#id pack blog
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dee-r · 14 days ago
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HEART (Chonny Jash)
Pt: Heart chonny jash NPTS.
Self indulgent .
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Artemis , Arte , Artie , Angel, Angela , Acoustic , Cora , Cupid , Dove , Dust , Heart , Indigo , Juno , June , Junebug , Juniper , Luna , Lunar , Lune , Lover , Moon , Moonlight , Mars , Night , Sorrow , Sparrow , Spite , Symphony , Tears , Tear , Violet , Wisteria .
Moon/Moon/Moons/Moonself , Lune/Luna/Lunar/Lunaself , Glim/Glimmer , Shim/Shimmer , Lov/Love/Lover/Loveself Spite/Spites/Spiteself , Wing/Wings/Winged/Wingself .
The One Who Was Mad , The Winged Half , The Moon , The Emotional Side , The Love And Hate , prn Who Shot at the Sun , prn , Who Was Blinded By Rage , The Purple One , prn Who Shot And Missed , Prns Who's Purpose Is Emotion .
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toxin-filled-ids · 1 month ago
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Soda Pack
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Welcome to our web, little spider...
(your pack can be found under the cut!)
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(1 - 2 - 3)
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◠🕸 names ; Berry , Cherry , Cin , Crush , Fizzle , Florence , Frasier , Freya , Poppy , Soda , Sorbet , Sugar
◠🕸 prns ; fi/fizz/fizzle (or fizzy!), pop/pop, bub/bubble or bubble/bubbles, tab/tabs, soda/tab, cap/caps or bottle/cap, berry/berrys, straw/strawb/strawberry or straw/strawberry or strawberry/strawberrys , so/soda or soda/sodas, glittler/glitters, sparkle/sparkles, 🥤/🥤s, 🫧/🫧s, 🍓/🍓s, 🍒/🍒s, ✨/✨s
◠🕸 genders ; Lycheemarblesodic, Sodafade, Pinksodatabbic, Redsodatabbic, Rainbowsodatab , Cantabic, Strawberic, Hopebervintagic , FizzyDrinkic, Fizzgender, Popsodagender, Strawbfizzflavic, Strawbfizzaromic , Black Cherry Soda , Cherry Soda , Soda Gender, Cherry Gender, Cherryic, Redsweetic, Glittergender, Pinkglitteric 
◠🕸 titles ; the can tab collector, fizzy fixation , strawberry dream , [x] who is made with glitter and fun , [x] from the vending machine , the fizzy one , cherry lover , one of many bottle caps in the collection
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Uh. Banner creds HERE cuz I'm too lazy to edit in it's own little section for it LOLL
(we literally split a guy from this abt halfway into making the pack so like . OOPSIES ! he helped out lol - Subspace)
( tags; @id-pack-archive )
Divider creds; spider/web combo | spider webs | thin pink line | soda dividers
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hellish-npts · 1 month ago
“ dead I am the one, exterminating son ”
copia or adonis — he / him — adult
white / blacklist — npt maker
prev usernames: birdbrain-npts
“ dead I am the rat, feast upon the cat ”
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caninesickly · 4 months ago
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‎       Welcome to my blog.
I do anything I feel like on this blog. Id packs, vent, poetry, images, miscellaneous, just feel free to ask. Enjoy this, to whoever needs it. May the uncomfortable soon be comfortable within.
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verumvidere · 10 months ago
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names ;;
archer, bandit, blaze, bruno, brutus, canine, diesel, dire, falcon, fanger, gunnar / gunner, havoc, hawk, hund, malice, razor, rebel, revel, revenge, rex, rogue, scout, sledge, spike, striker / stryker, tank, wolf
pronouns ;;
bite / bites, growl / growls, mutt / mutts, stray / strays, howl / howls, cur / curs, muzzle / muzzles, cage / cages, snarl / snarls, rabid / rabids, feral / ferals, canine / canines, maul / mauls, hunt / hunts, chain / chains, hound / hounds
titles ;;
{X} who bites the hand that feeds, the abandoned stray / mutt, {X} who wanders alone, the outcasted, {X} who has been muzzled / caged, {X} who howls at night, the stray of the streets
genders ;;
muttial, canigoric, thingmutt, boymutt / girlmutt, traumamutt, muttfreak, dogkillgender, weirdpup, aggressivecaninegender, baddoggender, muttlexic, canirabic, muzzlegender, bloodymuzzic
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[DIVIDER ID: a black chain gif divider that moves horizontally across the screen. it repeats twice in this post. END ID.]
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discardead · 4 months ago
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··· ··· ··· ✧✦✧ ··· ··· ··· Old Machinery, Mechanic things, Dolls, and Lolita Fashion themed NPUT list
﹒﹒﹒ Requested by @nomkiwi
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Dollita. Rosadoll. Dollithia. Porcelie. Frills. Vinlicate. Antoinette. Dollette. Lacey. Lain. Laine. Ribonette. Lacelune. Lovelace. Cutesyine. Frillocke. Locklace. Mechabelle. Dollique. Rustaline. Charmlace. Velvette. Metalisse. Copper. Russell. Rustique. Lottie. Luciel. Roch. Amir. Verdell. Blanche. Francoise. Victorine. Valvoria. Timorelle. Pendellia. Machinique. Dolly. Ethel. Stamford. Otto. Auto. Cyril. Chantilly.
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doe/dolls. ge/gear. mae/machine. fri/frills. fi/frill. lae/lace. porce/porcelain. rib/ribbon. shwe/hwer. hwe/hwim. thwey/thwem. bo/bow. joi/joints. bjd/bjds. cu/cute. cyu/cyute. cwu/cwute. kyu/kyute. co/cogs. tick/tock. rus/rust. clo/clock. twick/twock. ste/steam. cha/charm. chi/chiffon. lo/lolita.
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dollgears. machinedolls. gearedolls. steampnk. machinairy. deardoll. deardclly. dollpunk. dolljoints. cogsndolls. rustyd-ll. rustydoll. clocklita. dollike. autodoll. steampnklita. dollitas. steamedoll. clockwwrk. clockwcrks. pocketdoll. lacelita. clunylace. chantillace.
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The [noun] in Frills. The Doll. Prn* Porcelain Beauty. The Lolita Doll. Prn* Timeless Beauty. The Vintage Doll. The [noun] who Dolled-up. The Dolled-up Darling/Lolita/[noun]. The [noun] with rusty ball-joints. The Clockwork Doll. Prn* Porcelain Heart. The Frilled Marionette. Prn* Mechanical Melody. The Dollmaker's creation. Prn* broken music box. Prn* Antique Beauty. The Dolly Lolita by the Clocktower. The [noun] in Gears and Cogs. The Cutest Lolita. The [noun] dressed in Laces. The Clocktower's Doll/[noun]. Prn* ticking Rhythm.
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paintlesscanvas · 6 months ago
haii!! could we request vampire/emo themed snpts please? thanks in advance!! (your blog is super awesome sauce)
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System Names: the chained up collective, the sun-fearing system, bats hanging upside down, the ruby gloom system, the drained collective, the undying creatures, creepy catacombs, the cave dwellers, the dyed hair collective, gerard way’s fanbase, the fanged lovers, the bloodless, murder of crows, the parasol wielders, the hot topic system, the exhausted, minute misery, smudged eyeliner system, the ghoulfriends, those shrouded in shadow, cramped coffins, the vein drainers, those damn dhampirs, batty bitches, the headbanging collective, the emo system, the dark circle system, the studded belt collective, the cobwebbed coffin, the crying collective, the melancholic, batty bloodbath, the fanged system, the flying bats, the blood-filled cauldron, the fanged, the vegan vamps, the reflectionless collective, fishnet freaks, the sad playlists, the stitched hearts, bloody bruises, the weirdos, mister, the fallen down, the cursed collective, helena’s graveyard, the empty system, the graveyard dancers, the bloodied blades, closeted skeletons, striking violent poses, the fearful, the strange and unusual, those with the darkened clothes, the mortuary collective, the unbeating hearts, shadow lurkers, the grotesque ghouls, the raccoon tailed, the weary and worn, those from transylvania, the empty chalice, the demolition lovers, the decrimson stains, the teenagers, monster high, the bat colony, the counts of the night, the wounded fingers collective, the lonely, those that returned from the ashes, the immortal system, the mysterious rejects, the bleeding makeup collective, the scarlet drinkers, the horror show, broken hearted, the emo cult, the dhampirs, totally not posers, torn and frayed, the bloody things, the graveyard obsession, the silent pulse, the strays, the bat-winged system, those who blast music, the vampiric manor, those who come out at night, the headphone wearers, the ones drowning in music, the haunted forest, warped with hate, the tattered clothes collective, the outcasted, the bleeding, the romeos and juliets, the failures,
Usernames: surroundedbynight, liesinthebooks, sxwithaghost, vamprieofthepalace, fshnetglves, tonightisthenight, vampfangz, yrfavoritevampire, kneeh1ghconverse, julietscmndlust, messydrinker, romeosbloodiedhnds, tututhousands, raisedglasses, cleanupyrlooks, chainedcastle, chaliceofblood, skullst4k3s, mortalbats, teenagersrscary, sluuuuuuurp, saneabandonedme, onyxsoooul, mmyspacekween, baaaaatwings, cannibalglow, commandedlust, myssspaceking, coginthemrdrmchine, eldritchemo, batwisp, txtteredpxges, fangsintoflesh, swoopshadow, checkrdconvrse, vampygrlfrnd, hopeandshadow, aspirationstoshreds, vampybyfrnd, bloodycauldron, lovewithavampire, amurderofbats, plasmapouch, deadlydeparted, cadavercutie, em1lythestr4nge, shrpstlves, hidinginmycloak, rosesforthedead, dxeadlynightshade, vans4life, ripupyourheads, legsandtongue, heymisery, theblackparade, splitgoblet, bitingvampire, hshtaghosted, warruined, gallonsofblood, caprisunblood, rrrrrrbl, vxmpyrrr, darkenyrclothes, wermonsterhigh, rubygloooom, deadbats, silverdippedcrown, brnthempires, castlecrawl, dearlydeceased, pileofbones, returnfromtheashes, dripdripdrip, halfhumanhalfnot, batbatbatbat, elvirasratings, violentpose, itsnothertime, garlicsting, bloodchugger, awfulfuck, completecooperation, weallgotohell, countofthenight, rvencrws, scaredofstakes, twooofanged, ddaintydhampir, buildingacoffin, brrrkenheart, garishgh0ul, gerardseyeliner, outsiiider, bloodthorne, imnotokayipromise, weallfalldown, tangledhxadphones, notaposerpls, dxadliest2lead, fortuneandflame, hiddentomb, cryptchaser, someonewillbleed, hangry4humans, gerardwaaaay, topofthemanor, bloodyhiss, no1garlichater, youwearmeout, fulloflies, gr4vedweller, undeadlxve, actuallyanemo, mcrcutie, bloodybtch, sh1mmeryfangs, fuckofagun, tornandfrayed, unholyveins, crampedcoffin, cobwebbedcoffin, thnkabtthestakes, vampirism, mychmiclrmnce, number1, batsbeforethemoon, fffangedkillr, raaaventamer, crackedskin, touchedbyangels, b1temrks, bloodbeforelove, warpedwithhate, murderofcrows, yrmyonlyhpe, releasethebats, gravedancer, crrpycutie, bldsckingfreak, cheersforrevenge, abyssalbite, chillinwmycoven, freaktastic, cause4thequeen, fangtasia, razrfringe, vampsdoitbetter, backfromthegrave, beastinrepose, dracscastle, needlessbeating, bathedinfire, plasticfangsss, vamprism, beenababygirl, lookalivesnshiiine, trnsxualtrnsvnya, number2, raisedabetterson, cemeterybaby, fangtastic, litrlydead, madgear, misslekid, looking4thecure, houseofwolves, gerardshairstrand, transylvan1a, scuffedcmbatboots, oldguillotine, chappedandfaded, eatyrheartout, blltprfheart, eylnyrdwnmyface, skltonheart, nananananana, screeeaaaam, gothicmusic, number3, sweetrvnge, vmprdiaries, nbdyundrstnds, undrprssre, drwninglssns, guitarshredder, stayoutofthelight, thatissoghoul, raccoontailss, number4, demoniademon, knifeinmyhands, nocturnaaal, blackattire, blackpolish, hereishelena, horrorshows, burymeinblack, idontloveyou, headfirst4halos, crledupinmybed, number5, hospitalstay, witchingh0ur, incineratingmatch, stainedblade, ilvethe1780s, sharpenedblade, l3thallust, fndtnsofdecay, m4ne4ter, sp1nesp1ke, vamps4humans, holdingontonight, b1teme, solonggoodnight, ladyofsorrows, howidissapear, vampirecountscount, shadowstained, mybulletsyrlve, lvemyghoulfriends, heartaaache, fangbangers, batskeleton, traceofthrfangs, deathnvrstpyou, foggynight, eyelinertears, cmtrydrve, demolitionlvrs, missingheartbeat, burntbyacross, giveemhellkid, spooningavampyre, themurderscene, chillycuddles, coldtothetouch, deadeyes, fuzzyyybats, myagonyyy, famouslastwords, ghostofyou, mrried2themusic, eyesrshiningbrght, d4ngerd4ys, thx4thevenom,
Names: aamon, adalaide, adrienn, aeron, agatha, agony, ahimoth, alistair, altaire, altar, alyx, ambrose, ambrosia, ash, ashe, astrophel, auberon, aux, ax, axton, barrett, batsy, blade, blaire, blaze, bones, burdett, cadell, cage, calypso, carnage, carnamor, casimir, caspian, cazimir, cephas, chain, chase, claude, clawde, claws, corvin, crimson, crow, crowley, crush, cymph, cynthia, damon, daemon, daimion, daxten, daze, decay, delyth, dez, dizzy, dominique, dorian, dragomir, dread, drusilla, dryden, ebony, echo, edge, eldritch, electra, elisabat, elspeth, espen, esther, evan, exequiel, eza, ezekiel, felyx, flick, gabriel, gerard, ghost, gloom, gore, grave, grey, grimoire, grotesque, hatchet, havoc, hawthorn, heathen, hellebore, hemlock, hyde, ida, ingram, ink, isidora, jaqueline, jax, jaws, jaz, jazper, jekyll, jet, jett, kane, kaerix, kier, killian, knox, lament, lennox, lestat, lilith, lothaire, luce, luther, lux, lydia, lysander, maddox, maeve, marietta, maw, mercy, midnight, miles, moon, morgan, morgana, mortem, myth, myst, mystery, neechee, noir, nox, neutrix, nuisance, odessa, octave, octavia, octavius, omen, onyx, pandora, percival, phantom, phoenix, pierce, poe, quill, quince, rabid, ramona, raphael, rave, raven, rawre, raze, razors, reaper, rhaenyra, rin, rip, rogue, ronan, ruby, rumor, rune, sabbath, sabien, salem, sangue, sardonyx, scarlet, scream, sebastien, selene, shade, shadow, shred, silas, skrrt, skull, smoke, snap, spine, spike, spirit, strange, sting, stray, tear, temperance, thane, thorn, thrash, theramin, umbra, valentine, valerian, vamperine, vane, vance, vermillion, vesper, victoria, viktor, viktoria, ville, vincent, vispan, vivienne, volitaire, vollo, wild, wryn, xander, xanthos, xavian, xavier, xenia, yarrow, yuma, yvette, zaye, zayne, zedar, zee, zev, zeke, zim, zion, zypher
Pronouns: vampire/vampires, bat/bats, wing/wings, cave/caves, echo/echos, smoke/smokes, cloud/clouds, soar/soars, swoop/swoops, flight/flights, night/nights, dark/darks, shade/shades, shadow/shadows, moon/moons, wisp/wisps, fang/fangs, gleam/gleams, shine/shines, glimmer/glimmers, drain/drains, sink/sinks, thrill/thrills, sharp/sharps, drip/drips, drop/drops, heart/hearts, beat/beats, life/lifes, immortal/immortals, cold/colds, chill/chills, vein/veins, glass/glass', swirl/swirls, goblet/goblets, chalice/chalices, castle/castles, forest/forests, silent/silents, alone/alones, silver/silvers, stake/stakes, cross/cross', hiss/hiss', sun/suns, scorch/scorchs, hide/hides, cloak/cloaks, ruffle/ruffles, frill/frills, lace/laces, parasol/parasols, velvet/velvets, scarlet/scarlets, ruby/rubys, obsidian/obsidians, onyx/onyxs, mirror/mirrors, crack/cracks, void/voids, mystery/mysterys, candle/candles, petal/petals, rose/roses, thorn/thorns, puddle/puddles, pool/pools, ash/ashs, ashes/ashes', crow/crows, raven/ravens, vulture/vultures, corvid/corvids, morbid/morbids, dark/darks, brood/broods, extreme/extremes, pain/pains, blur/blurs, flicker/flickers, fire/fires, fuse/fuses, spark/sparks, lighter/lighters, smoke/smokes, heart/hearts, crackle/crackles, key/keys, sharp/sharps, smash/smashs, shatter/shatters, break/breaks, crimson/crimsons, sneak/sneaks, night/nights, scream/screams, threat/threats, swear/swears, splatter/splatters, red/reds, empty/emptys, spike/spikes, riot/riots, loud/louds, rage/rages, teeth/teeths, reject/rejects, checker/checkers, stripe/stripes, smudge/smudges, polish/polishs, eyeliner/eyeliner, raccoon/raccoons, music/musics, drown/drowns, note/notes, scribble/scribbles, headbang/headbangs, bracelet/bracelets, mumble/mumbles, mutter/mutters, zero/zeros, razor/razors, rawr/rawrs, die/dies, dead/deads, gloom/glooms, tear/tears, sob/sobs, curl/curls, 🦷, 🫀, 🫁, 🐦‍⬛, 🕷️, 🕸️, 🌑, 🌪️, 🦴, 🎧, 🎼, 🎸, 📱, 💿, 📷, 📞, 🎵, 🎙️, ⏳, 🔦, ⛓️, ⛓️‍💥, 🧨, 🪓, 🔪, 🗡️, 🪦, ⚰️, 🕳️, 🩹, 🩸, 🗝️, 🗑️, 🖋️, ✂️, ❤️‍🩹, 💢, 🎶, 🔇, 🗯️
Titles: prn who sleeps upside down, the cave dweller, the one who used manic panic, prn who hides in the night, prn who lurks in the shadows, the one scribbling in their notebook, the bloodsucker, the count, prns blood-filled chalice, the countess, prn who sleeps in a coffin, prn who is obsessed with death, prn who longs for the sun, the undying creature, prn who has raccoon tails, prn who is listening to [favorite band], prn with the skinny jeans, prns bloodied dagger, prn who shops at hot topic, the vampire cursed with immortality, prn texting on prns flip phone, the one with the emo bangs, prn who terrifies, the music listener, prn who has prns headphones in, part of the emo cult, prn who fears the sun, the vegan vampire, the one with the vampiric cloak, the wielder of parasols, the bloodless body, prn who lies in the darkness, the immortal soul, the thing with fangs, the one wearing the fingerless gloves, the one covered in chains, the empty emo, prn who sizzles in the sun, prn of sinister magic, prns infinite disdain, the dead thing, the unbeating heart, prn who stares out the window, the exhausted vampire, the one who lurks in graveyards, prn with the bat wings, prns doodled-on converse, the fluttering bat, prn with skeletons in prns closet, the friendly vampire, prn with razor sharp fangs, prn who shrouds prnself in shadow, dead on the scene, prn who stays alone, the strange, prn who shreds on prns guitar, the dhampir, the lost, prn who drains life from the living, the being with visible veins, the stitched heart, the one with too many studded belts, the bloodied bat, prns empty playlist, prn who haunts, prn who likes emily the strange, the friendless, lurks the graves, thing of nightfall, prn who is filled with misery, the vampyr, prns immortal soul, prn with smudged eyeliner, the crying thing, the one blasting music through prns headphones, prn who is not a poser, prn with no reflection, the one who shatters mirrors, prn who turns into a bat
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howspital · 6 months ago
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✦ — kittie robot id pack /ᐠ - ˕-マ⌒)ᦱ
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requested by @candieclawz
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names ﹔
kitro , digi , robetta , catine , cybersel , catbow , robell , kittybell , linebow , botsia , emille , lina , nyaline , meowlita , roletta , cyberbow , catene , catty , botbe , marline , catfria , cerbo , kitna , botbit , kitla , bella , meri , cataline , catbot , katnie , nyala , rina , bobo , bibi , robett , robat
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pronouns ﹔
cat / cats , robo / robots , nya / nays , cir / circuit , paw / paws , wire / wires , meow / meows , glitch / glitches , nip / nips , zi / zis , kitty / kittys , fe / line , bell / bells , bot / bots , purr / purrs , whisk / whisker , vy / vym , ke / kim , kit / kits , cer / serbo , net / network , hard / wire , ele / electric , digital / digitals
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titles ﹔
the robo kitty / cat , the cyborg feline , prn who is a kitty / cat robot , the kitty / cat with wires , the kittyrobot , prn with wires for whiskers , the kitty / cat with malware , the robotic kitty / cat , wired~up cat bot , prn who is a catbot , the catbot companion , the cat who is cyber , the cat with an antenna
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flags ﹔
robocatgender , glitchsilly , cybercattic , kittykaomojic , catdigital , cybercatgender , digicat
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dee-r · 1 month ago
may i please request a sun-themed ID pack?
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☀️Sun themed - Id-pack!
Pt: sun themed id pack
Im going to try to start with the most obvious ones first and branch off from there.
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Pt: names
Sunni, Sunny, Ray, Rae, Beam, Apollo, Cyrus, Cyra, Cy, Bright, Brite, Sol, Soleil, Solaris, Solar, Helios, Plasma (as in the state of matter the suns made of) , Helen, Kiara, Crown, Gold, Goldie, Goldy, Shimmer, (1)Chrysanthemum, chrys, Chris, chrissy, Cris, Crisanta, Coin, Flame, Pyrite.
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Pt: pronouns
Sun/Shine/Shine/Sunshines/Sunselfs - and variants
Sorry if the pronouns aren't helpful, im best at names.
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pt: titles
The one who beams light | Giant ball in the sky - Made of plasma | The daylight | The one who brings day | Early bird | the one who rises at dawn and falls at dusk |( 2)A Mass of iridescent gas/plasma
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1: anybody else remember the children's book chrysanthemum?
2: They might be giants refrence.
Remember to check these for origins and meaning, I tried to avoid closed names, but some of these still might be closed.
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toxin-filled-ids · 8 days ago
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Twitch ID Pack
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Welcome to our web, little spider...
(your pack can be found under the cut!)
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◠🕸 names ; Ace, Andromeda, Byte, Chrono, Delta, Fantasia, Mono, Pixel, Solar, Sylvia
◠🕸 prns ; she/her, he/him, they/them, sh🌐/h🌐/r, sh💜/h💜r, by/bytes, ny/nybbles, tech/techs, tetra/tetras, wi/wire, view/count, view/views, num/numbers, purp/purple, comp/computer, in/internet, web/webs, virtual/virtuals, 💜/💜s, 🌐/🌐s, 🛜/🛜s, 🖥️/🖥️s
◠🕸 genders ; Genderwired, Genderdigital, Virtualthing, Confaiety, Virtualexic, Neudigital, Femdigital, Purplebodiment, #9F33FF hexodic, Technobodiment, Compuhoardic, Bluescreenerric, Purplegender
◠🕸 titles ; [x] who lives for the view count, [x] who loves streaming, [x] who has not slept, [x] who entertains, [x] who lives in/behind your screen, The Virtual Entertainer, The Streamer, The Online One
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SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. Struggled a tad w/ this one as I don't. Exactly know what you want/how to do this in a good way, but I hope I did the request justice!
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Divider Credits: spider/web | spider (mid) | spider webs | line | stars | twitch | clouds
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birkinlabs · 3 months ago
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names ; charlie , milo/mylo , pup , buddy/bud , bub , will , luci , asa , doll , bonnie/bonbon , odie , juno
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pronouns ; hi/him , hy/hym , he/h<3m , fluff/fluffs , bon/bons , wool/wools , soft/softs , coz/cozy , lamb/lambs , ted/teddy , bun/buns , pup/pups , beep/boop , lace/laces , bow/bows , heart/hearts , cue/cutes , che/cherish
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titles ; x who is the softest , sweetest x in the world , the softest one , the fuzziest x , x who is soft , x who is fuzzy , x who is sweet , the sweetest treat
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users ; softest. , sweet.boy , softmasc , fuzzyboy , sweet_masc , sweetie.boy , mascfuzz , fluffyboy. , teddybearmasc , bunnyboy. , softmuttmasc , lambmasc
this is purely based on vibes, may not be cohesive
plain text : soft masculine id pack , names , pronouns , titles , users
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tcwautism · 9 months ago
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❝ Sweet Doll ID pack 𖧷
pt: sweet doll id pack.
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❝ Names 。⁠ ♡
Dollie, Porcelain, Dahlia, Dolleyed, Porce, Lain, Dollerie, Dollaintye, Laintess, Sweetine, Sweeheart, Sweetie
❝ Pronouns 。⁠ ♡
doll/dolls, bjd/bjds, fragile/fragiles, dolljoint/dolljoints, porcel/porcelains, d♡ll/d♡lls, sweet/sweets, sweet/hearts, sweetie/sweeties, sweet/sweetdolls 🩷/🩷s, 🍨/🍨s, ♡/♡s, sh♡/h♡r, h♡/h♡m, th♡y/th♡m
❝ Titles 。⁠ ♡
[x]'s balljointed sweetness, [x] made of porcelain, the sweetness of [x]'s, the sweetest doll, [x] who is sweet, the sweetheart, the porcelain doll, the balljointed one
❝ Labels 。⁠ ♡
dollfem/masc (link), dollwired (link), genderdollic (link), dollhoarder (link), dollabomination (link), dolldate (link), lolitadollthing (link), porcelainfrilled (link), eldridollaic (link, i dont support ek) doll lover lesbian (link)
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boyfrills · 1 month ago
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͝͏ ྀྀྀ୧‿̩͙⠀⠀⠀vampire inspired⠀⠀⠀⠀✚⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𓏼
⠀꣹۫⠀⠀⠀⠀id pack ⠀ ͓ ̼͜ ͝͏ ྀི͜
⠀ names⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀◞◟ ͜𓉯ྀ
vanpaia ◞ dracula ◞ drac ◞ kiro ◞ tenki ◞ lazarus ◞ akasha ◞ blade ◞ vampir ◞ vamp ◞ dracul ◞ drusilia ◞ lilith ◞ kasha ◞ keres ◞ mercy ◞ merciful ◞ pandora ◞ yama ◞ anna ◞ elivria ◞ irina ◞ mikaela ◞ mina ◞ miyu ◞ achlys ◞ aletia ◞ ambrosia ◞ destiny ◞ vampiress ◞ bashericus ◞ felent ◞ vanabas ◞ joshua ◞ darcy ◞ celeste ◞ dawn ◞ hannya ◞ hone-onna ◞ nure-onna ◞ alucard
⠀ prns⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀◞◟ ͜𓉯ྀ
thy ╱ thym ◞ vamp ╱ vamps ◞ gore ╱ gores ◞ undead ╱ undeads ◞ grave ╱ graves ◞ hy ╱ hym ◞ hx ╱ hxm ◞ shx ╱ hxr ◞ blood ╱ bloods ◞ dawn ╱ dawns ◞ fang ╱ fangs ◞ night ╱ nights ◞ bite ╱ bites ◞ cross ╱ cross's ◞ hie ╱ hiem ◞🧛 ╱ 🧛s ◞ 🧛‍♀️ ╱ 🧛‍♀️s ◞ 🧛‍♂️ ╱ 🧛‍♂️s ◞ 🩸 ╱ 🩸s ◞ ⚰️ ╱ ⚰️s ◞ 🌕 ╱ 🌕s
⠀ titles⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀◞◟ ͜𓉯ྀ
prn who sucks blood ◞ thy blood sucker ◞ prn of the night ◞ prn who sleeps in a coffin ◞ prn who needs blood ◞ one who sleeps upside down ◞ one who turns into a bat ◞ prns who lips stained red ◞ prn with sharp fangs ◞ the vampesse ◞ one who loves their blood bag ◞ the blood loving ◞ the fanged one
⠀ identity⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀◞◟ ͜𓉯ྀ
vampcuos ◞ the vampire miku ◞ cannivore campire ◞ awkvampyr ◞ vampamour ◞ punk vampire ◞ vampfettigender ◞ bloodpictura
thank chew @lwost for helping me
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tba-bah · 5 months ago
hello hello! i'd like a headmate that uses arcanegold's (on twitter and tumblr) character maple as a faceclaim. their style is different than what's in the art, but pretty much go crazy for their style otherwise.
that's pretty much it i think. tyvm in advance!
name: asher , aspen , archer , maple , autumn , hazel . prns: they/them , fae/faer , satyr/satyrs , faun/fauns . gender: transneutral , transboy , enboy , enby , xenoflux , deerfluid . orientation: enbian .
species: half - faun . hair: brown , amber . eyes: brown . skin: light tan , brown . clothes/accessories: sweater , leggings . other unique features: nonhuman nose , deer ears , deer tail .
roles: caretaker , gatekeeper , doorkeeper , mood booster , emotional processor . source: n/a ( ? ) .
age: 21 - 23 . birthday: december 17 .
personality: quiet , kind , sensitive . likes: deer , journaling . loves: autumn , nature . dislikes: forest fires . hates: nothing really .
ac 1 ac 2 ac 3
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lunentity · 7 months ago
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𓉸♰ haunted doll NPTs ₊ ˚ ⊹ 🕸
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⧼ ✙ names ┈ nabelle. hauntique. islanne. lydia. ranoia. margaux. deimora. agatha. desdemona. ginevra. veralice. morgaña.
⧼ ✙ pronouns ┈ doll / dolls. haunt / haunts. ki / kill. gho / ghost. boo / boos. tomb / tombs. spi / spirit. dea / death.
⧼ ✙ titles ┈ the doll-like ghost. the possessed doll. the porcelain apparition. a spirit's puppet. the doll of enchantment. the ghostly marionette.
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━╋━━ notes ⊰ bolded names are names i go by as well. ranoia is a shorter version of paranoia. margaux is pronounced as margo.
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discardead · 4 months ago
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··· ··· ··· ✧✦✧ ··· ··· ··· Memories and Mirrors themed NPUT list
﹒﹒﹒ Requested by anonymous!
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Memrie. Memorie. Morie. Moire. Memisce. Meminisce. Reminith. Remory. Remoire. Mini. Minnie. Halcyon. Halcyra. Halcirore. Reflemira. Miryne. Miryo. Reframent. Glassithe. Glasimare. Shardior. Mimorror. Rumi. Ruminior. Rumine. Rumithe.
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mi/mir. mie/mier. mir/mirror. re/ref. ref/reflect. gla/glass. mem/memo. memo/memory. hal/halcyon. sha/shar. sha/shard. rumi/ruminate. remi/reminisce. fa/fade. shim/shimmer. mer/memory.
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halcyonic. halcyror. reminorr. glassiflect. ruminisce. mirrorme. mirroreds. memorisce. boymirror. girlmirror. mirror[noun]. memorisse. remembr-nce. rememboys. memoried. wipedmory. fademory.
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The [noun] in Prn* Memory. Prn* who is Unforgettable. The Memory of the [noun]. The Memory of [name]. Prn* in a Fading Memory. Prn* whose Mirror reflects of a/an [noun]. Prn* who appears in your Memory. The [noun] stuck inside the Mirror. The [noun]'s Memory. The [noun] of prn* Reflection. The [noun]'s Rumination. Prn* who Reminisce the Past.
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