#if there's anything I'm missing tell me and I'll add it
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cussundria-nerd-kneal · 2 days ago
"Let me show you my home country!"
Show WHAT, Harding? A scorched, dead wasteland? Dead, rotting corpses? Faimen? Plague? Ash choked sky? All you'll be camping in will be ash and horror...
I'm so freaking pissed they leveled the Hinterlands and all of Southern Fereldan. I LOVED the Hinterlands in DAI. Not ironically, its my favorite area. And then just... pretended everything was hunky-dory!
Like, it would have been better writting if Harding and Emmrich would have been gearing up for it, and it was going to be a SOLEM trip. One they're both prepared for it to be a harrowing and draining endeavor to endure. Like, have it go along the lines of: "Thank you for agreeing to come with me to check on my mom, Emmrich. It... means a lot."
"Oh of COURSE, my dear! I wouldn't miss it! I'm sure there will be lots to--"
"*Emmrich...* It's not going to be easy. It's going to be-- *voice cracks*.... It's not a fun get away camping trip. We might be fighting through undead, demons. Or maybe we wont encounter anything at all, except Mom."
"... I know, Lace. I apologize, I was trying to add some levity and excitement to the trip... But that was incredibly insensitive of me. I am sorry."
"Its alright. I'll tell you what used to be there? If the landmarks are still... you know. Still there."
"I would cherish every story you would deem to share with me. Every memory."
Fix up the dialogue, give a nod of respect for your own lore you JUST created in your world, and then the scene doesn't need to changed, the 'camping trip' doesn't need to be scrapped. (But then that begs the question of why the hell isn't Rook and the rest of the gang going with them, but that's besides the point. I personally would make very different writing choices... like giving the OG Dragon Age dev team the freedom to make their passion project in peace.)
A prime example of veilguard adding insult to injury is being told that the entirety of southern thedas is dead and gone and then later having to sit through a cutscene where two companions plan a camping trip to the hinterlands. In southern thedas. The place that has, off screen, been scorched off the face of the planet. A camping trip.
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nocreativityfornames · 1 year ago
Everything we know about Solomon so far, lore wise.
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➤ He's humanity's most powerful sorcerer (swd: 2-A) and one of RAD's first exchange students who has pacts with 72 different demons (swd: 2-2), two of which are Asmodeus and Barbatos (swd: 2-A).
➤ He was the one to rescue MC from Lucifer when the demon was threatening them during the dance party at the retreat, and when MC asked him how to control a demon who's in a pact with them, Solomon explained that they didn't have the magic abilities to that yet but lent them his powers, saying he was "interested to know what would happen if he did." (swd: 8-8) And his powers came in handy later on when MC and the others were escaping from Henry 1.0 and MC used his borrowed powers to summon Asmodeus and charm the giant snake. (swd: 8-13)
➤ He's in possession of the Ring of Wisdom, which grants him the power to control demons. It was given to him by Michael himself, as a way to help Solomon during a time when he was feeling "lost." (swd: 29-5)
➤ He made himself immortal by accident while researching new forms of magic and as a result of it, can no longer grow old or die. (swd: 36-3)
➤ He was the first to suspect that MC's powers were becoming a threat to the three realms when he connected MC's return to the Human World to the "natural disasters" that started happening in ancient locations that were connected to the other realms. And to test if his hypothesis was correct, he brought them to Devildom with him. (swd: 37-4)
➤ Being the one to find out about MC's "situation", he was also the one who told Diavolo and Barbatos about it (swd: 37-4). For a while, they were the only ones who knew, as the prince decided to keep it a secret until there was solid proof that MC was the cause of the disasters happening around them. Eventually, though, Solomon was able to convince Diavolo that it was a good idea to tell Simeon, making him the fourth to know. (swd: 32-16)
➤ After giving it some thought, he decided to go against Diavolo's request and tell MC about their powers anyway. He was beginning to tell them when Lucifer fainted, affected by MC's powers (swd: 36-18). The secret was out to everyone then.
➤ He stole the Night Dagger - the item that was supposed to be used on MC to sever their pacts with the brothers when their powers were proven to be a threat to everyone and everything around them - from Thirteen's cave. (swd: 37-9)
➤ When he found out that to use the Night Dagger to save the three worlds he needed to kill a high-ranking demon with it first he made a plan to kill Lucifer himself, but the idea of MC hating him because of it made him change his mind. (swd: 38-15)
➤ He took MC as his apprentice to help them learn how to control their powers (swd: 38-19) and from then on became their teacher, guiding them through the journey of becoming a full-fledged sorcerer.
➤ According to Michael, he's a decent human with a good head on his shoulders, but can be even more troublesome than demons at times. "He acts as if he understands his own powers, but he doesn't." The angel tells MC - who had been sent back in time to when the brothers were still angels in the Celestial Realm through a dream due to eating Solomon's cooking - before bringing them back home. (swd: 44-18)
➤ He founded the Sorcerers’ Society with one of his past apprentices who he later had a strong disagreement with, which led to Solomon distancing himself from the society. (swd: 45-4)
➤ His pact with Asmodeus was made in a tavern long long ago while the brother was drunk out of his mind. (swd: 53-16) Solomon saw that the demon was in no coherent state and took advantage of that to propose a pact between the two of them. (nb: 6-18 and 17-13)
➤ He met Barbatos even before he met Asmodeus when he risked death to summon the butler (swd: 53-16), desperately needing his powers to control time for reasons that are still unknown (swd: 49-A).
➤ He has Barbatos' grimoire, which the butler gave to him himself out of trust and respect for him. (swd: 53-16)
➤ After MC completed their trials to become a sorcerer and before the brothers left the Human World, he gave MC a sorcerer's ring. (swd: 59-11)
➤ When teleported away by Barbatos as punishment for summing him, he found himself in a dining room where Diavolo and Simeon were arguing over which side should be the one to “guide” humanity, demons or angels. They asked Solomon to make a choice but he told them that humans don't need their protection, claiming that he wants humanity to be free and that's part of an agreement he has with someone. Then, everything goes black and an unknown voice ( who we later find out is Nightbringer ) accuses Solomon of being “difficult” and tells him that things would be easier if he chose his side, even bringing up MC to ask if the sorcerer would change his mind if his apprentice was to “get caught up in the middle of it.” In response Solomon asks if that's a threat and tells Nightbringer that he's acting like a demon, explaining later that he knows MC wants the same thing as him. The voice calls him overconfident for this, saying that Solomon is sure to the point where he becomes arrogant, and tells him that he is the one behaving like a demon. Solomon isn't surprised by this, replying that it's to be expected considering that Nightbringer is “the one who made him who he is today.” (nb: 9-A and 10-A)
➤ He met Thirteen when he was still a child, and she wasn't even an apprentice reaper yet. The meeting was a surprise to both of them but to Solomon even more, who shrieked in terror when he saw her. According to her, Solomon's soul was as bright as MC's back then, but ever since becoming "The Witty Sorcerer" that changed and it no longer sparkles the same way. (nb: 11-10)
➤ Thirteen blames Barbatos for how much he changed. She told MC that Solomon used to be very lovable and innocent when he was younger, but that Barbatos let him experience whatever he wanted and that's the reason why nothing scares or fazes him anymore. (nb: 11-10)
➤ Although he's immortal there are still ways to kill Solomon by using certain magic and cursed items, and Thirteen is waiting for the day he dies to have his soul. (nb: 11-10)
➤ He was given the title of “the Witty Sorcerer” by Barbatos when the demon brought him to the Fountain of Knowledge for the first time while Solomon was on the verge of death. Barbatos then declared that the human was supposed to protect the spring, and Solomon stayed there until his wounds were healed. (nb: 11-10)
➤ He was raised in a place where magic was a thing to be feared and people were locked up and killed for simply having been rumored to have been seen using it. For that reason, Solomon's parents locked him in a basement away from the world when he started developing magic skills as a child out of fear of what the townsfolk could do to him and the rest of the family if they knew. (nb: 14-14)
➤ While locked away Solomon had a friend ( most likely another child ) who would visit him every now and then and chat with him through the bars of the window in the basement. Something happened to that friend, but Solomon couldn't bring himself to say what. (nb: 14-14 and 14-16)
➤ His life goal is to be powerful enough to protect humanity and to create a world where humans demons and angels can finally stand as equals (nb: 14-14 and 14-16), as opposed to now where humans are seen as an inferior race that to one side ( demons ) is prey and to the other ( angels ) are weaker beings that must be protected. That's also why he's determined to continue to make pacts with powerful demons such as Lucifer, to obtain more power from those pacts.
➤ In a book Satan found there is a passage about Solomon that reads: "Long ago, in a corner of the human world, a sorcerer of rare and extraordinary power was born. He was extremely unique, both in power and nature. As such, he was unable to find a place within human society, and was persecuted by his people, who refused to accept such an aberration. For quite some time he fought to suppress his own power; until he could do so no longer, and lost control. He ended up causing tremendous damage and destruction to the human world." "Once it became clear that the sorcerer posed a threat not just to humans, but to all three worlds, a lone demon appeared before him, offering him guidance. The demon made him guardian of the Fountain of Knowledge and gave him a new lease on life. And so, as the freshly minted protector of knowledge itself, he was thereafter known as 'the wise sorcerer, a title he retains to this day." (nb: 16-4)
➤ He fought a war against the Devildom by himself. (nb: 7-8) It started with Solomon proposing to the Demon King that the demonic realm partnered up with him and demons worked under him to further the Human World’s development, which angered the king and gave start to the war, which lasted 7 days. (nb card: "unforgettable past")
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rotisseries · 1 year ago
omg guys my narines playlist fucks so hard
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xoheewon · 8 months ago
first time
heeseung x virgin f!reader genre: smut, fluff warnings: cursing, unprotected sex, cunnilingus, fellatio, fingering wc: 2.2k
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Being a virgin in college has never been an issue for you. You don't feel embarrassed or ashamed, but you do feel left out.
All your friends constantly talk about their hookups and how amazing sex is.
At first, you figured it couldn't be that great, but as time continued you couldn't help but feel like you were missing out on something good.
“Don't feel left out Y/N, sex isn't always great,” Giselle says, putting her hand on your shoulder.
You and the girls were in your room, studying together.
“But you guys always talk about how great it is!”
“Well, it can be, with a person who knows what they're doing. We've all had our dud hookups with a guy who didn't know jack,” Karina adds. 
Winter butt's in, nodding her head, “I once had sex with this guy who was so quick to cum, I hadn't even taken my panties off yet. Then when he actually got his dick in me, he finished and didn't even get me off, I had to fake it.”
“Well how do you know if a guy knows what to do?” You ask, looking at Ningning who clears her throat. 
“You can't really tell just by looking at them, it usually comes down to how they act in the bedroom. If they worry about your pleasure as much as your own, I'd say they're pretty alright,” she says.
The girls all nod, agreeing. Karina pats your knee, “When the time comes and you feel like you're ready, the right person will be there.”
After they left, you thought about their words and they're right. When it's the right time and the right person, you'll be ready. You decide to shower and put pajamas on as it gets later.
Afterwards, you can hear the doorknob of the front door opening, your roommate must be home.
Heeseung is a nice guy. He's a year older, a senior who had been looking for a roommate to replace his old one. You, at the time, had been looking to move out of your parents house. 
You had a mutual friend, Sunghoon, who introduced you and within a week you had moved in. 
It's been a year now and living with Heeseung has been great. 
He's sweet, clean and respectful.
Unfortunately, he's also very hot.
You can't lie and say you haven't had a wet dream or two about him. 
Waking up with arousal pooling in your underwear is not the most comfortable feeling.
He comes in as you're sitting on the couch, greeting you cheerfully, “Hey Y/N!”
“Hi! It's late, what have you been up to?”
“I was just with the hottest girl, I was in heaven.”
“Oh, good for you,” you say, your smile faltering. 
“What about you, what did you do?”
You wave your hand, “The girls just came over to study.”
He nods, “I'm gonna go shower, you wanna watch a movie? Order dinner?”
You nod, watching as he retreats to the bathroom.
You sigh as the door closes.
Heeseung has probably had sex with a number of girls. He wouldn't want someone like you who's never done anything sexual.
15 minutes pass and you've been scrolling on the phone when the bathroom door opens again.
Heeseung comes out but he's not clothed.
His towel hangs around his hips, dangerously low.
You can't help the heat rising to your cheeks.
“What do you want for dinner? I'll order on my phone now,” you say, looking back down at your phone quickly.
His footsteps approach you as he hums, “You wanna get chinese?”
You see his feet in front of you as you look up.
He's right in front of you, water dripping on his body. His lean but toned chest glistens in the light of the living room.
“Or,” his hand comes up to cup your chin, “I could give you something else for dinner.”
“What are you implying?” You ask, stopping yourself from nuzzling into his hand.
“Come on, you know what I'm talking about. I've heard your pretty little whimpers and moans in your sleep when you're dreaming about me, waking up with your underwear soaked.”
You gulp, “I'm sorry.”
“What are you sorry for,” he says, “If anything I should be honored to have a pretty girl dream about me.”
You look down but he raises your chin back up. “Heeseung, you don't want anything to do with me. The farthest I've ever gone with a guy was making out. I can’t offer you anything.”
He smiles, “That's even better, means I get to show you what real pleasure feels like. Do you want that?”
Maybe this is your right person and right time.
You nod, “Can I..?” You trail off, gesturing to his towel.
He undoes the towel and his cock springs up.
His tip is red and you can't help how your mouth begins to salivate. 
“You wanna suck my cock, pretty girl?”
You nod your head and he chuckles.
He takes his hand and places it in front of your mouth, “Spit.”
You gather all the spit in your mouth before depositing it in his hand.
He begins to lather his cock, and you feel yourself begin to salivate even more.
“Hold it with your hand like this,” he says, guiding your hand to hold him.
He's warm in your hand and he guides you up and down his cock. 
“Now, start with the tip.”
You lay your tongue flat against the tip, licking around it albeit apprehensively.
Now, you may have never done this before but you've done your fair share of research.
You dip your tongue into his slit before swirling it around, collecting his pre-cum.
Heeseung groans from above you, bringing a hang up to wrap it in your hair.
You pull away for a moment before placing a delicate kiss on the tip which makes him chuckle.
“Start putting some of the length in your mouth, don't rush.”
You do as he says, using your tongue to lick the underside of his cock.
Once you become comfortable, you take more of him into your mouth, placing your hand where you can't take him.
“Now start bobbing your head and hollow your cheeks, that's all there is to it, pretty girl.”
You start sucking him off eagerly, whining as you feel yourself getting wetter by the second.
Heeseung moans from above you, “That's it, you're a natural.”
You go at him until your jaw begins to hurt and by then, Heeseung is tightening his grip on your hair. 
“I'm gonna cum, where do you want it?”
You pull off his cock with a pop, lolling your tongue out and continuing to jerk him off.
He smiles, “You're driving me crazy, pretty girl.”
Then, he's coming in your mouth, it's almost too much.
You swallow, not minding the taste. If anything you're proud that you made him cum.
He takes over jerking his cock to get himself hard again. 
“Can I do something?” He asks, and you nod.
“Lay back on the couch,” he says, “Gonna make you feel good.”
You do as you're told, getting comfortable. 
Heeseung gets on the couch facing you, trailing his fingers up your legs.
His hands reach your pajama top, “Can I take this off?” 
You nod, throwing your arms above your head as he begins to slide it off.
Your bare tits present themselves to him and his hands immediately come up to grope them.
His head dips, mouth coming to suck on your left nipple. 
You moan in pleasure, your hands coming to run themselves through his hair.
He twirls your other nipple between his fingers before switching.
“Such perfect tits, can't believe you've been hiding these from me.”
His mouth drops lower, kissing his way down your stomach before his lips reach the waistband of your shorts.
He looks up at you for permission and you give it to him.
Heeseung pulls your shorts and panties down, gazing at your dripping cunt.
“Such a pretty pussy, I never thought I'd get to see it.”
You blush, hands coming up to cover your face.
“Don't hide from me, I wanna see your beautiful face,” he says, pulling them away.
He lowers his face parallel to your cunt, blowing hot air on it, making you shiver.
“Heeseung-” You gasp as his tongue makes contact with your folds. 
He starts eating you out like a starved man.
His tongue finds you clit, massaging the nub, sucking on it.
Your back arches, your hands finding his hair once again.
“Oh my god, Heeseung!”
Finding your hole, he tenses his tongue, fucking it inside.
You've never felt pleasure like this.
Sure, you've masturbated, but this is a whole new world.
Heeseung switching between tongue fucking you and sucking your clit.
He brings a long, slender finger to your hole, letting your arousal coat it before slipping it inside. After a few minutes, he adds another finger, using them to open you up along with his tongue.
You can feel warmth pooling in your stomach, you know you're close.
“I'm gonna cum, Seungie,” you whine, bucking your hips up against his face.
“Cum for me,” he says, sighing as your release coats his tongue, face and fingers.
The lewd slurping sounds make your face hot as he inhales everything you give him.
As he pulls away, the lower part of his face is wet with your release and he doesn't hesitate to collect it on his fingers, sucking them into his mouth.
“You taste amazing, I could stay in that pussy for hours.”
“I've never felt anything like that before,” you say, breathing heavily.
“Do you wanna stop here? We don't have to continue if you're not ready,” he says, caressing your face.
You shake your head, “Want your cock, Seungie.”
He groans at your words, “Fuck, you're driving me crazy.”
You giggle, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him closer.
He takes his cock into his hand, rubbing it up and down your folds, making you whine as his tip continuously hits your puffy clit.
He saturates himself with your juices, before positioning himself at your entrance.
You nod at him and he slowly begins to enter you.
Inch by inch you feel the stretch, wincing slightly.
Once he bottoms out, he gives you time to adjust.
You take in the full feeling in your belly, like he's all the way inside your stomach.
You buck your hips, “Move, please.”
He starts off slow, pulling all the way out before pushing back in. He rolls his hips in a way that makes it feel like there's even more cock to take.
After he sees you're comfortable, he picks up the pace to a relentless thrust.
His balls hit your ass, the lewd slapping sound making you even more wet.
“Fuck, you're taking me so well pretty.”
You whine, nodding, “Love your cock, Seungie.”
His pace turns animalistic, fucking you into the couch as you moan louder and louder.
“Fuck, Heeseung!”
He lifts one of your legs, bringing it over his shoulder to change the angle and you arch as he hits a new spot inside you.
“Oh my god!” You scream, jaw dropping as he groans above you.
“Fuck, I love this pussy. Never want another one after this,” he says, kissing your thigh beside his head.
“I'm gonna cum again, Seungie please.” You don't even know what you're begging for. 
“Me too baby, fuck where do you want me to cum?”
“Inside,” you plead, “Want it in me.”
Heeseung curses up a storm as you clench around him, milking his cock as he finally cums, with you following right after.
His warm cum fills you up, making your cunt and belly feel full. 
He releases your leg, putting it down as he slowly pulls out.
Heeseung watches his cum drip out of you, before leaning down to kiss you.
You taste yourself on him as he slides his tongue inside your mouth.
The kiss is sweet, slow.
As he pulls away, he leaves kisses all over your face, making you giggle.
“Heeseung, that was amazing. Thank you.”
He smiles, “I was honored to be your first, pretty girl, and hopefully your last?” 
“Do you like me, Lee Heeseung?” You taunt him with a wide smile on your face.
“Maybe I do. Would you be mine if I asked you?”
You nod, “I'd love nothing more.”
After resting for a few minutes, Heeseung gets off the couch, putting his arm under your things while the other finds your shoulders, lifting you up bridal style.
He brings you to the bathroom, getting a warm rag to clean you both up.
“You wanna cuddle? My room or yours?” He asks, holding your face in his hands, using his thumbs to caress your cheeks.
“Yours,” you reply, “I like your room.”
He lifts you again, bringing you to his room, putting one of his shirts on you and bringing you to his bed.
Your head rests on his chest as his arms come to wrap around you. 
“I'd like to take you out on a date tomorrow, I meant what I said about making you mine,” Heeseung whispers into your ear.
“I'd like that,” you respond, lifting your head to give him a kiss on the lips.
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note: this is my second time writing smut, my apologies if it's ass 😭 don't hesitate to give constructive criticism! also pls ignore any typos/grammar mistakes and the formatting im too lazy to fix it.
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punkshort · 9 months ago
Night Shift
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Thank you anon for this request!
Pairing: Joel Miller x nurse!reader
Summary: It was a relatively quiet night in the emergency room until a handsome contractor gets admitted and adds some excitement to your life.
Warnings: language, descriptions of wounds/injuries/blood (typical hospital junk), needles, drugs (the medical kind), fluff, flirting, rom-com vibes, soft!joel, just a little smut (18+ MDNI)
WC: 7.3K
lovely dividers by @saradika-graphics
A/N: I'm fully aware some things I'm about to describe is probably incorrect (medically) but let's suspend that disbelief for a fun, fluffy story, shall we?
"Dr. Fisher wants you in room 504, but if you're too busy, I would be more than willing to go," Lily said, leaning over the counter with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"I haven't had anything to do other than charts for the past two hours, how on earth could I be too busy?" you asked, standing up and draping your stethoscope around your neck. Then you froze, realizing Lily never tries to take a patient off your hands. "Wait... why are you offering?"
She grinned and flopped down in the swivel chair next to you, crossing her legs. "The guy is smokin' hot," she whispered with a wink. "I just got a glimpse when I brought Fisher the computer cart, but..." she exhaled loudly and fanned her face. "Even with all the blood, you can tell he's a fox."
"Blood?!" you exclaimed, jogging around the nurse's desk, "why didn't you tell me?"
"He's stable, it's not-" Lily began, but you were already hustling down the hall. When you skidded to a stop outside room 504, you were relieved there wasn't a flurry of staff running in and out of the room, indicating whatever was waiting for you wasn't life threatening.
As you entered through the open door, you rapped two knuckles on the wood to announce your presence. Dr. Fisher, standing at the patient's bedside and blocking your view, glanced over his shoulder and nodded while you washed your hands. You heard him talking to a man with a deeper southern drawl than you were used to, and by the sound of it, he was in pain. You plucked two gloves from the box on the wall and snapped the latex on, turning around with a practiced smile right as Dr. Fisher introduced you by name.
Lily was right. Your eyes landed on a painfully good looking, dark haired man sitting up in the bed with one leg draped over the side, as if he was getting ready to bolt. You tried to not let your gaze linger, but the way his thighs stretched out his worn, bloody jeans and his shoulders filled out his ripped flannel held your attention longer than you expected. He first glanced over at you right when you noticed the laceration on his forearm and you went into autopilot.
You began to pull various instruments from a cabinet without instruction, already anticipating what the doctor would need before he began to rattle off requests, which you mentally jotted down and nodded in acknowledgement when he was finished.
"I'm gonna give you a local anesthetic and then clean and stitch this up. Are you allergic to anything, Mr. Miller?" Dr. Fisher asked.
"No," he said, his eyes still stuck on you as you worked. "Call me Joel," he added, his eyes flicking up to the doctor once he realized he was staring. Tommy smirked from the corner of the room and tucked his chin to his chest.
"Only thing he's allergic to is askin' for help," Tommy joked. You startled and glanced over your shoulder. Somehow you had missed the second man in the room when you first walked in. Joel scowled in his direction.
"Ignore my brother," Joel muttered with a roll of his eyes.
"Can you prep him and give him 20MLs of the local? I'll be right back, I have another patient waiting to get discharged," Dr. Fisher said to Joel, who nodded and lifted his leg onto the bed, resigning himself to a long night.
Your gaze drifted over his clothes, ruined by all the blood that had gushed from his arm. "This looks pretty nasty. What happened tonight, Joel?" you asked, using your typical distraction technique while you worked unwrapping instruments and lying them out on a tray. When he didn't answer right away, you met his gaze and smiled, assuming he was squeamish and doing to do your best to reassure him.
He blinked and cleared his throat.
"Sorry. Um, got hurt at work."
You frowned, your eyes roaming over his face now that you were closer and hoping he didn't notice the way you stared a moment too long at his soft looking lips. "What do you do that you're working so late?"
"I'm a contractor," he said, mesmerized by the way you effortlessly moved around, probably just going through the motions but to him, it looked so impressive. The monitor next to his bed beeped faster and he glared up at it, angry at the heart monitor for betraying him.
"Lots of things need to be built at midnight?" you teased, making him chuckle.
"I'm behind on a project and my daughter had a sleepover tonight so I figured I'd do a little extra work," he explained, wincing when he moved his injured arm.
You nodded, latching on to the new piece of information. You loved it when patients had kids. It was a great way to keep them talking and calm. But right as you were about to ask her name, the second man chimed in.
"Yeah, 'cause otherwise he'd be home alone," he said, making the both of you stop and stare at him. His eyes bounced back and forth between you both. "'Cause he's single," he added after a beat, making both you and Joel blush.
"Jesus, Tommy," Joel muttered under his breath, and you forced out a polite laugh before switching gears.
"Alright, let's see," you said, gently lifting his arm and peeling back the sleeve of his flannel. You made a face and Joel tensed.
"What is it?"
"I wish I had better news," you sighed, locking eyes with him. "I'm gonna have to cut the sleeve off this shirt," you said solemnly.
His face broke out into a huge smile, one that reached his beautiful brown eyes and creased his tanned skin, and you giggled before reaching for the scissors.
"It's alright, darlin'," he said, still smiling as you began to cut through the fabric, "ain't got no fashion sense, anyway."
"'Cause he's single," Tommy said again from across the room. Joel swiveled his head and mouthed something angrily in his direction but you just grinned and stayed focused, pulling the sleeve away and making sure not to brush up against his wound.
"Okay, Joel, how are you around needles?" you asked, turning your back to him and blocking his view while you prepped a syringe with local anesthetic. "Do I need to call someone in here to catch you if you faint?"
He scoffed. "Hell no, I'll be -" you turned around with the needle in your hand and he gulped, "-fine."
You eyed him carefully. "Are you sure?"
He nodded and looked up at the ceiling, so you decided to just make it as fast as possible. Cleaning the skin with some alcohol, you slid the needle into his arm near the laceration and injected the medicine. After, you pressed a piece of cotton against the injection site and hid the needle behind you on the tray.
"All done, you did great," you said, and he looked at you in surprise.
"That's it? Hardly felt a thing."
You smiled and shrugged. "I've been doing this a while," you said. You always loved when patients commented on how gentle you were. It made you feel proud and good at your rather thankless job.
"Yeah? How long?" he asked, watching as you pulled out another vial of medicine.
"Almost five years," you told him, filling another syringe and wiping an alcohol pad on his inner elbow.
"What's this?" he asked.
"It's for the pain," you said, "it's mild but you might feel a little out of it for a couple hours. It will help you relax so the doctor can stitch you up."
He nodded and you quickly slipped the needle in and out, just like before.
"Okay, all done with needles, I promise," you told him, disposing of them both in a red sharps container bolted to the wall by the sink.
"Whoa," Joel said softly after a minute, and you looked up at him then smiled when you saw that familiar, spaced out look in his eyes.
"Feeling it?" you asked, and he slowly nodded.
"Reckon I am."
"That's good. Just try to relax, the doctor will be back soon," you said, turning your attention to the computer cart. You were typing in your notes and scanning the vials of medicine to log into Joel's chart when Tommy's phone rang.
"It's Maria, probably wonderin' what the hell's goin' on," Tommy told Joel as he stood up and headed for the door. "I'll be right back," he said right before you heard him answer the phone and walk out into the hallway for some privacy.
Joel's head rolled to the side and he gazed over at you, smiling like a fool at the way your eyebrows pinched together as you focused on whatever you were typing.
"You're real good at this," he mumbled. You glanced at him, taking a break from the computer, and smiled.
"Thank you."
"How long you been doin' this?"
You stifled your laughter and answered the question again. "Almost five years."
He nodded, completely unaware. His eyes looked glazed over and he gave you a lazy smile. "You're real pretty."
Even though you knew it was the drugs talking, your heart still skipped a beat and you felt your cheeks heat up.
"You must be feeling better, huh?" you joked, wrapping a blood pressure sleeve around his arm. He lightly took your wrist in his hand, making you pause and catch his eye. He looked so earnest and sincere that you almost believed him when he said, "it ain't the drugs. I mean it. Can't keep my eyes off you, darlin'."
Your mouth suddenly felt dry as the two of you silently assessed the other. You searched his face but all you could find was a raw vulnerability while he waited for you to say something. And you really wanted to be honest, but you knew it was unprofessional and you had no idea what was even allowed but you had to assume your job would be at risk if you said what you really wanted to say.
Fortunately, you didn't have to say anything at all because Dr. Fisher chose that moment to return, breezing into the room with his white coat fluttering behind him.
"How're you feeling, Joel?" he asked from the sink as he washed his hands. You stepped back and focused on the computer screen, still feeling the heat of Joel's gaze on your face as you typed.
"Much better," he said, slowly dragging his eyes away from you. Tommy reentered the room, stuffing his phone back in his pocket and dodging Dr. Fisher as he turned around to face Joel.
"That's good. Let's get you patched up and back home, how's that sound?" he said, and you abandoned the computer to stand at his side, your eyes cast down as you awaited the doctor's instructions.
Dr. Fisher worked quickly and had Joel's laceration closed up in under thirty minutes, the whole time checking in with him to make sure he didn't feel anything. You caught Joel staring at you more than once during the procedure and you had to bite back a grin, but each time he noticed and he smiled that same dazzling smile that reached his eyes.
Once the stitches were done, Joel - but mostly Tommy - listened to Dr. Fisher's instructions on how to keep it dry and clean and to follow up with his own practitioner the next business day to schedule an appointment. Then he left, bidding the brothers a good night after he explained you would wrap up the wound and process his discharge papers.
You were very gentle as you wrapped his arm, quietly asking if it was too tight or if anything hurt. He would shake his head and continue to just gaze adoringly at you while you worked, completely unbothered by his brother just a few feet away witnessing his utter captivation.
"Okay, Joel. Let's get you out of here," you sighed, turning back to the computer cart.
"Already?" he asked, and you had to hold back your laugh at the bewildered look on his face.
"It's a slow night, we were able to get you in and out much quicker than normal," you explained, hitting the print button on the computer screen.
"Well, but..." he trailed off, looking back and forth between you and Tommy as he struggled to find the right thing to say. "I'm single!" he practically shouted when you gave him a pen to sign his papers. Your eyebrows shot up in surprise and Tommy laughed from his chair in the corner of the room.
"I know, your brother mentioned it a couple times," you replied as your face grew hot once again. "Um, can you just sign here, and-"
"Are you single?" he asked, cutting you off. You looked up from the papers to find his beautiful brown eyes all wide and hopeful, completely ignoring the clipboard in front of him.
"Yes," you finally answered, shyly tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
"Great!" he exclaimed, throwing his good arm up in the air with a huge grin. Tommy cleared his throat and stood up.
"I think what he's tryin' to do is ask for your number," he said. Joel nodded, not even sparing a glance in his brother's direction.
"Yeah, sorry," Joel said sheepishly, then he rubbed his face like he could make the brain fog dissipate. "Can I get your number? I'd love to take you out sometime."
Your heart was pounding in your chest now from excitement. You bit your lip and glanced over your shoulder at the open door before turning back to Joel.
"I don't know, I might get in trouble..." you began, and he quickly sat up in bed.
"I won't tell anyone," Joel said, and his voice was so serious that you couldn't help but laugh. Tommy grinned and pulled out his wallet.
"How 'bout this. What if I left Joel's business card, in case you ever needed a contractor?" Tommy offered, holding out the card between two fingers. You gingerly accepted and briefly glanced down at it. "That's his work number but this one is his cell," Tommy continued, pointing to each number respectively, "you're better off gettin' ahold of him on that one. Y'know, for any projects you might need done."
Joel gave Tommy the most grateful look. "I love you, Tommy."
"Alright, that's enough. I oughta get you back home," Tommy said with a crooked grin. You laughed and pocketed Joel's card, standing by in case he needed any assistance getting up. But before Joel and Tommy exited the room, Joel turned to you and reached out for your hand. You hesitated for a moment before stretching out your arm and allowing his thick fingers to wrap themselves around your hand.
"Thank you for saving my life," he told you, his tone deathly serious. You fought back a smile and instead gave him a firm nod.
"You're very welcome, Joel."
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His business card stayed folded up in your scrubs pocket for a week, your fingers occasionally brushing up against it like a talisman as you worked.
You never told Lily about that night but you did try to sneakily look into the legality of potentially dating a former patient, but you got too nervous someone would see over your shoulder and didn't get very far.
One day, a fellow nurse who had been working at the hospital for nearly fifteen years made a comment about a patient saying something suggestive to a male doctor and she thought the doctor in question didn't handle it properly.
"What do you mean?"
"He laughed and said something along the lines of I'm too old for you," she had scoffed. "He should have shut it down right away. If the wrong person heard it, he could get into serious trouble."
That was all you needed to hear to put you off from the idea.
That evening, you took Joel's business card out of your pocket and threw it in the trash, then went to take a shower. But afterwards, when you had poured yourself a glass of wine to celebrate the start of three days in a row off from work, you found yourself hovering over the garbage and staring at the folded up piece of paper, sitting right on top of a napkin.
With a sigh, you plucked it out of the garbage and stuck it to your fridge, then forced yourself to leave the room.
There was nothing wrong with keeping the card if you weren't going to call. Right?
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It pained you to go so close to the hospital on one of your well deserved days off, but you couldn't resist the chocolate croissants sold at a café around the corner. They were baked fresh daily and always served warm and after a grueling four days in a row at work, you felt you deserved a treat. So that was how you found yourself waiting at the counter for your usual order, surrounded by various professionals hurrying to grab their coffees before chaining themselves to a desk for the remainder of the day. It was busy, but the barista who usually took care of you made sure to prioritize your order, shooting you a quick wink before she slid your croissant and coffee across the counter. You mouthed thank you and turned to leave, bobbing and weaving through the crowd of people waiting for their drinks.
When you stepped outside, out of habit you glanced towards the hospital, then froze. You blinked a few times, your coffee halfway to your lips as you stared at the familiar looking man pacing back and forth on the sidewalk with his head angled toward the ground. You began to walk in his direction, squinting against the sun and wondering if your mind was playing tricks on you, but it really was him.
He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at you, eyebrows raised in surprise.
"Is everything okay? Did something happen?" you asked, your eyes drifting around to see if he was with anybody.
"Huh?" he asked, then immediately shook his head, "yes, I mean... no, everythin's fine." He nervously jammed his hands into his pockets and shifted his weight. "I, uh, came to see you, actually," he said, glancing down at your clothes, noticing you weren't in your scrubs. "Are you workin'?"
You looked down at your jeans before meeting his gaze again. "No, I have the day off, I was just getting coffee," you jutted your thumb over your shoulder, back towards the café, and you realized how bizarre the conversation was so far. "Why are you here to see me?"
He gave you a nervous smile and looked away, watching as an ambulance veered noisily into the parking lot. "I came to apologize. 'Bout the other week. Tommy told me what I said and I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Wasn't my intention, I guess it was all the meds." He finally dragged his eyes back to you and watched as something flickered across your face.
"Oh," you managed to squeak out. Even though you assumed as much, it still stung to hear he didn't mean what he said. "It's fine. It didn't make me uncomfortable. It comes with the territory," you told him with a soft laugh, hoping to lighten the mood. He nodded and looked behind you, trying to think of something else to say but when the silence became too much, you took a step back.
"I should go, but it was nice to see you. I'm glad the arm-"
"Wait - uh," he scratched his beard and took a deep breath. "If I didn't make you uncomfortable, why didn't you call?"
You blinked rapidly and thought about it for a moment before frowning.
"I thought you said it was the drugs talking?" you countered, avoiding his question with one of your own.
"I lied."
"You lied?" you repeated, raising your eyebrows. He nodded.
"More like I panicked," he added, then raked his fingers through his hair with a dry laugh. "Shit, I'm sorry. I'm terrible at this, ain't I?"
You giggled and his face brightened at the sound.
"A little, but it's okay. It's cute," you told him, feeling your cheeks warm at your own admission. He grinned.
"Alright, then why didn't you call?" he asked again.
"I panicked," you replied, then after a pause, the both of you burst out laughing at exactly the same time.
"Goddamn, reckon we don't stand a chance, do we?" Joel said, tilting his head to the side, those beautiful brown eyes sparkling playfully.
"Well, I don't know about that. Why don't we find out?"
He immediately pulled out his phone.
"It's the least we could do. Y'know. For research."
"Research, huh?" but you couldn't keep the smile from tugging at your lips.
"Yeah. Can two panicky individuals who can't seem to properly flirt their way out of a paper bag make it work?"
"Sounds like a tagline for a terrible book," you teased while simultaneously snatching his phone out of his hand and typing your number into a new text. "How could I resist?"
"I promise this is where the cheesiness ends," he chuckled, pocketing his phone.
"Oh, come on. Where's the fun in that?"
Joel thought about it for a moment, a slow smile spreading across his face.
"Careful what you wish for, little lady, or else we'll be havin' a picnic in the park and watchin' the sunset for our first date."
You laughed heartily at that. "Pulling out all the cheesy stops?"
"Absolutely," Joel winked, making your heart flutter.
"Alright then. Do your worst," you said, a stupid grin still plastered across your face as you took a step back the way you came.
"I'm plannin' it all out already," he said, tapping the side of his head. You giggled and gave him a little wave goodbye before turning around and heading towards home.
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Joel didn't waste any time.
He had texted you within an hour with just a link and nothing else. You clicked it and immediately grinned when a website to a paint and sip place in downtown Austin opened up.
You: starting off strong - Painting with a Twist?
Joel: Get it? A twist? Because they serve alcohol there.
You laughed out loud alone in your living room. You thought the meds made him funny but you were delighted to discover he was still just as funny all on his own.
You: I got it, thanks. Very cheesy :)
Joel: So when can I take you? I want to see you paint the next greatest masterpiece.
You: I'm off the next two days and then I work the following four
Joel: You feel up for it tomorrow night? Or is that too soon?
You: tomorrow is great!
Joel: Looking forward to it, little lady.
To keep up with the cheesy theme, Joel picked you up the next evening with a singular red rose, which he had hidden behind his back so he could reveal it to you with a flourish, immediately making you laugh. He offered his arm as he led you down the driveway to his truck while commenting something about the weather but you weren't entirely certain because you couldn't stop staring at his hair, which was slicked back a bit since the last time you saw him and the longer you stared, you began to think he might have trimmed his beard, as well. You bit back your smile at the endearing effort he was putting into your date while trying to ignore the nagging voice in the back of your head that still wondered if this was going to get you in trouble at work.
When you arrived at the painting studio, you quickly realized the two of you were the youngest ones there, and not only that but Joel was the only man there. You stifled your laughter as you grabbed a couple drinks and picked your seats. Once behind the safety of your easels, you cupped your hand over your mouth and giggled into your palm. Joel chuckled and ducked down so nobody would overhear him.
"Am I allowed to be here?"
You began to laugh even harder, drawing the attention from some of the older women. Tears pooled at the corners of your eyes and you shook your head.
"I don't know!" you wheezed when you finally got ahold of yourself. You took a deep breath and wiped your eye. "You couldn't have planned this any better." He laughed and rubbed his palm over his mouth when he began to get looks.
The painting that evening was a bouquet of white hydrangeas in a wide vase. Simple enough, or so you both thought. It became quickly apparent that Joel didn't have a creative bone in his body, and while you thought you weren't much better, when you glanced over at his and noticed his vase and flowers were beginning to take on a decidedly more phallic shape, you completely lost it.
He grinned when you had to drop your paintbrush so you could clutch your stomach while you doubled over, doing your best to keep as quiet as possible, but you were failing miserably. A lady nearby cleared her throat to convey her irritation so you slid down from your stool and told Joel you would be right back, then disappeared into the bathroom to collect yourself. By the time you emerged, the teacher who was leading the class had jumped in to try and help Joel create more distinguishable flowers, but it appeared to be a lost cause.
Once the class was over, the teacher went around to take pictures of everyone holding up their paintings with the people they came with that evening. When she got to you, Joel wrapped his arm around your shoulders and tugged you close. Right before she took the picture, you leaned up and planted a kiss on his cheek, causing his face to flush and his smile to reach his eyes.
When he dropped you off at home, he walked you to the door.
"So I was thinkin' for our second date we can either do bowling or trivia night," he said with a little smile. You cocked your head to the side as you thought about it.
"Both are excellent options. You can tell a lot about somebody by the way they handle winning and losing," you mused. He grinned and leaned his shoulder against your doorframe as he gazed down at you, waiting for you to decide. "Let's do bowling," you finally said. He gave a firm nod and straightened up.
"Bowling it is."
"After tomorrow, I work four nights in a row," you reminded him.
He shrugged. "So let's do it tomorrow."
"Really?" you asked, unable to keep the excitement from your voice. "Are you sure? What about your daughter?"
"I'm sure Tommy can watch her. And even if he can't, she's old enough now to stay on her own for a few hours."
You nodded and glanced down at your hands, clutching your painting at your side.
"What does she think about you dating?" you asked nervously, chewing on the inside of your cheek and glancing back up at him.
"She's all for it. She's fourteen now, practically kicks me outta the house every chance she gets," he said with a chuckle.
You nodded again and tried to sound casual when you asked, "are you seeing anybody else, or..." You trailed off as you felt your face warm up, feeling slightly vulnerable, but he quickly put your mind at ease. He stepped forward and pinched your chin between his fingers, making you look up at him through your eyelashes.
"No," he said softly, "are you?"
You shook your head slightly, not wanting to lose his touch just yet. "No."
He smiled. "Good."
He tilted your face up a bit more then swooped down to press a gentle kiss against your lips, sending a shiver down your spine even though it was rather innocent.
"I'll see you tomorrow, little lady," he murmured before dropping his hand from your chin and taking a step back. You bit your lip and smiled.
"Can't wait."
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While Joel wasn't a very good painter, he turned out to be a rather good bowler. Better than you, at least, which wasn't saying much. So after a couple beers, you flirtatiously asked him to help you with your form, to which he eagerly agreed. He walked you up to the lane and stood behind you, squaring your shoulders and planting your feet just so while the bowling ball dangled at your side with a stupid grin on your face.
"Alright, now you're gonna wanna swing this leg back," he said, tucking his chin into your shoulder and reaching down to tap the front of your thigh. You giggled as his beard tickled your skin, which just caused him to do it even more. You laughed harder and tried to squirm away but he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and pulled you back against him, nuzzling into your neck enthusiastically. You twisted your head towards him, trying to protect your neck, but it was no use, so instead you pressed your lips against his, finally stopping his assault. Both of you were well aware of the public setting, surrounded by families, so you fought the urge to deepen the kiss but you did linger a little longer than was necessary before breaking away with a sigh. He smiled down at you, his cheeks a little pink, either from the alcohol or the public display of affection.
"I like you," he said earnestly.
"I like you, too," you whispered, watching the way his eyes sparkled. Even if it was only two dates, you could tell the connection you had was strong. You had to make it your mission to figure out the policy at work before things went any further.
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"Hey, Lily," you said the next day, getting the other nurse's attention.
"Have you ever dated anyone from here?" you asked as quietly as you could. She grinned and leaned against the counter.
"Oh, yeah. A few," she said mischievously before glancing around and leaning forward. "I went on a few dates with Dr. Adams last year. When I first started, I was hanging out with Richie, the pharmacist downstairs, but I swear when I found out he was married I broke it off. I felt bad about that one," she said thoughtfully, tapping her chin. "Oh! Then there was that one resident who worked here for a few months... Mike? He was tall with brown hair and had that tattoo-"
"No, I mean like, patients?" you tried again, and she pursed her lips.
"I've had a few ask me out but I never took them up on it. Why?"
"No reason," you said quickly, "but if you were interested, could you? Like, would we get fired or get our license revoked or something?"
She frowned and shook her head. "Absolutely not. Once a patient is discharged, it doesn't matter. If we worked in a doctor's office and it was a regular patient, that would probably be a different story, but we see so many people in the ER it's impossible to enforce something like that."
You breathed a huge sigh of relief and smiled. "That's great."
She grinned and raised an eyebrow. "So are you gonna spill or what?"
"Me?" you squeaked, shaking your head innocently but Lily saw right through you.
"Who are you seeing?" she pressed, smacking her gum between her teeth. You rolled your eyes but couldn't stop the heat from reaching your cheeks.
"Remember that guy last week? The fox with the arm laceration in 504?"
Lily gasped. "Shut the fuck up!"
You smirked and nodded. "We've just been on two dates, nothing serious, but before I continued to see him I wanted to make sure I wouldn't get in trouble."
"I'm so jealous!" she groaned, stomping her feet dramatically. You laughed and turned back to your computer. You began to get back to the chart in front of you but she pulled up a chair and got a little closer so nobody would overhear. "How is he in bed?"
You gave her a look. "We haven't slept together. Did you not hear me say we've only been on two dates?"
She scoffed and tossed her hair behind her shoulder. "That doesn't mean anything. If I went on two dates with a man like that, I wouldn't waste any time climbing him like a tree."
You both dissolved into a fit of giggles before the phone rang, warning you to get an exam room ready for a broken arm.
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Waiting four days to see Joel again was a lot harder than you expected, but lucky for you, on your last day, Joel surprised you at work with a coffee and chocolate croissant from the café you liked.
"You remembered!" you exclaimed when you opened the bag. He shrugged sheepishly but you could tell he was pleased with your reaction.
"'Course I remembered," he said, glancing around when Lily walked into the waiting room to call back a patient. Her eyes locked on the two of you and she gave you an exaggerated wink before leading an elderly man to the back. Joel grinned and looked at you.
"Friend of yours?"
"Unfortunately," you said sarcastically, making him smile. You glanced down at your watch and made a face. "I'm so sorry, I gotta get going but this was so sweet of you," you said, motioning towards your coffee and pastry.
"I just really wanted to see you again," he admitted, "it was a completely selfish move."
You giggled. "Well, thank you for the selfish coffee and treat."
"You're welcome. Still on for tomorrow night?" he asked, and you nodded.
"Picnic and stargazing. You're really checking things off that cheesy date list," you said with a laugh.
"You asked for it, don't you forget now," he replied before leaning in and giving you a quick kiss.
After he left, you made your way back to the nurse's station so you could deposit your goodies and pull up the next chart.
"Third date tomorrow?" Lily asked, rounding the desk. You nodded.
"Yep," you answered distractedly, reading the chart of a young boy with a minor head injury from a fall.
"You know what typically happens on the third date?"
You felt your skin heat up at the insinuation. "I'm going to regret telling you about him, aren't I?"
"Sure are. That was so close to being me, I'll never get over it."
You laughed and shook your head, leaving her question unanswered as you made your way back to the waiting room.
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As it turned out, a picnic and stargazing was incredibly romantic. Joel packed a simple meal: some cold pasta in olive oil, a light salad and some fruit. He had found a spot off a highway that overlooked downtown Austin, which was by far the cheesiest part of the date.
"Did you used to take girls here back in high school or something?" you teased as you sat on the hood of his truck, leaning against the windshield so you could see the stars.
"Me? Never. I was very respectable in high school. Never got into trouble, never skipped class and definitely never took the captain of the cheerleading squad up here after prom," he said with a grin. You giggled and shoved his shoulder playfully.
"You're trouble."
"Yeah, but you like it," he said, turning his head to the side so he could look at you. You tried to give him a stern look but you weren't selling it in the slightest.
"Okay, maybe I do," you admitted.
He smiled and laced his fingers together with yours, dragging his thumb over your knuckles for a minute, staring at your entwined hands while you continued to gaze upwards, the stars twinkling in the nearly clear, black sky.
"Can I tell you somethin' without you thinkin' I'm crazy?"
You rolled your head to look at him, your first instinct to tease him but his soft tone made you stop. "Sure."
"I keep waitin' to wake up or the other shoe to drop or whatever," he said, his gaze studying your face. "You just seem too good to be true," he added with a little grin.
"That's funny, I could say the same about you," you told him, but he shook his head.
"Nah, I mean it. How don't you already got a boyfriend?"
You sighed and looked back up at the sky. "I don't know. It's always been a little tough with my work schedule. I work so many overnights and it's hard for guys to understand that and work around it. Eventually things just... die off because I never get a chance to spend any real time with anyone."
He frowned and inched a little closer. "Their loss," he said. You turned to smile at him.
"You're not like that, though."
He shrugged. "I get it. I'm no stranger to havin' a busy schedule. I'm always haulin' Sarah 'round town to soccer games or friends' houses or after school activities. Don't bother me none."
You squeezed his hand affectionately before impulsively leaning over and pressing your lips against his. You could feel his surprise but he quickly reacted and brought a hand up to cup your face. He licked at the seam of your lips and you smiled before opening your mouth a fraction, allowing him to deepen the kiss.
The whole drive back to your place had you thinking about Lily's comment from the day before, and the closer and closer you got to home, the more nervous you felt.
When he walked you up to your door and kissed you goodnight, you reached up to hold the back of his neck, keeping him close. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and you let out a small moan. He grabbed your hip and began kissing you harder, pushing you up against your door and sliding his fingers underneath the hem of your shirt, stroking your skin there. You tipped your head back, breaking the kiss, both of you panting for air.
"Do you want to come inside?" you asked nervously. His gaze darkened and he licked his lips, but then you saw a tortured look flicker across his face.
"I can't," he said, sounding almost like it pained him to utter the words. "I can't leave Sarah alone overnight," he explained, taking a step back and rubbing his palms over his face. He dropped them to the side and you quickly blinked the disappointment from your eyes.
"It's okay, I understand," you told him, then reached out to squeeze his hand reassuringly.
"I promise, I really wanna come inside," he told you.
"I know," you said, "maybe next time."
He chewed the inside of his cheek and nodded. "Yeah, next time."
But it wouldn't be the next time. Or the time after that. Understandably so, Joel was waiting for a night where Sarah was at a sleepover to coincide with one of your free nights, explaining that he felt uncomfortable letting her know he wouldn't be coming home.
"Does she know about us?" you asked him one night.
"'Course she does. But it's just... awkward. At her age, she can read between the lines, y'know?"
"I get it," you had told him, trying to imagine what it would be like for you if at fourteen, your dad had essentially announced he wouldn't be home that night because he was going to get laid.
It made sense, but it didn't stop both of you from practically swallowing each other whole every chance you got, all your pent up sexual tension bubbling just under the surface with every glance and touch.
And finally, nearly two months into seeing each other, the stars aligned. Sarah was going on a school field trip to The Alamo, which coincidentally was scheduled on one of your rare weekends off.
Joel had every intention of taking you out to dinner and a movie, but when you opened the door and locked eyes, suddenly take out and a shitty movie on TV sounded much better.
You practically dragged him to your bedroom while shedding your clothes as quickly as you could, desperation rolling off both of you in waves as you fell into bed.
"Beautiful girl," Joel mumbled against your throat, sweat coating your skin as your writhed underneath him, his thick length slowly dragging in and out, making sure you felt every inch of him. "Wanted this for so long," he continued, then groaned when you clenched around him. "Fuck, you're so wet, baby," he whispered when your slick began to spread over his thighs.
"Only for you," you managed to say, too focused on how your body thrummed with anticipation as you got closer and closer to your release.
"Yeah, that's right," he growled, nipping at your earlobe. "All for me."
When you came, you whimpered his name into his shoulder, clutching onto him as the heat of your orgasm spread through every vein, reaching every inch of you. He followed shortly behind with a guttural moan muffled by his mouth pressing feverishly against yours, then you felt his muscles relax under your fingertips and his body sag. You pulled him down and he nuzzled against your throat as he fought for air, still nestled deep between your legs.
Neither of you felt much like leaving the bed, so you didn't. You ordered Chinese food takeout and watched some action movie you didn't really care for but it didn't matter because it primarily served as background noise while you pretended to fight over shrimp lo mein and shared an egg roll, the cartons spread out over your nightstands and your plates balancing in your hands.
You fell asleep before the movie ended but when you woke the next morning, tucked safely into Joel's side, the cartons of food were gone and the TV was off. You pressed a little kiss against his chest, silently thanking him for taking care of everything while you slept, but the movement made him stir. He sleepily opened his eyes, then a lazy smile spread across his face when he saw you already looking up at him.
"Mornin', little lady," he said, voice all rough and gravelly. You felt a pull in your lower stomach at the sound.
"Morning," you mumbled, pressing another kiss in the same spot.
Joel sighed and wrapped both arms around you, tugging you even closer and kissing the top of your head.
"I want you to meet Sarah."
He felt your muscles tense under his hands and then you slowly tipped your chin up to look him in the eye.
He nodded. "Yeah. Only if you wanna," he said quickly, but you shook your head and grinned.
"Y-yeah, I would love to, of course," you told him.
He planted a kiss on your lips, both your mouths curving into smiles.
"Good. Then it's settled. My two best girls are gonna meet," he said, sliding out from under the sheets to stand. You bit your lip, adoring the way he referred to you as one of his girls. "She's gonna love you. How 'bout a baseball game or the fair?" he offered, slipping his boxers on.
"Both sound great," you said dreamily, watching him saunter out of your bedroom. And as you ate breakfast across your kitchen table, sharing little smiles over eggs and toast, you couldn't help but feel hopeful and excited for what your future held together.
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hminnj · 5 months ago
Maybe In A Different Age
Senku/fem reader
cw: angst no comfort (i tried) ik this fandom kinda dead lowkey but I wanted to write this cause its so senku coded. Senku's an idiot (unsuprisingly). Not very good writing.
wc: uhh i wrote this in my notes, around 1k probably
Byakuya brings two strangers into their house on a random thursday.
"Senku, this is a close friend and her daughter, I'm sure you guys will get along splendidly."
Five year old Senku is harshly blunt when he meets you for the first time, staring at him silently as if you've never seen a human before. He doesn't have anything to say and it seems neither do you, so he walks off, deciding he has better things to do. Promptly ignoring the sigh and apology the older man lets out.
"So I got this new idea and I'm going through the basic logistics and research right now, might need your help later."
"I'll go get us some snacks and something to do while you work on it then."
Six year old Senku watches you dissappear from his doorway, absentmindedly humming while you head to the very familiar kitchen. Your family has been apparently busy as of late so he forcibly sees your face more often. You usually just eat his food, do your work, and ask him (dumb) questions. You're a friend now, he supposes.
"Hey dum dum, Byakuya got me new equipment, so I have some new ideas. So listen up."
"Course Senku!"
Seven year old Senku grins, you're always willing to help him out for whatever reason you have (something weird probably, in his opinion). In return, he always tells you what he's working on and his labor demands. So per usual, he excitedly gets into the details of the next project that he plans on working you and Taiju to the bone for.
"Hey Senku?"
"I think I love you."
"Huh? You better not be catching feelings dum dum." He gives you a confused squint after hearing your words.
"Whatever you say." You hum
Eight year old Senku hears you say those three words for the first time, you don't say why and he doesn't know either. He thinks its rather idiotic, but he shrugs it off after you silently go back to reading. You've been picking up books more often as of late, not that he cares much.
"You're late for the test runs, Taiju and Yuzuriha already left."
"Sorry sorry! My teacher held me up a little later at practice today."
"Hm." His disappointed stare returns.
"Im sorry..? Love you?" You're sheepish with your response.
"How is that supposed to make up for anything? Now come help me carry this stuff"
"As you wish, princess Senku."
Nine year old Senku doesn't understand why you and Byakuya tell him that so often (or that stupid nickname sourced from his "feebleness"), but he moves on quickly to detail the results of the test and the numerous next steps. Much to his pleasure.
"Wake up stupid. You fell asleep." Senku (roughly) shakes you awake from your shoulders, poking at your face a few times.
"Huh? Oh sorry Senku, I guess I'm just tired."
"Well you're not gonna wanna miss this." He grins while looking up, expectant.
"Hm. Hey the moons pretty tonight yeah?"
"It looks the same as it always does. Is that poetry getting to you and making you sappy?"
You wait before responding, "Maybe."
Eleven year old Senku keeps you up on certain nights for his projects or for nights like these where there's a meteor shower. He thinks you should stop reading so much of those books that make you sound like Byakuya. You should also get more rest, he adds.
"Happy Valentines Day Senku!! Got you a gift, heh."
"Must I tell you again?" Senku turns to a usual sight, you waving a gift in front of his face as if he were a dog.
"I'm good I just wanted to remind you."
Twelve year old Senku doesn't see the point in meaningless feelings or holidays for said feelings. Nevertheless, he takes the homemade chocolate from you, skimming through the card which contents include exactly what he expected (a confession of sorts, again), and placing it to the side. Ignoring it in favor of the much more sensible chemicals in front of him. Like every year though, Senku keeps it. He doesn't know why.
"Taiju and Yuzuriha definitely have something going on don't you think?"
"And you're bringing this up why?"
You pause, you know why, but you know he wouldn't understand. "It's cute... wish I could have something like that you know?"
"...For the last time-"
"I know I know Senku, don't worry I'll try to bother you less."
Thirteen year old Senku doesn't see you as much anymore, mostly because of your practice that your mom wants you to perfect. You come over less nowadays, a shame (for his projects obviously), but your presence isn't any smaller of an intrusion at school. So much for bothering him less.
Around 21:00 is when he hears the familiar ringing of his doorbell. "It's late, why are you here?"
"Got out of training not too long ago and wanted to see you before I headed in."
"Your house isn't even remotely close to mine" A raised eyebrow is all you get in response to your grin.
"What does it matter when I'm already here, but gotta go before I get scolded. Goodnight Senku, Love you!"
"You know it's never gonna happen, as you know-"
"Yeah yeah, 10 billion percent illogical, I know, but I can't let my favorite person forget can I?" You flash another smile.
"As if I'd ever with how often you say it, now goodnight."
Fourteen year old Senku closes the door after you've cheerfully said your bye and faded from his sight enough. The lack of noise is strange, now that Byakuya has "ascended like an angel" (his words not Senkus) it's much quieter. The usual noise of a certain two people is absent more often than not. He let's the silence of the house sit in.
"Hey, can you get me something from the storage real quick? Need it soon but that bonehead forgot when he came up here babbling about confessing to Yuzuriha"
"Of course. I'd do anything for you. Always here. You know that Sen."
Fifteen year old Senku glances at your fleeting figure. The nickname is new, for sure. And he can't say he dislikes it, but the lack of a certain three words with your departure is strange. He brushes it off to your usual forgetfulness and peers out the window at Taiju and Yuzuriha. Thoughts preoccupied until a bright green light overtakes his vision and he can't do anything but think into the void.
So he counts.
And maybe every once in a while you pop into his head like you always do.
Three-thousand and something year old Senku wakes up to a world where theres a lack of civilization, a lack of his decency, and most importantly, a lack of you.
You would be useful right now, he supposes.
Three-thousand and something year old Senku spends his free time trying to find you and the rest of the "gang" (as you would say).
He finds Taiju, he finds Yuzuriha, he also finds a lion-punching maniac, but there's no sign of you.
He's ten billion percent sure you survived.
The concerned stare Yuzuriha gives him as they part is ignored.
(Physically) Sixteen year old Senku celebrates this birthday gazing into the sky from his new observatory. It reminds him of a lot of things, but he can't help but notice how empty it is, it's eerily quiet.
He doesn't like it.
Senku wishes you were here.
His first real birthday wish.
(Still) Sixteen year old Senku breaks when he hears his father's voice again for the first time in ages. It's not his voice that gets to Senku. He's heard it plenty enough in his lifetime. It's the mention of you.
"Just kidding! I know it's you on the other side of this Senku! And ____'s there with you right? Please tell me you're dating already or even better married so I can have grandchildren. Please please please Senku! Although you can't really tell me that but-"
Senku stops himself from showing vulnerability in front of the village, and he also stops himself from pausing the record right there and then. Opting to sigh and curse his dad out as a cover up, his fist lightly punching the table.
"Damn you old man."
The questions from the villagers about who you could be are forgotten in favor of an angelic voice. Senku's quick to tune it out. It reminds him of you.
(Mentally) Sixteen year old Senku sits by himself that night. It's been a long day. The constant repeat of a certain melody in the background, more work for the science kingdom, and a few questions about who you were. They stopped after a few radio silences from him, feelings are hard for the scientist after all.
It's cold.
He wishes you were here.
It's dark.
He wishes you were here.
It's lonely.
He wishes you were here.
The day he can always guarantee you're there has long passed. You should be here, is what his mind tells him. You owe him for the past 3000 years of missed birthdays after all.
It's funny, in his opinion. That you were probably most-definitely always there. And the one (multiple actually, 10 billion in his mind) time he looks for you, you're not there.
He doesn't think its funny.
"I'd do anything for you huh..."
Anything but keep your word.
He scoffs, but it's directed at himself. He would never blame you for this, or anything for that matter, he can't.
So he sits. And he stays. Like you would've wanted him too. He looks at the clear sky like you usually do. And he notes how the moon is pretty tonight. Just like you.
"I love you too."
He's 10 billion percent sure he does.
Thanks for reading, if you did :). Sorry for any errors not fully proofread. Senku is so right person wrong time coded when it comes to romance that i had to write this even if its lowkey bad
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fuctacles · 4 months ago
<< six | 😺 | eight >>
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"Yes? Hello, officer? There's a man in my apartment." 
Eddie stirs awake, his surroundings coming back to him in hazy waves.
"What?" he slurs out, blinking to clear his vision.
"Oh, I was just telling the officer that I've found a man sleeping on my couch," Stephanie says with a troubled expression, hovering over him.
Over the couch that he fell asleep on.
He sits up so suddenly he loses his balance and falls back against the cushion.
"I'm so sorry, please don't call the cops—!"
Stephanie immediately shakes her hands, which are free of a phone.
"I was joking, I was joking!" she reassures him quickly. "I'm sorry." She smiles apologetically, taking a seat next to him. "I guess that wasn't the best way to wake up someone." 
"No," Eddie chuckles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Especially not an ex-drug dealer," he huffs dryly. 
Steph cocks her head with a surprised "huh" and only then does Eddie realize what he has just blurted out. 
"Ah, shit. Am I ruining my good neighbor status?" he winces.
"Not at all," Steph shakes her head, and gently pats his knee. He zeroes his focus on her hand when she decides to rest it there on his jean-clad leg. 
"I know my nice neighbor Eddie, not the drug dealer one," she smiles reassuringly. "What made you turn around? If you don't mind me asking," she squeezes his knee and retrieves her hand to lean back more comfortably on the couch. One of her cats, Garfield, jumps on her lap for a greeting, and Eddie realizes she's still wearing her jacket. He looks at the clock on the wall and realizes it's almost midnight. 
"Sorry, I'm holding you back, you're clearly tired," she backtracks quickly, watching his eyes dart around. But Eddie shakes his head.
"Nah, I just took an invigorating nap." She laughs at that and he can't help but smile as well. "I'd assume you're tired after traveling."
"I took an invigorating nap on the bus," she smiles, petting her cat. Arwen finally decides she's not above greeting her human and jumps in next to her as well, occupying Stephanie's other hand. 
Eddie reminds himself not to get jealous of felines.
"I managed to graduate," he says and when Steph looks at him in confusion, he adds: "I dealt in high school to save money for my band, thought that was my only route. But then I did graduate, on my third try, and the art teacher pulled some strings, asked around, and told me I could go study music. The guys forced me to go for it," he smiles at the memory. "My band, I mean. They said at least one of us should know some theory," he chuckles. 
"That's very nice of them," Stephanie comments. 
"Yeah. The bastards followed me after high school too." He grins. 
"And I still haven't heard your music," she sighs wistfully. 
"I'll bring a tape next time," he promises. 
"You better."
They sit in silence for a while, only the cat's purring filling the night ambiance. 
"Want some tea?"
"I guess I should go."
They speak over each other, eyes wide when they meet awkwardly. They chuckle, and Eddie can feel his cheeks warm up.
"Or I can get us a beer? Since you're not an old lady," she offers, spotting the empty bottle on the table. "Unless you really need to go."
"Beer sounds good. Considering there are no old ladies here," he smiles charmingly, daring her to protest. 
Steph doesn't say anything, only rolls her eyes and gently nudges Garfield from her lap onto the couch cushions. She scratches Eddie's head when she passes, thankfully missing the way it causes his whole body to shiver. 
"Won't your uncle be worried where you are?" she asks from the kitchen, giving Eddie the space he needs to collect himself. 
"I told him I'd wait for you," he answers, scratching Garfield and trying to forget how good it felt when done to him. "Also, I don't have a curfew anymore. Never had, in fact. Not with Wayne."
"Lucky you." She steps back into the room, handing him a chilled bottle. "How long have you been living with him?"
"Since high school," he answers before taking a swig. "Spent a short time in a halfway house before that. My parents couldn't handle me anymore, but they managed to reach my uncle and he took me in."
"The hell do you mean 'couldn't handle you'?" Steph asks with a frown.
Eddie chuckles at her immediate offense.
"They got into legal trouble, and couldn't afford the house anymore, I think my dad spent some time in prison too. Tax fraud and shit, never cared enough to dig into it and Wayne doesn't like talking about them either. He's a better parent they'd ever be anyway."
"Yeah," Steph softens. "I'd love to have had someone like him back in the day." Then, she deflates with a sigh. "Though even the nicest people can turn out to be bigots. Not Wayne, of course!" she rushes to add. "He knows about Robin and he's really cool about it." 
Eddie sees his opening and feels comfortable enough to use it finally. 
"He better be, since his nephew is bisexual," he says with a little huff. 
"He is?" Steph picks up curiously. 
"Yeah," Eddie scratches his cheek, suddenly sheepish. "Turned out I wasn't watching Indiana Jones for the plot."
"I think that sweaty chest is plot enough," she says and they both laugh.
"Have you dated a guy, then?" Stephanie asks next. 
"Only one for real," Eddie admits. "But it's not like I've dated many girls either, though it is easier."
"A young bachelor like you?" Stephanie raises her eyebrows in surprise. "You should be swarming with marriage proposals, the way your uncle describes you."
Eddie groans, throwing his head back against the cushions. 
"What nonsense is he telling about me?"
"Only that he has a talented, smart boy in Indy, who's always helpful and protective of his friends and family. Also, he has really frizzy hair."
"Excuse me?"
Eddie picks up his head to look at Stephanie. She's suddenly closer than before, rubbing a lock of his hair between her fingers. 
"When was the last time you had your hair done?"
"Uh." He looks between her hand and her face like he'll find the answer there. "Never? Probably? At least not that I remember."
Stephanie's mouth purses with displeasure. 
"I can fix them for you. For taking care of my cats."
Eddie wants her hands in his hair so badly, but he raises his beer like a dumbass. 
"But I already got a beer," he points out. 
She shakes her head. 
"I share beers with friends for less. I'd usually buzz Wayne too, and you'd be doing me a favor because I can't focus with your split ends right in my face."
She's really playing it up, pout and all, and unfortunately, it's working on him. 
But he'd probably do anything she asked for. 
"Then, uh... Sure, I guess."
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year ago
How about Bruce pranking/embarrassing/making fun of (not in a bad way) the kids as payback for their pranks/jokes?
Dick: I'm going to Wally's.
Bruce: *grunts*
Dick: *leaves*
Bruce: *makes a phone call*
Bruce: Barry, I need you and Wally to come over here for a minute.
Bruce: *pats Tim's back and sticks a barcode*
Tim: What was that for?
Bruce: Just letting you know you're doing a great job, son.
[30 minutes later]
Tim: *wearing headphones*
Bruce: *walks by and scans it*
[1 hour later]
Tim: *asleep at his desk*
Bruce: *walks by and scans it*
[2 hours later]
Bruce: *walks by and scans it*
Tim: What was that beeping?
Bruce: Just my phone.
Bruce: Barbara, can you help me analyze this Kryptonite sample?
Barbara: Hm... the color and texture line up with mechanically-cut Kryptonite, but something about it seems off. Where did you find it?
Bruce: The docks.
Barbara: I'm gonna need to run some tests.
Bruce: *wonders when he should tell her it's green glass*
[at dinner]
Duke: *turns and talks to someone*
Bruce: *adds a scoop of mashed potatoes to Duke's plate*
Duke: *goes back to his plate*
Duke: *leaves to get a drink*
Bruce: *adds another scoop*
Duke: *comes back and keeps eating*
Duke: *drops his fork and bends down to get it*
Bruce: *adds another scoop*
Duke: Anyway, what was I saying before?
Bruce, pointing: What's that?
Duke: *looks behind him*
Bruce: *adds another scoop*
Steph: Bruce, have you seen my sweater? The purple one with white flowers.
Bruce: No, sorry.
Steph: Oh, okay. No biggie.
Steph: *leaves*
Bruce: *takes the sweater to the post office*
[a couple days later]
Alfred: Miss Stephanie, there is a package for you.
Steph: Weird, I didn't order anything.
Steph: *opens it*
Cass: *lurking in the corner*
Bruce: *secretly takes a picture from above with a drone*
Bruce: *AirDrops it to her*
Bruce: What do you want for the holidays?
Damian: Well, I would like another cat.
Bruce: I'll see what I can do.
[weeks later]
Damian: A bulldozer?
Bruce: Not just any bulldozer. A Cat.
Jason: *parks and goes inside*
Bruce: *steals Jason's bike tires*
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steddiealltheway · 1 year ago
"Yeah, I'll see you next year," Steve says as yet another girl turns him down. As soon as she's out the door, he turns to Robin. "I swear I'm striking out like I did at Scoops Ahoy."
"No, I don't think so. I think you're doing much worse," Robin replies with a laugh. "But really it's very entertaining. A great way to end my year."
Steve runs a hand through his hair and turns back to his abandoned stack of tapes only to turn back around as soon as the bell above the door rings. He turns around with a heavy sigh as soon as he realizes who it is.
"Great to see you too," Eddie says with a humorless laugh.
Robin cuts in before Steve can. "Don't take it personally. He's just unsuccessful in his mission to woo a lady and get a New Year's kiss."
"Really?" Eddie asks, leaning across the counter.
"I think I'm coming across as desperate."
"Because you are," Robin adds unhelpfully.
Steve shrugs. "Well sorry I'm a romantic."
"Sorry that you've never gone a year without a New Year's kiss since, what, middle school?" Robin asks, grabbing a stack of tape to put back on the shelves.
"Yes, and I don't want to break the tradition now."
Robin rolls her eyes as she walks away, and Eddie props his chin on his hand. "You're actually struggling to find someone?"
That's an understatement. Steve has gone beyond struggling and is full-on failing at the task at hand. "At this point, I would take anyone."
"Even me?" Eddie asks with a wide smile.
Steve stares at him for a moment and considers it, eyes dipping down to his full lips and back up at him. "Let's see if I can get anyone else first."
Eddie's hands dramatically clutch his chest. "You wound me, Steve. Am I really last choice for you?"
Steve raises his eyebrows at him and deadpans, "Absolutely."
Instead of the dramatic response, Steve expects, Eddie instead leans over the counter and lowly says, "I can change your mind about that if you'll let me."
Steve laughs and leans forward. "Yeah? How's that?"
Eddie runs a hand through Steve's hair, sending chills down his body as he lightly scrapes his nails on his scalp. His hand then settles on the back of Steve's head and drags him in close to whisper, "I guess we'll have to wait to see at midnight."
With that, Eddie gives him a wink and steps back. "Robin, tell me what movie to watch while I waste away the rest of this year."
Robin peaks her head out from a shelf and waves him over, and Steve doesn't register anything they're saying because he's too stuck on what the hell just happened between him and Eddie. Because yeah, he's a little kiss-starved and attention-starved, but even when he's given into his desperation with random girls, it didn't ever feel so... electrifying.
He snaps out of his bout of confusion when someone walks into the store. He perks up a bit when he notices it's a girl who is not only pretty but also very much alone. Steve gets his hopes up a bit as he does his spiel, "Hi, welcome to Family Video, is there anything I can help you with?"
The girl looks Steve up and down and lightly bites her lip before answering, "Yes actually. I'm looking for a romantic comedy. Something to give me some hope when going into the new year."
"You need hope when it comes to romance, too?" Steve asks as he leads her over to the romance section.
She giggles and twirls a strand of blonde hair around her finger. "Yes, but I was wishing it would come sooner. Maybe around midnight?"
Steve nods and chuckles. "Yeah, I know the feeling."
The girl is quick to find a tape and bring it to the register where Steve rings her up. As he hands her the tape, she asks, "So, do you have any plans tonight?"
And this is Steve's moment. He looks her up and down, staring at pink lip gloss smeared over full lips then her brown eyes that are... not brown enough. It's like they're missing the depth that Steve is used to for some reason as if he's expecting...
Steve swallows and glances around the store, spotting the head of curly hair quickly as he watches the interaction. Eddie gives him a thumbs up accompanied by a sad smile, but Steve gives him a genuine smile back. "Actually, I do have plans tonight."
The girl gives him a small oh before quickly hurrying out of the store, and Steve can't feel too bad about disappointing the girl when he sees a light blush spread over Eddie's cheeks.
"So, you do have plans?" Eddie presses as he makes his way back to the counter.
"It seems like I do," Steve replies, leaning across the counter.
"Mhm," Eddie hums and looks down, "And what happened to me being your last option?"
"I seemed to come to my senses," Steve flirts easily.
Eddie smiles and pulls a few strands of hair in front of his face, unsuccessfully hiding his blush. "So, I'll see you at midnight then?"
"I'll see you then," Steve says with a wink, his eyes following Eddie all the way out of the store and into his van.
Robin slowly makes her way to Steve's side and asks, "You know that he just stole a tape, right?"
Steve shrugs. "I'll make sure to let him know."
"And we're going to discuss everything that happened just now this year or....?"
"I'll save the panic for next year," Steve decides.
Robin smiles at him. "Good idea. You have other things to do tonight."
Steve laughs loudly and finds himself unable to stop smiling for the rest of their shift.
As he drops Robin off at her house, he gives her an obnoxious kiss on the cheek and says, "Happy New Year."
Robin scrunches her nose up as she wipes at her cheek, but she can't stop the smile that's spreading on her face. "Happy New Year, and have fun tonight!"
"I will!"
As soon as Robin is safely inside, Steve speeds off toward Eddie's trailer, trying to push down his nerves by giving himself a pep talk that he knows Robin would make fun of him for. He'll have to leave that part out when he retells everything to her tomorrow.
When he gets to Eddie's, he takes a minute to fix his hair in the mirror before making his way to his door and knocking quickly.
Eddie opens it with a surprised look on his face. "A big part of me thought you were joking."
"And if I wasn't?" Steve asks, hoping Eddie himself wasn't joking about the whole thing.
Eddie's eyes flicker down to his lips. "Then I'd let you know that we don't have to wait until midnight to kiss. There are no rules against kissing before then after all."
Steve smiles so wide, his face starts to ache. "You're right. There are definitely no rules about that."
Eddie almost immediately tugs him inside and is quick to close the door behind him before cupping his face and leaning in. "And you're sure you're not joking about this?"
"Absolutely," Steve says as his hands lightly rest on Eddie's back.
"Well, Happy New Year's Eve to me then," Eddie jokes before closing the distance between them and pulling Steve into a kiss that makes his entire being light up in a way that rivals all the fireworks that go off that night.
As they gently pull away, Steve whispers against Eddie's lips, "You're never going to be my last choice ever again."
"Yeah?" Eddie asks with a smile.
"Yeah," Steve says, kissing him again.
They lose track of time that night, but they still manage to get in a New Year's kiss at midnight. As they drift off in the early morning hours, Eddie announces that 86' may not have been his year, but 87' sure will be. And Steve can't help but think the same thing.
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il-miele-che-scrive · 10 months ago
Lando Norris and [Y/n] [Y/l/n]'s rivalry takes a different turn in Miami
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username1 Chill girlie, it's just a sprint race win
username2 And people were shitting on Redbull for dropping Checo for a rookie 😭 you showed them, been on the podium almost every weekend and got the first win so quick
carlossainz55 Congrats 👏 🥇
↳yourusername THANK YOU 💪
↳username3 Carlos and Y/n are literally the only drivers who managed to beat Max this season and may I add she's a rookie
username4 Redbull knew what they were doing
redbullracing Our golden girl🏆
↳yourusername 💙💙
maxverstappen1 It was my pleasure to see you win💪
↳yourusername Get ready to see it more often
username5 I wonder how Lando feels knowing that a girl rookie got a win before him
↳username6 same thing happened last year when Oscar won sprint 😭 guess he won't do anything about it
↳username4 He's crying probably lmao
username7 📞God's calling he says we should have more girls in Formula 1
charles_leclerc A victory in your rookie year is always special🥳🥳
↳yourusername I love it 😭
oscarpiastri Party when?
↳yourusername After I win the race tomorrow 😇 unless you can tell Lando to get his shit together and try to beat me
username5 I love the fact that Y/n and Oscar are friends, Oscar is friends with Lando, and for some reason Y/n and Lando seem to hate each other
username8 I've heard there's some story behind the whole Y/n Lando thing 😭
username6 WHAAAAAT?
username8 So apparently when they were kids, like 15 or smth, one of them had a crush on the other one, but it didn't work out hence enemies now
username6 I'll assume Lando had a crush on Y/n cuz there's no way one could have a crush on a 15yo Lando Norris lmao
username9 And here I was thinking Y/n was just angry about how Lando almost crashed into her a few races ago
username10 sameeee lmao it was so funny to see them argue in the paddock
username9 Yeah and seeing them the weekends after this incident I was like miss girl just likes to hold grudges over things that happen in F1 from time to time lmao
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landonorris WWE FUCKIJG DID IT. PT 1🏆
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oscarpiastri Well done man 👏👏👏
alex_albon Congrats!!! 💪👏
georgerussell63 Congrats mate!!!
username1 All I know is he read the comments under Y/n's post 😭
username2 Y/n's victory pissed him too much lmao
yourusername I guess it's not too much for the little Lando Norris anymore
↳landonorris he's not so little anymore
yourusername Shame I wasn't on the podium with you tho
landonorris do better next time then lol
username4 His villain era starts
yourusername Anyway I'm glad to be your motivation
username5 No cuz I'd also love to see Y/n and Lando on the podium together
↳username6 Y'all talk about the podium together but I'd love to see them in the cool down room together lmao
username5 That'd be gold man, I'd pay millions to be a fly in the room if it ever happened
username7 @/yourusername stop pretending you're not in love with Lando
username7 Actually guys stop pretending you're not in love with each other @/yourusername @/landonorris
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username1 I love a good enemies to lovers story
username2 ARE THEY OKAY?
username3 I saw a video of Max being at the party so I assumed Y/n was there also BUT THIS IS NOT WHAT I EXPECTED
username4 Nah cuz why's the kiss so passionate 😭
username5 girl is living the Wattpad life
username6 now she isn't rejecting him 👀
↳username7 you mean HE isn't rejecting HER now
username8 Do you know something we don't? 🤨
username7 actually yes, Max as in Lando's Max (not Y/n's Max) went live on Twitch yesterday and he said something along the lines of young Lando rejecting young Y/n
username8 Nahhhh this is even better now
username9 I just know that other drivers will make fun of them after this
username10 I wonder how will they act now? Will they pretend the video doesn't exist?
↳username11 I feel like nothing will change, same hatred, same rivalry (even more now after both of their wins)
username12 I assume it was just a moment of weakness induced by the emotions
username11 And alcohol
username13 there's no way it didn't end in the hotel bed lol
username14 I'm tired of pretending I wasn't waiting for this to happen
username15 it feels like a fever dream lmao
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yourusername We deserved a New York trip after the victories
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oscarpiastri This doesn't feel real
↳username1 exactly my thoughts 😭
landonorris well deserved, well enjoyed
↳yourusername You're not that terrible to be around, did you know that?
landonorris i'm still adjusting to your presence, can't say the same
yourusername Mean :(
landonorris i love you :)
yourusername Nice :)
username3 Ladies and gentlemen, Lando 'I don't wanna mature' Norris has matured
username4 God my brain can't comprehend what the hell happened
carlossainz55 The IT couple 👏🏆
↳landonorris of course
↳username5 Seems like they've been teaching Carlos the gen z expressions 😭
username6 I will miss the rivalry between them
↳username2 you really think it'll end?
username6 Yeah they'll go soft on each other
username2 Y/n is the second most competitive on the grid after Max, I don't think the rivalry between her and Lando will end 😂
maxfewtrell Finally
↳yourusername My 15yo self would say the same if she ever knew
maxverstappen1 @/landonorris pls don't affect her performance
↳landonorris pls let me be the cause of redbull's downfall, I've been plotting for years
yourusername It's not like I'll go easy on you now that you're my boyfriend
landonorris mean :(
yourusername I love you :)
landonorris nice :)
georgerussell63 Congrats on finally admitting your feelings guys
↳charles_leclerc We all knew it'll happen, we just didn't know when 😂
pierregasly @/charles_leclerc you owe me McDonald's
↳charles_leclerc We'll go after the season ends
landonorris you guys had a bet?
yourusername Of course they did, I'm so not surprised
charles_leclerc Max also participated.
yourusername @/maxverstappen1⁉️
maxverstappen1 I did participate in the bet...
yourusername How could you betray me like this!!
maxverstappen1 I like maccas, it convinced me
maxverstappen1 But we're all very happy for you if that makes it any better
yourusername Let's say it does...
landonorris i say we should beat his ass on the next race
yourusername I agree, it's settled 🏁 Max Emilian Verstappen, get ready to from now on forever be behind a mclaren and your fellow redbull
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whoskimii · 7 months ago
Could you do like, fem reader giving head to toru and he’s like “so good mama” something like that, pretty praises for reader.
I want to add a thank you because all of your work, I recently started following you, I absolutely LOVE your work
thanks for the compliment my love!! i really appreciate it <33
⋆౨ৎ˚ notes > satoru x you. filth, filth and filth again :) you give him head and he praises his pretty baby <3 tell me if i missed anything!! ^^ ౨ৎ warning : you may have butterflies in your belly while reading this!! 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
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satoru felt like he was about to pass out. he was so, so sensitive and his vision was almost blurry.
small moans escaped his parted lips as his head rolled back against the headboard. his senses were filled by you. and only you.
his ears only registered the lewd sounds of you sucking on his cock. his back arched as you took him into the back of your wet throat and choked on him. his eyes rolled back when your throat closed up around him. the sight was almost enough to make him cum right there and then.
you were looking up at him with wide, sparkly eyes, tears beginning to gather at the corners from choking on him. you observed him under your long eyelashes, soft cheeks flushed. "fuck," he mumbled, wiping the drool off the corner of his mouth with his thumb. "oh my..." his eyes rolled back again as you began jerking off the base of his cock because you couldn't take him all without choking painfully.
you pulled back and licked the red tip before tracing his veins with your tongue. he felt himself throb in your mouth. "i'm so fucking lucky..." he murmured. "i swear, you're sucking my soul out, mama..." he sighed. his fingers tightened in your hair as you hummed around him, the vibration causing a shiver to run down his spine.
he glanced down again, only to be greeted with the pleasant sight of drool and fluids dripping down your chin. "'toru..." you mumbled and licked him again. "m'here, mama... m'right here..."
his bright sky blue eyes settled on your pretty face and he stroked your cheek gently. "so cute... you're so damn cute..." he looked down at your pretty manicured hand and groaned as he realized that you had been playing with your clit since earlier. "what a greedy little girl... y'like that, baby, huh ? y'like suckin' on my cock..."
as you knelt in front of your boyfriend, giving him head sloppily, you felt like a cheap whore. he made you feel like that. and surprisingly, the thought made you clench around nothing. "want you inside, 'toru..." you mumbled and wrapped your lips back around him. "i know, baby, i know... just... keep suckin' me, okay ? i'll play with you later..." he sighed and let his head roll back against the headboard. "i— shiiit..." he cursed as you began moving your head more vigorously.
"gonna be the death of me, little one..." he moaned as you kissed the tip of his cock. "yeah, c'mon... suckin' me so damn well..." he praised. as the words filled your ears, your slippery insides clenched another time. you swirled your tongue around his tip and he groaned. he was almost about to cum. "fuck, mama... yeah, keep... keep going..."
he covered his pretty eyes with his arm. "m'boutta cum, baby..." you hummed at the thought. "shitshitshit, angel, i'm—" his sentence ended with a whine as he spilled himself into your mouth.
you eagerly lapped at every drop and swallowed. he throbbed as he finally came down from his high and sighed wearily. "open your mouth, beautiful..." you stuck your tongue out and he hummed approvingly. "good girl..." he gently wiped off the remaining juice at the corner of your lips before bringing his thumb to his mouth. he tasted himself and sighed. "you said you wanted me inside, right ?"
you definitely wanted him inside.
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yummy yummy (literally) :3
⋆˚࿔ kimi 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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salsakiyoomi · 4 days ago
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sukuna had been gone for ten days.
he won't answer his phone, he won't answer his texts, you even tried to send him an email — yeah, no use.
by the tenth day, you were starting to feel less worried and more angry.
that's when he finally came knocking at your front door.
it was a random tuesday night when you were crying your eyes out at an angsty romance movie when a series of knocks came at your door.
quickly, you wipe away your tears and you head towards the door, creaking it open slightly to see who it is.
a gasp escapes you at the familiar sight of the tattooed face of your stupid, stupid boyfriend.
you swing the door open and before he could get any words out, you drag him in by the collar of his shirt and slap him across the face.
stunned is an understatement.
if anything, sukuna is thoroughly dumbfounded — sure, he knew you were feisty, except, he never thought you'd throw hands, especially as sexy as you did just now.
“where the hell have you been?!” you yell at him, but he's still flabbergasted, with his hand on his cheek where you had just slapped him.
“sukuna.” you growl, and he knows that he’s in trouble.
“sorry, something came up.” he says under his breath, rubbing his cheek.
holy hell, you sure knew how to throw a slap.
“really?” you huff, an angry scowl on your face at the audacity of his curt and vague answer, “that's all you have to say for yourself after ten whole days of being MIA?”
“look, baby, i'm sorry —” “i don't want your apology! i want an explanation! i called you, i texted you, i even sent you an email and you never responded!”
sukuna feels something close to guilt and maybe even…joy? because wow, were you really that worried about it? how flattering.
“i just had a deal going on.” he mutters under his breath, knowing you're going to reprimand him for it.
“what?” you utter out, “a drug deal?! seriously, ryomen? again?! you promised me you quit that shit!”
“it was a good deal, okay?!” he responds, starting to feel frustrated now, “and i needed the money.”
“you could've asked me for money!” you tell him and he scoffs, “yeah, like you're any less broke than i am.”
“sukuna.” you warn and he shakes his head, avoiding your gaze.
“look, i'm sorry, okay?” he says, “it was a moment of weakness.
“yeah, like all of the other times?” you ask sarcastically, “get out.” you add, pointing at the front door of your dorm and already ushering him out.
“oh, come on.” he chides, using the tone that he knows makes you weak, and looking at you with those stupidly convincing red eyes of his, “i said i'm sorry baby, okay? i won't do it again, i promise.”
“you stress me out, ryomen.” you huff, crossing your arms.
“i know,” he says smoothly, “i won't do it again, for you.”
he knows he's let you down again. in his history of fuck ups, this was probably one of the worst — breaking your trust, again.
and yet, he knows you'll always come back to him, forgive him and coddle him — just like you always do.
there was no denying that you were weak for him.
“....fine.” you mumble, “but if you do it again, i'm breaking up with you.”
“yeah yeah, i know.” he chuckles, his hands at your hips, “i won't.”
“good.” you huff.
he hums in response, leaning in to kiss you to make you forget about everything he's ever done and he practically feels the way you melt into the kiss, sinking into his touch as he caresses the soft flesh of your hips.
he was a manipulative piece of shit and he knew it, but if it meant having you under his touch? yeah, he won't give it up.
you bite on his bottom lip and he groans, pulling you closer.
after a moment, he pulls away, the both of you gasping for air.
he smirks, “i can tell you miss me.”
“shut up.” you huff and he chuckles, his hand sliding up to caress the back of your neck and pull you in closer.
“i'll hit from the back tonight if you let me.” he whispers in your ear and you blush, slapping his chest.
“ryomen!” you exclaim and he laughs, “come on, baby. don't you miss me?”
before you even get a chance to respond, he's hauling you up and carrying you to your bedroom.
sukuna's a manipulative piece of shit who probably has nothing better to do than play around and break hearts — he doesn't get attached.
and no matter how many times you threaten to break up with him, he knows you'll always stay.
he was just that good.
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white-wolf-buckaroo · 3 months ago
The last drop in The Last Drop🍺✨
Here is my self indulging fic set in the Arcane series because I miss Vander a lot and I need to cope with the ending somehow -> Basically a fic where I add an og character (a little girl named Luna) who becomes Vander's fifth adopted child (shoutout to the single dad of the year)
Disclaimer: I haven't played LOL and english isn't my first language, so yeah, and oh I've got daddy issues (reason for which I'm writing this lol)
Mi main Masterlist: here!
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Pre-Act 1.1
It's alright, little one
Luna liked Vander's hands. They made her feel safe. He made her feel safe
She's got us now
The Last Drop was a loud place, and Vander's kids were also loud, but Luna slowly begins to fit in within the chaos with her new family
You're not by yourself anymore, Lu
Luna has nightmares, but Vander will always be there for her. She just has to learn that.
I like being close to you
Luna likes to hang out behind the counter because she likes being close to Vander.
It's nice to make new friends
Luna meets Ekko for the first time.
We're having a game night!
When Vander realizes Luna is scared of thunderstorms, he thinks of something to help distract her from the next storm.
To protect something precious one must be willing to do anything
As Luna keeps Vander company while he cleans up for the night, an unexpected visitor arrives: a man with a long coat, black hair, and a scarred eye.
And I'll keep choosing you, every single day
Vander had been called many things in his life, but no one had ever said 'Dad' to him. Until now.
You're my family. Every single one of you.
Mylo, Vi and Claggor get frustrated because they are grounded for a week, and they get angry because Vander doesn't seem to get as angry with Powder and Luna when they do wrong. It's time for him to remind them that he doesn't have any favourites (this one follows directly the one shot/chapter before "And I'll keep choosing you, every single day").
This is somethin' special, kid
On a rare sunny day in the Lanes, all the kids go outside to have fun and play, but not Luna. She stays in the basement all day working on a super secret project that she reveals at the end of the day to her family.
Takes one to know one
Luna makes a new friend, except he isn't from the Lanes, but from Piltover. A boy named Seb.
... more to come!
Drabbles pre Act 1.1.
Told you sprinkles are important!
Vander, Powder and Luna bake Vi a birthday cake.
'Guess the tooth fairy knows her stuff
About a tooth fairy named Claggor.
He's so going to kill us
Luna tags along Vi and Claggor to complete an assignment for Vander, however, she loses them and ends up alone (scaring the sh*t out of her siblings and dad).
... more to come!
Act 1.1
I’ll still fight every day. For them.
Vander wakes up after being taken by Singed for his experiments.
... more to come!
If you have any requests or want to see something happen let me know! I do have a few things mapped out, but as this is a very self indulging fic, I'll probably don't follow a concrete order posting (maybe one day I post a one shot set when they were all kids and the next day one set in season 2, idk depends on the mood ig)
Tell me if you want to be tagged!
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lcriedlastnight · 8 months ago
Accidentally saying I love you with Lando
tysm for your request anon, i appreciate it so much! p.s lando deserved that win today. max verstappen i am inside your walls.
tw: fem!reader, short and sweet, swears, lmk if there's anything you want me to add.
w/c: 1k
you and were a newer thing. you weren't new new, but new enough that you have not said those three little words to each other yet. you knew you loved lando since the third date, when even though he didn't like seafood, literally couldn't even stand being near the stuff, he took you to a sushi restaurant because you had never tried sushi and you wanted to give it a go. turns out you didn't like it either.
there had been a few times where you had almost let the words slip out your mouth but you had managed to bite your tongue at the last second. you would tell him when you were ready and when the time felt right.
lando was currently in spain for the spanish grand prix and this one was difficult. it was only the first race out of the three in the triple header and yet here you were, laying in yours and lando's shared bed, on facetime to him, close to tears. just seeing his face made you miss him more.
"come on honey, don't cry. don't do this to me. i don't want to watch you cry." lando frowns from his own hotel bed, the sheets too white compared to his usual ones. the bed too empty without you. you were usually really good with the distance but this was your first triple header with lando. there were double headers but even with those you made it to the last race so it was even less time. this time around you can't even go to one.
you sniffle as you try to stop your tears. you wipe your eyes with the sleeves of lando's jumper. "i know. i'm sorry. it's not your fault. i just miss you a lot tonight, lan." you express.
you can see lando nodding along with your words as you speak, you know it's not easy on him either. you sigh.
"okay. sorry. we can talk about something else now." you try your best to shake off the sadness. you can always cry when lando hangs up the phone.
"don't apologise, my sweet girl. i know it's hard, i'll try speak to you as much as i can. and i know i'll be busy but i'm back in monaco for the next three tuesdays." lando tried to find a positive in all of this. it was difficult.
you nod, with a hum taking his word into account. "not gonna let go of you for the full night on the tuesdays." you insist with such determination it makes lando's heart melt.
"is that a threat or a promise?" he asks, cheekily. that stupid smirk on his face as he tries his best to make you laugh. it works, not because it's funny but because his smirk always made you laugh.
"promise." you say through giggles. lando laughs along with you until he checks the time on the top of his phone. he sighs as it reads two am.
"m' gonna have to go now, honey. it's gettin' a little late." lando frowns like the words actually hurt him physically to say. you frown too but you understand so you don't put up any fight.
"g'night lan. speak to you tomorrow. i'm not working so call whenever you can i'll keep my day free for you." you bid him goodnight and send him a kiss through the phone screen. lando smiles at your cute gesture.
"night, honey. i'll call you whenever i can. i love you." it is quick but you catch it. lando blows you a kiss then ends the call. you didn't get a chance to say anything back. you don't think he even realises he said it. well he will now he's laying thinking about it. you think to yourself as you settle down on lando's side of the bed and fall asleep.
it's not until he returns home that it's spoken about. you are happy he loves you too and you are even happier that you didn't say it first. you were scared that if you said it first and lando didn't feel the same then he would break up with you. you let your mind carry you away sometimes.
you wait on the couch in your living room for lando to come in. you hear his key in the lock and the rolling of the wheels on his suitcase through the doorway. it makes you giddy but instead of leaping off the couch you stay where you are. lando notices you there and makes his way to you. he doesn't give you time to think before he is wrapping you up in a hug.
your head resting in the crook of his neck as he picks you up in the hug. you laugh at his strength. when your giggles die down thats when you hear him. he's mutter a quiet stream of "i love you"'s into your ear. this is when the tears spring to your eyes again. you pull his head out of your neck to really look at him.
"i love you too. you didn't let me say it back last time." you try to slip the joke in but lando doesn't laugh. no, he just springs forward, lips locking with yours in the sweetest kiss you've had yet from the brit. he pulls away put sends a quick few pecks to your lips, because he can never get enough of you.
you both spend the rest of the day repeating those words to each other like you have just found out what they mean. lando literally feels the need to shout them to everyone he see's in the airport as you wave him goodbye the next again.
while lando is on the flight with no internet he spends his free time typing the words 'i love you' out individually, over and over again then sending it to you just before he lands so that when he does actually land and you get the message. you will be reminded that you are all he thinks about even when you aren't with him.
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twopoppies · 4 months ago
hey love, i hope this arrives in one piece and nothing is cut off, as i am not sure anymore how much i can write in a tumblr ask. just to be sure, my message ends with a ":)"
i'm a larrie since 2013, but went on a work-related tumblr break in 2018 (i work in the music industry). i returned to tumblr last week, amidst deep shared grief 💔 to find solace in community. as i tried to cheer myself up by going through my favorite blogs (like yours, it's so wonderful) and trying to catch up -especially about Harry&Louis things that i missed in the last years-, i found the posts really feel like little nuggets of joy and i'm so grateful for that. so i decided i finally want to add to it, now that my industry commitments have downsized significantly. i haven't shared this in almost a decade (never online anyway) and it's not big news or anything, but whenever i remember it, it just makes my heart glow. so, one of my closest work-friends in the industry back in the days (and i'll use neutral pronouns to protect them) did two tours with them in 🦘 in 2013 and 2015. our shared work ethics and also contracts obviously forbade us both from sharing almost all of what was seen or heard (concerning the artists' personal business), but my friend knew i firmly believed Harry and Louis to be together, just closeted (and we both knew this sadly was very common in music or the film industry; meaning mgmt iron-closeting non-straight male artists was completely and automatically still considered The Norm back then, especially with male artists doing these kinds of numbers and having that large of a young fanbase). i never indulged in my reasons or theories, because i felt like i had a professional reputation to uphold and also with me being queer and in the closet as well, it felt too personal to discuss, back then. during the first tour in 2013, we didn't text much, they just said the band was all very friendly and crew was professional, they seemed "like family". the schedule was "brutal". and security constantly needed to be "tightened", due to invasive people trying to steal or replicate tour passes. i didn't ask my friend about Harry and Louis specifically --but admittedly we also weren't that close of friends at that point. during the second tour in 2015, we were though, and only a few days in, they out of the blue texted something that made me smile so wide, i honestly think my cheeks are hurting to this day. :D i quote: "hey so those two louis and h. can't tell you more but you weren't wrong!!!" i replied with ":DDDDDDD" (honestly felt like sending a million heart emojis instead) and about an hour later they sent "every here knows too!!!" and a correction: "everyone" and to this day, almost 10 years later, I keep these imessages saved, because it made me so happy. and i hope that sharing my time-capsuled precious memory will make someone else happy, too. their love is truly something so special. oh, and one of the two was really unlucky at the pokies (slot machines) and quite a sore loser, haha. I always guessed it was Louis, but I don't know. :)
🥹 Oh, we really needed some happiness around here. Bless you for sharing this.
Also, I tend to agree with you that it was Louis on the slot machines. LMAO!
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squoxle · 9 months ago
Hi ! Could you write something where like y/n is sucking or playing with heeseungs dick & she just got her fresh nails done and they’re pretty and EVERHTING & she poses with heeseungs dick and adds a bow …
(Sorry for taking so long to respond to your request)
French Tip ~ L. HS
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pairing: sugar-daddy!bf!heeseung x babygirl!gf!reader| wc: 1.3k | plot: after getting your nails done, you're excited to show Heeseung your fresh, new set. | cw: 🔞MDNI!! blow job, boob job, hand job, basically touching his dick in every way possible and snapping a few pictures lol bc why tf not (there're also a few cute moments hehe)
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Having your boyfriend pay for your nails was nothing out of the ordinary to you. He did this almost every week, or whenever else he thought they should be done.
Sometimes you would ask for his input, but today was not one of those days. You wanted to surprise him with a fresh, natural-looking set.
French Tips...
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"When you finish getting your nails done, send me a pic. I wanna see what they look like," he said before kissing you on the cheek. You could still smell the scent of coffee from this morning in the air.
That alone was addicting enough, but when the scent of his Channel cologne was mixed in only one thing was on your mind. And that was getting back in bed with him. Or at least pleasing him while he tells you how pretty you look.
"Okay," you smiled softly as you looked into his sweet doe eyes. You pulled the gold chain of your black clutch bag over your shoulder as you headed out the door.
You would've loved for him to take you to your nail appointment today, but he had some business to take care of at home. To be specific, he had a very important meeting over Zoom with a few of his colleagues concerning a very important business deal, which he made crystal clear to you the day before.
Before heading to your appointment, you stopped to place an order for some desserts. Heeseung planned to have a business party next week and he left you in charge of the food.
"Why do you want me to do it? Can't you just hire someone else to take care of this," you asked, not because you had a problem with it, more so for the reason that you were honestly curious.
"Well, you have good taste," he smiled.
"Mhm, sure I do."
"Well, that and you taste good," he smirked, pulling you close to flick his tongue across your lips.
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You took a sip from your water bottle as you walked into the beauty salon. "Good morning, Dear. Are you here for your 9 o'clock appointment?" Mrs. Yanez asked from behind the desk.
"Yes, ma'am," you smiled.
"Alright, I'm just gonna log you in," she said as she clacked away at her keyboard. "Do you know what you want to do today?"
"Yes, I'll need a full, fresh set along with a mani-pedi."
"Did you want a massage as well?"
"No, that's alright."
"You sure, it's 30 percent off today. Plus you've accumulated a total of 1500 pretty points with us."
"Hmm, well I'll definitely use those points another day," you smiled. "And as much as I would love a discounted massage, I kinda wanna get back home a little early today."
"Ooh, Mr. Lee must be home today," she teased.
"Yes, he is," you chuckled.
"Well, then I won't keep you waiting any longer," she smiled before pushing a small black button. She often reminded you of the tía-sobrina relationship you never had. You could talk to her about anything, and trust me...she wanted to hear it.
"Right this way, Miss," a masked employee nodded as you followed her to the back. You giggled as Mrs. Yanez playfully waved to you with a smirk on her face.
You sat down in a soft leather chair as you explained what look you were going for today. "I would like a natural-looking set. Almost like French tips, but with natural shades."
"So no white tip?"
"Well white like the color of my natural nails," you explained pointing to the whites of your nails.
"Okay, perfect. I can do that for you. Gloss or not gloss?"
"Gloss," you smiled, as the lady turned around to pick from the colors on her shelf. A nude color, an off-white color, and a pale yellow--which she mixed with the white to match the natural color of your nails.
Having a custom color mixed made your nails feel pretty unique. Plus, this was a style you never tried before, so you were excited to see how they'd come out.
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After about 45 minutes you were ready to go. Two people ended up working on you which sped up the process.
"Tell Heeseung I said hello," Mrs. Yanez smiled as you walked out.
"I will," you chuckled as she waved to you.
You climbed into your car before heading over to a nearby boba shop to pick up some drinks. Matcha for you and brown sugar for him. You liked extra boba and he liked extra syrup. These were little details you could never forget.
*Click* you snapped a shot of you holding the brown sugar boba because it looked better with your nails, even though it was for Heeseung.
Within seconds he opened the message and hearted the pic you sent. "They look nice, babe," he texted. You were surprised he even said that much.
"Maybe his meeting hasn't started yet. Or maybe they canceled it," you thought to yourself. Either way, you couldn't wait to get back home.
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"Heeseung?" you called out as you stepped out of your shoes. Your car keys, clutch bag, and phone balanced between your fingers as you carried both of the drinks over to the counter. You had drunk about a fourth of your by the time you made it home.
You placed yours on the counter as you walked into his home office.
You knocked softly as you opened the door. Heeseung didn’t say a single word, but the look on his face told you everything. “I’m a little busy right now, babe. You can come back later, okay.”
You paused in both shock and embarrassment for a moment before a cheeky smirk appeared on your face. You closed the door behind you before walking over to his desk.
He was trying his best not to look at you, but you could tell he wanted to.
You placed his drink on the desk next to him before crawling under the desk. As professional as Heeseung tried to be at times, he loved wearing his sweat pants and you liked them too.
They were comfortable and made pulling his dick out so much easier.
You fiddled around with his drawstring causing him to wiggle a bit from your touch before you managed to get his dick out. You felt him harden between your palms as you stroked him up and down. That's when an idea popped into your head.
You pulled your phone out and snapped a shot of his tip against your tongue. You placed your phone down beside you as you began to suck him off. You felt him lean forward slightly, trying his best to contain his excitement.
You kissed the head of his dick to give him a chance to readjust himself. You could hear the voices of his colleagues coming from his computer as you continued to suck him off. You pulled back to unbutton your blouse using your tits to take the place of your hands as you jerked him off.
*Click* you took another pic of his dick nestled in between your tits.
You traced your tongue up the length of his shaft before taking it back in your mouth. It wasn't long before you heard him getting ready to end the call.
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You looked up at him from under the desk. "Couldn't wait until after my meeting," he asked with a smirk.
You shook your head no as you continued to bob your head on his cock.
"Did you at least enjoy yourself?"
"Hmm...almost. I still feel like I'm missing a little something."
"And what would that be?" he asked cheekily, though he was fully aware of what you wanted...especially after you opened your mouth to tap his tip on your tongue.
He grabbed your head, shoving it down as he pumped himself into your mouth. Just as he was getting ready to cum he pulled your head back to coat your tongue.
*Click* He took a photo of your sitting between his legs with his cum all over your tongue and a dazed look on your face.
He paused to tap away at his phone before sending a pic of you with a bow edited on your head looking completely cum drunk.
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❀ 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @chlorinecake @mimikittysblog @nikisvanillaccola @wonbinisbabygurl @mrswolfhard3 @laylasbunbunny @sussyjake @furious-eagle @cherrriesss @abbyizzy @weyukinluv @addictedtohobi @thatonenoona @wavykook @givemeyourtmihyun @jaeljn @hoonmywk @valennshit @19-yunalyn @hoonbby @frostedblankets @hoonsyo @no-mannerism @perfectxserendipity @chubbibish @ihrtlix @bunniesforsoobin @thereadersparadise @thatbooknerdfr @aiden2001 @belongstoheeseung @jakeybabe @donut-crazs @rizzhee @nikimeows @woonieees @uarmyxtae @rebecca-johnson-28 @they2luv1naia @isa-2007 @silcry @riverscafe @pearlwhitesoul @nikohiroshi @thatbooknerdfr @wonniewonwon @sughoonieeee @babyy-bambii @adrika04 @sehunsharpasseyebrows @wtfyangjungwon @fr-3-akn-4-stymf @rikiloversworld @shawyle @sunoosrightbuttcheek @uarmyxtae @lovesickxmina @urfavberry @urauntiefaye @breadlover01 @taehyunsfavmo
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