#i'm a fucking atheist but please pray for me
batbrainrot · 4 months
guys please tell me those batman #148 leaks of jason dying again are fake. tell me they're fake right fucking now i can't fucking do this shit right now i'm off my meds
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yowyowyaoi · 4 months
Deidara's Daily Texts from the Akatsuki, Part Two
From Itachi:
I swear I'm not mad just give it back
You're STILL not over that?!
What are you even shaving? You don't have a single hair on your face!
Not my business who you date, just keep them from fighting all the time!
That's funny because Hidan said it was you, asshole.
I never ask you questions like that about Sasori, do I?!
You better hide, Kakuzu's going around collecting rent
God you're a worse gossip than Tobi!
I know it was you my whole room smells like clay!
That's a really lewd thing to say ... are you really hitting on me or are you just drunk off your ass?
Yeah but considering I use nothing in mine and you use like 200 products in yours, I'd say mine is better.
Stop it. You're not a pet person.
Okay can you just come with me? I don't ever ask you for favors do I?!
Pay me back what you owe me first.
From Hidan:
Yeah but I'm hotter. Like WAY hotter.
He loves to say stupid shit like that, he's not being serious.
Bet his dick is bigger tho.
That's literally the most stupid shit I've ever heard. We're MEANT to eat meat, fucker!
Yeah but if shark dick catches us he'll beat our asses and Kakuzu already said he's not putting me back together if it happens again!
I'll pray to Jashin for you, you pathetic atheist.
Let's get the fuck out of here and get something to eat. Kakuzu's sleeping I can swipe his wallet!
Me and you? In your DREAMS, kid. You couldn't handle this immortal dick.
Why tf would I care about that? Tits or not me and you are brothers, man.
No, steak. Rare-rare. Still mooing.
Fuck a vegetable. Load it up with meat.
No wait corn is good but make sure it's seasoned with the meat blood.
That cunt did not beat my ass he caught me by surprise! I'll kill him next time I see his ugly face!
From Konan:
I don't remember my siblings so you all are it for me.
When a girl asks how old you think she is always answer like 10 years younger than you actually think! But seriously, 40?! FORTY??
Did you always know or did it take you a little bit to figure it out?
Rose petal or honeysuckle. Sometimes lilac if it's not too overwhelming.
It's a complicated situation for sure. They both feel something strongly for you but if my opinion counts? I'd stay with Sasori. At least you know what to expect from him, and I think he genuinely loves you.
I've narrowed it down to you or Hidan. If you confess I'll go easy on you. :-)
Please be gentler with him. He may hide it but he's gotten really fragile these last few months and he's in pain almost constantly.
Threatening to "beat people's asses" isn't my style. I go for the silent kill.
Wow, HE did that for YOU? That's interesting.
Take it up with Kakuzu. He's supposed to provide you all with extra money for exactly these types of things.
I would just do it, Dei. Be grateful your punishment is so light compared to what you did.
Are you two serious? You realize we're all trying our hardest NOT to attract negative attention?!
Perkier if it's chilly out ;)
I thought about it but I've had it this length for forever. It'd probably look weird long.
Only if you promise to sit still this time. I'm not gonna have you complain if it gets smudged again.
From Kakuzu
Brat. Stop.
I don't give a shit if you don't like him. He's valuable and this organization can't afford to lose him. So SUCK IT UP.
The waxing poetic was one thing but the actual poetry was nauseating.
That's coming out of your paycheck.
How is that an "emergency expense"?!
I don't care what you feel it is, "unfair" or not EVERYONE is expected to contribute to the bills. You use the lights? You pay. You take showers? You pay. You eat the food? You. PAY.
I know you two are friends. You have fairly good ideas about what he likes. Help me and I'll take off that debt you owe me from last month.
Sasori can do that for you, can't he??
Nice try, kid, but you still owe me. And you couldn’t handle my immortal love anyway.
From Tobi
I'd ask you to come with but Itachi thinks you'll try and blow him up while he's asleep.
Diabetes was just made up by assholes who don't want us to eat all the good sugar!
He's really so selfish he wouldn't let me borrow you for one night?
Hidan said it was you ...
I KNOW you like older men! Hey what if I told you I was 31, what then??
Of all the things that could be under this mask, why would "sharingan" be one of your guesses? That's ridiculous Senpai!
Come on Senpai! Leader would be mad at first but I think everyone would like a puppy!
Just tell him that you were only home 10 days this month so you should only have to pay 1/3 of the rent
If you want to but Hidan would probably call you a lot of names for wearing it
Marry me and I'll carry you everywhere all the time. It's a good deal!
Let's see if one of the others will trade with us, I hate going to really cold places
Try if you want to but Konan hit me so hard last time I saw stars for three days
Can you make me a bomb shaped like a scythe? Hidan is getting on my nerves.
From Zetsu
It's complicated, but everybody's blood has a distinct scent. Your's smells like lava and ash. It's very unique.
"Love" or not I'd watch my back, child. You'd make a prettier puppet for him than anyone else.
The years don't go by but centuries do.
Come now, you could have left SOME of those bodies in-tact for me!
I can't imagine that it would matter in the long run.
If you three don't stop attracting so much attention we'll have to pick up and move yet again!
I can tolerate human food but it doesn't compare to humans as food.
Neither. Neither of them is a suitable match for you. I'd run as far as I could from both of them.
Thank you for the offer but I don't believe your moisturizer would be effective on my plant skin.
No, not especially. Things are much the same to me.
If Kakuzu said no then there's no point in asking Leader. Kakuzu holds the money with an iron fist and Nagato has never once interfered with his decisions.
A bit more rest and some decent food would do you a world of good.
From Nagato
Then I must not understand true art because all I can see is property damage and unwanted negative attention being drawn towards our organization.
I understand your frustration but please continue to work with him. I need Sasori to stay here and you're the only one Tobi will listen to.
Oh? It seems it may be time I had a talk with you young ones then.
I see no need for further recruits.
Yes, thank you. Konan used it on my hair and it worked wonderfully.
I'm aware you don't like him but please endeavor to coexist in this group with him. Also remember how precarious his health is before you pull another stunt like the one you and Hidan did yesterday.
I won't stand in the way of your personal goals but surely you realize how extreme self-detonation sounds?
I got you all these phones as a way to communicate efficiently with your partners and with the entire group over long distances. NOT to play games. Kakuzu tells me the phone bill is $200 over it's usual amount due to unathorized games and extra features. If this keeps up I'll take them back.
Next time please be sure you're checking who you're sending explicit pictures to. I assume that was meant only for Sasori's eyes? Now I have Tobi and two others ready to kill him to be your partner.
From Kisame
I shouldn't admit it but it WAS very funny.
But what would be the purpose? Samehada steals chakra, aesthetics don't matter.
I can't tell the future but I can guess that if he's stayed this long, then he probably means to stay with you for life.
Yeah well if one more "accidentally" goes off under his window while he's napping I'm going to make a sandwich of your fingers, kid.
I suppose that would be fun but good luck getting the money from Kakuzu.
I can't even imagine the lives they live. It's really more merciful for them that we extract their demon and send them to the afterlife.
Our relationship is so much more than that but all you immature brats ever ask about is the sex aspect. Shameful.
There's no way he bought that fresh, I can smell it all the way back in my room!
Wear your cloak and perhaps borrow Sasori's as well, it's extremely windy and chilly.
Have you considered a haircut, maybe? Or to dye it black like my Itachi's?
Lol relax it was a joke, no need for threats.
From Sasori
I did get them. Beautiful, but Kakuzu would kill you if he knew you were using these phones for such lewd purposes.
A "magic cure" doesn't beat eating right, going to bed at a decent hour, and exercising once in a while, brat.
Funny how they all think I'M the pervert here when YOU'RE the one who came at ME so aggressively. Brat.
I can think of a much better use for all of those pretty mouths of yours, Dei. Come see me and I'll show you what I mean.
Maybe I need to get you a dictionary for Christmas. Because you STILL don't seem to understand what "covert" and "stealth" mean.
Yeah well you nearly dying because of your own carelessness isn't what I'd call fun. So stop it before I end you myself.
I would never.
"<3" is not a heart. I don't care what idiots say. A real human heart is NOT shaped like that. I'll bring you one of my anatomy textbooks so you can see for yourself.
Yes, I suppose. But don't make it a habit please.
Your breathing sounded strange. Come see me for a checkup. Now.
I don't care for when he sends us on missions to cold places. Bad for you and puts a lot of wear on Hiroku.
Trust me, you DO snore. Like a steam engine.
Why you can't simply ignore him, I'll never understand.
Your eating habits are atrocious, brat.
You're quite the silly one, aren't you?
Mm. You know it's not in me to be jealous. But. If I *ever* see him touch you like that again it'll be the last time his fucking hand is attached to his body. You're MINE.
It's just baffling to me that you won't do it. You'd be the centerpiece of the entire collection! Come on I KNOW you love attention!
I wouldn't trust Hidan around something like that.
Goodnight, my sweet prince. See you in the morning ... if the poison doesn't take you out :-)
As per the Inbox request of @tulipunainenruusu 😊
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fandomtrashbag · 5 months
No no you do not get it I am SO tired
You can be queer and Muslim
How the fuck would I know? I am one.
Like genuinely I do not know how hard it is to grasp that you can sin and that there may be different levels of sin but you can still sin and be Muslim like that's just how it is
If a revert who was a straight up killed people brought themself to the path of Islam and SINCERELY reverted like they're following everything to the best of their ability. They are theoretically forgiven for all their past sins (I say theoretically because Allah is who can decide if they are indeed forgiven and if they're being sincere that's just not up to any human to judge)
Like do you. Genuinely know. The sheer amount of Muslims that drink smoke partake in drugs have sex willy nilly (pun intended) have committed crimes like murder and rape and STILL think they're better than the queer community??? I'm not judging them here all I am saying that if I am going to see those who do these things being whole heartedly accepted in society but not a queer Muslim that's just trying to be connected to Allah I just think that's unfair my dude
Like why must we separate people from prayer from the Ummah are we not supposed to be a community?? How is mass ostracisation disownment exile supposed to be a community??? How is conservation therapy and peer pressure supposed to support the individual when they are receiving brain chemistry altering mental trauma. It's why queer Muslims LEAVE Islam. How is me being bisexual and non binary a threat my dearest siblings in Islam I am simply trying to pray here??!!!
I went the whole "born Muslim to Atheist to Agnostic to Pagan to revert" pipeline my dude and I have never felt as much mental peace in these trying times than I have before I reverted. It is NOT UP TO US TO DETERMINE WHO IS WORTHY OF ALLAH'S FORGIVENESS AND WHO IS NOT. A hadith talks about the sins of an Israeli prostitute being completely forgiven because she gave a dehydrated dog water. And I can guarantee you every single queer Muslim is very aware of the story of Lut AS. We've read it and many turned away from the Ummah forever because of it. We KNOW. you don't have to tell us like you are preaching to the metaphorical choir please just let us exist in peace thank you
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uglypastels · 9 months
Ok ok gotta quickly talk about my fav bits from these 2 episodes
Percy and Grover giving each other the ham/cheese from their sandwiches
The mrs Dodds gaslighting. Idk why i needed this to be included (more on this later)
Gabe. Why was Gabe so fucking funny in this 😭😭 like man is just a loser.
"Do you know why we come to this cabin every year" "because its next to the septic tanks' so its cheap" stop he's so unserious 😭
"Please" and the entirety of Sally talking to Gabe
I'm sure it will all get so much worse, but just the quips that were written and the pacing through the conversation of all 3 of them was really well written
Percy thinking that Sally was an atheist until she saw Jesus in her living room. (To paraphrase it)
"The important thing is not to panic" while being on the verge of a breakdown
Sally making Grover swear to protect perce😭😭
Basically, any time there was book accurate dialogue. It healed parts of me that I didn't even know were broken.
Mr D. I'm obsessed. The whole interaction between him and Percy. And then Mr D and Chiron 💖💖💖 (the poker later on. I love it)
The cabins and entire vibe of the camp. It feels so real i wanna go there so bad.
I could basically just list every single scene of this episode.
Luke 💖 that's it.
Mr D and Chiron forbidding Grover to tell Percy about his mom. So we got the Gaslight, now we jave Gatekeep. Where's the girlboss? Literally every other second.
Annabeth!! Annabeth's hat!! The hattttttt
"I'm fine thanks, but i appreciate you, you know, standing there silently" he's so fucking funny and it makes me want to scream. It's no original experience to have loved these books since the age of 12, but it doesnt make it any less personal. I love percy ok. And anyway not annabeth then still just standing there like 😐🤨
"When it's time, he'll be ready. I know it".... bro 😭😭
Clarisse's feral behaviour. I love her (i'll be dropping the L-bomb more and more as the show will go on. Let me be)
The bathroom scene. Obviously (i didnt even mention the episode titles yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
🔥? "I wouldn't"
Aaand cut to percy nearly setting the heph cabin on fire
"Is there a god of disppointment" "oizyz, but sje's a goddess, and her thing isnt really disappointment. It's more like failure" pls who is this kid. Fav character lol (idk maybe i should know who he is and im just stupid)
And then the look Luke gives him i'm crying
Oh my god how did not mention the blue food yet 😭😭😭😭🩵🩵🩵🩵
Percy PRAYING to Sally. And then "i'm Sally Jackson's son" aaaaaaaaaaaaah
Also, idk why but i loved Clarisse's reaction to when her spear broke. It felt so raw and it showed a glimpse of the side of her that she's clearly hiding from the world (not me already getting hyped for sea of monsters lmao)
Theres probably so much more i could add, or perhaps i should have just dropped a link to the episodes as it was all just so perfect.
Ohh oh oh i almost forgot the camp beads!!! Eeeek. So cute.
(Would have loved to have seen the grannies knitting socks of death, and the strawberry fields 🫢 but minor details)
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0wl3tt3 · 5 months
Reflection on my practice (for future me)
Hello, so I wanted to do write what has been my practice so far for future me to read and reflect, I discover a lot for myself, so this might be long so please sit and relax.
I grew up Roman Catholic for most of my life, living and breathing on those values, going to Catholic school and going to church but it doesn't really have an affect for me, I didn't feel connected to Catholicism, so I was semi atheist (I didn't know that Agnostic exist) for most of my early teenage years until I was in grade 10, where I was kinda chilling in class, I wasn't interested with the subject so I just pulled out my phone and thought it would be fun to search on tumblr about witchcraft and it really interested me. Everything about it looked fun and maybe I wanted to dipped my toes in the water. Later on I created an account specifically for that! I enjoyed it as a newbie liking the vibes and looked to find Paganism
Anyone who followed 15-16 year old me will remember I was a Kemetic pagan, I worshipped Anubis and Ra (Along with Heru-Sa-Aset) but I was close to Anubis, I prayed to him after my dog died which did started my path to paganism where I now just denounce myself silently as a Catholic. I prayed and gave him offerings that I have access to and just let him guide me to cope. I started being open to my practice to my friends as well which they all really support! I never said anything to my family knowing what they believe was that I'm just catholic.
I really do thank Anubis and the gods I did pray for those hardships of my own mistakes and leading me to comfort even when I'm arrogant. It inspired me to admire history more that I ever did, I wanted to read more about old religions, I wanted to just eat every single information I can find tiring to be the best version of what I should do and value.
Hellenism and Athena
I've already told this but I wasn't Kemetic pagan anymore now, I adored Anubis but it felt like my time of mourning had passed and it felt like I might have to part my ways with Kemeticism. Its a beautiful religion and the people there are lovely! but I just don't follow it as a follower anymore and I was called to Hellenism.
I wasn't gonna lie and say Hellenism didn't intimidate me, it did, I knew to never take the myths literally for me to not act dumb but there were a lot of things I had to learn now that I wasn't following Kemeticism. I wasn't sure who to look, well, for a bit until I settled with Athena which makes sense.
Listen, I am a girl that loved the greek monsters, dragons, drawing, and war history, of course I'm gonna pray to Athena!
I felt like she was the goddess for me and later became the kinda the only goddess I prayed for when it comes to tests and being strong. Sometimes I don't do prayers because of school and my own laziness, I'm happy that she's patient with me and a tarot reading by a friend, where I asked "What's Athena thinking about me? I haven't done much for her..." "Talk to me more! and stop procrastinating!"
But I really do thank her for that, it's just so sweet for me to know she is around even when I'm not always acknowledging her.
Now and future
I think one, buy a fucking tarot deck for myself and just talk more, sometimes when no one is around I just talk out of no where to her which I see as my baby steps to coming back since last and the early months I was pretty dry on my worship and practice. This summer I hope I can read history books and just talk about it to her, start doing divination and do something about that rain water from one year ago lmao.
I think this year will be witchy and pagan for me! I'm excited for shenanigans to ensue with my irl witch friends!
And I will say it again, thank you to the deities I worshipped before and now for guiding me to where I am now, no matter how chaotic it is, you're there for me.
So for future me, let's do this!!!!!
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demon-girl-izalith · 10 months
I think we should keep something in mind this Christmas/holiday season. As the Christian narrative floats around, the white swaddled newborn plastered on billboards, and the focus on what's "sacred" and "holy" circulating through churches around the western world...
The body being "sacred" has nothing to do with some fucked white European idea of chastity or purity. It has absolutely EVERYTHING to do with making sure people are able to feed themselves and their children, not be straight up poisoned by pollutants, or fetishized and exploited for profit. Holiness has nothing to do with being clean or looking your Sunday best.
It was never actually about "purity" or "virginity" or "cleanliness". If it was, why the hell would Jesus have been crucified? The real historical dude said stuff that pissed off people in power so much they fucking merked him. Nothing pisses off agrarian feudal lords or modern capitalists more than telling the masses that they aren't simply morally justified, but on the side of GOD when they steal medicine and food for their children. If you don't believe me, I highly recommend reading William Herzog's "Parables as subversive speech", read about what theologians actually think historical Jesus was talking about all those years ago. Whether you believe in God or not, think religion is a plague or pray a rosary every night, I think keeping this in mind is like super important.
Christianity becomes dangerous and, in the opinion of this demon girl, blasphemous when it is removed from the context of its social cause, when it's co-opted by those in power and disarmed of the radical rhetoric that it was born from originally. I think that's exactly what we see in broader society. I think that an entirely rational response to this is to equate all of Christianity or even all of religion with evil... But I think there's nuance here.
To be clear, I stand with the satanists who support the fight for separation in church and state by chastising the corrupt institutions who have become the opposite of what they claim to espouse. I stand with the atheists who keep the naive theologians in check, and offer peace to the people who have been ravaged by the monster modern Christianity is to so many. Don't stop doing what you're doing. If Jesus was standing here today he'd be standing with you. You're fighting modern day pherisees out here and I'm for it.
Now, this is not to say there aren't problematic things that were always present in the Christian religion, of course there are. And they're quite abundant. I think Christians need to be very aware of that as well. There's nuance there. What I'm calling for here is a realization that the religion of the oppressed is not the same as the religion of the oppressor, and that the religion of the oppressed, when not stripped of its merit and co-opted by systems of greed, can be a force for good. And when we use that lens to look at this bizarre spectacle we call "Christmas", we can learn some interesting stuff.
What I'm saying is, if you're trans, gay, whatever, for the love of God, literally, please LIVE. Listen to your friendly demon izalith. By existing as who you are, you are sacred. Don't let the people wearing robes and claiming to be on the sides of angels and "God" tell you who you can or can't love, or what you can or can't be. If there is a God out there, and he's with those punks, then he's no god. I spit on his name. Angels are overrated anyways... It's the demons, the poor person who steals from Walmart to feed themselves and their children, the prostitute who is proud of their job and the life they work hard to sustain, the fat trans person who goes to Christmas mass in goth makeup... It's those people who the religion was originally made for. It wasn't made for the rich, the white, the straight, the normative. It was made for us. For all those people who are downtrodden, cold this winter, unable to buy food, scared and tired. Fuck that shit they used to traumatize us and belittle us when growing up. It's all lies and venom anyways. If no one loves and accepts you, this demon will.
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Hello. I have very big problems. Please, help.
And now to the situation itself. A series of completely random sequence of events (taken from the box into good hands, a small unfortunate argali, found a neglected homeless Ayin, then a bunch of events that I don’t really want to remember (coma and the events that led to it)) now I have several variations in my possession Ayin, (blond, old Ayin, ayin who looks extremely killed, X Ayin, one stray Kim Dokja, and one strange Ayin with black eyes and strange attitudes towards mirrors. And of course my very first Ayin) Argalia, and a recently found Dante ( had to fend him off from the wild Limbs. Or not… I hope they were wild. Otherwise, they were specially set on him…)
In short, it's a complete nightmare. All of them are in poor condition, all on the verge… Everything is bad. And my first Ayin no longer wants to spend time with me basking in the sun… But there is good news. Dante's resettlement to my monochrome company is going well. The odd black-eyed Ayin takes a strange interest in him, but they generally get along well (and don't talk about relationship with X. They are partners in crime and best friends. At least something good)
And finally the worst. I recently saw a wild Faust. She looks at me through the glass.She look how i wrighing this. I'm scared. Please tell me how can I help my beloved Ayins, Argalia (who has become fucking psychotic) Dante, and how to save myself from this Faust. SOS
You got yourself into quite the situation there, anon.
First off, for some classifications. I believe that the black-eyed 'Ayin' who is obsessed with mirrors is actually a Yi Sang- it is quite easy to mistake Yi Sangs for Ayins and they have similar care, but their responses and personalities are completely different. For more on the care of Yi Sangs and Dantes, I'd recommend one of the Limbi blogs, such as @limbushusbandry. Steer clear of @/limbusexperiments, though, I'd even recommend blocking them. I'm unsure on your other 'Ayins' but I believe some of the others also might not be Ayins. You didn't give me enough information to make that claim, however.
Your Argalia likely has either imprinted on another animal or lost who they imprinted on. If the latter sounds likely, I'd recommend immediately taking the Argalia to the vet to make sure it's nothing else. If it is this specific type of attachment trauma, however, there is medications to attempt and soothe the anxieties and heightened aggression of the Argalia. Unfortunately though, Argalias tend to have very weak mental states after experiencing that type of trauma, and will likely not reclaim their old personality. Just be gentle.
As for the Faust, all I can think of is to call Animal Control, let them know of the situation, pick the god of your religion(or if you're atheist, the Wings), and pray. If you want to keep your moon- so is the term for an assortment of Lobcorps, Ruinas, and Limbi- extra safe, I'd recommend keeping them in pet carriers until the Faust is taken care of. Once again, a Limbus blog might have more information on what the Faust is doing. Good luck, that's all.
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Hi, I wanted to show you my experience with religious trauma. Because most examples I read of (including that articles Bun showed May) are traumatic because of outside forces (creepy priest, abusive super religious parents etc.) but in my case it wasn't. Obvious tw for religious talk and trauma..
I was raised religious by just living in a small town with no other community, though my (abusive) atheist parents ridiculed me for that.
I was often in contact with the CPS and they were a handful of times soo close to take me out of my family (which I was praying for dearly for years), sometimes already made promises to me. And still, CPS always changed their mind at some point. I was devastated over and over again because I was always full of hope. "God didn't mean it to happen this time because something even better is waiting in the future!!" And at some point it felt like God was fucking with me. I stopped praying, when the CPS would promise me again, to take me out of my family (remind you, my CPS history was a 7 years long journey of hope and devastation). Because I didn't want to reveal to God, that this was important to me. Because I believed, that he would destroy everything that was important to me, just for fun. At that point my good friend and crush suddenly died, so yeah.
I was still very... frightened I mean, my parents didn't love me, my family didn't love me and my God didn't love me. I was very afraid to think or do something "bad", I was expecting punishment every other second and faith and anxiety was linked very closely for me.
So I decided to forbid myself to do any "religious things" for a month, to see how I would feel. And it was hard and scary in the beginning but it became very relieving after some time. I am at a "religious pause" for one year now, and I forbid myself to do anything religious because I know that would trigger me very quickly again. And I want to resolve all of this one day. But for the moment, I feel better than ever. My key was to start believing that I won't die during the next few months and still have time to figure it all out.
I didn't have a religious family, I wasn't part of a church, part of any community, I was just one religious person on their own and still I consider my experience traumatic.
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry to hear about what you went through, and I'm also sorry for your loss.
You don't have to necessarily be part of a church or anything like that for you to be able to label your experience as religious trauma. Your experience is valid.
I really resonate with what you said about feeling like god was fucking with you. I also felt like I was told that god would save me from danger, though simultaneously being told that god doesn't give you challenges you can't handle. I began to feel hopeless that god wasn't listening to my prayers when I was being abused, and I personally believe it's because he wasn't. Ethel Cain has this lyric in her song Sun Bleached Flies, "God loves you / but not enough to save you" and it just resonates with me so deeply. It's just like, how can you be all knowing, all powerful, and all good, and turn a blind eye to tragedies like child abuse? How can you say that these children can handle it? It just seems like warped logic to me. I wonder if any of this resonates with you as well.
It can be helpful to take a break from religion when you have experiences like these (I'm not religious at all currently). It's completely understandable how doing anything religious could be triggering for you. It's important to take your time with this and not rush into anything you're not ready for.
I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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mashedcontroller · 5 months
So, I'm atheist but grew up Christian and did the church thing very questionably as a kid. Wanna hear funny stories?
So, I think the church was trying to get us to do the praying thing, and they described it as some sort of communication with God or something. So, I'm like, "well, God probably has better things to do than listen to whatever I say. Like, big world, don't wanna spam ping God." So, I pray once to something to the effect of "Church wanted me to do this sorry for wasting your time bye." and never prayed again.
I may have misunderstood what "hell" was supposed to be. If sinners go to hell, and every tiny misdeed or nasty thought is a sin, and you can't unsin, then everyone goes to hell, no? And if that's the case, hell probably wouldn't look that different from the real world because humans can live anywhere. And you'd be looking at infinite people with infinite time to create a livable reality. Which is a long way of saying "yeah sure I'll play along because I don't want trouble with the adults here, but I'm pretty sure the afterlife is just New York but, like, Red. And no one can disprove me because, like, no one in this room has died."
I'm also pretty sure the Noah's Arc story got across to me wrong. Like, how I understood it was that God told Noah that the flood would only last, like, a week, but then God forgot for several months while everyone was just starving in the middle of the ocean. That's very irresponsible of him :/. Probably not the intended take away.
So, y'know those bots that just say words you type? So, the church had some computers that they had the kids use to make computer Jesus quote random Bible quotes. When we were done there was some extra time to do whatever, so i start keyboard slamming to make Jesus say random letters. Someone stops me because "what if you accidentally make Jesus say a swear word?" So, I'm like, "ok, fair enough." Then I have Jesus Loudly shout random numbers.
At some point, with my parents around, i told a priest "I believe in Jesus and Santa Claus, but not God." I wanna know what went through that man's head when a tiny child went up to him and said that.
I'm pretty sure I misinterpreted that one story about the guy who was about to yeet his toddler of a cliff as God pulling le epic prank. Terrible taste in humor, but, yknow, I'm not here to judge.
I'm pretty sure I had a conversation along the lines of "Who wrote the bible?" "God." (Internally) "No he fucking didn't." God may have allegedly created reality, but he is Not a published author.
I'm pretty sure my relationship to the concept of God was "I'll just mind my own business and not worry about it." Since, like, sucking up to God feels like it would be cheating at this whole "good person" thing. Like, isn't doing good just to please Sky Guy a type of lying? Or at least extremely disingenuous?
But yeah, these were kinda just random thoughts and stories I had when I was, like, 5-10 or something. And i think it's funny looking back on them now. Because, like, I am the type to disagree with someone and just not say anything about it. So, me getting it in my head that praying is a sin actually, is very funny since it never got voiced, but, like, imagine if it did. That would've been hilarious to watch ngl.
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automatismoateo · 6 months
I'm just tired of being mad and lonely via /r/atheism
I'm just tired of being mad and lonely I'm a 19 year old male atheist from a third world country and I'm just so tired. I'm tired of religion, I'm tired of its marketing and influence over my country . I'm exhausted by how it affects politics, how it shapes and destroys my country. I'm astounded that people believe in something so ridiculous as a god. How they don't think it's any plausible Zeus existed compared to the abrahamic gods. I'm tired of being alone as a man. Because of toxic manosphere influences ESPECIALLY the ones that use religion as a marketing gimmic. Such as Andrew tate and Sneako with Islam, how they indoctrinate guys my age into their cults. I'm tired of being told, oh if you're lonely just go to church. Meet a church girl, make church friends, pray about it. Oh that existential dread you feel? It's because you haven't accepted j. Christ in your heart. I have friends, I have a healthy, fit lifestyle and am a practicing Buddhist and stoic. None of that takes away loneliness at least not all the time. I'm not depressed, I'm just tired, man. I'm tired of feeling like an outcast because I'm not religious. Because I don't talk about Palestine, not because I don't care but because I am not educated enough to know what I'm saying. I'm tired of my friend group (the religious friends) being weird incels that are scared of women. It's so hard to come by regular men my age I can connect with. It doesn't have to be atheism, but just please stop sending me bible quotes on whatsapp and instagram. Stop saying you'll pray for me, stop saying I need jesus. I need real, meaningful connection. I know this post is very vague and sounds like I'm 14 and this is deep. But honestly? The only place I feel comfortable letting out my feelings like this is on reddit. And that's just fucking sad, man. Even my therapist is a christian. Submitted April 11, 2024 at 11:56AM by LilWizard32 (From Reddit https://ift.tt/mpAWgMt)
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sanders1665 · 1 year
They proudly proclaim how much they love their country,
this home of the brave and land of the free,
"God Bless America", you hear everywhere,
well, I love everyone that thinks and acts like me,
except for those dark skins of varying degree.
They support female empowerment and equality,
but abortion faces so much hostility,
don't kill the fetus, lets send it off to war,
and stop being a bitch with your feminist attitude,
men are still in charge, accept your servitude.
A bad guys murderous bullets rage from an assault rifle the media boasts,
but its the good guy cops that kill the most,
it seems the killer good guys get a pat on the back,
a Founding Father right written 250 years ago,
and we all live in fear of the gun sights shadow.
They say we should do more to help the poor,
the beggar comes a knocking but they won't open the door,
what they say and what they do are completely different,
leaving the store with shopping carts full of food,
satiating their selfishness and obesity with a growing brood.
They criticize a woman for showing her cleavage,
or if she drinks too much alcoholic beverage,
its a fine line between being a lady and a tramp,
so they tell her she needs to wear make up to look pretty,
as a plain looking woman only draws pity.
They complain there is no privacy on the internet,
and hackers will always be a threat,
no matter what you do, the data is collated somewhere,
paranoid that the government can see thru their cams,
but they will continue to post on their Facebook's, Twitters and Instagram's,
They criticize people over their gay sexuality,
saying its against Gods law and their own morality,
but they will dance to their music and watch their action movies,
while maintaining its an aberration and deserves scorn,
but in secret they masturbate over internet lesbian porn,
Hey brother, I'm pleased you are proud of your skin,
I'm glad you've gotten over your historical chagrin,
we're all blood and bones underneath anyway,
but if I say that being white is the greatest,
then you scream and shout that I'm a racist.
You tell your kids to run from strangers offering candy,
as they might say "I'm a friend of your mommy and daddy",
but come Halloween we see the opposite being played out,
dressing their kids in alluring costumes and pushing them to unfamiliar doors,
asking strangers for candy to fill a cupboard drawer.
She's called a whore for what she does in many beds,
but the guys don't complain when she's giving head,
consenting adults can fuck as much as they want,
he fucks all the girls and is called a stud,
all this fucking around only leaves bad blood.
"Save the Planet" the environmentalist demands,
as he flicks a cigarette with his left hand,
driving around town in his gas guzzling S.U.V,
loudly proclaiming his sincere ethics and morality,
but fails to understand honesty and personal responsibility.
Many Godly believers say the Pope is divine,
and many atheists believe him to be asinine,
but some live their lives with admirable truth and good manners,
while others will force their point of view,
but the truly enlightened merely gaze upon azure skies of blue.
We judge everything that is different to ourselves,
and we'll pray for Gods forgiveness under pealing church bells,
our actions will always betray our self righteous words,
too much critical judgments of the strangers we see and people we meet,
and personal vindication because we're pure and sweet.
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theologicalish · 1 year
Biblical Inquiry
I'm going to try to remain relatively anonymous here, but here's what I'll tell you about me: You can call me Squid. I am a woman. I am 25. I am not a theologian.
This blog is for writing and reblogging about my journey into the Bible. I grew up with the Bible as my sacred text. I still want it to be my sacred text. But I don't think about the Bible at 25 the same way I thought about it at 10 or 18 or even 23.
This blog will chronicle my attempt to understand the Bible. I know I'm not meant to understand it completely. To understand everything in the Bible would be to understand God, and that's just not possible in my earthly life. I also know I am not about to say anything new -- I don't claim to have any scholarly expertise to bring to the table. But maybe, if you're interested, you can go on this exploration with me.
Here, I will ask the questions about the Bible that I have deep in my heart, the ones that might seem transgressive to people who grew up in an Evangelical denomination, like me. These questions include:
Is gay sex really a sin?
Does God recognize gay marriage?
Why is the biblical God the God I should believe in? (I frankly am pretty set on there being a God.)
Can women be pastors? Like, theologically? If not, why was Deborah allowed to be a judge in Judges?
Do people who don't know about Jesus when they die really go to Hell?
Is Hell even a real place?
What was Paul really talking about in 2 Timothy when he said he did not "suffer a woman to teach"? Why does that piss me off so much? Should I be pissed off about it? Is that allowed?
What does "biblical womanhood" really mean, for fuck's sake?
Is God/Jesus mad at me for being pro-choice?
Am I reading the Bible in a way that makes sense with what we know about it and what God tells us about His word?
Clearly, I have a lot to figure out. The question list is going to grow. But I will step forward with my faith in Christ, because I believe He is just and merciful and came to save us all.
Here's what you can do as a potential follower of this blog: You can pray for me. I don't care if you're an atheist. Please pray for me anyway. The worst thing that happens is nobody's listening. Here's a script:
Dear God,
Please help Squid find trustworthy sources to answer her questions. Please let her know the truth about You. Please sustain her in trying to be loving to everybody around her.
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dddomenstarstwst1 · 2 years
Forgive me, Father, for i have sinned
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Prompt: Priest/Demon
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Priest!Kaoru, sub!Kaoru, demon!reader, dom!amab!reader, dub-con, religious themes, fucking in a church, corruption, mosterfucking, monster cock, biting, marking, rimming, dacriphilia, choking, creampie, unprotected sex, pact making, blood drinking (just a little), mind breaking
a/n: as a note, I'm atheist, so I won't be going deep into religious themes. All that's religious is the set-up and priest!kaoru. The fic is humongous (like 1.3k words)
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Kaoru is left all alone in the massive Church, enveloped in darkness. A shiver runs down his spine when the wind blows outside, the floors of the sacred place are cold, screeching under young Priest's feet.
Hakaze whips his head to the direction he heard a low whisper from. His eyes widen, fingers squeezing the beads tighter, the cross on it's end dangles from side to side. Kaoru sighs slowly, brushing the whisper on his tiredness.
"Little Priest, poor Priest."
Now that wasn't him being tired, and it certainly wasn't Kaoru's imagination. He holds the cross with both of his hands, praying to God aloud. What kind of games did the Devil decide to play with him?
Kaoru looks around, silence wrapping it's hands around his body, something tugs on his cloak. Something that felt awfully like hands. Hakaze shakes his head, turning around, and walks to the pulpit. He senses a foul presence behind himself.
"Reveal yourself, demon!" Kaoru looks to the sides, and finally his gaze stops at the figure, sitting on one of the pews. A pleased grin spreads on your face, leg on leg, as you lean back on the bench. "Low games you play, unholy being! Leave this Saint place before i banish you myself!"
"How very rude and unfriendly of you, dear servant of God. I simply plan to play with you," you get up, making your way to the figure before you. He pulls the beads out in front of himself, praying leaves his mouth. Priest Kaoru always peaked your interest, from the very moment he entered the service and became devoted to God.
"Don't you dare say Lord's name with your unholy mouth! Leave!" Kaoru yelps when your hands place on his shoulders from behind. You flash his a toothy grin, revealing your sharp fangs. Kaoru turns his gaze away, shutting his eyes closed. Your hands clutches at Hakaze's chin, making him look you in the eye.
When your eyes meet, something clicked in Kaoru's mind, your blood red orbs pierced through him. Priest's body went limp in your arms, knees buckling. He let out raggid breaths, hands flying up to your chest, gripping your shirt. The beads fell from Kaoru's hold, hitting the floor with a loud clank.
"See? It's not that bad, little Priest. I assure you will like everything I'll give you," Hakaze shakes his head as much as he can, his body wasn't listening to him, mind foggy and full of unknown desire. You turn Kaoru around, bending him over the pulpit.
You easily lift Priest's cloack, getting access to untouched body, with a swift motion you pull his underwear down to his ankles. You can't help, but coo at the thought of taking this poor Priest's virginity. Your hand placed down on Kaoru's right ass cheek, the skin is smooth under your palm, almost like the one of a baby.
You scratch the flesh, leaving shiny beads of blood to collect where you left the marks. Kaoru looks back at you through his eyelashes, gaze hazy, yet still conscious enough to register your movements. His bottom lip is caught between Hakaze's teeth, eyes furrowed.
"If you think that will scare me, creature, then you'll have to more than that." You bark a laughter out, leaning down to Kaoru's ear, blowing lightly on it. Despite his harsh word, his body leans in your touch on it's own, back arching slightly. You can't help but lick a stripe along young Priest's earlobe, before sliding down so your face is in front of his ass.
"You're a peculiar one, Priest. Did you know that?" You caress the insides of his thighs, scratching the skin, "You've managed to catch a demon's attention, don't you feel lucky?" Kaoru shakes his head, fingers clutching the wooden stand. You lick a long stripe from his balls to his tight hole.
"Gh! W-what are you doing!? Stop it! I won't let a demon corrupt my body!" You grin to yourself, before sinking your sharp teeth in his plush ass cheek, a loud scream hits your ears. You lap at the bite mark you left, "Corrupt your body, heh. I like the sound of that."
You moved closer to his rim, working your tongue around it, coating it in saliva. Kaoru grunts, his head was spinning, and the servant of God didn't notice when his hand flied to your head, pressing you closer. You smirk, when his fingers gripped your hair, weak whimpers left his bitten lips.
"P-please!" You stand up, turning Kaoru's head to the side, enveloping his lips in a kiss, catching his bottom lip with your teeth. "Look who got eager so suddenly, hm? Don't you want to feel me inside you, little Priest? Tell me," Hakaze's eyes widened, he felt something press against. Something that sent jolts of lust through his body, he wanted you inside him, he needed it.
"G-give it to me..." You chuckle deeply, humming in response. You unbutton your pants, letting them fall down, as your cock is freed from it's restraints. Kaoru looks down at where you exposed your sex, face contorted in utter shock. It was big and slick with a liquid, unknown to Hakaze, the length was ridged, and the young Priest couldn't help, but reach down to touch it.
"Feels nice, hm? When i put it in, you'll feel like you ascended and are in heaven," your hands grab his and pin them above his head, pressing his body into the pulpit. You slid the length inside in one move, the tightness was a little uncomfortable for you, so you decided to wait until the one below you adjusts.
Kaoru's brain shut down completely, never did he feel something like this in his life, the feeling was addictive. He felt his body grind back on it's own, your dick made a room for itself, rearranging his insides. You pulled out and slammed back inside, taking ahold of his waist.
Hot tears streamed down Hakaze's face, his cheek was pressed to the wooden stand under him, hands holding it like his life depended on it. Your movements were rough and fast, one of your hands wrapped around Kaoru's neck, pressing on it and leaning his body on your chest.
"What a naughty face, Priest! Aren't you supposed to be holy? You're just a slut, huh? Wanna be my little cock sleeve? Just say the word and I'll make you one. What do you say? Want to make a pact with me?" None of your words registered in Kaoru's mind, but he nodded rapidly nonetheless.
You chuckled, bringing your finger to one of your fangs and drawing a drop of blood, before pressing it on Kaoru's tongue. You take one of his hands and repeat the process, tasting his blood. Hakaze slams his lips against yours, mixing red liquids in your mouths. You break the kiss, laughing in amusement.
"You're mine now, you serve to me. And after I fill you up, you won't be able to think about anything other than my dick, Kaoru." You snap your hips, pounding into his stretched out hole. A ridged surface of your cock hit Kaoru exactly where he needed. He felt a tightening sensation in his abdomen, balls tensed, before he came with a shudder.
You bit your now cock sleeve's shoulder, moving erratically untill you came inside his tight ass. Kaoru's body went limp, as he slid down to the floor, sticky semen dripped from his hole. You buttoned your pants and squated down next to him, brushing his blonde hair off of his face.
"Are you feeling any better now, my pet?" Kaoru nodded weakly, not looking at you in the eye. "Good. I hope you haven't forgotten that you belong to me now, my little toy." You're met with silence, so you decide to give him a little space. But a hand grabs your wrist, and Hakaze sits on his knees before you, adorning you with a fucked out smile.
"Yes, Master!"
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konoko · 2 years
Hey I kinda need to vent and you seem cool.
So I'm in love with my classmate, it's our last year of school , she's christian and a lesbian which doesn't really go together but anyways. We were in a relationship, for a couple months and she cheated on me, i was really bitter and passive aggressive after that, understandably, but i can't let her go. Since I know her she's really into god and all that, I am not, I'm an atheist, but today I asked her if it's okay if i pray for her, just because i know she always prayed for me, and I know it means a lot to her. We decided to stay friends after the breakup, ofc I feel more than friendship, that's why I wanted to do the praying thing. She said it would be nice, and I did actually pray for her, i was like "God, if you hear me idk I've never done this before"...and i started to ask for strength to let her go and also I asked god to let her be happy even if her happiness doesn't involve me, i feel so fucking stupid like what the fuck was i doing, i cried while wishing her the best, not even believing in god.
All because her hug feels like home, i literally feel at home when she hugs me. I can't explain I'm probably crazy with mad mommy issues but even after she cheated on me, i was at peace and I was at home when I was with her. And still, i want her to be my home, i want to feel her hugging me and being warm against my skin. As I said I'm probably ill idk.
Anyways, lesbian relationships are fucked. Me, an atheist—prayed for a girl who CHEATED ON ME just because she feels like home. Why can't I be okay with feeling homeless? Fuck.
Thank you if you read this, ik it's chaotic but thank you.
Being around cheaters (especially when you are the victim), is not good at all. They'll never change.
I know it's hard to be alone, but it's better to walk away from someone who hurt you that way. That person is not your home anymore. You only think that because you don't want to accept reality :(
hugs yo you!
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artic-willow · 3 years
One day my dad's girlfriend just force me do go in a summer camp. I hate that place, not just because it is a church and I'm atheist, but because there I just have dark thoughts because I'm alone there. SHE KNOW that I isolate myself and I don't understand why she doesn't accept it.
Here I was 12, full of anger. !TW: BAD WORDS!
We were during the prayer before eating.
A dude (a young operator who helps us to do activities) Get closer to me and just ask me why I don't pray like the others.
Me: I'm atheist.
Dude: And why you wake up every day if you don't believe in god?
Me: There is no god. I wake up but I can die as well. God here don't has to do with it.
Dude: *Start talking about God*
Me: Dude, I didn't ask to come here gods. Leave me alone.
Dude: Then let's go to the boss and have you sent away.
Me: Yes! Please!
Dude: Why? Can't you just have fun with other kids as well as being alone? Me: Maybe I just wanna stay alone.
Dude: But it isn't healthy!
Dude: Hey, I'm more older than you. Have respect.
Me: Aww, I have to care about a damn 16 years old. Look, you look like God. Have a life Dude, life isn't what you want. I would love go away from this fucking place.
Dude: Look, If you go away you do us a favor.
Me: And if you die you give us a favor. Bitch please, I had to grow up with a bitch in my house. You really think you can put your feet in my head? Grow up and fuck you. *Made the middle finger*
He didn't reply.
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szivtalan · 4 years
8, 9, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 62, 64, 65, 70 (aside from Kagami 😂), 71, 72, 79, 82, 86, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 for the "Asks, why not" thing please? (Omg that's soo much, I'm sorry I got carried away ^^')
8) Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself)
Average height, bordering on short. Broad shoulders, thick arms and thighs, square face, slightly projecting ears (one pierced, one with a stretched lobe), bushy arched brows, thick square glasses, faded dark red hair, dark brown eyes, butt chin. I look pale and perpetually sleep deprived.
9) What do you/did you study?
I was in a teacher’s training program for English and Hungarian language and literature, and I’m planning to go back to school to study sociology!
16) What do you look for in a SO?
Consciously: understanding, fun, sweet, kind and accepting. Unconsciously: somewhat broken and in dire need of emotional help which I’m desperate to provide lmao.
19) Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands?
Eh, u know, it depends? I don’t think I’m fit for a serious relationship right now, so I’d prefer casual stuff atm, but on the long run I do want a partner to share my life with.
20) What are your deal breakers?
Really obnoxious people, ignorance and bigotry I guess. And I’m not keen on someone pushing or disrespecting my boundaries, either.
21) How was your day?
It was good!! My bro, his girlfriend and my friend tagged along to get our (me and my soon-to-be sis-in-law’s) ears pierced, and then my friend and I got a loot of food. I didn’t exactly feel good enough abt myself to be comfortable outside, but I got a lot of random kindness and that was Nice.
22) Favourite food & drink
Food: teriyaki chicken and seafood pasta, drink: ginger ale and iced coffee
23) What position do you sleep in?
I sleep half-curled up on my side, but I need to toss and turn a little until I find The Best Position.
25) Your fears
The dark, needles, rabbits (I don’t even know, dude), the fact that I’ll die without having made an impact on the world, being spoken about behind my back, being a bad influence on my friends.
28) Any pets?
Not right now! I used to have two rottweilers around the house growing up, but they both passed away sadly.
29) What are your hobbies?
Writing, sketching, basketball, getting on people’s nerves, researching typology, watchin movies idk?
31) What was your last awkward situation?
Asjhdh the ticket control guy told me to “Have a safe trip” and I said “You too!”. This rarely happens to me tho
32) What is your last regret?
Not holding my friend’s hand on public transport. It was…right…there….and she already told me she’s more than comfortable with physical touch! I’m a fool! Everyone thinks I hate touching but I don’t! I’m just shy!
34) Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.)
Ehh. Kind of? As for believing, I believe more in ghosts, but I do see some patterns in different signs. I just try not to let it affect the way I see/interact with a person, because no one deserves to be prejudiced for whatever reason, especially not their date of birth. Tarot is just fun, and the cards r cool
35) Have any quirks?
I bite the skin on my fingers, scratch my acne, make my knees jump… most of it is just regular anxiety stuff tho so idk?? I do think I’m quirky, but there’s just too much weird stuff to list ‘em.
36) Your pet peeves
Cig/booze stink on a person, customers being rude, bigotry, interrupting other people… There’s quite some things that annoy me asjdgd
40) Last 5 things from your search history
Boku No Hero Academia, Hawks, duck emoji, Grumman fma, How To Train Your Dragon
41) What’s your device backgrounds?
My phone lockscreen rn is a beautiful KagaKuro fanart of them standing in the rain in yukatas, Kagami looming over Kuroko and shielding him from the rain and Kuroko reaching up to stroke his face; my phone background is an art of they/them pronouns tattooed on someone’s knuckles, their posture unsure; my laptop background is a screenshot from the movie Déva, of blue skies and a street lamp.
42) What do you daydream about?
44) What's your religion/Your thought about religion
Short version: barf
Long version: I was raised catholic (even tho I was never baptized), and attended catholic school for 8 years which gave me a really warped idea of Christianity, Which made me a cynic & an agnostic or atheist by proxy. I harshly criticize the catholic church and faith but sometimes… when I do feel hopeless I get down on my knees and pray, so I guess if I let myself find my own faith I’d be a believer. But right now, I’m good just existing in my nihilistic bubble
45) Your personality type
Needy imeanwhat. In a typological sense, I’m an INFP in Myers-Briggs, 4 core 5 wing in Enneagram, melancholic or sanguine in the temperaments, et cetera. Basically I’m a sad daydreamer with unresolved issues and a need to do Art
47) Are you happy with your current life?
Nah bro. I like my friends and my workplace but I’d like to move out of home ASAP. I’d also… like to get therapy before I go and put myself out there.
48) Some things you've tried in your life
Playing the guitar, hostess work, weed, cigarettes, being blackout drunk, smoking from a hookah, cooking, football, handball, basketball, volleyball, cycling, sailing, driving, hitchhiking long distances, folk dancing, one-night stands, long-distance relationships, helping people in need…
50) Favourite colour to wear?
Olive green, midnight/navy blue, white, grey and black.
53) If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be?
I’d… like to know how it would feel if I had a flat chest and a penis? I also want bigger Guns, and Abs, some more tattoos and maybe an eyebrow piercing.
55) Do you get complimented often?
I think so? I usually brush off compliments uhhh but yeah maybe! Maybe idk
58) Songs you're currently obsessed with?
My friend’s playlist reminded me that ‘Phenomenon’ by Thousand Foot Krutch exists. I’m also really into ‘San Francisco’ by The Mowgli’s atm and ‘Golden Time Lover’ by Sukima Switch!
59) Song you normally wouldn't admit you like.
I mean, it’s not like it’s cringe or anything, I hate cringe culture BUT. I do have Ariana Grande’s ‘Side to Side’ stuck in my head rn
64) Can you sing or play any instruments?
I can sing pretty badly, play a bad tune on my guitar, drum on the edge of my table, so- Nah not really asdh
65) Do you like karaoke?
YES VERY MUCH I live and die for karaoke, last time I did it in front of an audience we sung the Shaman King opening at an anime con with friends, it was Rad
70) Your fictional crush/es
AH NO FUN Kagami’s my number one,,, let’s see then: Aomine, Roy Mustang, Kise, Mikoto Suoh, Hotch & Reid from Criminal Minds, Yagami Light, Jaime Lannister and Brienne from GoT, Rustin Cohle from True Detective, Shizuo Heiwajima from Durarara!!!, why is this list full of men I didn’t think I liked men this much
71) Which fictional character is you?
Eddie Brock from Venom I mean? He’s a whole ass mess.
79) How much time do you spend on the internet?
Yike. More than I’d be proud of.
86) Would you use death note, if you had one?
No way dude. I don’t fuck with that shit, karma would fuck me right back.
87) What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to?
I’d eliminate money and power and just make it a huge peaceful hippie community or something idk
90) What would you want to happen to you after your death?
Donate me to a medical school I don’t care. Make use of me! I’m gonna be dead, I won’t have any more feelings left to be hurt or anything asdghdsg
91) If you had to change your name, what would be your pick?
I’ve had a name in mind that I tried out once, but it didn’t really work out for me after all. I’m fine with Vee and Vic rn. Anything that isn’t my given name. I do want to change my surname to my mother’s, but if I do that I also want to give myself a different first name, and since That isn’t figured out yet, I’m just?? Call me whatever dude
94) Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true
Ugh, I’m bad at these. 1) I have plenty of moles. 2) My eyesight is pretty good. 3) I’ve broken some bones before.
95) Cold or hot?
Cold in beverage, hot in weather.
96) Be a hero or be a villain?
Being a villain is way too much fun, but I have too strong of a conscience to pull that off, so… hero, I guess.
97) Sing everything you want to say or rhyme?
Asjhdf singing is funnier and more annoying, since I Cannot Sing
98) Shapeshifting or controlling time?
Dude I’m non-binary. Shapeshifting for Sure
99) Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?
Aight I’ll give in – I agree to immortality Just This Once.
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