#the orange looks like a potato but. i couldnt make it bright orange
kayak-lmao · 2 months
I tried :']
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lucylucciendo-blog · 6 years
Les Luttes de L'Amour Part 5
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London is one of the many cities that never seem to sleep especially at 8 in the morning on a Wednesday where rush hour is once again alight. I could hear the buzz and many car horns outside my window as I lay down in bed. I turned on to my side trying to block out the noise as I heard a series of beeps from my phone next to me. I slowly opened my eyes and adjusted my vision.
Shit was the first word that came to mind as it all came rushing back as I remembered the events that transpired last night.
 I sat up in my bed and grabbed my phone. I looked at the time and couldnt believe I slept in til 12 which was so unlike me. 11 missed calls from Alex, 2 from Christian and 3 from Julie. I probably should have explained myself to Julie so I gave her an overdue text saying that I was alright and that my mum had a turn. I then ignored everything from Alex and went straight to Christian. He text me asking after me as I sat in one of the best hotels in my entire life. I tried calling him but he didn't answer so I sent him a text instead;
12.05p.m.- Me: Christian I fell straight asleep last night I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner as I should have. I honestly don't know what to say I had one of the best sleeps of my life mind you that could have something to do with all the crying😂 anyway I have no idea how to repay you of this! You honestly shouldn't have thank you so so much. I can't explain to you how much this meant to me. Call me when you get this x
I heard a knock at the door and put my phone down. I put on my complimentary dressing gown and opened the door to a waiter and a trolley.
"Good morning miss, breakfast is served mind the clichè!...May I?" He moved his head indicating for him to come in after staring at my blank and rather shocked expression for 5 seconds. I was so taken aback but smiled and replied;
"Of course sorry yes, sorry I wasn't expecting You!"
"Compliments of Mr Yu!" He smiled and pushed they trolley over to the table. He placed the dishes on top and removed the lids after ushering me to sit down.
"Now here we have french toast, scrambled eggs, bacon and potato scones with orange juice, mini muffins and a hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows! Enjoy miss"
He placed a napkin on my knee and let himself out. I was still trying to process that Christian not only got me a room but a penthouse suite at the best hotel in the whole of England but also remembered what I like for breakfast after all these years. I remembered the days when we would have breakfast together either at his or mine. All of the laughs we had all of the memories all of the pain that soon followed. Although my mind couldn't help wander back to last night when I saw my boyfriend cheat on me which I assumed was not the first time he had done so recalling all of the times he had weirdly cancelled coming with me on my trips last minute for 'business'. This would definitely add to the list of trust issues that already took up my bookcase.
It was definitely a hurdle to get over after Christian left but then again here he was redeeming himself telling me he called and texted and flew in to find me only to see a house where I used to stay and where a new family took over. How could he have known I moved house if he never answered my calls that somehow he never seemed to have received. For some reason I believed his story in that he never got my messages I'm not quite sure why but I could always seem to tell when he was lying or telling the truth even after all the years apart.
I then took this opportunity to text Alex the last message I planned on sending him in my full life;
13:12p.m. Me: I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to work anything out with you, we are done, I never want to see you again and I want you out of my house and leave your key. Have a nice life.
I ate my delicious breakfast that I was somehow upset over since I knew I would never eat an amazing breakfast like that ever again. I demolished it and jumped into the shower and began getting ready. As I was putting my earrings in I heard another knock at the door. I opened it to find the only person I wanted to see. He immediately brought me in to his chest and wrapped his arms around me.
"Y/N I am so sorry, I should have gone with you, I should have never ever left you I can't believe I left you again but it's alright I've dealt with it he won't be bothering you ever again I promise!"
"Christian it's okay honestly I'm fine and it's all thanks to you I can't believe your here!!"
"How could I not be here he's a jerk, he doesn't deserve you he never did and I promise you'll never see him again!"
"Wait what do you mean you've dealt with it?" I chuckled as I pulled apart slightly as to not escape his hold but look into his eyes.
"It doesn't matter but your safe now! Y/N I don't want to lose you ever again and I want to give you everything you have missed over the last couple of years and everything you deserve! I actually have something to confess" he moved you in and closed your door as he sat you down on your bed.
"When I say that I didn't get any of your calls, emails or texts I meant it, as a matter of fact I talked with my manager who also had no clue how that happened who then took it up with my publicist who was also with me at the time we broke up. It was him Y/N, he blocked your number from my phone and changed my email address, he manipulated the full team and members of my friends and family that I was somehow better off without you and that it was your fault of ou breakup. He, He was always with me all of the time back then so he had easy access to my phone and my life. Apparently if I had a girlfriend it would have been harder to make an impact in the music industry and get where I am today. But thing is, I'm miserable without you. You've been on my mind for all these years to be truthful, you never left. I've always regretted breaking up and leaving you. You were my whole life and I honestly... I need you back in it. I miss you so fucking much your like a drug that I constantly need to survive. I never found anyone else like you and I don't want to ever look again. I found and made a life without you and I hate it. I need you Y/N and I know what I did broke you and I know what Alex has just done must have hurt like hell but I'm here for you and I'll wait until whenever your ready I don't honestly care how long I have to wait, as long as I'm with you." his eyes beaming so bright as he declared his love with a huge smile taking over his face.
I let out a deep breath and leaned in towards him grabbing his hair pulling him into me. It felt like slow motion as our eyes gazed into each others and our lips slowly met. And then we touched and it felt as if a million sparks had finally been released like my cravings and love I had so longed for was now all being fulfilled as I pulled my hand through the strands of his hair. I felt the same. Life wasn't ever the same without him and I craved his touch and affection once more. And alas after years of separation I was now back where I had always belonged. I opened my lips as his tongue explored me. My stomach was going crazy with somersaults and felt as if there was a full on rave and party happening in me. This was the kind of love I had been missing, this was the feeling I had wished for so damn long. This was all I had wanted, something Alex could not and never gave me.
I gripped his cheek and slid my arm down to grab his hand. I just didn't expect him to wince and grunt out in pain.
"What's wrong?" You exclaimed. Confused you brought your gaze down to his hand then let out a loud gasp.
"Christian oh my god what happened to your hand?"
That story however had to be rewinded to when Christian arrived at my apartment the night before as I drifted off to a deep sleep.
He rang the doorbell like any good guest and waited for the son of the bitch who hurt the only girl he ever loved. He would talk to him, explain who he was, get some of my things and tell him to be out by the morning and never return. However as he opened the door and as Christian saw his face he couldn't help or stop the powerful fiery rage that burned within him so his instincts kicked in and he clenched his fists and jaw.
"Who are you?" Christian still very much trying to calm himself saw a figure moving in the background in the corner of his eye. He turned and saw a girl in a dressing gown drinking a cup of coffee leaning against the table.
And that was it for him. He didn't care or want to even try hold in his anger anymore. He had had more than enough with this guy. The fact that he not only cheated but didn't even bother to get rid of the girl, in fact she was still there drinking my coffee and sitting on my table enraged him even more. And that's when he found himself punching Alex in the face.
The girl didn't even try to stop she ran behind the couch. Alex put his arms up as defence trying to block Christian but Christian was angry, in fact the only thing that did stop him was his phone ringing as he thought it might have been from me. He slowly came back to reality as he looked at his phone and saw it was from the hotel. He quickly answered and received information that I was safely in bed. He took a breath and turned off his phone. He looked over at the quivering man.
"How could you do that to her? She was already way broken before you and you just destroyed her. She may never love ever again because of you. I know what I did was wrong but at least a lot of that had to do with miscommunication. I still thought of her every-day and tried to contact her but you!" He looked at him with complete disgust which you could here in his voice. "You, you betrayed her, you actually cheated on the most amazing person you will ever meet and you have the audacity to do it in her apartment and not even get rid of the girl you cheated on her with. No, you give her coffee and I can only presume one of Y/N's dressing gowns. You have until noon tomorrow to pack up your stuff and get out and yes I will be back on the dot to check make sure your ass is out of the building." he turned to go and stopped his tracks. "Also, you might need some ice for that face and no don't you even think about taking Y/N's. Even her fucking water is too good for a spineless ignorant ass such as yourself." then he walked out leaving the room still and speechless.
Christian had anticipated my reaction might not have been so favourable since I didn't have a great fondness of violence but instead of all that crap I pushed him to the wall and started kissing him again. His hands were on my waist pulling me closer to him but he couldn't help but pull apart to ask one thing.
"Y/N, I need to ask you a question, will you be my girlfriend again?" I looked up at him and gave him huge smile.
"Yes, of course!"
It was three years later and the butterflies were going crazy within the pit of my stomach. 
"Y/N, you look beautiful!" Julie wiped the tears from her eyes protecting her makeup.
"Thank you!" I couldn't stop smiling I was just too excited.
"Your mother and father will be watching over you now with only pride and happiness." Christian's mother said as she squeezed my hand and said farewell for now as she wen to take her seat.
"Can I just say, I'm honoured to walk with you today, I know your father will have dreamt of this moment and I only hope to do him justice." Christian's father said.
"Thank you so much for doing this. I honestly can't wait anymore!"
"Are you ready Y/N?"
"To marry the love of my life? I've never been more ready in my entire life!"
 The End.
I hoped you enjoyed this series as much as I did writing it!
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