#i'm too tired to be more coherent
malepresentingleg · 1 year
We've always been confused about the Step by Step timeline but this episode really took the cake for me hsdlskfsfj apologies for the nitpicking but it really is because I saw SO much potential in it and I love the characters and the acting so much🥺
We FINALLY got an official explicit "2 years later", couldn't you add a few more of these? 😭
So in the first episode or so Pat mentions he's 25, then a couple of episodes ago he had his bday which I assumed was his 26th. Then this episode, 2 years later he celebrated his birthday (I assumed 28th) and on what I thought was a few days later he told Jeng's mom he's gonna "turn 26 this October" which is an odd thing to say right after your (28) birthday ksjfsfsd
The morning after the embarrassing singing Pat doesn't remember their chat in the kitchen? but they're being so normal around each other? Then how much time passes in the relationship it's so unclear!! We get both their bdays ig?
Did they have them break up just so we'll get another honeymoon phase? Because really, they could have just let them stay happy instead of doing that without showing us anything changed that would allow this relationship to work this time around,.,
The back and forth in Pat and Jeng 's relationship was jarring af but ahh well they WERE cute at the end and I did like their playfulness..
Jeng's dad's evil refusal to let him quit... yeah let's ignore that and not mention it ever again after that meaningful trash throwing : )
OH and with all the discussions about Jeng being the eldest and expectations.. are we all just ignoring their older sister??? There was a whole episode about how sweet Jeng is with his niece but I guess she stopped existing?
Put being pat's in ex who? let's involve him in all the discussions about his relationship with jeng.
Jen and Jaab???? I don't even have anything to say, except maybe I'm kinda glad we didn't get a whole arc of them this episode bc idc 😬
Ae and Chot- iconic as ever I love them, them eating the nuggets is something that can be so personal.
Pat and Jeng's outfits this episode? also iconic.
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wizardofahz · 5 months
Saw a Criminal Minds gifset and suddenly started thinking about canon vs. fanon JJ.
TL; DR: Fanon JJ is the facade canon JJ puts on to hide trauma.
(This discusses JJ's sister, so content warning for suicide)
The obvious starting point for understanding JJ's characterization is her sister's suicide. That's a traumatic event for anyone, and even more so for an eleven year old child. So it's quite understandable that JJ decides she will do whatever she can to avoid experiencing hurt like that again.
In episode 3.17, JJ tells Will about their relationship, "I didn't want to tell anyone because the minute I do it becomes real, and when it becomes real, people get hurt, and I've always run from getting hurt. Always."
But JJ didn't only lose her sister.
In episode 14.12, JJ's mom admits, "I got so caught up in all my troubles that I forgot there was another little girl under my roof who had just lost her sister. You needed me, and I wasn't there."
At eleven years old, JJ was a traumatized child without a support system. So she learned to rely on herself. Other people were just avenues for hurt, and she decided that wasn't worth it.
All of which leads to this confession from JJ in the season 14 finale: "There are only four people I trust in this world."
My three non-negotiables are Will, Hotch, and Emily. The fourth is between Reid and Garcia, but I lean towards the former given Garcia's penchant for invading people's privacy.
Even if anyone disagrees with that list, there's not a lot of room for choice. At any given time, the BAU usually has seven members, and given the amount of turnover they've had, JJ hasn't learned to trust most of them.
Do they know that? They probably know her facade masks trauma, but I doubt they know the extent of it. There's a reason that episode starts with the team playing poker, and JJ showing Reid he doesn't know her as well as he thinks he does.
So let's talk about that facade. In contrast to Reid, who wears his trauma on his sleeve, JJ buries hers as deeply as she can. She takes care of the people around her, and while it's not disingenuous, it's part of a prettily painted reinforced fortress wall that says, "hey, look at me, such a put-together person that doesn't have problems of my own, so I can help with yours."
And it does the job because it has fandom fooled too.
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tokusatsu-birb · 3 months
Arc good Arc good Arc good
They continue to go off on the camera work
I'm excited that Arc himself talked, I miss my chatty ultras.
All the suites looked really good, I like how classic and simple Arc's design is
And so far all the characters are really fun
I'm excited to see where this series goes
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star--anon · 6 months
Minho and Thomas chatting about future plans for Paradise. Minho sitting on the edge of Thomas' bed as Thomas prepares for the night, drying out his hair, slipping into pajamas (AKA less dirty clothes), etc.
He takes his shirt off at some point, and Minho doesn't bother pretending not to stare.
Minho gets a little more awkward as the conversation continues, which Thomas notices but decides not to mention. He chalks it up to the fact that his only clean trousers are juuuust a little short.
The truth becomes clear when Thomas gets into bed and Minho doesn't leave. Just kind of stares awkwardly. Keeps trying to talk about fortification measures, but in the least casual tone possible.
Thomas finally guesses that Minho wants to spend the night (after fifteen minutes of asking "What are you doing?" and Minho going "I dunno what you're talking about") and lifts up the blankets.
Minho mutters something about "If you insist, I guess I can sleep with you tonight" and Thomas just scoffs.
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syn4k · 8 months
i know being a human being takes recharge time but im so out of practice with being gentle to myself!!!!! i want to live and move and laugh so loud and live up to my name and remind people of the sun!!!!!!!!! i want so desperately to be filled with color and light and love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but instead when i get home i have to crash in bed and im too tired to do the things i love and im still grumpy and i keep forgetting to be nice to myself and its just so hard. i want to be poetry. i want to reduce my entire life to one of those sunswept june evenings where the wind smells like your soul and stay there forever. but its so much harder to romanticize the tired sighs and the ink stained fingers and the messy room and the head down headphones on isnt it? theres beauty in the mundane somewhere but my vision is stuck in an exhausted blurry greyscale
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offendedteaspoon · 3 months
30-Day Narnia Challenge
Day 22: What is your opinion on Aslan's character?
Not sure if this means character as in moral quality, or just Aslan as a character in general. But he's alright either way. I love his tender interactions with all the characters and I especially love the absolute banger quotes that come out of those interactions. The only real issue I have is that... he's often a little on the wimpy side tbh? I don't dislike him by any means, but for someone who's supposed to literally be Jesus, he's often not very compelling to me. (Perhaps the book illustrations are at least slightly to blame? because he just looks more powerful in the films. Lewis was right— Pauline Baynes really couldn't draw lions. 😂) But despite that, Aslan is still a great illustration of some aspects of Jesus and I keep trying to know him better by his name in this world. ☺️
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byanyan · 11 months
endearing myself to my own oc tonight thinking about lil baby 13 y/o byan who's finally switched to using only they/them pronouns and finally able to experiment more with feminine clothing and makeup, and they're really excited about it but don't really know what they're doing yet? they're learning most if not all of this stuff on their own with no real guidance, so they're clumsy and they stumble a lot while they're trying to get the hang of it all - there are a lot of poorly blended makeup looks done with an unpracticed, heavy hand, a lot of messy attempts at hairstyles as their hair grows out for the first time ever, and a lot of outfits that are too much or the colours clash or the styles just don't quite mesh... they look pretty messy a lot of the time, but they're having so much fun.
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you-will-return · 1 year
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hmm hmm something about house blaiddyd being associated with lions and wolves, both animals known for being Badass TM but also for being social animals that care a lot about the pack hmm
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So someday I’ll have brainpower and be able to make the masterpost I want of the similarities between my boys but for now I’m exhausted and braindead and I’m here to tell you how similar Hector from Coco and Dustfinger from Inkheart/Spell are
- Traveling performer, left their families and never came back through no fault of their own
- Unwillingly transported to another world (death counts as being transported unwillingly I feel)
- Left their wife and small daughter(s) alone, accidentally abandoning them
- Not a similarity, but it’s really funny that Roxanne got over Dustfinger coming back REALLY quickly but his daughter Brianna was furious at him, and while Imelda was furious for Hector never coming back Coco apparently loved and remembered him anyway.
- Increasingly desperate shenanigans to get home, including, but not limited to, using a 12-year-old to help them
- Really nice and good with kids in general
- Sad trash hobos
- Accidentally get REALLY ATTACHED to the kid they’re trying to use to get home
- Again, not a similarity, but it is ironic that Dustfinger has so many people who would like to kill him and keeps avoiding death (even at the hands of the author of his own book!) and Hector had no enemies trying to kill him but still couldn’t avoid death it just came to him at the hands of his best friend. Also Hector should have lived a long life and died young and Dustfinger was supposed to die young (in his book) but didn’t because he got stolen out of the story.
- Has a good heart really, it’s just buried under trauma
- Really, really good at the one thing they perform- Hector with guitar/singing and Dustfinger with firedancing.
- Unfairly missed their kid’s lives
- End up trying to teach a kid their special skill and whoops turns out the kid’s a natural (Farid at firedancing, Miguel at performing)
- Can’t catch a break
- Doing their best
- Love their wife and daughter(s) SO MUCH
- They just want to go home and see their families! Let! Them! Go! Home!
Also now I really, really want an AU where when Dustfinger gets yanked into our world he meets recently ’abandoned’ Imelda and Coco and befriends them, and Hector finds Rosanna (Dustfinger’s daughter who died while he was gone) in the Land of the Dead somehow and since she’s the same age Coco was when he left he just adopts her. You’d have to either set Inkheart in the past or Coco in the future but I love the idea so much I think it’d be worth the shenanigans.
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
700 more words TT
#have written 1700 words today aknjfkjgfhj#i wonder if my strategy of just writing whatever tf i can think of down first (what i've been doing today)#and then going back and organizing/elaborating/deleting/etc after will come back to bite me tho#idk i had a solid like 1000 words i think where i wasn't struggling too much to write what i wanted to write#and then i was like lmfao shit now what#ugh anyway i'm tired but i wanna finish the 2400 words today so i can do all that otehr stuff to actually make it coherent tomorrow#it's due tomorrow afternoon ;-; and here i am putting words on tumblr dot com instead LOL#and then i have exam on friday ;-; but i like that class but it is rly hard and i havent fully comprehended everything yet#bc i havent done any practice/studying yet ;-; so gotta cram after turning this project in lmfao rip#ahhhhfhajfghlsdbjksdfgjlkadhgaidrhg screaming so close yet so far still lol#bro i was like very productive for like a couple hours maybe this afternoon and then after that i've been . not as productive TT#1700 words tho !!!!! 700 more i can do it probably TT#i could've chosen a final project option that wasn't writing some kinda essay but iiiiiiii didnt :'')#i actually like somehow completely forgot about the fact that i was obsessed w rina's htg album and one of the options was like a playlist#option and i feel like a lot of the songs could fit w themes we discussed in class this asian am lit class :P#esp bc minor feelings and we read (parts of) the book minor feeligns lol#but i forgot about that until someone mentioned the song in class as part of Their project 💀#but oh well i mean i was thinking about the playlist project bc it#seemed like the easiest ngl LMAO but nothing was rly jumping out at me for songs#granted when i was thinking about it my mind blanked to just like taylor even tho i definitely haven't only been listening to taylor XD#ANYWAY WORDS 700 WORDS#sigh maybe that 12-3am grind will hit lmfao#jeanne talks#FINALS WE CAN DO IT GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YALL DOING FINALS SHIT ANDGJFHGDJKDJFK
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sl33py-g4m3r · 4 months
long rant thing before sleeping.....
pointless question before sleep but it's something I've been currently thinking about and its bugging me a bit.
apparently other vegetarians (outside the US) I think use dairy but don't eat eggs...
I've watched "Blondie In China"'s videos on youtube about being vegetarian and vegan in china, and she says that in the end of her "vegan in china" video that vegetarians outside the US (india i think and other middle eastern and eastern countries but I could be horribly incorrect) don't eat eggs.
This has made me wonder about whether I should keep eating eggs or not.... I don't eat them often, but I do. Especially as they are in a majority of baked goods like cookies and the like.
But is taking eggs and using them justifiable?
or do other vegetarians abstain from dairy as well?
I thought that in some places; as well as in the past when that word was first initially used, vegetarian meant what we'd call vegan today.
throwing further arguments into question....
I've been vegetarian for well over 100 days since the new year (but only 15 or so currently recorded because I changed tracking apps cause the one I was using you need a subscription for and the current one does everything (except export data) the other does for free... eg it shows you animals saved, how long you've been vegetarian or vegan for, gives you co2 and water saving amounts and lets you track what animal foods you eat per gram (not just meat)... it even has recipes and a guide if you need help... all free to download and use without a subscription. but that's a rant I didn't need to go on. oops.
but ye tldr of this "i'm tired and should go to bed" post is; should I continue to eat eggs or is it unjustifiable?
what about use of caffeine? Is this bad too or ok if you only drink 2 cups of coffee a day? Was planning on stopping drinking coffee as well and just drinking decaf/herbal teas instead. but I also have a lot of coffee to burn through before I run out to begin with...
probably an outlier cause I'm the odd one in society so I shouldn't be complaining about this I guess; but I hate how eating meat and meat based food is so prevalent and everywhere... It's like we can't escape it.
and if vegetarians or vegans try to advocate for less meat consumption = less unnecessary death; we're subject to violence, hate and anger even if we're being peaceful about it.
Tho I'm too nice and meek to even speak out about it at all.... and wouldn't know what I'd do if confrontation did happen.... rip any advocacy at all.... ever..... cause I'm afraid of how people react..... yay anxiety.....
I have a feeling there's no point to this dumpster fire of a post...... hope it's coherent at least.... and some of these posts are just me trying to make up my mind about something tbh......
cause I genuinely just
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tvrningon · 1 year
" you're so cute when you can't speak " is such a cyrillo thing to say and i'm : ) dude is gonna compliment you and sing your praises while doing the meanest things to you honestly. like oh?? it's so good that you're too overwhelmed to form words?? baby you're so cute, so pretty <3 stop?? no bc i know you can take it <3
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tatoasting · 2 years
Good news, I got 13 hours of sleep last night. Bad news, I thought I would wake up at some point and never did so I'm doing today unmedicated! Fun times
I have already had about 4 "why am I like this today what the fuck... oh right. No meds." Moments today and I have a couple places to go before I can go home after work so lets see how this goes
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solkara · 3 months
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❛ 𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌'𝐒 𝐄𝐍𝐃 , lucerys velaryon ❜
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⌗ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 , that fateful day at storms end the velaryon boy indeed had someone watching over him but not in the skys above but the waters below
⌗ 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 , lucerys velaryon x fem! siren! reader
⌗ 𝐬𝐨𝐥'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 , okie so, this is my first hotd fic and omg I'm so excited!! hope you guys like it cuz ngl kinda obsessed with this concept cuz justice for bbg luke ya'll </3
house of the dragon masterlist
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⌗ it's was another stormy day in storm's end. but there was something lingering in the air. a certain air of uncertainty that left you on edge for whatever reason. as if you were waiting for something to happen. though this didn't bother you much as being a siren was full of uncertainty from hunters to being spotted by humans.
⌗ though this didn't mean you weren't careful. as you were always ready to make you escape if you were under threat. though storm's end had become a haven for you. a place shrouded in stormy weather and dark mist with no shortage of food whether it be fish or human. with massive cliff faces that spanned as far as the eye could see and a vast labyrinth of underground sea tunnels. it was truly paradise to you.
⌗ and besides borros baratheon being an oaf and the odd few sailors who would drunkenly sing love songs which sounded eerily similar to a dying duck in an attempt to woo 'the siren of storm's end' life was peaceful. that was until the dragons came.
⌗ you had never seen a dragon before. you had heard of them of course and the house that wielded them. it was hard not to as sailors talked about them almost as much as they talked about sirens. but the fear of dragons was far more real to them. as no sane siren would let a human see them and live to tell the tale.
⌗ now normally in an instance like this you would have dived into deep water or slipped into one of the underwater caves until the incident blew. but something compiled you to watch. and you did with piqued interest. as you watched the smaller dragon flea from the behemoth that stalked him from above. it was clear the two dragons were far from friends.
⌗ and you held your breath as you watched the larger dragon rip the smaller in half with ease. sending both the dragon and his rider plummeting into the water below with nothing to break their fall. as the remains of the chewed-up dragon began to sink so too did his barely conscious rider.
⌗ he looked like an angel. with a halo of dark hair pale skin big dark eyes and a painfully innocent face. as he sank deeper and deeper into the depths of the sea. you couldn't help but admire him for a brief moment. and debated if he should be your dinner or not. though you ultimately decided against it.
⌗ quickly springing into action. you swam towards him. tail slicing through the water creating ripples in the process. grabbing his hand you dragged him to the surface of the water. holding him securely in your arms you couldn't help but silently hope that he wasn't coherent enough to know what was going on. as if he did you would definitely have to kill him.
⌗ as you pulled him to the rocky shore. you lay him on his back as you place your ear to his chest to hear his heartbeat. thank god he wasn't dead. but now you were unsure of what to do. should you just leave him here? or?
⌗ and just as you were debating with yourself about what to do. the boy began to violently cough up sea water. as he lurched forward with arms clasped around his stomach. before looking directly at you before speaking in what felt like a mixture of a tired mumble and a plea for help he said.
⌗ "I want my muña" and with that he passed out again out of his exhaustion. now from those few words he spoke you could deduce a few things. one he was either a targaryen or velaryon as they were the only house that spoke high valyrian. and two he wanted his mother and you would do your damnedest to help him get back to her.
⌗ as you sat next to the sleeping boy you though of your next plan of action. as you weren't too familiar with all of the house of the realm and where they resided. but you decided it would be easier to leave him at dragonstone. as it was the closest to you and was also the castle of house targaryen.
⌗ and with that you set off with the boy in your grasp. as you raced though the water under the cover of night. reaching dragonstone as the first peeps of the sun made it's way over the horizon. as you lay the boy on the shore in a place where he could be easily found.
⌗ as you turned to leave you felt a hand gently grab yours and a soft voice ask. "will I see you again?". and all you could do was softly smile at the boy who struggled to keep his eyes open as sleep threatened to envelop him as you waited for his eyes to close again before slipping out of his grip and disappearing into the water of the dark sea.
⌗ when lucerys velaryon woke from his slumber he was on the shores of dragonstone. he was confused about how he got here. his mind was a blurry mess. and then he remembered. aemond. vahgar. drowning. the girl who saved him. so many questions and yet no answers. as he sat next to the water all he could seem to remember were her piercing eyes and....a tail.
⌗ fast forward till this day long after the coronation of his mother the queen rhaenyra. and still till this day the lord of driftmark still tells everyone a siren saved him that fateful day at storm's end. and every sunrise he waits by the water. waiting for a chance to say thank you to the girl he owed his life to.
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a66-1 · 5 months
thx in advance 😈
(btw ur rules and regulations link isn’t working)
- HalloHello
thank you king for the idea and for the heads up
I accidentally privated the post so it'll be working right after this.
Drunk! Simon x Not so drunk! Reader
TW: Very drunk Simon. I think that's it
A/N: fangirling really hard rn
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You stayed up a little later becasue Simon said he'd be home soon, on a little drinking night with his buddies. He's usually good with controlling himself while drinking, but after missions? Man gets shitfaced and is all hugs and kisses and I love yous.
He's a sweetheart when drunk. Not to say he's not always a sweetheart, but when he has no inhibitions and is actually calm and not tense, he's a big old baby. His inner child really plays out.
You hear Gaz pull into your driveway, as he's usually the designated driver for the after mission drinks. You open your door to say hi to Simon but..
You see Gaz get out of the car with Simon. You open your door, waving. Simon doesn't wave back, and Gaz laughes quickly. He brings him up to the steps, and helps Simon walk up the stairs to your front door.
"Hey, darling. I'm handing you your.. Uh.. Very... Drunk boyfriend." Gaz holds back a hard laugh when Simon, his big self, stumbles forward to lean half his weight on you. You support yourself on the door confused.
"How-What-When--" You look for words but they fail you. Gaz shrugs.
"Even we don't know. Johnny told him to slow down, but.." Gaz gestures to the mess Simon is, and tips his head.
"Don't mean to leave you with him, but I got to drop off Price. Just.. Update me, yeah? I don't know why he'd drink so much," Gaz gives you a nice smile, and walks back to his car to drive off. You take Simon's hand, and try to lead him in. Simon laughs softly, a laugh you rarely hear, and he kisses your face a few times.
He gets in the house, just to crumple to the entrys mudroom seat, and leans back back into some of his own work shoes.
"Oh my, ya'... Y'r such a sore for sight eyes.." He mumbles. You tilt your head, in an 'excuse me' motion. He shakes his head, before trying to stand, and falling back.
"No no, love, a-a sight for sore eyes.. Yea' a sight.." He sighs, "I wish I had a girlfriend tha' wa-was like ya'.."
You snicker, covering your mouth. You manage to get him to the couch, and then your bed, taking off his sweaty shirt and changing his jeans to PJ pants.
"'F I ev'r 'ad a girl, 'd wan' her like ya'.." His words seemed to decline in coherence as he got more tired. You nodded slightly, smiling crookedly.
"Like me, you say? Why's that?" You kiss his temple, and he smiles warmly. His smile is the prettiest you've seen, and you love when he's even slightly drunk because he flashes it so much more.
"'M safe with ya'.. Why wouldn't I wan' a girl like ya'," he smiles, and takes your hand, and holds it.. Like a baby. His big ass hand is wrapped around your thumb.
You softly rub his scalp, as he moves himself onto your chest. You have the TV playing, watching your favorite show. Simon is mumbling.. Something, your sure, but he's just putty in your hands. Imagine: a big burly man, drunk, and infatuated in his girlfriend (but he apparently doesn't know) like a small school boy. It's adorable seeing him defenseless for once, relaxed shoulders, and his gaze is just as strong as he gazes up at you. You peck his forehead, and rub the bridge of his previously broken nose.
"Hey, Si, guess what?" You smile softly, your hand holding his jaw. He hums and tilts his head. "Did you know that I'm actually your girlfriend?"
He stares dumbfounded for a moment, before shaking his head.
"Can't be, mm... Y'r too pretty for me." He kisses your palm, and smiles.
"I promise. 2 years strong, honey." You kiss his lips softly, smiling at his cluelessness. His hands grip the sides of your shirt, looking up at you. He doesn't believe you, crazily, he's still got his insecurities.
"No no, ya'... Ya' shouldn't be.. Wasting Y'r time.." You shush him with another kiss, before his head falls onto his chest. He sighs.
"Wasting my time? Si, honey, I love spending my time on you." You kiss the crown of his head, and scratch his head. He mumbles more incoherent thoughts. He's lights out very quickly, and you follow suit a few minutes later.
The morning comes, and so does a very hungover Simon. He groans, sitting up, and wiping his jaw harshly. You were awake, on your phone when you feel him shift.
"Oh, hey baby." You smiled, and out your phone down. He groans, and nuzzles into your neck, complaining about how his head hurts.
"I know, I know. I got some advil for you." You grab the bottle from the side table, and feed him 2.
"God.. I'm.. Was I..?" He rubs his eyes and gives up, seeking comfort in your arms. Your rub his head some more, and move your fingers to rub his temples.
"You gotta stop drinking so hard, baby." You whisper, "I know you don't do it often, but.. Are the mornings worth it?"
He nods, to your surprise, and leans into your hands. "Mm.. Yeah.. It's worth it.. Cuz'.. Ya' rub my head and kiss me and.. Mm... Hug me.."
You kiss his head, and shake your own.
"Next time, just ask okay?" You get a nod as a response from him. He whispers a thank you into your neck, before drifting off to sleep until 1, like usual.
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ahh this was so cute to write and I fell asleep writing it so. thats why I'm posting it in the morning.
by babes!!
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