#if you are Shen I really enjoy your comics
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Searched up Blue Chair because I wanted to recommend it to a friend (my reading list has… way too many WEBTOONS)
Anyways, I found this! BlueChair Fan Club by… yeah I can’t figure out how to type that. But it’s very neat! I honestly can’t figure out how I haven’t discovered this one before.
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So… personally, I find it absolutely amazing that SHEN HIMSELF has read at least one of the episodes. Absolutely amazing. We truely need more Shens in the world ❤️❤️❤️
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Edit: tagging @shencomix because your comics are amazing
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jenyifer · 24 days ago
Help I need to figure out what Danmei to suggest my friend read next.
Now so far I’ve read SVSSS Pet Fish CaseFile Thousand Autumns and I’m currently on vol 5 of Erha I’ve also tried reading heavens official blessing and am reading the mdzs comics (not finished them idk why I’ve also watched the show and anime but stop after the flash back I think it’s my resolve idk or too little focus). But I own basically all of seven seas English Danmei I just haven’t gotten around to reading all of them.
Now! I’ve made my friend read SVSSS cause it was my first and my fave mxtx. But she is enjoying it. Likes Shen Yuan’s antics. But very weary of Luo Binghe which idk if that will go better as she gets into vol 3 😬
So I told her I’d give her a healthy couple next.
Initially I was thinking thousand autumns because pure Enemies to Lovers and while there are boring bits the romance in my opinion is beautiful.
However the more I read of Erha the more I keep saying to myself this is one of the best Fantasy novels I’ve read English or Danmei. I think the way the plot moves with the flashes of Mo Ran and Chu Wanning’s lives is fascinating. I also really do love their relationship. It’s also surprisingly very funny and I rarely put down my highlighter when reading because I am having such a good time. I’d rate every book a 10/10. However healthy couple??? Debatable it is meatbun. I mean I read Casefile before it maybe I’m desensitized? But I think by book 2 you learn to love the relationship they have fully and it keeps getting better. (As far as I know)
Anyways what would you suggest? I’ll put the series I own in the tags. Would really appreciate some feedback.
PS. what series should I start next (I’m torn between Stars of Chaos and Peerless of course after reading Erha and Casefile I’m tempted to say fuck it and read Remnant of filth OR REALLY I SHOULD FINISH EITHER HEAVENS OFFICIAL OR MDZS)
@bravecupcake this is our friend so I need your feedback too lol
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amascomet · 11 months ago
Ellloo, first time like asking something on Tumblr lol
But I'm sure you've answered this before and I just can't find it- but are any of your (tmnt) series going to be written up / (web)comic? Because I'd love to learn and read about your AU's!
Also, out of all your designs, who is your favourite? (I can tell you love Leo though so keep him out of this /j(joke) )
Hi!! I’ve got a thread for Gene Spliced on my Twitter.
Here’s the link —> https://x.com/amasc0met/status/1745957057671344325?s=61&t=eg7daRoqH7PJYTlpG3G0JQ
It’s only slightly outdated. Most of the lore is still true! I’ll be making a separate Twitter for it very soon as well. So far Gene Spliced is the only one that I’ll be making into a comic! It’s the one that’s closest to my heart and I’ve been putting a lot of work into it. 🥹♥️ I’ve got the outline for the first issue written so now I’m just sketching out the pages. Putting a samples below! (There’s a two pages between these sequences but I’m omitting cause spoilers lol.) I’ve never made a comic before so it’s also gonna be a learning experience for me. 😭 So happy people enjoy my GS turtles. I truly am.
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The Divorce AU is something I’m still developing. It’s just on the back burner. Central idea for them is just Tang Shen is the one who mutated as raised them while Yoshi is the Shredder.
Embrace Legacy literally is just 2003 turtles return and experience IDW canon events. Idk how is to put it. Lawl. You can find more design concept stuff for them here and on my twt under just the #tmnt hashtag, though they’re def easier to find here I’m sure. But again Legacy designs are just rebooted 2k3 and double as my IDW interpretations.
As for my favorite designs- I really adore Legacy Donnie and GS Raph. 💜♥️ I really like how they came out but also the GS turtles all together are just my absolute faves. I love them so much. I’m so happy with all of them.
ALSO MY TENDENCY TO DRAW LEO MAKES ME SICK CAUSE RAPH IS MY FAVE. 😭😭😭 (I love Raph and Leo equally there’s just a lot of evidence against me. ⚰️)
Anyways I know that was a lot but tysm for your interest! I hope this all made sense.
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dissvicious · 4 months ago
What kinds of activities do Kid/Killer/Nina like to do together and what things do Kid/Nina and Killer/Nina like to do separately? Like what’s “their” special thing? (I.e. chainsaw maintenance with Kid; painting the nursery perhaps with Killer)
💘I love your feral princess 💘
When the three of them are together:
Smoking weed and zoning out on the deck, stargazing and long talks about the future, how life will be when Kid will be the pirate king etc, when pregnant talking about the baby, how they're going to be the most rad little punk of all the grand line
they love board games and TTRPG and it's always a big surprise for everyone to find out. Some new recruit knock on Kid door at midnight and he open dressed as a D&D orc "Oi, do quick we're on a date here" and Heat and Wire have to teach them to never disturb game nights
I like to think they do big cuddle piles and watch movies together on those den den projectors you can see in their base castle. Killer hold Kid under his arm and Nina is lying on their lap, occasionally stealing popcorns from Kid
Definitely chainsaw maintenance indeed! Globally they love being around each other when the other one work
Nina like to sit on Kid workbench and toying with small metal pieces while he works, he teached them how to craft small items and she thinks it's very stimmy
On the other hand Kid loves spending time in the infirmary when there's no one around, or looking at her doing stitches on patients
They obviously do each other makeup, Nina help him a lot since he lose his arm, they do their nails and bitch around like two gossip girls 💅✨ Nina insist on giving him skincare routine, bitches don't shower a lot but they SLAY
I like to think they enjoy sewing/ making crafts, DIY or customizing their clothes together. They probably make fanzine, Nina would definitely do linocut and homemade embroided patches
Before her pregnancy they did a shitton of drinking game / truth or dare / stuff like this together
Kid will not admit it even with a gun pointing directly at his balls but: training Zap together and trying to teach him some tricks. Emphasize on trying
Napping together in a hammock on the upper deck and getting their white ass skin burn together ❤️
Kid love teaching Nina how to uses his guns btw. That's one of the rare moments she let him patronize her. Massive ego boost.
Not gonna break the Killer cliché, they like cooking together!
Nina is banned from trying to cook on her own but she's allowed to chop vegetables and hold him ingredients
They play music together too, Nina plays ukulele (Kid like to teases her by saying it's just a guitar adapted to her size) and harmonica . She likes to sing but she's very self conscious and don't do it in front of anyone else than Killer
Taking care of each other, pampering each other, Nina could spend her life just brushing Killer hair looking at the sea.
Globally domesticity and chores together, Nina loves helping Killer when he's on cleaning duty and he just loves having her around cause she has a willingness to help him she don't have with anyone else
Yapper / listener dynamic, they could spend hours where Nina is just talking about bones, comic books, animals, or anything else that passion them and Killer will look at them in awe without getting tired. Kid get bored in two minutes lmao
Weapon cleaning together, Killer sitting on the ground getting his punishers clean, Nina sitting on a barrel next to him whipping the blades of Pussy Slayer in a comfortable silence
Everything man, they're joined by the hip when one of them take a shit the other one is waiting at the door like a cat
Tho I think they love to spare and wrestle together, I think they only trust each other to push their limits and really make some progress. And it's foreplay too
Drinking beer and sharing old memories like an old married couple because that's what they are
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thisbarbiereallylikesbirds · 6 months ago
Aly do u prefer yoshi + splinter being the same character or separate? could u rank the yoshis/splinters from your least favorite to most favorite? thank u!
Good question!!
Personally, I prefer it when they're the same character, it's just more interesting in my opinion. Now, that's not to say that Splinters that start out as a rat can't have cool backstories (I actually really like 03 Splinter's), but I always find myself more intrigued if they used to be human. It really allows the writers to dig into what it would be like for someone to suddenly not be human anymore. Plus the idea of a guy getting turned into a rat and then turning around and being like "I guess the only course of action is to raise four turtles in the sewers" is really funny to me. It definitely takes a specific person for that to be their first course of action.
And, of course, if he was human first that means he probably had a close relationship with Tang Shen. I wrote an entire essay on why she's such an interesting character to me so I won't get into that here, but getting to hear about her from a primary (and often biased) source is really fun. I love characters that haunt the narrative.
Now I've only ever seen Rise, 03, and MM/Tales in full. I've seen a few episodes of 2012 but 87, the comics, and all other iterations aren't gonna be included since I don't know enough about them.
Rise Splinter. What can I say. I made the Nameless Trio just to put this idiot and his friends in situations and watch how they react. His past with the Hamato Clan, the whole Lou Jitsu era, and the Battle Nexus era are all super interesting to me, plus I love reading and writing little fics where this man who had no intention of ever even interacting with a child suddenly has to raise four of them. While he's not always the best father (or the best person if we're being so real) it's clear that he loves his kids.
03 Splinter. This guy is just...the sweetest I can't even. In my opinion he's the best dad out of all the Splinters (at least the ones I've seen). I mean he literally used to be a rat, and yet is a good father even by human standards (it's my personal head canon that he had a rat family before at some point so he does have practice raising kids, but still). I love how Yoshi would just bring him literally everywhere, I love how much he cares. He's just great.
2012 Splinter. Now I know some people really hate this guy, and like I said early I haven't seen the whole series. However. This man has a cheese phone and runs on a wheel. He committed to the bit and I have to respect that. Plus, his whole backstory with Karai and Shen is super interesting to me. And in my opinion Splinter and Shredder being brothers is an elite choice. The obvious favoritism of his children isn't great, but I can appreciate a complex character.
Mutant Mayhem/Tales Splinter. I'm gonna be so honest I don't know if we've really seen enough of this guy for me to have a super concrete opinion on him. In my review of TOTTMNT I did talk about how annoying it was to have him just speak vermin, and I do still stand by that. That being said, I don't hate him. It's obvious that he cares about his kids and wants the best for him. I've seen some theories that maybe he was lying about his past and used to be Hamato Yoshi. Personally I don't buy it, but due to my personal preferences I do kinda hope that's the case lol.
This ended up being a lot longer than i thought it would be!! I hope you enjoyed me rambling about the old rat man.
Thanks for the ask!!
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randomcerealbrand · 6 months ago
What’s your favorite TMNT ship besides Timatello?
Also another question, how would you react when your online friend turned out to be a Roblox YouTuber?
Favorite TMNT ship? Uhhhh...
I don't have any other ships I like as much as Timatello. I know some of my friends' OCs that are shipped with the turtles (in a not weird way dw) but they don't technically count.
I like Leosagi, but mostly 2003 Leosagi and certainly not 2012.
Aprinardo in TOTTMNT is alright, I like them being a couple because they actually aren't weird towards eachother and it's wholesome, but I only see them as platonic.
Leochi (Leo and Yuichi Usagi) is pretty good, I love the concept of Yuichi working at the Run Of The Mill Pizza, or a crossover between dimensions.
Shellshocked is sweet, but it could never happen, unfortunately.
Donnie and Atomic Lass is just funny as hell.
Apritello is something I don't really enjoy, especially in 2012, because of the way they wrote it. If written correctly, I can see this ship happening from a platonic standpoint.
Mikey and Renet - Again, platonic.
Raph and Mona Lisa - 2012 did it and it was rather undercooked and he never actually called her by her actual name, which was odd. Overall it's very sweet but I wish they had more time to develop it. Again, I'd love to make them a thing in my Rise fanon, but my current storyline is incomplete.
Raph and Alopex - Yeesh, the age gap that some of the artists said they had was.. Odd, to say the least. But their relationship definitely did grow to be pretty good until they parted ways. I'd be down to make Alopex best friends with Raph, but the romantic aspects don't vibe with me.
Donnie and Bigfoot - Get the fuck out.
Any of the turtles in general x April - Depends on the way the canon version wrote it. (Aprinardo is currently the only good one.)
April x Irma - Sillies :]
Leorai - This is dogshit.
Baronjitsu - I mean... Sure, I guess. I like the concept.
Splinter x Tang Shen - Canon in 2012, I liked it, it was sweet. As for ROTTMNT, I like how she was one of his co-stars in the Lou Jitsu movies.
April x Casey - Depends on the iteration. 2003 is great, 2012 can go fall off a cliff. 2018 would be cute :]
Raph x Casey - Sure.
Donnie x Casey - 2012; fix the amount of toxic behavior and hostility they have towards eachother, and I'll talk to you about it.
Vernon x April - Bayverse; He's okay, I guess he just misread her signals, but she doesn't like him back and I suppose he respects that.
Donnie and Mona - IDW Comics - Very cute, I like it :)
Donnie and Irma - We don't get to see much of them throughout the franchise, but I like their dynamic in 1987 (platonically) and I enjoyed their dynamic in 2012 as well.
Leo and Koya - I like it. Not much else to say.
Frida x Casey - YES. YES.
Casey Jr. x Nobody - AROACE CJ FOR THE WIN‼️‼️‼️
Splinter and Big Mama - I mean there is some tension there, but I don't think they'd ever get back together.
Leo and Dale - I honestly really like it, they're just two guys in the apocalypse who really like eachother :]
April and Dale - I bet Dale realizes that he likes men and immediately starts apologizing to April. She forgives him and they become besties and they gossip with Sunita and Casey about shit 😭
I saw someone ship Sunita and Dale together once and cringed so 🤷
Sunita x April - I like it, it's cute, but I feel like it's pretty platonic. I'll think about it more as time goes on, but yeah.
Sunita x Raph - I once saw a friend of mine ship these two together and honestly, I liked it! Very good art, very good opinions on it.
Those are all the ships I can remember off the top of my head. But none of these compare to Timatello.
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necronatural · 1 year ago
you might not remember but DVD commentary on the Tangible things series? Any part you've got thoughts abt still. I recall thinking it was good characterised NSFW writing (rare) and in the early days before the ORV tag took off on AO3 (cursed)
Oof, a while ago
I wrote it before the Demon King of Salvation reveal, I think around the time he was roadtripping with Han Sooyoung while Yu Junghyeok was being tortured about how Kim Dokja has ~changed~ him and made him want to save others which was so overwrought it was a true inspiration. dude is blasting Dirty Car while his bias is falling in love with him offscreen
The biggest inspirations in the novel for it were I think 1) how invested Kim Dokja was in Yu Junghyeok's personal life when confronting him in the theater 2) Kim Dokja shipping Yu Junghyeok and 3) Yu Junghyeok responding to Kim Dokja having similar motivations to himself with frankly comedic and uncalled-for coldness that made him sound like a jilted lover. idk how that reads in the webtoon but god that shit was so funny. King of projection
Heart in Your Throat was just expanding on all the ideas that didn't fit in Great Escapes, just naturally expanding on concepts introduced. I was also really curious about writing porn and this was my first attempt really dabbling in it.
Heavy Silence I want to write SEX. Also influenced by the roadtrip, I really liked the idea of Scenario Casefic. All of this was me working myself up to write sex. I spent the entire fic absolutely mortified. I couldn't edit it until like 2 months later. LOL. It was complimented a lot for its accuracy, and they're right, because I studied for my First Sex with a...I think Livejournal? God who knows. A personal account from a gay man on what he knows about sex. Stuff like how anal is not something that feels good right away, the common duration of a coupling and the effects of ejaculation, stuff like that. I tried hunting that post down a few months ago but couldn't find it so RIP.... Writing this one was a real shock to my system but I ended up figuring out a lot of stuff I enjoy like enthusiastic consent, consent testing, pure pleasure, banter, loss of emotional regulation, etc. Laying the foundations for my deranged horny dante fic truly
I don't think the characterization isn't like, amazing? But I've absolutely never been the type to just ship characters based on romantic archetypes. Without the kneejerk "omg these guys fit my ideal dynamic" or "omg this is my fav character type" instinct, it is actually quite simple to think back on character traits and why they have them and try to extrapolate on those for the new situation.
...Which is something that the ORV fic just doesn't really gel with. Kim Dokja can't be fully 100% confident in his completely wrong opinion [based on insufficient contradictions to his 15-year special interest] and desperately avoidant of interpersonal connections, he has to be stupid oblivious about everything to a degree seen only in Shen Qingqiu. Yu Junghyeok can't be a doom-spiraling overly independent pessimistic buzzkill, he has to be a surly bad boy. Because yaoi boys on Lezhin comics act that way. lol
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blackhakumen · 1 year ago
Mini Fanfic #1131: God of War's Birthday Blowout (King of Fighters)
8:45 p.m. at Blanctorche Family's Mansion's Dining Room........
Shen: (Looks Down at a Plate of Mini Seafood Like Patty Cakes Before Picking One Up For Closer Observation) So this is what a crab cake looks like, huh?
Ash: (Smiles Brightly) Oui!~ Freshly made just for the Birthday Boy himself.
Duo: We've managed to order a couple of crabs on the way here. Most of which held from Shanghai.
Elizabeth: (Crosses her Arms) And I've spent four and a half hours in the kitchen, making extra sure that each of them look and taste eligible enough to eat, so you better not leave a single patty left on either of those plates before the night ends.
Shen: (Shrugs) Hey, if it means I don't have to pay for anything in return, then I ain't complaining. (Takes a Bite off the Crab Cake He's Holding And Tastes It For a Few Seconds Before Nodding) Mm. Well, I'll be damned. (Finishes off the Crab Cake) This ain't half bad. (Starts Eating a Few More Crab Cakes From Out the Plate Before Turning to Elisabeth) You really outdone yourself here, Liz.
Elizabeth: (Simply Nodded) Naturally. Now, stop talking with your mouth full. It's a sign of bad manners.
Shen: There's no one else in here but the four of us, Liz. (Swallows his Food Down With One Gulp) Live a little for once.
Elisabeth: (Glares at Shen) Absolutely not! As long as you are under MY root, you will obey every rule I present to you.
Ash: I'd listen to Betty if I were you. Last time someone disobey a rule of hers, he received thirty whiplashes across the face before getting kicked out.
Elisabeth: (Rolls her Eyes) The riding crop doesn't have a lashe, Ash, and even then, I don't use it for childish antics.
Ash: (Casually Place Both his Hands Behind his Back) Our childhood says otherwise.
Elisabeth: (Gives Ash a Stern Sisterly Glare) That's was and will forever in the past! This is the present and right now, I advise you to take your role as the-
Ash: (Starts Rolling his Eyes) "Heir of the Blanctorche Family's Bloodline more seriously" yes, yes, I'm fully aware of that song and dance many times before. And I am willing to do so riiiiiiight after we celebrate the birth of our dear friend here. (Sits Next to Shen While Poking his Cheeks) How does it feel to be an old man now, Shenny?~
Shen: (Glares at Ash While Slapping his Finger Away From his Cheeks) Will you cut that shit out already? Being thirty isn't that old of an age!
Duo: But isn't as young of an age either. It's more in between if anything.
Ash: (Shrugs) Perhaps. (Forms a Sly, Shit Eating Grin on his Face) But just you wait. One of these days, those bones of yours are gonna give up on you and you'll be old enough to use a cane to walk with.
Shen: (Glares at Ash) Why use it for that, when I can knock your ass out with it instead?
Elisabeth: (Steps in Front of Ash While Giving Shen a Darken Glare on her Face) Hurt him and I will end you myself.
Ash: (Blows a Raspberry at Shen)
Shen: (Let's Out a Laugh) Hoho! Are those fighting words I'm hearing coming out your mouth there, Liz? (Starts Cracking his Knuckles While Givung Elisabeth a Competitive Smirk on his Face) Cause I'm more than happy to oblige to your request.
Elisabeth: And I'm more than happy to put you and foolish in your place. And my name is Elisabeth!
Duo: (Akready Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face) This is getting ridiculous. We're supposed to be enjoying ourselves this evening.
Ash: (Makes his Way to Duo Lon's Side) Duo Lon is right. (Starts Pouting at the Duo) Shame on you two for ruin our night tomorrow over your petty arguments~
Shen/Elisabeth: (Growls and Comically Glares at Ah Crimson) YOU'RE THE ONE WHO STARTED THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE, YOU TWERP!
Ash: Well, you two are more than welcome to play the blame game all you want. In the meantime, I'm going continue joining the party. (Picks the Crab Cake Up From the Plate and Takes a Bite off of It)
Duo: ('Sigh') Anywho, Shen, is there anything in particular you want to wish for on your birthday this year?
Shen: (Starts Grabbing his Chin While Thinking) Uhhh.......I dunno. Keep living and fight stronger opponents I guess?
Elisabeth: That's more one wish, you imbecile.
Shen: Well, those are the two I can think of right now, so take or leave it!
Duo: For my own sanity and patience, I'll take it as it is. (Raise his Glass Up) Here's hoping you continue to live your fruitful life for many years to come.
Shen: Wait, before we cheers to that, I wanna make a speech first.
Duo: Floor is yours then.
Shen: Thanks. Sooooo uhhh.....(Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Truth be told, for as long as I can remember, I don't have any close friends growing up. Or any friends for the matter.
Ash: Friendless you say?
Elisabeth: That's not surprising.
Shen: (Comically Glares at the Duo) Shut it! (Clears his Throat Before Continuing Speaking) As what I was saying, I didn't have friends growing up, so having you guys as one after all these years later, is....kinda like a breath of fresh to me? I mean, don't get me wrong. You guys get on my nerves constantly, 'cept you, Duo Lon, you're the most tolerable of the bunch.
Duo: (Forms a Small Smirk on his Face) Naturally.
Shen: But regardless of all that, I'm glad to have you dorks as my pals. (Smiles Brightly) It makes life less dull around here than usual, ya know? And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Elisabeth: (Genuinely Surprised by the Speech) Wow. That's.....actually really thoughtful of you to say, Shen.
Ash: (Gives Shen a Hug) You really are the biggest softie ever~
Shen: (Casually Moves Ash Off of Him By Touching his Forehead) Watch it, half pint. Nothing about be is soft. I'm just saying it like it is.
Duo: And I applaud you for it. Now only if you try staying out of trouble this time around.
Elisabeth: Impossible.
Ash: He'll probably get himself in a bar fight in the next day or so.
Shen: (Comically Glares at The Duo Again) Have a little more faith in me than that, assholes!!
Duo: My faith in you below 50%.
Shen: (Turns to Duo) No one ask for percentages, smart ass!!
Elisabeth: Mines a ten.
Ash: Negative five~
Shen: STOP IT! ('Groans in Defeat') Whatever. Let's just cheers to our drinks before I get pissed all night (Holds Up Hos Along With the Others) To me being thirty.
Everyone: Cheers!
Happy Late Birthday to Shen Woo
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e-adlirez · 2 years ago
Your headcanons for the thea sisters is so fun and amusing! I was just wondering if you have more headcanons about them?
Oh DO I--
Once again I will clarify that my headcanons are very genfic-y, so uh, you're not gonna see any comments about the girls' sexual orientations or anything
So with that outa the way, headcanons :]
Canon context for most of these, Violet is canonically passive-aggressive as hell and is capable of dishing out some insane shade (for evidence, please consult every other time she's lightheartedly roasted the other girls, and the scene where the girls talk to Angus in Old Castle (the one where he attempts a pity party thing only for Violet to shut him down coldly); and also the non-English extras in the non-English books :D)
I will draw this at some point, but since Pam canonically believed that classical music is boring back in the day (like fall-asleep-to-the-sound-of-it boring), I like to think that passive-aggressive Violet and her cheeky ass slipped into her stereo key evidence that classical music is NOT boring, while Pam was slowly dozing off in her room or something. Feel free to make your selections of headcanon pieces from Liszt, Shostakovich, Ernst, Verdi, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky and more :D maybe even slip in a Haydn if you want :DDD
Nicky is the memelord of the group, and Paulina is the interpreter who has to explain to literally everyone what a mood and a tbh creature is.
Violet has a distinct Hangzhou accent when she speaks Chinese because she's been around her grandfather enough that she picked it up. She's rather self-conscious about it, but fortunately no one has made an open note about it so far. Also she is self-conscious about it but she doesn't really know how to change it so it's less "Hangzhou". She also doesn't really want to change it, so there's that.
Ever since I learned that English teachers in China can only be native English speakers from certain first world countries (and South Africa for some reason), I now have the funni idea of Violet having an unexpected accent when she speaks English. Just imagine one of the girls having a brain crash over Vi having either an American (neutral American), British, Irish Canadian, New Zealand, Australian, or South African accent. If it's Australian, then feel free to have Nicky's brain crash and think Vi's a Chinese immigrant who lives in Australia.
Not a Thea Sister, but Vic is canonically a gremlin (in the comics anyway). Headcanon, one of his favorite pastimes is platonically flirting with Pam to get her all flustered. Everybody thinks Pam has a crush on Vic, but the reality is she has a complicated relationship with him, and she's just not used to having someone flirt with her.
Pam is painfully oblivious to Shen having a crush on her, because the way Colette in particular teases her about it makes it sound like Pam has a crush on Shen, which Pam doesn't. That plus the fact that Shen never confessed makes it off to be a stupid rumor (in Pam's mind at least).
Nicky swears a lot, and the only reason they don't appear in the books is because Thea is very aware of the fact that kids like reading her books.
Violet came up with the nickname Coco for Colette out of lighthearted spite for "Vivi" and "Princess", the two nicknames Colette gave her early on in canon (there're these extras in the non-English books, and Dragon's Code's one in particular has the girls writing to each other. Colette gave her the nickname "Princess" because she saw Violet as a "little miss perfect" type person). It was supposed to be a one-off joke that Vi told in front of the girls once, but Coco has stuck ever since.
Enjoy :D
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the-marron · 2 years ago
For the fic writer ask game: 8, 12, and 15 💕
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
I am still a big fan of basing fics on songs, which is kinda obvious when you look at my stories, so if I see a song, I make it into a fic, but there are still some that I haven't written or picked a ship for yet, and this is one of them, just imagine the angst 😌:
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
Probably? I do try to keep an open mind so even if I don't like the trope but enjoy this author's writing I will still give it a go, to see how they spin it.
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written?
Uhhhh, don't make me choose between my babies ;_;
But if we talk about which one I am the proudest of, it would have to be Memories of Dixing, written with Ascel. It's a case fic mixed with some comic books science and there is Zhao Yunlan addicted to playing the game (and finding Shen Wei), with of course, enough trauma and drama to make him a wreck.
We both went very out of the 'what we usually write' comfort zone, and I really like the end result, it's something completely different than all the other things I wrote before.
Thanks for asking, my dear, I had a very thought-provoking morning thanks to you ❤
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bluejayblueskies · 2 years ago
helllooo i keep seeing your pfp and thinking that you are shen bluechair comic and thats kinda funny to meeee
also i really love seen unseen unsung! no pressure to say anything about it i just wanted to say i like it :3
thank you!!! it's actually really wonderful to hear that people do still enjoy that fic, even though it's been on hiatus for a long while now. part of me still wants to come back and finish it (and i actually revamped the outline for it back in 2021 and trimmed it down to 19 chapters), but i'm not entirely sure when that would be, so i may also just post the rest of the outline so that at least plot-wise, the fic is complete.
but! i actually do have a small chunk of chapter eleven that i've had written for ... god, ages now. it's too short to post as an isolated chapter (and it also leaves off right in the middle of a conversation), but i've dropped it below the readmore if you're interested! thank you so much for the lovely message 💕
April 25, 2018
When Tim was ten years old, he was obsessed with optical illusions. One of his classmates in primary school had shown him a book with pictures that looked like they were moving, with lines that looked bent but were straight, with images that resolved out of noise if you unfocused your eyes long enough. And Tim loved all of them. He was a bit too young to understand the scientific reasoning for why his brain interpreted the images on the page the way that it did, but the idea that something so similar to magic existed just at his fingertips entranced him for months. He would sit and stare at pages of images until a headache built behind his eyes, and he would show Danny dozens of Rorschach inkblots to see what he saw in them.
Thinking back on it, Tim thinks it was probably the idea of the existence of unreality within reality that had really struck him. The idea that what you see might be just an interpretation of the truth and that everything perceived by the eye is interpreted by the brain in such a way that it makes sense, whether or not that way is the truth. If our perception can be so easily altered by a few lines or a mismatched color, then how can we truly be sure that what we’re seeing is real at any given time? How can we know that we are perceiving the world as it is? Perhaps there’s an entire reality that we can’t see, or that we choose not to see, because it doesn’t make sense and so our brains choose to substitute in something else that does make sense.
Or maybe he’d just liked the pretty pictures.
Either way, that’s how Tim feels right now, sitting next to Danny and Sasha on his couch with reality and unreality, dead and alive flickering through his mind and turning his faint lingering headache into a fully-formed, dull ache. The thing is, though, optical illusions go away. You figure out the trick, you read the explanation written next to it on the page, and that’s it. No more illusion.
There’s no simple explanation for this, Tim thinks bitterly. No trick. Nothing that will take the illusion away, because there is no illusion—there’s Danny and Sasha and they’re dead, and that’s it.
That’s it.
“Huh,” Danny says, breaking the silence with a suddenness that sends Tim’s heart jumping into his throat. “Guess I was right when I said that the whole ‘you’re a ghost’ thing made sense. Didn’t realize there were two of us, though.” A small grin spreads across his face. “D’you think we should start a club or something? ‘Support Group for the Not-So-Recently Deceased.’”
It’s only because Tim’s tired, and because of the headache pounding away behind his eyes, that he says sharply, “This isn’t a fucking joke, Danny.”
The smile slips from Danny’s lips like a cheap mask, and he looks away. “I know. But what do you want from me, Tim? A nervous breakdown? You know I’ve never been one for dwelling on negative emotions.”
“Just—” Tim cuts off, takes a few moments to breathe, and continues, in a more controlled tone, “Just, for once, Danny, just a bit of seriousness. This isn’t something that goes away if you ignore it.”
Quietly, Danny says, “Okay.” Then, after a moment, he adds, “So, what do I do then? Should I move back in?”
Tim lets out a small, strangled laugh. “Move back in from where, Danny? Where do you live right now? Hell, where do you work? What do you eat? What do you do when I’m not around?”
Danny opens his mouth—probably to fire off an automatic protest—but he hesitates. There’s a long pause, and Tim can see the distance in Danny’s eyes, the way he’s searching and searching for answers that aren’t there, the way that his mouth slowly closes and his face slackens as he hits wall after wall after wall in a life that’s only half-formed. He looks at Tim, and for the briefest of moments, Tim can see in his eyes the Danny from his dreams and can feel the faintest taste of sickeningly sweet fear on the back of his tongue.
“Don’t,” Tim says quickly, too quickly; it snaps Danny out of whatever he’d been seeing, and when he blinks, his eyes are just eyes and the thread is still intact and the sugar-sweet fear is gone. Tim tightens his grip on the thread all the same and ignores the way it burns. “Don’t think about it. I… I can catch you, but if you think about it, then you’ll know, and believe me, you don’t want to.”
Danny’s voice comes out slightly cracked when he says, “Know what? Tim, I already know how I died. You told me how I died.” His mouth twitches, for a moment, into something darker, something close to terror. “From your dreams,” he says, barely more than a whisper.
“It’s not the same,” Tim says firmly, memories of Sasha slicing through him once more with sharp, serrated blades. “Believe me, it’s… it’s not.” “Okay,” Sasha says, cutting into the conversation and leaning forward on the couch with her elbows on her knees. “So what do we do now? We’re both dead, but at least for now, it doesn’t look like we’re going anywhere.”
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captainkirkk · 3 years ago
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes.
Danny Phantom
Danien by artistfingers (NOTE: Technically a comic, but so cute!!)
Part 1 of Undercover Phantom AU
Vlad’s newest bit of tech revokes Danny’s ability to shift out of ghost mode, and he subsequently makes some new friends.
(Otherwise known as, “I heard you like hidden identities, so I gave your hidden identity a hidden identity”)
Undercover Phantom AU: a No One Knows AU featuring lots of silliness and maybe sometimes a little angst, focusing primarily on the newfound friendship between Phantom, Tucker, Sam… and Fenton. An ongoing webcomic, originally posted on tumblr!
The Bride Selection by trufflehargau
Xie Lian held up the flyer, and squinted at it through the eye-holes of his mask. Beneath the words ‘Join the Selection! Be the Ghost King’s Bride!’ the sweeping eaves rendered in wobbly black ink matched the silhouette of the building in the distance. Paradise Manor. The Ghost King’s home.
(The Princess and the Pea retelling? Set before the events of the novel. The Ghost King of Paradise Manor is selecting a bride. Xie Lian doesn't really know what he's doing there.)
To see the next part of the dream by goodbye_blue
“I’m sorry Gege, I’m just a bit surprised. Let me make sure I am understanding this correctly,” he said, taking half a step forward. “You are real and also asleep. I am also real, and not a figment of your imagination. We are both real, and asleep, and dreaming the same dream right now.”
Xie Lian shrugged. “It looks like it.”
(When Xie Lian gets hit by a curse, he winds up sharing his dreams with a certain ghost king who would very much like to know where he is in real life.)
open my lungs to let you in by ghostybreads
Shen Qingqiu had a secret. So, naturally, it was only a matter of time before he was hit by a truth serum wife plot. (“How are you?” “Horny. Kind of want Binghe to rail me, I guess. But it’s manageable.” Liu Qingge’s hand on his forehead froze, and he was close enough that Shen Qingqiu could hear his breathing stop. He stared back expressionlessly, the mortification distantly crawling up the back of his neck. Honest One-Horned– The frustrated scream that he usually vented in his head, came out straight from mouth. “aaAAAAAHHHH GODDAMNIT AIRPLANE–”)
Keeping Secrets a.k.a HOT CULTIVATOR IMBIBES TRUTH POLLEN AND DIES (of mortification) (not clickbait) by cinnamonsnaps
"I bet you would beg," Shen Qingqiu said with a snort, letting his eye slide shut. The following silence was somehow remarkably loud. He cracked his eye open again. Luo Binghe was staring at him, face flushed red, hands frozen on Shen Qingqiu's ankle. "... shizun?" (Shen Qingqiu gets forced to tell the truth about a lot of things, unfortunately.)
Star Wars
All the Shadows We Bestow by ShyOwl (NOTE: While I love some dark SW content, I know a lot of people don't. This tone might put some people off)
Luke was born with a shadow over his soul. He was not simply the Chosen One, but a child of a prophecy who is doomed to soil the hearts of those who love him; a harbinger of a new Dark order and authority. He has done everything he can to keep people from becoming poisoned, to avoid his role as this blight, but there is no escaping destiny…and there is no escaping the love Luke has sparked in the galaxy. No matter how desperate or hard he tries.
Clone Wars
a soul that's born in cold and rain/knows sunlight by Killbothtwins
Part 2 of the massive machinery of hope
Obi-Wan Kenobi, time traveler, finds trouble once again when he and Qui-Gon are called to Mandalore— but not THAT Mandalore mission. This one involves still pretending to see the future, babies, a slavery ring, and bothering even more people into becoming his friend. As usual, Obi-Wan drags everyone else along for the ride, including some interesting allies.
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danhoemei · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
[ID: Anonymous asked: Just wanted to know who your favorite “villains” (or antagonists) are in all of MXTX novels. Whether it’s a big bad/final boss like *censored* or more of a side character like Xue Yang. Whether you wanna do a ranking or just throw some names out in no particular order. /end ID]
Sorry anon for the screenshot, I wanted to avoid a major spoiler for one of the novels 😘 Even though this blog is not spoiler free I try to avoid at least the major or too direct ones.
That being said,
for mdzs, tgcf and svsss.
Really don’t read if you don’t want to spoil yourself the whole novels.
Nie Huaisang
Goddaaaaaamn I was IMPRESSED by his level as the mastermind. He fooled me for over half a book, I started being suspicious just a few (10-odd?) chapters before the big reveal. I think cql has more obvious foreshadowing, from what I saw on some screenshots, but in the novel he was impeccable. Such a meticulously woven plan, executed perfectly and fooling everyone to the very end, even the most perceptive characters like wwx. Absolute fav from the antagonists (honestly weird to call him that but he pretty much is).
Meng Yao
I gave some thoughts on this character here. He deserved better ;-;
He Xuan
I liked him as ming yi, his grumpiness and done attitude, and very enjoyable dynamic with sqx (beefleaf 💚). Then the venerable of empty words arc absolutely destroyed me. It’s one of my fav arcs in tgcf actually. I experienced literal catharsis in the culmination scene with shi brothers, I was freaking gaping at the screen, then mumbling and tearing up, then key smashing to my friend who read the novel earlier. This whole arc was a wild ride, fascinating and with a lot of unexpected turns, constantly keeping me at my wits end and hungry for knowledge, while I gradually learnt about he xuan’s devastating story, shi wudu’s ruthless selfishness and sqx’s obliviousness. This whole story was really extreme and even though it was absolutely heart-wrenching, I was elated by the amount of emotions it dragged me through. I am regretful AF that he xuan couldn’t end it in a different way and am sad for beefleaf 💔 But still, I like him as a character and can’t really hold his choices against him. I dwell on wholesome AUs though xd
Shen Jiu
Also pretty much this (the same ask as linked for Meng Yao).
Jun Wu
Ngl, he was very annoying for me and I wished many times for him to leave xie lian tf alone xd But he grew on me at the end during his exchange with xie lian and mei nianqing, but especially as we learnt his background. So I ended up pretty much with mixed feelings towards him, annoyance for his present sorry self and softness for his past. I also like dwelling on what ifs and AUs here xd Not too much because, on an everyday basis, I don’t think about him at all, but whenever I see a fanart of junmei, I melt a bit xd
From the ‘smaller fries’:
Mobei Jun
Cold, emotionally stunted demon learning what care and love is thanks to his hamster’s influence 💙
Qi Rong
He was quite annoying and just a comic relief, but I grew to enjoy those comedic scenes with him, and especially his progressing father-son relationship with gu zi. There was development in this character, who was quite human and relatable in how he starved for recognition and attention, but still failed miserably and was always second (or worse). I agree with this post by @thisworldgodonlyknows​.
Sha Hualing
Wild, cheerful, chaotic lady ❤ I respect her and enjoyed her appearances (rather later in the book, first appearance was as an annoying, overconfident brat, but later we get to know her better and I love the friendship and banters between her, lbh, and mbj).
Tianlang Jun
Such a non-stereotypical demon for PIDW world, just wanted to indulge himself and experience the world, fell in love and wanted a happy life. Which got harshly destroyed ;-; I regret their tragic backstory, his and su xiyan, and wish they could have been happy together ;-; He was also very fun (a bit like pei ming), with his constantly shipping mind xD
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fanfic-inator795 · 5 years ago
What Your Favorite Rise of the TMNT Ship Says About You
(Sidenote: Doing all the ships I can think of EXCEPT the T//cest ones because nope, not touching those with a five-foot pole. Also check out Eldena Doubleca5t on Youtube)
Raph/April: Your ideal high school romance is Jock/Jock
Donnie/April: Your ideal high school romance is Jock/Theatre Kid OR you just want a healthier version of the 2012!Apriltello ship
Leo/April: These two are full of sass and you are HERE FOR IT. Also mlm/wlw solidarity.
Mikey/April: You had a crush on a kid who was a few years older than you at some point and you never quite got over it
Any of the turtles/Your OC: You like the idea of dating a superhero, but without all the angst and secret identities stuff and instead just want a guy who can take you rooftop jumping
April/Sunita: You’re just here for super cute lesbian girls, and really - who could blame you?
April/Foot Recruit: You’re just here for lesbians who are always ready to throw down, and really - who could blame you?
Leo/Usagi: You watched the 2003 TMNT series at some point
Donnie/Kendra: You really like the enemies-to-lovers trope, and you also took Donnie’s “You’re so cute but so mean, why do I always go for your type?” line super seriously
Donnie/Jace or Jeremy: You really like the enemies-to-lovers trope but gay
April/Kendra: Same joke as above pretty much
Leo/Foot Recruit: You shipped Leo/Karai at some point
Honeybadger/Groundhog/Prairie Dog: Just a bunch of gals bein’ pals
Lou Jitsu/Baron Draxum: You started shipping these two the moment you saw ‘Evil League of Mutants’ and you refuse to let canon stop you
Splinter/Baron Draxum: You like the enemies-to-lovers trope, but you also really like redemption arcs and soft old man romance. Why not combine all three?
Splinter/Big Mama: You are a firm believer in the inherit eroticism of giant monster spider-women
Splinter/Todd: You just want good things for Splinter - and really, who wouldn’t?
Splinter/Meatsweats: You really enjoyed their dynamic in ‘Fast and the Furriest’ and honestly, you just like a good Rom-Com
Splinter/Senor Hueso: You played Dream Daddy at some point
Splinter/Jupiter Jim: You liked the idea of them dating back when Splinter was still human and still a famous actor, and you don’t think Jim was THAT sketchy in his debut episode
Big Mama/Bulhop: You’re a furry who’s also into Dance Flirting
Big Mama/Tang Shen: You don’t care if Shen hasn’t technically been introduced yet, you just want some badass ladies
Repo/Hypno-potamus: You’re a sucker for the Opposites Attract trope and villains who have matching color scheme
Repo/Todd: You’re a sucker for the Opposites Attract trope and characters who love their pets
Hypno-potamus/Meatsweats: You’re a sucker for the Opposites Attract trope and muscle-bound characters with nice accents
Warren Stone/Hypno-potamus: You weren’t expecting this pairing to be a Thing. Like... at all. But it’s just so healthy and wholesome that you can’t help but support it
Warren Stone/Stinkbomb: You got a worm... You got a flower man... Why not?
Meatsweats/Ghostbear: You got a pig-chef... You got a bear-wrestler... Why not?
Foot Lt./Foot Brute: You’re here for evil villains, the ‘Leader and their Second-in-Command’ dynamic, and some domestic married life fluff
Your OC/any of the villains: You’re just here for Comic Book Villain Wackiness and you may or may not be a furry
Aaaaand I’m pretty sure that’s all of them. Hope you all enjoyed this silly post
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 years ago
What's the worst romance book(s) you've read so far? Bad writing, insufferable characters, unoriginal plot, incredibly dull, etc. etc...
Honestly, I haven't read many that are suuuuper bad, largely because I don't think I make it to the end of a lot of books that would be 1 star ratings for me.
But if we're getting real
50 Shades of Grey by E.L. James--A cliche, but it really is very bad. I don't subscribe to the "it's bad because the relationship is unhealthy" mindset, though I think the story would be a lot better if it went full dark romance and acknowledged how messed up it all is, versus trying to paint it as a healing love story. The writing is just really bad. Few romances hit for me when they're in first person, and this is a prime example of why--inner goddess shit, unsexy sex scenes, the tampon scene that frankly would have MADE the film but was really jarring to read about... Just not good.
Sea of Ruin by Pam Godwin--The story starts rough with the heroine's mom throwing herself off the CLIFFS OF CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. Now, if you are not from coastal SC as I am... this would perhaps be less insane to read lol. But. A tiny bit of research. Like, a google. Would have told Pam Godwin. That South Carolina. While indeed a hub of the Golden Age of Piracy... does not have coastal cliffs. Moving on from that--this should be so good! MMF menage romance, swords literally crossing, pirates fucking. But God, the heroine sucked. I remember this scene where one of the heroes, a pirate hunter, was spanking her actual pussy (which like, can happen in a dark romance, sure) and she was like.... going on and on... when just pages before she'd been like GIMME YOUR BEST SHOT ARGH PUNCH ME IN THE FACE I CAN TAKE IT MATEY!!!! Like okay girl where did that bravado go??? Lol atrocious book, comically bad.
Overture by Skye Warren--A guardian/ward romance that reminded me of why I prefer guardian/ward in historicals, where the age difference is at least somewhat more socially acceptable at the time. This one was just kind of gross, and I thought I was down, but it turned out I was not. And if the writing had been better, maybe I would've been good? The heroine is over 18 when the actual romance takes place. But the virginity loss scene was........ woof.
Head Over Heels by Hannah Orenstein--One of those classic stories wherein you think you're getting a romance but then the romance is sexless and boring and there is no chemistry whatsoever. A bigger disappointment in that it's set against gymnastics, and I wanted it to be a From Lukov with Love situation. It wasn't just the lack of sex, but the general lack of chemistry between the leads.
The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata--I really do enjoy Lukov, but I think Zapata and I aren't MFEO. This one is HORRENDOUS. It's like, marriage of convenience/fake dating situation but the heroine is remarkably childish and just likes sitting around marathoning cartoons, and she doesn't do anything or become anything, and the hero is similarly stagnant and just eats quinoa, and Zapata only does one big sex scene at the end of every book it feels like, and they're not THAT GREAT, so for all that fucking page time you get this guy kind of like rocking into her at the end in bed, BARELY ANY EFFORT, while Zapata describes his "mushroom head" in what I can only describe as sickening detail.
In the Unlikely Event by L.J. Shen--This author is generally shady and as a result I haven't read anything else by her, but this book was horrible first impression. Whiny, mean, gross hero. Who, based on the summary, I thought was meant to be a Hozier ripoff. Hozier would never.
You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle--Bizarre story of two people just irritating each other and the reader for no reason, because frankly in a modern world there was no reason for these two to not just break up. Again, passionless. Again, a big reason why I find contemporaries difficult to trust.
Generally speaking, I also find Sarah J. Maas to be really disappointing to read. So much potential, so little payoff.
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makotokyoqoku-archived · 4 years ago
48 character development questions: jenny q.
1. How old are they? in the comics, 12-14; logically, she'd be 20 rn but we all know that comics dont work that way, so shes stuck being 12-14.
2. What gender are they? cis in the comics but in all of my headcanons, xe's nonbinary (genderfluid; she/her & xe/xyr/xyrself).
3. What is their romantic/sexual orientation? lesbian/bi, still not quite sure but she knows she loves girls.
4. How tall are they? 5'2" bc I'm Me and no fav character is gonna be taller than me.
5. What do they look like? dark curly hair, piercing brown eyes; a cut through the left eyebrow; have many ear piercings, snake bites piercings, and a septum ring. theres four beauty marks, randomly spaced, behind her right ear, and she have a birthmark on the inside of her wrist. I've way too many faceclaims/fancasts for jenny, namely charlene chua (model), mable chee, leah lewis, jessica sula, haley or brianne tju (since they're both sisters and I can see them both as jenny).
6. What are their defining features? the cut in the brow, the piercings, and how xyr eyes literally glow in the dark like a cat's eyes due to xyr powers.
7. Does their name have a meaning? well, jenny is a diminutive form of jane which is taken from jehanne, and—as jennifer—the cornish form of guinevere; in the first case, it means "yahweh is gracious/merciful", and in the second it means "fair one" & "white wave" (it's a popular name too, anyway.)
8. What family do they have? apollo & midnighter are her dads, shen li min/swift & angie spica/the engineer are her aunts—basically all of the authority. xe's also the reincarnated spirit of jenny sparks so ig that makes j. sparks her sister or mother???? it's not really clear in the comics at all but in my hcs, they're siblings.
9. Do they have a good relationship with their family? eyup!!! a rocky relationship w angie & jack, but w everyone else yeah jenny does have a good one w them.
10. If not, why not? well with angie its bc of how kinda neglectful she was of jenny when xe was 5 years old. but they kinda sorta patched things up—they didnt talk about it and angie never apologized bc she doesnt see she did anything wrong so its... rocky. with jack.. he did make himself the president of america & made all the other governments in the world give up their respective seats of power and thus practically made himself the sole emperor of the whole world... so yeah, yeah jenny hates him for that.
11. Where do they live? opal city w her dads!! and also on the carrier, the sentient ship that travels through dimensions.
12. Is it a safe place? eyup!!! or... as safe as the carrier can be, anyway.
13. Are they poor, middle-class or wealthy? uhhhh I guess middle class?? idk
14. Do they look up to anyone? her dads, aunt shen,, dinah lance/black canary, the superfamily but especially superman... that's it.
15. Who is their best friend? she never had any in the comics—she was pretty isolated, in the comics. in all of my hcs, though, shes friends w a lot of dc's child & teen characters.
16. Do they have any enemies? aside from the usual enemies trying to destroy the world? no, xe dont.
17. Who is the person they hate most in the world? anyone who tries to ruin people's lives is someone jenny hates... so that's a whole lot of people to list.
18. Do they have any love/hate relationships? nope!!! I mean, jenny does have a love-hate relationship w online multiplayer games, and bad movies. (the latter is more of a guilty pleasure.)
19. Have they ever fallen in love? nope... not in the comics anyway. and honestly I've never thought about this so I dont have any hc for it.
20. Who is the person they love the most in the world? xyr dads!!!
21. Does that person love them back? eyup!!!! to the point where they spoil her rotten, actually.
22. Have they ever hurt or lost anyone? well... she did kill a few villains in self defense as a child so if that counts as hurting someone then yeah, she did.... and also lost apollo when he died in orlando's midnighter & apollo comic but then he came back so there is that.
23. Are they a good shoulder to cry on? ...honestly? kind of. shes the kind of person who, if you went to her w your problems, she'll just tell you how to solve them—them she's still supportive of her friends & family, dont get me wrong, but shes first and foremost a problem solver, and shes through a whole lot of bullshit bc shes perceptive as fuck too, so she'll take your problems and tell you how to deal w them but only after you calmed down from crying your eyes out to her.
24. Are they well liked? we... never got to see that in the comics so it's up to me, again: yes, xe is.
25. How do they handle being complimented? takes it all in strides—the ego boost is nice, too, but xe doesnt let it get into xyr head. xe's humble and modest about it, basically.
26. Are they an affectionate person? with her words, yes, and sometimes even with her actions, but its only with people she knows & trusts.
27. Are they very driven? very much so.
28. What kind of state is the world that they live in? ... I mean, its complicated bc comics are like That so I've no idea. but also like, its 2020.
29. What are the world leaders like? I mean its 2020 even in the comics, so theres that.
30. Does the character worry about their place in society? no, she doesnt.
31. If they could change one thing, what would it be? bold of you to assume it would be just one thing—the thing is that xe could quite literally change reality to how xe wants it to be and no one can do anything to try and stop xyr from doing so... except xe'd hate xyrself for doing that and xyr conscious & morality is the only one thing that's really stopping xyr.
32. Do they like themselves? yes.
33. Are they a good person? yes. chaotic, but good.
34. Are they very forgiving? no lmao, xe holds grudges.
35. Do they believe in destiny? kind of yeah.
36. Are they trustworthy? absolutely.
37. Are they a good liar? no fkskxnsm she cannot lie to save herself, especially from her parents.
38. How do they react to criticism? takes them with strides, although sometimes she doesn't take it well.
39. What is their moral alignment? chaotic good.
40. Can they fight? yes. her parents sure that she took self-defense classes... from them.
41. Would they ever purposefully hurt someone? no, absolutely not. xe'll only hurt someone in self-defense or, in the case of a villain, to stop them.
42. Have they ever been seriously injured? the cut that runs through xyr eyebrow is a scar that xe got when xe slipped & fell on a rock when xe was 4 years old.
43. Do they know first aid? no.
44. Do they have any other survival skills? a lot of survival skills are literally installed into her dna dye to millenials of existence.
45. Are they a fast learner? yes but it also depends on what she's learning—the self defense lessons took a while, so did the skateboard lessons, and cooking; little things like that.
46. How intelligent are they? as intelligent as a 14 years old is.
47. What is their job? the universe's self-defense mechanism... and a middle school student.
48. Do they enjoy their job? try being a 14 years old & having the responsibility of being the self-defense mechanism of AN ENTIRE UNIVERSE on your shoulders... no she doesn't enjoy it but knows that she needs to do this.
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