#if you decide to read hope you enjoy!!
mixermixey · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Persona 5 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Akechi Goro/Amamiya Ren Characters: Amamiya Ren (Persona Series), Akechi Goro Additional Tags: Nightmares, Grief/Mourning, Animal Death, Harm to Animals, Stressing animals unintentionally, Persona 5 Protagonist Has Bad Parents, Vomiting, Minor Injuries, Persona 5 Protagonist Needs a Hug, implied shuake, Flashbacks, Ren is NOT having a good day, no beta read we die like mental shutdown victims, Gunshot Wounds Summary:
Every night Ren dreads falling asleep because of a nightmare that has clinged to his mind ever since returning to his hometown. A nightmare that reminds him too much of someone he didn't manage to save. A nightmare he may find himself in, not just during his sleep, but during his waking hours as well. Perhaps he'll be able to save him this time?
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Feelings Thawed
Character; Cater Diamond
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, pining, ice skating (to various degrees of success)
Word Count; 650+
Author's Note; This is a present/thank you to my mutual @i-like-forgs. I hope you enjoy this ice skating scene with Cater, and that you get to skate soon!
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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The brisk wind bit at your nose, and you pulled up your scarf, trying to keep away the offending wind. Around you it was a winter wonderland, all made possible in the temperate conditions thanks to Cater, who was filming you skating around on the frozen pond’s surface.
“You know,” you hollered, making sure that you caught his attention, “you should join me! It’s fun!” You came to a stop by the pond’s edge, where Cater was standing with a large thermos.
Cater just shot you a wink, handing you the thermos. “This is for you though, silly!” 
He was deflecting, you could tell; behind that bright and cheery smile that he always seemed to wear around others, you knew when there was something off with Cater. You accepted the thermos though, and took a sip of the spicy apple cider, still piping hot.
You gave him a look and pulled lightly on his coat sleeve. “Yes, but it’s more fun with others, come on Cater!” You stepped back onto the ice, and slowly skated near him, waiting with an eager smile.
He looked at you, and then back at the ice, but he stayed standing in the light snow, shooting you that smile. “But I can’t take photos if I’m out there with you!” He scratched at the back of his neck.
Liar. “Cater,” you looped back around and stepped onto the bank, balancing on your skates, “do you not know how to skate?”
Cater’s smile turned sheepish, and his ‘ahahaha, looks like my gig is up’ chuckle made its appearance. He had been found out. “Never got the chance to,” he hid his face slightly in his scarf, either to keep the cold at bay or to hide that his cheeks were turning pink. “So I’d just slow ya down.”
You took his hand into yours, “Well, I could teach you if you wanted. Just a warning though, you’re gonna fall on your butt a lot, might get a few bruises.”
Cater looked down at your entwined hands. Mittens and gloves separated your skin from touching one another, but Cater could swear that he could feel the sensation nonetheless through the layers of fabric.
“You would? Even if I pull you down with me?” 
The last question wasn’t just about the ice skating; Cater didn’t want to force you to do anything that you didn’t want to… and that included being his friend. His heart seemed to whisper stronger emotions though, but he didn’t want to ruin what the two of you had.
You walked him out to the ice, and the both of you swiftly fell down on the ice, hard. But you just laughed and got right back up again, “Well, we did just fall. There isn’t anything scary about falling down; yes it stings and might leave a gnarly bruise, but in order to move forward we have to fall and get back up. So yes, is what I guess I’m saying.”
Cater looked up at you, the sun illuminating you and the snow glittered behind you. You were holding your hand out again, waiting for him. And Cater took your hand. 
It took him a while to get the hang of it, and he fell down quite a bit, but every time he fell down you helped him back up. And by the time that the sun was setting in the west, the both of you were cold, and both were going to wake up tomorrow with some bruises. It was fun though, which is all that mattered… but that whisper in Cater’s heart was by now singing, and maybe he would listen to it, but for now, he was happy with how the way things were, and he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world, especially with how much you had smiled today. Your smile and knowing that you had fun with him was enough.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tags; @eynnwwyjth, @ithseem, @krenenbaker, @silvers-numberonefan, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @xxoomiii
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letsmcfreackingloseit · 10 months
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So yes I have OF COURSE read @naffeclipse new fic Apex Polarity and yes, I AM OBSESSED!
So I decided to make a little comic of how I think their "first encounter" might have looked like from Eclipse's perspective.
I can't help but think about how alien and scary we most look to him (especially if there is a history of fasco hunting polar sirens in the past). With all that gear we look like emotionless beings, just observing and uncaring of this ice world. But then when y/n shows up and probably exudes this joy and wonder for his world + shows respect for the creatures and the environment??? Mmh yeah, I can see Eclipse falling for y/n, especially considering how alone he might be...
So yes, that's what I have for today! If you want to read the fic I'll link it right here. I can't recommend it enough, but as always, read the tags so you know what you're getting into! And lastly I also want to @themeeplord beacuse Eclipse's design is basically their design in my style (god I love their design so much, their character/creature designs are the BEST) so all the credit goes to them! Polar!Y/N is my design thou! ;P
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go read the two latest chapters-
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 7 months
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A short two-part comic (total of 20 pages + 8 extras) by me! (for me lol)
Fandoms: Ninja Showdown (Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja x Xiaolin Showdown)
Ship: My Immortal Soul (First Ninja x Chase Young)
A comic where nothing really happens! But it contains a lot of half-naked men. So like, kids avert your eyes and adults don’t open it at work or whatever. ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
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thanks for checking it out <3
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pokimoko · 2 months
Hello!! i just discovered your blog and firstly i wanna say that your art is gorgeous! <33 and secondly, if youre still taking requests could i get a lesbian/non binary cheetah? /nf
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Thank you! Cheetahs be upon ye!
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HTTYD List of Dragons that I’ve compiled including some of the most important, the freakiest, and generally ones I loved the most. And plenty of them that I believe Rhaegar would geek out about in a Viserys-Lego-Years-Long style.
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@syndrossi I hope you enjoy the read.
I figured to start out with the main dragons we meet in the first film as well as the ones we follow the most in the series since the main characters are their riders. These are the ones that have the most personality as well since we spend so much time with them, but almost always see personality in every dragon we meet in the show. The fun thing about these dragons is that not one of them have a whole ‘monster’ vibe ‘we gotta kill it’ no, there’s a reason why they act this way, sometimes they’re hungry, they’re searching for something, it’s about survival, but overall, the majority on this list are intelligent but wild animals. Some can be trainable, some can’t be, and that’s fine.
Dragons in this universe have a type of Class. I’ve never delved fully into it but from my recent research I’ve seen:
Stoker Class - mainly fire types, although a majority of all dragons have fire-breathing these are the main direct fire ones that rely on it the most.
Boulder Class - heavy, tough scales, mainly shoot lava type fire and eat rocks.
Sharp Class - contain some sharp anatomy body-types or sharp extremities, like spikes or horns.
Strike Class - very fast, very agile, amazing accuracy.
Tidal Class - water dwellers
Tracker Class - a new class in the show, it can be given to other dragons from other classes, it’s in the name, they’re able to track almost anything from miles away.
Fear Class - stealth, sneaky, terrifying.
Mystery Class - generally where dragons are placed when there isn’t much known about them or they’re very rare. It isn’t unusual for dragons to show up in Mystery Class only to be placed in a Class they fit in better after getting to learn their abilities and traits.
Now, onto the dragons! Dragons in this universe are ‘trainable’ in the sense that with enough time and trust, a dragon can technically be bonded to any human. This does not apply to all dragons of course and not to all humans, as a human needs to be as open as the dragon to form a bond. A rider is also not limited to their dragon and vice-versa. While they don’t typically switch around, there have been moments when main characters ride other dragons momentarily or their dragons are ridden by other people (again, rarely.)
Their diet is also mainly fish-related and raw. Although it depends on the dragon, some prefer chicken or goats, even fruits. And as we know, Boulder class enjoy rocks.
Night Fury
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The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. The only one we ever really meet is Toothless. He is the fastest of the other dragons, a Strike Class and his flame is typically referred to as Plasma Blasts. Quick and powerful projectiles that land heavy damage to their enemies. Night Furies also tend to dive-bomb in a fight, using speed as their weapon and they have echolocation! They have retractable teeth and amazing accuracy, Hiccup himself says that Toothless “never misses”. They also have great acute senses, in the first movie, Toothless was able to hear his rider screaming all the way across the village in a hidden cove. This also showed how loyal Night Furies are as Toothless clawed his way out of that cove to get to Hiccup (something he tried before but couldn’t achieve before their bond was formed). They’re also intelligent creatures, when Hiccup spares his life upon their first meeting and decides to let him go, Toothless could have just killed him but recognizing mercy, let him go as well.
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Deadly Nadder
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Nadders are very beautiful and they know this. They enjoy pruning and keeping themselves clean. Nadders are in the Tracker Class (used to belong to the Sharp Class). They have folded spikes on their tails that they can extend and shoot like projectiles at enemies. Nadders are similar to birds or chickens in their walking stance, they have a blind spot right below their jaw but be careful! They have excellent hearing. They enjoy hunting in packs. Nadders are also very loyal to their riders, putting themselves in harms way to keep them safe.
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A Boulder Class dragon, Gronkles love to eat rocks and shoot molten lava (and lava rocks) as their main fire power. They have thick heavy scales and a tail made for offense. They’re not the fastest with their small wings and they prefer to be on the ground (thats where you find rocks!) In the show, our main Gronkle, Meatlug, was fed a particular combination of rocks that led to her molten lava coming out and forming a type of light but incredibly tough metal. (Think of it as their version of Valyrian steel.) Sociable and like packs.
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Monstrous Nightmare
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These can be a bit of a show off, they like to think they’re the toughest of the tough in their Stoker Class. Perhaps that’s because they can light themselves on fire! Yep, Nightmares’ scales produce this flammable gel that they can activate to light on command. Hookfang, our resident Nightmare, doesn’t get to do it as often because it would burn his rider.
But since Jon and Rhaegar don't burn it wouldn't be much of a problem, although I doubt they'd like going into battle naked. OTOH, Daemon next to a flaming Caraxes is a new-level of terrifying.
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Hideous Zippelback
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Our only main Mystery Class dragon, oh! And did I mention he has TWO heads? Meet Barf and Belch, one head (on the left) breathes a green awful gas while the other has a sparking-type flame that sets the gas ablaze. After a while, dragons tend to mimic their riders personalities more often than usual, so when their riders, a pair of twins called Ruffnut and Tuffnut, start bickering or fighting, it’s not long before Barf and Belch start literally butting heads with each other.
Zippelbacks are also notoriously loyal to those that help or save them. When Hiccup and Toothless save them from a rock avalanche, the dragon sticks to the pair, in debt to them until it was repaid.
I particularly love how each head has a specific function and it isn't just random or basic like fire and ice (IYKYK). They're part of a cohesive system and work together, they need each other.
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all these previous dragons mentioned are easily trainable and sociable with both dragons and humans after the effort is put in.
bonus: Hiccup reading the Book of Dragons for the first time, we see a bunch of different dragons here for the first time! This is where we get to see the different types of dragons as well, and we do eventually meet all of them throughout the large franchise.
Time for more dragons! The following are dragons we get to see in the show, a few more recurring than most. The show does have a usual dragon-of-the-week format but not always. And it always depends on the situation but regardless we always add more to the dragon lore.
Whispering Death:
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Boulder Class dragon that prefers to be underneath the earth than flying above it, uses its thousands of teeth to drill into the very earth.
Very lamprey-esque that still fills me with nightmares.
Have poor eyesight and a terrifying roar.
Hold grudges against dragons and humans.
Not the best fliers as they prefer to be on land.
They don't often travel in packs but they can, although it isn't brought up much.
not trainable.
Screaming Death
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He’s just a lil guy.
An albino giant Whispering Death called the Screaming Death in the show. It's said that a Screaming Death only comes to be every one hundred years. This one is a recurring obstacle in season 2 for the gang of dragon riders.
The Screaming Death we meet is a thousand times more ferocious than any previous Whispering Deaths’s we’ve seen before. He’s also barely a year old.
More than that, he was taken from his mother which is the cause of most of his behavior until he reunites with her in a season finale where he had been an ongoing obstacle for the the mains.
untrainable— DON'T EVEN TRY IT
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What a name.
A Mystery Class dragon that, because of its weak scales, uses the bones of dead dragons to protect itself.
Very stubborn, it will go far and wide for years on end to find the perfect fit for his armor, even risking its life in the process.
Has a deafening roar that can send Vikings ten feet away from him. He's incredibly stealthy and able to sneak up on anyone.
We meet this dragon in a special short film.
trainable after some effort and offering something he wants.
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The Scauldron
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A Tidal Class dragon, meaning he's a water dweller.
The Scauldron shoots boiling hot water at its enemies.
Typical loners, and like most water dwellers they can't go long when stuck on land.
That’s how we meet Scauldy, a Scauldron that is stuck on land and the riders wish to rescue. He forms a bond with Ruffnut thanks to her fish-scented hair.
trainable, but rare and under the right circumstances.
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A Sharp Class dragon that we actually don't get to meet in the main series but rather the sequel series set in the future (it's eh)
Timberjacks have sharp wings that can cut through entire forests (and enemies).
They closely resemble Monstrous Nightmares in a way.
Loyal to their riders regardless of anything, these aren't dragons to mess with.
Usually solitary.
Extra extra: EVEN MORE dragons for Rhaegar to go crazy over.
Terrible Terror
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So, in the books, Toothless was just a small common Garden dragon that got his name from the fact that his teeth just hadn't come in (and then when he got one, he lost it in a fight to an adult dragon).
When the writers began planning for the movies, they knew they wanted Hiccup to have a dragon big enough to ride, thus the size and species changed.
And so the Terrible Terror was born as an homage to the original Toothless.
Terrors are the size of a large cat or an iguana, they purr like cats and are part of the Stoker Class, so they are fire breathers.
But what they lack in size they make up for by attacking in large packs.
Terrors ended up being something of a comic relief from time to time. Although Hiccup did begin to train them to deliver messages, inventing 'Terror Mail'.
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One of the few Tidal Class dragons able to breath fire although they don't use it often, their main method of attack is actually a strong concussive sound that can kill a human in close range.
They can dwell easily on either land or water, and they can expel the oxygen from their body to flaten their bodies to be able to glide across the surface and easily catch their prey.
They can be reclusive but enjoy travelling in pods.
Thunderdrums are also hard of hearing, making them the only dragons known to be immune to the Deathsong dragon.
trainable but they are stubborn and a challenge.
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This Mystery Class dragon is able to camaflouge using its chamaleon-like scales to blend into their surroundings.
Instead of fire, they shoot hot, corrosive acid that burn rocks and wood (as well as humans). They're also incredibly fast and stealthy.
One alone is a threat but can be taken down, thus why they hunt in packs. But they're large enough to defend themselves too.
Their packs also follow a typical lion pride style, as their females are the hunters.
Aggressive to humans and other dragons, they're also not opposed to eat both.
not trainable
Night Terrors
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Not exactly cousins to Terrible Terrors although they do receive their name from them.
These nocturnal Stoker Class bat-like dragons opperate best as a team.
They unite in masses to form a large shape as their main defense to scare off predators, typically following their Alpha (a slightly larger sized and white scaled Night Terror.)
We meet them in the beginning of Race to the Edge, the riders claim an empty island of their own and come across these little guys. By taking away the leader, the rest scramble and run, not able to function together as a group. They get along well and name the Alpha Night Terror, Smidvarg.
Since it's their island too, they come to an agreement and the Night Terrors act as sentries or sentinels for the island.
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Not unlike the Boneknapper, this Mystery Class dragon uses metals to protect their scaleless bodies.
Their bodies are also somewhat magnetic, any metal coming into direct contact stays there until they can properly forge it.
Speaking of forging, when they do melt metal onto their body, their fire is unsually bright and one of the hottest seen.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were to be reclassified as a Stoker Class, even their shape is very Monstrous Nightmare-like.
Some actually have a preference for specific metals. It could range from iron, bronze, silver, or even gold.
Smothering Smokebreath
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They get their name from the fact that they can't breathe fire but rather exhale extreme thick plumes of black smoke.
These guys are not inherintly aggressive at all, they actually prefer to avoid fights.
They're always in packs due to their small size, only slightly bigger than Night Terrors. Together, their joint smoke breath appears like a natural fog bank, keeping them hidden and safe from predators.
Their reputation has been quite supernatural for years, thanks to their smoke, no one has ever gotten a good look at what they look like, making them larger than life and spreading scary tales.
They're also little thieves that like shiny things, typically stealing anything metal to keep in their caves.
not trainable, they don't like to leave their home, although i wouldn't 100% rule it out.
Speed Stinger
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Okay, I know, they look like velociraptors from Jurassic Park, bear with me.
For decades they were believed to be a rumor or legend.
The ultimate of the Strike Class, they don't have wings but are the fastest dragons on land that you'll ever meet. And I hope you never do.
They're scavengers and hunters, always in packs and never alone, using their poison tipped tails to paralyze any victims they claim.
Incredible aggressive and not an easily susceptible threat.
They typically get to places by running across glaciers and frozen bodies of water, but over time other packs have evolved and even developed webbing to be able to run across water.
They aren't trainable but it's not impossible, the riders once found an injured adolescent Stinger, nursed him back to health and managed to train him for months before sending him back to his pack.
This was a specific circumstances case, so I would still call them untrainable.
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The Deathsong is one of new dragons we get to meet and name along the way.
Very beautiful on the outside, resembling a butterfly to attract prey from afar but that's not all it can do. Coming from its name, the Deathsong's most potent form of attack is its siren song.
Able to attract and disoritent humans and dragons alike.
Once prey has arrived, the Deathsong is able to shoot out an orange hot type of lava at its victims that hardens instantly like amber.
This way it keeps its victims on standby before consuming them, dragon and human alike.
Aggressive and solitary.
Not trainable as an adult, but we did see the riders train one since he was a hatchling, forming a bond that lasted even years after being in the wild.
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The only dragon we don't get to see in the movies or the shows but I included him since he was just so interesting.
He's one of the Titan dragons due to his colossal size and has thick foliage and trees that grow on his back.
Foreverwings sleep for a long time, typically on mountains so their backs grow larger and denser, becoming homes for all matter of creatures, dragons and animals alike, able to live in peace and harmony amongst each other.
It also spews copious amounts of lava able to take down entire villages.
More dragons:
Dramillion - this dragon is capable of mimicing fire blasts of other dragons
Snow Wraith - a cold dwelling dragon, entirely white with red eyes, solitary and impossible to find
Catastrophic Quaken - her mouth opens in a split way that makes it terrifying. also can curl into itself like an armadillo and smashing themself against enemies or large rocks
Typhoomerang - A new species of dragon that the gang encounters. Their first dragon that isn't in the Book of Dragons actually, so they get to name the species and spend time with a hatchling for a while. These Dragons leave scorch marks on the ground not unlike a typhoon sigil and tend to come back down the same way, like a boomerang.
And there are so, so, so many more.
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osamusriceballs · 9 months
The Accident - Part XII
Atsumu x fem reader
Warnings: Kissing, mentions of an affair
Words: ~ 1,8 k
About: Problems in paradise.
Part I II -> Next Part
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You're about to kiss Atsumu Miya.
You feel his lips brushing against yours, a feather-light touch that makes you hesitate and freeze. He stays still, not pulling back, but his eyes slightly open when he senses you're not moving further. Your faces are only inches apart, your breath meeting his lips when you exhale shakily and a shiver runs down your spine when you feel his lips brush against yours again. A frown clouds his face, and he suddenly tilts his chin, pressing his lips harder against yours, coaxing you to join in and to come closer. Your breath catches before you surrender to the kiss, the tension between you rising as you slowly move your lips with his.
You barely notice his hand in your hair as a he guides your face to his direction, deepening the kiss effectively while his lips move ever so gently against yours. Your hands come to rest on his chest, warmth radiating through his shirt and you can feel his heart beating strongly under your palm. Every thought vanishes when he opens his lips, his tongue brushing against yours, making you gasp a little at the sudden action and you willingly open your lips for him. Your fingers tightly grip his shirt, and his other hand hesitates on your side before wrapping around you firmly when he notices that you make no attempt to back off, and he pulls you closer until you're caged against his chest.
Your body feels ablaze, mind hazy and your thoughts foggy, as the kiss intensifies. You're barely able to catch your breath in between the kisses, but you're both not willing to pull back, but instead get lost in each other's taste. A tingling sensation runs through your body, heat building between your legs and you slightly press your legs together to relieve some tension. A part of you wants to feel more of him, to sit on his lap to press yourself harder against his body while you keep on kissing him. Does he feel the same?
His movements slow down, and he pulls back, effectively ending the kiss between you. His face lingers close, wide pupils, reddened cheeks, and a teasing lick over his lips draws your eyes downwards. You almost lean in for another kiss, your whole body feeling like its on fire and singing with need for him. His arms release you, creating distance, and you quickly withdraw your hands from his body and scoot back to your original place, almost sitting on Atsumu's phone while you do so.
"I think that's... sufficient for the dare." He clears his throat, his voice a bit raspy, and you nod with a strained laugh. For the dare. It's just an entertaining game for him- and now things are getting awkward.
"Uhm, yeah. But uh... it's kind of getting late? I think I should go." You quickly get on your feet, avoiding looking at him while you make a beeline for your shoes at the entrance. You can't believe that you kissed him- or he kissed you- or you both kissed each other, it doesn't really matter at this point.
You can't deny that it felt good. Really good. Atsumu Miya is a great kisser- and you don't know what to do with that information. You don't even know what he feels for you- are there even feelings involved from his side? Or is this just a game for him?
"You- y/n, ya don't hafta-" You hear him get on his feet quickly, running behind you and standing next to you while you tie your shoes. "I didn't mean to- it was just a dare-"
You freeze for a second, feeling like he just punched you. "I know. It's not- we're not." You clear your throat and raise to your full height, realizing that he is so close to you- way too close for you to think clearly. Worry clouds his features as he looks down on you.
"I didn't - I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed ya for a game. I kinda overstepped things." He scratches the back of his head and you notice that his ears are pink which makes him look adorable- but now it only makes your heart break when he apologizes for kissing you. What did you expect? For him to instantly tell you that he likes you after the kiss? That he somehow feels just as attracted to you as you're attracted to him? You can't deny that he has a part of your heart already. His kindness, his charm, his dorky humor- it all makes your heart flutter like crazy when you think about him, and you can't help but to imagine a possible future for you.
But now you're almost certain that he is just looking for some fun. A game. That's what you are for him. He's just looking for someone to kill his time and it seems like you're here just for that. You curse yourself for letting traitorous hope caging your heart.
"Please don't sweat it, it was me who started it, I should apologize. It was just a game, right? Just some fun. Everything's fine between us, don't worry. We're married after all right? A kiss is definitely not the weirdest thing that has happened between us." You force a smile on your lips and grab your bag, effectively creating some distance between the two of you. You wish that everything's okay, but it's not. He weakly lowers his arms, appearing somewhat hurt at your words, and you feel guilt in the pit of your stomach. "Are you sure? I can drive you home. Ya wanna eat dinner together tomorrow? Ya said yer free." You simply nod without really taking in his words and turn away from him. "I'll find my way out, don't worry. Sleep well, Atsumu."
He looks like you've punched him again, but he finally nods when you grab the doorknob. "Sleep well, y/n."
You just hope he can't see your watery eyes.
"What do you mean, you kissed and ran away?" Yachi's voice comes delayed through the phone, probably because you're in the elevator. Your first instinct was to grab your phone and to call her, the distress in your voice evident while you told her what had just happened.
"It was a dare. We didn't kiss like that," you clarify, but your voice is still shaky. You feel overwhelmed, unable to process your feelings. You both kissed, and you basically ran away from him, not even asking about his feelings. What does he think about you?
"Wait—I thought you two were alone. Who dared you to do that?"
"An app."
"So you kissed because of a teenage app?" She gasps and you can vividly picture her face with a shocked expression when she repeats the words.
"That sounds like an excuse." She adds, and you can't help but to nod.
"It's... complicated," you finally admit, struggling to put your feelings into words.
"Why did you run away?"
"I got scared. He said it was just a dare. I felt like it was a game for him."
"Was that before or after you ran away?"
"Both. He even repeated it two times." You put a hand over your face and sigh.
"He may have wanted to put you out of the uncomfortable situation."
"I... I just don't know how I feel about him. I really liked the kiss, but I can't read him. He wants to meet me tomorrow though."
"He asked to meet you again? Y/n, go talk to him now! Get back and ask him about it! I'll kick your ass if you leave like that. Seriously y/n. I know it's a lot, but you can't just leave like that." She sounds like she's on fire while she scolds you, and you shrink into the wall when you realize that you might have wronged him here.
"You're right. I'll go and talk to him. Clarify things. Tell him how I feel." You inhale deeply and push yourself off the wall with newly found determination. You can always trust on Yachi to have your back.
You look up when the doors of the elevator suddenly open and hastily click on Atsumu's floor number while another woman gets with you into the elevator. You smile politely while you still hold the phone against your ear and nod as a greeting, and she smiles back, revealing a smile that is so perfect that it could be straight out of a commercial.
"Call me when you're done! Don't just leave him like that. You like him and I'm sure he likes you too." Yachi's words encourage you further and you smile when you thank her.
"Thanks. I'll call you." You hang up the call and put your phone in your bag, noticing in the corner of your eyes that the woman next to you has stopped smiling. You frown when you suddenly notice her red shirt with the number 21 on it- similar to Atsumu's shirt. It's without a doubt a fanshirt of Atsumu, you're certain about that after looking at it for a few more seconds. A fangirl? A glance to the display shows you that she wants to go to the same floor as you- and your heart suddenly drops when a suspicion arises within you.
You catch her eyes again, and she raises an eyebrow when she notices that you're staring at her shirt. "Are you a fan? I could get you an autograph if you want one." She breaks the silence and you stare at her with widened eyes. "You- you know Atsumu Miya?"
She laughs and plays with her long brown hair- and you don't fail to notice how pretty she is. She could be a model with her looks, that's for sure. And she knows Atsumu. "Honey, let me tell you. I have Atsumu Miya in the palm of my hand. I don't want to ruin your fantasies, but he is not as single as he appears on social media." She gives you a wink and you freeze. "You okay? You look a bit pale, darling."
Your chest feels heavy and your stomach turns at her words. There is no way. This can't be true. "I'm fine. No, I'm not a fan. But thanks for the offer."
The elevator opens its doors and she exits, waiting for you to come out too, but you can't move. It's like your body is glued to the floor, weighted down by the sheer thought of Atsumu and the beauty before you being together- for whatever reason.
"I forgot something downstairs." You reply and mechanically push the button of the ground floor. She just shrugs her shoulder and moves into the direction of Atsumu's door, not even sparing you another glance while she strides away. If you had any doubt about her words, you were now certain that she knows him when you see her halting at his door before the elevator doors fall shut.
She knows this place. She's going to his apartment in the middle of the night. While the elevator smoothly runs down, you come to the conclusion that you apparently don't know anything about Atsumu.
The only thing you certainly know is he not only has you as his official wife.
But Atsumu Miya also has a girlfriend.
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graveyardgremlins · 1 year
Some memes about Chapter 9 of two slow dancers, last ones out on ao3, which will be posted today
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I'm going to have to add more tags to the fanfic and some warnings because I was not prepared for the things I would write lmao (but seriously, if you're going to read chapter nine check the updated tags)
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seyaryminamoto · 11 months
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Fic-to-Art #34: The development of Sokka and Azula's relationship
When you move to a whole new country, that's when your patrons are going to vote for the prompt that makes you want to go completely bonkers and that you would draw ten years worth of art for. Yep. So you try to condense that impulse into something you can finish in... 1 week? Sorta?
I honestly barely know how I managed to do it that fast, but hey, made it on time for the end of October, so here goes! A little walk through the history of these two and the evolution of their relationship in Gladiator.
The first GIF is mainly about Part 1, the second one's first two pieces are Part 2, the third piece is Part 3. The last two GIFs, of course, are both meant to be Part 3, with the final GIF being meant as a symbol of hope in many regards. I'm guessing some of you guys will pick up on a funny little hint about just what kinds of hopes we're talking about here...
Anyway! Now I hope you guys enjoyed these crazy artworks! It's a Halloween miracle that I finished them on time, haha. If you'd like to be part of the creative process behind these pieces, a 1$ pledge on Patreon is enough to make you eligible for suggesting prompts and voting on polls, as well as reading Gladiator snippets 6 days before the next chapter goes live!
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whentheleahvesfall · 4 months
Hero & Partner Week - Day 2 - Evolution
Writing (Diary Entry)
A dark, everglowing night. One that I've grown so accustomed to that it stands to reason that it remains the same ever since you left me Sprout. How long has it been? Days? Weeks? ...I've lost count of it all at this point.
Not that... it makes much difference anyway in the grand scheme of this world. I mean, who would even remember it anymore anyway? Me? The sole member of the Kipsaurs left? The one who keeps you in my mind so much that ever since you disappeared, I've felt hollow and well... lost? I don't know what's real and what's not anymore at this rate.
So um... I guess I'll write about what's it been like since you left. Um... well, as things stand, here in the Expedition Society - and in Lively Town in general - life has been progressing slowly. For what it's worth, I guess the people in town still look at me as someone helpful. I am a person who does look out for Pokemon in need! But... who's to say I'm the one who needs help? Heh, the hero of the world, the human who came from another era to save this one in the present and now it's all just... gone. And here I am. Now the one who needs saving after all this time. I just... don't really know what I'm missing from myself. Yet as time ticks away, does it make much difference anymore? I don't even know.
There's my reflection in the window. Staring back at me is the one person I don't want to see, and it's a Mudkip with a gnawed scar scraped over his right eye. With that stare, I remember a dream coming back to me. You were there. In it, I feel a fleeting feeling come and go, mostly from a reminiscence of when I tried to fight for the world's safety and then... there was a point where I snapped and I ran. I ran away so so fast that it was back in Serene Village and you raced to find me in the spot we would meet up in so much.
The place I said goodbye to you.
The place I wore this scarf as a way of remembering you.
The place where we formed our team, we laughed, we made a promise to each other and the place we cried together.
The place of the beginning and the end. Up there... on the hill with the big tree and with it, the most beautiful view of the valley I've ever seen in my life.
For however long it’s been, I’ve had a lot times together with you in my mind Sprout. A lot of memories. But those memories… slowly begin to fade away as I run away from who I am. Who I’ve become inside.
And you were there in my dream… to tell me to keep moving. You looked at me, those caring eyes of yours, and you stayed behind. To protect me from the demons that were created from my nightmares.
But why? To why were you even here, just looking at me like that? Did I even manage to do something that would warrant any form of recognition? Why would… or rather why would… you even want to help me?
And so on the cusp between dream and reality, the only person keeping me alive in this world was and still is you. Because you gave me no words, only a smile before you faded away and then my scarf began to glow.
My harmony scarf made me evolve, to continue fighting in that dream I had. My scar reminding me of you, when I first met you in this world… and still I fight even now. Whether it’s a dream, whether it’s reality, I don’t even know anymore. Whether I’m a Mudkip, or a Swampert, or whatever form I take now, I guess I still persist in this world, because I’m still me.
And it was only you who ever had complete and utter faith in me that I was only able to ever move forward. You - the outcast of Serene Village - took in the real outcast who came one day without warning.
And… and you promised me, from that day on, no matter how far apart we were, no matter how hopeless it would seem, you would always be my friend. And now, with you gone…
Can I even keep that promise?
I… I don’t even know anymore. What do I even do? Can you tell me Sprout? As… this scarf means I’m the only one left in the world with the ability to evolve near the Tree of Life, I… I don’t know if I still have some purpose left to fulfill.
Why? Why did you accept Dark Matter? Why did you stop me from destroying it?
To prevent it from coming back?
If so… then… am I the reason it’ll come back anyway? That I have so little faith in myself that I can’t do anything right anymore? I… I don’t know. I just don’t know.
You cared. The others seemingly care.
But do I ever feel properly cared? I guess, if it means anything, just for you… maybe I’ll evolve. Evolve myself… by ridding myself of this guilt of mine. Because my only hope, one way or another and even if it means running away from the Expedition Society…
I just want to see you again. My best friend. My one and only friend.
I miss you Sprout.
I miss you so much.
And… I’ll go anywhere, to the ends of this Pokemon world, just to see you again.
I’m uh… talking to Xerneas right now and am beginning to also remember my past. About who I was, how I came to be in this world and meeting you… so, so many years in the past before you reincarnated as the Mew of today. My lovable, kind, adventurous and gleaming partner.
How I’m beginning to remember I don’t even know. Mawile said it had something to do with some sort of ancient tablet she found when excavating the site on Showdown Mountain, and that on it was my name. But… just what is my connection still to the past?
And even so… is that even theoretically possible though? You told me I willed myself to this world so I could save it, but I sacrificed my memories so we wouldn’t repeat the mistakes of the future. But now… now I’m having an identity crisis, as the human who was supposed to forget is now the human beginning to remember.
It hurts. It hurts so much. Even now, I think I realise the reason as to why I even forgot was so I couldn’t bear the pain of seeing you leave again. I did it because I cried so much on the hill that sunset came and went and Carracosta began looking for me until he found me still just lying there in a worried mess.
Nothing’s changed though… I’m just… I’m just repeating the same mistakes again over and over. Wherever I go, bad luck follows, or at least that’s how it feels. And no matter what, I just can’t shake the feeling I’m still the reason why you left. Why wasn’t it me who went with you that day?
Am I still fated by this last thing I have of you that I’m never taking off again because without it, I feel so insecure I’m never going to get it back?
I need to… no, I have to keep it. It’s just so important that I can’t evolve without it anymore.
Can’t evolve as you’re my biggest strength in all this. You were my biggest helper. And you’ll always be my light that shined when we were stuck in the Voidlands.
It’s getting late now. I’ve written enough now that I guess my thoughts have been fired out onto this little diary of mine. I saw you writing one when I couldn’t sleep one night and this habit of yours kinda just… well, stuck.
I hope you’re still okay, somewhere Sprout, whenever and wherever you are.
Goodnight bud. I… I hope you still care about me, just as how I still care about you.
I’ll always remember you.
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madzillus · 2 years
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Karl we miss ye buddy
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flopbftheo · 2 months
tagged by beloveds @28reas0ns @kimsuyeon thank you so very much 😽😽
sweet dreams by red velvet ; ever seen by beabadoobee ; useless by omar apollo ; unf/air by artms ; life's unfair by omar apollo ; getting no sleep by tinashe ; immaterial by sophie ; kingdom come by red velvet ; i'm unhappy by aespa ; supernova by aespa ; sympathy is a knife by charli xcx ; echo by clairo ; russian roulette by red velvet/the boyz
i love any tag games where i can involve my music taste so i was very happy to do this hihi!! tagging anyone who also wants to do this and happy listening <3
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is it just me, but if reader and suguru are in their twenties, i don't see the four year age gap being a big deal? and later on, it becomes even less of a big deal.
i get that there may be some moral deliberation on suguru's part with the growing up aspect, but for them to keep their relationship a secret forever? really? that's kinda weird imo and making a big fuss out of nothing
if they're like 24 and 28, why the hell do they have to hide? i literally don't get it at all. they're not doing anything immoral. and reader is not a child by any means, and it's not like they have some cognitive gap or anything. i just don't get it. maybe it's a cultural thing, and for you it's a bigger deal than it is for me.
obviously fourteen x eighteen is super fucked up and wrong, but we're not talking about that, my god
aaa and !!! as for riko !!!! kairo COOKED w the shoko thing.
i think... that this pairing makes a lot of sense! i think it makes more sense than riko x reader, tbh
i just... i don't see the need of turning every best friend friendship into a romance
like irl i don't want to fuck my friends (pardon me for being crude) and i will never want to fuck them, and that's okay. i'm perfectly satisfied with our friendships staying friendships, and the transition to a romance is not necessarily a signification of a 'higher-level' relationship
at the end of the day though, as others have said, it's your stories so you get to do whatever the hell you want to do with it
…. anon i talked abt this a bit in another ask but maybe you missed it so i’ll say it again :’3
(this got very long i’m sorry in advance 😔)
the gap itself isn’t the problem, it’s not a big deal in their twenties. the issue here is the way their dynamic started. satoru always viewed reader like a younger sibling, and it was the same with suguru. don’t you think that would be awkward for them at all? 😭 i think you’re focusing on the present point of their relationship which is fine, but their history as a whole is important too!! if you grew up with a younger kid who was crushing on you, while you viewed them as a sibling, wouldn’t you also feel weird about developing feelings for them later down the line? i definitely would!!
the important part is the shift in their dynamic, not the age gap (but i mention the gap bc it’s so central to their prior dynamic). satoru can’t bring himself to shift his view on reader, bc he still sees them as someone younger that he needs to protect. there’s a kind of power dynamic there that’s important to remember, and it was established when they first met. he’s older, he’s known you since you were a little kid, he’s spent all those years making sure not to give you the impression that he’s leading you on at all. satoru doesn’t want to break that pattern, and he views that choice as important.
so don’t you think he’d be kind of pissed if he found out suguru had gotten together with you? if he found out suguru had made a choice to break that pattern, when he was so adamant on not doing so? there would definitely be a lot of tension there. satoru literally spends the fic talking about how he thinks reader should be with someone better, someone closer to their own age, someone who they didn’t meet from such a young age — and then he finds out they’re with suguru??
like . there’s no way there wouldn’t be a fight there. i’m not saying it’d be the end of the world or their friendship or anything, but satoru would absolutely be upset with suguru. especially since he places him on such a high pedastal. it’s less about morality and more about convictions. there’s nothing immoral about them being together, but it goes against the convictions satoru’s found himself sticking to.
so!!! that’s the reason i think they would keep their relationship secret. to avoid that tension. i can’t see it being anything other than a sneaky summer romance. maybe in the future they could tell everyone, but i also just don’t see suguru/reader as an actual endgame couple in this au… i didn’t specify this in the fic but the two of them aren’t nearly as close as reader is with riko and satoru, since they only met when suguru was hanging out at the gojo household.
anyway!! that’s my take on that. again, the gap isn’t the issue, it’s everything surrounding their dynamic, and the history of it. bottom line is that stsg grew up viewing reader as a sibling of sorts, so of course any kind of shift from that pattern would feel strange. if you meet someone when they’re fourteen and you’re eighteen, i’d argue that it’s a lot weirder to not consider that part of your dynamic important when thinking of them as a potential romantic interest in the future.
like, imagine someone asking you and your partner for your age, and you tell them you’re 27 while your partner is 23. not a big deal, obviously!! but then they ask what age you were when you met and you have to say you were eighteen and they were fourteen. even if you quickly explain that you didn’t get together until you were both adults, don’t you think that would earn you some weird stares? it’s not immoral but it’s a delicate situation, and i think satoru would get angry at suguru for not handling it delicately enough from his pov. remember that satoru himself can only see it as totally normal like. a decade into the future LMAO. his view doesn’t have to be the same as yours or mine, but it’s satoru’s own view that’s important here.
….. hopefully that made it all a bit more clear 😭 sorry for rambling so much anon!! hopefully you’re still with me :’3 obviously you’re free to root for whichever couple you want, but i don’t see myself changing my stance on these two. it’s a fun what-if bonus ending and i think that’s more than enough!! nothing that’s meant to be angsty or whatever, just suguru and reader sneaking around a bit because they know riko and satoru will be angry.
AH ALSO one more thing !! :’3 i’d argue that there is a cognitive gap between reader and suguru. reader is 22-23 in the fic, suguru is 27. it’s not a big gap but the human brain doesn’t finish developing completely until your mid/late twenties!!
i just... i don't see the need of turning every best friend friendship into a romance like irl i don't want to fuck my friends (pardon me for being crude) and i will never want to fuck them, and that's okay. i'm perfectly satisfied with our friendships staying friendships, and the transition to a romance is not necessarily a signification of a 'higher-level' relationship
wait nevermind i also wanna talk abt this 💔 a bit more rambling incoming.
overall!! you don’t have to like riko/reader anon. that’s totally understandable!! a part of me also prefers them staying as friends and nothing else, and i’ve always hated the idea that romantic love is seen as stronger as platonic love bc it just . isn’t. platonic love can be and often is just as powerful!! canonically reader and riko are best friends, nothing else, but i still think they’d be cute in a what-if scenario, that’s all :3 if it’s not your cup of tea then that’s totally fine, none of the endings are canon anyway.
as for the sexual aspect 😭 i just wanted to point this out bc i never write any of my character dynamics with a sexual aspect in mind, even the romantic ones. sex doesn’t have to be a part of romance!! maybe you were just joking so i’m sorry if i’m reading too much into it, just wanted to mention it bc i do see it as important :’3 being lovers doesn’t equal to having sex!!
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northern-passage · 1 year
i haven't shared a lot of tnp lately because i have been working on a different project, but i do plan to update tnp sometime this year. i know people aren't fond of less frequent updates, and "one update a year" is not exactly what i would like either, but tnp is massive at this point and i'd be lying if i tried to pretend like i could get out monthly/frequent updates. the branching is complex & it's not easy for me to put out smaller bits of content, because my branching just doesn't work that way, and i prefer to do big, chunky updates for all of you to really have something to sink your teeth into. if i could do giant full chapter updates, i would, but then we'd really be sitting around twiddling our thumbs for a while...
i never planned for tnp to take this long or even for it to be this large, but it is what it is! as they say, the time will pass anyway
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lazywriter-artist · 2 months
Just a little thing I whipped up for @eftanz :3
Really hope this is what you meant 👁️👁️” and hope it kind of fulfills what you were looking for! It was really fun writing practice! Especially for characters I haven’t touched in a while =w=“
Hope I did good UwU!
Seabelts on
Tf2 writing practice || heavy medic
⋆。゚☁︎。✈︎⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Heavy felt this sort of lump form in his throat as he forced down his suitcase, closing it up as a deep sigh slipped from his lips. He let his head droop as he closed his eyes, taking in these final moments. Safe. On the ground. not in the air in a metal death tube…
He was flying with medic to Germany for a vacation, they’d been granted some down time and medic was ecstatic to show heavy around, the doctor had been rambling about all sorts of things he needed to show heavy and the foods he insisted heavy needed to try. Another exasperated sigh slipped from his lips.
‘You need to be strong misha’ he reminded himself as he gently tapped the suitcase ‘be strong for medic and for yourself.’ he frowned with a nod, he was right. His inner dialogue was interrupted as he heard medic calling for him. “heavy!! Are you ready yet?”
the familiar voice trilled, medic almost seemed to float as he practically skipped into the room. Misha took a sharp inhale to puff himself up, trying to seem more confident in the moment than he was.
“Archimedes is almost all set so we can head to the airport whenever-“ the doctor had started speaking before he looked up from the bird to misha, stopping as he blinked. “heavy? Is everything okay?” The doctor asked with a frown as he carefully approached his large companion, a gentle hand resting on his chest “you look pale..”
heavy felt his jaw practically lock in place, he felt his throat swell up and his gut twist into knots “da…da…heavy is just- ah- so excited for trip with doktor.” he weakly forced a smile to his anxious lips as he nodded, as if he didn’t fully believe the words himself. Medic wasn’t convinced, his hand gently ran over and down his arm. Gently holding heavy’s hand he hummed, seems he decided to not press any further. Phew.
“Ah, ja! I can’t wait to get there, heheh it’s been so long since I’ve been home and I can’t wait to share it with you!” the medic gushed as he carefully lifted heavy’s hand to his face, gently pressing against the large palm as he closed his eyes. Relishing in the contact he stood there, fingers interlocked with his companion. Misha felt this wave of relaxation wash over him as their fingers interlaced and he just got to stand there, Let his mind wander away from…the flight and he just got to be close to the man he adored most.
“Well. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be loading our things.” he finally stated, Misha felt that comfort melt away as he was hesitant to let medic’s hand go for a moment. His gaze and grip followed medic before the doctor slipped off, his hand falling back by his side. He’d think to himself for a moment, finally mustering the energy to grab his things and join the doctor
‘Be brave misha. Be brave’
The noise of the airport buzzed in the large man’s ears, he hadn’t even noticed medic was calling his name and carefully shaking his arm as his leg was bouncing out of control.
“Huh?” he glanced now to medic, disoriented blinking as he looked down to the companion. Worriedly the doctor looked back up to him
“are you sure everything is okay, heavy? You’ve been more quiet than usual and you keep bouncing your leg…” he worriedly looked down to misha’s still bouncing leg and back up to his face, gently squeezing his hand “you know you can tell me if something’s wrong, right?”
heavy felt his words catch in his throat as he forced his leg very quickly to stop “ah da, heavy is fine. Just can’t-“ the words caught again as he choked them out “can’t wait to— Ergh get in the plane.” he forced a smile, this time it seemed to be much more obvious as medic frowned in return
“Heavy-“ he began but was cut off as their flight was paged, oh dear. Finally. It was here. Medic looked back about to part his lips to speak but Misha was already up, grabbing their suitcases and he made his way to the terminal. Medic begrudgingly grabbed archimedes cage and following.
it felt like…a walk of shame almost. Despite being no where near the plane he could he the roar of its engine, the loud hissing snarl of that metal beast, made him want to recoil and rush back in fear. he could almost see the threatening blades whipping around and swooping past with each turn. It made his gut churn, made his knees feel weak and the bags he had no problem carrying before now felt like 10 ton weights. It didn’t even come close to the horror he felt at the image of being up in the air, oh god…the sounds of creaks and groans as the metal tube pushed forward and leapt for the skies. Hundreds of feet up into the air- and the horrid thought of wind filling the cabin- he could hear the screams as the gravity forced him back into his seat and as they hurtled to THE GROUND GOING FASTER AND FASTER AND FASTER UNTIL—
He leaned against the wall, gripping his chest as cold sweat ran down his brow, medic close to his side looking on in fear “heavy! You almost fell over! You need to tell me what’s wrong” he pleaded as the doctor stayed close to heavy, whom was barely upright from his knees buckling under him. He hesitated and fought with himself. It felt stupid. So very very dumb that someone like himself, who had fought so hard and so long, who had seen the horrors of war and conflict so long, and done his work as a mercenary even longer to be afraid of- something so trivial.
But he had to do it.
“Heavy is…heavy he- he is afraid of aeroplane..” his head sunk in defeat, half expecting medic to laugh. To think it was a joke, or to tease him for it, but it never came. Instead he felt his face being pulled to look to medic, his lip quivered some in defeat as he stared back at his partner, those familiar eyes accentuated by the thick glasses frames with understanding and worry and- and compassion swirling in them
“Oh heavy…it is okay to be afraid. Flying is a very scary thing.” he sighed as he gently pressed his forehead against heavy’s “but it will be okay, you know why? We are in this together. Always and always” he crooned with a smile as he pulled back
“How about this? I will take the window seat, that way you don’t have to look while we fly, and I will hold your hand the whole time?” He smiled to his companion, not removing his hand from the larger figure’s cheek. Misha smiled, if it hadn’t been for the location he might of even let a tear slip as his hand rose up and pressed medic’s palm firmly against his face
“Da. Heavy would like that.” He said at last as medic smiled wide and cupped both of heavy’s hands in his. Overjoyed he could help ease the stress, even if only a little
“Here! I’ll show you this little trick, you tap the outside of the plane as good luck! A little ‘we will land safe’ sort of thing and to remind you it is a solid piece of equipment.” Chirped the medic as he held tightly to Misah’s hand as they made their way to the gate, carefully boarding. Heavy felt a sense of pride well in his chest as he watched medic gently tap the outside of the plane, his own hand followed, he felt overjoyed as medic condemned his bravery as they took their seats. His fingers carefully interlocked with medic’s as they settled in for the flight, a deep breath as he closed his eyes. Head resting back.
Suddenly flying…didn’t feel so scary.
⋆。゚☁︎。✈︎⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
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allisonreader · 4 months
I don’t know what this is, where it came from, what its purpose is. It’s supposed to be a time loop piece to put up for the Chesterton challenge for the prompt repetition; which it definitely fits, but why all the sewing? I’m writing it, but I couldn’t tell you. It became derailed from the first word and thinking of the phrase “a stitch in time”. So here we go, my sewing heavy time loop musing? Story? I’m not sure what to call it.
All I know is that (as @melliabee and @lover-of-the-starkindler know) it came after sharing fic recs and having read a fic dealing with time loops. So vaguely and indirectly those two mentioned inspired this in an extremely roundabout way as I still don’t know what this is.
But anyways, this is my piece for the Chesterton Challenge for the prompt repetition. (As repetitive as this note is getting, the writing piece below will be more.) @inklings-challenge
Time loops and sewing 🧵🧵🧵
Stitch, stitch, stitch. 🪡_ _ _
The needle goes into the fabric and is pulled out again and again. 🪡_ _ _
Into the fabric and pulled out. 🪡_ _ _
The same motions over and over.
The pull getting shorter each time a new stitch is made. Until a new piece of thread is started and the process starts a new, with the stitches continuing.
All working to create something; whether it be practical, decorative or somewhere in between. Connecting past and future.
There’s a reason that the phrase a stitch in time is brandied around.
Sewing and time have more in common than you might think. Both deal with fabric/material that can wrinkle, snag, tear, rip, ripple, gets stuck, fold up on itself, and can be seen to be linear.
But let’s talk about the snags, the hang ups, getting stuck sewing in the same place.
If you’re using the sewing machine sometimes it’s not always immediately obvious that you’ve caught up on something; until there’s a whole pile of thread under your fabric, getting thread jammed up through the needle plate, tangling everything up and potentially needing scissors and removal of the needle plate to fix the problem.
Not so for hand sewing.
By hand, built up thread is most likely intentional unless you weren’t paying attention and were stitching in the same place, but being an easier catch as soon as your attention returns. None of the thread the same place as it builds up.
Time loops are much the same. There are some that you enter and everything seems fine at first, but once you realize that something is wrong, then you realize how big of a mess that you’re in. That your situation might require scissors and the removal of the needle plate.
Other times you don’t catch what’s happening right away, but the build up is less. Your attention is drawn to what’s happening sooner. The solution is not always as large.
And other times again you know exactly what’s happening. You want it to happen. You want it to happen again and again. You are purposefully repeating your stitch over and over, creating your build up purposefully before moving on.
Slight differences between each time. Each cycle never truly being the same, though it feels like it. The uneven stitches are being laid, but just because each stitch is uneven, it doesn’t mean that something isn’t being created that’s beautiful or has hidden strength.
Teaching you a lesson if nothing else. Sewing and time loops will both teach you just as many lessons as the other. Both feel like they go on for forever but both do eventually come to an end, leaving you shocked that the project or loop is finally finished.
For sewing you simply pick up another project and go again, though I’ve never met a person who wants to figure their way out of a time loop again. Not unless they’re the one to start the loop in the first place.
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The fabric folds and creases.
The needle goes in and out, in and out. Pull. Watch the stitches being laid. One stitch, two stitch, around and around.
A satin stitch here, some backstitching here, maybe some chain stitching for added interest. Still the needle goes in and out, just like time goes on and on, even if it repeats itself.
Time loops are like thread in a tangle, knotting up on itself and being a pain to loosen its loops out of the knots.
Be careful, the fabric of space time can rip and tear. Stitch it up carefully, you don’t want it to fray.
When fabric frays it will keep fraying depending on exactly what type of material you’re using. Some fabrics won’t fray. A knit generally doesn’t fray, but it can unravel. Woven material is what frays, some more than others. It depends on the fibres used and how it was woven together.
The right needle helps go through the material properly.
It’s all about using the right tool when needed. Sometimes you need something more specific than the generic works for most thing tool. A ballpoint/stretch/jersey needle works best on knits and stretch. The needle will push beside the fibres instead of through them like a sharp needle will.
Sometimes you have to test to find out what that right tool is. The right tool will make the job easier and help you finish the job quicker. There’s less of a struggle that way. But it will still take time to do things right.
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The needle goes in, the needle goes out, a stitch has been formed. The process repeats. Needle into the fabric, needle out of the fabric.
With a needle and thread the stitches can gather the fabric. Tight folds making there be a greater volume of material in a smaller place.
A time loop of its own kind. A repeating process to get a similar result. Though never quite the same from one to the next.
A stitch here, a stitch here; to gather as you go or to gather all at once. Both ways having their own difficulties. Both having their benefits.
Gathering can even be done by machine.
Two rows of stitches side by side, pulling the threads of both. But beware if one thread breaks, you can come close to losing it all. The strands of time can be just as fickle if you’re not careful. Pull the wrong one too hard and you could end up stuck permanently or with the wrong spot to stop or simply starts it all again.
The needle goes in, the needle goes out, the stitch is formed, push the fabric close. Knot the end of your thread and begin again.
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Stitch, stitch, stitch. A stitch in time and all that, you know dear?
The needle goes into the fabric and out.
In and out, sometimes in different movements, but there’s always going into the material and the needle being pulled through until it’s out.
Repetitive, soothing, traditional. A constant that changes, but is always needed in some form.
Time is much the same. Repetitive, following patterns, a constant that changes. Day in, day out. The same activities day to day, week to week.
A time loop in constant motion. Drudgery unless it’s made to be more.
Haven’t you guessed it by now? Different but the same. New but old. Stitching all along, talking about time?
Well, maybe you need a few more rounds yet. I’ll still be here stitching, waiting, changing the same, because time has similarities to sewing.
I won’t be the one to unravel the mysteries of the greater universe, that’s for a higher power than me. I’m just a person who sews, watching and passing the time as I move my needle through the material.
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