me, making light of the fact that she'd been a miracle baby. I couldn't help but think she was indeed a miracle.
To say I'd had a crush on her would be an understatement. I reckon in those early days it was just a crush, as I followed her around like a dumb lovestruck puppy. But I didn’t really know what love was yet; I just thought she was pretty, and she was cool because she had the entire second floor of her parents’ house to herself. She sat behind me in class, and I’d let her copy off my papers, or she’d let me do the same, even though neither of us got the best marks.
It wasn’t until the second year that I realised my feelings for her were more than mere infatuation. She started dating…other guys…and I didn’t like it. Especially when she would tell me about them. I found myself jealous, and I didn’t like that either. I would sulk, wishing I could turn back the clock to when it was just her and me. But the truth was, there never had been a her and me. We were never a thing and were never gonna be. I’d missed my chance. I was in the friend zone.
Still, every year I would celebrate her birthday with her. I thought it was a shame that she had to share her birthday with the biggest holiday of the year, so we’d do it a week before, a tradition I came up with myself.
“You need to have your day, Holly,” I insisted. “A day that’s just for you.”
“Okay,” she agreed, giving me that grin she’d use when she was humouring me. “What do you suggest we do to celebrate?”
I shrugged. “I’ll think of something. Just leave it to me.”
That first year I’ll admit was a little lame. It was too late to plan a party, not that I would have known whom to invite anyway. I baked her a cake (okay, my mum helped me a little), and I brought it to her house. The look on her face when she’d opened the door was totally worth it. She beamed at me with her big eyes and lovely crooked-tooth smile, and I could have kissed her had I not been holding that massive cake in my hands. Okay, maybe not.
We sat on the floor with our backs against the sofa whilst we ate cake and watched Star Wars - her choice. Somewhere around the middle of the movie, I gave her my other gift, a stuffed bear wearing a beanie. Yes, I know, cheesy. But I was a kid. She kept it on her bed for a long time, so I guess she didn’t hate it.
The next year I was able to plan a party, and a lot of kids came. But the downside was that Holly had a semi-boyfriend, a prat named Duncan who kept trying to get her alone. I came close to getting him to eat one of the cookies I'd brought, knowing he was allergic to nuts, but Holly quickly slapped it out of his hand, giving me a look. I lied and told her I hadn’t known of his allergy, and spent the rest of the party in the kitchen with her mum and dad, claiming I had a headache.
That wasn't the last time I had to walk around with my tail between my legs. After the X-Factor and becoming part of One Direction, we continued to stay in touch. But I'd forgotten about my pact with Holly until it was almost too late, and the guys and I were making plans for Louis's birthday.
"You should come," I told Holly on the phone. "We'll make it a joint thing. A massive celebration."
“Are you sure?” she asked, and I could detect the tone of hesitation.
“Of course. It’ll be fun.”
The party itself had been fun, but what I had neglected to do was try to make it extra special for Holly, seeing as most everyone else was there for Louis. After my bandmate had blown out his candles, and we roasted him for a bit, I brought out the cake for Holly, a round one with white icing and holly and berries on the top. While she put on her best smile, I could tell she was disappointed that no one made a big deal, barely singing an encore of “Happy Birthday” as they stood digging their forks into Louis’s cake.
Each year, I tried to one-up myself, hoping I’d make her birthday more enjoyable than the last - or at least better than that one. I made it a point never to combine her day with Louis’s again as the entire idea was based on her having her own day.
A few years later, however, I did the worst thing I possibly could. Niall and I had gotten into the liquor before the festivities had started, long before Holly even arrived. To this day I don’t really know why I did it, but I blame it on the nerves. I’d had it in the back of my mind that I was finally going to tell Holly how I felt about her. She’d had another boyfriend earlier that year, Eric, and I’d hated him. I mean, gritting-my-teeth-every-time-he-appeared and keeping-my-hands-in-fists-in-case-he-breathed-wrong hated him. He was a dickhead and just...completely wrong for Holly. She deserved much better. She deserved to be with someone who treated her like a queen. She deserved to be with me.
So when she and Eric had broken up before Halloween, I was so relieved and elated, I wanted to throw her the best birthday party ever. I was going to tell her everything in my heart. And up to then, I hadn’t told a soul. 
That is, until Niall handed me a drink. I wasn’t sure what was in it, but it tasted amazing. The more I drank, the more I liked it. I was feeling pretty good, making jokes and having fun until I found myself telling Niall my plan. 
“Shit, good luck, mate,” he said, slapping me on the back. “Just...what if she turns you down?”
Before that moment, I hadn’t even considered that Holly wouldn’t love me back. I mean, certainly there was no guarantee that she would fall into my arms as soon as I confessed. She might have some reservations, even, what with us being such good friends and all. But what if she actually said she had no feelings for me at all and told me to get lost? Suddenly, I felt a sourness in my stomach, and not from the liquor.
To make matters worse, as if on cue, the door opened and in stepped Holly. For a second my face lit up, all doubts I’d just had a second earlier now dissolving at the sight of her in her black dress and red lipstick. Straightening my shirt, I stood back, waiting until her other friends gave her welcoming hugs to make my move.
And that’s when I saw him.
Fucking Eric was stood right behind her.
In less than two seconds, I strode across the room, my eyes shooting daggers at the wanker.
“Hey, Harry!” Holly beamed at me, but I barely noticed. “Looks like a great party.”
“What’s he doing here?” I growled, my hands in fists ready to take a punch if needed. Eric merely raised his eyebrows, as though he already knew he was unwelcome.
“Oh, I hope you don’t mind,” Holly said meekly. “I invited him.”
“You’re back together?”
Holly shrugged, a pink blush to her cheeks as she looked over her shoulder at him. “Maybe. We’ve been talking…”
Eric gave a grin so smug that I felt my arm swing back, but someone grabbed it. Turning my head, I saw Niall who shook his at me. Just then I heard a squeal to my left as another one of Holly’s friends ran up to greet the birthday girl. As they embraced, I suddenly felt the room close in on me, so I pushed through the crowd back to wherever Niall was keeping that good tasting concoction.
I don’t remember much else about that night except some girl whose name I’ve forgotten. Niall tells me I “played disciple”, following her wherever she went until she agreed to join me in a spare room. I’m not sure what I was doing, or how far I actually got with her, but apparently Holly walked in on us. She’s never told me what she saw, and I’m not sure if that’s more for her benefit or mine.
But yeah. Not my finest hour.
As the years went by, Holly and I remained friends, keeping in touch mostly through her private social media accounts, occasionally reaching out or getting together when our paths crossed. I heard of her new boyfriends, one I even met in person whom I considered to be a proper lad. Holly asked about my relationships as well, never sounding jealous or snarky, only supportive. I reckoned we’d both matured, particularly from my end. Eventually my romantic feelings for her evaporated to more of a warm, mutual understanding. Or at least that’s what I told myself.
This year, Holly decided to have her party at her place. She’d recently purchased her own place, her first “big girl flat” she called it, and was excited to show it off. She let me know that I needn’t plan anything, that she had it all under control.
Slamming the car door behind me, I looked up at her building, the windows and balcony trimmed in clear lights, a wreath decorating the center of the railing. I thought of all the previous Decembers I’d spent with Holly, celebrating her birthday, and suddenly felt a sense of loneliness. I hadn’t been dating anyone in what seemed like a long time as I tried to recall if she currently had a boyfriend.
The large, red, square box under my arm, I wiped my brow with the back of my other gloved hand, feeling the first fall of snow. Trudging up the steps, I rang the buzzer for Holly’s flat, an unmistakable smile twitching my lips when I heard her voice welcoming me in.
“Oh, I’ve missed you, my love,” she cooed softly into my ear as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I tried my best to keep my adolescent desires at bay as I innocently inhaled the scent of her perfume. “You need to come around more often.”
“And when’s the last time you came to see me, hmm?” I teased.
Her mouth in a straight line, Holly considered my comment. “You know, we can’t all afford to follow you around on tour for a year.”
“Have I been gone that long?”
“Longer,” Holly chided, taking my coat and setting my present on the credenza behind her, next to the other shiny wrapped gifts.
I chuckled. “Impossible. I saw you last birthday.”
“Fair enough. Just don’t make it a habit.”
“Too late, darling.”
I caught the gleam in Holly’s eye just before I felt a hand slap my shoulder, making me turn.
“Harry, lad! Wonderful to see you!”
“You as well, Richard, how are you?” I greeted Holly’s dad who guided me into the next room. My gaze searching for Holly, I caught her hanging my coat just before the doorbell rang again and Richard poured me a bourbon.
I sat in Holly’s living room, chatting with Richard and Megan, Holly’s mum, and few of Holly’s friends - some I’d known for years and some I’d just met. Holly, being the gracious hostess, greeted each person to arrive, so it was a while before she finally joined us. I noticed how she pushed her hair behind her right ear; I noticed how she sipped her cocktail; I noticed how she threw her head back laughing at something funny that was said. I noticed everything.
But more importantly, I noticed how no one had claimed the spot next to her, taking her hand or sliding their arm around her shoulder, chatting like she was their better half.
Holly was single. Just like me.
“Harry,” she suddenly addressed me as she rose from her chair with a smile, “let me show you the rest of the flat.”
Setting my glass on the table, I eagerly stood up. Then Holly surprised me by turning toward the other guests.
“You lot can sit tight and talk amongst yourselves for a bit, can’t you? I need some alone time with my old friend.”
“Of course, love!” Megan cheered, waving us away. “Take your time.”
With a smirk on my face and a thump in my chest, I began to follow Holly out of the room just in time to hear Richard’s remark that I was sure was not meant for me to hear.
“Old friend, my arse!” he quipped. “Girl’s been mad about him since-”
“Shhh!” Megan interrupted. “Quiet, Richard, they’ll hear you!”
“Harry, are you coming?” Holly’s voice called, making me realise I’d stopped just outside the doorway.
“Yeah. Sorry.”
“I’ll show you the kitchen last because it’s closest to the den,” she explained. “And that way we can circle back around.”
“Alright,” I nodded sheepishly as she stopped at the end of the hall with a smile. However, instead of gesturing toward the room ahead of her, she pointed at the lovely french doors beside where we stood.
“This is probably my favourite part of this flat,” she said wistfully. “It was the selling point for me.”
I knew the doors must open to the balcony I’d seen outside when I’d arrived before she grabbed the handles and pushed them open. A gust of wind blew in, causing her hair to lift and flow behind her, like she was Elsa in Frozen.
“Sorry,” she muttered, “I know it’s horribly frigid out there. I just wanted you to see.”
“It’s very lovely,” I grinned, stepping up next to her.
“I can’t wait to have morning tea out here,” she added, grabbing my arm. “But I’m afraid that will have to wait until spring.”
In what felt like slow motion, Holly squeezed my arm against her chest, and I felt the warmth of her even through my jumper. I couldn’t help but smile as she pressed her nose to my shoulder before releasing her hold and pulling the doors shut.
“Brrrr,” she shook. “Perhaps that was a bad idea.”
I chuckled as I followed her to the open doorway to our left.
“Toilet,” she confirmed with a shrug. “Nothing fancy. And this is my bedroom.”
The room at the end of the hall was open to reveal a large bed, decorated in loads of blankets and massive amounts of pillows, all in shades of blue and grey. As I stepped into the room, the familiar scent that I only associated with Holly filled my nostrils. Everything felt very serene, as though I’d been there before, and I never wanted to leave.
“I tried to make it as calming as possible,” I heard her speak behind me. “Like my own personal sanctuary.”
“I reckon you succeeded,” I nodded. “It’s beautiful, Holly.”
“Thanks,” she beamed. “Okay, now for the kitchen.”
Holly surprised me again by holding out her hand, which I took gratefully. Passing by the french doors again, I noticed something I hadn’t before - a small sprig of a plant hanging just above the doors.
“Hey, is that…” I pointed.
I caught the pink in Holly’s cheeks before she giggled and nodded. “Mistletoe. I just thought it was cute, and kinda funny.”
“Alright then,” I smirked, recalling Richard’s previous hushed words.
“Mum and Dad may want to use it later,” she shrugged before turning the corner where I swore I heard her murmur, “or someone else.”
Pulling me into the kitchen, she stopped only to emphatically announce her pleasure in having more counter space than she’d ever had in her life. I smiled at her animated enthusiasm, happy for her that she finally owned her own place.
As she gestured to the exit to the left, I followed her back into the living room where a resounding game of charades was being played. I laughed as I watched Holly’s friend Gina try her best to mime the clue whilst Richard called out absurd answers.
“It might be time for Dad to put down the bourbon,” I heard Holly chuckle to my left just before Megan called out the correct answer and the room cheered.
“Ah, the birthday girl’s returned!” announced another of Holly’s friends. “I say it’s time to open the gifts!”
I felt Holly’s hand push the back of my arm, guiding me to the party. I took the chair I’d sat in earlier, across from Holly’s as I awaited the presents ritual. I was suddenly reminded of what I’d gotten her when Richard and Megan brought in the gifts collected on the credenza, setting them at Holly’s feet. My ridiculous red box sat in the back of the pile, like a caboose of confession.
I considered that she might take it lightly and even joke about it, the way she probably would have had she had a significant other. I supposed that was my own initial idea when I’d made the purchases and put it together. But now...after seeing her again, and all the feelings flooding back...I knew I’d been kidding myself.
Now everyone was going to watch her open it and see the awkward reaction she was bound to have. Good one, Styles.
One by one, I sat in silence and watched Holly open each gift, all earning oohs and ahs. When she finally reached for mine, I knew I was doomed.
“I hope you don’t mind,” she said to the entire room, though her eyes were focused on me. “I saved this one for last.”
I could feel the stares without shifting my eyes. Licking my lips, I awaited the inevitable. When she tore off the wrapping and lifted the lid to the box, however, I got a different reaction from what I’d expected. Instead of looking confused and awkward, Holly laughed gleefully, throwing a hand over her mouth just as she snorted. Though I tried my best to laugh along with her, I was extremely perplexed.
“Oh my God,” she shrieked, lifting the bouquet of mistletoe. “That’s so funny, Harry! How did you know?”
Giving a light-hearted shrug, I muttered, “Just thought it was cute and funny.”
Gina, sat to Holly’s left, took the mistletoe from her hands and lifted it above Holly’s head. “Alright, who’s ready to kiss the birthday girl?”
Feeling a sudden wave of embarrassment, I was glad when Gina took it upon herself to give Holly a kiss on the check. And even more relieved when Marcus, her friend sat to her right pointed at the box.
“Looks like there’s more, Hol,” he said.
As Gina claimed the mistletoe, Holly reached inside the box for the second item - a monogrammed photo album I’d had made especially for her.
“Oh this is lovely!” she breathed, setting the box on the floor to balance the album in her lap. “Oh and look! There’s mistletoe and holly on it. How clever, H!”
When she opened it, I saw how wide her eyes got, realising what was inside.
“This...this is all you and me.”
“All of your birthdays,” I confirmed, “at least since I’ve known you. Except for the one that I ruined. And few other...fun moments.”
I heard a few awws and a “that’s so lovely, Harry” from Megan, but all I could focus on was Holly as she scanned each and every photo.
“How did you...find all these?” she asked. As she lifted her head, I noticed the wetness in her eyes.
I shrugged. “Most of them I already had. I’ve just been...collecting them.”
“I had no idea we’d taken so many pictures,” she sniffed. “Thank you, Harry, this is really special.”
“You’re welcome,” I nodded, relieved that she hadn’t thought more of it than a mere gesture of friendship.
Shutting the book, Holly reached forward for the box, noticing one more thing was inside.
“Oh, there’s more?” she asked with raised brows.
At the bottom of the box was another smaller box. When Holly lifted the lid, she gasped.
When Holly and I were fourteen, I’d given her a friendship bracelet. She’d worn it every single day for two years until one day she’d gotten it soiled. That birthday, I’d given her a new one. Though she’d argued with me that she didn’t want to replace the original, she was ultimately happy that I had.
That birthday that I’d ruined - the one where I nearly punched Eric and fooled around with some girl I don’t remember - my gift had been a silver charm bracelet. My idea had been to tell her that it was to officially replace that friendship bracelet, which I knew was long gone. But I hadn’t gotten the chance to see her open it because I’d been drunk and preoccupied.
I’d never seen Holly wearing that bracelet, either.
This year…
“Wow, Harry, I…” she began, more tears forming in her eyes as she lifted the gold braided bracelet in her hand, “I dunno what to say. This is...way more than you’ve ever given me.”
“That’s so gorgeous,” oohed Gina as she leant over to see Holly slip it onto her wrist.
“It’s to...replace that old one,” I explained.
“Which one?” Holly asked.
“The one that I never got to give you,” I admitted. “The one that is probably tainted because I was such an asshole that night and got wasted at your party.”
“Oh,” Holly mouthed. I could see the recognition in her face. She knew exactly what I was referring to.
“I regret that night, terribly, love,” I added, pressing a hand to my chest.
“Oh my God, what happened?” inquired Gina.
“I’d rather not talk about it,” muttered Holly, closing the box and returning it to the floor.
“I ruined her birthday,” I said before I even realised what I was doing. “Because I couldn’t just admit to her how I felt about her.”
Jaws dropped all around the room as Holly stared at me.
“Good on ya, mate!” I heard Richard say. “I always suspected!”
“Richard!” Megan scoffed in a loud whisper.
“Well, I did!”
The room seemed to fall away as I saw Holly rise from her chair and sprint down the hall. It wasn’t the reaction I’d expected, but it wasn’t a surprising one. Hastily, I followed her, wondering what the bloody hell I was going to say next. Hopefully I hadn’t just ruined a second birthday.
I found her stood next to the balcony doors, her hands on the knobs like she was debating whether or not to open them. I cleared my throat to let her know I was there, as I heard her whimper.
“Holly,” I managed to say, my mouth as dry as a desert. “Are you...okay?”
I saw her shoulders drop before she nodded. “I’m fine.”
Stepping closer, I could tell she was wiping her eyes.
“You don’t seem fine. I made a fool of myself and humiliated you in the process. I’m so sorry, Holly.”
“No, Harry,” she said. “I’m the fool.”
Turning to face me, she threw up her hands. “I had no idea.”
“That’s my fault,” I admitted. “I’m shit at communication. And I was afraid of rejection.”
“Since when?”
With a tiny, quiet laugh, Holly shook her head. “Me too.”
“Not only am I shit at communication, Harry,” she confessed, “but I suck at giving hints apparently.”
“No, I suck at taking them,” I giggled. “‘Cause I don’t recall any hints that you felt...any way about me.”
“See?” she threw up her hands again. “God, Harry, can you even imagine the feeling of being gutted when you’re crushing on your best friend and you walk in on him getting head from some other girl?”
Her words were like a knife right through my heart as I slowly closed my eyes and sighed. “I’m so very sorry, Hol.”
“The worst of it was that I had only invited Eric to the party to make you jealous.”
“What?” I asked again, my eyes popping open in disbelief.
“I was convinced you would never like me back the way I wanted you to. So because I knew you hated Eric, I reckoned you might take more notice if I got back together with him.”
“Holly, what the fuck?” I ran my hand down my face.
“I know,” she muttered. “Not my proudest moment.”
“Can we just erase that night out of our lives?” I suggested.
With a tight smile, Holly looked down at her new bracelet, tracing the plaits. “Maybe.”
“So, what do we do now?” I inquired.
“I don’t know that either,” she admitted. “This was rather sudden. To be honest, Harry, I’d thought I’d gotten over you. And then you-”
Her words were interrupted by my sudden kiss. Soft and tender, it was a quick kiss, though I could feel her sigh against me.
“What was that for?” she breathed.
With a smirk, I raised my brows and pointed at the ceiling. “Mistletoe.”
“You were saying?”
“I…” she began, a dreamy look in her eyes, “don’t remember.”
I pulled her into my arms then and kissed her with purpose, doing my best to replace all the time that we’d lost. I knew it would take years to even get close, but I was willing to try.
I felt Holly’s hand slide down my arm and grab my hand before she pulled back. With swollen lips and a look in her eyes I’d ever seen before, she led me toward her bedroom, closing the door behind us.
With only a lamp lighting the room, I joined her on the bed, kicking off my shoes. We made out like teenagers - as though the years had not made any difference in how we felt or what we wanted. The only real difference was that I was no longer afraid to let it be known.
My head spinning and my heart pounding, I suddenly felt Holly press a hand against my chest.
“Harry? Let’s not make this a bad fanfiction, okay?”
I chuckled in disbelief. “What?”
“You know, the friends-to-lovers trope, where we finally have sex and at the end, we just assume everything ended splendidly like a fairy tale.”
“Well, love, I was kinda hoping it will,” I stated honestly.
Holly tilted her head, her soft hair falling against the pillow and her shoulder, her expression both innocent and seductive. I had to bite my lip.
“I think you know what I mean.”
“Okay,” I grinned. “So how should it end, then?”
“Well…,” she sighed, the vibration against my chest causing me to take a breath. “It seems rather silly to say we should take it slow given that…”
I nodded. “Yeah.”
“But how about we ease into it? See what happens.” She ran her delicate hands up my biceps, her suggestion nearly being blanketed by her touch.
“That seems like a good idea,” I agreed as I leant forward and kissed her inviting lips again. She hummed low as I separated our kiss, taking a moment before opening her eyes. Then grasping at a curl near my ear, her eyes danced as she wrapped it around her finger.
“How does one tell her best friend that she loves him?” she suddenly asked.
A wide grin spreading across my face, I let my fingers trace the side of her beautiful face.
“I reckon you just did, my love.”
I kissed her deeply then, her fingers tangling tighter in my hair. Mistletoe or not, I knew in that moment that I could continue to kiss her forever, if she let me. When I felt her leg slide against my hip, however, and she gasped against my mouth, I knew we should return to our original vow.
“We should probably get back to the party,” I admitted.
“Hmm, yeah,” Holly nodded with a sigh. “Let’s do that before my dad calls out a search crew.”
I laughed against her neck, feeling her giggle rise from her throat. Giving it a few more pecks, I finally lifted my head to look at her pretty, glowing face.
“Happy Birthday, Holly.”
“Happy Christmas, Harry.”
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cameronspecial · 1 year ago
Let Me Date You, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.9K
Summary: Rafe wants everything for their first date to be perfect, but unfortunately, it isn't.
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They were going to go for Mexican food on Friday night, but unfortunately, Y/N got sick and lost her voice. It disappointed Rafe greatly to have to postpone the date, but at least now he can make it absolutely perfect. The Mexican place he wanted to take her to is now closed for a private event, so he had to rethink his plan. He thought it would be the perfect opportunity to go to the most exclusive restaurant in town. He planned everything down to a t. It was the type of place with a pre-determined menu, so he had to make sure that the menu they had the night of their date was something Y/N would like. He made sure they shipped in the drink she liked. He made sure that he got her the perfect pre-date gift. She wasn’t the biggest fan of flowers, so he got her some of her favourite stationery she likes to use for her notes. This date was going to be perfect and he was going to make sure of that. 
The first thing that goes wrong is the restaurant reservation. “I’m sorry Mr. Cameron, but in our system, it says that your reservation is at eight,” the hostess apologizes, looking up from the screen. Rafe shakes his head, “No, no, no. That’s not right. I said seven. I confirmed with whoever I was on the call with that it was at seven. What are we supposed to do until we get a table?” Before the hostess can answer, Y/N steps in to help ease the situation. “It’s okay, Rafe. We can go back to your car and listen to some music. I have this great song that I think you would like.” She takes his hand and they head to his car to do as she suggests with him grumbling under his breath at the stupid person he was on call with. The next thing that spoils his evening is the menu being changed at the last minute. “And the entrée for tonight is a braised duck accompanied by a peanut sauce,” the waiter announces while pouring their wine. 
Rafe’s fist clenches in anger. He specifically told the restaurant he needed to know about menu changes because of her allergies. Now, it makes him look incompetent to Y/N because she told him about her allergies. “Oh, I’m allergic to peanuts. Is there any way to not get the sauce on it,” she politely asks. The waiter gives a tight-lipped smile and shakes his head, “I’m afraid not, Miss. The chef doesn’t like when the meals are altered in any way.” “That is stupid, so you are telling me that my date can’t eat anything because your chef doesn’t want to have his feelings hurt,” Rafe argues, boring his eyes into the man. Y/N smiles at the waiter, “It’s okay. Is there any way we can get the check, please?” The waiter nods and heads to get their check for the drinks printed out.
She turns to Rafe with a smile, “It’s okay, Rafe. We can just go to the campus pub. We can share the nachos.” He wants to argue with her that he can fix this and with the chef that he needs to get rid of the nut sauce for Y/N. Yet, something in him tells him to do as she suggested. “I’m sorry. I just really wanted this night to be perfect for you, Angel. And everything seems to be going wrong,” he tells her, putting his hand in hers. She shakes his head, “I know you do, but I promise, it will still be perfect if we go to the pub. Honestly, I like greasy nachos way more than braised duck.” This calms his nerves a little and he pays the bill so they can leave.
The pub is busy. Probably because of the hockey game playing on the TVs, but Y/N and Rafe get a table in the back corner. It’s more cozy and warm than the stuffy and cold exclusive restaurant. The date is going absolutely amazing. They’ve shared so much food. A burger. Nachos. Wings. Fries. They completely indulged themselves in not only food but also conversation. There is never a moment of silence and laughter fills the air. Rafe has to admit that this has been the perfect date. “I just wanted to say thank you for letting me date you, Angel,” he interrupts their conversation. He can’t help himself. He needs her to know how much this means to him because he thinks he found his soulmate. She leans in to give him a kiss and pulls away, “No need to thank me. You found me and I promised I would. But this has been an amazing date. I love it.” He has kissed a lot of people before, but he’s never kissed anyone who's built a fire in his stomach. It tells him what he needs to say next. 
“I know it’s early, but will you be my girlfriend?” he inquires, begging the universe that she won’t say no. She grins at his nervousness, letting him be on edge for a second. When it looks like he is about to cry, she saves him from his panic. Her arms wrap around his neck, “Of course, I would love to!” They pull away from the hug to turn it into a kiss. Once they pull away, Rafe takes a napkin and looks around for a pen. “Here,” she offers, handing him one from her purse. She is so curious about what he is going to write. She watches as he writes down numbers for a list and then writes Rules To Be Rafe’s Girlfriend at the top of the napkin. Boy, does she not know what she got herself into. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia
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popcornforone · 2 months ago
Day one of the Seasons of Life Drabble series.
A JOEL MILLER FAN FIC (pre outbreak)
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Welcome to day one of this series. Today prompt is Snow & I kind of knew what I wanted to do with this but getting it under 500 words was hard.
Synopsis:- your neighbour daughter is playing in the snow.
Word Count:- 440
No warnings, just fluff.
I hope you enjoy peoples also thanks @berryispunk @lady-bess @fanfictionoverload for setting this up.
You stand at your window. You sip your coffee. It’s 8am on a Wednesday but is that stopping your neighbour… Nope.
Screams film the air of joy as you see this bouncing 6 year old girl. She’s in a huge coat, hat & scarf as she bounces into the snow. Her dad follows her. A proper industrial coat built for the cold, gloves that he rubs together. He still blows on his hands out of habit as he watches his girl make a snow Angel. He’s got a shovel to clear the path. But he knows that’s never going to happen.
It’s not long before his brother arrives. Announcing his arrival by throwing a snowball at the man.
“Hey!” He shrieks back before then throwing his own at him. Chaos then ensues as you watch this family pelt each other. Screams of joy fill the air. You don’t want to intrude on the fun. It’s clearly a very special moment for them all. You leave them to it & go to do some baking.
Knock knock.
About an hour later there’s a wrapping on your door. You’ve just got your cookies out of the oven. You decide to go see who’s there. You beam as you open the door. There’s the little girl. Looking all shy. Her dad holding her shoulders trying to encourage her.
“Go on Sarah” he says softly.
“Excuse me miss nice lady, but but” she stutters. You decide to drop to her level.
“It’s okay Sarah, what can I help you with” you say softly.
“You have a bunny, can we have a carrot please for our snowman please miss” her dad then steps to the side. The brother stands next to it proudly.
“Well I can do better than that, wait here for 2minutes” you then head to the kitchen & grab a few things & return to the girl. “There’s your carrot”
“Thank you” she says excitedly.
“& these are freshly baked” you then look at the dad “there’s no nuts” you’d heard about a girl in the street with a nut allergy.
“No she’s good, what do you say Sarah”
“Thank you… miss” you then say your name & the dad then says his.
“You really didn’t have to by the way, oooh I’m Joel & that’s Tommy” he points at this brother who Sarah is bouncing back to with 2 cookies & the carrot. Joel smoulders at you. His eyes almost as melting as the chocolate chips in the cookies.
“Nice to meet you Joel” you say as he bites Into the cookie.
“Hmmm delicious” he says “sweet & soft just like you”
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phati-sari · 2 months ago
Hi, PS. I hope you are doing well.
I have a question about sheetal track. Do you think Arnav still had feelings for sheetal & after meeting her it resurfaced ? I mean he remembers her nut allergy but maybe didn't know about lavanya's egg allergy, happily said "woh aisi hi hai", he went to the school on his own during admission, they also had a moment during basketball match & he even wanted to take a day off to spend time with Arav & train him !!!!!
Another question. Do you think Arnav suddenly bringing up the “we should start the family” was influenced by his closeness with Arav ? Or he really wanted a kid with khushi ? And did he ever consider his & khushi's child may not be like Arav ?
In my experience, people tend to regress when reunited with people from the past. They act like teenagers around their high-school friends, act like drunken college kids around college buddies, etc. I don't think Arnav still had feelings for Sheetal but I found it pretty natural that he remembered lots of details about her and still had some kind of connection with her.
I've spoken elsewhere about Arnav being the truest version of himself at Harvard, that removed from the pressure of having to be Chhote and Bhai he could be just Arnav, something that didn't happen to him again until he met Khushi. And so it makes sense to me that his connection with Sheetal was special in a way that Lavanya perhaps wasn't. He wasn't being intentionally cruel towards Lavanya, but he was a very different person in his relationship with Lavanya compared to the man who was with Sheetal. And compared to the man he was with Khushi.
Arnav mentions, a few times, how hard it must be for Sheetal to be a single parent. Arnav was orphaned at 14, and forced to live with his Nani and Nana after his inheritance was stolen from him. I think he feels a lot of empathy for Sheetal, not only because of their shared past but because he understood that he and Anjali had a safety net in the Raizadas that Sheetal and Aarav do not. I think he has notions of Sheetal missing a man in her life, and a chivalrous (chauvinistic?) part of him steps up to be that man. I think it's wrong for him to do that without talking it through with Khushi, but I understand it because Arnav is a caring guy and he almost automatically, unthinkingly assumes the role of caretaker for those around him.
Arnav hadn't really been around kids until Aarav. Sure, we had a few scene/days here and there where he was shown struggling to understand tiny human beings, and he generally found them annoying and unnecessary, but his time with Aarav seems to be the first time he interacts with a child properly. If he was a woman, no one would question that Arnav's paternal instincts may have kicked in because of Aarav!
(There's also social conditioning to consider. Women are taught to want children from the first moment a dolly is placed into their hands, while men tend to think of children as an inevitable but abstract notion until they hold one in their hands. It's just a thing, that's why so many fathers say their lives changed when they first held their baby, not when they found out their partner was pregnant.)
The writing is often confused and inconsistent, and this track is haphazard. However, I love that Arnav asked Khushi if she wanted to start a family, so many serials just assume the woman wants to immediately start trying.
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highway-stars · 1 month ago
Bruh I was just feeling so happy and proud of myself after the big shoot yesterday and then all of it had to be ruined by the "it's just allergies" guy texting us that he had covid as soon as he got home. The fact that he tested immediately means he was feeling sick all day and didn't do or say anything. You can't trust ANYONE and it makes me insane.
Like!! I was the only person with a mask on all three ferries I took yesterday. I'm always one of the last few people at concerts and on trains that even ATTEMPTS to take precautions. I say no when I get invited to really busy clubs or bars unless they're outside or spacious and well-ventilated. And it's like!!! To what end!!?? Why do I even fucking try???
If this guy got me sick I will have had covid three times despite taking active precautions every day. That's basically on par with ppl I know that don't take any precautions at all. Because I just keep getting sniped. Because I figured being in a giant room with ONLY TWO PEOPLE was safe enough to take my mask off for once since I was running around and lifting things in an 80° office. And I'm furious at myself that I would trust a grown 35-year-old man to go home or put on a mask if he was sick.
Idk I'm tired of people looking at me like I'm fucking nuts when I wear a mask because clearly!! I can't ever, EVER put my guard down!! Because people can't be trusted!! It's truly every-man-for-himself and it's only getting worse.
All three of us are contractors so yes, he didn't want miss a day of work because then you're not getting your day rate. Well yippee for you because now we had to cancel the rest of the shoot and now no one else is gonna get their paycheck because of you and miss out on their other gigs. Fuck off.
So yeah clearly I'm not allowed to let my guard down and do a fun thing EVER and feel like I'm part of a big important project without something like this happening. I had so many people telling me I did a good job yesterday and was so proud of myself and happy about what I'd achieved, and now all of that is replaced with anger at myself.
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tinyidle · 1 year ago
Allergy to Hyposexuality - JSY
finally releasing a proper solo soyeon fic again after *checks records* three years?!?
wc: 2.06k (7 mins of picking your jaw off the floor)
WARNING: smut, slight angst (tw: mental health + mental institutions, trauma), semi-public sex, unprofessional acts in the medical field, blowjob, implications of cunnilingus (doesn't happen tho), missionary, unprotected sex, post-nut clarity, insatiable!soyeon, hypersexual!soyeon, mental patient!soyeon, psychiatrist!reader, sex-starved!reader, b!gd¡ck reader, fem reader, g!p reader, fiction ofcofc
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you went into the psych ward. no, you were not psychotic, nor do you have any problems that you have to need to be in there. you were there to care for a special patient the clinic assigned you. she was a hypersexual being who got into major trouble to the point of her being diagnosed. in a few minutes you will be in another room of white walls, seeing the person who seemed to have an insatiable sex drive. she would be the fifth person you'd see with this problem, and you plan to give her the same set of rules to follow for her to get better. all your past sex crazy patients were men, and despite you having a feminine look, they could never get in your pants. with a woman, you expect this to be no different.
you enter the pure white square room and encounter the slightly slumped over.. woman? or girl? she looks so small, yet you saw her report prior to coming in to work. you called out for the female. "good morning, miss jeon soyeon."
soyeon slowly looked up to you with a slight pout, "good morning, miss doctor."
you nodded. she's definitely a woman. a small, slightly frustrated one, but a woman nonetheless. pulling out your clipboard from your side, you flipped over the pages until you reached the report page on the twenty-four year old patient. "from what i got from you, you were diagnosed with compulsive sexual behavior. is that right?"
the small woman eyed you, something you were used to by now. "yes. i was diagnosed two months ago after making sexual remarks to several clients at work," she answered, playing with her long black nails when she mentioned her work offence.
nodding, you continued looking over her report. "it says here that you were taken to three rehabilitation centers and several talk therapists for your disorder, but they've only made things worse-"
"those fucking staff in the last rehab suggested medical sodomy," she confessed rather coldly, eyes still down at her pristine manicure. you wondered how in the world she could get anything done in with such long nails. soyeon continued to speak, "i began to riot and pull at any and everybody's pants in the facilities, which made them call the cops on me. i went under a judge who suggested me to come here for-"
"insanity," you interjected, surprising the small woman. "yeah, i know. you're not the first patient i had who's had this problem. i can help you get better and live a normal life in society."
soyeon's eyes began to shift, looking up at you with innocence. feign innocence; you knew that. "i was told that millions of times," she complained. "what makes you think you're different?"
you chewed your lip at that: you actually didn't know how to help her specifically. yeah, you had patients with the same disorder and patients who verbally lashed out and patients who trauma dumped you-- you weren't thin skinned, that's how you became a psychiatrist in the first place. the problem was that you were actually falling for the small woman. her cute pigtails framed her cute face, her pouty lips made her eyes look extra admirable, and from the offences you looked at from her report sheet-- public masturbation, extremely explicit public indecency, vulgar talking, and multiple hookups--made you intrigued.
you sighed before fixing your lab coat. "ill make sure you get all you want," you promised.
soyeon was shocked once again. "you.. what?"
"if you agree to comply with me for the next two months here, ill give you what you want. you want sex? ill give it to you right now, but then after that it will be a reward for every time you do well each week." you looked intently at the woman, her figure looking extra petite for your liking. she was biting her lip while her legs kept rubbing against each other under the covers. "what do you say, soyeon?"
she looked to the side, pretending to think about your offer, before she threw off her covers, exposing her naked core for your view.
now it was your turn to be shocked. "h-how did you-"
"i decided to stop wearing undergarments whenever i get admitted into health clinics," she explained to you. "they would always check my pussy anyway, so i thought 'fuck it' and threw mine on the side there," she said as she pointed to the nearby corner of a tiny skirt and almost nonexistent black lace thong. "so," soyeon crawled up to where your frozen figure stood on the end of the bed. "can i get my offer now, miss doctor?"
you took some time to compose yourself before nodding to her, moving to lock the room door. you then closed the window blinds and called staff to help sound proof the room. once you got the confirmation that all was clear, you turned to the small woman who's patient gown was now off, along with her skimpy crop top and bralette. "now," you smiled, slowly taking off your lab coat, "where were we?"
soyeon squealed when you tackled her lips, kissing every part so that you could feel how plush they were. in just seconds, your knee-length skirt around your waist was being tugged down to feel the fabric of your panties. soyeon was surprised that when she palmed your center, instead of feeling a cameltoe, she felt a big bulge around her tiny fingers. she only smiled at this. "so my miss doctor has a mister big boy under these panties, huh?"
you just moaned as she kept palming you, grinding her fingertips against you. "just get on with it already," you growled, a soft curse sounding through the room when she pulled away. soyeon paused, gazing at your half open zipper before pulling both your skirt and underwear off your soft legs. when your length sprung out, the small woman took almost no time spitting on it, immediately seeking to lubricate you. "fuck," you whispered, mesmerized by how those small fingers matched with those long nails could give such a presumably good handjob.
she leaned forward, eager for you. "ooh wow," she laughed as she gripped your thick girth, watching you as you threw your head back in ecstasy. "you're going to fill my mouth to the brim," she awed with lust, using a string of words you hadn't heard in a while since your last partner. her hands travelled lower, caressing your bottom as she continued stroking you. soyeon soon sank her mouth on your length, slowly yet so sensually to the point where you let out a loud groan. feeling proud of herself for making you so pleased, she did her best to take as much of you as possible before quickly pulling herself up, aggressively sucking your tip.
you were in heaven. in pure bliss. the small woman opened her tiny mouth to occupy your large self into her, yet she took it like a pro. after deepthroating you a few times, she quickly pulled up, tilting your length to the side before kissing down to your enlarged balls. with each movement you felt closer and closer to your orgasm, and you could tell she knew by the way she moaned every time you twitched inside her occupied mouth.
"shit, come here," you pulled up the small woman as you attached her lips with yours. you could taste the slightly bitter taste of your precum, but you didn't care right now. all you cared about was tasting soyeon, feeling soyeon, and then getting her to listen to you. as you were dominating her tongue while she kept touching your length, you genty laid the woman down and lowered yourself to her wet cavern. as soyeon opened her legs for you, you frowned as you saw how much hyperpigmentation she got from constantly touching herself. "when was the last time you've gone without masturbating?" you asked, the professional side of you kicking in.
the eagerness that was evident in the young woman's face was now gone and replaced with slight frustration and embarrassment. "a couple days ago," she lied, clearly annoyed by your question. "now get your mouth on my cunt-"
"i call bullshit," you interrupted, sitting up and crossing your arms. "your vagina looks-"
"please don't call it that while we're in the middle of fucking," soyeon begged.
you sighed. "okay, fine. you cunt looks three shades darker than one's of your skin complexion should look like. plus i can tell that you are extremely sensitive, in a way most women even in the adult industry should be worried about." you went back to soyeon's center, carefully touching it and rubbing it extra gently.
while any other person would be angry that their partner would be so teasing, soyeon knew you were her psychiatrist at the end of the day. you were doing her a favor while trying not to take advantage of her, and she admired that. the woman sighed, reaching down to tap her clit a few times, making herself wet before she she widened her legs even more. "well then, miss. fuck me gently, please."
you know she meant well, soyeon didn't want to rile you up on purpose this time. but you couldn't help it: her cunt looked extra needy for your thick girth, and her nipples were as erect as you'd ever seen. you had to have her, now. either that or you give yourself blue balls simply staring at her slutty figure.
holding your length to her already puffy cunt, you slowly pushed yourself inside the small woman. soyeon bit her lower lip hard as she whined, her hands cupping her own breasts as you began to pump in and out. "fuck," you moaned, unable to keep quiet, "how are you so tight? do you not get thick enough dick?" soyeon squeezed her nipples together and moaned louder, clearly enjoying your stroke game.
"i'll take that as a compliment," you smirked, pushing your length even further into the other woman.
you could hear the whine in soyeon's voice go from sensual to desperate, so you quickened your pace. soyeon looked over your face to see sweat form on your brow and your breasts fighting desperately to stay still as you were ramming yourself into her. she found this almost too much as she clenched even harder.
"im gonna cum!" soyeon exclaimed, her hands clawing everywhere to find a grasp on reality. her eyes closed, her body tensed as if she was ready to bear the pain of release. "ugh! oh god!" she screamed as she came, grabbing onto your shoulders as you kept thrusting into her.
feeling the small woman come undone by you led you close to your end as well. you groaned loudly, sweating bullets as you shoved yourself inside her, making soyeon scream in pleasure, despite knowing you wouldn't last much longer. her walls pulsed on you, the insides of her entire cunt contracting on you until you released inside her. you into her womb, so much so that it was seeping between her folds and leaking down to your balls. you held onto her tightly, gasping for air.
after she came down from her high, soyeon looked down to see you coming up for air, still inside her. your cock was coated with your and her fluids, making you flinch as you slowly pulled out to the cold air of the room. soyeon suddenly wrapped her arms around your neck and kissed you. your instincts flared up, instantly rejecting the idea of having a consensual encounter in a ward room with a patient who isn't supposed to be sexually active yet. your fists clenched, feeling like you failed as a professional. but soyeon didn't care, she wasn't trying to force you into anything. she just wanted to kiss you.
the feeling of her lips lightly brushing against yours brought everything into perspective for you. this was why you became a psychiatrist; to help people become healthy. she couldn't and wouldn't get healthy unless she listens to advice from her doctor on how to get there. and you're here, helping her slowly get to a healthy mindset of sex and the general world, even if it meant bending the rules a slight bit.
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hope you liked it!just know that because my brain actually stopped working in between creating this I don't plan on making a part 2 😔
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halevren · 1 year ago
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 6
I had to pause Taskmaster NZ for this. Did you guys know that the episodes are on YouTube for FREE?!?!?!?!!?!!
Love the intro as usual, Sarah Barrios goes so hard
Hiii intrepid heroes!
I wonder if adaine will get a new job this episode
rest in peace Conor Counterspell
I forgot how much happened last episode
"Buttered to perfection"
"I don't do this to you" I can tell this will be a giggly episode
"It's filled with water!"
"Who's a bad baby?" FABIAN I LOVE YOU
"I'm self sabotaging" I feel you Kristen. I feel you.
"I know in my heart that in his final moments he must have repented and gone—" "No.... No..."
"You should go to hell sometime"
"Smells good"
"Whatever you didn't like about your old self, you feel like, oh, it's present in this kid who is also drinking water out of a beer can." Brennan why must you be so good at pulling heartstrings
Double Kristen 🔥🔥
We got like 18 votes 🔥🔥
With disadvantage? oh no.
omg ivy has the same accent as garthy
"Your family is from Fallinel" her mom is gone and she killed her they can't help pay for the diamond
"Hot dragonborn is about to know your shit"
oh adaine... I understand you so well
Adaine and Fabian duo is so under appreciated I need more of them
"Everyone can suck a nut, fuck off"
There is so much sexual tension between Gorgug and Ragh rn
"If you push me too hard, I'm going to shit"
"I think I ate some glass— there was vodka in it???" Oh Ragh my beloved....
Riz rambling is so real
Oh Ragh I love you, you're trying so hard to help I love you you are perfect
ohhhh Fabian.....
The High 5 Heroes...
"It's not the library, you can't rip the pages out!"
This is a very duo episode. Fig / Kristen, Fabian / Adaine, Gorgug / Riz
I'm starting to think Kristen is trying to be the president of the steelworker union at this rate
"I'm gonna be kick flipping the system"
Fantasy High Senior Year main objective is going to be getting Fetty Wap to homecoming
"It's gonna be weird to not be you. I feel home here."
ohhh Emily what are you strategizing rn
oh no.. I think Ivy noticed her change
Fabian is struggling rn
"I can impersonate the dead when I want"
So much destruction of Fabian's property this episode
ivy isn't very nice. don't go for our girl mazey
oh is Brennan about to make Fabian choose between Ivy and Mazey? I swear to GOD
oh no..... Fabian.....
Mazey being straight laced (?) But still being the absolute life of the party is so good
"(Murph Sobs)"
Fuck the record labels
"Just trying to decide if I want to be bard any more..." OH?
Rough day for Fabian. So rough.
Murph rollin' better.
At least none of them actually did drugs. Just. The bad baby milk. What is the drinking age of Spyre? I don't know
Bad Kids Apicology Arc
oh no Fabian vs Gertie
actually it's more like Fabian vs everyone
Riz panic is so real, them getting kicked out of school would be awful
Tracker and Kristen call...........
oh no....
"I'm gonna be President, bitch."
I relate to Kristen too much, this is painful for me to listen to because it's too real
"Maybe she had a shrimp allergy, you don't fuckin' know"
"I hope your new partner is really fucking hot." Oh Kristen
"Riz you're the only one who is honest with me"
"Tough but fair. Have a great life" KRISTEN.....
Drunk texting Aelwyn.
Murph is going full investigator rn
The egg slurry
I was NOT expecting Fig to be the one to do a full class switch but honestly it's understandable
"We're having to destroy ourselves to pass these classes." As someone who was severely depressed in high school, I resonate with that statement a little too much.
I want to go to a Lydia lunch
"So what's up" Kristen's god is dead.
"took an orb to the chest"
Oh Lydia.... I want to hug her so tightly.
"God baby hospital"
Now I'm hungry for chicken parm
looks like next episode is dice rolling
30 notes · View notes
wondergirl2007 · 1 year ago
Top 10 Worst HTF Deaths
So I’ve just finished my Top 10 Worst HTF Deaths video on my YouTube channel, and I’ve decided to bring my list to Tumblr so I can explain why I put each of these deaths on my list. Keep in mind that these are all my personal opinions of how I view the deaths in the show. If you disagree with any of these, then that’s perfectly fine! We all have different opinions and that’s what makes the world an interesting place. If there is a death I missed out that you wanted to see, let me know which one and why.
For this list, I will be ranking the deaths based on how torturous, violent and excruciating they would be to experience. So without any further ado, let’s rank the top 10 worst deaths in Happy Tree Friends!
10. Lumpy - Letter Late Than Never
To begin the bloodshed, we have Lumpy working as a mailman and he is simply just trying to deliver some packages, but Toothy’s tortoise is constantly hunting Lumpy down and puts him through so much pain every time he has an encounter with it. (Seriously, why wasn’t Toothy keeping an eye on his tortoise and keeping it under control?) Lumpy doesn’t let this make him give up doing his job, as he is able to keep going each time he escapes thanks to the painting of another mailman, (or mail moose in this case) and Lumpy keeps his pride as he won’t let the tortoise stop him from doing his job, no matter how many times the tortoise brutally attacks him.
Eventually, Lumpy has to deliver a letter to a house at the top of a mountain and he stops at nothing to get the letter delivered. But when he reaches the top, GUESS who is waiting for him. Yup, you guessed it, the tortoise. Startled, Lumpy backs away from the tortoise, only for him to have a great fall off of the mountain and breaking probably every bone in his body. Then, his foot gets pulled into the tortoise’s shell as it’s eating him alive. Lumpy then notices the turtle repellent, but it does him no good as he accidentally sprays the repellent in his eyes and gets eaten by the tortoise.
Honestly, this episode made me not want to be a delivery person, and I think I have a fear of turtles now. That tortoise put Lumpy through absolute hell, making his job more stressful and he gets so close to giving up a couple of times, but thanks to the mail moose painting, he is able to keep his pride. However, despite how many times Lumpy was attacked by the tortoise, it’s ranked quite low because most of the time where Lumpy was being attacked by the tortoise, it was kinda off screen. If it actually fully showed Lumpy being eaten alive by the tortoise instead of just being pulled away from the screen, it probably would’ve been a little higher on the list.
9. Cuddles - Party Animal
Oh Cuddles… Cuddles, Cuddles, Cuddles… Poor, sweet, innocent Cuddles. We all know that Cuddles dies a lot in the show, and there was so many deaths he has suffered that could’ve made it onto the list, but I decided to go with this one. Not only because it’s one of my favourite Fliqpy kills, but also because of how scary it would be to experience due to having no way of trying to survive or escape, which would not be very pleasant to experience, especially for someone with agoraphobia, which is the fear of situations that might cause panic and feelings of being trapped, helpless or vulnerable.
It’s Flippy’s birthday, and everyone has set up a surprise birthday party for him, and things seem to be going well, until Nutty eats the tiniest spoonful of sugar, causing him to go on a sugar rush and spin around like a tornado, flying the peanuts out of Mime’s hand and into Flaky’s mouth. Due to her nut allergy, she bloats up and her quills pop the balloons surrounding her, mimicking gunshots and causing Flippy to flip out.
After Fliqpy slices Toothy’s face like a cake, Cuddles and Sniffles notice this and Sniffles runs off with fear. As Cuddles is frozen in terror, Fliqpy places Toothy’s sliced cake face onto Cuddles’ plate, leaving him disgusted. Fliqpy then grabs some balloons and ties them around Cuddles’ neck, strangling him. This sends Cuddles flying straight up into a ceiling fan, where he is shredded to pieces. To me, this death was both physically and mentally traumatic. Not only is there the physical pain of Cuddles’ neck being tightened like a knot and then his body being torn up by a fan, but there’s also the mental fear of having no way of getting out of the situation.
Cuddles was trapped in the balloons’ grasp,
as they send him to his grave. The thought of being unable to escape from something that’s about to kill you is truly frightening. There was nothing Cuddles could do at this moment. All he could do was accept his fate of being sliced to pieces by a ceiling fan. This death actually reminds me of how Chucky died in Child’s Play 3, when he got shredded to pieces by a giant fan in a carnival ride. This death is also ranked low because it was a quicker death and Cuddles wasn’t suffering for too long, but the lack of escapism is what makes this death so horrifying to even think about experiencing.
8. Flaky - Wipe Out!
You know, I actually kinda forgot this episode even exists. But this episode is filled to the brim with very gruesome deaths. But which one was the most gruesome? That so happens to be Flaky’s death. This was probably the only death for Flaky that I think is very harsh, or at least in the TV Series anyway. Most of her deaths in the TV Series are quite quick and even painless, but not this one. Flaky is one of the most innocent characters in the show, and she does not deserve to go through these excruciating deaths.
When Flaky floats too far away from the shore, she encounters a horde of sharks that were attracted by the trail of blood on her surfboard that she made as she tried to paddle back to shore. What’s worse is that Flaky is too exhausted to paddle her way out of the situation, and somehow manages to avoid all the sharks that tried to eat her. After making her escape onto a desert island, Flaky thinks she’s safe as she hugs the palm tree. Until a coconut falls onto her head and hits it so hard, it causes her skull to crack open and her brain is exposed. Yet, she’s still alive, and if that wasn’t enough, a flock of seagulls then feed on her body, leaving nothing but her head behind.
One of the seagulls do get their instant karma after a shark eats it when the seagull tries to eat Flaky’s head. The seagulls were very mean spirited as they kept feeding on someone’s corpse when they died. Yup, it wasn’t just Flaky who got devoured by a flock of seagulls. Handy and Cuddles also suffered this fate after they died. But what made her death a little humorous was when the hermit crab used Flaky’s head as a shell. The little hermit crab was very cute in this episode, and I’m happy it managed to get a shell for itself eventually. Even if it did end up being… Flaky’s disembodied head…
What makes this death so excruciating was how vulnerable Flaky was in the situation. I mean, how strong was that coconut?! How can one single coconut crack open someone’s entire skull and expose their brain and leave them absolutely disoriented?! It just goes to show how fragile the characters are. Even the tiniest paper cut would probably lead them to bleed to death. And what was it with those seagulls constantly coming out of nowhere and feeding off the characters’ corpses?! It felt like a really unfunny running gag.
Overall, I felt really bad to see Flaky getting pecked alive by those seagulls. She should really move out of Happy Tree Town so she can avoid being killed on a daily basis. And so should everyone else in the show. Considering the fact that Flaky is the most aware character in the show, as she understands what triggers Flippy’s PTSD and is smarter than other characters when it comes to deadly situations, like in Party Animal, when she turned off the blender before putting her hand in it to get the peanut, and in Water You Wading For, when she doesn’t go in the pond and warns Cuddles about the possible dangers that could occur. But in this episode, she was pretty much screwed from the start.
7. Giggles - Home Is Where The Hurt Is
With Lumpy pulling a Lumpy, he screws up the blueprints of Giggles’ new house, and turns it into a labyrinth. Leaving everyone bewildered, they all split up to discover many flaws inside the house, and they all suffer their own terrible fates because of Lumpy’s errors, including Lumpy himself. However, Giggles gets it the worst out of everyone as she realises that she’s been walking sideways in her death trap of a house as she falls onto a banister of a staircase, and then starts to slide down to her demise.
First, she hits her head on a wooden beam, resulting in a black eye, then gets hit with a mounted moose head with its eyes stuffed into her mouth and finally gets hit by a chandelier, with the beads wrapping around her face. But she’s not dead yet. Giggles then slides over lots of nails that shred her body up, putting her suffering to an end as she slides to the bottom of the banister, and Lumpy encounters her corpse as she’s sliced in half when her body splits in two.
There was quite a few agonising deaths Giggles has suffered that could’ve been on the list, but this one was definitely the most torturous for her in my opinion. She goes on sliding down the banister as she screams with fear, unaware of what’s going to be thrown at her. Especially when her crotch gets shredded through the nails. It makes me cringe so hard! Now that is definitely something unpleasant to watch or even experience.
6. Nutty - Chew Said A Mouthful
Oh boy, Nutty really lets his candy obsession get the best of him, and this episode is no exception. Nutty is unaware that he cannot actually chew jawbreakers, and when he attempts to do so, he ends up breaking his lower jaw. He should understand why they’re called jawbreakers now. After his mouth is sealed shut with wires, he still tries to eat the jawbreaker. He uses a screwdriver to pry his mouth open so he can eat the jawbreaker, but the screwdriver breaks loose and causes him to accidentally bite his tongue off and snips his wires out, letting his jaw drop and bleed heavily.
He then has to wear a metallic mask to let his jaw heal. Or is that the bear trap from Saw? I’m not kidding, the mask Nutty wears in this episode reminds me of the bear trap from Saw. Anyway, even with his jaw being broken, he STILL tries to eat the jawbreaker as he chases after it and steals Toothy since he got the jawbreaker in his eye, mistaken by Lumpy during an eye surgery. Nutty then gets stuck in a junkyard with a car magnet that rips off his lower jaw and the car that he’s standing on gets pulled up by the magnet, crushing him in the process. Somehow, he’s not dead yet and guess what he tries to do: He still tries to eat the jawbreaker until it gets crushed along with himself.
What’s amusing about this death is that Nutty literally shows so much apathy for his demise as all he cares about is eating the jawbreaker. He literally does not care that he’s being crushed to death or that his jaw is broken. He stops at nothing to chew that jawbreaker. He causes all the other deaths in this episode too, and this sure is a lesson for Nutty to learn that jawbreakers aren’t edible and to pay for his selfish actions in this episode, as he’s apathetic about his broken jaw and the other character’s demise, and all he cares about is eating the jawbreaker. Now I see why Sarah from Ed, Edd N Eddy prefers fudge over jawbreakers and hopefully Ed will too. But I doubt Nutty will.
5. Handy - Don’t Yank My Chain
OK, now we’re starting to get to the really excruciating deaths. And I have to say that Handy is probably the most unluckiest character in the entire show, as he pretty much dies in every episode he’s in. Heck, I think he dies even more than Cuddles does! Handy has the lowest survival rate, and the only episodes that he has survived in are House Warming and Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow. That’s literally it. Every other episode he’s in, he dies at some point. And out of all them, this death was probably the most cruelest and torturous one that he has suffered in my opinion. And with Lumpy being a state trooper in this episode, we already know that it’s not going to end well.
After being mistakenly arrested along with Mole by Lumpy (I swear, Lumpy shouldn’t apply for any job. Things always go wrong when he’s doing a job.) due to Lifty and Shifty tricking Lumpy into thinking Handy and Mole stole a car, Handy and Mole try to escape from jail, but they are both chained to a heavy ball. After escaping from jail, the duo then tumble down a cliff due to Mole placing the heavy ball down, causing it to roll off the cliff, bruising and cutting them in the process. When Mole attempts to break the chain using a sledgehammer, he loses his balance and him and Handy are both dragged down a well.
After they make it out of the well, the duo then come across a rowboat and Mole uses a hacksaw to cut the chain, but he ends up cutting the rowboat instead, drowning him and Handy in the process, but they are able to get back up onto some logs. They then notice a sawmill, and it saws Mole’s head in half. After Handy is able to turn it off in time before he suffers the same fate, walking with the heavy ball becomes more stressful for him due to his lack of hands and Mole’s corpse weighing on the ball.
But then he gets an idea of breaking the chain by letting an approaching train run it over, hoping it will work. But it does nothing to save him as the chain gets stuck on a cowcatcher, causing Handy and Mole’s corpse to be dragged by the chain as they scrape on the ground with blood coming out.
Pop and Cub are passengers on the train, but they ignore Handy’s cries for help. I’ll give Cub the benefit of the doubt, because he’s a baby, so he doesn’t really understand what pain and suffering is, but how did Pop not hear Handy’s agonising screams? As the train enters a tunnel, Handy gives one final bloodcurdling scream as his eyes become bloodshot and bulged as they pop out of his sockets when he gets hit by the side of the tunnel, killing him. Pop is horrified when Handy’s eyes are covering Cub’s eyes. And I’ll admit, it looked very goofy and amusing, but Handy’s suffering certainly wasn’t.
This was definitely Handy’s most cruelest death in my opinion. The way he screams at the top of his lungs and the way his eyes bulge is terrifying, and it shows how much fear he was in when he accepts he’s about to be slammed in the face, meeting his demise. And the fact that there was no way of getting out of the situation makes it even more frightening to experience.
At least Lifty and Shifty got their karma afterwards by being ran over in the car the stole from Handy and Mole by the same train due to the car running out of fuel, causing them to get stuck on the train tracks. But still, Handy deserves so much better. He’s just a hardworking beaver who does his best at his job. Unlike a certain someone. I’m sure you know I’m talking about. And he dies immediately after Lifty and Shifty do when he gets hit by the heavy ball that Handy and Mole were chained onto. Have you guessed who it is yet? That’s right, it’s Lumpy. Told you this episode wouldn’t end well.
4. Shifty - Sea What I Found
Hey, a death in Happy Tree Friends doesn’t need to have blood and guts to be gruesome, torturous and excruciating! And this death is a great example. This is definitely one of the most iconic deaths in the show too. Although, I will say that this death was well deserved because Shifty was being a greedy brat and only cared about himself and the treasure instead of helping his brother Lifty get out of the submarine. It’s always satisfying to see Shifty getting his karma for being such a selfish brother. After stealing a treasure chest from Russell, they return to the submarine that they stole from Disco Bear. They open the chest to see a lot of gold and jewels inside of it.
Not long after, the submarine goes over a… underwater volcano? OK, I don’t get how magma can work underwater. I understand it’s a cartoon, so anything’s possible, but still. That genuinely confuses me. Anyway, the submarine’s pipes burst open and the submarine begins to collapse. When Lifty gets knocked down by a beam, Shifty, being the greedy brother he is, leaves Lifty to die in the submarine and steals his treasure. (I’m very glad that I don’t have a brother like Shifty.) Shifty tries to escape from the submarine, but the submarine gets way too hot, that his feet get stuck onto the ground, causing the skin on his feet to peel off for every step he takes.
As Shifty tries to get through the door, he is unable to do so because of the gold weighing in his bulging pockets. The gold then starts to slowly and painfully melt on Shifty, while he lets out one of the most bloodcurdling screams in the entire show. As the submarine sinks down into the underwater volcano, it blows up and Lifty flies out of the submarine and encounters Shifty, who is now a golden statue.
This death actually reminds me of the Greek mythology of King Midas, when he wishes for gold, but ends up turning whatever he touches into gold. Shifty’s greediness really gets the best of him in this episode, and it shows how avaricious he is. Even though there’s no gore in this death, it’s still very terrifying to watch or experience. But it was also good to see that Shifty didn’t go unpunished and got what he deserved.
Not to mention he also betrays Lifty in Milkin’ It, when Shifty tosses Lifty off of their hot air balloon, causing him to get impaled by a pine tree, just to reduce the hot air balloon’s weight so Shifty can avoid being electrocuted from a power line, only for him to be
shredded to pieces by a windmill shortly afterwards. And in Buns Of Steal, when Lifty gets mutilated by a fence, Shifty is so apathetic of his death, he kicks his head off while trying to walk through his thin wire vein. Not long later, Shifty gets killed from his head and tail being cut in half when Lifty’s sharp veins swing at him. Karma is indeed evil. And it definitely loves Shifty.
3. Splendid - Gems The Breaks
Of course this death would be on the list eventually. I mean, how could I not include it?! As much as I would love to place this death first, I just couldn’t, because I’m pretty sure you know which two deaths are much worse than this one, so I’ll give Splendid the bronze. Not to mention, I’m going to be working on my AU version of Gems The Breaks soon, and Splendid dies slightly differently than he does in the original episode, as his cheeks swelling up from the pressure of the vomit he holds in his mouth causing him to explode was a little bit illogical to me. Once again, I know it’s just a cartoon and anything could happen in it, but I want to make Splendid die in a more logical way.
And it is also how a certain someone is created in my HTF AU. You want to know who? Take a wild guess. OK, OK, it’s Vomitdid. I had to bring it up. Talking about this death just wouldn’t feel complete without explaining how I got the idea of Vomitdid. So just bare with me. We’ll get to Splendid’s gut-churning fate in a moment.
This is Splendid’s only death in the entire show, (if you don’t count his death in Class Act, which I don’t, despite Kenn Navarro confirmed that everyone died in the episode, including Splendid.) and since all the other characters die more than once, it would feel weird to treat their corpses like whole different characters. But since Splendid only dies once, making his corpse another character is definitely interesting to me.
Splendid does already have an alter ego, which is Splendont, but who’s to say he can’t have two? Along with Flippy, who’s alter ego is Fliqpy, and they look very similar to each other, along with Splendid and Vomitdid. They are almost identical, but they obviously look and act slightly different just so it doesn’t seem like there’s more than one of the same character.
And here’s a little fact: In my AU, Vomitdid was originally meant to be a joke character because I genuinely just thought it would be funny to make Splendid’s corpse into a character since Gems The Breaks is my favourite HTF episode and it was very interesting to see Splendid die, since he rarely does. And Vomitdid is definitely my favourite fan made HTF character I’ve ever made. And you can see where he got his name from, haha. But anyway, enough about Vomitdid’s origins, let’s get onto the actual death now.
Lifty and Shifty find out that Splendid is vulnerable to a green glowing acorn known as the kryptonite- uh, I mean, the kryptonut. Which is an obvious reference to Superman’s weakness, kryptonite, which weakens him due to radiation poisoning. However, the kryptonut causes Splendid to feel nauseous and throw up when he gets in contact with it.
When Splendid finally takes the terrible twosome down by boiling them alive by using a pair of binoculars to strengthen his heat vision, he is able to dispose the kryptonut with the protection of wearing a hazmat suit. He crushes the kryptonut and overconfidently takes his helmet off so he can blow the dust away, only for the wind to betray him by blowing it right back in his face, causing his nose and skin to peel off.
He then suffers from radiation sickness as he starts to vomit uncontrollably, along with his heart and kidney coming out and he doesn’t even notice that he also hit poor Petunia and Giggles with his wave of puke. It must’ve been torture for Petunia especially, since she has OCD and hates getting dirty, and Petunia also has emetophobia in my AU, which is the phobia of vomiting. Now, Giggles and Petunia’s deaths in this episode are debatable, but in my version of the episode, they survive, so they are going to be extremely mortified after experiencing being engulfed in Splendid’s vomit fountain. And this is also what caused the rivalry between Petunia and Vomitdid in my HTF AU.
At this point, Splendid should be dead, but somehow no. He vomits so much that it eventually comes to the point of him trying to hold it in, but doing this only makes things a lot more harder for him, as his cheeks start to swell up, being unable to suppress the pressure of the vomit in his mouth any longer and this causes his whole body to explode. This is definitely the grossest death in my opinion, and if you’re not really keen with vomiting, then this episode will be hell for you. The fact that Splendid has the least deaths in the show, but yet has one of the goriest is really messed up to me.
However, this must have been a pleasure for all the Splendid haters out there to see him getting his karma for causing every death in this episode. Especially Mole’s death, since Splendid killed him intentionally by blowing up his car with his heat vision due to Mole not driving off when the traffic light turned green due to his blindness. And this is the reason why Mole became a villain in my HTF AU. And that is understandable, as Mole, Lifty and Shifty’s deaths were the only intentional deaths Splendid has caused in the show.
But this death really does make me feel sick to my stomach every time I watch it. The fact that not only did Splendid vomit his guts out, but there was also blood chunks in his vomit. If Splendid had just ended up vomiting pure blood instead, then this death would have definitely been first place on the list. It really was hard to watch my favourite character suffer a very extreme and disgusting death.
However, it was also quite satisfying and intriguing to see Splendid actually dying for once. I mean, it had to happen to him eventually, right? It wouldn’t be Happy Tree Friends if not every character suffers from at a few harsh deaths at the very least. Even though I really had the desire to give this death first place, as it is one of my absolute favourite deaths in the show, it just couldn’t beat these last two deaths which I’m sure you’ve already guessed which ones they are. So, let’s dive right into them!
2. Petunia - Wishy Washy
Oh dear god… this death is just… messed up. OK, let me tell you, I always think that Petunia suffers the worst kind of deaths in the show and honest to god, any of her deaths can make this spot on the list, but it just HAD to be this one. Most of you probably already know this, but huge trigger warning coming up: This death involves Petunia committing suicide and it was so horrific and graphic, the episode was removed from YouTube due to violating the community guidelines. Not to mention this is the only suicidal death in the entire show and the only episode to be deleted from YouTube. So if you just want to skip to number 1, then go ahead. But if you’re still here, then brace yourself.
Petunia is known for being a neat freak due to her OCD. The smallest smudge, the fewest inches of a lotion bottle facing the wrong way, will cause her to have a full on panic attack. And her OCD really gets the best of her in this episode. When Petunia ends up clogging her toilet, she calls the worst plumber in Happy Tree Town: Lumpy. After Lumpy gets crushed and burned by a water heater, it causes Petunia’s shower to stop working, and when she goes down the see what caused it, she is shocked by the encounter of Lumpy’s corpse, only for her to fall into the dirty water, covering her whole body in muck and gunk.
Petunia is mortified by this, and does everything she can to get the gunk off of her body. Shower? Doesn’t work. Sink? Does nothing. Sink sprayer? Makes her more dirty. Brush? Not enough. Steel wool? Only makes it worse. Nothing is able to get her clean, but what finally puts Petunia’s sanity to an end is when she finds a potato peeler, and Petunia loses her state of mind and laughs hysterically as she begins to peel her skin off aggressively, being apathetic at this point and is desperate to get clean again, and it’s not even against her will.
She goes on peeling and peeling her skin away until her body is nothing but flesh and bone, and dies from blood loss. What makes this death so uncomfortable to watch is the fact that Petunia is literally killing herself. The characters are usually killed from something against their will or by another character, accidental or deliberate, but not here. Petunia is so apathetic about dying, and had the audacity to do absolutely anything to get herself clean, which really shows how severe her OCD is. I honestly don’t know what’s worse: Petunia’s OCD, or Flippy’s PTSD.
Jesus Christ… and no, this isn’t even the worst death, and this may shock some people as they may think, “What could POSSIBLY be worse than suicide?!”, and I wouldn’t blame them at all for thinking that. But I do so happen to have the answer for which death is even worse than this one. So Petunia has earned herself the silver. But before we get to the absolute worst death in the series, we have to get through the honourable mentions, so let’s get them out of the way first.
Cuddles - Easy Comb, Easy Go
This death was also pretty gross, as any death involving puking guts and organs makes me feel uncomfortable, and the way the hair goes up Cuddles’ body as he suffocates to death really made me shiver. It was however my favourite death in this episode, but the fact that this death was quicker than some of his other deaths is what stops it from actually being on the list.
Russell - Sea What I Found
I’m not going to lie, but this death actually confused me when I first watched it. But when I saw the wiki page for this episode, I understood it better. Russell is killed from decompression sickness, thanks to Lumpy’s stupidity. This death actually reminds me of that one death in Street Trash, when a unnamed local fat hobo ends up exploding from drinking Viper, which is very old and expired. This causes pretty much everyone who drinks it to melt into a goopy mess, expect for the fat hobo who ends up blowing up instead, similar to how Russell did in this episode. But anyway, the reason why Russell’s death isn’t on the list is because it just couldn’t beat Shifty’s death in this episode.
Giggles - Every Litter Bit Hurts
Once again, since this death is quick, it’s not on the list. And Giggles technically lives happily until Mole impales her heart, and most people would probably be angry at Mole for this, as they would question how Mole couldn’t hear Giggles screaming in agony, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt since he’s blind, so it was technically an unintentional death.
Handy - Wipe Out!
Another very quick death, and it’s not as gory as some of his other deaths are, so it couldn’t make it onto the list. But this death does make me wince a little. I always struggle trying to zip up my jacket, and the thought of getting my fingers stuck through the zip makes me cringe hard. It’s like getting a paper cut. And right after Handy dies, a flock of seagulls come out of nowhere and feed on his corpse. … You know what, I’m not even going to ask how or why the seagulls have the urge to do that in this episode.
Nutty - Double Whammy
I used to be so terrified of this death when I first watched it, but I eventually went from hating it to loving it. It’s another one of my favourite Fliqpy kills, and the way Nutty’s head swells up and his eyes bulge out due to the pressure of the water entering his mouth reminds me of a scene in Total Recall, when Quaid has a nightmare about him dying from decompression due to the glass on his space mask shattering after hitting his face off a rock, causing his eyes to pop out. I genuinely love space movies with those kind of deaths because they’re so satisfying and disturbing to watch at the same time. The reason why I didn’t put this death on the list is because it’s not actually as bad as I thought it used to be. It’s rather a more goofy and illogical death, which is why it couldn’t make it onto the list, but I still love this death regardless, even if it’s physically impossible for it to happen in real life.
Petunia - As You Wish
Despite how gorey and bloody this death is, and how Petunia was able to survive being wounded by lots of coins that Lifty and Shifty wished for and being impaled by Sniffles’ spaceship and only really dies from her head being crushed by Lumpy’s lamp, it just cannot beat her death in Wishy Washy. Suicide is much, much, much worse than being by from other people’s wishes.
Lumpy - Take A Hike
Man, Lumpy really didn’t deserve his demise in this episode. I know throughout this list, I’ve been talking about how his lack of intelligence is what causes his and others deaths, and how it really infuriated me, but in this episode, he really did try his best to keep an eye on everyone and to make sure that they all got out alive. That obviously doesn’t happen, but since the bear killed him quite quickly and only mauled him once, unlike Toothy’s tortoise, who attacked Lumpy several times, making him suffer longer, it’s not going to make a spot onto the list.
And now… the death you were all probably expecting to be at this spot on the list, the worst death in Happy Tree Friends is without a doubt:
1. Sniffles - Tongue In Cheek
Yeah, everyone would probably chase after me if I didn’t make this death number 1 on the list. But yeah, IT’S HELL TO WATCH. The creators even admitted that they went too far with this death, and this actually caused the ants to be permanently removed from the show because of their sadistic behaviour. Yes, believe it or not, Sniffles’ death here is even worse than Petunia killing herself because the creators weren’t ashamed of how gruesome her death was. Compared to all the other deaths in the series, and I mean ALL of them, this death is the most torturous to experience and Sniffles definitely deserves the gold for this list.
This is not even the first time the ants have tortured Sniffles. There’s many episodes with Sniffles failing badly to eat some ants, such as Suck It Up, A Hard Act To Swallow, Tongue Twister Trouble, to name a few. The only episode when Sniffles is able to get away with eating an ant is Blast From The Past, when he travels back into prehistoric times and eats a prehistoric ant, with his prehistoric ancestor doing the same.
So, let’s get into this death. After Sniffles fails to eat some ants when they rip his nails open and put salt inside, he gets the idea of inventing a mind controlling ant robot and helmet and sends it off to kill the ants, but the ants are able to dodge the robotic ant as it gets electrocuted by a socket, along with electrocuting Sniffles himself. One of the ants then switch the wires on the robot of ant’s helmet, and are now able to control Sniffles.
They force him to put razor blades in an a apple, then eating it, causing his mouth and teeth to bleed excessively. Then they make him put his tongue in a paper shredder, tearing it apart and he pulls it out, only causing more blood to shed. Finally, the ants put Sniffles down when force him to hammer his tail into a nail and tie his shredded tongue to a canoe paddle and turning it slowly and painfully, eventually letting go and forcing all of his organs out of his body as the canoe paddle flys off like a propeller and stretches his up and finally sends him down to the ground, killing him in the process.
What makes this death the worst of them all is that Sniffles is forced to do this against his will. It’s not a suicidal death, unlike Petunia’s death in Wishy Washy, as she actually the one killing herself, while the ants are forcing Sniffles do to these excruciating things to himself as he cries and begs for it to stop. It is definitely both physically and mentally traumatising, with the obvious physical trauma of the graphic torture the ants put Sniffles through, but there’s also the mental trauma of how Sniffles was helpless in this episode, and he couldn’t do anything to save himself. He just had to accept the fate of being killed against his will.
Maybe it’s best that Sniffles should stay away from the ants from now on after this. And we’ll probably never see the ants get what’s coming to them (Or at least in the canon show) since they got banned from the show, unlike Shifty, who actually gets his karma for betraying Lifty frequently due to his greediness. Well actually, there is a fan made HTF episode of the ants actually getting killed, and despite it not being canon, it was satisfying to finally see the ants getting what they deserve. I just don’t think Sniffles will ever learn that he stands no chance against the ants, despite his intelligence. I understand that he’s literally an anteater, so it’s kind of a common habit for him, but he should be more aware now that trying to eat the ants isn’t really a good idea.
And that’s my list! I hope you enjoyed reading it! And if you agreed with these deaths, then that’s great! And if you disagree with any of the deaths on my list, then that’s okay. Let me know if there’s any deaths that I missed that you wanted to see and why you think it could have made it onto the list!
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jompsjnngurdsn · 9 months ago
Take my hand. Join me, on the journey through a bonkers Wikipedia page for a Gamecube game...
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Sounds good.
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Sure, yeah.
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Kinda rote, but, why not? I love realms.
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Wait, hold on. I must have skipped a line.
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Oh, no. I read it fine. I just don't know how this world is real.
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I could not contain myself while reading this sentence. A+
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I can't actually eat Skittles due to an allergy. So I've been missing out of magical spells like a sucker all this time.
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I like how this makes it sounds like this was a bolt of pure inspiration. We've all been there. Sitting around with our friends, passing the bowl around, being like "Why haven't they made a Corn Nuts game?"
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Skittles wasn't even their first choice?! Skittles was the rebound lay?!?!
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I can't believe I'm saying this, but...boooooooo. You can't be The Skittles Game and then be like..."But, no, I'm so shy." Was Skittles pissed? Were(?) Skittles pissed? It's a company name, but it's also plural. Did Phil Skittle tell them to fuck off?
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Phil Skittle's wife left him for a herpetologist and he's been real fucked up about it ever since.
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sayitaliano · 8 months ago
Ciao! I recently had the opportunity to visit beautiful Montepulciano in Tuscana last month. My grasp on Italian was tenuous at best, having only learned a week's worth of basics through Duolingo.
I'm deaf/hard-of-hearing (how do you say that in Italian?) and for all of my life, I have been discouraged from attempting to learn a foreign language under the premise that I could never learn it if I couldn't hear perfectly. To my surprise, I found it was easier to understand native Italian speakers speaking Italian than it was native English speakers speaking accented English.
I'm finding Italian to be a beautiful, if a bit complicated, language, and I'm now searching out resources to further my learning. Duolingo has the ideal modality for my learning style (erratic), but the lack of focus on grammar rules or conjugation makes it hard to progress.
I found your blog through your posts on basic pronunciation and grammar. Those were incredibly helpful, thank you!
I've wanted to ask, have you had any experience managing food allergies in Italy? During my stay, I noticed most restaurants listed their allergens on the menu and had an additional allergen statement encouraging customers to make their allergies known.
Although my food intolerances were non-issues (no preservatives and GMOs like in the US!) I have family members with life-threatening food allergies. I would love to visit Italy in the future with one of them, but it would be risky with their allergies (nuts of all kinds). Have you or anyone you know encountered problems with food allergies, both from store-bought and restaurant-made food?
Happy you enjoyed so much your stay and that you felt so good when you found out you could understand us speaking despite you being "sord*" (we say sordo/sorda =deaf, and "duro/a d'orecchi" =hard-of-hearing, but this last one can be used also idiomatically for people who pretend to not listen). Dunno why you find it easier to understand us than English speakers, maybe it's cause English can be confusing (speaking of specific words pronunciation) sometimes, while Italian's a little less? Idk, but I'm happy you were encouraged by this experience!
I personally don't like Duolingo exactly cause it lacks grammar rules (many people using it contacted me asking for reasons/not knowing what some words were: I think Duo "runs" a bit too forward sometimes/lacks basics) and has some mistakes here and there, but I'm glad you could find ways to get through these issues! Keep learning the way you rather and filling in what's missing :)
As for food, I was talking about this with my nutritionist not long ago and she confirmed me we have different rules from the US when it comes to how food is produced (despite there are ways to get through them sadly -eg. certain food coloring). Anyway, in markets/stores: all ingredients have to be listed on food's packaging (also pre-cooked food/ready-to-eat food) when you buy them so you can read them (nuts are usually very well stated in the list, using bold characters too -as all the possible allergens included, even by chance, in the product). If you're buying from small stores, usually the sellers have to know the ingredients (or will check with you), especially if it's them making those foods. Generally we'll help you out the moment you ask for such an important matter so don't be afraid to ask and maybe confront with the seller if you have doubts (and ofc if you still have doubt... do not take a risk, your dear ones safety comes first).
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Look at this example (it's biscuits I bought in a supermarket but ofc all the foods have a similar list on them). Most brands write ingredients in different languages others only in Italian but being those usually bolded you can focus on them and keep a list with you on your phone or sth to check (eg. if something is missing let me know: hazelnut/s = nocciola/e, almond/s = mandorla/e, walnut/s =noce/noci, chestnut/s = castagna/e, peanut/s = arachidi, coconut = noce di cocco, macadamia = macadamia, pistachio = pistacchio, soy nut = soia/noce di soia, pecans = noci pecan, cashew = anacardo/i, pine nut/pinoli = noce di pino, pinolo/i, brazil nut = noce brasiliana, cocoa bean = fava/e di cacao, nutmeg = noce moscata -we may use this one, as pistacchio, in many dishes that are no sweets so keep an eye especially in restaurants as they may add it for flavour for example in ravioli or something, I think most often on pasta and with carne macinata). In the biscuits' list above, the last sentence states: "Può contenere frutta a guscio" = "it may have inside small parts of nuts" it means those biscuits may have "powders" of nuts from a casual contamination: maybe in the same factory they produce other biscuits with nuts (unspecified). I personally don't know if anyone ever had issues with products stating this.
When eating outside, nowadays many restaurants are paying attention to allergies when you state them (as per your experience, most of them ask to know those before serving you), and are preparing foods in different areas/times so to avoid any casual contaminations (eg. gluten-free pizza). Sadly maybe not all of the restaurants are very accurate in this but all are being highly encouraged to do the best on this matter for obvious reasons, so if you ask for the recipe you generally should be knowing what's inside a dish for sure and what else to order (or they can prepare that same dish without an allergen, if possible). My food allergies aren't life-threating so I don't have many worries, I avoid the foods I know that may cause me issues and keep my anthistaminics with me just in case. The only time I tried something not being sure (long ago anyway, we're making progresses these days) I was lucky enough to have my friend-doctor with me and a dose of adrenaline (that ended up not being necessary anyway).
I really hope that when you'll come back with your dear ones you'll be able to have again a great time!
BTW If anyone else wants to add their personal experience please do it in comments, rbs or anything, thanks :)
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bisaster-energy · 1 year ago
I have to know what nut allergy means 🤲🏻
god i had forgotten about this one til u tagged me💀i got the idea cos of some tiktok someone made about putting ghost pepper in their food to catch whichever coworker was stealing their food and ppl in the notes were freaking out cos "wHAt iF sOMeOnE iS ALlErGiC" me and my friend luke were like "god how funny would it be if you just went in someone's fridge drank all their milk and shit yourself cos ur lactose intolerant and then blame them for trying to poison u that logic is so crazy...what if it was a destiel au"
it's really just a silly hospital au i never got around to finishing it's cringy and basic but it's funny to me so i kept it
so cas is a doctor ofc i have to reward dean somehow.
he's neurosurgeon because i did watch grey's anatomy and dr. sexy being a parody of derek shepherd who's played by patrick dempsey who also played a guy named cass who was in a polyamory with jensen ackle's character and marilyn monroe. i had to put it in
i couldnt decide if i wanted dean to be a doctor too or a nurse but i know i wanted him in peds
basically it's one sided enemies to lovers with dean having beef with cas for no reason (he's hot and this frustrates dean to no end). meanwhile cas has a crush bigger than texas on that man
maybe a competitive aspect too like derek and burke had but less animosity. i try to lean into the soap opera aspect of it as if they're in a medical drama more than a REAL HOSPITAL because it's easier than doing extensive research <3
so maybe dean is a bit more of an asshole to cas than strictly necessary and no one else gets why. cas essentially gives up on trying to have a normal conversation w/dean and thinks he really hates him so he settles to only talk to him in a professional capacity so he wont encroach on his space more than he has to
dean takes this personally. i love misunderstandings
etc etc it comes to a head when maybe something happens that really sets dean off about cas (i haven't figured what yet) and so to get back at him he nabs a cookie from his lunch (cas already established that anyone can indulge in them but dean missed the memo ig)
anyways ruh roh! his dumbass is allergic to one of the ingredients cos it came into contact with walnuts or smth idk
dean's embarrassed as hell and cas finds him all swollen and fucked up and i haven't gotten past this part but yeah i just wanted cas to stab dean with an epi-pen really
overall very mid and silly and dumb but here's an excerpt anyway:
The neurosurgeon is, in Dean's humble (but also right) opinion, the only one worthy of the term Asshole around here, with a capital A.
Well, not the only one. But still.
And it's not like Dean didn't try to get to know him! New doctor shows up, windswept hair tousled to perfection, lab coat flaring behind him like some sort of superhero, gaze focused and intense, and eyes so so blue-
Ahem. Of course Dean is going to be intrigued he's a human being! It's not like Castiel was interested anyway. Barely said three words to Dean before rushing off somewhere else, probably to bless some other coworker with his angelic ass sculpted by god. Dean tried a few times after that and still ended up with nothing more than stilted small talk. Dude made talking to a brick wall seem like a cake walk. There was always something going on that had to cut their conversations short, and Dean thought Cas was just a shy guy at first, nothing wrong with that. But he's seen Dr. Novak easily chat with other staff for longer than two (painfully awkward) minutes. Especially Masters. God that snake just loves to hang off Novak, like that's her job instead of being a damn nurse. Even Balthazar, their own personal sleazeball of an anesthesiologist, allegedly manages to drag the uptight doctor out from time to time.
Not that Dean has been stalking them or anything. He just heard it through the grapevine like every other godforsaken rumor at this high school of a hospital. And if the grapevine happened to just be Balthazar himself bragging about their nights out in the breakroom, well that's Dean's business.
"I still say you need to give him a chance, Dean," his mammoth of a brother insisted, brushing his mane out of his face. Seriously, dude, just get a haircut. "I don't get what your problem with him is. Castiel is great! A little awkward maybe, but it really adds to his charm." Dean rolls his eyes.
"Sammy, you do realize you sound like you're trying to get me to adopt a dog that's about to be sent to the pound? It didn't work when you were eight and it won't work now. And, for your information, I've given Cas plenty of chances to talk to me. He's the one with the issue. You should be selling him all this kumbaya bullshit. And don't you have some lawsuits to prevent?"
It's Sam's turn to roll his eyes. "Whatever, Dean. If you gave up on talking to him then why the hell do you call him by a nickname?" With another flip of his mop, his brother left Dean spluttering for a reasonable answer. Which there is, of course. But Sam's long gone by the time he manages a weak "Castiel is a mouthful, okay?" "I'll say," came an annoyingly sultry voice from behind. Without turning Dean lets out a sigh. "Can I help you, Masters?" He asks flatly, already resigning himself to an unpleasant encounter. "Oh, don't be like that, Dean," God, he can practically hear the obnoxious pout he knows she's wearing right now. "I thought we could bond over what a mouthful Clarence is!" That has him spinning around.
meg is cas' bestie she can't understand why he's hung up on dean but she supports his terrible terrible taste. and if she can manage to convince dean they're fucking in the meantime well. god forbid women do anything
the reason sam seems so invested is cos the hospital has a betting pool over if these 2 get together and when. bros tryna make bank
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randoimago · 1 year ago
Day 24 - Coffee Shop AU
Fandom: Persona 5
Character(s): Takuto Maruki
Type of Request: 31 Days of Oc-Trope-R
Note(s): I love and miss Maruki so much
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"Shoot," Maruki mutters as the rain really picks up for the day. The forecast said maybe a light sprinkle so he didn't think his umbrella was necessary. He should've known better than to believe the weather report to be accurate.
And so he rushed through the rain to find a place to stay dry in. That led him to a small coffee shop. It was warm and smelled like baked goods and coffee beans. And the cute barista was staring at him as he got water everywhere.
"I am so sorry. I wasn't expecting the rain to pick up. I promise I'll be out as soon as it stops." Maruki is quick to apologize, before he hesitates and decides to add, "Of course, I can leave if I'm making too much of a mess."
Instead of being mad or scolding him for not having an umbrella, you just give a small smile as you go to grab a coffee cup. "What can I get you? It's on the house, I can't have you freezing on me." Maruki stares for a couple moments before giving a smile as he asks for a hot chocolate. As nice as coffee might be, he could use something a bit sweeter.
Maruki can't help but watch as you move. It seems a bit chaotic to him, but you look like you know what you're doing with preparing his drink. Maruki's gaze goes to the menu on the wall, wanting to buy something as if that'll make up for looking like a drowned rat. But he doesn't get to as you finish his hot chocolate and put a muffin on a little plate next to it.
"It's kind of you to make this for me, but I'm perfectly happy to pay you," Maruki tells you as he approaches the counter after making sure that he's not going to track too much water. He can't help but feel guilty at how sweet you're being.
"It's no worries. The weather forecast did say a light sprinkle. It's not your fault for getting caught in it," you reply and Maruki gives you another smile at your words. He takes a sip of his hot chocolate and winces. "Careful, it's hot," you tease and Maruki chuckles.
"It tastes delicious," Maruki tells you before giving a sheepish smile. "But my tongue is also a bit burnt so maybe I should give it a couple minutes before giving my verdict." As if he would say it tastes like anything else. Instead, Maruki picks up the muffin to take a bite of.
"I debated between that one and banana nut, but I didn't want to accidentally kill you because you had a nut allergy I didn't know about," you tell him and Maruki smiles.
"Well, blueberry is a classic and it's delicious." The smile on your face warms Maruki up, although maybe that's just the hot chocolate that he's sipping.
There's some silence between you two and Maruki feels guilt when he does see you get a mop to clean his mess. You're quick to remind him that it's okay. You two talk some more about this and that, Maruki has a few questions about the cafe that you seem happy to answer.
And before he knows it, the rain starts to clear up. It hasn't completely stopped, but it's gotten to a point where he can actually see outside the windows of the cafe.
"I guess I should get going now, thank you again for being so hospitable," Maruki says and he realizes that he doesn't really want to leave just yet. So instead, he takes another glance to the menu. "Actually, before I go, could I buy one of those banana nut muffins?" He makes sure to emphasis the word 'buy' and you laugh as you get him the muffin.
Maruki pays and makes sure to eye your name tag, giving you another smile and a 'thank you' before he exits. He makes it a goal to become a regular at this cafe.
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arandompersonisconfused · 2 years ago
Blush Blush Cashew x GN!Reader
The soft sheets on your bed were pretty much the only thing you thought would save you. It was warm, but not the comforting warm. A warm you’ve never felt, like everything was burning away and the ashes of what was left slipped through your fingers. It was hard to explain this feeling, or why it was even here. What would you say? That you were upset for nothing. It mattered to no one else probably… but it mattered to you.
There was a soft knock at your front door. An almost instant reminder was in your head. You invited Cashew over… you were happy to see him! But you also didn’t want him to see the state you were in. It felt stupid being sad.
‘But why? Why do I feel this way? Maybe it’s not real, and I’m desperate for attention.’ That thought ran through your head. And it made you feel awful.
“If it’s Cashew come in!” You yelled from inside your room, walking out into the living room to greet him. You left the door unlocked last night… maybe you shouldn’t do that next time. At least nothing bad happened. The bookworm you cared for dearly walked in. His soft footsteps oddly quiet for the creaky wood flooring. Your tired eyes turned to him and you could see he was holding some books, and a goofy, but genuine smile on his face, something you needed. Even if it was small. It meant a lot, because you could tell he was happy to see you.
“Hey, sweetheart! I missed you so much!!” Cashew exclaimed, letting out a soft chuckle as he kissed your cheek and gave you a soft hug. He was warm, this time… the warm was nice. That, was a comforting type of warm. The sun from the window shined on his face, and the loose strands of hair in his face looked golden from the sunshine. Even if it was winter, you would be truly warm with him.
“Aww… how’s my favorite nut?” You asked, blatantly ignoring his peanut allergy… that didn’t matter though… maybe his dad shouldn’t of lost that bet. You swore you could’ve heard Cashew chuckle at that, but he’d never confess to that… “I’m fine… more importantly, how are you? You seem tired… Like emotionally tired. I’d never force you to talk, but… if you need someone, I’m here.”
Cashew’s words were too sweet, maybe they didn’t seem that important, but to you, in that moment. They were needed. Your heart was in a million pieces that would never be found, that was the feeling you had.
And you didn’t even have a good reason as to why. So that was what you told him. There was no reason to your sadness, to your exhaustion. Maybe it was just life beating you randomly. You expected to be ignored, it was… stupid after all…
Yet, Cashew gave a warm smile. A loving smile.
“You don’t… need a reason to be sad. Sometimes, we just are. There’s no explanation… but that’s okay. If you’re feeling it… it’s there… so it’s important to me.” As you heard Cashew’s words, you could of swore you felt tears in your eyes. Could’ve swore it…
It felt odd to have your feelings validated for once… but it felt nice.
“I love you… and… life is our adventure… and in adventures. There’s side quests, dragons to beat, and curses to break… And while that might sound bad, there’s nothing more that I would want, than helping you beat your side quests… and breaking your curse…” Cashew muttered, kissing your forehead and his hand giving yours a gentle squeeze.
Your heart swelled, your body felt soft for once. Life felt soft, and alright. You hated crying, yet the tears flowed. Your cheeks wet with tears. But a soft smile on your face. You knew all your problems weren’t solved… and maybe, that’s okay. They don’t need to be solved immediately.
But someone cares, Cashew cares, and others care. Even if your heart tried to convince you it isn’t true.
“Hey, I may not be the best prince in shining armor… but I’m a prince who loves you… and would give you the world if he could…” Cashew spoke, trying not to break any boundaries, but wanting you to know that even if others are gone. You’re in his heart.
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snuggerudism · 11 months ago
takes place november 2024
TW hospitals, allergic reactions (mentioned, not in detail)
teagan's clinical shift for the day had been switched extremely last minute, leaving her with virtually no chance to find a babysitter for hallie for the day, because jimmy was busy with hockey. teagan's shift was until 9 at night, and hallies daycare pickup time was long before that.
she was quick to text elise, who responded almost immediately that she has her night class tonight until 8, but she would be happy to pick up hallie from daycare and from wherever she was after 8.
teagan's hands her find her way to her head, rubbing her temple in circular motions.
elise's name pops up on her screen, and it begins to buzz. "hi els." her voice is tired, and a tiny bit of panic peeks out in her tone.
"hey tee," she uses her nickname for the girl. *i asked gianna if she could watch hallie while you are at the hospital working and she said she could. she babysits now, and is certified.?
"really? can you text her my number? i want to make sure i go over everything with hallie and her allergies beforehand so if i'm in a rush to get to work i won't forget."
"of course. i'll send you her number right now."
"thank you els."
"thank you so much again for doing this so last minute. i left money on the counter so you can order food for yourself. if you give hallie any snacks in the pantries, they should be good and have no nuts. but please double check the ingredients list to make sure. her dinner is in the fridge, please don’t feed her anything else that’s not from our fridge or pantries. her epi pen is on the counter, where she can't reach if anything were to happen, but i trust you completely." teagan rambles, before bending down to the floor where her daughter is playing with toys.
"of course." gianna sends her a smile. teagan doesn't notice the box of cupcakes in her hand, being too busy focusing on getting to work.
"alright bug, momma has to go to work. i'll see you in the morning, and auntie els is gonna come and have a sleepover. she presses a kiss to her daughters forehead before walking toward the door.
her daughter presses a kiss to her hand before blowing it, her way of saying goodbye to teagan before work. "love mama!" she hears just before she shuts the door, hallie disappearing from her view.
the first thing she does as her break starts is check her phone, expecting a check-in text from gianna, the girl watching hallie. instead, teagan is met with 12 missed calls from gianna, and 16 from elise.
her heart beats against her chest, filling her ears as she scrambles to call elise. she picks up on the first ring.
"els?" teagans voice is panicky, ringing through the empty break room.
"teagan,” her voice is shaken. "we're at the hospital, it's hallie. we don't know how, but she ate something, and she couldn't find her epi pen, and-“
"what hospital." the older girl demands, hands shaky.
"the university hospital."
"what floor?" teagan snaps, already on her way to her boss's desk to explain the situation at hand.
"emergency room. room 1355.”
“i’ll be there as soon as i can" she hangs up, heavily breathing as she looks at her boss with wide eyes. my daughter. she um, she had an allergic reaction, and she's in the emergency room wing, and i really need to go see her. i'm so sorry." she blurts out, shoulders tense.
"go, take off the rest of the day and make sure she's okay." her boss, the best lady, smiles at her. “i mean it teagan, don't come back until your next shift.”
her shoulders sag in relief, letting out a ‘thank you,’ before turning and practically running to the stairs.
“i’m here to see my daughter. can i go see her please?” she speaks to the lady at the front desk of the emergency room, wide eyed and panting from how quick she ran to get here.
“yes, you may. do you know what room she’s in?”
“you’re gonna go all the way down that hallway, then at the very end turn to your right, and walk down that hallway. it’s the very last room on your left.” the receptionist shoots her a smile, and she’s off.
her body is on autopilot, not even realizing she is calling jimmy until she hears his voice. “teegs? aren’t you at work?”
“jimmy.” she chokes on a sob. she hears him cuss under his breath and the sound of her tears, having just gotten off the ice.
“teagan? babe, what’s wrong? are you okay?”
“i-“ she lets out another sob. “it’s hallie, she, she,” she can’t finish her sentence as another sob escapes her.
“what happened babe? can you tell me?” his voice is gentle, knowing that’s exactly what his girlfriend needs.
“emergency room. elise called me. she, she had an allergic reaction, and I’m about to go in the room now and see her. i can’t cry in front of her jim.” she sniffles, standing outside the door of the room her daughter is in.
he lets out a loud ‘fuck,’ and she can hear him shuffling to get out of the rink. “what room is she in, i’m on my way.”
“it’s okay jim, elise and i are here with-“
“teagan,” he gently whispers. “what room is she in?”
“1355,” she responds. “i’m going to go see her, and i’ll see you when you get here.”
“i love you, i’ll be there soon teegs. take deep breaths for me, alright?
“i will. i love you too.” she sniffs, letting him hang up the phone.
she sighs, taking a deep breath before she walks into the hospital room. she gasps at the sight in front of her. hallie is asleep with an adrenaline drip in her, as well as having oxygen tubes in her nose. her face is still swolen, and hives and splotches of red are littered around her body.
“els.” teagan chokes, looking at the girl who is sat next to the bed her daughters in.
“tee,” she gets up and hugs a shaking teagan. “they said they have to move her into a different wing, because they can’t fully treat this level properly in the emergency room. but they need your permission as her mom.” she whispers, rubbing a hand up and down teagan’s back.
“yeah, do i have to go get the nurse?” she looks at elise with teary eyes.
“no, i’ll go get her and wait for jimmy. he’s gonna get lost trying to find the room.” she tries to lighten the mood, smiling as teagan lets out a small laugh.
teagan grabs her hand. “what did she eat? where’s gianna?”
“she left as soon as i got here,” elise sighs. “she said she fed hallie a cupcake, and swore she didn’t realize it had peanuts in it.
teagan shuts her eyes. she had asked her not to feed hallie any food that wasn’t from there house.
she walks out of the room, and teagan takes that as her sign to sit next to hallie, grabbing her hand. she traces her thumb over her the back of her daughters hand, whispering to her. she lets out a sob, no longer able to hold her emotions in.
she doesn’t know how long she cries for, but she knows its at least for a little while because she feels jimmy’s hand on her shoulder, which only causes her to start crying harder.
wordlessly, he takes her in his arms, moving them to sit on the recliner chair. he brings her onto his lap, and she buries her head into his neck and cries. “she-“
“i know babe, i know. i’m here now.” he rubs her back, whispering sweet nothings into her ear.
they stay like that for a while, until the nurse comes in. “hi, i’m your daughters nurse in the emergency room. unfortunately her state is so severe, that we need to move her into a better wing of the hospital that’s more equipped to deal with her needs. do we have your permission?”
“yes.” teagan croaks, voice sore from the sobbing.
the nurse smiles softly at her. “perfect. we’ll be back in a half an hour to begin to move her to where she needs to be. i just need to make sure they have a room for her.” the nurses voice is so cheery, and teagan wants to yell that there is no reason for her to be this cheery. not when her daughter is suffering.
jimmy senses her anger, and squeezes her hand gently. “you’re okay, just breathe.” he encourages her, fingers trailing her back to soothe his girlfriend.
there’s a stir that comes from hallie, and they both snap their hands to look at her. her eyes flutter open, as she turns her head to look at teagan and jimmy. “mama? dada?” her voice is scratchy, and barely heard.
she looks very confused, and both of them are leaning toward her to hold her hands. “hi bug.” teagan whispers.
she stares at them, beginning to look around the room and get confused as to where she is. “i home?”
“no, we’re not at home bug. we’re gonna go to a different room so you can get better, and then after we can go home.” jimmy smiles at her, moving the hair out of her eyes.
“okay,” she accepts the words, blinking again. “i sleepy.”
“you can go back to sleep bug. we’ll be here when you wake up.”
hallie’s asleep before she can even finish her sentence. a sense of relief washes over teagan now that she’s spoken to hallie, and curls further into jimmy’s arms, letting her eyes slip shut as he rubs his hand her back.
he smiles, knowing she needed the sleep. “i love you.” he whispers softly, pressing a light kiss to her forehead.
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