#idk sorry for the dumb ramble
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lord-squiggletits · 7 months ago
The hard thing about writing therapy sessions into fics is that like. The story is predicated on drama, and even in therapy characters are still people that may or may not be able to communicate, and then there's the fact that even when you're successful in therapy you still have to deal with relationships and life outside of that where your coping is actually put to the test
Like it's weird because "characters dialoguing in therapy speak" is a current day hated trope, but in this case the characters going to therapy (sometimes even with each other) is LITERALLY part of the plot. But then you don't want the therapy to just instantly solve every interpersonal conflict so the characters still need to beef over something. Which, fine, lots of people go to therapy and don't cooperate during the session, are unwilling to apply the advice IRL, other things happen due to the flawed nature of existence, etc.
What I'm trying to say is that at least in stories/worlds with no therapy, ppl being severely malfunctional and getting in deep shit makes sense bc there's no education or support or help for them to make the optimal choices. But in stories with therapy, you want the therapy to be an in-universe part of the world that characters react to as real people react in therapy. But you don't want the therapy to turn into a meta device that you as an author use to magic away a character's emotional/interpersonal problems effortlessly with disregard to how long/difficult therapy is.
I feel like this might be a genre issue, idk? There's just so few stories that involve therapy (many of which are biographical in nature and not fiction/narrative focused), maybe due to how mental health is only a recently destigmatized/educated topic. So this feels like a writing problem exclusive to some sort of contemporary, "just like the real world" genre of writing that I'm unfamiliar with and maybe the answer is just "yeah you have to write it as a fictional story but also like it's real life." Idk.
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frownyalfred · 3 months ago
in the realm of like, rich kid problems, I want to someday read/write a fic where Nightwing is slowly establishing himself as a full-fledged JL member and everyone is relieved because finally, there's a nice Bat on the Watchtower who doesn't just shoot down their plans and deny their mission requests. but. while Nightwing is kind, and polite, and charming in all the ways the Bat isn't, he's still Dick Grayson. and Dick Grayson grew up as a very rich kid's suddenly very rich kid, which is to say while Bruce might not take it personally, Dick has been fending off people almost his entire life who were trying to use him for his Dad's money. which is to say, I think once Nightwing is on board and the relationship between him and Batman is at least somewhat well-known, there is suddenly a rush of younger, less-experienced members trying to take advantage of Nightwing, mistaking that kindness and openness for willingness to either voluntarily, or involuntarily, infringe upon and cross Batman's clear-cut boundaries. bribing Dick for a better monitor shift with Batman is one thing (it doesn't really work, Dick can't bribe Bruce with much as it is) but trying to convince Nightwing to lie to Batman? to go against him? his dad? the man who pulled him up when he had nothing and gave him meaning again? that man?? and then comes the inevitable, chilling realization, that while Nightwing might wear a different mask, might wear an open smile on the Watchtower and with friends off-shift, there are some lines he won't cross, same as Bruce. he won't, sure as the sun rises and the rot rolls off the Gotham Harbor in the morning.
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targarrus · 6 months ago
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does it look okay? i cant tell anymore
anyway nace jordan
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chronicowboy · 2 years ago
buck and eddie's conversation on the fountain in merry ex-mas gets infinitely funnier to me every time it's like: your estranged wife who you're sleeping with on the DL comes to your place of work and announces to your nosiest co-worker and best friend that you can't talk without fucking, your platonic male bestie ✨ is absurdly quiet about the whole situation which is very uncharacteristic of him so you invite him to bring your son to a mall santa whilst wondering if you can ever trust your wife with your son again, once said child is out of hearing distance you bring up your bestie's silence, bestie replies that it's none of his business and you agree in a way that sounds like you're begging him to question every life decision you've ever made before immediately launching into a full explanation of the situation despite no homo bro sitting there awkwardly listening after doing the absolute Most to avoid this conversation because he's been talking about the situation with his future brother-in-law whilst christmas tree shopping, then he commiserates with you about the never-ending complications of sex with women, both of you are exactly three seconds away from wondering aloud whether sex with men is simpler, but then your son returns from santa's village with an elf who will tell your work husband that the two of you have an adorable son and he will skip away without denying this. just normal best friend things <3
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jaybirdsandbabybats · 3 months ago
linke saying viktor is ace as an excuse to deter the jayvik shippers man shut the hell up. you can be gay and ace. you can be gay and ace and still be sex positive.
dude can just straight up say "i dont like jayvik but if you see it that way i don't know what to say" instead of starting fires with all his non-answers in interviews
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neurotonic · 11 months ago
Ouh. I really like how out of all the antagonists in the series, Prism's motivations (and her turning to Zoraxis) are directly influenced by Phoenix's track record. She has the most personal beef with the agent, though it's a little ironic that her TK implant helped the agent's success. If it weren't for Prism, Phoenix wouldn't be the legend that they are known for.
...Except...That's minimizing Phoenix's own ingenuity and skill with the implant, isn't it? It's a useful tool, yes! But in the end, it's just a tool. Phoenix was able to use it in unique ways, and that's not counting whatever else Phoenix has to do in the moment without TK. If it weren't for Phoenix's own efforts (and their strange ability to not Die), Prism wouldn't be forced to take revenge.
They're their own self-made people, but inevitably they left such a huge impact on each other before the third game...and if Prism wasn't the one who personally added the implant in Phoenix's head, then they haven't even interacted in person!
It could be seen as a little tragic, and it sorta is--Prism's desire for revenge is a little misplaced (and, yes, it is bolstered by Zor when she switches to their side). For all we know, Phoenix never intended to be the villain in Prism's story. But Prism's frustrated and angry and devastated about being reduced to the One Project she made. She just wanted to make something bigger than herself.
And it's really nice to see Phoenix help her once she recognizes that Zor's been using her all this time...even if it takes some time for Prism to really let them help her.
It takes the combination of their unique skills, brainpower, and their eventual trust in one another to destroy Zor's volcano kinesium base. Prism gets saved by the person she thought made her dreams impossible, and in return, Phoenix gets saved in the one IEYTD ending where they're not declared legally dead. I feel like that's something interesting? Because this is also the one finale where Phoenix has an active ally working with them close to their side (...as close as Prism and Phoenix could get, anyway).
Well. Anyway. What was I talking about? Enemies who are closely intertwined with one another's journeys end up becoming each other's most important allies? Okay, yeah. Let's go with that.
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kayak-lmao · 8 months ago
I tried :']
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nightmare-foundation · 4 months ago
I very much appreciate the love you have for Ozpin🙏 you GET it.
THANK YOU absolutely no one understands him like I do. I may not be perfect at analyzing/reading plot but I DO get characters. Everyone else is wrong about him
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madnessatdawn · 2 years ago
Bowuigi and Banana Bros: Protective mario bros edition
Mario to Bowser- If you hurt him again, then nowhere on this cursed Earth and the next can you run from me. I'm sure Ma wont mind me helping her make terrapin soup.
Banana Bros
Luigi to Donkey Kong- Make no mistake, it takes a lot to hurt my brother. I already know you did so more than once. That'll be the last time. After that, well... there won't even be bones to dry after I'm through with you.
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flutteringfable · 3 months ago
small-ish collection of specific things abt the lads men that are kinda autism coded to me if i'm being honest..... (silly-ish. like some might be a reach but i cant just ignore these lmao. not indicative of any sort of solid headcanon i have but they're all a little neurodivergent to me in some form or another and i think that's pretty awesome)
zayne: first of all obviously the carrot thing. it's unclear as to whether its a texture or a taste thing or both but regardless. his love of sweets could point towards most sweet stuff being a safe food for him but that feels like kind of a stretch idk. and then of course his whole resting scary face thing that he doesnt rly notice. i dont have an ingame screenshot for this one so take this post about him instead.
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xavier: like zayne, also doesn't notice that he doesn't emote a lot. in fact there's a whole text convo with mc that talks abt this. this convo is what started this whole thought process for me in the first place lmao
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rafayel: this specific line from the kitty event made me physically raise a brow. kind of sounds like overstimulation to me, buddy.... i haven't done his branching path or any of his card dates yet bc im a zayne enjoyer (and lowkey have beef with raf for getting in the way of my zayne pulls last banner) but if anyone would like to add on please feel free <3
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sylus: again, i havent done a lot with him, but something about this exchange from one of his card dates just... hm. like he could just be being sarcastic but with the delivery i literally cannot tell. it did make me internally go "omg evil autism" which is probably the funniest thought ive ever had in my life about a character
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silly-ehggy · 11 months ago
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Only true originals will remember my sm oc that very obviously used to be a humanization of lemon monster from fnf..... I never made an oc tag for her.... his name is lemon now....
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(Plz reblog if you like)
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kuravix · 1 year ago
I'm going to do a real bad job explaining this but… Is anyone else, like, tired of the fanbase defining Sanji's entire character from his prince years? The kid he was back then is very different to who he is now. I don't think him once upon a time being a prince impacted his current personality much (other than trauma).
"He wears fancy suits." As a kid he was put into numbered t-shirts and shorts. Suits are his own style. He also wears them in a casual style from time to time. "He called himself Mr. Prince" A scene that sticks out to me nowadays is Bon Clay asking him if he's Mr. Prince. Sanji responds "Nope, I'm Sanji. First rate chef of the seas." Hinting at him rejecting his former life and identifying as a sea chef pirate. "Live action gave him a posh, snobby British accent because he's a prince!" What? No, his accent isn't remotely posh, what are you talking about?
He's spent most of his life as a rough and tumble chef. Working, serving, beating up rude customers, feeding the hungry and poor. I don't know, I'd say the Baratie years had more impact on his character and personality than his years of abuse and being treated like a failure. He doesn't act like a prince. He might see himself as a 'prince charming' for ladies but not a legit royal prince.
I've seen people call his Germa years his "true" backstory. Like the time meeting Zeff and nearly starving to death didn't mean much to him. It kinda urks me a bit.
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joonebugg · 4 months ago
Hot take, I really don't like magma. I in fact hate it a lot, ik it's cool and all but also it is far too complicated for no reason. Whiteboard fox forever‼️
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irritablepoe · 11 months ago
I WANT SOMEONE TO LOVE ME. I want someone to casually sit beside me and nudge me every now and then to get my attention. I want someone to pull me into a side-hug because they've been laughing about a joke of someone and want to share that joy with me. I want someone to carefully take my hand into theirs and look at my fingers or perhaps the lines on my hand just because they can. I want someone to look at me absentmindedly while they're thinking of something. I want someone to sit quietly beside me when I'm feeling down and just take my hand and squeeze it to tell me I'm not alone anymore.
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randall-lloyd · 6 months ago
I'd be more into gravity falls right now if the fandom wasn't so allergic to being happy bc I'll be honest since trying to join I can't find. ANYTHING cute or happy its all SAD.
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doomordestiny · 2 years ago
the “you find god in pain” line from the foundations of decay is sooo gillion chosen one under the care of the elders coded to me
i wholeheartedly believe any suffering and pain he went through was dismissed as something that was just needed to be the chosen one. that the pain was good and it meant he was really training. he began to not care about it. any bruise, stab, beating, or other painful thing inflicted became numb to him. he was used to it, if not welcoming to it sometimes. it was worrying, but nobody saw it, because he wasn’t around others enough for them to help. he thought the pain was necessary, he didn’t know anything else. he was told it was good, and that the gods and the elders thanked him for it.
but it still hurt him. he was a child. he was forced into things he shouldn’t have been and as he got older he became less numb but instead too tired to care. he just got really, Really good at not showing it anymore. but deep down he still thinks it doesn’t matter if hes hurt and in pain, as long as hes fighting and doing what needs to be done. sometimes he still thinks he has to hurt for it to mean something.
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