#2012 spinter
Aly do u prefer yoshi + splinter being the same character or separate? could u rank the yoshis/splinters from your least favorite to most favorite? thank u!
Good question!!
Personally, I prefer it when they're the same character, it's just more interesting in my opinion. Now, that's not to say that Splinters that start out as a rat can't have cool backstories (I actually really like 03 Splinter's), but I always find myself more intrigued if they used to be human. It really allows the writers to dig into what it would be like for someone to suddenly not be human anymore. Plus the idea of a guy getting turned into a rat and then turning around and being like "I guess the only course of action is to raise four turtles in the sewers" is really funny to me. It definitely takes a specific person for that to be their first course of action.
And, of course, if he was human first that means he probably had a close relationship with Tang Shen. I wrote an entire essay on why she's such an interesting character to me so I won't get into that here, but getting to hear about her from a primary (and often biased) source is really fun. I love characters that haunt the narrative.
Now I've only ever seen Rise, 03, and MM/Tales in full. I've seen a few episodes of 2012 but 87, the comics, and all other iterations aren't gonna be included since I don't know enough about them.
Rise Splinter. What can I say. I made the Nameless Trio just to put this idiot and his friends in situations and watch how they react. His past with the Hamato Clan, the whole Lou Jitsu era, and the Battle Nexus era are all super interesting to me, plus I love reading and writing little fics where this man who had no intention of ever even interacting with a child suddenly has to raise four of them. While he's not always the best father (or the best person if we're being so real) it's clear that he loves his kids.
03 Splinter. This guy is just...the sweetest I can't even. In my opinion he's the best dad out of all the Splinters (at least the ones I've seen). I mean he literally used to be a rat, and yet is a good father even by human standards (it's my personal head canon that he had a rat family before at some point so he does have practice raising kids, but still). I love how Yoshi would just bring him literally everywhere, I love how much he cares. He's just great.
2012 Splinter. Now I know some people really hate this guy, and like I said early I haven't seen the whole series. However. This man has a cheese phone and runs on a wheel. He committed to the bit and I have to respect that. Plus, his whole backstory with Karai and Shen is super interesting to me. And in my opinion Splinter and Shredder being brothers is an elite choice. The obvious favoritism of his children isn't great, but I can appreciate a complex character.
Mutant Mayhem/Tales Splinter. I'm gonna be so honest I don't know if we've really seen enough of this guy for me to have a super concrete opinion on him. In my review of TOTTMNT I did talk about how annoying it was to have him just speak vermin, and I do still stand by that. That being said, I don't hate him. It's obvious that he cares about his kids and wants the best for him. I've seen some theories that maybe he was lying about his past and used to be Hamato Yoshi. Personally I don't buy it, but due to my personal preferences I do kinda hope that's the case lol.
This ended up being a lot longer than i thought it would be!! I hope you enjoyed me rambling about the old rat man.
Thanks for the ask!!
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sweeneydino · 4 months
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No, I will not explain myself. I have no shame.
No Splinter slander.
This is very serious.
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Something I was kind of thinking about was how Splinter & the Turtles lost their original lair towards the end of Season 2 due to the Shredder & the Foot Clan.
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In the months between the end of Season 2 & the start of the movie we see that Splinter & the Turtle’s have found a new Lair & her sort of in the process of still moving in as we can see moving boxes throughout the new Lair.
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But something that I was kind of wondering about was Splinter & the Turtle’s living situation in the time it took them to find & start moving into their new Lair & I sort of have two guesses to where they could have possibly lived during that time.
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The first possible option for where Splinter & the Turtle’s stayed before they found the new Lair could be Draxum’s apartment as not only is the apartment & area familiar to them but it would also be close to April which I think Spinter & the Turtle’s might possibly, Splinter & the Turtles living in the same apartment building as April could also possibly be considered a kind of parallel to the Mirage iteration of the Turtle’s where the Turtle’s & Splinter lived in April’s apartment after they had lost their own lair.
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The second possible option for where Splinter & the Turtle’s stayed before they found the new Lair could be Todd’s Puppy Rescue as Todd’s Puppy Rescue in Rise seems to play a similar role to the farm house in other iterations of TMNT.
In a lot of iterations of TMNT when the Turtle’s have to leave their home due to their enemies (typically due to the Foot Clan) they end up hiding out & recuperating in a farm house that either belongs to Casey’s family (such as in the Mirage & 2003 iteration of TMNT) or April’s family (such as in the 2012 & IDW iterations of TMNT) with Todd’s Puppy Rescue being the place where the Turtle’s go after they first loose the Lair in Rise it could be possible that Todd’s Puppy Rescue is the Rise version of the Farm House.
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Something else that I was kind of wondering about was Casey’s own living situation after she left the Foot Clan.
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We have briefly seen Casey’s room before in the episode Always Be Brownies but I am not really sure if Casey’s apartment has any connection to the Foot Clan or if Casey kept on living there after leaving the Foot Clan.
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Casey: I have been in training since I was seven!
We kind of know that the Foot Clan sort of raised Casey as in the episode ‘How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will’ Casey says she has been in training with the Foot since she was seven so it could be likely that the Foot Clan knew where Casey was living so Casey might have had to leave her apartment after she betrayed the Foot Clan & joined the Hamato Clan, & part of me kind of wonders if Casey possibly stayed with Splinter & the Turtle’s for a bit before she found a new place to live as well.
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The thought of Casey possibly staying in Draxum’s apartment is also kind of one that could be interesting as we never really got to see a resolution between Casey & Draxum after Draxum betrayed Casey’s trust in the episode How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will.
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April: Looks like our friend Cassandra has been busy
Also if Casey briefly lived with Splinter & the Turtles it could have also possibly given them a chance to bond in the time between the end of season 2 & the movie.
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kiwi-tmntfan · 2 years
DONNIE SAID TO SPLINTER "and yeah sure, you're a rat, and it probably would've been cooler if you were a tiger or something-" ERIC BAUZA (who voiced Spinter in Rise) ALSO VOICED TIGER CLAW IN 2012- ASKJSKJAKJ WHAT??
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
Do you like Spinter being Hamato Yoshis pet or him being Yoshi himself more ?
I really go back and forth! I like them for various reasons, especially how their traumas can explore what it means to be human.
Mirage Splinter was so determined to destroy his enemy and, later, to reach nirvana, that he was scolded by the Rat King for being akin to a war general, a neglectful guardian, a creature who didn't know how to be satisfied.
2012 Splinter and 2018 Splinter each had a lot of trouble with past human trauma and how it impacted their future and their relationships.
I like to explore how 2003 Splinter seemed to have a keen balancing act, because he managed to strive to really try to understand his kids, like Mikey's ADHD. One of my fanfics considers his early failures as a protective father and how he makes up for it.
I like reading dark or angsty fics of 2012 Splinter being ultimately human with all its fallibility.
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secretsocietyxmen · 4 years
The episode from TMNT 2012 that bothers me the most has got to be “The Pulverizer Returns”, or the weapon swap episode. Almost entirely due to how much the botch an amazing concept.
So, Splinter wants to impart the lesson that one should not over rely on a single weapon and learn to branch out. Weird time to teach them this, but it’s a solid ninja lesson on being adaptable. So, he makes them swap weapons and jump straight into a spar. This bothers me for a few reasons:
This is very off the cuff for a very important lesson
He doesn’t stop to make sure they actually know how to use each other’s weapons
He never actually trained them in each other’s weapons before now
Despite training together, sparring pretty much every day, and being out in the field together actually fighting, the brothers don’t seem to have any idea how to use the other’s weapons
So they fail. Epically. Then Splinter, in his infinite wisdom, tells them they have to continue to use weapons they don’t know how to fight with on their mission. They, of course, switch back when they realize that this is completely impractical and that they can’t fight like this.
When they get home with their normal weapons, Spinter gets pissed and just takes their weapons away for not following his admittedly dumb lesson. You know, the weapons they use to defend themselves against evil robots and fellow ninja? If you want your sons to learn a lesson, why not actually teach it to them?
So yeah, they messed up an admittedly cool story idea that I’d love to see be done properly. Due to the team not getting how to write actual martial arts.
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rayman-25 · 3 years
Podcast Adventure
Salut tout le monde, c’est encore moi Rayman20 et aujourd’hui je vais vous parler de ma deuxième saga de Podcast Adventure sur fanfiction. Attention, si vous aviez pas lues mes fanfic, sachez qu’il y auras du spoiler.
Après avoir montrer la première image de ma première saga, voici maintenant la deuxième.
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Ici, oubliger de parler de cette saga. Cette fois, il y auras trois antagonistes principal : Shredder Bill et Kraang. Comme le premiere saga, il y auras trois arc.
L’arc 4. Ici ça parlera comme dans les comics de 2011 IDW. Après que la moitié des habitants de New-York se sont transformer en mutants par Old Hob, les tortues, les Loud, les Podcast et leurs allier doivent trouver un remède pour leur rendre à leur apparence normal.
Dans l’arc 5, les tortues et April sont obliger de rester chez les Loud afin de trouver leur père adoptif Splinter après le combat face à Shredder.
Et le dernier arc de la Saga ce concentre comme dans la série de 2012. l’invasion de Kraang qui veux conquérir New-York et celle de Shredder. Ne vous faites pas avoir, car il se déroule entre hiver 2012 + 5 mois plus tard en 2013. Nos héros veilles et ils doivent trouver un moyen de sauvé les habitants de New-York et leur familles, comme dans le film Avenger Endgame. Après la défaite de Kraang, les tortues doivent faire face à Shredder, muté en super Shredder. Cette arc sortira après Rayman 4 (qui sortira après Beyond Good and evil 2 et Wald)
Saga Clan des Foots
Arc 4 : Mutant Mayhem
Chapitre inconnue : Titre pas encore inconnue annoncer (Pas encore commencer) 202X
Arc 5 : Search for Spinter
Chapitre inconnue : Titre pas encore inconnue annoncer (Pas encore commencer) 202X
Arc 6 : Survive
Chapitre inconnue : Titre pas encore inconnue annoncer (Pas encore commencer) 202X  l’écriture commencera après Rayman 4
Tome 1 : 
Et voilà pour cette saga. Une annonce à vous faire, Paramount avait annoncer qu’un nouveau des tortues ninjas en animation sortira en été 2023. Je vais vous laissez et on se dit durant Summer Game Fest 2025 pour l'Arc 6 de Podcast Adventure 2. Un jour pour l’arc 7, 8 et je pourra faire un nouveau saga de Podcast Adventure. Si vous aviez des question, dite le moi dans les commentaire.
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cremdotexe · 4 years
Lines in cartoons/anime that hit me so hard I died: The compilation
Look, I was bored.
WARNING: This post is full of spoilers from multiple series! If you plan to watch/play any of the following series, please scroll past this post! The minor spoilers are the ones that is probably not enough to give much away just by reading, Major spoilers are the one that can probably give away a major plot point, what happens in an arc, and/or a fate of a character.
Minor spoilers: Steven universe (both the original and future), The amazing world of gumball, Mao Mao: heroes of pure heart, Adventure time, Osomatsu-san.
Major spoilers: Regular show, Gravity falls, Amphibia, TMNT 2012, My hero academia (The anime), All 3 main Danganronpa games.
Alright, with that said, enjoy! (ps. this is just an excuse for me to let my inner emotional nerd out tbh)
“Did you make me just so you wouldn’t have to deal with all your mistakes? Is that all I’m here for?” - Steven (SU)
“I’m not gonna let you stand there and remind me of everything I hate about myself!” - Amethyst (SU)
I stg there are too many depressing lines in SU I can’t include them all
“I think I’ve said enough.” - Steven (SUF)
“Don’t worry Mordecai and Rigby, I know you’re sad but I promise this is a happy ending. Take care of each other, goodbye.” - Pops (Regular show)
“Actually, you know what? I wouldn’t change a thing.” - Nicole (TAWOG) (To be fair, the whole segment with Richard and Nicole in this episode, the choices, hit me pretty hard)
“When you’re not around, I actually kind of like myself. I think you’re more worried that I’ll embarass you!.” - Mao Mao (MMHOPH) (Side note, for a show about a feral gremlin cat upholding the law, Mao Mao as a character seems to have a lot of daddy issues that I can’t even begin to unpack here.)
Am I allowed to say the whole ‘I remember you’ song from adventure time? because I cried a lot listening to that. and also ‘the fries song’ is pretty rough too...and everything st-- Marceline songs.
“Stan has no idea but he saved the world, he saved me. You’re our hero Stanley.” - Stanford (Gravity falls)
“Hey Anne? Maybe you’re better off without me” - Sasha (Amphibia)
“You’ll become a finer hero than anyone else. This is the only future that shouldn’t be changed.” - Nighteye (MHA)
I also can’t pick a single line in ‘Letter’ from Osomatsu-san because that whole skit was one HELL of a ride. ‘Jyushimatsu falls in love’ from the same show is also a great contender for this list.
“Sorry man, I couldn’t keep the promise we made, from one man to another.” - Mondo (DR)
“Please Peko, don’t go. I need you! Don’t leave me!” - Fuyuhiko (SDR2)
“Gonta love you all...” - Gonta (NDRV3)
NO YOU KNOW WHAT, Danganronpa as a whole is depressing, but if I were to choose just one trial, CHAPTER 4 OF V3 EMOTIONALLY D E S T R O Y E D ME. GONTA DID NOT DESERVE IT MAN
I might make a part 2 or like, funny lines and stuff, but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head so enjoy.
cry with me maybe.
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bihedgehogs-moved · 6 years
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spudart · 6 years
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1:72 SAAB OAS 41 'Víðarr'; aircraft "23 Grey" of Skaraborgs Flygflottilj F 7, Swedish Air Force; Satenäs AB, 2014 (Whif/kit conversion) by dizzyfugu https://flic.kr/p/pAFA59 +++ DISCLAIMER +++ Nothing you see here is real, even though the conversion or the presented background story might be based historical facts. BEWARE! Some background: The Víðarr (or Vidar, "Wide ruler", a Nordic god among the Æsir associated with vengeance) or officially SAAB OAS 41 is Sweden's first manned aircraft with stealth technology, and the first aircraft of its kind in Europe in operational service. "OAS" is an abbreviation of the aircraft's primary tactical roles: "Osynlig Attack Spaning", "Unseen attack and reconnaissance missions". Much of the OAS 41's technology and elements were developed and tested on unmanned vehicles, namely SAAB's SHARC and FILUR demonstrators. SHARC (Swedish Highly Advanced Research Configuration) was an experimental unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) built by Saab AB. Since the late 90-ies SAAB had been carrying out preliminary studies about several Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) concepts but not taking them into flying demonstrators. In 2001 it was decided to start the SHARC Technology Demonstrator (SHARC TD) project. Because of a limited budget and good in-house experiences from flight tests of instrumented sub-scale aircraft, it was decided that the SHARC TD should be in 1:4 scale of the original SHARC design. One of the major goals of the project was to test the airworthiness process for a military UAV or aircraft of similar layout, and this could well be achieved even with sub scaled aircraft. Even the goal of testing a lean development process for demonstrators could be achieved in that way. The SHARC TD project was initiated in 2001 with first flight less than one year later, on February 11th 2002, with the basic version. The more advanced version made its maiden flight on April 9th 2003, less than two years after project start. In September 2003 the SHARC flew a number of missions out of visual range, ranging around 20 km from the control station location. In January 2004 the effort towards the development of the ATOL functionalities was initiated, and led to a successful flight test campaign in August 2004, during which fully autonomous mission were demonstrated, from standstill to standstill. The SHARC system was composed by two flying demonstrators (BS-001 and -002), a GCS and some GSE for engine start and cooling air supply on ground. The SHARC TD is a 60 kg jet-engine driven aircraft. The airframe was manufactured in light-weight composite materials; the airframe weighed only 8 kg (without landing gear). The payload consisted of a forward looking colour video camera. The avionic system (hardware and software) was designed and manufactured by SAAB and is based on Flight Test Instrumentation system COMET 15 used in the Gripen and Viggen fighter a/c. Before the decision to develop an in house avionic system, a market survey was conduced, but no existing system had been fulfilling specifications. Electro-optic fibres, or “fly-by-light”, were used to the actuators in order to minimize the risk for Electro Magnetic Interference. Saab and FMV’s technology demonstrator program FILUR made its first flight in 2006. FILUR’s main objective was to show the tactical importance of stealth technology applied on aerial vehicles, to gain experience and to set a foundation for stealth requirements for future aerial systems and air-surveillance systems. The focus with the FILUR program was on low signature, for both radar and IR-signature. “Static measurements of radar cross section (RCS) made late 2004 showed really good performance and corresponded with calculated data. In flight measurements of stealth performance will be done as a next step”, said Jan Boström FILUR Project Manager, Saab Aerosystems. The technology developed in FILUR would be used for future Saab systems, being UAVs or manned aircraft, which became the OAS 41 which had been under development since 2004. The SAAB OAS 41 made its maiden flight in 2012, and in early 2014 a pre-production batch of five aircraft has been assigned to Skaraborgs Flygflottilj ("Skaraborg Air Force Wing") F 7 in Satenäs, where the aircraft are operated alongside JAS 39 Gripen multi-purpose fighters for evaluation and integration. Conceptually the OAS 41 is very similar to the much earlier US-American F-117, dedicated to ground attacks with precision weapons, attacks against coastal/sea targets and reconnaissance missions. All ordnance or equipment is carried internally in a large bay which is covered by sliding doors. Typical weapons include up to three Rb 75 (AGM-65 Maverick) missiles, two GBU-12 laser-guided smart bombs or two AGM 119 "Penguin" anti-ship missiles. Iron or cluster bombs as well as pods with unguided missiles are also an option. Beyond that, the aircraft can also carry air-to-air missiles like the actice radar RB 99 (AIM-129 AMRAAM) or the IR-guided Rb 74 (AIM-9L Sidewinder), up to four of each. The OAS 41 does not feature an internal gun, even though up to two podded Mauser BK 27 cannons can be carried internally. Overall, its range of weapons is highly identical to what the JAS 39 Gripen can deploy. Alternatively to offensive loads, the OAS 41 can carry camera of sensor pallets in its belly, making it highly adaptable. It is uncertain how many aircraft wil actually be built, since the Swedish Air Force officially announced that the OAS 41 is not to replace its JAS 39 fleet, rather complement it or take over exclusive missions due to its stealth features. The type's limited performance will probably confine to a limited scope of missions, and with the running cost reductions it is not expected that more than 30 OAS 41's will ever leave the production line for the Swedish Air Force, unless it would be exported and follow in the Gripen's footsteps, but this remains doubtful. General characteristics: Crew: 1 Length: 6.70 m (21 ft 11 in) Wingspan: 18,29 m (59 ft 11 in) Height: 3,96 m (13 ft) Wing area: ~68 m² (729 ft²) Empty weight: 6.739 kg (14.844 lb) Internal fuel: 2.500 l Max. takeoff weight: 13.600 kg (29,760 lb) Powerplant: 2× Svenska Flygmotor RM13S turbofans (General Electric CF34-3S), with 4.150 each Performance: Maximum speed: 692 mph (1.115 km/h) at height Cruise speed: Mach 0.7 Landing speed: 210 km/h Range: 4.828 km (3.000 mi) with internal fuel Service ceiling: 13.381 m (43.830 ft) Rate of climb: 60 m/s (11.811 ft/min) Armament: Up to 3.000 kg of ordnance, all carried in a ventral bomb bay, including air-to-ground and air-to-air missile, smart and iron bombs, gun and rocket pods, ECM equipment and pallets with cameras and sensors for reconnaissance missions. The kit and its assembly: This stealth aircraft is basically a scale-o-rama project: it is a Dragon B-2 bomber in 1:200 scale turned into a 1:72 scale aircraft. What sounds easy is more complex than it appears: you need a cockpit with a proper canopy, the landing gear has to be adjusted and there are many small details that need attention. For the cockpit installation I decided to implant a complete X-32 section from a Revell kit, it replaces the complete B-2 spine. It appears a bit bulgy, but upon close inspection of the potential internal layout I found that you can either have a flush canopy OR a bomb bay. Since I wanted to keep the latter (and enlarged it), the cockpit went a bit higher. As a result, the original X-32 canopy looked much to bulbous, it was way too high. Searching through the spares pile I eventually turned up an old F-18B canopy, which, reversed and cut into shape, could be transplanted onto the X-32's cockpit frame, even tough some sculpting at the rear was necessary. Since the F-18 canopy had some glue stains I had to sand and polish it, and as a final coat I decided to apply some light brown translucent paint. Fit is not 100%, though, but it looks good now. The high cockpit necessitated some visual counter-balance at the rear. Originally I had hoped to keep the OAS 41 fin-free, but I eventually dug out a pair of F-117 fins that were cut down in length and glued to the airframe, slightly canted outwards. The landing gear is all new. The massive front strut comes from a F-117, the wheel from the X-32. The front well was enlarged, as good as possible, but it is still too short... don't lokk there closely. ;) The main landing gear struts were taken from the X-32, while the wheels come from the F-117. The wells were lengthened at the rear, so that the longer legs find enough space. The B-2's original bomb bay was cut out and replaced by a completely scratched interior that allows the carriage of a pair of laser-guided bombs, which come from the scrap box. The exhaust slits were modified, too. They were made wider, and inside a kind of ramps were added - the original 1:200 B-2 has nothing inside. For the same reason I also added light blocks, pieces of dark grey foamed plastic, inside of the air intakes and the exhausts. Finally, at the aircraft's front, some pitots were added, but that's all since the overall hull was to remain clean. Painting and markings: I originally had the plan to make this a Japanese aircraft, but then I decided to make it a (kind of) tribute to the innovative Swedish aircraft industry - the SAAB OAS was born, and it was to carry an appropriate, if not odd, paint scheme. Even though "Fields & Meadows", made popular by the Saab 37 Viggen, was an option, I did not want to copy that style. But an angular scheme appeared logical as to confuse the aircraft contours. The splinter paint scheme I eventually settled upon was vaguely inspired by Norwegian "Skjold" class coastal patrol ships, which have stealthy hulls and carry a three-colored spinter scheme in grey, sand and dark brown. Odd for a ship, one might say, but in front of the typical Norwegian rocky coastline, it is highly effective, and even on the open sea, viewed from above, it is not a bad scheme at all. The pattern was vaguely lent from the Skjold boats, and I used different tones which would IMHO be more versatile: a reddish brown (WWII French Earth Brown), Field Grey and Olive Drab, in a wraparound scheme. Together with the edgy shape of the aircraft this turned out to be pretty effective - a bit of a surprise! The rest was rather straightforward: white for the air intakes and the landing gear, the cockpit and the bomb bay were painted in Neutral Grey. The pair of internal GBU-12s was painted in light grey, a typical tone for such weapons in Swedish use witn the JAS 39 Gripen. The kit received a light black ink washing and some panel painting with lighter shades of the basic tone, just to amphasize contours and simulate some structure and acccess panels esp. in the engine area. After decal application (puzzled together, among others, from an Italeri JAS 39 Gripen) the kit was sealed with Revell's matt acrylic varnish. In the end, a rather simple whif - I am not a friend of stealth aircraft, since they are IMHO boring. The splinter scheme changes this a bit, and the high cockpit does not look that bad at all, even though the original X-32 canopy looked REALLY weird.
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tmntheadcanons173 · 7 years
Top Five Things that Make TMNT (2012) Utterly Horrible
A quick list of things that irk me about tmnt (2012) in no particular order. Also, I do not hate this series, I love it to bits, but there's quite a few bad things about it: 1. Toy gimmicks We all remember the filler episode where the turtle blimp was introduced. Or... Do we? The turtle blimp and many other inventions, characters, and items are used as toy gimmicks in tmnt. They're used once or twice, but never spoken of again, so we sadly sit there with our cheap plastic toys, wondering /why/ we spent $50 on a toy that was only shown once. 2. Fat "annoying" characters This is one that hits close to home, as I'm not exactly fit myself. Each character that is chubby or overweight is shown as either a bad or annoying character. Timothy is a great example. He's chubby and shown as an annoying and overbearing character that the turtles seem to downright despise. While I personally think he's awesome, most people do not care for him. But come on, if any of us met the turtles, we'd probably act jumpy and excited, too, and want to impress them. Another example is the fat old man who mutated into Spiderbite. He even has a bit of his stomach hanging over his pants. He's shown as an irritating and rude character. Everyone else in the show, who is skinny/fit, is usually shown as cool/wanted. 3. Animation flaws Is it just me, or the series's animation can be really shitty sometimes? The baby turtles episode made me cringe so hard, due to the way the turtles were shown, and GOD the voice acting is so horrible I wanted to cry. I know it could be cute in some aspects, but you have to agree with me when I say it could have been better. Usually, the animation is flawless and amazing, but if you re-watch the series, you'll catch a few mistakes and weird things during the episodes. 4. Ships Oh. My. God. The ships in this fandom are just,,, ugh. You guys know how much I hate Apriltello, so I'll only add that it's an abusive and horrible relationship that wants to make me barf. However, I can admit that the fanart is adorable. Kudos to you guys. The incest ships.... No. If you know me, you know I'm an open person and won't kick your ass if you ship a certain ship. I do dislike Apriltello, but I respect your ship and won't drool on you for liking it. However! If you ship incest, please unfollow my blog and reconsider what you're doing with life. This is not something you can argue. You cannot say "But you just gotta respect their ship!" No. Stop. This is the exact same thing as shipping an old man with a five year old girl. It's not okay in any sort of way. It's not cute, fluffy, sweet, or adorable. Siblings should NOT like each other in a sexual/romantic way. I shouldn't even have to say this, because it's so horrible, who would want to ship that?? How would you like it if someone shipped you are your sibling (or parent, if you don't have a sibling.) 5. Females in TMNT As a female, it physically PAINS me to see the array of females we have on the show. Let's have a look, shall we? April- Ah, yes, the queen bitch. She's a downright Mary Sue and while she could possibly be seen as a "badass, stubborn, cool girl," she's mainly stuck up and rude. She's yelled at Master Splinter, broke Donatello's heart so many times, he's now calling himself a freak, has super powers, nobody hates/dislikes her anymore, I could go on and on. Karai- Karai is definitely one of my favorite characters. She's independent, strong, and doesn't take shit, while not doing it in a snotty way, but also adding to her "Stubborn (in a good way) and rebellious teen girl," persona. The only thing I dislike is the Leo x Karai ship. It was cute at first, but became annoying to me very quick. It irked me that Karai, a badass and strong female, had yet again been paired with a male. Irma- Poor Irma. Sweet, sweet Irma. The first female that didn't have a love interest was actually a kranng. Of course. Her character was okay, it wasn't amazing, but wasn't bad. I feel like she could have been better, however. Tang Shen- Love interest and plot pusher. She could have been explored as her own character, but she was only used to develop Spinter's backstory. I do, however, think she's pretty damn awesome from what we saw of her. Mona Lisa- She's awesome! She's badass! She's sassy! She's kind and merciful! Buuutt, she's also Raph's pairing. No surprise there. Like always, the tmnt series drags in another "Blast From the Past," Easter egg, and totally ruins it. After becoming a love interest, Mona loses what makes her so awesome. Her persona is drained and becomes shriveled so badly, that I honestly wish she wasn't even in the series at all. If she wasn't a love interest, though, I'd love her to bits. Renet- How??? Do??? You??? Spell??? Her??? Name??? Anyways, yuck. Don't like her. Not in any way. She's a cute dork, I'll give her that, but god, her pairing with Mikey makes me barf. She has barley any quirks and anything special about her. The only thing about her that sticks out is that she likes Mikey. That's literally it. They could have done so much with her, but they failed terribly at this character. Shinigarmi- Hold on, I think I found another long and hard to spell name, maybe even worse than Renet. Anyways! I love her! She's great and awesome! I'm going to shove away her ship with Mikey, because that make me so fucking pissed because we literally cannot have ONE female without her being paired! But besides that, she's awesome. Her personality is defined and sharp. I love her connection with Karai, too, it really helps bring out a better side in her. Bigfoot- I'm not even going to say anything. This episode was a shit storm that I wish never existed. God help us all.
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dulichplusblog-blog · 7 years
Bí quyết lựa chọn đúng công ty cho thuê xe du lịch uy tín
New Post has been published on https://dulichplus.vn/cong-ty-cho-thue-xe-du-lich-uy-tin.html
Bí quyết lựa chọn đúng công ty cho thuê xe du lịch uy tín
Bạn đang băn khoăn trong việc thuê xe du lịch? Các công ty cho thuê xe du lịch luôn được nhiều du khách lựa chọn vì tính thuận tiện của nó, tuy nhiên không phải công ty cho thuê xe nào cũng như nhau.
Dưới đây là một số lời khuyên giúp bạn lựa chọn đúng đơn vị cho thuê xe du lịch cho kỳ nghỉ tuyệt vời của mình!
Những yếu tố tạo nên 1 đơn vị cho thuê xe du lịch uy tín
Sử dụng dòng xe đời mới, cao cấp
Trên thị trường cho thuê xe du lịch hiện nay, chỉ có số ít đơn vị trang bị những dòng xe cao cấp, đời mới. Phần lớn là những dòng xe cũ, chật hẹp. Bởi vậy khi thuê xe, bạn nên hỏi rõ dòng xe gì, đời xe bao nhiêu…?
Dưới đây là những dòng xe du lịch từ đời cũ đến đời mới đang được vận hành bởi nhiều hãng xe du lịch để bạn tham khảo lựa chọn phù hợp với nhu cầu của mình.
– Dòng xe 16 chỗ:
Xe đời mới: Ford Transit 16 chỗ đời 2016 – 2017
Xe đời cũ: Ford Transit 16 chỗ đời 2012 – 2014, Mercedes Spinter đời 2010.
– Dòng xe 29 chỗ:
Xe đời mới: Thaco Town 29 chỗ đời 2016 – 2017, Isuzu Samco Felix 29 chỗ đời 2016.
Xe phổ thông, ghế ngồi chật hẹp: Hyundai Country 24 chỗ, 29 chỗ.
– Dòng xe 45 chỗ:
Xe đời mới: Hyundai Universe 45 chỗ đời 2010 trở về sau
Xe đời cũ: Hyundai Space 45 chỗ, Hyundai Hi – Class 45 chỗ.
Hình ảnh, nội thất xe rõ ràng
Khi bạn thuê xe du lịch nên lựa chọn những đơn vị có hình ảnh xe, nội thất phải rõ ràng, xe có logo càng tốt. Vì đó là những đơn vị cho thuê xe du lịch uy tín nên sẽ đảm bảo hơn.
Nếu bạn để ý, có thể thấy rằng nhiều website của nhiều công ty cho thuê xe du lịch sử dụng chung 1 hình ảnh được lấy từ internet, đa phần đều là hình ảnh xe cũ và không phân biệt đâu là xe đời mới hay xe cũ.
Mức giá cho thuê xe du lịch của những đơn vị này có thể rẻ hơn nhưng làm sao để tin tưởng răng đây chính là dịch vụ cung cấp cho bạn một chiếc xe tốt, trong khi trên website hình ảnh của những chiếc xe cho thuê được lấy hoàn toàn từ trên Internet và không có logo thật sự rõ ràng? Chưa kể việc cam kết sai dòng xe cho thuê hoặc không đón khách!
Tài xế có chuyên môn, nghiệp vụ
Tất nhiên! Tài xế là một yếu tố quan trọng quyết định của chuyến đi của bạn. Dù xe có tốt đến đâu đi chăng nữa mà tài xế không có thái độ hợp tác thì xem như chuyến đi của bạn đã mất niềm vui.
Một điều khá quan trọng, những tài xế chạy xe giá rẻ là những tài xế quen chạy xe khách, xe đưa rước công nhân viên, học sinh… Họ tranh thủ chạy xe du lịch hợp đồng vào các dịp cuối tuần, các dịp lễ để kiếm thêm thu nhập. Chính vì thế phong cách và kinh nghiệm không thể chuyên nghiệp và thân thiện như đội ngũ tài xế của các hãng xe du lịch chuyên nghiệp được.
Có hợp đồng cho thuê xe
Khi thuê xe du lịch, bạn nên đọc kỹ tất cả các nội dung có trong Hợp đồng cho thuê xe hoặc Phiếu xác nhận đặt xe.
Với việc xem trước hợp đồng một cách thật kỹ lưỡng trước khi đăng ký có thể làm cho bạn có thêm thời gian để có thỏa thuận cùng với nhà xe về những điều mà mình thấy còn chưa hợp lý. Để tránh sau này xảy ra mâu thuẫn mất lòng cả 2 bên.
Những nội dung cần phải có trong hợp đồng hoặc phiếu xác nhận đặt xe như:
Thông tin dòng xe cần thuê: Yêu cầu ghi rõ loại xe, đời xe bao nhiêu?
Những cam kết của đơn vị cho thuê xe: Đền bù thiệt hại nếu không cung cấp đúng dòng xe, đời xe hoặc thậm chí không đón khách như yêu cầu.
Cần lưu ý: Mọi trường hợp đặt thuê xe, bạn đều cần làm việc, trao đổi qua Email hoặc phải có hợp đồng đóng mộc, Phiếu thu, Phiếu xác nhận đặt xe đầy đủ thông tin. Để sau này nếu có công ty cho thuê xe du lịch không thực hiện đúng như cam kết thì bạn còn có bằng chứng.
Những yếu tố khác
Một công ty cho thuê xe du lịch uy tín & chuyên nghiệp sẽ có đồng phục nhân viên. Tất cả xe đều dán logo, địa chỉ công ty, hình ảnh xe luôn rõ ràng.
Khi nhân viên đến thu tiền cọc phải phiếu thu đóng mộc đi kèm, tư vấn, cung cấp được những thông tin mà bạn yêu cầu.
Giá cho thuê xe du lịch
Đa phần nhiều người khi thuê xe sẽ tìm và so sánh giá giữa nhiều công ty cho thuê xe du lịch và đưa ra quyết định phù hợp nhất của mình.
Nếu bạn thuê được 1 chiếc xe cao cấp, đời mới với mức giá rẻ so với thị trường thì đó là điều rất tốt. Vẫn biết rằng khi thuê xe, mua sắm hay sử dụng bất kỳ một sản phẩm, dịch vụ nào thì mỗi chúng ta đều muốn trả 1 mức giá thấp phù hợp nhất. Tuy nhiên, vẫn có nhiều vấn đề đáng tiếc đã xảy ra khiến DuLichPlus.vn khuyên bạn không nên thuê xe giá quá rẻ, bởi vì:
Xe giá rẻ hầu hết là những dòng xe đời cũ với thời hạn sử dụng đã lâu nên nhiều trang thiết bị, máy móc xuống cấp dễ làm bạn cảm thấy không được thoái mải, mệt mỏi khi đi trên xe. Đặc biệt trên xe thường hay có mùi hôi gây khó chịu.
Các loại xe giá rẻ dễ bị hỏng hóc, gặp sự cố trên đường đi như: tắt máy giữa đường, đứt thắng (phanh), xe sẽ bị rung lắc mạnh khi đi qua đoạn đường xấu.
Những hãng xe giá rẻ thường bị áp lực về thời gian vì phải nhận nhiều chuyến liên tục nên tài xế thường có tâm lý phóng nhanh, vượt ẩu để về kịp giờ đón đoàn khác gây mất an toàn cho chuyến đi của bạn.
Nhiều hãng xe giá rẻ thường ít chú trọng đầu tư đào tạo đội ngũ tài xế nên dễ gặp phải những tài xế thô lỗ và thiếu thân thiện với khách hàng.
Hơn thế nữa! Khi thuê xe giá rẻ, nếu đến sát ngày đi nhà xe có được khách hàng tốt hơn, có thể họ sẽ sẵn sàng bỏ qua bạn để phục vụ khách hàng mới. Lúc đó, quả thật sẽ không tốt chút nào cho cả 2 bên.
Trên đây là những chia sẻ chân thành của DuLichPLus.vn, hy vọng rằng bạn sẽ cân nhắc cẩn thận khi muốn tìm một công ty cho thuê xe du lịch uy tín & chuyên nghiệp.
Bạn đang ở TPHCM và băn khoăn chưa biết đơn vị nào uy tín có thể tham khảo bài viết Top 10 công ty cho thuê xe uy tín tại TPHCM mà DuLichPlus.vn chia sẻ trước đó nhé! Hy vọng bạn sẽ tìm được cho mình 1 đơn vị cho thuê xe uy tín và có những chuyến du lịch an toàn, vui vẻ bên gia đình, người thân!
Tham khảo: Thuê xe giá rẻ – Đáng mừng hay đáng lo?
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mrcutfish · 7 years
XTOOL X100 PAD2 Oil Reset Functions Introduction
X-100 PAD2 is the first tablet key programmer in the world! It not only provides customers with professional key programming, but also the most needed special functions for workshop.
XTOOL X-100 PAD2 Oil Reset Functions Features: Innovative one-click oil reset for VW, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Seat, Skoda, Volvo, etc. Support engine oil, spark plugs, front brake pads, back brake pads, air conditioner, brake liquid, coolant liquid, vehicle checking , etc. resetting for BMW. And the supported BMW models are F01/F02/F03/F04/F07/F10/F11/F12/F13/F18/F20/F30, etc. Support Mercedes Benz new C Class, E Class models and Mercedes Benz VITO/VIANO/SPINTER. Support the lifespan percentage resetting of engine oil for Buick, Cadillac etc.  Support Porsche Cayenne, Panamera till 2012 Support maintenance light reset for Volvo, Land Rover. Xtool x100 pad2 detail info:http://www.uobdii.com/wholesale/xtool-x-100-pad-2.html Article form:http://tech-and-support-for-obd2.webnode.com/blog/
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ao3feed-tmnt2k12 · 7 years
Stained Bandages
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2DyeYWG
by Sanjuno
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. When something threatens his brothers, Hamato Leonardo will stop at nothing to remove the threat.
(A realistic look on what would happen if Splinter was actually an abusive parent to the turtles.)
Words: 2140, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Splinter (TMNT), Leonardo (TMNT), Raphael (TMNT), Donatello (TMNT), Michelangelo (TMNT), Karai (TMNT), Tiger Claw (TMNT)
Relationships: Donatello & Leonardo & Michelangelo & Raphael (TMNT), Karai & Tiger Claw
Additional Tags: Evil!Spinter, Abusive!Spinter, Splinter is the character death by the way, Fix-It of Sorts, Drawn out darkfic isn't my jam, So this is short and sweet and to the point, pun intended, I intended that pun so hard, post-mortem decapitation
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2DyeYWG
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