#idk what’s up with that but I’ll mess around with it later I guess…
galariangengar · 1 year
Guess who’s finally mentally ill enough and at a rock bottom to download tiktok and reactivate my account???
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moonstruckme · 10 months
And then I have one but idk which marauder to make it for so I’ll let you pick whoever you think it fits better. I have to take medicine for my OCD and anxiety but it’s embarrassing. So I’m like imagining who you pick staying the night with the reader and her skipping her medicine because she’s embarrassed but being off medicine messes you up. So clearly the reader would be alittle down and out of it so her friend asks her if she’s okay and if she took her medicine. Welllllll the marauder hears that and later that night when they are getting ready for bed he simply hands her a glass and asks her to take her medicine please and mentions how he wants all of her that includes the quirks, need for medicine, and need for comfort sometimes too.
I decided to make this part of the Sirius x Remus' roommate saga, hope that's alright! Thanks for requesting sweetheart <3
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
cw: some symptoms of withdrawal, reader takes prescription meds
modern au
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 1.5k words
Apparently, even when Sirius gets you out of your flat for the weekend, Remus is still always in the middle of things. 
“I can’t believe you got him to watch New Girl,” Remus complains over speakerphone as you make yourself a cup of tea. Sirius had offered to do it for you, but you’d brushed him off, and he’d been too busy secretly delighting in how comfortable you are in his flat to argue further. “James and I have been trying to get him to watch the first episode for years.” 
“Mmm, you’ve got to start on season three to get people interested, then go back,” you tell him wisely. “I showed him my favorite episode, the one with…uh…”
You trail off, and Sirius looks at you over the top of the couch. There’s a dissatisfied pinch between your brows.
“The one with the spider?” Remus prompts knowingly. 
“Right.” You blink a couple of times, refocusing on your mug as you pour hot water in over the teabag. “That one.” 
“Well, the apartment is quiet without you, but I’m glad you’re having fun.” 
Sirius’ mouth curls as he waits for your response. Though he sometimes still gets jealous of the easy intimacy between you as roommates, he’s come to enjoy the entertainment value of your banter with Remus. The apartment’s just as quiet with me, you’ll say, or You don’t even want to know what kind of fun we’re having. 
But your gaze has gone distant, and after a few seconds, the reply doesn’t seem like it’s going to come. 
Sirius feels worry snake around his ribcage, a light but noticeable pressure. A few hours ago, you’d complained of a headache, and ever since then you’ve seemed in an odd headspace. You’re quieter than you’ve ever been around him, you claimed not to feel like lunch, and he’s caught you stumbling or losing track of your thoughts on more than a couple occaisions. He’d asked once if you’d wanted to go home, but you’d promised you were fine and Sirius didn’t want to push the issue. He loves having you here, he really does, but he hopes it’s nothing about being in his home that’s making you seem so…off. He’d compromised by suggesting you show him that show you’re always referencing (Remus and James were right, it actually is pretty good) in the hopes that a few hours of relaxation would help restore you to yourself, but you don’t seem to be feeling better. 
Even over the phone, Remus picks up on it too. “You alright?” 
“Mm?” You blink. “Oh, yeah.” There’s a forced cheer to your voice, and Sirius watches as you roll your shoulders as if bracing yourself. “I’m just a little tired, I guess.” 
Remus hums, the sound crackling through the speaker. “Did you take your medicine last night?” 
You take him off speaker. Sirius turns when your eyes dart towards where he’s sitting on the couch, taking the coward’s way out on instinct and pretending he wasn’t paying attention. 
“I’m fine,” you say quietly into the phone. Sirius can’t hear Remus well enough anymore to make out his response, but he recognizes the slow, coaxing inflection of his friend’s voice. Your own tone sharpens in contrast, though you sound heartbreakingly exhausted. “I’ve got it. Yep, thanks. See you tomorrow.” 
You blow on your tea as you join Sirius on the couch, not a trace of apprehension about you. He extends his arm invitingly, and you slot underneath it like it’s home. 
“I gather you two aren’t used to time apart,” he teases, trying to entice a smile from you. 
It works, albeit only slightly. The curve of your lips is minute, but he’ll take it. “We’re both homebodies,” you say simply. “We’ve grown too used to being around each other.” 
“His privilege and your curse,” Sirius laments, exaggerating his grunt when you elbow him in the ribs. “Fine, you’re both very lucky. I’m just glad I managed to snag you for one weekend.” When he aims a saccharine smile your way, he suspects you set your cheek on his shoulder as a ploy to hide your blush. It melts him regardless, like ice cream in the summertime. “Want to watch another episode, lovely girl?” 
He frowns when all that gets out of you is a hum, rubbing your bicep as he presses play. 
He manages to get some dinner into you by insisting you try takeaway from his favorite Thai place in the neighborhood, and you seem amenable to the idea of an early night, all but drooping over the sink as you brush your teeth. 
Sirius will never admit it, but his heart is pounding as he takes a glass down from above the kitchen sink, filling it with water. He hopes this isn’t a massive overreach. This thing between you is still relatively new, and the last thing he wants is to make your first stay at his place awkward for either of you, but he cares about you. From what Sirius can tell, you’ve withdrawn into what seems like an unhappy place inside your head, and he can’t just leave you there by yourself. 
He catches you just as you’re leaving the bathroom, passing you the glass of water as casually as he can, as if it's the most routine thing in the world, before taking your place at the sink. “Don’t forget your medicine,” he says softly, taking his toothbrush from beside yours in the cup.
For a moment, you’re quiet. Sirius squirts toothpaste onto his brush, trying his damndest not to look for your reaction in the mirror. 
“You heard Remus on the phone.” It’s almost a whisper. Nowhere close to a question.
“I didn’t mean to,” Sirius apologizes, glancing up at your reflection. You’re looking distant again, your gaze fixed somewhere to the left of his face. “I’m sorry if I heard something you didn’t want me to, but it’s…did you forget?” 
You take another long moment to reply. Sirius is careful to stay quiet, giving you space as you chew your lip, but when your eyes meet his in the mirror you look so crestfallen his heart nearly stops. “I didn’t forget,” you admit. “It’s just so embarrassing, I didn’t want you to know.” 
He can’t stay still anymore. His toothpaste drops with a wet smack into the bowl of the sink when he sets his toothbrush on the rim, and he’s got your hands in his in a second. “Sweetheart, what do you mean?” He keeps ahold of one of your hands, letting his other one coast up your arm to your shoulder, where his thumb massages your collarbone familiarly. “It’s not embarrassing. It’s just, it’s something you need to be yourself. Like…my sparkly doc martens, you know? Or Remus’ chocolate hoards.” 
Your laugh is brief, more a huffed exhale than anything, but Sirius grins at you nonetheless. His hand moves up to cup the back of your neck, thumb soothing over the edge of your jaw. 
“You know what I really like about you?” he asks. You don’t look inclined to answer, but your left brow flicks up as if to say Go on. “Everything.” 
You scoff, seeming lighter even as you pull away from grasp. “Shut up.” 
“No, really,” he insists, vying for your hand back. “Getting to know you, it’s been amazing. Every new thing I learn is just something more to like.” You finally stop fighting him, eyes wary as he grips you by the shoulders, keeping you in place. “I want to learn everything there is to know about you, whenever you’ll let me. And I know I can’t expect it all at once,” he says, voice dropping into a more sincere register, “but I want all of it, including the parts you think—wrongly, I might add—are embarrassing.” He gives your upper arms a light squeeze. “Got that, pretty girl?”
A light blush colors your cheeks, and Sirius grins. You’re getting harder to fluster these days, but he delights in making it happen whenever he can. “Okay,” you say, still a tad sheepish for his liking. He plants a kiss on your cheek. 
“Good. Now go get your meds. I don’t want you passing out during breakfast tomorrow because of withdrawal.” 
“That’s not how it works,” you snipe, but he hears the rattle of pills as you dig through your overnight bag. 
“Whatever,” he says breezily, picking up his toothbrush to put a new dollop of paste onto it. “I just can’t reckon with the idea that Remus still knows things about you I don’t. Shouldn’t I outrank him by now?” 
“You’ve had roommates,” you tell him, coming back into the bathroom with the glass of water half empty. “You’re really going to tell me that they don’t know more about you than I do right now?”
Sirius makes a noncommittal, muffled sound, pointing to his toothpaste-filled mouth as excuse not to answer. 
“Right,” you say drily. “Maybe we should call your pal Remus and see if he happens to recall.” 
Sirius has never spit so fast in his life. 
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guys idk if anyone else has but i found the link click camera. rolleiflex 2,8f aurum, a special edition. at first i thought it was a regular 2,8f rolleiflex, because most rolleiflex are black and on later models they have a very similar look; 2,8f lenses looked the most similar to link click ones. however, the sphere engraving at the top is throwing me off; maybe it’s a different brand? but that makes no sense, considering it looks like a typical rolleiflex and at the top cheng xiaoshi it literally says “polleiflex” and it has a diamond engraving. (sorry, i don’t know how to call it, i’ll just say engraving.) at the reflection of the sphere TLR (ill call them that, stands for twin-lens reflex, which is the camera type) it does turn into a diamond (if anyone has the blank version of this poster i would be grateful!), which makes me to think it was probably from the messing with timelines? which is a wild guess. but regular butterfly effects occur so much in time travel media, and in link click, too (you just haven’t realized it).
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reflections… they typically tell the objective truth, don’t they? it used to be a diamond engraving so typical of most rolleiflex cameras; the logo. yet the meddling of time has skewed even that, and you can’t tell which is real and which is fake. i looked through a list of models; did it again. maybe i missed something. there are NO rolleiflex with a circle. the can spelling out “past or future, let them be” next to said TLR is even more telling. a typical warning label, one that wasn’t followed. even if you try your best, you’re bound to make a mistake or two, and suddenly all of history is altered to the point the logo (and maybe the name?) of a camera production company looks different.
you know, what’s interesting is these cameras are big on the parallax effect. due to the viewfinder being one lens, where you can look through to better capture your photograph (it’s why they were more popular than SLRs at the time, or single-lens reflex cameras), there is bound to be a mistake due to the height. well, not mistake, but the result is slightly altered; slightly skewed from how you perceive it. TLR’s also shoot in 6x6 dimensions; there’s the number 6 again. link click has a lot of repeating numbers, the most of them being especially 8 and 5, and 6 is another one. (let me redirect you to the fact li tianchen’s localized/english name is ‘vi’; not one i’m on-board with, but an interesting choice, considering that is the roman numeral for 6 and you could’ve chosen literally anything else. i’m slowly starting to believe each character has a number associated with them; cheng xiaoshi 8, li tianchen 6, and lu guang likely 5. but maybe it’s the other way around. if you’re curious, my personal belief is that we are currently in the 8th timeline.)
the model of our rolleiflex, K7F aurum, or 2.8f aurum, whichever you prefer to call it, comes out in 1983. cheng xiaoshi was likely born around 2000. well, it says 2000, but it’s unsure if that’s set in stone. which means that was 17 years prior to his birthday; his parents have well been alive at the release of this special camera.
you know what i think? i think it might be a gift, or a heirloom so to say. his parents — while we don’t know which one does more — are obviously working with photography, likely from a young age, just like him. likely bought the camera themselves, or got it gifted from someone close — either way, it ended up in time photo studio, or in cheng xiaoshi’s hands, likely stashed away. you don’t take a special edition camera out to shoot every day, do you?
well, that’s what i’m gathering anyway. it could be that cheng xiaoshi doesn’t even have such a camera — or OUR cheng xiaoshi doesn’t. it’s not explicitly shown in the donghua; like i said, either doesn’t exist yet or is hidden away somewhere. the only problem i find with it not being in cheng xiaoshi’s hands until the time comes; where does he get a rolleiflex aurum? a camera that often goes for around 4k, one that was made a good almost 40 years ago. it’s possible that the camera is meant as a simple metaphor, to represent something in the show… we don’t know what, yet, but this is just speculation.
i tend to end off my rants in a weird note, unable to think of how exactly to formulate that. i apologize in this case. thanks for reading; if you have any thoughts or any way to extend this, feel free to reblog, comment or go to my askbox. leaving the full art/posters at the end here in case anyone wants to look at them. again, if you have the clean version, please please please send it to me
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(i think, a really interesting detail of this poster is that li tianchen’s on there. if you look close enough)
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whattimeisitfic · 5 months
So I was fucking around with an incorrect quote generator and these are some of the funny prompts I got for Luci and his brothers. Most of them are just Raphael and Gabriel having the pettiest sibling rivalry in existence.
Pre-Fall days. Lucifer is still getting the hang of proper utility usage…
Gabriel: Hi could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire?
Lucifer: Microwave for 40 minutes
Lucifer: I read boiling lemons helps cover up bad smells and I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges, but I didn’t on any pots…
Raphael: Did you burn an orange too? HOW?!
Lucifer: Microwave for 40 minutes.
Gabriel addressing the Council. Probably on some really memorable, meaningful event for him or something.
Gabriel: I just wanted to say that over the years, I have come to regard you as… people I met.
Does this need context? Could happen literally any time.
Gabriel: You look mentally ill.
Lucifer: I am. Let’s go.
Once again, could realistically happen any time, though more likely in their younger years.
Gabriel: Bet you can’t eat 15 crayons
Raphael: Bet you I can!
Michael: *sips coffee, checks to make sure 911 is still on speed dial and goes back to reading the paper*
These two I stg—
Raphael: Can I have some water?
Gabriel: *starts chugging their water bottle*
Gabriel: *chokes from drinking too fast*
Gabriel: *spills water all over themselves*
Gabriel, coughing: I don’t have any water.
My man is absolutely clueless in the most adorable way possible. We love him for it tho. Was probably Rals texting him.
Lucifer: Gabriel, what does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean?
Gabriel: I don’t know, I love you, talk to you later.
Lucifer: Alright, I love you too, I’ll ask Michael
Gabriel: Wait, Lucifer, no—
You can’t tell me Lucifer wasn’t a chaotic little shit pre-Fall.
Raphael: I have a question.
Michael: Shoot.
Raphael: Is the S or C in scent silent?
Gabriel: Fuck you, I’m going to be thinking about this all day.
Michael: Okay well, cent is pronounced the same way as scent so I’m gonna say the S is silent
Raphael: Okay, but sent is also spelled the same way
Gabriel: Google says that the C was added in the late seventeenth century, so I guess the S is silent.
Lucifer: Plot twist, both the S and the C are silent and the E actually makes the sss sound
Gabriel: Lucifer is not allowed to talk anymore
Once again, plausible any time at present.
Michael: You’e ignoring all your problems.
Lucifer: I know.
Michael: You also know it’s an unhealthy coping mechanism?
Lucifer: I’m ignoring that fact as well
Lucifer can do no wrong.
Lucifer: it was me
Michael: …Is going to be forgiven because very one deserves a second chance.
He lasted all of five seconds, and the he had to sass.
Raphael: Oh, hey, I didn’t see you come in! You should have come by and said hello!
Gabriel: Oh! Yeah, I uh…
Gabriel: Didn’t want to bother you.
Gabriel: Or talk to or listen to or be around you.
Back when Lucifer wasn’t recovering from near death, and actually didn’t sleep.
Raphael: Truth or dare?
Lucifer: Truth.
Raphael: How many hours have you slept this week?
Lucifer: Dare.
Raphael: Go to sleep.
Lucifer: I don’t like this game
They had an argument. Typical occurrence.
Michael: You have to apologize to Gabriel!
Raphael: Fine!
Raphael: Unfuck you or whatever!
I think this about sums it up.
Raphael: Are you alright?
Lucifer: Short answer or long answer?
Raphael: Short?
Lucifer: No.
Raphael: Long?
Lucifer: Nooooooo
I’ll say it again: these two—
Raphael: Guys, I have a question.
Gabriel: kys <3
Raphael: I love you too.
Michael: Ah. Yes. Siblings.
If Lucifer ever went out drinking w/ his siblings (u know, to the places that actually serve shit to get him wasted)
Lucifer, clearly drunk: Gabriel, hit me another drink… wooOO HOOoo…
Gabriel: I think you need a therapist and not a bottle
Lucifer: I think yooOOoouu need to shuUT YOUR MOUTH!
Last one. You can’t tell me Raphael doesn’t get weird obsessions w/ shows like this and convinces himself he’s gonna somehow end up in a similar situation. Michael is concerned
Raphael: When I get murdered, can you make sure I become an unsolved case?
Michael: wHat?
Raphael: I want to be on Buzzfeed Unsolved
Michael: Can we go back to the part when you said “when I get murdered”?
Alright that’s all I got for now ducklings! I just thought it was kind of funny.
If you’re reading this with no context but are interested, consider checking out my Hazbin Hotel Lucifer-centric fic on AO3 What Time Is It. I try to update daily and do my best to answer all comments ;)
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parkerpeter24 · 9 months
hi hi for the winter blurbs: mcu!Peter, prompt list 1: 6&8 (idk if I sent it right but you get it)
you sent it right bestie 🥰
pairing: mcu!peter x reader
winter blurbs 3.0 ❄️ | 3.0 masterlist ❄️
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“one normal christmas, that’s all i wanted.”
usually peter found his aunt, may, to be pretty chill. never ever scolding him even for silly mistakes. not even the time he tried to cook popcorn for movie night and almost burnt the house. but right now she looked fed up, almost worried.
it was only fair, she had been working her ass off at feast and it got pretty tough around the holiday season what with the freezing winter and snowfall.
plus he’d given her more than one reason to be mad. he was barely home– going on patrols anytime he wasn’t busy with homework. he often forgot to bring back groceries that may had asked him to and now he had messed up the postcards. she had reminded him four times to post them before the twenty third so that the cards reached everyone on time, but now it was the evening of twenty fourth and all the postcards were kept on the table, untouched since they had been left by her.
peter felt guilt eating at him as he apologised to her.
she sighed, looking at her nephew’s saddened expression, “it’s fine. i guess it’s fine if the cards are a few days late.” she gave him a kind look, returning to her usual self.
“are you sure because i can-” peter stumbled upon his words before getting cut off mid sentence from the sound of the doorbell ringing. the brunette stared at the door for a second before hopping up quickly, “i’ll get it.”
opening the door, he found you with a big grin and two bags in your hands, “merry christmas eve!” you grinned and instantly your arms were around peter. he noticed the snowfall outside and quickly invited you in.
“did you walk here in this cold weather?” your boyfriend asked, his eyes wide and you shrugged.
“cold never bothered me anyway.” you chuckled and went over to greet may and she smiled as you hugged her.
peter’s heart swelled when he noticed how you’d managed to completely change the whole mood of the room just by being in it. you handed one of the bags to may, “i got you a christmas sweater!”
his aunt smiled, taking the bag from your hands and digging in. she pulled out a grey sweater with a red banner in front that read ‘it’s the time to be jolly’ and the twelve reindeers dragging santa’s sleigh. may laughed, looking at the sweater, “thank you, sweetie. you didn’t have to do this.”
“except that i absolutely did!” you grinned and pulled out another sweater from the second bag, “and i got one for peter too.” this one was a green one with lots of candy canes and snowmen printed over it.
peter reached out to take the sweater from your hands and smiled at it, “thanks, i really love this.”
you looked at the postcards placed on the table and then the two of them, “i’m sorry if i interrupted you guys… what were you talking about-”
“nothing important! it was nothing important.” peter quickly interjected, punctuating his sentence with an awkward chuckle, “anyway… how about we go make some hot chocolate?”
“and watch some nice movies! may, you should totally join us.” you smiled at her, taking off your coat to reveal your own red christmas sweater, a huge christmas tree with glimmering lights upon it, making peter laugh.
thankfully, may agreed to your suggestion and the three of you sat on the couch, each with a cup of hot chocolate, spending the best christmas eve– as peter would claim later– and the postcards stayed forgotten for one more day.
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vminizzle · 2 years
let me take my time
pairing : boyfriend!namjoon x f.reader
genre : suggestive
warnings : teasing?, marking, making out, biting kink, that’s all I guess :)
words count : 0.4k
A/N : Finally a Namjoon fic!! A MESS for sure. So short :( and probably not what y’all expected but yea sorry. I’ve been so busy with college. I’m sorry again. Love y’all!! ( I’ll correct the mistakes later ) - sunny
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You gasped quietly as Namjoon suddenly picked you up, hands under your thighs, your legs around his waist.
"what are you doing?" you smiled confused.
“you’re mine.” he said before kissing you softly making you laugh between the little kisses.
He put one of his hand behind your lower back holding you tightly. You moaned at the softness of his lips as he held you up, pressing you against the wall. You pulled at his hair making him groan.
“touch me Joon” you whined impatiently.
“let me take my time ” he smirked to tease you a bit.
You furrowed your eyebrows as you hit him lighting on his shoulder.
“Arghh fine fine” Namjoon rolled his eyes.
He walked toward your shared bedroom, putting you down on your feet and didn’t lose time to get rid of your shirt. He guided you to the bed and laid you delicately on the soft sheet. His lips met your tummy gently making you moan when he suddenly bite the flesh softly.
“you like it when I bite you baby?” he smirked looking up at you.
You couldn’t looked at him so you turned your embarrassed face away from Namjoon and nodded. He chuckled as his soft kisses get higher. He bit your collarbone on purpose only to see you bit you lip trying to keep the "embarrassing" sounds of pleasure from him. He hummed against your skin as he said “baby let me hear your cute little sounds.”
“ugh you’re so annoying!” you groaned making him laugh loudly.
He buried his face into the crook of your neck, sucking slowly on the skin his tongue grazing over the purple flowers he created as he licked the abused skin. He caressed your thighs over your jean “please take it off” you whined.
Namjoon complied as he got off the bed. “you look so beautiful like this” he groaned looking at you lustfully.
He hovered over you again as he caressed your thigh up and down gently. You closed your eyes enjoying the feeling of his big hands on your body. His touches felt so heavenly, so delicate, so caring, gentle and so warm, you couldn’t get enough of this.
He buried his face in the crook of your neck again making you laugh as his warm breath tickled you.
 "what?“ Namjoon looked up at you smiling.
"nothing, your breath tickled me.” you smiled at him. He hummed before pecking your nose lovingly “you’re so cute, you know that?”.
You pecked his lips “you are the cute one here.” you smiled again.
“I’m not the one laying sexily on the bed, wearing a cute panties with pandas on it , huh” he smirked.
You hid your face behind your hands shyly “idiot.”
“yours.” he replied smiling wildly.
A/N : I wanted to continue this but idk - should I ? 
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skyblueartt · 4 months
My personal headcanons for Elizabeth and Charlie as teenagersssss!!! (an AU where Elizabeth and Charlie are very much alive and well and they grow up together I guess ahhHhhhhh)
Natural born PERFORMER! Just like her dad. Loves loves loves making people laugh or just entertaining in general
Bubbly, very much a “girly-girl”. I like to imagine she’s pretty popular at school- given how I like to think she loves a good performance, maybe she’s on the cheer team! That would be cute. Also tries out for the yearly school play for sure, always aims for the MAIN role (maybe she gets it one year and William is just like “THAT’S MY GIRL ON STAGE”)
While she’s generally sweet, I do like to think she’s got a bit of a crazy steak to her. Like father like daughter. Eccentric, cunning, and very smart. If she *wants to*, she would be able to manipulate those around her very very very well, because she comes off as such a sweetheart
Polite, “kill them with kindness” sort of attitude she puts on (especially with the rude customers at her dad’s pizza place. Omfg) unless somebody messes with a person she deeply cares for
Hurricane is a small town (I think…lol), so she’s definitely known as “that girl whose dad is this weird British guy owns that popular pizza place” and naturally people are quite drawn to her because of that, I think. I mean Hurricane doesn’t seem that exciting, of course everybody’s like “omg. British?”
Works as a server at ✨Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza✨
I do like the idea that Charlie teaches her how to skateboard for some reason. That’s so random tho (I drew teenage Lizzie riding a skateboard once that’s literally all)
When I was first drawing my version of a teenage Charlie, I was instantly like “she’d be a teen in the 90s, sooo. I wanna make her a grunge kid”. Idk why, I just love that idea. Ripped jeans, muted flannels, band t-shirts, etc etc. all that. That’s so fun. Even if she’s like a “wanna-be grunge kid” (which is even better imo) I love it
Favorite band is Nirvana for SURE
Expresses interest in wanting to play the drums and her dad got her a drum kit for her 16th birthday 🤗
Nice girl- a little shy, quiet around those she isn’t comfy with, kind of the loner kid at school (I get it, girl, I was that too). She has a good heart though, much like her dad. She doesn’t have a ton of close friends, except Elizabeth, who is by her side basically 24/7. Social anxiety, maybeee (…self projection? Shhh)
Introverted. I imagine she loves to just lay in her room listening to her favorite bands. Maybe she’s really into certain bands- posters, t-shirts, concerts, etc etc. music is a nice escapism when she’s stressed :)
Very Interested in what Henry does- the whole “building robots” thing is very very very COOL to her. Loves to hang with him at the workshop when she can, esp during summer break :) he sorta shows her the ins and outs of what all goes on, and she’s extremely fascinated
Also works at Freddy’s! Sorta just does whatever lol, idk. Elizabeth sticks up for Charlie if a customer is rude to her
Lizzie really isn’t the type of person she’d hang out with typically, but they grew up together and their bond just became stronger :) some kids at school find it strange that these two are pretty different in many ways but are besties
I’m sure I have more, but I’m sleepy so maybe I’ll add onto this later 😭😭 @stub-balls I just want them to be happy :( I love Charlie smmm
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panjakes · 1 year
How are you? Hope you're doing well and staying hydrated.
I was wondering if I could request a Mark thing👉🏽👈🏽
So I'm braiding my own hair rn, knotless, and it is hell😭😭 my back, neck and arms are screaming and it's 10pm. I started around 3pm. Girl 😔 SHOUT-OUT to all the people that braid their own hair. Y'all are legendary ❣️
So something where like Mark feels bad and offers to help and also gives like a cute massage afterwards idk. Just something cute to make me feel like this suffering is really worth the beauty 😭😭😅😅
Love you🫶🏽🐝
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Mark sat on your bed watching your movements very carefully. You seemed to almost be done but like you always tell mark, “one part can turn into three”.
You sigh throwing your arms down to your side, arms hurting like a bitch. Mark cracks a smile looking over at your glossy lips fold into a pout.
“You okay sweetheart?” Mark asks sitting up from the bed
“No. I’m tired. My arms hurt, my back hurts, I want some chips” you say making him laugh
“Is there anything I can do to help my love?” He asks coming to stand behind you
You look up at him through the mirror
“First off all you can go to the store and get me some snacks” you say
“You want to come with me?” He asks making you frown
“Mark…the middle of my head isn’t done. I’m not going no where” you say making him laugh
“Okay fine, guess I’ll face time you when I get there” he says making you nod
“Yes please, thank you” you say as he walks away
“You forgot to say something else” he says turning back around
“No I didn’t” you say looking over at the packs of hair only hoping that you had enough
“Yes you did” he says stomping his feet
“I didn’t can you please get my snacks” you say separating your hair
“Baby tell me you love me!!” He says leaning on your back
“Ow! Mark get cha ass off me!” You scream
“Say you love me and kiss me” he says puckering his lips
“I love you can you please go get my snacks baby please!” You ask
“I didn’t get my kiss but I’ll go get your stuff” he says making you give him a sarcastic smile
Soon he left and you got to gelling and parting your hair. By the time make came back you were done parting your hair and all you had to do is braid but maybe you were too tired for that.
“I got you a bunch of stuff” mark says
“What did you get yourself?” You asks
“I got me a coffee” he says showing you the cup of ice caffeine
“Did you get me a coffee?” You ask
“Nooooo” he says going wide eye
“Well can I have some of your coffee?” You ask batting your eyelashes
“Well when you look at me like that, You can have whatever you want” he says making the both of you laugh.
You take a sip of his coffee moaning at the sweet but slightly bitter coffee.
“That’s good, I need one of those” you say handing him the cup
“Want me to go back and get you one?” He ask making you shake your head
“No what you can do is come over here and help me with my hair” you say making him nod
It wouldn’t be his first time helping you with your hair. Mark has helped you with washed day, detangling, installing a wig, even braids so he was gonna help you now.
He goes to wash his hands and he comes back grabbing the pre parted pieces of hair. Sitting between his legs you tackle one side of your hair and he tackles the other.
You quickly braided your side as mark took his time to braid so he didn’t mess up and you yelled at him.
“Mark…hurry up!” You say falling asleep
“I don’t wanna mess up!” He says
“Please hurry up my neck hurts and im tired” you say with a whine
“Okay I’ll give you a massage when im done but you know how you get when I mess up on your hair” he says making you nod
“I mean, you right” you say making him chuckle
“It’s okay baby I only have three braids left” he says still slowly braiding
“Is it really only three?” You ask with a frown
“No…it’s six” he says making you groan and himself laugh
Within him and his slow braiding you fell asleep on his leg. About 40 minutes later he was done and actually proud of his work. He quickly grabs his phone taking pictures of the braids he braided and your sleeping figure.
“Baby wake up, I’m done” he says gently shaking you
“Did you put mousse and oil sheen on it?” You mumble
“No, you can do that yourself. Go wrap your hair up and get ready for me to rub on your body” he says making you jerk up from your sleep
“Now that just sounded weird” you say making him chuckle
“I always rub on your body don’t make it an issue” he says making you roll your eyes and laugh
“Your such a weirdo” you say giggling
“I’m your weirdo” he says moving his eyebrows up and down
“Yes, yes your are” you say planting a kiss on his lips before going to mousse and wrap your hair
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Just A Project | VIII
Nathan Prescott x Reader
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Warnings: swearing duhhh, maybe ooc nate idk, abrupt end, mental health issues, trauma, etc.
Words: 1.6k
After a silent walk to my dorm we walk through the threshold enjoying the cool air. Although we were both joking earlier, we weren’t exactly lying when we said it was hot. Unusual for late October day. I move to sit on the edge of my bed as Nathan sits at my desk that’s to the right of my bed. He looks around for a moment, much like how I did in his dorm. He hums, “Not a bad setup you got.” I look at him dumbly, my room isn’t anything special. I have some photos on the walls, some string lights, and my half assed attempt at an ‘aesthetic’. “I guess so, it’s nothing special really.”
He shrugs, “It suits you is all I’m saying.” I guess he’s right, ‘a mess’, but I smile at him regardless. “So, you gonna let me see those photos you were clambering all over me for, or what?” There’s a small smile tugging at his lips, but he doesn’t let it show. I forgot I was still holding his camera, so I handed it over to him bashfully, hoping he wouldn't judge my photos too hard. He takes it, immediately going through the photos, and after a moment he looks up. “These-” He sighs, “They aren’t half bad. You’ve got talent.” I smile to myself, taking the praise as it comes, who knows how long until Nathan switches his mood up. “Thanks, Nathan.”
He places the camera on my desk and spins around in my desk chair. “You got anything to do around here?” I look around for a moment knowing damn well that I in fact have nothing to do here. But my thoughts are interrupted by a knock on my door. We both rise to our feet, I’m sure for different reasons. Mine for opening the door, Nathan’s for probably getting ready to bolt in fear of being seen in my dorm.
I walk over to the door, and open it. On the other side stood the one and only Warren Graham. Suddenly I remember the flashdrive he told me about yesterday. “Oh, hey Warren!” I smile kindly at the boy. “Hey, Y/N/N! Was just dro-” His words cut off as his eyes drift to behind me. I turn slightly, to look. Nathan. Both the boys tense up, making me uneasy. I turn back around to Warren. “The flashdrive right?” I ask, trying to gain his attention. He looks back to me and leans in to speak quietly.
“You okay? He bothering you?” Oh, Warren. He’s sweet, but I don’t like that he immediately thought that I was in trouble just because Nathan is in my room. I go to brush off Warren’s concern but Nathan beats me to it, stepping forward a bit. “Oh, fuck you Graham! Do what you came to do and get the fuck out of our business!” I’m startled by his sudden outburst, unsure on what to do.
“Hey, I’m just trying to make sure she's okay.” Wow, Warren actually sounds pissed, never heard him like that before. Warren speaks again, “You know, since seeing an asshole like you in her room isn’t exactly a green flag.” He also steps forward, gently moving me out of his way. “What purpose are you serving right now? Everything was perfectly fine until your scrawny ass butted its way in.” Damn, Nathan. I have to stop this pissing fest before it goes too far.
I step in between them, pushing Warren back to the door. “Please, stop. You’re both acting like children.” Warren’s focus is now back on me, a look of concern taking over his face. “Sorry, Y/N/N. I just wanted to help.” I sigh, I’m not mad, but I can tell my face probably looks like it. “Thank you, Warren. But if I needed help I would’ve asked for it.” I smile a bit trying to convince him everything is okay. “Yeah!” Nathan shouts over my shoulder. I throw him a glare before turning back to Warren.
“Flashdrive right?” I remind him. “Uhm, yeah. Here you are.” He hands me the drive and I take it, shoving it in my pocket. “Great, thanks.” I smile now awkward at the tension. Warren backs up, “I’ll see you later?” I nod my head, “Definitely! Later!” I give a small wave and shut the door, pressing my back against it, letting out a big sigh. My gaze drifts up to Nathan, still glaring, but I ease up. I honestly feel bad for the Prescott.
“Sorry.” We both say simultaneously. We share a smile, and I walk back over to my bed and sit back down. I pat beside me, offering him a seat. He doesn’t decline the offer and takes a seat. “What are you sorry for, nerd?” He says looking down at his lap. I think for a moment. “I guess I’m just sorry about everything.” His head slightly turns, not completely facing me yet. Though I continue, “You know, for Warren’s behavior, for not stepping in sooner, for everyone’s misconceptions about you, for-” My words are cut short by Nathan’s head shooting up, an expression I can’t specifically describe painted on his face.
“What?” He says flatly. I take a deep breath, knowing that my next words may be too soon for him. “It’s just- I don’t know. It’s just, before yesterday, I thought about you the way everyone else thinks about you.” He flinches, clearly hiding the way my words stung. But I continue speaking. “But now? Being able to have an actual conversation with you, I’m realizing that most of those misconceptions aren’t true at all.” Now I’m the one looking down at my lap. There’s a beat of silence and I think I’ve fucked everything up before Nathan speaks up.
“Not many people do.” I blink, thinking he should be shouting. Thrashing around, storming out the door but not without a threat. But nope. Those are those damn misconceptions again. I don’t say anything, wanting to give him a chance to speak more. “Everyone thinks that I’m some kind of monster. Like I’m this walking tornado, and if you even breathe in my direction, I go off the rails.” He rubs his palms over his face, trying to stay calm. “No one ever cares how I feel, they only care about my last name.” I listen to his words, sadness bubbling in my chest. “I mean, I know I’m not normal. I’m fucked in the head. I know that. I have issues.” He’s holding back a sob, I can hear it in his voice.
“But my dad-” He sharply exhales. “I need therapy. Doctor said I have anger issues and a mild case of schizophrenia. They put me on a shitload of pills. They don’t do shit by the way.” My heart pangs at his words. Just wanting to help. “But my dad being my dad. He took me out of therapy. Said it was useless and that I was fine. He just wants me to be someone I’m not. But no matter what, around here, at Blackwell, whenever someone hears me express any of my issues, their reaction is always,’Ooo, boo hoo, poor little rich kid.’” He laughs bitterly, looking up, wiping his face of all emotion.
The air is still. “I just wish I could be normal.” He finishes. I finally look back up at him. He looks at me, and shakes his head. “Don’t give me that look.” He facepalms and grumbles a ‘fuck’ into his hands. “I’ve never told anyone that.” He breathes for a few seconds. “Fuck, man, I don’t even know you. This is crazy.” I rush to calm him. “Hey, it’s okay. I won’t tell anyone if that’s what you’re worried about.” He scoffs, “No, that’s not- It’s just I’ve never opened up to anyone. So why now open up to you? Some random ass girl I met yesterday.” He shakes his head in disbelief.
I chuckle. “Yeah, sometimes you find yourself doing things you can’t understand.” I look at him with a smile. “Like how I’m giving you a chance after 90% of what I hear about you tells me to do the complete opposite.” He looks at me, a smile cracking on his own lips. “I guess we’re both pretty stupid, huh?” My smile widens, “Yeah, I guess so.”
After Nathan opened up we both got a lot more comfortable. Especially Nathan. He asked what I was going to do after Blackwell, and I didn’t really have an answer. Turns out he doesn’t either really. We had a good laugh at that. I think I can see Nathan being a good friend, if he’ll allow it.
We spend hours talking about everything and nothing all at once. He allows me to open up, like he did previously. He’s a good listener. I see him laugh. Like genuinely laugh. He has a nice laugh. I find myself observing him just like I did the day before. He’s laying sideways on my bed, limbs sprawled out, hair a mess. Cheeks dusted with pink. Blue eyes shining with joy. It's a nice look for him. Being happy. It makes my heart thump out of order thinking that it’s me who’s caused this.
Although I never want this evening to end, it must. Nathan heads back to his room, and I’m left to my thoughts again. We’re planning to meet for the project tomorrow as well at his place. I find myself in that terrible predicament where I can’t stop thinking about him. Call me crazy, but I think I may have developed a small crush on Nathan Prescott.
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kenren · 1 year
The Great Hunt ❄ Aokiji (Kuzan) x Female Reader ❄ Chapter 6 of 7
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I cannot tell you now;     When the wind's drive and whirl     Blow me along no longer,     And the wind's a whisper at last— Maybe I'll tell you then—                         some other time.                                 The Great Hunt, Carl Sandburg                        
A story of departures and returns. And sex. Of course there's sex.
.・゜゜・Author notes: This chapter has some p*rn but somehow it doesn't feel super raunchy to me idk? Kuzan wears a bonnet because this is my house and I do what I want. Anyway, the last chapter/epilogue will be out later today. Obligatory tag for @thehanging-gardens. (^• ω •^)
.・゜゜・This chapter is NSFT; minors, please don't interact.
.・゜゜・Chapter word count: 2740.
.・゜゜・AO3 (See first chapter for tags.)                                                
The moment you entered your apartment, Kuzan crossed the room in a few inhumanly long strides and collapsed on your bed. You shot him a look and aggressively pulled his boots off, earning a groan.
“Kuzan, take your pants off.”
“Arara, give an old man a couple of minutes.”
“We’re not having sex now, slush-for-brains. Just get comfortable and put a bonnet on.”
“Bonnet?” You grinned and went into your closet, fishing out a turquoise satin bonnet. You dangled it in front of him, and he slowly plucked it from your grasp, running a hand through his hair as though recalling something. “I was looking for this before I left.”
“Oh, so you weren’t planning on leaving me anything to remember you by?” You snorted. “It was wedged partway under the pillow. I never even got to see you wear it, since you were gone before I woke up.”
“You kept it the whole time. Who’s the romantic now?” He lifted his head to let you gently slip the bonnet on around his curls, groaning as he let his head fall back onto the pillow. “...I’m never leaving you again.”
“Cute. I’ll have to switch out the pillowcases so you don’t have to keep it on while I ride you into the mattress.”
“If it’s cute, that shouldn’t be a problem.” You huffed and started tugging at his pants, jerking back when your fingers grazed something cold. With shaky hands, you continued pulling at the pant leg, swallowing hard when you realized what you were looking at. 
You looked up and met Kuzan’s questioning gaze, forcing a smile. “Don’t press this thing against me while we sleep.”
“If I get rid of it for now, do you think you can defend us if anyone breaks in?”
“I can’t even tell if that’s a serious question anymore. I don’t have any pants made for 10-foot-tall men, so I guess I’ll do my best.” Kuzan pulled you down next to him. He haphazardly broke the frozen prosthetic as close to his skin as he could manage and lobbed it off the side of the bed, earning an indignant shriek.
“It’s gonna melt into my carpet!”
“Well I’m not hopping on one foot to pick it up, so you go dispose of it yourself.”
You stuck your tongue out at him. “Hope you don’t have to pee in the middle of the night.”
“Damn you, woman.” You went to stand to pick it up, but he pulled you tighter against him.
“Stay here. I’ll buy you a new carpet.”
“It’s not gonna make that much of a mess….” You shivered as you felt the remnants of the ice on his leg melt away, and you turned to look at him. From this close you could get a clearer view of the dark circles lining his eyes. Your gaze wandered to the edge of a scar on his neck, the pink tissue contrasting almost elegantly against his dark skin, like a tide rolling in. You found yourself wanting to see more, and with a perfect excuse to do so. “Hey, take your coat off too.”
“Brat.” Kuzan shrugged, letting you awkwardly slip his coat from his shoulders, leaving him in a thin white t-shirt. Your eye traced the edges of the scar where it disappeared into the neckline and where it reemerged from the sleeve. It seemed to stretch down the length of his torso, but you fought back your curiosity in favor of letting him relax.
His eyes remained closed, but you smiled at him nonetheless. “I’ll have to thank Akainu; he somehow made you even more handsome.”
“I love a woman who can appreciate a good scar.”
“I love you too.” He didn’t answer, but your smile widened as you felt his grip on you tighten. “Sleep well.”
Kuzan slept for 18 hours straight.
He eventually released you from his bruising embrace. You cooked for him, and the food went cold, so you cooked again, and it went cold again.
You found yourself studying his face with mild concern.
His temperature and breathing had remained steady overnight, but once you escaped his grasp, his sleep seemed to become slightly more fitful. He let out puffs of icy breath, and you could swear that the temperature of the room itself had dropped.
You had half a mind to slip back into bed next to him, but the bed was a bit small for his huge frame, and you weren’t sure whether or not you should wake him up. You settled for sitting next to him to caress him comfortingly…which turned out to be a mistake. He startled awake and nearly froze your arm.
“...Sorry. You seemed to be having a nightmare. You’re safe.”
Kuzan blinked, ripped off his sweat-soaked bonnet, and fell back onto the mattress. “How long have I been out?” he rasped.
“18 hours and…29 minutes. You can go back to sleep, though; your body probably needs it.”
Rolling your eyes, you fetched him a gallon of water. He took a few gulps and stared at you.
Then he threw the gallon off to the side, froze it in mid-air before it spilled, and pulled you down to the bed, earning an undignified squeal.
“Arara, you woke me up. You owe me now.”
“You’re in my bed, brat!”
“You’re the brat. Claiming to love me, but you can’t sit still and protect me from my demons….”
“Are you haunted by the memories of the Blackbeard Pirates’ B.O.?”
He pulled you into his lap and kissed you. “It was nothing compared to your morning breath.”
“Hey, I’ve been up for hours already! You’re probably smelling your damn self!”
“I was a Blackbeard Pirate, after all.”
“I could tell from a mile away.”
Mouthing desperately at your neck, Kuzan attempted to shove his fingers in your mouth. Your eyes widened and you managed to bite down before they made contact with your tongue. You grabbed his wrist and yanked his hand away from your face with an indignant glare. “Did you even wash your hands after we got back last night?!”
“Finger yourself then, woman. I was just trying to multitask and shut you up.”
You giggled as you felt his hardened length pressing up into your leg. “I still have this effect on you, huh?” Kuzan eyed you lazily, then frowned and pushed you off. “Where are you going?”
“To wash my hands, since you’re so bad at following instructions. The Navy should have gotten rid of you sooner.” From across the room, your eyes lingered on his long fingers as he carefully soaped them up and rinsed them off. “Arara, I can sense your desperation from here. Maybe I should take you up on that offer of going back to sleep.”
“Don’t you like me desperate?”
“I’m making my new career out of leaving you unsatisfied.”
You smirked and threw your legs over the side of the bed. “I don’t think you’re qualified for that.”
“Just you wait.” Kuzan approached and stood between your legs. His dick had started to soften, but he didn’t seem too pressed, instead taking the moment to gaze down at you. To an outsider, he may have looked bored, but you had known him long enough to sense the intense fondness in his expressionlessness, and it made you blush. “Your bed is too damn short.”
“We’ll get a new one.”
“No. It smells like you.” He reached up and caressed your cheek, face still blank.
“Kuzan, lie down.” 
And he did so, wordlessly, with a small groan, relishing the respite from his lingering sleepiness and sore muscles. You climbed onto him with an impish grin and slipped a hand down the front of your panties.
“Arara, now you listen? You made me get up for nothing?”
“No…I want your hands.” You took his hand and guided him to run his fingers along the length of your slit through your panties. The lack of friction had him hardening against you again in seconds and sitting up straight in the bed. 
“Take these off and sit in my lap, back to me.”
You pouted. “Don’t freeze me this time.”
“Of course not. You still have to ride me, after all; this is just what’s left of my mercy.” He pushed your legs apart, and you reveled in the familiar way he delved his fingers into the flesh right next to your outer labia, causing slick to pour out of you. He spread you open with one hand, looking down at you with a small harrumph. “I doubt I can make you come like this right now, anyway. You’re too wet and sloppy. No friction whatsoever.”
You tilted your head back to glare at him. “You’re mean.”
“It doesn’t even matter that you didn’t let another man touch you. Two minutes in close proximity to me and you’re dripping and loose. Embarrassing.” He shoved two fingers in without warning.
You flushed, his words hitting you with a pang of self-consciousness. “Is it too much? I can, uh, towel off…”
Kuzan lifted his opposite hand and pulled your chin up to make you look at him. “It’s perfect. You are perfect, for me.” He released your face and gently patted your head. “I’m over 9 feet tall. If you liked me any less, we’d be in big trouble.” Taking solace in his words, you relaxed against him, trembling and twitching as he crooked his finger inside of you.
“Plus… I’m impatient. And notoriously lazy.” He collapsed backward onto the mattress. “It’s your turn.”
“C-can I turn around?”
“As much as I love your ass…I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Your legs cramped slightly as you struggled to straddle him, earning a chuckle. He brought his two large hands to your hips, rubbing soothing circles as he watched your efforts with a soft smile on his face. “You can try kneeling on my hips if you wa—”
“I got this!”
“We can fool around with different positions, you know. I am…not unaware of our size difference.”
“Oh believe me, I know you’re not, pervert.”
He smirked. “Pervert I may be…my point stands.”
“We’ll fool around later. I’m riding you like this if it’s the last thing I do.” You lined the head of his cock up with your entrance, shivering at the foreign feeling of him pressed against you. Suddenly hyperaware of the fact that this is only your second time together, you pulled back and ground your wetness against him, earning a sharp inhale. For all his teasing, he was right—you were soaked. The veins lining his length and the subtle ridges of his frenulum slipped against your clit, but you were both so slicked up by this point that the feeling was almost muted.
You lined your bodies up once again and closed your eyes as you pressed down onto him. You were so turned on that your mind was nearly entirely blank. Kuzan’s mouth hung open in pleasure, but he managed to cast you an amused glance before glancing back down to where his thick length was spearing you open, equally aroused by the sight of your body trying to take him.
“...You’re doing a great job.” The bluntness of his comment took you off guard. You snorted on instinct, but it turned to a genuine laugh. You nuzzled him fondly and pushed down several inches at once, once again intent on making him lose his composure. His hands flew to your hips and squeezed almost painfully. “I should be quiet. I forgot that you’re damn crazy.”
You bobbed your hips up and down, clenching desperately when you realized he wasn’t letting you sink down lower than where his hands had stopped you initially.
“Kuzaaaan.” As you whined, your hips collided with his hands once again—but this time he grabbed you and pulled you down further. The shock sent you reeling. Before you could even process what was happening, you felt yourself pulsing around him, hissing and batting his hand away as he tried to reach for your clit.
Eventually, you fell limp against his chest, struggling to catch your breath. When you lifted your head to offer a bashful grin, the lust in his dilated pupils drove the air from your lungs once again.
“Arara. You know…I read somewhere that less than 20% of women can come from penetration alone.”
“The rest must not have tried your cock.”
“A new experience for you, then?”
You shot him another playful glare, still bracing yourself on his chest. “I’m not doing that to your ego, but nice try.” His gaze softened, and he caressed your back with one hand, gently brushing your hair from your face with the other. 
“I love you,” he murmured.
“I…I love you too. You can start moving again in a minute or two, I promise.”
“No rush. We have all the time in the world. And seeing you like this…I doubt I’m getting any softer.”
“Really? You are an old man, after all…”
He snorted. “You think your words are enough to insult me when you just came from my cock alone?” You stuck your tongue out and tried to bounce on him again, but the suddenness of the movement made you both jolt. “Relax. Take your time.”
You leaned forward to meet him in a languid kiss. The movement of his soft lips against your own had you shivering and twitching, and Kuzan pulled back with a nearly inaudible groan. Slowly, you started riding him again. The aftermath of your orgasm made for an even tighter fit—you felt every inch of his length as it dragged against your walls, and his usually-steady hands trembled against the flesh of your hips.
“Kuzan, kiss me again,” you pleaded. He leaned in to meet you once more. and, as though bound by an unspoken understanding, you both focused simply on sharing breath. He alternated puffs of warm and ice-cold air until you noticed, at which point he laughed and finally brushed his lips against yours. When you pulled back to breathe against each other's lips once more, you finally slammed your hips down, taking him to the hilt.
…And he came immediately.
“Did you just…” He cut off your sentence with another kiss, pulling back with a shameless smirk.
“Couldn’t let it feel one-sided.”
“...I appreciate it.” You tried to pull off of him, but he pushed you back down. The exaggerated squelching sound made you cringe.
“Back to sleep.”
“I’m gonna get a UTI!”
“UTI? Is that like a commendation?” You made a face and squirmed in his grasp. “Arara. Fine, just give me a few minutes like this.” Rolling your eyes, you surrendered yourself to him, pressing your cheek to his torso, enjoying the soft rise and fall of his diaphragm and the warmth of one of his hands still pressed to your back.
“Do you think life will be boring? Now that we’re both out of the Marines and you’re out of…whatever the hell else you were doing?”
He snorted again, tugging playfully at your hair. “Great timing.” After a moment, Kuzan opened his eyes, fixing his gaze on the ceiling. “Boring might be a welcome change for me. But I know a woman like you wouldn’t be able to bear it, so…no. I don’t think life will be boring.” He rolled onto his side, and you fell off his lap with a small huff. “I’ve stolen enough from enough people, if you want to call them that, that we won’t have to go back to work, as long as we budget properly.”
You just stared at him. “And here I thought we were done with the dirty talk.”
“We’ll hit some of the cheaper islands, and a few of the more luxurious ones. You can explore new cities and go hiking, or whatever it is that brats like you do, and I’ll take a nap on the shore and await your return.”
“Well if you’re paying, I guess I can’t complain.”
“Arara, money is all it takes to stop your whining? What a superficial woman. I would have paid up years ago.”
You grinned at him. “I’ll accept your insults as long as I get to pick our first destination.”
When you met Kuzan’s eyes, their warmth nearly swallowed you whole.
“You know I’d go anywhere with you.”
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girlboyzone · 1 month
ok ive finished :) and i do have thoughts. area unknown has been really special. its a rare bird in terms of minecraft content and theres just so many important stories being told there. the way it relates to the wider sunship canon or whatever its called is amazing, and the otehr ppls content like oli's dedicated grinding, moonzy's beautiful buildings or graaavel's awesome lore (HIS LORE VIDEO WAS SO GOOD. IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD. THE MUSIC????? YEA), was all so amazing to witness.
BUT i do have some criticisms if you dont mind me sharing. none of it is with ill intent and i understand why the decisions that were made happened but i still think its worth pointing out.
im disappointed with how aimsey and scott's arc was left off, because i dont think it reached a satisfying conclusion at all and the loose threads they left didn't feel like a culmination of their relationship. aimsey and scott's conversations are some of my favourite parts of the lore because their relationship is so, SO interesting and really worth exploring. so ending it by saying "scott just got bored and went back to hell" was not a good move i feel. i really wanted to see something more there.
guqqie does touch on hera's influence when she discovers the grave but to be honest i dont understand why she was allowed to get married to aimsey and have a happy ending. hera has made a point of dooming them in every single universe and she just loves torturing her little experiment, and her influence has continued into season two with egging aimsey and oli on with the lab, so i really don't understand why guqqie was able to seperate herself from this and later get married when that has never been allowed before
i guess that everything was intentionally left pretty open ended so things could change in future, guqqie did say she'd write something up later this week which could give answers to what i mentioned above. and who knows, maybe in the years guqqie and aimsey were split hera could have been defeated in some way. maybe guqqie went back and confronted her or something idk. i would really like to see something like that though. and of course that open-endedness leaves room for aimsey and scott to do something which would also be great. but yeah those are my less great thoughts about the finale. but do not be fooled just because it wasnt absolutely perfect didnt mean i didnt enjoy it/think it was bad
FORTUNATELY it has given me a great window to start working on that au because i really want to develop scott and aimseys arc, explore aimsey's feelings as a demon and the horror that comes with that, and his relationship to hera because the one time they interacted always gives me chills. so i think the finale was flawed but thats ok because now i can go in and do awesome stuff with my own ideas for a bad ending. because i like hera cannot let the characters rest. ineed to be stopped hehehe
but yeah apart from that i did really enjoy the finale. it did feel like area unknown. the party, never have i ever, michela being hilarious and caitees being weird, and of course heartbreaking sunship lore. it genuinely gave me the same warm feeling as when i was watching through all those vods from 2022 when they were just messing around or screaming at each other in the rain. area unknown needed to end. no one seemed to want or have the time/inspiration/motivation to do stuff on it anymore, and the characters needed a conclusion and to be let go so they could just be in their own right. i'm glad that its done. it was really special. i cant wait to see what everyone does next :3
i agree heavily on the scott and aimsey topic, i wish we could’ve gotten more development of their relationship or seen scott in s2 bc there was a psrt of his house i think somewhere and then he was never mentioned again iirc, but they were probably both too busy or something to do anything which is ok i’ll just make it up in my head :3
and i hope there is a bit more of something w hera and auguqqies whole thing and how hera allowed ausunship to get married, or how all that went. i’m just really curious
anyways love u sneef thank u for liveasking to me this has been very fun :333 <3 im rlly glad u liked area unknown!!!!!!!
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marydswitchduet · 2 months
Chastity Log Day 9 7/22
What did we do?
After we ran some errands, mommy made me strip and diaper up and wear a pink and white Teddy
I thought I look pretty good tbh. Later, mommy played my Spotify story again where the protagonist is in a nursery for little and she slowly becomes one as treatments to make her an ideal little to be adopted by amazons in the dimension of the story
I guess the idea of it being forced is a nice fantasy of sorts, where it’s not a choice made by you because control is essentially taken away from you.
Once done, I was humping Mommy’s thigh through my diaper and sucking at her tits. At first, I wasn’t hard and just enjoying the sensation. Then, every once in a while mommy would rub her pussy juice on her nipple and in my mouth for me to taste
Every time I smelled and tasted it, I’d get harder and hornier. Later, she rubbed it under my nose which didn’t help for my self control
I have rules that if I’m gonna use my diaper at all, I have to ask mommy for permission first and then after she says ok, I say thank you
2 suppositories and 1 enema later I’m on the toilet after begging to get out of my diaper so I don’t have to mess in it. I think if I have suppositories in the future I need to eat more as some of that felt painful.
After I was cleaned out, I showered and came back to mommy. She had me put in a plug, there’s an electric one but I couldn’t wear cuz it wouldn’t fit. I was able to get another one to fit instead.
Mommy was okay with that; she began teasing and sucking on my cock. She’d tease me and bite or scrape my cock in between sucking and was painful.
She was switching between playing with my nipples and playing with my cock. The pain was excruciating but mommy would reward me if I could take it. I wanted to make her proud.
Later, mommy used my little cock in her pussy. But, I couldn’t hold on long without feeling like I would make cummies. That’s what I say now to mommy when I think I’m gonna finish. But I know I’m not supposed to, so I make sure to tell her. Even so, it’s so hard 😭
Mommy’s pussy feels so nice and warm and tight around my little cock. I could feel her squeezing bits of precum. She warned me that if I couldn’t help myself I needed to be out in a diaper. I wanted to enjoy mommy’s pussy but she felt too good.
Eventually I had to give up and put on a diaper. I also had to hump mommy’s stuff is again through my diaper. While doing that, mommy had me get the vibrator wand. She used it on my diaper, the stuffie, and my nipples.
Mommy said sometime maybe I’d jump my stuffie without a diaper. 😳 idk why but that just feels wrong and kinda yucky.
I kept humping mommy’s thigh til she told me that was enough.
How did it feel?
For me, I realized the more baby talk we use the deeper into the little headspace I go.
The suppository prolly would’ve felt different if I’d eaten more that day. If I ever revisit I’ll need to make sure I eat more that day otherwise the pain of trying to force a BM with nothing there may be an issue for my insides
Mommy’s pussy felt amazing, too much pleasure for me to handle. I liked mommy calling me her good girl, but I think I’d need to feel more feminine outwardly for it to feel effective. Wearing more feminine presenting baby stuff or pink lingerie, makeup, etc.
No objections of being called a good boy though cuz we’ve had that in our dynamic for a while now. While the plug didn’t shock, I did enjoy my asshole squeezing around it when I’d get pain or pleasure. My prostate would be hit too and it would be heavenly.
The vibrating wand felt amazing and I felt little and pathetic, in a good way if there was one, when it was used on me either on my diaper directly or on the stuffie.
How are you feeling, ball-wise?:
Aside from when Mommy slapped my balls, they didn’t seem to hurt which was nice
What do I want more/less of in our current dynamic?:
Because of the diapers, I’d prolly feel more little if I had to constantly pee when the feeling came up rather than having to flood it every time.
More dirty talk, since that gets me into a space more than anything; will look into
Look into little space time that is non sexual as well
Things I’m Enjoying:
Most everything so far ❤️ feeling cute
Feeling small, little, and safe
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ghost-of-you · 11 months
I just came across your analyses of all the 5sos albums and can I just say: chefs kiss. amazing. from the way you approach them both musically and lyrically (are you a musician? you have a very good ear) to being able to tell who is singing which part of the harmony (when there’s more than 2 singing at once I have No Idea, and even when there’s just 2 I’m still a little hit and miss). so grateful you exist and did them!!! not only for my enjoyment purposes but also because of my crazy projects I’m about to tell you about just in case you’re interested
anyway, it started with the RAH version of teeth. I’m a classically trained violist, I’ve played in many orchestras, I looked and asked everywhere I could think of just to lay my hands on something like the score so I could maybe pull some musician friends together and play it. No avail. Then, sleep deprived and slightly manic and very unmotivated in the middle of writing my honours thesis I must’ve played that bass riff when messing around on my viola and was like ‘this isn’t even hard let me just open musescore’ and decided Luke’s voice best fit the cello and calum the viola and six hours later it was a whole orchestral piece with the riffs passing around the upper strings like the RAH version and also woodwind and brass instruments somehow and then the bass riff led me straight into thin white lies which quickly morphed into NITSW (and can I just say that bridge is the best thing ever when played by strings) and I was like, this is telling a story. That became the first movement of the concerto.
second movement had to start with the flutes playing the piano intro of lover of mine, then I borrowed ghost of you from youngblood and threw in lonely heart, all the ones in vaguely 3’s as far as timing goes went in, all satisfactorily longing (if mvmt 1 is Relationship Angst) ending on a reprise of ghost of you chorus a semitone up (I’m not even sure anymore tbh, it’s def less cohesive but pretty I think) and I tried to copy its RAH intro as an outro. By then I realised I wanted to make the third movement about self discovery that ended on red desert because the album is just SO SAD and it deserved a happy ending and I wanted to try fit as many songs from the album in as I could (no shame and kill my time didn’t fit thematically unfortunately and easier should’ve been in movement 1 but sonically it just didn’t go, at least not yet I’m open to attempting to incorporate any of those songs) so started with old me. I realised I could overlay it with best years. Weird choice I know but the chords and melody worked well enough (and I still don’t think best years has been brought to justice ngl). Then I overlaid wildflower with high which is surprisingly a combination that I love, and it worked music wise and I thought they offset each other alright?? I’m still not quite sure where I’m going with it yet. but then comes red desert and I did the RAH intro and the whole song with harmonies (does get repetitive and idk what to do with that yet) and it’s like. yay, I gave CALM a happy ending.
I guess what I’m asking is I want to do more of these for more of their albums or combination of them (like they’re genuinely so fascinating from a musical and storytelling lens I can’t get enough) and I’ve got some ideas but I want to hear if you have anything you can just hear coming after each other. like complete mess and red line or smth?? even moodswings and space between a rock and a hard place?? idk. just ideas. throw them all at me. I’ll do it and dedicate it to you
Okay, first, no, not a musician, it's just that my dad was a dj, so i grew up around a lot of sound equipment because he's very particular about sound quality and that totally developed my ear for that type of stuff and my interest for music is that much more intense because of it (i did teach myself how to play the guitar and i do sing, but, like, i don't have any real training) and I really appreciate you coming here to say these, because i have a lot of fun writing those. Also I saw your tags, don't know if you ever figured it out but the milf anthem is mrs all american lol
Second, I'm desperate to hear what you did with calm, from the description alone it feels like something impressive, I'm very interested to see how you overlayed high and wildflower because i can see it, but i can't really imagine how that would actually work sokaosksokas
And third, I actually have quite a few smaller combos i like to push together (i went through a mashup phase when i was learning how to play 5sos songs lol) but i usually go from lyrics and adjust the guitar to fit my voice, i have no idea how that could work for you, but one i always do is vapor -> lie to me -> why wont you love me -> bad omens (it used to be high at the end, but then they dropped bad omens and i liked the way that narratively bad omens closed the loop, you end up trapped in the relationship you know it's not working I like that a lot for this combo), i have a few weirder ones, that are mostly the ones that i never fully managed to make it work but i think they could, like moodswings into bleach, story of another us into close as strangers, i know you saw my post about rearranging 5sos5 to tell a story and for some reason i think you can overlay caramel and bad omens, and red line and you don't go to parties (this one i admitedlly don't really know, but i think the red line riff with the ydgtp riff could be something, just a feeling lol), there's the rhythm section mashup, tomorrow never dies -> babylon -> tears, that I think you can make something with the bass in all of them, for some reason vapor and me myself and i, talk fast -> not in the same way -> blender -> kill my time, this one i think its cool because of the 80s pop of the melodies and the progression of the story with the lyrics, lover of mine -> best years -> older -> ghost of you, again you have the narrative and i think the piano can work all of there to make this tragic love song. And this is everything i can think of right now, but i will probably think of more as soon as i hit post tho soaskookasas
But seriously, this sounds really cool, please let me know how it progresses <3
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rotfics · 1 year
kin heidrich
kin heidrich is my 6′3′, happy-go-lucky, humanoid ray of sunshine, biker, metalhead, german, “undead” (theres no word for it and i’ll explain it later on her toyhouse i have not made yet) werekin/werewolf (werekin: she has wolf ears, paws, and a tail in humanoid form.) i dont wanna get into her past rn bc it’s.. bad. anyway.
has black eyelids just like most of the undead/smnelse/etc i can explain kinda later characters here idk why thats a thing. again, almost sunshine incarnate. she has some anger repression issues, but she never takes them out on anyone. for the most part. at worst, someone annoying her or someone she likes will get what is a weirdly polite, “crazy-eyed threat”, which is usually just to get lost for a while, but mostly that happens if someone bothers someone she cares about enough. she doesn’t really do that if she is herself bothered so much. but if it is someone else, she will tell them to get away from them very politely, with a... stare. it works. it also helps that all of her teeth are very, very sharp.
she got the “crazy eyes” nickname because her eye color is red, with small, slit shaped pupils. she’s totally aware of it, and finds it accurate/funny. if she feels out of options often when she is scaring someone into going away, she will tell them something along the lines of that it is very unlikely that she’d ever hurt anyone, but “never zero.” it almost never happens; unless someone really fucks up with someone she cares about, mostly. almost never when she is herself the target of torment. (one example: someone threatened one of her friends and she used the “crazy eyes”, got up in their face while telling them, in a very scary “nice” voice, if they kept it up, she would eat them alive; and to go away for at least a month. a scary (empty) threat, but hell it worked. patted them nicely and said “go away” in a nice voice just to kinda mess with them further. said person had no clue it was an empty threat).
she is a big optimist, (even with everything that’s happened); and is determined to stay that way. regardless of anything and everything that could possibly deter her from stopping. she always believes things can and will be better.
she works on her motorcycle quite a bit; and has her own underground metal band, wolfskull. she also hosts raves. her band has three types of concerts; metal, rave, and kinda solemn. she does sing about some sad stuff sometimes; she has to vent it at some point.
when she loves someone, she loves them a LOT. ( pick-you-up-and-whirl-you-around maybe if you’re okay with it). if it’s you, you’re gonna be treasured, a LOT. yea you can’t escape her affection, get used to it. anything you go through? she’s there at all times. also kind of really. energetic. unless you need a calmer presence. she can do that too. ...related: hyperactive ADHD. she knows when to calm down though; she’s not an idiot; and she is capable of controlling herself.
her only thing is that on her birthday, she turns into were-form, and is completely feral; but she always makes sure to secure herself two days before that, in an unknown, locked location. you will not know where. don’t ask. you won’t get an answer.
she has bandages wrapped around her arms from the elbow down; you can probably guess why, but do not bring it up or ask about it unless you are very close with her. she will get upset with you, quietly, and won’t speak to you for a while. which is very out of character for her. so if you do that you fuck up bad.
she has ptsd and pretty bad nightmares, but her husband (dredge) and her girlfriend (royce) always calm her down, even if it takes a while.
her battle type is “brawler”, if she has to. she uses unarmed most of the time but will use something else if she has to... while very annoyed. weapons for her are super annoying and she will use them if necessary but will whine about it the entire time, complaining that someone ELSE use them, not her.
again, she’s wolf-based; and has black wolf ears, a tail, and paws in humanoid form; but please do NOT call her a dog, or puppy. don’t do that. it’s rude.
to maybe summarize, she’s a huge sweetheart who can and will use any ability she has to scare off bad people if she absolutely has to; and generally just loves everything, and everyone, regardless of what happened. with a band she is very proud of.
doesn’t matter who you are btw, she’ll absolutely love you.. unless you turn out to be kinda bad which please dont do that. she really hates not liking people.
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that-bat · 16 days
I haven’t read Jekyll and Hyde, only listened to the musical so idk if there’s any differences with this but
In the last song when Hyde is taking over while at their wedding, Jekyll is begging for this to not be happening and he specifically says “don’t let her see, not on our wedding day”
Which like I get I guess, there’s a lot of people around and he knows Hyde is very dangerous but the wording is funny and makes me think what if he was more ok with Lisa finding out about Hyde on any day other than their wedding day?
And what’s even funnier is what if Hyde listened? He’s in the process of taking control, ready to mess up Jekyll’s life and do some killing but when Jekyll starts begging him not to ruin his wedding Hyde’s like “oh shit, this is your wedding? Fuck that’s awkward, ok I’ll come back later” and he just leaves for awhile
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tklyandbloody · 4 months
alright, since i’m currently working on another writing post that i’ll post later on, but i have the strong urge to post something right now, today, here’s just a few of the maddening t-word teases going through my head that i both wish to use on someone to see their reaction, but also wouldn’t mind being used on me. under the cut, of course:
“oh, what’s the matter dear, can’t handle the tickles as well as you originally thought? well now isn’t that just a shame, i really believed in you when you said that ‘you wouldn’t break from such childish things’, but look at you now; a squeaking, snorting, childish, boy-ish laughtered mess. you know, for someone who claims to be a ‘man’, as you said, your tumbling laughter sure reminds me of something else, or, per say, someone else. my little cousin, a sweet young boy, around 10 or 11 years old, with a laugh just as identical and adorable as yours. you know, he does this absolutely precious thing when i get a certain combination of spots when tickling him, you wouldn’t mind if i tried it on you to see if you do the same, now would you? no, you say? amazing, let’s try! now, i just put my right hand here on your hip, but don’t worry, i’ll move it soon enough, then i move my left hand right here over your right knee. ah, you’re already squirming, and i haven’t even moved my fingers yet; well this will surely be interesting. ok ok, ‘just get on with it’, i understand what you mean by that kick, i will. first, i just push my fingers out from the middle, and there are the giggles already, and now that that’s done, i squeeze around a bit, just to make sure that your kneecap isn’t going anywhere, you never know, but now that that’s done, i can just repeat the process and move on with the second step. the second step, of course, has to do with the hand on your hip, and can you guess what i do first? move it, already? nope, any other guesses, sweetie? drill right into the bone with my thumb, is that what i heard? why yes, correct! hey hey hey, now there’s no need to kick at me this time, i said you were correct; also, you might want to quiet down with the snorts, cause as pretty as they sound to me, i’d rather not be a bother to the neighbors with them. now though, the final part of the second step is gonna be a bit quicker than the last ones, so don’t blink or you might miss it. i, as i said, move my hand down from your hip, which if you would stop kicking at me while i do so, that’d be nice-, down to your thigh, of which of course needs some attention too, and give it some quick squeezes before darting my hand back up to repeat the process! aw, i just love listening to those nice squeaks you let out at that spot, and look, just as i thought; you shake with laughter just as much as he does!! wow, maybe you two are related somehow, or possibly you two just have all the same spots, maybe; gods, we have to test this out more now, to get down to the bottom of this theory of course, this is gonna be one long day for the both of us~”
alright, not my best work, but i just wanted to get that idea out and if anyone has any suggestions or tips for my next-next writing post or anything else, not drawing related (like idk, t-word writing prompts), then just send me an ask or dm, idc either way and will try my best to respond in a timely manner. okay, bye, have a good rest of your day/night and thanks for reading!-
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