#i'm being radicalized
graysongraysoff · 2 months
How is it already 9 pm abolish the 8 hour work day I'm so serious
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creekfiend · 1 month
something that makes me absolutely batty about dog fancy in general is how no one will acknowledge that the whole concept of Preservation Breeding Because Dogs Are Our Cultural Heritage requires a minimum level of buy-in of nationalist concepts. like. this is baked in and unavoidable. insane
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jewvian · 3 months
Got the receipts on the dyke march and their problematic and antisemitic behaviour. It's been happening for years y'all, I told you so.
But again, if in the past their actions were viewed as radical and extreme and frowned upon - today it's acceptable and even encouraged in more and more "moderate" spaces on the left side of the political map.
This is the new normal and it's fucking scary.
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notbecauseofvictories · 3 months
very strongly feel that moist/adora is the only actual romantic relationship terry pratchett ever wrote.
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kittyregime · 1 year
If you are a pro-Palestinian feminist of any kind, liberal or radical, and you are ignoring or somehow rationalizing/downplaying Hamas raping women and spitting on their bodies, please walk backwards off of a cliff.
Rape isn't resistance, fuck off. You don't care about "human rights". You want vengeance and bloodlust.
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hadesoftheladies · 1 month
god, compiling the stuff for this video has gotten so bleak . . . how can women even live like this? i'm tired just fucking learning about it. holy fuck.
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knucklesex · 8 months
i know the fandom loves to pretend that xie lian doesn't take care of himself but let's really think about it for a second. he doesn't have a penny to his name, he has no luck, no spiritual powers and no friends and family left in the mortal realm. how exactly should he take care of himself?
he eats food off the floor because it's better than going hungry. that's how many people in poverty live. he doesn't think twice before touching something that might poison him because when you don't receive medical attention for centuries, you're naturally going to adopt an "it is what it is" mentality about your health. he probably didn't get treated by a healer the first few times he got corpse poisoning because he didn't have enough (or any) money to pay them with. he's humble and ignores however which way he's slandered because what can he do? he's heard things like that and worse before.
800 years of poverty will teach anyone humility as well as strip them of it. 800 years of poverty and solitude can make anyone into a complete cynic, an abuser and/or worse.
but xie lian didnt break, not permanently. what jun wu put him through is nothing compared to what the world put him through. tell me this: is jun wu truly the real villain of the story? or is he a micro manifestation of all the other systematic issues in the TGCF universe, wrapped up into a shiny, evil package that's easier to hate, easier to digest and easier to fall for?
know that even though jun wu "set up" the fall of xianle, it was corruption and imperialism that truly brought the kingdom to its knees. know that teen xie lian truly fought for his people, be they patriots or rebels, and that the reason his efforts could never come to fruition was the corruption of the royals and the nobles.
in a world as systematically corrupt as that (much like our own), how easy do you think it would have been for a poor, homeless and friendless man to live a happy, fulfilling life (which he never lived)? and how much easier would it have been for him to gradually give away his morals and principles in favour of a better meal for once, for a better bed for the night? considering his martial skills and vast knowledge of cultivation, would it not have been easy for him to take a path like jun wu himself? like xue yang, even?
and do you think that xie lian did *not* do all these things just because he had "self-sacrificial" tendencies? after centuries of being only a little better than a beggar, do you think the reason he wants to help the common people is because he feels Rich Prince Guilt?
don't you think that the act of preserving oneself here, the act of not sacrificing onself for a cause, is actually whenever xie lian decides to keep following the path of justice, his Third Path? does self preservation only count when it's your body you're preserving, or your material wealth, or your name? surely your own principles matter more. surely you mean more than a fancy title on a tyrant's mouth.
place yourself in xie lian's shoes, and answer this: if you were to go through all that, even if you were to not become a horrible person, would have found and maintained the courage, time and time again, to keep being kind, to keep taking care of yourself, to not become heedlessly reckless, to not become a walking corpse with a noose (ruoye) wrapped around your neck?
in my opinion, xie lian is a hell of a lot positive for a man who's been through so much and never heard a "it's okay, you can rest now" once (until hua cheng came along, at least).
do you think xie lian doesn't feel bitterness towards lang qianqiu, who buried him with a stake through his heart for gods know how many years, because he just... hates himself? or do you think it's because he helped raise lang qianqiu since childhood and earned real respect and admiration from him, after so many years of being spat on, cursed and ultimately turned invisible? do you think he begged to be banished once again only because he felt guilty (although yes, he did feel very guilty) for the terrible fate that befell lqq's family, or because he also genuinely cares about what happens to his people --- he protected the xianle remnants by setting himself up as a cold-hearted murderer, and he protected lqq by refusing to fight him.
do you think that being so old and having seen so much, xie Lian can't tell danger when it's looking him in the eye? he's not stupid. he doesn't neglect his safety until and unless it's to protect someone he cares about. e.g., when he tried his level best to protect shi qingxuan during the Blackwater arc, knowing that he's fighting things and people beyond his control. my point: it didn't matter if he failed. he had to try, just like he tried with his kingdom, and the kingdom that came next. sqx was the first person after hua cheng to befriend and defend him in a long time, and he wanted to show him the same courtesy. can this be reduced to "self-sacrificing" tendencies or "playing the hero", too?
when xie lian stepped out of that bridal sedan, he knew he was playing with fire, but he's not stupid. if he hadn't stepped out, who is to say that crimson rain sought flower wouldn't have entered on his own, or dragged him out forcefully? xie lian isn't a "you only live once, let's make bad decisions" person. xie lian is a "no matter how many lives i live, i will not change" person.
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radfem-polls · 3 months
silly one
radfems, are you a furry? i've met like one or two.
only a little
no and i hate furries
not a radfem
Thank you for the ask 😭🤣
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dozenssporks · 7 months
All For The Bit
okay so, bear with me here
When Trigun came into the world the typical shonen protagonist was the loudmouth cheery guy who shouted a lot about friendship, generally had a lot of feelings and wasn't too bright but they had HEART
And this was kind of Vash's Bit in the manga and '98 anime. This is the role he presented himself in. Not an entirely false personality, often exaggerating his own traits, but still a deliberate choice. He's modeled after the harmless, nonthreatening Loudmouth.
Now we come to present day. Now the prevalent shonen protag tends to be The Wimp. Soft-spoken, the ultimate doormat, essentially decent and kind but weak-willed. Earnest, but no one takes them seriously. Eager to please. Belittles themself.
*looks pointedly at Trigun Stampede Vash*
Vash has updated The Bit. He now presents himself as The Wimp because that is the common type of protagonist in recent times. That is the type of protagonist viewers will be most familiar with. He's not like 90s Vash because he is 20s Vash, he's this generation's Vash.
I have no idea if Orange did this deliberately but I think it's cool. It's a new show made by a new generation of creators who want to tell new stories about characters they love.
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thepersonperson · 2 months
Oooh I'm really interested in your opinions on the flaming trainwreck that is gojo's relationship with women!
I wanted to respond to this topic in this ask, but then I realized it would be better as a part of something else. So I will link you to my yapfest that happens to delve into what I think are Gojo's woman issues.
So thanks for sending me into a mini crisis within a crisis! It gave me that nice little missing piece to pull apart Gojo even more.
I'm also shoehorning your tags on this post into this ask since they contributed to that analysis.
#fjddjdjs hiiii I apologize right back for subjecting you to my yelling in your tags almost all the time fjdjfjd #but WHAT a time for you to post this bc I literally just typed out a whole rant on gojo's sexuality that I bravely chose to not post djdjfjf hj
Post the rant anyways. Or whenever you feel brave enough. The perspective unique to you is valuable even if the topic has already been discussed.
#but you absolutely hit the nail on the head on why satosugu was and is n will always be doomed bc of COURSE gojo would never act on anything #like his whole thing in this story is witnessing human rights violations and only acting when the consequences are fatal
#hes absolutely my favorite jjk character but hes so very full of his own prejudices that I think the fandom doesnt acknowledge bc hes fruity #like we see him let a LOT of shit slip by bc to him (one of the most privileged cogs in the machine) they aren't real problems #which reminds me of cis white gays whose complections and even the random bouts of misogyny and mild racism he matches up with #he has a lil bit of that 'I can't be shitty to women I'm literally gay kinda' vibes and we see how he talks to utahime #and how he doesn't stand up for maki like you mentioned
That's usually my biggest complaint with fan culture in general. They shave off the yucky parts to make characters more palatable. Gojo's racist reveal post-mortem made me love him even more. He's my favorite character in JJK too and he has also unseated my most favorite fictional racist: Oliver Fire Emblem. (Yes, I have a fictional racists tier list. I'm giving myself a pass to have one as a person with a unique skeletal structure and muscles as Mr. Gojo Satoru would say.)
I think the reason people try to ignore these things is because of how subtle/realistic it is. Gojo's unsavory behaviors are the kinds people are most likely to have themselves. He kind of forces you to look at those flaws and that can be a deeply uncomfortable experience.
Also I think Gojo would be more like "I can't be a misogynist, I'm not a Zenin."
(Cough more on my racists tier list. It's more of "Were they written well? Was the racism properly condemned by the narrative? Is the racism relevant to themes? If they try to get better, is the racism properly addressed? Is it funny in the pathetic loser way?")
#but I also have this different vibe that he. despite how much he says so and maybe wants to. does NOT care about 'the weak' beyond his job #we see him literally step on people in shibuya to get to where he needs to quicker #he doesn't even bother remembering the names of the kyoto kids besides maybe todo and mechamaru (strong)
Well the thing is teen Gojo definitely didn't care about the weak. Post-Geto break up and after he started mimicking all of Geto's moral teachings? No idea. Gojo treats people he loves poorly so it's hard to tell when he really hates or doesn't care about someone. And he does posture about those things like with Megumi's body being used by Sukuna.
During the Shibuya incident, he does step on all those people's heads and let them be thrown against his Infinity like objects. But he doesn't hurt them. This is a guy who stepped on ants and made sure his Infinity prevented them from being crushed.
Kenjaku's group uses his love for other people against him here. Gojo tries to posture during it, but his composure breaks a few times when they start killing a lot of them. He also checked in on their survival after he UV'd them.
That being said, he probably cares more about them as living things than as equals. He has a very clear bias for the strong when it comes to putting in time and effort. ...But also Ijichi is so weak and Gojo trusts him the most. Gojo went out of his way to care for him when he was suffering. ...And he also relentlessly bullies him. (As you can see Gojo's true feelings on the topic are iffy as fudge.)
#imo the only reason he cares enough to correct nanamis language when talking abt yuuji is that he simply has a lot of potential to be strong #he took maki in hoping to make another toji out of her but bc he doesn't know how a toji is made he basically gives up #which is why I think he didn't even think to call suguru out for the way he talks to her
That would be really fudged up if he was trying to make another Toji and I wouldn't put it past him. He does put his students in really questionable predicaments in the name of growth. That might also explain why he corrected Nanami with Yuji. Someone with his power experiencing immense discrimination could churn out another Geto.
#like gojo has really lofty goals but his day to day consists of ignoring it all until there's a problem or he needs to talk about his goals #he's very much running around aimlessly like a headless chicken mostly bc of the higher ups so it's understandable that he doesn't have time #to even think about let alone try to unlearn all that internalized shit stopping him from achieving his goals #also everything about your tags YES TO ALL OF IT YOU'RE SO RIGHT AND BIG BRAINED
So true! Gojo is stretched so thin that I think he defaults to "cold logic" as Mahito puts it. If he's going to change things for the better, he has to invest in strong people, so they get all his attention and time. All the little systemic issues can be ignored because he was raised to only care about the big things.
It's such a frustrating predicament because I want to be mad at him for this, but it's also [Joker Voice] Society. I've settled on calling it out as a character flaw that can be explained (not excused) by circumstances.
#also uwu thank you 4 talking about kirara shes my everything and gojos an idiot for losing that entire years worth of students (2 whole ppl) #anyway I am sorry for clogging your tags yet again your posts make the gears in my brain turn very fast
Thank you as well. Clogging my tags makes me reexamine things more. I think after reading this response you'll be able to see the parts of your tags that influenced certain parts of the Ok Dad Gojo Analysis.
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mire-7viii · 5 months
This is what's happening in the Netherlands.
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Municipalities see illegal sex work hundreds of times a year.
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Mattress on the floor.
The working conditions are very variable. "From workspaces that are very professionally and neatly furnished to spaces where there is only a mattress on the floor in a polluted room," says the municipality of Sittard-Geleen.
Examples of workplaces that the municipality of Tilburg found during inspections: (see pictures above.
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Many sex workers move around and camp somewhere else every week. "They often come from abroad and live out of a suitcase," notes the municipality of Dordrecht.
The origins of the sex workers (usually women) are extremely diverse, but most come from South America, Eastern Europe or the Netherlands itself.
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Chances of being caught are small.
Amsterdam has the feeling that the illegal circuit is growing. "A conservative estimate is that approximately 6,000 sex workers were active on regular sex advertising websites in Amsterdam last year, the vast majority of which involved illegal prostitution. During inspections we regularly find abuses and exploitation."
Due to a lack of supervision, many municipalities see illegal prostitution as a risk. "The earnings are high, the chance of being caught is small and there is no prospect of voluntariness or [whether the sex workers are underage or not]," according to the municipality of Almelo.
Enforcement officers regularly wonder whether prostitution is forced. For example, Amersfoort came across a Romanian sex worker without papers and a tattoo with the name of a suspected pimp. Sometimes someone other than the sex worker speaks, which municipalities find suspicious.
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Different perspective.
It rarely happens that someone admits to working under duress. "There are often suspicions of a network, but not much information emerges in conversations or interrogations," says the municipality of Assen. "It also plays a role that sex workers sometimes have a different perspective on exploitation," says the municipality of Hilversum. Female sex workers often come from abroad to earn money for their families. "They have more income here than in their home country, even if they have to [pay a part of what they earn.]"
When municipalities discover illegal prostitution, they often choose to warn sex workers and possibly offer help. They can also close properties or impose a so-called cease and desist order on the owners.
Link to the full article below. It's in Dutch, but it isn't long so an online translator will go a long way for you to get the gist of it:
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shaanks · 10 months
hey so I'm literally starting to hate the word "radical" in its political usage.
it is not radical to think that people deserve food and clean water.
it is not radical to think that people deserve safe housing, full stop.
it is not radical to think that bodily autonomy is a human right.
it is not radical to think that queer and trans folks should be allowed to exist comfortably and happily, be allowed to marry each other, and have access to medical care, gender-affirming or otherwise.
it is not radical to think that children shouldn't be going into debt over school lunches.
it is not radical to think that education should be free.
it is not radical to think that nobody should have to die of preventable/treatable illnesses.
it is not radical to think that poverty shouldn't fucking exist.
belief in basic human rights and dignities for everyone that exists is not a radical stance, we're a cooperative species, we are LITERALLY built to care for and help each other.
attaching the term "radical" to any stance that approaches compassionate and decent is a tool of the oppressor class, and we are literally 200 years behind the curve. we HAVE to re-frame the way we talk about these things and throw the fucking shackles off.
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subcoolture · 2 years
Men will never understand how heartbreaking it is to realize as women that we love men who can never really love us, because they are raised in a culture that makes them unable to. That culture have made them internalize such an entitlement that it doesn’t even cross their minds that they don’t empathize with women. They feel entitled to everything, even to those women’s love whose mere well-being, safety, and basic rights they don’t even care about. And it is seen as normal that we give our bodies and souls to these men. And it is not normal: it is violent.
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menlove · 3 months
as a card carrying terf I don’t think trans ppl are disgusting and neither does any radfem i’ve ever met, vast majority of us dgaf about trans people specifically; we want single-sex spaces to exist and btw trans people need those single-sex spaces too. trans women deserve to have spaces for Just trans women and cis women deserve spaces with Just cis women etc etc. i highly recommend doing some actual research into radical feminism instead of repeating the "theyre all conservatives who hate gnc people and find trans people disgustinf and want to kill them" that is simply not true lmao. you may be surprised a what you learn! sincerely a gnc lesbian and proud radfem
I have in fact done much research into radical feminism babe! trust me I have spent hours in yalls spaces! and you simply cannot speak for every single terf just as I can't speak for every trans person. you can't say "come on NO ONE IS SAYING-" just like I can't say that either. do you know every terf? have you seen every blog? have you been a trans person (particularly a trans woman) on the internet trying to just exist in peace? no? then you don't get to say "no terf is SAYING-" because yes, a lot of you are!
"no terf thinks trans people are disgusting" cool so when I was 19 and hadn't touched testosterone a day in my life and had she/they in my bio one of you coming into my ask going "I can tell by looking at you that you'll never be a woman lmfao" bc I'm latine w a shitton of body hair and non-eurocentric features, THAT was out of love for ✨women✨.
when yall (not you specifically but your group you associate with) get on twitter and pick apart the selfies women post telling them they're ugly and following it up by saying you KNOW they're "men" and it turns out 9/10 you've just harassed a cis woman who just doesn't meet eurocentric beauty standards, that's so totally cool and awesome and out of love for cis women and a want for separate spaces right?
when yall go into trans people's asks and tell us to kill ourselves, call us pedophiles, call us rapists, call us ugly... that shit just doesn't happen, right? and yes I'm Aware yall get death and rape threats too. you shouldn't, it's gross on both sides, but really it's not proving your point here.
it's fucking infuriating. you're infuriating. because radical feminism could be something worthwhile (and funnily enough I've met a lot of older ex radfem lesbians who have veered away from it bc of how fucking vitrolic yall are towards trans people). but instead, it is steeped and inseparable from the mire of hatred and disgust that you parrot. you don't give a single shit about women, whatever sex.
I'm an assigned female at birth lesbian who has only ever slept with other people with vaginas (consensually anyway). I can't tell you the amount of hate I've gotten from yall. just for being trans. even though I meet your definition of being a woman and being a lesbian. it doesn't matter because your hatred for people you deem as degenerate outweighs actually fucking advocating for feminism.
I'm not even going to argue with you on how useless single sex spaces actually are bc despite their best attempts there's always going to be problems (namely: fun fact cis women can be awful too AND how the fuck are you going to check and enforce this rule? what is your end goal?).
but what I AM going to say is no, sorry, that's NOT what a lot of you think. that's what YOU think. that's why YOU'RE a terf. but actually fucking look at the people around you. go on a trans person's blog or twitter who's receiving harassment and fucking try and tell me it's to promote "uwu safe spaces" like.... be fucking serious with me right now lmfao
you're not conservatives! but you are a bunch of fucking assholes who care more about harassing trans people than building a feminism that might actually have teeth. if you're using those teeth to attack a group more vulnerable than you, you're just an aggressor.
tldr you don't speak for all of them, go fuck yourself, etc
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feral-radfem · 2 years
'Radical feminist' is a role you have to perform and actively work towards not a label you can identify into. Lest any of y'all have forgotten: we are meant to be examples to the women and girls around us that you can exist and have a fulfilling life while defying patriarchal teachings and practices.
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the-catboy-minyan · 2 months
idk I'm literally on the verge of blocking everyone who's cheering for death in my feed. yes he was a terrorist, why tf are you cheering for death.
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