#idk if we still tag spoilers for this game its been a while
victheclown · 4 months
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Me when i play game and get to end boss and go "Ultimate Madoka Reference real?????"
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officialdaydreamer00 · 9 months
Dear Star Child, if this letter could see it's way to Idia Shroud, I would be most grateful. If you could get the gummy sharks to Idia I would be very happy, but the rest of the sweets are for you ^w^
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Dear Idia Shroud,
Wow, it has been a while since I've written a letter that's not for school. Nvm, I have never written a letter outside of school; guess I'm finally putting that knowledge to use… Oh where to to begin, I'm rlly bad at doing the whole social thing yet if you would let me I'd be yapping on for eternity but luckily this is a letter and I have to condense it.
Well, Happy New Year! How the sale going? From what I can see into your world it looks amazing especially Ortho's gear. I'm always so impressed that someone was able to make a robotic body that ranged in movement-- here it feels like we just barely started to touch on robotics here, yet you are designing outfits for Ortho like it's nothing. Honest question, did you bless me with luck for the gacha or something did you know I fell like right when the clock hit midnight or someth, but srsly getting three SSRs without even indenting on getting them is something? I had to get a blessing from you or something. My irl would say that is a blessing from you… they have said "At this point I'm scared your obsession with Idia will transport you into the game" well I do wi Imagine if that happened? I don't even know what I would do? I think I would miss my friends but idk if they would miss me.
ANYWAYS, thats sad, moving on. I could have actually missed all of this I could have been boring and sad and still stuck on my utdr phase. Though it wouldn't be too bad Undertale and Deltarune still have th- WAIT YOU ARE A PURE SOUL-- FREE FROM UNDERTALE SPOILERS. Well I know whats happening if I ever get isekai'd. Gosh I would love to actually sit beside you and watch you play games. It's almost fascinating watching someone who is good at games play… Ehe.. I rlly don't know how to end this? Thx for existing please continue to do that.
P.S. Rlly srry for an typos, I wrote this at like 3 am cause I woke up n couldn't go back to sleep.
~ Your moonlight
(HELP ITS 4:30)
oh I LOVE THE BLUE THEME!! had a bit of oopsie delivering this letter but it's all good!! ( ^-^)/ *
Hey Moonlight.
Ugh nvm that sounds cringe please ignore that-- You know I'm not good with this thing either, so I'm gonna ramble if you don't mind. (I hope you don't or it'd be so embarrasing hhhhhhh)
I guess because of our worlds' differences that you'd find Ortho's gears impressive. I mean, I still do, and he's my brother now, he's gotta have the best tech to accomodate his needs. Your world sounds lowkey slow if they haven't even scratched the basics of robotics yet. Still I gotta hand it to them for making a kinda gateway connecting our worlds together.
YOU GOT? THREE?? SSR CARDS OF ME??? IS THAT WHY I KEPT FAILING GACHA EVENTS?? BC MY LUCK WENT TO YOU???? /j but congrats ig. Hope my cards been helping you through the game(?) By the Sevens, that is so weird knowing that I'm just a game character in your world.
But anywho, ignoring that blatant spoiler of fandoms I've never heard of before, for some reasons, I don't exactly mind having someone like you playing games with me beside Ortho. Maybe it'd be easier to breathe than going out and socialise with normies ugh.
Help how do I end a letter Happy New Year, may you be blessed with luck through the gacha system ig.
Idia Shroud
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tags: @identity-theft-101 @twistwonderlanddevotee @ameleii @vioisgoinginsane @cave-of-jade
remember to reblog if you enjoy my works!! ^-^
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warriorend-2 · 1 year
ok ok since i can't be stupid and gay all the time (<- college student)
putting this shit under a cut bc while it's mostly just me rambling it's. spoiler heavy. & also wound up being 1600 words. sorry
1: possibly the most glaring thing, which makes me doubt the Phantom being a lot of otherwise-possible candidates, is that they would have to be very good at infiltration
-I presume Roxana didn't put the medal in her computer herself, which means whoever did put it there had to get in after she left, get into the computer without waking up Robutler, modify it to put it there, & put everything back (mostly) the way it was & leave a combination. granted maybe they just gave the medal to Roxana to put in there, but like. why
-getting it into that spot in the mines wouldn't have been too hard i don't think, just. knowing where the mine is and then sneaking in during off-duty hours (...assuming those happen)
-tbh the one in blind spot is probably the easiest to place given that it's just behind a license plate, & cars do have to stop sometimes even if it's not often
-i'm. not sure how they got the medal into hot water though. i'm guessing they snuck it in among the materials? (the other option here is that Zor had a hand in getting it there, which opens up a whole other can of worms so i'm not gonna. think about that one too hard)
-the one in cold shoulder is also not too hard to see it getting there. i would laugh if they had to make a mold of that little compartment & then make a block of ice for it though.
-the one in kboom is where i'm like. OK this facility is presumably not super new but it's also not super old given its current purpose. it may have been repurposed but still. how did they get the medal where it is and then also tag the bucket. the volcano doesn't look like it's horribly far away from shore (in the ending credits) but (also i'm aware the medal shouldn't even be able to be where it is but. yknow.)
and odds are that it doesn't matter that much, i'm just. they had a little safe set up in the control point already, they had access to the pneumatic tubes, etc. if the locations have any bearing and aren't just "here's somewhere to stick this puzzle that would be hard to figure out", then that implies some Shit about the phantom (& possibly also their allies. if they have any. if they do I highly doubt they're Agency-related.). given where the phantom gets to i am somewhat leaning towards the idea it may be V. Vitti (also the. insignia), given that we've seen the sort of places Agent Phoenix gets into (...seat of power) & so
2: Zor's goals feel a lot more on a personal bent this game, not just irt destroying the Agency but also. destroying the kinesium & anything that uses it. so whatever their reason, it seems to be a lot more personal (+ they actively Address the player more often, which could be Phoenix's infamy but also in the other games they were barely present, both in terms of voicelines & actual like. Story Push. they were a very passive supervillain in the other games, is what i'm saying)
which leads me up to like. we all know characters can lie, & in this series it's kinda expected, but. idk. i keep circling back to the shield generator. & the lava generators being accessible from Phoenix's cabin, but not the one Roxana was in. & Phoenix's cabin seemingly having all this shit that the others didn't have, & it could have been a tactical choice on Phoenix's part, but.
i mean. Zor does definitely say they want you dead, but they don't say it directly a whole lot (iirc they say "kill you and Prism" but otherwise they don't directly address the player in death threats, it's usually just. agents, plural. or "whatever end you meet" which is also a threat but is vague)
which just. why is Agent Phoenix still alive? Game design aside, of course. It wouldn't be much of a game if the villain kills you in the first level, after all.
But it feels, to me, like the weaknesses are far too glaring to be just missed over, especially in 3, because. if they want you dead that badly, why. why leave things so safe?
Hot Water is one i wind up on a lot, because you could chalk things up to being deathtraps, but Ollie knew about the gas and the grenade trap, & seemed completely unfazed by them (& kinda implied that's just How It Is for new folks), so they're not necessarily targeted, it's just standard practice. Putting aside the fact that even if they were intended to be deathtraps, they're so. Mild. to put it bluntly. Zor knows Phoenix by this point, knows the shit they've pulled & survived, a gas trap & a grenade in a vending machine feel very. yknow. that's like throwing a rock at the back of someone's head, comparatively
and then the KBOOM demo & the shield generator, both explicitly left for you to see. & it's a pretty 1-to-1 comparison for how the actual KBOOM mission goes, except for the telekinesis save at the end. the squid gets involved, but for the most part, considering it's a lab Zor loosely implies they were at, the security is very. lax. & everything is accessible to the "new hire", popsicle-ID necessity aside. (also apparently Ollie has been down there a while, given he doesn't seem to. know about the whole "world domination" thing. which is Eerie because if that's the case then how long exactly has the whole Kinesium thing been a plan?)
to me. & it has felt like this since the end of the second game. When Zor says they want you dead, there's a whole host of unstated conditions to that, which they would be good at given the whole CEO thing.
"I want you dead if you aren't good enough at your job to survive" sort of deal. which also lines in nicely with how they seem to be as an Actual Boss. of course, they never say the second part out loud, but. short of them just being Really Smart in a lot of cases (failsafe in Juniper's mask, leading Roxana along long enough to get her research & then trying to kill her, etc) but Really Dumb in others (leaving the shield generator, making the squid the only real danger to Phoenix down there, not having any failsafes to make sure the missiles launch at the end of 2 even if the briefcase is compromised (or just not using them), etc), it's like. the ways their plans get foiled at the end of 2 & 3 feels intentional.
plus you could make the argument that Roxana was also being used to lead Phoenix along until they were where Zor wanted them, at which point both of what they were using her for (Kinesium research, kite Phoenix around until they're in position, even if that second one wasn't in the deal) was done & they could get rid of her without feeling bad.
would stopping KBOOM have been possible without Roxana's help? Dunno. Not the way it's presented in-game, because in-game she was also instrumental to stopping it.
i'm also going to briefly play semantics for a second. i'm not sure i consider "even the great Agent Phoenix will eventually burn out" to be a threat because. that's what phoenixes do. They burn, and then they come back. Sometimes it takes a while, but. if i'm not just thinking about semantics Way Too Hard, the wording of "burn out" suggests something far different than "die". combining that with Zor talking about the Agency like That, & the Phantom (at least vaguely) implying prior experience with the Agency, & realizing that their involvement would cost them their life, makes me think. maybe "burn out" isn't a threat of death, but a threat of something about Phoenix changing soon. Maybe as a result of almost dying. "burn out" is also used for like. becoming exhausted, stopping trying, & maybe that too. who knows. i don't, i'm not on the dev team, i'm just some 21 year old chewing on semantics.
at the end of the day, my current standing on Theories is. hard to sum up but i will do my best. o7
-The phantom is probably one of a very small handful of candidates, & I'm leaning towards it being V. Vitti or maybe possibly Zor in a funny hat.
-Zor is trying to kill Phoenix, but not inescapably. maybe they're testing Phoenix, maybe they're just trying to almost-kill Phoenix enough times they get tired of the Agency and fuck off so Zor can do the whole "world domination" thing (which i am not. wholly convinced they actually are after.)
-summing those two up made me think of something else. perhaps the Phantom was also testing Phoenix in a roundabout way, by seeing if they could survive everything else, because they only show up in the third game. Their note opening with "it seems you're as good as they say" indicates they are at least familiar with Phoenix & their reputation, albeit maybe not directly (if it is Vitti, i doubt she would have access to Agency knowledge, but post-Rising Phoenix, once the rumors started getting out...)
-this is a silly theory i like to throw around in my head, but i'm very fond of it, so: the "death room" you go to after dying in a mission may not necessarily always indicate Actual Death. in some cases, yes, but in other cases. idk. i've always gotten more the vibe of having been captured as opposed to outright killed (although being able to respawn does throw a wrench in there, but oh well. game has to be a game & all)
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alismodworld · 1 year
Alright well I might as well give my thoughts on the movie
Okay we clear? Cool. So, The Super Mario Bros movie. It was good but I honestly had no doubt it wasn't gonna be good after seeing the trailers and the promos. Of course as with everyone else my only point of fear was Chris Pratt's voice, but while I was watching the movie I realized its actually okay. It never annoyed me and it even fits Mario somehow (yeah I said it come at me). Now that I'm thinking about it, if Charles Martinet was casted it really wouldn't have worked. Whenever we see Mario in the game he's always happy and bouncy, rarely ever serious or emotional so having a voice like that probably wouldn't have made the more serious parts of the movie work at all and at best I would've laughed at how ridiculous it was and at worst I would've been sinking far back into my chair. No disrespect to the guy at all, he does a phenomenal job in the games, but I just don't think he'd work too well in the movie. He does get a nod to in the movie which is great!
The movie is gorgeously animated and I love how the characters translated perfectly on the big screen. The backgrounds were spectacular. And the way the incorporate the elements of the games into the movie to create this world is *chefs kiss*. Everything makes sense and it's not too on the nose, it's believable.
It's a very simple movie, nothing too crazy and if you have very basic knowledge of the Mario franchise you'll get what's going on like how I did. All the characters acted perfectly to how I expected them to and nobody really annoyed me. My only problem is with Cranky Kong's voice. Sorry, but Fred Armisen's voice just doesn't match up with Cranky's appearance.
Jack Black absolutely killed it with Bowser. He was the perfect amount of comedy and intimidation. AND THE PEACHES SONG THREW ME SO OFF GUARD I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO BUT JUST SIT AND STARE!!
Also, PEACH! Oh my god I loved Peach in this movie!! I was scared and honestly expecting her to be too much of a "strong female character" rather than a strong character who happens to be female and she's definitely the latter. She's kind, she's helpful, she's patient, she cares deeply about her subjects, kingdom and everyone in general and she can kick serious ass too. I'm gonna be honest, in my years of playing Mario on and off I never really cared for Peach, IM SORRY TO SAY, I WAS DUMB KID! But watching her in this movie, I absolutely love her!!! AND SHE GOT LORE ON TOP OF THAT?!??
Also usually I hate the whole male character and female character get shoehorned together and end up falling in love trope, but here? PERFECT!! I also never really cared for Mareach but, I'm a changed woman and I never wanted two characters to get together so bad. I absolutely loved their chemistry as it was so organic. Of course they don't which I'm fine with but, maybe potential in the sequel?
All the action sequences were done great in my opinion and actually exceeded my expectations in some cases as I was genuinely expecting nothing but slapstick but we got a healthy amount of slapstick and serious action.
The final battle and climax was amazingly done!! Ugh that hug Mario and Luigi shared was amazing!!!
Okay now for what I didn't like
I wish we had more Luigi scenes. I understand that he's the one who's kidnapped and is basically the whole reason the movie happens but we got only a few scenes with him either running away or being trapped or integrated. I would've loved maybe a scene with him trying to be brave and find a way out or rally others to help each other escape which could've added to his character. Like it's called The Super Mario BROS movie...
Also Toad is just...there. I get he's the comic relief but he really doesn't do much other than tag along. The most I remember him doing was showing Mario to the kingdom, that's it. Idk maybe do something more to flesh out his character, why is he so eager to help Mario and Peach? Why is he an adventurer? What are his goals? Stuff like that.
Also no chain chomps...worst movie, 0/10, D-tier/j
I heard people were talking about the pacing which yeah it's a little fast but it's not too quick in my opinion. I think if they let certain scenes play out longer it would've benefited the movie.
But over all it's a really good movie. Not ground breaking but really good, happy, healthy fun. And I'm quite impressed considering it came from Illumination.
Here's to hoping this movie will pave the way to a Zelda movie!!
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normally-o-a-k · 2 years
Hey look a fanfiction
Friends to lovers, multi chapter, no beta we die like Glenn, idk what to tag this I’ve never written fic before lmao, spoilers kinda? I’m gonna genuinely miss writing this.
Rating: Teen
Chap 8/8 (this is it folks)
Previous chapter:
After the first month of earnest whispered ‘I love you’s from Scam, it became an obvious game.
Another month full of portals opening at various points in the week. Scam leaning casually over the edge of them to smile and wink and tell him he loves him, all perfectly timed to continually burn up whatever Jodie had been holding at the moment.
Jodie hadn’t been counting everything he’d lost to this game, but he was relieved that the times it had be reports, he’d always been heading to the shredder anyway. In its own way Scam’s game had been working, the intensity of the flames had lessened recently but it was still a fairly large inconvenience.
So when Scam opens a portal next to him while he’s brushing his teeth, leaning on it like it’s a windowsill, he’s no longer surprised.
“Hello again handsome~! Did you miss me? You know I’ve missed you ~<3” Scam rests his hand on his cheek. “We fought some guys yesterday and one of them had a ruby that was the same color as your eyes, and I couldn’t help but think of you~”
Jodie smiles, rinsing his mouth and putting the toothbrush which he was sure Scam was hoping to watch him melt, down on the sink. “Of course I missed you…”
“How much~?” Scam smiles “I need to know~ it’s very much a competition”
He laughs softly “hm, enough to want to pull you through that portal and smother you with kisses”
“What a delicious way to die! I think I’m ready! I’m a willing sacrifice if that’s my method of expiry~!” Scam laughs, rolling over so he can play dead, dramatically hanging half out of the portal. He opens one eye to see if Jodie has picked up his toothbrush again.
Jodie laughs and picks it up. “Go ahead”
“Oooh? You’re giving me permission~?” He turns back over and grins
“Does that take the fun out of it?” He laughs “Sorry, I’m just glad I get to see you so often…and I like hearing you say it…”
“I love you~”
Jodie blushes but notably does not catch on fire, which surprises even him.
“Finally~!” Scam grins and climbs out of the inky black void of the portal to pull him into a kiss. Jodie leans in, tossing his toothbrush back behind him towards the sink so both his his hands are free to try and pull Scam closer, stumbling forward until Scam’s back hits the wall.
Scam breaks the kiss grin stretching ear to ear. He peppers his face with kisses, punctuating each one with an ‘I love you’, thrilled that he could without getting burned.
Jodie smiles and pulls him closer, resting his head against Scams chest, confident in how he’d been feeling he decides it’s time to finally say it… “Scam… I love you too”
Scam freezes, all three eyes widening, his tail flicking back and forth. “Jodie~” his face completely magenta from how hard he was blushing. “How off the table is spending the night?~”
“I’m still not ready for anything like-“
“Just sleeping~ I mean the just sleeping sort of spending the night~” he could wait as long as Jodie needed for anything else.
“That sounds nice…” he nods and pulls back from the embrace to lead him out of the bathroom and into his bedroom.
“You’ve never let me in your bedroom before~” Scam grins “Maybe I’ll ask to stay every night~”
“You’re saying that like I would tell you no…” he climbs into bed already in a tshirt and flannel pj pants. He was starting to feel a little nervous.
“I suppose I need to actually wear Pajamas from now on then~” With a snap of his fingers he was dressed in a silk pajama set. He lifts the blanket and climbs under the covers, His four arms wrap around Jodie’s waist, pulling him close.
Scam was in no way ready for how intensely the bed would smell like Jodie, now completely surrounded by the smell of cinnamon and leather. He hadn’t prepared himself for how warm it would be with Jodie nestled against his neck, His fingers tracing circles on Scam’s back as he starts to relax. It was comforting and he knew he wasn’t going to want to leave in the morning.
“Glenn and Nicky are coming home tomorrow… They’ll be here for breakfast” Jodie yawns.
“Oh.” He’d have to be gone then, fairly early too since Jodie was a morning person…He gently runs his fingers through Jodie’s hair. “Don’t worry~ I’ll leave before they get here~ Nicky won’t-“
“Scam I want you to join us… I think It’s probably time to tell Nicky that we’re seeing eachother”
“You’re sure?~”
“Yes…he’s probably got a pretty good idea something’s up anyway. “ he smiles and leans up to kiss his cheek. “Goodnight Scam… I love you”
“I love you too~”
Of all the people to show up for the Close-Foster family meals, Nicky had not expected Scam. He eyes him suspiciously through the doorway but doesn’t yet say anything about it. “Is mom coming?”
“Not today, she’ll be here tomorrow though, she misses you too” Jodie pulls him in for a hug. Morgan wasn’t an uncommon guest in hell, they’d remained friends after the separation and if Jodie was right there was interest growing between her and Glenn so she was going to be in his life for the long haul.
Glenn raises an eyebrow when he sees Scam standing as awkwardly as he feels by the breakfast table in the next room. He walks over and pats him hard on the back “I was wondering where you got off to last night”
“Don’t expect me to sleep at camp ever again~ Jodie is just so deliciously comfortable, I’m intent on breaking him out of his habit of being an early riser~” he smirks.
“…gross. Look, if you two are getting more serious about each other that’s great, but I know you like to say stuff that’s not exactly kid friendly…just remember Jodie is Nicky’s dad so when you say weird shit it’s going to effect him”
“oh no worries Glenn~ I wouldn’t dream of upsetting my future step son~”
“Oh I really really don’t like that. Scam, listen, Nicky’s approval is a big deal, don’t fuck this up.” He pats him on the back again “if you do, you can just toss any future you’ve got in you head out the window. The kid matters more than you, comprende?”
He actually hadn’t considered how important this breakfast could be before right now. “Even if he loves me~?”
“It won’t matter if Nicky wants you gone”
He stands up a bit straighter. “Well I certainly don’t want that~ I suppose I should actually say hello now~” he steps away from where Glenn cornered him, walking as casually as he can up to Jodie and Nicky. “Good morning Nicky~ I hope you slept well? Yesterday sure was fun wasn’t it~?”
Nicky makes a face “we had to kill like three guys yesterday… so I mean … yeah I guess?” He looks to Jodie “Dad… why is he here?”
Jodie pats Nicky’s shoulder “let’s all go eat and we can talk about it?”
Nicky, having not gotten the answer he wanted, looks at Glenn. He finger tuts ‘what’s going on?’
Jodie catches the movement out of the corner of his eye and glares at Glenn mouthing ‘don’t you dare’
Glenn looks between the two “He’ll tell you, just wait…”
Nicky grumbles but heads to the table regardless, sitting in his usual spot.
Jodie relaxes, waiting for everyone to sit down infront of their pancakes. “So, how was your week?”
Glenn just shrugs and starts digging in “still net zero info.”
Nicky doesn’t touch his pancakes yet. “My week was fine.” It was a terse response. He didn’t like that Jodie was hiding something from him.
Scam was nervous now, how do you impress children? Surely if he hadn’t made a positive impression with all his jokes and japes over the last year or so, there wasn’t going to be much more he could do? He absolutely has to get Nicky’s approval…Sweets maybe? He reaches over, hand outstretched, various types of unwrapped candy oozing from his palm and dropping onto Nicky’s pancakes.
Nicky tries not to gag and pushes his plate away, looking at Jodie with urgency. “DAD.”
Glenn cracks up “holy shit”
Scam hesitates and then slides his uneaten plate of pancakes towards Nicky. “Apologies~ I just thought you’d like sweets~ don’t all children wish they could have candy for breakfast?”
Jodie just buries his face in his hands “Scam what are you doing?”
“Was that the wrong move?~” Scam takes the plate covered in candy and unhinges his jaw, pouring the contents of the dish into his mouth. “There, it’s gone~!”
Nicky frowns. “Dad. Why is Scam here?”
Jodie sighs “yeah okay…I was kind of hoping this would go a bit smoother…”
Scam fidgets with a fork, he’d fucked up. It’d been only a few minutes into the breakfast and he’d blown it.
“You know how your Mom and I haven’t been together for a while? Well… Scam and I really like each other and-“
“What?!” Nicky wasn’t sure what exactly he was feeling besides pure unadulterated shock.
“We love each other” Jodie looks as nervous as Scam is. “So he’s going to be around a lot…”
He wanted his dad to be happy but… this was the weirdest possible choice. “Am…I going to have to call him ‘dad’?”
“No, of course not…” Jodie relaxes and reaches out for Scam’s hand, still looking at Nicky “Are you… okay with it?”
“I mean he’s really weird Dad…but yeah…just… how long have you guys… been dating?”
Scam grins “The week after next is our three month anniversary~! I’ve never been so excited about the passing of time~<3”
Jodie blushes “you’ve been keeping track?”
“Of course I have~ Every minute I get to spend as your lover means so much to me~ ” he leans on the table, resting his chin on his hands, his grin widening, absolutely smitten with Jodie.
“Oh god, please don’t call my dad your ‘lover’… just say boyfriend….” The reality of it was starting to hit Nicky. Scam was part of his dads life, potentially forever judging by how sweetly they were staring at each other.
Glenn pats Nicky on the back “they’re kinda grossly sweet together huh? You should be happy for your dad”
“Yeah I am…but…. If Scam hurts him I’ll kill him myself”
Glenn laughs “you’re a good kid.”
Jodie smiles and holds Scams hand across the table. Nicky being on board meant they were free to be open about how they felt for each other now.
Scam was relieved, He’d been accepted, albeit begrudgingly, but still accepted none the less. This meant he was part of the family now didn’t it? How wonderful! His grin widens and with a lilt of curiosity asks “How long until we consider Marriage?~”
Jodie instantly ignites.
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avemstella · 2 years
Tumblr only just showed me that @ksjundel2003 tagged me with this just now, as technology does. I'll always take the chance to ramble (also thank u for the compliment ahhh :D). These ended up being essays hahahaaaha
1. Three Ships: Uhhh so I'm in a weird place where I'm not actively shipping anything. Like don't get me wrong I still love many ships (I'm a super multi shipper, I have no idea how people dedicate their online everything to one ship) I'm just currently not actively pursuing certain ship tags rn... Hmm hxh's return reminded me of how much I love Leopika, I got into fe3h in this last year and I've read a silly amount of dimiclaude. Also finally got around to getting into mp100 and Terumob is so cute.
Genshin thats what people are here for but if I'm honest while I still am very into the game, I haven't read genshin fic consistently for a while and thats how I interact with shipping the most. Like I love Chili, theres a reason I have plans for that ship, but I haven't read a fic with them in forever (and in the more recent examples it was me searching for found fam harb content). I also adore Kaebedo but same story. I love a lot of genshin ships, many 'contradictory' (love Zhongven as well for example), I just haven't been brainrotting about any of them for a while. God that sounds so morose pfft, its really me just letting my brain take a break and experience other things! Also just know I do think about the final planned Zhongli and Childe scene in this fic (well for the main fic at least) every once in a while and grin like a loon. Hehehe I love it so much and rip its so far away (though also once I get there it'll be right near the end and that thought makes me sad).
Also I think about my fic specific ships a lot too. Sandy and Nella for example have a scene that brings me much amusement in a couple chapters (those 2 always bring me joy). Also I've been recently thinking about the ot3 that's a big old spoiler. There's this angsty but also hopeful romantic scene that's been banging around in my head that I literally can't use in my fic it doesn't work with the timeline. But I love it, maybe an eventual bonus chap. (all I'll say on this ot3 is that at least 1 person is a harb). And taras x any harb that isn't his bro, my favorite running gag I take too seriously. Also Madame Volkov x Tsar, I can't wait to reveal why that ship cracks me up (also weirdly angsty).
uhhh that was way too long of an answer um sorry.
2. First ever ship: God I don't know. Probably amuto from Shugo Chara (I was elementary/middle school, the age gap did not clock as weird then). However my first ship with taste was Soulsilvershipping from pokemon (god we need to bring back that ship name format, so fun). I didn't have fictional crushes the same way most seemed to, however what was close enough was Silver Pokemon my beloved. He spawned my love of grumpy long haired red heads so when I saw Diluc for the first time I remember going fuck I'm gonna love him (and I did haha).
3. Last song: uhhh fun fact I'm not a music person at all. As a child I hated it pfft, while I grew out of that I still have no idea what I'm doing with it. 90% of the music I listen to is from animatics (and back in the day from amvs) or musicals because plot. And u know u find a lot of musicals because of animatics its a cycle. However saying that I was listening to Ricky Montgomery, idk why.
4. Last movie: my parents were like we're watching a movie as a fam and in true Christmas spirit we watched Top Gun Maverick pfft. tbh the movie was fine but not the stunning piece of cinema everyone seemed to be saying... also super military propaganda but we all knew that
5. Currently reading? I'm catching up on the Ascendance of a Bookworm Light Novels (I'm on the last book in part 4 and I have part 5 #1 ready). I've also been really slowly reading through (and got back into after almost a year accidental break) Lout of the Counts Family. Also hunter x hunter (my brain is filled with Sheila theories, despite being the Harbinger found fam fic writer I don't care about the troop lol, just Sheila). I also have some DC comics open in my tabs because I want to watch the newest comicpop back issues episode. Its sort of strange I've been on a reading fan fic break of sorts haha, reading lots of original stuff.
6. Currently watching? uhhhh Mob Psycho though that just ended. Also me and my sis are watching Miraculous together. We used to watch it years ago and we are watching all the stuff we missed and cringing. I also am constantly watching lots of video essays, love a good video essay to put on while doing other things like playing genshin/art/etc
7. Currently consuming? We have a holiday party every year and my dad makes his amazing to die for lasagna (we are not remotely italian, but everyone we know says its amazing). So I've been eating those leftovers and having a time.
8. Currently craving? validation uhhh free time maybe. I had so much free time while I was away at school (well more like I should have been working on stuff time, but it was time I could organize myself). I'm home and between Christmas and parties and my grandparents/Cousins/feels like everyone visiting I've had no time for myself. I love seeing my cute baby cousins I don't get to see too often but its a lot. Also a job, I don't want to have to job but it'll get my mother off my case.
Well that ended on a too serious note haha. Also this was way too long and I have no idea who to tag and I'm anxious so uh, no one I guess. I must now return to my chaotic life, as one does.
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afoolandathief · 3 years
🖊 + lich from Something Wicked I spied in your tag game, if you want<3
Ehehehe, okay this is a very interesting ask because the lich in question, Raven, has been a lot of different things in each draft so far.
Not going to include every version of her because some of it is a bit yikes (even the prior version is very cringe). I'll put this all below the cut, but TWs for mentions of drinking, death and abuse (also, spoilers):
When Jade and Caz attend a party one of Jade's students invited her to, with plans to kill said student since she thinks he's trying to murder her (spoilers, it's someone else), Caz gets hit on by what appears to be a tiny goth 19-year-old named Raven. Despite Jade's impression of things when she sees the two from a distance, Caz is very, very put off by, as he puts it, a "prepubescent waif" flirting with him; but when he sees her falling down drunk and trying to walk to her car later on, he offers to accompany her while secretly trying to call her a cab.
Then she stabs him.
So what really is going on, is that the Southwestern Coven, under the thumb of Eva Van Hoesen from the Manhattan Coven, sent a reanimated corpse to bait a well-known lecherous vampire. She's not goth, she's just a pallid corpse dressed for a funeral. And the coven greatly misjudged Caz's character when picking proper bait for him.
In the previous draft, Raven was an actual person, who is also trying to bait Caz because she's actually dating a serial killer who needs him away from Jade because he just ... really wants to kill Jade for some reason?
Anyway, I kind of shudder thinking of that draft. I just ... okay, so in real life I've written about murder. I've read reports on assault and abuse. Serial killers and this idea of a stranger in the shadows is not that common. Attacks are usually by someone the victim knows. (take this all with a grain of salt, as I'm not an expert)
Now, this is a fictional story with witches and vampires; we don't have to be perfectly realistic. But this still felt flat. So, instead, it just became a guy who felt entitled to Jade. Who was nice to her, who liked her even if she was different. He liked that she's different, right? And then when she didn't reciprocate, he got mad. And attacks her.
But the girlfriend character didn't really fit into the story anymore (and really, I kind of hated her role, anyway). But I still needed some reason for Jade and Caz to separate, and I figured it was much spicier to have something appear to hint as to what's to come. Something that's clearly being controlled by someone more powerful than a corpse with a kitchen knife.
And, idk, hopefully it kind of turns it on its head. Who knows, by the final draft it may turn out I hated this version as well and there's something completely different.
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nadisabug · 4 years
Just Shut Up
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Pairing: Daichi Sawamura x gn!reader
Requested: @sugarlips000​
Warnings: SPOILERS for Interhigh Arc!!! hurt to comfort, angsty, theres fluff at the end I promise just wait 
Summary: It’s after the game and you’re trying to cheer up Daichi when he snaps at you. 
A/N: It’s never too much to ask!!! I loved writing this even though it felt a little ooc of Daichi BUT we all get that way you know it all becomes too much and you snap idk its just relatable but anyways sorry i took so long i was busy with the holidays but i hope you enjoy <3
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Haikyu!! Masterlist
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Everything seemed slow motion. 
Kageyama went for the ball, tossing it above his head. Hinata ran, then jumped. His arm moved so, so slow. The slap of a hand hitting the ball rang out in the room. I waited with bated breath to hear the slap as it hit the ground. 
But something interrupted it. A ba-dum, akin to a heartbeat rang out instead. The ball hit the block then fell. I watched in horror as four boys, one of them my boyfriend, dived with all of their might, crashing into each other. But they couldn’t reach it. The ball hit the floor. On our side. During match point. 
We were done. We lost. 
I bit back tears and turned to Saeko. She pulled me into a fierce hug. I did my best to hold back my tears but it was hard. The boys had worked so hard for this just to lose at the last moment- it was too much. 
I gave Daichi his space after the game, knowing the best thing for him was to be with his team. They were the only ones who really understood him right now. I knew my words could only go so far, and would probably be unwelcome with the loss still so fresh. 
So I went home with Saeko. I didn’t bother to find him after the game and have him walk me home like he usually did. He most definitely wouldn’t be in the mood. Plus I thought I heard from Saeko that the boys were going to dinner after the game. 
We didn’t text that night. He always needed space when he was upset, despite how hard it was for me to give it to him. He always asked for space after we fought. All I wanted to do is rush into his arms and comfort him, but I knew that’s not what he needed. So, I didn’t text him. 
The next morning I waited outside my house like usual. He always walked me to school unless he had morning practice, which I very highly doubted they would have after this game, so I waited. 
I was just about to head to school on my own when he turned the corner. I smiled and waved at him, but he didn’t reciprocate. This loss must have hit him harder than I thought. 
“Sorry I’m late,” he apologized gruffly. 
“It’s okay,” I smiled. I tried to act as upbeat as possible, praying my happiness would infect him. 
We started walking, but it didn’t seem like he wanted to talk. So I talked for him. I paused every moment or so to see if he wanted to join in, but all he did was grunt in response. I was hoping my talk would cheer him up, or at the very least get his mind off the game. 
“So we have that big project in English coming up, and I figure we’re going to be partners like always, so I was thinking for-”
“God will you just shut up?” Daichi snapped. He stopped walking to fix me with a hard glare. 
I stumbled to a stop as well, shocked by his tone. 
“I... I sorry,” I mumbled. I felt tears begin to prickle at my eyes, but I did my best to hold them back. 
“Oh no, Y/n,” Daichi rushed to get the words out of his mouth. “Y/n I’m sorry I didn’t mean to say that I just I just-”
He reached out to cradle my face but I took a step backwards. 
“No it’s okay, I get it. I was just trying to get your mind off of it but obviously it’s too soon.” I tried to walk away but Daichi grabbed my wrist and held on tightly. 
“No Y/n, it isn’t that it’s too soon it’s just I-” Daichi bit his lip. “I’ve been so strong around the boys I just- I just don’t want to pretend nothings wrong. Not with you.”
My face fell, understanding flowing through me. This poor boy has been pretending that nothing was wrong for so long that he didn’t even stop to let himself feel. 
I pulled him into a hug and immediately he started to sob, big heaving sobs. I rubbed his back and whispered to him, comforting him like he should have had this whole time. 
He cried for a while, letting it all out. 
After the crying subsided I pulled away a little. “Wanna head back to my place, skip school?”
He smiled softly and nodded. 
“We can watch a shitty movie and cuddle. Come on,” I prodded him with a smile, tugging on his hand. 
Even when he asked later in the afternoon to go practice, I knew he’d be okay. I knew because he had the boys to lean on. 
And now me.
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Taglists are open! Shoot me an ask or a dm with what fandom you want to be tagged in and I’ll do it right away! :)
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nefoe-dd · 3 years
I mentioned this in the tags of another post and joked about it in Discord but my brain went brrrr during my last class of the day and now I lowkey have a full plot starting to form lol.
Keep in mind the only Shin Megami Tensei game I’ve played myself is the Nocturne remake, plus I only really remember bits of the plot of 4 and whatever we’ve been given so far of 5 so I’m not super well versed in the series.
Also I’ll add this to the tags too but DSMP Spoilers specifically for the contents of Techno’s Will exist in this post, because that is where the idea for this came from. A lot of other JRPGs have similar plotlines but I specifically thought of SMT because its kind of a meme specifically for that at this point how the plot always seems to have the same type ending bosses. 
Also some spoilers for Shin Megami Tensei IV
Now Presenting: An AU where Techno’s Limbo is an SMT Game lol
(Under a ‘Read More’ because it got way ahead of me)
An Introduction to Relevant SMT terminology:
Demons: Makes up a large majority of the characters in the game. They are the enemies that you face in combat, and its possible to recruit them to your team through various means. Some demons exist in the overworld though, and can be talked to normally, they’re chill most of the time, unless you do something to tick them off. ‘Demon’ is not taken literally by the Christian definition, they are based off of various figures in folklore and religion around the world, some are even based on Gods and Angels.
Law vs Chaos: Many SMT games have multiple endings based on these two alignments, along with the neutral alignment. It is usually decided by some important decisions the player makes throughout the game. I’m most aware of the SMT 4 ending, in which the route you are on decides the final dungeon, the character you team with for the ending, and the final boss (its either Satan or the in-game version of God). It’s based off of the traditional interpretation of these two, where Law represents the importance of authority, and Chaos represents the importance of freedom. 
Another note is that a lot of SMT games take place in a post-apocalyptic world of some kind, which, spoiler, is the case here.
General Plot Details and Worldbuilding:
- Techno dies in the prison. The stasis chamber fails and Quackity succeeds in killing him. Permanently. 
- Despite dying, he wakes up again in the main prison cell, but things are different. The lava isn’t blocking the entrance anymore, (in fact there isn’t any lava at all), and he’s alone. Upon peering outside the main cell, he notices a bit of sky peeking through the prison ceiling, like it had been broken into. 
- The drop down to the bottom floor is long, but he’s dead, so he just shrugs and jumps down so he can see what’s going on. Turns out there are several holes in this part of the prison, in fact there are multiple on the ground, likely where the lava had escaped from. (Obviously Minecraft lava specifically doesn’t work like that, I’m pretty sure in the DreamSMP the bottom is all source blocks, but just ignore that bit). 
- He exits from the back wall of the prison, and everything there so far looks normal, except for the fact that there appears to be less trees than normal. Of the trees that are still there, many of them were cut down and never collected, and some appear to have fallen over due to some damage.
- Techno goes around the prison to the front, and that’s when he notices some things that are very wrong. Various parts of the prison, not just the main cell, are also sitting destroyed. Many cracks, scuff marks and full-on chunks are missing on the walls. The usual entrance which houses the nether portal is hardly still standing, and he can see straight into the main lobby where the portal would lead into once you were let through. 
- The surrounding areas are not much better. Tommy’s outpost is toppled over in the distance, only the base and bottom floor are left standing. The tents near the beach are collapsed and destroyed, the only remnants of one of them is a small piece of fabric ripped from the main bit and laying on the ground. Skeppy and Badboyhalo’s mansion is crumbling where it stands, half of the back wall and ceiling are gone. And that’s only what’s visible from here. 
- The rest of the server is also in various states of destruction, the spawn walls are hardly left standing, the main nether portal area is covered in potholes, none of the portals are active. The prime path is rotted and broken in most areas, the buildings along it are not faring much better than the ones he’d seen before. And the further he gets away from the prison, the more the plants themselves appear to be dead or dying. 
- L’manburg’s crater looks much the same as it once did right after its destruction, albeit with more debris at the bottom which had fallen from the sides as they slowly eroded. The flag at the bottom is torn up and discoloured, honestly its hardly recognizable. The nature that had finally begun to reclaim the land has slowly been dying instead over time, and the bridge overtop has completely collapsed. The only thing still standing, is the ever present obsidian grid that looms over it in the sky. He supposes that whatever disaster had caused this wasn’t able to reach that high up, or that it was at least in part done by someone that liked the way it looked. Not that there seems to be a need for the reminder anymore. 
- Something something, he finds out DreamXD is here, and that he might have had something to do with how this world looks. And as much as it shouldn’t matter in the afterlife, he did promise Phil he would be killing God sooooo he goes on a mission to do just that. He can do pretty much anything now that he really doesn’t have to worry about dying, so why not. He has no reason to care about some God, especially when they’re the only ones left.
- Some DSMP people hang around the world and are represented by certain demons, the mostly chill ones that kinda just hang around in the apocalyptic scenery. They don’t recognize him, it isn’t really the people he knows after all, but they are willing to talk to him since they can tell he isn’t human either. He learns little bits of what happened through them, and learns where DreamXD resides, that being one of the strongholds that’s a bit further out. 
- Unfortunately, due to the portals being inactive, and his inability to break anything efficiently, or even at all, he has to travel using the overworld. Along the way he manages to speak to some others, this allows him to better locate where the God is, although it doesn’t seem to be hiding out. He even sees it sometimes flying around, which he uses to follow where its hiding. 
- Some of the random demons he runs into recognize that he’s not supposed to be here (according to them at least), so he has to fight his way through them. Luckily, many of the friendly demons that he talks to end up tagging along in order to help, thus making up a team he can use to get through them instead.
 - There’s probably a demon that seems to resemble Phil somewhere, living alone (alone for so so long) away from everyone in an arctic house perhaps. If I wanted to really up the angst, the demon takes a liking to Techno right away, which is partly how Techno is able to tell its him so quickly. The more they talk, the more Techno realizes how lonely the Phil he knows must be without him there, how upset he’d be once he reads the will and finds out what happened to him. Thus he’s more motivated to, you know, fight God, in an attempt to figure out what the hell happened. (DXD is the only entity existing here that also exists where he’s from, he can guess pretty easily that maybe, just maybe, they are one and the same). Thus, he is given a choice that he knows he will have to make in the future. 
- Eventually he manages to find the stronghold and comes face to face with DreamXD himself. DreamXD is just kinda chillin there, they fight, through DreamXD doesn’t seem to be putting in too much effort, almost like it does not want to win. 
- Techno wins (duh), and he is left with a choice, a choice to finish the job, or spare the god and allow it to go free. And, well, he feels that he doesn’t really have the right to decide whether it lives or dies, and while its possible that DreamXD caused whatever disaster created the current state of the world, but he doesn’t know that for sure. DreamXD has done nothing this whole time he’s been here, and its done nothing to him or his companions.
- He chooses to leave it alone, and DreamXD seems to know that it was always going to end that way. 
- DreamXD disappears, and Techno wakes up in the cell again post-revival, the prison and the world around it is the same as he remembers
(I don’t remember the exact real-world to limbo time difference but I imagine that it felt like, a day, maybe half that, while irl it was only a few minutes to an hour.)
Some other notes/details:
- The other possible ending would have resulted in Techno killing DreamXD and being given ANOTHER choice to take its power over the world, or just leave and stay there forever. Basically DreamXD’s existence is vital to the power of the revival book, and it’s death would have resulted in Dream not being successful in his revival attempts. Obviously we have no idea how the powers actually work yet, but I just came up with an explanation because I thought it would be interesting. You can decide on your own which of these endings fall into Law, Chaos or Neutral because uh, its complicated given the scenario. You can also decide if letting DreamXD live even fits into his character! Idk! But its not like DreamXD’s being oppressive by any means, not that there’s anyone to oppress here anyways. That’s my logic anyways.
- I don’t know what demons would represent specific people, I’d like to use one of the Angels for Phil but the Demons based on Angels usually have an important role in the plot that is in line with the Law alignment and like, protecting god or whatever, so no. There are a couple bird ones but idk if they fit the vibe, idk it could work, I’d have to look at a list if I want to go into this further.
- I kinda want Eret to be an Inugami because it’s body does that thing that ferret’s do when they’re all stretched out :) The only reason I’m hesitant is because Inugami is a dog, and Goose deserves representation.
- The reason I imagined for why Techno can’t break anything is because the mining fatigue lasted throughout this because he died with it, it’d get in the way of fighting too but at least it isn’t weakness, and he’s not alone either.
Uhhhhh that’s it for now I think!
(will potentially add to this if I figure something else out in the future)
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squeiky · 3 years
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I posted 12,966 times in 2021
218 posts created (2%)
12748 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 58.5 posts.
I added 621 tags in 2021
#important - 209 posts
#art tips - 88 posts
#fav - 85 posts
#deltarune spoilers - 49 posts
#deltarune chapter 2 - 42 posts
#usefull - 36 posts
#text post - 32 posts
#favorite - 31 posts
#camomiletae art - 25 posts
#my art - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#with the biggest boa and a cape. i will wear these pink heart shaped glasses and have the biceps and triceps and the lifting gains of a god
My Top Posts in 2021
Pico is actually a decent guy now that i think of it..
i mean in fnf he’s a goshdarn hitman, but in Pico’s school, he shot a bunch of kids and saved the world total anihilation by shooting some demon’s dick. (i.e casandra’s demon dick)
but like then theres fucking “the boyfriend“ or “keith“ as the fandom calls him, who decides to put thyself in life threating situations, and the only way he thinks to stop a monster from skinning him alive is too.. rap battle?
if i swapped these 2, both of them would die in eachothers games.
theres no way in hell casandra would rap battle with this blue dipshit-cause tunes wont stop a barrel from exploding or bullets from shooting you in the head, and theres no way he’d sing his way out of rock,paper, sissor roulette.
i dont even think pico would even want to have to rap battle every single fucking person he meets. some kid went “im going to shoot this goddamn teacher” and the first thing he thought was to go into a closet and grab a rifle and start shooting.
They still appear in each others games.
and i love it.
pico would have to save blue boy‘s ass from getting beat and keith/boyfreind would be spitting words at a lemon demon on the back of pico’s-idk- motorcycle, while its trying to kill them-
SOMEHOW, them words keith be spitting actually kill the demon rather than the 6000 shots that pico has been shooting out of his pistol, and the 20 cars they passed along the way.
So in conclusion..
Pico is a barbarian and Keith is a bard.
wtf did i just write.
142 notes • Posted 2021-04-02 19:50:49 GMT
Is this called progress??
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See the full post
188 notes • Posted 2021-05-15 19:55:01 GMT
After viewing all of papyrus's calls, i got upset that he never blinked, so recalling that memory, i made this:
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206 notes • Posted 2021-05-17 01:56:58 GMT
Okay so we left of with our promo art comparison, but now we're going to next level stunts.
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Both photos, but the placement of people is flipped.
Whats the key diffrence?
Ash and gou are mimicking each other, which is a clear sign of liking someone. Ash, our beloved boy here, does NOT normal do that "fist in the air, like i just don't care" on a casual basis.
Ever since gou came along though.. Gou's been growing on him. Cute.
(Ps: Clement is my favorite character, please give a heart in the comments for clement.)
Edit: forgot to mention that gou didn't have to move closer like serena did. Ash and gou immediately go close to each other, like 2 magnets. This stays very consistent, in the promo art AND anime.
Next up... Compliment comparison!
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209 notes • Posted 2021-03-28 19:13:14 GMT
Pico’s school update is the best—
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226 notes • Posted 2021-04-02 19:23:33 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →9
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wntersfire · 3 years
Before I start I would just like to say (tw alcohol for now and question 19) sorry for any spelling mistakes or if I ramble a little. To cut a long fuckin story short I mis read the measurements of my shot glasses and so instead of having two cocktails I’ve had the equivalent of four in the space of an hour and a half. Being british, im not gonna let a good drink go to waste either so im onto my third/sixth now.
Tagged by @clints-lucky-arrow (an actual goddess among us mortals)
1. Why did you choose your URL?
So this reason is two-fold. One, I didn’t watch star wars growing up because I was dumb and didn’t understand the politics (it wasn’t until my boyfriend sat me down and explained it literally in January of this year that I actually got it) but I loved Sci-fi and space so the next best thing was Treasure Planet (2003 film, Available on didney+) My favourite scene is the ending when Long John Silver (spoilers) is about leave before he can be arrested and Jim confronts him. Seeing how much his character has grown, Silver says to Jim, “Look at you, glowing like a silver fire. You’re something special, Jim. You’re gonna rattle the stars, you are.” It literally makes me tear up every single time I watch it and its one of my favourite lines of all time. Second, this was actually quoted in one of my favourite book series ‘Throne of glass’ by Sarah J Maas. I adore the character of Celeana and again one of my favourite quotes from TOG is when Queen Elena says to Celeana“ You could rattle the stars. You could do anything, if only you dared.” Every time I read that line I literally get chills and I actually have plans to get this tattooed on me lmao
2. Any side blogs?
Yes my fanfic blog @second-stars-totheright (I like puns and I used to love peter pan)
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
I joined when I was 13 for the fanfiction and lurked for a very long time, just reblogging and liking things until I deleted it when I was 17. Re downloaded the app and got my account back back around February of this year (when I was 19, now 20) and since then I’ve found it much friendlier and actually interacted with people this time around, and actually started posting my work on here!
4. Do you have a queueue tag?
No. This is my general postings blog so I just kind of stick anything funny or worth keeping here, but I probably should make one!
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
As I said to read fanfiction (anyone wondering it was 5 seconds of summer fanfiction. Anyone who judges me in the comments its fair game 🥺) but I re-downloaded it this year because I noticed with my work on Wattpad, while I had some do really well (one has gotten 130k+ views) its very difficult to actually interact with readers and get feedback. I’ve only accumulated that high of a number after 5 years of it being on there, and so tumblr is just so much more personal!
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I did it this morning as I was getting tagged in this lmao. I wanted a cartoon girl who looked like me but because I had a specific colouring (ie my hair is black with a blonde streak at the front & my eyes have both blue and green segments because I have heterochromia) I couldn’t find any that looked like me so I recoloured a cartoon girl I found on pinterest.
7. Why did you choose you header?
The white clouds fit the stars theme and it looks pretty with the purple. ✨💜
8. Whats your post with the most notes?
“That girl is a problem | Javier Pena x Agent!Reader part 1” with 105 notes on my fanfic blog.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I am still a little tumblr idiot when it comes to this so if someone could tell me how to find out I'll edit this
10. How many followers do you have?
72 on here, 107 on my fanfic blog (AND I LOVE ALL OF YOU ACROSS BOTH OF THEM MWAH, MWAH KISSES FOR YOU ALL 💜💜💜)
11. How many people do you follow?
165 (it was 700+ but the other day I unfollowed a bunch of accounts that haven’t been active since I followed them when I was 13. There were LOTS)
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
I mean all you have to do is look at the Nomad memes I make (UNAPOLOGETICALLY I might add 😤) for @clints-lucky-arrow to know I absolutely have. That series has a hold over me im telling you. I black out when I start reading and I awake with a bunch of meme editing apps open and my feelings tugged at from her amazing writing.
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
If I’m with my boyfriend which is like two days a week, rarely, but now I’ve finished uni, I’m on here all the god damn time. I feel so comfy and safe interacting with you all, not to mention some of you guys are funny as hell.
14. Did you have a fight with a blog once?
Not really on here, I haven’t received any hate luckily but I prefer not to spoil how comfy I am here with arguing.
15. How do you feel about ‘you need to re-blog this’ posts?
I’m a little confused by this I dunno whether I’ve just never come across any like this or if Stars is being a bimbo on the tl again. However, I only reblog things I’d like to keep for future reference or if something deserves to be shared to everyone else like a fic rec or a piece of art. (As Mack said, I’ve re-blogged so many in the past promising me money or luck and I am still broke as shit so what does that tell you).
16. Do you like tag games?
Yes!! I love reading everyone elses and getting to know my mutals better!
17. Do you like ask games?
Again yesss because it means I get to send love to my mutuals and get to know them better! I tend to not participate though just read their responses because I sometimes feel like I’m bugging people clogging their inboxes even though I know that’s the point idk I’m a hell of an over thinker sometimes 🥳
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
It’s been said before but @clints-lucky-arrow (wow you rlly owning this post bby girl) but I just remember lurking on Nomad early February and liking and reblogging her chapters so I could keep them to re-read cause that’s how much I instantly loved it and when she followed me I realised who she was and lowkey had a starstruck moment bcus id been ciaght up in her work for weeks and too nervous to make contact. Also @arduadastra, I saw her work all over the pedro tags for so long and now I’ve gotten to know her she is the sweetest girl!! We usually fan over Javier Pena gifs together, she’s solely responsible for ‘That girl is a problem’ bcus of her gif sending at 1am giving me Javi thots and now it’s my most successful one on my blog. And most recently @pedrosgirlx followed me this morning and her work is genuinely some of the best I've seen on here, as I said this morning it is the Sistine Chapel ceiling of Mando art it is actually jaw dropping!! I cant believe all these creators are rlly giving us this content for free and yet being so talented AND the nicest people I’ve ever met!!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
No, although I hold a lot of them dearly as friends. 15/10 would treat you lovelies to a drink of your choice if we ever met (any of you from the uk who drink I’d get you a pitcher from Whetherspoons)
20. Absolutely no pressure tags:
anyone who wants to join! a lot of people I would have tagged have already posted theirs so go for it if you like the look of it!
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jdfreads · 3 years
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I posted 792 times in 2021
70 posts created (9%)
722 posts reblogged (91%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 10.3 posts.
I added 123 tags in 2021
#the dear hunter - 43 posts
#tdh - 38 posts
#the acts - 17 posts
#redwall - 7 posts
#hymns with the devil in confessional - 5 posts
#transmasc - 3 posts
#brian jacques - 3 posts
#lgbtq - 3 posts
#no one is surprised - 2 posts
#*goes feral* - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#here's what i want: i am a small teddy bear you found in a bookstore. i am filled with melancholy but also warmth. i am smoking an absurdly
My Top Posts in 2021
Reading all the Redwall books in publication order: Mossflower
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I FINALLY finished Mossflower, after about three months of chewing through it. Not a mark against the book, just my adhd acting up. I finished most of the book in one day actually. (not a critical review, just all the thoughts dumped into a post)
Blurb: The thrilling prequel to "Redwall". The clever and greedy wildcat Tsarmina becomes ruler of all Mossflower Woods and is determined to govern the peaceful woodlanders with an iron paw. The brave mouse Martin and quick-talking mouse thief Gonff meet in the depths of Kotir Castle's dungeon. The two escape and resolve to end Tsarmina's tyrannical rule. Joined by Dinny the mole, Martin and Gonff set off on a dangerous quest for Salamandastron, where they are convinced that their only hope, Boar the Fighter, still lives.
Sidenote, the Goodreads blurb for some reason put Dinny as Kinny, and in my edition its Dinny, therefore Goodreads is wrong and can eat my dick. Also Kinny would be a hilarious name.
Death count of named characters: 21 (the exact same as Redwall. dunno if that's intentional)
Death count of unnamed characters: Dunno! But it was actually a lot less than in Redwall for sure, because they let most of Tsarmina's army go instead of SLAUGHTER.
(Spoilers ahead for a 30 year old novel, proceed with caution <3)
This was a fun one! I honestly liked Martin's quest to go to Salamandastron a lot more than Matthias's quest. Idk, it just felt more action packed. Matthias had a Lot of sitting and pondering riddles, while Martin had Gonff and Dinny who were fun on their own, plus encounters with enemies to fight and outsmart. Getting to see all the backstory for Redwall was cool. We got to see a bunch of elements and characters that would eventually become Redwall. I also enjoyed Columbine as a character, especially since she got some agency in the story and we got to hear her perspective, unlike with Cornflower in Redwall. I like that Gonff was the one with a love interest instead of Martin since it fleshes him out and lets Martin do all the revenge he could want.
God, the strategy in this? Chef's kiss. It really felt like watching a chess game unfold except a lot more chaotic and occasionally they'd find new pieces to use. That's what I've really been enjoying about these books so far, is the military strategy on both sides. Them flooding Kotir was such a cool move, and the fact that it was a double fake out with it failing at first and then succeeding with the arrival of the Wuddship? Fantastic! Amazing! Beautiful!
Tsarmina was a fun villain! She was just campy and evil as hell, plus watching her slowly descend into madness over the sounds of dripping water that no one else could hear? Chef's kiss. Watching her snap Martin's father's sword is just such a good personal moment to build tension and animosity between the two. I really wish there could've been a moment like that with Cluny and Matthias, because their struggle felt far more impersonal, but idk if that would've worked in the story.
I like how it built throughout the story how little the soldiers of Kotir are loyal to her, really helps set up their desertion and surrender at the end. I liked that most of the infantry got to live and move on to a new place instead of dying. Like in Redwall its explicitly stated in text that most of Cluny's soldiers were recruited completely unwillingly from the surrounding forest, and then they were all killed. I just find that really sad.
Some character thoughts:
Gonff: Funky! Love him. If there's an audiobook of this I hope they gave all of his songs tunes and if they didn't thats a crime
Dinny: so hard to understand but still cool, just want to give him a pat on the head
Martin: mmmmm, warrior mouse. wish he was a Touch more feral
Columbine: Better than cornflower and you can fight me on it
Lady Amber and Skipper: mlm and wlw solidarity. I won't be taking criticism at this time
Bella: butch lesbian. friend shaped, would trust her with my life
Gingivere: he fucks
Abbess Germaine: she definitely also fucks. GILF
Tsarmina: Queen of a Thousand Eyes, if humanized has the potential to be the Second Tumblr Sexywoman
Gloomer: I know he's a wordless swimming flesh eating monster rat... but I could fix him
Brogg: so stupid and so trusting. too bad he got crushed by that flying rock, he would've made a good malewife
Bane: greedler with a knife
Fortunata: fox. too clever to be smart
Ashleg: he gone
List of named character deaths (in chronological order):
*=death either from that character’s point of view or in disturbing detail
-Luke the Warrior
-Boar the Fighter
Next on the list:
Mariel of Redwall
(BONUS! Some bits from my notes app:
Tsarmina Fortunata lesbian moment? (Fortunata died almost immediately after this)
19 notes • Posted 2021-06-09 04:22:10 GMT
This is a “The Flame (Is Gone)” guitar solo appreciation post.
Good shit.
20 notes • Posted 2021-03-30 03:04:20 GMT
Reading every redwall book in publication order: Redwall
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I finished Redwall like two nights ago and I’m only just now writing the review of it! Okay, lets dive in. (this is not a critical review, its just a bunch of my thoughts dumped into one spot)
Welcome to Mossflower Wood, where the gentle mice have gathered to celebrate a year of peace and abundance. All is well... until a sinister shadow falls across the ancient stone abbey of Redwall. It is rumored that Cluny is coming–Cluny, the terrible one-eyed rat and his savage horde–Cluny, who has vowed to conquer Redwall Abbey! The only hope for the besieged mice lies in the lost sword of the legendary Martin the Warrior. And so begins the epic quest of a bumbling young apprentice–a courageous mouse who would rise up, fight back... and become a legend himself.
Death count of named characters: 21
Death count of unnamed characters: literally unknowable. But definitely over a hundred.
Rating thing: Fun romp with a lot of plot in it, lots of characters to root for, and very satisfying to read.
Some overall impressions! This was a really charming story. It was a little hard for me to really get into the groove of reading it, but honestly I think thats just because my copy of the book is Very small and hard to hold, along with my funky fresh ADHD. But I was kinda forced to get into it because my mom got a really bad migraine and I had to watch over her while being real quiet, so bam! Reading. From there I was invested and it was all easy going.
I really enjoyed the Vibes of the book. The atmosphere? Immaculate. I wanna be a mouse hanging out in the woods with all my mouse friends. Also slightly weird thing about this book, every single meal is described in great detail. We always know what these mice are eating while under siege by Cluny the Scourge. I thought it was kinda weird, but it also was a nice atmospheric detail.
Brian Jacques does not go heavy on descriptions and poetic language, which makes sense because this is a children’s book. Its all very straightforward and is written in a sort of omniscient viewpoint. We don’t dwell in characters heads all too much, and the character we follow changes very frequently. This is sometimes called “head-hopping”, which can be confusing in some books but I find that its a very common convention in middle grade novels.
Matthias! Our main mouse man! He’s endearing and fun to read about. I think he’s a bit stereotypical and I could not care less. Mousey man has sword, heheh. 
I kept misreading Cluny’s name as Clowny and oh man, that just decimated him. What’re you gonna do clown man? Murder me? Probably. He was one of those pure evil villains, but I think it worked because we got to be in his head a lot and see all the behind the scenes and inner workings. He wasn’t morally complex but he was very fun to root against!
This book relies very heavily on moralized species. All the rats are evil, all the mice are good, stoats and ferrets are also evil, snakes are evil, shrews are argumentative but good, sparrows started off evil and ended kinda neutral-good. It’s a product of the conventions of the time and so I’m not going to count that against it, but I really hope this gets changed in the Netflix adaptation.
This book was. Incredibly gory. That one person didn't lie when they said it was just Game of Thrones but with mice and other woodland creatures. And that brings us to the death count! (Of named characters) So many characters die in this. Quite a few of them die while we are IN THEIR POINT OF VIEW. Which is... holy shit. The first named character death happens 15 pages in, when a rat named Skullface gets crushed to death under a wagon wheel. Let me just read you the description: 
“Skullface had time for just one agonized scream before he fell. The iron-shod cartwheels rolled over him. He lay in a red mist of death, the life ebbing from his broken body. The last thing he saw before darkness claimed him was the sneering visage of Cluny the Scourge roaring from the jolting backboard,
‘Tell the devil Cluny sent you, Skullface!’”
So. yeah. This book ain’t messing around. When Cluny decides he’s going to take Redwall and he sends his rats out to get more recruits, he literally tells them to smash the dens of the recruits so they have nothing to go back to. And that they can either join, or die. Pretty intense for a guy named Cluny. Also hearing this book describe every single rat ever as evil scum of the earth was hilarious because I couldn’t stop thinking about this:
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This man is a war criminal. Those tiny pink paws bring death and destruction.
Ne ways, read Redwall. It good.
List of named character deaths (in chronological order):
*=death either from that character’s point of view or in disturbing detail (a)=either killed or eaten by Asmodeus
-Skullface* -Three-Leg -Scratch -Shadow -Ragear*(a) -Scragg* -Redtooth*(a) -Sela -Methuselah -Chickenhound*(a) -King Bull Sparra -Cheesethief* -Mingo(a) -Guosim(a) -Darkclaw* -Asmodeus -Frogblood -Killconey -Fangburn -Cluny the Scourge -Abbot Mortimer
And hundreds of unnamed side characters
Next on the list: Mossflower Mattimeo Mariel of Redwall
26 notes • Posted 2021-02-24 23:08:41 GMT
Steal your half-brother’s identity. Ignore the Oracles prophesizing your imminent doom. Murder the hell out of your mom’s pimp. Do what you need to cope <3
42 notes • Posted 2021-03-28 04:16:29 GMT
Brian Jacques b like
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This man is a war criminal
342 notes • Posted 2021-04-05 02:26:15 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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renxamamiya · 4 years
Theatre of Mirrors - Prologue
Here it is finally! I’m so excited to start this fanfic, with this au no less! This fanfic is going to be not only my longest in terms of written words, but also with chapters. I hope all of you are in for the ride, and also help me see through this fic to its conclusion!
Also, I’m thinking about putting this on AO3 also but idk, tell me your opinions pls I need it.
Warning though, this fic contains P5R spoilers for most, if not all, of the game. I’ve done my best to not include any within this chapter, but subsequent chapters WILL have them.
Special thanks to @digifangirl97​ for reading this beforehand, @rui-the-galax-angel​ for being my constant source of inspiration and motivation to even start writing this au, and @yusuke-of-valla​ for promoting it. Other special tags include @nowyoureblue​ and @mad4turtles​ for being my biggest fans!
Rain pattered upon the concrete streets of Tokyo, grey clouds obscuring the Sun, only allowing slithers of its golden rays to trickle out. This was uncommon weather during the Spring, rain being transitional after snow, watering plants that were starting to bloom anew. Underneath his umbrella Ren waited patiently for the crossroad lights to change, packed between crowds of unruly people, his umbrella acting as a personal sanctuary against the relentless shower poured from above.
“Hey.” Morgana murmured, popping out from the bag he often slung behind his arm, “Is this gonna take any longer? The rain’s starting to get heavier you know.” 
Ren rolled his eyes at the otherwise impatient cat, “I can only control so much, your majesty.” he replied sarcastically in his head, but held back his tongue as the crossroad lights turned green. He briskly started walking, no doubt not wanting to get caught up by the sudden torrent of movement, the risk of getting trampled by restless crowds did not appeal that much to him.
A year after his adventures within the Metaverse, where he stole the hearts of corrupt individuals and killed a God, Ren returned to the city from his country town. Pursuing an education of the culinary arts, he bought himself a small condo room using money he squirreled away from his adventures as the leader of the Phantom Thieves, his own sanctuary located within the bustling city. He lived on his own (if you excluded Morgana), his parents indifferent when he left them back at Inaba, not caring about their delinquent son; something he had counted on when applying for the education for a less traditional, ‘successful’ job.
“Have you got an email back yet?” Morgana asks, again perching his front paws on his shoulder, Ren shook his head.
“I’m going to check now.” he replied, before retreating into a small alleyway, reaching for his phone in his pocket. He pulled it out, glancing at the lock screen photo, an image of all his Phantom Thieves smiling at the camera, before sliding it open. Quicky tapping on the screen, he flicked through his emails, letters and words reflecting on the fake lens of his glasses. 
“I’m trying to find the email, Mona.” Ren breathed, purposely controlling his tone of annoyance towards the animal. Scanning the multiple titles with his grey eyes, it took minutes to find the email he wanted, it being buried amongst a number of promotional letters. As soon as he saw the words ‘APPLICATION STATUS’ he tapped hopefully on it, reading it eagerly. However, he soon found his eagerness waning, disappointment instead replacing it.
“Dear Mr Amamiya,” the email started, the introduction formal, unassuming to the power it held for his future prospects.
“We regret to inform you that your application for the Matsuhisa School for Culinary Arts has been rejected, since you have not reached the target grade in order to within the program. If you think there is a mistake, please contact…..”
Ren stopped reading, turning off his phone and putting it in his pocket, too ashamed at himself to continue. He suppressed a cry, furiously wiping the tears from his eyes with the back of his wrist. He didn’t want Morgana to witness his moment of weakness, especially while in public. 
“Ren? Are you okay?”
Ren turned to Morgana, the cat looking at him with worried, blue eyes. How he hated at times that Morgana was with him for most of the day, hiding comfortably in his bag while Ren walked around Tokyo, almost as a slave to him. Yet he admitted to himself a long time ago that he’d come to rely on the presence of the feline to keep him sane, preferring Morgana to his own thoughts. 
Ren blinked, grey eyes still shimmering with tears, blinking rapidly in thought, before he forced a smile on his lips. 
“I’m fine.” he lied.
A sharp, hot pain suddenly shot through his head, Ren wincing momentarily, it dissipating as quickly as it came, only to be replaced with a feeling of sudden nausea. 
“Morgana, what’s happen-” Ren slurred, another wave of nausea echoing in his brain, him trying to keep his balance as the world around him suddenly whirled at dizzying speed. The feeling was… unfamiliar. A feeling he felt he recognised, but the origin on the tip of his tongue.
Before Ren could utter another word, he quickly lost consciousness, black abruptly consuming his vision.
“-en. R...n. Ren!”
Ren struggled to open his eyes, his head heavy, his mouth dry. 
“-en, get up.” 
He manages to blink them open somewhat, eyelids heavy, his hearing muffled. 
A sudden burst of energy managed to allow his eyelids to flutter open, grey eyes hazy and unfocused. Another round of blinks managed to allow him to stir awake, him pulling himself into sitting upright on the floor. He rested his forehead in one of his hands, back curved outward, groaning as the last of the dizzy spell dissipated. 
“Ren, are you okay?”
“I’m fine Morgana.” he says, his head out from his hand, looking at his feline friend. It only takes him another minute to realise that Morgana’s standing on his hind legs.
“Morgana, why are you…” he trails off, taking a second this time to connect the dots. Morgana was standing perfectly on his hind legs. He stood on his hind legs only in the Metaverse. If he was on his hind legs here…. Then that means…..
They were both in the Metaverse.
The Metaverse had returned. 
But…. how?
The myth that cats have nine lives did not escape the fleeting thoughts of Morgana as he struggled to get himself off the concrete ground beneath him. He was nestled comfortably in Ren’s bag when his friend suddenly collapsed, the momentum of his falling body causing Morgana to be flung out of his vehicle. A blur of events later the cat found himself on the ground. 
“Ow……” Morgana groaned, feeling dull, throbbing pain on his head and body. It was a miracle that he was still alive, no doubt one of his nine lives evaporated as he impacted the ground. Still shaking, he spent another while on the concrete, his eyesight slowly coming back, strength gathering to his limbs. It took another breath for him to push himself into standing.
He took the time to gather his thoughts. He fell. Down. Hard. Because Ren… Ren…. Ren!
“Ren?” was Morgana’s first mutter since regaining his footing, memories flooding back. They were in an alleyway minutes ago, Ren reading one of his emails, his expression turning from hopefulness to one of hopelessness. Morgana asked what was wrong. Ren told him he was okay. Then. Then....
Morgana huffed, crossing his arms. The moment of realisation hit right after.
His eyes widened in shock, uncurling his arms and looking at his front paws. He was standing. On his hind legs. He reached to feel his neck, the familiar handkerchief wrapped around it in place of his bright yellow collar.
"The Metaverse?" he questioned out loud, and looking up he got his answer. The sky was coloured light red, a detail that often accompanied them when entering the bizarre dimension. 
"But why… no… that's not important right now. I need to find Ren and then get out of here." he thought to himself, shaking his head before starting to look around his surroundings. Spotting Ren sprawled on the floor a couple of feet away, Morgana hopped towards the boy. 
"Ren." The cat muttered, approaching his friend, his ears perking up in high alert. They were in a compromising spot, too open and vulnerable for shadows to attack them in this unknown realm. Ren was lying down on his stomach, his eyes closed, chest rising slowly up and down. Good, he was breathing. Morgana continued to scan their surroundings vigilantly. 
"Ren," Morgana continued to pester the unconscious body of the boy, hoping to stir him awake, "Ren. Ren!" 
Ren began to stir beneath his paws, Morgana running to see his face, the boy struggling to open his eyes. 
"Ren, get up!" 
Ren’s eyes fluttered, struggling to keep open, his consciousness threatening to ebb away. 
Ren’s eyes shot open, grey and unfocused, darting around frantically. Morgana felt relief as Ren fluttered his eyes a couple of times. A groan escaped out of his throat, Morgana backing away from him, allowing his friend the space to regain his bearings. 
“Ren, are you okay?” he asks, Ren nodding in his hand in response.
“I’m fine Morgana.” Ren says, taking his head out from his hand to look at his feline friend. A moment later, Morgana held his breath as Ren’s eyes widened in shock. He had also realised that they were again in the Metaverse. 
“How?” Ren asked, again blinking rapidly, confusion solidifying on his face, his heart beginning to beat rapidly from a sudden wave of anxious fear. Taking a moment, he looked around, his expression more worried as the seconds ticked by “Morgana, what’s-”
“I’m just as confused as you are.” the cat muttered, looking at Ren, a significant detail popping into his head, “You’re not in your thief outfit as well. Something is definitely going on.”
“You’re…. You’re right.” Ren said shakily, just then reaching for the mask on his face that wasn’t there, “Morgana.” he breathes to his friend, masking his growing anxiety with a commanding tone, “We need to get… we need to get out here.” 
“No disagreements here.” Morgana nodded, “The fact that the Metaverse has returned, and you not gaining your thief outfit means that something’s definitely going on here. Something powerful.” he mused, “Something….. Unprecedented.” 
Ren nodded, agreeing with his partner in crime. He reached for his phone in his pocket. 
But it was empty. 
“Hey.” Morgana mutters, seeing Ren anxiously patting his trousers, “What’s wrong?”
“I’m trying to find my phone.” 
“Your phone?” Morgana asks, “You mean the one with the Metanav right?”
“Yeah.” Ren replies as he continues to grasp for his phone. Did they even get here via the Metanav? He wasn’t so sure, the gap in time between him in reality and him in the Metaverse too abstract for him to even recollect. 
“I remember you looking at it before we came here, are you-”
“Mona.” Ren sharply snapped, breath ragged, eyes wide and scared, pale hands shaking. Morgana recoiled back in shock. Ren was normally calm and collected, his cool head a feature that was crucial for him to function as the treasured leader of the phantom thieves. Under normal circumstances, Morgana reasons, this kind of behaviour would be unlike him. 
However, the circumstances they both found themselves in were anything but normal.
“Hey, Ren. Just calm down okay?” Morgana said, trying his best to comfort his friend as his own feelings of anxiety began to swell, “We’ll get out of this. We always do.”
Ren stopped his frantic searching to look at Morgana. 
“Yeah.” he smiled. Though Morgana’s words did little to help quell the anxious feeling swirling his stomach, he did appreciate what his friend was attempting to do, “But, if I can’t find my phone, what do you suggest we do, Mona?” 
Morgana hummed, crossing his arms in contemplation. His gaze drifted towards the horizon amongst the barren wasteland. He could see lights flickering invitingly. He peaked his ears, hearing the sounds of chatter, laughter and music coming from the same spot. 
“I think since we’re here, we do a little bit of reconnaissance, see what we’re up against.” he suggested to Ren, the boy following his gaze towards the commotion.
The source of the lights and laughter belonged to a theatre, it’s exterior grand and welcoming, reds and golds generously decorating the walls and staircase leading up to it, ornate statues gesturing towards the doors, ushering all who approached it inside. The building was tall. Long, glittering columns extended seemingly endlessly towards the heavens, figures that were carved within the marble supporting each distinct floor on their shoulders surrounded the width of the ornate, glass stained windows depicting unknown figures glowed with yellow light as both Morgana and Ren approached it.
“Whoa…” Morgana said, amazed at how beautiful, “What is this place? It looks amazing, right Ren?”
“It is.” Ren nodded in agreement, yet he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off about this structure. It looked… familiar. It felt familiar, as if he had once seen this particular palace in a dream. A feeling of dread settled in his stomach. He curled his lips into an unsure frown, “But….”
“But what?” Morgana asks, turning his head around to look at Ren, seeing the concerned expression behind the thick, framed glasses the boy wore. 
“It’s…. Nothing.” Ren shook his head before giving a toothy grin at Morgana, yet it did not reach his eyes, “I’m just worried about not having my infiltration outfit, that’s all. But the fact that the Palace owner - whoever it is - doesn’t see us as a threat is good. Kind of like Futaba in a way.”
“Yeah, until she decided not to.” Morgana huffed, crossing his arms, “Then she tried to kill us.”
“She was unconsciously pushing us away.” Ren shrugged, starting to climb the steps to the theatre, “I don’t blame her.” 
“True.” Morgana hummed in agreement, following Ren up the staircase, “You think the Palace owner is someone like her?”
“You mean, emotionally troubled and seeking help?” Ren asks, turning from Morgana towards the front of him, “I wouldn’t be surprised. My thief attire not appearing does support that. Maybe the owner really needs help. Maybe they want it.”
“You may be right, but it still doesn’t explain-" 
Morgana’s out loud thoughts were cut short as the both of them entered the theatre, the sight of the interior so grand it took both their breaths away. 
The amount of regalness of the interior of the theatre matched in grandness of its exterior. A sea of red carpet stretched wide on the floor, white marble walls were accented with glittering gold archways and columns. Velvet curtains hung next to the stained glass windows, golden lights glew upon golden chandeliers, the decorations luxurious without being gaudy. Ren however was drawn to the fountain nested between the staircase that curved upwards into the depths of the theatre, guests casually gliding up and down twin staircases, ignoring the boy and cat completely. 
“Wow, what a place. The owner sure has taste when it comes to luxurious decor.” Morgana said, marvelling the foyer of the theatre, humanoid cognitions avoiding them as they talked amongst themselves. 
“Yeah..” Ren trailed off, scanning the interior design with his eyes before him. Gery irises settled between the fountain nestled between the two staircases, and before he knew it he was walking towards the fountain, almost entranced by it. If he had paid closer attention to his surroundings like his feline friend at that moment, he would have quickly realised his fatal move. 
To Ren, the fountain seemed to call to him. Faces were carved within the smooth, black obsidian, masks of all expressions decorated the bottom, the foreheads carved with numbers seemingly at random, accented with gold. Within the middle of the fountain sat a figure sitting on a tipped jar in which water flowed from. They were surrounded by masks suspended seemingly by magic, yet these weren’t the same masks that decorated the bottom of the fountain, each of them an individual, unique shape, made out of what looked to be like crystal. Light green, yellow, pink, blue, white, dark green, purple, black, and pale gold. His eyes trailed from the glittery masks towards the figure. They were sitting cross legged, details of their long, flowing coat lovingly carved in stone, winklepickers curved, waistcoat accented with gold. Ren noted to himself that the figure’s costume looked just like…
The golden accented mask gave it all away.
Ren’s eyes widened in stunned alarm, stumbling back reflexively in complete disbelief. The masked man’s familiar smirk, the way his messy hair curled, his eyes, golden gems glittering in the light. No. No no no! It was impossible! Impossible! Ren turned to run, but as he turned, pairs of arms wrapped around each of his, grabbing tightly, Ren struggling within their hold, kicking and thrashing, twisting his body, yet their grip only tightened. 
“Morgana!” he screamed in desperation, craning his head back straining to hear his friend’s response, yet he could only hear the faint squeaks of frantic meowing as a blur of black blocked the view of the bipedal feline. 
“Get off of me!” Ren screamed, still twisting his body, trying to get away from the grip of the strong armed shadows, kicking and flailing as the shadows dragged him towards the old fashioned elevators that stood vigilantly next to the stairs. The cognitive people did nothing but watch, ‘ooing’ and ‘aahing’ as he was dragged into the claustrophobic box, Ren sickly noting that all of them were wearing inverted mockeries of his domino mask. The doors closed, and Ren gritted his teeth to repress a sob as the demented husks of the masses applauded joyfully at his the spectacle that was his misery, clearly entertained by it. 
The elevator shook with life before moving, Ren looking above to find them going up, the indicating lights ascending up a list of randomly placed numbers. 
“Where are you taking me?” He asks one of the shadows restraining him, turning to find the same mockery of his mask perched upon its featureless face as they ascended, “Please, answer me!”
“You’re expected by our lead actor,” the other answered, Ren whipping to look at the other shadow holding onto his other arm, “He wants you to meet him in the Fool’s Theatre, says he wants his special guest escorted to his dressing room. You know how those big shots are, they get their fifthteen minutes of fame and suddenly they act like they own the place.”
Ren wanted to laugh at the shadow’s dry joke, but he couldn’t.
The allure of the grand decorations intoxicated Morgana as he wandered within the foyer with Ren. While the cat often had his guard up (something an ‘expert thief’ was required to do) the atmosphere in this particular palace seemed to lull him into a false sense of security. It felt… comfortable. Like the makeshift bedroom in the attic of Leblanc, or the cozy room at Ren’s Tokyo apartment. Morgana couldn’t quite put his paw on it, but it felt like he was at home again, that it was familiar. 
He did not hear Ren leave his side, more occupied with the humanoid cognitions dotted around the foyer, all of them talking amongst themselves in hushed but excited tones, his ears pricking up at a conversation nearby.
“Is that him?” a woman asked her friend, looking over her shoulder. 
“It probably is!” her friend giggled in amazement, “Gosh, I’m getting all flustered, do you think if I asked for his autograph he’d give it to me?”
“Oh my god, do you think he’d take a picture with us if we asked him nicely?” 
Morgana turned to look at the two women, approaching them with caution.
“You should totally work your ‘womanly’ charms on him.”
“Do you think they’d even work on him? I think you’re just getting me to embarrass myself.”
“Of course! Then again, he’s so charming you’d probably fall flat on your face!”
Morgana looked around the theatre. There wasn’t any notable person that he could distinguish, most of the patrons looked like ordinary humans. Then again, Morgana reasons, this wasn’t a normal realm of existence.
“Who are they-”
“Oh my GOSH.” one of the girls squealed, Morgana turning his head to find the two women looking at him with wide, excited eyes. His own widened in terror. The two women were wearing masks, masks that look like Joker’s, as they continue to fawn over the feline thief, “It’s Mona-chan!”
“Mona-chan, may I get your autograph?!” her friend squealed as they approached Morgana, the both of them looking over him with disturbing glee, “Oh… you’re so cute, I could just hug you tightly like a plush!”
“Well, I appreciate the attention,” Morgana stammers, backing away from the two cognitions out of fear and disbelief, “But I’m currently in a ‘no-touch’ fur softening program, and-” 
He turns, twisting his slender body, and runs from them.
"Mona-chan, come back!!" the two conditions called out to the cat, running after him, clearly fanatical towards the cat "We just want an autograph and a picture!" 
"I'm sorry, my heart belongs only to Lady Ann!" he shouted back, weaving expertly between the legs of the cognitive guests, trying to find Ren amongst the sudden appearance of a large crowd. More whispers about what he presumed to be the Palace's owner muttered amongst the cognitions, yet he was too occupied to pay attention to their words. Peeking over his shoulder was the distraction that caused him to run into…
He stumbled back in a daze, but before he could react he was picked up by the shadow he impacted.
"There you are, you pesky cat." the shadow hisses as it picked Morgana up by the scruff of his neck. Morgana instinctively started to flail around, struggling against the sudden grip that he felt behind his throat, “You’re more trouble than you’re worth to find.”
“Let go of me!” Morgana shouted, continue to fight against the grip of the shadow, “If you don’t, I’ll-”
He heard Ren call his name in distress, the boy’s cries quickly being muffled by the crowd's cheer. With a new bolster of motivation of wanting to save Ren from the vulnerable young adult, Morgana continued to violently flail in the shadow’s grip, and has even resorted to clawing at the entity, trying desperately to force himself free from its grip. 
“Ugh, stupid cat!” The shadow spat with malice as he continued to grip roughly at Morgana, clearly taking him somewhere away from where Morgana wanted to go, “Why do I always get all the shitty jobs.” it muttered to itself, another shadow approaching Morgana and his captor. 
“Hey, what’s the hold up?” the newcomer asked in an exasperated tone, “Boss says he needs help with setting up the place for his guest. We got no time to waste in one stupid cat.”
“Yeah, but this pest won’t go willingly.” the shadow replied, still holding Morgana, “It’s fightin’ with all its might, can you give me a hand?” 
“Hey, I am not a pest!” Morgana shouted defiantly, offended that the shadows would refer to him as such, flailing even harder against his captor’s grip, “Get your hands off of me! I’m warning you guys, I can slice you in half before you can even land a finger on me!”
“Oh, he’s so cute.” the other shadow chortled as he watched the struggling cat, “It’s almost too bad that we have to throw him out, I would even consider myself a fan of him.”
“Yeah, but the boss said-”
“I know what the boss said.” the other shadow snapped, and Morgana noticed goop spilling out of the shadow’s eyes. It stepped back, contorting sickly, limb flying and bending inhumanely, its body stuttering as more ooze continued to drip from it. A pause of movement lapsed before it dissolved to the ground, before shedding its disguise, revealing it to be none other than a Dionysus. Morgana eyed the shadow in fear. 
“Hey, hold him still for a moment will you?” The Dionysus said, its fingers starting to crackle with electricity. Morgana’s eyes widened in alarm.
“C-C’mon you guys.” Morgana stammered, the moxie he showed instantaneously evaporating at the sight of the electricity dancing between the green shadow’s fingertips, “I’m s-sure you’ve got the wrong cat! Look, why don’t you let me go and I can talk it out with your boss? You wouldn’t hurt a little kitty cat like me would you?”
The two shadows looked at each other, amongst contemplatively, though their disingenuous smirks gave their true intentions away. 
The last thing Morgana heard before unconsciousness reaped his senses was the round of applause the cognitions gave to an unknown spectacle, Ren’s muffled yelps for help still echoing in his mind.
The sound of cars whirring past and the idle chatter of people was what stirred Morgana awake, wet concrete from a day’s rain cooled his belly, shadows cast by the buildings above sheltered him from the rays of the hazy sun. He smacked his lips as he felt himself slowly stirring from his slumber, ears folded downwards towards the sides of his head, his legs trembling somewhat as he got up from the ground. 
“Ren?” he asked, turning behind him, scanning the dark alleyway he suddenly appeared in, mind still heavy from whatever happened to him moments ago. His eyes drooped as he continued to lazily gaze into the shadows. 
“Ren?” he asked again, words slurred. Where was the boy? Where was- 
Oh. He suddenly remembered. 
His ears shot up, his senses on high alert, memories that were lost clicked back into place. He and Ren were investigating that Palace, Ren was captured and dragged further in, him getting thrown out with no way of getting back. The cat started to panic, adrenaline running through his small body, heart beating faster and faster, him feeling like he’s drowning on dry land. Ren was in danger, he was in danger and Morgana could do nothing to help his friend! He felt useless as he paced around the empty alleyway, tracing invisible circles with his tracks as he tried to come up with a plan. 
“Come on, Morgana.” he hissed at himself, his mind running full gear, yet the heavy fog of anxiety did nothing to help him come up with a plan. How to get into the Metaverse without a phone? Without a Nav? He was lost. Alone. vulnerable…
He gazed up at the sky. He felt so small. Like when he was alone after defeating the False God, disappearing in front of his friends, only to reappear alone in Shibuya. 
He looked at the passing pedestrians, until he was struck with inspiration. He found his way back to Leblanc on his own before, right? Then there was the possibility of him finding the route back to the rundown cafe yet again. He knew he had at least an ally there, a person who he could count on at least helping him rescue Ren, and so he set off, careful not to get trampled on amongst the stampede of legs as he navigated his way around the metropolis that was Tokyo. 
  The pestering rain had stopped within the hour in the afternoon, the air hot and humid as puddles settled in the crevices of concrete, reflecting the yellows and orange sky brought by the sinking sun. The sweet, soothing sound of bird singing as they emerged from man made shelters did nothing to pierce the roar that was the constant machine of the city. Despite this, Yongen - Jaya could be considered a haven away from most of the megacity, a sanctuary formed by the rapid rise of urban demands, tucked away from tourists and troublemakers alike. 
A girl walked out from the train station burrowed amongst the tightly squeezed buildings, head down as she was gazing at her phone behind dark framed glasses, oversized headphones hugging her neck as an accessory. Her natural hair was an oddity amongst the residents that lived in the small neighbourhood, but Futaba had lived there almost her whole life for anyone to give a second glance towards her.
She typed away on the screen, a piece of sucking candy resting between the roof of her mouth and tongue, effortly navigating around people and potholes, the narrow streets memorized from traversing them so much she knew each small detail like it was the back of her hand. 
Futaba: yooooooooo kana guess what!!! Futaba: sojiro gave me some cash to go buy school stuff!!!!! on my own!!! Kana: that’s great omg! I didn’t do anything as fun today (; ̄Д ̄) Futaba: oh f Kana: work is a paaain sometimes, but i’ve almost got enough money to buy some new uniforms Futaba: oooooooo!!!! Kana: ikr!!!! anyways youre still in shujin right? Futaba: yeah, it’s too easy (-_-) zzZ Kana: oof Futaba: like I know it’s not prestigious but like….. booooooring Kana: didn’t you like ask to be enrolled there???? Futaba: yeah lol Futaba: i wanted to go there bc a really good friend went there and like
The girl looks up from her phone at the sound of her name. 
The voice sounded familiar…. wasn't that…
"Down here!" 
She looked down, a familiar black and white cat looking up at her with blue eyes. 
"Mona?!" she exclaimed, crouching down to meet Morgana at his level, "What are you doing here? Where's Ren?" her eyebrows knitted. It was an enigma to see the cat separated from his beloved owner, and while Morgana was known to wander the streets of Tokyo on his own, he almost never did so without Ren a stone’s throw away.
"That's exactly why I came here." he replied, mowing in great urgency, "Ren's in trouble, and we need everyone's help if we're gonna rescue him. And I need a place to stay." He added, the last sentence spoken with a sheepish tone.
Futaba's eyes widened at the news that her brother figure was in trouble.
“Ren is in…? Ren is in…!?”
She suddenly crouched down. 
“Ren is... is…”
Her breaths became fast and ragged and strained. 
Her heart drummed and thumped in her ears, consuming her hearing entirely. 
She felt dizzy. Her eyes unfocused.
“Futaba?” Morgana asks, “Are you-”
She suddenly scoops the feline up, “What happened Mona?!” she shouted as she gently but firmly shook Morgana, “Did, did Shido’s men get him? Did someone else!? Please, tell me!”
“Futaba, stooooop!” Morgan shrieked, yet to all other bystanders, he was meowing furiously, “I think I’m gonna…”
“Oh, sorry.” she stops, gently putting the cat down, “But still, what’s going on?!”
Her voice started to crack. Morgana looked around their surroundings. 
“Let’s go somewhere private.” Morgan said, as he turned to lead the girl towards Leblanc, “Leblanc is still open, right?”
“Yeah, but you’re not allowed there Mona.” Futaba points out, suddenly grabbing the cat, Morgana yelping in surprise, “Remember? Sojiro doesn’t want pets around food. You were only allowed in because you were always in Ren’s bag.”
“Not always.” Morgana huffs. 
“Yeah right.” Futaba scoffs, though her anxiety did not quite dissipate from her voice, “Anyway, since we need a place to talk privately, I have somewhere in mind.”
“My room, you dumb.”
The only light in the room clicked on, Futaba wandering the cramp space with Morgana in her arms, her shopping bag full of stationary supplies hanging off her arm. She pushed the door to her room with her right foot, before settingling the contents she held onto her bed that sat nearby, Morgana hopping off and making himself comfortable amongst her untidy sheets as she dumped the bag she held before diving into her expensive looking office chair.
“So…” Futaba begins, eyeing the cat behind the frames of her glasses, brown eyes somewhat obscured by the lens from the glare of the lights above, “About….. About Ren.”
Morgana could tell that her facade was starting to crumble, her anxiety too overwhelming for her to swallow, hugging her legs, him thinking she was trying to comfort herself. He settled himself on the bed, before starting his explanation. 
“Well...” he began, yet he was unsure where to start, looking down at his white paws, “I haven’t really processed everything myself…”
“Mona, please! I need to know!”
Morgana looked at Futaba, seeing that she was starting to cry. 
“Okay… so… we were in Tokyo at around lunchtime. Ren was checking his emails for his letter of acceptance,”
“The one for that culinary school, right?” Futaba asks, Morgana nodding. 
“Yeah. I asked him what it said as I couldn’t see the screen when he checked, but before he could respond he suddenly fainted.” 
“He… suddenly fainted?” she asks, surprised, “Was he sick? Did he catch a cold earlier?” 
“Not that I recall.” Morgana hummed doubtfully, “He was fine this morning, jittery even. Him fainting came out totally from nowhere. And so… when he fell, so did I.”
“Ouch, that must have hurt.” Futaba winced, yet she silently motioned Morgana to continue. 
“Well, I woke up.”
“Yeah… but.”
“But what?”
Morgana looked down for a moment, hesitant to speak. Futaba gritted her teeth, anxiety again flaring up, squeezing her throat as her grip on her anxiety rapidly loosened between her fingers, “Mona. Mona I need to know.” her voice wavered, “Where did you wake up?”
“I... I woke up in the Metaverse.” 
Pause. Neither of them made a sound. Morgana’s eyes gazed down. Futaba was too stunned to speak, too alarmed about the news of the re-emergence of that other world. 
“You… you woke up in the Metaverse?!” Futaba half exclaimed, repeating Morgana to process the information for herself, yet she felt repeating the cat’s words with her voice only incurred more disbelief as she continued to inquire him, “The Metaverse.... It’s back?! How?!”
“That’s what I thought as well.” Morgana continued before Futaba’s thoughts could snowball into a panic attack, “But at the time, I was more concerned about Ren. He was dragged in there as well, and had no idea how we even got there.”
“Did he have his phone with him?” the girl asks, inching closer to the animal companion, “He must have accidentally tapped on the nav as it appeared.”
“That’s one of the things that bothers me about this situation.” Morgana admits, looking up at Futaba, “But, we woke up, his phone just… disappeared.”
“It… disappeared!?” 
“Yeah. He swore he had with him before. He must have had, but when we woke up it was gone.” 
“That’s… that’s…”
Morgana continued, “That wasn’t it. While Ren was looking for his phone I spotted-”
“A Palace.” Futaba finishes, Morgana nodding. 
“Yeah, a Palace. You should have seen the surrounding area though.” he says, “While the rest of the surrounding buildings would remain intact, this palace had absolutely nothing surrounding it. Nothing but barren land, like the desert surrounding your palace.” 
“A distortion that severe?” she mumbles, sitting back in her chair, “Whoever’s palace this is, definitely has a warped view on the World.”
“I agree.” Morgana nods, “So either the Palace Ruler only cares about nothing but themselves, or is a total shut in to have the surroundings distort that hard.”
“Like Shido… or me.”
“Hmm…” Futaba thinks, though her anxiety still caused the rapid thumping of her heart, “So the Palace Ruler sounds really powerful to be able to drag you into the Metaverse, but distorted enough to have the surroundings distort that much. What was the Palace anyway?”
“That’s another aspect of this that bothers me.” Morgana says, an ear of his twitching as he continued, “It was something really unexpected: it was a theatre.” 
“Why would someone, who has such a severe distortion, have a theatre as a palace?” Futaba points out quizzically, “That’s really, really weird!”
“There’s more.” Morgana informs her, “When we went in there were cognitions of people. They were wearing masks. Joker’s mask.”
An alarm rang in Futaba’s head.
“J-Joker’s mask?! Are we dealing with a fan of some kind?!”
"Seems like it." Morgana agrees, flicking his two as he contemplates the possibility  "It's the only explanation that makes sense. But that has to mean that the owner knows Ren is a Phantom Thief. But..." 
He sighs in frustration, Futaba feeling her own sense of perplexion at the situation they were in, "It just doesn't make any sense!" 
Futaba's gaze trails down towards the floor, silence falling between the two occupants. 
An idea struck her mind, Futaba quickly grabbing her phone, typing away. 
"What are you doing?" Morgana asks, perking somewhat in surprise. 
Futaba: hey guys we got a problem
Futaba: like a really super big boss level problem
"Messaging the others." she answers back flatly, "If the Metaverse has come back and Ren's in trouble, we gotta get the others into this." 
Her phone chimes with a new message:
Ryuji: yo what is it futaba Ryuji: did you forget to pre order a thing again
Futaba scoffs at Ryuji's message. Morgana jumps off her bed and onto her lap, the girl yelling at surprise by the sudden feeling of fur brush on her thighs. 
Yusuke: I'm positive that Futaba has already pre ordered all the things she wants Ryuji, even if it seems pointless to you. Ryuji: i dunno man, i think it's kinda dumb to buy something really expensive just for some plastic…. Yusuke: She just sees value in things you don't, Ryuji. Ryuji: yeah says the guy who bought TWO LOBSTERS that one time Yusuke: That was a year and a half ago. When are you going to let go of that purchase? Ryuji: dude I'm just saying that you buy weird shit as well lol Ann: guys pls behave! futaba, I'm sorry you have to share a chat with these isiots omg Haru: What's the matter, Futaba-chan? Are you okay? Ann: *idiots Yusuke: What about that one occasion with that bracelet, Ryuji? Ryuji: i said it was an accident!
Futaba growled in annoyance as her phone continued to chime with messages.
Yusuke: 1,000 yen down the drain just because you lost it the next day. Makoto: Ryuji and Yusuke, are you seriously arguing about this now? Yusuke: At least my lobsters were key to developing my art. Ryuji: wtf yusuke you lost them the next day Ryuji: how did you lose a buncha lobsters??? Ryuji: IN A DORM Yusuke: I did not! They simply were thrown out by the staff… Makoto: It was silly to buy live lobsters without a proper container to house them… Haru: I remember everyone telling me about Yusuke’s lobsters when I first joined. Ann: guys didn’t futaba want to talk about something???
The ginger haired girl gritted her teeth in place of amusement. She loved her friends, but the last thing she needed was for them to mess around. 
Haru: I still can’t believe he did so, but at the same time it is a very Yusuke thing. Ryuji: god ikr haru??
Didn’t they know that Ren was in trouble? 
Ann: pfft that day was wild, i think we should go to the beach sometime again Ryuji: yeah so as long as uni doesn’t fuck me up again Yusuke: If you studied, university should be easy. Ryuji: I DO Yusuke: At least university is somewhat easier compared to the entrance exams… Haru: I would love to go to the beach with you guys! Makoto: I agree with Haru. I know I have a lot on my plate but I’ll be sure to plan ahead for all of you!
Futaba shakes with frustration. The phone in her hands shakes, she starts to tear up.
Haru: I really would have liked to, I’m still so jealous you got to go with Futaba! Makoto: We should ask Ren if he wants to go as well. Ryuji: oh yeah speaking of futaba, what’s ur prob girl Ann: og yeah futaba has a problem right?
She can’t take it anymore. 
Futaba: REN IS IN TROUBLE Makoto: I completely forgot, sorry Futaba, what were you about to say? 
Futaba sobs.Her tears falling down her face. Her phone fell silent. 
What seemed like an eternity, it rang back to life again.  
Ryuji: WHAT THE SHIT Ann: WHAT Haru: What???? Makoto: WHAT??? Yusuke: What happened? Futaba: mona came to find me Futaba: he said that the metaverse is back Makoto: Morgana is with you? Ryuji: but i thought we destroyed that shit! Ann: I thought we destroyed it!? Futaba: and there was a palace Haru: The Metaverse is back?! Yusuke: How is the Metaverse back? Futaba: and ren got caught Ryuji: OH FUCK Ryuji: BUT HOW?! Ann: how did he get caught!? 
Futaba wipes the tears off from her face with the sleeve of her jacket. Morgana, who was reading the chat logs alongside the girl, snuggled against her chest as an attempt to comfort her.
Makoto: That’s highly unusual of him. Yusuke: Ren is a dramatic person, but even he wouldn’t be so careless as to get himself caught during a palace exploration. 
“You should tell them.” Morgana suggests. He would have done it himself, lamenting the fact that he did not have hands or fingers. Futaba nodded, sniffling as her fingers still shook. 
Ryuji: how did he get caught? Ann: why didn’t he tell us? Futaba: mona said he didn’t have his powers. Futaba: his outfit was gone. Futaba: and he lost his phone. 
Another pause of silence. 
Ryuji: what the shit….. Ann: what the…. Ryuji: WHAT THE SHIT Haru: … Makoto: But… why? Futaba: mona thinks that it’s a phantom thief fan or something Futaba: but even he’s not sure Haru: What was the palace? Ryuji: FAN MY ASS Makoto: But that doesn’t make any sense! Futaba: it was a theatre Makoto: For Ren to not be considered a threat and to get kidnapped Ann: a theatre, like where plays are performed? Makoto: The ruler must know that Ren is a Phantom Thief! Futaba: i guess Haru: Could it be one of Ren’s other friends that was aware about his identity? Ryuji: dude if it turned out to be mishima i’ll be so fucking angry Ann: But didn’t we change his heart ages ago? Makoto: I don’t think it’s Mishima. Haru: Yeah, I agree with Makoto. Makoto: Although I wouldn’t rule it out, it’s highly unlikely to be him at least. Yusuke: Futaba, did Morgana catch a glimpse at the owner’s shadow? 
Futaba looked at the cat, who shook his head. 
Futaba: no Haru: How unfortunate Ann: uh guys. Ryuji: what is it ann Yusuke: Yes, Ann? Makoto: Where’s Yoshizawa-chanby the way? Ann: i got a weird notif on my phone Haru: She’s most likely at practise, she should be on soon.
Futaba’s eyebrows knit together. A strange notification? 
Futaba: from what app? Ann: i dunno but I don’t recognise it Futaba: can you tap it? Ryuji: probs an app you forgot you downloaded Yusuke: I got the same notification. Ryuji: wait what?! Makoto: I just did as well. Haru: Me too. I don’t remember downloading anything. Ryuji: shit me too, this is effing weird Ryuji: i’m gonna check it out
Her phone chimed, an alert sent to her phone as a banner dropped down on her screen. Sliding to properly assess the notification, she read it. 
“THIS IS YOUR INVITATION TO THE PREMIER TO WITNESS THE SHOW THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD. BOOK NOW TO…” the notification read. Under normal circumstances, Futaba would dismiss it, already tired with the constant advertisements that seem to be able to continually slither their way onto their phone. However she didn’t. What caught her eye was not the message itself, but the small icon next to it alongside the lack of an app name.
The icon was red, black and white. It looked like… Joker’s mask. 
She tapped on it, eager yet scared to see what it entailed. Her phone stopped for a second. Futaba waited impatiently, for she would have thought the phone had frozen on her had digital numbers of the internal clock had not ticked by past one minute after six.
Before she could utter a curse, the screen suddenly faded into black, transitioning to a screen she thought she’d never see again. 
“The Nav?” she says curiously, Morgana sitting up, the reappearance of the navigation app too peaked his interest. 
“Is there a bookmark?” Morgana asks, caning his head to meet her eyes, “Check to see if there is one.” 
Futaba nods, once again scanning the options of the demented Navigation App before tapping on ‘Bookmarks’. She sees there is one entry. She taps on it. 
Ryuji: what the FUCK Ryuji: FUCK 
Her eyes widened. Her mouth hung agape.
Makoto: What’s wrong, Ryuji? Ryuji: CHECK THE NOTIF Ryuji: NOW 
She covers her mouth as she choked a sob. Morgana rereads the entry over and over in utter disbelief. 
Ann: OH MY GOD Yusuke: Is this some kind of sick prank?! Ann: OH MY GOF
“T-that’s impossible.” Morgana stammers, the colour of Futaba’s face now flushed out, her shaking almost violently, tears again flowing along the cusp of her eyes. 
Makoto: I… I don’t even know what to say… Haru: Mona-chan said it was impossible! It should be, right? Ann: GUYS WHAT THE FUCK Ryuji: I KNOW RIGHT LIKE FOR REAL?!?!?!
“It should be!” the feline exclaims, “It should!”
Makoto: I don’t know how to feel. 
Yusuke: This is absolutely surreal. This must be a dream. 
Futaba stares at the words. The key words. The key words to a palace. The key words to a palace that should be impossible to form. The key words to a palace that should not have existed.
The words taunted her. Glowing on her phone. She read them again, unable to keep her composure. 
They read: 
‘Name: Ren Amamiya. 
Distortion: Theatre. 
Location: The World.’
Darkness occupied his vision, Ren feeling the blindfold wrapped tightly around his eyes. It was before he entered the theater on the top floor did the shadows decide to blindfold him, a cruel joke he decided, still feeling the bruises on his arms from the attempt to free himself as they robbed him of his sight. His arms were tied to something hard. Arm rests, he assumed, rope digging into his wrists. He was at least thankful that whatever he was bound to was comfortable, his body sinking into plush material.
He waited. Even took a nap, but when he awoke barely anything in his surroundings stirred.
With nothing to do, his mind wandered back to the numbers of the elevator. They made absolutely no sense to him. Why were they in a particular pattern? 
Three, star, six, four, two, seven, nine, eight, two, zero. Three, star, six, four, two, seven, nine, eight, two, zero. What did they mean? Three, star, six, four, two, seven, nine, eight, two, zero. He thought some more. Three, star, six, four, two, seven, nine, eight, two, zero. He bit his lip in thought. Three, star, six, four- 
The door to his prison opened. Heels clicked satisfyingly on the hard floor, the flap of a long coat could be heard as the door thud shut. 
The mysterious newcomer hummed a tune somewhat recognisable by the bound boy. The footsteps got somewhat quieter. Ren could hear a rustle and the clink of ice knocking on glass, the swirling of liquid as it filled its container. The newcomer puts a container down, a sniff, a sip and a satisfied sigh. Ren said nothing. He dared not. 
The footsteps started again, getting louder, the rattle of ice in water knocking glass more audible. The figure still hummed, carefree as Ren could feel their gaze trail along his body. They stopped when Ren could feel someone in front of him, the slight clinking of glass and the breaths from his observer almost syncing with the frenzied beating of his heart that banged rhythmically on his eardrums. 
He felt a hand, a gloved hand, roughly grab the blindfold, yanking it upward. Ren yelps, the sudden action combined with the pain of the yank and the lights above seering his unfocused eyes that blinded him causing him pain. He squeezes his eyelids shut before opening them, blinking rapidly, the same gloved hand gently caresses his chin before tilting his head upwards.
When his eyes finally focused, he found familiar golden eyes framed behind a familiar mask staring back at grey.
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
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Pairing: Underboos Taehyung X Underboss Reader
FT- OT7 CAMEO’S (Heavy Namjoon he’s the readers Bodyguard) 
This is a long-awaited “update” for my Taehyung (M) Mafia AU “Family Ties” Below you will find a summary and a link to the master list if you’re someone who found this just from the tags and doesn’t already know the series...which I’m sure will be a TON of people (Lol)
AU SUMMARY: A powerful alliance made up of 4 families spanning over a decade, is suddenly turned on its head when one family has a new leader after an unexpected death. Well, let’s just say he’s not down to follow the somewhat civilized rules your families have inforced. Sooo now, it’s game on…
I am in a huge dilemma and I guess I could use some help/suggestions bc I constantly get asked about this particular story like no other!
...I posted the first chapter of this series...1/2/2019…..the series was unplanned and unexpected..
What prompted the AU, to begin with, was a smut drabble I made called “Such a Brat” where Tae and the reader have sex in a supply closet at a party..and it ends with a hinted shootout taking place outside…..not sure why I opted to take that route but I did…
Also...that drabble was written on the 1st of Jan...and part 1 of Family Ties which is like 8K...was posted on Jan 2nd.
At the time I had only been back on Tumblr for maybe 3 months after taking almost a 4-year break! I was very new to the BTS fandom/BTS in general actually fun fact my first two drabbles that are now private (Posted in Mid Oct 2018)….where written solely off edits on Pinterest...I actually wasn’t even a “fan” then!  I just wanted inspo to write....
My dilemma stems from the way the story has progressed...
The plot of this series was based on a script I wrote called “Blood Lines” back in like 2017, I think initially my brain altered the outline because....
I guess if in some far fetched reality... if the script got picked up there would be differences between this and the AU! I know, I know it probably sounds crazy but that was my reasoning, I didn’t want my fanfic to be exactly the same as my script!
Where I miscalculated is...I did not think people would enjoy it the way they did...I did not think in all honesty it would continue past part one actually!
Honestly, looking back on it I think I was on such a high from the feedback that drabble got because I was so new to the fandom that I just jumped to the first thing and wrote Family Ties...In all of a day...which I NEVER do anymore. My brain would shut the fuck down!
In reality, the plot IS the same, It’s still about the alliance getting internally ripped apart and a war starting within the black market... however how we get there and some of the characters dynamics is what’s different…
A little spoiler, in this series, Tae and the reader start off with a dysfuctional FWB dynamic, IE they both love each other but they’re stubborn AF! In part 1 of the original version, when all hell breaks loose it’s litterally hours after Tae proposes to Luxx (The OC’s nickname if your not familiar)
There storyline was suppose to start with them finally getting over the cat and mouse chase..and finding out how truly diffcult it is to openly be in love with and protect someone while living in there “world”.
 If we’re being 100% honestly I’m actually not a fan of ANY chapter now that I look back on it up until the ending of chapter 3!
If I had it my way I’d start over….but I know that’s not ideal, even though we’re only 4 chapters in these chapters are long AF...and you guys have already gotten SO damn invested. The series was mapped out to have 12 chapters..but it’s I think hard for me to put it together because I’m personally not happy with the series because I know the way it was meant to be….
 I want to give you guys closure...I’m not tired of this universe per se I guess now...a year and 4 months in I’m just pissed at myself that I didn’t just stick to the initial outline…I feel like now I’m stuck as to how to reign it all in because the last 7 chapters would flow better in my opinion IF I started it the way it was meant to be…
I know it’s hard because you guys don’t know the original and clearly you enjoy this one or else you wouldn’t read it but I’m not happy with my work the way I’d like to be….
So IDK guys….HELP lol….the masterlist is linked below…..I’m open to suggestions because I enjoy smut I truly do...but I LOVE thrillers/suspense/Mafia..hell even horror! That’s what I actually enjoy over just your typically “Where pineing over each other” plots lol no shade bc I write A LOT of that...but this is my element...which is also probaly why I’m so upset that it’s not what I wanted....
COMMENT/COME TALK TO ME PM OR ANON IDC...A bitch is stuck lol end help!
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faelune-home · 3 years
FFXIV Write #16: Crane
(a/n: In an odd turn, reading the tags of the original prompt announcement, someone bringing up machines made me think of those game machines, and the idea had me so gripped, I ended up doing a one off Modern AU idea. :’D I’ve had some ideas for modern au stuff, but never the chance or desire to write it, so that’s why I call this a one off.
A girls afternoon with Lyse, Alisaie and Ryne, getting caught up at an arcade. I had a different ending planned where they tried a bit harder to get the teddy, but I scrapped it for fear of it feeling too out of character, even for whatever minor concessions a modern au would give compared to canon, plus maybe on the edge of illegal :’D Scrapped but kept saved elsewhere, so maybe I’ll post it another time as a What if ending for this prompt idk aha. The original idea certainly made this go on a bit longer than this cut off version ended up being...
Obviously no main series spoilers given the setting.
Word count: 856)
The cute fuzzy teddy bear was surly mocking them, sitting idly with its cute tiny stitched smile in the centre of a stage of bright lights as the crane hand brushed harmlessly past it, clasping around the stuffed toy’s arm only for it to slip out again in the attempt to airlift the toy and claim it. 
There were others as well, sitting along shelves on the back wall, but this one sitting so proudly and openly in the centre of the machine, so open for the taking…
Another attempt with the crane hand only managed to grab its leg, pulling it up only for it to fall flat on its back. One of the other plush teddies from the shelves tumbled to the machine’s inner floor when a dissatisfied Lyse gave a loud smack to the machine.
“Lyse, this is your 6th try now, maybe you should stop. It’s all rigged to take your money anyway,” Alisaie sighed, shaking her head at the older woman’s actions. Beside her, Ryne nodded in agreement, frowning.
“I really don’t need it that badly, I was only looking. We can get something like it elsewhere,” she pleaded. But Lyse was determined.
“Oh no, I’m in it to win now, just you watch. I’ll get it this time!” she cheered, hyping herself up as she put another coin in the machine.
“And I’ll get ready to call Yda so she can come and stop you,” Alisaie mumbled, eying the time on her wristwatch. It was only meant to be a fun day out after school had let out for the younger pair, just the three of them out on the town, a girl’s afternoon of sorts. They’d only passed through the arcade for a brief stop, not even intending to get caught up into any games until Ryne had commented in passing about the cute little teddies in the crane machine.
And thus, there they were, 20 minutes later and Lyse had been stuck to the machine ever since, each attempt being kicked off with a, “Last time, I swear it this time”. Alisaie and Ryne could only stand to the side, watching in mild concern and bemusement for their friend, filling their wait time with discussions of where else they could go if they could eventually pry Lyse from her torture.
Then, while talk had turned to food and snacks, a whoop recaptured their attention. Lyse stepped aside, wearing a proud grin as she motioned to the precariously clutched teddy bear within the clawed grip of the crane, swinging back and forth on its way to the prize slot.
“I told you! I said I could do it!” she cheered, arms raised high in victory. Ryne gave a polite clap for the woman’s preservation and achievement, while Alisaie couldn’t help the small quirk at the corner of her lips at Lyse’s jubilance.
“Alright, congratulations. We still didn’t need to stay here this long, but now that you’ve managed to get it, can we leave? We could all do with some food now, right?”
“Of course, of course, we can go now, let me just-” Lyse turned, ready to collect her reward. The teddy dropped from the crane toward the machine’s prize slot. The teddy landed on the corner of the raised wall surrounding the prize slot. And despite leaning into the hole, almost close to dropping, it didn’t budge.
An awkward silence fell over the trio, with only the artificial beeps and bloops and chiptune music from the machines around them, and the chatter of excited school kids at the other machines to fill the quiet.
“Are you serious?” Lyse hissed, frustrated beyond belief as she administered several loud whacks to the machine, her prize wobbling tentatively on the edge with every hit, yet not moving all the same.
“It was a good try,” Ryne said, offering a reassuring pat to the woman’s shoulder.
“Indeed, I’ll admit you did your best and almost got it,” Alisaie nodded, “But let’s just leave it now, if you keep trying, you’ll just risk losing it and going back to square one.”
“This is not fair,” Lyse groaned, hitting her head against the plexiglass front. The teddy wobbled.
“No, it's not,” the elezen girl agreed, beginning to pull her friend away toward the entrance. “We’ll go get some food now, and maybe we’ll take Ryne’s earlier suggestion and just buy something like it. It’d be a better use of your money than wasting it here.”
“And we can get something for Yda as well,” Ryne added, to which Alisaie nodded and said, “Exactly, and it’ll be a conversation piece if we want to tell her about all of this.”
“Can we not, she won’t let me forget about it, and she wasn’t even here.” Laughter broke out amongst the younger pair at Lyse’s despair, the trio walking out of the arcade and into the busy main street to enjoy the rest of their afternoon.
The little fuzzy teddy, left all alone to teeter on the edge of freedom, finally tumbled down the chute and settled itself at the bottom, waiting to be claimed.
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mavspeed · 3 years
First Line Meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line, then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Hey @applesfallingfromblondehair, thanks for the tag love!! likewise i dont usually do this but this feels interesting so lets see if my ass has improved over the last few stories lmfkjgjk
also this will prob be a mix of xmcu fic + kingsman fic bc i think i have a more or less equal number of fics written for both
The first time Charles meets Lucifer Morningstar, actual devil from hell, ruler of the underworld, fallen son of the lord above and god knows what else, it had been after Erik had been sentenced to life imprisonment in the highest security cell in the Pentagon. 
- this is from a professor and a devil walk into a bar, which is kinda a crossover rarepair fic that rose out of me and mutuals on twitter discussing tom ellis and james mcavoy being roommates and kinda... devolved from there. i am proud of this one lmfnjgkj
“Are you okay, Professor?” Hank asks quietly.
Charles blinks. He supposes it’s a valid question. He’s been in a bit of a funk the past few days- scratch that actually, the past few years. He’s just lost so much- his father, and then his mother’s love, and then Raven and Erik and Sean and countless others. Building a school, gaining students he loved to teach and nurture hadn’t helped him in the slightest, and he’s as lost as he ever was, wandering the halls of a drafty mansion alone, feeling like he’s been stranded at sea even whilst surrounded by people.
- from in the belly of the beast, which again came out of me wondering what would have happened if fox had gone w their original plan and charles had been that last horseman instead of erik. this story will prob gain a sequel... sometime in the near future when im not too bogged down by current wips
The Xavier family hall of the deceased- because of course they’re weird enough to have a cemetery- is full of rows upon rows of holograms. Charles is four and gets bored of his father crying over his mother’s hologram, so he toddles over to the other rows. Unfamiliar names, all of them- Charles is young, and he doesn’t understand death. He doesn’t even know who his mother is, who’d died at childbirth and left him with a father still at a loss when it came to bringing up a kid.
- from tequila on a spaceship, the sequel to a fic that still has some people angry at me i think. this fic never did gain as much traction as the first one but im still proud of it esp since it discusses certain themes of reincarnation that ive always wanted to see explored for myself in reincarnation aus (and i only ever saw it in danveresque’s reincarnation au)
There are cork boards covering every inch of the wall. Red strings, photographs, conspiracy threads, everything. Raven takes it in, swallowing, noticing the picture in the middle.
It’s one of Charles, when he’d been in university. His final year- he'd just been done presenting his year- end project, his fringe a tumbled mess and a bright smile on his lips. Erik had taken the picture, Charles scurrying to his side once he’d been done and demanding to look at the image, his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth. He looks like how Raven had always imagined him to be.
“He wouldn’t want this,” she finally says, turning to look at Erik.
- from tequila on a beach, the first fic to the fic above. this fic is v special to me because i actually wrote this on a spiral after having a very tough visit with one of my parents in the hospital after a surgery for organ removal to prevent the onset of cancer. its simpler than my other fics yet i think more powerful because of what happens. also i think the first time i killed charles off lol (spoiler alert). also idk if ppl were aware of this but this is called tequila on a beach precisely bc charles and erik were tipsy from tequila at a frat party and then went to a beach. its the way they first met (and will continue to meet for all their next lives)
Erik doesn’t know how it all started. Maybe it was when his insane sergeant had started rambling about imaginary cities, treasures of gold and cursed incantations. Maybe it was when trickles of rumours had started pouring down about the higher ups wanting to investigate unfound territory, disregard the Egyptian government’s feelings on the matter, and put a previously unfound myth on the map for all the world to see. Or maybe, Erik thinks, it was when archaeologist Klaus Schmidt put a bullet through his mother’s head and he ended up going to America armed with dual citizenship and the sole intent of wanting to drive a coin directly between Schmidt’s eyes, joining a division of the American military focused solely on guarding archaeological digs- more importantly, in Egypt, where Schmidt’s interest had shifted.
- from courting the end of the world, another one i’m just insanely proud of! this is the first time i’ve ever attempted a multichapter movie au and it actually managed to work pretty well, i at least haven’t run out of inspiration for it yet lmfjgjg. also erik as himbo rick connell... very rent free in my head
The day after they murder Shaw and leave his house of horrors, Erik crosses the Canadian border with Charles across his back. Charles had started getting tired while they’d been walking, stumbling and nearly tripping until Erik had forced him to get on his back, ignoring Charles’ protests.
The blood’s seeping out steadily from Charles’ nose, staining his shirt and soaking it through. It’s been leaking on and off, and the effects are already obvious in the dark circles beneath Charles’ eyes. Any more, and Erik knows they’ll have to find him a doctor. He hopes the nearest town in Canada has one that would be willing to treat them.
- from a world built for two. i actually dk where the inspiration for this came from, i think i was once again on a depressive spiral and wanted to break my comfort characters into pieces and put them together again. this also deals with codependency and unhealthy coping mechanisms as a result of trauma which i showed as sweet in the fic but i would def not recommend in real life. pls if u relate to either charles or erik in this go see a therapist
The call comes in the afternoon, an hour before Charles is supposed to teach his Intro to Genetics class. Frowning, Charles abandons the game of Candy Crush he’d admittedly been playing rather badly and picks it up. “Charles sp-”
“We need you, Prof,” Kitty says desperately into the phone. “He’s been in a temper all morning, and then Alex’s reports missed out a whole subsection, so he’s fired the entire marketing team! Please, Professor, you have to come immediately!”
- from and we can be pirates. i wrote this in like 4 seconds for my friend who wanted professor charles and ceo erik and actually did not expect this to gain the attention it did... its always the fics u write in like 4 seconds lmfjggj. a sequel for this Is coming too probably at some point in the very far future
Charles Xavier can admit as he sits across from Essex, hands cuffed to the desk, that in hindsight, this had perhaps not been one of his better ideas.
He refuses to admit it as he controls Erik’s mind, preventing him from lashing out and making him close his eyes to the nightmare unfolding in front of him. He refuses to admit it as he gets shoved into the back of a black pickup truck, and the butt of a gun is smashed across his forehead hard enough to knock him out cold for a few hours. He refuses to admit it when he wakes up what appears to be hours later in a cold interrogation room, hands cuffed to the table in front of him, with a suppression collar rendering his mind dark and almost achingly silent.
- from from the land of gods (bring me home). i’ve been struggling w this fic a lot (it didnt come as easily to me as the first one did) but its getting there. also i put charles through hell in this rip sorry mister xavier
In the aftermath, both of them stand at the border of the mansion. The air feels frigid, slicing into Raven’s lungs like a thousand paper cuts. “Charles, please,” she begs, heart in her throat and voice hoarse. “He wouldn’t want you to be like this. He wouldn’t want you to do this. It’s not too late, you can come back.”
Charles gazes back, a brick wall. He hasn’t even cleaned up, still in that damnable yellow and blue suit with blood drying in the corners of his mouth, the bridge of his nose. There’s nothing in his eyes- blank, almost see through. He looks as if he’s a mere shade, a ghost lounging about where he once was. Raven knows better.
“I will raze the world to the ground,” he finally says, his voice free of any inflection, “and when I’m done, no one will be left standing. Not you, and certainly not me.”
- from where all the poets went to die, a dark fic based on what would have happened if moira had killed erik with the bullets. its the first time ive written dark charles and it was v fun if im being honest
Charles is a light sleeper. It’s a trait that stays with him- all the way from his father and the tests to taking care of his mother to Cain Marko and his fists to Cuba and then now, the dust of Washington settling over him and making the waking world lie an inch beyond his eyelids. It therefore stands to reason that the second the windowsill creaks he’s up in a shot, hoisting himself up and lashing out with his telepathy instantly.
That’s not a trait that had stayed with him. That’s a newly formed trait, bitter and bold, carved into existence by Cuba by his students disappearing one by one in Vietnam by the letters that announce Sean’s death in black unfriendly print by-
The tendrils of his telepathy forged cold and distant meet a barrier and recoil, stunned. He focuses his eyes and then widens them, staring at Erik who stares back, hidden beneath that infernal muddied magenta helmet of his. They stare at each other for a moment before Erik clears his throat.
- from in the valley of kings (you will come home). my first ever cherik fic! im actually also proud of this one even if i ended it horribly and half my mutuals refuse to read it bc of how it ended LMFJGJGJ. i cant believe this was supposed to be a funny and cute kid fic and then i turned it into an angst ridden mess. also leo is actually an oc whose adult version is fancasted as charlie rowe by me and another mutual on twitter and im v proud that readers are willing to die for the baby
Mike has to google it, finding a crafts shop nestled into the corner of the street right smack in the middle of Louisiana, past a long and winding dirt road and the crumbling farmhouses relics of a time long past. The air is hot, humid, sticking to the back of his neck like an unwieldy parasite as he pushes the door of the shop open to the sound of the bell tinkling above.
He finds the origami paper quickly enough and has a momentary breakdown about what Bill’s favourite colour even is- he had never thought to ask him. Twenty seven years of following every single footstep of his like a dedicated, most definitely creepy stalker, three months of more than a few states traversed with Bill’s laughter now echoing in his ears like a shadow that trails after him, and this is what stumps him. It takes ten minutes, but he finally settles on light green.
- my first and last entry into the IT fandom bc i love these two but to be very fair there isn’t much content out there for him (and twitter content actually intimidates me lmfjgjjg) a thousand paper cranes never got much traction either but i suspect its bc i was horrible at promoting it. also i very much love this fic even if it never did that well bc ive always wanted to write a fic like this after watching the movie in cinemas in 2019
ok nsfw i guess 
Mornings start like this- Eggsy snuffling into David’s neck, attempting to work his way back up to wakefulness as David sleeps the sleep of the dead, the streams of morning sunlight gradually lightening up the room. It’s a while before he gets the energy to sit up, pushing an eager V off the bed- V for Vendetta, a kitten named after one of David’s favourite movies that they’d adopted about a month after moving in together- before stumbling to the loo. He’s already in the shower when David comes in, naked as the day he’s born with his arms entwining themselves around Eggsy’s waist as he murmurs a sleep-soft, “Good morning, love,” as he presses a kiss into the two-days-old hickey on Eggsy’s shoulder. His breath smells of toothpaste, the minty fresh kind he insists on buying from Target no matter how much Eggsy insists that the other brand is much better. Without fail, Eggsy always has a split second thought of thinking that he must truly be in heaven because no way can this be his reality, every single day, before sinking to his knees and allowing David’s cock to hit the back of his throat.
- from that’s the kind of love i’ve been dreaming of. i genuinely wish i had an opinion for this but i don’t remember writing this its been way too long
The first time Eggsy sees her is in Trafalgar Square.
Trafalgar Square is uncomfortably packed on any normal day, but on New Year’s it is quite the hothouse. Sweating armpits and hot bodies plastered against each other, the twinkling lights overhead providing a flash of blue and green and yellow and red, screaming children and giggling teenagers shoving their way through- it’s a recipe for disaster. Eggsy doesn’t know how he ends up there. It happens sometimes- one second he blinks, sequestered in the comfort of his living room, and the next he’s somewhere else, as if he’s been teleported. “Life goes past you,” Tilde had said once, “and you don’t even notice.” Tilde would be right.
- this is a roxy and eggsy friendship centric fic that i abandoned bc i lost my ardor for this world about the same time i got into xmen lmfjgjg. all the king’s horses also had some great fancasts in it with dev patel fancasted too... rip ig
once again, nsfw
Eggsy, truth be told, doesn’t actually like having sex in bathrooms. First of all, bathrooms generally have an unsanitary air about them. Besides that, the granite of the sinks always feel cold against his hips, there is the ever present fear of being walked in on and unlike what people might say, he actually really isn’t that much of an exhibitionist- and truth be told, he’s never liked the look of himself in the mirror mid coitus.
For David Budd, however, he suspects he might be up for anything.
- from do you ever dream of me. im actually proud of this fic and this series, i never usually write straight up porn or friends w benefits and i think it worked well in here. once again didnt get much traction but that was very of the norm for my kingsman fics lmfjgj
It is on his fifth meeting with the therapist on site that she brings the issue up. The elephant in the room- or the bomb , David thinks morbidly. If asked, he can’t remember specifics about that day now. All he remembers is this- the burn of Julia’s picture in his wallet against his thigh, the Botticelli painting on the far wall and Miss Paulson’s face, severe and unsmiling.
“When you couldn’t reach Julia,” she says, after he finishes describing the feeling of running to Julia, the panic searing his chest as he’d prayed for his legs to work faster so he could do something, anything to reach her hand. “How did that make you feel?”
- from your haunted social scene. i genuinely... do not remember anything about this either helpfkjgjg,,, this has 55 comments tho which. Nice
David brings her home on- in a move far too cliche for it to be reality- a stormy night. It’s in fact storming so hard the windowpanes shudder like leaves in the wind, droplets crashing against the glass in a cacophony so loud Eggsy more than once considers turning the radio all the way up to drown it out. He’d gone scrounging for David’s sweatshirts instead of his own halfway through, wincing intermittently at the flashes of thunder. At a particularly loud one JB had jumped up, squeaked in a very undoglike manner and skidded across the floor to cower beneath the sofa, only coming out when coaxed by Eggsy to do so. Officer Oatmeal had watched the proceedings from her regal place by the armchair, dozy eyed and blinking heavily.
- from a cat named lavender. from what i remember this was also my first try at bringing up trans eggsy
He first appears at the black prince on a cold Monday evening, eyes like Frank Sinatra and lips arresting anyone’s gaze if they weren’t careful enough. He stood out too, clad in a respectable bomber jacket and boots that clicked against the tile rhythmically and loudly, a sort of organised, measured cacophony.
“Go and serve him,” Andrew said, fat and disinterested, seated behind the counter and idly flicking through bills, less than ten percent of which he pays Eggsy. “I’m busy.”
- from trust is left in lovers after all. i never continued this which is sad bc this did get a lot of attention... it was just v hard to keep the story going
It usually rains cats and dogs in London but for some reason, the rain is heavier than usual today. The droplets splatter against the windows in a constant buzzing rhythm, the sound meshing together in a melody not altogether pleasant to the ears. It’s half past five and yet the light has to be kept on because that’s how dark the sky has gotten- thunder rolls like a loud crack, abrupt and deafening, causing Daisy to jump in her seat.
“Just a thunderstorm, flower,” Eggsy says. They’re seated at the dinner table, Eggsy going over her homework while David sits opposite them, hunched over his laptop as he attempts to finish a post mission report. Eggsy is half convinced he gave up ten minutes ago- he’s got his earbuds in and he hasn’t really typed anything in a while, eyes focused on the screen. His eyebrows are scrunched up in a glare that’s too adorable for his own good- and for Eggsy’s.
- from could feel like kryptonite. a lot of my kingsman fics are actually so much happier than my cherik ones... i should prob look into that rip
“When you’re done lazing around you can come in, you dozy dog,” he tells Officer Oatmeal, who butts her nose into his knee. She’s the only one not on a diet in the house, Eggsy deeming her far too healthy and skinny to need one anyway. In fact, she’s under strict instructions by Eggsy to fatten up instead.
Once the animals are done feeding- Eggsy sporting a suspicious scratch on his left forearm- they settle down to eat their scrambled eggs and toast. David’s taken a large gulp of his scalding coffee when Eggsy says, all of a sudden, “So, I have a school reunion.”
- from gonna set this dance alight. don’t remember much about this either tbh
20. (the last one FINALLY)
It isn’t a big event or explosion that makes David realise he wants to see his father’s ring sitting pretty on Eggsy’s index finger. No teary confessions in the rain like in the rom coms Eggsy loves to rent out and sniffle his way through, or a fight that makes David see sense. In the end, it’s breakfast that cinches the deal for him.
The day had started out normally enough. David wakes up at eight like clockwork, the soft downy hair at the base of Eggsy’s neck tickling his nose with his arm locked tight around his waist. He’d yawned, exhausted- mostly because they’d stayed up very late into the night making good use of the bed- before standing up and shucking his shirt off to head for the shower. Eggsy had shifted in his sleep, mumbling something unintelligible, and the sight had been too endearing to resist so he’d bent down, pressing a kiss to his forehead and smiling when Eggsy groaned out loud.
- from lover boy rules. i actually started a lot of my kingsman fics in the same way which is rather awful of me. im glad thats changed with my xmen fics lmfjgjk. also this has 15 comments???? i dont even get that much attention with my xmcu fics these days... which is arguably a more active fandom... Hello
anyway that’s the end of it needless to say i do not know 10 other authors so im just gonna tag whoever i know rn: @hellfre , @queerneto, @ikeracity, @drinkingstars, @zebraljb
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