#jazz uses curse! 💜
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galariangengar · 4 months ago
Got inspired by @braixen and wanted to do this too :3
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straystars-and-planets · 2 years ago
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music when the moon rises
music major!Bang Chan x music major!reader (part 1)
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CC (Campus Couple): [acronym] a couple who attends the same university.
Synopsis: Chan is well known, both on campus and within the music school: genius producer, member campus rap group 3RACHA, a fantastic vocalist, and somehow friends with someone from every department/major (and handsome with the cutest dimpled smile, not that you were looking). What happens when you happen to run into him after a late night practice session?
a/n: hi this is my first work I'm posting for skz (and k-pop in general) Just trying to give everyone a taste of my writing style, I have more installments for all the members in this campus couple series coming up + a few more wips for later!
wc: 1.68k (oops) of bang chan hcs (because I can)
tags: non-idol!au, college/university au, domestic fluff, fluff, sleep deprivation/staying up super late (sleep is important everyone!!!)
cw: implied fem!reader, mentions of anxiety/stress relating to school/grades, cursing/swear words (both reader and chan use curses liberally + let chan say f*ck)
masterlist | series masterlist | taglist form | part 2 (coming soon!)
💜 reblogs are appreciated + constructive feedback welcome 💜
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Virtually everyone on campus has at least heard of Chan. Musical wunderkind, has seemingly performed in every ensemble (orchestra, choir, band, jazz, chamber music, you name it, he’s probably played in it).
Also part of the iconic rap trio 3RACHA, any time there is a concert on campus they’re either one of the main acts or opening for a guest artist.
Chan has also individually released a few mixtapes SoundCloud, is very excited because he now has an EP on Spotify too! Some of his songs have made their way onto party playlists. Needless to say, this man is everywhere and seems to know everyone and anyone on campus.
You’ve bumped into Chan a few times, either in classes or in the hallways between rehearsals. He sometimes flashes you a friendly smile whenever he sees you in passing, but other than a few “hi’s” and “hello’s” the two of you haven’t spoken much. 
It’s a few weeks into fall semester and you are already irritated with the lack of practice space. Your dorm has zero (if not negative) sound insulation so you can’t really use it to practice your instrument.
Unfortunately there are only a few practice rooms available on campus, and no matter what time of day they all seemed to be occupied, either by another musician or adventurous couples who use them for “duet rehearsal” (a/n: iykyk - yes I have unfortunately witnessed the latter)
You get a brilliant idea at midnight after a late night study session in the music library. You’re already in the music building, and you have card access to the department. Surely no one is using the practice rooms at this time.
Your sleep deprived speculations prove to be true and you almost cry as the first room in the hall is unoccupied. You notice one of the production studios across the hall has its door closed but chalk it up to someone forgetting to leave it open on the way out.
Once you’re settled you begin warming up, letting the tones of scales and arpeggios sing through the space. It’s the first time you’ve been able to have quiet and uninterrupted practice (thankfully your roommate had been understanding about you needing to practice in the dorm, but you still tended to play quietly/half-heartedly to avoid any noise complaints).
After a rough run through of the piece you’re currently working on, you start picking through the score measure by measure. Totally immersed in the music in front of you, you don’t notice the door to the production studio creak open, nor do you notice the head of disheveled curls that appears in the window of the practice room. 
A sudden knock on the door startles you out of your zone, and you can’t help but let out a shriek and throw your score at the window. When the folder falls to the ground you’re met by the sight of a surprised Chan, mouth open and ears turning a little red.
To this day Chan swears he wasn’t intending to scare the living daylights out of you, it’s just the way you played was so beautiful and enchanting and he just had to know who was playing it (and then beg them to record some samples for a future/secret project pretty please and thank you 🥺)
After your first THRILLING encounter you keep bumping into Chan everywhere. At music department events/socials, and around campus (particularly the cafe/coffee shop).
You also run into him more in classes (or at least start noticing him more). He’s a guest performer for the experimental piece the orchestra is performing, or subbing for the pianist who was sick during orchestra rehearsal. During breaks you banter with him (he asks whether you’re planning on being in the building late, you tease him for his insomniac habits)
Slowly, over the course of fall semester he develops a soft spot for you. Definitely very fond of you, and at first is in total denial, thinks he is just doing this because he’s trying to be a good upperclassman/mentor for you.
(Meanwhile all his friends, especially Jisung and Changbin, are losing their everloving minds trying to convince Chan that he’s falling for the ‘cute late night girl’)
Probably has an epiphany that he’s basically in love with you while sitting in the audience for one of your concerts (one of the fewe that he’s not performing in). Like yeah, he definitely goes to his friends’ performances/showcases to support, but not all of them. (Damnit, Jisung was right to tease Chan about planning to go to all of your performances that he has time for.)
Then you come on stage for your concerto and he is absolutely entranced. Blushes when you seem to make eye contact with him after bows. Probably red cheeks & ears he is SO glad he wore his beanie today. Plus he thinks you look stunning in the dress you chose, the navy blue fabric makes you look so beautiful and elegant. He loves that it has a bit of your personality with the asymmetrical design and subtle lace appliques.
Now that he is FINALLY aware of his (massive) crush on you he’s going to try to be subtle and show you more affection/flirt more. Tries to subtly woo you by bringing you late night snacks, or inviting you to hang out before practice/rehearsals.
Chan is pretty much a blushing mess anytime he spends one-on-one time with you. Occasionally attempts to use cheesy pick up lines but plays them off as jokes because he is a SHY and nervous boy doing his best to flirt. Probably ends up laughing at most (if not all) of the lines he tries on you.
Thankfully you also find this funny (and cute) so you indulge him. Though occasionally when there’s a particularly sweet/cheesy pick up line you can feel your cheeks tingle and you get uncharacteristically giggly while your heart flutters in your chest.
Sometimes hangouts are just you and him, other times they’re with his friends. You slowly get to know other people. Meanwhile his friends are trying to send Chan to an early grave by not subtly hinting at his crush (aka. one time Felix tries to straight up tell you "Channie-hyung is in love with you," but thankfully Chan was able to smack a hand over Felix’s mouth in time).
Multiple death glares towards his so-called friends now menaces behind your back + creative sign language indicating he may strangle them later
After you start dating, Chan admits that he has tackled Jisung, Changbin and Minho as a last resort to get them to shut the fuck up before they can blurt out “By the way Chan wants to date you” or something else that would cause him to have a quote: " heart attack before the age of 30." His words not Y/N's Chan this is why Seungmin calls you old
At this point you’ve picked up on Chan’s attempts to flirt with you, so you start trying to flirt back. Searching up pick up lines to try on him, reminding him to get sleep/rest, bringing food to his studio if you happen to be free. Of course, Chan is a little a lot dense so he keeps thinking you’re just doing this as a good friend. 
By the end of the semester everyone thinks you and Chan are dating since you two have continued to banter/flirt in public at all hours of the day and night. Jisung and Felix stage an “intervention” by inviting you to coffee where they beg you to please ask Chan out because he won’t shut up about his pining for you at home (pretty please he likes you so much 💖)
You end up heeding their advice (read: Felix and Jisung continued to pester you about it in person and via. text) right before winter break. Chan was hanging out with you backstage before your final recital/evaluation when you just casually asked, “Hey, do you want to get dinner with me tonight?”
This poor man is so shocked, he almost spews water all over your beautiful recital outfit. Thankfully he has the reflexes to turn away before he ruins your dress. Honestly you have to pound his back a few times just to make sure all the water is out of his windpipe.
He’ll agree to the dinner. Leaves the dressing room so you can properly warm up + get to your place in time. Probably about 15 minutes before the show starts he realizes, oh shit, did she mean like a date????? SPRINTS to the nearest grocery store so he can buy flowers, makes it just in time to slide into the seat as the concertmaster plays the tuning note. 
Definitely looks very disheveled waiting for you in the lobby. His curls are all over the place and he didn’t wear his beanie tonight to fit with the formal vibe of the concert (CURLY CHAN SUPREMACY). Pretty much shoves the bouquet in your face before realizing he didn’t actually confirm that this was a date. 
“This is a date right?” he asks, looking a little sheepish. Without the beanie you can see the way his ears turn red and his dimples start showing when he gives you an embarrassed smile. Of course you nod in agreement and giggle when Chan wraps you in the warmest hug ever and jumps around while also congratulating you on a great performance. Chan gives the best hugs you can fight the wall
Your first date ends up being at this hole-in-the-wall chicken place that Chan found back in his first year. Imagine the two of you eating fried chicken at 11 PM dressed in super formal clothing because you decided to go there straight from the performance venue.
Spend the rest of the time before winter break starts pretty much attached to the hip with each other. As music/performance majors most of your final assignments are due before or very early during finals week, so you’re able to relax and take the time to spend quality time with each other. 
Wine night where you both improv on different instruments/vocals and create a joke song about how much you hate spicy food, specifically how Buldak ramen is a crime against tastebuds
Definitely miss him over the winter holidays, you are glued to your phone whenever you have the time, texting/calling him, sending him pictures and selfies. He’s not much better, sending you pictures of Christmas in Australia with his family (INCLUDING BERRY!)
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©@straystars-and-planets 2023. do not copy, translate or repost my work.
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xxxnightcorequeenxxxv3 · 3 months ago
The Curse of Magical Girl AU 15
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So now that you know the characters' full names from the last post, you can look them up if you want. It's time to catch you up to speed on what the characters call each other. As for who wants to go by full name, not everyone on this list, that's for sure. On this chart, you'll see the different teams and their call singe on the map that Babs made to use to keep track of the Robins. (More on the map later, you know it's a in progress thing) So on to the nicknames, Full hero names, Hero nicknames, Map names, and Fake civilian identity names. I'll demonstrate with Timothy here. Nickname; Tim Hero name: Robin Emerald Nickname for hero work Em, short and sweet and easy to say on coms. On the map, RE is short for Robin Emerald, for ease of tracking what Robin is where. Then we got Emma Robyn. It's the fake civilian identity their hero can take on for a limited time. ps. Emma Robyn is the identity Tim met Bruce under, where he mistook Tim for Janet. Why? Cuz of that fake Civilian identity, they swap a feature with their "dance partner", Tim, and his partner swapped hair color. A dance partner is the one person with whom they are set up to make combo attacks. They will have matching Bows and glasses, so let's see if you can spot who is partnered with whom. ;)
Team A Harp- Robin Kunzite / Robin Kun / RK 🩷 Kurt Robyn. Dick - Robin Sapphire / Robin Safy/ RS. 💙 Saphira Robyn. Babs - Robin Jasper / Robin Jazz / RJ.🧡 Jake Robyn. Jay - Robin Ruby / Robin Rue/RR. ❤️ Ruth Robyn. Tim - Robin Emerald / Robin Em/ RE. 💚 Emma Robyn. Stef - Robin Ametyst / Robin Amy/ RA. 💜 Amos Robyn. Dami - Robin Diamond / Robin Dia / RD. 🤍 Daisy Robyn. Cas - Robin Onyx / Robin Nyx / RO. Oneil Robyn. Duke - Robin Topaz / Robin Arty / RT.💛 Tori Robyn.
Team B Maps - Robin Morganite / Robin Mort / RM 🧡 Micah Robyn. AJ - Robin Peridot / Robin Dot / RP 💚 Prince Robyn. Terry - Robin Zicron / Robin Z / RZ 🖤 Ziya Robyn. Matt - Robin Beryl / Robin Bae / RB 🩷 Bambi Robyn. Lacy - Robin Larimar / Robin Mars / RL 💙 Luke Robyn. Tom - Robin Fluorite / Robin Flor / RF ❤️ Fantine Robyn. Bobby - Robin Celestite / Robin Ciel / RC 🤍 Chrysta Robyn. Jim - Robin Iolite / Robin Io / RI 💜 Irene Robyn.
Team C Carrie - Robin Wairakite / Robin Rike / RW 🤍 Wade Robyn. Helena - Robin Halidor / Robin Hali / RH 💛 Hale Robyn. Cullen- Robin Quarts / Robin Artie / RQ 🩷 Queenie Robyn. Bette - Robin Nephrite / Robin Nephy / RN 💚 Nethan Robyn. Lance B - Robin Xenotime / Robin Xeno / RX 🧡 Xenia Robyn. Gan - Robin Uvite/ Robin Uvi / RU ❤️ Uriel Robyn. Drake - Robin Garnet/ Robin Gari / RG 💙 Grace Robyn. Claire - Robin Vivianite/ Robin Viv / RV 🩶 Vinny Robyn. Lance H - Robin Yedlinite/ Robin Line / RY 💜 Yessica Robyn.
Now that your head is spinning from all the new info, I'll leave you be for a bit to digest it. So until next time, when I drop more art or lore, depending on what gets done first.
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infraaa · 3 years ago
How about any of the CoD x an overweight reader who is very self conscious about their weight? No smut just fluff.
『don’t worry love, I got all your notes down! Sorry it took so long, Fourth of July is coming up and real life things took precedence.』
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cookies of darkness 『licorice cookie, dark choco, red velvet, and pomegranate』 »» overweight!fem!reader
tw// body consciousness, self deprecation on dark choco’s part, light licorice slander/j, kinda suggestive on red’s part but not really.
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he sees you in the mirror and he’s all like “huh”
yes he cares about you, he hates seeing you upset. but look, he’s not good at the whole relationship thing.
he quietly approaches his girlfriend standing in the mirror hugging herself and hugs her from behind. licorice is definitely more action oriented rather than using his words.
“don’t hug me.” you would say. you had a girdle on trying to get into your robes and you still felt horrible in them.
“listen dolly, I may be stupid but I’m not that stupid. although in a different light, I can relate to you and what you’re feeling.”
the feeling that you’re not good enough. he knows it all too well. the feeling that you’re not wanted. again, all too familiar.
this scrawny dude will reassure you that you’re beautiful. and he’ll help you if you really want it.
he’ll try at least. that’s all that counts.
he’ll train with you, making sure you keep moving and keep your heart rate up. he’ll meal prep and all that, he knows how to do that. (if rv sees him in the kitchen tho he’s getting beat up djsjsjs)
cuddles are a must too. at night he’ll hold his girl in his arms and just use her as a pillow. the warmth is incredible! he’s just in bliss.
not to mention he’s not the one to hide from fights but look at him. espresso could beat his ass. he hides behind you because he’s just like “protect me please/thank you you’re the best.”
but if anyone comes for you over your weight or what have you, it’s hex time. lico will throw curse after hex at the person that was mean to you and he’ll make sure that those hexes get carried through.
he loves you the way you are. remember that. he may think he’s high and mighty, but you’re the queen that rules by him. 💜
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he knows this feeling kinda.
he’s big himself. not in terms of weight kinda but in terms of muscle. so he himself is conscious about hugging you too hard or holding your hand too tightly. he doesn’t wanna hurt you.
he pulls you aside and sits you down in his lap, wrapping a hand around hour waist as he smiles at you.
“let me tell you a story,” he’d start. you’d look at him with big eyes full of nervousness.
“I heard all the things you were saying to yourself earlier— that you’ll never be good enough, that you’ll never meet up to anyone’s standards and that you’re just disgusting. You listen to me, you don’t let those voices get to you. because there once was a woman who came out of shell in fresh water, illuminated by sunlight surrounded by trees and lush greens, and she was a rather plump woman. you know who I’m talking about?”
he was talking about aphrodite.
he would tell you about the goddess of love and desire, and talk to you about how she looked, and he basically told you that if she could rock body rolls, so could you.
whatever you give to him, he manages to give back to you ten fold. the amount of love that he has for you is almost undying at this point. you make him happy— the sun in his cloudy days, and he wants to be able to make you happy as well.
as a prince, he was always taught to watch his figure. he’s not going to force his norms onto you, that would be mean.
if you want help maintaining your weight, he will help you all the way, 110% committed to helping you set and achieve your goals.
listen, he will pull up on anyone that comes at you over this, it’s petty but he will get on his function for you.
he, like licorice, is more action oriented. he’ll cuddle you, hug you, all that jazz for you to feel better. he’ll train with you, give you the world and put it on you in the fashion of a cape.
you’re his princess. he’s not going to let anything happen to you. he’ll offer ideas to help you, whatever he knows he’ll share. he won’t leave you hanging.
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did someone hurt you for you to be this way?
as a general, he’s very analytical. he pays high attention to everything and this includes you.
he’s more action oriented than using his words, but he can still talk his talk.
you tell him your concerns about your weight and how you just feel gross about it, to which his look softens.
he immediately pulls you into a hug and kisses your face. how dare you feel this way?
pulls you into his room and takes a marker and asks you to take off your top. you’re skeptical, but you still do as he asks.
he then gently starts to draw lines across your body, giving your stretch marks unique stories. while doing this, he sums up the fact that these marks you have signify you in a way that nothing else can. you wouldn’t be you without your factors and what makes you special.
everyone has a weakness. if you ask, he will dutifully help you along a journey of hard work and pushing with an iron fist laced in wool.
and if you don’t want his help that’s okay too. what he won’t do however is listen to you if you reject being hugged or cuddled, because let’s face it. dog man needs his cuddles after work.
and when he cuddles you he makes sure to pay extra attention to you ❤️
whether they be cuddles or hugs, caresses or kisses, he’ll make sure to trace every corner of you with his love. he’s not gonna let you forget it either.
will frequently reassure his girlie, “no matter what you look like, and no matter what you weigh, you will always be my love. always.”
listen too he means what he says and does. and if he makes a promise to you, he keeps it. he promised to love you no matter what, and nothing will sway that.
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as someone who’s flirting style is “fuck you, go die,” it would be hard to understand as to how she feels the way she does for you, the girl she fell in love with (that surprisingly wasn’t red velvet’s mom de)
those emotions? coming from her? no way, can’t be true.
the shadow to her darkness you are. she wonders what has you down on the inside, despite showing nothing to prove that.
however, when she pulled you aside after a meeting, you could tell she pulled you to her out of worry.
“I can tell you’re upset about something and it’s been itching at me to know why.”
and you tell her why.
she’s… shocked. to be honest she was speculating something else, but this is considerably her first relationship. so at first, she’s troubled. however, after doing some thinking, she comes back to you to offer aid.
whatever you need, pom will be sure to get it to you, plus that she will also help you train.
not necessarily into cuddling and all that mushy stuff, but what she does like are the simple things believe it or not: hand holding, putting at arm around one’s shoulder, kisses to the cheek or the nose, reassurance…
she’d give you a hot beverage and tell you, “no matter what form you take, whether that be of a stick or a marshmallow, you will always be my shadow. please remember that. I… I love you.”
will fight for you too let’s not forget that. she’s the protective gf.
she keeps a journal of how much time you spend working out if you choose to do so, which helps her see how much progress you’ve made. she benchmarks your hours like a hawk.
overall, she gets the hang of reassuring you and being more affectionate as your relationship with her progresses. and it’s a very warm thing. 💗
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galariangengar · 2 years ago
Yo, finally finished and posted my “Welcome Home” OC!
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Here's my "Welcome Home" OC: Sirena Songbird
“Sirena was quite the head turner when she first arrived in the neighborhood. Although shy upon first meeting, Sirena had a love for singing; her mesmerizing voice captured the attention of any & all neighbors nearby. Need help remembering lyrics to your favorite tunes? Need to practice before a big performance? Give her a shiny seashell and Sirena would gladly help you out like the good neighbor she is!”
Sirena was a bird/mermaid hybrid or “siren” who once lived in the seas with her fellow sisters. Despite learning how to sing from them, Sirena wished to use her voice for good & bring joy to others, unlike her sisters who lured sailors to their death. She wished upon a shooting star one night for a new life, and left her sisters with hopes of starting a new chapter. The next morning, she was found sleeping in a nearby river in the forest surrounding the neighborhood by Julie and Frank, who were hunting for butterflies. With the help of all neighbors, Sirena settled down in her new Home with all of her lovely neighbors.
During her first few appearances on the show, Sirena was a part of segments involving exercise & movement, learning how to use her new legs and things one can do with their body such as jumping. She would briefly be seen in a wheelchair during this time until she was comfortable moving around on her own. Afterwards, Sirena would make occasional appearances on episodes & segments involving singing & music; typically seen helping Sally with her theater shows, spending time with Julie and being a muse to Wally. Throughout her time on the show, Sirena did have a couple original songs that were very popular among children. Perhaps a bit too popular as parents have sent complaints about how their children sing her songs or request them to be played several times a day; few have even argued that they’ve seen their children in a trance-like, lethargic state.
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galariangengar · 2 months ago
I will literally sell my organs for both of these figures 😭💕
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galariangengar · 4 months ago
go to pinterest and search :
1. color of your phone case + aesthetic 2. fave animal + aesthetic 3. name + core 4. favorite movie + aesthetic 5. name of favorite song + aesthetic 6. your birth month + core
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I was tagged by @hatsune ty!! 💜✨ I wanted to participate and went to go make a Pinterest for the first time :0
I tag @alola03 @braixen @driftveilcity @gentlesakura @frogdetective @milkymars and anyone else who sees this & wants to participate!!
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galariangengar · 4 months ago
Hi guys!
I need at least 5 people to take this quick and simple survey for me; it's for an assignment for my sociology class. It's only 5 questions and it's on your favorite music/habits/etc. Please like or leave a comment if you completed the survey!
EDIT: I got enough people to do the survey, so I deleted the link! Thank you again to those who did the survey! I really appreciate it!! 💜
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galariangengar · 3 months ago
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒: 𝑔𝑜 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡, 𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑐ℎ "𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒 + 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒," 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑥 𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑠. 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑡𝑎𝑔 𝑠𝑖𝑥 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒.
I was tagged by @alola03 ! TY !!! 💜💜💜
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Tagging @hatsune @nekopuff @waluweebi @eliseliedl @goddess-palutena @kirrua and anyone else who wants to participate! 💜
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galariangengar · 5 months ago
What reality are we living in where one of the members of one direction passed away today???
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galariangengar · 4 months ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BIRTHDAY TWIN!!!! 🎈🎉🎁 I hope you have an amazing day 🫶🫶🫶
Happy birthday to you too birthday twin!! 💜🎉🎂🎊🥳 I hope you have a good day as well! It makes me happy to know another person that’s born in December and is a fellow Sagittarius ♐️
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galariangengar · 12 days ago
So I finally got around to setting up a horny sideblog where I can be a feral creature, foaming at the mouth over people & fictional characters I’m insane for. Mutuals that are 21 or older can message me if they wanna follow! 👀
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galariangengar · 9 months ago
Fave Character Poll
I saw @alola03 doing this and I wanted to do one too :3
I just thought of the characters at random and whoever I thought of first 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not gonna tag anyone but feel free to say I tagged you if you wanna do one of your own!
Edit: I didn’t realize until now that I accidentally wrote “pick you” instead of “pick your” in the poll title ☹️
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galariangengar · 7 months ago
So I made a new side blog where I’ll be mostly talking, yapping and venting over there from now on. Maybe occasionally I’ll talk here, mostly about video game stuff and my interests and whatnot. But whenever I wanna talk about personal things and vent, I’ll be on my new side blog cuz I won’t be surprised if my family member is stalking this blog after what they did.
That being said, mutuals (preferably those who I’ve talked to/interacted with before), please like this post if you would like to follow my new personal side blog and I’ll dm you the username! 💜
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galariangengar · 10 months ago
If I was rich and money & transportation wasn’t an issue for me, I would have TOTALLY gotten VIP tickets for Melanie’s trilogy tour so I could get the VIP merch and go to the little early show event before the concert. The pre show event was basically a museum/gallery of things from every album/era. And I SO DESPERATELY NEED THESE FIGURES FROM THE VIP MERCH 😭😭😭 I really want the k-12 and the portals figures, but it’s only if you got VIP tickets 💔
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galariangengar · 18 days ago
I’ve had this goddamn video of Brittany Broski singing this shit stuck in my head for the past 24 hours and now I’m making you guys watch this shit too
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