#idk why this one gave me so much trouble to finish but here it is good enough aaaa
fycoren · 3 months
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asmallpinkfan3 · 9 months
Hobie brown and young! troubled teen reader hcs (more like oneshot)
Note-this is the first time I’ve tried writing for him and if u get his personality wrong please forgive me.
TW: reader has issues, swearing, slight mentions of sucidal feelings. Also I’m not British so idk any slang. So if anyone is British out there I’m sorry. And I dunno if I’m gonna write more for him I gotta figure it out.
GN reader, also reader is a younger teen like 13-16
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You had met him purely by accident, you ran into him while not paying attention in the spider society headquarters, he didn’t get upset really seeing that you did it by accident but it did catch his attention when you were apologizing like you had ran into Miguel.
He noticed the way your hands gripped your sleeve almost as if you were mentally beating yourself up because you ran into someone. “It’s fine”. He said with a small smile trying to assure you he wouldn’t body slam you into the concrete like your mind had overreacted because of bumping into him.
He saw you a couple more times around headquarters, spacing out,fiddling with your hands, etc. he also noticed how you stayed at headquarters a lot not seeming to wanna go home for whatever reason.
The time that you had actually got a proper introduction to him and not bumping into him or catch him looking at you was when Gwen befriended you and introduced you to him.
Overtime he kinda saw the way you would try to be near him without saying anything almost like his presence gave you comfort. He never pointed it out nor did he seem to mind when you went to his place to be around miles, Gwen, and Pav you would always sit near him.
Sometimes he caught you staring at his stuff, posters, pins, wall decor, all that. You seem to like how his place was decorated and he felt a little flattered.
The first time you had started talking to him and showing interest in his stuff by speaking was when you asked where his pins were from. “Made them myself.” He replied with a smile and you nodded in understanding. One time you had watched him play his guitar and you kinda just stood there and watched amazed at his playing, he didn’t mind. It’s not like you were being a bother just by watching with big eyes and being completely focused on it.
The first time you opened up was when you had a fight with your parents about something so small and for some reason you went to his universe. “Y/n? Mate what you-“ “can I stay here for tonight?” You cut him off before he could finish, and he noticed the tears in your eyes as it’s obvious you’re not doing too good.
“The couch is free you can sleep there for tonight.” He replied softly as he threw a blanket to you. “You caught it with a tight grip and nodded as a thanks and went to the couch and laid on it, you did have to move a pair of shoes out the way but other wise it was pretty comfortable.
In the morning you woke up to Hobie making himself some breakfast and you sat up and walked over to him, blanket still wrapped around you.
“Thank you for letting me stay the night”. You thanked him as he gave you a soft smile, he then took a sip of his coffee . “No problem mate, you wanna talk about what happened?” He asked and you sighed as you explained everything from your parents being assholes and constantly feeling like you wanna end it all.
He put his coffee down as he stared at you with a concerned look as tears started falling. “Mate, you need a hug?” He asked softly as it’s pretty much the only thing he can offer as he watched a young teen just tell him everything on why they feel like shit constantly.
You nodded as he then gave you a massive hug mainly cause he’s 6’5 and you felt safe, protected, like nothing could harm you. “I’m just tired of everything and my parents don’t help, and being a spider person it just-“ you sobbed into him as he rubbed your back keeping his voice soft and low. “Shh mate it’s ok, it’s alright your parents aren’t here and I’m not gonna judge ya, ok?”
He didn’t move or let go till you did and when you stopped crying he wanted to make sure you felt at least a little better so he tried to think. “How about this, we go get ya cleaned up and go somewhere, you ever had fish and chips?”
You shook your head as you looked up at him and he only smirked a little trying to lighten your mood. “There’s this small shop around here we can go get some, plus their food is really good not like that rubbish that big company’s produce.” He explained as it got a small smile from you. “I would like that”. You responded as you put the blanket that’s currently wrapped around you on the couch.
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rindousbbg · 4 months
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Synopsis: Atsumu comforting his bestfriend to get over a break up.
Pairing: Atsumu Miya x fem!reader.
Genre: Fluff and slightly angst?
Warning: none.
Wc: 990.
A/n: Idk what I wrote because this was so sudden. Also not proofread.
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Atsumu was mad, he was very mad. Why would you go out of your way to please someone who doesn't deserve you? No, you were wrong this time.
Loving someone who doesn't give a damn about you? Someone who would always choose someone else over you again and again? Don't you get tired?
He wanted to ask you that but he was too mad to say things to you or he might burst out and later hurt you. He would never want that.
Atsumu met you during one of his matches. He hated you at first. No why would he like you for no reason? He didn't even knew who you were.
But since then a new beautiful friendship started to bloom. Atsumu and you are now bestfriends.
Atsumu would always blabber about you to his brother, how you are so funny and know how to make jokes. Someone with whom he can share everything.
His brother knew that his brother was getting into trouble, he was falling for you.
"You love (name)"
"What are you talking about?"
That's how every conversation would be about you. Atsumu was getting tired of having thoughts about you.
Why would he think about you when he's playing volleyball and missing the ball every time? Also, why would your name pop up whenever someone asks him who's your crush or his top three favorite things (people)?
He was annoyed, he tried to ask himself over and over but he couldn't find out about it. He was devasted at the end.
And now being clueless, he tried to stop himself from thinking about it. Manipulating his mind to think that he's stupid just like his brother said.
"Why would you give him a chance when you know he is a piece of shit?"
"tsumu, he..."
You couldn't finish your sentences and started to sob hard. Your heart got broken by someone you love, someone you want.
"He gave nothing but pain to you (name), why are you still in love with him?"
He didn'twantd to raise his voice but he couldn't, he was suffering inside. He hated seeing you crying like this, hated you crying for someone else. He hated himself for not protecting you or not confessing his love enough.
"Tsumu, I'm sorry! I should have listened to you, but I just loved someone."
He let out a tsk sound and rubbed his temple out of frustration. He wanted to punch that piece of shit you love.
He was weak in this matter, he didn't know how to act in this situation anymore. All he wanted to do was hold you and kiss you right there but it won't be too suitable for your current situation right now.
"(Name), I'm sorry but you are so dumb. How did you not understand that he was just using you?"
You let out another sobbing sound, it was too much for you. You wanted nothing but comfort from someone, that someone was none other than your best friend. He was here but yet you feel like he's far away. He was scolding you for your dumb decision. But can't help save that scolding for some other time? Can't he hold you and rub your back while you cry?
"Tsumu, I hate you. You are making it more painful for me."
He rolled his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.
"Whatever you wish (name)"
He walked away leaving you there being a crying mess.
He was mentally thanking you for it. He didn't want to see you cry nor did he want to lash out at you for no reason. He sucked at comforting people after all.
He kicked a pebble slightly.
"Samu is right. I suck"
He pulled out his phone dialing a number which belonged to his his twin brother whom he hated but at the same time couldn't help but go to him for advice.
"You messed up"
He looked down, pouting.
The other twin, let out a sigh.
"Stop pouting like a kid, you don't look cute at all. and go to her and apologize..might as well confess your feelings. You might not get answered quickly since she just lost her boyfriend but don't lose hope, comforting her is more important than your feelings right now"
That being said he ended the call and ran back to you.
You moved your face away from him.
"Sorry for my behavior earlier"
"You should be"
You weren't crying by that time, but still, the sight in front of him was making him upset. Red puffy eyes, and a running nose.
He didn't know what to say, instead, he went over to you and patted your head slightly. But he widened his eyes when you pulled his hand away from your head and pulled his body towards you to engulf him in a hug.
You started crying once again, not because of your boyfriend but because of the blond twin who was surprised at your behavior.
"Shh, it's fine."
He rubbed your back while muttering soft comforting words which didn't seem like comforting but it was enough for you.
Finally, you were calm, you were sleeping after all, and that made him at ease. It's fine if he can't confess you were sleeping soundly.
He mentally sighed and put you in your bed carefully.
He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the ceiling.
"(Name), you are so much more than the side piece. I hope you realize that. It's embarrassing but I think I fell into your traps. I love you, hope you know that, I'm dumb how would she know that?"
He whispered to himself and decided to go home but not after looking at your sleeping face.
"Sleep well (name), I'm here for you always"
And like that, he returned to his home with a heart that screamed for victory. He completed his mission after all.
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smrtnik07 · 4 days
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My entry for @cityfrightspm - Elena :]
if u wanna hear me yap about her design and slavic vampires.... u know where to go…
first off! about vampires... they're from south slavic mythology! specifically the serbia-romania area (as one would guess..) a root word for their name is Upir - mix of un- (to not/to not be) and pir (fire!), meaning they can't burn! this is why i changed her bloodfiend fleshy parts to look more like hot coal/burning wood :)
the context for the not burning thing is a bit of a longer story, ill yap about that later...
the outfit is based on mostly north serbian traditional clothing, with some patterns taken from romania! i gave her mostly male clothing (because i think elena would be mad at me if i put her in a skirt) with some elements from female clothes for funsies :]
before garlic became THE plant to ward off vampires, originally we used hawthorns, believed to be a magical plant here (one of... many). so that's what i used in this design; both as the actual plant itself, and in the patterns decorating her clothes :) i love how elena in game has this aura of confidence, i tried to play into that - wearing the thing that can kill her, right on her ankle and head; a bit cocky if you ask me
slavs believed the soul and the body are inseparable during life, but when one dies, their soul can take up to 40 days to move onto the second realm. if the body is destroyed thoroughly, or if the one who died was a good person in life, their soul won't have much trouble moving on. to help the dead move on easier, slavs cremated their bodies.
okk about actual vampires now...
if that isn't done, there's a risk one will become vampiric during the 40 day timeframe. bad people had a higher chance of 'turning' into a restless undead-basically undead witches, werewolves and vampires. those three are the same thing, so much so that in russian the words for werewolf and vampire switched meaning. they're all malicious entities with a similar function.
the whole 'not burning' thing is because.. you already had your chance. you cant go back and cremate them now that things have gone wrong. the best ways to kill a vampire are using hawthorn, or damaging their skin in general.. thats what the thorns from hawthorn were used for!
(this gets a bit gross) once their skin is damaged, you find out vampires dont actually have... meat. or bones. they're filled with a red jelly-like substance, which simply.... pours out of them if you cut them.... ew! one of the websites i referenced for this called them similar to pihtije (look that up if u dare. idk i think pihtija is yucky)
AND to finish off.... in today's pop culture vampires are generally associated with cannibalism and... sex? i find it interesting how things change overtime when spreading to different cultures! but i wanted to share the only correlation between vampires and sex i found researching the original myths!
Once someone turns vampiric, they can go back to their spouses and still are able to make children. If the child is born the same sex as the vampiric parent, they'll be born with similar... powers as a vampire. If the child is of the opposite sex, they'll be born human.
thats all for now tyyy for reading muah muah
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littlemisslipbalm · 1 year
Demonology - Part 5
I Think I'm Going to Hell -- Jake x f!Reader x Josh
Series Summary: A new demon has come to Nashville. Josh and Jake's ways of life have been thrown off by her arrival. The angel and demon have lived with an understanding of one another, but with Y/N stirring up trouble and asking questions, they're forced to work out a new normal. And why is she so powerful for a human turned demon anyway, that's unusual, right?
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A/N: Hi we're back. Last chapter after this! Hopefully it's been an enjoyable ride. All will be revealed and all will be settled by the end of part 6 btw. (Hopefully!)
Chapter Summary: A demon's earth-versary that coincides with her original birthday...a bar, an ancient demon and bad tempers. Nothing could go wrong.
Word Count: 4.9k | Warnings: explicit SMUT (18+), strong language, dubious understandings of demonology, BLOOD, alcohol consumption...eh idk what else just demon sex
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Part 5: I Think I'm Going To Hell
“Let’s go already!” Jake called gruffly down the hallway. 
Today, Y/N had let Jake into her place upon his arrival. It was announced, she was expecting him, so he was allowed to wait in the living room. He was getting impatient though. He hadn’t seen her at all since he’d been there, her door opening on its own when he had called out who it was. 
“Do we have to go?” She calls back, still formless for all Jake knows. 
“What happened to the demon I met 6 months ago? Who I had to beg to stop fucking with the bars?” Jake grins to himself, Rori on his lap. The demon had won the animal over and they were quite friendly whenever they saw each other. Sometimes Jake would run into just Rori out and about these days. 
“She was naive. She didn’t realize just how much it sucked here and that her identity was not all she thought and she didn’t know that there’d be an annoying but hot angel–” She wasn’t yelling, but Jake could hear her as if she were standing in front of him. He figured it was a trick she could do. 
“Alright, alright, so is now not a good time to mention that Josh still hasn’t turned up?” Jake wasn’t sure if he wanted to soften the blow or not, so he threw it out there, wondering how it would stick with his demon colleague. 
Josh had been MIA for two months. Ever since the dive bar and the ensuing events at his apartment. Jake had tried mildly to reassure Y/N that it was not because of her, but with no word from Josh either, Jake was starting to grow worried as well. He’d gone years without seeing Josh, but he usually checked in or gave a forwarding address when he was going to be gone for a long period of time. This was pretty unusual, Josh was a planner and this was clearly not planned. 
She finally appeared in the living room, eyes wide and skirt unzipped with one boot unlaced. Half-dressed and distressed at Jake’s words, but trying to mask it with disdain. 
“Well, it’s not surprising at this point. It really doesn’t matter to us, does it?” 
Jake shook his head in agreement and stood, “Then why don’t you finish getting ready so we can have a good time. You being sulky really doesn’t do it for me.” 
“I’m not supposed to do anything for you anymore if I remember correctly,” She parses, walking back to her room. “Never again.” She repeats in a low voice Jake wasn’t sure was supposed to mimic his own. 
He chuckles a little and looks at the dog sitting next to the spot he had just occupied. Rori stared blankly back at Jake, seeming to remember why he had found the demon traitorous before. 
“I’m trying to be her mentor, damn,” Jake mumbles under his breath so hopefully only Rori hears him. 
Jake promised the bar they were headed for wasn’t lame. The demon’s 6 month anniversary of being back Earth-side also happened to coincide with her ‘human’ birthday. They had made no progress on learning what she really was and she hadn’t had another panic attack yet so they were biding their time. 
She was filled with melancholy as of late. Sad she wasn’t as happy as when she’d first come. Sad she still didn’t know who she was. And sad that Josh had abandoned her. She was fine…besides all of that. 
With the search for her true identity on indefinite hold and Josh MIA, Jake was trying to be nice. And he really didn’t know how to do that. He had set up this birthday-anniversary soiree when she had mentioned it in passing one night when they were writing up their reports together. They had to, to ensure that both of them weren’t claiming they had created some new evil that they were stealing from the human’s creation. But she had mentioned it and with her so down in the mouth all the time, Jake thought that taking her out would help take her mind off of everything. He hadn’t planned on her being so fucking reluctant about it all, but he was trying in his own way to hide his disappointment. 
He grabbed drinks from the bar immediately when they arrived, knowing she would probably want a bottle of red wine and himself a bottle of whiskey. He came to the barstool seats she had found in the corner with the two full bottles and two appropriate glasses. She appreciated his foresight about the amount of alcohol and his demon abilities at procurring these items. 
For some reason, which definitely didn’t have to do with her sadness that she was fine about, she didn’t feel like dancing that night, content to watch Jake. Much to Jake’s chagrin. 
“C’mon,” Jake almost pleaded, he was trying so hard to get her into the evening but she was half way through her wine and nowhere close to being the life of the party he knew she could be. “It’s your fucking birthday and you don’t look a day over 27.” 
He winked with his stupid joke and she rolled her eyes at him, insisting he could go without her. “I’ll be happier over here. If I go out there, I might swallow someone whole.” 
Jake tipped his head closer and she could smell the whiskey on his breath, his chest warm practically touching her nose. “You know that nobody would mind that.” 
“You’ll get more action without me, Jake.” She presses on his chest, causing him to take a quick step back as he stares at her face intently. “I’d be way too distracting for anyone to even think of dancing with you.” 
The smirk on her face makes Jake feel like he’s triumphed a little. It was a flicker of her happier, more confident self. That’s what he wanted for her. It was depressing to see a pretty much all-powerful being being all sad all the time. He blows a kiss her way and then saunters through the crowd, easily taking the center how she normally would. 
He turns his body back to face her once he’s where he wishes to be and raises his chin, silently seeing if she’ll come join him one more time. She sips her wine in response and crosses her legs, relaxing her joints into the grooves of the wooden countertop. 
Without much time for himself, women began to flock to Jake. It was hilarious to watch from an outsider’s perspective. He was given free shots left and right and she laughed to herself. She wasn’t sure if it was Jake’s demonic presence that encouraged the women or if it was simply the way he looked. He flashed an evil grin that human women took as charming. His black unbuttoned button down, tucked into his baggy black pants on one side while the other hung loose, he looked rugged and expensive. He had pulled his glasses down onto his face when he had entered the dance floor and maybe those shrouded him in mystery. His clean black boots had white embroidered snakes curling around the sides as if they disappeared up into his pants. 
Sweat began to gather in the notch between his collarbones and at his temple the longer he stayed on the dance floor. He had a rotation of women dancing about him and he seemed to love the music that was playing. Y/N agreed, while she didn’t recognize the songs, she hadn’t immediately moved to change it upon their arrival. 
Her eyes watched the way Jake’s body moved and was reminded of the way it had felt. She didn’t like to think about her first night with Jake often because it had been something special and beautiful which was so unlike anything else about their relationship. It was like that one night had existed outside of the reality in which they lived. Jake, after that, had been gruff and professional with her. Little comments here and there would slip through the cracks, but she chalked them up to demon nature. 
That night was a microcosm. How he had writhed above her and done anything she asked. How she had laid in his arms afterward and felt safe and seen. It was unlike anything she had ever felt in this world and then it was ripped from her. It was painful to reminisce on it because she knew she could never have it that way again. Why? She wasn’t exactly sure, but she thought it was because Jake didn’t like that he had let someone in. She didn’t press, but sometimes late at night her mind would slip to memories of Jake on his knees and Jake inside her. Or right now. 
She was watching him dance, women grinding themselves back onto him as he let his hair shake out behind his shoulders and she remembered what it had felt like to be in his powerful embrace. Like Josh, yet so extremely different. So different she couldn’t begin to think which she preferred. Given that Jake had shut her down about ever fucking again and her night with Josh had quite literally driven him away, she wasn’t exactly sure she’d ever have to choose since both of them had chosen for her. 
As she wallowed in her dwindling wine, she allowed herself to wonder if this was all actually real and not just her own hell. A world where she was allegedly special, but in reality she was cursed. Cursed to have the two men she’d ever felt real connections with reject her after she’d had sex with them and then forced to live the rest of her time with them just out of her reach and have a mundane confusing existence as an ‘other’, an outsider, in the world she had once loved. 
She shot straight up in her seat, discarding her wine with a finality to it and began to march through the crowd towards Jake. The bodies part for her to slip through easily except for the one woman who was currently trying to dry hump Jake. Y/N grimaced for a moment before her lips curled into a sickly sweet smile, her own version of the charming evil grin. 
She wasn’t sure if Jake had noticed her yet, but if he had he had made no moves to remove the obstacle in between them. He either had his eyes closed behind the dark shades or was waiting to see what she would do. 
“Sweetheart, can you hop off my boyfriend for a sec? I need to talk to the bastard.” 
Her eyes began to glimmer a slight red as she watched the distress in the woman’s face grow. Y/N raised her eyebrows expectantly, still smiling, somewhat hoping the other woman would put up a fight. 
“I didn’t know, I’m sorry, he didn’t say,” The stranger sputters and the demon bites back a laugh. 
“Don’t worry about it, hon. Like I said, he’s a bastard.” She finishes her sentence with a wink and a light shove to the drunk woman so that she could get to Jake. 
She could barely make out his eyes behind his glasses, so she took the liberty of taking them off of his face and placing them in his breast pocket. Something about the action made the skin on her neck prickle with memory, but then it was gone, distracted by Jake’s deep chuckle. 
“Jealous, kid?” He tilts his head down and a little to the side so she can hear him. 
“No,” She growls, getting pushed closer to Jake by the crowd, her hands landing on his chest as she tries to keep her distance but to no avail. 
“It seems like my heavy bump and grind got your no-good-panties in a twist?” Further liquored up, Jake is slipping more than usual and wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her impossibly close. 
He had liked having a body close on the dance floor, but now that it was hers he was even happier. She could feel it. 
“No, you absolute old man,” She groans, but can’t help the flutter of her eyelids towards Jake’s neck in all its sweat-glistening glory, now up close and personal. 
“Says the demon who said ‘neato’ when I showed her how to use her television properly.” 
“One time!” She shot back. “We’re getting off track. I stomped over here for a reason.” 
“Because you want a piece of this action,” Jake nodded his head and chewed on the inside of his cheek, smirking at her. 
Her nails dig into Jake’s chest and he quiets. 
“Is this hell?” She hisses, eyes crazed. 
“Is. This. Hell. Is this my secret punishment, men who have sex with me and then won’t touch me again. A mundane life, tormented by you two and some unknowable question of who I am.” She repeats her idea. “Am I being punished?” 
Jake chuckles and swings her body around, scooping her off of her feet and taking them in a half circle. “Absolutely not. I would never agree to being a punishment demon. I’m way too old for that, I’m an Earth demon I promise.” 
“But what if you’re just saying that so I won’t figure out that this is a fake earth? Or what if this is indeed Earth and I still was sent back as punishment and you’re lying?” She prods, poking her fingers into Jake’s skin. 
He frowns, realizing how serious she was about this. His hands slide down to her hips, stilling the half-hearted dancing they’d been doing. “For real?” 
She hums, mulling it over again. “Yeah. I need you to prove it somehow or else I’m ringing head office to say something about you and Josh’s alliance because, I swear, this is all fake.” 
“Fuck,” He breathes. He yanks at one of her hands and immediately whisks them out onto the street. 
Out on the dark pathway, the crowds of people seem to dissipate and gray, Jake’s doing. He was muting out the rest of the world so that he could focus on the problem that Y/N was becoming. 
“You’re serious.” It’s not so much a question as a confirmation.
“Well, how am I supposed to convince you it’s real?” He sounds annoyed but also a little desperate. 
She scans his face, his brows furrowed and jaw clenched. At least he seemed genuinely disturbed by this situation. Maybe she was overreacting, maybe this all was just her brain trying to cope with everything that had happened in her life and death. Her mind was trying to rationalize a world that clearly wasn’t rational and it all felt like it was imploding because she was hitting a milestone. She felt more human than she ever felt her first 27 years on Earth. 
Her intensity washed out of her, a doused fire simmering to a fizzle. Jake saw it in the droop of her arms and the way she dropped eye contact with him, instead scanning her feet that scuffed at the ground. 
“Maybe I’m just sad on my stupid fucking birthday,” She says and Jake huffs, with a roll of his eyes. 
“You can’t be serious,” Jake fires up. “You dragged me out of there because you’re sad on your birthday? You’re a fucking demon, just forget about it.” He had tried being nice, but the feeling of a heart attack that had come over him when she had said she’d call the head office had sent him into a desperate state. To have her so quickly blow it all off, summing it up to birthday blues. She was ridiculous. 
“I want to go home, Jake.” 
“You’re a fucking pest.” He spits. 
“Fuck you,” She practically screams and turns to walk away. Jake’s hand grips her wrist and she tries to yank it free. “Let me go.” 
“Stop. Okay, just stop. For one fucking second.”
She huffs and turns to Jake. His eyes are more of an orange than yellow right now and she’s not sure what that means. His hands move to her forearms and she can feel how tight his grip is on her, it scares her a little. 
“Don’t ever,” He pauses, either for emphasis or to collect himself. “Scare me like that for some no good, stupid reason. Do you understand me?” 
“Yeah, whatever…fuckin’ altar boy bitch.” She grumbled, moving to push past Jake. In an instant, she isn’t pushing past him down the street, instead into the dim hallway of his home. “What the…” 
His hand was around her throat in an instant. He’d taken their impending fight to somewhere more private. She would’ve been impressed if she wasn’t so angry with him. His hand was forcing her to meet his eyes as he spoke slowly. 
“I think you’re mad at me.” His eyes boring into hers. “Why are you mad, Sal? Because I was doing your job better than you? Can’t get it up anymore for evil after you got touched by an angel?” He keeps talking as she tries to yank away from his hold again. It felt like he was slipping into a demonic trance. “I think that’s your problem. Went and got fucked by an angel, he left and now you’re all mushy. Get over it. That’s not who you are” 
Voice strained with the pressure on her neck, she hisses. “Why are you being such an asshole?”
He shrugs as if the question rolled off his back like water. He never answered her questions and it made her want to scream. 
“I know how to deal with a brat when I see one, kid. And I know you, you’re a huge fucking brat when you don’t get what you want.”
She tried to shake off his grasp and Jake put more pressure on her skin. She fought back the moan in her throat. The pressure of his hands and his body, hard against her, paired with his harsh words – however she hated hearing them, sent spirals of electricity through her body. She wanted Jake and she missed Josh and she wished she’d never been sent here, but this was a perfect mixture of pain and pleasure. 
“I think you were just pissed I didn’t have my attention all on you. That’s why we had to tear out of there. You wanted me to grab you by the hips and grind against you all night. Because you’re sad.” He pauses, inhaling her scent, eyes flickering to their usual sinister yellow. The fear and anger was intoxicating to him, just a little. “It’s not my fucking fault…”
She mumbles something out in a hoarse whisper. 
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.” His grip loosens only slightly. 
“Slut,” she repeats louder. “You were being a slut and it was embarassing. I think you loved it though. All those girls fawning over you, wanting me to want it. You were trying to make me jealous. Even though you always say never again, you still want it.”  
Jake laughs cruelly, his nose trailing along the exposed skin of her jaw. “I can’t help it that they throw themselves at me. That last one was relentless, huh?”
The flicker of avoidance in her eyes catches Jake’s attention and like the demon he is, he zoned in on the hole in her armor. There was a sliver of truth in what Jake had been spouting for the last few minutes of this odd dance between fighting and foreplay. 
He pressed closer and she fought back another moan. Jake took note of the way her legs shifted though and he knew. 
He hummed, savoring the victory he knew he’d already gotten. “Did she get under your skin? How she was pressed up against me, writhing as if I already had my aching cock inside her rather than nestled between her pert ass cheeks? The tiniest jean shorts…” 
She felt him against her thigh, throb and her eyes shut. Jake yanked at her hair with his other hand and flipped her around, assuming the position he had just described. His one hand was still at her throat and the other trailed down her back to press at her hip, keeping him close. 
He put his lips to her ear. His breath was hot against her skin. Hot and insistent. Demonic. This was what he was at the end of the day. Who they both were. No matter how much he might want to change, old habits die hard. 
“You know we could go back?” His tone is teasing, sinful. “Could fingerfuck you right in front of her if that’d make you feel better. Just to show her I’ve already got a play thing.” 
She tried to keep her mouth shut. Saying everything she wanted to scream at him in her head.
She couldn’t help that she pressed back into him and Jake laughed again. “Fuck, you need it, yeah? My angel of a brother can’t give it to you like this, huh?” His grip tightens and she sputters out an expletive. “He ran off because of you, isn’t that right? He hated it so much.
“Shut up, Jake.” She gets out, her eyes frantically switching to black, pulling on any power that might help right now.
“I wouldn’t speak to me like that,” he warns, rocking his hips against hers. “Go to my room.”
She rolls her eyes, breath heaving when he releases his hold on her finally. She hates that he knows she’ll listen. She curses him as he watches her with a smugness in his jaw and complete arousal in his pants. 
“I hate you,” She spits one last time. 
“Yeah, right.” He smirks with a shake of his head. 
She tried not to think about Josh as she sauntered to Jake’s room. How similar and yet how different he was to his demon counterpart. The sick notion (even as a demon, she thought it might be too far) that passed through her head of what it might be like to have them at the same time. Two sets of hands, two mouths, two of the same…and she knew they were oh so similar. She fell back onto his bed and wished Josh would appear, to offer his grace to this turbulent chase. 
“What’re you thinking about in that evil head of yours, little one?” Jake appears in the doorway, his voice calmer now. She riled him up in ways he had never thought possible. 
“I can make you tell me, you know that.”
She rolled her eyes, watching Jake crawl across the bed to her. His face was in her neck the moment he was close enough and she felt the drag of his teeth down the fragile skin. 
“Don’t make me put you in your place.” He murmurs, his tongue flicking against her. 
“How’re you gonna do that, oh powerful one?” After a moment's respite, she was feeling like taking some of the power back. With his hand no longer around her neck, she didn’t feel so trapped. 
Jake chuckled darkly and then growled, “Watch.”
“I thought I was just your mentee and you were my mentor. Where'd that—Ow! Oh,” she paused at the feeling in her throat that had hurt but was quickly turning to ecstasy. “Fuckkk…Jake, what’re you–doing? Oh fuck!”
His teeth had sunk into her skin and she felt something hot and sticky rushing down her body. She gulped, gasping for air as she began to writhe and moan with no stimulation apart from whatever Jake was doing to her neck. He was moaning against her now too, with licks and slurps to the fresh open wound on her.
“Tell me what you were thinking,” he repeats when he pulls back, drops of dark inky blood racing down his chin as he stares at her with his yellow eyes tinged red. “Or I’ll drain you.”
“You wouldn’t,” she gasped, voice choppy. “You can’t! They’ll call you down for a trial before the dark council, for sure.”
“You’re right. Maybe I’d get some straight answers on who you are then,” Jake grins and some of his teeth are sharper than she’s ever seen. His fingers are at her thighs again, teasing. “But I’ll bring you so close to the edge that you’ll tell me what you’re thinking because you’re so weak from the terrible mix of pleasure and pain and maybe then some. Wouldn’t you rather just tell me now so we can save the recovery period and I can fuck you into next week instead?” 
There’s a moment of silence. Her mind racing and attempting some sort of coherency with the head rush Jake drinking her blood had just caused. A mix of desire and pain and surprise and fear and hot, heady ecstasy. 
“You and Josh. Both,” she manages to choke out.
Jake’s response is immediate, his eyes still staring into hers. “Absolute fucking slut,” Jake laughs. It’s almost painful in its sound. “It’s incredible they didn’t just make you a succubus…Now that wasn’t so hard was it.”
“Jake…”she whined, the slick of the blood on her throat was drifting down her chest. 
He leaned down at her voice and lapped at it, then he ran a hand gently over the wound, effectively closing it right back up. 
“Good as new,” He whispers, his voice soft and private. Completely different than moment’s ago. Knowing Jake was like experiencing constant whiplash. Exciting, but dangerous. 
Her legs shift as Jake’s knee presses against her heat. He smiles, teeth no longer as sharp as they were. More a man than a monster visually, but now she was certain she’d never forget the animal inside him. Enticing as it was. 
“Alright alright. You want me to fill this pussy, yeah?” His fingers slipped beneath the fabric of the panties that still covered her. He had magicked away all of their clothes except under garments when he’d first slid over her and she’d barely registered it. 
“Fuck it so good you forget all about my brother? How’s that?” His fingers play between her quivering slit, messy with her wetness. He hums, middle finger wandering to prod at her entrance that was throbbing to the sound of his voice. “Yeah you want that I can tell.” 
She whined, completely at the mercy of his hands, barely aware of the actual words he spoke and just riding the sweet current of his gruff voice. The most perfect timbre. It made her nipples peak and her legs spread wider. She just wanted him to consume her. 
Effectively, she has forgotten about Josh and she can barely compare this Jake to the first time she had him. It’s like they were two completely different people. Tonight, she was lost in Jake in unfamiliar ways. His scent encased her. Sweat and fire burning. Still a little bit of nickel in the air from her blood, she tasted it on his tongue. 
As his fingers opened her up, he thrusted into her thigh, wanting to sink into her. She moaned at the feeling of him hot and hard against her. Her hands grabbing at his shoulders as his lips laid brazen kisses across her healed neck and heaving chest. Jake brought her to the edge a few times, making her scream and shake before he gave in to what they both truly wanted. 
His cock was just as beautiful as she remembered. Thick and heavy as it gleamed between their bodies. Jake’s eyes caught hers as she stared and he smirked, leaning forward to drag it through her folds while she watched. The sound of her slickness fell over their ears, mixing with heavy breathing. She shook slightly at the sensation of the head dragging over her sensitive clit and she whimpered when Jake prodded it against her entrance. 
“Good fucking girl,” He groaned as he slid in. 
She moaned his name back and he gifted a sweet kiss to her lips. One of the first tonight. He began to thrust in and out steadily. The slick sound between them only growing. A red light flickered around them as he sped up. Her fingers gripped tighter against his clammy skin, nails digging in and leaving jagged lines. He groaned at the pain, pushing harder. 
Their breathing melded, their bodies working in tandem. He’d grow close and slip out of her, making her whine and then he’d move to another position he remembered her enjoying. She wished he’d speak more. He’d grown quiet, heaving, stuttering breaths, some of the only sounds leaving him since he’d entered her. 
She knew he was close when he brought her back to missionary. Thrusting faster, breathing more erratic than before. His voice seemed to have come back to him as he babbled. “Swear you’ve got a magic pussy. So wet and perfect,” he sighed. “My cock wants to live here, Sal.”
She moaned in response but something felt off. Jake was cumming in seconds causing her to tighten with his release, an orgasmic cloud fogging her mind. Forgetting what she was disturbed by for a few minutes as they basked in the afterglow. 
Jake rolled off of her and touched his fingers against the edge of his sheets, lightly singed. That was new. Their breathing evened and she felt herself curl into Jake’s side. His hand came to her shoulder protectively. 
Her voice comes out as a whisper, “Don’t call me that again.” 
“What?” Jake racks his brain for the names he had called her, wondering which one had been too far. 
“Sal.” She responds calmly, her body feeling light, except that one nagging feeling. “I don’t think that’s my name.”
lmk what you think!
Taglist: @ofthecaravel @gretavanfreaky @sinarainbows @jaketlove @mysticalstarcatcher @whiterosekiszka @sacredjake @beingextraisfun @malany-gvf @joshysgirl @ascendingtothestarssasone @amygvf13 @myownparadise96 @josh-iamyour-mama @alwaysonthemend @lvnterninthenight @thecoldwind @thetroublegetssoloud71
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yowyowyaoi · 1 year
Hidan’s Daily Texts from the Akatsuki
From Deidara:
Fuck you
Where’s the money you owe me
I KNOW it was you asshole
At least mine isn’t 91!
Pizza or Chinese?
No bc if you killed him Leader would just blame ME.
Help me prank Itachi and I’ll give you half my next check 
Scared of a little gengetsu? Pussy
Go smell Tobi’s hair then ask me who took your damn cheap-ass shampoo 
Why would you eat it it HAD MY NAME ON THE LABEL bastard!
Ok but can ya’ll go to HIS room once in a while?? I don’t need to be kept up all night!!
From Kisame
Do that to Itachi again and I’ll eviscerate you and floss with your intestines.
That Jashin voodoo crap doesn’t scare me kid
Why the hell would you eat that?! You don’t even LIKE tuna!!
You better hope you can outrun Deidara then 
I think you meant that for Kakuzu. GOD I hope you meant that for Kakuzu.
From Zetsu
You left that guy outside can I eat him?
Are you done with that body yet?
Believe it or not fear actually seasons the meat 
Weird question but can I lick your scythe before you clean it 👀
From Konan
Lol pretty sure his are bigger than mine kid
He’s not that old he just looks like that 
Leftover ribs in fridge for you 
Pls stop harassing him. He blows up my phone for hours complaining about you 😒
Get back down here and clean all this blood you trailed in! I JUST cleaned the floor!! 😤
Dinner. Last warning.
Me and Deidara going to get manicures, you in?
You think I can’t knock you out just because you’re taller? Challenge accepted.
From Sasori
I’m not a pervert he’s 19 he’s an ADULT.
Best friend? Since when??
That medicine won’t take effect if you don’t LAY DOWN and GO TO SLEEP, brat.
For as fascinated as you seem to be with my anatomy you’d think YOU were the one sleeping with me, not Dei 🧐
If Kakuzu already said no then NO.
Next time I’m stitching that mouth shut so we can all get some peace and quiet.
Yes but I can make mine any size I want at any time. You’re stuck with what you’ve got. 
From Nagato
Because I said so.
Yes, really.
Be thankful that’s the ONLY punishment you received.
What she and I do is none of your concern, brat.
I’m sorry but you know Kakuzu has the final say in all financial matters.
You either apologize or I’m going to let Zetsu eat you.
Because you two cause too much trouble when we let you take missions together.
From Itachi
I’m not falling for that one again.
Never. Never in a thousand lifetimes.
Because it’s unsanitary!!
I know you took it I saw you wearing it yesterday.
Why were you even listening anyway? Pervert.
Only if Tobi comes too, I don’t trust the two of you alone.
Literally a few greens won’t kill you.
Yes you did know that!! I told everyone on the VERY FIRST DAY how allergic I am to that! 😡
Either finish your ritual or take that guy somewhere else I can’t sleep with all the screaming.
From Tobi
Of course not! We’re just friends! 
Wait do you think I might have a shot with him?! 👀
Idk I left after I saw Zetsu chewing on the guy’s foot
Is there a way to take back a picture after you send it before the other person looks at it? 
Want some cake? Want to eat myself but Konan says to share or I’m gonna die 😅
From Kakuzu
How much is it?
Did you use the coupons I gave you?
That shit is coming out of your paycheck brat
Sorry. Next time I won’t make them so tight.
Because I don’t have the patience and you’re not responsible enough.
I stg if you bring one more lawsuit against this organization 😡
My room. Now. 
Everybody gets the exact same. If you waste yours that’s your own fault.
Make me ask again and I’ll come get you and throw you over my shoulder
This is getting ridiculous how many times am I gonna have to sew it back on?!
Come see me tonight I’ll take care of it.
It was you and Deidara. I KNOW it was you and Deidara.
Maybe if you’re a good boy.
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magpiefngrl · 3 months
mid-year book tag
Thanks for tagging me, @bloody-wonder! It's become a fun tradition to do this every year and I've been eagerly anticipating it :)
This hasn't been as prolific a year for me as the last several years have been. I've read 34 books by end of June, so about 10-20 less than I used to, and a lot of these have been rereads. The past couple of months have been super busy and I read a lot of fic, but struggled to finish novels. Fingers crossed for a better reading summer.
1. Best Book You’ve Read So Far in 2024?  I haven't read a book that blew me away so far. I've mentioned some of my faves here. I did enjoy most of my reads this year, but there isn't one book that stands out. (a fic, does, though. More on that later)
2. Best Sequel You’ve Read So Far in 2024? Dark Heir by Pacat. I was very invested, went back to read it again a week later, and it's made me very excited about the last novel.
3. New Release You Haven’t Read Yet, But Want To? The Brides of High Hill by Nghi Vo is definitely on my list (this will wait for 2025). There's also a new fantasy novel called Foul Days by a Bulgarian author that I'm curious about. Finally, Rebecca Roanhorse's Mirrored Heavens comes out soon but I still haven't read the second one in the series, so it'll also have to wait.
4. Most Anticipated Release For Second Half of 2024? Like you, KJ Charles's The Duke at Hazard is the one I'm most eagerly waiting.
5. Biggest Disappointment? I've been reading The Master and Margarita for two months now, forcibly stopping myself from DNFing it these days, because I don't actually hate it, it's just I can't bring myself to read it. But I also want to have read it, to be done with it. Idk why I'm struggling so much. Perhaps I'm not in the mood for it and would appreciate it at a later date. Based on the title and the positive reviews, I expected something more fascinating.
6. Biggest Surprise? The above, I guess.
7. Favourite New Author? Somehow, the only new authors I've read this year are Aliette de Bodard and Lois McMaster Bujold, and Bujold is the better one of the two. (The rest of the authors were people I've read before and I knew what their writing was like.)
8. Newest Favourite Character? Miles Vorkosigan, for his cleverness and his ability to always get in trouble and then to get creatively out of it.
9. Newest Fictional Crush? Not quite a crush, but my latest obsession is Bucky Barnes, entirely because of the fic I mentioned above (Out of the Dead Land, orphaned) which gave me the worst fic hangover. It's a stucky fic, a ship that never interested me, and it gave me feral feels about Bucky; it made me go back and rewatch a few Marvel films (and I had to torrent them since I'd ended my disney subscription; in other words, I had to go to some trouble); and it was a fic I kept thinking for days after I finished it. I'm actively stopping myself from rewatching Winter Soldier again today. And yes, not a book character, but the obsession is based on a fic and he's fictional so I say he counts :)
💕Best Ship💕 I loved Asmodeus and Thuan in de Bodard's Dominion of the Fallen series. Asmodeus is a Fallen Angel who likes stabbing and torture, Thuan is a dragon prince who tries to temper down his stabby husband. Will and James from Dark Rise are also a ship I enjoyed, though I'm more interested in their past selves.
10. Book That Made You Cry? There hasn't been one this year so far. And I cry easily, and I consider books that make me cry Superior. This tells you how mid the year has been.
12. Favourite Book Adaptation You Saw This Year? I really liked Dune II but haven't read the book yet so don't know if it was a good adaptation. It was definitely a great film.
13. Favourite Review You’ve Written This Year? Have written a couple of longer reviews on GR but nothing that stands out as more creative or unique. I've been thinking about posting reviews on my website and I'd like to figure out a unique or unusual or at least a me way to do them.
14. Most Beautiful Cover? I read almost exclusively on my Kobo and pay scant attention to covers.
15. What Books Do You Need To Read By The End of The Year? Many!
The Master and Margarita! hahah sobs :((
Finish a Lymond reread
reread tgcf now that I got all the novels
Harrow the Ninth
Some more Vorkosigan novels
Vita Nostra, which I've just begun
a couple of novels I bought YEARS ago and still haven't finished
and if I can read at least one of my 60-odd unread physical books I'll consider it a triumph
Tagging anyone who wants to do this! Perhaps @skeptiquex @hoko-onchi-writes @wolfpants @lettersbyelise and @gracerene might want to get the ball rolling?
2022 mid year post
2023 mid year post
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morsesnotes · 1 year
A little ramble about Joan and Morse...
[There will be spoilers if you haven't finished Endeavor]
A common take I've seen in this fandom is that Joan was waiting around for him. That Morse had all these chances he didn't take to express his feelings. So her shutting him down in S5/S6 was totally his own fault. I disagree with this and don't really understand it.
Here's why:
They only start getting to know each other properly in S2, and Morse has a girlfriend at that point.
Morse becomes aware of his feelings for Joan at the end of Coda, and he went to the Thursdays' house immediately after. It seemed like he intended to talk about it with Joan, but she was clearly traumatized, and not in a place to deal with romantic declarations. She'd already decided she was leaving. What if he said how much he cared and then she was gone? When you think about the abandonment issues this guy has, and the fact she is literally leaving him in that moment, can you blame him for being afraid?
Nevertheless, he's openly welling up in front of her (a very odd thing for a man in the mid-60s to do) and telling her if she needs anything to let him know. There's no way a woman wouldn't pick up on this. Not to mention constantly putting her life before his at the bank.
When Joan contacts him in the vaguest form possible, it's enough for him to do exactly what he said he would. He goes out of his way to find her and indicates there's something between them that can happen. He tells her he cares what happens to her and whether or not she's in his life. Joan makes him leave.
Morse proposes to her. She says no and specifically cites her dad as a reason it would be a bad idea. When the phone rings, Morse is willing to let it go. She's the one who picks it up, brings it to him, and leaves before he can do anything about it.
Even though he doesn't stay at the hospital, the Doctor presumably would've told her he stopped by.
When she moves back to Oxford, he gives her some space, which is entirely correct given what she's been through. He takes up her invitation to her party and makes sure he is there. He's clearly eager at the chance to spend time with her. But then she tells him she wants to set him up with someone else.
Eventually Morse can't take any more rejection, especially with Claudine having left him. He's gotten the message Joan was sending him and lets it go. This is when Joan decides to ask for a coffee. It's the first time she actually initiates something and given the context I think it's perfectly understandable for Morse to turn the offer down? It's fair enough if he doesn't want to get hurt again, isn't it? Idk, Joan's timing here rubbed me the wrong way. It was the mature thing for him to do and showed he saw her as more than a rebound.
Finally, a few weeks later Morse realizes in Icarus that life is too short and takes her up on it, but now she says she's sick of waiting around.
The fan reaction I saw with that moment was, "Yeah you tell him Joan! Fuck him!" And it made me go "???". It's true it wasn't the best timing on his part, but it's not as if he had a habit of turning up when it suited him. She was the one stringing him along, wanting his attention one minute and then rejecting it the next. She could've said she was busy and they could do it some other time in the week. Her reaction was way too harsh.
Don't get me wrong, I love Joan and am by no means the type to view Morse as a poor little Meow Meow who can do no wrong. However, I feel like it's super unfair to put it all on him when Joan was going through her own problems and has her own difficulties expressing herself. He gave her countless opportunities to open up, and she pushed him away. At a certain point, it'd be weird if he ignored her wishes and kept attempting to pursue her. It wouldn't be a good look if he tried stopping her from marrying his friend either. As far as he knows, she's moved on.
Morse may have had trouble saying it out loud, but his actions spoke volumes. Surely that counts for something? He also wrote her that incredibly romantic letter in Zenana and straight up said "Please believe me to have been yours, always". Keep in mind again this is a British man in the 60s-70s and the men around Joan so far have been deeply repressed. Seems pretty forward to me! I simply don't believe this wouldn't spark curiosity in Joan to figure out what he meant. That she'd just wait around until Morse came to visit her to ask about it, and that seeing him in the state he's in, she'd leave it there. This woman who wants passion, who's independent, who cares about the people in her life, who knows how it feels to be saving face while suffering inside, and her literal job involves helping children come to terms with their trauma. Her total passive behavior towards Morse doesn't make sense! Like it doesn't even have to be romantic! They can interact as friends!
He carries a ton of trauma and emotional baggage which makes him terrified of losing what he has with her. Not to mention his respect for Thursday. I don't see why we can't have empathy for both of them.
And yeah, he was being a dick in S6 but again, he's allowed to be angry and in fact it's healthy for him to actually let it out rather than having this idealized view of Joan forever or holding it in like he usually does.
Btw, with his previous behavior taken into account, him not showing up in Uniform was highly unusual and should've been a "What's happened to him?" moment for Joan. Not, "Classic Morse. Works comes first."
Anyway, sorry for the essay and thank you if you read all of it. I just wanted to get all my thoughts together in one place.
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sapphire-weapon · 6 months
Yup! Last one. Aerith and Cloud vs. Sephiroth. I would have planned for Aerith…but she’s suppose to be dead so idk wtf SE was thinking. And I can’t for the life of me finish it. Not even Rufus gave me this much trouble.
but like....... what's giving you trouble tho? because this is a pretty standard fight, with the exception of heartless angel. and for that just hold onto aeris's limit break, switch to her after the attack so that sephiroth targets her after the attack finishes, and hit the limit break. you're immune to all damage during limit breaks, so that's why you want him to focus on her; she'll be invuln as she brings your hp back up with healing wind.
even if you stripped all of her materia off her, you don't really need to outfit her with it. because her regular attacks, regardless of which weapon she has on, are magic damage. so i just found myself constantly switching back and forth between her and cloud, because sephiroth will constantly change his resistances back and forth between physical and magic. if you keep her ATB up, she can do shit like sorcerous storm, which does a decent chunk of damage if his defense to magic is down. and if she has no materia, you can use her to throw items for heals.
most of sephiroth's basic attacks can be countered with punisher stance, so just switch stances and hold down block. grip and skewer can't be blocked, but they only do like 500 damage, they shouldn't be hurting you so much.
so like
idk man u gotta give me smth here
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urdinosaurs · 1 year
Ok. Ok.
Here's my 3am idea:
Mary Janes band. But the members are all Hobie variants. They're all simply concept-art-Hobies.
So main-Hobie (our Hobie) introduces his new girl to his band.
All this obviously ends with groupsex.
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PROMPT: when hobie takes an interest in you and brings you backstage after his concert to fuck you silly, you're interrupted by the other members of the band, who seem keen on joining in on the fun
WARNINGS: afab reader, voyeurism, exhibition, unprotected p in v, nipple play, blow job, throat fucking, cum eating, not a fivesome bc they aren’t all fucking at once, more like a threesome, anal fingering, anal sex, double penetration, degradation, praise kink, a bit of aftercare, this is the filthiest thing I've ever written, 7.7k wc (my longest post ever)
A/N: ily bc the concept art of hobie's band members was what i was going for in my last post. i gave them names to differentiate, so i hope you don’t mind. i've been working on this for two months, there's just so much in here that i've never written, so it took a long fucking time to finish this. idk why i hyped this up as much as i did in this post. it's not that good
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It wasn't supposed to end like this. Brought to a Mary Jane's show by your friend who adored them was supposed to be a good way to reconnect after your busy lives separated one another and see the band they've been raving about for months.
Not this. Not Hobie fucking Brown, the guitarist with a captivating presence, rocking out in his own little spot on stage, noticing you. Not him handing you his guitar pick at the end of the show with a sloppy, sharpie heart on it, telling you to meet him afterwards with a sly grin.
Not this waiting for him after the show, your heart in your throat, only for him to find you and reignite the flame of lust you previously held.
Not any of this. Yet here you are, allowing his wiry arm to drape across your shoulders like it's the most natural thing in the world. Pulled backstage with the pick tucked in your pocket, you remained in a state of awe at him, taking in the way he walked to how lankly he is up close. It's hard not to with his height and tight-fitting patched pants, dressed with belts to accentuate his long torso. He's the pinochle of beauty, a model for the standard, and you're having trouble doing anything other than gawking.
It's how you end up bent over an old sofa, fingers scraping the worn fabric as your hips buck with the force of his thrusts.
"First time 'ere? Never seen a pretty 'hing like you before," he grunts, hands wandering from your love handles to your ass, kneading the flesh in his palm before pushing you further into the side of the sofa.
"Yeah-" you're cut off with a whine, slumping into the armrest digging into your ribcage. "F-friend brought me."
He whistles, his chest rumbling with a soft chuckle. "Lucky me 'hen, yeah? First punk show?"
His cock feels too heavy inside you to respond, so you shakily nod instead.
"Qui'e 'he welcome, innit? Ge''in' fucked by the guitarist on your first night. Unless you do 'his often? Do you le' every guy you meet wi'h a guitar dick you down, luv?" The low baritone of his voice is cocky and, oh so sure, patronizing tone teetering off into something more curious. Perhaps testing your motive? You're not sure, but amid your sex-filled haze, it adds to his charm.
Shaking your head, stars explode behind your eyelids when he slows his thrusts, leaning over you, his lips a hair's breadth away from the shell of your ear. "Well, don'' I feel special? Wha''s your name, huh?"
Gasping for breath on a particularly rough thrust, you have to scavenge your vocabulary to find the words to eventually tell him. Grinning, his pelvis grinds against your clit roughly, causing another wave of pleasure to crash over you, vocally too. His lips brush your neck, his nose nudging a spot behind your ear as he murmurs. "Name's Hobie."
You nod frantically, and his head tilts, lips trailing down the column of your throat. "You know me? Thought ya' said i''s your first time?"
His curiosity is authentic, slowing to an almost stop as he waits for a response. "My friend talks about you a lot, and y-your--" You try to distract yourself from how much he fills and stretches you, how the humid skin sticks to yours while you gather your scattered thoughts. "--Reputation is infamous at protests."
He stills, leaning back as his hand glides up and down your side while putting the pieces of your story together, gathering more of the puzzle that you are.
"You go to protests?" Genuine excitement coats his speech like a kid in a candy store, and you wish you could turn around to see that shift in him as he takes you for something more than he initially thought. A drawn-out whine vibrates your vocal cords as you wiggle your hips, earning a comforting rub to encourage patience.
"Didn't 'ake ya for a punk."
"Don't like the label."
His chuckle reverberates through his ribcage, amused. "'f course, ya' don't. Too cool for it, aye?"
Finding the strength to mewl, your toes curl as you try to move your pelvis back into him to gain friction in your pulsating pussy, but his fingers dig into the fat of your hips, unamused by your antics.
"Careful now, impatien' girls don't get wha' they want, do 'hey?" He warns, the underlying threat is not lost on you. The question is apparently not rhetorical because his hand strikes your ass with a loud slap, not enough to be uncomfortably painful but enough to leave your skin stinging. The precarious control of strength he seems to show suggests there's more power hidden in his angular frame than what you first picked him for, and the thought alone sends pleasurable butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"I asked you a question, didn't I? Or 'ave you gone 'at cock dumb already?" His condescending fills you with the urge to prove him wrong, and you shake your head, something akin to a 'no' formed on your lips. Much to your dismay, he arrogantly smirks like he proved himself right, and his next words are said in a complacent simper, "'ts okay, luv. Didn't say it was a bad thing, I don't mind my whores a little dumb."
And with that, he slams back into you with a burst of energy, sending you reeling forward as he resumes his punishing pace, yanking you back and forth and reaching new points of dangerous thrill in the bruising grind of his hips.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck" he repeatedly moans, hands fumbling to tilt your abdomen upwards to ram you further down his cock obscenely. The breath is punched out of you, and you choke on the inhale, tears beading your waterline at the intensity of it all. You can't remember the last time someone pounded you with reckless abandon, filled you to the brink where nothing but their dick has clouded your mind. You don't think anyone ever will, and maybe that's the point. Of his groupies, of his fans, nobody will ever be like Hobie Brown.
Suddenly, the sound of voices grows closer, and you freeze underneath him, your head whipping around to face him. The makings of an orgasm dissipate the longer your full attention is captured by the people outside. Hobie, however, remains calm, maintaining a steady rhythm despite the jingle in the door knob. His eyes soften, and his grip loosens to give you a silent out without any form of judgment. 
But he knows you. 
You've only been in his presence for two and a half hours, yet he knows what you will choose; your unspoken limits and boundaries are like it's the most obvious thing in the world. It should mess with you how he already knows your next move before you make it, how inhuman his sense of perception is, and still, you find yourself saving the Nancy Drew within you for another time. Throwing caution to the wind, you embrace him with blind faith just as the door creaks open and voices filter in. 
"And so I said to the cunt, he better have…" They stop all at once. The only sound besides the buzzing silence is Hobie's lazy thrusts in the wet squelch of your pussy, loud enough to make you cringe. "Didn't realize you were here, mate, my bad."
Yet they don't make a single move to leave. Instead, they stare at the back of your head where you're facing away from them, down to the curve of your figure, and then their eyes drop to your shorts somewhere beside the chair and trace the stretch of your legs until they stop where you two are connected. 
"Nah, i''s alright, we're just ge''in' acquainted, is all." Hobie reaches down, his hand sliding over the apex of your thighs and reaching around the front, where his fingers ghost over your clit after being neglected for so long. You jump in surprise, grinding into his fingers, searching for more of the sweet rapture burning its way to your toes.
The chuckle, whether from Hobie or the men in the doorway, blends in with the static in your ears, and the next second, he moves past the bundle of nerves to the wetness leaking from your stuffed hole. Gathering the excess with his fingers, he brings it to the light, running his tongue over the digits, humming in delight and practically purring, "I think she likes me."
One of them sucks in a breath, and with your head craned the other way, you can't tell who. "Reckon, she's up for somethin' more?"
Well, that's the question, wasn't it? Whether or not you wanted to take the plunge into unknown territory, relinquish your control to the four men burning holes in the back of your head, unable to stray from the alluring promise of pleasure. 
"What do ya think, luv? Think you can 'ake it like a big girl?"
Your cunt drools around him. The answer is embarrassingly easy. Maneuvering your head to the side to face the other men, you look at them, and they're looking at you and sharing the same expression: desire. A notable bulge strains their pants the longer they stand motionless, their chests rising and falling in an uneven pattern. They're more attractive than you remember, the situation and proximity alone adding to the sexual appeal they chase with ease. 
In the name of all things holy, you pray there not be a God or deity staring down upon you, weighing your slipping soul like the Christians tell you he is. Being condemned for sins of such great pleasure has little importance in your sexual appetite, damning you if you do or don't seize the opportunity in the name of the powers that be.
"Yes, please."
In the blink of an eye, they're on you, hands brushing and running across your skin in virgin admiration. "Shhhittt, man, she's beautiful." Someone's fingers hold your jaw, moving your head around in laudation and inspection, whistling. 
"'ear 'ha,' swee'hear'? Pre''ies' girl I've seen in a long while."
"Definitely," the other agrees, tracing your exposed skin with a single finger. "You're somethin' special all righ'." 
A smile unwillingly breaks across your face at the praise. Warm and sentimental feelings churning in your chest the longer they shower you with it. The one closest to your head catches your reaction and laughs, lifting your chin with a single finger. "You like tha,' don't you? I didn't realize you 'ad such a good girl on your mitts, 'obes."
It's impossible to see Hobie's reaction, but you guess it's something akin to pride when he adds, "Even be''er pussy, mate."
There's a hum, and you feel his hands tickle your spine. "Then you might wanna give us space, yeah?" He, the other guitarist, points out chunky red and blue headphones hanging around his neck. "Y'know…since you haven't made her cum yet."
Hobie still lodged deep inside your guts, twitches and not in a sexually aroused way or im-almost-cumming kind of way, it's an irritation prickling at his skin, raising the hairs on his arm kind of feeling.
"Oh yeah?" he challenges, hands tightening over your body. 
"Mhm, if you give me a chance I'll have her begging in no time." 
For a second, there's silence, then his lips quirk into a mischievous grin, spreading across his face and reaching to his eyes that light up. Hobie leans in, eyes locked on the man in front of you but addressing you all the same, his tone low and amused. "What do ya' say, sweets, hmm?"
It's disguised as playful, but you know what he's confirming, and you clench around him, swallowing the lump in your throat as a breathless form of agreement forms on the wet muscle licking your lips. It's hard to believe that just a few hours ago, the thought of fucking someone you just met would be off-putting, wrong even. Yet, with the right push and pull, here you are, letting these men have free reign over every ounce of desire coursing through you. 
Selling your soul to the devil never felt so good. 
Hobie, still throbbing inside you, tugs on your walls as he pulls out, drawing a low gripe contorted by your outcry. A ring of white collects at the base, and he taps his tip on your clit before stepping to the side. His hand glides underneath your shirt, tender fingers stretching out across your spine to console you and calm down the emotions he's pulled to the surface. "Shh, I know, you're feelin' all empty without ol' 'obie yo fill tha' greedy hole ov yours, but don't worry yer pretty head sweets, you won'' be empty for long."
And with that, he takes a step back, and the rest surround you like predators. Multitudes of arms reach to caress your skin, running lines of admiration down and across your body. Now more at ease around them, you find your shirt comes off easily, with four hands aiding you in the process, the others hungrily diving at your torso for a taste of forbidden flesh. 
To your left, Hobie stands there, his cock hard and bare between his legs while he watches the scene unfold before him. You rip your gaze away from him just as a pair of hands cup your tits and pulls you back into his chest, your spine arched and your ass hitting the rough denim. 
"Prettiest li''le thing ion ever see, ain't that right?" The man behind you purrs in your ear, tilting his head to slot it in the juncture of your neck innocently. "I'm going to take right care ov ya', darling." 
Thick, calloused fingers squeeze your breasts like a bra, enclosing them in his broad palm. Classifying yourself as flustered would be an understatement as you feel your face heat up, your body trembling with barely contained excitement. "Fuck– please."
You can feel his smirk against your neck, letting his lips linger in a kiss until his hands retract and the distinct sound of a zipper fills in the gaps. The cold air against your now bare nipples makes them harden, but not before another set of hands replaces them, fondling your cleavage with a skilled hand.
The bassist's fingers roll your nipples, earning a choked sigh as the singer behind you slaps his leaking shaft against your ass, precum dribbling onto your skin. He rubs himself over your slit teasingly, groaning at the feeling of your combined juices. The bassist, Glen, even pulls on your tits with a filthy grin, feeding off your reactions and the yelp you emit like a starving man. 
Calem, the singer, guides himself through your folds and hums in approval. "Hobie's fuckin' lucky he found you first. I wouldn't share a lick of this delicious cunt with them if it were me." 
The chunky locs framing his face swing as he shakes his head, the rest tucked behind his ear, lines his length with your pussy, slamming in a single devastating thrust. Your torso slumps against the couch, unintelligible noises singing from your mouth while you adjust to the size. He's big, much more than you anticipated, and although the girth isn't the same as Hobie's, it's damn near close. 
"Mother fuckin'– Mary mother of Christ, how are you this tight?" Calem hisses, short jerks comparable to thrusts testing and teasing your limits. The taste alone of what's in store for you has added wetness coating his shaft, and not wasting another second, he starts a steady rhythm, building up momentum and speed with each jab. Moans intermingle with your cries, and his hand's fumble to find your waist in an effort you believe to steady himself rather than you. 
Though you were initially unsure about the idea, hesitant even to allow others access to such a sacred place, you've found that letting go, trusting in Hobie and those by extension, feels good. Chemistry crackles like a live wire between you and the five other people in this room, temptation leading you into unspoken territories of newly found trust. There's no pleasing others or expectations here, just carnal lust spiking the blood rush to your brain. Worries of the world outside melt away, giving you the taste of life without inhibition under circumstances you can see yourself getting addicted to, all because of Hobie. 
The others, the names you try to remember, stand in some combination to the side and out of your peripheral. Glen, who was playing with your nipples earlier, has pulled himself out of his pants, experimentally giving himself a couple of tugs as he watches the wanton display. Sid, the backup guitarist and vocalist, does the same, though the way his hands linger in your hair, you have an inkling of where he wants to use you. 
Use. It's such an odd thought to let someone manipulate your body and control you without restraint or care for their pleasure. An idea that you're starting to come to terms with the longer you are surrounded by them and the electrifying energy that follows. 
"You think that mouth is as good as her other holes?" The question shouldn't surprise you, nor should the vulgarity of it. Still, your head inclines towards Sid, running his hands over your scalp. "Dunno if the slut can handle it."
Your eyes widen, and you shake your head yes frantically before you can comprehend what you're doing, so eager to prove, to serve. A smirk returns your enthusiasm, his pupils dancing with something sinful. Chuckles reward your resolve to please them, but you're too honed in on his hand's increasing pressure on your skull to feel embarrassed. Then his fingers grip your hair and pull in one sudden motion, your neck straining in an awkward position until he kneels on the sofa, his cock bobbing a couple of inches from your face.
From this angle, your backside is spread out further on the armrest, and coincidentally it allows Calem's dick to curve and prod even deeper inside your belly than you thought possible. Cries flow like an endless stream of water from your raw throat, the sensitivity increasing tenfold and threatening to draw tears from how good it feels. No one has ever taken the time to learn the right pull and press to scramble your thoughts and turn everything you knew about sex upside down, but now you're sure there's no way you can go back after this. 
"Pretty girl," he croons, "Bet you would do just about anything, huh?" Sid's lack of accent surprises you, though you don't dwell on it, and a tug redirects your attention to his imposing figure like a misbehaved puppy. "That's what I thought. Now be a big girl and open up wide."
Calem has slowed to a manageable speed, more languid than before, set on watching the scene unfold in front of him. Your lips part to accommodate as much of him as possible. Sid grins, lip piercing, stretching with it as he guides the tip to your outstretched tongue, tapping the bulbous head leaking precum on your taste buds. The saltiness and his musk swarm your head, the weight of it on your tongue and the silky smooth skin leaves you deliriously euphoric. 
He glides himself in carefully, opting for you to decide how much you can take before he pushes your limits, and you've gotta admit, he's more attentive than you gave him credit for. When his cock hits the back of your throat, and a suppressed gag tightens your esophagus around him, he quickly loosens his clasp. Taking him at your own pace, you bob your head up and down his shaft, slacking your jaw further the closer you reach the base in a more controlled manner.
The wet heat of your mouth invites a twitch of his leg, and he yanks you down to his base, your nose buried in his public bone where short, prickly hair from when he last shaved scratches your skin. Gagging obscenely and earning a low, throaty groan from the recipient, you shut your eyes to better focus on each inhale while adjusting to breathing through your nose. 
"Dirty girl. Taking two cocks at once like a proper slut. Just a bunch of holes for us, right?" Sid harshly spits, fucking your throat with the vengeance and aggression of primal need. Calem picks up speed to match the tempo of the man in front of you, prodding at your nerve endings, sparking with sex, and the reality of the situation settles in. Your hands scramble to his thighs, anchoring yourself as Sid fucks your mouth, leaking drool with an intensity you've never experienced before. Calem has no trouble setting a ruthless pace, kissing your cervix at an angle that has your back arching and your toes pointing. 
"Keep doing that, gorgeous, yeah– fuck! You love it, don't you? Being filled on both ends like a fuckin' cum slut." A mewl scratches at your throat in response, vibrating your vocal cords in an apparently satisfactory one by his choked moan. It's ruthless and degrading being tossed around, but then the thrill, the rush of submission, has you rethinking everything you know about the word. 
Everyone else watches, and that could be the most terrifying part because they aren't just watching; they're observing, regarding, and examining. You can see it in their eyes as they pump their hard dick with precum as their lube like they're preparing to be next. Glen, Ramone, Hobie, all ridden with jealousy and a yearning to be inside of you instead of him who is, and honestly, it's fucking hot.
Sid bullies his cock down your crowded windpipe, a groan hitched in his. He grows more frantic the closer he is to his release. Tears burn your eyes, and drool dribbles down the corner of your mouth, surely adding to a sight that could only be described as pornographic. 
The coiled knot of pleasure in your gut twists, the onset of a climax finally in reach. The first tears break and stream down your flushed cheeks, creating tracks in which they have fallen. Calem notices this, his hand fumbling around your sweaty bodies to the spot between your legs. 
"Yeah, yeah. Using you so well and you just can't get enough-" he grunts, a strangled and strained sound "–shit! Let go, f'me."
He pinches your clit between his middle and ring finger, and the world spins like a top, blackness dancing at the corners of your vision as an orgasm tears through your shaking limbs. Ropes of his ejection fill up your twitching pussy, liquid euphoria rushing through your veins and suffocating your brain with an unspeakable sense of bliss. It takes a second to register Sid pulling out and a stream of cum painting your face, as well as the noises of satisfaction that follow. 
Calem sags against your bent-over figure, your lungs clawing for air during the comedown of such an intense release. 
"Didn't do too much of a number on you, did I?" Sid, who has been uncharacteristically quiet since his orgasm, murmurs softly, his bracelets jangling as he reaches over to run a careful hand down the side of your face in assurance. 
"No…it was good, really good." He smiles at that and flicks his fingers over your cheek. Eyebrows raised, your face furrows in confusion before he brings his hand to eye level, letting you see the milky white substance gathered at his fingertips. He taps them to your lips, a silent question to which you abide and open your mouth obediently, closing around his digits. Seemingly satisfied, he lets you suck the cum off his fingers, only retracting his hand when you've licked them clean. 
"Good girl."
Sid brushes the back of his hand on your face to wipe the tears from earlier. Leaning into the innocent touch of another, you close your eyes to savor this bit of contact you don't often feel. However, it doesn't last long, and he taps your cheek in a goodbye, leaving the rest of his essence to dry on your skin, heading towards the leather recliner nearest you. An empty longing builds a lump in your raw throat, one you quickly shove down. 
"Think you can 'ake ano'her?" For a moment, you blink dumbly at him, taking a couple seconds to understand the meaning of his words, and when you do, you whip your head around, your jaw loose. The drummer Ramone's, whose spiky red streaked hair and wild makeup that demands attention, smug question leaves your tongue feeling heavy in your mouth, the idea turning you on more than you would like to admit. 
"Fuck man, you can 'ave her, 'm done for the night," Calem shakes his head, stripped headband damp with sweat, ignores the vulgar sound of your joined bodies to pull out. His lips barely touch your ear when he whispers, "You did amazing, darling." 
He stands to his full height, and the air is pulled from you when he does while you lie limply on the couch, Calem flopping into a bean bag chair. 
"Mhm," Ramone pulls you back by your hips, the rough material of his pants scratching your skin. "Can'' get over how pretty ov a sight 'his is."
The arousal from before returns slowly, dripping over your skin like honey as you're awakened underneath his touch. "Please." Pathetically, your toes curl to keep you patient, though it's running out faster than you can make sense of. 
"There's no need to worry. You'll get a fill," Glen pipes in, taking a step forward. Your eyes widen, taking in the towering men with smirks so wide they could devour you. 
"Now…" Ramone trails off, smoothing his hand adorned with rings over your backside before dipping to your crack and applying a slight pressure to your asshole. "Question is... you goin' to let me take you the way I wanna?" 
Oh. You weren't expecting that. 
The silence left in the wake of his question has Ramone pausing, his following statement softer. "Say 'he word, and 'his stops."
Despite how daunting the reality of the situation is, you were never much of a quitter. 
"It's just… I've never…" You're unable to close your legs with Ramone in between them, but if you could, you would. Humiliation creeps up the back of your neck, and you cringe away at the uneasy tension you've created. An apology hovers over the tip of your tongue, but before you can get the words out, warm laughter soothes your flustered expression. 
"Can'' imagine someone as lovely as ya' hasn't, but I can 'ake care of you. If 'at's wha'chu want," he offers without rebuttal, and really, the notion is appealing. You've seen it only on porn, and until now, it's been a festering fantasy you've stuffed away, motivated by the assumption guys didn't like that kind of thing. The prep and time spent to achieve a pleasurable experience turned most men away, or so you've heard, but seeing how wide his smile stretches and the anticipation in his dark pupils only solidifies what you want. 
"Just go slow, please." Your voice is weaker than you would have liked, meaker, and he bends forward to press a kiss to your spine in what you can only imagine as gratitude. He jesters behind him for something, and a moment later, a plastic lid flicks open.
"Don'' go''a worry abou' a 'hing, princesss." Ramone preps your ass with practice ease, his fingers making quick work of stretching you out, squirts of cold lube coating your insides. He must do this a lot, you think mindlessly to yourself while a crook of his fingers inside you has you arching back deliriously into him. He adds more the more you loosen up around him, twisting and scissoring your entrance to encourage it to relax further around his ministrations. He grins, patting your backside when he deems you ready, peaking around to check your face for reassurance. "Ready?"
By now, any reservations you harbored have dissolved, your pursed hole winking at him while you adjust to the newfound emptiness. Only you catch movement out of the corner of your eye, the flash of black clothing and jewelry adorning dark skin, before a voice speaks up, one you quickly identify as Glen. "Before ya' do… think I squeeze in and fuck that pretty pussy of yours, dove?"
Surprise overtakes your features, your mouth gaping at the idea. You've just about slutted yourself out to the whole band, and with Ramone behind you, who doesn't seem keen on waiting to share you. Meaning…
"A-At the same time?" you squeak, raising your eyebrows in shock, horizontal wrinkles appearing across your forehead. 
"What else?" he shrugs, unperturbed by your shock or thinly veiled hesitation. It's not that you're opposed to it, just the unknowing and unfamiliarity of such an act has you overthinking every possibility. Your mind works on overdrive, your thinly veiled fear forcing you to swallow the wad of spit congealed in your throat, searching the pattern on the couch for an answer. "We'll go slow," he adds, sensing your anxiety. "If it's too much, we can stop."
Well, when you put it like that…
"Slow," you establish, glancing up at him for confirmation. 
His lips twitch in the ghost of a smile. "That's my girl."
You release the breath you didn't know you were holding, the praise like a warm, bubbly consistency to provoke a specific neurological response while he unbuckles his belt, the sound of metal clinking filling the buzzing silence.
"Upsy-daisy now, let's ge' ya' in a more comfortable position." Ramone doesn't protest when Glen helps you out of your precarious position, standing by when your wobbly legs threaten to give out on you. He lies on the couch first, guiding you by your hips until you're settled on top of him, your head nestled in the crook of his warm neck. Ramone follows behind, kneeling on the cushions with his dick in hand, stroking himself while Glen guides the tip of his own flushed head to your dripping entrance. His thickness pops through with barely any resistance, and you both moan in unison.
The feeling of being crowded to the brim again is more familiar than you would have ever thought. Glen starts without inhibition, grabbing your bent legs and tugging them further upwards to spread out your sensitive cunt. Your nose nudges his collarbone, crying out with each rotation of his hips, his shirt bunching around your fingers. It doesn't stop there when Ramone prods your asshole once more, and you gasp, unconsciously clenching hard around them both. You've been full before, first crammed with dick meat by Hobie, then Calem, and now Glen, yet this is entirely new. 
"Ready?" he asks once more, and this time you're more unsure than before. If you had trouble taking one, how were two supposed to fit? Still, your reply gives away the lingering anxiety about exploring something new. "As I'll ever be."
"I'll go slow," he reminds you, watching your head bounce in a yes, your thoughts too scattered to form a verbal reply. Carefully, he unhurriedly pops through the ring of tight muscle, the lube he generously applied, making it easy to ease himself through your previously virgin hole. "Gorgeous fuckin ass. She's just strangling me, is that it?" Being referred to by your sex shouldn't make the apex of your thighs ache like it does or a whimper to escape your parted lips so easily. The stretch is overwhelming, so much so you forget to breathe until your lungs scream and you're panting indignantly.
"Breathe," he urges, a palm settling over your back while you get accustomed to the burn and fullness like no other. You gasp, tears pricking your eyes at the unfathomable stretch. You can feel every twitch and throb, every vein and pulse shooting up his cockhead to mix his pre with lube. His lip is tucked between his teeth the longer he waits for you to get used to the sensation, your stuttering breaths evening out into a normal rhythm.
"I'm goin' 'o move now." He announces, and his pelvis slams into your ass the next second. You're propelled forward, sliding up Glen's body as Ramone sets a brutal and unforgiving tempo. Ramone's dog tags clink above you with every impale, and the sound of skin slapping rings in your ears, filthy in every way possible, especially when Glen thrusts gather speed again. 
There's a threshold you must have crossed, some otherworldly body taking hold of every sense and multiplying it times ten. It's inexplicable, the fullness, the weight of their cocks, and the synchronicity they move with that you were sure would be impossible to feel. But now, experiencing such a thing, having your brain turn to mush, and any form of self-preservation literally fucked out of you. You're unsure if you could ever come down from the high or even want to. 
"Fillin' ya up so good, ya can barely think." Ramone grunts, spreading your cheeks to get a better look. He leans forward and spits directly on his moving cock, saliva joining the profane mixture. You're zoned out, perfectly content to let them use you as they please. 
"Fuckin' trippy to feel you while I'm dickin' 'er down," Glen notes, grabbing fist fulls of your thigh. "Bet if it's weird for me, you're probably goin' mental, dove. Ain't that it?" 
Shaking your head is the best response you can think of, weakly moving your hips back and forth while moaning into his skin. Glen's cock shoves and scrapes at your inner walls; already raw from your first encounter, you'll be marked with bruises for days. Although, guessing by the people around you, you're sure they won't mind. 
"Yeah, you like tha'? Like my mates using you like a fuckin' toy?" Hobie interjects, his voice whipping your head to meet his hungry gaze. His dark pupils have been engulfed by the black of his irises, dewy skin glowing under the yellow fluorescent lights. The sight alone is filthy, his hand rapidly jerking at length, emitting a wet sound from the copious amount of precum.
The action is similar to those behind him: Calem and Sid, who do the same. You catch the moment Sid notices your gaze because he swipes his hand over the tip and arches beautifully in his rapture. They're all watching you like a prize to be had, Hobie most of all, whose movements are fast and sloppy, and you can't take your eyes off it. 
"So good," you slur, so far removed from any thought process to give an intelligent response. You hope those two words will encapsulate what your scrambled mind can't.
"I be'… you're bein' fucked better than most whores." Grabbing your chin, he focuses your previously unfocused eyes on him. "Where's your manners, luv?"
"Thank you," you sob, your eyelids squeezing shut to relieve the burn behind them, but it's too late, and you're crying for the second time tonight. With makeup surely ruined and your appearance messy and unkempt, you have no modesty left to lose. That luxury has been stripped away from you like the clothes now lying in a crumpled mess. 
"Not to me." He clicks his tongue in annoyance. "To my mates makin' sure you won't be able to walk out of 'ere."
Forcing your neck back, you stare at the upside-down image of Ramone, sweaty and crumpled features finding yours. 
"Thank– you." A hiccup interrupts you, but he shrugs it off, taking it in stride. 
"My pleasure." His behavior is playful, merging with something wicked that captures his bright and alive facial features, gleaming with a lust for life. 
"Now him. The bloke makin' sure your insatiable pussy is stuffed." Your head is thrown forward, staring uncomfortably close into the eyes of Glen, but before you can express your gratitude, he says, "I know." And kisses you.
His lips are soft, experienced, and filled with a hunger he chases with his tongue. You long for it, the raw feeling and taste of another, the emotions spilled in the simple touch of your lips, yet you're ripped away by Hobie manhandling your hair. 
"Ah, ah, ah," he tuts disapprovingly, pulling and twisting your swollen nipple roughly. Yelping in pain, his vision hardened, fixed on the space you and Glen were in. "I didn't say ya could do that." 
"'M sorry," Tears slip freely down your face, the vulnerable head state you seem to have fallen into, making you more susceptible to insecurity. The rational part of your mind is baffled by the meekness that has come forth, the apologies and insecurity you've never embodied before now dictating your actions, and maybe if you had reached this type of submissiveness before, you would recognize it or the jealousy steaming off Hobie in waves in anger.
Alas, you don't, but Hobie does, and he softens, rubbing circles along the back of your neck. "Awww, so cum drunk, all you can do is babble, huh?"
He nods his head along with what he's saying before adding, "I bet." Hobie steps back to his spot, fingers finding his cock with ease. Jerking in sharp bursts from the force of their thrusts, the side of your face presses into Glen's chest, short punctures of moans and whines escaping. Being fucked by just Glen was one thing, but having two at once was another. The fullness you feel is borderline painful. 
Hobie fucks his fist with even more vigor, pushing the limits of his own body by staving off another orgasm, determined to reach the edge with you. 
Their dicks push out parts of your belly, the faint outline of them showing through your skin in a lecherous way. Strings of slimy release break and connect you to them through every pull-out and thrust back in. Your full-on crying, the pressure, the stimulation borderline too much heaved a choked-out breath from you.
"'s too much, too much," you sob, clinging to Glen like a lifeline while Ramone pumps into your gummy sensitive spots like he owns the part of your body, determined to show you that no one can do it better than him. 
"Givin' it to ya so good, your fuckin' cryin' on i', Jesus," he hisses, grabbing a handful of your ass and squeezing it roughly. Each of them jackhammered into your holes like their life depended on it, adding to the lewd symphony they were orchestrating in the snap of their hips, pelvis against pelvis, a chase for the impeding edge you're dangling off of. 
"Gonna cum, gonna cum, gonna cum," Glen chants like a mantra, his vision tunneling on making you both taste sweet release. Ramone wasn't any better while you writhed underneath him, the stimulation of his mushroom tip brushing previously untouched areas proving a greater reward than you could have imagined. 
"Where?" Ramone growls, breaking you from your trance, and for the first time, you notice a phantom sensation in your throat, as if their thrusts reached your lungs, violating you from the inside out. You can feel them everywhere, the places they reach, yet you crave more of the fullness, needing everything they can give you like nothing before. You're not sure how you do it, but amidst the haze, you sob a ruined cry of "Inside," and it's all either of them needs. 
All at once, Glen's sticky body stutters, sheathing himself entirely inside, chest Heaving as bursts of his seed fill you with a filthy moan. His mouth parts in a silent cry, broken sounds of pleasure auditable through the ringing in your ears and the obscene sounds that follow your apex. You can feel Ramones eyes watching your creamy entrance spit out bits of Glen’s cum and finish inside you at the pace of an erratic animal. His absurd amount of spend is plugged into your contracting, velvety walls.
Soreness fills your joints with lead, resigning yourself to lay on him while you regain your lost oxygen. You lose yourself in the aftershocks, the feeling in your limbs slowly coming back while Ramone pulls out. 
"There ya go, atta girl, good girl. You did so well for us, gave us the night of our lives." Glen cooes, and Ramone returns with a rag to clean you up, his deliberate movements making sure to clean any traces of his cum painted on your face, along with the mess between your thighs. 
Wearily, you find Hobie's gaze and drop your sight to his hand, covered in a drippy white substance. He seems almost embarrassed as he cleans himself up with a handkerchief, refusing to meet your eye until he tucks himself back into his jeans. You glance at him for a moment longer, intent on deciphering his behavior before you take in the rest of the room, the mystery of Hobie lost on you. 
The yellow-tinted lights cast a sheen around the room, the faint thump of the bass from the stage reverberating through the poster-stained walls. Old recliners and bean bags surround the couch, and a coffee table overflowing with belongings like weed that hangs in the air like smoke. The lived-in feeling it brings is not lost on you or the familiarity of which they share it. 
"Good as new," Ramone proudly announces, kissing the top of your head and patting your back. Somehow you manage to stand and pull your clothes on despite the boos he receives from Sid. You dare to examine the splotchy bruises starting to take shape around your hips, between your thighs, and decorating your chest. However, the band is happy to shower you with praises and compliments, all in a somewhat smug mood after seeing their impact on your body. Not that you mind it. You like knowing you matter, at least to these people. 
Each of them begins to find some contraband to help themselves to while making it abundantly clear you are welcome back anytime. It's meant to be reassuring, but it doesn't explain how it soothes a deep ache inside you, a quell to the torn voice picking apart everything about yourself. Going through the motions in a haze, you're having trouble registering what had just occurred.
You enjoyed it, but now you're left, a hollow and empty shell doused in dry sweat and bruises, and you don't know how you're supposed to feel. The post-orgasmic high has worn off, leaving you detached from your body in an odd separated state. Refusing to cry over these conflicting emotions, you thank them, though they seem more keen on thanking you. 
Ramone doesn't seem bothered by how you subtly grasp his arm to support your unsteady legs. Hobie was right. You can barely stand without feeling the ache they all left behind. You awkwardly manage your way to the door, saying the last of your goodbyes before coming face to face with the man who started it all. 
"Um, thank you." Lip caught between your teeth, and you tried formulating some makeshift plan. The tension lingers, the unasked question of what's next hanging in the air like a dark cloud. What was supposed to be a one-time thing, sex with an attractive band member, had spiraled into something uncontrollable and unpredictable in mere minutes.
The attraction still hovers in the space between you. Despite everything, you still wanted him the moment he stepped on stage, and while you thought you knew even a fraction of what was racing around his busy mind, his behavior and motives remain an unsolved clue. He's unlike anyone you've ever met before, and you long to assemble the pieces and figure out who he is under all the makeup, piercings, and rockstar persona. And the longer you stand here, the more the opportunity slips away. Hobie notices the tension in your shoulders and places his hand over it, lip piercing and stretching with his mouth.
"You're 'he one who did all 'he work. No need to thank me." He grins, his hands cupping your face to keep you from looking away in the embarrassment burning your cheeks. 
"I'm not…" You start, and you're about to dismiss your line of thought; so sure, he wouldn't want to hear it, but his fingers apply a bit more pressure to egg you on. "I didn't really do anything. Just glad I was worth your time, is all."
He doesn't take your shrug well, the slope of your frown, or your sagging posture because his expression loses its laid-back demeanor and goes cold. "You always were." 
His lips collide with yours hard, devouring you, your taste, every curve that forms the smile he loves so intensely. You reciprocate, trying to replicate the same passion you feel for him in the messy mesh of your mouths feeding off each other's reactions, but he pulls away, panting and wild before going back in before you can even catch your breath. 
This is what you were missing, you think. All this time, you two fit together easily, and a feeling you quickly ignore rises to your chest the longer you indulge in this. You know Hobie doesn't want more than sex, more than just one night, doesn't want you the same way you find yourself needing him. You can't expect more when there is none, but that doesn't matter right now. 
His tongue flickers against your mouth in an invitation, pushing past your lips greedily when you whine into the spontaneous make-out session neither of you can get enough of. His wet muscle explores your mouth, dancing with your tongue in a way that has you melting into him, intoxicated and delirious with the lack of air. 
Soon, however, you're forced to remove yourself when your lungs burn and scream for air. You try not to choke on air as you catch your breath, your head spinning all the while. Your hand smooths down his collarbone, dipping underneath his shirt, and instead of finding thin, a latex sort of material hugs him like a glove.
You frown, tugging a bit of his collar down in one swift movement, revealing red and the edges of a white spider web. Hobie's hand gently encloses yours, and you whip your head up, mouth agape, staring at him with the utmost astonishment. Your fingers tremble and clench harder around the fabric. His behavior, his unreal senses, and his affinity for reading people all fall in the explanation of the conclusion right in front of you. 
TAGLIST: @alicefallsintotherabbithole
Hobie's Spiderman. 
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if you've made it this far, this is my official announcement that part 2 of this drabble is in the works and will not be another drabble (it's gonna be a true fivesome unlike this)
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evasivaardilosa · 1 year
So… before I stopped playing, I had already:
1) Finished the krypt once, and refilled chests a few time but I was only getting augments and konsumables
2) Made almost every forge gear (missed only Raiden’s because I can’t find that amulet)
3) Donated to the shrine until it gave me only augments and konsumables when giving the amount of coins that should get skins or gear
4) Gotten to the point where at least my top 3 most played characters only gave me augments as random tower rewards
5) Finished the 5 first stages of Noob’s character towers and was halfway through the sixth
6) Finished the first stage of a few other characters
7) Beaten some lucky and meteor towers
I hadn’t realized when starting again that I had done so much
1) I am missing some non kombat league Noob equipment (seriously???)
3) The last two times I found Kollector on the krypt he offered me a Raiden skin for Earthrealm’s kamidogu, which I also can’t find nowhere!! (Why Raiden again??)
4) I am progressing on the gauntlet but it is so slow
5) There are a couple of Subs and Scorps itens marked as coming from frame tutorials. I finished those. Unless I am supposed to also finished the previous tutorials as well…
6) There is a skin that comes from beating the demon that jumpscares you when you put the blindfold in the krypt. The demon showed up for the first time in a while today and almost scared me to death
7) Bunches of character towers missing. Good thing they allow konsumables because there’s no way in hell I am beating Kronika as fucking Robocop
8) I beat a lucky tower today and it gave me like. A taunt? Or a brutality? One of those easy ones
After 8, I decided to stop doing lucky towers until I have unlocked more stuff for the characters I don’t play a lot (yes, even Robocop!) to maximize the chances of getting nice, hard to get stuff even for them
So I guess I am focusing on the gauntlet and character towers for now. I want to finish at least stage 1 for everyone, see those endings, that’s nice. While putting the AI with my least played characters to beat regular towers so I can get their random rewards, also any regular tower rewards I’ve missed (once in a while some show up). Preferably getting race against time rewards as well. And idk collecting coins to refill the kript again, maybe this time I get what I am missing
The krypt is a whole thing. I haven’t done all Kollector trades yet so I should get more Kollector koins to summon him because he’s never there when I visit. Also, I donated smaller amounts to get the kombat kard stuff and it started giving konsumables too but I checked and there’s a ton that I haven’t unlocked yet and are marked as coming from the krypt. I am so frustrated because the krypt is only giving me konsumables and augments everywhere now, but there’s clearly so much stuff missing! I sometimes seem to still get gear from the Kronika spheres but that’s all
If you’re new here you must be wondering why go through all this trouble even for the characters I don’t even play. Why am I like this. I do wonder sometimes too. The answer is that 1) I am autistic 2) I paid for this game and I am getting all the unlockable stuff one way or another. It’s bad enough some stuff is paywalled or region or time locked even though I got the so called Ultimate Edition (looking at you kombat league and local releases and MK2 female ninja skins and Eternal Klash pack my beloved). Also this forces me to play through all the game has to offer (except online, because psn paywalls it, but who would willingly submit to mortal kombat online?? not me lol) even if my autistic hands don’t have the needed coordination to do a simple special move with aerial kombo and perfect block and whatever this all means, and even if some parts of this experience are not stuff I want or enjoy (looking at you, Robocop). I am torturing myself to beat this game as close to 100% as I can. This is a perfectly normal way of using your free time for fun
0 notes
kooktrash · 3 years
your power | BOSS jeon jungkook au
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summary | the new boss at your company is hot, tatted, young, and you seem to be just his type
warnings | idk, smut, fluff, office romance, Director!jungkook x office worker! Y/n, fingering, doggy, ass slap (lowkey an ass man but he loves both), grinding, dry humping, oral (f), he wears a condom, rough, pet names
“Please be sure to welcome our newest and youngest Director of the company, Director Jeon!”
You clapped along with everyone else. You checked the time on your watch again for the billionth time in the last ten minutes. Why did there need to be a welcoming ceremony? You barely paid attention to the man as he took stage and gave his own introduction.
“Oh God I could just sit on his face.” You turned quickly, your coworkers chatting away over the new President. One of them met your eye and shrugged, “I’m just saying, he’s not what I had in mind when they said we’d be getting a new boss.”
You looked away from her, Jisoo, and to the front finally getting a good look at him. He was tall, broad and tatted. You could see hints of tattoos on his hand that he very obviously didn’t care enough to cover. That wasn’t all, he had facial piercings too and so many hoop earrings adorning his ears.
“Maybe I should turn in a project late so he could scold me,” Jisoo continued making the three of you laugh. Jimin, who had been sitting between you two leaned into your side, “I guess your appearance doesn’t matter when you’re the Chairman’s only son.”
Everything past the ceremony dragged on, you were cooped up at your desk doing some final adjustments on some project and everything from this morning was suddenly forgotten.
For the first week with a new boss there weren’t really any changes. You haven’t even seen Director Jeon since the ceremony so you really didn’t even think you’d be personally affected by the change in authority. You checked your phone again, your friend’s name displayed.
hobi: dinner tonight? on me
A smile came to your face along with a slight blush as you hurried to respond and get back to work. Your department manager had an important meeting this week with the other managers and Director so she’s asked you to write the presentation for her. You spent almost all afternoon finishing up the final draft and you were the last to leave the office that afternoon. You pushed on the elevator button repeatedly until the doors began to open. It was late and you were hoping there weren’t that many people here anymore. You needed to rush home, put your things away and then meet up with your friend.
Your eyes widened for a moment as you quickly bowed and stood in the corner of the elevator pushing the first floor. You avoided staring back at the Director but fuck was he even hotter in person. Jisoo and Jimin haven’t left your ears gossiping about anything and everything they’ve heard about him.
‘Apparently he has six cars and a house in Tokyo!’
‘I heard he has a woman for every day of the week.’
‘Rumor has it that’s he’s already let go of four employees just because they didn’t greet him.’
You jumped, phone almost slipping from your hands as you rushed to answer, a low whisper as if you’d get in trouble for being on the phone even if you were off, “Hello?”
“Hey! I just got home, I’ll be at the restaurant in about 30, are you off yet?” Your friend asked you through the phone as you glanced to the side finding Director Jeon staring blankly ahead.
“Yeah, I just have to go home and change and then I’ll meet you there, okay?” You whispered hanging up with a goodbye. You could hear someone clearing their throat behind you and when you turned your new boss was staring at you.
Director Jeon wasn’t dumb, he knows all about the rumors that have been circulating around him, some true some false. He didn’t care enough to address them so he just let them be. He’s had too much on his plate his first week to worry about what his employees thought about him. And not to sound arrogant or anything but he didn’t give a damn what they had to think of him. He will admit that he has never been opposed to a relationship with an employee but nobody has ever captured his attention. They were all too eager or too forward, mostly to probably get a raise and he didn’t like that. He liked the chase.
He tried to keep his gaze forward but the reflection of an employee on the elevator doors was a little too tempting to ignore. He glanced over to you, fitted skirt, heels, thin blouse. Your legs looked long, he could see a bit of your calf muscle tensed as you spoke on the phone. A boyfriend, maybe? He’s not sure, what he does know is that you were an attractive woman and what was the reason for you being at work so late? Usually only him and some managers stayed behind but from the looks of your name tag you couldn’t be more than a regular associate.
“Sir,” his assistant cleared his throat as the elevator dinged opening the doors. You walked out before him giving him a good view of the away of your hips with each step you took. He let his assistant lead him in the opposite direction and that was it. You were a nice little treat for his eyes this afternoon.
The next time he saw you he was a little taken by surprise. This was just supposed to be a meeting between him and the department leaders for a new project in play. He was surprised when department leader, Soomin said one of her associates would be leading the presentation. And imagine the look on his face when the woman from the elevator stood in front of him looking delicious.
“So, why is she doing a presentation I asked you to do?” He couldn’t help himself, the look of distress that flashed in your eyes at the end of your presentation when he addressed Soomin. The department leader looked flustered or embarrassed but Jungkook didn’t back down, “Don’t tell me she was more competent than you.”
He stood up fixing his suit as he walked to the front, eyes locked on yours. You were pretty, no, you were hot. Really fucking hot and if this was a movie he’d be pushing you onto the conference table and taking you right there. He stuck his hand out to you as you shook it nervously while he met Soomin’s gaze before looking back to you not letting go of your hand, “What’s your name again?”
It was Y/n L/n, employee number 009036, in the researched department team B. He remembered reading your name tag just a couple days before in the elevator where he asked to figure out who you were. He just wanted to hear you talk to him directly.
“Y/n L/n, Mr. Director. Sir.” He couldn’t help but smile over how clearly flustered you were and released your hand. He looked to Soomin, “I’m going to be borrowing Ms. L/n for the Vante project, clearly she’s done the research for you and will know the most about the venue.”
Or he was choosing her because he thought she was hot, either or, and or. It didn’t matter you clearly knew what you were doing and maybe having a pretty face was just a plus for him.
“This is good for you!” Jimin had basically squeaked at your desk when he heard the news, “This could mean a promotion if you do good. And on top of that you’re going to get to work front and center with Director Jeon!”
“What? When does the Director ever work on these sort of things?” You asked him. He was sitting on your desk flipping through the folder you had presented with, “Apparently this Vante artist is a close friend of his so he’ll be overseeing everything.”
The next day you arrived to a file on your desk. Your name printed neatly in pretty gold font on the cover of the black leather folder and when you opened it inside was everything you’d need to know for this project.
“Ms L/n?” When you looked up you found the Director’s assistant standing before you, “The Director has requested a meeting before lunch today to discuss the Vante exhibit with everyone on the team. You will meet at 11:15 and after the meeting will attend a group lunch.”
He left before you could ask any questions. When you left for the meeting later in the day you were surprised to find place cards for everyone, and you were unfortunately fortunate enough to be seated to the right of Director Jeon.
Jungkook wasn’t even paying attention. How could he when you were looking so pretty with the end of your G2 pen tapping against your plump lips red from biting down on them. He tried to listen to whichever team member spoke but he couldn’t help it. “And what do you think, Ms L/n?” He asked looking over to you as you tried to be quiet and ignored in your seat, “Do you like the color scheme Mr. Choi has picked?”
“Yes, I, yeah,” you looked down at your own notes and Jungkook went ahead and took them away from you, “It looks like you have something else in mind. Go ahead and share.”
“Well,” you licked your lips looking at everyone, “I just think we should avoid using any pop of color in the exhibit just because Vante’s art pieces tend to use primary and secondary colors. I think a simple white and black will help make his pieces pop.”
“Yes I agree,” Jungkook cleared his throat, “A black and white contemporary look will look great. Good job, Miss L/n.”
The lunch wasn’t as awful as you thought it’d be. Since there wasn’t assigned seating this time around you took the liberty in sitting the farthest from the Director as your table allowed and spent more time on your phone than anything else. At one point you disappeared into the bathroom to answer a call when you overheard something you wished you hadn’t.
“God, did you see the way that rookie on team B was basically begging for the Director’s attention? What was her name again, Y/n?”
“She probably slept with him, how else would she be put on the project if this is his close friend. Our leader said only the most experienced associates were assigned to this.”
You opened the stall door, looking at your own reflection as the women that had just been talking about you greeted you with a stutter. You washed your hands ignoring them as they hurried to leave.
“If you’re insecure about your own work progress just say that,” you mumbled as you passed them again on your way to the table, “Or at least don’t try and spread rumors around just because you’re incompetent.”
“D-Director Jeon!”
Fuck. Did he just hear you or are they playing a prank on you.
“We are all ready to get going,” his voice was deep and directly behind you but you were too scared to turn around. What if he was going to scold you because he read it wrong? “You should get on your way as well,” he cleared his throat and in an instant the two were off to get their things. You turned around avoiding his gaze as you hurried to the table where your bag was. Had he followed you three? Why didn’t he just send his assistant to rally everyone up?
“I do hope your professionalism improves,” He said as he walked alongside you as you retrieved your things. God, so he did hear.
“Yes, of course, I apologize for my rudeness,” you pushed your hair behind your ears pretending like you couldn’t see the way he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.
Jungkook played it cool for a couple days. His days were busy attending stupid banquets and parading around like his father intended him to. Even after the years he avoided him he was still forced into a life he didn’t want. The tattoos and piercings he wore so well were just a small sign of what he wished to do. He never wanted to take over the business but what choice did he have.
If this were up to him he’d be backpacking through Southeast Asia with a pretty girl, definitely not wasting his time at the company his father built. He wasn’t even that old, only 24 and his life was already all planned out for him. He was dragged back from his ‘gap year’ to work here and he had hated it. Except now he had something to look forward to. Call it an office crush but he liked you. Obviously he didn’t like you enough just yet but getting to see your face definitely brightened his mood. A lot of his female employees were attractive but there was something different about you. Something about the way you hated being so close to him, probably hated the attention it brought but he didn’t mind. He was an attractive man, he knew this just as well as anybody else, and by the couple times he’s caught you staring at his lip ring he was almost positive he intrigued you.
And yes, he knows he shouldn’t mix business with pleasure but he just couldn’t help it. You looked so pretty and innocent even though he was sure you weren’t. You were probably just shy and hated taking a leadership role. He spent way too much time looking over your application but at least he had some background on you. You were a couple years younger, a rookie in the company but your experience and education was good. He told himself he was going to ignore it and try and get work done but he couldn’t help but bring you along to the exhibit venue that following week.
“One of his statues will go here,” Jungkook listened closely as one of the workers tried explaining the warehouse and its layout. It was big and as white as snow. There were rectangular pillars and tables covered in white and when he looked at you he found you snapping pictures. He watched as you uploaded them to your tablet where you had stickers of V’s work so you could start laying out the floor plan. He couldn’t help but smile a little, he knew you’d be of use.
“Are we looking at a different venue?” You asked nervously as you sat in the back of the black car Jungkook was driven around in. This was a private matter today, something he could’ve easily done himself but he couldn’t help but want to spend time with you so he dragged you along with. He shook his head, “No, we’re going for lunch, on me for your hard work.”
It was awkward, or well no you were awkward. You couldn’t stop fidgeting in your seat but you couldn’t help it. He was looking at you so intently and you couldn’t understand why. Why was your new boss focusing on you? Surely he had women on speed dial and if he didn’t he’d probably have a girlfriend or fiancé he’s promised to so what’s the deal? You weren’t even the best employee so why was he wasting his time with a lowly associate like you?
“Are you always this quiet? Or do I make you nervous?” He asked with a slight chuckle as the waitress left with your orders. You shook your head pushing your hair behind your ear, “So, is the team going to wear company badges for the banquet, Director Jeon?”
He cleared his throat and pushed his slicked hair back again, “Speak casual with me when we’re alone.”
“Director Jungkook, I mean.”
“Just Jungkook,” he said pouring water into your glass despite your protests, “And what team?”
“What do you mean? Isn’t the entire team going to the banquet? A chance to meet Vante before the exhibit?” You asked. Earlier today before you left the venue Jungkook had informed you that you’d be going to a charity banquet at the end of the month where some of Vante’s pieces would be displayed. You had assumed you were being invited because the whole team would be invited.
“No, just you and just me,” he cleared his throat watching as you poured him some water, “Wouldn’t you like to meet the artist?”
“Of course but,” you frowned looking away from him and thanking the waitress as your food came. You looked down at the dish, definitely not what you ordered but whatever. Jungkook looked down at the mushroom pasta, completely different than the shrimp Alfredo you had ordered. He looked at the waitress as she set his meal in front of him with a polite smile on her face, “That’s not what she ordered. She asked for Alfredo Shrimp pasta.”
“It’s alright Director J—“ “Just Jungkook dear, and no it’s not fine. You asked for Alfredo Shrimp so please bring the right dish,” Jungkook handed the dumbstruck waitress nodding her head nervously as she ran back to the kitchen with the plate.
“I would’ve eaten whatever,” you mumbled to yourself not loud enough to confront him since he was still your boss. He also still hadn’t answered your question so you pressed forward again, “So why isn’t the rest of the team going to the banquet?”
“Because I wasn’t going to ask for more invitations when it’s unnecessary,” he cleared his throat crossing his arms over his chest, “Unless of course you’d like to give up your invite and give it to someone else, but I do think I’d find it more enjoyable if you were there.”
“Director Jeon, I don’t think,” you stopped. What were you even going to say? What did he mean by his last comment? Why was he being so forward, correcting your meal and inviting you only?
Your phone buzzed on the table as you rushed to turn it off. Jungkook was quick to take a peak, the name ‘Hobi <3’ written clearly. His jaw tended just slightly as the phone rang again, “Go ahead and answer. Your boyfriend wouldn’t like for you to keep him waiting.”
Okay, he could’ve been smoother than that. Usually he didn’t have to even question anything. A woman would attach themselves to his arm and all he’d have to do is give her attention. With you he’s working on getting closer to you but you’re only seeing this as a business proposal. You’re completely missing the point in his actions but that’s fine. As long as he’s sure you don’t have a boyfriend. When you didn’t deny his assumption and instead ran off to answer he could feel pressure on his chest.
“I’m having lunch with the Director, what is it?” You asked looking back to Jungkook who was thanking the waitress for bringing back your correct meal. You barely noticed that he hadn’t touched his food once and now you wondered if he was waiting for you so you could eat together.
“I have a date tonight by your place, if it doesn’t go fine do you think I can crash at yours so I don’t have to drive so late?” He asked you. Rolling your eyes you nodded your head and quickly agreed before saying goodbye and hanging up.
“Was he upset?” Jungkook asked when you returned to the table. You shook your head looking down at your plate, “No. He was just letting me know he was going to spend the night at my place.”
Jungkook’s tongue poked against his cheek as he raised his glass to his lips trying to ignore the sudden annoyance he was feeling, “How long have you two been seeing each other.”
“We’ve been friends for eight years,” you said completely unaware of the face he was giving you, “We’re not together. He’s just a friend, he was actually telling me he had a date tonight. He’s already planning on if it goes bad he’ll just crash at mine.”
Jungkook gave a tight smile, “Let’s finish lunch, Y/n, it’s getting late.”
“He 100% wants to fuck you,” Jimin chuckled as he looked around your apartment holding his wine glass carefully, “Why else is he giving you such special treatment?”
You invited Jimin and Jisoo over on the night of the charity banquet. Correction, they invited themselves. You didn’t mind though considering you needed some other perspectives. Jungkook had gotten your address from your application and today you received a package. It was a beautiful (expensive) champagne fitted dress and heels along with a note:
‘I hope you don’t mind, I’ve taken the liberty to find you a dress for tonight. I will come to pick you up at 7:00pm. —Jeon Jungkook’
“I’m telling you this is a date,” Jisoo said zipping up your dress as Jimin wolf whistled at you agreeing with her, “Oh my god this is so Fifty Shades of Gray!”
“Shut up,” you rolled your eyes as you fixed some final pieces in your hair. Jimin shrugged, “I’m just saying. Either that or some What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim, I’m just saying he’s definitely into you.”
“He can have anyone he wants, I promise you he’s just doing this because he’s nice.”
“I just looked it up and he bought you a 2,300$ dress. If he’s this nice to everyone than I must be blind because anytime I see him at work he’s an asshole,” Jisoo shrugged, “I’m not kidding, the other day he made this girl cry because she ran into him and I don’t know what he said to her but she ran away crying.”
“He just fired Choi Sunghoon from the Food department because he gave him his meat well done when he asked for medium rare!” Jimin pointed out reminding you of your lunch the other day when he was quick to correct your order. You kept that to yourself though.
There were wrong and you sure as hell weren’t going to put your job in jeopardy by having a crush on your boss. You did not have the money to switch jobs if it got too uncomfortable. You were lucky enough that they wanted to hire a 21 year old fresh out of college.
“You look beautiful tonight,” Jungkook had said as he stood in front of your building. His black Mercedes Benz looked ridiculously out of place in your run down neighborhood but there was nothing to do about it. You thanked him looking down at his suit. He held the door open for you and rounded to his side quickly.
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“Jungkook!” Someone called to him inside the hotel. It was full of people dressed in expensive suits and dresses and even though you looked the part you felt extremely out of place. Jungkook turned around, a smile on his face as he opened his arms, “V!”
“I’m glad you could make it, we just sold a piece to an ambassador from France,” V said looking over to you, eyes casting down your figure a little too obviously. You fidgeted behind Jungkook but he moved his hand to your lower back and led you forward. “This is Y/n L/n. She’s the one I was telling you about, the one who’s been in a big help in getting your exhibit ready for next month,” Jungkook introduced you and before you start with how much of a fan you were of this artist he was speaking.
“Call me Taehyung,” he smiled taking your hand in his as he brought it to his lips and peppering a kiss on your knuckles, “Jungkook didn’t tell me he had such beautiful employees working for him. I would’ve stopped by if I knew you were on the team.”
You couldn’t help the blush that ran to your cheeks at his words and Jungkook must’ve noticed because he was pulling you back, “Yes well, consider it an apprenticeship. I see a lot of potential in her.”
“Yes,” Taehyung licked his lips looking back to you, not caring for the glares Jungkook was shooting at him, “I think I see it too. Come Y/n, some of these pieces are going to be at the exhibit. Let me show you them, Jungkook, I believe Kim Namjoon is here somewhere if you’d prefer to chat with him. We won’t be far.”
Jungkook couldn’t even stop you before Taehyung was taking you away. It’s okay. It’s fine. He chugged his champagne as he went to follow after but a hand clasped down on his shoulder, “You’re gonna go without even saying hello?”
“Jin,” he sighed looking back to his friend, Namjoon standing next to him, “Who’s that you’re with? A date?”
“Well, sorta, she works for me,” Jungkook shrugged and Jin laughed, “Don’t they all start that way?” He had to resist the urge to roll his eyes as he searched for you. There was no way he was going to leave you alone with his artistic friend who had a reputation for finding his muse in beautiful young women.
“Look, I gotta go see where Taehyung ran off,” Jungkook excused himself ignoring their comments as he left in search for you. He found you laughing with Taehyung as his arm rested around your waist. He could feel his composure beginning to slip when he reached for your hand, “There you are.”
You looked back to him forcing a smile as you looked to Taehyung, “Director Jeon, I was wondering you went.” He had to stop himself from correcting you to use his first name but this was a business event. He looked to Taehyung, “I’ll be taking her back now, I’m sure you have other guests to entertain.”
“Where are we going?” You asked him as he pulled you through the large crowd. He led you outside, on a balcony overlooking the courtyard as he took a deep breath, “Sorry, these events can be a bit much so I figured you might enjoy a fresh breath of air.”
“Jungkook,” your hand was on his shoulder hesitantly but his breath hitched anyway, “Thank you for everything you’ve done.”
He only nodded clearing his throat as he looked away from you. You pulled your hand off when he didn’t answer and turned away a little embarrassed. Maybe you shouldn’t have touched him, but his hand had been on your waist almost all night.
“Y/n,” he swallowed the lump in his throat as he waited for you to turn to him again. He took a step closer, cautiously, “What do you think of me?”
“What?” You were confused, why was he asking this so suddenly?
“I know what they say about me around the office. That I’m the Devil’s Advocate or this sex crazed man abusing his power, so I want to know now if you think the same,” he cleared his throat crossing his arms in front of him in defeat.
“I don’t really pay attention to rumors,” you laughed thinking back to the time you caught those women talking shit about you. Your answer didn’t seem to cut through the tension, “I think rumors are just that and nothing more. I mean, from what I’ve seen, you’re not too bad. I actually think you’re kind and gentle but I don’t know how much I can say and keep it professional.”
Maybe the champagne you’d been drinking was getting to you because you were being a little too open with your boss right now. He took a step toward you but you didn’t cower back like you normal would have, “Then let’s throw away professionalism just tonight,” he said. You felt his hands go to your hips again, pulling you into him and before you could say anything your actions spoke for themselves.
Your arms flew around his neck as he dipped down enough for your lips to brush, testing the water if you will before fully giving himself to you in a soft kiss. You let yourself indulge for the night, the taste of champagne on your tongues as you kissed hungrily, only to be pulled apart at the sound of clapping. You looked to the covered glass doors, the speech was probably starting and you both headed back without another word.
The night ended quickly after, he dropped you off back at your place and neither one of you spoke another word.
He called you into his office Monday morning under the pretense of finishing up some bouquet orders. There was absolutely no talking between you two but it wasn’t awkward. Or maybe it was you were just trying really hard to avoid him.
“Would you like to discuss what happened on Saturday?” You jumped, clearly startled to find him standing behind you again.
“Director Jeon,” you turned to face him taking a small step back once you noticed your proximity, “Let me apologize for my behavior, I think the champagne had go—“
“Jungkook,” he took a step closer until you were pressing into the table behind you, your hands flew to it to keep you stable but he didn’t stop until he was grabbing you by your hips and pulling you into him, “The champagne?”
You nodded feeling the heat of his gaze as it raked down to your blouse and the small amount of cleavage he could see, “Yes, I can get a little impulsive when I drink and I know it was unpr—ngh,” you melted into his kiss again, finding your knees wanting to give in while he deepened the kiss upon your reciprocation.
You squealed when he picked you up effortlessly placing you back down on the table as he took his assault to your jaw ticking your ear with kisses as you pulled him into you, “Tell me to stop if you don’t want this.”
Fuck. You did want it. You wanted him but it didn’t feel right. You were his employee and even though he wasn’t forcing you to do this you can already tell this was going to put a strain on your professionalism. You didn’t want to be one of the female employees he beds, you didn’t want to believe the rumo—you froze. Jungkook moved away from you as jumped off the table turning away from the door. You both pretended to be interested in the variations of charcoal and obsidian textures.
“Didn’t I tell you to knock?” Jungkook spoke viciously to his assistant as they walked in. He set down the textile book and left your side. You took the opportunity to quickly put away your work and walk out knowing he wouldn’t stop you while his assistant was there.
Jungkook was confused. Clearly you wanted him, he could tell by the way you kissed him back but it’s like you didn’t want to want him. He wondered if you were worried because of your position. He wanted to tell you that it would be okay. That he’d take you out for dinner and then you two could discuss pursuing a relationship but he couldn’t tell if it was even something you would want. You seemed to care a lot about your job and if he was making it difficult for you to work he needed to know. But he also knew he wouldn’t be able to just let you go. At first he was simply attracted to you because of your beauty. But as time has passed he’s started to notice little things about you he enjoys as well. You were always hesitant to speak your mind even if you were right and he wanted to break you out of your shell the reason he’d been working with you separate from the team isn’t just because he was attracted to you. It’s because he’s heard some of the rumors speculating about you and he didn’t want you to have to work with a bunch of judgmental people just because they couldn’t stand the fact you knew how to do your job. And okay, obviously he wanted to spend time with you alone.
You rejected his advances for a week, even to meet and discuss the project you avoided him coming up with some excuse from your department leader. He didn’t like that, if you wanted nothing to do with him he was going to respect your wishes but he needed to hear you say them. So, he did what anyone would do and requested a meeting at his place after work if you were going to continue to avoid working with him he was going to make it difficult to ignore.
But he didn’t expect that he’d be the one struggling with you so close. It was getting hard for him to focus on any work with you sitting across from him.
His throat was dry, you looked so unbelievably delicious sitting across from him in a short fitted skirt and blouse. You’d been teasing him all day without even noticing it. He lied when he said it’d be easy to act like your shared kiss didn’t mean anything but it wasn’t true. He wanted to pull you into him and do more things than just kiss in his office again. He lifted his hand to his mouth, biting onto the end of his fist as discreetly as possible while you stood up to go to the bathroom.
He couldn’t help himself, he found himself running to his feet to go find you. When you opened the bathroom door and found him standing waiting for you your hand flew to your chest, “Director Jeon, I—“
He pulled you into him by your arms and maneuvered you against the wall, “Shhh, just one little kiss.”
You looked down at his lips nervously before blinking up again. He pressed his forehead against yours and pulled you in enough for your chests to be pressed against each other, “We’re not at the office anymore, nobody to catch us.”
He was right. Obviously he was right, you’d been having these thoughts all night. Just the two of you alone in his private spaces where no one other than the house cleaner to interior you. It had been all too tempting but could you really give in? He’s your boss, a wealthy powerful man and you weren’t anywhere near his league and yet he kept entertaining you like that wasn’t the case. You didn’t want to be some little chess piece that a powerful man can conquer and throw away.
“Director Jeon I think you have me mistaken,” you tried to sound calmer than you actually were, hands playing on his shoulders as he relaxed under your touch, “I’m here to finish this project and then get on my way. As you can see it’s very late and I’m sure you won’t have any difficulty ringing someone up to come take my place once I’m gone.”
It was an unprofessional jab but you couldn’t help yourself. After all, there were rumors about young company president being a womanizer and you didn’t care how powerful he was you weren’t going to be one of his many conquests. Even if it meant you’d lose your job. He only held you tighter, “Then you must have me mistaken, I thought I’ve made my intentions with you clear.”
His lips brushed against yours teasingly, never fully meeting yours but not moving away. It was you who closed the gap between you and stood on your tiptoes to press your lips together. It was all the consent he needed before pushing you against the wall and deepening the kiss, one hand on the wall, one tilting your chin up and a muscular thigh pressed between your legs keeping you anchored. Your hand fidgeted with the collar of his shirt and he moved the hand from the wall to grip yours and hold it up so you couldn’t move, not that you wanted to anyway.
You pulled back just enough to catch your breath, noses brushing against each other. Your mouth was slightly open trying to even out your heaving breathing when you slowly brought your tongue out to lick your lips. He took it as invitation and dragged your mouth back to his. He didn’t even have to say anything when his hands moved to grope your ass, skirt crumpling in his hands before he hoisted you up with ease and wrapped your legs around his tiny waist. You were starting to see, no feel, the shape of his body more clearly.
“Wait,” you muttered against his lips as he began walking in the opposite direction of where your work was, “I—I don’t want to do anything I might regret. If this is going to be a quick fuck then I don’t want to, even if it means I’ll lose my job.”
He pulled away, holding you close with your legs still around him when his brows furrowed searching your face for answers, “I would never force you to do something you don’t want to.”
He leaned his forehead against yours forcing you to look him in the eye even in your position with him carrying you, “And I can assure you I have bigger plans than a quick fuck with you. Everything is in your power, remember that love.”
And you did. You let him take you to his room. You didn’t have time to admire the size of it, like a master hotel suite with a king sized bed in the middle. Everything was gray and black with gold hues of lights in forms of lamps. He set you down on his gray, silk sheets that easily caved under your weight and wrinkled with his roughness. He wasn’t patient, hands already flying to yank your shirt out of your skirt, callous hands running along your sides as he hovered between your legs kissing down your neck and into the dip in your collarbone.
Your legs bent with his hands drawing your knees up when he let his hands roam over your skirt covered ass and back of your thighs. He sat back on his haunches looking down at you with his lip between his teeth as he tried to catch his breath. The hair that had been so neatly slicked back was beginning to stick out in different directions giving him a ravishing delicious look. You sat up, grabbed the edge of his collar and yanked him back down over you, lips crashing into each other as the low groan he let out went straight to your core.
His hands wrapped around your rib cage, hoisting you up to sit without breaking the kiss. He tugged off the ends of your clothes until you got the hint and began yanking them off while he did the same, all while trying to keep his lips against yours. When he was undressed and you took too long unbuttoning your blouse he ripped it open, the sound of buttons hitting the dark wooden floor as he kicked the rest of his pants off.
He picked you up by your hips, turning you on your stomach and pulling your ass up. He was throwing you around like a doll and you couldn’t say you hated it. You barely had time to fully admire the glory of all his tattoos when his rough hands were pulling your black Lacy underwear further between your ass as they began to caress your cheeks. He licked his lips at the sight of the way your butt ate your underwear, the way he could quite literally grab a hold on your ass and watch it jiggle in his hands. He couldn’t help but being his hand back, smacking ever so lightly but still making you jolt forward in surprise. He rubbed where he just smacked and leaned over you, “Do you want to see if those rumors about my bedroom skills are true?”
You could feel his underwear clad bulge rut against your ass and you couldn’t help but push back against it for any sort of friction. He kissed down your back, mouth nipping at your bra until it was coming undone to your surprise. You took the rest of your bra off wanting to turn around but he pressed a firm hand on your back pushing you back down. He was shimmying down, jiggling your ass cheeks in his hands against his hard, stiff cock. Sweat was already starting to cover his forehead making certain hair strands stick to his forehead. He played with the hem of your underwear before pulling them down, an almost growl slipping from his lips at the sight of your arousal creating a line that connected your wet pussy to the patch on your underwear. “You’re this wet already?”
“I’ve been thinking about you all night,” you confessed about your earlier escape to imaginations, “I wanted to take your sick right there in the living room—Ah!” He was quick, he didn’t have time for teasing especially not after your confessions when he was thinking the exact same thing. His mouth was on your ass, sinking his teeth into the squishyness just enough for you to feel him but not enough for it to actually hurt. His palm was running over your clit feeling it harden under his touch as he coated it with your wetness. His kisses trailed down until he was sniffing at your pussy despite your protests and shimmying of your hips. He squeezed your ass cheek slapping it when it jiggled, “Tell me to stop if I go too far baby, I just can’t get enough of you.”
You nodded but he slapped your ass again just a little bit harder, “Words love or I stop.”
“Okay,” you wiggled your hips in his face making your ass clap in movement, “Just do something Mr. Jeon.” He hummed in approval finally granting himself the relief of tasting your pussy. Too many days had he spent imagining what was under your pretty skirts and he for sure wasn’t disappointed. “Fuck,” he groaned into your cunt lapping up as much as he could, pulling on your labia to give himself more room, “You taste so fucking sweet Angel. Wan you to cum on my mouth.”
You whined rutting against his face using your elbows to push into the mattress for support. He was in heaven deep in your pussy thrusting his long tongue as far in as it could as he squeezed your ass as an anchor for him. It didn’t take long for your legs to shake and he had told dig his nails into your ass to stop you from moving away from him just to make sure he could lap up your pussy like a dog thirsty for water. He waited until your hips had finally stopped shaking, letting you collapse onto the bed as he reached forward for his nightstand where he pulled a condom out. He’d love to take your pussy raw but he knew it was something you two would need to discuss in the future, and promise, he saw a future with you.
You’d be a perfect match. You seemed to understand him and you didn’t let what everyone else made of his reputation affect the way you saw him and he needed someone like that. And you needed someone who would speak up for you when you were too nervous to, and he’s sure you wouldn’t mind having someone spoil you which was something he would definitely do.
He winced as he slid the tight condom over his red cock, angry and past the point of teasing and fore play. All night he’d been picturing what you’d look like with his cock buried inside you taking him against the window, the wall, the kitchen counter, the shower. He wanted to take you in every square foot of his home and he was destined to do it over time. Like he said, a quick fuck wasn’t all he had planned for his precious employee turned lover.
He didn’t push his cock in even though he really wanted to. You were obviously spent and needed a second to get it together again and that was okay. “Is this okay?” He asked as he ran his cock between your swollen pussy lips. He could cum just like that, he could feel the slight twitch of them and your clit hit his tip so good. “Yes,” you breathed out beginning to grind back against his cock probably trying to get yourself ready again.
“I want you inside,” you whined after a couple minutes of grinding his cock against your pussy lips. He didn’t need to be told another time before he was lining your hips with his cock, pushing in just slightly as he felt his bulging tip press against the ring of your pussy. He worked himself in slowly waiting for you to beg him to do more knowing you won’t speak up unless he makes you.
“Tell me when baby,” he hissed struggling to hold himself back from just pounding into you. You nodded, “Now, fuck, fuck me now.” He smiled licking his dry lips as he took a deep breath and hollowed out. The moan you both let out meshed into a beautiful melody as he drew himself out slowly only to pushed back in.
You never expected to be doing doggy with your boss but fuck did you dream about it. So when the chance appeared you found yourself fucking back onto his cock feeling his balls hit your clit creating a slapping sound as he brought his pace to a harder, quicker, pounding, “Koo—“ you but into your lip to stop yourself but he shook his head.
He gripped your right leg that had been resting beside him and flipped you onto your side bringing the leg over his shoulder while the other was trapped under him. Your pussy opened wider for him and with this angle he was able fuck more of his cock into you, one hand gripped your leg and the other began to rot with your clit, stuck on making you cum just one more time before he did. Not only did you ass jiggle with even the slightest of movements but so did your tits, and he couldn’t help but trap your leg between his arm and neck to bring his hand down to grope your tits.
“Ah,” you whined trying to grind against him, he held you tit as he lowered himself, rutting into you as he leaned down enough to attempt at a kiss along your neck. You pushed yourself up to meet his affections but a whine was drawn out of you when he stilled inside you, grinding with his full length, “I’m g—gon—“
“Let go baby, wanna feel you cum around my cock, please,” he rubbed harder against your clit feeling your pussy tighten around him and in one go you were releasing on his member as he let go in the condom.
It took you both a few moments to collect yourselves, Jungkook peppered your hair with kisses as he slid himself out as careful as possible but you still hissed at the feeling. He jumped out of bed running to the bathroom and you found yourself looking around the room. Was that it? Was this his way of telling you to leave. You pushed your sex hair out of your face swallowing the growing lump in your throat as you sat up feeling a little sore. You looked around for your bra and underwear spotting your torn up blouse making you grip the bed sheet that you yanked off the bed to make a dress. You hurried to pick up your things unaware of the Director’s return.
“Get your cute butt back on the bed unless you want me to make you.”
You looked up at him watching him walked out with a towel that he wiped his flaccid member with. You sat on the edge watching him walk over to your side. He put the towel down between your spread legs wiping gently with the damp cloth looking into your eyes, “Lay down Angel, you’re not going anywhere. I told you this wasn’t going to be a quick fuck.”
You did as told laying back down as he rounded the corner to join you where he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into him. “So,” you bit your lips nervously too impatient and too curious to stop yourself from asking, “We are gonna keep this a secret at work, right?”
“You want to?” His brows furrowed looking down at you, “How am I supposed to go see you whenever if it’s a secret?”
“Well, it’s just, it’s going to look suspicious that the rookie you chose for an important project was sleeping with you too.”
“Okay,” he nodded kissing the tip of your nose, “But if I can’t kiss you during work hours then you better be available off the clock whenever. I’ve already got a date planned for us this weekend.”
You smiled snuggling into him in agreement letting his broad shoulder envelope you in his hold. He kissed your forehead as he reached for his lamp and turned the light off, “Goodnight love.”
okkk lowkey/highkey inspired by A Business Proposal
But I made it kinda short and quick bc this is just a one shot that I would forget if I didn’t write it now.
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lemontreefantasy · 2 years
Sails and Anchors - Part 2
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wc: 6.4k damn this is long
genre: fluff, smut, angst
warnings: mentions of mental illness, robberies, gunshots, choking, overstimulation, rough sex idk (?)
taglist: @corvidqueen319 @katelynnsqueendom​ @marievllr-abg​ @eclecticranchzonkcookie @supernintendobabe​ @stayoffmybyunsworld​ @ateezourstars​ @voidcupidz​ @seonghwarizon​
A continuation of Part 1 - Abandon Ship
Part 2 – Batten Down The Hatches
After becoming friendly with one of the top army majors in town, an old friend from high school reappears. The merchant’s ball is soon approaching and brings along bittersweet events.
a/n I know I took super long to post this but it’s my child at this point I’ve put so much time and effort into it lol im sry, also please like AND reblog!
How could you miss such a handsome face like his around town? Did you ever notice him come to the bar? You had never seen him around town until your encounter with him that day. Then again, you never really ventured out too much to come across any army men either.
“Shall I accompany you to your destination?” he asked
Honestly, with a face like his, you would just be downright stupid to deny a request like that. You also figured it would probably be good to make a connection with him in case you ran into any trouble at the bar. You spoke with him as you both walked along the port, with the vast ocean in view.
“Of course,” you complied giving him a shy smile. “So Seonghwa… are you from around town?”
“Yes, I am, actually. Born and raised.” He walked alongside you with one hand on his holster and the other behind his back.
“Oh really?”
“Why? Not much good-looking militants out here?” he joked with a slight chuckle leaving his lips. You noted his cocky tone but chose to dismiss it as a joke.
“I don’t really waltz around town a lot. I usually spend most of my time at the training headquarters near the central palace teaching the newcomers.”
“I see. Haven’t really seen a face like yours ‘round here so…”
“I actually finished my day’s training and decided to take a trip down to the merchant markets. It’s been months since I’ve explored down here.”
“Yes, months. It may seem like a lot but I don’t really have time to venture out most days. Before being transferred to the army, I served on the naval ships for a while. The ones that would be out for months and months. So.. not much time spent on land, you know?”
“Oh wow, navy and army. Damn.”
“Damn, indeed. Enough about me, how is business?”
How’s business? How did he know about the bar?
“Wait I’m sorry… do you know me?” you questioned him.
“Of course! Everyone knows you, you’re the boss, aren’t you? Or… boss… lady? Right?”
“Well, yeah. Didn’t think I was that popular though.”
“I’ve never seen you before, only overheard some colleagues talking about you. They didn’t mention how beautiful you were though” he said to you in a deep voice, giving you a wink.
You palmed off the compliment, as you normally did with most men, even though his words gave you a butterfly or two in your stomach.
“What did your colleagues say?”
“They were speaking about how some no-good thieves robbed you all. But don’t worry, we’re looking into it.”
“Oh… yeah. That shook me up a bit, I won’t lie.”
“Have you had any repeated experiences like it since then?”
“No, not really. I mean, shoddy men come in all the time but they mean no harm. It’s hard to tell who has bad intentions.”
“I hear ya. But if anything like that happens again, send for me right away. Even if you need someone to hang around for safety’s sake. We’re trying our best to keep the community as safe as we can right now. If things only escalate, we can jeopardize the merchant markets, the sea ports… it would all be just a big mess.
And of course… I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”
There he goes again. Slipping in those innocent lines. For some reason you couldn’t seem to believe anything a man said to you after hongjoong left. You were not going to be that naïve this time.
“Thank you, that really means a lot to me. I do have watchmen but they’re like family to me now. If something happens to them I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.”
“I understand.”
When you approached the tavern, you invited him in for drinks on the house. After all, as cocky as he is, the man did save your life. You fixed him a beer and sat with him as the business was a bit slow.
“You know, I knew your father.”
With eyebrows raised, he piqued your curiosity. “You did?”
“Not personally, but he and my father got along quite well. They would meet at the merchants’ ball and have long discussions about politics and the economy, things like that.”
“Ah, the merchants’ ball that he never took me to.”
“I’m pretty sure you’ll be invited this year. It’s happening next month at the central palace. My father always took me with him but I was never really interested.”
“What did your father do?”
“He was an investor. He tried to get me into it but I was more interested in exploring unknown territory and making a life for myself.”
“I feel like my father never took me because he thought he would be around. Sadly, you never really know when your last day is.”
“I’m sorry, he really was a good man. A man of his word.”
That evening you and seonghwa spoke for quite a while. He stayed with you until it was time to close and made sure you wrapped up the day without incident. You appreciated the gesture but didn’t put your full trust in him, after all, you had only known him for a few hours.
A few months had passed. A huge election took place which booted the current serving government and led to the installation of a new one. One with promises to make the streets safer, promote business among merchants and boost the number of visitors who came to buy and sell goods. Fortunately, those promises were not empty and for the first time in a very long time, things seemed normal again. You were less worried about being targeted, more foreign visitors came to the tavern and business was alive. As a result, the merchant’s ball was pushed back until the new government had settled in.
Seonghwa was promoted to a Major and as time progressed, you had realized how well-respected he was among his colleagues and most townsfolk. Servicemen knew him as the sharp-shooter who had golden aim and businessmen knew him from his father’s successful investment portfolio. Commoners knew him as the handsome patrol guard. He would often visit the tavern closer to weekends to have a drink or two but his visits were more frequent as the weeks went by.
There was still, however, no sign of hongjoong. You remember the letter he scribbled before he left.
“Please do not despise me. I love you with every fibre of my being”
But there was only so much you could take. How long do you have to wait for love that is not even guaranteed to last? Being with hongjoong still felt like a fever dream. But that dream was slowly coming to an end, withering away, flames fading.
On the other hand, you and Seonghwa had grown closer. Much quite like the opposite of hongjoong, dare you say. He always made sure to visit you ever so often when he had time, whether he was just coming for a drink alone or with colleagues, or just making sure you were okay during his occasional patrols. Hell, he even broke up a few barfights on crowded nights on his own accord. Seeing him in action like that… you had to check the wet spot in your knickers. It was certainly a sight to see.
However, you kept your walls up but as time progressed, Seonghwa kept breaking them down one by one. He made you feel secure and protected. He was someone you could always rely on when you needed it and you knew you could tell him anything and he would never tell a soul; your secrets were sure to be safe with him. Not to mention a part of you inside melted a bit whenever he would smile at you. You remember times when he would come to see you after closing hours. He would take you for a walk along the dimly lit dock and tell you stories of his navy days while looking at the moon’s reflection dancing on the ocean. Some days he would take you out for picnics in the botanical gardens where you would spend the day in the sunlights taking in the beautiful flora. When you were with seonghwa, you were at peace. He was your anchor on your turbulent days and the relief you needed when you felt alone.
At the end of the week, the both of you went out for dinner in the town. Seonghwa had mustered up the courage to ask you on a date to which you accepted. You thought that if anyone deserved to go on a date with you, it was him. He treated you with respect and always made time for you, and honestly, you were curious to experience what the night would be like. Dinner was lovely and afterwards, the both of you went back to his house to relax and have some wine. His home was quite large, as you had expected, and contained mostly wooden furnishings and high ceilings. He took your coat and hung it on the carved coat hanger and sat you down on a velvet burgundy couch in the living area as he fetched the wine from his cellar. You try to make yourself comfortable in the new environment and in no time, he returns with two glasses and a bottle, pouring you a half glass of red wine. After setting the bottle down, he saunters over to a small table and picks up a peculiar, pastel green envelope and hands it to you.
“I was given the opportunity to personally give this to you, miss y/n,” he smiled, handing you the envelope.
“What’s this?” you asked.
“Open it.”
“On behalf of the ministry of trade, we cordially invite you to join us as we celebrate the success of small-business owners at the annual Merchants’ Ball,”
“So, it’s that fancy, is it? God, what do I wear? Is it really formal? What do you even do at these things?”
“Relax, it’s not that bad, just wear something nice. Guests mostly go to catch up on old times or network with new people,” he explains taking a seat next to you after pouring himself some wine.
“Are you going?”
“Why? Does that matter to you?” he asked in a playful, nagging tone.
“I was just asking…”
“I am going, actually. I don’t want to but it would be good to show face, you know?”
“Oh, really?”
“Would you like to go together? You can keep me company for the night while I introduce you to some of the merchants. That’s if you want of course.”
You hated to admit that he was right. You despised big social settings with hoity-toity businessmen who thought they owned the world, not to mention how bad your social anxiety would be if you went alone. You really had no idea who the other town’s business owners were. You were always busy in your father’s own business or your schooling that it was never a priority for you.
“That would be nice, thank you.”
Seonghwa gave you a small smile, knowing that his request was successful, “you know I’ll always be there for you.”
A bottle of wine later and the both of you were now tipsy, heads dizzy, jokes and giggles fill the air. Seonghwa notices you gazing at him, admiring how handsome he was, how he made you laugh and he slowly leaned in and gave you a light kiss on the lips. It was so delicate and slow. You felt your cheeks burn and your heart beat so hard you swear you could hear it. Raising your hand to caress his jaw, he returns the gesture, putting his fingertips on your chin. The kiss deepened as he sucked on your bottom lip, prodding further as he felt your hands slip down to his chest. You wanted him so badly, so you took him. Pushing him into the back of the sofa, you hoist one leg over him, sitting on his lap facing him. You hold his face in your hands and kiss him once more. Seonghwa took the opportunity to trail sweet kisses and love bites down your neck and on your chest. You loosen the straps of your dress so that it fell over your shoulders. His doe-eyed expression turned you on as you lowered the top of your dress to expose your breasts. Licking and sucking on your buds, he sneaked a hand up your long skirt and began rubbing your clothed clit.
“Fuck yes seonghwa,” you moaned.
Humming around your nipple he lowered his tone, “that’s right baby, say my name again.”
After moaning his name a few more times, he had enough and carried you bridal-style to his bedroom. Laying you down gently, he climbed over you making sure his knees parted your legs. His stare on you was  hungry like if he was the hunter and you were his prey. You had no complaints whatsoever as the look on his face was enough to send you over the edge. Stripping you of your underwear, he made no hesitation in parting you and licking your folds, making sure his lapping on your sweet bud. A loud scream escaped your lips as he moaned into you, adding two digits into you one by one. Soon enough he had you at your peak, curling his fingers up into you. He noticed you gripping onto the sheets, toes curling and your back arched and continued his pace as your overstimulation only turned him on more. Your legs closed in on his head but his tongue still had access to that sweet spot of yours. You had to physically pry him off of you for  him to give you a break. He gave you a few minutes for the stars in your vision to dissipate before he lay next you, kissing you once more. You grasp his member, now red and rock hard, patiently awaiting your attention. You pump him in your hands for a few minutes while trying to handle seonghwa’s tongue down your throat.
“I need you to fuck me,” you whispered in his ear.
“You’re going to have to ask a little nicer, baby.”
“Please, seonghwa. I need you inside me now,” you cry out grabbing onto his chest.
He flipped you onto your stomach and positioned himself behind you. Like a natural instinct, you were on your knees with your back arching into the mattress. Shifting your weight to your forearms, you feel his member gliding through your folds. You hear a him spit on his cock before he slowly breached your walls. He notices you fisting the sheets and he hears your quiet muffled moans.
“Tell me darling, do you like that?” he says as he pushes further into you.
“Fuck yes, I want it,” you manage to stifle out
You feel his hand run down your back towards your hair where he grasps a good handful and uses it as leverage to fill you to the brim. He finds a rhythm of deep, stable strokes that send you into a daze. Your juices coat his cock as he strikes your ass with one swift motion, begging him for more. The sweet sting and the burning in your core were enough to send you over the edge. Moans and sweet nothings spilling from your lips.
“Cum on this cock, darling. I want to see you cum.”
Again, his overstimulation kink kicked in and seonghwa didn’t stop until you were a convulsing little mess under him. After coming down from your high, it was his turn. He turned you onto your back and re-entered your soaking wet cunt. He leaned over you and locked you in place. Your legs were suspended in the air and his hands hooked under your back to grip your shoulders. If you thought the previous position was intense, this one was worse. With seonghwa’s face hovering over yours, you watch his face contort as he slammed into you, desperate to orgasm. One hand over his back and the other on his neck you whisper in his ears.
“You fuck me so good, seonghwa. Give it to me,” and with that, you feel his pace weaken as he buried his face into your neck and spilled his warm seed in you. You closed your eyes and drank in the sound of his breathy moans as he collapsed beside you. A few minutes later he sprung back out of bed to clean you up before falling asleep in his arms for the rest of the night.  You weren’t exactly sure what to label this relationship with seonghwa as, but as for tonight, it was simply just drunk sex to you.
Later that week, you set out into the city to find an evening gown for the ball. You enter one of the popular boutiques and a nice lady greets you. “What can I help you with today miss bosslady?” You recognize the nickname but can’t help but wonder how much people really know who you are. Even in the city?
“Hello, I’m looking for an evening gown for the merchant’s ball. Can you help me find something?”
“Of course, love. We got lots of new styles for ya.”
After trying on many cheesy, lacy, awkward fitting dresses, you finally decide on a simple black, one-shoulder dress, fitted but long with a slit to the side. You thank the woman for her help and start your trek back home.
It had been quite a while since you came to this part of the city. You were always so cooped up at the bar that going out wasn’t really on your to-do list. Nothing really changed. You spot a bakery at the end of the street and try to make your way there when a tall man with an impressive physique began flagging you down. You had second thoughts of whether you should stop or not, but upon a closer look, you realized it was your old classmate Choi San. You notice his hair had grown out quite a bit and he seemed just as handsome as he did in high school.
However, while the average woman would run to him no questions asked. It was a little different between you and san. A few years before your father had passed away, his father started a rumour accusing your father of hiring men to destroy his business place. Everyone eventually figured out that it was all a big tale as your father’s character was very far from the story that spread. But unfortunately, this caused a bit of friction between you and san going to school. Both of you weren’t friends per say, but after that incident it was quite awkward between you both. At the time, you were pissed that his father had that audacity to say such a thing and the fact that san said nothing to you during that time, not even an apology, you had no intentions of interacting with him.
That was until today. You pause your stride to face him from across the street and flash an awkward smile.
“Y/n is that really you?” he smiled and asked
“Yes, hi san.”
He walks across the street and approached you. “Ah it’s been so long, I heard about your dad. I’m so sorry.”
“Yeah, well that’s life, I guess. I’m doing alright now though.”
“That’s good to hear. I know we didn’t speak to each other much but I just wanted to say I’m really sorry for all the trouble my father caused. He isn’t well right now… mentally that is. I fear it may have started earlier than his actual diagnosis. Please understand that.”
“Oh… I didn’t know that. It’s okay san. Let’s just put all this behind us and move on with our lives yeah?” You extend your hand to shake his and he returns the gesture.
“Thank you. I’d really like to start over from now. A clean slate between two business owners, you and I.”
You give him a small smile before attempting to leave the conversation. “I should probably get going. I need to sort out some things back at the shop.”
“It was really nice seeing you y/n. Feel free to drop by anytime.” And with that, san gazed at you as if he longed for you to stay a bit longer. But the situation was so awkward for you that you didn’t quite know how to navigate it.
A few days passed and it was finally the day of the merchant’s ball. You had your entire look planned and took the day off from the shop. You took a shower, and stepped into your dress. You did your hair in large bouncy waves that you swept to one side of your shoulder and put your black heels on.
Not too long after you finished your makeup, your handsome escort had arrived dressed in a black suit adorned with embellishments. His hair was shaved at the sides with a side part, hair sweeping to one side of his head. He looked absolutely delicious and you tried your best not to be nervous around him. You took his hand as he led you to the carriage that he came in.
“You look exceptionally gorgeous tonight, darling,” he said to you.
“Thanks, Seonghwa. You look really nice as well.”
The ride to palace was quiet and short. Seonghwa exited first and told you to wait. He opened your door and helped you out. Holding on to you the entire time, helping you up the grand staircase outside the palace. Upon entering you were greeted by palace staff who ushered you both into the main hall where the function took place. It was a giant hall with high ceilings, large crystal chandeliers, giant tiles on the floor, imported paintings and gold furnishings. Guests appropriately dressed, not overly fancy but not boring either, you could say that you fit in quite well.
Of course, as soon as you walked in, many guests had stopped seonghwa to greet him and catch up on old times as he was attending on behalf of his father. He introduced you to some of the shop owners in town as well as some of his army associates, all of which were pleased to meet you as they knew your father. You had really underestimated how many people knew who you were but you didn’t complain. The more connections you made in this town was better for you. As seonghwa spoke to a more matured woman who claimed to know him since he was a child, you spot the eating area where the hors d’oeuvres were being served. You gestured to seonghwa the direction that you were heading and proceeded to fill your stomach. After getting something to eat, you feel a pair of eyes on you but honestly you were so caught up in eating that you didn’t care to pay attention to your surroundings much. The gentleman approached you with a hand to the small of your back.
“Mind if I join you?”
You look up at the man, only to notice it was the one and only choi san. He takes a seat next to you and sips on his drink.
“You look really lovely tonight. It’s nice to see you here.”
“You look great as well, san. And yeah, it’s my first time coming to the ball.”
“I’ve only been to about two of these before. You don’t miss anything really, haha. Just a bunch of old folks talking about each other’s business.” You both chuckle as he takes another sip of his drink and you both look blankly into the distance. There seemed to be no more tension between the both of you, but more so a shared feeling of having the weight of the responsibility of managing the family business passed down not by choice but by default. You didn’t mind doing it, but it took a toll on you even though you tried not to show it, and after hongjoong left, life just seemed a bit emptier.
“I don’t know if this is right to say now but… I really regret what happened between our fathers. God, you must have hated me in school. I was really insecure back then. I just didn’t know how to handle it.” At this point, you’re unsure if this is the alcohol speaking or not.
“Look san, we put all that behind us, remember? A new generation has started. Times are changing, things are different. What happened then is in the past, there’s no need to go back there now,” you explained.
“I know, I know. I just, not that it matters now but, I really liked you back then. When he said that shit, I was so angry. I knew you wouldn’t dare look my way after that. So, I never approached you.”
“Wait, really?” you chuckle at his confession. “And what about now?”
“What about now?” he asks.
“Do you still have feelings for me?” you ask jokingly.
San turns his head to look at you and rests his drink on the bar counter. He slowly takes your hand in his and closes the space between you.
“Maybe I do. But seeing you walk in with Park Seonghwa, arm in arm like that… I don’t know how to feel now.”
“I mean, he asked me to accompany him. It’s a bit complicated right now.” You overhear the classical music in the background growing louder and louder and notice the guests have started to dance.
“Well,” he says pulling you closer, “is it so complicated that I can’t dance with you?” he asks, offering his hand to you.
Without saying a word, you hesitantly held his hand. You wondered if seonghwa would be okay with this, but then you remind yourself that you didn’t belong to him. You didn’t belong to anyone as a matter of fact. You were a free woman. Honestly you were a bit shocked to know that san had eyes on you after so many years. Life was so chaotic the last thing you needed was ANOTHER man in your life. But you didn’t like seeing san sulk the way he did. You felt really bad but it wasn’t like it was your fault?
San guided you to the dance floor and placed one hand on your waist, the other in your hand. Meanwhile your hand naturally gravitated towards his shoulder. With light feet, you drifted across the floor. Round and round in circles you went, occasionally glancing at san who’s grip on you was solid, his eyes never wavering. It was as if this was the moment that he waited for for so many years. You notice the glances of many other guests on you both. Pleasant ones. You felt like somewhat of a princess being twirled around, trying to keep up with the tempo of the music as it was your favorite song, Merry Go Round of Life.
As the song came to an end, you were breathless. Gripping onto san’s shoulders you let out a sharp exhale. It was too much to handle in one night. You felt nauseous and hot and you didn’t know if it was your anxiety or the one too many drinks you had. You needed to be alone for a few minutes before you pass out in front of all the guests.
“I’m sorry, please excuse me,” and with that, you ran to the restroom to catch your breath and calm yourself down.
Seonghwa saw every second of it. He knew that he was just your escort but part of him was annoyed at the show you and san put on. For one, he had always thought of choi san as a snobby rich boy who had anything handed to him as a kid. He always thought that he never had to really work hard because of his father’s shop and while he wasn’t wrong, san did have his own struggles to face. After the dance he noticed you run off and decided to follow to make sure you were okay.
Meanwhile in the bathroom, you sipped some water, took a few deep breaths and that constricting feeling in your chest soon began to subside. You fixed your hair and makeup and took a few more minutes before going back out into the hall. After emptying your bladder, you were ready to go again.
Suddenly you hear loud booming noises coming from the main hall. You wondered what in the name of God could have made that sound. A few more bangs of what seemed like gunshots rang off outside. You begin to hear the screams of women and the security yelled for persons to exit the hall immediately.
Do I stay here? Lock the doors and wait it out? Or should I try to find Seonghwa and make a run for it? No, I shouldn’t it’s too dangerous. Fuck. What do I do?
You figured if it was your time to die, you might as well embrace it with open arms. However, the chances of getting out alive seemed high as you were away from the main crowd so you decided to leave the bathroom and run into the winding corridors of the palace. You had no idea where you were going, you just ran as fast as your feet could take you as soon as you saw that the coast was clear.
That was until of course, you bend the corner and collide with a masked man in black, his wide brimmed hat hiding even more of his features. In the scuffle, you push past him so that you both now stared at each other facing the opposite direction you both were originally heading.
But… wait.
You both lock gazes, his eyes now widening as he looked at you, up and down. You knew those eyes. Those almond eyes, smudged with black liner.
But it can’t be… How? Why…
It was him. You knew him and he knew you all too well. Both your frozen stances created an awkward gap of silence. He had no intentions of hurting you and you didn’t fear him. But he said nothing. He turned his back on you and ran. He ran away, right into the chaos. Staggering backward, you hesitantly try to run.
But you couldn’t.
You turned around and picked up the pace in his direction and ran after the masked man. You see him overlooking the foyer to the hall and as he turns around to spot you, he runs toward you and pulls you back into the corridor so neither his men nor the guests see.
“I need you to leave right now. I’m so sorry. I will explain later, I promise.”
“Hongjoong, I-,” he cuts you off
“Y/n please just listen to me. It’s not safe here, please just go!”
You drop to the floor as more shots ring out. Your adrenaline kicked in and you regained your balance and ran for your life throughout the winding corridors. Soon enough you find an exit into the courtyard but you didn’t have a single idea as to how you were going to get home. That was when you spot seonghwa’s carriage handler in the distance and you ran once more.
“Where’s seonghwa?” you ask him
“He’s gone to help with the attack, please get in. I’ll take you home immediately. From the looks of it he won’t be coming back anytime soon.”
You quickly hopped into the carriage and it sped off. You figured seonghwa would have remained with the army to secure the area but you really hoped he would be okay. Thankfully, you made it home safely but only one thing lingered on your mind. Not seonghwa, not san, but hongjoong. He was back in town and you didn’t even know.
As you returned to the tavern you explained to your barmaids and guards what had happened in the palace and they were all glad you made it back in one piece. You decided to close the bar at midnight for everyone’s safety. But unfortunately for you, you couldn’t get a wink of sleep. That stare from the corridor haunted your brain. To think that he didn’t even come to see you, not even at the early hours of the morning.
“That bastard,” you thought to yourself. You went back downstairs to the bar and poured yourself a big glass of wine and with that, you were back in bed and out like a light.
Little did you know, hongjoong did in fact come looking for you that night, or rather, early that morning around 2am. He knocked on the tavern door but there was no response. He knew he had to explain himself to you and the more time had passed was the more he felt like your trust in him had dwindled. He scaled the building in an effort to get to you. Perching himself on the window sill, he tried to quietly jolt the window open to get inside. Luckily for him, it slid right open and he hopped into your room but unfortunately, he noticed you were already in a deep sleep from the glass at your bedside which smelled of alcohol. He didn’t want to wake you, so he spent the rest of the night taking a short nap on your couch in the study and hopefully explain himself in the morning.
A few hours later, slowly drifting back to reality and out of your slumber, you open your eyes and see your bedroom door slightly open. In your disoriented state, you slowly pull yourself out of bed to investigate why it was open, only to find a man who seemed to be asleep in your quarters. Your eyes shot open, hand flying to your mouth as you grabbed a crowbar you kept under your bed. Slowly approaching the intruder, you lower your guard as you realize who the person was. As your fear subsided, rage started festering inside you and your blood began boiling. Did he really have the audacity to send you away then break into your room and now sleep on your couch?
You walked up to the sleeping captain and grabbed him by the throat, jolting him out of sleep, eyes opening in shock, a lack of oxygen stifles him as he holds onto your hands. Realizing he can’t breathe in your grasp, you let go. Thinking about what you had just done.
“Kim Hongjoong, you bastard.”
Coughing and holding his throat he falls to his knees before you.
“First you leave me for months, no goodbyes, nothing. You come back to town, not even bothering to come see me only for me to recognize you in a mass holdup where I could have possible been killed! And now you’ve broken into my bedroom and had the audacity to fall asleep on my fucking couch? You’re a fucking handful aren’t you.”
Hongjoong, still catching his breath, stays on his knees and grasps onto your legs. “I’m so sorry y/n. I came earlier but I didn’t see you. I figured you had gone to the ball. I wanted to warn you before but it was too late.”
“Why did you run from me then…”
“In the corridor. Why did you run away from me?”
“I couldn’t explain everything to you then. It was best for you to get out of there. I didn’t want you to get hurt in my mess. If we were seen together, it wouldn’t look good for you.”
“Why the ball? What did all those people ever do to you?”
“This wasn’t our doing y/n” he explains, “Remember you had been robbed a few months ago?”
“What about it…”
“Those men were part of a huge gang in this city. They were ordered to rob your bar as an initiation. My crewmates and I had spied on them one night before we left. We caught them stealing, we asked them who they worked for and what was their business robbing the merchants.”
He continues as he sees the puzzled look on your face.
“They were so scared they told us everything.. who their boss was and all kinds of evil things they do. While we were in France, we got word of a big heist that was said to take place. We weren’t sure when but someone told me that the merchant’s ball was very near in the future so I figured it would take place then. We decided to return because we knew that if anything happened to the markets it would affect so many people, including us. Trade would never be the same if we didn’t step in tonight. We realized that they infiltrated the palace through the staff. Impersonators in the kitchen staff, guards, custodians. So nobody realized that there were gang members so close to all these famous business owners. We had to wait until the very moment that they attacked to retaliate. We couldn’t even go to the police because they would probably throw us all in jail for conspiring or some shit. That’s why when I saw you, I just told you to run. You could’ve easily gotten hurt if you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
You sat there trying to process all this information so early in the morning. There was a long pause after hongjoong’s explanation.
“I hope that kind of explains the bigger picture. I know I didn’t come to visit you and for that, I apologize,” he says stroking your cheek, “I just didn’t want to bring any kind of danger to your door. It would bother me so badly if someone targeted you because of me.”
“I understand now. It’s alright,” you mumble, taking a seat next to him, “did anyone get hurt?”
“I believe some civilians were injured, unfortunately. We couldn’t avoid it, though. We tried our best to single out the gang members without the palace guards noticing. It was hard but the men we set out to kill were all taken out.”
You stare at the floor as he quietly spoke, eyes widening at that last statement.
“I see you’ve made a few friends as well?”
“What do you mean?”
“Mr. Prince Charming who waltzed you into the hall? And twinkle toes on the dance floor?”
If you had water in your mouth, you would have surely spat it out at this point. Hongjoong saw everything. And what he didn’t see, his men did.
part 3 coming whenever my brain starts working again idk
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writer-loogi2 · 2 years
♡︎𝙰𝚒𝚣𝚊𝚠𝚊 𝚝𝚛𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝙲𝚑𝚞𝚋𝚋𝚢!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ( 𝙶𝙽 )♡︎
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A/N: Aahh hi!! Thank you so much @poseprettyposies for requesting this! I'm so so sorry that it took me a while to post this! I swear I didn't forget about it, I was having some trouble writing it but here it is!
I hope you enjoy it!
♡︎𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝: Aizawa trying to impress a GN!Chubby!Reader ( the posts doesn't specify that the reader is chubby but they are! )
♡︎𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐!! None! Just corny fluff, and Aizawa being his introverted self! ( prolly a bit cringe- )
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( ♡︎𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚝!♡︎ )
• I'mma be real with you here, Aizawa doesn't really care about his S/O's appearance, well, that's if he even had a S/O of course.
• I like to think that he's had trouble dating people in the past or just never found the right person so he just kinda gave up on that shit. And now he views dating as a total waste of his time ( especially since he's a Pro Hero and a teacher ).
• ( Sadly he also thinks he's unworthy of love too- )
• But when he laid eyes on you for the first time his heart went "BrRrRrRr💗💘"
• He never thought he'd fall for someone, but boy was he wrong- my dude fell hard-
• He'd never seen anyone so beautiful/handsome in his life- ( honestly he thought you were an angel or something- )
• Anyway, jokes aside, let's just say that you meet Aizawa because he either saved you or idk you probably work at a cat café he visits often. ( Just imagine something cliché 'cause why not? )
• And ever since then, you two became pretty close friends.
• For some time now, he had been really wanting to ask you out, since he feels like he has another chance at dating someone, but he's kinda afraid he'll mess up and have you reject him. Plus he's afraid of losing the friendship you two have.
• ( I can totally picture him practicing talking to his cat(s pretending it's you so he can feel more prepared 🥺😭 )
• But after a few weeks of practicing what he wanted to say, he decided it was time to make a move on you.
• One day he had invited you to drink coffee with him ( or tea, whatever the hell you drink ) at a cat café ( very typical.. ).
• You were sitting in front of him, with your drink in hand. He was seated on the other side of the table, petting a few cats.
• Neither one of you said anything, it was a comfortable silence, except for the meowing of some cats.
• But you could clearly tell, he had a lot on his mind, as he stared at you intensly. Normally you'd shrug it off as him being intense like he usually was but this time it felt.. different.. Like he was trying to tell you something, hoping you'd take the hint.
"Shouta? Are you alright? You've been staring at me for a while.."
• His eyes widened a bit, then he looks away from you, slightly embarrassed. "..I'm sorry.." he mumbles. "That must've been rude of me.."
"Oh no! It's really not! But it seems like you want to tell me something, isn't it?" you teased.
• His face was a bright shade of pink. He had been caught red-headed.
"I- I uhh.. I do, I want to.."
• You only smile in response, waiting for him to continue. ( He swears that you're gonna kill him one day with how cute you are! )
"..It's just.. These past few moments that I've spent with you have been amazing.. And I'm truly greatful for the.. friendship we have.." He pauses for a moment.
"..But I think I'd like it if we.. took a step further.."
"..Look, what I'm trying to say is.. I want to be more than just friends.. Because, I'm in love with you.. I love you, (Y/N).."
• Before you could finish your sentence, he gently cups your face with both hands. Staring deeply into your eyes, as if something had switched inside him, he smashes his lips into yours; making you gasp in surprise. The kiss was passionate but it didn't last very long, yet it spoke volumes.
• He then pulls away, and stares at you lovingly.
• But then it falters when you don't say anything, you just remain staring at him in awe.
"Oh dear.. Was that too much..? I overdid it didn't I..?"
"No! No- I liked it.. It was nice.."
"Can we do it again?"
"Of course.."
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A/N: Waah I'm sorry for taking so long- I hope you like this! It's not the best but just know that I really tried 🥺💜 ( I'm also sorry if this post isn't what you had in mind- I'm not really good at writing confessions but here's my attempt )
Anyway, thank you so much for requesting and for patiently waiting for me my dumbass to finish this!
331 notes · View notes
babyboibucky · 3 years
Don’t You Worry (Your Pretty Little Head)
Pairing: Guitarist!Bucky x Reader
Summary: You agree to spend twelve hours with Bucky whom you just met.
Word Count: 9.1k
Warnings: THE LENGTH lmfao, soft smut??? Nothing vulgar and it’s sorta implied
A/N: I am honestly nervous about posting this piece because idk, aside from it being fucking long, I was never satisfied with how this was written lmfao. I literally rewrote this like idk 5 times??? And the fact that I made a mood board for a oneshot lmfao only means I poured my heart out into this shit and I’m really hoping y’all would enjoy this as much as my other works 🥺
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Your idea of a fun Friday night involved your couch and Netflix playing in the background as you scrolled through your phone with a glass of wine in hand. This was your definition of pure bliss, something that Wanda violently opposed to.
So here you were, seated in the front of a music bar while Wanda’s favorite band played.
“See? This isn’t so bad, right? Better than wallowing in your apartment alone.” She teased as she leaned over to you, needing to amp up the volume of her voice so you can hear her.
“The fact that we can’t even hear each other properly makes wallowing alone sound so much better.” You told her, not even bothering to repeat yourself when she didn’t understand what you said over the loud music playing.
Her favorite band introduced their last song for the night and as they did, you checked your phone for the time. It was barely past ten in the evening and you were already dying to get home. You’ll bid goodbye after this, you promised yourself. Just one last song and you’re out. Before the band could even finish their last song, you’d already decided on what pizza to order and which wine to bring out.
That was until the next band came up on stage to prepare for their performance. You were leaning over Wanda already, about to tell her that you were heading home, when one particular guy caught your eye. Something that Wanda noticed when she saw you gawking at the stage.
“Oh my god. He’s definitely your type.” Wanda said when her eyes landed on the bassist.
He had dirty blonde hair and a clean-shaven face that looked a little too innocent for someone to be in a rock band. Your exact type— one with the boy next door appeal, someone you’d want to bring home to introduce to your parents. Wanda was so sure you were crushing on the bassist but as soon as he followed your line of sight, she almost choked on her own spit.
You weren’t eyeing the bassist, instead, you were completely focused on the lead guitarist. You were so enamored by this guy that you failed to notice Wanda gushing over the fact that you were enamored by someone who was the complete opposite of your type.
It was the lead guitarist who caught your attention. The one with long hair tied into a low, messy man bun, his stray locks framing his perfectly chiseled face. It wasn’t only the hair that made you look at him, it was also his left arm— it was covered entirely with tattoos. And then he started playing the guitar and good god, his fingers were something else.
It was rare for you to have certain thoughts, the kind that would make you sweat in church. And thank fuck for Wanda finally snapping you out of your filthy trance because if she hadn’t, you would’ve seriously drowned in your not so pure thoughts.
“I can’t believe you’re attracted to that guy. This makes me so excited, honestly.” Wanda squealed.
“Huh?” You played dumb of course. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Wanda snorted out loud, “I just witnessed you drool over the guitarist for a good five minutes. Stop denying.” She said.
You rolled your eyes, “Maybe I did. And so what? It’s not like I’m gonna act on it.”
“You have to fuck him.” Wanda casually suggested, making you choke on your drink.
You weren’t a prude but you didn’t like the idea of hooking up with people, most especially strangers. You weren’t going to lie though, it did cross your mind. Obviously, the way his fingers moved on his guitar really threw your brain down the gutter. Sure, you might have wondered what it’d be like to have those fingers on you but again, would you act on it? Hell no.
“It’s just one night. Live a little, come on. And you getting attracted to someone like him? That’s once in a blue moon, all the more you need to bring him home.” Wanda said.
“One night stands don’t really work well for me and you know that. The first time I tried that was also the last time because I ended up getting attached. And how did that end? Terrible. So no, thank you. Never again.” You told Wanda.
Fortunately, Wanda stopped bugging you about fucking the guitarist. It wasn’t really a big deal, it was nothing but a moment of admiration. You were hell-bent on going home anyway, well, maybe after his band finishes their first song. Besides, he wouldn’t notice you so why bother staying?
“Oh my god, he’s looking at you!” Wanda almost screamed, slapping at your arm until you turned to the stage.
And holy fuck. He was really looking at you. Why though? You even looked behind you to make sure it was you he was staring at and when you turned back at him, he smirked and threw a wink at your way.
“You know what, I think I’m gonna head home.” You said, not knowing how to act.
Wanda pulled you back down when you stood up, “Oh no, honey. No one’s going home this early.” She said. “You wouldn’t want to disappoint him, would you?” She quickly added, tipping her head towards the stage.
When you looked up at the guitarist, he was still looking at you as he played. This time, he was actually pouting, as if pleading for you to stay. You quickly avoided his gaze and although it was dimly lit in the bar, you still bowed your head to hide the blush creeping up to your face.
You managed to survive the entire setlist of the band despite the flirty smiles and winks that the guitarist gave you. Wanda was ecstatic about it, it made you wonder if she was actually the one crushing on the guy. As soon as the last song was done, you excused yourself and hurried into the bathroom to compose yourself.
It was the first time that you experienced such attraction towards a guy like him. You always went with the good boys, so why were you so drawn to this guy who looked nothing but trouble? You were in denial, this was totally out of your comfort zone so you shook the thoughts away and promised yourself (again) that you’d head home this time. For real.
“There you are.”
You gasped out loud when you stepped out of the bathroom, quickly colliding against a solid chest when you heard his voice. It was low yet gentle, soft-spoken but sinful.
“I’m sorry?” You sputtered out, bowing down your head to avoid the lead guitarist’s gaze.
“I thought you left already.” He said. “I’m Bucky, by the way.” He introduced, extending his left arm for a handshake.
Your eyes landed on his tattooed arm, despite the ink covering it all up you could actually see his veins.
“And I’m going home.” You quickly shook Bucky’s hand, ignoring the electricity that ran through your veins and brushed past him, eyes scanning the bar for Wanda.
Bucky jogged ahead of you, blocking your way and chuckling to himself. “Don’t I at least get a name?” He asked.
You were internally screaming, but you managed to mention your name just so he would leave you alone. Sure, he was hot and he was actually flirting with you. But your fear of the unknown outweighed your attraction. You weren’t ready to step out of your comfort zone. Yet.
Bucky trailed behind you as you looked for Wanda, cursing to yourself when you couldn’t spot her anywhere. You took out your phone and called her immediately.
“Wanda? Where are you?” You hiss into the phone.
Bucky watched you with amusement and it was making you uncomfortable. He was just staring at you with a grin on his handsome face. And now, you just discovered that Wanda left you.
“What?! But why?! You’re my ride home! Come back and pick me up!” You exclaim into the phone, unable to believe that Wanda just ditched you.
“You can’t— hello? Wanda? Hello?” You groaned in frustration when your friend ended the call.
“I’d love to offer you a ride home but it’s too early, so how ‘bout I just buy you a drink?” Bucky asked, flashing you a charming smile that made your knees weak.
Part of you wanted to give in and just say, fuck it, let Bucky do whatever he wants with you. The reasonable part of your brain though, highly opposed to this and pulled on the alarms. This guy probably just wants to get you into his bed and although it doesn’t sound that bad, you worried more for what could happen afterwards. You weren’t ready for a repeat of the past. You were too emotional, you had too many strings and they get attached way too quickly.
“No, thank you.” You told Bucky and headed outside the bar, deciding to book an Uber instead.
Bucky was persevering though and followed you out, blocking your way into the sidewalk and snatching your phone away.
“Hey, give me my phone back!” You exclaimed.
“The night is young, c’mon. Why are you so aloof anyway?” Bucky asked.
“Because I don’t know you?” You responded.
Bucky chuckled, “Have you ever heard about making friends? I mean, pretty much everyone you meet starts off as a stranger. And it’s not like I’m a serial killer or anything. I’m not gonna rob you but I most certainly won’t give you your phone back until I convince you to stay a while.” He said and god, he was too charming for your own good.
He made a good point about making friends. You couldn’t even remember the last time you made a new one. Bucky could see the gears in your head working as you stared at him, cheeks flushed and lips parted in deep thought.
“So, what do you say? Stay a while? Keep me company. It’ll be fun.” Bucky insisted.
“Why me?” You blurted out.
It wasn’t that you were insecure, but you were way too different from Bucky. You didn’t seem like his type, but then again, he wasn’t your type either. Until the moment you saw him on stage.
“Why not?” Bucky responded as if he couldn’t believe you just asked him that question.
“Do you ask that every time someone flirts with you? Besides, it’s not everyday that someone like you stared at me like that.” He teased.
Fuck, so he noticed you drooling over him. Quick! Think of a way out, you told yourself.
“Someone like me? What did you mean by that?” You asked, sounding offended.
Bucky’s eyes widened and shook his head, “I didn’t mean for it to sound like it’s a bad thing. I mean, you come in here wearing a chiffon blouse and a pencil skirt and expect me not to notice? I’m actually flattered that a girl, no...a woman...was ogling me. Definitely piqued my interest.” He explained.
That was a compliment, right? The sirens in your head grew louder at the way Bucky was easily throwing you compliments. He must be used to flirting his way into women’s panties, huh? 
“I wasn’t ogling you.” You defended even though you were, looking away from his eyes.
“Sure, you weren’t.” Bucky teased. “Loosen up, will ya? When was the last time you had fun anyway?” He asked.
“Depends on your definition of fun.” You retorted.
“You know what I mean.” Bucky sighed.
“Well, my idea of fun doesn’t involve a guitarist getting me into his bed for a one night stand.” You blurted out, mindlessly.
Bucky made a face and clutched his chest, “Ouch. You went hard on that judgment, I’m not gonna lie, that kinda stings.”
Okay, now you felt bad for jumping to conclusions. Bucky did look like he was hurt from your brash statement. Fuck, he probably thought you were one of those stereotypical bitches! It wasn’t entirely your fault, right? You were just being careful. Were you? Or was it purely overthinking? Your brain was moving all too fast but Bucky quickly distracted you when he took your hand and placed your phone back onto your palm.
“You know, I think I get it why you said that and I honestly can’t blame you. A band dude flirts with you just like that, understandable why you thought that I wanted to get into your pants.” He explained much to your relief.
“I’m sorry, it was tasteless for me to judge you like that.” You quickly apologized, genuinely feeling like a terrible person.
Bucky smiled at you, “Nah, you had every right. I’m sorry if I was too forward but I do really want to spend some time to get to know you. So how about a little proposal?”
There was a glint in Bucky’s eyes that made your heart flutter and your brain go into overdrive. You knew it was a bad idea to give in to Bucky. Someone as charming as him might really be up to no good. Sure, you felt bad for judging him based on his looks. But something in your gut tells you that he was trouble.
“What proposal?” You asked curiously.
“Spend the next twelve hours with me.” Bucky suggested.
You frowned, “What?”
Bucky took your phone again, but only to check the time. “It’s a little past eleven now, I promise you’ll be home before noon tomorrow. Come with me, let loose for once and let’s spend the entire night together. Twelve hours, that’s it.” He said excitedly.
“And I don’t mean have sex with me.” Bucky explained immediately.  “We’ll just hang out, it’s a wholesome proposal. But if you do want to have sex with me, I’m not gonna turn that down. I’m just saying, it’s not my motive but I won’t be saying no to it either.” He reassured.
You felt hot all of a sudden at how Bucky casually talked about having sex with you. It made you feel feverish and for someone who wasn’t really a sexual person, it made you feel like you were about to commit a major sin just by listening to Bucky talk like that.
Bucky beamed at you cutely, waiting for your response and honestly, with how his doe eyes were looking at you like that, was it even possible to say no? Despite the continuous alarms in your head and your inner prude begging you to stay within the confines of your comfort zone, you decided to do something for a change.
So you said yes.
You were spending the next twelve hours with Bucky and you could only hope that you wouldn’t regret it.
The night started off slow, thankfully, with Bucky ushering you back into the bar for a couple of drinks. You had to remind yourself to still be alert for any red flags that might show up sooner or later. You knew you were being a bit paranoid, but to hell, it would be better that way than to make mistakes tonight.
“Where do you work?” Bucky asked before calling the waiter.
“I work at a bank.” You told him.
The waiter arrived and took your orders, a tall glass of mojito for you and a rum and coke for Bucky. He asked you a couple more things, where you graduated, your hobbies and what you often did during your weekends. All of which you had pretty boring responses to. Bucky listened though and he didn’t seem bored too, what a relief.
“Are you really sure about spending twelve hours just like this?” You asked, taking another sip from your second glass of mojito.
Bucky snickered, “We won’t be talking the entire night, did you really think I’d ask for your twelve hours just to talk?” He asked.
“What are you planning then?” You asked nervously.
Bucky offered you an amused smile, “Nothing illegal so stop worrying, pretty lady. I can see the gears in your head turning.” He said and leaned forward to smoothen out the crease in between your brows with his thumb.
“Come on, time to have fun.” He said and got up, offering you his hand.
You haven’t even recovered from how gentle Bucky was when he touched your forehead. And now here he was, standing over you with his tattooed arm extended, waiting for you to take his hand.
“I don’t bite.” He stated.
Letting out a sigh, you finished up your drink and stood up, slipping your hand into Bucky’s. He smiled at you, lifting your hand up to his face and pressing a kiss on it before winking.
“See? I told you, I don’t bite.”
You cleared your throat and pursed your lips, biting back a smile as Bucky tugged you as he walked out of the bar, keeping your hand in his the entire time. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all?
“Here.” Bucky said, handing you over his helmet.
It was then that you realized that he was about to give you a ride. On his motorcycle. The sirens in your head went off once again, bringing you back to your usual tensed state.
“Oh, no. Look, I know I said yes to your proposal but I’m not going to ride on that.” You disagreed and took a step back.
Bucky looked disappointed but shrugged anyway, placing the helmet back on the bike. “Fine. I’ll let you off this time, just because I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. Come with me.” He said and took your hand in his again as the both of you went back inside the bar.
He brought you towards the booth where the rest of his band were staying at. They all looked at you with smirks on their faces when Bucky introduced you to them.
“That’s Nat, our vocalist. Sam here is our drummer and Steve the bassist.” He said.
You gave them a polite smile and a quick wave. Bucky threw his keys over at Steve, who was supposed to be your type. Wanda thought so and you were just weirded out that you happen to be drawn towards Bucky instead.
“Hey punk, switch your car for my bike? Just for tonight.” Bucky said.
Steve looked so done with his request but shook his head in defeat as he fished his keys out of his pocket. He pointed at Bucky threateningly, “Don’t mess up my car, jerk. You know what I mean by that.” He said before throwing his own keys over at Bucky who caught it with ease.
“I wouldn’t worry about that if I were you. Thanks, pal!” Bucky bid goodbyes and pulled you again before you could even say your own goodbyes to his bandmates.
Now, you were inside Steve’s car with Bucky and you were nervous as fuck. Although you did find it considerate of Bucky to borrow his friend’s car to make things comfortable for you. You were going to admit that, but it made your heart flutter. You mentally snorted at yourself because fuck, the bar is set pretty low alright.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Bucky asked, noticing how you tensed up all of a sudden.
“Do we have rules?” You asked.
“This night is all about letting loose and the first thing you thought of are rules?” Bucky laughed.
“I’m about to spend the next twelve hours with a complete stranger, of course I’d be worried! What if—“
“Okay, calm down!” Bucky said, turning in his seat to face you, placing his hands on your shoulders.
“If it’ll make you less tense then fine, I’ll come up with rules. Number one is to stop worrying.” Bucky said, rubbing your arms up and down and you were supposed to feel uncomfortable with the intimacy but you didn’t.
There was no malice to it and it made you panic all the more because ugh, Bucky was making you all soft and vulnerable around him. You could hear Wanda inside your head, commanding you to just calm down and go with the flow. You took in a deep breath and composed yourself.
“You gotta learn to trust people. I promise you, we won’t be getting in any trouble. I’ll take good care of you.” Bucky said, letting your arms go and tipping your chin so you’d look at him.
“Rule two, no what ifs. Just focus on the present, okay? If you keep worrying about what could happen, you’ll miss out on the now. Trust me, you wouldn’t want that.” Something about the change in Bucky’s eyes when he said that made you curious.
He was on to something, like he really meant it. You wanted to ask him about it, hell, you should start asking him for more information. If he wanted to get to know you better then you should attempt to do the same to him too.
“Last rule is to just enjoy. Like I said, I won’t let anything bad happen to you. You trust me now?” Bucky asked with hopeful eyes.
The alarms in your head still kept going, but as you gazed back at Bucky, the softer they were becoming. You could feel yourself start to give in and you know what? It actually doesn’t sound so bad anymore. Maybe this would help with your attachment issues? This will probably teach you how to have fun with no attachments. Take things for what they are and just enjoy.
“Hey, will you trust me?” Bucky asked again.
“Yeah, yeah I will.”
Bucky took you to a hole in the wall open mic bar. It was a small place and everyone there seemed to know each other. And when Bucky arrived, everyone just greeted him and welcomed you there.
“You seem pretty popular here.” You told him as he led you to one of the seats near the makeshift stage.
“I spend a lot of time here.” He said and called over the guy by the bar.
“Hey Happy! Wanna introduce you to a special friend.” He said. The man approached your table and greeted you with a smile.
“Must be really special, you never bring anyone here.” Happy said, making you blush uncontrollably.
Bucky bit his lip as he turned to you, “Do you sing?” He asked.
You quickly shook your head, “Oh god, no. I don’t have the talent.” You said.
Happy chuckled, “That wouldn’t be a problem, trust me.” He reassured.
Bucky lifted an eyebrow at you, “Wanna go up there and sing with me?”
“Bucky, no.” You laughed, shaking your head. “I’m not doing that.”
“Come on, no one’s gonna judge you. Let loose, remember? And if anyone here laughs at you, I’ll be the first to punch them in the face.” He promised.
You thought for a while, keeping your eyes on Bucky. Fuck this. You called Happy and requested for a shot of tequila.
“That’s my girl! Just needs a little bit of liquid courage, huh?”
You snorted, “Oh that’s not for me. That’s for you. You’re gonna need it if you’ll be hearing me sing.”
You never performed in front of a crowd, well, back in high school maybe for some school plays. But hell, you were never the center of attention and whenever you had to be, you always experienced a panic attack. But now being on stage with Bucky behind you, playing the guitar as you sang (screeched actually), you’d never felt more alive and relaxed. True enough, no one cared about how off tune you were. In fact, you got a lot of cheers from the crowd.
“You hungry?” Bucky asked.
You couldn’t believe it, you’ve been singing on stage the entire time at the bar. You’d like to believe that it was probably the alcohol running in your veins, but you weren’t that drunk. Tipsy, maybe but definitely not drunk. It was fun, you were surprised at how much you enjoyed singing with Bucky and everybody else. You made a couple of new friends aside from Happy, talked to them and even exchanged numbers with a few. This was the most sociable you’ve ever been.
“I could use some carbs right now.” You laughed, wiping off the sweat on your forehead.
Bucky reached out to fix your hair, moving away the sweaty strands sticking onto your cheeks and tucking them behind your ear. He flashed you that oh so charming smile again and good god, Bucky was truly something else.
“Let’s get you something to eat.” He said.
Bucky drove to a 24-hour food truck somewhere. It was close to 3am but you didn’t feel exhausted, which was shocking given that you’ve been dying to go home a few hours ago before meeting Bucky and agreeing to go on an escapade with him. You could already hear Wanda squealing over the phone once you tell her everything.
The both of you ordered some soft tacos and sat on one of the benches beside the food truck.
“Enjoying so far?” Bucky asked with interest.
You nodded enthusiastically, your mouth full of food as you devoured your tacos. “Very much.” You admitted.
Bucky’s eyes crinkled as he laughed along with you, obviously pleased that you were enjoying yourself. Not long ago, twelve hours seemed a bit too long. Now, they felt too short. You could feel your brain begin to overthink what would happen once the the twelve hours are over, but you quickly shook them away and followed Bucky’s advice to focus on the present.
The two of you continued to talk as you ate. You discovered that Bucky and his bandmates go way back and that they’ve been performing since their days at the university. You also found out that Bucky’s last relationship ended six years ago and that he hasn’t dated anyone since then. You found out a lot of things about Bucky, most of which were far from your first impressions.
“Why’d your friend leave you at the bar?” Bucky asked, taking out a cigarette and putting it in his mouth.
You watched him with hazy eyes as he lighted the cigarette, puffing out a thin line of smoke with ease. You were always drawn to Bucky’s fingers and initially, it was because of the impure thoughts they made you think about. But more than that, they were the gentlest you’d ever seen.
“Probably to get me to have fun.” You responded, looking away timidly when Bucky noticed you staring at his hands.
“She’s gonna be very proud of you after this.” He said.
You nodded and breathed out a chuckle, “Oh, for sure.” You said before turning to Bucky. “Can I try?” You asked, motioning towards his cigarette.
“I haven’t smoked. Ever.” You admitted.
Bucky grinned and passed you the cigarette. “Go on.” He urged and kept his eyes on you as you brought the cigarette up to your lips.
The way Bucky watched you was intimidating in the sense that it felt intimate. It wasn’t like he was eye-fucking you or anything, his eyes were just too...expressive? They held a certain softness to them, a bit of sadness too when you look at it closely. They were the bluest, most beautiful color you’ve seen and they were captivating.
You ended up in a coughing fit from that first drag. Bucky chuckled and took the cigarette from your hand, patting your back as you continued to cough.
“Definitely not for me.” You frowned and took a sip from your iced tea.
“At least you tried. I’m proud of you.” Bucky said, the gentle pats on your back slowing down until his hand remained still.
“You good?” He asked again, sliding his hand lower until he reached the small of your back, but not low enough to make you uncomfortable.
You nodded, “What else is up in your sleeve?” You asked with interest.
“Well, I really wanted to take you on a ride on my bike but I guess that’s for next time.” Bucky confessed.
“Next time?” You asked and you tried not to be hopeful.
“Yeah, next time. We’ll do that next time.” Bucky said and he sounded so sure that you began to worry.
Will there really be a next time? At this point, Bucky could read you like an open book because he chuckled and pressed his thumb against the crease on your forehead again.
“You’re doing it again, whatever you’re worrying about just forget it for now.” He said, soothing out your crease before pinching your nose.
You scrunched your nose making Bucky lightly laugh. He checked the time on his phone and let out a sigh.
“Can I bring you back to my place?”
If you told Wanda that you ended up in Bucky’s place, she would freak out and ask for all the details. But no, you didn’t come home with Bucky for that reason. As he promised, it wasn’t his motive to get you into his bed and he seemed to be genuine about it.
Bucky lived in a small studio-type loft. It wasn’t the penthouse kind with the floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city. It was simple and minimalistic, with just a few pieces of furniture. What Bucky owned were a couple of guitars— different kinds of them, and an electric keyboard.
“It’s not much and I don’t even have a bed frame, I hope you won’t judge me for that.” Bucky said, scratching his neck as he led you inside.
“No, not at all. It’s very cozy in here, actually.” You said, looking around and taking in your surroundings.
Bucky had a lot of indoor plants, you definitely didn’t think of him as a plant guy. As you let your eyes wander, something white zoomed past your vision. A cat.
Bucky also owned a cat.
“This is Alpine.” Bucky said, picking up the feline and carrying it onto his shoulder.
As if Bucky and his plants didn’t make him attractive enough, he really had to own a white cat. You could feel yourself internally screaming about how you haven’t been seeing any red flags. If any, you’ve been seeing green flags pop out every now and then that it was pretty alarming. Strangely, the sirens in your head died down as if they’ve given up on warning you.
Or maybe, there was really nothing to warn about Bucky.
The cat purred and nuzzled its nose into Bucky’s neck and you couldn’t believe that you got jealous for a brief second. Oh, to be cat against Bucky’s chest.
“Feel free to look around, I’ll get you water.” He said, bringing Alpine with him into the kitchen.
You walked around his place and observed the surroundings. He was very organized, more than you actually. You could hear Bucky talk to Alpine and it was the most adorable thing you’d ever seen.
A couple of picture frames that sat on Bucky’s bedside table caught your eye. They were photos of him with his mom you assumed, and three more girls.
“Those are my mom and younger sisters.” Bucky said, appearing behind you with a glass of water.
You thanked him as you took the glass and sat down on his bed, “Where are they?” You asked before drinking.
Alpine jumped into your lap and purred, making Bucky laugh with delight as he sat next to you. His parents were back in his hometown together with his sisters. Bucky told you everything about his family and how close he was to his sisters, how they were supportive of him when he decided to become a musician. Then Bucky went on to showcase his guitar collection, telling you the lovely stories behind each of them. You could see how passionate Bucky was for his craft and it was a wonderful thing to witness. You were envious how Bucky pursued his passion, how he took huge risks to get to where he was now.
“And this is my favorite one.” Bucky said, taking a black electric guitar with him as he went back to sit down next to you.
“First one I bought with my own money. It’s old and doesn’t sound as nice as my newer ones, but I love it.” He said and started plucking at the strings.
Alpine hopped off from your lap and went to sleep onto his tiny little bed beside Bucky’s couch. You focused on Bucky’s fingers as he played the guitar. It took you back to the moment you saw him onstage, how those fingers made you wonder about certain things. They moved gracefully against the cords, plucking with ease producing the most wonderful music. You really needed to snap out of your filthy thoughts.
Bucky played the guitar for you, singing some lyrics once in a while. You noticed his tattoos again and stared a bit longer, trying to decipher each design wrapped around his arm. Some were huge, some intricate more than the rest. They were all of different designs but molded together so perfectly.
You had to admit, you didn’t find tattoos attractive before. But on Bucky, it looked like a masterpiece. He himself, was a piece of art with his chiseled jawline and steel blue eyes that made you feel at home.
“I’ve been meaning to ask...” you softly trailed.
Bucky hummed in response, his attention focused on his guitar as he continued to play.
“Your tattoos, do they mean something?” You asked.
“I got them to cover up the scars from an accident.” Bucky looked up at you.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.” You quickly apologized.
Bucky smiled reassuringly, “It’s fine. It was a turning point for me.” He said, setting his guitar aside.
“It really puts things into perspective you know. I crashed my bike one night, I wasn’t drunk, mind you.” He chuckled. “It was pretty bad, my left arm suffered the most. I almost got decapitated but here I am. I got scars all over, really ugly scars so I had them covered up with a tattoo sleeve.” Bucky explained, extending his left arm and looking at it.
“For a while, I wasn’t able to play music. And I hated every second of it. Hated seeing the scars on my arm and how they reminded me of the accident. But you learn to live with it. At least I did, I learned to turn the negative into something positive.”
Now that he said that, you could actually see some of the scars beneath the ink. Bucky shrugged and continued with his story.
“The doctors said I was lucky that I didn’t die. Living my second life now, I realized that I gotta make the most out of it. Focus on the present and enjoy what comes your way. Take risks. Do what scares you.” He explained and now you understood.
You understood why Bucky appeared to be so laid-back and carefree, why he doesn’t worry a lot about the future. He almost lost his life so now he was living it to the fullest. He was living in the present, enjoying every second of it.
“Every time I see my tattoos, I get reminded of my second chance at life and how I shouldn’t waste it.” He said.
Bucky saw the look in your face, how guilty you looked from judging him right away. He took your chin in between his thumb and index finger, tipping it up to make you look at him.
“So when I noticed that bored pretty office girl in the audience checking me out, I didn’t waste the opportunity to get to know her. See where it goes, who knows if I’d still be alive tomorrow but at least I shoot my shot.” He said, making you chuckle.
Everything went still in that moment, your usually noisy mind included. Time seemed to have stopped as you gazed into Bucky’s eyes. Biting your lip, you gave in and totally let down your walls.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Bucky asked, doing the same thing with his thumb, soothing the crease in between your brows.
This time, he didn’t take his hand back and allowed it to rest against your cheek before sliding down to your jaw and neck. His thumb began to caress the spot beneath your ear, waiting for you to respond to his question.
What Bucky got was more than just a simple response.
“Fuck it.” You whispered before pressing your lips onto Bucky’s.
All your life you played it safe— from your college course to your choice of career. You weren’t one to take risks either and whenever you needed to, they were always calculated. You did things carefully, making sure that you’d get the results you were expecting to save you from disappointment. The unknown scared you and so does uncertainty. You liked staying in your comfort zone but as much as you’ve been denying it, it was starting to get boring.
You also said you weren’t one to entertain a stranger, let alone hook-up with one. But then Bucky comes along with his long hair and tattooed arm, looking like trouble but bringing you none. You’d think that he just wanted to get into your pants but as he showered you with gentle kisses and feathery touches, you realized that Bucky might be different and that he was so much more than just the hot lead guitarist of a band.
Bucky’s calloused fingers perfectly contrasted the smooth expanse of your skin. They felt rough but remained gentle as they moved along your chest, as they danced along your back, as they stroked your inner walls. And his lips, they were tender and soft; they whispered nothing but promises and praises against your ear as your bodies moved in unison.
His eyes remained on you, taking all of your nakedness in, literally and figuratively. He watched you closely, with those blue eyes of his that always made you blush. Bucky’s eyes were truly mesmerizing, no matter how much you wanted to look away from embarrassment, you couldn’t. You felt trapped in those eyes, and you never want to leave.
And his left arm— you could feel the ridges of his scars as you let your hands feel his skin. But they weren’t ugly, didn’t feel weird against the pads of your fingers. His arm offered nothing but warmth and support when you reached your high and came crashing down. His arms caught you and protected you, his embrace was reassuring and it made you feel safe.
The city was quiet and the sun was barely up. Alpine was still curled up on his bed, sleeping. You were exhausted but satisfied and comfortable as you laid on your stomach, head turned and facing Bucky as you listened to him talk.
He was talking about his band’s first performance in college, laughing when he said that he almost threw up from being so nervous. Bucky had the softest voice in the wee hours of dawn, you loved listening to him. Lucky you, Bucky had been talking about anything and everything until the dark skies began to change its hues. He shared his dreams and his secrets and you admired him more and more.
“You should come to our rehearsals.” He suggested, letting a hand trace patterns on your bare back.
“Sounds nice.” You yawned, blinking your eyes in an attempt to keep them open.
“What do you want for brunch?” Bucky asked, almost mumbling from being half-asleep.
You hummed, “By the time we wake up, it might be close to dinner.” You joked.
“Breakfast food is way better during dinner. Want me to cook for you?” Bucky said before yawning.
Your eyes were lidded as you took in Bucky’s form. He was laying beside you, long hair messed up and lips swollen pink from kissing. He looked unreal as a sliver of sunlight managed to peek through his curtains, embracing his body with its warm glow. The sun was now fully up, witnessing the tender aftermath of your intimacy with Bucky as he reached out to brush his knuckle along your cheekbone.
“I’m surprised you can cook.” You said softly, close to falling asleep.
“I’m pretty good at it.” Bucky chuckled before leaning in to kiss your forehead.
“I’ll cook for you when we wake up.” 
Bucky’s soft lips against yours was the last thing you felt before sleep took over.
A soft purr paired with soft paws on his face stirred Bucky awake. He groaned at Alpine when she meowed right into his face. Must be feeding time, he thought.
Bucky gently moved Alpine aside and turned, only to be met by a cold, empty space beside him. He sat up on the bed and rubbed his eyes before quickly scanning his apartment for you.
You were gone.
And judging by the cold sheets on your side of the bed, you’d left hours ago. Bucky sighed in disappointment as he got up, putting on his boxers and quickly checking the bathroom. He hoped you’d be there, but you weren’t.
You didn’t even leave a note.
Bucky ran a hand through his hair in frustration. He wanted to cook for you, really. He wanted to bring you to his band’s rehearsals, maybe even write a song for you.
He wanted more than twelve hours with you.
Wanda had been on your ass for days now. When you told her about your twelve hours with Bucky, she was happy and proud. By the time you got to the end of it, she was fuming and was close to actually physically hurting you.
She wouldn’t stop bugging you about it, demanding you to at least look Bucky up on Facebook or Instagram. Wanda believed that what you and Bucky shared that night was special, something real and not just a one-time thing.
You woke up that morning, feeling sore but happy. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach when you opened your eyes to the sight of Bucky sleeping peacefully beside you. He seemed to be dreaming, his brows creased and lips pursed.
Reaching out, you did what Bucky kept on doing to you whenever you were worrying. You pressed your thumb against his forehead, soothing out the crease as gentle as you could so as not to wake him up. Bucky stirred in his sleep and unconsciously took your hand in his, pressing a kiss onto your palm before falling back into his slumber.
And that’s when it started; the alarms in your head went off and they were the loudest they’ve ever been. You were almost deafened by it, your logic drowning beneath your panicked thoughts as you got up from bed. You dressed up in a hurry, grabbing your things and phone to book yourself a ride home. Alpine woke up and ran over to your legs, purring as if begging you not to go.
You refused to look back and went straight for the door.
One and a half week later, here you were still feeling like the most terrible person on the entire planet. You had searched for Bucky online, of course. You just didn’t tell Wanda that but it was the first thing that you did upon going home. There were instances when you were tempted to send him a DM, or add him up on Facebook but you never did. 
That one night with Bucky changed everything, it changed you. You immediately filed for a resignation, realizing that you were no longer happy working for the bank. It was a spur of the moment decision but you knew it was the right one. You didn’t even know where to apply next or what career to pursue. But you weren’t worried like you had expected to be.
Bucky taught you to take risks, to not fear the unknown because things will eventually fall into place. You felt good though, that you were slowly learning to step out of your comfort zone. But something was amiss and you knew what it was. Or who it was.
You just weren’t ready to admit it yet.
It was around nine in the evening when you went to the grocery store for a last minute shopping decision. Wanda was coming over for a movie night and apparently, you didn’t have any snacks left.
Finishing your list, you turned at the corner of an aisle and collided with somebody. Your apology died on your tongue when you looked up to see a familiar face.
“Hi.” You softly greeted, wondering if he would even remember you.
He frowned at you and you were surprised that he remembered you and actually knew about that night.
“Why’d you leave Bucky just like that?” He asked right away.
You swallowed and avoided his gaze, “It was...it’s not a big deal. It was a one-time thing anyway.” You lied through your teeth.
Steve scoffed, “It didn’t seem like a one-time thing when Bucky came to our rehearsals the next day feeling bummed out.” He explained and sighed afterwards, shaking his head.
“Look, I’m in no position to interfere. I don’t know you and why you did that so who am I to judge? But I know Bucky. He isn’t what you think he is.” Steve said.
“I know.” You whispered.
“Then why’d you leave?” Steve asked again but didn’t wait for a response.
“Bucky may come off a little too strong, he’s straightforward and passionate. He gives it his all and that night with you...he gave everything. He was really hurt when you left.”
You were unable to speak because fuck, you messed up big time. You didn’t know that Bucky was going to feel that way when you left. You got scared and ran away even when there was nothing to be afraid of. Steve must have noticed your guilt and placed a hand on your shoulder.
“We’re playing tonight at the music bar. You have the chance to make things right.” Steve said and offered you a small smile before leaving.
You stood in the grocery store while in deep thoughts. Again, your mind was all kinds of messed up and your thoughts were fighting for dominance. There were sirens going on and off and fuck, it was all driving you insane. Your heart began to race when you felt an impending sense of doom wash over you. You were panicking and you were fighting so hard to calm your nerves.
And then you remembered Bucky that night and how he was quick to silence your brain with a simple yet comforting gesture.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”
A thumb on your forehead to soothe your worries. Those steel blue eyes providing you comfort, and that charming smile that never failed to reassure you.
You quickly called Wanda.
“Movie night is cancelled!”
The dimly lit music bar welcomed you with a sense of familiarity. It had been more than a week since your encounter with Bucky and yet it felt like it was only yesterday.
Smiling to yourself, you remembered how tensed you were when Bucky first approached you. You were so defensive, you had your walls built up high but Bucky managed to bring them down. It didn’t even take him the full twelve hours to do so.
The music bar was full with no vacant spot near the stage. The current band just finished their song and was preparing to exit. You squeezed your way to the front, ignoring the complaints of people you slightly pushed away. A familiar voice greeted the crowd a good evening before introducing their band.
Your breath hitched when you spotted Bucky onstage. His hair was down and he was sporting a little bit of scruff. You watched him play his guitar but something was different. He wasn’t as passionate as he used to be, like he wasn’t focused. He almost looked like he didn’t want to be there. And his eyes, they were empty and void of any emotion. No mischievous glint in them, no nothing.
It broke your heart seeing Bucky like this, especially that you knew you were the reason for it.
It took a while for Bucky to look up and scan the crowd and when he finally did, his eyes immediately met yours.
Just like the first time, you felt your face heat up from the eye contact. Bucky was surprised to see you, you saw how his eyes widened at the sight of you. He was quick to recover though, he looked away and focused on playing the guitar instead.
As soon as his band exited the stage, you wasted no time to approach them. Steve greeted you with a nod before calling for Nat and Sam, asking for them accompany him to the bar to give you some privacy. Bucky refused to look at you as he gathered his stuff, preparing to leave.
“Can we talk?” You asked.
“I’m heading home.” Bucky curtly responded and brushed past you.
The tables have turned with you walking ahead of him to block his way.
“The night is young, stay a while and keep me company?” You used his line and Bucky was having none of it.
He scoffed and shook his head, “I’m surprised you remembered what I said. I mean, after you just disappeared I assumed you’d completely forgotten about that night.”
“I didn’t.” You told him. “Can we please talk?” You pleaded.
Bucky ran a hand through his hair, “I don’t know, I really wanna go home.” He said.
Your hands balled into fists at your sides, “Give me twelve minutes.” You offered.
“Just twelve minutes of your time. Please, Bucky.”
The two of you stepped outside the bar for some silence. Bucky walked over to his bike, leaning against it as he looked at you coldly. Those eyes used to gaze at you with warmth, but now they were blank and cold.
“Time is ticking.” He said when you kept mum.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disappear like that.” You said, looking down at your feet.
How else were you going to say your piece? You had practiced your speech on the way to the bar and now that Bucky was in front of you, you couldn’t even look at him from shame.
Bucky scoffed, “You asked me for twelve minutes and that’s all you’re gonna say? You’re sorry? Just that?” He bitterly chuckled, running a hand over his scruff.
“If you didn’t mean it then why did you leave? You left me without any warning. I honestly thought there was something between us. After everything that happened, how could you just walk away like that? You led me on, didn’t you?” Bucky angrily asked.
“I didn’t! I swear, I didn’t but I got scared!” You admitted.
“Scared of what?” He asked. “Scared of me? Because I’m not the kind of guy you usually go for? You really couldn’t get rid of that first impression, huh?” He said and turned around.
“That’s not the reason why. Everything scared me because that night was something else. You were too good to be true, Bucky! That’s what scared me!” You told him.
Bucky turned around, his brows creased, “What?”
When you woke up that morning, everything seemed perfect. The past twelve hours you had spent with Bucky were wonderful and you loved every second of it. You enjoyed too much and the thought of it being a one-time thing really broke your heart.
You had attachment issues and you thought that giving in to Bucky would help you learn to enjoy things as they were. But it didn’t and made it even worse because you got attached, so fucking attached.
“I couldn’t bear the thought of ending those twelve hours with a permanent goodbye so I left. You suddenly talked about next time and tomorrow and it was...it was overwhelming for me. My fear got the best of me because that night was too good. You were too good.”
Bucky’s expression softened after hearing your side. Now you felt stupid for overthinking things. It was selfish on your part to assume that those twelve hours meant nothing to Bucky.
“I’m sorry.” You apologized softly. “That night meant everything to me, Bucky. I just wasn’t ready to find out whether it meant the same to you.” You confessed with a sigh.
Bucky stayed quiet after your confession. You could feel your bile rising, you wanted to throw up. Hell, you wanted to just faint and forget about everything. If Bucky wouldn’t give you a second chance, you’d understand him. You did a pretty shitty thing to him anyway.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”
You lifted your gaze upon hearing that line. Bucky’s eyes had their warmth back and his expression was no longer stoic. He pushed himself away from his bike and approached you, reaching out to soothe the crease on your forehead.
“It’s not everyday that I find myself in the company of a stranger who made me feel things. I’ve always been a traditional one, I take things slow and I’ve been very careful. When I felt something during those twelve hours, I was caught off guard. I never felt so strongly for someone I just met and it was all new to me and I panicked.” You confessed.
“You were out of my comfort zone and I didn’t know how to handle it. I didn’t mean to disappear like that, Bucky.”
You were met with pure silence after your admission. When you looked up at Bucky, you couldn’t read his expression. Thinking that he wasn’t buying your explanation, you let out a bitter chuckle and shrugged.
“I guess that’s it. Twelve minutes. No more no less. I just wanted you to know that, Bucky. And I’m really, really sorry.” You said and slowly backed away, ready to leave.
“Hey.” Bucky called out, approaching you.
“If I asked you to spend the next twelve hours with me again, where would you go after?” He asked.
Was this a test? You didn’t know how to respond and Bucky seemed to have caught up on that and let out a breathy chuckle.
“Will you stay until the morning this time?” He asked. “‘Cause I was pretty disappointed when I woke up to an empty bed. I had our brunch planned out, you know?”
The mischievous glint in Bucky’s eyes was back. You bit back a smile when Bucky cradled your head into his palm, thumb circling the skin on your neck.
You timidly nodded, tilting your head up to meet Bucky’s lips in a searing kiss that promised you another twelve hours together. And more.
“No more running off in the morning.”
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii @jessou893 @stealapizzamyheart @bagelofthelord @mxnt @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky @ohladymacbeth @wildflowergubler @supraveng @twinerd14 @buckysmar @bakugouswh0r3 @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm @charminivy @amelia-song-pond @iamvalentinaconstanza @mcubqrnes @i’m-squished @tcc-gizmachine @sipsteacasually @prettyintopeerpressure @weloveyasmin @est19xxshit @bloodhon3yx @dressed-in-prada @lizette50 @thatfangirl42 @sunflowerbunny2 @unmagically @okiegirl24 @sugarpunch-princess @enlyume @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp @lyoongx @just-deka @nobody-will @jaziona92 @elisebuitron @dpaccione @suvikamahes98blr @buckybarneshairpullingkink @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes @iloveangstposts @weenersoldierr @asemistablehundredyearoldman @reidbuck @lizzarooni @girlfriday007 @bonkywobble @lost-in-the-stars03 @its-yasbxtch @whoth3hellisbucky @5-seconds-of-mendes​ 
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jschllatt · 3 years
Prompt: (Based off of the song I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys) Clay’s recent fame leads to a difficult decision to be made. Months later, he’s still regretful. You seem to be fine, so why can’t he move on, too? 
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, slight angst
Pairing: Dream x GN!Reader
Words: 2.5k
I spent a week on this and idk how I feel about it but I hope you enjoy <3
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Clay had been consumed by an overwhelming emptiness, his entire body hollow as the lack of your presence took its toll. 
Two months. Two devastating months had passed since he’d made a grave mistake, and now he was facing the agonous repercussions. He was a mess—anyone could see it. Between his long, disheveled hair, the light scruff that covered his face, and his bloodshot eyes, it was clear that Clay’s mind had been somewhere else. And it had been. Every passing second was a constant reminder of his solitude, causing the emptiness in his heart to evolve into a deep, incessant void, no longer inhabited by the happiness you had ingrained in him just months before. Why? Clay was overcome with a sense of deep regret as a result of your absence, feeling more alone than he ever had before. What could have possibly happened to make him feel this way? To make you leave? The answer was rather simple—he was just too damn busy. 
Clay had dedicated a considerable amount of time to his career, filming or streaming during the little free time he had. As he grew more popular, the time that you had spent in each other’s presence dwindled significantly, each day becoming lonelier than the last. Your interactions with him had shortened drastically—what were once long, lingering kisses placed on your forehead had devolved into chaste pecks, void of any true care or meaning. While you understood entirely that Clay’s career was important, you found yourself slowly losing hope.
You realized it one day as he was filming. 
It was a day no different from the last. Clay was recording a Manhunt video in his office, his voice shrill as he begged his friends for mercy. He was always loud when he filmed, and though you had chastised him for it countless times, he never listened. A loud sigh escaped your lips, going unheard, and you shifted your position on the couch, uncomfortable. Everyday seemed to be the same—each as lonely and frustrating as the last. Clay’s ignorance only fueled your apathy towards your relationship more, and you couldn’t help but find yourself growing hopeless at the thought of Clay being unaware of your unhappiness. Your troubled thoughts continued until a week had passed—a long, grueling week in which you had hopelessly tried to burrow your apathetic thoughts. But you couldn’t. You were giving up. The realization of your unhappiness made a pit grow in your stomach. You knew that you cared about Clay, but you couldn’t keep living the way you were—tired, unacknowledged, pitiful. 
And so, you let him go.
Clay was editing by the time you gathered the courage to face him, your stomach nauseous as you approached his office door. A light knock signaled your presence, and Clay muttered a quiet ‘come in,’ his voice raspy after hours of unuse. Blowing out a breath, you entered the room, your expression sullen upon noticing Clay’s inattentiveness. His eyes were still glued to his monitor, deeply focused on editing rather than your presence. You waited for a few seconds, silently hoping he would pay you any mind, but he didn’t. A wave of disappointment washed over you, though you managed to keep your voice steady as you declared, “We should break up.” Clay tensed in his seat, suddenly fixated on your words rather than the hours worth of footage he was editing. His chair turned with a quiet squeak as he swiveled around to face you. “What?” You sensed the subtle indignation of his tone as he squinted confusedly at your abrupt words. “We should break up.” You were much quieter this time, unable to meet his eyes as your words died silently in the tense air. You wrung your hands together anxiously as you leaned back on your heels, feeling awkward under Clay’s intense gaze. Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe you should’ve just stayed quiet and dealt with it. Maybe—
Immediately, your eyes flickered up to meet his, filled with a silent desperation as you searched his emerald irises for any indication of his intentions. Nothing. 
Clay remained silent for a moment, his body stiff as he leaned back in his noisy chair. His expression was inscrutable as he stared at you blankly, trying to find the right words to say as he watched your face remain solemn at his confound brevity. His voice was level as he spoke, “I know I’ve been busy lately. We haven’t spent a lot of time together and that’s my fault. I could sit here and promise to change, but we both know I can’t—not right now.” Though you felt your heart shatter, you knew he was right. His job was too important, too time consuming.
A nod signaled your understanding and you turned to leave, feeling overwhelmingly dejected. 
“Hey.” You turned around to meet Clay’s eyes, noticing the hurt that was settled in them. “I hope you know I care about you.” You fought the urge to cry and shot him a watery smile, struggling to keep your tone unwavering as you agreed, “Me too.”
Two months had passed. 
Clay had been struggling. Everyone knew it—his friends, family, even his fans. It was clear that the once cheerful, happy man had become melancholy, suddenly depressed and unable to hide his unhappiness on camera. There had been numerous speculations of why this was, but only few knew the truth. Sapnap was among one of them and had been staying at Clay’s for the past month, creating content with his best friend while simultaneously making sure he was okay. Though two months had passed, Clay was still a mess. Perhaps it was because it hadn’t hit him that day. He had momentarily convinced himself that his career was more important than you, but deep down he knew that wasn’t true. He wanted so desperately to reach out to you, but assumed you had moved on—another incorrect belief of his. Clay cooped himself up in his home, never leaving unless it was urgent. He had sunken into a deep depression and the only remedy for his pain was you. You. He treated you so poorly. Everyday was a constant reminder of your absence and it was his fault. He could’ve made more time for you, or at least spent the free time he had with you. 
Remorseful thoughts ran through his head everyday, nearly driving himself crazy, and Sapnap knew he needed to get Clay out of the house. 
“There’s a party tonight, I think we should go.” Clay immediately denied the offer with a shake of his head, grumbling to himself. His best friend sighed indignantly, blowing out a breath of frustration before stating, “You don’t have a choice, you need to get out of the house.” Sapnap stood his ground, arms crossed as he stared at Clay sternly. A minute had passed and Clay, aware of his best friend’s stubbornness, gave in begrudgingly, “Fine, but only for an hour.” Sapnap grinned triumphantly, exiting the room with a smirk. He slammed the door behind him, heading back to his room while yelling, “And shave, for fuck sake.” Clay shook his head, cracking a small smile at his friend’s words.
The party was overwhelming to say the least. Bodies swarmed the crowded living room, reeking of alcohol and sweat. Music blared from a speaker, a shrill, nearly deafening melody that was sure to give Clay a headache by the end of the night. The room was buzzing with conversation, every word drowning out in the loud atmosphere. Almost immediately, Clay was passed a beer, and he lifted the bottle to his lips to take a swig. If Sapnap was going to make him stay here, he may as well take some edge off while doing so. A few minutes had passed and he finished the bottle, discarding it in a bin nearby. “I’m gonna go get another drink.” Clay muttered to Sapnap, who was talking loudly to a group of people he’d recognized. His best friend patted his back in response, chuckling as he gave him a playful shove towards the kitchen. Stumbling through the drunken crowd, Clay soon broke free as he neared his destination. He grabbed a beer, opening it skillfully off of the edge of a table, and turned around wordlessly. Taking a big sip, he hoped to free his mind from thoughts of you. Though he wasn’t one to drink, especially when upset, Clay knew that, aside from you, alcohol was the only other solution to temporarily mask his pain. He’d already drank half before he warned himself to slow down, knowing that if he got too drunk, he’d probably do something he regretted. Turning around so he could rejoin Sapnap, Clay nearly dropped his drink on the floor, feeling his heart drop. 
His eyes met yours. And then, he heard the music. 
I wanna be your vacuum cleaner
Breathin’ in your dust.
Clay felt his breath hitch in his throat, noticing the surprise in your eyes as you stared at him, astonished. As he stood there, staring at you shamelessly, he regretted it—everything. He regretted how he neglected you, ignored you, prioritized all of the wrong things when the only right thing in his life was right in front of him: you. Memories flashed before his eyes, quick and familiar, yet saddening all the same. The way you smiled at him from across the room when he was filming, the way you held him when he was stressed, the way you spoke to him, softly, while he was streaming to check up on him. Everything.
I wanna be your Ford Cortina
I will never rust
You looked away, suddenly nervous, though the eye contact was all-too-familiar. You felt your heart begin to race as you processed every detail of Clay’s face—from his anxious expression to the dark circles beneath his eyes. He looked like a mess. But so did you. You mirrored most of his tired, dejected qualities because you, too, were hurting. 
If you like your coffee hot
Let me be your coffee pot
Snapping you out of your daze, you felt a tug on your arm. “Hey, you alright?” Your friend asked worriedly. Nodding briskly, you muttered a quiet ‘yeah’ and smiled in a poor attempt to sound convincing. Seconds passed, and you could still feel the intensity of Clay’s burning gaze as your friend tugged you through the crowd, handing you a drink in the process. You dared to look up, instantly locking eyes with Clay, and swallowed thickly. You knew you couldn’t avoid him forever, not when he was looking at you like that—desperate, longing. 
You call the shots, babe
I just wanna be yours
Lifting up the red solo cup to your lips, you downed its contents quickly, eliciting a few laughs and impressed hollers from your friends. You were never the type to drink, but you felt that it was necessary, especially when you knew Clay was still staring at you intently. Downing another shot, you risked glancing up towards Clay, but he was gone. Suddenly anxious as a result of his absence, you surveyed the room. Nothing. “I’m gonna go get a drink.” You said before you could stop yourself, not giving your friends the chance to answer you before you ventured into the kitchen. You tried to dodge the swaying, drunken bodies as you made your way quickly into the room, frowning upon entry. Clay wasn’t there either. You sighed, frustrated, and grabbed a beer, struggling to open it. You nearly laughed at your incompetence, feeling sadly nostalgic despite the humor you found in your struggles—Clay had always opened your beers, then teased you for being incapable. You fought back an onslaught of tears at the memory and sighed deeply, leaning against the table with your head in your hands. 
Secrets I have held in my heart.
“Hey.” Your body jolted at the sound of his voice. Daring to turn around, you felt your chest constrict at the sight of him clutching your now-opened beer, a sad smile plastered on his tired features. 
Are harder to hide than I thought. 
“Hey.” You breathed. Clay passed the beer to your shaking hand, trying to ignore the way his fingers brushed against yours. Chewing on the inside of his cheek nervously as he tried to find the right words to say, Clay admitted, “I’m sorry.” A few quiet moments passed, though they felt like an eternity, and you replied simply,  “Don’t be.” You tried to hide the tremor that shook your arm as you took another swig of your beer, noticing how Clay’s face fell in sudden disappointment. What? Did you say the wrong thing? You didn’t want Clay to feel guilty, to blame himself for your failed relationship though it was mostly his fault. Why? Because you cared about him. You could immediately sense the despair that washed over him. And, though you weren’t sure if it was the alcohol coursing through your veins or the pure adrenaline from the moment, you hugged him. 
Maybe I just wanna be yours
I wanna be yours
I wanna be yours
Clay tensed at your touch, wondering if the beer had gotten to him or if this really was happening. It was. He soon wrapped his arms around your waist, grip purposeful as he tugged you into him. Your head rested against his chest, the steady thumping of his heartbeat in your ear far more of a melodic sound compared to any music you’d ever listened to.
Wanna be yours
Clay swayed the two of you softly, resting his chin atop your head. You clung to him tightly, shutting your eyes as he held you, gentle. “I missed you so much.” You admitted before your mind could even process it. Clay chuckled, lowering his head so his lips were close to your ear, “I missed you more, baby.” You tried to fight the grin that plastered itself on your face as you took in his words, squeezing his torso with such force you were sure he’d explode. Clay went to speak again, caressing your sides so gently you could barely feel it, before being interrupted. 
“Holy shit, there you are, dumbass!” 
Clay pulled away from you to glare at his best friend, trying to ignore the shit eating grin on Sapnap’s face as he glanced at you. “My bad, I didn’t mean to interrupt...whatever the hell I just interrupted. I just wanted to make sure you were alright, but you clearly are.” Before either of you could respond, he left, shooting his friend a thumbs up before disappearing into the crowd. You couldn’t help but laugh at the interaction, noticing the slight rosiness Clay’s cheeks had suddenly sported, embarrassed. “Sorry about that, he…” Clay struggled to find the perfect word to describe his best friend, but trailed off. “Yeah.” You agreed, seemingly understanding what he meant despite his silence. Clay laughed, then. The sound was music to your ears, and when his smile faded, the two of you were serious again. Clay’s hand found refuge in yours as he began to speak, his face solemn as he confessed, “I lied. I can change. I will right now if you want me to—I’d do anything for you.” 
Wanna be yours
You smiled lovingly at the man, interlocking the fingers of his hand that wasn’t already occupied in yours, and pulled him closer to you, wanting him near. 
Wanna be yours
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